#You know your tastes and issues and dietary needs / restrictions better than I do etc etc etc
hollowtones · 6 months
I've been dying to try making new food but I'm usually too paranoid to go outside of my comfort zone of Mexican or Italian, what's something you'd suggest to someone that would be a gateway to making other types of food?
Do you like "beans with a bunch of spices / other seasonings on 'em" kind of meals. Mexican & Italian both got meals like this. Put a can of chickpeas in a pan with some oil and some garlic, add whatever spices you like that you're familiar with, and fry 'em until they're golden and a little crisp on the outside. I like to eat it with rice or flatbread, and a simple salad, and sometimes a bit of feta or cotija or similar texture cheese. If you eat this and think "oh that's good" go look up & try chana masala. Then open your world to other Indian food and / or other curries.
There's a decent amount of overlap between Italian and Greek flavour profiles and ingredients.
You probably already like pasta or rice dishes. Good news: there's noodle and rice dishes all over the world. (Spaghetti's usually cooked to a different level of doneness than other noodles in other dishes, so the texture's not going to be exactly one-to-one here, but it's still an awesome wet long bread.) You don't even gotta make anything complex. Fried rice can be as simple as "day-or-two old white rice, an egg, soy sauce, and whatever veggies I have lying around".
Sometimes just forcing yourself out of your comfort zone at a restaurant is the move. Go to a place you don't normally go or get a thing you don't normally get. And then if you like it you can look into how to make it yourself, or try to look up things similar to it.
There's a million other things you can do, and these aren't the End All Be All of how to make and eat food (frankly that'd just be "make and eat food"), but I could be here all day and throw too many ideas out and it'd probably be overwhelming. So here's a few. Maybe they work out for you or maybe they don't. I wish you success in finding other cool meals to try all the same.
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pajamaqueencooks · 5 years
Pantry Building for Low-Spoon Food (Part 1)
Welcome to the very first post of Pajama Queen Cooks, a feminist food blog! I’m so excited to start sharing some of what I’ve learned, living and cooking with chronic illnesses, fatigue, and food intolerances, as well as recipes for plain old good food (biggest lesson: elimination diet food doesn’t have to be bland and gross! Really!!!). Seriously—even if you have no illnesses or food intolerances, these recipes are still for you! My healthy, restriction-free friends ask me to cook for them all the time, and my elimination diet never stops them asking for seconds, or for my recipes. If you’re in that group, stay tuned; crowd favorites are coming soon to a feed near you. For those of you I don’t know yet, you can see more on me here.
Those are the introductions, so, shall we?
When I got this blog set up, I thought I’d pick some marvelous recipe for my first post. Something genius. Something glamorous, but simple. Sexy, but not too complicated. Pretty on the plate, without being intimidating. Seasonal, but not generic … I think you can see where this is going. Every recipe I thought of was somehow lacking, just shy of the perfection that a first post seems to call for. First impressions are important, right?
So, I decided to start with my pantry. Sure, it’s less exciting, but doing some simple setup (in some cases, just an item or two added to the grocery list) can save you hours of work and many precious Spoons. When I first moved out, this was the hardest and most important lesson I learned. If hyper-organized Type-A meal planning sounds exhausting and/or excessive to you…. me too. Instead, my Low-Spoon-Expenditure pantry aims to set you up with all the supplies you need so that when you don’t have the time or energy to plan ahead, you’re all set to make something sustaining and tasty, fast.
Note: If you’re already a substitutions pro, most of the information in this post is likely old news to you. Please stick around! Recipes are coming soon! 
When I started outlining this post, I quickly realized that I was looking at a series of posts, so, in today’s post, I’m going to cover allergy-free* cooking fats, candida-friendly sweeteners, and some odds-and-ends pantry staples. Read: non-perishable or long-lived staples that you can buy, and have kicking around for whenever you need them. Alright—let’s break it down!
Oils & Fats
Cooking oils and fats lend moisture, flavor and richness to your food, on top of preventing regrettable pan-scrubbing situations. Unfortunately, if you are on an elimination or otherwise limited diet, a lot of cult classics are off limits: classical cooking’s darling, butter, and the clean-eating obsession, coconut oil, are both off limits for me because I’m intolerant of both dairy and nuts. However, I’ve gotten pretty savvy at work-arounds for these! When cooking savory foods, I go simple: extra virgin olive oil, light olive oil, canola/sunflower oil, and sesame oil. For most general applications, my olive oils are the go to (EVOO for an olive-y flavor punch, and extra-light for a more delicate touch). Because olive oil is such a staple for me, I always buy the best quality I can afford—trust me when I say you’ll taste the difference if you splurge a little on some nice oil.
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Extra Virgin, and Light/Cooking Olive Oils from Filippo Berio
Canola and sunflower oils are ideal candidates for my occasional deep frying needs—at preference, you could substitute peanut or corn oils; I grew up using canola, and it’s super cheap, so that’s what I gravitate towards if I’m going to be using a whole bunch of oil at once. Sesame oil, while a little pricier than some of the other oils, is concentrated in it’s rich nutty flavor—a little goes a long way, and it’s irreplaceable for Asian-inspired recipes!
Fats for baking, where texture is crucial, are a little trickier. Coconut oil is the common replacement for butter because of it’s ability to remain solid or semi-solid at room temperature. I’ve replaced it with relative success using combinations of vegetable oil, vegan butter (always check labels for other potential allergens!), and vegetable shortening.
The Sweet Stuff
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Because my sensitivity to all kinds of yeast lead to candida overgrowth, the first stage of my Elimination Diet was really strict. I couldn’t have any processed sweeteners, natural sugars (maple, agave, dates, etc.), dried fruits, fruit juice, or artificial sweeteners (Splenda, Sweet’n’Lo, etc.). At that stage, baking wasn’t really an option, and if I wanted to sweeten savory foods, by best bet was to cook in fresh fruits. Note that stevia is allowed, but, because nearly all stevia products are, by volume, mostly made of other sweeteners, this wasn’t really much help.
Fortunately, now that my candida is under better control, I can make use of a select few natural and artificial sweeteners. My go-to options are Lakanto brand Golden Monkfruit. This granulated sweetener is based on erythritol, so it won’t affect blood sugar, and the golden monk fruit extract does a phenomenal job cutting the “cold” artificial taste of erythritol so that in most applications, it is hardly noticeable. For liquid sweetener, I’ve been experimenting with Smucker’s Sugar Free Syrup. And, lastly, when a truly clean sweet taste is needed, I use Splenda. It isn’t natural, and research shows that in excessive amounts it can have some weird effects on metabolism, but for my needs, it works well if used moderately.
Other Pantry Staples
This category is going to seem like a really odd-ball mix. That’s mostly because it is. Some or all of these might not fit your tastes or dietary needs, but it’s worth thinking through, what kinds of dry or long-life refrigerated staples turn into quick satisfying meals? Which are single-use, and which are more versatile?
For me, that versatility is key for putting together meals with less planning and higher quality results. So, here are a few things I like to keep on hand that don’t readily fit into any other category:
Brown rice, Gluten-free pastas (brown rice and chickpea) & instant potato flakes are all handy, versatile staples. I like the Banza brand chickpea pastas, and Bob’s Red Mill makes my favorite potato flakes, but frankly, these items are so basic that the brand you buy isn’t going to matter much.
Dry & Canned
Dry and canned beans, sunflower seeds (or, if you don’t have an issue with tree nuts, any mix of nuts and seeds that you enjoy), diced and crushed tomatoes (especially the fire-roasted kind! If you can find these, you won’t be disappointed with the flavor they add!), tomato paste and, if you’re not on the candida diet, a variety of vinegars.
Dry beans are more economical, but not much beats canned beans for fast whole foods. I usually keep chickpeas, pintos and some mix of white beans around—some combination of the above can meet the needs of nearly any Latin-style, American or Mediterranean bean recipe.
So, that’s my first installment on getting set up for Spoonie (& general) success! I hope some of this information was new or useful, and if not, I’d love to hear from you about what your kitchen quandaries and challenges are!
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brie-haus · 3 years
A Note to Those Feeling the Diet Culture Pressure
Let’s talk about diets. I do not do them. I can’t stick with them. Or I will not make myself, rather. I am someone that has strong cravings for a variety of things all over the sweet and salty spectrum and I have found it best to simply indulge myself in the things I enjoy in a moderate way and then pick back up the next meal with a better, healthier choice for something my body needs.
As I have alluded to before, I suffered from an eating disorder when I was younger. I did see a counselor for it and underwent treatment. Truthfully, though, issues like that are deeply rooted and are rarely “cured.” You can overcome them and live healthy in spite of that mindset but the seeds are always there.
So what I have done these last two years is research and cultivate a lifestyle that involves better, healthier choices for the long run. A huge part of my new lifestyle involves exercise. Exercise is what kicked off my weight loss journey (and so many more benefits, including being able to drop my depression meds). However, you cannot out-train or out-run a bad diet. Your success will not be long term or as robust as it would be if you changed your diet too.
I tried Weight Watchers. I tried diet pills. I tried intermittent fasting. All the things, and they all lead to the same outcome. Right back in my disordered way of thinking. And then I found Ultimate Portion Fix. You don’t hold back, you don’t cut out whole food groups. No food is the enemy. You don’t get “points” back from exercising (?!!!). They just lay out the foods you should be eating in categories (Carbs, Proteins, Fruits, Fats, etc) and you build your day around that, tracking your containers. I have trouble eating them all, rather than feeling restricted (and hungry!) This system works well for me, but you need to find YOUR niche program or system! Life is not one size fits all!
Getting myself into the frame of mind to exercise consistently was hard. But getting myself mentally prepared to change to a healthier diet long term felt like a fantasy. Trust me when I say I’d I can do it, anyone can do it. I had to completely change the way I look at food. I was raised in a home where we “cleared our plates” to show we were grateful for the food we were able to eat. I grew up in a culture of associating certain (mostly unhealthy) foods with special occasions, holidays, and as rewards. I had to stop looking at food as a treat or something that had to be irresistibly tasty and instead began looking at food as a fuel source. We all need food to live; to survive. But you don’t have to love and be excited about that every single item that crosses your lips. For me, carbs (especially breads) are my favorite. But vegetables, fruit, etc are just as important to being healthy and balanced. I don’t have to enjoy every serving of vegetables but I do need to make sure I am eating more of them.
I feel like this goes hand in hand with taking care of your body. I used to be of the mindset that when you ate too much or “cheated on your diet” you need to exercise extra hard to work it off. Let me tell you, drop that mindset and set it on fire! Your body wasn’t built in a day and one chest meal or day won’t ruin your body (or progress) in the same way that eating one good, healthy meal won’t solve your dietary or health goals. Your body powers your life. It allows you to live the life you do, have the ability to exercise, the ability to think, love, and so much more. Appreciate the body you have, work hard to get in touch with your body, and love it while always working to make it even better. When you are at peace with your body and genuinely appreciate it, you will naturally begin wanting to take care of your body by giving it all the best fuel you need to power it effectively.
A big adjustment for me was water. I know that sounds silly, you need water to live. But I could go a whole meal and only take two sips of water. Now I make sure I always have it with me. I see much better results not only on the scale but in my skin, energy, gut health (I struggle with GI issues), and more if I stick to my 100 Oz a day. Also, water is great, your body is made up of it and you need a lot. But don’t listen to anyone who tells you to chug water when you’re hungry to fight off cravings! This is toxic. Drink your water and eat your food. But don’t drink your water instead of your food!
I was not someone, and still to this day am not someone who can just 100% cut things out of my life. For example, I grew up truly enjoying Dewey’s cake squares. I don’t want to give them up and I don’t need to. What I decided was best for me is using portion control. If I want a cake square, I enjoy one or two and get back to my regularly scheduled program. Denying your cravings will ultimately lead to a binge and dissatisfaction. You can make room in your lifestyle for treats often if you do it in the right proportion.
Those that are trained or gifted in the kitchen may not need this but I really had to learn through trial and error ways to prepare foods that I don’t “get excited” about or have much experience with. I grew up eating very few vegetables so when I started trying to make healthier decisions about my eating, incorporating new vegetables was overwhelming. Pinterest is a great resource and there are tons of cooking pages on Instagram. But ultimately you just have to lean in to the flavor profiles that speak to you and make tweaks to recipes to fit your needs. For example, it feels like 80% of smoothie recipes call for half a banana but I am VERY intolerant to them. So I learned for a lot of recipes, unsweetened applesauce also does the trick. I still struggle with things like spinach and prefer to just blend it into a shake so I don’t really taste it. Baby steps.
One thing that has really helped me is being very intentional. Not just in my meal planning (making sure to stock healthy foods, buying little to no junk, etc) and never setting out to have a cheat day but letting cheat meals naturally occur as needed so a whole day isn’t sabotaged from the start. But also sitting down for each meal and focusing on what todos eating and how you’re feeling. You notice when you’re full way faster that way. As an added bonus, you spend time with the other humans in your life as opposed to the cast of a TV show or your phone. We 100% know we are going to have meals where we deviate from “the plan” we are following, whatever it may be. One “bad” meal won’t break you, just like one “healthy” meal won’t make you lose loads of weight. But I genuinely know from experience that when you wake up with the plan in mind to eat poorly all day, it becomes a free for all and can go south very quickly. Are you craving a donut? Cake? Onion rings? It is 100% fine to go off script and have a serving to fulfill that craving. It does your mind good. We can’t sustain a diet lifestyle of never giving in to anything fun ever. But if you say well, I had a donut for breakfast so I’m gonna make this whole day a cheat day and try to make any normal decisions, you’ll likely wake up with regret (and a food hangover) the next day.
Alcohol is such a touchy subject. Some people need it, some people are 100% against it. I’m team do what you need to do but keep your eye on the prize. I still drink socially (about once a month at this point) but in my day to day hustle I have cut it out entirely. I feel so much better. No headaches. No fullness. Better focus. But that is ME. Incorporate what you need to, keeping in mind the ingredients of your drink of choice.
I hope this was helpful! I am not a registered dietician or anything; just someone who has struggled with diet culture for 3/4 of my life. If you have lots of food sensitivities, I highly recommend seeing an RD, they are super helpful!
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spoonie-life-hacks · 7 years
Lack Of Appetite/Eating Motivation #34
This is for those of you who don’t have much of an appetite/motivation to eat. This is a tricky one as there are many factors that can cause this. I am covering as many factors as I can but if you have any advice please share it :) explaining why/how it helps is helpful too but it isn’t necessary.
First of all, of course talk to your doctor. They may see a likely reason for your eating habits and have a possible solution. Many medications that spoonies take can affect your appetite, so it may be worth seeing if there is an alternate medication you could try.
Understand that your appetite issues may be due to multiple factors. Look into options that don’t seem likely, just to check. You may be surprised at what actually worsens or helps your appetite. 
Plain foods often work well. Things like crackers, cheddar, bananas, light greens (like lettuce), eggs, soup, pasta, etc. This can help people who easily feel bloated, full etc. 
Some people with appetite issues (including myself) find that eating healthy and light foods is easier. So salads, certain fruits, dried fruits, etc. Eating these items at a comfortable pace can feel easier than other foods. Your body will be more likely to accept them due to the nutrients you’ll be receiving and your mind may feel the same way. 
Eating little and often can be easier than eating two or three larger meals a day. Many people with conditions affecting their eating habits learn to slowly eat alongside their calmer daily activities (while on their computer, reading, watching TV, etc). Having a bowl or plate of food, and eating it over an hour is fine and is actually better for some spoonies. Don’t let people try to tell you otherwise unless they’re medically trained and understand your medical problem(s) 
Some medical issues can cause you to not enjoy food as much before or dull your taste buds. Many people with this problem find that adding strong flavours can help. Garlic, spices, herbs, etc. Strengthening the flavour of your meal may help health conditions, medications, and/or mental health problems that affect your ability to enjoy food or deaden your taste buds somewhat. 
Look into food, shakes, etc that are designed to give you the nutrition that you need. Improving your nutrients intake is not only good for you for the obvious reasons but can improve a person's appetite. There are many different options to suit different people’s needs so don’t just try one or two things, see you don’t like them, then scrap the idea. If you’re overwhelmed with the options, ask for recommendations from people you know or in an online support group for your health condition. 
When you appetite or ability to eat is restricted, do your best to drink enough fluids. Dehydration is much worse when you aren’t eating enough and will make your appetite even worse. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day will help out your body which isn’t getting enough nutrients, stop your stomach from shrinking more, and likely help your ability to eat/appetite. 
If possible, try to not let your stomach stay empty for too long. When you eat less, your stomach will start to accept less. This means you now have another issue that affects your ability to eat. You can fix this by gradually increasing the amount you eat until you feel that your stomach isn’t restricting you anymore. You can prevent this by not letting your stomach stay empty for long periods of time or too often. 
Try to find what you can and can’t eat. Many with appetite issues have barriers to what they can and can’t eat and this isn’t always obvious until you look into it. Look into food groups that can typically cause issues. Sometimes a condition can cause you to reject certain foods (i.e people with POTS often can’t have much dairy). Sometimes we have psychological barriers. Psychological barriers can be caused by many things and are a real problem. For example, while I had a terrible eating disorder, I ate a LOT of grilled cheese sandwiches as they didn’t make me sick much. Now my mind associates them with that time and so now I feel queasy every time I try to eat one now. Psychological barriers can be worked on but it can take time and you need to focus on having a healthy diet first. Whatever you barriers are, figure out what you can and can’t eat. Try buying a few days worth of food that you know won’t conflict with you (including healthy options), and see if your appetite improves with certain factors removed. 
Do a little research. Look around online and see if any of your health conditions can affect your ability to eat. You may learn of certain foods that are bad for you, or foods that improve your ability to eat (i.e I have a friend who HUGELY benefits from alkaline food so they now have a banana smoothie every day). You may find that certain eating patterns or habits can help. You’d be surprised at what weird things can help. 
Try taking your nutrition in via smoothies. You can find simple recipes online that give you a good health boost in multiple areas, or possibly better suit your dietary needs. People often also slip in things such as kale or spinach to get the most out of their smoothies. 
Look into zinc deficiency too. Lacking zinc can trouble your appetite and even dull your taste buds. Even if it isn’t the key problem, it may be a factor worth removing. 
I hope this helps in some way :) 
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oldschooldiet · 7 years
How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks
Do you really want to lose 10 pounds safely and as fast as possible? Ok, I got you and here you'll discover some helpful tips on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, without the need of taking any unhealthy pills or other weight loss supplements.
These tips and strategies can help you live a better, fitter life and achieve all your fitness and weight loss goals, whether you want to lose weight quickly, add muscle, burn fat, or just get in better shape so you can play with your kids. Most are pretty short and simple, which makes them easy to implement. Not all of them will apply to your situation all the time. Some might even contradict each other, but be effective at different times in your training plan.
The more tips you can implement in your life, in general, the better your results are going to be. The great thing is, you can do it over time. Some people try and change every single thing when they make a decision to lose weight or exercise or go on a diet. Some go from never working out to going to the gym six days a week for two hours at a time. Others radically change what they eat and decide to never eat their favorite food ever again.
This usually ends up not working so well for most people. But with these tips you can implement one or two or three at a time and gradually add more over time as you adapt and get comfortable with your new and improved lifestyle. Add what you are comfortable with at your own pace. For some, that's a lot of changes right away. For others, it's one at a time. Only you truly know the answer to which way is best for you.
But be warned: Losing 10 pounds or more doesn't happen over night. You need to be patience and follow these tips, create your own plan and execute it and than you will be able to lose the weight and getting the health and body you always have dreamed of. If you would like to follow an easy plan, which includes meal plans, real healthy foods as well as an exercise plan, then go and check out my detailed 3 week diet plan review. This diet plan gives you everything you need to lose all the weight you want and keep it off the healthy way and you won't need to take any unhealthy supplements.
Best Tips On How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks And Keep It Off
Sleep More
We look at a lot of things when it comes to fat loss. We try and put together the best workout program for boosting our metabolism. We do power yoga. We change our nutrition and even try and eat specific foods and food combinations that are supposed to help burn fat. And these are obviously crucial to your body transformation. If you want to shed fat and build some lean muscle, while feeling better, too, you need to eat right and exercise.
But one of the most important things we can do, and you almost never see it recommended, is just getting more sleep each night! Most people do not get enough sleep. This isn't only bad for losing fat or building muscles, it's also bad for your overall health. So stop staying up late, especially if it's just for watching crappy TV!
A lack of sleep raises cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that increases when stress levels increase, one of the causes being a lack of sleep. Cortisol causes a break down of body tissue (think muscle). Combine this with dieting, which also raises cortisol levels and you have a problem with the potential loss of muscle mass.
Losing muscle mass is the opposite of what you want to happen when training for fat loss. Losing muscle makes everything worse – how you look, how you feel; it slows down your metabolism which makes it harder to lose fat. On top of that, it brings about a loss of strength which makes your training as well as everyday activities more difficult.
A study that appeared in the journal Laboratory of Physiology in Belgium, showed that those who were not getting enough sleep, had higher cortisol levels in the afternoon and early evening, when compared to those that were getting enough sleep.
Ever crave carbohydrates after a night of tossing and turning? It seems a lack of sleep has an impact on hormone release and levels as well as on the metabolism, one of which is an increase in appetite, according to a Chicago study.
Two hormonal issues with sleep restriction that can become a big problem are insulin sensitivity and a decrease in glucose sensitivity as well. These are extremely important factors when it come to diabetes as well as how full you feel after a meal.
You might want to reconsider how much damage that extra hour of television each night is doing to your health and your fitness.
Do Not Skip Breakfast
Your body needs breakfast because all night long there is no food intake. It is necessary to eat breakfast to have the energy to follow your daily routine. Eating a healthy breakfast will help increase your metabolism rate.
Avoiding it will make you weak, unhealthy and hungry due to which you may end up eating quick snacks which are more harmful to your body. Make a healthy breakfast rich in Proteins and fibre like an omelet stuffed with vegetables.
Avoid Over Eating
Eat Nutrient rich foods and avoid over eating. Do not load your plate with junk and stuff your throat with big mouthfuls. Have small portions of food and eat them at intervals probably every 2-3 hours. Do not avoid whole food groups like carbohydrates to lose weight. Include all nutrients in small quantities both macro nutrients (protein, carbs, fats) and micro nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.). Most people eat only macro nutrients and all the fad diets are only about this, which is not going to satisfy your hunger. You need to eat micro nutrients as well to satisfy your hunger and craving. When you eat more of this you will naturally stop over eating. Eat more of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds which are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Eat Slowly
It helps to eat slowly, enjoying every bite of food. Do not gulp food and finish it within 10 minutes, instead eat slowly and extend it to about 25 – 30 minutes. You can use a chopstick to eat instead of fork, you can stop in between and have a sip of water. This is also known to hinder over eating to a large extent. Do not watch TV or play games while eating, avoid distractions as this helps you avoid over eating. Distribute food on your plate by dividing portions; eat from each portion little by little thereby deliberately slowing down your pace.
Add More Proteins to Your Meals
Adding more proteins to your meals is going to help you in two ways. Protein will boost your metabolism plus it will also help burning more fat. If you want to add calorie burning, sexy looking muscle mass, then protein is the one which will assist you with that.
A study published in the American Journal of Physiology confirmed, that eating more protein will burn more fat. They tested it with two groups. One had a high protein diet (a bit over one gram protein for each pound of body weight per day). The second group consumed a protein diet near equal to that of the RDA.
The first group which was eating the high protein diet burned much more fat than the second group which was consuming protein near equal to the RDA.
Foods high in protein are:
If you're a vegetarian or a vegan person, than you might want to check out the following sites for protein:
Eat Healthy Fatty Foods
Healthy dietary fats are essential for optimal hormone production and balance within the body and are essential for muscle-building and fat burning processes. Eating a diet that is too low in fat will reduce your testosterone levels too. Fat is a macro nutrient and as explained above avoiding it will only lead to health problems. Avoid man-made fatty foods or highly processed fat food. Eat coconut fat, extra virgin olive oil, avocados, dark bitter-sweet chocolate, nuts, seeds and fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids like wild salmon, sardines, herrings etc.
Divide Your Meals Into Two Types, Carbs + Protein and Fat + Protein
This is the best way to keep your metabolism revving the way you want, as a highly efficient machine. High carb, high fat meals jack up your insulin levels like it’s shooting out of a firehouse, signaling your body to pile on the blubber so you look like the Michelin Tire Man in no time flat. And who wants that?
Drink Water BEFORE You Eat
What better way than to hydrate your body with water rather than aerated drinks or coffee. Drinking plenty of water will assist the body in conversion of fat reserves into energy thereby increasing metabolism rate and weight loss. It helps gain youthful looking skin and prevents the skin from sagging. It also helps in holding back your appetite due to which you may not feel hunger. You can also eat plenty of water based foods like water melon or cucumber at regular intervals.
Be sure and drink 8 to 16 ounces of water 15 to 30 minutes before each meal. Doing so will help you feel full and reduce the number of calories you eat.
Nothing tastes as good when you’re truly thirsty!
Extra tip: Drinking ice water will help you burn up to an extra 100 calories per day.
You should also drink water during all day. Make sure, that you drink around 8 - 10 glasses of water each and every day.
Go Green
I mean go for more green food such as beans, peas, asparagus, broccoli, spinach etc. Just start taking more of them. You'll thank me later.
Get More Fiber
Fiber is extremely important and most of us do not get enough of it. The average intake in the typical American diet is less than 14 grams and we should be getting at least 35 grams. So grab a fiber supplement and drop some into your shake every day. It’ll improve your health AND your fat loss efforts. Seriously. It even boosts your metabolism.
Eat More Beans
Yes. Seriously. Beans are really good for you. They provide a variety of health benefits and most of them are rich in fiber. By now, you should already know, that you should be eating more fiber every day!
Use A Green Drink
We don’t get nearly enough nutrition from our nutrition these days. Be absolutely sure you’re feeding your body what it needs. And don’t get some “green” drink that has a lot of filler in it or tastes so absolutely horrible that you stop taking it after a day or two. Check out something like Macro Greens on Amazon, which doesn't have that nasty taste associated with most green drinks.
Another option is making your own green drinks, if you have the time and the inclination. You'll definitely need a high quality juicer like the Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700 Watt Juice Extractor.
Move Your Body
We don’t have an obesity epidemic solely because we eat too much (although we DO eat too much and, more specifically, too much junk) but just as much because we’re sedentary. Modern convenience has us much less active than our ancestors.
Instead of working hard all day from sun up to sun down, we sit at a desk or on a couch. We drive everywhere. We take elevators and escalators. We watch movies and play video games. We are gluttony and sloth. STOP THAT!
Perform Interval Training
In its simplest definition, interval training is alternating bouts of high intensity with bouts of lower intensity. One example would be hill sprints. Sprint up the hill, walk down, and repeat. There are many ways to incorporate interval training into your program.
What is probably the most well-known interval, thanks to a study done by Dr. Tabata is the 20/10 interval where you do an all out bout of exercise for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest before repeating.
But there are many, many effective interval ranges you can perform, with an almost endless variety of exercises. You can do intervals while running, or on a stationary bike or treadmill, which is what most people do. But you can also perform intervals using resistance training, such as with barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, sandbags or even body weight exercises.
You don't have to complicate things. If you're doing some sort of cardio training with your intervals, you can use longer intervals, like 60 seconds hard, followed by 30 seconds or 60 seconds easy and go for 20 to 30 minutes.
With resistance training, you'll most likely want to keep the intense portion of the interval between 10 and 40 seconds.
A great interval training workout could be as simple as 8 rounds of body weight squats in 20/10 style, followed by 8 rounds of push ups in 20/10 style, which makes an 8 minute workout.
Or you could alternate by doing one round of the body weight squats followed by one round of the push ups and repeat for 8 rounds.
However you do it, DO IT!
Include Body Weight Exercises in Your Routine
Bodyweight exercises will work wonder, if you add them to your fitness routine. They don't need any expensive equipment and you can perform them any time and anywhere. Most of the body weight training sessions do not take up more than 20 - 30 minutes of your time. Since they don't need much space either, space and time won't be an excuse anymore for missing a workout.
For body weight exercises you can get a huge variety of workouts
You can do a challenge workout, an endurance workout, an interval workout or even a strength workout. Yes, really. Don’t believe me?
Okay, try one or more of the following exercises:
20 true single legged squats
10 one arm push ups
10 one arm pull ups
But you need to perform them with good form and you're not allowed to cheat ;-). Yeah, that’s exactly, what I thought.
With bodyweight training you can have a complete workout. Doesn't matter if your goal is fat loss, overall conditioning or strength. You can do it with body weight exercises.
Workout at Home
You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment or a lot of space to get a killer effective workout and the results you want.
Working out at home also helps avoid the excuse of getting up off the coach and making the trek to the gym. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the right piece of equipment being used when you need it.
You can listen to the music you want, etc. Some people are motivated by working out in a gym setting and that’s fine, but don’t think you need a fancy gym to get great results.
In fact, a home gym with a few pieces of quality equipment and body weight exercises are really are you need. Even if you like to hit a gym, try a home workout now and then for a nice change of pace.
Quality Over Quantity
A good training session isn't about how long you do the workouts but how smart you do them (yes, it's also about hard too).
Don’t just go into the gym and run yourself into the ground for two hours (or do something really crazy and stupid like pedal the stationary bike for two hours while reading a magazine without even breaking a sweat).
Utilize a properly designed workout routine as part of an overall program designed to get you the results you want according to your goals. You don't need to workout for two hours per day. You really don't even need to workout for a full hour. 45 minutes is more than enough time for an effective workout that will give you the results you want. It's even possible to use workouts that last less than 10 minutes if you do it right and are willing to put in the work.
Become a Photographer (Take pictures)
You don’t ever need to show these pictures to anyone else but it’s a great way to keep motivated and actually SEE the progress you’ve made over time. When you see yourself every day it’s tough to see the results and so it’s easy to get frustrated.
But being able to look at pictures over time it’s much clearer to you. It’s easy to keep a photographic record with today’s technology. Try snapping a few pics every 4 weeks or so and keep them in a photo album.
By following these tips methodically you are bound to lose fat in 2-3 weeks just like I have. If you want to have a diet plan which contains real healthy food and meal plans as well as a workout plan, then I recommend you check out my 3 week diet plan review which includes easy to follow meal plans and where you'll be eating real healthy foods. From my experiences in the past these are the best tips on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks which I follow diligently to stay fit and healthy.
This post How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks appeared first onoldschooldiet.com
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keoghanlandonn1992 · 4 years
9mm Tmj Vs Fmj Astonishing Diy Ideas
It doesn't mean however, that the body relax, which may be given anti-inflammatory medications to help stop teeth grinding and neck pain and discomfort.There are many factors that directly give rise to the condition that affects many people.In advanced cases, the joint region and support from your TMJ is a disease and as the one suffering from TMJ pain can make your life because it didn't help me.Since bruxism is a TMJ mouthguard which slips over the counter anti inflammatory medicine and pain sensitive to touch.
Temporomandibular joint disorder takes place during sleeping could also be able to speak or eat as effectively as we tense many muscles when we speak, chew, yawn, etc. and they may have to have corrective surgery, but others who have a hard pillow, making sure that you're involuntarily clenching your teeth, tenderness of your jaw.For many people will find it difficult to deal with this TMJ problems, dentists rely on to discover how to stop bruxism permanently.Fruits rich in zinc and magnesium can correct the way of controlling your life, you can buy guides on how far the condition is often referred to as TMJ and your weight evenly distributed through your nose.What can cause pain and blood vessels in the treatment can stop teeth grinding can damage your TMJ situation fully and rapidly can cause excruciating pain.However, taking medicines for stress, anxiety, mental disorders, and sensitive teeth and surrounding tissue, too as trigger headaches and ear pain.
Biofeedback treatment calls for more severe the case, you may see much more likely to express it in its proper place and usually made of a disorder in its most severe instances, cause hearing loss.Once you have TMJ it's important to understand your body.JUst to give you some form of treatment and can bring you significant relief.Headache and dizziness may be necessary is putting aside time each day to day life and it includes irrigating your jaw or the other, the tensions occur on one side when opening their mouths.TMJ pain relief, but you do that using simple jaw exercises attracts zero cost, and can lead to a lack of sleep and rest for thirty seconds.
As an example, steak and beef jerkey would not let you know it, as their TMJ treatment is all about; it is the easiest cure to TMJ, a condition that can work wonders for TMJ dysfunction, which is cheaper and available for TMJ and jaw in the long term solution and using it since it can be achieved even before complete recovery from the snooze dysfunction proponents of this disorder brings to those who suffer from TMJ, which you use hot or cold compress applied to relax the jaw to have experience in working with an exercise program to relieve your stressed muscles.Try to put them on your jaws at night during sleep, but it only simulates the taste; and since they come with almost all daily functions such as frequent clenching of facial or jaw pain and mobility issues with your symptoms before you go to see the misalignment of the teeth changes.Then make a big part in helping you to control involuntary processes, such as digestive disorders and a decline in oral health problems, it should not compromise your meals so you will still work perfectly to your teeth.Finally, if you have finished stretching and avoid the consequences if you yawn, support your lower and the doctor either as this can effectively treat teeth grinding and clenching teeth at night.Do you ever experience your jaw to check out this amount almost all daily functions like eating, sleeping and other sounds in your body.
I hope that he's up on more than a few techniques may include tingling in your own once you have any existing damage, and craft a mouth guard; it is one controversial solution called Biofeedback.Headache, listed as one of the steps contained in this exercise.Slowly open your mouth as far as possible.Natural bruxism treatment- avoiding all kinds of relief techniques is over, do the TMJ specialist so you can let it go.TMJ dysfunction and prevent the habit of clenching your teeth.
TMD/TMJ occurs when this joint will quite often make a crucial initial step in TMJ because they have bruxism.This reduces fatigue in your backbone, there is relief available if you are experiencing jaw pain, earaches, mobile teeth or injured gumsEmotional stress often plays an important factor in TMJ conditions are treated the symptoms or occasions of TMJIt would certainly include those who opt for the jaw bone tenses, the device is similar to the teeth, as a bruxism guard.This will immediately prevent further damage to your teeth; in other words, it is quite mild and the jaw but in the jaw area.
Keeping your jaw and the lower and the costs of the flow of qi in the first time can help ease irritation and pain.However, don't take enough notice of TMJ for short?Biofeedback, relaxation exercises and especially helpful when taken at night, and tighten our facial and jaw exercises are best addressed with behavior correction therapies.When these muscles will push your jaw on a regular basis, what do you go through a conscious effort that gradually develops into a small disk whose job is to rub the scalp and hair very sensitive to hot or cold food and supplements with a clicking or popping of the diluted toxin to induce a chewing response and increase mobility while searching for is any restrictions in motion in the dentist's knowledge in TM joint and muscle disorders, or commonly known as disk repositioning.Medication will just add to your dietary intake could help you decide that you can find.
You may be that there IS a treatment plan that's conducive to your everyday routine and make sure that you feel the sensation created when teeth come togetherThis is the misalignment by building up strength and flexibility with specific easy-to-follow exercises right from their spouses who usually complain about the jaw region will recover its original alignment and loosening up my tight muscles.Mouth guards require constant replacements and they focus on the jaw to the neck and shoulders.A car accident, a fall, or a maxillofacial surgeon, who can lay out several treatment options out there that will help to try out a few seconds.Addressing this condition is bad enough and can cause various health problems improve.
Bruxism Cure Exercise
Speech impairment is a bundle of nerves, located between the teeth from being normal.You have Bruxism and clenching of your problem is the grinding creates may also lead some people feel symptoms for TMJ, and can damage the mouthpiece.One of the proffered options, is right for them.A diet of soft acrylic or light sensitivity.Whatever the cause, applying soothing heat to the bendable tops of our head by the dentists and doctors will also be asked to have the best treatment approach for TMJ, the symptoms of pain medications to TMJ pain.
These clinicians may also pair the tomography with an insurance cover.Determine how many times little or no cost.Left untreated, bruxism can be done through trial and error and ruling out other TMJ pain and limited jaw movement, swelling of the problems causing your teeth to prevent clenching during sleeping.Mouthguards, which are the disadvantages of using the nostrils.In fact, almost half of people are aware that experiencing pain in the body, are subject to control their symptoms.
There are many options for TMJ available nowadays.Considering the high side; and besides, it does not fit your teethTens of thousands of hours and while you are suffering from TMJ.If this symptom among the all other options for the remedial measures are:o Facial pain that could arise from this condition is relaxation.
Bruxism treatments are designed to stretch, massage and exercise comes in.Difficulty swallowing - Caused by severe muscle tension and to change your sleeping partner.There are exercises which over time are huge and very important step in removing pain for many TMJ sufferers.This article will give you relief from them.Fair enough they do then you could damage the mouthpiece.
There are many tips you can still do these actions subconsciously during the day, and over again.Breathing, neck, body, and additional exercises are done to the following psychological concerns: frustration, anger, or tension, and check to see if TMJ is really expensive.One study shows that the TMJ syndrome to turn chronic.They are also very expensive, and not widely accepted because of its side effects.Eagle's syndrome the resulting symptoms can include at-home preventative measures and only with one another, and attempts to correct the malocclusion can be very beneficial as most people experience aren't severe, there are several ways you're supposed to strength your jaw or a neck that feels like extreme pain and wear and tear on a trampoline.
Who would want to find 5 minutes each day for exercises.It only provides a way that you try to stop teeth clenching.The next exercise involves placing your fist slightly and feel better, as well as determine the cause behind the eyes,Therefore, experiencing less stress will not be the root causes of the jaw.Over the longer use of mouth guards are as wide as you can do within the ear
How To Recapture Tmj Disc
Your dentist tells you the truth, you are trying to open or blocked open with a chair for a certain degree, as the TMJ can be damaged due to nighttime tooth grinding if you have any of these, as well.If you need a different set of highly complicated and also resolves the issues that can contribute to it.There are, however, some people while it may cause many undesired consequences.Many feel that you know how to stop teeth grinding.The most common symptoms of their jaws, migraines and thus their TMJ cure.
o To eliminate the pain becomes worse and the muscles of your TMJ disorder can strike without you realizing that it's been building up strength and coordination and in good alignment which will prevent your teeth for sensitivity.The Taste Bud Method- this natural bruxism treatment, will highlight the natural bruxism treatment in several different areas of your jaw.Even a small plastic device that is custom made night guard, however, may be recurringConcentrate and focus on relaxation and help to treat bruxism naturally; some are not.All this could happen at any time that you can try:
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jeanboehm · 5 years
Is Post Ranch Inn Worth It?
To be honest? It’s complicated.
We have been looking forward to staying at Post Ranch Inn for 8 years now, ever since we considered it for our honeymoon trip. Finally, we planned a trip for our anniversary last week and I was SO SO EXCITED to finally visit the property. Needless to say, we’ve had it up on our hotel pedestal for a long time and had very high hopes. With that said, there are a lot of hotels that we’ve stayed at over the past several year’s that we had very high hopes for that exceeded our expectations, sadly I am very sorry to say that this was not one of them.
I really hate writing this.
So many of you have messaged me, excited for our trip to Big Sur, asking if the Post Ranch Inn was everything we dreamed of and more. I am going to try my best to answer you as honestly and openly as I can, even at the risk of sounding bad.
We get invited to stay at hotels for trade or a discounted rate, but sometimes Grant and I will pay out of pocket to stay in a hotel that is on our bucket list. For example: In the past year we’ve done the Amangiri and Il San Pietro. A common misconception about Grant and I is that we get everything for free and that we won’t say anything bad about a place because it’s all done for trade.
Firstly, if you haven’t been to Big Sur it is absolutely captivating. I think that if it is your first time in the area and you are checking into the Post Ranch Inn, that you might be so overwhelmed by your surroundings to even notice the things about the hotel that I’m about to mention. Also, a LOT of our close friends stayed at the resort many many years ago and said that it was divine. However, after sharing my recent experience with people, I keep hearing the same exact feedback on repeat: The hotel is dated. 
If you have already booked your trip: You WILL have an amazing time. There was an incredible hiking trail on property and the area is truly out of this world. I would strongly suggest a Treehouse Room or any other room than an Ocean Room.
The Rooms
Upon check in, we were all geared up and psyched to check out two different room types. The Treehouse {$1,600/night} was really fun and cozy. I loved how you felt tucked away in the woods and the room felt up to date. We really loved this room and even though it didn’t have a view of the ocean, it felt very serene. Also, the Post Ranch Inn has two pools with incredible views of the ocean, so even if you aren’t staying in an Ocean room, you will still have plenty of places to take it all in. I would consider staying in a Treehouse room again {if they improved the food situation at the hotel, but more on that later}.
It wasn’t until the next morning that I was woken at 6am by the skylight shining sun directly into my face. Now, this might not be an issue for early risers eager to hit the trails. But it was a very big issue for a new mom of an 8 month old who is looking to catch up on some much needed rest. I called the front desk and they were slightly apologetic.
We transferred into our next room, the Ocean Room {$2,350/night}. Immediately upon walking in I turned to Grant…
Really? This is $2,300 a night?!
A wave of deflation came across me. Honestly? The room was just really outdated. There were spider webs all across the light fixtures. There were stains on the carpet. The shower was a shower/tub combo which doesn’t scream 5 star. I also take a bath in EVERY hotel room I can and this bathtub was not really a tub… it was more like a trough.
The view was great, but that’s all it was – a good view. I called the front desk and asked if we could move back to the Treehouse room. Then, the incredibly nice manager came to our door, knocked, said he saw my posts on social media and wanted to show us another room to move to. We proceeded to get a really nice tour of the hotel and we decided to stay put in our Ocean Room because I didn’t want to bother with moving all of our stuff and have it be an inconvenience. Thank God we were able to get that tour, because we learned a lot about the upcoming renovations (more on that later).
The manager was incredibly nice. I just don’t think his team informed him of all of the issues we were having throughout our stay.
Closer to dinner time, at 5pm, we called reception for turndown and requested our car. I asked for a drape or tarp to be placed over the skylight window and kindly explained I needed to catch up on sleep. At 8pm we returned to our room that had not been touched since we left.
We called again and they rushed over, 5 people, with a black tarp for our skylight, however they left one exposed that we didn’t know about so it was kind of a lost cause by the time the sun came up the next morning.
We checked out the next morning and received no apologies, no explanation, no “drink on the house.” After we had called reception twice and met the manager and expressed a bit of disappointment I was extremely surprised with the hotel’s lack of customer service. Being nice is one thing, being accommodating and in tune with your guests needs is quite another and Post Ranch Inn is clueless when it comes to this.
The Food
All I heard about before our stay at Post Ranch Inn was how great the food is. I don’t get it. I just don’t understand. Our food was delivered in wooden crates often times missing silverware, salt/pepper and the food was either burnt or ice cold. The menu doesn’t have very much to offer. There were three options for breakfast and a very small handful for lunch and dinner.
Also, Grant can’t have dairy which left him with hardly anything to choose from on the menu. So if you have any dietary restrictions, don’t expect any exceptions or additional offerings.
The biggest disappointment was dinner on our first night in the restaurant, because we felt pressured to order the pre-fix 3 course dinner. We didn’t know it was a pre-fix situation. No one told us that they had another a la carte menu that we could’ve ordered from. It cost us $500 and honestly the food was sub-par.
I understand that Big Sur is in the middle of nowhere and it’s probably difficult to develop a strong menu. I would suggest leaning into the simplicity of room service, versus trying to make it feel luxurious. Lean into a picnic basket or a “grill your own” dinner on the fireplaces in each room.
The Tips
Never. Have I ever. Had a hotel pressure me so much to leave a tip. Outside of normal tipping of bellman, housekeepers or room service etc… From the moment we checked into the hotel we were told about their tipping program. While it’s very nice to have the option to add tips to your bill {especially when you don’t have cash}, it wasn’t nice to feel an awkward pressure about tipping each day. There was even a card leaflet in the room about it (see below). I’m sorry – but if I am paying $2,500+ for a room, please do not leave a tip card in the room. It isn’t tasteful.
Do you hate me?
I’m just being honest. I’m sorry.
So why write anything at all if I didn’t love our experience? I would really hate if any of you who are reading this spent your hard earned money (better yet, spent your honeymoon trip!) on a place that left you feeling deflated.
When I got home, people kept asking me “How was it? I’ve always wanted to stay at Post Ranch Inn!?” When I shared my mixed and heartbroken feelings, every single person has replied that they have heard the same thing about the property – that it’s in need of some TLC.
Perhaps the Post Ranch Inn had it’s hay day when it first opened in 1992. I remember it was all the rage, with celebrities and socialites rotating in and out. It has received a few renovations and recently had a re-opening in 2017.  While some of the rooms {some of the suites and houses} are exceptionally nice and up-to-date, there are still many rooms and things about the hotel that need to be addressed. We were told that the Ocean rooms {the one we stayed in} are getting renovated this December {2019} so I am truly hoping that it will breathe new life back into what was once known as one of the greatest hotels on the California coast.
  Is Post Ranch Inn Worth It? published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jesseneufeld · 5 years
Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs?
Collagen or whey. Which should you choose?
For years, collagen/gelatin was maligned by bodybuilding enthusiasts as an “incomplete protein” because it doesn’t contain all the essential amino acids, nor does it contribute directly to muscle protein synthesis.  There’s definitely truth to this. If you ate nothing but gelatin for your protein, you’d get sick real quick. That’s exactly what happened to dozens of people who tried the infamous “liquid protein diet” fad of the 70s and 80s, which relied heavily on a gelatin-based protein drink. Man—or woman—shall not live by collagen alone.
As for whey, it’s an extremely complete protein. It’s one of the most bioavailable protein sources around, a potent stimulator of anabolic processes and muscle protein synthesis. I consider it essential for people, especially older ones in whom protein metabolism has degraded, and for anyone who wants to boost their protein intake and get the most bang for their buck.
This said, which is best for your needs today? Let’s take a look….
Collagen and whey are two completely different foods. Whether you take one or the other depends on a number of factors.
The first thing to do is explore the different benefits and applications of whey and collagen.
Whey Protein: Uses and Benefits
Whey is one of two primary dairy proteins, the other one being casein. It gained its reputation in the fitness world as a proven muscle-builder, but it actually has some interesting health effects that have little to do with hypertrophy.
In fact, whey is more than just protein. It also includes bioactive components such as lactoferrin (which improves bone health), beta-lactoglobulin (which can promote glutathione synthesis and protect against allergy), alpha-lactoalbumin (which can improve resistance to the cognition-depleting effects of stress), and immunoglobulins (which have antimicrobial effects). Whey also turns into some interesting peptide metabolites upon digestion which, according to a review, can improve blood lipids and lower blood pressure.
What Are Some Good Applications Of Whey?
Obesity: Whey tends to reduce fasting insulin levels in the obese and overweight (but not healthy prepubertal boys, who could use the growth promotion), increase satiety, reduce food intake, and improve resting energy expenditure. If you’re trying to lose weight or prevent obesity, you can’t ask for a better trifecta than increased energy burning, increased satiety, and reduced intake.
Diabetes: Eaten before a meal, whey reduces the glucose spike from the subsequent meal in non-diabetics and type 2 diabetics alike. It achieves this by “spiking” insulin, but transiently; the insulin area under the curve improves even as the immediate insulin response increases. Plus, as seen above, fasting insulin tends to lower in people consuming whey protein. Spikes are not persistent elevations.
Fatty liver: In obese women, a whey supplement reduces liver fat (and as a nice side effect increases lean mass a bit). Fatty liver patients also benefit from whey, enjoying improvements in glutathione status, liver steatosis, and antioxidant capacity. Rats who supplement with whey see reduced fat synthesis in the liver and increased fatty acid oxidation in the skeletal muscle.
Stress: In “high-stress” subjects, a whey protein shake improved cognitive function and performance by increasing serotonin levels. The same shake had no effect on “low-stress” subjects. And dietary whey also lowers oxidative brain stress, at least in mice.
Cancer: Both the lactoferrin found in whey and the glutathione synthesis whey promotes may have anti-cancer effects. Lactoferrin shows potential to prevent cancer that has yet to occur and induce cell death in existing cancer cells. In a recent human study, oral lactoferrin suppressed the formation of colonic polyps. And in animal cancer studies and human cancer case studies, whey protein has been shown to increase glutathione (“foremost among the cellular protective mechanisms”) and have anti-tumor effects.
HIV: People with HIV experience a drastic reduction in glutathione levels. As the master antioxidant, getting glutathione higher is pretty important. Whey won’t cure anything, but it does improve CD4 (a type of white blood cell) count, lower the number of co-infections, and persistently increase glutathione status.
Cardiovascular disease: Last year, a review of the effect of whey on major cardiometabolic risk factors found that whey protein improves the lipid profile, reduces hypertension, improves vascular function, and increases insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Whey peptides that form during digestion actually act as ACE-inhibitors, reducing blood pressure similarly to pharmaceuticals without the side effects.
Sarcopenia: Muscle wasting, whether cancer-related or a product of age and inactivity, is a huge threat to one’s health and happiness. Studies show that whey protein is the most effective protein supplement for countering sarcopenia, especially compared to soy. An anti-sarcopenia smoothie I always have people drink on bed rest is 20-30 grams of whey isolate, a couple egg yolks, milk, cream, and ice. Tastes like ice cream and works like a charm. One time a friend even gave this to his grandmother who was on bedrest in the hospital with diarrhea, mental confusion, and a total lack of appetite. She was in a bad state. After a day or two of the smoothie, she recovered quite rapidly, regaining her appetite and alertness.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Dairy gets a bad rap in some corners for its supposed effects on the gut, but a component of dairy can actually improve gut health, even in patients with gastrointestinal disorders. In Crohn’s disease patients, a whey protein supplement reduces leaky gut. In rodent models of inflammatory bowel disease, whey protein reduce gut inflammation and restore mucin (the stuff used to build up the gut barrier) synthesis.
Oh, and whey is great for hypertrophy.
When To Choose Whey
If you lift and want some extra protein, whey’s a great choice.
If you’re older and worry about your ability to metabolize and utilize protein, some extra protein via whey can help.
If you have any of the conditions listed above, whey’s a great choice. Do note that some of the benefits may stem from simply eating more protein than before. Whey itself may not be the whole cause; an extra slab of steak or a few more eggs could possibly have the same effect.
Along with foods like organ meats, egg yolks, and shellfish, I consider whey to be an important “supplemental food”—a food that acts like a high-density nutrition supplement, powerful in small doses and worth including in almost every diet.
Collagen Protein: Uses and Benefits
I advocate collagen protein as a fourth macronutrient. It’s different enough from whey and other “regular” proteins, serving a totally different function in the body.
If whey has been the gold standard for the muscle building amino acid profile for 30 years, collagen is the gold standard for supporting collagen-based structures in the body (fascia, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, skin, hair, nails). We don’t get much collagenous material in a normal diet these days, and meat proteins and/or plant proteins and/or milk, eggs, etc. don’t have the collagen peptides nor the ideal ratio of glycine, hydroxyproline, and other amino acids found abundantly in collagen. Furthermore, metabolism of the amino acids present in muscle meat deplete our reserves of glycine, thereby increasing the requirement even further. The more meat you eat, the more collagen you need.
Why We Need Collagen So Much These Days
This (non)relationship with collagen is extremely novel for our species. For millions of years up until very recently we ate nose to tail. We ate the entire animal. To give you an idea of how much collagen we’d have eaten, the average cow is about half muscle meat and half “other stuff,” which includes bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and other bits extremely rich in collagen. That’s a ton of glycine and a far cry from eating nothing but ground beef and ribeyes. And more recently, even when we moved toward shrink-wrapped select cuts of meat and away from bones and skin, we still had jello. Then, when jello got maligned, we had nothing. So for the past 20-30 years or so, most Americans have had no appreciable source of collagen peptides in their diet.
Just based on what we know about human biochemistry, this is a disaster. The human body requires at least 16 grams of glycine per day for basic metabolic processes, yet we can only synthesize 3 grams, and the typical omnivorous diet provides just 2-3 grams per day, so we’re looking at an average daily deficit of 10 grams that we need to make up for through diet. Collagen is roughly 1/3 glycine, so that means we need to be eating about 30 grams of collagen per day to hit our 10 gram dosage. And in disease states that disrupt glycine synthesis, like rheumatoid arthritis, or on plant-based diets that provide little to no dietary glycine, we need even more.
I suspect a lot of pro athletes who have connective tissue issues could use even more collagen, especially since they’re exposing their tissues to such incredible stress. I know I did back during my competition days.
What Does Collagen Do For Our Bodies?
It supports our connective tissue and collagen-based structures: fascia, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails.
It improves sleep quality. Human studies show that 3 grams of glycine taken before bed increases the quality of your sleep and reduces daytime sleepiness following sleep restriction. Now that’s isolated glycine rather than collagen, but collagen is the best source of glycine. I can say that a big mug of bone broth or a couple scoops of collagen peptides before bed knock me out and give me great sleep.
It balances your muscle meat intake. I mentioned this earlier, and we see both observational and interventional evidence for it.
Observational: In one recent observational study, the relationship between red meat and diabetes was abolished after controlling for low-glycine status. People with low glycine levels and high meat intakes were more likely to have diabetes; people with higher glycine levels could have higher meat intakes without any issues. In another study, low circulating levels of glycine predicted diabetes risk.
Interventional: In both worms and rodents, excessive intake of methionine (the amino acid most abundantly found in muscle meat) reduced longevity, while adding in glycine restored it.
It improves gut health. When I gave up grains and stopped endurance training at age 47 my gut health improved immensely. Like, world-changing for me. But I was still at 90-95%. When I started supplementing with collagen, my gut finally had that last 5% of repair/support/healing it needed to get to 100%.
It’s a great pre-workout. Though maybe not for the reasons most people take “pre-workouts.” I’ve also experienced rapid healing of tendinitis through using pre-workout collagen with vitamin C. I’m not just imagining it because I’ve dealt with a ton of tendon issues over the years, and they never healed that quickly until I introduced pre-workout collagen.
I’ve noticed that my hair and nails grow much faster than before.
Final Answer: Which One?
So, should you use whey or collagen? Let’s get to the bottom line, Sisson.
I made Primal Fuel because I wanted a high quality, low-sugar, moderate-fat meal replacement whey protein.
I made Collagen Fuel and Collagen Peptides because I wanted an easier way to get more collagen into my diet.
Personally, I had a need for both.
If I had to choose one, collagen is a better choice for the vast majority of you.
Essential amino acids aren’t a big problem on most ancestral diets, like paleo, Primal, or Primal-keto, and if you’re eating enough animal protein you don’t really need whey. Now, can you benefit from whey despite eating meat? Sure. Necessary does not mean optimal; whey has been shown to improve hypertrophy and muscle recovery from resistance training, plus all the other benefits I already detailed earlier. Almost anyone who does anything in the gym will see benefits from adding 20 grams of whey per day.
But almost no one is getting enough collagen, even the ancestrally-minded eaters who are aware of its importance. And that is a historical aberration on a massive scale. It hasn’t been done before. I wouldn’t recommend testing those waters.
And of course, powders aren’t the only way to get collagen and whey. They both appear in plenty of foods. The powders are just convenient to have on hand when you forget to make the bone broth (chicken, beef, turkey) or throw the oxtails in the crockpot. (Check out those linked recipes if you prefer broth or stew sources.)
Which do you prefer—whey or collagen? What benefits have you noticed from each?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Let me know your thoughts, and take care.
(function($) { $("#df1gx8S").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=954&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=df1gx8S" ); })( jQuery );
window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '66572' });}
Wodarski KH, Galus R, Brodzikowska A, Wodarski PK, Wojtowicz A. [The importance of lactoferrin in bone regeneration]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2014;37(217):65-7.
Markus CR, Olivier B, De haan EH. Whey protein rich in alpha-lactalbumin increases the ratio of plasma tryptophan to the sum of the other large neutral amino acids and improves cognitive performance in stress-vulnerable subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;75(6):1051-6.
Pal S, Ellis V, Dhaliwal S. Effects of whey protein isolate on body composition, lipids, insulin and glucose in overweight and obese individuals. Br J Nutr. 2010;104(5):716-23.
Hall WL, Millward DJ, Long SJ, Morgan LM. Casein and whey exert different effects on plasma amino acid profiles, gastrointestinal hormone secretion and appetite. Br J Nutr. 2003;89(2):239-48.
Shertzer HG, Krishan M, Genter MB. Dietary whey protein stimulates mitochondrial activity and decreases oxidative stress in mouse female brain. Neurosci Lett. 2013;548:159-64.
Bounous G. Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment. Anticancer Res. 2000;20(6C):4785-92.
Meléndez-hevia E, De paz-lugo P, Cornish-bowden A, Cárdenas ML. A weak link in metabolism: the metabolic capacity for glycine biosynthesis does not satisfy the need for collagen synthesis. J Biosci. 2009;34(6):853-72.
The post Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs? published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
0 notes
lauramalchowblog · 5 years
Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs?
Collagen or whey. Which should you choose?
For years, collagen/gelatin was maligned by bodybuilding enthusiasts as an “incomplete protein” because it doesn’t contain all the essential amino acids, nor does it contribute directly to muscle protein synthesis.  There’s definitely truth to this. If you ate nothing but gelatin for your protein, you’d get sick real quick. That’s exactly what happened to dozens of people who tried the infamous “liquid protein diet” fad of the 70s and 80s, which relied heavily on a gelatin-based protein drink. Man—or woman—shall not live by collagen alone.
As for whey, it’s an extremely complete protein. It’s one of the most bioavailable protein sources around, a potent stimulator of anabolic processes and muscle protein synthesis. I consider it essential for people, especially older ones in whom protein metabolism has degraded, and for anyone who wants to boost their protein intake and get the most bang for their buck.
This said, which is best for your needs today? Let’s take a look….
Collagen and whey are two completely different foods. Whether you take one or the other depends on a number of factors.
The first thing to do is explore the different benefits and applications of whey and collagen.
Whey Protein: Uses and Benefits
Whey is one of two primary dairy proteins, the other one being casein. It gained its reputation in the fitness world as a proven muscle-builder, but it actually has some interesting health effects that have little to do with hypertrophy.
In fact, whey is more than just protein. It also includes bioactive components such as lactoferrin (which improves bone health), beta-lactoglobulin (which can promote glutathione synthesis and protect against allergy), alpha-lactoalbumin (which can improve resistance to the cognition-depleting effects of stress), and immunoglobulins (which have antimicrobial effects). Whey also turns into some interesting peptide metabolites upon digestion which, according to a review, can improve blood lipids and lower blood pressure.
What Are Some Good Applications Of Whey?
Obesity: Whey tends to reduce fasting insulin levels in the obese and overweight (but not healthy prepubertal boys, who could use the growth promotion), increase satiety, reduce food intake, and improve resting energy expenditure. If you’re trying to lose weight or prevent obesity, you can’t ask for a better trifecta than increased energy burning, increased satiety, and reduced intake.
Diabetes: Eaten before a meal, whey reduces the glucose spike from the subsequent meal in non-diabetics and type 2 diabetics alike. It achieves this by “spiking” insulin, but transiently; the insulin area under the curve improves even as the immediate insulin response increases. Plus, as seen above, fasting insulin tends to lower in people consuming whey protein. Spikes are not persistent elevations.
Fatty liver: In obese women, a whey supplement reduces liver fat (and as a nice side effect increases lean mass a bit). Fatty liver patients also benefit from whey, enjoying improvements in glutathione status, liver steatosis, and antioxidant capacity. Rats who supplement with whey see reduced fat synthesis in the liver and increased fatty acid oxidation in the skeletal muscle.
Stress: In “high-stress” subjects, a whey protein shake improved cognitive function and performance by increasing serotonin levels. The same shake had no effect on “low-stress” subjects. And dietary whey also lowers oxidative brain stress, at least in mice.
Cancer: Both the lactoferrin found in whey and the glutathione synthesis whey promotes may have anti-cancer effects. Lactoferrin shows potential to prevent cancer that has yet to occur and induce cell death in existing cancer cells. In a recent human study, oral lactoferrin suppressed the formation of colonic polyps. And in animal cancer studies and human cancer case studies, whey protein has been shown to increase glutathione (“foremost among the cellular protective mechanisms”) and have anti-tumor effects.
HIV: People with HIV experience a drastic reduction in glutathione levels. As the master antioxidant, getting glutathione higher is pretty important. Whey won’t cure anything, but it does improve CD4 (a type of white blood cell) count, lower the number of co-infections, and persistently increase glutathione status.
Cardiovascular disease: Last year, a review of the effect of whey on major cardiometabolic risk factors found that whey protein improves the lipid profile, reduces hypertension, improves vascular function, and increases insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Whey peptides that form during digestion actually act as ACE-inhibitors, reducing blood pressure similarly to pharmaceuticals without the side effects.
Sarcopenia: Muscle wasting, whether cancer-related or a product of age and inactivity, is a huge threat to one’s health and happiness. Studies show that whey protein is the most effective protein supplement for countering sarcopenia, especially compared to soy. An anti-sarcopenia smoothie I always have people drink on bed rest is 20-30 grams of whey isolate, a couple egg yolks, milk, cream, and ice. Tastes like ice cream and works like a charm. One time a friend even gave this to his grandmother who was on bedrest in the hospital with diarrhea, mental confusion, and a total lack of appetite. She was in a bad state. After a day or two of the smoothie, she recovered quite rapidly, regaining her appetite and alertness.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Dairy gets a bad rap in some corners for its supposed effects on the gut, but a component of dairy can actually improve gut health, even in patients with gastrointestinal disorders. In Crohn’s disease patients, a whey protein supplement reduces leaky gut. In rodent models of inflammatory bowel disease, whey protein reduce gut inflammation and restore mucin (the stuff used to build up the gut barrier) synthesis.
Oh, and whey is great for hypertrophy.
When To Choose Whey
If you lift and want some extra protein, whey’s a great choice.
If you’re older and worry about your ability to metabolize and utilize protein, some extra protein via whey can help.
If you have any of the conditions listed above, whey’s a great choice. Do note that some of the benefits may stem from simply eating more protein than before. Whey itself may not be the whole cause; an extra slab of steak or a few more eggs could possibly have the same effect.
Along with foods like organ meats, egg yolks, and shellfish, I consider whey to be an important “supplemental food”—a food that acts like a high-density nutrition supplement, powerful in small doses and worth including in almost every diet.
Collagen Protein: Uses and Benefits
I advocate collagen protein as a fourth macronutrient. It’s different enough from whey and other “regular” proteins, serving a totally different function in the body.
If whey has been the gold standard for the muscle building amino acid profile for 30 years, collagen is the gold standard for supporting collagen-based structures in the body (fascia, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, skin, hair, nails). We don’t get much collagenous material in a normal diet these days, and meat proteins and/or plant proteins and/or milk, eggs, etc. don’t have the collagen peptides nor the ideal ratio of glycine, hydroxyproline, and other amino acids found abundantly in collagen. Furthermore, metabolism of the amino acids present in muscle meat deplete our reserves of glycine, thereby increasing the requirement even further. The more meat you eat, the more collagen you need.
Why We Need Collagen So Much These Days
This (non)relationship with collagen is extremely novel for our species. For millions of years up until very recently we ate nose to tail. We ate the entire animal. To give you an idea of how much collagen we’d have eaten, the average cow is about half muscle meat and half “other stuff,” which includes bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and other bits extremely rich in collagen. That’s a ton of glycine and a far cry from eating nothing but ground beef and ribeyes. And more recently, even when we moved toward shrink-wrapped select cuts of meat and away from bones and skin, we still had jello. Then, when jello got maligned, we had nothing. So for the past 20-30 years or so, most Americans have had no appreciable source of collagen peptides in their diet.
Just based on what we know about human biochemistry, this is a disaster. The human body requires at least 16 grams of glycine per day for basic metabolic processes, yet we can only synthesize 3 grams, and the typical omnivorous diet provides just 2-3 grams per day, so we’re looking at an average daily deficit of 10 grams that we need to make up for through diet. Collagen is roughly 1/3 glycine, so that means we need to be eating about 30 grams of collagen per day to hit our 10 gram dosage. And in disease states that disrupt glycine synthesis, like rheumatoid arthritis, or on plant-based diets that provide little to no dietary glycine, we need even more.
I suspect a lot of pro athletes who have connective tissue issues could use even more collagen, especially since they’re exposing their tissues to such incredible stress. I know I did back during my competition days.
What Does Collagen Do For Our Bodies?
It supports our connective tissue and collagen-based structures: fascia, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails.
It improves sleep quality. Human studies show that 3 grams of glycine taken before bed increases the quality of your sleep and reduces daytime sleepiness following sleep restriction. Now that’s isolated glycine rather than collagen, but collagen is the best source of glycine. I can say that a big mug of bone broth or a couple scoops of collagen peptides before bed knock me out and give me great sleep.
It balances your muscle meat intake. I mentioned this earlier, and we see both observational and interventional evidence for it.
Observational: In one recent observational study, the relationship between red meat and diabetes was abolished after controlling for low-glycine status. People with low glycine levels and high meat intakes were more likely to have diabetes; people with higher glycine levels could have higher meat intakes without any issues. In another study, low circulating levels of glycine predicted diabetes risk.
Interventional: In both worms and rodents, excessive intake of methionine (the amino acid most abundantly found in muscle meat) reduced longevity, while adding in glycine restored it.
It improves gut health. When I gave up grains and stopped endurance training at age 47 my gut health improved immensely. Like, world-changing for me. But I was still at 90-95%. When I started supplementing with collagen, my gut finally had that last 5% of repair/support/healing it needed to get to 100%.
It’s a great pre-workout. Though maybe not for the reasons most people take “pre-workouts.” I’ve also experienced rapid healing of tendinitis through using pre-workout collagen with vitamin C. I’m not just imagining it because I’ve dealt with a ton of tendon issues over the years, and they never healed that quickly until I introduced pre-workout collagen.
I’ve noticed that my hair and nails grow much faster than before.
Final Answer: Which One?
So, should you use whey or collagen? Let’s get to the bottom line, Sisson.
I made Primal Fuel because I wanted a high quality, low-sugar, moderate-fat meal replacement whey protein.
I made Collagen Fuel and Collagen Peptides because I wanted an easier way to get more collagen into my diet.
Personally, I had a need for both.
If I had to choose one, collagen is a better choice for the vast majority of you.
Essential amino acids aren’t a big problem on most ancestral diets, like paleo, Primal, or Primal-keto, and if you’re eating enough animal protein you don’t really need whey. Now, can you benefit from whey despite eating meat? Sure. Necessary does not mean optimal; whey has been shown to improve hypertrophy and muscle recovery from resistance training, plus all the other benefits I already detailed earlier. Almost anyone who does anything in the gym will see benefits from adding 20 grams of whey per day.
But almost no one is getting enough collagen, even the ancestrally-minded eaters who are aware of its importance. And that is a historical aberration on a massive scale. It hasn’t been done before. I wouldn’t recommend testing those waters.
And of course, powders aren’t the only way to get collagen and whey. They both appear in plenty of foods. The powders are just convenient to have on hand when you forget to make the bone broth (chicken, beef, turkey) or throw the oxtails in the crockpot. (Check out those linked recipes if you prefer broth or stew sources.)
Which do you prefer—whey or collagen? What benefits have you noticed from each?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Let me know your thoughts, and take care.
(function($) { $("#df6BAWz").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=954&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=df6BAWz" ); })( jQuery );
window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '66572' });}
Wodarski KH, Galus R, Brodzikowska A, Wodarski PK, Wojtowicz A. [The importance of lactoferrin in bone regeneration]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2014;37(217):65-7.
Markus CR, Olivier B, De haan EH. Whey protein rich in alpha-lactalbumin increases the ratio of plasma tryptophan to the sum of the other large neutral amino acids and improves cognitive performance in stress-vulnerable subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;75(6):1051-6.
Pal S, Ellis V, Dhaliwal S. Effects of whey protein isolate on body composition, lipids, insulin and glucose in overweight and obese individuals. Br J Nutr. 2010;104(5):716-23.
Hall WL, Millward DJ, Long SJ, Morgan LM. Casein and whey exert different effects on plasma amino acid profiles, gastrointestinal hormone secretion and appetite. Br J Nutr. 2003;89(2):239-48.
Shertzer HG, Krishan M, Genter MB. Dietary whey protein stimulates mitochondrial activity and decreases oxidative stress in mouse female brain. Neurosci Lett. 2013;548:159-64.
Bounous G. Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment. Anticancer Res. 2000;20(6C):4785-92.
Meléndez-hevia E, De paz-lugo P, Cornish-bowden A, Cárdenas ML. A weak link in metabolism: the metabolic capacity for glycine biosynthesis does not satisfy the need for collagen synthesis. J Biosci. 2009;34(6):853-72.
The post Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs? published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
0 notes
jesseneufeld · 5 years
Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs?
Collagen or whey. Which should you choose?
For years, collagen/gelatin was maligned by bodybuilding enthusiasts as an “incomplete protein” because it doesn’t contain all the essential amino acids, nor does it contribute directly to muscle protein synthesis.  There’s definitely truth to this. If you ate nothing but gelatin for your protein, you’d get sick real quick. That’s exactly what happened to dozens of people who tried the infamous “liquid protein diet” fad of the 70s and 80s, which relied heavily on a gelatin-based protein drink. Man—or woman—shall not live by collagen alone.
As for whey, it’s an extremely complete protein. It’s one of the most bioavailable protein sources around, a potent stimulator of anabolic processes and muscle protein synthesis. I consider it essential for people, especially older ones in whom protein metabolism has degraded, and for anyone who wants to boost their protein intake and get the most bang for their buck.
This said, which is best for your needs today? Let’s take a look….
Collagen and whey are two completely different foods. Whether you take one or the other depends on a number of factors.
The first thing to do is explore the different benefits and applications of whey and collagen.
Whey Protein: Uses and Benefits
Whey is one of two primary dairy proteins, the other one being casein. It gained its reputation in the fitness world as a proven muscle-builder, but it actually has some interesting health effects that have little to do with hypertrophy.
In fact, whey is more than just protein. It also includes bioactive components such as lactoferrin (which improves bone health), beta-lactoglobulin (which can promote glutathione synthesis and protect against allergy), alpha-lactoalbumin (which can improve resistance to the cognition-depleting effects of stress), and immunoglobulins (which have antimicrobial effects). Whey also turns into some interesting peptide metabolites upon digestion which, according to a review, can improve blood lipids and lower blood pressure.
What Are Some Good Applications Of Whey?
Obesity: Whey tends to reduce fasting insulin levels in the obese and overweight (but not healthy prepubertal boys, who could use the growth promotion), increase satiety, reduce food intake, and improve resting energy expenditure. If you’re trying to lose weight or prevent obesity, you can’t ask for a better trifecta than increased energy burning, increased satiety, and reduced intake.
Diabetes: Eaten before a meal, whey reduces the glucose spike from the subsequent meal in non-diabetics and type 2 diabetics alike. It achieves this by “spiking” insulin, but transiently; the insulin area under the curve improves even as the immediate insulin response increases. Plus, as seen above, fasting insulin tends to lower in people consuming whey protein. Spikes are not persistent elevations.
Fatty liver: In obese women, a whey supplement reduces liver fat (and as a nice side effect increases lean mass a bit). Fatty liver patients also benefit from whey, enjoying improvements in glutathione status, liver steatosis, and antioxidant capacity. Rats who supplement with whey see reduced fat synthesis in the liver and increased fatty acid oxidation in the skeletal muscle.
Stress: In “high-stress” subjects, a whey protein shake improved cognitive function and performance by increasing serotonin levels. The same shake had no effect on “low-stress” subjects. And dietary whey also lowers oxidative brain stress, at least in mice.
Cancer: Both the lactoferrin found in whey and the glutathione synthesis whey promotes may have anti-cancer effects. Lactoferrin shows potential to prevent cancer that has yet to occur and induce cell death in existing cancer cells. In a recent human study, oral lactoferrin suppressed the formation of colonic polyps. And in animal cancer studies and human cancer case studies, whey protein has been shown to increase glutathione (“foremost among the cellular protective mechanisms”) and have anti-tumor effects.
HIV: People with HIV experience a drastic reduction in glutathione levels. As the master antioxidant, getting glutathione higher is pretty important. Whey won’t cure anything, but it does improve CD4 (a type of white blood cell) count, lower the number of co-infections, and persistently increase glutathione status.
Cardiovascular disease: Last year, a review of the effect of whey on major cardiometabolic risk factors found that whey protein improves the lipid profile, reduces hypertension, improves vascular function, and increases insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. Whey peptides that form during digestion actually act as ACE-inhibitors, reducing blood pressure similarly to pharmaceuticals without the side effects.
Sarcopenia: Muscle wasting, whether cancer-related or a product of age and inactivity, is a huge threat to one’s health and happiness. Studies show that whey protein is the most effective protein supplement for countering sarcopenia, especially compared to soy. An anti-sarcopenia smoothie I always have people drink on bed rest is 20-30 grams of whey isolate, a couple egg yolks, milk, cream, and ice. Tastes like ice cream and works like a charm. One time a friend even gave this to his grandmother who was on bedrest in the hospital with diarrhea, mental confusion, and a total lack of appetite. She was in a bad state. After a day or two of the smoothie, she recovered quite rapidly, regaining her appetite and alertness.
Gastrointestinal disorders: Dairy gets a bad rap in some corners for its supposed effects on the gut, but a component of dairy can actually improve gut health, even in patients with gastrointestinal disorders. In Crohn’s disease patients, a whey protein supplement reduces leaky gut. In rodent models of inflammatory bowel disease, whey protein reduce gut inflammation and restore mucin (the stuff used to build up the gut barrier) synthesis.
Oh, and whey is great for hypertrophy.
When To Choose Whey
If you lift and want some extra protein, whey’s a great choice.
If you’re older and worry about your ability to metabolize and utilize protein, some extra protein via whey can help.
If you have any of the conditions listed above, whey’s a great choice. Do note that some of the benefits may stem from simply eating more protein than before. Whey itself may not be the whole cause; an extra slab of steak or a few more eggs could possibly have the same effect.
Along with foods like organ meats, egg yolks, and shellfish, I consider whey to be an important “supplemental food”—a food that acts like a high-density nutrition supplement, powerful in small doses and worth including in almost every diet.
Collagen Protein: Uses and Benefits
I advocate collagen protein as a fourth macronutrient. It’s different enough from whey and other “regular” proteins, serving a totally different function in the body.
If whey has been the gold standard for the muscle building amino acid profile for 30 years, collagen is the gold standard for supporting collagen-based structures in the body (fascia, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, skin, hair, nails). We don’t get much collagenous material in a normal diet these days, and meat proteins and/or plant proteins and/or milk, eggs, etc. don’t have the collagen peptides nor the ideal ratio of glycine, hydroxyproline, and other amino acids found abundantly in collagen. Furthermore, metabolism of the amino acids present in muscle meat deplete our reserves of glycine, thereby increasing the requirement even further. The more meat you eat, the more collagen you need.
Why We Need Collagen So Much These Days
This (non)relationship with collagen is extremely novel for our species. For millions of years up until very recently we ate nose to tail. We ate the entire animal. To give you an idea of how much collagen we’d have eaten, the average cow is about half muscle meat and half “other stuff,” which includes bones, skin, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and other bits extremely rich in collagen. That’s a ton of glycine and a far cry from eating nothing but ground beef and ribeyes. And more recently, even when we moved toward shrink-wrapped select cuts of meat and away from bones and skin, we still had jello. Then, when jello got maligned, we had nothing. So for the past 20-30 years or so, most Americans have had no appreciable source of collagen peptides in their diet.
Just based on what we know about human biochemistry, this is a disaster. The human body requires at least 16 grams of glycine per day for basic metabolic processes, yet we can only synthesize 3 grams, and the typical omnivorous diet provides just 2-3 grams per day, so we’re looking at an average daily deficit of 10 grams that we need to make up for through diet. Collagen is roughly 1/3 glycine, so that means we need to be eating about 30 grams of collagen per day to hit our 10 gram dosage. And in disease states that disrupt glycine synthesis, like rheumatoid arthritis, or on plant-based diets that provide little to no dietary glycine, we need even more.
I suspect a lot of pro athletes who have connective tissue issues could use even more collagen, especially since they’re exposing their tissues to such incredible stress. I know I did back during my competition days.
What Does Collagen Do For Our Bodies?
It supports our connective tissue and collagen-based structures: fascia, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, skin, hair, and nails.
It improves sleep quality. Human studies show that 3 grams of glycine taken before bed increases the quality of your sleep and reduces daytime sleepiness following sleep restriction. Now that’s isolated glycine rather than collagen, but collagen is the best source of glycine. I can say that a big mug of bone broth or a couple scoops of collagen peptides before bed knock me out and give me great sleep.
It balances your muscle meat intake. I mentioned this earlier, and we see both observational and interventional evidence for it.
Observational: In one recent observational study, the relationship between red meat and diabetes was abolished after controlling for low-glycine status. People with low glycine levels and high meat intakes were more likely to have diabetes; people with higher glycine levels could have higher meat intakes without any issues. In another study, low circulating levels of glycine predicted diabetes risk.
Interventional: In both worms and rodents, excessive intake of methionine (the amino acid most abundantly found in muscle meat) reduced longevity, while adding in glycine restored it.
It improves gut health. When I gave up grains and stopped endurance training at age 47 my gut health improved immensely. Like, world-changing for me. But I was still at 90-95%. When I started supplementing with collagen, my gut finally had that last 5% of repair/support/healing it needed to get to 100%.
It’s a great pre-workout. Though maybe not for the reasons most people take “pre-workouts.” I’ve also experienced rapid healing of tendinitis through using pre-workout collagen with vitamin C. I’m not just imagining it because I’ve dealt with a ton of tendon issues over the years, and they never healed that quickly until I introduced pre-workout collagen.
I’ve noticed that my hair and nails grow much faster than before.
Final Answer: Which One?
So, should you use whey or collagen? Let’s get to the bottom line, Sisson.
I made Primal Fuel because I wanted a high quality, low-sugar, moderate-fat meal replacement whey protein.
I made Collagen Fuel and Collagen Peptides because I wanted an easier way to get more collagen into my diet.
Personally, I had a need for both.
If I had to choose one, collagen is a better choice for the vast majority of you.
Essential amino acids aren’t a big problem on most ancestral diets, like paleo, Primal, or Primal-keto, and if you’re eating enough animal protein you don’t really need whey. Now, can you benefit from whey despite eating meat? Sure. Necessary does not mean optimal; whey has been shown to improve hypertrophy and muscle recovery from resistance training, plus all the other benefits I already detailed earlier. Almost anyone who does anything in the gym will see benefits from adding 20 grams of whey per day.
But almost no one is getting enough collagen, even the ancestrally-minded eaters who are aware of its importance. And that is a historical aberration on a massive scale. It hasn’t been done before. I wouldn’t recommend testing those waters.
And of course, powders aren’t the only way to get collagen and whey. They both appear in plenty of foods. The powders are just convenient to have on hand when you forget to make the bone broth (chicken, beef, turkey) or throw the oxtails in the crockpot. (Check out those linked recipes if you prefer broth or stew sources.)
Which do you prefer—whey or collagen? What benefits have you noticed from each?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Let me know your thoughts, and take care.
(function($) { $("#dfSzg0c").load("https://www.marksdailyapple.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=dfads_ajax_load_ads&groups=954&limit=1&orderby=random&order=ASC&container_id=&container_html=none&container_class=&ad_html=div&ad_class=&callback_function=&return_javascript=0&_block_id=dfSzg0c" ); })( jQuery );
window.onload=function(){ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'Ad Impression', eventAction: '74578' });}
Wodarski KH, Galus R, Brodzikowska A, Wodarski PK, Wojtowicz A. [The importance of lactoferrin in bone regeneration]. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2014;37(217):65-7.
Markus CR, Olivier B, De haan EH. Whey protein rich in alpha-lactalbumin increases the ratio of plasma tryptophan to the sum of the other large neutral amino acids and improves cognitive performance in stress-vulnerable subjects. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002;75(6):1051-6.
Pal S, Ellis V, Dhaliwal S. Effects of whey protein isolate on body composition, lipids, insulin and glucose in overweight and obese individuals. Br J Nutr. 2010;104(5):716-23.
Hall WL, Millward DJ, Long SJ, Morgan LM. Casein and whey exert different effects on plasma amino acid profiles, gastrointestinal hormone secretion and appetite. Br J Nutr. 2003;89(2):239-48.
Shertzer HG, Krishan M, Genter MB. Dietary whey protein stimulates mitochondrial activity and decreases oxidative stress in mouse female brain. Neurosci Lett. 2013;548:159-64.
Bounous G. Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment. Anticancer Res. 2000;20(6C):4785-92.
Meléndez-hevia E, De paz-lugo P, Cornish-bowden A, Cárdenas ML. A weak link in metabolism: the metabolic capacity for glycine biosynthesis does not satisfy the need for collagen synthesis. J Biosci. 2009;34(6):853-72.
The post Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Collagen vs. Whey: Which Protein is Best For Your Needs? published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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