timaeusterrored · 23 days
It’s you!
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Despite everything, it’s still you.
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letmedi3pls · 1 year
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ceescedasticity · 2 months
Can you tell us stuff about the Hirnedhrim that hasn't been brought up in either fic yet? Background information, stuff that got edited out, minor things that probably won't have a reason to be mentioned?
I have a couple of things.
First, have the incomplete opening to Zuste trying to write an explanation of the Fair Orc (warnings for Fair Orc):
Of the Fair Orc
The Fair Orc was so called because he had milk-pale skin, refined features, thick straight hair, and an upright posture. He looked more like an elf than an orc, but though the Men of Dunland had no love for elves they could tell he was something worse than an elf.
The Fair Orc first came to Dunland hundreds of years before the Great Plague. He came down out of the mountains and made abductions from the Dunlendings. Usually he stole young women, usually those who were out alone, but not always. He sometimes attacked small groups, he sometimes breached holdings, he sometimes took older women or men. He very seldom took more than one at once, but it was not uncommon he held more than one at once.
We don't know We aren't sure All the stories just say he ruined
All or almost all of them were returned alive, and hale in body. But Men said The women of childbearing age he begot children on and returned heavily pregnant. As for the others
We watched for when they were returned but mostly did not approach them. I hardly need say they wanted nothing to do with us Only if their family would not take them back, or if their family had been killed in their absence, or if they ran away.
They were broken. Most of them he made think they loved him. This served to make them less likely to try to kill the babe at birth, but he also did it to those who could not bear children. But that passed with time, no more than a few years and sometimes at once. He left them with strange habits.
Thinking they loved him did not keep them from knowing they feared him. And after they overcame the love, or even before, they were filled with shame.
Men called them ruined because they believed the Fair Orc coupled with all of them and that said coupling stole women's purity and men's manhood.
Second, let me see… okay this is barely interpretable, but it lists all the goblin-men of Dunland I have any notes on, including rough birthdates, rough deathdates if applicable, comments on what Dacian plant name they have, whether they followed Saruman to the Iron Ring (I), refused (U), or were already dead and so not invited (D). Most of this isn't set in stone.
Name; Gender; notes; birth (T.A.); death; notes on death; Iron Ring, Unwilling, or Dead Already? Ziais; f; ; 1140; 2200; dead before; D Artaki; ; ; 1145; 2100; dead before; D Coicolida; f; deadly nightshade; 1150; 2000; dead before; D Seba; f; Wouldn't leave on short notice [elderberry]; 1165; 3019; fall; I Ruit ; f; ; 1166; 1637; ; D Tsiru; m; Leading Saruman loyalist; 1170; 3019; fall; I Zebel; m; ; 1171; 1275; ; D Milda; f; ; 1175; ; ; D Dielina; f; Said she saw an omen [henbane]; 1255; ; ALIVE; I Zena; f; Never followed Saruman [poison hemlock]; 1260; ; ALIVE; U Zuste; f; [wormwood]; 1263; ; ALIVE; I Zired; m; ; 1264; 2500; dead before; D Prodiorna; f; black hellebore; never followed Saruman ; 1350; ; ALIVE; U Carpi; ; ; 1352; ; ; Vydas ; m; ; 1355; ; ; D Charnabon / Charn; m; ; 1360; 1500; dead before; D Bikili; m; ; 1362; ; ; Ebustrone; f; Left in ten years leading up to fall (later) [lesser celandine – toxic]; 1420; ; ALIVE; I Dotos; m; Left in ten years leading up to fall (later); 1425; ; ALIVE; I Cycolis; f; groundcherry; 1426; ; ALIVE; U Zidris; m; ; 1430; ; ; Aprus; f; [smelly iris]; 1440; 1900; dead before; D Cotiata; f; Switchgrass; 1500; ; ALIVE; U Alutus; ; ; 1505; ; ; Donaris; ; ; 1510; ; ALIVE; U Rholes; m; Sensible; 1560; ; ALIVE; I Pegrina; f; ; 1565; ; ALIVE; Kaigiza; m; escaped with Rholes; 1570; ; ALIVE; I Diodela; f; yarrow, etc; 1572; ; ; Azila; f; hound's tongue; 1575; ; ALIVE; U Dapyx; m; escaped with Rholes; 1580; ; ALIVE; I Teres; ; ; 1660; ; ; U Moscon; m; Leading Saruman loyalist, had wife and children who Zuste collected; 1660; 3019; fall; I Sargetia; f; ; 1662; 2000; dead before; D Lax; f; purslane; 1666; ; ; I Salia; f; Leading Saruman loyalist, died in fall [anise or stinking tutsan]; 1670; 3019; fall; I Thornapple ; ; ; 1750; ; ; Pennyroyal; m; Never followed Saruman; 1752; ; ALIVE; U Hanspur; f; Never followed Saruman; 1752; ; ALIVE; U Nightshade; ; ; 1755; ; ; Hemlock; ; ; 1760; ; ; Dracontos; f; rosemary; 1820; ; ; Saldens; ; ; 1822; ; ; Kersas ; ; ; 1824; ; ALIVE; U Parthia; f; dog's tooth grass; 1900; 2000; dead before; D Didas; m; ; 1904; ; ; Polpum; f; dill; 1905; ; ; Daugas; ; ; 1906; ; ; Dadas; m; ; 1998; ; ; Holly; ; ; 2000; ; ; I Daizus; m; ; 2002; ; ; Asa; f; coltsfoot; 2005; ; ; Tanidila; f; catmint; 2007; ; ALIVE; U Teudila; f; Wouldn't leave on short notice [peppermint or horsemint?]; 2100; 3019; fall; I Diegis; m; ; 2103; ; ; Brasus; m; ; 2104; ; ; Scorylo; m; died in war, has rescued supposed-to-be-uruk-hai child, probably; 2110; 3019; ; I Moes; ; ; 2112; ; ; I Kotus; ; ; 2114; ; ; I Rasku ; ; ; 2116; ; ; I Skiare; f; Left in ten years leading up to fall (first) [wild teasel]; 2160; ; ALIVE; I Zoltes; ; ; 2163; ; ALIVE; U Komozoi; m; ; 2200; ; ALIVE; U Kestu; f; ; 2202; ; ALIVE; U Mantia; f; woolly blackberry; 2204; ; ALIVE; U Sitalkas; ; ; 2204; ; ; Coadama; f; pondweed; 2350; ; ; Sipoax; f; broadleaf plantain; 2355; ; ; Anarti; ; ; 2355; ; ; Zyrax; m; Married (and infatuated with) Cynwise; 2360; 3019; fall; I Mugwort; ; ; 2400; ; ; Loosestrife; ; ; 2402; ; ; Priadila; f; bryony; 2404; ; ; Olma; f; Left in ten years leading up to fall (later) [dwarf elder]; 2500; ; ALIVE; I Tyras; m; escaped with Rholes; 2590; ; ALIVE; I Cercer; f; Knew a lot of goblin-women of Isengard [pimpernel]; 2600; ; ALIVE; I Zidra; f; ; 2700; ; ALIVE; U Poris; ; ; 2702; ; ; Argilos; ; ; 2705; ; ALIVE; U Henbell; ; ; 2805; ; ; Dyn; f; Like alchemy, scared of war [nettle]; 2810; ; ALIVE; I Istros; ; ; 2815; ; ; Tarbus; m; Married very late, no children, escaped with Rholes; 2820; ; ALIVE; I Hilwyrt; f; ; 2885; ; ; Sathel ; f; ; ; ; ; I Louzis ; f; ; ; ; ; I
Third: Somewhere on this list, probably — maybe 'Kotus — is the so-called "squint-eyed Southerner" who was spying in Bree, who eventually went slinking back to Dunland when he had nowhere else to go.
Not on the list because they were probably goblin-men of Isengard, but I think the community probably includes a couple escaped ruffians, too.
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faezevahid · 2 days
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When you are hungry and embarrassed...
Zebel my best friend...
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Why would Zebel have any good will toward Carylers when everyone is making fun of him? Men usually have really fucking fragile egos. If I've read your blog between the lines correctly that's the reason Gimple does most of the things he does. To vindicate his own besmirched honor. We don't need more of that. We need Carol back and if Zebel can give us that, maybe we should play nice with him? At least until we know if he's an arse or not.
Explaining how he's being treated isn't the same as "making fun" of him. If anything, he's probably earned our sympathy since so many people are trying to do his job for him. It's the same shit Angela Kang went through. Gimple sets a very poor example, but I'd rather not assume that all male showrunners are egotistical maniacs.
If Caryl's story ends up being phenomenal, I'm more than ready to give Zabel some credit, but realistically, his footprint and AMC's are probably going to overlap.
I'm also just wary because he's sort of a wild card. We don't know how he views the characters or their relationship. It's not like he's said anything about it :P
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Beelzebub - Wikipedia
Hebrew Scriptures
The source for the name Beelzebub is in the Books of Kings (2 Kings 1:2–3, 6, 16), written Ba'al-zəbûb, referring to a deity worshipped by the Philistines. The title Baal, meaning "Lord" in Ugaritic, was used in conjunction with a descriptive name of a specific god. Opinions differ on what the name means.
In one understanding, Ba'al-zəbûb is translated literally as "lord of (the) flies".[2][3][4][5] It was long ago suggested that there was a relationship between the Philistine god, and cults of flies—referring to a view of them as pests, feasting on excrement—appearing in the Hellenic world, such as Zeus Apomyios or Myiagros.
This is confirmed by the Ugaritic text which depicts Ba'al expelling flies, which are the cause of a person's sickness.[6] According to Francesco Saracino (1982), this series of elements may be inconclusive as evidence, but the fact that in relationship to Ba'al-zebub, the two constituent terms are here linked, joined by a function (ndy) that is typical of some divinities attested to in the Mediterranean world, is a strong argument in favor of the authenticity of the name of the god of Ekron, and of his possible therapeutic activities, which are implicit in 2 Kings 1:2–3, etc.[7]
Alternatively, the deity's actual name could have been Ba'al-zəbûl, "lord of the (heavenly) dwelling", and Ba'al-zebub could have been a derogatory pun used by the Israelites.[8][9][10]
The Septuagint renders the name as Baalzebub (Βααλζεβούβ) and as Baal muian (Βααλ μυῗαν, "Baal of flies"). However, Symmachus may have reflected a tradition of its offensive ancient name when he rendered it as Beelzeboul.[11]
Testament of Solomon
In the Testament of Solomon, Beelzebul (not Beelzebub) appears as prince of the demons and says[12] that he was formerly a leading heavenly angel who was[13] associated with the star Hesperus (the normal Greek name for the planet Venus (Aphrodite, Αφροδíτη) as evening star). Seemingly, Beelzebul here is synonymous with Lucifer. Beelzebul claims to cause destruction through tyrants, to cause demons to be worshipped among men, to excite priests to lust, to cause jealousies in cities and murders, and to bring about war. The Testament of Solomon is an Old Testament pseudepigraphical work, purportedly written by King Solomon, in which the author mostly describes particular demons whom he enslaved to help build Solomon's Temple, with substantial Christian interpolations.[14]
Christian Bible
In Mark 3:22, the scribes accuse Jesus Christ of driving out demons by the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons. The name also appears in the expanded version in Matthew 12:24,27 and Luke 11:15, 18–19, as well as in Matthew 10:25.
Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you."
—Matthew 12:25-28
It is unknown whether Symmachus the Ebionite was correct in identifying these names. Zeboul might derive from a slurred pronunciation of zebûb; from zebel, a word used to mean "dung" in the Targums; or from Hebrew zebûl found in 1 Kings 8:13 in the phrase bêt-zebûl, "lofty house".
In any case, the form Beelzebub was substituted for Beelzeboul in the Syriac translation and Latin Vulgate translation of the gospels, and this substitution was repeated in the King James Version, the resulting form Beelzeboul being mostly unknown to Western European and descendant cultures until some more recent translations restored it.
Beelzebub is also identified in the New Testament as the Devil, "the prince of demons".[15][16] Biblical scholar Thomas Kelly Cheyne suggested that it might be a derogatory corruption of Ba'al-zəbûl, "Lord of the High Place" (i.e., Heaven) or "High Lord".[17]
In Arabic translations, the name is rendered as Baʿl-zabūl (بعلزبول).[18][19]
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forgetmenot-mymoon · 2 months
The First Amulet Holder
The great evil had scored lands for the souls to fuel its machine.
Finally though she came home,
Not to her physical one for that was dead and gone but to old friends.
The experiments had stayed in touch while Kainat had gone on her masscres. The glitches of Ingenium had even kept an eye on her along with Doctor M.
The Ingenium tried creating their own worlds, while the analysts attempted to assimilate to others.
The Ingenium worlds Kainat could not access, even with the souls she collected. She needed a test subject, so why not her kind. Daifa had married into a noble family of Liam in world 167, a medieval one. Daifa was number 153, she was one of the first survivors. That meant her strength didn’t compare to the newer generations. Her only special skill was tracking, which wouldn’t help her against fellow analysts. Kainat could easily overpower her, if not with her eyes, with her hands. Furthermore many medieval worlds had fallen to ash in Kainat’s grip before.
Zebel had finally finished making the children’s minds to ash, so tonight was the night to strike.
It wasn’t night in 167, the sun shined. Its light led to a new beginning, no one knew it would be darkness. Everyone was at work. No one to protect the weapon turned housewife. Difa was rural, her screams and struggle were futile. However she was interrupted by a mirror image, light red eyes and nightly black hair. Her daughter, who else would be better to test the amulets than someone in grief?
The Ingenium and the last of the scientists didn’t find out until far too late.
This is from one of the first stories I came up with that I’m trying to fix and rewrite and shit. This is just a short little back story for it. Anything for this particle story that I call “Destroy The Amulet” will be under DTA.
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drlesliezebelus · 4 months
Trauma Healing Centers Florida
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When searching for trauma healing centers in Florida? Contact Leslie Zebel, PhD, Psychotherapist, Inc. Our trauma healing center is accredited, employs licensed professionals, and aligns with your specific needs. We prioritize your well-being and tailor our services to meet your unique needs.
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marnicesaid · 7 months
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zebelbyzummer · 11 months
Pubg mobile by Zebel
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zummeryolo · 11 months
Zebel by zummer intro
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timaeusterrored · 2 months
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“After a long hard day, I like to sit and smell the flowers…”
“That is the most cliche bullshit I’ve ever heard.”
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koumy0428 · 1 year
zebel banget ini gmn caranya bikin foto yang di upload di tumblr jadi HD?
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bobateagirls-blog · 2 years
I wish I could do this
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nacitha · 2 years
pas g ada uang : pengen ini itu 😃
pas ada uang : pengen ini itu, tp sayang mo dibelanjain 🙃
pas kezel, zebel, bete, marah, crying : belanja belanja belanjaaahhh
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thebibliomancer · 5 years
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