#a supergay christmas
trixicbean · 3 years
you play stupid games (you win stupid prizes)
day three of 12 days of supercorp from @supercorpbb (arts & crafts)
“Why are we doing this?” Lena sighed as she took a long drink of wine.
“We need to make sure it all works,” Kara bounced around Lena, grabbing a knife and opening the make-your-own Christmas decorations craft box that for some reason they had decided was a good way to spend the day with their very young children who always had too much energy and too little focus, “And make an example,”.
Lena picked up the instructions that Kara had pulled out and her eyes almost fell out as soon as she laid eyes on the first page. She turned it around. It wasn’t upside down before. Lena turned it on one side and then the other. It didn’t make any more sense anyway she put it. She put down her glass of wine and pulled her glasses on so she could look at it properly.
“Tell me what to do first, genius,” the familiar voice of her wife brought Lena out of her thoughts. She spoke eleven languages, she could figure out some English instructions.
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kuromikoneko · 7 years
Keeping a Secret Disagrees With You
Someone (ie- ME) was an idiot and forgot to cross post this on tumblr after it was revealed on AO3 for the Secret Santa Femslash Exchange. Twas a gift for chaotik/chaoticdanvers.
Fifth in a series of Christmasy drabbles featuring Sanvers and SuperCat I’m calling A SuperGay Christmas on AO3.
“Kara is keeping more than one secret from her lover and a terrible fate befalls her as the consequences of her actions prevent the restoration of her powers, so she goes into hiding to protect the ones she loves only to lose her sense of self-worth and purpose.”
Keeping a Secret Disagrees With You
Fading in and out of consciousness was not how she imagined this day to have gone. She expected, or rather hoped, that things would have gone more smoothly, that there would be no complications and that the day would be a joyous occasion. But the way things were, because of her damn alien biology and no information of the scenario, she felt as though her life were draining away. It was by pure chance they managed to get her adoptive mother there on time, her sister unreachable but it was close enough. Comforting enough. Her grasp on the woman's hand was as tight as she could manage but feeble in comparison to her usual grip as another wave of pain shot through her aching body and she cried out.
The next wave was swifter, sooner and she felt certain she would die in that instant as her world went black and her senses shut down. She had never felt such pain in her life, not when exposed to Kryptonite, not when fighting the toughest of aliens, not in the darkest reaches of her dreams remembering her own heartache and the loss of those she couldn't save. At least now it was over.
“She's passed out,” Eliza informed the room as she untangled her fingers and set the young woman's hand by her side and moved around the bed.
“Stuck!” one of the doctors grunted at the foot of the bed. Eliza had pulled on gloves by that point and crouched down to investigate, hands deftly moving to assist. She glanced up at her daughter's face briefly before her hands took purchase around the cord and she lifted.
“Wait...” she murmured, feeling another cramp build. “Now,” Eliza said despite her hand beginning to ache from the pressure it had endured. When the baby slipped out, the entire room sighed in relief, Eliza removing her hand in order to hold the whimpering child.
When the umbilical cord was trimmed, Eliza moved toward the wash basin as the rest of the team cleaned her daughter up and checked her vitals. “Well aren't you a pretty little girl...” Eliza cooed as she gently washed the newborn. Placing the baby on the table, she immediately moved to check her heartbeat and lung process. Satisfied, Eliza swaddled the girl in a soft blue and red blanket, holding her to her chest as she moved to the bed.
“How is she?” Eliza asked in a soft voice.
“It's difficult to tell when she'll wake up. Her body basically shut down mid-labour and being Kryptonian, we have no way of comparing her circumstances. Who was the father?” the other doctor asked.
Eliza's face hardened and she shook her head. “I don't know,” she said in a tight voice brokering no disagreements. “I will take care of the baby and keep an eye on Kara if you're done,” she announced, moving a chair carefully to her daughter's side. Once Eliza was settled, she felt herself relax significantly, more so when the prying eyes of the medical team had left. She sighed. “Oh, Kara...feel better soon. Your baby is so beautiful...” Eliza said softly.
Having watched the whole ordeal from outside the medical bay, feigning work on her tablet, Lucy waited a decent few minutes after their departure sans one important individual before entering quietly. Her eyes widened at the drained look on Kara's face as she laid limp on the bed. If she was a less observant person, she would have thought she walked into a far more somber situation. Biting at her bottom lip for a moment in contemplation she soon moved to the opposite side of the bed from Eliza, making eye contact for a moment before turning toward Kara.
“Hey...” Lucy murmured, grasping Kara's hand as she took in the woman's soft features.
“She was a trooper,” Eliza commented quietly, the baby in her arm slowly being lulled to sleep by the slight rocking it was taking part in.
Lucy nodded absently, a pang of guilt settling in her gut at the absence of so many important persons in Kara's life at this crucial moment in time. Missing the glory of the newborn baby. The first Kryptonian-Human hybrid was nothing to blink at but Kara had insisted on being off the grid, not letting others know what was going on. Not even Clark. Those that knew were of the DEO and only those necessary in caring for Kara's condition. Alex and J'onn were currently on a mission out of country as unfortunate their timing could be.
“And the baby?” Lucy asked, not daring to look at the baby. She had briefly earlier, startled by the stark green in the squinting eyes she had spotted.
“She's as perfect and beautiful as can be,” Eliza said in a fond voice, bending her neck to place a chaste kiss to the baby's crown. “Would you like to—” Eliza's voice trailed off and Lucy shook her head while swiftly moving to exit the room.
It was several hours before Kara reawakened, stretching as she normally did in the mornings, a sharp hiss of a groan when she felt muscles that never ache before tighten from their coils. Her hands drifted down to her stomach for a moment when she felt the receding bump that had made room for her—Kara sat up straight on the bed, eyes closed in momentary pain at the sudden movement. Where was...
Kara's breath caught in her throat as her eyes landed on the little crib that had been brought into her room, the small body sprawled out on the soft padding. Slowly, she crept out of her bed, wincing now and then at the still there pain coursing through her body but the desire to see her child superseded that concern. She took note of Eliza curled on a cot in the corner as she moved toward the crib and leaned over to take in her child's soft features as they rested.
She checked the tag when her mind kept throwing out gender neutral pronouns, unable to wait any longer to determine she had...a daughter, the tag informed her: “Baby Girl Danvers”. Tears sprang to Kara's eyes, fingers twitching to pick up and cuddle her baby girl but fear lancing through her at waking her now, or holding her inappropriately. She did reach out and run a finger over the baby's cheek, a gasp falling from her mouth at how impossible soft she was.
“Her eyes are the most brilliant green, sweetie,” came the sleep-roughened voice of Eliza from Kara's right. Kara smiled, turning to face her adoptive mother.
“Eliza,” she whispered, falling into the hug easily, suddenly feeling her strength leave her legs. “I can't believe it,” she added as Eliza moved them to the edge of Kara's bed and they sat down.
“You were wonderful,” Eliza complimented. “And she's beautiful,” she said, rubbing Kara's back soothingly. “How do you feel?”
“Overwhelmed,” Kara replied easily with a broken chuckle. “I ache everywhere, and my heart feels so full it will explode,” she admitted, pulling back to look at her child once more.
Eliza smiled softly before extracting herself from Kara and moving to pull the crib closer. “We had to give her some formula before she fell asleep because you were still passed out. We'll try breast feeding next time she wakes up, but for now she needs to rest. You both had a hectic day,” Eliza said, brushing a strand of hair behind Kara's ear. “I've already texted your sister and J'onn, by the way. They're pissed they missed it and promise to be home soon,” she added.
“I'm glad,” Kara said before yawning. “I want to keep watching her...” she said.
“I know, sweetie,” Eliza responded. “But you need to rest and heal up. Do you have a name yet?”
Kara's face softened further if possible. “Without yet seeing her eyes, I know that Kairi will be the perfect name,” she revealed. She sighed before sliding off the bed and moving to crawl into it once more. Eliza rolled the crib around to the side so Kara could fall asleep watching her girl.
“That's a lovely name,” Eliza said, unable to resist tucking Kara in and sitting with her until she fell asleep, body finally relaxing fully.
It had been a full month since Kairi's birth and Kara's powers still hadn't returned. She moved around the DEO bunker with relative ease, but her complexion was paler and she seemed significantly more human than normal, worrying the doctors. It was very strange, but Kara had admitted to caring less about her state of health than her child's.
Only when Vasquez mentioned Kara's extended non specific leave of absence in the second month did Kara start worrying about her job. Claiming a family situation in a new email to human resources, Kara also began to craft a job position for the online magazine so she could still work without technically being present at CatCo. It was difficult for her to make that decision as she loved working there, seeing her coworkers and friends, going to Cat when things became too hard or she needed advice, but it was necessary in protecting both herself and Kairi.
Kara was...scared would be the wrong term, but nervous about being exposed outside the DEO without her powers and terrified that she wouldn't be able to protect her baby from an attack, human or otherwise. It had been months since Supergirl disappeared from the media's eye, Kara refusing J'onn's help in keeping up a facade, but that didn't necessarily mean the delinquent aliens believed her gone for good. There was a slight possibility that they were teaming up, doing research on who Supergirl may be, though Alex had assured her that the friends who did suspect her secret had been checked in with.
It was with that reassurance that Kara decided to move back to Midvale into Eliza's home to raise Kairi and recuperate under the careful watch of her adoptive mother. When she arrived, Kairi secure in the car seat, placed delicately on the ground, Kara fell into Eliza's waiting arms.
“I didn't know what else to do,” she whimpered, body shaking with silent sobs, fearful of awakening her child. Alex came up beside her, suitcase in hand, rubbing soothing circles on Kara's back while sharing a look with her mother.
“It's alright, sweetheart. We'll try to figure this out together,” Eliza promised, smiling weakly back at Alex.
“I'll go get things settled, bring my cute niece with me,” Alex cooed softly, collecting the carrier and moving toward Kara's old bedroom.
Pulling back to gaze into Kara's eyes, Eliza cocked her head to one side. “Nothing's been working? The sunlamps at full power, adrenaline shock?” she queried, deciding to focus for the moment on the problem in order to solve it, to center Kara.
“Nothing. I watched Alex on a strike team be impaled by a Goron's tail and my powers stayed locked away. J'onn had to forcibly drag me away from the command center so everyone else could assist the team...” Kara said, bowing her head in shame. “And I can't...I can't protect Kai—ri,” her voice cracked on the name, tears slipping down her cheeks.
“Hey, hey...it's not the end of the world. Alex taught you to fight without powers, you're just as capable as any young woman with self defense under their belt,” Eliza said in a firm voice, refraining from mentioning the concern if it was discovered who Kara really was. That was the true fear amongst their little space family. Which is why Kara was here, working remotely at CatCo and officially off superhero duty. Eliza knew the time away would be beneficial in Kairi's formative months and years though, help their bond grow stronger, allow Kara time to grow as a mother and get used to that added responsibility.
Kara gave a watery smile that didn't reach her eyes before hugging Eliza again, not even slightly concerned with holding on too tightly. “I think J'onn is going to assign a DEO agent to hang out here to keep an eye on Kairi and I. I suggested Lucy if you don't mind...” Kara trailed off.
“Not at all. I think having one of your friends here will be good for you. Is she...alright?” Eliza asked. “She seemed off when Kairi was born, when I asked her if she wanted to hold her.”
Brows furrowed, Kara shrugged. “I don't know. I think she was overwhelmed maybe. I'll make sure staying here won't be an issue,” Kara promised, silently hoping Lucy was feeling well and things weren't strange between them.
“Someone is missing their mommy,” Alex's voice sounded from the stairwell, a gurgling baby cradled against her chest. Kara grinned, reaching out to transfer Kairi only to be cut off by Eliza.
“Nope, grandma first,” Eliza said, expertly holding the baby and peering into her face. “Who's the cutest little Danvers?” she cooed, brushing her nose lightly against Kairi's drawing forth a soft giggle.
“Guess I've lost that title forever,” Kara quipped, leaning into Alex when the redhead joined her side.
“Definitely,” Alex agreed, squeezing Kara's waist in their side hug. Taking a moment to study her sister as she was busy watching Eliza and Kairi, Alex noted how Kara's complexion remained paler than usual, her cheeks more sullen as though she wasn't eating quite enough—a lie, if ever Alex knew one because even with a human's capacity for food, Kara maintained a healthy consumption—and her eyes only occasionally shone bright blue nowadays. It was very strange but she had multiple tests running back at the base, continually consulted the Alura AI, and was very nearly working around the clock to solve Kara's power outage.
She silently hoped that these weren't signs of a worse condition.
She would be lying if she said not a single communique with Cat hurt. Kara craved that interaction, now more than she ever did but fear gripped her every time she was tempted to text her, call her, even emailing her was nerve-wracking. She justified it was best for everyone that she lay low on the radar and pretend to seep into the woodwork around as any normal human would. Kara threw herself into caring for and raising Kairi, being a supportive sister, and writing still. She even put in a little time painting once more, sharing the space with her daughter who quickly became entranced by the bright windows, splashy colors and enjoyable feel of paint on her fingers. Kara was quick enough to ensure those fingers never neared her face, however.
And Kairi grew and grew, Eliza monitoring the Kryptonian-Human hybrid with a scientist's eye, comparing it to the journal Clark's mother copied for her of his youth. She was beginning to develop powers far sooner than Clark had, causing Eliza to think of Kara's seemingly stronger genes due to arriving on Earth as a teen versus baby Clark.
When Kara found Kairi floating above Eliza's lap, spinning slowly in circles, she squealed in delight and came over to nuzzle the baby, pride evident in her tone. It was adorable watching the pair bond, despite the sadness in Kara's eyes, despite the fact she had yet still to regain her powers. They had made no significant advances in research either, though Eliza was surprised to hear Alex had supposedly made a new friend due to the constant chatter about how poor a pool player she was and how well they worked on cases together. It was pleasant and endearing hearing her eldest discuss her personal life versus her work and experiments.
In fact...
Eliza moved toward the entrance of the kitchen, peering around into the living room where Kara and Lucy were seated, heads leaning together as they talked conspiratorially.
“I don't know, Lucy. It's very suspicious. Alex doesn't really make friends. I mean, I'm happy for her but it's strange, you know?” Kara said, now able to feed Kairi without consistent eye contact.
“Hm...” Lucy began, putting on a show of contemplation. “Maybe...do you think...maybe Alex likes Maggie,” her eyes lit up with the prospect.
“Well, yeah of course she likes her. They wouldn't spend time together if not.”
“No, Kara. I mean...like like. Like...a crush,” Lucy said, resting her hand on Kara's shoulder.
 Kara pulled back from Lucy to better view her face as her own was scrunched up in confusion and curiosity. When she relaxed and realization dawned, her mouth gaped. “Oh my... Rao, you might be right!” she exclaimed happily, grin breaking across her features. “Alex has a crush!” she said, squirming in her seat with excitement.
 Eliza smiled as the pair continued to lament over not knowing more about this Detective Sawyer character, about wishing they were back in National City to hear things first hand from Alex, help her on this new journey. Jeremiah and Eliza always had a sneaking suspicion that Alex didn't like boys, but she went along with the date requests she received and played along. Eliza could easily guess the thought hadn't crossed Alex's mind until now. She was always hyper-focused on school, on Kara, and now her job and fixing Kara's powers that she simply hadn't the time to discover herself properly. But with Kara not pulling double duty as Supergirl...Alex was learning something new about herself. And hopefully they would all meet Maggie soon.
 Maggie did join them for Thanksgiving in Midvale, Lucy relinquishing her post to Alex so she could visit with her sister in Metropolis, sent with well wishes from the Danvers for Clark and the ever open invitation to visit. Eliza noted that there was a sliver of sadness in Alex's eyes and the occasional twitch with a particular word choice on Maggie's part, something she figured might have had to do with a rocky start and the sudden appearance of her eldest daughter some weeks previous. She had come home, acted distant and vague with Eliza and hid away in her or Kara's room with Kairi, but whatever that sadness was, she could also see it disappearing slowly and surely. She hoped Alex would let her know what had happened between her and the detective.
 Alex stood up from the table, wine glass in one hand as the other steadied herself with the wood. “There are so many things that I'm thankful for and—uhm—I—I'm honestly...I—I don't think I've ever really felt this much like myself than righ—than right now. So there's a...reason for that. And that reason...well,” Alex stumbled through her words, a few slurred as she waved her glass around so much the liquid would have sloshed out if it had been more full. Kara and Maggie looked on sympathetically, Eliza carefully schooling her face to display open curiosity and love, hoping Alex would tell her. “I'm...” she said lamely, biting her bottom lip. “Maggie's my girlfriend,” Alex decided to say instead of the g-word, sitting down abruptly to stare at her plate of food while her cheeks burned in embarrassment.
 Smiling Eliza took a sip of her own wine before replying, noticing Maggie reach for Alex's free hand to intertwine their fingers soothingly. “I know, sweetie,” she said, drawing the couple's wide eyes to her.
“You...what?” Alex asked.
“For months all you ever spoke about was this detective who crashed your crime scene, showed you the refugee side of aliens on Earth, your shared love of leather and bikes, and how horrible she was at pool,” Eliza explained calmly, throwing a wink in Maggie's direction. “How could I not know you were smitten with her?” she asked rhetorically.
“Smitten, smitten!” came the squealed excitement from the toddler to Eliza's right.
“Yes, that's right, Kairi. Aunt Alex is smitten,” Eliza said with a wide grin before tickling Kairi's sides, giggles erupting from the baby. When she looked back up, Alex looked abashed, her cheeks a far more suitable pink now. Maggie lifted a hand and softly raised Alex's head to catch her eye before giving her a quick kiss. Eliza found it incredible how quickly Alex melted into the kiss, so unlike those she had witnessed on her front porch when she was a teenager. This was right. Finally.
 Now if only Kara would find the same happiness again. There had been a brief period after Myriad that she was ecstatic and giddy, but after she discovered she was pregnant she became distant from her friends, seemingly avoiding whomever was Kairi's other parent. Kara had assured her and Alex that it was consensual and they were seeing one another but that she shouldn't have gotten pregnant and to preserve that friendship (of which Eliza has heard nothing of since Kara came to live with her) Kara had pulled away. Lies never suited Kara, but she was adamant in protecting the other person (because, yes Eliza suspected it was a woman, hence Kara's surprise at the circumstances of her pregnancy, but her scientific mind insisted keeping a gender neutral reference).
 It was a shame that Kairi wouldn't know this other person, coming upon six months of age, far more advance than any human child and certainly developing a Kryptonian's proclivity for buffet style food intake and talking already. Eliza tried to hint and push Kara to reach out but this was her life, her daughter's life and those decisions have to be her own. Though she was more than certain that reaching out to Kairi's other parent would solve the sadness Kara carried around with her. And maybe...her powers too...
 Eliza made a mental note to craft some questions for the Alura AI for when Alex returned to National City.
 The following week, Kara was attempting to write her latest entry for the online magazine, Lucy by her side playing absentmindedly with Kairi. Groaning, Kara closed the laptop and rubbed her temples. “I never knew how frustrating and painful headaches could be,” she grumbled.
 Lucy chuckled. “They are a nuisance. Kara...” she trailed off, eyes drifting toward the baby in her lap, instantly captivated by those green eyes. “Are you okay? You seem lonely,” she said, concern lacing her tone.
“Lonely...” Kairi whispered under her breath, head tilted to one side as she observed Lucy.
 Kara sighed, bowing her head and fiddling with her hands. “I don't...I don't feel like myself. Like I'm a shell of a person, Lucy and that something is missing. I couldn't...I could  not   be happier that Kairi's in my life but something else just feels...inherently wrong, missing. Like it's in my bones,” Kara explained, reaching over to smooth some of Kairi's wispy blonde hair from her face. She smiled softly when their eyes met.
“Something...or someone?”
“What do you mean?”
“Kara...we've been hiding the fact you got pregnant, that your powers are blown, that you're hiding out here with Kairi to...everyone in your life. If you weren't listed as an employee at CatCo, Winn and James would think you dead. Everyone's essentially forgotten about Supergirl at this point too, suspecting she's kicked the bucket,” Lucy explained in a kind voice. “Your entire life changed and you don't think that it has something to do with your mood?”
 Kara took a few moments to ponder Lucy's question, recalling soft lips against her own, something she hadn't allowed herself the luxury of for many weeks; it was too painful knowing she was right there and being so far away, protecting her. “I...I guess you're right...” she trailed off, tears pricking at her eyes.
“I know you're doing this to protect everyone but it's very likely the aliens pitted against you have given up and moved on. You can come back to National City and pick up your life again. We'll keep...working on restoring your powers,” Lucy said.
“It's been six months!” Kara couldn't help but ground out through grit teeth. It was a sensitive subject made worse by each passing day, knowing what she could do, or used to be able to do yet being unable. She missed flying amongst the clouds, listening to the soothing sounds of the city, no matter how overwhelming it could be at times, and she missed helping those in need.
 Lucy turned to face Kara, resting a hand on the woman's shoulder. “I know...” she murmured, sympathy evident in her eyes.
“No more lies, please, I can't take it anymore,” Kara said, finally making eye contact with Lucy, tears slipping down her pale cheeks. “I miss everyone, everything...I can't...I just can't, Luce,” her breath hitched as she swallowed the cry bubbling at the surface. Lucy wrapped her free arm around Kara's shoulders and pulled her in for as tight a hug as she could manage while cradling Kairi still.
 It was several long moments of sobs before Kara's breathing shuddered and the noise subsided altogether, her hands remaining tightly wound in Lucy's shirt.
“Hey, baby...” Kara gulped, pulling from Lucy to press a kiss to Kairi's forehead. “I'm okay...I will be okay,” she promised. “I know what I need to do,” Kara informed Lucy.
 Though she knew what she needed to do, it didn't make matters easier, fear gripping her every time her finger hovered over that oft used number in her phone. And every time she chickened out and set the phone on her bedside table and forced herself to sleep. A week away from Christmas, Kara was tossing and turning without sleep taking her body, so she grabbed her phone, checked on Kairi and slipped out onto the roof overhanging the front porch.
 She stared at the stars for a while, hoping they would relax her enough for rest to come as they did in her youth. That was another thing Kara missed with her powers depleted; staring through the building to view the stars beyond. Though she felt more at peace in the brisk Midvale night, looking up into the great unknown, Kara wasn't soothed enough.
 Before she could second-guess herself, she hit dial on the number she was debating calling for several weeks now. Holding the phone to her ear she listened as it rang once, twice—god, this was a horrible idea—thrice—she should hang up—
“What the hell, Kara?! Do you know what time it is?”
 Kara exhaled sharply, unprepared for the shock to her system of hearing that staccato voice over the line. “Cat,” she said breathily.
 Cat sighed on the other end. “Kara...why have you called me in the middle of the night after  months  of no contact outside of...three emails?” her voice was taut, angry but laced with concern.
“I'm sorry,” she whispered, feeling the beginnings of a hiccuping cry in her body. “I...I couldn't...I...”
“Breathe,” Cat murmured soothingly. “Take a deep breath and try that again,” she said, ever the patient one even after Kara abandoned her. Them.
 She did just that, once again reminded how unworthy she was of Cat's affection and solidifying how right her decision had been after Kairi was born. But she started this call and it needed to conclude. Kara decided to start with the basics, even if phones could be tapped and listened into, “Cat, I'm...I'm Supergirl. Or was...”
 The chuckle Kara heard was unexpected and drew her brows together. “I know, Kara,” Cat scoffed and Kara imagine her shaking her head as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Good...that will make...the rest easier. Hopefully,” Kara said, gripping the phone tighter to hold her resolve and not devolve into whispers and mutters.
 There was a pause before Cat inhaled and asked, “'The rest'?”
 Kara closed her eyes momentarily. “I know what I did was wrong, leaving you the way I did, and please believe me when I say I didn't mean to hurt you, but if you give me a chance to explain in person, I will understand if you want me to stay away for good,” she said as calmly as she could, despite how rapidly her heart was beating in her chest. Kara wouldn't be surprised if Cat kept her at an arm's length, pushed her away as she already did and want nothing more to do with her. Though, Cat had been pretty accommodating in regards to her job at CatCo.
 She waited.
“I've missed you.” It was said in such a defeated, broken tone, causing Kara's heart to twinge in the worst ways, knowing she was the cause of that pain. How could she ever make it up to Cat now?
“I missed you too,” Kara whispered, biting her lip while tears ran hot down her chilled face. “Come to Midvale for Christmas?” she asked. “Meet my human family? Let me right my wrongs? Explain my absence.”
 Assuming it to be an autonomic response, Kara heard Cat huff out a laugh or two before she breathed in deeply. “Yes, I will be there. Christmas Eve I'll fly in. Carter's with his father this year anyways, so...” Cat trailed off, that twinge of sadness in her tone worrying Kara further.
“Thank you, Cat,” Kara whispered.
“Goodnight, Kara.”
“Kara, to quote your first favorite version of Emily Blunt: you have got to calm down.”
“How can I do that, Alex, when Cat is being picked up at the airport this instant by Lucy? Alex, I can't do this!” Kara exclaimed, plopping down onto the couch beside her sister who angled herself in avoidance of a stray hand accidentally slapping the toddler in her lap.
 Alex ran a hand down her face briefly, catching Maggie's eye. She quirked a brow, smiling sheepishly. Maggie smiled back encouragingly, rising from the chair to peck Alex's cheek and collect Kairi. “Hey, pretty girl. Can I hold you for a moment?” she queried, relishing in the slight flush on Alex's face. “You're adorable,” Maggie told Alex before heading back to the chair with Kairi.
 Blush deepening for a moment, Alex then shook her head to focus on her sister, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. “I know it's scary, but everything will turn out alright. If there is one thing I've learned about Cat Grant from your needling that she isn't the worst human being on earth—because quite frankly my money's on Douchewell Lord—” Alex said, pausing a moment as a shiver ran down her spine. Maggie's brows raised in questioning and Alex shook her head, planning to explain later. “—is that she is, in fact, a compassionate, understanding woman. And I'm fairly certain she cares a great deal about you, Kara. Well, who couldn't? You're a ray of sunshine in huggable humanoid form,” she said, squeezing her sister tighter.
“Oh, Alex...” Kara murmured, clinging to Alex, burying her head in her shoulder. “You're the best big sister ever,” she complimented, pulling back with watery eyes.
 Alex brushed a strand of hair behind Kara's ear. “Easy when I've you for a sister,” she deflected, eye darting toward the window where her mother had drifted toward. “You've got this,” Alex promised fiercely, a determined look in her eyes. Kara gulped visibly and nodded once firmly, trying to draw strength from Alex's adamancy.
“They're here,” Eliza announced, moving away from the door to stand near Maggie's chair and observe from a respectable distance. The hand dangling by the arm of the chair was quickly seized by her granddaughter and she smiled, turning to lift the child into her arms and bounce her softly. “You'll love her,” she whispered in Kairi's ear.
 Kara released a shuddering breath as they heard the door begin to open and Lucy strode in with Cat's heavier bag and set it near the stairs before collecting the one Cat had and placing it there as well. “It's beginning to snow lightly,” Lucy informed the household. “Roads are still fine but we don't need to leave the house until after Christmas,” she added, glancing between Cat and Kara who were staring at one another in rapt silence. Quietly, she moved to sit on Alex's other side, pretending to not watch the scene unfold.
 Slowly, Kara rose from the couch and crossed the distance to Cat, pausing in front of her to ask permission before enveloping her in a tight hug. Cat sighed, gripping at Kara's shoulder blades, breathing in the woman's scent.
 When she pulled back Cat's head tilted to the side and her lips were pursed. “Where's your strength?” she asked.
 Kara gulped, looking down at the ground in embarrassment as she kicked the floor absently with her toe. “I...I've lost my powers. They haven't come back. It's been six months,” she said. Cat's hands raised to cup her cheeks.
“I'm sorry to hear that,” Cat said, eyes softening in sympathy.
“No, you shouldn't be apologizing. That's my job, that's the reason for your visit, that's--”
 Side-stepping Kara to peer into the rest of the living room and it's occupants, Cat's face grew contemplative. She spied the toddler first, far more still than average for a child her size, blonde hair and striking green eyes that captivated her for a moment. Cat recognized the woman holding the child, Kara's adoptive mother, Eliza and Alex across from her with that brilliant red hair more wavy than usual. Lucy seated beside her. And the Latina in the chair looked familiar but she couldn't recall the name immediately.
“Mama,” Kairi said in a stern voice, all but demanding Kara's attention. Kara turned around and walked over to her daughter, transferred into her arms and cradled against her chest.
 Fear gripped Kara with her back to Cat now and she immediately took refuge in Eliza's supportive face. Turning she endeavored to keep her face neutral, voice surprisingly even, “Cat, this is my...our daughter Kairi.”
 Cat was frozen on the spot, face devoid of any and all emotion as she processed the information, her brain working a mile a second, trying to look at the situation from all angles. How was this possible, why did this happen, was it a ruse, a lie to...no, Kara was many things but a gold-digger was not one of them; she would live in the streets before devolving to treachery of that sort of deception. But...how? Her eyes darted to the toddler in Kara's arms, a twinge of understanding crossing her features as she realized why those green eyes caught her attention so easily earlier. It was like looking in a mirror, one of the most prominent and characteristic traits about her own body. Those eyes...were hers.
 James' eyes were brown, the IT Hobbit's blue and though Lucy was a viable possibility if what Kara insinuated is true with her Kryptonian biology, it was unlikely due to how bright these toddler's eyes were, the same right swirl to her eyes.
 Feeling herself swoon and get light headed, Cat moved to the closest table, steadying herself with a hand on its surface. “I need a drink,” she murmured. Later she would realize that Alex moved swiftly from her seat to collect a drink as Lucy led Cat to sit on the couch, a pillow clutched tightly in her lap in a decidedly needed moment of weakness. “Thank you,” she said absently when Alex pushed the glass into her hands, ensuring the grip was sure before moving aside. Cat took a long sip of the surprisingly rich bourbon before sighing heavily. “So you're saying...that Supergirl over there...and I, a mere female human...procreated?” Cat asked, choosing her words carefully and speaking slowly.
“We didn't know this was possible either,” Alex chimed in, scientific side kicking into gear.
“If you need confirmation and are willing to do a swab test, I can run a maternity test against Kairi's genetics,” Eliza offered calmly, allowing Cat distance despite her urge to sit by the woman and rest her hand on her shoulder. Unfortunately, she didn't know the woman well enough to be that comforting and supportive. Maybe later she would allow it.
 Cat shook her head for several moments. “No I...no, I know. I feel it in my bones,” she said, unable to resist rolling her eyes at the cliche. “Something's felt of for months now and suddenly being here it's as though it's where I belong. That something missing has...” Cat mused, looking up at Kara with knit brows.
 Eliza smothered a grin as she looked down at the ground. “I had a theory about that actually, Cat,” she admitted, causing both her and Kara to look at her confused. She looked at Kara, hand alighting to her cheek as she rubbed it lightly. “Your complexion is brightening, sweetie, your eyes not as dull anymore,” Eliza said with a smile.
“What does that mean?” Kara asked, readjusting Kairi into a more comfortable position. Despite the tense situation, the toddler was on the fast track to snoozing in her mother's arms, missing the fact her other parent was introduced to her several moments previous.
 Glancing at Alex now seated on the arm of Maggie's chair, Eliza deferred to her child. “Kara we think...you've bonded with Cat on a...molecular level. Or perhaps a spiritual level, but there's not much information from the AI about Rao so we aren't sure there,” Alex explained. “You already had such intense feelings for Cat before you became pregnant and I'm mostly certain they came into play in Kairi's creation but because of those feelings or because of Kairi...you're now connected intimately with Cat. We believe your powers are tied to her and being away from her prevented their return,” she said.
“You're already showing signs of recovery...” Eliza murmured, wrapping a secure arm around Kara's shoulders, seeing the younger woman swooning with a bit of overload. Casting a quick glance at Alex who stood and collected Kairi, Eliza then moved Kara to the same couch Cat was seated on.
“Wow...” Kara breathed out, eyes wide in shock, arms wrapping around her middle as she processed the information much like Cat had when introduced to their child. “I...I I...”
“Shh...” Eliza said, rubbing circles on Kara's back, far too practiced in comforting Kara through a sensory overload.
 The room was silent for several drawn out moments and when Kara's eyes refocused she saw Cat had vacated her spot and was kneeling by Maggie's chair gazing at Kairi in Alex's arms. “Hey beautiful,” she whispered, running a soft hand across Kairi's head and down her chubby cheek. Slowly, Alex relinquished the toddler into Cat's eager arms.
 Cat sighed heavily, still trying to get used to this new reality. She was a mother for a third time over now. How would she explain to her sons? To Adam...oh god. But....she turned to look at Kara...it was worth it. Cat reached out a hand for Kara, smiling when their fingers entwined and she led them to the front porch to sit on the swing she saw upon her arrival.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Cat asked when they were settled on the swing, Kara's arms draped over her shoulder.
“My powers hadn't returned, I was afraid that Kairi, you, or Carter would be singled out by an enemy, especially if they figured out my identity,” Kara said, unable to lie any longer. She promised to explain and explain she would.
“Kara...she's my daughter too. I had a right to know the moment you knew you were pregnant and with my child,” was the firm reply, eye contact avoided as Cat felt disappointment and tears well in them.
“I'm sorry,” Kara whispered, biting her cheek to stop the onslaught of sobs she wished to release. “I was so scared. For everyone,” she admitted in a small voice.
 Cat finally looked at Kara, shaking her head. “You silly, brave hero...” she scoffed lightly, leaning closer to catch Kara's gaze. Then she pressed her lips to Kara's in the softest kiss ever, pouring into all of the fear and sadness from the previous months, the joy at discovering Kara was alive and that she had another child, the hope for a happy future with the two Kryptonians, the  love   she so obviously harbored for Kara. That was the single most important thing she needed to impart. “I love you,” she whispered when the kiss broke.
 Kara's breath hitched, eyes snapping open. Was this what happiness looked like? Curled up with the woman she loved, cradling their child? Could they do this? Together? Considering the brilliant team they had made in the past, there was no doubt in Kara's mind that she and Cat worked better together. Why had she ever thought she go it alone, parenting a super powered child essentially by herself. It was then she cried, quietly, in relief, resting her head on Cat's shoulders, fingers twitching to hold something but Kara knew her strength was returning.
“I love you so much, Cat...” Kara hiccuped when she regained the ability to speak. “Can we try this? El Mayara, stronger together?”
“I wouldn't dream it any other way, love.”
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iconsdeserie · 7 years
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arrowversedc · 6 years
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queerantined · 7 years
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Another Tag
@sapphosgalpal did this to me
Rules: answer all questions, add one of your own and tag people
1. Coke or Pepsi? Neither
2. Disney or DreamWorks? Disney
3. Coffee or Tea? Coffee is my true love
4. Books or Movies? Uh
5. Windows or Mac? Mac
6. DC or Marvel? DC
7. X-Box or PlayStation? PlayStation
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect ????
9. Night Owl or Early Riser? Early
10. Cards or Chess? Cards
11. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla
12. Vans or Converse? Vans
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? Absolutely no clue what these are
14. Fluff or Angst? Fluff
15. Beach or Forest? NOT THE BEACH
16. Dogs or Cats? Neither
17. Clear Skies or Rain? Rain
18. Cooking or eating out? “eating out”
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food? Spicy
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/yule/Christmas? Hallo, Christmas
21. Would you rather be forever a little too cold or a little too hot? Too hot
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Fly
23. Animation or Live Action? Animation to watch I guess?
24. Paragon or Renegade? I??????
25. Baths or Showers? Low key hate both
26. Captain America or Iron Man? Christie Rampone, always
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi? AHHHHHH
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes?
“One of the greatest gifts to mankind is laughter, and one of the greatest gifts to laughter is Lucille Ball. God has her now, but thank’s to television, we’ll have her forever.” 
“Perhaps it is fitting, the sky heavy and spitting at the ground.” 
“It would be enough, to love you and to tell you so”
29. YouTube or Netflix? YouTube
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Percy
31. When do you feel accomplished? Not now
32. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
33. Paperback or Hardback books? Paperbacks are less heavy but I prefer to hold and read hard?
34. Horror or Rom-Com? Rom-Com
35. TV Shows or Movies? TV.
36. Favourite Animal? Tortoise.
37. Favourite Genre of Music? Avril Lavigne.
38. Least Favourite Book? The online textbook my journalism professor made up
39. Favourite Season? Winter
40. Song that’s currently stuck in your head? Holy War - Chely Wright
41. What kind of pyjamas do you wear? None
42. How many existential crises do you have on an average day? 2
43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? How To Save A Life
44. Favourite Theme song to a TV Show? Friends
45. Harry Potter books or movies? Books
46. Favourite Traditional food from your family? No
47. Favourite Decade from 1900-now? Anything in the Serena era TBH
48. A Song that no matter the mood, it’ll make you smile? I don’t have a go to for htis
49. Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit? Neither
50. Deadpool or Wolverine? No
51. What’s your party trick? Never get tricked into going to parties.
52. Favourite Place you’ve ever been on vacation? Cambodia?
53. Tent Camping or Cabin Camping? Either
54. Favourite TV show Character and why? Jane Rizzoli. She changed my life.
55. Favourite Dessert? Uh
56. What’s one thing you’ve made in the last month? A TV Show pilot outline
57. When you were 7 years old, what were your dreams in life? I wanted to be able to carve on a snowboard.
58. Do you read ebooks or audiobooks? If i have to for school.
59. What would amortentia (the love potion from Harry Potter, smells like your favourite thing) smell like to you? Just rained on nature.
Okay supergay fam you don’t have to but have fun!
@danvers-dimples @taycanada @eternalsanvers also @ runa I forget your URL I’m sorry.
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thesanverslibrary · 5 years
Intimacy and Cuddles
by MikoNeko
Rating: G
Words: 955
Series: A SuperGay Christmas - part 4
Series incomplete
Description: Winding up on Alex's bed after making out with Maggie, Alex realizes intimacy isn't what she had believed it was.
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ao3feed-supercat · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ieDz7l
by MikoNeko
Welcome to the end of 1995. Cat Grant, up and coming media mogul and soon to be single mother, is smitten with the cute toy store clerk with an interesting history of her own, setting in motion a serious of events that could put her immorality on display.
The SuperCat Carol AU no one asked for.
Words: 1869, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of A SuperGay Christmas
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Cat Grant, Adam Grant, Kal-El/Clark Danvers, Alex Danvers, Eliza Danvers, Maxwell Lord, Maggie Sawyer
Relationships: Cat Grant & Adam, Kara Danvers & Kal-El/Clark Danvers, Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Kara Danvers, Cat Grant & Maxwell Lord, Kara Danvers/Cat Grant
Additional Tags: supercat, carol au, Christmas, new year's, 1990s, Kara Arrives On Time
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2ieDz7l
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philipguadagno-blog · 6 years
You know you’re SuperGay&OverlyEmptional™️ when you watch a Hallmark Christmas movie and cry at every other scene because you think it’s adorable that two people can “be so in love.”
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kuromikoneko · 7 years
Cat (Carol AU)
@ishipsuper prompted: “I work at a toy store and you keep coming in but never buy anything”
Having meant to rewatch the movie to imagine Alex's response, my mind INSTANTLY thought of this idea so, here is the modern day Carol SuperCat AU no one asked for. And in true form of the movie, I've decided to title this simply...Cat. Thanks to @always-atyour-side for beta-ing and @a-tardis-at-downton for the support!
Eighth in a series of Christmasy drabbles featuring Sanvers and SuperCat I’m calling A SuperGay Christmas on AO3.
Chapter 1: Overture
The year is 1995, a thirty year old Cat is in the midst of building her company, putting in long nights and even longer weeks. She’s so focused on hiring the right team and advertising in the right places to get her name out there that there never seems to be enough time in the day to breathe, especially not with how she throws herself into the long hours the work requires. When the first Christmas of hers and Max's separation headed for divorce hits, she finds herself oddly lonesome despite the constant press of people surrounding her, clamoring for attention. Especially because Max was taking their five year old son, Adam, to his parents in Florida for the festivities. Thankfully, they agreed that Cat would have Adam until Christmas Eve, which was more than she would have expected him to allow.
Cat had decided that in order to distract herself from her son's absence at such a joyous time of year, she would work alone in the office on Christmas Day and get a head start on the next edition of the magazine. Without the hustle and bustle of daily work operations and constant hand holding, Cat would have the peace of mind to focus for more than a few minutes on her passion to write.   But first, she had to survive the inanity of a staff distracted by the holidays for another two weeks and find the perfect gift for her son in the meantime.
Her search led her to the local toy shop, spruced up and decked out in the most sickeningly display of Christmas cheer one could imagine in a singular location. And quite the slighting of other holidays if she were making a statement in the paper, which she had already, to be honest. Plenty of feedback, both positive and negative had filtered into the offices, but Cat had specific instruction to her assistant to destroy the complaints on sight, allowing only the thankful letters through.
 Cat wandered around the first floor as she began to look for ideas, bored to bits by the pristine, new electronics and toys for kids. The latest in walkman technology being tried out by overzealous teenagers to the frustration of their tired parents, the corniest of tunes playing over the P.A. system. Cat preferred having personal shoppers for her general needs in life, such as grocery purchases, but being such a particular occasion, Cat wanted to soldier through her disgust of germs to find the perfect present. Adam deserved the best and she would do everything in her power to ensure that, especially with his underlying concerns about his parents living separately now. He didn’t really understand but he knew enough that it was not ordinary and set him on edge. So Cat bargained with herself that so long as she kept her hands to herself until inspecting a possible gift then immediately washing her hands afterwards, she could handle the task.
 She managed to find a small corner on that first floor where some new stuffed animals were set up, and Cat investigated their cotton levels, the amount of fluff that came off with each handling, how soft and cute they were. With her back turned to most of the store she expected to be spotted by a view passersby, but she was surprised at the feeling of someone consistently watching her. It was a strange sensation considering how CatCo was in its infancy still. Had she really drummed up enough press and response in the paper for the use of ‘happy holidays’ versus ‘Merry Christmas’ that those in the store could recognize her on site? Cat sighed, shaking her head at how immediately she went to a darker place.
 Guarding her face into as neutral an expression as possible, Cat turned and spied a young blonde from an end cap some distance from her. Lean, muscular build, clearly taller than her, dressed in perfectly bland khakis and a god awful Christmas sweater with loafers to boot. Stunning, Cat would later admit upon reflection. The moment of pleasant perusal broke when she heard the telltale notes of her beeper paging her and she set the stuffed frog down in order to exit the store to deal with her work business
 Having had no luck on the first floor with the best of the best toys the store had to offer, Cat returned two days later when her schedule permitted and began her exploration of the second floor. It was emptier this time, a strange hour even for last minute shoppers to be out and about away from work, so the floor was comfortably vacant enough for Cat's liking. It meant less diseases to contract in the cold weather and less press of the folks about her. However, she had managed to remember her gloves this time unlike the first visit to the toy store.
 Unfortunately, she only made it through half of the second floor's stock before her meeting with the board was pushed forward to an earlier time slot. Cat was grateful that the second floor was less biased in its far vaster assortment of toys. She knew that when she returned she would find the perfect gift for Adam. It was when she was heading toward the escalator that she noticed the young blonde employee from her first visit to the store. She was stocking some dolls onto the shelves behind a counter on the second floor, giving Cat pause as she took in her appearance today. Nothing much had changed, except her hair was in a messy bun now, and she was wearing a different yet still horrible Christmas sweater. She wondered for a moment if the company was partaking in one of those ridiculous Bad Christmas Sweater contests and if the woman was making them herself.
 Cat chuckled into her hand at the thought, catching the woman's eye before the escalator descended. This time they were closer and Cat was able to see just how sky blue those eyes hidden by dreadful glasses were. Not even Adam's could compare, too much grey from his father's influence in his beautiful eyes. Her eyes were electric and striking in tone, as though looking into a deep pool of water, or staring at the starry skies above when Cat was a child with her father. She could easily fall into those blue eyes and lose herself for days as she picked out each deviation of color, determine the cause behind the slight grey of sadness just on the edge of those irises.
 Shortly before Christmas Eve, Cat once again found herself at the toy store, deliberately setting aside the time to find the perfect gift before heading home to her baby boy and celebrating properly. And yet again, that employee was there, this time in black slacks  and a more subtle and easier to look at Christmas sweater, though far more bulky than the previous two. After circling around the automatic train set, Cat approached her, now noticing the Santa hat perched over her sunny head.
 “I was hoping you could help me find something,” she announced in a calm, smooth tone, setting her gloves on the counter.
 “Sure, uh...what are you looking for?” the employee asked, name tag revealing her name was Kara.
 “I'm looking for a gift for my five year old son. You see...he's not like other boys, he's...special,” Cat's eyes flitted to the ceiling, unable to hold back the smile that lit her face up. “Intelligent and kind, shy though...and I'm having trouble deciding on the best gift,” she explained, looking back at Kara again.
 Kara smiled brilliantly. “I know what that's like,” she admitted. “I...I take care of my cousin full time so I know how hard it can be to find a good gift,” Kara said a little hesitantly.
 “What did he like when he was five?” Cat asked, curiosity piqued at this new layer to the mysteriously beautiful woman she kept stumbling upon in the toy store. She was so young and yet essentially a mother? It wasn’t uncommon but it made Cat wonder what Kara’s story was.
 “Trains. Absolutely fascinated by them, actually. Still is to a degree,” Kara giggled lightly and Cat was certain she hadn't heard a more pure as bells sound in her life. “We got a new set in last month, in fact. Not Thomas the Tank Engine, though that is very popular with the eight and under crowd,” she explained, knowing how annoyingly in your face some of the advertisements for Thomas was lately. More than a few parents had admitted their ire to her during the Christmas season. “And it's easier to set up than Ikea furniture. Perfectly laid out instructions and labeled parts. A novice could put it together in an hour with the right determination. Not that I'm saying you're a novice,” Kara's face widened in fear, immediately backpedaling in order to not offend her customer.
 Cat huffed in amusement, oddly endeared by the rambling of this woman. “Well then, that sounds like a great gift. Sold,” she said, pulling out her checkbook.
 Kara stared at her for several moments in shock. “Wha...what? Really? Oh wow, that would be amazing. It      is    amazing. We don't often work for commission but there are a few items in each department and there's a bonus that comes with that sale and...wow that would really help Clark and I this year. Thank you, so much, miss,” Kara said excitedly, tapping away at the register to pull up the proper payment, the smile never fading from her face. Cat was certain this girl was the sun incarnate, truly losing herself in that gorgeous face as she waited to be prompted.
 “Well it is the holiday season and the holidays are for generosity, no?” Cat asked, filling out the check and signing her name in neat cursive before handing it over to Kara and writing out her address for the delivery of the train set. “Glad to help out a struggling family,” she added, the barest hint of a smile ghosting across her face.
 “Really though--” Kara paused, looking at the check and if she recognized Cat's name she made no show of it. “--Miss Grant, thank you. I really appreciate it and I bet your son will adore the train set. And...you...are all set,” she announced, tearing the receipt from the dispenser and handing it back to Cat. “It should be delivered later today or tomorrow,” she promised.
 “Wonderful, Kara. Thank you,” Cat said with an uncharacteristic smile. As she headed for the exit she paused and threw over her shoulder, “I like the hat,” and winked at the employee. Feeling more confident than ever before, Cat had never felt more in her skin than she did interacting, and dare she say flirting, with Kara. Odds were against her in these matters, but Cat was surprisingly optimistic this time around that Kara was very low-key and subtly flirting back with her, if the blush coating her cheeks the entire conversation was anything to go by.
Perhaps leaving her gloves was a good decision after all.
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kuromikoneko · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kara Danvers/Cat Grant, Kara Danvers & Lucy Lane, Alex Danvers & Eliza Danvers & Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer Characters: Kara Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Eliza Danvers, Alex Danvers, Cat Grant, Maggie Sawyer Additional Tags: supercat, Sanvers - Freeform, Baby Fic, Hurt/Comfort, i think..., Christmas, Supergirl Secret Santa Femslash Exchange 2016, Fluff, Family, Romance, Happy Ending Series: Part 5 of A SuperGay Christmas Summary:
Kara is keeping more than one secret from her lover and a terrible fate befalls her as the consequences of her actions prevent the restoration of her powers, so she goes into hiding to protect the ones she loves only to lose her sense of self-worth and purpose.
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thesanverslibrary · 5 years
Kara's Gift to Maggie
by MikoNeko
Rating: G
Words: 1417
Series: A SuperGay Christmas - part 3
Series incomplete
Description: Danvers Sisters home for Christmas, Alex having invited Maggie who gets jealous once the conversation turns to Supergirl, so...Kara decides to gift her with knowledge.
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femslashhistorian · 7 years
My Femslash History Part 8: Supergay (Supergirl 2015)
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In the eights part of my Femslash History we look at my current favorite: Supergirl.
I have been a Supergirl fan for a long time and one of the things you need to accept when you like DC superheroes and comic books, is that at the end of the day every new show, every new comic series is a reboot: a re-imagination that keeps some core elements and themes, but changes them around more or less drastically. And of course this is true for the 2015 Supergirl TV show.
As with many fandoms, I had started reading Supergirl fic before I had watched a lot of the show.
The Comicbooks
For an overview of the history of comic book Supergirl watch VariantComics’ History Of Supergirl!
My favorite comic book version of Supergirl is Superman/Batman: Supergirl (2004) (originally as Superman/Batman #8-#13: The Supergirl From Krypton) on which the also excellent animated DC Movie Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (2010) is based.
This Supergirl is different
While I have always liked DC comics and have read some Supergirl comics, I am not an expert on all Supergirl versions. However, compared with the comic book versions I am aware of, the 2015 Supergirl TV series differs quite a bit, not least in her origin story: Kara comes to earth quite young and grows up with the Danvers - but does not become Supergirl until she is an adult.
One more things that make this Supergirl different – and in my opinion outstanding – is Alex Danvers. Alex is an original Character (i.e. she has not existed in any of the comic book or film iterations of Supergirl) and Kara’s foster sister.
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quote source: cbr
Alex grounds Kara in so many ways and while there might always be arguments how exactly they love each other (as sisters or romantically), it in indisputable that they love each other very much, and that their relationship is the very core of the show. This is of course helped by that fact that both Melissa Benoist (Kara) and Chyler Leigh (Alex) are talented actresses with great chemistry.
Supergay: So many ships
Not only is Supergirl the only superhero TV show with a female lead, but there are several strong women with wonderful on-screen chemistry between them.
The abundance of interesting female characters made many different ships possible – SuperCat probably being the most popular ship in season one. Likely to no small part due to Calista Flockhart outstanding performance as Cat Grant, Kara’s boss and mentor.
Season two added even more possible ships with the introduction of Lena Luthor (portrayed by Katie McGrath) and Maggie Sawyer (Floriana Limain) and eventually the canon ship Sanvers (Alex Danvers / Maggie Sawyer).
Alex Danvers/Kara Danvers (Kalex)
Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer (Sanvers)
Astra/Alex Danvers (General Danvers)
Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane (I am a bit surprised that this one did not take off more)
Kara Danvers/Cat Grant (SuperCat)
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (SuperCorp)
Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane
I have read at least some fics for all of these ships. While I can understand why SuperCat is popular, and I like and am grateful for Sanvers, my favorite ships are Alex/Astra, Kalex and Kara/Lena.
I have already written several Supergirl femslash fic recommendations and I am working on another one:
4 Alex / Astra (General Danvers) Fics – Supergirl / DCU femslash fanfiction recommendations
5 Kara/Lena Christmas Fics: Supergirl / DCU Femslash Fanfiction Recommendations
3 Fics about Kara’s Identity – Supergirl / DCU Femslash Fanfiction Recommendations (Supercorp and Supercat)
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And as a bonus my favorite Supergirl fic for the Comic Supergirl (originally part of my 5 DC Universe Femslash Fanfiction Recommendations)
Last Daughter of Krypton
Authors: Moirae (TigerDragon), TiaNadiezja
Link to fic: AO3
Setting: unspecified DC universe / comics / AU
Relationships: Barbara Gordon/Kara Zor-El [implied], Kara Zor-El/Richard Grayson [implied], Diana (Wonder Woman)/Clark Kent
18 Chapters, 43k words (incomplete)
published: 2012/13
Earth isn't what Kara Zor-El expected. Dirty, primitive, messy. She came expecting to raise her infant cousin and found him a grown man. She came expecting to raise him, and finds him trying to parent her. This is the story of a lost girl who only ever wanted to be a scientist, and about the world she's about to change.
This is not really femslash. Actually there is not really a romantic relationship at all (apart from Diana/Clark Kent, which is not the focus of the story). Just some hints of Kara and Barbara or Dick. This fic tell the story of Kara based on the following premise: Kara is a teenage Kryptonian sent to Earth to raise her baby cousin. This Kara however is a scientist, not a fighter. The story deals with her struggle to cope with a new life on a new planet. And the cousin she expected to be a baby being a grown man. But Kal annoys her because he is the adult and seems to think he is responsible for her. Kara becomes friends with Batman and ultimately his partner as a crime fighter.
Although not really femslash and unfortunately incomplete, this is my favorite Supergirl fic that is not based on the 2015 TV show.
If you liked this, you might enjoy more of my Supergirl femslash fanfic recs:
10 More Great and Long Kara / Lena Fics (SuperCorp)
Supercorp AU Fic Recs Part 1 - Distorted Realities: of Time Travel, Amnesia and Black Mercies
4+4 Great Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor - AgentCorp Fic Recs
Or all of them
|@femslashhistorian | f/f fic recs | f/f history | @femslashhistorianficrecs|
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kuromikoneko · 7 years
Embracing Our Geek
Seventh in a series of Christmasy drabbles featuring Sanvers and SuperCat I’m calling A SuperGay Christmas on AO3.
Well…damn. I had this idea on Sunday…so now this fic shall be dedicated to Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, the best space mom and witchy grandma due I could wish to grow up with.
Prompt from @broadwaybaggins: “Merry Christmas, you dork!”
Embracing Our Geek
Kara was giddy with excitement, barely able to sleep last night if not for Cat wearing her down in order to get a few hours of shut eye. Kara was by no means a morning person, despite being powered by the sun but she often knew internally when the sun rose and frequently enough that it grew annoying, woke up with the first rays striking hr bedroom, but today she had voluntarily woken up with the sun. Knowing Cat would naturally wake up in a few hours due to her consistent work schedule and Carter would probably be up an hour earlier because it was Christmas Day, Kara extracted herself from Cat’s tight embrace, making sure to wind her arms around a spare pillow before leaving their bedroom.
Making her way out into the hallway, she lifted off the ground subtly to avoid creaks and moved toward the spare bedroom that was being converted into an art studio for her as an ongoing Christmas present from both Cat and Carter. Once inside, Kara landed softly on the wood floor and grinned when she found the remainder of her Christmas gifts and began to package them up, deciding to go with the obvious and silly wrapping for the matching set of shirts she bought for the three of them.
She took her time, carefully running the scissors over the ribbon to perfectly curl the material before tying as elaborate a bow as she could manage and setting the wrapped gifts to her right. When Kara was finished, she checked the clock on the wall and smiled, glad at the time wasted with her last minute work. Gathering the presents in her arms, first double checking they were labelled properly, Kara once again floated out of the room to zipped a little too quickly to the Christmas tree in the living room to position the remaining gifts.
Standing back from the tree to admire her handiwork she grinned, crossing her arms over her chest, unaware of the soft patter of feet behind her.
“Looks wonderful,” Cat murmured sleepily as she wrapped her arms around Kara’s lithe waist. Kara jerked only slightly, the feel of Cat’s arms and the cadence of her voice far too familiar to truly spook her into defensiveness.
“Great!” Kara exclaimed in a happy whisper.
“Why don’t we wake our son with some breakfast, hm? And some coffee for me,” Cat grumbled the last point, not letting Kara move from her grip. Kara did manage to turn in her arms, grinning down at Cat.
“You’re adorable when you’re sleepy,” she announced, brushing an unusually curly hair behind Cat’s ear. Cat grunted in response but leaned up to steal a soft kiss from Kara, tangling a hand in her hair to pull her down and avoid the effort of standing on tip-toe. Nipping at Kara’s lip when a moan escaped, Cat pulled back and smirked at her before moving to the kitchen.
Kara pouted. “No fair,” she whined, following swiftly behind.
“Uh uh,” Cat tutted, raising a warning finger. “No funny business,” she chided, lips pursed as her green eyes glinted mischievously.
“C'mon…I’ll hear if he wakes up, comes to the living room,” Kara protested, close enough to rest her hands on Cat’s hips.
“You said the last time he nearly walked in on us, dear. If he hadn’t knocked into that table and I heard the noise, we would have been caught entirely too compromised,” Cat reminded her calmly.
“But…but what if there were mistletoe involved? Can’t say no to that,” Kara said after a moment’s hesitation before the idea struck. She was gone in a second and back now holding a sprig of mistletoe between them above their heads.
Cat’s mouth contorted for a few moments before she burst out in a thankfully quiet fit of giggles. “Kara…” she said, holding her sides. “You never cease to amuse me, geez. Yes, you can have one more kiss,” Cat conceded, finally able to look at Kara with kind eyes. Kara smiled triumphantly before leaning down and capturing Cat’s lips in a sensually exploring kiss, taking more than was probably expected at a typical party consisting of mistletoe arrangements. It was Cat’s turn to moan as she gripped the back of Kara’s shirt to pull their bodies closer.
“Couldn’t even get the coffee machine going first?”
The women pulled apart, chests rising rapidly with the intensity of their make out session. Kara glanced over her shoulder at a sleepy Carter rubbing one of his eyes blearily. Cat grimaced, but Kara beat her to the apology, “Sorry about that, kid.”
Carter shrugged, slipping past the two to collect a glass of apple juice. “Eh, no worries. You’re dating. It’s expected,” he said casually. After he took a gulp of his drink, he set it on the counter and grinned. “Merry Christmas!” he exclaimed.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” Cat mirrored, pulling him into a hug, reveling that his head still fit under her chin perfectly for now.
“Merry Christmas,” Kara added. “I can’t wait for you guys to see my gifts for you,” she said, moving to start up the coffee machine for Cat and grab the food stuffs for french toast.
“I have an early one for you,” Cat admitted, reaching the fridge before Kara had.
“You mean that heavy kiss wasn’t it?” Carter joked, earning himself a half-mocking glare to which he grinned cheekily back.
Pulling a saran wrapped pan from the fridge, Cat turned to Kara. “Homemade cinnamon rolls. I’ve…not made them since Carter was a kid. It’s my father’s recipe,” she explained, a flash of pained memories crossing her features as she set the pan on the counter. “But they’re your favorite so…” Cat added, smiling.
Kara’s eyes had widened and she smiled back, wrapping Cat up in a warm embrace. “Oh, thank you so much, Cat,” she whispered into soft blonde hair.
“C'mon, let’s eat so we can open presents and get ready for the party!” Carter prodded from his spot at the breakfast nook, but he was smiling as well, glad for how happy Kara made his mom. How happy all three of them were together and how wonderful this Christmas was going so far.
Breakfast devoured, coffee graciously consumed, and gifts divvied up Carter, The Santa Helper, as evidenced by the hat he donned, they were down to the last few gifts. As tradition dictated, the larger or more valued and important gifts were relegated to the last in the lineup. Kara was excited for the reaction to her gifts, but nervous they would be seen as too silly.
“Star Wars paper, really?” Cat teased, holding hers up to investigate the box. “It better not be a painting of Harrison Ford,” she mumbled.
Carter chuckled. “All at once?” he asked, not commenting on the fact that his mother actually enjoyed Harrison Ford’s cinematography quite a lot. Getting confirmation from the women, he tore into the wrapped and removed the lid to his box. “Aw yeah!” he cheered, pulling the sweater with a funko-style Luke Skywalker on it out to show his mother.
Kara had hers out at the same time, wanting to wait for Cat’s response as last. Turning it around and smiling, unable to help the tears that sprang to her eyes, she showed that it was a funko-style Leia Organa sweater. Cat smiled back compassionately, jaw clenching in recollection of the actress’s passing.
When Cat pulled hers out, which if she were thinking more clearly would have guessed the third of the trifecta, she stared dumbfounded at it for several moments before lifting it and deadpanned, “Really, Kara? Really?” She couldn’t help but repeat herself, hearing her son snickering discreetly. Cat sighed. “Merry Christmas, you dork,” she said, throwing her hands in the air, revealing the Han Solo sweater now dangling from its box.
“Aww, you know you love it,” Kara said, moving to Cat’s side and nuzzle her cheek before kissing it. “C'mon, put it on with us? For the party?” she asked in the sweetest voice she could muster.
Cat scoffed. “Definitely not for the party,” she replied.
“But they’re Christmas themed, mom,” Carter said, holding his up once more.
“No way!” Cat exclaimed.
She did wear the sweater as they cleaned up the living room, played a quick game of Catan and prepared the late lunch ham for the party that was being hosted at their house this year. Kara very sneakily texted their guests to inform them that they could and should arrive an hour earlier in order to see Cat in a most interesting ensemble. And see did they, much to Cat’s dismay and eventual convincing that she need not change due to everyone having arrived at that point. As noted by the others, the Grant-Danvers family made quite the cute match in their Star Wars themed Christmas sweaters.
And all Cat could do was smile because Kara was part of their family.
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kuromikoneko · 7 years
Intimacy and Cuddles
I had the line about Kara's crush on Cat stuck in my head and had to write it out. Brief discussion of sex in this drabble, but nothing specific. Yes I stole the phrase 'drift compatible' from whoever used it first; I loves it so much when I saw it on a SuperCat gifset.
Can I justify this being in A SuperGay Christmas? Could be considered before either of the other two Sanvers fics!
Alex was pleasantly surprised to discover that the feeling of intimacy wasn't confined to having sex. She had always felt close during Sister Night when she and Kara would curl up on a couch, watching movies and stuffing their faces, or during Game Night when Kara would lean against her after a hard day's work, but Alex never equated that with intimacy because the word was so intricately woven with sex in her mind. Intimacy meant a close familiarity with something or someone, a cozy and safe environment that wasn't tied to romance or carnal desires. Granted, this particular type of intimacy she was partaking in was of the romantic nature but not of the sexual sort. And even before it was romantic, they got along like the best of friends, so quickly and so easily, working around each other with such fantastically comfortable drift compatibility.
She and Maggie had been dating for maybe a month now and Alex had asked Maggie to spend the night at her place, to keep the intimacy going and become more comfortable with her new girlfriend. A grin spread across Alex's face at calling Maggie her girlfriend. They were curled up on Alex's bed after a heated make out session of wandering hands over pliant and soft flesh. For the most part Alex was the littler spoon, curled into Maggie's side with her head on the detective's shoulder watching her sleepy face, an arm draped over her abdomen and their legs entwined.
A squeeze to Alex's shoulders caught her attention and she blinked, finding Maggie looking at her curiously. “Is this alright?” Maggie asked.
Alex chuckled and nodded. “More than alright,” she said, ever awed at hoe compassionate and caring Maggie was being with her. Alex very much appreciated the slow pace they were moving at, so used to the brusque expectations of the boyfriends of her past, the men who hit on her in bars, the sheer amount of heteronormativity pushing women to fit a particular mold in relationships.
“Good,” Maggie whispered, nuzzling Alex's hair before yawning. Alex's arms tightened slightly around Maggie. “Something on your mind?” she asked.
“Kind of...” Alex trailed off, placing a light kiss to Maggie's shoulder before shifting to better look at her girlfriend. “It was always so...obvious to me that Kara had a crush on Cat Grant. But I had never considered...that's how I could feel. And here we are—here I am,” she explained, brows knitted adorably so on her face. Maggie smiled dreamily, reaching a hand up to smooth out the creases in Alex's forehead.
“It makes sense though. You were so caught up in Kara's life. Taking care of her, protecting her, that you put your own needs on a back burner. And I applaud your tactics in showing Kara it wasn't her fault it took you this long because even without that focus there is so much straight media out there that many only consider their options later in life when the right movie, TV show, or person comes along,” Maggie said in a soothing voice. “Hell, some of the LGBT youth I meet on the job have admitted to Lana Parrilla, Cate Blanchett, or...Kristin Bauer van Straten making them question their sexualities. It happens differently for all of us,” she punctuated her statement with a chaste kiss.
Alex attempted to chase the kiss, grinning when Maggie chuckled at her failed attempt. “Who was it for you? Or what...made you realize?” she asked, absentmindedly drawing random patterns on Maggie's taut stomach as she watched the woman.
“Hmm...” Maggie pondered the question briefly. “Looking back on my favorite childhood movies, I realize now my first crush was definitely Ann Reinking as Grace in the Annie movie, but at the time I didn't understand those feelings. But I know I really began to discover myself when Desperate Housewives began airing. All those sexy housewives...Nicolette Sheridan, Eva Longoria, Felicity Huffman sans the frazzled mother look...very obvious I was attracted to women more than men. And I can admit there were some handsome men on that show, but the women far outshone them for me,” Maggie explained, eyes unfocused as she recalled those memories, a fond expression on her face.
“I'd like to watch that with you, here your thoughts,” Alex announced, wondering if they would share the same interest in housewife, to bond over the show perhaps, learn more of Maggie's childhood.
“Yeah?” Maggie asked, tilting her head as she caught Alex's gaze once more. Alex blushed, biting her bottom lip slightly and then nodded her head. Maggie smiled, curling in closer to Alex, resting their foreheads together. “I'd love that,” she said, voice low and smooth. Alex giggled nervously, squirming slightly at the feeling Maggie's voice stirred up. “So, should I expect to see one CatCo CEO at your mother's for Christmas?” Maggie queried, swiftly noting the discomfort from Alex.
“Maybe... I know Kara finally contacted her a couple of weeks ago, something about taking a chance and diving. I'm not exactly sure, but she's been entirely too giddy lately,” Alex said.
“Well, so have you, Danvers,” Maggie pointed out.
“Have not.”
“Uh huh...like you've not been smiling like a fool more at work lately? J'onn actually called me to pick you up early last Wednesday because of how unfocused you were in the lab,” Maggie reminded her teasingly.
Alex stuttered trying to find a response, non-words escaping her lips as she stared at Maggie before looking away bashfully. “I can't help it,” she admitted. “I'm just...so happy,” she added, looking up with a brief flash of fear in her eyes.
“I am too,” Maggie replied, leaning in to kiss Alex soundly.
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kuromikoneko · 7 years
Underneath the Mistletoe
Second in a series of Christmasy drabbles featuring Sanvers and SuperCat I’m calling A SuperGay Christmas on AO3.
Anti MonEl/Kara in this fic, including my observation of Kara's reaction to the kiss and discussion of Kara/James briefly.
Underneath the Mistletoe
“It's called mistletoe. A plant when hung, lovers are expected to kiss underneath,” Kara explained, nearly containing her annoyance at having to explain this. She had expected Winn would have been all over Christmas traditions by now.
“So if I caught you under mistletoe, I could kiss you?”
Kara scoffed then laughed. “Ewww! As if, Mon-El. I said 'lovers' those already seeing one another and we are not together. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. Winn, however...” she trailed off with a giggle before walking away from the now confused Daxamite. Once out of the room, Kara sped out of the DEO and back to CatCo in order to decorate her office with Christmas decorations.
Ugh...that kiss with Mon-El after he was healed by Eliza at Thanksgiving time was just so uncomfortable and unwelcome. She didn't reciprocate it for a reason and only after Alex badgered her to set Mon-El straight, who had been under the assumption they would court one another, did Kara explicitly and clearly tell him she wasn't interested. And had to keep reminding him she wasn't interested. Kara had a feeling this recent mention of kissing her again was a joke, though, as he said it in the same smarmy voice he used to pick up women at bars and the fact he was picking up women again. But she felt there was no harm in reiterating her disinterest. Kara was uncertain if Winn actually liked boys, but putting the idea in Mon-El's head to see his reaction was priceless.
So here she was now, stringing the twinkle lights around the top of her walls, hanging a miniature wreath on the front of her door and on the off chance a particular CEO decided to drop in per some gossipy information Kara had chanced upon in not keeping tabs on her former boss. She could do this. She could be brave as Kara Danvers not just Supergirl. Oh god, kissing Cat Grant was scary as all the demons she read about from hell. But...she needed to dive. Kara knew she couldn't wait any longer. She missed Cat far too much to put this off, to put her feelings on hold and let herself settle for what she could have again.
She thought she had wanted James. He was handsome and sweet, a friend who knew and understand Kara and Supergirl (most of the time), but he was just a replacement for the person Kara really wanted, which she realized after starting a relationship with James was actually Cat. She felt held back because they were boss and employee, because Kara was unsure if Cat actually liked women that way, because Kara was nervous about what liking her older boss meant to the rest of the world. But she couldn't deny how she felt any longer. That was made abundantly clear with Cat's temporary leave from the company and her life. And she was grateful James was so understanding about breaking up and that they were still friends. Though she sensed her had been hiding something from her lately.
Kara shook her head of those thoughts, deciding to place it on a back burner, maybe bounce some ideas off of Alex at the next Sister Night, which had been pushed back for some strange reason... Hm... Her friends were hiding things from her, though she doubted Alex's secret was anything bad. In fact, she had a strong feeling it was something marvelous considering how much happier Alex was this past week, but Kara endeavored to stay patient and not push the fold to figure out what Alex was so elated about.
Sitting down at her desk, sufficiently happy at the holiday spirit of her office, Kara turned off the main light of the room, allowing it to sparkle with the twinkly lights and the simply desk lamp she had. It was a different type of magic then she normally experienced. So very similar to her first Christmas with the Danvers.
“I suspected things to be more lax in my absence with celebrations but I never expected you to turn full Christmas Elf on me, Kara.”
Kara's head whipped around having apparently missed the soft patter of Cat's heels on the obviously carpeted floor of the hallway leading to her hidden away office. A small smile graced her features at the presence and of hearing her real name from Cat's lips.
“You're back,” Kara breathed out, eyes wide in joy at seeing the woman in her office taking in the decorations.
“Indeed...” Cat murmured, moving around to check out the little Christmas tree Kara had set up in the corner of the room on an end table. “Are these childhood ornaments?” she asked in a soft voice.
“Yeah...Alex insisted I had to make them to catch up from lost time as a child,” Kara said fondly recalling the memory. Cat glanced at her with a peculiar look but brushed off the comment for now when she noticed Kara gulp anxiously realizing her folly.
“What uh...what are you doing here, Miss. Grant?” Kara asked in a quiet voice, moving around her desk to grip the front of it, still quite surprised Cat made an appearance. Had she paused by her old office first? Checked in with the rest of CatCo or was she the first stop? Only...stop? She dared not hope for that possibility but Kara was certain she would have heard rumblings of Cat prowling the premises if she was anywhere else before Kara's office.
“It's nearly Christmas, Kara. I'd rather Carter spend the time in a comfortable environment,” Cat explained.
Kara smiled. “How is Carter?” she asked.
“He's doing well. Misses the chance sightings of Supergirl near our home but has been following her adventures online religiously,” Cat said, chuckling lightly afterward. As she faced Kara she noticed a similar expression she often found on her own face in the mirror when thinking of her son. It was a good look on Kara. She doubted the woman would be anything but kind and wonderful with children.
“She has been getting into some crazy stuff lately,” Kara admitted, eyes growing a shade darker unwittingly.
Cat paused in her perusal, eyeing Kara carefully for any issue she may need to delve into and discuss with the woman. She had become more guarded since last they spoke, perhaps in part because of her leaving so seemingly abruptly. “Well, I hope Supergirl knows I'm always available should she need me,” she said instead of asking if Kara herself was alright.
Kara gulped, looking up at Cat, heart thudding in her chest at the proclamation.
“The reason for my visit today is to extend an invitation to dinner with Carter and I, Kara. Whenever you're available that is. I understand you may visit your mother in Midvale for Christmas so anytime before that would be ideal. If...you're willing,” Cat asked, a note of hesitancy in her voice as she stood a respectable and safe distance in front of Kara.
“Re—really? Yeah, yes. I'd...I'd love to. Thank you, Miss Grant,” Kara stuttered through her excitement, grinning ear to ear in that classic Sunny Danvers way she had.
Cat tutted at her. “I think we're past formalities by now, Kara,” she chastised.
“Sorry,” Kara bowed her head before raising it to shyly look at the blonde. “Cat,” she whispered reverently, eyes shining in joy.
Cat's breath caught in her throat over the way Kara said her name, forcing herself to bite the inside of her cheek to prevent saying or doing anything unbecoming. It was hard holding back around the other woman when she had fallen so hard for her. It was part of the reason she left, distanced herself, hoping it was merely a proximity infatuation and not something deeper. Which was obviously the case, she determined.
“I should go check how my company is being handled by Olsen,” Cat finally said after the pregnant pause holding both women's attention. She moved toward the door, glancing over her shoulder briefly. “Text or call when you decide which night works best,” Cat added.
Beside herself, frozen to the spot, Kara nearly forgot her not so master plan set up moments before Cat's arrival until Cat paused in the doorway. “Miss Gra—Cat!” she called out, breathing quickening. “You, uh...you're under...uhm...” she couldn't find the words but managed to point above Cat's head. “You can't leave yet,” Kara finally stated.
Cat's brows furrowed, hands itching to rest on her hips in practiced annoyance with all her other stuttering, far more annoying employees, but she refrained, too curious. Looking up, her eyes widened and her mouth gaped slightly. “Oh...” she trailed off, meeting Kara's unwavering gaze as she turned fully once more. “And what are you going to do about that?” she asked slyly.
Kara gulped, a nervous coil in her stomach as one of her hands fisted in an attempt at gaining confidence and determination. Calming her heart with all of her might and memories of time in the pod heading to Earth, she smiled as she crossed the office and stood in front of Cat. Kara took in another deep breath before brushing an unruly curl behind Cat's ear, trailing her fingers down the delicate curve of Cat's cheekbone, then leaned in and captured her soft lips.
A soft 'oh' from Cat was lost in the kiss as she reciprocated, moving against Kara's impossibly perfect lips as she drew out the encounter, a hand moving to tangle in what was loose of Kara's hair. She had dreamt of kissing her assistant more times than appropriate but it was absolutely nothing compared to the real thing now that they were here. For someone so strong, Kara's hands were so gentle and soft, as though fearful of breaking her with the intensity she surely must be feeling with their kissing.
When they parted, chests heaving, Kara didn't want to break the connection just yet and rested her forehead against Cat's, a bright, hopeful grin on her face. “Well than...” Cat murmured, opening her eyes finally to take in Kara's obvious elation. “Merry Christmas to me,” she said, drawing a chuckle from Kara.
“No,” Kara said, shaking her head lightly. “That's my Christmas gift to myself,” she added, opening her eyes to wink. She was the one who decorated after all.
“Sneaky...brazen,” Cat teased. “Those colors are nice on you,” she said, before leaning in for another kiss, grinning when Kara whined as she pulled back too soon. “Dinner, probably a game cause Carter will be thrilled you're there. Then we'll talk, alright?” Cat asked, affectionately brushing her hand through the hair by Kara's face .
“Thursday too soon?” Kara asked.
Cat chuckled. “No, that's fine. I'll see you then, Kara,” she said, rolling her name over her tongue.
“Bye, Cat,” Kara whispered, happiness so overpowering she felt she was floating without her powers.
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