#Young hotchniss
sirpotys · 3 months
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Nothing, it's just me watching a young Hotchniss and Sergio.
Sergio is young Emily's favorite boy
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sequinsmile-x · 3 months
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Just Like a Folk Song - Part 3
Part 3: Our Love Lasts So Long
Emily and Aaron have been friends since they were children, what will happen when Emily realises she can no longer keep her feelings for him to herself?
A Young Hotchniss AU
Part 3/3
Part 1, Part 2
Hi friends!
This is the third and final part of this fic in celebration of @ssa-sparks birthday. Love you so much bestie, and I hope you enjoy this.
Thanks for all the love on this fic, it means a lot. Young Hotchniss always have a special place in my heart <3
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: 18+, Smut
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
For a moment she allows herself to sink into it. 
His hands are on her cheeks, holding her in place as she finally finds out what he tastes like, an answer to a question she’d been asking herself for years. She places her hands on his chest, sighing into the kiss as she loses herself in it, and he takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. 
It’s what snaps her back to reality. 
She uses her hands to push herself off of him, putting distance between them as she presses her fingers to her lips, the ghost of his kiss still pressed against her skin. 
“No,” she says, shaking her head, “What are you doing? You have a girlfriend, Aaron.”
He sighs, internally chastising himself for handling this so poorly, and he steps into her apartment, pulling the door closed behind him. His heart breaks a little bit as she steps further back as if protecting herself from him, something she has never done before. 
“No, Em,” he says, blowing out a breath, “I don’t.” 
She stares at him, her hand slipping from her face and to her side. She licks her lips, looking him up and down as his words sink in, “Wha…what?” She asks, placing her hands on her hips, “I met her yesterday. Haley. Blonde, pretty. Annoyingly nice.” 
He suppresses a smile, knowing now of all times was not the time to let her think he was making fun of her, “We broke up.” 
She feels like she can’t move. Her body heavy as she’s rooted to the spot, all the air pushed out of her lungs as treacherous hope fills them. She huffs out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob and it shudders in her chest, “Why?” 
He steps towards her and this time she doesn’t move, she stays frozen in place, her eyes wide and shining. He stops just short of touching her, so close he can feel her breath skip across his face. 
“You know why,” he says, reaching out and grabbing her hand, linking their fingers together, “I know you didn’t say it directly to me, but I love you too, Em,” he chuckles dryly as her eyes go impossibly wider, and he places his spare hand on her back, testing how it felt to press his palm against the small of it, “I have for a long time. And if I’d ever thought for a moment that I’d have a chance with you I would never have started seeing Haley. You’re everythi-”
She’s the one to surge forward this time, her hand not linked through his cupping the back of his neck as she drags him in, swallowing the rest of his confession as she presses her lips against his. It’s soft, lacking the desperation of the kiss they’d shared just moments ago. His hand shifts to her hip, gripping her tightly through her t-shirt when she moans. They pull away when the need for air gets too much, and he rests his forehead against hers. 
“We should talk,” he says, and she nods, her forehead knocking gently against his. He leads her over to the couch and they sit down. They’d sat here countless times in the past together but as they settle down, their hands still linked as if they were both afraid to sever the connection, it feels different. They sit in silence, neither of them sure where to start. He takes a deep breath and asks the question that has been playing on his mind since that morning, “Why did you never tell me?”
She chuckles and looks down at their joint hands, her focus on how they fit together, as if they were made for each other. She looks back up at him, her lips pressed together as she shrugs nonchalantly. 
“Why did you never tell me?” She asks, raising her eyebrow at him as she repeats his question. She sighs and shakes her head, mostly at herself, before she carries on, “I was worried you didn’t feel the same way. I didn’t want to lose you.” 
“You could never lose me, Em,” he says, squeezing her hand, “Never,” he lifts their joint hands and presses a kiss to her knuckles, something that makes her smile, her cheeks flushing pink as warmth rushes through her, “I was worried you didn’t feel the same way about me,” he chuckles self deprecatingly, “Haley picked up on it after seeing us interact for just a few minutes.  She said that the only people who don’t know we love each other are the two of us.” 
She presses her lips together and shakes her head, her conversation with her mother, the conversation that had led to this, playing on a loop in her head, “My mom said the same thing.” 
He frowns and tilts his head at her, “She did?” 
Emily nods and they exchange a smile, “Apparently she and Dave talk about it,” she quips, and she laughs when his eyebrows shoot up his forehead. She reaches out and cups his cheek, pressing her thumb into the dimple there, and she bites her lower lip. “So, what do we do now?” 
He smiles, and it makes her stomach flip, love for him almost overwhelming her, “I guess we move forward together.” 
She leans in and presses her lips against his, revelling in her ability to do so after so long, and she wraps her arms around his neck, desperate to be as close to him as possible. He rests his hand on her waist, his hand warm and heavy through her shirt, and she shifts closer, the need to feel all of him almost an instinct. She hooks her leg over his hip and settles into his lap, moaning into the kiss as he licks through her mouth, his grip on her tightening as she rolls her hips against his. 
He feels a groan rumble deep in his chest and it knocks him out of how he’d briefly got lost in her, his brain winning out over his baser instincts. 
“Wait,” he says, pulling back from the kiss, his hands shifting to her shoulders and pushes her back gently, a wry smile on his face when she leans in to kiss him again, “I want to take you on a date first.” 
She groans and leans forward, pressing her forehead against his, “Aaron, we’ve known each other since we were kids. What could we possibly learn about each other on a date?” 
“You’ve always said I’m too much of a gentleman,” he says, tucking her hair behind her ear as she pulls back to look at him, “Now you’ve got to deal with it.” 
She sighs and shakes her head, rolling her eyes playfully before she eventually nods, “Fine,” she says playing with the hair on the back of his head, “We can still make out though, right?” 
He laughs and nods, stamping a kiss against her lips quickly, “Nothing is going to stop me from doing that.”
He takes her on a date the following day, both of them not wanting to waste any more time. 
It feels awkward and she hates it, her hands clasped together tightly in her lap as she struggles to know what to say. It feels nothing short of ridiculous, he was her best friend. The man she’d been in love with for years. Now she had everything she wanted, free of the adrenaline of the night before, of the high of finally kissing him, and she didn’t know what to do. 
“Are you okay, Em?” Aaron asks, his smile achingly kind and she blows out a breath, reaching out for her glass of wine and taking a sip before she answers. 
“Can I talk to you about something? As my best friend? Not…the guy I’m on a date with?” She asks, unsure how to categorise their relationship, the word boyfriend seeming too strong and not enough all at once.
He reaches out and places his hand over hers on the table, “You can talk to me about anything, you know that.” 
She smiles, feeling more at ease than she had since he’d arrived to pick her up at her place, and she blows out a breath, “There’s this guy I’m hopelessly in love with, but he’s the most important person in the world to me, and I’m worried about what will happen if things don’t work between us.” 
He feels his heart ache as if it was clenched in a fist, and he sandwiches her hand between both of his, hoping that the press of his skin against hers will feel like the manifestation of the love that he felt for her. 
“Well, it’s funny you should bring that up,” he says smiling softly at her, “Because there’s this woman I’m hopelessly in love with, I have been since before I knew what love was, and there is nothing that could ever stop that from being true.” 
She huffs out a breath and shakes her head at him, “You can’t be sure of that.” 
He shifts his chair closer to hers and for a moment he doubts his decision to insist on going on a date before they went any further than making out. He hated that it had given her time to let the doubt, the anxiety, sneak in, but he also knew it was important to have this conversation before they went any further.
“I can be,” he replies firmly, squeezing her hand, “I’ve always been sure of you.” 
She smiles, pressing her lips together in an attempt to suppress it, “I always forget how cheesy you can be.” 
He leans forward and stamps his lips against hers, “Well, since you’re my girlfriend now you’re going to have to get used to it.”
She can’t fight her smile anymore, the moniker making joy fill her chest, and she nods, all of her worries fading away. He’d never done anything other than make her feel safe, so she knew she had to trust him. She leans in and kisses him again, tasting the bottle of wine they were sharing on his lips, and she nods as she pulls back. 
“I guess I will.” 
After that, it feels normal, any awkwardness gone as they eat dinner and laugh as they always had, the laughter now interspersed with kisses and hand-holding. When they leave, he insists on paying, something she lets slide because she knows he wants to. They walk out of the restaurant hand in hand and he tugs her into a kiss when they are on the street, his arm banding around her back as he pulls her close. She pulls back and presses her forehead against his. 
“Let’s go back to mine,” she says, kissing him again, anticipation bubbling in her belly and he nods, fire she can feel deep in her gut sparking in his eyes. 
The journey to her place has never felt longer, his hand heavy and warm on her thigh as he drives keeping her on edge. She snaps when they get into the elevator, cornering him and smiling when he turns them, his hands on her hips as the cool wall touches her bare shoulders. Her heels mean they are almost the same height, and she sighs contentedly as she kisses him, her arms snaking around his waist, her hands moving upwards to rest on the back of his shoulders. He presses her further against the wall, the heat of him against her front and the coolness of the wall at her back driving her crazy. She moans as he licks across the seam of her lips, her grip on his jacket tightening as he deepens the kiss, licking the roof of her mouth. 
They are so lost in each other they don’t hear the door open, or the ding of the elevator letting them know they’d arrived on her floor. The thing that drags them apart, makes them move like they are on fire, is the clearing of a throat behind them. Emily’s eyes go wide as she sees her building manager standing just the elevator door, keeping it open, his eyebrow raised as he looks at the two of them. 
“Mr Gideon,” she says, clearing her throat, idly trying to flatten her hair where Aaron had been running his fingers through it, “Good to see you.” 
He clears his throat and stands out of the way, his arm still blocking the elevator door as they walk out of it, avoiding touching each other as if he hadn’t just spotted them making out. 
“You too, Miss Prentiss,” he says, clearly trying to cover his amusement, “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight,” she says back, a smile fixed on her face as he presses the button to close the elevator. He smiles tightly at the two of them and shakes his head, his final comment not quite cut off by the doors closing. 
“It’s about damn time.” 
Emily chokes on a laugh as she shakes her head and turns to look at Aaron, “Did everybody know?” 
He chuckles and wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer so he can kiss her temple, “Apparently,” he says, kissing her head again before he starts to lead her towards her apartment, “At least we caught up eventually.” 
She kisses him, her hand gripping his lapel before she pulls back, “Come one, let's go inside,” she says, leading them towards her apartment, “If Penelope is home and she catches up we’ll never hear the end of it.”
He smiles at the thought of her exuberant neighbour, one of two roommates you lived next door, and follows Emily down the hall. He stands behind her as she unlocks the door to her apartment, his hands on her hips as he purposely crowds her, pride swelling in his chest at how she gasps, her body tense against him as he presses into her back. 
As soon as they are inside she takes off her shoes, smiling gratefully when he reaches out to steady her as she balances on one foot and then the other. She drops her purse on the side table and turns to look at him, looking up through her lashes as she bites her lower lip. He leans in, his lips hovering just over hers as he moves his hand to her back, pressing her closer. 
“Em, are you sure?” 
She smiles and nods, “I’ve never been more sure.” 
He kisses her fiercely, and she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. They barely break apart as they make it to her bedroom, each of them taking turns to press the other into the wall, hands pulling at fabric as they leave her dress in the hallway. They are just over the threshold into her room when his shirt lands on the floor, a few buttons pinging off in her desperation, scattering in different directions across her hardwood floor.
Aaron gets her on the bed and takes a moment to look at her, his eyes trailing slowly down her body. He’d always known she was beautiful, but even in the moments when he’d allowed himself to imagine this he’d never imagined her to be this beautiful. He takes a moment to try and memorise the softness of her skin, the freckles that he’d never seen before, always hidden by her clothes, and he leans in to kiss her, a much needed reminder that this was real. 
He runs his hands down her body, chasing the goose pimples that he creates, and he reaches her hips. He runs his finger along the hip band of her lacey underwear, his eyes fixed on the matching bra, “I like this.” 
She tenses under his gaze, the intensity of it making her flush, her thighs clenching around nothing as she desperately seeks out some kind of pressure, “It’s new.” 
He smiles and kisses her collarbone, trailing his lips down her chest, alternating between nipping at her skin and then laving it with his tongue. He bites her nipple through the lace of her bra and she arches her back, chasing the sensation as she digs her fingers into his hair. He switches to her other breast, finally pulling down her bra and touching her skin directly, both of them sighing at the contact.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, sweetheart,” he groans, pressing his hips into the mattress to find some kind of relief. He places his hand underneath her and unclasps her bra, shifting off of her just enough to pull it down her arms, throwing it somewhere into the room behind him, “So beautiful.”
She wonders if she should feel embarrassed at the way he’s looking at her, the reverence in his eyes almost overwhelming, but she feels empowered, emboldened by it. She pulls him into a kiss, dropping her thighs open so he falls between them, hoping he’ll take the hint. She almost sighs with relief when he smiles into the kiss before he pulls away and shifts downwards. 
He kisses her through her underwear, taking a moment to breathe her in, to smell her from the source as he presses his face into the lacey material. He licks her through it and her hips jolt, making him smile before he pulls back and kisses her thigh. 
“You smell so good, baby,” he says, kissing her thigh again before he hooks his thumbs into the sides of her underwear and pulls them down her legs, “Got to taste you.” 
She groans in frustration, pressing her head back into the pillow as she screws her eyes shut, anticipation slowly driving her insane, “For a guy who has never been particularly chatty, I didn’t have you down as a talker-”
He cuts her off as he licks through her, stealing the air from her lungs as she hooks a leg around his shoulders, her heel digging into his back. She breathlessly releases his name, and he thinks it’s his new favourite way of hearing her say it, and he decides right there and then he’s going to hear it that way as often as he can. He listens carefully as he builds her up, pays close attention to what makes her gasp, what makes her hips jolt into his face. All tiny bits of information he files away. Learning new things about her had always been one of his favourite things to do, and this just took it to a new level. 
She feels herself getting closer to the edge, his hums of satisfaction vibrating through her as he carries on, and she moans loudly, a little too loudly given how thin the walls of her apartment were, when he pushes two fingers inside of her. 
“Fuck,” she grunts out, her hips starting to stutter, but he holds them down, his spare hand pressing onto her belly, “I’m so close.” 
“I know,” he says, pulling away from her just enough to talk, and she looks down, the on his chin in the low light of her bedroom almost obscene, “I can feel it,” he says, his voice rough with desire, “You’re so wet for me.”
She nods, her elbows giving out from under her as dives back in, his tongue and his fingers unrelenting, “Fuck…Aaron.” 
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he says, barely pulling away enough to speak and she does just that, her entire body shuddering as fire spreads from her belly outwards, every single nerve ending tingling as she yells his name. 
He doesn’t stop, his fingers not stilling inside of her until her orgasm passes, his lips now focused on pressing quick, soft, kisses to her thighs. A breath shudders out of her as he moves up the bed and lays next to her, and she chuckles breathlessly as she turns to kiss him, tasting herself on his lips. 
“God you’re good at that,” she says, her chest still heaving up and down as she tries to catch her breath. She reaches down and palms the front of his pants, smiling when he groans, the tables turning so quickly between them as they always had, “Your turn.” 
He stops her, grabbing her wrist before she tries to undo his pants, and she frowns at him, her head tilted curiously. He leans in and kisses her before he pulls back, “Next time. This time I want to be with you.” 
“Next time.” She nods and kisses him again before he stands up to rid himself of the rest of his clothes. She pushes herself up on her elbows and smiles as he pulls his pants and boxers down, her eyes fixed on him as he springs free from his clothes. He smiles curiously at her as he steps back towards the bed, his eyebrow raised.
“What?” He asks, settling back over her, both of them groaning as he nudges against her.
“Nothing,” she replies, pushing his hair off of his forehead, “Just an answer to a question I’ve had for years,” she says, her smile getting wider as he fakes offence, his fingers trailing through her again, notching over her sensitive clit. “Condom,” she chokes out, and he nods, looking around for his pants before she smiles, “In the nightstand.”
He knows her, he knows her past, so he doesn’t question it, doesn’t look irritated like other partners had. He simply sits up, the cool air of the room hitting her, and he reaches into the nightstand, pulling one of the foil packets out of the box. He rips it open and rolls it on himself, smiling when he sees the question in her eyes, and he stamps a kiss against her lips. 
“I think this would be over before this started if you did it, sweetheart,” he says, settling back over her, his hips in the cradle of hers, “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
She smiles softly and cups his cheek, “You could never disappoint me.”
He kisses her and links his hand through hers, resting them on the bed next to her. He uses his spare hand to slowly guide himself into her, his punched out breath lost against her collarbone as he finally feels her around him.
She gasps at the stretch, her hand clenching his as he pushes into her. He waits, stopping to allow her to adjust, and she pushes her hips up into his, silently asking him to move. She knows if they’d done this last night it would have been different, more intense and rough as they finally gave in to what they’d both wanted for years. Whilst she knows she would have loved that, and that they will have that in the future, she’s grateful that their first time is like this. Soft, tender. 
A perfect transition from their friendship to what they were now, a symbol of the love and care they’d always had for each other. 
“You feel so good, Em,” he grunts against her skin as they find a rhythm, the easiness of it surprising to them both, as if they’d done this a hundred times. 
“You too,” she replies, pulling him in for a kiss, her praise lost against his lips, “So fucking good.”
It felt as if they were made for each other, and despite not being a romantic, she likes to think they were. She eventually feels a familiar pull in her belly, white hot heat building as she clenches around him, his hips slowly losing their rhythm as he gets close too. 
“I’m close,” he mutters, his lips against her neck, and she nods.
“Me too.”
He reaches between them and presses his thumb into her clit, his touch more gentle than it had been before, and as he rubs a circle around her she finally tips over the edge. He joins her shortly afterwards, her orgasm triggering his, and he grunts her name into her chest. 
For a few moments, they lay there, limbs tangled around each other until she chuckles, her head back on her pillow as she once again tries to catch her breath. He pushes her hair out of her face and smiles when she looks at him.
“What?” He asks, his eyes soft and full of nothing but love, and she shakes her head and bites her lower lip.
“We should have done that a long time ago.” 
He chuckles and leans forward to kiss her, the action soft, somehow even more delicate, and he rests his forehead against hers, “We’re idiots.” 
She hums, “But at least we’re each other’s idiots,” she says kissing him as she plays with his hair, “I love you.” 
He can’t help but smile as he wonders just how his life has changed so much for the better in just a short couple of days. 
“I love you too.”
Emily wakes up suddenly, pulled from sleep so quickly it startles her. She blearily blinks her eyes and smiles as he looks at the other side of the bed. Aaron was fast asleep, his hair adorably messy, and he had his arm over her hip, heavy and comforting as he held her close. She had wondered at one point last night before she fell asleep, happy and sated, if she’d wake up to find that this had all been a dream. That he was still with Haley and her subconscious had tricked her with what she could never have. But it was real, he was here, with her. He was her boyfriend and she finally had everything she’d ever wanted.
She sighs happily, her body deliciously sore as she stretches slightly, and she’s about to snuggle back into his side when she hears a knock on her front door, the very thing that must have torn her from sleep. 
She groans as she pulls herself out of Aaron’s embrace, and she yawns as she stands up. She picks up his shirt from the floor and smiles to herself as she does up a few buttons, almost standing on one of the ones she’d broken the night before as she walks towards the door. She’s content that she’s covered up enough, the shirt coming down to mid thigh, and she checks the peephole, rolling her eyes lovingly when she sees her neighbour standing there. 
“Hi Pen,” she says, opening the door, making sure to stand behind it a little to cover more of herself, “Is everything okay?” 
Penelope gasps as she takes in her appearance, “I knew it. You had a guy here last night.” 
Emily’s eyes go wide and she splutters for a moment, her defences not quite kicking in since she’d only been awake a couple of minutes, “What? What makes you say that?” 
“Your pjyamas for a start,” she says excitedly, “Not to mention last night we could hear your activities through the wall. I said to J-”
“Okay,” she says, cutting her off, feeling embarrassment burn in her cheeks, “Well I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, no need to-”
“Em?” Aaron says from behind her, and it makes her sigh and close her eyes. Even though he was blocked by the door, Penelope immediately recognised his voice, her eyes almost comically wide as her mouth falls open. Aaron makes it to Emily’s side, the fact he was only wearing boxers confirming the conclusion Penelope had come to, “Is everything…oh. Hi Penelope.” 
There’s a moment of silence, a brief reprieve before Penelope almost bursts with excitement, turning on her heels and running back to her apartment, yelling her roommate's name at the top of her lungs.
Emily groans as she closes the door and leans back against Aaron. He wraps his arms around her, and she places her hands over his as he turns his head to kiss her cheek.
“Want to get dressed and sneak out for breakfast before she comes back with reinforcements?” He asks, and she turns her head, smiling as she nods and captures his lips in a kiss.
“Yes please.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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a hotchniss fic. chapter four: it's so bittersweet wordcount: 2.4k
In the summer of 1989, Emily Prentiss makes a choice. tw: pregnancy, abortion
read on ao3 or fanfiction.net
@hopefulfangirl24 @thebewingedjewelcat @platypus-whit-boots @luhwithah @cvtsbutcut3 @acetheticlytired @ccmattis-22 @duchessas @lucreziaq2001 @scorpiofangirl1109 @natasha-barton @lil-koala @themetaphorgirl @sequinsmile-x @emobabeyy @my-mummy-dust @section-chief-prentiss @canyouhearmyfear @psychicmuffinpandasludge @loriprentiss @bingetvcarls
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whitecrossgirl · 9 months
4. Black: power, elegance, protection
Emily is home for the summer and meets the newest agent assigned to her mother's security team. It looks like this summer might actually be interesting.
Tag list: @sequinsmile-x @ssa-sparks @denvivale317 @ms-black-a
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em-prentiss · 3 months
Since I’m joining you down the H/P rabbit hole, do you ever wonder about the other FBI agents who would have known Hotch when he would have worked for Prentiss’s mom and met Emily for the first time. Maybe an agent who also worked the same job. And for whatever reason, years later their paths cross with the BAU and the find out that Hotch and Emily now work together. What do you think the rest of the BAU’s reaction would be to finding out that baby Aaron and Emily were once acquainted? Imagine if that agent had photographs of baby H & P and maybe one of them together that even they didn’t know was taken.
Hmm I actually never thought of another agent seeing young hotchniss like that, mostly because I think many agents would scatter after that position, you know? But I can imagine an old colleague of Aaron’s who used to work the same shift with him one day coming into the BAU for whatever reason, maybe asking for help, maybe just wanting to catch up. He’d see Emily and recognize her instantly—because how could you work for the ambassador and not hear of or at least cross paths with Emily?—and he’d be like oh wow what a coincidence, never thought I’d see the two of you together again and the team would be like….what are y’all talking about. It’s such a fun idea, it would be wonderful as a fic.
I definitely think if anyone from the BAU knew about them, it would’ve been Dave, whether Aaron told him about her or he somehow saw them together back in the day. Even if he didn’t, I don’t think he’d be surprised to know that they knew each other—she’s just so different with him than everyone else, you can’t help but wonder. Obviously they’d all be shocked, but I think JJ and Penelope would be delighted of course and they’d immediately dig for details—and demand (lovingly) of Emily why she hadn’t told them. Morgan would be interested to know what Hotch was like back then and Reid would be completely disinterested in the whole thing lmao, but I think this extra piece of information would make sense of what he’s seen from them (nothing concrete, but a subtle comfortableness they seem to have with each other).
I also lowkey love the idea of them being in a newspaper or something. Like in one of the ambassador’s parties Emily is at the center and you could just catch a hint of Aaron standing next to a door. Or someone would snap a picture of them as they’re sitting on the edge of a balcony, legs dangling (he’d tried to get her down from it, but it proved fruitless so in the end he just joined her), free smiles on both their faces as she maybe told him a story of the stars (I am so obsessed with young hotchniss and stargazing, don’t even get me started). I can just imagine the way the ladies would gush over them, their brows raised in disbelief at Aaron’s relaxed posture and his smile—omg I’m cutting myself off here, but WHAT IF his jacket was around her shoulders to protect her from the breeze, because even though it’s summer her short dresses barely covered much. In conclusion the ladies would lose their minds, much as I currently am right now, and the guys would be subtly interested to know who exactly their old boss was.
Also I think it would somehow be even sweeter if hotchniss wasn’t established at that time. They were simply friends—lightly teasing, a little flirtatious—but at the core of it they found each other and just bonded deeply. 
This is such a lovely idea and it sent me into outer space, thank you xx
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jjlxver · 1 year
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i was bored so i made this young emily prentiss moodboard based on something im writing rn
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sleuthy-scientist · 1 year
Figured in celebration of it being a Friday, I'd share another one of the random Hotchniss edits I made on my cellphone.
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I was going for a 'just moved into the home we built together' Hotchniss vibe. Let me know what you think, and if you want to see more edits or have any requests.
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Re-listening to Speak Now (Taylors Version) and was jolted with the inspiration that Superman (TV) can be Hotch/Hotchniss coded. Specifically Young!Emily pining after him after a summer fling…..
Hmmmm 👀👀
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kinqslcys · 11 months
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alexblakegf · 9 months
ideas for the instagram posts: just some very domestic, fluffy, family posts w/ kids! like going to the beach, going on a road trip, getting a dog, stuff along those lines :)
but also a young hotchniss moodbord would be fun (if you haven’t already done that)
i have a young hotchniss board here but i do want to redo it so keep a look out
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taglist 🏷️:
@itisdoctortoyousir @kalixxa @fdl305 @urfavesim @sponsoredbytonystark @rosaliedepp @Ghostisnotpresent @Sukunaleftoverfingers @beaurielas @prentissesredtanktop @meheksthings @ssaspencerreidswife
be added to my taglist here
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Could you do a hotchniss x daughter reader where they have a teen daughter and she sneakily has a boy over and aaron and Emily come back from a case and they catch him leaving her room and aaron goes into protective dad mode
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Aaron Hotchner X Emily Prentiss X Teen Daughter reader
Request: Could you do a hotchniss x daughter reader where they have a teen daughter and she sneakily has a boy over and aaron and Emily come back from a case and they catch him leaving her room and aaron goes into protective dad mode 
Third person pov...
Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss had just returned from a particularly intense case in upstate New York. As they stepped off the plane, both agents were exhausted and eager to get back to their home in Virginia.
Little did they know, they were about to face one of their toughest challenges yet - parenting a teenage daughter.
Currently 16 year old Y/N was home alone, not entirely alone she had invited over her boyfriend, David to watch a movie knowing her parents would be on their way home.
They had already called to let her know they would be landing soon, the two had lots of fun spending the day together doing nothing but watching movies and raiding the kichen for snacks.
"Thank God we're back" Emily sighed as they made their way off the jet "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed."
Aaron chuckled, 'You and me both. I just hope our daughter hasn't wrecked the house while we were gone.'
Emily shot him a look, 'Our daughter is a responsible young lady. I'm sure she's been just fine without us.'
Say8ng goodbye to the rest of thw team they got into their car and drove home, but as they walked through the front door of their home.
They were met with a sight that made both of their hearts sink. In the living room, their 16-year-old daughter, Y/N, was cuddled up on the couch with a boy.
Aaron's eyes narrowed in an instant, and Emily could feel his protective instincts on high alert. The couple slowly made their way into the room, trying not to disturb the teenagers who were watching a movie.
As they got closer, they could see that the boy was not just any boy. It was David, a troublemaker from Y/N's school who they had explicitly told her to stay away from.
The teens where cuddled under a blanket, infront of them on thr coffee table were snacks and drinks, playing on the TV was (Favourite movie) Y/N never watches her favourite movie with just anyone.
The black haired woman looks at her husband and could reqd his mind, "Aaron" Emily whispered, trying to calm him down. 'Let's just talk to her." She took his hand in hers and held it.
This made the man relax slightly but a murderous look still on his face.
But before they could say anything, the movie ended and David stood up to leave, Y/N gave him a smile and stood up to hug and kiss him goodbye and sat back down on the sofa, neither teen had seen the two adults in the doorway.
The boy had a love sick grin on his face As he walked towards the door, Aaron stepped in front of him, blocking his path.
"What are you doing here?" Aaron's voice was low and menacing.
David, who previously exuded confidence, now looked like a deer caught in headlights. He mumbled something incoherent and quickly scrambled out of the house.
Emily took a deep breath and turned to her daughter, who was now standing, she had jumped up from the sofa when she hear heard her dad shout, she looked scared and guilty.
Emily crossed her arms and looked at her daughte "What were you thinking, Y/N?" She said, trying to keep her voice calm.
Y/N nervously played with her hands, not looling up at her parents and thwir disapointed look, "I'm sorry" Y/N replied, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I just really like him, and I knew you wouldn't approve" she sais tears running down her face.
Aaron let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "That doesn't change the fact that we specifically forbid you from seeing him. He's not a good influence, and you know that"
Y/N shook her head, surprising her parents. "But he's not! He's actually really sweet and not at all like he appears! You always told me not to judge people and here you are doing it!" The teen yells.
She collapses onto the sofa her head in her arms. The adults looked at each other before at their cryjng daughter, they had judged the boy by appearences like she said.
Emily sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry Honey, you arw right we did judge him but appearance, but it still doesn't make if okay for you to sneak boys inside" she explains to the girl gently.
"Really" Y/N sniffled, wiping at her tears. Aaron knelt in front of her and took her hands in his. "We love you, Y/N. We just want what's best for you" he says gently to the girl.
Y/N nodded, "I promise, he isn't all that bad, just meet him yourself and you'll see!" She insisted.
The two look at each other then back down at their daughter. She does have a point they don't know anything about the boy.
Aaron sighed at the look his wife gave him. "Okay, we will get to know him, but if he hurts you in anyway tell him I've got a gun and knkw how to use it" Says Aaron a not happy smile on his face.
This made the girl laugh, Emily shakes her head at her husband. The couple hugged their daughter and assured her that she was forgiven.
As they talked and cuddled on the couch, Aaron couldn't help but feel grateful for his daughter's honesty and decided to trust her.
'We're going to have to keep a closer eye on her,' Emily said, sipping her tea. 'She's still young, and we can't afford to let her make mistakes like this.'
Aaron nodded, 'I know. It's just hard to believe that our little girl is already sneaking boys into her room.'
Emily chuckled, 'We were teenagers once too, Aaron. We can't expect her to be perfect. We just have to guide her and hope that she learns from her mistakes.'
As they sat in comfortable silence, both agents were reminded of the challenges of being parents to a teenager. But they also knew that they were a strong team and would do anything to protect their daughter, even if it meant going into protective dad mode every now and then.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for thr wait on this request. As usual sorry for grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count : 1133
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sequinsmile-x · 3 months
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Just Like a Folk Song - Part 2
Part 2: Too Scared to Jump In
Emily and Aaron have been friends since they were children, what will happen when Emily realises she can no longer keep her feelings for him to herself?
A Young Hotchniss AU
Part 2/3
Part 1
Hi friends!
Thanks for the love on part 1 <3 here is part 2 of the lovely. @ssa-sparks birthday fic.
As always, please let me know what you think!
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: None, but fic is M for smut in part 3
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
It takes a moment for her to respond, his words hanging over her like a thick blanket. It feels like she’s underwater, everything slightly muted as she looks at how closely Aaron and Haley are standing next to each other his arm loose around her waist. Emily can hear her heartbeat in her head, loud and overwhelming as it drowns everything else, all of her focus on how Haley reaches for Aaron’s hand, how their fingers link together. 
“Em?” Aaron asks, breaking through the trance she had fallen into. All of her senses return at once, the loud sound of the party around them almost making her wince as her eyes snap to his, “Are you okay?” 
She nods, her lips pressed tightly together as she forces a smile, “How did you guys meet?” 
“Well, we met in law school,” Haley says, looking back and forth between the two of them, “And I asked Aaron out a couple of times but he always turned me down. We bumped into each other over the summer and we hit it off.”
Emily looks at her best friend, sees the smile in his eyes, and she swears she feels her heart break in her chest, an ache spreading outwards that she’s sure she’ll never recover from. She swallows thickly and she sighs, the sound catching on her ribs on the way out, grief for a future she’d never get to have filling her lungs. 
“You know what,” she says, smiling tightly, “I actually am tired, so I think I’ll head home. It was nice to meet you, Haley.” She turns to leave and then she feels his hand wrap around her wrist, his touch burns just like before but it’s lost its comfort, and she wonders if when he pulls away his handprint will remain behind, a brand mark she’d never be free from, a reminder of what she’d allowed herself to lose with her silence. 
“Em, are you okay?” He asks, his concern clear as he repeats his earlier question. He’s confused, worry for her rolling in his gut, and he steps closer to her, checking for Haley over his shoulder to make sure he’s far enough away that only Emily will hear him, “You’re not acting like yourself.” 
“I’m okay, I’m tired. That’s all,” she says, knowing he sees through the lie. He knew her well enough to do that at least, “I’ll call you, okay?” 
He nods, letting go of her arm as she steps away again. She didn’t turn back to look at him, worried if she does that she’d burst into tears, and she didn’t want to cry here. She’d cried in this house enough to last a lifetime. 
She feels nothing short of proud of herself when she makes it to her car without a single tear slipping free.
She’s woken up the next morning by a knocking on her front door. 
She groans as she sits up and she grabs her robe as she stands, shrugging it on as she walks out of her bedroom and to the front door. She stifles a yawn as she looks through the peephole and she sighs as she spots her mother through it. She curses under her breath and rests her forehead against the door, blowing out a slow breath as she considers pretending she isn’t home. 
“This door isn’t soundproof Emily, and your floorboards squeak.” 
Emily rolls her eyes and pulls the door open, a fake smile painted on her face as she locks eyes with her mother, “Mom, hi,” she says, stepping back to let her in, “What are you doing here so early?” 
“Well,” she says as she walks into the apartment, “My only daughter came home yesterday after several months abroad and didn’t stay at my fundraiser long enough to even say hello,” she says, turning to look at her with her eyebrow raised, “So I thought it was best I checked in on her.” 
Emily freezes for a second as she pushes the door closed, sighing as she closes her eyes and pulls her robe tighter around her, as if the cotton it was made of would protect her from her mother. Elizabeth always had a way of sneaking under her defences. She knew every weak point. She knew where all of Emily’s buttons were and how to press them because she’d sewn them on herself, insecurities and complexes that had been around for as long as Emily could talk. 
“I wasn’t feeling too great,” she says, walking past Elizabeth and towards the kitchen, avoiding eye contact as she turns on the coffee pot, “Coffee?”
“Yes please,” Elizabeth says, stepping closer to her daughter. “Are you sure it had nothing to do with Aaron being there with his girlfriend?” 
She almost drops a mug, her mother’s ability to always find her weak spot second to none. She recovers quickly and places the mug on the counter. She looks up at Elizabeth and flashes a tight smile at her, “What makes you say that?” 
He’d tried to call her last night. She’d screened his calls, unable to bear talking to him when everything was still so raw, tears rolling down her cheeks as she listened to his messages as he was leaving them. She’d deleted them immediately, not trusting herself to not listen to them on repeat, the way he cared for her a drug she was endlessly addicted to.
For the first time in as long as she could remember, she didn’t want to speak to him. There seemed to be cruel irony in the fact he was the only one who would be able to offer advice, his knowledge of her, of how she ticked, ran so deeply that he almost knew her as well as he knew himself. This was the only thing she’d ever kept from him, her love for him something she’d treated as a secret. 
She’d adjust, she knew that. She’d done it before and she’d do it again. She would eventually get used to seeing him with someone else without aching to be the one he had his arm wrapped around so much that it threatened to tear her in two. She’d slowly pull herself back together stitch by stitch, sewing up the wound he’d unknowingly caused until it was a dull ache. Something she’d think about from time to time, the could have beens haunting her in her lowest moments. 
Elizabeth sighs, seemingly fed up as she throws her daughter a pointed look, “Maybe because you’re in love with each other.” 
Emily’s eyes go wide and she drops the box of Splenda packets she’d had in her hands, tiny individual packages spreading across her kitchen floor that she ignores in turn of looking up at her mother, “Wh…what?”
Her mother smiles, and it makes irritation lick at Emily’s insides as she raises her eyebrow at her, “Emily, the only people who don’t know you and Aaron love each other are you and Aaron.” 
She stands there in silence, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly as, for once, words fail her. She eventually settles on a humourless laugh and she crouches down to start to pick up the Splenda packets, “You’re wrong.”
“I’m never wrong, Emily,” Elizabeth says cooly as Emily stands up straight again, “And, I don’t pretend to know everything about your life, I know we don’t have that kind of relationship, but I do know when my daughter is in love. Besides, Dave agrees.”  
“You and Dave talk about this?” She asks incredulously, and her mother nods. Emily shakes her head, “It doesn’t matter. Aaron doesn’t love me,” she says firmly, her lips pressed tightly together as she bites the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying, her vision going blurry as she stares at the counter, “And it doesn’t matter how I might feel. He has a girlfriend.” 
Her mother was wrong. He didn’t love her, not like that anyway. Not in the way she so desperately wanted him to, and it hurt. She didn’t need false promises like this, didn’t need treacherous hope to plant its seeds in her chest only to bloom flowers that were doomed to rot, the petals of it turning to ash in her throat.
“I really don’t want to talk about it,” she says, cutting her mother off as she passes her a coffee, a look in her eyes that she knows borders on begging as she looks at her, “Please? Can we just talk about anything else?” 
Elizabeth stares at her for a moment and sighs, nodding reluctantly as she walks over to the couch, “So, tell me about your trip.” 
Emily sighs in relief and joins her mother on the couch, “Well, I know you hate Paris so I’ll skip that part.” 
They talk as they drink their coffee, and for a moment it almost feels like a conversation between a normal mother and daughter. A taste of the relationship they never had, both of them prone to burning down any bridges they had ever built between them, the foundations never strong enough to not be rocked by the tiniest of arguments. By the time Elizabeth excuses herself Emily unexpectantly feels a little bit better, a rare feeling for when she spent time with her mother. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to put in a good word for you at the state department?” 
Emily smiles tightly and nods, “I’m sure, Mother. I need to make a name for myself. You pulling the ambassador card won’t help with that.” 
Elizabeth hums as she opens the door to the apartment, “Well if you’re sure.”
“I am.” 
Elizabeth turns to leave but she looks back at her daughter, “I really think you should speak to Aaron.” 
She rolls her eyes and scoffs, her arms tight over her chest as she shakes her head, “There’s no point-”
“There is every point, Emily,” she says, reaching out and placing her hand on her arm, a maternal edge to the gesture that reminds Emily of when she was young. Flashes of her mother being everything she’d always wanted her to be, quick moments of tender love when she was sad or hurt that always disappeared as quickly as they’d started, “I want you to be happy.” 
She falters and she blows out a breath, shaky and uneven as she smiles tightly, “What would I even say, ‘hi, Aaron I know you have a girlfriend now but I’m in love with you’? I can’t lose him as a friend.” 
Her mother opens her mouth to respond but she’s cut off by a sound in the hallway, a crash as something hits the floor, and they both look into the hall.
Emily gasps as her eyes meet Aaron’s, two cups of take-out coffee spilled on the floor at his feet.
He’d been in love with her for as long as he could remember. 
It was so much a part of him, so deeply ingrained into who he was, he was sure if someone cut him open they’d be able to see it, his love for Emily Prentiss mixed in with his very lifeblood. She was everything to him. His best friend, his confidant. The person he trusted more than anyone else on earth. 
More than once, he’d almost told her that he loved her, the confession almost slipping free in moments when he got lost in her smile, joy and something close to forever shining out of her face. He always stopped himself at the last moment, too afraid to admit to something he was so sure wasn’t reciprocated. 
He’d never even had a hint that she felt the same way, not until he’d heard her speaking to her mother. Suddenly, her behaviour the night before, the very thing that had driven him to come over with coffee to make sure she was okay, made sense. 
She was in love with him. 
As he walks around aimlessly after he left he’s angry. Not at her, never at her, but himself. Angry for leaving without a word, too shocked to say or do anything other than to turn around and leave the way he’d come, her shuddering gasp following him like a melancholy phantom that chases him out of her building. He’s angry at himself for never saying anything to her, for convincing himself that this was the summer he needed to move on, the time she was out of the country seemingly the perfect time to try and let himself do that. He was convinced to do so by his friend Derek who had told him more than once that was what he needed to do.
Then he’d bumped into Haley. Nice, sweet, beautiful, Haley who he’d known at law school. She’d made no secret of having a crush on him then, but he’d been distracted at the time, all of his focus on Emily and the fallout of her relationship with Ian, and he’d always turned her down. He decided to give it a chance this time and he’d asked her out. 
He knows he has to break up with her. 
He couldn’t deny that he’d had fun with Haley, nor could he deny that he had feelings for her. He could see something coming from it, could see a future where he’d be happy, but he also knew he could have more. That he could be happier. And she deserved better than to be with someone who was in love with someone else. 
He finds himself at Haley’s apartment sometime that afternoon, the day having largely passed him by as he walks around, only stopping to have coffee and a stack of pancakes in a bright pink diner he’d never been in before but that Emily always commented on as they walked past. A glint in her eyes as she playfully made up stories about couples who sat at tables in there, describing in detail how she thought they must have met. 
Haley smiles softly at him as she lets him in, a glint of sadness in her eyes as she looks him up and down. 
“I called you,” she says, stepping back, “I was worried when I didn’t hear from you this morning.”
“Sorry,” he says, scratching at the back of his head, unsure where to begin, “I went to check on Emily and then…I lost track of time.”
“Is she okay?” Haley asks, her hands clasped in front of her, and he nods absentmindedly. 
“She’s…” he drifts off, not sure how to explain it, how to tell her that he hadn’t spoken to her, that he’d run off like the coward his father had always told him he was when he heard the words he’d always wanted to hear. Haley sighs and she reaches out for his hand, something final about the way she links their fingers together, as if they were both aware this was the last time they’d see each other, and she guides him over to her couch. 
“I know what you’ve come here to say, and it actually saves me a conversation,” she says, her smile soft as he furrows his brows, “I won’t be someone’s consolation prize, Aaron,” she says, squeezing his hand, “I deserve better than that,” she laughs humourlessly and shakes her head, “So do you and Emily.” 
Emily’s earlier accidental confession rings in his head, the words he’d never imagined from her a cruel echo, a reverberation of what he’d always told himself he’d never have. He frowns, his breath catching in his chest as she looks at him knowingly. He thought he’d covered it well, it was something he’d spent more than half of his life doing.
“You two love each other. More than just two friends do. You’re in love with each other. You both try to hide it but…I think the only people who don’t know are the two of you,” she says, her smile kind, far too kind for what he feels like he deserves, “The way she looked at us when you introduced me to her yesterday…” she presses her lips together and shakes her head, “That’s the kind of shit they write love songs about, Aaron. I’m not getting in the way of that, and I’m not stopping myself from finding someone who loves me like you love her.” 
He hugs her, taking a moment to breathe her in as he holds her close, “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” she says as she pulls back, her hand on his cheek as she leans in to quickly kiss him, the taste of goodbye on her lips, “You’re a good guy, Aaron. It’s actually really annoying,” she chuckles as she squeezes his hands one last time, “It’s going to make bad mouthing you to all my friends very hard.” 
He laughs and shakes his head, “I’m sure you’ll manage. I deserve it,” his smile fades, and he’s talking before he can stop himself, “So what do I do now?”
Haley smiles at him, no judgement in her eyes for the fact he’d asked her all of people that question. “You go to her.” 
He stands exactly where he’d stood only 12 hours previously, frozen to the spot where he’d spilt the coffee he’d bought just minutes before his worldview shifted.
He gives himself a moment, knowing it is about to shift again, that whatever happens after he knocks on her door will change their relationship forever. He doesn’t let the idea scare him, the thought of being able to love her now he knows she feels the same way as he does pushing him forward, his fist raised as he comes to a stop just outside of her door. 
He knocks on her door and he hears her footsteps get louder inside her apartment as she gets closer, can see her shadow shifting in the gap beneath it. There’s a pause as she clearly considers whether she should open the door or not, and the few seconds he waits feels like the longest of his life. When the door does open, he can’t explain how he feels. Hope and nerves and love flood his chest as he looks at her.
She’d been crying. Her eyes were red and shining, and her cheeks slightly puffy. She was still wearing the pjyamas and robe that she’d been wearing that morning. He’d seen her in gowns, in dresses her mother forced her into ever since they were kids, but he never thought she’d looked as beautiful as she did right now. 
“What do you want, Aaron?” She asks, her voice hoarse as she chokes on a mirth filled laugh, “Haven’t I been embarrassed enough today?” 
He doesn’t know what to say, all of the things he’d practised on his way over gone the moment he sees her face. Years and years of repressed feelings rendering him speechless, his mouth open as he tries to force something, anything out. He doesn’t know what to say, so he doesn’t say anything. 
He steps forward and cups her cheek, pulling her into the kiss that feels nothing short of several years overdue. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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cloudlessly-light · 2 months
The darkest parts of me (1/5)
A/N: Hey everyone! This is a new multi-chapter AU with Unsub!Hotchniss.
Trigger warning: I want to make it clear to everyone that this is pretty dark, easily my most twisted story and there will be descriptions of blood and murder, as well as smut (even if it’s not the main focus of the story) so if you’re triggered by that, please do not read this one!
Title: The darkest parts of me (1/?) Summary: They find each other in a dark world where they do twisted things. The only way things could have become more dangerous, is if they were together. Funny how life turns out.
Unsub!Hotchniss AU.   Word count: 1,8k Rating: Explicit Warnings (for most or all chapters): smut, descriptions of violence, descriptions of murder, gore (nothing too explicit), mentions of weapons
When Emily was a child she had wanted to become many things when she grew up. She knew that she wasn’t like everyone else, that the desire for power and control wasn’t what other girls her age wanted. The first thing she could remember was wanting to be was a queen, but as she got a little older she wanted to become a diplomat, like her mother. She realized quickly that was only to soothe her mother’s ego. For years she wanted to become someone who helped people, but then she turned 15 and soon she found herself scared and hurt in a foreign country where she lost her faith and her whole life changed.
That’s when she grew up, when life changed from fantasy and she realized that life wasn’t something to dream away anymore. She distanced herself from her parents, found other people like her, young and maybe a little broken. A couple of years went by and she found herself falling in deeper with the type of people her parents had always warned her about. And she didn’t care, in fact, she found comfort in it.
 It was easier than she had thought, emptying her accounts and cutting off contact completely with the two people who were considered her family, and the few people she still considered friends. She used her freedom and funds to become someone else, Lauren Reynolds. Her new identity made her feel more free than she’d ever felt.  
That is when she met Ian. She had been just shy of 20, having found herself in Amsterdam and he comes up to her in the bar. He’s older, he’s powerful and she falls under his spell easily.
Ian saw something in her, the darkness that she had spent years hiding and slowly he brings it to the surface. They end up somewhere between love and destruction, but not before Emily learns about his drug trade. The power he had was the kind of power she had always found herself wanting. And he teaches her, not knowing that she’s picking up the things he doesn’t want her to learn.
The first time she kills someone it’s by accident, a deal going wrong. She pulls the trigger of her gun without thinking, and as the young man looks at her with wide eyes as blood soaks his shirt she feels Ian behind her.
“You’re ready for more.” He whispers in her ear. And she knows that she should be afraid, but all she feels is the allure of it all.   
Emily had learned diplomacy from her mother, learned discretion and how to compartmentalize from her father. It was traits that was engraved in her and something that helped her as she became Ian’s right-hand woman. She became his personal assassin and even if some part of her knows that it’s wrong, she can’t deny the excitement she feels every time she pulls the trigger.
“I feel powerful.” She gasps, her skin stained red from blood as Ian’s lips suck on her neck, his body pressing hers against the wall. Her eyes flicker to the two men only a couple of feet from them and she notices one of them trying to crawl away. She doesn’t even hesitate before she pulls the trigger again, a shiver running through her at the familiar smell of gunpowder.
“Oh love, this is just the beginning.” He chuckles as he watches the bodies on the ground. When his hand grabs her jaw hard to kiss him, she tastes the dominance on his tongue and for a while she lets him lead her.
She spends four years with Ian before they start to crumble.
When she finally shoots him one night she feels nothing, even as he lays on the floor at her feet begging her for help, his blood staining the expensive oak floorboards. Instead she waits until he’s no longer breathing and then she takes what she needs and packs a bag. She leaves Europe, leaves the villa in Ireland she had spent the last year in and moves to Washington.
And she never looks back.
Aaron had always been considered normal. Maybe a little over-achieving and driven, but on all accounts he didn’t stand out in a crowd. He liked it that way, liked his life with his wife and child living in a house on a street where you knew your neighbors. Even if the darkness and anger he had felt since he was young was always there, hidden away behind carefully pressed shirts and smiles practiced to perfection.
He works as a prosecutor and lives his life without worry. It was a good life to have, even as he ignores the pull of wanting more. Because the darkness was something he had always been able to hide, his anger forced down deep.
Until that night.
He comes home late from the office and he finds his wife and child dead, a murderer still holding the knife. It’s like something snaps, and he beats the man he later comes to know as George Foyet to death and as he does the feelings he’s been holding back is released. There’s no turning back, as he feels another man’s life leave his body as his fists keep connecting to his face, Aaron knows he wouldn’t be able to stop. It was a high, something addicting, it’s the parts of him he never thought would have room to breathe.
It's only thanks to his associates and connections that he gets through a trial without consequences. His best friend defends him to a judge he knows well and with the tragedy of losing his family he gets off and can continue his life.
He moves from his suburban home in Manassas and starts over where no one knows him. In the midst of his grieving he spends months making plans and rules for himself, uses his knowledge of the justice system to his advantage as he moves through different states killing, perfecting his craft. He only kills men who deserve it, men who’s hurting other people. His favorite way to kill was by strangling them himself, to feel the life drain out of somebody’s body. But just like he moves through different states he kills in different ways. It had to be this way in order to not get caught.
“Why?” Karl Arnold, a man who’s slaughtered two families already wheezes through broken ribs and blood dripping out of his mouth.
“What’s the matter? Can’t handle it when you’re not the one with the gun?” He snarls in the other man’s face, adrenaline pumping through him. “Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.”
Sometimes he marveled at just how easy it was to find another murderer if you just paid attention. He sometimes wondered why the police didn’t see what he saw.
Disposing of the body was always the most tedious task, but he finds that his system has been working. If there’s no body, there’s no proof. So after Arnold is dead, he gets to work. The lye makes quick work of the body and he spends the rest of his night cleaning.
Aaron’s been moving through the country for years without getting caught and then he finds his way back to Virginia, because the man who was the source of his rage was still there, residing in Washington. When he kills his father he makes it look like a heart attack and as he watches the man who used to cause him so much pain as a child die, he laughs.
The high from watching the man he despised with such a passion die is what causes him to go into the dark bar on a random street. He normally wouldn’t go out after a kill, knew that he should lay low. But there’s something telling him to go in. It’s smoky, people talking quietly and as he orders himself a beer he feels someone watching him. He’s become an expert on people, had always been good at reading people but ever since he had started his new life he had become better.
He looks around casually but no one seems to pay him any attention, that is until he turns around and sees her. She’s sitting at a table by herself, a glass of whiskey on the table and a cigarette in hand. Her eyes are moving slowly over his frame and there’s a hint of a smile on her lips.
He arches an eyebrow and keeps eye contact and then gives her a slight nod. She’s enticing, beautiful and when she motions to the empty seat in front of her and he has to admit he likes the forwardness of this mysterious woman.
“Those things will kill you, you know.” He says and she takes a drag from the cigarette in response.
“So will a lot of things.” She watches as he sits down, something about him drawing her in like no one had since Ian. She was intrigued.
“You’re right.” He extends his hand for her to shake. “I’m Aaron.”
“I’m Joan.” She uses her new fake name easily and when his warm hand takes hers, she feels an unexpected spark.
There’s something about the depth of her eyes, in the way that she was looking at him, that felt oddly familiar. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but it felt like kindship. It was different, it was risky, it was a new kind of thrill.
“What’s a beautiful woman like you, doing in a place like this?” He takes a swig of his bottle of beer, smiles around the neck of it when she chuckles, the sound dry and breathy.
“You should come up with better lines than that.” Her eyes find the slightly paler skin on his ring finger. “Divorced?” She asks and he tenses just slightly.
“Widowed, actually.” He has accepted the situation as well as he’d ever be able to. But he hadn’t talked about either Haley or Jack for years now.
“I’m sorry.” She says but he only shrugs and she narrow her eyes just slightly. There was something about him that was enticing, and she wanted to know more.
“Like you said, a lot of things can kill you.” He holds her gaze for a moment and when she doesn’t look away he leans forward. “But, we’re here now and I think we should take advantage.”
When her lips curl into a smile, he finds himself drawn in by it. From a distance her smile could seem innocent, but as he relaxes into the chair he knows that there’s more to this woman than meets the eye. The want is instant, a pull low in his abdomen and he smiles back.
They end up tangled in bed sheets that same night, naked and frantic as they chase pleasure in the other’s skin.
It was the start of them, the start of something even more dangerous.
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kllingdaddy · 2 months
my heart's marked with your name
Pairing: hotchniss
Words: 1.5k
Desc: Emily and Aaron attend one of Elizabeth's galas, and Emily realizes she doesn't need her mother's love and approval in order to be happy.
Her mother hosted galas quite often, mostly for no reason. She just wanted to show her friends and guests how wealthy and perfect she was because she was the ambassador. Emily remembered her days being thrown into the spotlight as young as ten years old, always dolled up in pretty dresses and forced to smile at whoever graced her with their attention.
Now it's twenty-five years later and nothing has changed. She's still adorned in a pretty dress the color of blood, though with no ruffles, unlike the dresses she wore as a child. And she's still forced to smile as if she's on camera, pearly-whites on full display.
Except this time she has someone with her, someone who makes having to deal with her mother a bit more bearable. She glances up at Aaron through her lashes, biting her lip to hold back a lovesick smile. She's so in love with this man it's actually ridiculous. As cliche as it is, her heart feels like it's about to burst whenever she looks at him.
He's clad in a suit and tie; nothing new about that. He looks devastatingly handsome as always, and Emily catches so many stares from hungry women who look like they want to eat him up. Jealousy stirs in her gut, but luckily Aaron isn't paying the strangers the least bit of attention.
Not that she'd expect him to. Ever since they got together he's had eyes only for her, every other woman be damned.
"These heels are hurting my feet," she complains in a whisper, her breath tickling his ear.
He smirks that devilish smirk of his. "Want to trade shoes, sweetheart?"
She snorts, knowing it goes beyond unladylike but not able to bring herself to care, even though her mother is just a few feet away. As tempting as it is to trade shoes with him, there's no way she'd make him go through the whole evening wearing her six-inch heels. He'd do so if she asked, though, which makes her love him even more.
"No, it's okay," she smiles lovingly up at him. Even in six-inch heels, he still manages to be taller. "I'll just smile through the pain."
"It'll be over before you know it," he promises, planting a kiss on her temple.
"Emily!" Her mother's voice of excitement is entirely fake, and Emily winces as she's pulled into a hug that's solely for the eyes around them. If they were alone, she wouldn't act nearly this nice. "Oh darling, how I've missed you!"
Emily returns the hug with as much fake-enthusiasm she can muster, meeting Aaron's eyes over her mother's shoulder. He offers her a reassuring smile and she swallows down a sigh.
When her mother finally pulls away, she assesses her with those judgemental eyes of hers. Emily can tell it's killing her not to say anything criticizing. She watches her mother bite her tongue, keeping up the fakest of smiles.
"You look lovely, darling," she says eventually, not even trying to sound genuine. Her eyes land on Aaron, who's been silent during their whole exchange. "And you must be Aaron. My daughter has told me absolutely nothing about you."
Even though they have been dating for six months now, her mother hasn't met Aaron. Until now, that is. Emily was worried her mother would drive him away with her offhanded remarks and dirty looks, but Aaron had assured her that such a thing was impossible. He is in it for the long haul, he'd said. She believes him.
Aaron, being the utmost gentleman he is, extends his hand for Elizabeth to shake, keeping his polite smile present on his lips. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Prentiss."
Emily's eyes narrow at her mother, daring her to comment on Aaron, although she can't understand how someone would be able to find a flaw in him. He's the most perfect man she's ever met.
"Likewise, Aaron," her mother nods, shaking his hand. "I'm glad my daughter has finally decided to settle down. I had tried to set her up with many suitable men, but she'd refused. Now I suppose I know why."
Aaron just smiles courteously. Emily spots a flash of irrita tion in his eyes, but it disappears before her mother spots it as well.
"Well, I'll let you two mingle," Elizabeth says, planting a stiff kiss on Emily's cheek. "Enjoy yourselves."
As she strolls off to catch up with her exuberant friends, Emily sighs. She feels Aaron interlock their fingers and she looks up at him through thick lashes, managing a small smile despite the hollow feeling growing inside of her chest.
"We can leave if you want to," he murmurs softly.
She shakes her head. She'd love more than anything to walk out of her mother's manor right now, but it would just cause issues that she doesn't have the energy to try to resolve. "No, I'm fine. I'm just gonna go get a drink; God knows I need one."
Quickly, one drink turns into three, and it's a revelation that Emily is definitely not proud of. But when your mother constantly comes around to berate you under her breath about both your weight and your job, three drinks hardly seem like enough.
Comments like "oh darling you really should go on a diet, you're looking a little plump" and "are you still a cop? I could get you a much better job" ring in her ears no matter how hard she tries to drown them out. To others who don't know her mother very well, it would seem like she's just trying to be a nurturing mother, but Emily isn't new to this. It's jab after jab, a punch to the gut over and over again. The bruise never heals, she just learns to ignore the sting.
She downs another glass of wine and catches the sideways look from Aaron. She can tell he wants to say something but can't bring himself to. He's been a supportive boyfriend all night, reassuring her that if she wants to go home they can, yet she stays fueling the fire. She has no idea what she expects to accomplish from staying at the gala. Maybe she thinks that at some point, her mother will miraculously change into a better person. But that's simply a fantasy.
Deep down, she just wants her mother to love her. She wants to be cherished and told how special she is. Aaron does exactly that, and she adores it, but she wants that kind of love from her mother, the one person who's supposed to love her unconditionally.
As she stares at her mother chatting with her friends across the room, the painful realization that it's never going to happen slowly sinks in.
"I wanna go home now," she slurs, her body swaying from the alcohol.
Aaron steadies her, allowing her to rest against him. "Okay, sweetheart. We can go home."
He doesn't ask her if she wants to say goodbye to her mother before they leave; he knows the answer just by looking at her.
On the drive home, they don't exchange many words. They just sit in silence. She knows Aaron understands, because he always understands her, but guilt eats away at her anyway.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles as he guides her into the house, making her hold onto him so she doesn't stumble and fall.
He flicks on the light and looks down at her. "For what?"
"For tonight," she sighs. He helps her up the stairs and gently undresses her until she's standing in her undergarments. As he slips one of his t-shirts over her head, she continues. "I guess I jus' thought it would be different. That she would...I dunno, treat me like her daughter for once."
Aaron frowns, a strong dislike for Elizabeth stirring in his gut. He's never met the woman before tonight, but everything Emily has told him about her has been true. She isn't anything like the mother she deserves. It makes his heart ache to see her so distraught, drunk out of her mind to numb the pain she feels.
"You have nothing to apologize for, sweetheart," he soothes, bringing her into his arms and kissing the top of her head. "None of this is your fault. Your mother doesn't see what's right in front of her: a beautiful, strong, independent woman. She doesn't deserve you."
Emily smiles against his chest. She breathes in the scent of him and sighs. "I'm so lucky to have you."
He chuckles, stroking her hair with nimble fingers. "I think I'm the lucky one, Em." She raises her head to look up at him, and he kisses her forehead.
"I love you," he tells her once they're finally settled beneath the covers, snuggled up to one another. His hand falls on one of her legs that's thrown over him, and it slowly travels up to her thigh. "So much. You're perfect; I don't care what your mother thinks, and you shouldn't either."
She beams at him, her chest blooming with warmth. "I love you, too."
And as they fall asleep together, limbs tangled and hearts in sync, every snide remark and disappointed look from Elizabeth fades away.
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duchessas · 3 days
Tumblr media
exposure - duchessas - criminal minds [ao3]
Chapters: 3/5
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: mature
Warnings: no archive warnings apply
relationships: Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Elizabeth Prentiss, Jason Gideon, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Penelope Garcia, Haley Hotchner, Jack Hotchner
Additional Tags: Young Aaron Hotchner/Emily Prentiss, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Smut, young Emily being an absolute diva, some references to cannibalism lol, you know which episode I’m talking about
Aaron recognises the woman the minute she steps into his office. It doesn’t matter that eleven years have passed. It doesn’t matter how out of place she is among the dark, heavy furniture. It doesn’t matter that the blue is gone from her hair.
She is unmistakable.
Some love stories are beautiful. Some are cautionary tales. For a few people, they are both. A young Hotchniss AU that spans from the summer of 1990 to Season 4.
It’s been 14 months and involved blood, sweat and tears but here we are. This is actually one of my favourite versions of Emily I’ve ever written. Enjoy x
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em-prentiss · 3 months
That one edit of demily to the end part of all too well with the pictures of their aesthetic in between making it look like a booktok edit….. yeah that destroyed my life and I don’t even ship them, someone make a hotchniss one pls xx
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