#Wingdin Gaster
Botanic Tournament : Honorary Mentions !
Explanations here
Round 1 Part 1 Poll 2
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Explanations underneath
In reply to the original submitter : I'd looked and no, the cabbage man didn't have a name when you submitted him. However, I had another look just in case recently... and it looks like he's going to be known as Cai in the children book focused on him that should go out this Summer. According to the wiki, "if he shares the same last name as his son Lau Gan-Lan, That would make his name "Cai Gan-Lan", a play on "gan-lan cai", the name of a vegetable dish."
Here was the original propaganda : "he is a cultural icon and you know him even if you haven't seen atla just through the power of internet osmosis (me im the example)"
Video here (sorry for the quality but there are 63 other characters in this bracket)
Speaking of other characters, I have to admit I'm quite fond of the person who submitted W.D. Gaster.
"Okay listen listen listen." -> you know it's going to be good when propaganda start like this. It never fails
"There is. Evidence that he's named after the two fonts Wingdings and Aster. Wingdin gAster. Aster is a flower. I rest my case."
"I don't expect this to be taken very seriously I just thought it was funny that he technically counts." : so do I, my dear Submitter. Here's his chance !
Wingdings font (left) and Aster font (middle) and Aster flowers (right)
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Fathers' Heart
"An accident? How any of this could have been an accident?" - Toriel's voice was exasperated, disappointed, disoriented. It was as if someone told her a very sick joke and she was shuddering over the cruel laugh of the prankster.
"Mom... You have to understand... There is something going on. Something the crown isn't aware. They're doing illegal things to humans and no one is acting to bring justice!" - Chara started to explain, although he felt that words wouldn't suffice to explain the atrocities he saw. By monsters. Monsters who were made of hecking compassion and love! It was outraging.
Asriel was just silent, feeling disappointed himself, but at the same time aware that there would be no other way. It was *kill or be killed* at that point. Still hurt his soul, nonetheless. But also not. The tears of joy he saw on the face of that tiny human child, happy for eating their first proper meal in a long time... Was that wrong?
Asgore too was silent. He felt like he was in a really bad dream and he couldn't wake up no matter how much he pinched himself. And, stars, he tried, believe it. If only there was a way to turn back into past... If only there was a way to stop everyone from seeing his sons statuses... His mind, in depths of despair, brought him a solution. An absurd. Desperate solution.
"I need to talk with Doctor Gaster." - He didn't explain more than that. He only sent word to request his old friend's presence.
They sat on his Garden's beautiful metallic furniture. Drinking Gaster's favorite flavor of tea, butterfly pea with some drops of lime and a dash of honey. The color was a vivid purple.
"Your Majesty... You sent for me so urgently. How can I be of assistance?"
Asgore really didn't even know where to start, but he forced himself through it.
"That project you told me you were working on. To bend the coding of reality. How is it going?" - He drank a sip of his tea, trying to remain as casual as possible.
"Very promising. I successfully rewrote small pieces of our reality code. I've created a food which I named 'crabapple'. It has the softness of a cooked meat of a lobster, but will last safely as much as an apple would. And it can also be grown on dwarf trees." - The doctor too sipped tea and smiled pleasantly. - "It has been quite a while since we had tea like this. I missed it."
"Oh yes. So did I, my dearest friend." - He served himself from some biscuits, brought along with the tea. Maybe the bitter taste on his mouth could be swayed with that. - "Have you tested in living beings yet?"
"I... Have not. I need the direct permission of the Crown to do that, because of the risks involved. But my research is far enough for this."
"If I gave you the permission... Would you do me a favor and keep absolute silence about said favor?"
"My King... What goes in your mind?"
"My children's LV rose. Chara is around 5 and Asriel is near 2."
Wingdin's eyelights shrunk into small pinpricks.
"Yes. It is exactly what you think. And I know it is selfish of me to try and bend reality to my liking, but... I know my sons are just and they would not act violent for the sake of violence."
Gaster could not really argue with that. The Princes always were way more well behaved than his own sons.
"You want me to change their data." - He finally said as a matter of fact. - "This could go wrong. It is a way bigger change than hair and eye color. It's a shifting in their own character. If I fail, we can render your sons eternally unstable."
"Wingdin... If you could have done something, anything to prevent Verdana from being locked up on the Maze Tower... Would you not? If it was Sans and Papyrus in the same situation... Would you not try your everything to turn it around? I cannot bear the idea of not seeing my boys alive and healthy. Please... This is from a father to another."
"I... " - Wingdin took a deep breath. - "Let me see if I have enough control of my experiment to attempt something so grand. If I see any signs of instability, I will abort the attempt."
"An attempt is all I ask, my friend."
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finkisun · 2 years
my gaster hcs NOW p1
Gaster uses they/them <3 <3
people don’t nickname them “Dings”, they nickname them “Din” or “Dins” because “Wingdin Gaster”
Gaster is Sans and Papyrus’s oldest sibling
Gaster doesn’t have a care for what Sans and Papyrus titles them(brother, sister, sibling) because to everyone else, it’s “doctor”, so they were fine with whatever. but Sans calls them “ma” because there was always a joke about them “acting like a mom??”. Papyrus grew up saying “mop” though
i have an au where Gaster is a cannibal and they got the royal scientist job by eating one of the other competitor applicants
when Gaster was younger, they were left in extremely cold environments and ice built up in their knee joint. it is far too painful to move at all so they amputated it themselves from above the kneecap
terrible eyesight, just terrible. they were always better with their voice anyway. loud and .. maybe not so clear. but Gaster and papyrus have the worst eyesight among the three. sans has the best
Gaster insisted that Asgore let them put an enchantment spell on his house when Undyne kept showing up, wanting to fight Asgore, so she couldn’t physically step foot on castle grounds anymore
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WELCOME to the Eleventh page of the Prologue. Life finds a way...
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theundyingerror · 2 years
* it was an explosion. * that’s how Winding fell... * the core was malfuntioning. * everyone was evacuating. * it was going to explode * and some of the machines did... * one... blasted the doc right into the gathered magic. * it was... a ball... plate? circular? flat... zone? * no light escaped it...  * it was both flat and round... * as if it existed on a different plane of reality. * the explosion threw him into this...  * that was the first RESET. * my Gaster.... KNOWS HOW TO RESET.  * any Gaster who can RESET...  * PLEASE talk to me... * please.  * after that... i lied to paps... * told him wingdin Gaster was our dad... * it was... easier...
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cutiegrumpycerym · 4 years
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"Dadster is tired and pissed. And ready to kick ass !"
Screenshot redraws surely are a fun experience !
(Click for better resolution !)
Glitchtale by @camilaart
Art by me
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thinkin’ about these dorks again
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hezuart · 5 years
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Such Apathy seizes them by the throat, deletion of numbers and letters would result in destroying or warping their entire existence. Could one really blame them for falling into madness? 
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metamatronic · 5 years
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Ive just been cycling through fandoms recently. I’m in a fnaf-y and undertale-y mood, tbh.
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pacmastermeow · 4 years
undertale theory: every royal scientist has served as vice royal scientist under the previous one. alphys was vice to winger, sans is vice to alphys, and i guess if alphys dies (by some creep's actions or by an accident somehow like wd gaster and the ness machine) sans will obtain a vice from the royal court's decision.
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valorousowlart · 6 years
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I wanted to wait until this was done, including the other page, but I’m not patient so have some wips. 
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gumsh00s-art · 5 years
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how did i never. post this to this blog.......... ????????? wingdin sprite, y’all never saw this
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canadian-buckbeaver · 5 years
@leafaske it arrived today! Thank you so very much! I love them! ♡♡
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ask-forgottendoll · 7 years
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WELCOME to the Twelfth page of the Prologue. Ever watch someone you love-- lose themselves before your very eyes? It's hard to swallow.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 7 years
"Set Me Free" for Wingdin
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tried doing lineless for this one heck hhdsjgskhjdgsh
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