#a lot of rambling
hattytheyee · 2 years
I have so much, SO MUCH 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 after watching tua season 3
The amount of tears I cried for Klaus alone would be enough to drown myself in AND FOR WHAT?? nothing, nada, rien, niente
Just *incoherent screaming*
Ben. BEN. just. I want our benorino back. Please. PLEASE. gimme my emotional support ghost back.
Also Allison. I was kinda mad at her. But you know what. You go girlie. Girlboss. Girlkill.
On a happy note, I love how accepting everyone was towards Viktor. Makes my little queer soul happy. I'm not particularly fond of his hairstyle, the fringe is a little eh, but what do I know. Whatever makes him happy you know.
Very happy for Luther. Then very sad. Then VERY SAD. THEN CRYING TEARS OF BLOOD KINDA SAD.
happy for lila and diego though.
Also bring Stanley back, he reminds me so much of my little brother. And of course he's alive and fine. Waiting for lila and diego to sign the adoption papers. Mmhmm no I'm not in denial.
Anyway folks can't wait to read everyone's take and fics.
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cadaverkeys · 5 months
You guys rlly don't realise how much knowledge is still not committed to the internet. I find books all the time with stuff that is impossible to find through a search engine- most people do not put their magnum opus research online for free and the more niche a skill is the less likely you are to have people who will leak those books online. (Nevermind all the books written prior to the internet that have knowledge that is not considered "relevant" enough to digitise).
Whenever people say that we r growing up with all the world's knowledge at our fingertips...it's not necessarily true. Is the amount of knowledge online potentially infinite? Yes. Is it all knowledge? No. You will be surprised at the niche things you can discover at a local archive or library.
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exoflash · 5 months
a concerning amount of witchblr will be like "um actually new years was stolen by europeans from the ancient god scroobus mcdoobus" and then you actually try to research scroobus mcdoobus and it turns out he was invented in the 1940s by a conspiracy theorist who powdered every meal with ketamine and thinks that queer people are reincarnated fish
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humming-fly · 1 year
Every now and then I'm reminded Real People with Actual Jobs use tumblr and I've always been legitimately curious what all you weird adults are up to when you're not on this site and with tumblr's New Poll Feature I can finally get an answer! (or the closest approximation of an answer possible with only 10 available options h a)
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bloggingboutburgers · 11 months
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Quick reminder since apparently it bears reminding in both directions: if bigoted people, closed-minded people overall, or your own internalized insecurities misinterpret a queer person’s message in a way that hurts/endangers you, yeah, it sucks, but it’s not the fault of the queer person in question, nor should it be a reason for them to silence themselves. They’re probably as hurt/pissed as you are that someone misinterpreted and misused their message to do harm.
Of course sadly there’ll still be queer people that actually DO mean harm and dismissal to other queer people – I ain’t speaking for those and it’s not the best way to ensure their and others’ wellbeing imo. I’m just saying – not all people will be like that. That’s what I want to believe. So hopefully let’s not put everyone in the same bag, keep supporting each other, WHILE allowing each other to advocate for our own visibility, without having to self-erase or self-censor to accomodate to what haters might say.
It’ll be tougher this way, maybe, because humans seem to like to draw extreme conclusions very quick, but I don’t believe there’s any better way for us all to be alright and stay alright on the long run.
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tariah23 · 1 month
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unforth · 10 months
Gentle reminder that very little fandom labor is automated, because I think people forget that a lot.
That blog with a tagging system you love? A person curates those tags by hand.
That rec blog with a great organization scheme and pretty graphics? Someone designed and implemented that organization scheme and made those graphics.
That network that posts a cool variety of stuff? People track down all that variety and queue it by hand, and other people made all the individual pieces.
That post with umpteen links to helpful resources, and information about them? Someone gathered those links, researched the sources, wrote up the information about them.
That graphic about fandom statistics? Someone compiled those statistics, analyzed them, organized them, figured out a useful way to convey the information to others, and made the post.
That event that you think looks neat? Someone wrote the rules, created the blogs and Discords, designed the graphics, did their best to promo the event so it'd succeed.
None of this was done automatically. None of it just appears whole out of the internet ether.
I think everyone realizes that fic writing and fanart creation are work, and at least some folks have got it through their heads that gif creation and graphics and moodboards take effort, and meta is usually respected for the effort that goes into it, at least as far as I've seen, but I feel like a lot of people don't really get how much labor goes into curation, too.
If people are creating resources, curating content, organizing the creations of others, gathering information, and doing other fandom activities that aren't necessarily the direct action of creation, they're doing a lot of fandom labor, and it's often largely unrecognized.
Celebrate fan work!
To folks doing this kind of labor: I see you, and I thank you. You are the backbones of our fandoms and I love you.
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halemerry · 5 months
Hey everyone what's your favorite mug look like?
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oobbbear · 5 months
Please understand that when I say I grab you, I don’t mean grabbing your face or arm thats rude and creepy please don’t do that to anyone
When I say I grab you I’m saying it like I’m grabbing you like a potato. It’s my way of saying hey I appreciate and respect you let’s be friends
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railraptor · 8 months
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Well V V's Dream looked like something special in the Pocahontas.....pretty sure she's the first stakes winner for her sire Mitole, too. One to look forward to although I wonder if the two turns in the Breeders' Cup (wooo jumping the gun a bit lol) might not be her thing.
But with the Oaks I'm sure they'll try at least once or twice. Mitole won at a mile so he wasn't STRICTLY a sprinter...and his sire Eskendereya was by Giant's Causeway, and didn't look like he had much distance limitation when he cantered away with the Wood way back when (ahhhh I'm still sad that he injured himself, who knows what he could've accomplished lol).
And she's out of a Tapit mare, so....how many Belmont winners has he sired? And Arcangelo is out of a Tapit mare? So.....I think the Juvenile Fillies might still be in her scope, actually.
Fine then. Talked myself into it.
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the-phantom-peach · 3 months
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skyward sword… yeah <3
Crimson Loftwing
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
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bonetrousledbones · 4 months
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IM GOING TO THROW UP !!!!!!!!!!!
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fox-guardian · 20 days
I've seen a few "Tim and Alice would be besties" posts and I love it so much cuz like. Tim's sense of humor canonically is mostly pop culture references to movies and stuff, there's no real indication that he's particularly online. Meanwhile Alice speaks like she's been Very active on tumblr for longer than she's been at OIAR CONSTANTLY, she just says the strangest shit all the time. So I just keep imagining a conversation between Tim and Alice constantly having to stop because Tim keeps cracking up unable to breathe over the Shit Alice Keeps Saying and he's never heard any of that kind of shit before, especially not with such a casual, nonchalant delivery. And Alice is laughing because its hilarious how offline Tim is. Hearing the phrase "none pizza with left beef" would incapacitate him.
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violetsandshrikes · 20 days
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this poor woman ended up in hospital because she ate cayenne + cinnamon coated orange (unpeeled) because there’s a health and wellness influencer with millions of views who recommends it for digestion - she burned her oesophagus
i always saw a few really good other additions of similar things on the comments
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please be so, so careful taking advice from these people online, as many of them are not formally trained or educated, brand ambassadors, deep in pseudoscientific rabbit holes and unfortunately, there are many out there who struggle with disordered eating habits
(not mentioned here but another one worth noting: i have personally known people who have burned their oesophagus with viral apple cider vinegar shots and drinks. don’t do that. a burned oesophagus is not fun)
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inafallsaway · 6 months
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Drawing time!
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aethersea · 1 year
honestly it was a red flag when bbc sherlock went “well obviously the word written in blood isn’t the german word for revenge, it’s clearly the beginning of the name ‘rachel’, what absolute idiot would fail to see that” when in the original novel it is, in fact, the german word for revenge, which sherlock points out gleefully to a roomful of policemen who all figure it’s the beginning of the name ‘rachel.’
and by red flag I mean it was a clear sign that the adaptation was trying to one-up the source material, instead of engaging with it with love.
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