#aarp games
soarpass · 10 months
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Play Free Online Games on Soarpass.com
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cognifitbraingames · 1 year
What is Cognitive Test?
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Cognitive testing looks for cognitive issues. A collection of brain functions known as cognition play a role in practically every facet of daily living. It encompasses reasoning, memory, language, discernment, and the capacity to pick up new information. Cognitive impairment is a cognitive condition. Mild to severe cases of the illness are possible. The precise source of disability cannot be determined through cognitive testing. However, Cognitive Test can help your doctor determine whether you need additional tests and/or take action to solve the issue.
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hypaalicious · 1 month
You ever hear of a game called love and deepsace? It's an otome gatcha, but there's a character named Zayne who seems right up your alley 👀
I have heard of the game! I actually lurk on the subreddit for it, but…
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I have literally never seen a more visually boring assortment of LIs paired with the corniest assortment of situations and lines in my LIFE 😂
I may be too old now to find that type of otome appealing to me, sadly. 😔 The stuff I’ve seen folks squeal about or find steamy with Love & Deepspace reads as juvenile to me. The VR aspect of it is pretty cool tho, I’ll say that. But I think I need a more mature approach to otome (which probably ain’t happening outside of indie games now).
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etakeh · 1 year
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Filed under "Things that make me recognize that the passage of time is really, really fucky - I mean, what??"
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paradoxoflucidity · 3 months
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SEBASTIAN DEBESTE has awakened in Oneiros!
Welcome to Oneiros, SEBASTIAN! Will you join them on their journey through the dreamland?
rules | masterlist | discord invite | mobile navigation .
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zoshefanzum · 3 months
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rgngame · 11 months
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AARP Games Online
One of the key advantages of AARP games online is the opportunity for social interactions. The platform office multiple games that allow seniors to connect and compete with friends, family members, and other players from around the world. Engaging in online games not only provides.
CLICK here for the full article
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contestshubs · 2 years
AARP Rewards Krispy Kreme Game
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AARP Rewards Krispy Kreme Game is giving to chance to win a $10 Krispy Kreme Gift Card.  to enter the Sweepstakes.
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rosesocietyy · 1 year
Daniel got his AARP member ass off that chair to literally chase a vampire around his concrete house that looks like a geometry problem because damn it his mortal clock is ticking and fuck him if he'll let these eldtrich creatures waste his time and heart again in their stupid little game like GO PEEPAW GO!!
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aeide-thea · 6 months
a thing abt my parents is that they just did not weed out any papers whatsoever for, like, the past 30 years at least and so it’s like. i took the world’s tiniest bite out of the pile this afternoon and found: a christmas wishlist my mother had compiled for her in-laws in the literal 80s; my father’s report cards from grade school; what i guess i can only call ‘art’ that i apparently made for my paternal grandparents when i was four or five (please hold for documentation); my mother’s professional performance evaluations from the 90s; ~savings tips~ from AARP that suggested (among other absurdities) keeping an uncovered cup of water in your car and ‘making a game of trying not to spill it’ in order to cut down on the sort of jerky driving that lowers your gas mileage (!); standardized testing results for my sister that say she was in the 99th percentile for ‘geometric design’ (with blocks, one assumes) when she was four; the essay i got back from stephanie burt that shamed me out of thinking i had any business doing anything with poetry…
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cognifitbraingames · 1 year
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Being busy all day can make it challenging to practise mindfulness. We hardly ever get a time to ourselves between work, caring for your children, and running errands. If you're unable to take a break from your day, there are still methods to incorporate mindfulness meditation into regular tasks.
Here are some exercises you can do to focus on your physical body and breathing:
Brushing your teeth
Doing laundry
Tucking kids into bed
Doing dishes
Change your internal awareness during these everyday workouts, and empty your mind. Try to keep your attention solely on your breathing, your physical body, or the activity you are doing. This is a great method to get started with Mindfulness meditation.
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ageless-aislynn · 10 months
I would like to thank AARP (that’s the American Association of Retired Persons for my young and/or non-American frens out there who’ve never heard of them) for not actually sending me an invitation to join them on my last birthday, when I technically qualified. They did, however, send it to me today. I guess they figure turning 50 was probably more traumatic and didn’t want to compound things. But turning 51? Yeah, you’ve had a year to get used to it, so you’re fine...
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Ah well. 🤷‍♀️😂
However, in the “You’re only as old as you feel” state of mind, look at what I got for my birthday! 😍😍😍
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Not my pic, so not my actual figures, but I haven’t deboxed them yet and my Scott has a giant frickin’ price tag right across his face on the outside of the box, so it was kinda pointless to take a picture of that, lol. 😱😂
Anyway, that said... I didn’t know they’d made figures of Sara and Scott until I randomly checked, and YES McFarlane did in 2017! I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to find them for a decent price but I won them on ebay for less than their original MSRP, so I was super glad for that! I can hardly wait to have the Ryder twins joining my Halo gang here on my desk!
I would’ve screamed in happiness if they would’ve made other figures from the game but, sadly, no, the line stopped with Sara and Scott so I’ll just have to dream about having a Reyes 😍 and a Vetra 😍 along with the rest of the Tempest crew as well.
Is this a good time to mention I’m contemplating two different types of crossover vids between Halo and Andromeda? One would be just a more fun, breezy action and vehicles type thing, the other would be an attempt to genuinely make a crossover between a character or characters from each of them. We’ll see how it goes but, for now, it’s just fun to think about!
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The general consensus is “Ais got an A in driving Warthogs and the NOMAD... A as in AWFUL, lol!” 😛😉 I don’t even care. I have fun, that’s all that matters, right? Also, I forgot to note it last month but I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary in starting my gamer lifestyle, lol! I got the Halo MCC back in June 2022 and that was the start of many, many hours of awesome fun! 🥳🎉🤗
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ghostpalmtechnique · 1 month
The different amounts of reaction to AARP putting retro video games on its website is really driving home the difference in the age distribution of my Tumblr feed and my Bsky feed.
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sasquapossum · 1 month
You know you're old when you get excited about something on the AARP website.
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McNabb didn't "choke" in the Superbowl. And give Andy a break about mismanaging the clock when he did everything else he possibly could to coach the Avengers into nearly defeating Thanos without any deus ex machina bull shit.
Just pure gumption and genius coaching. But nothing beats Brady and Bellichek when Gronk and Brady are in sync. Even as a fucking AARP member with the fucking Tampa Bay Rays he's still formidable and a regular contender for the Superbowl today.
In the 90's The trio was an unstoppable force that just plowed up and down the field and every possession ended in a TD.
The 2004 Eagles kept up with Brady.
And that hall of fame defense fucked him up like the spirit of Reggie White possessed them. They made him cry and throw a tantrum and got dirt on his uniform. And turf in his face mask. Hitting and hurrying Brady almost every down against the very best offensive line money and guaranteed Superbowl rings can buy.
And fucking Brady just got even better.
And yet. And yet with Terrell Owens on a broken leg playing half speed yet doing outrageous plays and a nervous McNabb playing extremely competently using his legs and working well with Westbrook doing his magic and Owens showboating, Andy Reid almost did it. He almost got his offense to keep up with Brady and slow Brady down enough to give Donovan a chance to win.
But McNab let the pressure get to him at the end and stopped having fun. And began to hesitate and second guess instead of just instinctively having fun and playing at his usual superhuman level.
He just got nervous. Probably for the first time in his life. A real chance to beat Brady! And win the Superbowl for Philly at last! With his favorite teammates and coach Andy Reid! (Andy Reid is what Joe Paterno pretended to be.)
Donovan McNabb got nervous because only Tom Brady wouldn't get nervous at the thought of facing Brady let alone hoping to beat him in the Superbowl when he was playing top of his game. So Donovan "choked" and made some shit plays at the end there. But up till then he had danced up and down the field vs the Patriots defense and kept up with Brady blow for blow. McNabb was beautiful that day.
Andy Reid was on his game too and against all odds almost lead the Avengers to victory against Brady.
But Brady and Bellicheck with Gronk on his game is absolutely invincible. Just an unstoppable force where you are hoping for a failed 1st down run and and short second to make for a long third and then some kind of miracle stop or on third and long. The best defense was to try and draw fouls. Because you can't stop the guy. You just have to slow him down and hope for one or pray for two bad throws this 3rd down.
Like, third and thirty five was difficult but doable most possessions.
Eagles actually hit that smug father fucker a whole bunch on his way up and down the field. It didn't stop him. But it was hella fun to watch as my team almost beat Brady in his prime, but nothing could ever beat Brady in his prime. Even on his bad days he was nothing short of perfect and intelligent and creative and instinctual that borders on godlike.
I hate his guts and I just don't know why. He seems hella nice. He's too good looking and dates a model but good for him on all of that. I'm happy to see decent guys win the lottery. But I still don't like him. Such is life. I wish him well in everything but football. Get sacked Brady.
But yeah, no body, no matter how well prepared, trained and superhuman can be perfect for the entire Superbowl. You are going to lose some possessions without having scored.
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The Eagles were a true Super Bowl team. Any other decade they would have won any Super Bowl against any team outside of the 2000's Patriots. They made every offensive line in the NFL look silly and picked off future hall of famers every other down.
The Lombardi Trophy belonged to Brady back then. Pure and simple. It was just who is going to lose spectacularly in the Super Bowl after playing big fish in a small pond till now.
Eagles almost beat Brady in his prime, but nothing can keep up with a demigod.
I submit that the 2004 Eagles were a feat of genius by Andy
He was able to cobble together a really good team around his star QB and other key players who are all hall of famers now. And I don't know how he snatched up Owens. Owens was amazing. He just had a big mouth and was a showboat. He backed up every boast too and made the greatest future hall of famer DBs miss every single time. And everyone loved it. Except the fucking racist NFL.
Andy managed to cobble together this amazing 2004 Eagles team and got them working together even though they didn't like each other at first and help them run together so well that he almost took this army of reject NFL superheroes up against Thanos and won.
He had a Lawful Good Deadpool instead of Captain America leading the charge. And Neutral Good Don't Give A Fuck Decent Guy Deadpool With a sharpie up his sleeve carving up the captains of Thanos. And Mysteriously unknown preternatural undersized Black Panther Westbrook conducting acrobatic feats y'all wouldn't believe today. Even still that man's shit was like watching Black Panther dance around dealing broken ankles and first downs out of third and long every time McNabb got in trouble.
Even the Avengers can't beat 2000s Brady.
Give McNabb and Andy Reid their due respect. They almost did the impossible together. Don't give them such trash about minor little lapses in perfection. You aren't the God of Noah.
You are an Eagles Fan! And you cheered through fucking Buddy Ryan's bullshit. Andy Reid and McNabb almost took down Brady in his prime! You should celebrate that team!
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The AARP website is cool math games for 55 year olds
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