#a sampling of some of my faves from today
poirott · 1 year
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Kenneth Branagh filming A Haunting in Venice
Italian media released more great photos of Branagh shooting the 3rd Hercule Poirot film on January 7- 10 2023 in Venice, Italy.
In a market scene filmed with co-star Riccardo Scamarcio (and a group of extras dressed up as journalists), Poirot is seen walking away from them, a beige box under his arm. The box has "VENIER", "Cafe pasticceria", "Venezia" and "Buranelli" written on it. Chocolate treats (praline)?
The latest photo batch taken during filming on January 10 shows Poirot in an apron and a new type of rounded hat that is different than his usual Homburg hat. He is working in what appears to be a garden. Is Poirot finally living out his dream, cultivating his own vegetable marrows? If so, it may be a reference to book canon and his scene in Death on the Nile where he shares the dream with a perplexed Mrs Otterbourne. Poirot says he has his eye on a cottage where he hopes to retire and garden one day. The film A Haunting in Venice is set after Poirot’s retirement.
Source: Sky TG24 (© IPA/Fotograma), TGCOM24 (© IPA), GettyImages.com (© Stefano Mazzola/GC Images)
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runnning-outof-time · 4 months
K, congrats on 3.5K and I was wondering if you can make something about “Why’re you looking at me?” and it’s Tommy or John having a crush? AAAAAAA
Thanks for sending this in, E!! @writers-hes I’m sorry it took me so long to write!! I just had to go with Tommy for it because (if you haven’t noticed already) he’s my fave to write for! The thought of this made my giddy haha. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
Strictly Business
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: smoking, drinking
Word Count: 1186
Summary: When a business associate doesn’t show, Tommy and (Y/N) make the most of a dinner…and try their best to keep their true feelings under wraps.
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“Do you really need me here?” (Y/N) asked for the umpteenth time as she sat down across from Tommy at the table they’d been led to. She didn’t expect to be dining at some posh establishment today, but for Tommy Shelby, she’d drop her plans and do just about anything if he asked it of her.
Yeah…not the best mindset logistically thinking, but what can she say…she was smitten with him. Problem was that he hardly gave her the time of day with it came to that. Strictly business. That’s what they agreed on.
“I do,” Tommy nodded, fishing a cigarette out of its packet so that he could perch it between his lips and strike a match to light it. He cleared his throat then as he crossed his one leg over the other and sat back, looking around for the person he’d be meeting.
“Guess that’s that then,” (Y/N) commented, more so to herself than anything, as she grabbed the napkin and draped it over her lap. She then began to peruse the menu because hey, if she was going to have to be in this fancy establishment, she was going to sample their wares.
The waiter came over to their table moments later and (Y/N) took her time to chat with him, asking him what he recommended, what was popular, and what would pair well together. She must’ve took around ten minutes trying to figure out the dish she wanted to order. Once she did, the man turned to Tommy. He kept it simple, ordering a whiskey.
“You’re really not ordering anything?” (Y/N) asked him after the man left.
“I figured that if I got hungry, I’d take something from your plate,” he answered honestly, a grin teetering on his lips.
“Bold of you to assume anything will be left,” she countered, her grin matching his.
Tommy just pursed his lips at her statement, trying to stop his grin from growing bigger than it already was. He then accepted the whiskey from the waiter and brought it to his lips, thankful he had it to hide what he was really feeling. Strictly business.
Time passed as the two waited for the business associate to show up. Nothing much was said, but nothing really needed to be said. Tommy and (Y/N) had become accustomed to sitting in silence, and more often then not, they found it peaceful. It was comforting in a way.
About a half hour had passed now, and there was still no appearance of said business associate.
“Is this man coming?” (Y/N) questioned, her brows furrowed.
“He said he would be,” Tommy dismissed her question, sipping on his third whiskey. The fact that he was sat here instead of out making sure everything else was running properly kind of irked him. The only reason he wasn’t marking it as a complete bust was the fact that (Y/N) was there.
“At least we get a meal out of it,” she commented as the waiter brought her dinner out. She smiled up at him as a thank you before surveying the delicious plate of food that was placed in front of her. A wider smile grew on her lips as she looked back to Tommy. “Well…at least I got a meal out of it.” She couldn’t help but correct herself, her teasing statement making Tommy roll his eyes at he fought his grin back.
(Y/N) dug into her dinner, making sure to make an exaggerated comment about how absolutely delicious the food she chose was. She was enjoying her dinner so much that she momentarily forgot he was even there with her.
Which is why when she looked up to see his eyes focused on her with the slightest smile dancing on his lips, she thought her heart was about to jump out of her body. She’d never seen Tommy look at her in that way. It was almost as if his eyes were twinkling, the shade of blue present in them just about making her breathless.
“Why’re you looking at me?” she broke the silence. While she didn’t want to ruin the reverie that had been created the second their eyes met, she had to say something or else she might have combusted on the spot.
“Hmm?” he simply hummed, and (Y/N) wanted to groan. He’s purposefully making this hard on me.
“Why’re you looking at me like that…like you just were a few seconds ago?” she repeated her question.
“What was I looking at you like?” he asked, his brows now raised.
“Don’t make this tough for me, Tommy,” she huffed, her heart going at about a mile a minute. His expression didn’t change. (Y/N) huffed again. He’s really gonna have me spell it out to him. “You were looking at me like…I don’t know, like you were dreaming or something,” she tried her best to explain it.
“I wasn’t dreamin’,” he shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Well you looked like it,” she shot back, sending him a glare that a smile was trying so hard to break through. Tommy lazily shrugged off the conversation, bringing the cigarette back up to his lips. (Y/N) shrugged also, focusing - well trying to focus - on her meal once more.
“I was watchin’ you,” he stated after a few minutes had passed.
“Oh yeah?” (Y/N)’s eyes shot up to match his once more.
“Yeah,” he affirmed, taking a deep drag from his cigarette and blowing the smoke out slowly before continuing, “I enjoy watching you. Brings some quiet to me mind.”
“Oh yeah?” she answered with the same question she asked before, although her voice was softer this time around.
“Yeah,” he nodded again, leaving it at that, even though he wanted to say so much more to her. He wanted to tell her just how much she had helped him since he met her. Tell her how he couldn’t get her off of his mind, even if he tried. Strictly business.
The conversation ended there, and (Y/N) tried her best to focus back on the meal in front of her. Something was burning in her mind though, something that she couldn’t shake no matter how hard she tried.
“Tommy…?” she spoke again after a few more minutes had passed.
“Yeah?” his eyes were on her in a second. They never really left.
“There was never someone coming to this dinner, was there?” she just had to ask him.
“I’ll let you be the judge of that,” he answered with a vague statement, although his eyes told her a different story. See what Tommy didn’t know was that (Y/N) had gotten pretty good at reading his eyes. She’d never call him out on the truths he brushed over though.
Instead she pursed her lips to hide her smile. “Strictly business?” she checked with him after a few beats of silence.
“Strictly business,” he answered with a nod, ending the conversation there. His answer was short and succinct, but his eyes told her differently.
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*tags in reblogs so that hopefully they get sent out
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goron-king-darunia · 8 months
Eggtober 4th 2023
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"Cropped Rainbow" or Asparagus Hollandaise with Poached Eggs
(Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Gouache Blender Brush, and some messy Pencil brush details to experiment with the shiny look. 16 colors. ~2 hours give or take a bathroom break and some wrist rest.)
One of the eggs broke on the way to the drawing realm oh noooo! Ah well, it's still tasty. As we all know, poached eggs are my fave because the yolks are runny and the whites are cooked but soft and they add rich, fatty, flavor to everything and are a good hit of protein for a healthy dish. This is probably a little more fat in one sitting than you need honestly, what with the butter in the hollandaise, but still. Healthy is relative and this sure as heck is healthier than my breakfast of 2 chocolate bars. (Don't tell God and maybe I won't gain weight. XD) As far as healthy veggies go, asparagus has to be one of my faves. Hollandaise helps anything, but even by itself, asparagus properly cooked (i.e. not overcooked) is delicious. I had a couple ideas for today but most of them were fried eggs because of my inspo board (AKA all the images I pulled up of fried eggs on Google) But mom said "eggsparagus" as a joke October 1st and so I pulled that idea out of the bag today to spare everyone from a week of only fried eggs because God knows I would definitely do that. As for the title, it was funny to me how we have orange, yellow, green and blue on the same piece and how that's kind of the middle bit of the rainbow. Most of the colors were necessitated by the subject but I just happened to pick blue for the background and I liked it so... Cropped Rainbow. (Cough cough I sure DO hope some breadbugs show up to the picnic to sample the eggs. One is ready to be eaten already since it popped open and depending on how much mess the breadbugs mind, they could probably haul all that asparagus back to the burrow for later. Shout out to @lady-quen who has blanket permission to draw the beloved breadbugs stealing or not stealing as many of my eggs as the little guys desire to steal. Been loving the little guys so far!)
And as always, egg for the egg gods. Thanks to @quezify for always drawing such delicious looking eggs! An inspiration for sure!
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cookeybg · 3 months
Unexpected Cohabitation a JonDami fic
Oh, the rollercoaster of emotions I have been on. I am simultaneously excited and fill with anxiety about posting my writing. Thankfully it has been more excitement than anything else (I couldn't even sleep the night I posted the 1st chapter.) Thank you so much to those that read it and even commented. It really made my day and encouraged me to post again. :)
Anyways, here's the next chapter!
Title: Unexpected Cohabitation
Main Characters: Jonathan Kent and Damian Wayne (some of the others show up too, the list is too long)
Eventual relationship: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne (my fave)
Stuff to know: No capes, reverse robins, high school AU, no smut, no Brucie Wayne, I know nothing about sports but it will show up, (aaand I think that's it, will add more if it comes up)
[In case you missed it Chapter 1 ]
Part 1 - Chapter 2
“I’m home!” Jon called out, taking off his shoes and placing them on the shoe rack next to the entrance. “Welcome home honey!” Lois popped her head out into the hallway from the kitchen, one hand covering the speaker of her cell phone, “Where’s Conner?” “He’s with Bart.” Jon saw his mom nod and resume the call she was on. He walked into the room he shared with Conner, dumping his school bag on the floor next to his desk. Both boys had loft beds with desks underneath to give each a sense of personal space in such a cramped room. Jon changed out of his school uniform into a pair of sweats and an old Cheese Vikings t-shirt. Two warning knocks stopped his from sitting and Lois opened the door. “Want to help me with dinner?” Lois asked. Jon nodded, smiling as he followed Lois into the kitchen. While prepping dinner Lois watched her son from the corner of her eye, laughing to herself at how cute her son was. He hummed and moved his hips to a beat only he knew. A slight blush graced his face and he had a smile he could not hide. “Was today a good day?”” Lois asked, amused. “Yeah.” Jon said without elaborating. “That’s good. You can tell us all about it while we eat.” Jon nodded and thought about how he had seen Jay twice after lunch. He even got to speak with him and sit in front of him in the drawing class they shared. When he had first seen the elective on his schedule he was determined to change it since he wasn’t very interested in sketching. Now, though, he was planning on staying with it. He saw Jay again when he turned in his application to the journalism club, he had even waved at him!
“I’m home!” Called Clark from the entrance, “You’ll never guess who I ran into in the lobby.” “I bet it was an escaped convict.” Said Lois while dividing up the oven baked chicken breasts into four plates. “Nope, it was me!” Conner said, emerging from the hallway already wearing a pair of jersey shorts and a tank. “Close enough.” Laughed Lois, “Help set the table please.” Conner nodded, grabbing some paper towels and utensils, placing them in their rightful places on the table. Clark ruffled Jon’s hair as he passed by turning on the living room television. Their television was old and had a couple of missing pixels on right top corner, but the sound still worked. It’s not like it was in the middle of the screen so Jon’s parents didn’t see the point of replacing it. Jon placed mashed potatoes on each plate next to the roasted carrots his mom had already plated. He could hear some lady drone on about the stock market. “Hon, turn off the TV.” Lois said, placing each plate on the table mats Conner had set. “Seems like Lex Corp. and Wayne Enterprises are going head to head in some bidding war.” Clark said, turning off the television he draped his tie on the back of the couch. He walked to the fridge to grab the pitcher of lemonade that he placed in the center of the round dinning table. Conner was already sitting and sampling the carrots with his fingers. The rest of the family joined him. Jon sat between Lois and conner and Clark sat next to Lois. “You and I know that Bruce is going to place some exorbitant bid just to get under Luthor’s skin and then win it.” Lois said smiling at Clark. “True, it’s one of his charming qualities. Clark said, filling everyone’s cup with lemonade. “Charming, eh?” Lois smirked, “guess you would know.” She smirked teasingly drinking from her cup. Clark bit into a chunk of chicken, winking at his wife. “So, boys, how did the new school year treat you today?” Conner perked up and started regaling his first day of high school. He compared the size of the school to his middle school and how much taller everyone looked. He mentioned that Bart was in his math class. “Oh! I also met this one guy whose super smart.” Conner said excitedly, “Like seriously a genius and he’s in three of my classes. Bart wants to try and form a study group with him.” “That’s a great idea, hun, maybe your grades will be better this year.” Lois teased. “My grades weren’t that bad!” Conner spluttered. Lois patted Conner’s hand and turned to Jon. “You wanted to share something with sweetie?” “Yeah.“ Jon looked up at Lois, turned to look at his two other family members, swallowed his food and cleared his throat. “I’m joining the baseball tryouts next week. The couch remembers who I am.” “That’s great news!” Clark exclaimed, “You’re basically a shoo in.” “That’s what I was thinking too.” Jon nodded, a wide grin spreading on his face, but it quickly turned nervous, “I’m also joining the journalism club.” Lois looked pleasantly surprised while Clark looked confused. Conner’s eyes ping-ponged between all their faces while shoving mashed potatoes into his mouth. “Isn’t it going to be hard juggling both baseball and the school newspaper on top of your normal school studies?” Clark asked. “Dad!”Jon rolled his eyes. “Lot’s of people take more than one club. Plus I didn’t get to take any last year due to my leg…” “Did you ask Coach if it was acceptable?” “Yes, I asked Coach and Mr. Thompson and both said that it shouldn’t be a problem, but that I had to take both commitments seriously.” “A team relies that all members pull their weight but, if you think you think you can do it-” “I think it’s a great idea!” Lois cut in.”Sounds like you’ll have lots of fun this year.” Jon beamed at Lois and Clark relented with a fond sigh.
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petrichoraline · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
i did this some time ago but most answers are gonna be different so let's go!! thank youu, @fangirlmedstudentblog and @markpakin 💞
Three Ships
TinnGun - no surprises here, these two have become everyone's comfort couple so quickly
HiraKiyoi - again, not a shocker in the slightest, they are my insane comfort bfs
DaisyIntouch - in honour of opp's viral moment with The7's Get Loose i can't not mention the most gentle, sweetest couple in SCOY; i wish their arc was handled a bit better, it felt rushed by the end; they're amazing nonetheless
First Ever Ship
let's go with first bl ship (live action) which i beliiieeve is kenji and shiro from kinou nani tabeta? and if it's not them it might be junjae and takuya from the lover
Last Song
Last Movie
i procrastinated on this just so the answer would be worth it (cause i watched a mediocre french movie but mostly didn't pay attention and that didn't sound like a good answer); the movies i saw today instead of the indian movie im procrastinating on seeing:
She's Dating the Gangster (2014) - this philippino movie made me realise that netflix's "true love" category should've been called "heartbreak" but they renamed it so well
the intros and summaries truly suck because i thought i was going into a light "fake dating" romcom with a pair of cute silly teens as the leads! what i got instead was so sad and a tad bit melodramatic that at the end i didn't know how to feel.. i did cry though! i was hanging in there and yet it got me; it's a sweet movie, although it could be overwhelming, and i would recommend it! it's kind of my fave out of the three, i wasn't too sure how it was gonna end too; one really strong point is the sweet twist on the makeover trope that the movie doesn't even use to promote itself, it's kinda naturally in there and it made me so happy
Jumping From High Places (2022) - this italian romantic-but-more-about-self-growth movie about a young woman with anxiety was not technically confusing but it had me bored halfway through (again, the sample video thingy netflix shows had an energy that imo was not there throughout the film, i found it misleading); i'm just happy i picked up on smth that is probably supposed to be a surprising reveal hehe; i wouldn't not recommend it, i feel like it could be relatable and a sweet experience for some
Your Place or Mine (2023) - a typical hollywood movie, what can i say, it's been pushed onto me and i was kinda interested, gonna lie if i say the cast wasn't a part of the reason i caved in (i'm curious bout what kutcher and witherspoon are doing now, yeah);
i think it's kinda bland, it had some good sentiments but at the end i found the female lead too unlikeable and the story kind of stretched out and a bit rushed at the same time (maybe it was actually well paced and a proper length, just not my thing, that's possible. the gray overlay (?) was so depressing though, even her bright and green home felt awfully unwelcoming)
Currently Watching
literally only My School President lol everything else is in either "on-hold", "plan to watch" or "have to catch up on!!"
Currently Reading
oh how i want to say svsss vol.2 but i'm stuck once again, i mostly read long posts and student books, not even manga
Currently Consuming
"too much media at once in theory and not nearly as much in practice" is a valid answer, isn't it lol
Currently Craving
more convos w moots ig
i might be tagging people who have done it or don't like tag games, it's very hard to track these sometimes so sorry 🫶 @hello-n-goodbye @himbodelamain @soundgun @sillsif @jingyanwang @catwalkninja @catboyjosten @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas @chinzhillababy
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nebulanewts · 1 year
But wait,I have more! So I was still thinking about the new Niji album but specifically about how unusual it is for them to be releasing the outfit voting already but NOT the song previews yet - so this had my brain turning a bit and made me think maybe these outfits are hints about what the songs will sound like,basically this is me predicting what they’ll sound like just based on that :] (once again this post will most likely be very long and for that I will say again,I am so sorry I just have a A Lot of thoughts about Nijigaku finally having a new album)
Ayumu - Sound wise it could really go either way,but one thing I do know is that it will be about Yuu. Like the theme is LOVE SONGS,you really think this girl isn’t going to sing about how she’s madly in love with her childhood friend?? In my mind - Spring-Colored Blazer will mean it’s about her love and appreciation for Yuu,Mystery Brown is like “I can’t figure out how my childhood friend feels about me it’s a mysteryyyy” or something and Tri-Color Stripe…idk maybe it’s her confessing to Yuu and wanting to be bold about it that’s all I got for that one
Kasumi - I’ve said this many times already,but Kasumi’s outfits have me the most split on what her song will sound like bc Retro Orange may mean that it’ll be a fun du-wop style retro song maybe about wanting someone to be more bold and say how they feel or smth,but Elegant White might mean it’ll be a regal piano ballad about her pining over a crush…and then all Black Jewelery could mean to me is that Kasumin is in her black swan era which honestly? I’m about it that would be fun,like throw in her twirling / doing some ballet moves and references to Swan Lake and I’d be EXTRA sold
Shizuku - If we’re judging from all of her outfits,it’s very clear that they’re going for a cuter concept for Shizuku which is something that I’ve wanted for a bit - like yes,I love all of her solos so far but this is very refreshing maybe Pink Frill Dress may mean it’ll be a pop song with a few samples from classic piano pieces a la Feel My Rhythm and references to Cinderella,OR Cherry Cherry might mean she will be the one with the retro song…as for Pastel Lolita I have no idea,nothing is coming to mind if they’re feeling funky maybe like denpa?? Probably not cndjdj
Karin - JAZZ JAZZ JAZZ JAZZ JAZZ,it’s all I want from her!! And not like upbeat jazz like maybe Nonfiction or Fashionista,like a slow smooth type of jazz…to me that would suit Karin and Miyutan so well,idk why they haven’t done it already but any of these outfits could fit that concept especially Blue Moon Night and Amethyst Dress
Ai - From what I can tell,we could be seeing a softer sweeter side to Ai compared to her usual sound,which is just H-AI AI’M AI LET’S SMILE TODAY YAYAYAYAY WHOAWHOAWHOAWHOA ALRIIIIGHT (except for Diabolic muiler of course),and that’s great but I think we’ve been long overdue for a slower,softer pop song for Ai and to me Coral One-Piece or Lavender Lace suit that the most (idk about Striped Romance fitting that,it’s nice but it’s BRIGHT in comparison)
Kanata - If we go off of just Black Ribbon,we may be getting kind of a jirai kei sound which…I’m not sure what that is,maybe straying away from her usual lullaby-ish sound and moving close to dream pop?? Is that the same thing again idk what jirai kei music sounds like but Purple Fairy may mean it’ll have a fantasy theme and be more upbeat for her (if that is the case and it wins please give her elf ears or elf ear jewelry trust me on this it would be SO cute) - while Luxury Cardigan…again,idk it’s not my fave mostly bc it’s a little plainer than the other two
Setsuna - POWER BALLAD!! All of Setsuna’s songs are so upbeat and mostly just pop rock,let her sing a slower song for once if she wears School Rock specifically but maybe she’ll get a more pop punk type song w/ Punk Border or Little Devil :0c which would also be fun idk just a different rock style would be fun for her (also this will be Hayamaru’s first recorded solo which has me like 👀👀 extra excited)
Emma - Ok so it could go one of two ways for me,Colorful Stage could mean we’ll get a fun happy pop song from her which would be fine but if Denim Stitch or Fluffy Chiffon win…hear me out we get a folk / country song and honestly?? I’d be okay with either (got the idea from realizing that Denim Stitch kinda looks like a cowgirl outfit and like tell me I’m wrong you can’t dhdhdj)
Rina - Tsunagaru Connect gets close,but I think Neon Cat specifically could fit a hyperpop song or even kawaii bass which would still be in Rina’s range but still different for it to be fun - Motion Girl could fit more of like a synthy bubblegum pop song where she’s like “cheering on” her crush and telling them (…if it were up to me that would be Mia) how she feels maybe?? Lemon Soda could probably fit either concepts
Shioriko - SPOOKY PIANO SONG!! Like,,why would they give her two outfits themed after ghosts / the undead and then not give her a song like that?? Let Shioko have her spooky Halloween-y song bc it would be funny to have everyone else have regular love songs then you get to hers and it’s just like *DRAMATIC ORGAN PLAYING* - Mint Sailor feels weirdly out of place in this case,bc idk if that outfit would fit that specific concept but I’m sure something could work
Mia - …with outfits like hers my first thought was “just give her a High School Musical type song” and that’s all I’ll say on hers fjdjdj
Lanzhu - If we get hyperpop with Rina,we might get some kind of funky kawaii bass with Lanzhu like yes her previous solos are great obviously but with outfits like Vivid Fur,Street Dancer and ESPECIALLY Pinky Gal that’s the vibe I get from them plus it’d be a nice change up for her
(As usual,I’m aware that there’s a large chance I will be wrong and this is just me guessing wildly bc we don’t have song previews yet BUT again we’ll see :0c they’ll likely be good regardless)
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supersabbatical2024 · 2 months
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4/17/24: I am really loving my new French tutor, T'Choupi! I meant to post his(?) pic yesterday, but instead chose to post a mistakenly taken selfie, which was dumb. Anyway, we are still quite jet lagged but my travel partner is awesome at handling this stuff. He suggested we don't go to ANY museums today and instead we ambled around Aix and ate pastry and napped...SO fun!!! We walked around the corner from our place and checked out the "Casino," a local supermarchè and despite its name, there were no slot machines there. We bought 17 different kinds of cheese to sample, French deodorant for each of our kids (long story don't ask), some fresh fruits, and snacky items. Those who know me (and why would you feel obligated to be reading this if you didn't), know that one of my top travel activities is visiting the local grocery. Best way to sample the local fare, or at least the most popular junk food and candy, like the Danette milkshake. On the back of the bottle is their commentary on American “monuments” (icons?) versus those of “l’Hexagone,” which I guess refers to France and the hexagonal shape of this country…has anyone heard that reference before? I had not. In any event, Danette believes that l’Hexagone lacked anything like the “monument Americain Milkshake!” And now they have created it: << le lait secouè >> !! I liked it, but it ain’t no Village Ice Cream’s MCR!!!* (*Midnight Caramel River, Claude’s fave back in Maplewood).
We tried to walk back to the Nespresso store, but wound up going in circles and never found it, even with the google map. Claude began questioning his bat echolocation skills, but I knew it was just around a corner that we were not noticing. I was actually right, and we got back to it later, when we would sip our 4th cup of coffee with a petit square au chocolat mixed in. Buzzzzzzzzzz!
We grabbed a little late brekky from a recommended patisserie—a jambon n mushroom toasty thing, mini quiche, and 2 pain au chocolats. We ate on our back terrace in the shade, and napped on a chaise with our feet sticking out in the sun…☀️ (those minstrel--I mean Mistral--breezes can be chilly!!)
After our rest by our sweet little piscine (thanks T’Choupi!) we got up and out again to forage for more tasty stuff for dinner at home. We had to be back at our pad in the evening for my ONE and only zoom meeting I agreed to attend during our time away. Claude also agreed to attend one meeting—no big deal.
In any event, our second foraging trip led us down the street to a random boulangerie, just to check out the bread situation for tomorrow morning (when Claude will wake up early and prance down the street to retrieve our croissants and sweet treats before I awaken). But why not sample the pastry now as well, and what a delicious whaddyacallit it was. Elephant ear? Starts with a 'P'? Anyone? I can't stop now to figure it out, or I'll never get to bed.* But we shared it as we wandered around some more, and shortly thereafter, we bumped into a charcuterie (which is not hard to do around here). We grabbed some jambon and saussison sec, and across the street, we bought a baguette and a unique looking olive bread that was sort of trying to shape itself like a soft pretzel. All of it was just great, and wonderful to sit and munch at the kitchen counter, drinking rosè while listening to a webinar about the future plans of the NCJW/Essex, the org I have been volunteering with for (has it really been?) 7+ years. Good night!!
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nayeonline · 7 months
Two random questions!!
1. Feelings on 2ne1’s “I Love You”? I think it’s in the vein of love island pop you’ve been talking about!!
2. Favorite song from Somi’s new mini album? I’ve been so happy bc there are some awesome dance songs in the bsides too !!!
I am actually so uneducated on 2nd gen kpop its crazy - like i love snsd, shinee, and f(x) but in terms of literally everyone else i am so clueless, so i loveeee recs for 2nd gen!!
I have actually never heard 'I love you' by 2ne1 before today, but from first impressions, i think its a really cool song. it places a lot of emphasis in the prechoruses and the verses just as much as the chorus, which is very unexpected as a lot of modern kpop songs are quite top heavy in that the chorus is the only attention grabbing part. I really like that, and the melodies are super timeless too. the production is really cool too - ive been thinking a lot about how repetitive the retro trend was a couple years ago, and how everyone just used the weeknd's synth sample pack and called it a day, but this song is honestly more 80s than pretty much anything else ive heard in kpop.
for it being in my dumbass 'love island pop' genre, im not actually sure. I think a lot of the elements are there, like fun but not overcomplicated vocal melodies, repeated lyric motifs, synths with rising tension, but i think the crux of why i dont think its love island pop is because imo its more 80s synthpop than 00s/10s EDM/house. And its funny bc i can see exactly where ive been misleading lol. Somi's 'fast forward' does absolutely have retro influences, but what i think makes it love island pop is the chorus referencing the EDM songs that the USA had stopped doing half a decade ago. I'll deffo do a playlist post and define this genre properly lol
ANYWAY, for what my favourite song on somi's new mini album. I really dont like 'gold gold gold', i just KNOW teddy pulled this one out of the rejected lisa solos hard-drive. Its just so unredeemable? Obviously I love 'fast forward', which is apparently a hot take, but genuinely i cant get enough of this song, there is not a dull moment ITS SO GOOD. 'Fxxked' is honestly quite love island pop too, its a super fun song, it fits somi so well. 'pisces' is like 'sour grapes' 2.0, its enjoyable, but a little bit less exciting in comparison to the other tracks. 'The way' is a through-and-through kpop retro song with a somi edge, its very fun. I still think 'fast forward' is my favourite off of the album, but 'The way' is probably my fave b-side, with 'fxxked' being a close contender.
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sockeye-run · 1 year
I'm still here!!!
If you've noticed my absence I apologize. Things have been wild and crazy for about two weeks now, but have finally started to settle. I look forward to catching up with all my Tumblr faves ❤️ (tldr at the end, sorry it's a novel!)
The tire incident was simple and manageable, thankfully. Just another random, painful expense, and reminder that life is chaotic-neutral and meaningless at best, but possibly chaotic-evil and maliciously masochistic at worst. 🙄
All the stress of the past few weeks or so reminded me that I may have an autoimmune disorder of sorts; it seems any time I experience a high stress load, my body creates extreme inflammation or something, which causes me intense and chronic pain in my muscles, joints, and bones, as well as extreme fatigue. My poor, ever patient and graceful husband reminded me that last year I was prescribed some Celebrex for the very same symptoms, and I should give it a try. It helped almost immediately; I have a telehealth appointment with my PCP today to discuss seeking a specialist's evaluation for this. I'm honestly quite tired of doctors, diagnoses, and medication, but I can't exist successfully in the prior state of pain, so I will do as I must.
We got the new stove installed, finally. The whole process only cost us nearly $2500 from start to finish though lol 😂😭. We had to hire an electrician to wire the correct wire gauge and outlet through the house. We had to hire a plumber to cap off the gas line. We had many delays and miscommunications. But it's finally here! And it's been amazing so far. It's like the electric car of ovens lol: all torque all the time. I've been relishing in simply being able to make myself whatever I want whenever I want. I think I forgot how integral cooking is in my lifestyle until it was no longer accessable. I'm beyond grateful for the ability again. We can also stop spending tons of money on takeout, and can have healthier meals and snacks again, which is a blessing 🙌
Work has been off the rails too lol. It's the busiest time of the year for the bee farm, and it's my first time experiencing it. We're really feeling the pressure, but I think we're all doing our best to make it work. We are simply chronically understaffed and stretched thin. We have a general policy of flexibility; they purposefully cross-train as much as possible so that we can jump back and forth across different responsibilities throughout the day, but there are some fundamental flaws with that. I have noticed a lack of monetary compensation for the added responsibilities and skills, and of course without proper coverage, when someone hops from one need to another, a different hole is created and a new situation can arise. So we're trying to find the balance between what we need as a company, and what the human body and mind are actually capable of lol.
Two weeks ago was supposed to be our first bee pick up of the year. It was pushed to this past weekend due to weather, so we had about 400 orders stacked for one weekend. We sell two types of bees: Italian bees, which we source from California and Florida breeders, and our own specialty, chemical-free bees, which we breed on site. Due to the poor weather (climate change, lets be real), the spring season had yet to kick off, and it was impossible to ship the Italian bees during freezes and floods, as well as initiate the queen breeding process in the cold. So this past weekend our pick up volume doubled.
To make things more interesting lol, we also hosted this year's Texas Mead Festival! It was a fun display of 6 different meaderies from all over the state (including our own meadery, Wildflyer), with samples and gifts and live music and food. All week up to the day of the event, it was down-pouring rain daily. Our farm is mostly grass and gravel. The location for the outdoor festival was now officially Woodstock 1999 lol: a mud pit. But they set up booths and tents nonetheless and we went for it.
On that day, I was meant to run the farm's cafe, and flex between retail/bee pick up as I was needed. They also pinned me with hosting the gourmet honey tastings, and the history tour for the day. Why we allowed these extra events during such a chaotic day is beyond me.
We were busy from hour one. The festival didn't start until noon, and pick ups weren't supposed to start until two, but our owner made the executive decision to start pick ups early since we were technically 'ready', so we were bombarded with already frustrated bee keepers out the gate. Bee folk are strange folk, too; trust me on that. Thankfully I was sequestered in the kitchen for coffee service until noon, when I ran across the yard to host the gourmet tasting. The group was friendly and it went well, but I left right at the start of lunch service, and came back to it in full swing. We were slammed until I had to leave again at two for the history tour, and it was painful to abandon the crew, but I did my due diligence. It was another great group of customers though, and it went well. But when I got back to retail to check in, chaos had broken loose; the shop was overrun with regular weekend customers, day drunk festival goers, and cranky beekeepers. There were only two people at retail trying to do the work of at least four. But I couldn't stay to help, as the cafe had a line out the door and were in the reeds to say the least. We cranked out orders until we literally ran out of everything, and I had to ask the people in line to leave for an hour so we could desperately scramble to prep more ingredients and continue service. People grumbled but I think the mead was playing the part of placater that day lol, and we were barely able to scrape it back together. We stayed open until seven; retail was only open until five. One of the retail gals came and helped us close, because she's an angel and easily my favorite coworker right now lol. We had over-prepped in preparation for the event, and it still took us by surprise, so it was a heavy lesson to learn in the moment. But we survived and probably even thrived; all the customers had positive feedback, and we left for the day feeling satisfied.
Selling delicate livestock has its drawbacks though. We've been fielding calls all week about unsuccessful transport and installation of colonies and queens. I've been playing customer service all week, trying to troubleshoot bee issues and manage replacements and refunds. It's kind of a case by case thing; we're responsible for the bees' wellness up to the point of leaving the property, and the customer must sign a waiver agreeing to such. But accidents can happen despite how seasoned and knowledgeable the beekeeper might be, so we try to be flexible and accommodating if the situation is right. It's been a bit stressful. I've also spent any free time I've had just trying to restock the absolutely obliterated equipment room of all its hive bodies, gear, tools, etc.
I had a nice debrief about the weekend with the owner though, and I think I succinctly communicated the reality of the flex ideology on me and my fellow workers, as well as the needs of the kitchen as an independent entity during big events like this. It was a fruitful talk and I think the next pick-up, this coming Friday and Saturday, will go much more smoothly, and not just because there won't be a festival cherry on top of the chaos pie lol. There will be many more large events at the farm this year, so I think Mead Fest was a harsh but necessary test run.
✨TLDR: It's been trial after tribulation, but I think I'm rounding a corner and coming out better for it.
I'm grateful for everything I've learned, the support of my loving friends, family, and husband, a safe home to come back to every day, a stable job with owners and coworkers whom I think genuinely care, and the general reclamation of my health lol. I'm beyond grateful for the stability and privilege in my life to be able to experience so much struggle at once and somehow bounce right back, possibly even stronger than before.
Thanks for sticking around 💖
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heymacy · 2 years
stoner gallavich hc’s i hear? please, do tell 👀👀
[cracks knuckles] leggo! 🍃🍁💨
(full disclosure i am nowhere near as good at this whole “headcanon” thing as some of my friends are — ya girl is an AU-creating, playlist-building, self-indulgent gif-making disaster but i’ll do my best!! everyone be nice, i’m new here 😅)
for a long time, both of our boys were a couple of “i don’t care what it is as long as i can smoke it” kind of stoners. strain names? forget about it. that shit’s dumb. but since they started their security business, they get a lot of free samples from different dispensaries. now, they can ask for their faves by name and mickey has even started chatting with the budtenders about shit called “terpenes” — which ian thinks is adorable and hilarious 😍
mickey is a sativa guy! he likes the head high and the boost in creativity. i love imagining him getting involved in some artistic endeavor down the line -- drawing? painting? either way, it’s more fun and freeing when he’s stoned 🎨
me 🤝🏻 ian 🤝🏻 bipolar bitches with a penchant for indicas. sativas make us too jittery and paranoid and it’s rarely a good time. ian much prefers smoking late at night, curled up on the couch watching TV. he’ll stretch his legs across mickey’s lap, demolish a giant bowl of moose tracks ice cream, and giggle at whatever show they’ve put on. mickey just sits there with heart eyes because really, how is his husband that adorable? 🥰
their preferred smoking methods are as follows: pre-rolled joint, blunt, bong, fancy ass expensive vaporizer, and then — if they must — a pipe [mickey shudders] 🤧
sandy sent mickey a tiktok once with that sound from family guy where lois is like “peter and i do edibles and go to the aquarium! wooooowwwwww” and mickey thought it was hilarious so he showed it to ian. guess what they did when date night rolled around? 🦑🐠🦀
i have a few others but they’re kinda sad and largely health/trauma/illness related but i’m gonna keep things light & breezy today!! check in with me again when it isn’t a full moon and my emotions aren’t whippin’ around at 90mph 😅
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woundthatswallows · 2 years
weather what are some of your fav perfumes at the moment!!! I am really enjoying figuier noir by houbigant and amber mystique by estée lauder <3
hii ezra!! ooh i haven't heard of figuier noir but i just looked up the notes and that sounds sooo yummy!! looking at the notes on fragrantica and seeing cardamom in the top notes i loveee a good cardamom .. and amber mystique also sounds so fab def adding both to my want-to-smell list<3
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the above have been my go-to's since abt april!
tempo by diptqyue and accord oud have def been the two i've been wearing the most out and about. tempo is a perfect patchouli w just enough other notes for it to have a really lovely, rich earthy complexity to it. and accord oud is another one w a patchouli note to it but has the loveliest bright hint of blackberry making for a super nice fresh sweet note that is a natural fruit sweet and not gormand sweet :) they both have patchouli and cleary sage in them <3 note break down below<33
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and then my current Obsession r two from thin wild mercury, i've talked abt them both before but i will talk abt them abt bc i love them... laurel canyon 1966 + whisky 1969. laurel canyon is another lovely complex patchouli fragrance w ambergris and cannabis among other notes and is sooo lovely and also laurel canyon itself has a very special place in my heart so it just makes the experience of wearing it a very lovely one.. whisky 1969 is a really sexy spicy, ambery+wood fragrance that makes me feel like i can conquer the world in it lmao. actually looking at the note breakdown it + the amber mystique that u mentioned have a good few shared notes! which makes me even more intrigued by amber mystique.
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then for two newer ones, the other sample shown is purple oud by christian dior which i did spray for the first (though technically second) time today but can tell i will become obsessed w her.. in april i was in the christian dior fragrance store in paris and i was between purple oud and the new look 1947 but went w the new look based on the sample i sprayed but i think i got them mixed up bc i did get home in april and realized it smelled way dif than i thought it would and now that i have finally gotten around to spraying the sample of purple oud i was given there... 👀 but tbh i do think it was for the best bc she does smell simillar to things i already have and the new look is a unique powdery floral that i don't have anything like. ok whoops back to purple oud. anyways she is a simple oud but has a bit of saffron and pink pepper that peak out every now and then! i think it'll become a new fave to use when layering bc oud + pink pepper r two of my fave notes so having a very simple smell with just those two will be perfect!
and the other new one is prada candy! i got a sephora sampler w redeemable full size voucher set and chose candy as my full size! it's a caramel-y + musky gourmand w benzion in the base note that makes it so nice and warm but also a bit woody... def going to be my fall/winter go-to gourmand!
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and last but certainlly not least is the most unqiue scent in my collection... cuir mauresque by serge lutens! it's rich and strong and smells like incense and spices and leather with sweetness from resin and orange.. the description from lutens is "an iconic fragrance, an elegant, sophisticated leather tanned on acacia bark," but it is so much more complex than that.. i love this review of it on fragrantica
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and ^ are its notes! a lot going, it's so nice<3
thank you for the ask ezra i had been thinking of making a post like this bc i've been wanting to talk abt my faves atm so u gave me the perfect opportunity 🖤🖤
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booksbydlwhite · 20 days
Bookcast 85: WE'RE BACK!
Welcome to episode 85 of the Bookcast, my platform for sharing short fiction and updates on what I'm reading and writing. I'm DL White, author of contemporary  romantic fiction novels that center Black love and relationships. I'm also a big fan of books, so we usually begin with the book report, then we talk about writing and topics of the day. 
I’m currently editing The Pearl, a Black Diamond romance.
The Bookcast is a production of Books by DL White, written, edited, produced and supported by ME. If you'd love to back me up, I'd be most grateful. The best way to do that is to TALK about the books, but also BUY THE BOOKS! You can always drop a coin in the hat at bookcast.buzzsprout.com.   Booksbydlwhite.com/books has all of the good stuff in eBook or audio.
The only title I have on sale right now is Beach Thing. It’s $2.99 at select outlets like Chirp so if you don’t own it and you didn’t get it at the library and haven’t used your free hours on Spotify Premium…. snatch it up at chirp.  
The Book Report
I have read 74 books of my challenge to read 150 books this year. I am 18 books ahead on my Goodreads challenge. I read 16 books in April, most of them romance but as soon as I finished The Pearl, I dove right into mysteries and thrillers because I try not to read them when I am writing steamy, dramatic, happy and hopeful romance.
So far I have read 12 books in May and I realized that I overextended myself on NetGalley. I had about six books I needed to read and review by their May 21st Pub day. Yikes. Some I might wait for audio but a few are romances, which I blow through very easily so I’m not worried. I do want to talk about what I read this week.
About Last Night by Synithia Williams A Little Bit of Love by Synithia Williams Wanderlust: An Umber Bluffs Story by Té Russ Long Time Gone by Charlie Donlea On Her Watch (Bree Taggert, #8) by Melinda Leigh Sisters with a Side of Greens by Michelle Stimpson Long After We Are Gone by Terah Shelton Harris Waiting for Friday Night (Peachtree Cove Book 2) by Synithia Williams
A Gamble at Sunset by Vanessa Riley
The Medicine Woman of Galveston by Amanda Skenandore
The 7-10 Split by Karmen Lee
A Little Kissing Between Friends by Chencia C. Higgins
My book ended up at just over 76K Words, so she is a big, fine woman. This book is not as long as I used to write— some of my earlier works are over 100K words. I’ve learned to be a smidge more succinct and stop myself from writing a 100K word TOME.
I have the document back from my editor. We complete two full passes, so I have work to do! Once I complete the initial pass, I send it back to her and begin my front/back matter, perfect my back cover copy and make final edits to the cover.
Add this title to your GGoodreads or StoryGraph lists and stay tuned for snips and samples on my blog.
I’ll be back on Saturday, May 25th!
Support this show with a recurring gift at bookcast.buzzsprout.com. Buy books by DL White at https://BooksbyDLWhite.com/books. Buy Merch by DLWhite at https://payhip.com/BooksbyDLWhite/collection/merch Find the Bookcast on booksbydlwhite.com/bookcast or your fave podcast app: Apple Podcasts | Spotify |Overcast | Podlink| Youtube
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rentnhop · 6 months
Offbeat Goa: Exploring the Hinterlands by Bike
Done with the usual beach lounging, club hopping, and watersports offered along Goa’s spectacular coastline? Then it’s time you used a bike on rent in Goa to venture into the magnificent Goan hinterlands beyond mainstream tourist trails for some offbeat discoveries. 
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Believe me, as a travel blogger who has explored hidden pockets across incredible India, coastal Goa is just the shiny surface of the captivating western gem. Once you bike into lush landscapes inland, it opens up awesomeness on many levels from food trails to incredible heritage relics.
So buckle up - I will share my insider tips below on using bike rental in Goa as the key to unlocking magical sites that no packaged bus tour can match! Let’s ride. 
Sensory Overload at Spice Plantations
Omfg the fragrances! That’s what hits you first when you cruise on a bike on rent in Goa past dense spice farms that supply India’s kitchens and gourmet restaurants worldwide. Nutmeg, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla, chili - luscious spices are coloring vibrant green landscapes as far as you can see. Take heritage plantation tours or just hike undiscovered farms on foot to fully soak in the atmosphere. Don’t forget to sample flavor-packed spice-infused teas and meals before you leave. Absolute bliss, I kid you not.
Satisfy Hunger at Rural Poder
Poder is where you can relish authentic Goan homestyle cooking at its flavorful best. These open-air eateries are found in villages across Goa where families serve heirloom recipes packed with pungent masalas, succulent meats, seafood, and my fave - subtle coconut-laced regional delicacies. From crunchy rava-coated prawns to slow-cooked mutton xacuti - the culinary gems found when you have your own Goa bike rental steed are awesome. Don’t forget the feni and local desserts! You haven’t tasted the REAL deal until you motorbike to a rustic poder.
Immerse in Captivating History
Beyond beaches, Goa’s interior landscape lets you dive deep into Portuguese colonial rule like nowhere else when biking to well-preserved relics. We’re talking magnificent cathedrals dating back centuries. Looming seaside ruins of once-grand forts, customs houses, and mansions whispering untold stories. Colorful district headquarters even today, are designed in quintessential Portuguese architectural sensibilities. And so much more lost in time waiting to be uncovered if you have your own ride.
Escape to Pristine Wilderness
Rolling hills, lush forests, meandering rivers, and cascading waterfalls thriving beyond tourist souvenirs and shacks - yes they exist! Goa’s serene natural appeal reveals itself when you saddle up to explore places like Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary or trek through enchanting inland villages where time slows down. Whether riding through dense jungle listening for birdcalls or stopping by a hidden lake great for picnics, bikes help nature lovers find pristine pockets other visitors simply don’t have easy access to.
Pro Tips to Ride Right
Stick to bigger well-marked roads, use GPS navigation apps, and carry toolkits and rain protection - these basic precautions go a long way to ensure smooth bike on rent in Goa journeys inland. Respect religious sites, keep valuables secure, and focus on the incredible glimpses into local lifestyles that open up all around to frame lifelong memories.
Honestly, I can just keep gushing for hours why renting bikes with comrades tops any other mode to uncover charismatic facets of inland Goa tourist brochures don’t highlight. But you get the drift! Whether seeking magic in nature’s lap or chasing food trails through tiny villages, a bike on rent in Goa enables accessing the most authentic local experiences.
So tell those tour bus operators bye - it’s time to embark on your biking adventure across the other side of delightful Goa. Let the reliable wheels you rent, not lonely planet guidebooks, determine the special memories you craft during your tropical getaway.
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A Weekend of Unexpected Happenings - Supanova Round Up
And Supanova is over. Here’s what happened.
Thursday night: Cracked tooth, and one quarter of my molar is gone!
Friday: emergency dentist appointment, bogged up tooth, and bump in for Adelaide Supanova event.
Day one Supanova:
Saturday was quiet, possibly due to the Christmas Pagent and a Viking Festival being scheduled on the same day. We muddled through. A few of my readers popped by to say hello; it was great to have chats.
Random Acts of Kindness:
When checking out the creators in Artist Alley, I found someone selling those fuzzy worms on a string as earings. It brought back some fun childhood memories. Then, unexpectedly, they handed me a purple one (sans earring) as a gift.
Later in the day (after a particularly slow patch) a complete stranger (now known as Rebecca) said hello, showed me a teal, baby octopus she had made as her very first crochet project. When I handed it back, she said it was also a gift. It’s so cute. And in my second fave colour! I safety-pinned it to my waistcoat. She later came back to say hi again (and saw I was wearing it). Good vibes all round!
Day Two
Sunday started out well… There was a lineup to get into the parking lot, promising a larger crowd today. I remembered to post my ‘walkthrough’ video – from the front door to my table in Artist Alley.
Then… Dearheart wasn’t feeling well.
He went for a walk to clear his head. Fifteen minutes later, he still hadn’t returned. Fellow author, Chris, checked the male toilets to make sure he was okay. He wasn’t there. I phoned him; he was in the Showgrounds First Aid getting checked out by the Ambos (Ambulance paramedics for the non-Aussies) on duty.
Half an hour later, I phoned again. He wasn’t coming back. The Ambos had told him to go home. Not long after, one of them came to my table to confirm their recommendation Dearheart should go home, and make sure someone would be there (as I couldn’t drive til the evening as I’d had migraine medication).
Then came the flurry of phone calls and messages, and realising just how many of my friends don’t drive! Fortunately, our friend Cheryl could pick him up. (Many thanks)
I tried to avoid panic attacks for the rest of the day. I had to quickly master the Square payment tech (thank you to a local artist Christie for helping out there), try to work out how to do pull down and pack up everything at the end of the day. (Dearheart usually does the bulk of it at the end of events as I’m usually borderline-migraine, out of spoons, and in pain.)
Again, the indie community came to the rescue. Matthew (fellow author, from Stonetable) helped lug things to and from the car, Christie and Kylie (regular fellow con-creators) helped with removing signs and packing (and kept me from falling in a heap), Chris (fellow author) and Daniel (author on other side of me, whom I’d never met before) helped wrangle posters and packing. I’m blown away at their generousity. Just that morning (before all the drama) Chris and I had been talking about how friendly and supportive the indie author community was. This proved it. Again.
Thank you all.
Post-Con Update
I’m exhausted and in pain, but glad to be home and glad Dearheart is improving. I’m still feeling fine. It seems likely it was food poisoning (we think we know what caused it – a ‘cookie’ sample that was undercooked, and have been told there were other negative comments about them). It was also the only thing I didn’t eat as well.
Con-wise, this was the slowest event I’ve ever attended. Usually Supanova is one of my busiest. I have more books left than anticipated. Thankfully, I sold out of my crochet bees.
It appears most of the creators in the Artist Alley felt the same way. At least I have two mini events next month.
I’m crossing my fingers I’ll sell out by then.
Note: (This post will be posted – in part – on my website blog later)
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frannyflaneur · 1 year
23 June 2023
With another day comes another opportunity to explore somewhere new-- today’s choice was Notting Hill. Just as expected from one of my fave rom-coms of the same name, Notting Hill was was a quiet, quaint, and almost suburban little town just west of the study center. Similar to Brick Lane, the streets were filled with small vintage shops, book stores, and local cafes; however, unlike Brick Lane, these places seemed to fit the space in which they resided. Were there pieces just as expensive in the vintage shops I found before? Absolutely. Did I pick up a first edition copy of Winnie the Pooh that cost 2,500 pounds? You bet I did. But in the context of squeaky clean streets and white and blue townhouses (and the Teslas, BMWs, and Mercedes-es parked in front of them) I wasn’t necessarily surprised. From what I was able to explore, Notting Hill felt almost untouched by gentrification, rather, that it had been an upper class space all along. However, there were definitely some aspects to the town that we have mentioned in class, such as the church-turned-sample-sale-space we came across. Dozens of designer brands jammed into a holy space for locals and tourists alike to browse and shop (by shop, I mean spend at least 100 pounds)— thus, an example of a mixed-use space in this quaint town.
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thworrrp · 2 years
You have genuinely some of the best tags on all of your posts, especially the days you comment on everything
You do also seem to be going thru it on occasion though hope you’re well
Also what perfume do you have I’m curious
SCREAM tysm omg
i'm always going through it bestie :) no rly i'm fine lmao ty for ur message and concern <3
i have a couple that i rotate. my wfh days where i don't leave the house has recently been alt's dupe of ysl's black opium, which i know gets a lot of flack and i do get why. but it works really well w my skin chemistry and the longer it sits on me the better it smells. also it's cheap since it's the alt dupe so i don't feel bad spraying it just to sit at home haha. today i had to go into the office and i wore maison margiela's lazy sunday morning, which is a nice, clean day fragrance. i have a couple other sample sizes of MM fragrances that are good too - under the lemon tree and bubble bath are among my faves from that brand as well. my FAVORITE right now is layering juliette has a gun's vanilla vibes with alt's dupe of TF's tabacco vanille. that pairing is SO GOOD imo. from JHAG, i also LOVE pear, inc. i love perfume sm it's just a really expensive hobby haha. that's why i gotta turn to alt fragrances or the sample kits from brands, until i save up some money to splurge.
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