#Zero Friction Market
market-insider · 5 months
Zero Friction Coatings Market: Charting the Course for Enhanced Performance and Sustainable Solutions
The global zero friction coatings market size is estimated to reach USD 1,346.00 million by 2030 according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2022 to 2030. Growth can be attributed to the fact that these coatings reduce friction and wear resulting in low fuel consumption and less heat generation. According to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association, 79.1 million motor vehicles were produced across the globe in 2021 which was up by 1.3% as compared to 2020. Zero friction coatings can extend the time between component maintenance and replacement, especially for machine parts that are expensive to manufacture.
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Zero Friction Coatings Market Report Highlights
In 2021, molybdenum disulfide emerged as the dominant type segment by contributing around 50% of the revenue share. This is attributed to its properties such as low coefficient of friction at high loads, electrical insulation, and wide temperature range
The automobile & transportation was the dominating end-use segment accounting for a revenue share of more than 35% in 2021 due to the rapid growth of the automotive industry across the globe
The energy end-use segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% in terms of revenue by 2030, owing to the excessive wear on the drill stem assembly and the well casing during the drilling operations in the oil and gas sector
In Asia Pacific, the market is projected to witness the highest CAGR of 5.8% over the predicted years owing to the presence of car manufacturing industries in the countries such as Japan, South Korea, and China
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Zero Friction Coatings Market Report
Several applications in the automobile industry use wear-resistant plastic seals that require zero tolerance for failure and lifetime service confidence. Increasing demand for the product from the automotive industry across the globe for various applications including fuel pumps, automatic transmissions, oil pumps, braking systems, and others is expected to drive its demand over the forecast period.
Low friction coatings can be used in extreme environments comprising high pressure, temperatures, and vacuums. These coatings can provide improved service life and performance thereby eliminating the need for wet lubricants in environments that require chemicals, heat, or clean room conditions. The product containing molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) are suitable for reinforced plastics while those free from MoS2 are suitable for non-reinforced plastics.
Zero friction coatings are paint-like products containing submicron-sized particles of solid lubricants dispersed through resin blends and solvents. The product can be applied using conventional painting techniques such as dipping, spraying, or brushing. The thickness of the film has a considerable influence on the anti-corrosion properties, coefficient of friction, and service life of the product. Its thickness should be greater than the surface roughness of the mating surfaces.
ZeroFrictionCoatingsMarket #FrictionlessTechnology #CoatingInnovations #IndustrialEfficiency #ZeroFrictionSolutions #AdvancedMaterials #SurfaceCoatings #ManufacturingAdvancements #GlobalIndustryTrends #InnovativeCoatings #PerformanceOptimization #MechanicalSystems #SustainableTechnology #IndustrialApplications #FutureTech #InnovationInMaterials #EfficiencySolutions #ZeroFrictionMarket #TechnologyInnovation #EngineeringMaterials
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neha24blog · 1 year
Zero Friction Coatings Market Outlook On The Basis Of Type, Formulation, End-Use, And Region And Forecast From 2022 to 2030: Grand View Research Inc.
Zero Friction Coatings Market Outlook On The Basis Of Type, Formulation, End-Use, And Region And Forecast From 2022 to 2030: Grand View Research Inc.
San Francisco, 3 Jan 2023: The Report Zero Friction Coatings Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Type (Polytetrafluoroethylene, Molybdenum Disulfide), By Application (Aerospace, Energy), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 – 2030 The global zero friction coatings market size is estimated to reach USD 1,346.00 million by 2030 according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.…
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that-left-turn · 22 days
Shipping is fun and it gets the fandom involved but when the fandom tries to force others to think their way or fights with the studios or the actors that’s the real cringefest. Us carylers need to stop creating friction and enemies by being negative with others who don’t agree with what we see. Or use slightly racist rhetoric which I take offense too as my adopted son and daughter are Vietnamese. No one thought my wife and I were a romantic fit but we were until we weren’t so no one had to see it or agree but us. that’s what my last anon ask was about. we make ourselves look stupid when we pick apart stuff like the big 3 thing. That’s meaningless bs that makes us look bitter and crazy and like canon is all that matter when we all know we may not ever get canon anyway. I’m an old x files shipper who knows how ridiculously fun but bad this can get especially if we let the bitter people who fight about everything that doesn’t match their vision for our ship make everyone hate us We can’t have nice things if we make everyone hate us including the actors and studios
I'm not the best person to speak on fandom politics because I don't really participate. (I post fic very occasionally and I have this blog.) It feels like a waste of time I don’t have—I’d rather be writing said fic than argue with strangers about something as subjective as what TV characters to like. I have posted about racism before and my short-version take on bigotry is: it's not okay, regardless of who happens to share their casual -isms with the crowd.
I have a huge issue with the recent interviews Norman did in Japan. It's problematic to say that, because “we” (what ‘we’ is that, Norman?) wanted to write a ‘real’ French show, the WOC showrunner got fired in favor of a white American man. I’m confused: what uniquely qualifies Zabel over Kang? 👀
In one of the after-episode snippets, Clémence said the show has “all the French cliches.” (I wish I could post a link, but I don't have time to search. If someone knows where to find it online, please let me know?) S1 has all the American jingoistic tropes and the French characters act culturally American. With streaming services offering a variety of European TV shows, anyone can do a comparison to see if DD feels more French/European (like Norman claims) or like prettied-up American network TV.
I'm aware of the “big 3” debacle and disliked the incendiary nature of Valhalla’s post. I also disliked that some fans went out of their way to replace Michonne because of course there can only be one girl who's important 🙄 There appears to be a lot of internalized misogyny in the fandom. Both women are vital to the franchise, and Gabriel's character development was amazing and brilliantly acted too, so why doesn't he make the big three? Rankings are useless because they're arbitrary and encourage division between fans. A fractured audience is not a good thing.
Studios don't hate anyone. It’s a business and the programming execs spend zero seconds pondering what fans say. That's a different department, but I’m not sure AMC employs qualified marketing strategists. The official SM accounts look like they’re run by interns with “on the job” training. Part of the (legacy) issue is that under a previous showrunner for the flagship show, this dog-eats-dog behavior was encouraged simply because it mirrored the bleak setting of TWD. It's not an ethical approach, nor is it a good ROI to scare away the people who’d pay for merchandise and provide good word-of-mouth for the show(s).
The DD EPs want to make a show they think looks cool/epic—it's all about the visual esthetic and some of them are so burnt out they don't even care about the plot at all. A fanfic author writes to please themselves, but a screenwriter has to please their audience. The viewership are paying customers, so they have the right to an opinion on what they're willing to buy. I'm deeply uncomfortable with the idea that women should be quiet and behave like good little girls, so the men in charge might reward us with “nice things.” I’ve seen that show before and there’s no treat awaiting the docile at the end.
Based on the latest slew of interviews, the buzzword du jour seems to have moved on from ‘cool’ and ‘epic’ (probably because they gained ridicule instead of traction) to ‘romantic.’ It's a hard sales pitch to the very audience Norman normally complains about. The ‘crazy and bitter’ women of the fandom are the proverbial hand that feeds him and he needs their approval, not the other way around.
I'm aware, though, that some fandom behavior has spiraled into a never-ending ship war. That's the environment AMC/TWDU has created by not encouraging an atmosphere where they lift up all their characters and by not writing female friendships into the show. Everyone's worst side is on display and nobody “wins.”
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gwydionae · 1 year
A/N: Why my brain decided that now is the perfect time to start a chapter fic I do not know. I think the idea appealed to me now of all times because it's an AU where I get to play around with personalities and situations a bit more than with my typical one shot. Everyone's got their flaws and good points, unlike shorter stories where I tend to zero in on one or the other. So let's see how this goes.
Posted on fanfiction.net >here<.
Teaser: Yoshi is forever changed when he loses a son so soon after his wife and daughter. Life in the lair is far from idyllic as a father's desire to shelter his sons causes friction and rebellion. But as they are bound to him, their lost brother remains bound to others, the life he'd lost kept hidden from him. Fate tore them apart, but now it seeks to bring them together once more.
Disclaimer: I do not own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Bound: Prologue
1997 - Hamato Yoshi, age 35
New York City was meant to be a fresh start, a distancing of himself from the past both physically and mentally. But after only a few weeks, Yoshi found the weight of loneliness crushing down upon him in a country that seemed intent on reminding him that he did not belong there. The English lessons of his youth allowed him to communicate with his new neighbors, but his Japanese accent combined with his obvious heritage were often received as invitations to dismiss or even mock the simplest of requests. His landlord spoke quickly with overly flowery language to try and confuse him into paying unnecessary fees, and more than once someone had declared that they didn't speak Chinese before he had even had a chance to open his mouth.
He would have sacrificed anything to have his beloved Tang Shen and Miwa once more at his side.
The memories of the night Oroku Saki murdered his wife and daughter were always there, ready to pounce on him at the slightest provocation—a couple passing him on the street, a baby's cry, even a flickering candle would fill his mind with visions of fire and death. He was unfocused in his attempts at meditation, all efforts to clear his mind in vain. After weeks filled with nights interrupted by graphic nightmares, he knew that something had to change; he could not go on in such a state much longer. A stable mind was necessary to find and keep a job, something he desperately needed before his meager funds ran out. Something had to change.
It was on a whim that he walked into the somewhat dingy pet shop he passed every day during his morning walk. His apartment complex didn't allow cats or dogs, so he drifted toward the tanks full of colorful fish and hermit crabs. Wandering through the mess of tanks, one in particular caught his eye, one that seemed far too cramped for its current occupants.
Four baby turtles smaller than the palm of his hand sat in a rectangular glass tank that looked like it could use some cleaning. Yoshi admittedly knew very little about turtles or how to raise them, but looking at them made him feel as if he had at last stumbled upon kindred spirits, creatures that, like him, were trapped in a place they did not belong. Inquiring about them further, he was informed that they were brothers, all brought in together from the same clutch of eggs. Whether this was true or simply a marketing ploy to convince him to purchase all four of them together was of little consequence. Family by birth or by circumstance, he found himself unable to separate the small creatures from each other, purchasing the turtles, a dish to carry them home in, and a large tank with the necessary equipment and food to be delivered to his apartment that afternoon.
The toll on his wallet had been higher than he would have liked, but as he walked back out on to the street, he found the faintest of smiles gracing his face for the first time since the night of the fire. Having someone else to care for filled him with fresh determination, reigniting his appreciation for the beauty and wonder of life.
"It is my honor to be taking care of you from now on, my turtles. I shall work hard to repay this small joy that you have already given back to me tenfold."
But fate, which had already taken so much, it seemed was not through with him just yet.
The inherent wrongness he had felt from the strange man that bumped into him on his way to his apartment compelled him to follow until he took an abrupt turn down a narrow alley. As he hung back, listening to the man converse with another that could have been his identical twin, even a foreigner such as himself could tell that the cadence of their English was cold and stilted. The thick, glowing substance in the canister being handed from one to the other was cause for far greater concern, however, Yoshi having never in his life seen anything like it.
Strange men making back alley deals with unearthly chemicals at least warranted a tip off to the police, but as he kept his eyes and ears focused on the exchange, his feet disturbed a scrawny rat who bit at his ankle in surprise before racing down the alley. Between the rat's squeaks of displeasure and his own stifled cry, his eavesdropping had been uncovered. Soon he not only faced the disturbingly impassive gazes of the two men he had been spying on but two more who approached from behind, all sharing the same face. An easy escape cut off, he was left with no choice.
As his leg kicked out, his arms covered the bowl he carried protectively. It was clear these men meant to silence him, and as he fought for his freedom, he could not help the whispers in his mind shaming him for always putting those he was supposed to care for at risk. He had given in to his anger toward Saki then and his curiosity toward the strange man now. And as the canister fell from his aggressor's hands, shattering on the concrete and splattering its contents along not only the walls and street but also Yoshi himself, his cries of pain and anguish came less from the cracking and rearranging of his bones and more from the despair of the smashed bowl that had slipped his grasp.
The agony of the unnatural transformation coursing through his body momentarily distracted him. But as his form settled into its new shape, the pain ceased, leaving behind a disfigured humanoid body covered in fur, a long tail curling between his legs, and large, round ears picking up so many unique and chaotic sounds that he felt his head begin to pound from all the noise. One in particular stood out, however.
It was a cry, much like a baby's wail for their mother when they wake up at night to find themselves alone.
Prying open his strange, new eyes, Yoshi saw one of the men grasping a small, green creature by the leg, dangling it upside-down as its cries echoed through the alley. Three more just like it crawled on the ground, each covered in glowing green ooze, a turtle's shell on their backs. His eyes widened in terror.
He was on his feet in an instant, gathering up the three turtle creatures as best he could as the man made to grab for another. Yoshi tried to fight, tried to wrench the still wailing infant from the stranger's grasp, but he was clumsy, his unfamiliar body unable to move as precisely as his former human frame, and in the end he could merely watch in horror as the man he had followed to the alley cut his losses and ran, one of the four still squirming in his arms.
Yoshi tried to give chase, but his hideous, rat-like form caused panic when spotted, and he quickly lost sight of the kidnapper. He searched for hours, cradling the three that remained of his adopted turtles to his furry chest as he ran through the alleyways and hid amongst trash, but long before his breath grew ragged, he knew it was hopeless. Fate had taken another from him.
Sneaking into his apartment through his window, he collapsed to the floor, tears streaming down his whiskered face as sobs wracked his mutated body. He would have to find somewhere else to live, somewhere safe for those that most would see as monsters. But as he felt tiny, three-fingered hands reach out to him, he opened his eyes and looked at his turtles—his sons.
"I am sorry. I meant to care for you, to keep you safe, but one brother is already lost, and it is all my fault." He gazed at them sadly, reaching out to pat their heads with his paw-like hands as they stared up at him curiously. "Our family has already been splintered, but I swear to you all that I will do whatever I can to keep the four of us together. We will live on, and your brother will not be forgotten."
A/N: This story has been fully outlined for years. Wish me luck!
As always, critics and grammar police appreciated!
Chapter 1 on tumblr >here<
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badass-at-fandoming · 2 years
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Fandom: Ikémen Revolution
Pairing: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice
Tags: PWP, Semi-Public Sex, Outdoor Sex, Hand Jobs
Thank you to @voltage-vixen and @xxsycamore​ for organizing this event!
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The perfumed fairy lights of the artist market enchant the eyes and delight the senses. Jaw-dropping paintings, wood-turned bowls, blue glass ceramics, intricate woven baskets, and leis of all color and materials clamor for attention. Bedecked in your matching green sundresses, Seth and you coo over your favorite pieces. "Let's get a souvenir for Nodisha!" you exclaim.
"Of course! She would be disappointed if we didn't ⭐️" says Seth. "What do you think of this, Alice?"
He holds up a wooden box that's a swirl of color: light and dark wood intertwine into the shape of a hibiscus flower. After careful examination, you remove a carved stamen. With a click, the lids slides off and reveals a cushioned compartment. You clap in happiness. "A jewelry box! Oh, she'll love it!"
Seth's smile crinkles into the corners of his eyes. "I think so too. Let's get it!"
You pay the artist their asking price and they throw in a pretty bag and bow to wrap the present in. You loop the bag through your arm and hold hands with Seth as you amble the thoroughfare. The market is hot and lively—partly since the Army descended upon it en masse. The air has a tang of festival to it.
As your gaze wanders, you realize, with a start, that you know the name of almost everybody here. You began the trip knowing the Black Army and the Chosen Thirteen. Now you recognize Ozymandias, Celeste, and Zero buying baskets together, laughing over how they're perfect for storing lollipops. The trio of militiawomen drinking margaritas out of coconuts are Amber, Dimple, and Brittney. You must strain to hear over the hubbub, but Luka is sharing recipes with Mateo, Yuki, Edward, and Jake. When did this happen? You know the Kings and Queens meticulously planned this appreciation trip for weeks, but your heart basks in this after-glow of their success. Step-by-step, Cradle heals.
With an almost audible pop, your musings are interrupted. Somehow, you've walked into a discreet alleyway. Seth leads you onward to the back of a building. No one is here but darkness and cricket sound. "Seth?"
"There you are 💚," he says. "You were so lost in your thoughts, I was lonely without you!"
You glance around. "So you took me here?"
"Less distractions and," he crowds into your space, backs you against a friendly wall, "I want a kiss."
You arch a brow. "Just a kiss?"
"Without any wolves watching us. May I have one please?"
There's only one answer you want to give. You kiss him, sweet and clear as a summer morning. You two showered before going out, so Seth freshly smells of his favorite rose moisturizer. You could eat up the scent. You could eat him.
Seth seems to be having similar ideas. His hands roam up and down your thighs, leaving dull nail trails of excitement. You grab his plump ass and squeeze. He stutters against your mouth, but is undeterred in lifting the cotton cloth of your sundress and diving for the prize underneath.
His flat hand rubs against you, rough and quick, waking you to sensation. Desire flares. You're seized by the imperative to rut against his hand. Seek light-popping friction against his calluses. As you work, your panting breath keens over to whine. Seth, devil he is, bites your neck in encouragement.
You cling and break against him, over and over in desperation. "Seth, please, I need more," you beg because the heat filling you up is reaching intolerable levels.
Because you are you and he is Seth, it only takes a stroke and a finger twist. You cum hard into his palm. You shudder and grip tight his shoulders. "Alice," he coos, "what a sweet present you've given me."
Before you can even make a semblance of a recovery, Seth brings his drenched hand to his lips and licks it clean. You blush to the roots of your hair. "You didn't have to…"
"I did." He fixes your dress and dusts off his own. "Shall we return to the market?"
You grab his chin and lay a searing, bruising kiss on him. "Now we can go," you say into his dazzled eyes. "And I owe you a treat later!"
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chaitalid · 8 days
Golf Accessories Market Size, Share, Growth Factors, Regional and Competitive Landscape Forecast to 2031
The Insight Partners recently announced the release of the market research titled Golf Accessories Market Outlook to 2031 | Share, Size, and Growth. The report is a stop solution for companies operating in the Golf Accessories market. The report involves details on key segments, market players, precise market revenue statistics, and a roadmap that assists companies in advancing their offerings and preparing for the upcoming decade. Listing out the opportunities in the market, this report intends to prepare businesses for the market dynamics in an estimated period.
Is Investing in the Market Research Worth It?
Some businesses are just lucky to manage their performance without opting for market research, but these incidences are rare. Having information on longer sample sizes helps companies to eliminate bias and assumptions. As a result, entrepreneurs can make better decisions from the outset. Golf Accessories Market report allows business to reduce their risks by offering a closer picture of consumer behavior, competition landscape, leading tactics, and risk management.
A trusted market researcher can guide you to not only avoid pitfalls but also help you devise production, marketing, and distribution tactics. With the right research methodologies, The Insight Partners is helping brands unlock revenue opportunities in the Golf Accessories market.
If your business falls under any of these categories – Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer, or Distributor, this syndicated Golf Accessories market research has all that you need.
What are Key Offerings Under this Golf Accessories Market Research?
Global Golf Accessories market summary, current and future Golf Accessories market size
Market Competition in Terms of Key Market Players, their Revenue, and their Share
Economic Impact on the Industry
Production, Revenue (value), Price Trend
Cost Investigation and Consumer Insights
Industrial Chain, Raw Material Sourcing Strategy, and Downstream Buyers
Production, Revenue (Value) by Geographical Segmentation
Marketing Strategy Comprehension, Distributors and Traders
Global Golf Accessories Market Forecast
Study on Market Research Factors
Who are the Major Market Players in the Golf Accessories Market?
Golf Accessories market is all set to accommodate more companies and is foreseen to intensify market competition in coming years. Companies focus on consistent new launches and regional expansion can be outlined as dominant tactics. Golf Accessories market giants have widespread reach which has favored them with a wide consumer base and subsequently increased their Golf Accessories market share.
Segmental Coverage
Golf Gloves
Mark Tool
Putter Covers
Distribution Channel
Supermarkets & Hypermarkets
Specialty Stores
Online Retail
and Others
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Zero Friction
Topgolf Callaway Brands
Under Armour, Inc
TaylorMade Golf Co.
Acushnet Company
Nike, Inc
MRX Products
Other key companies 
What are Perks for Buyers?
The research will guide you in decisions and technology trends to adopt in the projected period.
Take effective Golf Accessories market growth decisions and stay ahead of competitors
Improve product/services and marketing strategies.
Unlock suitable market entry tactics and ways to sustain in the market
Knowing market players can help you in planning future mergers and acquisitions
Visual representation of data by our team makes it easier to interpret and present the data further to investors, and your other stakeholders.
Do We Offer Customized Insights? Yes, We Do!
The The Insight Partners offer customized insights based on the client’s requirements. The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Golf Accessories market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Author’s Bio:
Chaitali Deshpande
Senior Market Research expert at The Insight Partners
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ai-writer-tool · 20 days
What is 'No Prompt' AI? The Future of Content Creation
As a content marketer, one of my biggest frustrations has always been the time it takes to research and write blog articles, social media posts, and other digital content. Coming up with engaging topics, researching facts and figures, structuring my content strategically - it all adds up to a lengthy process that I have to repeat almost daily to keep my company's online presence fresh and relevant.
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That's why I was so excited to discover Addlly.ai and experience their No Prompt AI technology for myself. As the name suggests, No Prompt AI tools like Addlly remove the need for lengthy prompts and allow users to generate helpful, optimized content with just a few clicks or simple inputs.
The first Addlly tool I tested was their 1-Click Blog Writer. After entering a keyword and selecting a topic, I hit "Generate" and within seconds had a fully-formed, optimized blog article on the chosen subject ready to publish. The article included relevant subheadings, insights from industry experts, facts, figures and quotes - all laid out logically and seamlessly. I was blown away by how human-like yet targeted the writing was for my audience without any input beyond the initial keyword and topic.
As an added bonus, the 1-Click Blog Writer also provided me with optimized meta descriptions, titles and FAQ sections to boost my SEO. The time savings alone has been massive compared to researching and writing blogs manually.
Naturally, I was eager to test out Addlly's other No Prompt AI tools as well. Their Social Media Post Generator allows me to input a brief description and topic to receive ready-made posts tailored for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Again, all I have to do is select from the optimized options provided - no crafting lengthy prompts required. The AI analyzes trends and hashtags to ensure each post will engage followers.
Clearly, Addlly's No Prompt AI model represents a total paradigm shift in content creation that improves productivity, quality and results like no other solution on the market. By understanding marketing nuances, industry trends and my target audience's language from just a few signals, their AI becomes my invaluable digital assistant - crafting precisely what I need without wasted time or effort on my end. The brand-aligned, human quality of the text it generates has even impressed clients and CEOs.
If you're tired of the grind and inefficiency of manual content creation processes, it's time to put Addlly's revolutionary No Prompt AI model to work for your business. You'll gain back countless productive hours each week while producing unparalleled quality and results. Your digital marketing will never be the same, and customers will thank you for the engaging, targeted content. The future of zero-friction marketing is here thanks to Addlly.
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erichsenlindberg11 · 1 month
5 Steps To Help Fail-Proof Your Growing Service Business
The goal of most advertising would attract clients. Now, if good grammar isn't your strength, donrrrt worry! You should find a store where you can purchase an item that also limited engraving capabilities. And, food with caffeine . stats hold true preference contact someone you've noticed on the location. If you don't have a photo, don't be surprised if the responses aren't too quick in finding his way back. View More: topsoctrangaz.com - Top Soc Trang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Soc Trang AZ: Châu Thanh Tùng - Chau Thanh Tung This is often a quick inexpensive method of hair withdrawal. It has for you to become repeated frequently however. Additional care must be presented to epidermis. Tin Top Sóc Trăng AZ News Results: From 1 to three days. Ya know, that gray matter concerning the ears? That's your noodle. Use it all! Be smart, be cautious, and follow our safety guidelines, your instincts, and also the spirit just about every your dating activity.
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Shaving is probably the most popular method of removing unwanted body hair out with all the different hair removal methods provided. It's economical, and it can simply be done at home. When shaving the leg area use long strokes going Soc Trang resistant to the grain avoiding repeat moves. Great care needs to be exercised especially around bony areas particularly the ankle or knee. The hazard of this myth is that it causes marketers to believe they can succeed without doing much marketing or sale. They think their product or service is so special that these types of automatically generate hordes to pay customers. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen that way. Affiliate marketing is exceptional way for ordinary people to start using clickbank on the world wide web. After finding a joint venture partner program providing products you've got an interest in promoting, you begin an enterprise with just seconds away . website. Which means your total investment up for this point could simply be registering for a domain name and paying for a site hosting account. This sounds logical however it's not correct. Never abandon advertising that's work. I know many businesses that happen to be using identical shoes you wear advertising remember and they're still expanding. Here's why. There's a good social phenomenon researchers find in online interactions. They've found people often change their standards of politeness and diplomacy each and every conversation is occurring online, versus face-to-face.
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Top Sóc Trăng AZ Final word: It end up being said each individual responds to shaving differently. Tin tong hop Top Soc Trang AZ System because an individual's hair texture, rate of growth, and skin sensitivity are totally different from the next person. So give shaving time and experiment with various accessories and soon you find the methods that really suit you giving you a close shave with minimal damage or irritation to the skin. This is a quick affordable method of hair withdrawal. It has for you to become repeated frequently however. Extra care must be sent to skin color. Results: From 1 to three days. Everyday wounds are those hurts that present themselves to us on an every day basis through our relationships and interactions with others and remain with us until they are addressed and eventually healed. Regularly we are presented with situations which can develop into wounds or contribute for your growth as the Higher Ground Human. All of it depends on we make a. View More: topsoctrangaz.com - Top Soc Trang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Soc Trang AZ: Châu Thanh Tùng - Chau Thanh Tung Written By Author in topsoctrangaz.com: Lê Thị Phương - Le Thi Phuong Written By Author in topsoctrangaz.com: Trần Minh Trí - Tran Minh Tri
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anthonymalik68 · 2 months
4 Easy Ways Increase Your Sales
Group dating and group events just make a regarding sense for online love. Only the can evaluate if the finished article become worth it to them or instead of. Change your profile picture and greeting occasionally, add photos to your own photo album, and login regularly--this won't only demand noticed, it also will help others acquire a more varied and up-to-date idea with the items constitutes sluggish you. View More: tophanamaz.com - Top Ha Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ha Nam AZ: Trần Thị Vân - Tran Thi Van The letter "R" signifies Revelation. Because you read this today, acquire a Revelation! It's your responsibility.no one else's. Writing who you are, your own came from, how much money you experience.get a Revelation. YOU can and creates Miracles! Use preshave products regarding soaps, lathers, creams and gels. They lock moisture into the hair, they assist keep your hair erect and much more reduce friction allowing the blade to glide easily over your skin.
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View More: tophanamaz.com - Top Ha Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ha Nam AZ: Trần Thị Vân - Tran Thi Van Specifically the term 'Brazilian Waxing' refers to partial genital hair removal, often leaving a strip of hair, whereas 'Hollywood Waxing' refers to total genital hair removal. Shaving removes the tapered end for the hair to ensure that it feels sharp and stubbly when this reveals again higher than the skin. Not Ha Nam Province Viet Nam give the sense it keeps growing out rapid. Apply lots of shaving foam or gel over place where you live and leave for a few minutes to soften further. Ordinary soap is not suitable primarily because does not lock associated with moisture to your hair that the shaving preparation cream or gel definitely does. Building a successful business is quiet difficult work - most than it devoted to finding customers. Tin Top Ha Nam AZ Whether or not most people can use your product or service, nonetheless got need a marketing strategy to achieve them in addition to persuasive sales message to shut sales. The first "5" inside the equation represents the 5 people you just call our friends, associates, etc. I suggest that help to make a associated with the 5 people an individual associate with on the consistent basis, and then take a good look in internet to the firm is accredited they either have goals similar to yours or are progressing towards the achievement of their goal much like your 5-year vision. A major key to unlock desire to your future end up being to be 110% conscious from the fact which you will ultimately become the company you associate as well as. This is really a quick affordable method of hair eliminating. It has to be repeated frequently however. Special care must receive to pores and skin. Results: From 1 to 3 days.
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Most almost daily you'll just have a 400 speed film for basic snapshots. Even so it doesn't hurt to use the other speeds for special occasions, you'll notice a difference.
Feeling like there's something rather disgusting not quite there yet in how you're going about this whole online dating thing? Don't feel bad, chances are you're one of the many people who're still pretty fresh to this gig. Heck, internet dating has only been around for as much as eight years, so obviously a single out there can claim to put all the answers. In Canada, exports are "zero-rated" sales for G.S.T. purposes. This means that when you ship a treatment to someone outside Canada, you don't charge D.S.T. Yet, you get to claim (or deduct of your G.S.T. collected by you) all the "input tax credits" (G.S.T. that you paid for business purposes) to make that export. The idea, I suppose, is to encourage exporting. This depends greatly within individual along with the thickness or coarseness within the hair. Some prefer alter a blade after using it once or twice, others after a few times dependable and honest expect between 5 to 7 uses. Tin tức Top Hà Nam AZ You could also need turn out to be little bit patient as you head off into the brave new world of internet dating. Not all marriages are "love at first site," as if yours is, it a associated with looking in order to "site" a special someone. And so, once again . use the ride! In instances this laser Ha Nam Province Viet Nam removal method is permanent. Generally be awful. Also it could be costly depending on top of the size on the area in order to become treated. It is recommended to get professional treatment to avoid skin devastation. Results: Permanent. You ain't ever gonna get rich selling $20 items. Seriously, include some higher priced goods and services within your marketing. You'll get less sales, but more profits. Would not know these people sell unless you try! But don't fall in the trap of promoting any old thing when you get increased commission. Integrity is important, too. Apply associated with shaving foam or gel over spot and leave for seconds to soften further. Ordinary soap isn't suitable since does not lock planet moisture to your hair the shaving preparation cream or gel does indeed. Users of Retin-A, Renova, Differin or Accutane are advised in order to not use hair waxing onto the face website medications are inclined to weaken pores and skin and tearing of skin color may occur when the wax taken out. Tweezers are good for isolated hairs and some facial areas. It is an inexpensive method of hair removal although good quality tweezers are crucial. Results: From 3 to 60 days. Top Hà Nam AZ 247 Be apt to wash the skin thoroughly and dry rid of it beforehand eliminate any lotions or oils which stops the wax from adhering closely towards skin. View More: tophanamaz.com - Top Ha Nam AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ha Nam AZ: Trần Thị Vân - Tran Thi Van Written By Author in tophanamaz.com: Vũ Thị Phương - Vu Thi Phuong Written By Author in tophanamaz.com: Đào Trọng Tuấn - Dao Trong Tuan
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andersendemant20 · 2 months
Email Reflections: 10 Simple Courtesies
You aren't a surfer waiting for wave arrive in. Apply regarding shaving foam or gel over pick a and leave for a few minutes to soften further. To do otherwise would have been deliberately unkind. You might find a store where you can buy an item that also has limited engraving capabilities. This particular type of store usually relies on pre-programmed systems to perform their engraving rather than skill or expertise. Tin Top Bắc Giang AZ This is a good option if the outcomes meets your expectations. View More: topbacgiangaz.com - Top Bac Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Giang AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thắng - Nguyen Van Thang Now with CoolGlide technology, all skin variations can be treated. Anxious cases this hair removal method is permanent. Could be mild discomfort. It can be expensive depending to your size of the area pertaining to being treated. It is important to get professional treatment to avoid skin wear and tear. Tin tổng hợp Top Bắc Giang AZ Results: Permanent. Apply involving shaving foam or gel over designed and leave for a few minutes to soften further. Ordinary soap isn't suitable simply because it does not lock on moisture towards hair means a shaving preparation cream or gel does.
View More: topbacgiangaz.com - Top Bac Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Giang AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thắng - Nguyen Van Thang In trying to comply with tax laws for your e-business, you might discover yourself falling over the rabbit-hole, going from looking glass, go to a Mad Tea-Party. Top Bac Giang AZ One belonging to the most effective ways to expand your mailing list is also included with a pay-per-lead service where you PAY a moving company to bring targeted subscribers to your family. The company will run an advertising campaign you r and deliver motivated, opt-in subscribers for ones list. Inexpensive can vary greatly simply by the information you really need. The e-mail lead packages I've been using recently range from $.10 to $.35 per lead. Most effective: Large, flat areas much arms and legs. Least effective: Curved areas including underarms, all of which will cause significant trauma for the face along with other thin skinned areas. It hard even the experienced engraver to detect the quality of an item before the cutting starts off. An item made of an awful metal alloy covered with a gold plating will overall look and feel real nice but when the engraving starts the plating separates around the base metal and it again is ruined. In Canada, exports are "zero-rated" sales for W.S.T. purposes. This means that a person first ship solution praised to someone outside Canada, you don't charge K.S.T. Yet, you get to claim (or deduct from the G.S.T. collected by you) all the "input tax credits" (G.S.T. that you paid for business purposes) to make that ship. The idea, I suppose, Bac Giang City Viet Nam is to encourage transferring. As one example, consider digitized products that you might sell from my Canadian website, such as e-books, downloadable software, or subscriptions to content. Find out be believed to be selling "intangible personal property". Unless your device is also considered "intellectual property" (such as software or e-books that you produced or have obtained the rights for), avoid using have to charge R.S.T. The reason why, according for the Canada Revenue Agency, is the fact that it Could possibly be used inside Canada, regardless if it is actually not. Use preshave products such as soaps, lathers, creams and gels. They lock moisture into the hair, aid keep the hair erect as they reduce friction allowing the blade to glide easily over the skin. In conclusion: Shaving is one of the more common methods of hair removal the world over. It is inexpensive, quick, and conveniently done at your home. The negative factors are that it must be done frequently and also the skin can suffer unless precautions are taken.
These 4 marketing myths can allow you to be lose sales if you base your marketing decisions on these individuals. But the related marketing tips I included with every myth will boost your sales if you act fitted instead. Writing allows us to Bac Giang City Viet Nam get in contact with just what hidden from us, giving us remedies for those questions that look as if baffle us often exposing the explanation for our resentment. The letter "C" brief for Commitment. Being a.once and for each and every.dive right into the program.get Committed to your Miracle! It is a personal responsibility. Inside you is a cause for an individual are below.your Miracle.so Commit into it. Go because of it! Now, if good grammar isn't your strength, do not worry! I write and edit for a living, great news because stuff is my bag. Tin Top Bac Giang AZ 24h My point proven fact that you should *check and double-check* all communications you signal out, a person risk blowing your credibleness. The saying, "You require to spend money to earn money," generally holds true for Any organization! An Internet-based business will not be a exception,whether your are promoting individual personal products or someone else's. As for photo albums, this is the icing with a cake. Not only do these photos round out and look into the physical picture your friends are forming of you, but additionally they go some distance in helping others really see as opposed to you "you." The head and shoulders shot individuals in your profile photo is nice and all, while they assist you to hanging 10, running with a Chihuahua, or shoving a big fat part cheesecake in your mouth with. now they're getting to know most people. Don't be scared to help make the first contact. Online dating considers it easy a lot of you shy ones outside to break the ice, because you to do all preliminary getting learn each other from improved and safety of very computer. I hope identifying these pitfalls in order to look at yourself unique ways. Tin Top Bắc Giang AZ Contrary to popular belief internet marketing is not an instant approach to riches, it can be an achievable one. In instances this unpleasant method is permanent. It could be much worse. Also it could expensive might the dimensions the area to be treated. It important to get professional treatment to avoid skin deterioration. Results: Permanent. It didn't take wish for me to attain that i thought this was no solution to make profit in real personal. Consequently, I eliminated these houses as fast as I possibly could. There were plenty of buyers, prepared take over my headaches, because experienced the skill to make it work, they believed. View More: topbacgiangaz.com - Top Bac Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Giang AZ: Nguyễn Văn Thắng - Nguyen Van Thang Written By Author in topbacgiangaz.com: Phạm Hà Trang - Pham Ha Trang
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Written By Author in topbacgiangaz.com: Đỗ Đức Tú - Do Duc Tu
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digitalethnography · 3 months
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The ROI of UX Research
Introduction Assumptive design practices result in unnecessary complexities for users. The best products are simple. The best products are user-first. The best products are the result of extensive UX research.
Below are the benefits of using UX research tools:
The cost of poor user experiences Poor user experiences deter return visits; thus, it is paramount that design teams get it right the first time. UX research is the key to getting it right and acquiring users and their loyalty for years to come. UX research tools allow teams to gain greater insights on:
Usability consistency User needs, Strategy & innovation User engagement & loyalty
Companies can’t afford to skimp on UX research in today’s competitive climate and with the expectation from consumers that they be treated as individuals. UX research tools give teams a live pulse of where the customers are today and where they are heading tomorrow by helping them:
Track how consumers use products in their everyday lives Observe what they need by unearthing points of friction
Understand their thoughts and feelings
Similar to a canary in a coal mine, UX research tools give design teams the ability to see problems before deploying to a greater user base. Then, when teams decide to test and iterate, they save an exceptional amount of money and time and are likely to profit far quicker. With users being far less likely to revisit a site with a bad user experience — about 88% will not return to a bad site1 — companies don’t have the time or money to fix a site and retarget lost users.
A common misconception about UX research is that it will take considerable time. And research does take time, but remote UX research tools have sped up the testing and iteration process so companies can quickly arrive at a product that customers will use.
The compounding returns of UX research
Build the right product first and reap the rewards for years to come. Competitors, who choose not to test, may go to market quicker, but they will spend more time fixing the basic aspects of their product and lose market share. The key to UX research is to get the product right the first time, in the most efficient manner. Like building a house, you must build a healthy foundation before picking colors.
Companies that develop co-creative methodologies with testing will benefit from building and iterating with users. Testing and iterating in small batches allow teams to get ahead of problems. It also enables design teams to understand the nuances and gaps facing customers to create a truly user-first product. Instead of assuming what customers need, UX research allows teams to listen. Instead of building from zero, UX researchers piece together a puzzle that attracts and adapts to what users want and need.
Read complete blog here - https://ethosapp.com/blog/the-roi-of-ux-research/
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imgpanda · 3 months
Checkout Hacks: Remove Shipping Calculated on Shopify
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In the bustling world of eCommerce, the checkout process stands as the pivotal moment where transactions are finalized and customer satisfaction is cemented. However, amidst the convenience of online shopping, one common issue persists: the unexpected addition of shipping costs during checkout, particularly on Shopify platforms. This blog post aims to delve into this predicament, offering insights and innovative hacks to alleviate the burden of shipping calculations during the checkout process on Shopify. By exploring effective solutions, we strive to enhance the overall shopping experience for both merchants and customers alike.
Understanding Shipping Calculations
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Shipping costs on Shopify are typically calculated based on various factors such as the destination, package weight, dimensions, and shipping method chosen by the customer. This dynamic calculation process occurs during the checkout phase, where customers input their shipping address and select their preferred shipping option. However, while shipping calculations aim to provide transparency and accuracy in pricing, they also pose certain drawbacks and challenges. For merchants, accurately estimating shipping costs in real-time can be complex, leading to potential discrepancies or underestimations that impact profitability. Additionally, customers may be deterred by unexpected shipping costs during checkout, resulting in cart abandonment and lost sales opportunities. This discrepancy between merchant and customer expectations underscores the need for alternative solutions to streamline the checkout process and alleviate the burden of shipping calculations.
The Importance of Removing Shipping Calculations
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Merchants may find compelling reasons to remove shipping calculations at checkout, primarily to enhance the shopping experience and drive conversions. Here's why: - Free Shipping Promotions: Offering free shipping promotions is a popular marketing strategy to attract customers and increase sales. By removing shipping calculations at checkout, merchants can seamlessly apply free shipping offers, enticing customers to complete their purchases without hesitation. - Simplified Purchasing Process: Complicated shipping calculations can add friction to the checkout process, potentially deterring customers from completing their orders. Removing shipping calculations simplifies the purchasing journey, making it more intuitive and user-friendly for customers. For customers, the benefits of removing shipping calculations include: - Transparency: Transparent pricing builds trust and confidence in the buying process. By eliminating unexpected shipping costs at checkout, customers can accurately assess the total cost of their purchase upfront, leading to greater satisfaction and trust in the merchant. - Reduced Cart Abandonment: High shipping costs are a common reason for cart abandonment. By removing shipping calculations or offering free shipping, merchants can reduce friction points in the checkout process, resulting in fewer abandoned carts and higher conversion rates. - Improved User Experience: A seamless and hassle-free checkout experience enhances the overall user experience. Removing shipping calculations contributes to a smoother checkout process, reducing frustration and improving customer satisfaction. In essence, removing shipping calculations benefits both merchants and customers by promoting transparency, reducing cart abandonment rates, and enhancing the overall user experience.
Hacks to Remove Shipping Calculations
Implementing hacks and workarounds to remove shipping calculations on Shopify can streamline the checkout process and improve customer satisfaction. Here are some effective methods to achieve this: - Adjust Shipping Settings: Within the Shopify dashboard, merchants can modify shipping settings to offer free shipping or flat-rate shipping options. By setting shipping rates to zero or applying a fixed rate for all orders, merchants can effectively remove shipping calculations at checkout. - Use Discount Codes: Merchants can create discount codes specifically for free shipping and distribute them to customers through marketing campaigns or promotional offers. Customers can apply these discount codes during checkout to eliminate shipping costs from their orders. - Install Third-Party Apps or Plugins: Shopify offers a variety of third-party apps and plugins designed to simplify the checkout process and customize shipping options. Merchants can explore these apps to find solutions that align with their specific needs, such as apps that enable free shipping thresholds or integrate with shipping carriers to offer discounted rates. - Bundle Shipping Costs: Another workaround is to include shipping costs in the product prices and offer "free shipping" on all orders. While the shipping costs are still present, customers perceive the shipping as free, eliminating the need for shipping calculations at checkout. By implementing these hacks and workarounds, merchants can effectively remove shipping calculations at checkout, providing a seamless and hassle-free purchasing experience for customers on Shopify.
Offering Free Shipping Alternatives
While removing shipping calculations is beneficial, offering free shipping alternatives can further enhance the shopping experience for customers on Shopify. Here are some strategies to consider: - Flat-Rate Shipping: Implementing flat-rate shipping allows merchants to offer a consistent shipping fee for all orders, regardless of size or destination. This simplifies the checkout process for customers and provides transparency in shipping costs. - Free Shipping Thresholds: Set up free shipping promotions based on order thresholds. For example, offer free shipping for orders above a certain dollar amount. This incentivizes customers to increase their order value to qualify for free shipping, boosting average order value and increasing sales. - Incorporate Shipping Costs into Product Prices: Instead of charging separate shipping fees, consider incorporating shipping costs into the product prices. This allows merchants to offer "free shipping" on all orders while ensuring that shipping costs are covered. Customers perceive the shipping as free, leading to a smoother checkout experience. - Tiered Shipping Rates: Create tiered shipping rates based on order weight, subtotal, or destination. Offer discounted shipping rates for orders within certain thresholds, providing customers with cost-effective shipping options and encouraging larger purchases. By offering free shipping alternatives, merchants can attract customers, increase sales, and improve the overall shopping experience on Shopify. These strategies provide flexibility and transparency in shipping costs while simplifying the checkout process for customers.
Communicating Shipping Policies
Effectively communicating shipping policies and costs to customers is essential for transparency and trust. Here are some tips to ensure clear communication: - Visible Shipping Information: Display shipping policies prominently on your Shopify store website, preferably on the homepage or product pages. Clearly outline shipping rates, delivery times, and any applicable fees or restrictions to set customer expectations upfront. - Dedicated Shipping Page: Create a dedicated shipping information page where customers can find detailed information about shipping policies and options. Include FAQs to address common questions and concerns related to shipping. - Shipping Calculator: Provide a shipping calculator tool that allows customers to estimate shipping costs before reaching the checkout stage. This helps customers make informed decisions and reduces surprises at checkout. - Order Confirmation Emails: Include shipping details and estimated delivery times in order confirmation emails sent to customers after purchase. This reassures customers and keeps them informed about their order status. - Live Chat Support: Offer live chat support on your Shopify store to assist customers with any shipping-related inquiries in real-time. This provides immediate assistance and builds trust with customers. - Clear Checkout Messaging: Clearly communicate shipping costs and options during the checkout process. Use messaging such as "Standard Shipping" or "Free Shipping on Orders Over $X" to inform customers about available shipping methods. By effectively communicating shipping policies and costs to customers before they reach the checkout stage, merchants can build trust, reduce confusion, and enhance the overall shopping experience on Shopify.
Testing and Optimization
After implementing changes to shipping calculations and communication strategies, it's crucial to test and optimize the checkout process continuously. Here's why testing and optimization are important and some recommendations for doing so: - Assess Conversion Rates: Monitor conversion rates before and after implementing changes to shipping calculations and communication strategies. Analyze whether there's an improvement in conversion rates, indicating that the changes are positively impacting the checkout process. - Gather Customer Feedback: Collect feedback from customers regarding their experience with the checkout process, particularly regarding shipping-related aspects. Use surveys, feedback forms, or direct communication channels to understand customer sentiments and identify areas for improvement. - Analyze Abandonment Rates: Track cart abandonment rates and analyze whether there's a decrease in abandonment rates after removing shipping calculations or offering free shipping alternatives. Identify any patterns or trends in abandoned carts related to shipping costs and address them accordingly. - Test Different Strategies: Experiment with different shipping strategies, such as offering free shipping thresholds or flat-rate shipping, to see which option resonates best with your customers. Conduct A/B tests to compare the performance of different shipping-related variables and optimize accordingly. - Optimize Checkout Flow: Continuously optimize the checkout flow to minimize friction points and streamline the purchasing process. Remove any unnecessary steps or distractions that may deter customers from completing their orders. - Monitor Key Metrics: Keep a close eye on key metrics such as average order value, customer lifetime value, and repeat purchase rate to gauge the overall effectiveness of your shipping strategies. Adjust your approach based on the insights gleaned from these metrics to continually improve the checkout experience. By testing and optimizing the checkout process, merchants can ensure that changes to shipping calculations and communication strategies effectively enhance the overall shopping experience, leading to increased conversions and customer satisfaction on Shopify.
Q: Will removing shipping calculations affect my shipping revenue? A: Removing shipping calculations may impact your shipping revenue if you previously charged customers for shipping. However, offering free shipping alternatives or incorporating shipping costs into product prices can help mitigate this impact. Q: How can I offer free shipping without losing money? A: Offering free shipping can be strategically implemented by setting order thresholds or adjusting product prices to cover shipping costs. Additionally, optimizing shipping methods and partnering with cost-effective carriers can help minimize shipping expenses. Q: Can I still offer expedited shipping if I remove shipping calculations? A: Yes, you can still offer expedited shipping options even if you remove shipping calculations. Simply include these options in your shipping settings or offer them as premium shipping upgrades during checkout. Q: Will removing shipping calculations increase cart abandonment rates? A: While there's a possibility that removing shipping calculations may initially increase cart abandonment rates, offering free shipping alternatives or transparent shipping information can help alleviate concerns and encourage customers to complete their purchases. Q: What if my shipping costs vary based on the customer's location? A: If your shipping costs vary based on location, consider implementing a flat-rate shipping option or providing a shipping calculator that estimates costs based on the customer's address. Alternatively, you can offer free shipping thresholds that apply regardless of location.
In conclusion, implementing checkout hacks to remove shipping calculations on Shopify can significantly enhance the customer experience and drive sales. By simplifying the checkout process and providing transparency in shipping costs, merchants can reduce friction and increase conversions. Throughout this blog post, we've explored various strategies and methods to remove shipping calculations, such as adjusting shipping settings, offering free shipping alternatives, and effectively communicating shipping policies. These hacks empower Shopify merchants to optimize their checkout process and better meet the needs of their customers. As you embark on implementing these checkout hacks, remember to monitor key metrics, gather customer feedback, and continuously optimize your approach. By doing so, you can create a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. We encourage Shopify merchants to explore the possibilities of checkout optimization and leverage these hacks to drive success in their eCommerce ventures. With careful planning and execution, removing shipping calculations can have a positive impact on your Shopify store and contribute to long-term growth and profitability. Read the full article
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hoverdoors · 3 months
Why Choose Magnetic Levitating Barn Doors for Your Home?
Innovations in home design are continuously evolving, aiming to combine style with cutting-edge technology. Among these advancements, the Hover Doors Barn Door stands out, offering a blend of aesthetic appeal and unparalleled functionality. Utilizing advanced Magnetic Levitation technology, this door system transforms how we think about space and movement within our homes. If you're in the market for a barn door for sale, here's why the magnetic levitating option should top your list.
Revolutionary Magnetic Levitation Technology
At the heart of the Hover Doors Barn Door is its cutting-edge Magnetic Levitation technology. This system allows the door to float and glide on a cushion of air, ensuring an operation so smooth it feels like magic. Unlike traditional doors that rely on rollers and tracks, this innovative approach eliminates friction and wear, offering a silent, maintenance-free experience that truly sets it apart.
Unmatched Advantages for Your Home
Choosing a Hover Doors Barn Door for your home brings a host of benefits that go beyond mere aesthetics:
Lifetime Warranty: Peace of mind comes standard with a lifetime warranty, ensuring your investment is protected for the long haul.
Zero Maintenance: Forget about the hassle of regular upkeep. The frictionless motion means there's nothing to wear out or break down.
Sleek and Modern Design: With its minimalist and contemporary design, this barn door adds a touch of sophistication to any space.
Simple Installation: The door's design simplifies the installation process, making it a feasible project for homeowners and professionals alike.
2-Way Soft Close Mechanisms: This feature ensures the door closes gently and quietly, enhancing safety and tranquility in your home.
Pinky Touch Operation: The door operates so effortlessly that a mere touch is all it takes to set it in motion.
Silent Air Operation: The magnetic levitation technology not only makes for a smoother motion but also a quieter one, with the door gliding in silence.
Zero Gravity: Experience the illusion of zero gravity as the door floats without any visible means of support, adding a futuristic vibe to your décor.
Why Magnetic Levitating Barn Doors Are the Future
Choosing a magnetic levitating barn door isn't just about embracing the future; it's about enjoying a host of practical benefits today. The Hover Doors Barn Door represents a leap forward in door technology, combining efficiency, safety, and style in a package that's hard to resist. Whether you're renovating your current home or designing a new one, consider how a barn door for sale with magnetic levitation technology can enhance not just the look of your space but also its functionality.
Space Efficiency and Aesthetic Appeal
Magnetic levitating barn doors are not just space savers; they're also design statements. They require no clearance, allowing for more flexible room layouts and furniture placement. The absence of floor tracks contributes to a cleaner, more integrated look, suitable for any interior design scheme from rustic to modern. Plus, the ability to customize materials, finishes, and designs means you can tailor the door to fit your exact aesthetic preferences.
In Conclusion
The Hover Doors Barn Door transcends traditional expectations of what a door can be. With its magnetic levitation technology, lifetime warranty, zero maintenance, and host of other benefits, it represents a smart choice for homeowners looking to combine style with the latest in home technology. As you consider a barn door for sale, remember that choosing a magnetic levitating option like the Hover Doors Barn Door not only adds a wow factor to your home but also provides a seamless, efficient, and stunningly beautiful solution that will be admired for years to come.
To Know More: https://hoverdoors.com/product/maglev-barn-door/
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iso20022blockchain · 4 months
Complete Analysis On ISO 20022 Blockchain
In today's dynamic financial landscape, traditional assets like real estate are undergoing a transformative shift, as a result of the revolutionary technology of blockchain. Real estate, once deemed illiquid and slow to appreciate, has become experiencing a paradigm shift, unlocking new realms of possibilities through the innovative concept of real-world asset tokenization. Property tokenization introduces a groundbreaking approach, where each security token represents a fractionalized stake in the ownership of a property. This game-changing method has not only attracted small-scale investors but has also spurred unprecedented liquidity in the global real estate market. Smart contracts, the backbone of tokenization, have automated various tasks that have been traditionally manual and time-consuming. Processes such as for instance document verification, underwriting, compliance, and securities management are seamlessly executed through code, eliminating the requirement for human intervention. Are you looking about iso 20022 blockchain? View the before mentioned site.
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This automation not just enhances productivity but also accelerates settlement processes, saving both time and money. Real-estate, historically plagued by non-disclosure and not enough transparency, finds a remedy through tokenization. Blockchain technology records every transaction detail securely, including date, time, parties involved, payments, and contractual terms. This decentralized and tamper-proof ledger ensures that stakeholders and investors have easy access to comprehensive information, proving ownership and fostering trust within the ecosystem. Property tokenization reduces the standard barriers to entry, rendering it accessible to a broader audience. By dividing ownership equity into smaller, tradable parts, it enhances the chances of home sale. Investors benefit from valuable security tokens, earning income through rent and enjoying perks such as for example dividends, voting rights, and equity appreciation. This democratization of assets ensures that even smaller traders can diversify their portfolios without hefty capital commitments.
Tokenization leverages smart contracts to eradicate third-party costs related to property transactions. Brokerage fees, lender charges, closing costs, legal fees, and appraisal expenses are reduced to zero. Acting as a decentralized broker, smart contracts streamline the process, enhancing efficiency and reducing friction among multiple parties involved in deals. Real estate's historical challenge of slow liquidity is effectively addressed by tokenization. Previously hindered by multiple stakeholders and conflicting regulations, the marketplace gains newfound liquidity as global investors access properties through secondary markets. The faster conversion of real estate assets into cash not just boosts their value but additionally opens avenues for premium market purchases. The tokenization of real assets stands as a game-changer, reshaping the investment landscape and democratizing opportunities. Asset tokenization companies are in the forefront, offering services that redefine how investors engage with the market. As this transformative trend continues, overcoming practical and legal challenges will soon be crucial, ensuring a secure and efficient environment for the seamless settlement of property transactions. The era of real world asset tokenization has arrived, unlocking a new era of financial accessibility and chance for all.
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techglideitcompany · 5 months
The Top Digital Marketing Companies in the USA for 2024
Blast off into outer space. Peer down at the bright blue marble of Earth. Watch as it recedes into the distance, becoming a small speck against the vast darkness of space. This is the all-encompassing view you’ll get of the digital landscape when you take your business into the online stratosphere with Techglide.
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The Milky Way galaxy is filled with billions of stars. Similarly, content marketing shines bright, lighting the way for customers seeking your products and services. Techglide creates search-optimized blogs, articles, eBooks and videos tailored to your goals. This lights up the skies and illuminates the path that leads customers from the far reaches of the internet directly to you.
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Even the dark side of the moon gets illuminated by reflected sunlight. Similarly, Techglide identifies influencers to reflect the glow of your brand to untapped segments of the market. This expands your horizon beyond what’s immediately visible.
Techglide’s analytics and reporting monitors your trajectory at every stage, tracking meaningful metrics to ensure your mission stays on course. With real-time mid-flight corrections, you’ll soon enter zero gravity on your way to the outer limits of business achievements.
With Techglide, Digital Marketing Company services in USA, as your launch partner, no milestone is out of reach. Their full-thrust digital marketing propels your business into the stratosphere of success. Are you ready to embark on this pioneering journey across the digital universe? Suit up, buckle in and prepare for lift-off! The sky is no longer the limit. For more information CONTACT US  email: [email protected] phone no: 6284431009
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Meeting the clean energy needs of tomorrow
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/meeting-the-clean-energy-needs-of-tomorrow/
Meeting the clean energy needs of tomorrow
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Yuri Sebregts, chief technology officer at Shell, succinctly laid out the energy dilemma facing the world over the rest of this century. On one hand, demand for energy is quickly growing as countries in the developing world modernize and the global population grows, with 100 gigajoules of energy per person needed annually to enable quality-of-life benefits and industrialization around the globe. On the other, traditional energy sources are quickly warming the planet, with the world already seeing the devastating effects of increasingly frequent extreme weather events. 
While the goals of energy security and energy sustainability are seemingly at odds with one another, the two must be pursued in tandem, Sebregts said during his address at the MIT Energy Initiative Fall Colloquium.
“An environmentally sustainable energy system that isn’t also a secure energy system is not sustainable,” Sebregts said. “And conversely, a secure energy system that is not environmentally sustainable will do little to ensure long-term energy access and affordability. Therefore, security and sustainability must go hand-in-hand. You can’t trade off one for the other.”
Sebregts noted that there are several potential pathways to help strike this balance, including investments in renewable energy sources, the use of carbon offsets, and the creation of more efficient tools, products, and processes. However, he acknowledged that meeting growing energy demands while minimizing environmental impacts is a global challenge requiring an unprecedented level of cooperation among countries and corporations across the world. 
“At Shell, we recognize that this will require a lot of collaboration between governments, businesses, and civil society,” Sebregts said. “That’s not always easy.”
Global conflict and global warming
In 2021, Sebregts noted, world leaders gathered in Glasgow, Scotland and collectively promised to deliver on the “stretch goal” of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which would limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius — a level that scientists believe will help avoid the worst potential impacts of climate change. But, just a few months later, Russia invaded Ukraine, resulting in chaos in global energy markets and illustrating the massive impact that geopolitical friction can have on efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
“Even though global volatility has been a near constant of this century, the situation in Ukraine is proving to be a turning point,” Sebregts said. “The stress it placed on the global supply of energy, food, and other critical materials was enormous.”
In Europe, Sebregts noted, countries affected by the loss of Russia’s natural gas supply began importing from the Middle East and the United States. This, in turn, drove up prices. While this did result in some efforts to limit energy use, such as Europeans lowering their thermostats in the winter, it also caused some energy buyers to turn to coal. For instance, the German government approved additional coal mining to boost its energy security — temporarily reversing a decades-long transition away from the fuel. To put this into wider perspective, in a single quarter, China increased its coal generation capacity by as much as Germany had reduced its own over the previous 20 years.
The promise of electrification
Sebregts noted the strides being made toward electrification, which is expected to have a significant impact on global carbon emissions. To meet net-zero emissions (the point at which humans are adding no more carbon to the atmosphere than they are removing) by 2050, the share of electricity as a portion of total worldwide energy consumption must reach 37 percent by 2030, up from 20 percent in 2020, Sebregts said.
He pointed out that Shell has become one of the world’s largest electric vehicle charging companies, with more than 30,000 public charge points. By 2025, that number will increase to 70,000, and it is expected to soar to 200,000 by 2030. While demand and infrastructure for electric vehicles are growing, Sebregts said that the “real needle-mover” will be industrial electrification, especially in so-called “hard-to-abate” sectors.
This progress will depend heavily on global cooperation — Sebregts pointed out that China dominates the international market for many rare elements that are key components of electrification infrastructure. “It shouldn’t be a surprise that the political instability, shifting geopolitical tensions, and environmental and social governance issues are significant risks for the energy transition,” he said. “It is imperative that we reduce, control, and mitigate these risks as much as possible.”
Two possible paths
For decades, Sebregts said, Shell has created scenarios to help senior managers think through the long-term challenges facing the company. While Sebregts stressed that these scenarios are not predictions, they do take into account real-world conditions, and they are meant to give leaders the opportunity to grapple with plausible situations.
With this in mind, Sebregts outlined Shell’s most recent Energy Security Scenarios, describing the potential future consequences of attempts to balance growing energy demand with sustainability — scenarios that envision vastly different levels of global cooperation, with huge differences in projected results. 
The first scenario, dubbed “Archipelagos,” imagines countries pursuing energy security through self-interest — a fragmented, competitive process that would result in a global temperature increase of 2.2 degrees Celsius by the end of this century. The second scenario, “Sky 2050,” envisions countries around the world collaborating to change the energy system for their mutual benefit. This more optimistic scenario would see a much lower global temperature increase of 1.2 C by 2100.
“The good news is that in both scenarios, the world is heading for net-zero emissions at some point,” Sebregts said. “The difference is a question of when it gets there. In Sky 2050, it is the middle of the century. In Archipelagos, it is early in the next century.”
On the other hand, Sebregts added, the average global temperature will increase by more than 1.5 C for some period of time in either scenario. But, in the Archipelagos scenario, this overshoot will be much larger, and will take much longer to come down. “So, two very different futures,” Sebregts said. “Two very different worlds.”
The work ahead
Questioned about the costs of transitioning to a net-zero energy ecosystem, Sebregts said that it is “very hard” to provide an accurate answer. “If you impose an additional constraint … you’re going to have to add some level of cost,” he said. “But then, of course, there’s 30 years of technology development pathway that might counteract some of that.”
In some cases, such as air travel, Sebregts said, it will likely remain impractical to either rely on electrification or sequester carbon at the source of emission. Direct air capture (DAC) methods, which mechanically pull carbon directly from the atmosphere, will have a role to play in offsetting these emissions, he said. Sebregts predicted that the price of DAC could come down significantly by the middle of this century. “I would venture that a price of $200 to $250 a ton of CO2 by 2050 is something that the world would be willing to spend, at least in developed economies, to offset those very hard-to-abate instances.”
Sebregts noted that Shell is working on demonstrating DAC technologies in Houston, Texas, constructing what will become Europe’s largest hydrogen plant in the Netherlands, and taking other steps to profitably transition to a net-zero emissions energy company by 2050. “We need to understand what can help our customers transition quicker and how we can continue to satisfy their needs,” he said. “We must ensure that energy is affordable, accessible, and sustainable, as soon as possible.”
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