#Youth Work
soyboyfag · 3 months
i had a work trial at a new youth center today and i was horrified that the kids were gonna clock and bully me, so when one boy goes "i have a question" i'm like oh no and then he looks at me and goes. "are you bisexual"
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pxrewhxi · 4 months
About Me
Kia ora e te whānau,
I'm a Māori wahine born on the East Coast with whakapapa that links back to Whakatōhea, Tuhoe, Ngāti Porou, and Ngāti Kahungunu.
I hold a Bachelor of Social Work, and I am currently working in a high school, supporting our rangatahi in their education. I also volunteer part-time for a free service designed to support young wahine who have survived sexual harm.
I am a passionate advocate for voices who fall through the cracks, especially young Māori and our takatāpui/LGBT+ whānau.
I also have a lot of opinions about race politics, feminism, patriarchy, capitalism, and our declining environment—which is why this blog exists. Simply put, I need a dumping ground to express all my thoughts and understanding of the world from my own perspective without draining my whānau and friends from my endless word vomit.
So yeah, that's me.
Nice to meet you.
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charlieestudies · 1 year
hi hello ! I’m kinda back ? I had the absolute shittest 4 years. last time i was posting regularly i was in the first year of my degree and fucking killing it, thriving, and then the pandemic hit and my grandpa/ father figure passed, i got my autism dx, spent 4 years actively suicidal and escaped my abusive dad/ home situation. my studies went from the centre of my world and my joy to something pushed to the wayside, a constant failure, laced with deep shame and no capacity to fix it. 
I also started doing community work. I’ve worked as a co-researcher on a paper set to be published this year, and presented at the national conference for australia’s primary youth mental health service/ foundation. sure, tafe is easier and less demanding than uni (especially being online and self paced), but I’ve done something. that being said, im taking 6 months off uni entirely and then auditioning for a new uni, a conservatory this time, and going for a double degree that would let me keep pursuing research and disability advocacy. I’ve survived this far- i want to actually live again
idk how much of a community is left on here. having this blog was what kept me in school when i wanted to drop out, and was my space when i was trying to manage the transition to uni and manage with undiagnosed autism and no supports. is there a community left to come back to anymore? am i just shouting into the void? if you’re out there, please shout back. I miss you.
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booksinstacks · 1 year
"no one really loves their job" wrong. i do. today i got paid to take a bunch of teenagers to an all-you-can-eat chinese restaurant and sing karaoke. it was exhausting but i had a great time. i really genuinely love my job.
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newsfromtherooftop · 7 months
Film highlights value of youth work
Seven inspiring young people from across the country are sharing their stories of how youth work has transformed their lives as part of a national campaign mounted by the National Youth Agency to raise awareness of the impact of youth work on young people’s lives. The Youth Work in all places and spaces film has been launched at the start of Youth Work Week, from 6-12 November, to help raise…
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gwc--uws · 7 months
Interested in joining the CLD Standards Council? Click the link above to find more information and register today.
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meryton-etc · 8 months
Just realised i never posted this here.... if anyone wants to throw us a fiver it would really mean a great deal!
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ghostlyturtleking · 10 months
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Making scrambled eggs for 28 people 🥚🍳
Traveling picture dump | Povile, Kroatia July 2023
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justmebeingdifferent33 · 11 months
Sharing my childhood story with fostering organisations.
As a former child runaway often missing from the care system it was great to see that the thousands upon thousands of press release emails I sent out didn’t go to waste. Thankfully some fostering organisations got back in touch and I had some great times sharing my stories and meeting some wonderful people. If you think your work team or those involved in training might benefit from hearing…
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ryllen · 3 months
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soyboyfag · 5 months
people are like "teenagers are so scary they don't talk to me they're so arrogant and aloof" but as soon as a teenager talks to them once they get annoyed and judge them for their interests. it's almost as if adolescents were actual human people themselves who don't want to be judged and ridiculed while going through this very sensitive developmental stage
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fumifooms · 10 months
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Dunmeshi memes pt 2
Parts : 1 - (2) - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 Specials: Canaries - harsh
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kindaorangey · 28 days
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my vision for post-train grace monroe. love u 4ever bbg
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horreurscopes · 2 months
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thirty & flirty & thriving / shower drains HATE them
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apomaro-mellow · 9 months
Wrong Number 2
Someone said they liked when authors put their super-specific jobs in fics so I hope ya like Steve havin a (kinda romanticized) past job of mine.
For the first time in his life, Steve felt like the stereotypical young person who was always glued to his phone. Every time it made a noise or vibrated, his arm shot out like lightning, hoping with every fiber of his being that it was the mystery number.
It had been about five days since he'd sent that first message and he'd been worried about their conversations being stale. But that wasn't an issue. The only times their talks lulled was when they went to bed.
And even that was after texting late into the night. Steve would watch the clock go from 9 to 10 and promise to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. And then it would be midnight and what was a few minutes after that? Then he'd look up and it would be 2 in the morning.
Texting this guy had become the highlight of Steve's days. To the point where he didn't even realize Friday had come until one of his students mentioned it.
Then, purely out of habit, he asked: "Any weekend plans?"
"I've got a soccer game", Zach answered.
"My parents are having date night", Belinda said.
And normally Steve himself would be thinking about going out and finding someone for the night. But the idea hadn't come to him for once. He knew why, but he didn't fully process it until he got home to Robin, who was in the middle of cooking breakfast for dinner it seemed.
Steve was in the middle of replying to a text sent during lunch.
(12:15) I just realized you know about my off the wall job (12:17) But I have no idea what your 9 to 5 is (12:18) Your legally required to tell me if ur famous (12:18) Not bc im a clout chaser (12:19) But bc I might not have a clue who you are
[4:13] Not famous. Don't worry. I'm a teacher.
(4:15) As a former student I apologize
Robin opened the cabinet, looking for pancake mix. “Are you and that girl still texting?”
“Me and the who?”, Steve looked up from his phone.
“That girl? I assume you're finally setting up a date for this weekend?"
"She-" Steve racked his brain for a good excuse. But it was hard to do when the person who knew him the most was staring right at him.
"Whatever flaws of hers you're about to make up, I'm gonna call bullshit because your phone hasn't stopped pinging for days." She started mixing the pancake batter.
Steve looked down at the words on his screen. The one flaw of this guy was that they couldn't meet in person. But maybe it was time to close the distance just a bit.
"She's shy. Might just text a bit more before she's ready."
[4:19] No need for sorries. All my kids are great. But that's probably because I teach their favorite class.
(4:21) Oooh their favorite? (4:21) It's gotta be something like art rite? (4:22) Or are you being a smart ass cuz you teach like calculus or something?
[4:23] I teach cooking 😛
(4:23) Oh shit. (4:24) You're actually the favorite
[4:25] Toldja. Hey quick question and then possibly many more questions.
(4:26) Go ooooon
[4:27] How would you feel about spending the night playing 20 questions? Like are you free tonight?
Eddie bit his lip as he looked at Steve's words. He had picked his shifts this weekend to make sure he had plenty of time to talk to Steve. Which meant he was in fact free tonight. He replied as such and Steve said he wanted a little time to take a shower and then he'd be ready.
And because he was a little shit, Eddie took advantage of him being away from his phone.
(4:35) Since you're in the shower, I'm taking the first question. Boxers or briefs?
[4:54] Cheater. And I prefer boxer briefs. My turn?
(4:55) Go for it
Eddie was curled up on his couch, tv low and in the background as he waited for Steve's question.
[4:55] What's your name?
(4:56) THATS your first question? (4:56) Wait we've been texting for days haven't you saved my number? (4:57) What do you have me as?
Steve bit his lip, wishing he could lie to this guy, but he couldn’t. Instead he sent a screenshot of his phone.
(4:59) Misty? That’s the name of the chick?
[5:00] Yeah. But I guess I should put your actual name now, right?
It was a gamble. But this guy already knew Steve’s name. And by this point they’d been texting for nearly a week. He just wanted to know his name. He pushed back the part of himself that said he needed to know.
(5:00) It's Eddie.
Eddie. The guy he'd been talking to was named Eddie. Eddie with the long curly hair and the chunky rings who threw axes for a living. He was a far cry from the soft girls he usually dated. Or the preppy guys he usually dated.
(5:02) Favorite bug?
The question threw Steve for a moment but he decided to humor him.
[5:04] Bees 🐝I like how fuzzy they are. And I like honey. [5:05] What rings do you have?
A couple minutes later, Eddie replied with an image. It was taken from above and showed his hands lying flat on a coffee table. Steve zoomed to make out the details of each ring. He was also able to see a watch and a couple of wristbands on him.
[5:08] How did you take that picture? With your mouth? 🦭
(5:09) Did you did you just compare me to a seal???
[5:09] What other animal catches things in their mouths?
'I can be an animal with my mouth'. Thankfully, Eddie's fingers weren't as fast as his brain and he didn't send that to Steve. Eddie had in fact put his phone in his mouth the take the picture, having a real 'no thoughts, head empty moment' when Steve asked about his rings.
Steve was letting his own mind wander as he gazed at the picture. Eddie's hands were...his hands were...well they were-
(5:10) Favorite youtuber?
The adoration of Eddie's hands were interrupted by Eddie himself as their question and answers continued. The picture continued as well. Steve sent pics of his favorite pair of shoes, his hair products, and of his neck when Eddie said he didn't believe he had all these moles.
Eddie had sent pictures of one arm, covered in tats, his acoustic guitar, and a super worn copy of Peter Pan.
The hour was growing late and both of them were feeling more bold but at the same time hesitant because it felt like they were close to crossing a line.
Needing an outside opinion, Eddie consulted with The Council (the discord server with his band mates) about whether or not he should shoot his shot. Gareth told him to go for it, what harm could it do? Grant said to do it because it could potentially be the funniest catfishing story. Jeff agreed that he should, if only because their guitarist getting murdered would be a great back story.
With their unanimous approval, Eddie decided to start actively flirting with Steve.
(8:37) Soooooo ya like jazz?
[8:38] I do actually. I really love the piano.
Okay, that one was just practice. Be smooth. Be suave. None of that was in Eddie's wheelhouse but thankfully nothing he said turned Steve away. He always seemed just as eager to reply back.
(9:10) What's your oldest piece of clothing?
Eddie was thinking of his own oldest article a t-shirt that had started out overgrown on his tiny eight year old body but he'd grown into and kept over the years. It was super faded but filled with the memory of the first time he spent more than a couple of days with his uncle.
[9:12] I'd show you, but I'm wearing them right now.
Steve had closed his bedroom door before sending the text. There wasn't anything scandalous but it seemed like it could very quickly veer into that territory. All Eddie had to do was ask. If he wanted to see them, Steve would show it.
'I would like to see it.'
(9:12) I would like to see it
Eddie knew it could be anything. Maybe a holey sock. Or maybe he also had a super faded t-shirt with deep sewn-in memories as well. Maybe he was wearing a class ring?
[9:14] image.jpeg
Eddie was treated (and goddamn what a treat it was) to Steve Harrington's bottom half, barely covered in shorts with a school's logo on them. Thick thighs covered in hair. And a bulge that was there. It was very there. Eddie couldn't overstate how there it was.
He palmed his own crotch before remembering he was looking at a guy's junk and about to jerk off to it in his living room. And he had yet to answer. What was the most respectful way to say 'humina humina humina-wolf whistle-awooga'?
(9:16) Are you trying to kill me Steve?
[9:17] Do you like it?
(9:18) ❤️‍🔥 🔥 🥵
Eddie tried to think of any other way to tell Steve how hot he made him but it felt like typing words just wasn't enough.
(9:19) Can I do something insane? (9:20) And feel free to ignore me if it's too much
Steve was lying in his bed, phone of his charger now. Nothing Eddie could do would be too much. He could knock on his door and he would let him in.
[9:21] Go ahead
A second after he sent that, Steve's phone started to ring. It was Eddie. He stared for about five seconds before picking up.
If possible, Steve melted more into his bed. Eddie's voice...he didn't know what he expected but it wasn't that. He said one word and Steve wanted to wrap himself in it.
"That was pretty naughty of you, sending me that pic. I could show up to your school."
"You'd be a few years too late. These are my oldest shorts, remember?"
"Tiniest shorts maybe."
Steve laughed and Eddie was on cloud nine. He was so lost in bliss, he miscalculated and fell off the couch.
"What was that?"
"I uh, I fell. Off my couch."
"Did you fall hard?"
Eddie beamed as he got up and turned off the tv. Now that he had his voice, all he wanted to hear was the man on the other line.
"Oh super hard."
Steve let out a sound from the back of his throat and he wondered if Eddie had heard it. It was honestly amazing how the smallest things got him going. Or maybe he was just that into Eddie.
"You still there Steve?"
....."Yeah. I'm still here."
Part 4
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minibamnight · 6 days
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