#a wolf's mind
flammentanz · 2 years
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“A Wolf’s Mind” (2016) von Katia Scarton-Kim
Der Kurzfilm thematisiert die legendäre Begegnung zwischen dem Meisterregisseur Fritz Lang (Jochen Hägele) und Joseph Goebbels (Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey), dem Minister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda im Frühjahr 1933. Da Fritz Lang in späteren Lebensjahren die Begegnung unter anderem in einem Interview mit Erwin Leiser 1968  mit beträchtlichem schauspielerischen Talent schilderte und sich dabei einige Abweichungen vom realen Geschehen gestattete, wurde das Treffen von Böswilligen gänzlich in das Reich der Phantasie von Lang verwiesen. In Norbert Grobs ausgezeichneter Biographie “Ich bin ein Augenmensch” wird hingegen auf Goebbels' Tagebucheintrag vom 04.04.1933 verwiesen, in dem es heißt: “Gestern Besuche: Fritz Lang …” “A Wolf’s Mind” ist ein Werk der Fiktion über reale Hintergründe. Goebbels empfing Lang im Propagandaministerium und nicht in seiner Privatwohnung. Für eine Liaison zwischen der Schauspielerin Gerda Maurus - von vielen Zeitzeugen und Biographen wird sie einhellig als die größte Liebe in Fritz Langs an Amouren wahrlich reichem Leben betrachtet, während sie selbst Fritz Lang noch kurz vor ihrem Tod gegenüber ihrer Tochter Philine als den Mann ihres Lebens bezeichnete - und Goebbels gibt es keine hinreichenden Belege. Die Dialoge zwischen Lang und Goebbels sind eindringlich und von beiden Darstellern sehr gut gespielt. Während man Goebbels dessen gönnerhaftes Agieren sogleich abnimmt, erscheint es im Gegenzug wenig überzeugend, dass Lang den Minister jemals mit dessen Vornamen titulierte. Die Konfrontation der einstigen Liebenden Fritz Lang und Gerda Maurus erscheint als Symbol für Deutschland, das seine Zuneigung dem Regisseur entzogen und nunmehr den neuen Machthabern zugewandt hat. Während der Spielfilm den Bruch der Romanze zwischen Lang und Maurus auf deren vermeintlicher neuer Affäre mit Goebbels zurückführt, war es in der Realität Fritz Lang, der aufgrund seiner ständigen Liebschaften mit anderen Frauen für das Scheitern ihrer Beziehung verantwortlich war, so dass sich Gerda Maurus 1931/32 von ihm trennte. Der Abspann wiederholt Fritz Langs inkorrekte Behauptung, er habe Deutschland am Tag nach seiner Begegnung mit Goebbels verlassen. Tatsächlich war es der 21.07.1933, an dem er zunächst nach Paris und später nach Hollywood emigrierte. Bemerkenswert ist die physische Ähnlichkeit des Hauptdarstellers Jochen Hägele mit Fritz Lang - anders etwa als bei dem gleichwohl glänzend agierenden Heino Ferch in dem faszinierendem Spielfilm “Fritz Lang - Der Andere in uns” (2016) von  Gordian Maugg. Lediglich das unverwechselbare Wiener Timbre fehlt, während Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey den rheinländischen Tonfall von Goebbels durchaus trifft und als der in seinem Auftreten zwischen Jovialität und versteckter Drohung wechselnde Propagandaminister überzeugt, vermag die litauische Schauspielerin Gintare Parulyte leider das Charisma der herb-schönen Gerda Maurus nicht wiederzubeleben. Die Atmosphäre des konsequent in Schwarz-Weiß gedrehten Kurzfilms orientiert sich hervorragend an Fritz Langs Meisterwerken “M” (1931) und “Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse” (1933), wobei aus letzterem auch ganz konkret zitiert wird.
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kelgrid · 11 months
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yhwcomeback · 26 days
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They just look really cool
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
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one of my favourite animated movies is Chirin no Suzu (Ringing Bell)
Chirin the lamb is living a peaceful Disney-esque life until a wolf attacks, and his mother is killed protecting him. seeking vengeance, he follows the wolf to its mountain den - and when he’s unable to defeat him (obviously, being a baby lamb) Chirin asks the wolf to train him, so that he too can be a wolf.
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nanodelta · 1 month
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firefly the mecha fan
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greenmantle · 10 months
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TEEN WOLF (2011-2017)
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thylacines-toybox · 11 months
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Magenta Sparkle Moon Heart got an essential sparkledog upgrade: angel and devil wings!
I was originally going to make her wings as a wearable harness type thing, but decided to just sew them on instead. She also got a few new accessories!
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dulciechi · 4 months
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a chibi luka from my fic has another mental breakdown over a certain cat in the middle of a fucking crusade
aka time for another banner change 💜
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curaree · 1 month
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started playing the train game
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eskiinox · 4 months
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little captain isabel lovelace gif because CURRENTLY LISTENING TO WOLF 359 AND GOING INSANE
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see-arcane · 2 years
Dracula: Go on, my child of the night, break the glass and send them running into frenzy, that I may take what is mine!
Berserker the Wolf, hating this: Shit shit shit, Mr. Bilder’s going to be so disappointed in me, shit 
Lucy, seeing a giant wolf smash in her window: Oh, God! A wolf! My dead mother! My drugged staff! I’m going to die! D:>
Berserker, a Good Boy Doing This Against His Will: I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I ALSO DON’T WANT TO BE DOING THIS D:>
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fate2716 · 9 months
*Girls night in Wenclair room*
Divina: you are offered 50,000 dollars but the person/people you hate the most get 100,000 dollars..
Wednesday: no. I have enough money already.
Bianca: I hate no one so yeah.
Yoko: hell no! Imagine if Tayler got their hands in so much money!
Enid: ofc I would! Who would pass up 150,000 dollars!?
*Wednesday, Yoko, Divina and Bianca slowly turn to Enid*
Wednesday: Mon Loup we already talked about this
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
hi!! 🩷 i've been playing skyrim so much just for comfort and all i can think of is former mercenary könig who now has a farm and a huge house where you have a personal library and a garden and an alchemy table because you're his pretty mage wife <3
or könig who's still a mercenary, this huge scary nord who always has war paint all over his face even with a hood on, only uses two-handed weapons etc. and you're possibly just a mage who needs to explore a bunch of ruins so you have to spend most of your money to hire him and all of your courage to even talk to him about the job in the first place.
Ugh he def proposed to you under the auroras or when you were enjoying a rest at some secret grotto. Held an awkward “I want to spend the rest of my life with you” speech right after you emerged from a stream with nothing on (König stole a glance or two from the banks after promising he wouldn’t look, the big pervert)
He’ll carry anything you give him, and loves it when you make him a homecooked meal <3 Poses as a rough Nord but is always happy to arrive home after adventuring, sleep and fuck you on a cozy comfy bed that has a soft straw mattress with some mountain flowers tucked in it.
Is a bit skeptical about your magic and potions tho, König never understood those things and you dabbling with them makes him think you’re some sort of witch, soon luring him into a trap with your enchanting eyes :/ That’s why it took months before he finally threw caution to the wind and rutted you in the hot springs near Kynesgrove...
He just couldn’t take it anymore, his flirty little mage being such a tease :( Do you even know how many times he had to fap himself to sleep under the furs? ...While you slept soundly not a few feet away, unsuspecting and sweet? Always walked ahead of him so that he had a hard time keeping an eye for the bandits because your ass was swaying right there under his nose >:(
Paws itching to touch you, he especially hated when you sought out a tavern and started to chat with townsfolk or flirt with men to hear rumours. Either cheeky or far too innocent to be travelling with someone like him, you proposed that you pay for single room only and sleep in the same bed to save costs.
Sometimes snuggling closer for some body heat, you didn't get intimidated by the obvious boner soon swelling between you. You even dared to comment on how hairy he was, and fell asleep with a soft smile on your face, pressed snug against his chest. In the morning, you cupped his ass and he had to get a little gruff, warn you that he’ll fuck you until the bed breaks if you’re not careful (that finally got you to your senses, but only for a few days)
He always wanted to build you a proper house, a manor even, steal you away from all the diplomatic nonsense and dangers, he even put some coin to the side so he could someday offer you a safe, happy life away from all this. You could have your own chickens and leeks, he could make you a little alchemy lab too, you’d look so cute perched on some bench with your nose in a book <3 So imagine how his heart soared when you whispered 'yes' to his proposal, König was sure you’d just vaguely tease him about it as per usual!
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commsroom · 1 year
doug eiffel (born december 25th) (christmas hater) (star wars fan) (celebrates star wars day) vs. renée minkowski (born may 4th) (has never seen star wars) (doesn't care) (christmas enthusiast) (eiffel has never experienced a greater injustice in his life)
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glittergroovy · 6 months
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Patrick Loste painting + 'Wolf Like Me', TV on the Radio
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projectshadovv · 9 months
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closer. need to be closer
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