#a beautiful multi faceted father/daughter relationship
philippageorgiou · 2 years
You didn't miss the hype for Reboot because it's CRIMINALLY under talked about. Easily one of the funniest new shows to come out recently. Thank you for posting about it!!! It literally has so much that this website loves but goes ignored, it's fanbase should be way bigger
EXACTLY THANK YOU it's so great. at face value it seems so light and silly but i was genuinely really amazed by how emotionally layered and warm and uncynical it is. and judy greer and keegan michael key and johnny knoxville have such good chemistry!!! i desperately need hulu to renew it and more people to watch it
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amandamazzillo · 2 years
REVIEW: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4 - Episodes 1 & 2: Charming and Fun Journey into 1960
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The first two episodes of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, premiered Friday February 18th on Amazon Prime, which changed how the series was released during its previous seasons. This weekly format allows for more audience reflection and conversation, rather than worrying how much we can say if we binge a show in one night. These episodes start the season off well with memorable performances, charming comedic moments, and stellar production and costume design highlighting 1960.
Episode One 'Rumble on the Wonder Wheel' was written and directed by Amy Sherman-Palladino & Episode Two 'Billy Jones and the Orgy Lamps' was written and directed by Daniel Palladino.
These first two episodes start right where season three ended. Miriam ‘Midge’ Maisel (Rachel Bronsnahan) was fired from Shy Baldwin’s tour after telling jokes referencing his sexuality, something he kept hidden from his fans.
These episodes explore Midge’s journey after losing her job, but at times, it feels the gravity of what she did is played down. Midge in-effect outed someone who was not ready for that part of their life to be public knowledge, and Midge knew this.
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel does a great job of balancing its comedy and drama, building comedic moments outside of the stand-up, while allowing for emotional insights and introspection to happen on stage. I have always looked at The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel as a show about comedy more so than as a comedy. But when the series explores its comedic roots more fully, I am always drawn in and delighted.
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I especially love the moments with Susie (Alex Borstein) throughout the series. Alex Borstein’s comedic timing and delivery is always wonderful and on-point. She does a wonderful job helping give this show its comedic heart, while exploring the depths of her character especially within her relationship with Midge. Within these first two episodes, we pick up Susie’s season three story. I enjoy how her debts seem tidy and wrapped up within these episodes, but we can expect there will be some twists and turns as the season unfolds.
Susie goes to Joel for help, and seeing their characters together was delightful and exciting. Even though this is a more dramatic plot-line within these episodes, the writing and performances bring the comedic aspects to the forefront, making for especially memorable moments. Alex Borstein and Michael Zegen play off each other well in these moments, highlighting the animosity between their characters with the potential for something of a truce.
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One storyline that stands out in this season so far is Miriam’s father Abe Weissman’s (Tony Shalhoub) decision to follow his dreams as a writer, even though the pay for the amount of work he does per week is much less than he anticipated. The moment where Miriam and her father bond over their artistic dreams is especially poignant and beautiful. That moment made me excited to see where the season takes this story and the change it brings in this father-daughter relationship.
One aspect of the episodes that didn’t sit too well with me comes from the idea of Midge viewing herself as being fired for making a joke, and commenting on how that is her job. Isn’t it more meaningful to show Midge getting treated this way for speaking her mind and saying something people in the 50s/60s aren’t ready to hear a woman say instead of for telling jokes at the expense of someone else, especially someone who shared his secret with her?
The episodes handle this fairly well, and don’t go over this point too many times. Yes, Midge feels that she was fired for ‘doing her job’ as a comedian, but there are hints in the dialogue and reactions to her that understand this isn’t as simple as she sees it. She is written and beautifully portrayed by Rachel Brosnahan as a nuanced, multi-faceted character reacting to her own misfortune without spending the entire premiere blaming others. She takes charge of her situation, maybe in impulsive and expensive ways, but that adds to the charm.
The comedy in these episodes stands out especially well, and it mostly comes from Midge’s daily life rather than what she says on stage. The idea that Midge’s family changed Ethan’s birthday to better fit their schedules is hilarious, but what makes it even better is how little he seems to be fazed by it.
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There is a fun surreality to this idea and the frantic energy of Midge running to talk to her family about being fired when they are celebrating a fake birthday. And this culminating in an argument on the Wonder Wheel is the icing on this already charming and amusing cake.
Within these premiere episodes, we also are given more of Joel’s relationship with Mei Lin (Stephanie Hsu), which was one of the most interesting aspects of season three. I enjoyed seeing moments of the pair together, exploring their love while also adding more drama to Joel’s journey to successfully run a nightclub in Chinatown.
As always, the performances in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel are remarkably strong and connected to the show’s setting and time period. Rachel Brosnahan is always captivating and charming as Midge Maisel. I especially loved the shifts between Midge when she is first fired and ripping her clothes off in the street—trying to remove any memory of the night from her sight—and when she is chipper and peppy, putting on the persona of the happy housewife as she charms all the local businesses in her town to expand her tabs.
Brosnahan captures the time period so well, perfectly balancing the still-present paradigms of the 1950s life she wants to leave behind with her feminist ideals and chance to challenge the status quo in life and in comedy.
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This season is set in 1960 and highlights the connections between the 1950s and early 1960s, while also showcasing the shifts, especially in subcultures. This is especially present in the difference between Abe’s old life and the new co-workers and friends he is making. Tony Shalhoub does excellent work showcasing the uniqueness of his character, always feeling like he doesn’t fit in, and finally finding his place. He finally feels comfortable in his life, suggesting that the changes the 1960s will bring allow him to finally be himself.
These first two episodes of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel offer a nice focus across different characters, not focusing too much on any one person or one storyline. Watching these first two episodes of season four brings me back to my adoration for the series and has me excitedly awaiting the next episodes.
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Obscure Gods: Aristaios/Aristaeus
God of shepherds, cheesemongers, beekeepers, honey, mead, olive farming and milling, herbalism, hunting, and the Etesian winds. His name derives from aristos, ‘most excellent’.
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For the ancient world, Aristaios was anything but obscure, and yet, we rarely hear about him today. We are wealthy with stories of Aristaios, who serves largely as a herdsman-hero associated with nymphs and Gods alike.
The son of Apollo and Kyrene, or else, Ouranos and Ge. Though sometimes Karystos is his father. He is the father of Aktaion, Makris, Nysa, or Kharmos and Kallikarpos. Rarely, He is Hekate’s father.
It is said that Apollo saw Kyrene, the grand-daughter of the River Peneus, wrestling a lion, and pursued her affections from that moment. He took her to Libya, where He built her a city in her honor. From their union, Aristaios was born, and Apollo gave him to the care of the Nymphs. It was there that the multi-faceted God learned his many skills.
In Boeotia, He married Autonoe, daughter of Kadmos. His son was Aktaion, that famous hunter who spied on Artemis in Her bath and was torn apart by his own hounds. In His grief, He consulted an oracle dedicated to Apollo, and was told to move to Keos. The Greeks were suffering from a plague at the time, but at Keos, Aristaios made a sacrifice which summoned the Etesian winds relieving the people of the plague and the summer heat. From that time forward, He travelled to many places and had many adventures. Some places, He taught agriculture, while in others, he imparted his skills with animals, or with bees. In His time with Dionysos, He was initiated in the Mysteries.
Pausanias described his story as one of apotheosis, much as the Hero Herakles.
For the Greeks, He is a benefactor for all mankind, and prominent in the rustic cults. As a God-Hero in Thessaly, He was born in Libya, and raised by either the Horai and Gaia, or by Cheiron and the Muses. Euboians held that he was raised by Nymphs on Keos, and lives in a cave on a mountain in Euboia near Karystos. In both cases, He is given a wide range of skills. Some stories hold that he taught Dionysos, while in others, he raised the God of Life from infancy with the help of the Melissae. Vergil made a story that Aristaios tried to rape Eurydike, which led to the journey of Orpheus to the underworld, but it might be an invention by the Roman author. Setting aside Vergil’s addition, Aristaios never enters a sexual relationship with the Nymphs, despite His definite identification with both Zeus and Apollo whose exploits in that arena are well documented.
There are some questions as to whether the various stories of Aristaios apply to the same God, or if there are multiple figures bearing the same name and similar attributes. Though he is a Titan, he evaded being laid low during the Gigantomachy. As Zeus Aristaios, He brings soothing winds in the worst heat of summer. Because of this, He is sometimes also called Zeus Ikmaios, Zeus of Rain.
It was Pherecydes who said that Aristaios is the father of Hekate. He is the only one to do so, but I can understand some synergy in the relationship. Hesiod describes Hekate as having a role in the herds, and Her powers over medicinal plants as well as Her potential as a Mistress of Animals are often referenced throughout the ages. These traits are closely related to Aristaios’ own purview.
Hail to Aristaios, whose gifts to mankind enrich us all, You who taught us the way of the bee, Of farm, and of field. Raised by beautiful nymphs, Son of Apollon, And taught by wise Cheiron in the ways of the world. All of us owe you gratitude for the gifts you have shared so freely, In your honor do we lift up this praise, And lay forth these offerings, For without you, none of these would be.
Fontenrose, Joseph Eddy. Orion: The Myth of the Hunter and the Huntress, Univ. California, 1981.
Fowler, Robert L. Early Greek Mythography: Vol. 2: Commentary, Oxford, 2000.
Larson, Jennifer. Greek Nymphs: Myth, Cult, Lore, Oxford, 2001.
Bertin, Claude, “Aristaeus,” 1694, marble, now in the Louvre. Via wikicommons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Arist%C3%A9e_Bertin_Louvre_noir.jpg
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kim-lexie · 3 years
january rewind: 2021.
here’s to a new year, and hopefully a more timely me. i thoroughly enjoy looking back at my favorites from each month, and i hope to be able to commit to writing and rewinding my month well in the future. i hope you enjoy this journey with me, here is to january 2021. 
junny. this man. i started listening to him last month, and have since dove head first into his discography. 10 out of 10 would recommend. and this man is a blessing and releases so many piano ballad versions which are incredible, and his solid vocals make you weep. ‘by my side’ incredible and stunning. ‘movie’ still a bop. and ‘thank you’ a blessing.
seventeen. i had the immense pleasure of attending their online concert ‘in-complete’ this month at the early hour of 3 am. and of course, leading up to the event i needed to listen to their entire discography, which has to many gems to name. it was a great time, being able to chat and see everyone reacting to the incredible stages our boys brought to life. it was the first online concert i attended and it was so much fun. i loved it and am thankful that it was seventeen, my OG boys. 
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‘first love’ by NCT127. my boys never disappoint. our boys are back for 127 day, and i couldn’t be prouder of our multilingual kings. their vocals SLAY. i am expectant for their upcoming japanese comeback. and can we take a moment to appreciate their visuals on the cover art, like thank you irregular/regular era for originally bringing these looks, but thank you to this comeback because dang!
‘easy to love’ by key. an incredible track from a random station on apple music, and it is a VIBE. i love it and am disappointed i only just discovered this track. key’s vocals are no joke, and i love screaming these lyrics driving on the highway. 
‘a song easily written’ by oneus. y’all another blessing from this random station. this vibe and beat is everything, it’s a mix of island and edm. 10 out of 10 would recommend. and their vocals incredible. i love their harmonies, and the visuals in the music video INCREDIBLE. 
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ost. my monthly playlist was accompanied by many ost tracks from the great dramas of this month including ‘true beauty’, ‘run on’ and ’18 again’. i love ost tracks, and the incredible emotions that come with them. i loved the fun cover that yuju brought to ‘i’m in the mood for dancing’. ‘hello’ by sohyang makes me want to weep. and ‘sorry’ by 2F, my goodness i cannot put into words how much i love this song and their vocals, i need more music from this duo! 
‘to you my light’ (feat lee raon) by maktub. this one was thanks to our main man seojun from ‘true beauty’. i wish they released hwang inyeop’s version as an ost, but you cannot always get what you want (but i am expectant for his ost to come very soon!!!) nevertheless, this track is beautiful and the lyrics make me want to cry. 
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dramas & movies *spoilers alert*
private lives. honestly this one took a while for me to get into and then finish. i had major difficultly jumping into this one, and then finishing it was hard because the plot lost me a bit at the end. the characters were interesting and i have not really watched a drama of this mystery action nature. but i loved the actors that portrayed these multi facetted characters, like seriously i have no idea how they played this characters. there was so much plot and character development. it follows the story of a con man’s daughter, joo-eun. she wants to con people so that she can get back at the lady who conned her father when she was younger. in the series of events, she plays a character  and becomes involved with jeong-hwan, who surprise is also a fellow con-man (of course she doesn’t know at the time, they just lie and lie). it all becomes a tangled mess, and he disappears and appears to have died *gasp* and then he is alive *gasp agian*. and it just all is tangled and lots of crazy drama. she ends up working with the lady that conned her family years ago to get the ultimate bad man. and everyone teams up to take down the big conglomerate bad guys. i am thankful that i finished it. but the ending was lack luster for me, i don’t know what i wanted but what i got wasn’t it. i love gyung-pyo which is probably why i really wanted to finish it. i would rate it a 7 out of 10. 
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18 again. jtbc never freaking disappoints in the drama department. i cannot believe it took me this long to watch this drama. it is absolutely incredible. up there in the top drama category. this may have it’s own upcoming post because there were too many aspects that i loved and need to relive and reflect. first and foremost, i must be honest i love hwang in-yeop. 10 out of 10 was the reason in needed to watch it, because i kept seeing his scenes rounding on instagram. and then of course our lee do-hyun is great, and has been fabulous in everything i’ve seen (hello, ‘hotel del luna’). so it was not hard to convince me to start it, and then of course i was drawn in completely by the storyline, the characters, the cinematography. my goodness i love what they did from the basic storyline from ’17 again’. like my goodness it was stunning and an incredible way to draw from one story and create a beautiful new story with more depth. i would 100 out of 10 recommend this incredible one. and it will definitely have it’s own post, as this is just the tip of the iceberg. 
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live on. this was an interesting short drama. i watched mainly because our boys TXT were on the ost. and i was like yeah a nice high school drama, cute and refreshing let’s watch. it was nice, but like weird though. like our supposed protagonist, baek ho-rang, was interesting to say the least. like she thought it was better to be thought of as a bully than to be seen as a victim. i don’t quite get the logic and neither did those around her, but whatever. like she fell into this weird story that the bully hee-soo formulated and it was wack to say the least. ho-rang was cute with her friends and her relationship with eun-taek was cute. but like when all this went down, and her leaving her friends, weird. it took a minute to finish this one (but i think that was mainly because it took the subbers a while to finish for some reason on viki). must say i loved yoo-shin’s character and would have loved to see more of him and so-hyun. i guess i would rate this a 6 out of 10. 
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february 2021 rewind is already going to be stellar with such incredible dramas coming to and end, i am not ready...’true beauty’, ‘run on’, ‘mr queen’, etc.
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atruththatyoudeny · 7 years
Monthly Reads | September 2017
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Don't Want Shelter
by FullOnLarrie | hate to love | enemies to lovers | friends with benefits | fake/pretend relationship | 76k Louis and Harry have known each other all their lives. Friends as children, they danced around each other as teenagers, and have spent the last twenty-five years either screaming at each other or not speaking at all. Except for that one time ten years ago… When Hurricane Nicole threatens the coast, they end up stuck together in their families' old vacation home that they begrudgingly co-own. During the storm, and in the months after, they’re both forced to reevaluate their history and what they mean to each other. 
Made in the A.M. Fic Fest
1. Hey Angel: A Few Very Good Mistakes by louisandthealien |  2. Drag Me Down: Outed by MileHighLarry |  3. Perfect by sweariwouldnt | 4. Infinity: The World Still Turns by hrrytomlinson | 5. End of the Day: Just you, Me, and the Moon by InkedwithLove | 6. If I Could Fly: For Your Eyes Only by BriaMaria | 7. Long Way Down: Finding Us in Our Atmosphere by asphodelknox | 8. Never Enough: I’ll Be Your Love Tonight by dinosaursmate |  9. Olivia by haloeverlasting | 10. What a Feeling: Baby I’m Right Here by FallingLikeThis | 11. Love You Goodbye: One Last Time  by dimpled_halo | 12. I Want to Write You a Song by phdmama | 13. History: Things Gone Cold by MediaWhore | 14. Temporary Fix: Let Me Touch You Where Your Heart Aches by rosegoldhl | 15. Walking in the Wind: Anytime You’re Needing Me by Larrymama15 | 16. Wolves: When the Wolves Come Out by Awriterwrites | 17. A.M.: (This Could Be Forever) Right Now by lululawrence I decided to put all of the stories in one post because all of them are so so wonderful and truly reflect a beautiful side of each song on MITAM. You really want to read them all!
Eyes Turned Skyward
by elizamackenzie for HL Summer Exchange 2017 | 17k “I’ve lived most of my life here,” Louis says after a moment, gazing out at the last spectacular rays of sunlight, “And yet still, when I see this,” he lets out a small breath, Harry turning to look at him as he shakes his head, “It all looks too perfect to be real.” Harry looks at the line of Louis’ jaw, seeing the way it tightens as Louis stares out over the landscape. And Harry suddenly wonders what this place might mean to him. How different the city must feel to him than it does to Harry. How this city, that has been alive for more than a thousand years, full of its enchantments and majesty, to Louis, is just home. Or the one where Louis is Harry's charming airbnb host and Italy is the best place for romance
(And Things Will Be) Hard At Times
by lululawrence for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange | mpreg | panick attacks | 34k Louis and Nathan had been talking about marriage and kids and a family for years now, but it had never felt right. If anything, the talking about it had petered out over the past while because they were busy living the lives they had settled into. It wasn’t that they didn’t think they’d ever have kids, just that they weren’t to a point where they were ready for it yet. Well. Ready or not, it was happening. Or the one where Louis and his boyfriend of five years unexpectedly find themselves pregnant and Harry is the paternity photographer that makes everyone think twice.
Turning Page
by purpledaisy for HL Summer Exchange 2017 | famous/non-famous | enemies to friends to lovers | 67k “What’s your name?” “Harry.” He draws the word out slowly, hesitantly - like he’s not sure about it. The guy knots his hands behind his back. “Harry Twist.” “Right,” Niall says, eyes lingering suspiciously on Harry before looking back to Louis. “You wanna buy Harry a drink?” Louis lets his eyes drip back to Harry, to his wide eyes and the way his shoulders curve down. He really is pretty – Louis will be the first one to admit it and the last one to ever say it out loud. Louis almost smirks and his lips twitch as he tilts his head, “Not particularly, no.” - AU: Harry Styles tries to get lost in a place he’s never been. Louis Tomlinson has been perfecting the art of being lost for years. What they don’t expect to find is each other.
I'm Having Your Baby
by MADZJACOBS for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange | mpreg | infidelity | eating disorders | 61k Five years after One Direction took a hiatus, Harry Styles' personal life is a mess. The multi-faceted entertainer's marriage has fallen apart and he can't put his heart on the line again knowing it will just get broken. So he puts his successful career on hold to become a father. He has always wanted children and maybe having a child of his own will take away some of the loneliness and heartbreak. He really believes that. That is until he walks into the clinic to meet the surrogate who is already eight weeks pregnant with his child. A surrogate with his own past to deal with; one they both need to finally face.
Ever Fixed
by delsicle for  HL Fic Fest (2017) | magical realism | divorce | angst | child death | 41k Three years ago, Harry was happily married, successfully heading the largest technology company in the world, and raising his young daughter. After he loses nearly everything in the aftermath of his daughter’s lost battle with a rare brain tumor, it may take three strange and yet very familiar visitors – and a man from the therapy group Harry keeps refusing to go to – to get him back on track.
The People's Playground
by musketrois | historical | gambling | 17k It is 1900 in New York City, and Harry Styles has recently immigrated to America from England. His sister encourages him to take a day off from his life as a factory worker and Harry decides to take a trip to the infamous Coney Island where he literally runs into Louis Tomlinson. It looks like Coney Island will be more than Harry bargained for.
There's something in the water
by curlyfries for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange| mpreg | strangers to lovers | 13k Harry and Louis met when Harry was in the middle of a rough patch after he injured himself during a tennis competition. After a night that Harry can't forget, he's met with a little surprise a couple of months later. It's a bit of a shock, especially considering how he got there, but he's determined to see it through. He's all prepared to do it all alone too, but running into Louis again might change the game. Cue dates, happiness and cuddles, but Harry can't get the fact that he needs to tell Louis out of his mind. He's got his fingers crossed that it all works out.
An Ever Fixed Mark (series)
by My_words_fly_up | 56k Harry Styles lives quite scandalously in the slums of London and never expected to cross paths with a kind, well-bred gentleman like Louis Tomlinson. But once they meet neither will be the same again.
Like A Saturated Sunrise
by onlyhuman for HL Summer Exchange 2015  | 12k Louis doesn't necessarily enjoy gardening. Which makes it all the more annoying that someone has been cutting off flowers as they see fit. Or, alternatively: the one where Louis has a love/hate relationship with his garden and Harry is the most innocent criminal to ever exist.
Can I be him?
by amory | soulmates | 29k Louis is twenty years old and has been waiting for his soulmate and true love to come along since the day he was born. Harry is an eighteen year old youtuber who is skeptical of soulmates and the pressure of being the person someone else has been dreaming of their entire lives. They meet at Playlist Live.
Something Just Like This
by kiwikero for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange| mpreg| superheroes | superpowers | 31k Newspaper intern Harry Styles can't believe his luck when he goes from fetching coffee for his boss to writing about London's own superheroes, One Direction. Even better, he gets to spend time with the unfairly handsome Freefall, also known as Louis Tomlinson. Louis, who is way out of Harry's league and far too busy for a proper relationship—so how on earth is Harry supposed to tell him they're expecting?
Where the lights are beautiful
by twoshipsdrifting for 1D Big Bang: Round Five | a/b/o | accidental bonding | 31k Harry wasn’t wrong about that, not in a general sense. Lots of omegas did seek out rich alphas and betas, hoping or planning to go into heat at the right time. Plenty of omegas saw this as their duty, especially if their families weren’t well off. Worse, Louis couldn’t honestly say he’d never thought about it. If that had been his life, his goal, Louis would feel pretty good about himself now. As it is…Louis feels like shit. .:. .:. .:. Or the accidental bonding a/b/o fic.
King and Lionheart
by stylinsoncity | a/b/o | mpreg | 46k Louis can't remember a time when he didn't hate being an omega. But maybe he just needed Harry to come along and make him his.
Somewhere In Between Who I Used To Be and Who I'll Be Tomorrow
by ShapeOfLou for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange | mpreg | strangers to lovers | infidelity | 27k After landing his dream job of being a TV host, Harry Styles thinks he has it all, a nice job, luxury cars, designer clothes, and a stable relationship with a man he loves. That is, until he makes the drunken mistake of going home with the cute bartender which results in an unexpected pregnancy. With a baby on the way, Harry has to balance his work life with deciding how he wants to spend the rest of his life: with the man he's been with for years or the father of his child.
Back To Seventeen
by crimsontheory for HL Fic Fest (2017) | 26k As a first grade teacher in a small town in Illinois, Harry’s life is pretty simple. He loves his job, is close with his family, and has a best friend he would go to the ends of the earth for. When a new soccer coach starts at the local high school, things start to get a bit more exciting for Harry. Because that coach just happens to be Louis Tomlinson; the guy Harry was unrequitedly in love with in high school. Or the one where Louis moves back to his hometown and Harry realizes he’s still not over his high school crush.
Leap Of Fate
by happilylouie for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange | mpreg | 12k After one too many failed dates, Harry decides he’s had enough. He is going to start a family on his own, everything falls into place as Harry finds the perfect donor. But when Harry realizes who the donor actually is it hits him like a curveball. He wants Louis Tomlinson to be involved in his baby's life, but first he has to figure out a way to date him. Or Radio Show Host Louis Tomlinson is going to be the father of Harry Styles’ baby, the only problem: He has no idea.
Second Time's the Charm
by Chelsea Frew for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange| mpreg | 21k The first time Louis sees the new barista at his favourite coffee shop, he falls head over heels. The first time he takes the barista, Harry, home, they end up making something a little bit more than conversation. Suddenly, it seems to Louis that Harry is keeping secrets. He is. Two life-changing secrets. When Harry lets Louis in on these secrets, Louis needs to decide whether to let them change his life--or not.
I can't use words they don't say enough
by Anonymous for HL Historical Fic Exchange | post-WWII | kid fic | minor character death | physical disability | PTSD | 27k Harry enlists at 16 to fight in World War II, leaving behind his family and the love of his life. When the war ends he finds himself back in the small town he called home. Five years has passed, and nothing is the same. His family has moved away and Louis has a daughter. Can they salvage their relationship, or will the effects of the war be too much? Louis couldn’t believe his eyes, and yet there on the other side of this hunk of wood was Harry Styles, the boy he’d written off as dead years ago.
Manifest Destiny
by Anonymous for HL Historical Fic Exchange | Pony Express | friends with benefits | minor character death | injury | 15k Harry and Louis had fallen into bed together again that night, mouths greedy and hands needy. And now every time Louis stops at Fort Kearney, even if it’s weeks in between, he and Harry spend the night together. The nights are always filled with heat and passion, and it gives Louis something to think on fondly as he rides across the western territories carrying sacks of mail. They’ve never talked about it, and they’ve never kissed. Louis doesn’t know if he wants either of those things to change, but he knows that his presence in Harry’s life is sporadic at best. Probably best to leave things be. Or, Louis is a Pony Express rider and Harry runs a station along the trail.
Keeping You Forever And For Always
by Rearviewdreamer | Kyle XY AU | superhuman | 52k Louis only went poking around in the woods one evening in the name of science and saving the polluted lake that everyone else had long since given up on. He ends up leaving with a lot more than a few toxic water samples when he stumbles upon a belly-buttonless man in the shadows who could possibly be a nudist but is most definitely more than ordinary.
Heart Without A Home
by Snowy38 | homelessness | betrayal | hurt/comfort | 20k Louis is staying at the shelter when a late entry pulls at his conscience and he decides to share his precious bed with the mysterious Harry. The pair somehow find an instant bond but Louis can't help but feel Harry is hiding something... Featuring Zayn as a chef, Perrie as the shelter manager and Liam as a helper- and Louis' best mate.
The love is ours to make (so we should make it)
by lingerielarries | Punk Louis | Flower child Harry | mutual pining | past suicide attempt/self harm | 19k “I’m.. Harry. I nanny? For Ernest and Doris?” Harry responded. “A nanny? How old even are you? You look twelve.” Louis remarked. Something caught Louis’ eye, and a closer look revealed that Harry had a coat of pink nail polish on his fingers. “Nineteen. I’m nineteen.” Harry replied. “Right. Nineteen, wears pink, flower crowns and paints his nails. Who the actual fuck did my mum hire?” or the one where louis takes some time off from life to return home, only to be met with a strange boy in pink and a flowercrown as the nanny of his siblings.
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childofaura · 4 years
Rating the anime I’ve watched in 2019: A really short list
Kinda just felt like doing this, 2019 has been a REALLY interesting year in anime. I didn’t watch a whole lot of stuff, but I wanted to kind of go over what I did watch. So I’ll talk about what I thought and rate it 1-10.
1. Dororo.
The OP was AWESOME. The animation in the first half of the series was really smooth, but there was a slightly noticeable dip in animation later on. Not huge, but still there. Actors were FANTASTIC, and the little girl who plays Dororo is so cute! Characters were incredibly well written and varied, Hyakkimaru still struggled despite his honed reflexes and training, and Tahomaru was so morally divisive, it was great. Somber tones really bring out the nasty forbidden underside of the Shogunate’s “lasting peace”. Though the ending with Tahomaru, Hyakkimaru’s mother, and his father figure all dying in the fire was rather... disappointing, Hyakkimaru forgiving his father and Dororo deciding what to do with the large sum of money left behind, to use it for the greater good, wraps everything up.
Dororo’s a solid 8/10.
2. Rising of the Shield Hero
I ended up checking this one out after hearing all the controversy it was stirring up, because I wanted to see what it was. Like always, the “controversy” was a big tepid pile of nothing, and I got to experience an isekai that operates under a different mood with different dynamics. Animation quality is consistent and good, and there’s a LOT of female characters that are well rounded and strong, like Raphtalia, Melty, the Filolial Queen, Glass, etc. Scenery is beautiful, and Naofumi’s growth into trusting again is nice to watch. Also the soundtrack is so enjoyable, Kansas is my favorite song. Cons, though few, are still there: the pacing can be a little funky at times (Mainly what comes to mind is that AWFUL filler episode where they fight the Church from the molten pit, and don’t move AT ALL. Worst episode ever), the physical growth of some of the characters like Filo is jarring (In two days she grows horse sized, after they had that montage of taking care of her) even with an explanation. The last thing that rubs me the wrong way (It’s not really a con in general, just a con for me) is Raphtalia’s crush on Naofumi. It’s simply that they spend the first few episodes building their relationship as a father/daughter, then they try to shift to romance after establishing that first familial relationship.
Rising of the Shield Hero’s an 8/10.
3. The Promised Neverland
AAAAAAAH HOT DAMN I LOVED THIS ONE. It was completely out of my range of what I normally watched at the beginning of 2019, BUT I LOVED IT SO MUCH. The animation is eerie, especially the facial expressions and how smoothly they move. The children are so darling and thinking about how they might have possibly died in S1 broke my heart, as well as me hoping they didn’t, lol. Every episode leaves off on this wonderfully tantalizing cliffhanger, so binging the episodes are a must. Characters like Mama and Sister Krone are terrifying, though in the latter’s case I love how clever she was, and was sad when she died. Her Japanese actress definitely blew it out of the water and had a lot of fun with the character. I’d say the only (not really a con, but) thing that weirds me out is how close the characters’ mouths are to their faces, but that’s a stylistic thing and I won’t fault them for that. The children are strong and resilient and I can’t wait for the next season.
The Promised Neverland’s a 9/10.
4. Demon Slayer
I got into this one late, and I hate myself for getting into it late. But nonetheless, I’m so glad I watched it and I can say with confidence it’s up there with FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood’s level of excellence. Tanjiro is such a kind-hearted boy who constantly puts himself through physical torture for his only remaining family; Nezuko’s “hypnotism” to see humans as family feels more like placebo because she just genuinely has compassion for people, especially when she looks at Ms Tamayo and Yushiro as family when they’re also demons. All the characters are deeply involved in this story with either known or hidden (Zenitsu) strengths that allow them to conquer their struggles. The style is unique and the character designs are pretty, and HOO BOY THE FIGHTING ANIMATIONS, THE STYLIZED TECHNIQUES. MWAH! MUCH LOVE! I love the soundtrack so much, it almost reminds me of the Pokemon movies’ orchestra pieces. The story is well paced, and no issues with filler. Showing how even demons deserve compassion is a beautifully unexpected twist in this show.
Demon Slayer’s a 10/10
5. To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
I do love this series dearly, and while the good outweighs the “meh”, I still have to address the issues. BUT FIRST, THE GOOD THINGS: Characters in this show are incredibly in-depth, even the soldiers. The designs of the Incarnates are fantastic, terrifying and imposing. Schaal is a strong young girl who sets off with just a suitcase and a rifle and, after meeting Hank, decides to get inside his mindset to see why he’s doing what he does, and why he had to kill her father. Hank is a man in constant suffering who has to see his best friends losing themselves to insanity, knowing that they’re not the people they used to be but questioning whether he’s really doing the right thing regardless. All the soldiers have their own focal point in the episodes they show up in, showing their unique traits and attitudes, and how it links to the monsters they are now. The concept of Incarnate soldiers is parallel to veterans with PTSD. While Liza’s a bit of a ridiculous fan-service character, there’s really no complaints because the fan-service in this show is balanced; they show Hank unnecessarily shirtless a LOT (Though honestly I’d be fine if they let him wear his shirts more). But the cons. There are a decent amount of them. Animation is clunky and lower budget. Pacing is not easy to keep up with, as the split between Hank’s mission and the main conflict with Cain interrupt each other quite jarringly. Schaal’s father seemingly rises as a zombie again to serve no other purpose other than Schaal’s character growth, as we could assume that a LOT of the other monsters like Keynes, with the fire of justice, would also come back to life. Liza doesn’t really seem to do much or contribute much as a character; she came close when she volunteered to take up the Incarnate Extermination Squad’s equipment by saying she knew how it worked but she literally. Just. Held up a shield for the commander (forgot his name, Cain’s little bro) to jump off of. She needs to do more. Love the series and I love watching it, but it’s a mixed bag.
To the Abandoned Sacred Beast’s a 7/10.
6. Fire Force.
Well... this one is definitely gonna be tough to deal with, because I only got maybe 8 or 9 episodes in before I had to break away. So I’ll break it down simply.
Pros: Animation is SOLID. ABSOLUTE. FLUID AND DYNAMIC. It’s literally Midoriya vs Todoroki, but in EVERY EPISODE. Some characters are fascinating and enjoyable like Shinra, Maki, Joker, and Hibana. The concept of Infernals, people who just burst into flames without warning, are a solid idea to run on. The OP is a banger. The soundtrack fits the mood perfectly.
Cons, and a lot of them: There isn’t a whole lot going on in terms of variety, it’s mainly fighting Infernals in the city. It picks up eventually, but slowly. While some characters were enjoyable, others were either flat or downright unbearable to deal with; flat characters like Obi (He’s not a bad character, but he feels... generic) and Iris (Also not bad, she’s strong in what she’s had to deal with and being kind regardless, but it’s just standard quiet girl.). Unbearable character is really just two so far: The lieutenant, who gets borderline abusive (both mentally and physically) with Maki (Like I get it dude, you had trauma with fire and Infernals but you don’t need to be an abusive shit), and Tamaki, ESPECIALLY Tamaki. She’s rude, screechy, treated Shinra like utter shit when they first meet, and respects almost no one outside of her district for no real reason. And she also falls into the next con: The one-sided fan-service. Now I will defend the right to fan-service with everything I believe in, but I’m still allowed to have my opinion on it, and the way it goes in Fire Force is just... so awful. Fan-service jarringly interrupts what are supposed to be heavy emotional or important scenes (Iris sitting on the ground with nothing but a towel, Iris getting her clothes burned off by Hibana, Tamaki sticking her butt out after getting hurt by her district partner, Tamaki’s clothes being burned up and being against the wall with that weird-ass kitty pose with her wrists, etc.), Tamaki’s “lucky lechery” is supposed to be funny somehow but it makes literally no sense, and oh cool she ends up sexually harassing the dudes with it, too. I could understand this level of fan-service if it was like a harem anime or a cheese-cake-ish anime or whatever, but it’s- it’s a shounen. There’s nothing that really shows you there’s gonna be this weird level of fan-service.
I respect everyone who loves Fire Force, but it’s just not my cup of tea. That’s all.
Fire Force’s a 6.5/10.
7. Vinland Saga
THIS ANIME. THIS ANIME IS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE MY MIND. The first OP PERFECTLY encapsulates just how much of a hellish live Thorfinn is about to live. The animation (Being from the same company as Attack on Titan and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress) is SUPERB where the characters move with weight and purpose. Seriously, have you seen how the characters jump forward? With their legs and arms forward? It’s a little detail but it’s so great. Characters are multi-faceted and it gives me strong feelings about how awful they are but how clever or strong or brilliant they are. The pacing of the anime is perfect; something plot-important happens in each episode, the characters travel long distances to give you a feel of movement, and there’s not a single episode that could really be considered “filler”. Dynamics of these characters work in fascinating ways at times. The actors absolutely own their roles; Askeladd’s actor nails that perfect nonchalance where he seems surprised but you know he’s truly not, Thorfinn’s older actor knows how to scream his lungs out in anger. The main star, though? Thorkell, hands down. That guy is absolutely having fun with his character.
Vinland Saga’s a solid 10/10.
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in-flagrante · 7 years
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Michelle Dockery on Bringing Julian Barnes’ Novel ‘The Sense of an Ending’ to the Big Screen March 14, 2017 at 8:14 am Written by Christina Radish
Adapted for the screen from the 2011 novel by Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending tells the story of Tony Webster (Jim Broadbent), a man who leads a quiet life until his past comes back and forces him to face the mistakes he made and the consequences that resulted. While trying to make amends for past behavior, he’s also facing a big life change, as his daughter, Susie (Michelle Dockery), is about to give birth to her first child and his first grandchild.
During this interview with Collider, actress Michelle Dockery talked about how proud she is to be a part of telling such a beautiful human story, playing a character that is closer to who she is, the differences between the novel and the film, the relationship between Susie and her father, and the awkwardness and humor that comes from wearing a prosthetic pregnancy belly. She also talked about what she most enjoys about playing Letty in the TNT series Good Behavior, which has already been picked up for Season 2, and what an amazing time she had making the Netflix Western mini-series Godless.
Collider: This film is really such a beautiful human story.
MICHELLE DOCKERY: Thank you! I’m so proud of it. It was such a wonderful film to be a part of. After I watched it, I felt like it’s the kind of movie that really stays with you.
Because this is just a very human story about people and relationships, and the people that come in and out of our lives, is Susie a character that you could relate to, on a personal level, more than other characters that you’ve played, especially recently?
DOCKERY: I’ve never really played a part, or not for a long time anyway, that is closer to who I am, in accent and age, so yes, in a way, the performance is closer to me, as opposed to Letty or Lady Mary, who are very, very different from me.
What was it about the script that attracted you, and had you been familiar with the novel that this film was adapted from?
DOCKERY: I loved the novel. I read it a long time ago, when it first came out, so I was familiar with it. The script was different. In the novel, she’s married with two children, but in the film, she’s expecting a baby and there’s a mystery around the character. You don’t really know what her backstory is and why she’s doing this on her own, but in a way, you don’t really need to know, necessarily. I certainly didn’t feel like I needed to know. I love that about the film. It allows the audience to make up their own minds and assumptions. For us, it was quite open to interpretation, in a way. (Director) Ritesh [Batra] has got such a wonderful way of working. He’s wise beyond his years and has this very relaxed attitude for everything, and it allows the work the space to breathe. You see that when you’re watching it. It’s one of those films that has moments that are suspended, where nothing is happening, and it allows you time to think. It’s not rushing to the next scene, or crushing in music to make you feel a certain way. It was beautifully put together by him.
It was really refreshing to watch because you’re forced to stay in the moment with each character, since you don’t know where they’ve come from yet and you can’t judge them for their past, until you learn what that past is.
DOCKERY: I think that’s right.
How do you think Susie looks at her father, and how do you think her perception of him would change, if she knew that he had this full life story he hasn’t really shared with his family?
DOCKERY: He’s divorced from her mother. It seems like they are close, on some level, with him being her birthing and natal class partner. It was hilarious to film those scenes with real expecting parents, and there I was with my prosthetic bump. It’s interesting because the story builds to that point, with the letter and the discovery for Tony, and it all comes around the time of her going into labor. They’re both about to experience a huge change. She’s about to become a mother, and he’s about to become a grandfather. You see how everything affects the relationship, with both Susie and Margaret. It’s about memory and how we fabricate our memories, or rearrange them to suit us. It’s Tony’s journey of discovery and boldly facing the truth about his past and the consequences of his actions.
To play a pregnant woman, you obviously have to dress the part. What was it like to wear the pregnancy belly, and did you have any funny or awkward experiences, trying to get around with it on?
DOCKERY: Yeah. It was very heavy. The costume department wanted it to look as real as possible. For me, it was important that it had that weight to it, to give it that feeling, without actually having a human growing inside of me. We wanted it to look as real as possible, so it was a body suit and a prosthetic bump. And I definitely felt a bit of a placebo effect with it. I wanted to eat more, and I felt more tied than I normally do. It’s also interesting how people react around you when you look like a very heavily pregnant woman. It was very humorous, at times. Being at the natal class with Jim [Broadbent] was slightly awkward and quite funny.
You’ve been so great as Letty in Good Behavior, which is so different from what your Downtown Abbey fans were used to seeing from you. What did you most enjoy about playing a character like that and shooting the first season, and what are you most excited about, in returning to her for Season 2?
the-sense-of-an-ending-michelle-dockery-interviewDOCKERY: The thing with Letty is that I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I had no idea what the amazing writers have got in store, so it’s always really exciting, getting the next script. She’s an amazing character to play and an incredibly human character with flaws. She is a multi-faceted woman, and I love playing those complex, complicated women. That’s what we all are. What’s brilliant about Letty is that she represents what a lot of women are. It’s not a two-dimensional character. What I love about her is that she makes these decisions that aren’t always the best ones, but she’s not punished for it and she doesn’t have to apologize for it. And then, aside from all of that, there are the brilliant costumes and wig changes and characters within the character. It’s a dream, really, to play a part like her.
You’ve also done the Netflix western mini-series Godless, with Jeff Daniels and Jack O’Connell. What was it about that story, that period, and that character that appealed to you?
DOCKERY: All of those things. The script was absolutely amazing! It took my breath away, reading it. It’s something that Scott Frank has been working on for many years. I think it’s been 10 years in the making. There was absolutely no question that I wanted to be a part of it, and Scott cast me. Going from Good Behavior to Godless was such a big change, as well. It was back into period costume, and going through cowboy camp, learning how to shoot guns and ride horses in a very different way. Western is very, very different to the English style of riding, so I had to have some training. We had an amazing time on that, and I’m very excited to see it.
The Sense of an Ending opens in limited release on March 10th, and expanded release on March 17th.
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latesthollywoodnews · 5 years
Pete Davidson's New Girlfriend Has A Famous Mom
Pete Davidson's New Girlfriend Has A Famous Mom
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Pete Davidson’s New Girlfriend Has A Famous Mom, New Hollywood Celebrities 2018.
know more about all Coming Soon Celebrities, Coco Celebrity Release Date, Pete Davidson’s New Girlfriend Has A Famous Mom.
List Of 2017 Hollywood Films Celebrity News 2017 Youtube latest Walt Hollywood Studios The Walt Hollywood Studios is an American film studio, one of the four major businesses of The Walt Hollywood Company and the main component of its Studio Entertainment segment. The studio, best known for its multi-faceted film division, which is one of Hollywood’s major film studios, is based at the eponymous Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California.
How much are the Celebrities on Hollywood anywhere?
Walt Hollywood Studios has debuted their new Hollywood Celebrities Anywhere online service and iOS app which allows users to buy Hollywood, Pixar, and Marvel Celebrities and view them on multiple devices. Individual Celebrities – from a catalog of over 420 films – will cost $19.99 each.
What does Mulan’s name mean?
In the original poem, the heroine’s name is “Mulan.” According to the Chinese- English dictionary, the name means “lily magnolia.” Mulan is often given a last name, “Hua,” which means “flower.” The Chinese pinyin spelling of the name is “Hua Mu-Lan.”
Who runs Hollywood World?
Robert A. Iger is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Hollywood Company. As Chairman and CEO, Mr. Iger is the steward of one of the world’s largest media companies and some of the most respected and beloved brands around the globe.
Do the tabloids pay attention to anyone else’s relationships as closely as they do this poor guy? Pete Davidson’s string of failed romances consistently made headlines, and his new romance is no exception. So, who is Pete Davidson’s new girlfriend, Margaret Qualley?
While Margaret Qualley may not have immediate name recognition yet, she does have a Hollywood pedigree. She’s the daughter of actress and model Andie MacDowell, who’s the star of classics like St. Elmo’s Fire, Groundhog Day, and Four Weddings And A Funeral. Qualley’s father, Paul Qualley, is a former model, according to Vogue. Her parents divorced when she was five years old, and Margaret admitted on The Late Late Show With James Corden that she attempted to use her love for Lindsay Lohan’s The Parent Trap to get them to reunite.
It didn’t work, at least not the way she expected: Her mother and father didn’t reunite, but her mother did begin dating The Parent Trap star Dennis Quaid.
Needless to say, Margaret wasn’t exactly star-struck.
Watch the video for more about Pete Davidson’s new girlfriend has a famous mom!
#PeteDavidson #MargaretQualley #Celebrities
Born to beauty | 0:17 Dancing out the door | 1:07 Foot fears | 1:52 TV roles | 2:32 Model behavior | 3:31 Good press for Pete | 3:56
Hollywood Celebrities 2017 & Film News, Pete Davidson’s New Girlfriend Has A Famous Mom.
The Walt Hollywood Company, commonly known as Hollywood, is an American diversified multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate, headquartered at the Walt Hollywood Studios in Burbank, California. Hollywood Celebrities Latest Story Emily Blunt, Pete Davidson’s New Girlfriend Has A Famous Mom.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
A Foodie’s Guide to Anime
  One of my favorite activities to do is to watch anime while eating. It touches the senses of sight, hearing, and taste. From the sizzling sounds of cooking to the visuals of the food itself, food anime brings that multi-faceted simultaneous stimulation to a level of euphoria.
Food in anime is historically visually beautiful but also plays a big role in showcasing a character’s relationship with food and their home life. It is difficult to find an anime that doesn’t have a character eating at least once no matter the genre.
I personally am terrible at cooking (I can bake anything,though!), but being a foodie and super taster, I couldn’t help but falling in love with food anime. Understandably, it can be difficult to know where to begin your food anime journey. So this is your guide to food anime to watch!
sweetness and lightning
This anime follows a father and daughter’s journey of transitioning from takeout to cooking home cooked meals after the passing of a wife and mother. The daughter is an enthusiastic eater and her father’s strives for better eating is admirable. The show is heartwarming, teaches one how to cook, and shows how a community can form through food.
Ristorante Paradiso
This mature flavored anime drama centers around a restaurant staff in a high-class restaurant in Rome. I say mature as the happenings that go on are in adult context: divorce, parenthood, infidelity, and navigating adult relationships and family but doneso in a graceful style. The anime follows Nicoletta, who was raised by her grandmother after her mother left to remarry, and what happens after she travels to Rome to see her mother once again. Her mother happens to be married to a gentleman owns a restaurant in which all of the servers wear glasses. The show is one that pairs well with a glass of wine. Maybe a Barbera d’Alba, perhaps.
Today’s Menu for the Emiya Family
This show is probably the best anime for step-by-step instructional cooking tutorials. Alongside that, you get to see the Fate characters in a casual manner. The show takes its time in teaching you how to cook and is very thorough in everything to keep mind to create each dish even the shopping process. It also has some of the most beautiful visuals of dishes. It is very lighthearted and informative. I’m terrible at cooking but this anime motivated me to cook!
Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles
If I could eat ramen everyday, I absolutely would. Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles makes that coulda woulda a reality! This anime follows a girl and her incredibly intense passion for ramen as she slurps one bowl after another. It’s informative as she dictates every reason why the particular bowl of ramen onscreen is so delicious, it’s origin story, and providing information on all of the different kinds of ramen that exists. She acknowledges the differences in others’ palates and only encourages others to join in on her delicious journey by thoroughly enjoying her own experiences. Slurp this one right up!
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma
This might just be the most perfect food anime available. It is the perfect marriage of shonen and food anime. The dishes are astoundingly gorgeous and the stakes are high when a food battle gets thrown down. The show follows Yukihira Soma, a middle school student determined to surpass his dad’s superior cooking skills who is suddenly forced to enroll in an elite culinary school. There he finds competition who are masters of their specific style of cooking and grows as a chef with every food battle. The show not only shows off perfect dishes but also explains exactly how every single part of the dish affects a person and why that reaction is forced out. It’s a fun and exquisite time so give it a shot but maybe do so while also eating or else you’re going to be hungry.
*stomach growls* now I'm starving so I'm gonna go eat some tonkotsu ramen. Bon appetit!  
    This article is subject to updates. 
  What's your favorite dish? What's your favorite food anime? Let us know in the comments below! 
Ricky Soberano is a Features Editor, Script Writer, and Editorial Programming Coordinator for Crunchyroll. She’s the former Managing Editor of Brooklyn Magazine. You can follow her on Twitter @ramenslayricky.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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“Shape of Water” is like “The Creature from the Black Lagoon” meets “Romeo and Juliet” meets Lovecraft! 
Holy…..well, you know where I was going with that this movie is phenomenal. If you haven’t seen it you definitely have heard about “The Shape of Water“, Guillermo Del Toro’s latest film. “Shape of Water” has really impacted the awards season and there is a very good reason, it is as I said to start with absolutely phenomenal. “Shape of Water” is a beautiful love story set in a simpler time, Eliza a mute housekeeper at a military facility that just captured a very unique asset feels isolated though she is surrounded by people that love her. This all changes when she finds a kindred soul in the freshly captured asset brought into the lab, an amphibious biped…in other words a fish-man ala “The Creature From The Black Lagoon“. The two and their friends become embroiled in a spy game and must find a way to save the creature from becoming a tool in the cold war. Will love conquer all? Or will the cold war claim the two kindred souls as victims?
You know I don’t do spoilers but I will let you know what I think of “The Shape of Water“. So let’s get that going…
I think you already know that this is going to be a good review, but why is this film garnering such praise. If for no other reason than the story this film is well worth your time. “Shape of Water’s” story is a timely piece with genuine characters, relationships that you can empathize with and relate to all thrown together with this magical element.  The writers, Del Toro included, masterfully made this story more about the love and isolation than the fact Eliza (Sally Hawkins) was making out with a fish.There are so many levels of love stories in this film from the obvious romance to the father/daughter love of Eliza and her neighbor, Giles (Richard Jenkins) to Eliza’s friendship, Zelda(Octavia Spencer). The multi-faceted tale pulls at your heartstrings and sets you up with a villain that you eagerly await to get his comeuppance. Though the story was masterfully crafted it would not have been nearly as impactful without the stellar cast including the remarkably emotional portrayal of the creature by Doug Jones. This cast took the story and developed new levels of insightfulness and even humor making this movie truly able to fall under the moniker film. I know what you are saying they are the same thing but in my mind, they are two distinctly different things. Movies are fun and easy to watch, they are the blockbusters that invade our theaters every summer and though are fantastic and fun to watch do not (and please remember this is as always only my opinion) find there way to the artistic heights that would dubb them masterpieces of the cinematic arts…in other words a film.
So what about the technique and technical portions of “Shape of Water“…don’t worry I was just about to dive into them (see what I did, I had to at least get one pun in)…
The emotion that Sally Hawkins and Doug Jones elicit from the audience in “Shape of Water is outstanding! Oh yeah and not to mention the kick-ass effects.
What can I say about the work done behind the camera? Just as with the story, it was amazing from the director (I love Del Toro!) to the cinematography to the actual visual and special effects all was masterfully executed.  Del Toro has a way of partnering with his cinematographer that leads to his works having a cohesiveness that not every Hollywood director can find. His hands and imprints can be seen on everything from the story to the set design to the music and it is very evident as it is in every one of his films that he has a die-hard love for all things Lovecraftian. Though this story is not precisely Lovecraftian if you are a true fan you can see the influence he had on Del Toro’s style and story creation. The lighting and use of color in this film are just as impactful and the set design wraps up all these things into a perfect little package. The effects artist both special and visual shined up that pretty little package and delivered a super cool leading man that looked as if he fit in the scene whether digital, practical or a combination of both.
“Shape of Water” is a must-see for even those who are not into monster movies or sci-fi…
The awards people have finally got it right by shining the light on this epic film. If you have not seen it go and if you have it never hurts to see a great film a second and even a third time. This film hits all the marks and will definitely find its way into the halls of classic films. What did you think of the film? If you haven’t seen it are you planning on checking it out? Let me know with a quick comment, I would love to hear your opinion.
If you are interested in a knowing my pros and cons of this film check out the video below and if you’d like more awesome video content check out my YouTube channel as well…
A Fellow Film Enthusiast 
If you love films or movies check out …Fandango – Know Before You Go! Buy Movie Tickets in Advance. (this is an affilaite link)
Shape of Water (2017) Holy.....well, you know where I was going with that this movie is phenomenal. If you haven't seen it you definitely have heard about "
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