gabetheunknown · 10 months
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Ah, there it is! I saw a post like this the other day and I could not, for the life of me find it back, so I'm glad I get to share my thoughts about this after all (not that anything would've stopped me) Prepare for the essay, I never keep things short!
The Rockrose and the Thistle, is in my opinion a love song of sorts, but a different kind of love song that Extraordinary Things is, focused on the first part of it. Both songs are very similar in more ways than just recurring notes. Both songs are written in Dminor. (wheras Extraordinary Things has Minor Melodic elements that raises the 6th note to create the G major chord he plays when he sings the lyrics ‘extraordinary things’ and sings an A on top which sounds really pretty and immediately caught my ear) 
The notes everyone is referring to are in the intro of Extraordinary Things, D C D E F E F G A B♭ A G A  (I put it on a scale because I can and I’m a nerd. I also love the harmonies)
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And it doesn’t just come back in the Rockrose and the Thistle, there’s two other songs written in Dminor in the Horror and the Wild and that is The Horror and the Wild, where the repetition of these tones are beautifully audible in Madeleine’s ‘You are the son of every dressing up box’ and Farewell Wanderlust, where they immediately accentuate that B♭ (which is the 6th note of the Dminor scale) in instrumentals. In Farewell Wanderlust they also play with more chromatic elements as they add a flat second note and a flat seven. The use of chromatic elements (half note distances) isn’t new for Joey and Madeleine and in my opinion it just adds a lot to the musicality of it all, it’s clever, it immediately catches my ear, it’s subtle things like that that make me keep coming back to their music. Rather than a melodic minor scale, Joey could’ve just added that half note distance to add a major G chord to his scale, because the use of major chords in minor scales is just chef’s kiss in my musical opinion, especially in combination with the words he sings. The notes he uses are not uncharacteristic for Joey’s music.
NOW LISTEN, I LOVE this ask because it means I can break down every aspect of what I love about Joey’s singing and what different things I love about Jaskier’s singing. Because oh my god the TALENT, to still make people go ‘wait I just found out that Joey Batey sings both in the Amazing Devil and as Jaskier in the Witcher’ to this day astonishes me and I’m never surprised when someone stumbles upon that realization. The breathiness he uses on his voice in both the Rockrose and the Thistle (and more TAD songs) and Extraordinary Things blows my mind. But there’s a difference to the way he uses it in both songs, let me try to explain. He sings with an aspirated voice (Which means to sing with a breathy voice) in The Rockrose and the Thistle, but in Extraordinary Things, it feels like sometimes he is just breathless and it’s so beautiful and small and soft and intimate, considering the words he’s singing. We, as singers at the conservatory, were taught to make our breaths as inaudible as possible, to remove as much breath from our voices as possible, when singing on record. So needless to say it is a DELIGHT to hear Joey just put his whole heart and soul into every breath he takes, he’s considerate of every syllable, the volume of his voice, the clearness or lack thereof, the shakiness of his breaths fucking kill me dead… ALSO what astonishes me the most about the difference between his TAD songs and his Jaskier songs is the change in vibrato. Jaskier uses more vibrato in his voice than Joey does in the Amazing Devil and I go INSANE about that because my teachers have always said that vibrato is a hard thing to control and requires a lot of training and he’s just out there, mending it to his will as if it is no big deal, like :-) King? I’m jealous, hello? 
I’ve nothing else to say about this for now (lies) it’s already become a full on essay, so I hope this satisfies your needs for now lmao
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hellsite-detective · 5 months
hello hellsite detective
i was wondering if you could find the yiké just dont do that post the original poster was egberts (edberts??? one of the two) if that helps at all
btw i love your blog so much <3
this one really scared me for a minute. i went up to google in our normal rendezvous point and asked for "tumblr yike." they pretty quickly handed over an image showin' two usernames to question. the first bein' the aforementioned egberts. the second was a user named v-pet. i tracked down egberts and searched their blog for anything on the post, but found nothin'. so, i took a stroll down to v-pet to see what they had to say for themselves. but they had nothin' either. however, come to find out, this wasn't even the same v-pet.
thinkin' this was a dead end, i went back to google and told them their source was no good. that's when they showed they were holdin' out on me. they were hidin' the direct link to the post this whole time. i grabbed it from them and brought it back here.
got your post right here, anon! this one is a real classic, i've seen it everywhere myself. and now it's yours! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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mikyx-daily · 5 days
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🧢⚾️ g2 msi 2023 concept ⚾️🧢
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drsteggy · 7 months
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Ever make something you’re very pleased with on a technical level and also very yeah I shouldn’t have done this ?
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
Chapter Three Of Vows Made Of Wine
“Regulus.” He tries. No sign of life. “Regulus,” he tries again. Desperate times call for desperate measures he supposes, so he reaches out and swipes the book right out of Regulus’ hands.
“Hey!” He tries to grab it as Evan pulls it away.
“We got our assignment one hour ago. The smell of Mcgonagalls fucking chalk hasn’t even faded yet.”
“I want to be ready.”
“And you will be,” Evan promises, setting the book down on the table in front of him—and out of reach of Regulus, who just glares at him. Evan stares back, blank faced until Regulus finally folds.
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daily-esports-hug · 9 days
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Day 37
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g2-phoria · 1 month
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hejustcancelledit · 6 months
Mikyxdaily delivering, as always, photos I am totally obsessed with
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frogmanfae · 3 months
I'm in the waiting room for an audition right now and everyone else auditioning is warming up and I literally feel like a disgrace for even taking my violin out of its case
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fuckmeyer · 3 months
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hot tip: EXCLUSIVE behind-the-scenes content available to those who livechat my fic to me
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One of those "your first fictional crush vs your most recent" vids appeared on my feed again recently and I was making fun of them with my friend. and all was fun and well and then I remembered my first fictional crush was this man:
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I've been humbled. I'm going home everyone.
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ahiruuun0 · 3 months
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Little post to quickly present that i have a whole pinterest board about G2 and i will keep it update troughout the year so if needed, just click on the link below :))
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mikyx-daily · 17 days
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Turns out I've been done the whole "Rabid in different continuities" drawings for like, a week and just never posted them so here we go folks
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First up, shattered glass. The opposite day dimension. Basically, Rabid remains as a stunt flyer, never got into the whole self mod thing. Also biological life creeps them out. They joined the Autobots first because you know. Opposite dimension. But then did the whole switcheroo after some character growth that can be summed up to "just because you're scared of a thing, that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to live". Because of they're unique ability to transform into literally anything, they work as a spy for the Decepticons. They are still friends with Starscream! Also roller is big now.
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Next we have: transformers prime. They're a bit spooky in this one. They went way to far with the whole self mod thing in this one. Becoming more animalistic, and leaving some of they're insides exposed, including part of their spark chamber. The don't really do much in the Decepticon army. They mostly just cause some problems for everyone and then disappear for several weeks only to return and do it all over again. Unlike in every single other continuity, this Rabid hates Starscream. Literally tried to kill him on more then one occasion. It hasn't worked yet but one day it will! (Not)
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IDW- more then meets the eye.
Rabid works as Starscream's assistant. Sort of. They suck at it. They were originally going to board the lost light, since there isn't much need for an exo-biologist on Cybertron, but Starscream convinced them to stay and work for him.
They don't know what they're doing. But they're having a good time!
(pleas know that I haven't read the IDW comics. anything I do know about them is second hand knowledge told to me by my partner)
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Finally, Earthspark rabid.
They joined the Decepticons, but left and joined the Autobots after they got shot by Megatron. Only to then leave the Autobots after Megatron joined. Despite being neither Autobot nor Decepticon, they were at the space bridge battle that ended the war. They were there to convince Starscream to just, bring the all spark to Cybertron.
Instead of doing that though, they ended up getting caught in the explosion of the space bridge, losing an arm, the lower half of their face-plate, and suffering damage to their voice box.
They disappeared for years, returning again to destroy Optimus and Megatron. Their arm now replaced with a gun, that can detach and turns into a little centipede minicon (they have two mini cons in this, one that turns into a gun arm, and one that just turns into an arm)
They get thrown into ghost jail and yada yada escapes with Starscream, skywarp and nova-storm, blah blah blah helps out the Terrans in the final episode blah blah blah.
(I have more lore for them but eh)
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glindyupland · 1 year
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[Happy Birthday Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg, the most Taylor Swift Anti-Hero girl in town]
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daily-esports-hug · 1 month
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Day 2 - My love for them is unmeasurable
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