#Why was that necassary
fizzle-faz · 11 months
Why does Raph have fishnets? Why were those necessary? Where did he get those? Certainly not the fucking wild.
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cursedfrenchfries · 11 months
Pros of being an artist(?) is that you can draw anything so that means i either can choose to draw Sephiroth kissing Winnie the Pooh or Roy Mustang wearing a miniskirt (based off the Koma Theater's On-Hold music (which i cant stop singing but who cares)) but i chose the latter but the cons? I can't fucking draw well
I want to draw a comic where Ed makes a metal pole with an hand shaped in a way that it would fit perfectly into someone's neck from the metal floor but it constantly kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until it reached God and grabbed it by the throat except i can't draw Ed, because i can't draw very small details
Also how many cats could fit into Al's armor
I feel so bad for Maria Ross and Denny Brosh, they cant keep putting up with the bros shit
i fuckign love maes hughes man fjduwhefufrewuu8eriugfuhriedodefbhdurfhrigfuiei
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
I had a sickening thought and must tell you this I'm si sorry but...
Donnie records everything. We know this. We also know Leon had an OPEN COMM CHANNEL when he got trapped in the prison dimension because he was talking to CJ right up until the moment the portal closed. Theoretical Donnie would have recorded the events up until the comm got damaged while they themselves ouldnt hear the events because of the favt Leo was effectively in another dimension at that time and Donnie didn't have any reason to consider it necassary to make sure his tech works across dimensions and had the range necassary.
But in Adopted Donnie au Dee likey would have taken that into account when creating the comms for his brothers' arm wrappings. He himself had grown up in a different dimension and was actively researching ways to travel across dimensions so he could see his Pops and uncle again at the time. He'd make sure thay his brothers could reach him if he ever got stuck again. Which mean on all likelihood he did the same with Leon's comm.
Honestly, considering Dee never got the chance to experiment with dimension crossing tech before now, it probably wouldn't pick up much. Like he could know it needed to be usable across dimensions, but that wouldn't mean he knew how. but, that being said, he'd probably know enough from experimenting with Leon's non-dimensional portals that he could at least keep a bit of a broken connection to him. Not enough to hear everything, but enough to know that what's happening on the otherside was not good.
Thank yoU!
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I imagine he would be in shock for most of it. very much a repeating cycle of "this can't be happening. this isn't happening. Leon wouldn't do this to us. He's going to appear any second. He'll be fine" going through his head. It's probably not until later, when they're home and getting wounds treated does he recognize the similarities and suddenly understands a little better why Leon was so clingy when he first got back.
Thank yoU!
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Yeah, definitely a bit more traumatizing then cannon (if that's at all possible.)
Thank yoU!
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ask-val · 11 months
i don't get why u need a rich guy in your life it's not necassary why can't u date a normal guy [who doesn't treat u like shit]
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"Normal guys can't buy me any Michael Kors purse I want!"
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"And... normal guys don't pin me down and penetrate right into my soul with their sexy green eyes. So intense, like a hungry animal... hehehe!"
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marinerainbow · 8 months
Smartass: Why didn't you tell me ya got married?
Kitty: It was years ago I didn't think it was important.
Smartass: It's very important if youse want a private entourage to escort ya to yer 'deception!'
Kitty: We weren't in need of one, it was a small ceremony.
Smartass: ...Was the rabbit invited?
Kitty: He might have turned up.
Smartass: Hmph!
Kitty: *smiles knowingly* Do you know of any good entourage services?
Smartass: I happen to know four or five of the best in ToonTown that coulda done it!
Kitty: They must be pretty popular.
Smartass: You kiddin'? They's exclusive. They don't offah their services to just anybody...course if you're willin' to pay a small fee they can provide chauffeur, caterin' and stain removal if any low lifes show up.
Kitty: What kind of low lifes would show up to a lawyer's wedding-Oh.
Smartass: Yeah, you don't gotta finish that thought.
Kitty: Well, if I know anyone else who's getting married, I'll give them their number.
Smartass: Oh no you won't! What parta "not just anybody" don't ya understand?
Kitty: ...Do they do christenings?
Smartass: What we look like, babysitters? Why?
Kitty: ...I'm six weeks along.
Smartass: Along what, the old dirt road to Albuquerque?
Kitty: ...
Kitty: ...
Smartass: ...wait.
I just love how Kitty just stares at Smartass like
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Girl is just gonna let him put the pieces together himself. He'll be alright XD
In all seriousness, these weasels at a christening! Oh lord, that will either be the most well-guarded christening (not that that's really necassary), or everything is going to go wrong XD either way, Maisie will get to see first hand how her weasel mafia unkles operate.
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fandomhopping · 2 years
Ready for me to give you a starter prompt??
Leon was sipping some nice tea that April, this universe's April st least, had mad ehim when he noticed Donnatello weak past. He'd been referring the turtles by their full name to he'll differentiate them from his brothers the moment he was brought back to the lair after... he showed up and he got some answers for what exactly was going on. Suppressing a shudder, he glanced over, was... did Donatello look worred!?
Frowning, the young slider placed his cup gently down, grabbing his crutch. It was annoying using them, but necassary with the injury thay was put to him thay was left untreated. The... He hadn't cared whether or not Leon had been in pain so long as he could still stand, or rather so long as the... thing thay took over his mind could still puppet him. It had been Casey, er... tbe one from this universe, who had made it for him. Careful to keep the click and clacking of his crutch down, he followed.
"Leonardo, can I... talk to you?" Leon heard Donatello stuttering as he hid behind the corner, "It's about... well, it's about Lila Blue."
Leon blinked, eyes narrowing. That was one of the nicknames they had given him! Shifting closer he heard Leonardo ask,
"Sure? What's up, Don?"
"W-well... I was looking into Leon's biological makeup to make sure the medications we're using will, y'know, help him? Some... inconsistencies with his mutation came up."
"Inconsistencies?" Leon heard his counterpart ask, voice getting lower. Serious.
"Y-yes. Um... how do I out this... Leon's chemical makeup is completely unique to any mutant I've ever seen before! He's amazing!!! He could very possibly survive in some of the harshest environments in the world, why, if it weren't for the shell rot and infection his injuries likely would have healed on their own!!! Or at least... he would have been up and at 'em a lot sooner than it would have been for me and you! He's faster than you, stronger than Raph... it's almost as if he was built from the ground up to be the perfect fighter!!"
Leon's heart clenched, oh no... don't tell him Donatello figured it out... please don't let them know! Leonardo was silent for several minutes before asking,
"Whats your point, Don?"
"Leo... I... these specific mutations are too direct and specific to have been made from soem sort of accident. Whatever caused Leon's mutation... it was intentionally done!"
Leon heard Leonardo such in a breath and tensed. Oh boy...
"Don... are you saying someone made him to be a weapon!?"
"It's... a potential option." Donnatello admitted sadly, "And... considering how we became mutants and who it is that's searching for him... you can probably guess the chief suspect for who."
Leon heard enough and decided ro love back, already knowing what was likely to come out of Leonardo's mouth. If he's anything like Leon himself he'll suspect Leon to be some sort of alien spy or something. As he clacked away he heard the conversation continue, somewhat muffled but he got the general gist,
"Think... wants him... weapon!"
"Need... watch him... Kraang."
Leon shuddered at the name but heard nothing as he desperately crutches toward his swords and drew a portal into the night air he watched as snow flurries surrounded him, he noticed wet drops of water falling from his face as the voices rang in his head.
he didn’t notice how he stumbled off the roof top and onto an alleyway until it was too late…
He was still semi conscious when he landed but.. so cold! He just wanted to curl up somewhere warm! So with no other option, he hid behind the trash can…And fell asleep.
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I thought up this after you and 🦊 anon talked about how hard it is to make a villains backstory and how it effects the fear factor. I hope this is ok to add (I don't want to take either of your guys' spotlight, I'm just trying to add to it.)
It can honestly be pretty difficult when you add layers to a character, regardless if they are a villain or a hero or an average Joe. You have to consider each layer and do your best to make sure none of the building up you have gets lost in the end, and also make sure it's not the core focus on the big screen/story.
When you give a villain a tragic backstory, it implies that you can negotiate with them and they'll listen if you play your cards right, and that removes some, if not all, the fear because now you know you could potentially survive. A villain that didn't have a tragic backstory, or at least only follows his own morals, is scarier because the only way you could survive that is if you fight physically instead of diplomatically. And since in general humans try to avoid confrontation as much as possible (for the most part), this is more frightening then if you had a chance with the tragic villain.
In the end, it all really depends on the character and whether or not it's necessary to show their backstory. Either it is necassary and part of the whole story and not just their own, if you show too much it could potentially ruin or derail the story and/or character, and it is completely unnecassary. A few examples I thought of were:
Jason, as you stated before, would fall in the first category. His backstory shows us why that specific camp is being targeted, why this huge undead guy is walking around killing seemingly innocent people, and why his mother and him have pretty much gone cuckoo. It, along with that scene of him holding the teddy bear of his childhood (I haven't seen any of the films, but I saw a picture of him doing that on Tumblr, it was like in his old home? Maybe that was just an extra and not a real scene of the movie? I'm not sure), shows us that he does show emotion and isn't mindless, which for us not only means his story will impact us even more since it makes it much sadder, but it also shows he isn't just brainlessly killing the camp counselors, he is feeling rightfully wrong and, with his mother's guidance who also was wronged, is willing to take it out on others, and that part of backstory can make him even more scary. That is how he can be scary and sad; you can still negotiate him, but it would take alot on your part.
Tiffany Valentine would fall in the second category (from what I've seen. Idk if more of her backstory was revealed in the series, I'm just going off of what I've noticed in Bride and Seed. I'll try to keep spoilers of Bride out since I'm not sure if you've seen it yet). We can see that even though she's a viscious and apathetic killer, she still longs to find love, get married and start a family, abd how much she loves her mother with how she quotes her alot and tries to follow her advice as best as she can. Not only that, but we see her trying to cut back on killing for her child Glen (they didn't know about Glenda at that point so I'm gonna exclude her on that). However, when you think about it, we don't know her backstory. We know she's Chucky's lover, and she respects her mother, and she's a killer, but what else do we know that we don't see on screen? We do know see that Tiffany has lost some marbles of her own, as seen when she kills the nanny in Seed for calling Glenda a devil child. We also see that she genuinely enjoys killing and doesn't care for those she doesn't love throughout the franchise. It makes us wonder how and when did she become this monster? Was it before or after meeting Chucky? Why is she so obsessed with having her perfect family? Was it because of her own childhood? All these questions make us lose the upper hand in diplomacy since for all we know, nothing happened and she's just bat shit crazy, or she doesn't care about what happened in her backstory and won't be trapped into whatever emotional traps we can set up for her. We may be able to use her children against her, but look at what she did to the nanny for simply wanting to quit.
And now, for the third category, I'll go with the Driller Killer I know you don't know him, but hear me out. In the movie, the only backstory we get on him is that he came from the girl's head, and even then that's questionable. We don't know how or why he became a killer, we don't know what his life prior to the movie was, assuming he even had a life. Hell, we don't know if he's even human. All we get are the clues in his personality, and even then for all we know it's just a facade (I doubt it, but again, we don't even know what he is, who knows if he's secretly a mastermind?). That's how he's scary because we simply do not know, and the closest to negotiation we have on him is dream sex, and even then for all we know he'll just kill us anyway, not to mention that not alot of people would would be willing to negotiate with their bodies (not that i blame them). We can't even run away since he'll always find you no matter where you are (the final girl was locked up in what I'm guessing is an asylum at the end of the movie, and we see the Diller killer drilling into her room through the floor). To put it simply: you're fucked no matter what you do.
However, there is a way to balance it out, and not just by revealing too much. It's why I like your Slasher Edward so much: he was actually wronged by a girl, and we do sympathize with that, but he's made it clear that at this point he's just using it as an excuse to do what he's probably fantasized about doing before. It can be nigh impossible to change someone- I'm not talking about flaws or quirks, I'm talking about who they truly are deep down, so the fact that he's going this extreme implies that he was already a killer in the making, that girl just so happened to be the final push and his excuse. Hell I'm willing to bet fifty bucks that he's the kind that goes "BuT i'M a GoOd PeRsOn DeEp DoWn! 🥺". Yeah Eddie, if you were really a good person, why are you making these girls that have nothing to do with your or so tragic backstory suffer?
(Please note: there is a difference between fantazing about something harmful and putting it into action. I'm certain we've all wished we could smack a rude person or harm a bad person in out lives. But whether or not you act it out and your emotions about it afterward show whether or not you really are a good person. Psychology is extremely complicated, and I'm not saying that if you think anything bad that makes you a bad person, I'm just explaining my theory on the psychology of how a tragic backstory can make a villain less scary and how balancing it out works.)
So, that's my thoughts. I kind of went a bit overboard I suppose 😅 but what do you guys think? Do you have more to add to this or your own opinion on why tragedy is less scary?
Oh no no, you are always MORE then welcome to add your thoughts! This is AMAZING!! You wrote a whole essay!! Top marks, too, because its entertaining, well written and REALLY REALLY INTERESTING XD Boy, you're so smart. I absolutely don't mind receiving this, this is really really amazing and I'm sure Fox Emoji Anon agrees!!! ^^
Okay okay- so- I had to take a moment to let everything here sink in and then read it again XD First of all- that last paragraph- I tooootally agree. There is a GIGANTIC difference between thinking something and doing something. You're not a bad person for the things you think- just don't go letting them fester inside you until you carry them out in real life- like most villains do.
Absolutely agree on your takes!! Especially Edward- you're making me actually really wanna build on him 😅 I think he always had the seed of evil and disgust in him- it just took the woman he feels that he's been wronged by to give him that 'excuse' to snap and be a 'hero' by hurting people like her. With the backstory, I was thinking though that it wouldn't really be revealed per say?- it would just be referenced (Either by the two old guys or by Ed himself) that 'one day some girl didn't want him back i suppose' or 'I've been spurned before and you can thank her for what's about to be done to you', and as an audience member you'd sorta gather more of an idea about why he is the way is by the way he acts, reacts to and treats other women in the story.
This way I think audiences have enough to go on about him that they can make their own theories as to what happened and his fucked up psychology- it would put you in his head. Which is also I think why villains with a certain amount of backstory (Like a said with Freddy- only that first bit) are interesting and still quite scary actually. It makes you think more about it and wonder why that made them be this way and then you're in a sicko's head and its terrible but also fascinating.
But yeah, audiences would have enough to be disgusted by Ed- but not enough to take the anonymity away. Like you said at the start, we'd have little enough on him that you wouldn't have a clue how to, uh, talk it through with him? The diplomacy option you outlined would be null and void with him. Because you don't know the root of the story, the key elements that force him to commit the atrocities he does. He would sorta fit into the category Tiffany is in.
I hope that all makes sense??? Haha XD 😅 Also- I would love to see the Driller Killer drilling up from the floor, that sounds hilarious and a great ending to the movie XD Might have to watch, now!! And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR THOUGHTS!! They are amazing and so intriguing and really really intelligent!!!
Fox Emoji Anon! Do you have anymore thoughts on the subject? You may be going to sleep soon I know- but the talking stick is all yours now if you want it! XD Or even later ^^
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sullina · 2 years
"That not necassary." Meliodas stated, eying his brothers, "I'm not tired."
"Still, I'd like for you to rest. Your injuries are... well, they aren't the best." Zeldris pleaded, "Rest can only help at this point."
Meliodas thought for a second before conceding the point,
Zeldris beamed, helping Meliodas to hus feet and reluctantly supporting him as they brlught him into anither room, settling him into a larger nest. Meliodas grumbled a bit but was thankful his brother at least let him walk. What he wasn't happy at all about was the fact the rest of the Commandments were climbing into the nest with him once he settled.
"What are you doing!?" Meliodas asked, immediately on edge. Taking a moment to sniff the nest he realized with slight horror that this wasn't some hastily built nest Zeldris had put together, it was a fully scented community nest!
"Uh... a pack cuddle?" Melascula said in a tone as though it should be obvious. Meliodas remained tense, not wanting to kick them form their own nest but also wanting nothing to do with the Commandments all surrounding him.
"Why am I in the nest? I'm not part of the pack."
Everyone paused for a short awkward moment. They were so excited Meliodas had agreed, they almost forgot.
Meliodas almost missed the pause.
"You're staying here, it would be weird if you didn't join us", Estarossa pointed out.
"Besides, we-" - 'missed you' - "we... all know that demons heal faster when in a pack!" Zeldris argued additionally.
The injured demon raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that more of a myth?"
Zeldris settled beside him, followed by Gelda. "Doesn't mean it's wrong."
Meliodas dropped it in favor of watching closely where everyone else settled. Drole and Gloxinia, close to him as well, were paired, as were the other usual pairs Meliodas had come to know during his time as leader. Nothing seemed to have changed in that regard. Fraudrin settled as far away from Meliodas as the nest allowed, the one thing the blonde was more than fine with in this situation.
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adarkenedforest · 2 years
Isabell could do all kinds of things. She could cook. She could sew. She could read and write which was unusual for her time. She could even sing pretty well. But there was one thing she could never do.
She could never feel emotion.
She'd see other children laughing or crying. Getting angry or getting scared... But she could never replicate it. She didn't know why she couldn't feel. Why she didn't have the ability that everyone else seemed to have. It didn't make her sad however. She couldn't feel sad. She didn't feel empty either really. After all how can you feel devoid of something if you'd never had it in the first place?
The others knew something was wrong with her. At first they assumed she was just a particularly well behaved child, capable of saying seen but unheard,but when she had never cracked a smile by the age of seven they knew she was wrong. They didn't like it either.
It wasn't really a surprise to Isabell. She disliked how people were afraid of everything just because they didn't understand. Occasionally the other children would tug her hair or throw rocks but she never reacted so they stopped. It's no fun when your victim just continues to fix herself up without saying a word.
That was one thing Isabell never did either.
She never spoke unless it was necassary.
It wasn't because she couldn't speak at all or very well, oh no. She had just noticed no-one liked how bland her voice was when she spoke. Sure she could replicate emotion in her tone when singing, but it was much more tiring to try do so all the time in speaking and she tended to get it wrong sometimes.
It didn't surprise her that when she had turned into a teenager that others started to get more physical with her. She never picked a suitor and grown ups had a habit of getting upset when you weren't what they liked. Her parents where kind and tried to protect her but they couldn't all the time and one day she turned into just the wrong alley on just the wrong day.
The first thing she noticed, when she opened her eyes again, was that she was dead. The second thing was that she was mildly surprised to be in a place that appeared to be heaven. She had expected to be in hell, from what she had been told although she had never been particularly cruel or bad when she was alive.
Then she realized one final and third thing. She still couldn't feel. She disliked that she was dead. She had taken in some cats that someone was going to drown and her parents would have to care for them now. Yet still, despite everything. She still didn't feel particularly upset or angry about it.
She had started serving an angel. Well. A head angel. One of her god's closest angels, they oversaw their own groups of angels. The angels who died. The other angels were kind and happy around her despite her inability to feel and Isabell had to admit it was nice to be accepted, although it wasn't like it made her happy. It was just... Nice.
She wondered what all those people down there would think if they knew that she was in heaven, working for an angel even despite the fact she never smiled or barely spoke. Would they get angry? Well it was their problem. Not hers. Nit anymore. Their bullying for her appearance and her lack of emotion was no longer her concern. Not that she really cared when she was alive but still.
Not even in heaven could little Isabell feel or care.
A/n: decided I'd show off some of my other writing apart from twisted wonderland. I hope you enjoyed dear traveller
Tagging: @thehollowwriter
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local-fire-dumpster · 2 years
If pro forced birth conservative cared about children why are they standing by and watching as children get gunned down in schools? Why aren't they doing anything about the formula shortage in texas? Why aren't they protesting so that the government allows women paid leave after giving birth? Why is there no free healthcare for these babies or the necassary financial support for poor parents?Why are they allowing children of poor parents to be taken into custody of a system that has proven to be a failure in terms of adoption.
If they truly care about these babies and this isn't an attempt to control women's body why aren't they speaking out about these things? Why isn't a majority of conservatives speaking out about these things?Why haven't I seen a single major anti abortion organization that promised to help pregnant women in need after roe v wade was overturned?
Keep in mind that roe v wade passed 50 years ago meaning they had more then enough time to take measures that reduce abortions without banning abortions themselves. They didn't bc this is not about the children,it's about making women suffer and degrading them.
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*He opens the door.*
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*Mahiru?? But shouldnt she be with...!?*
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She has something to say... so hear her out.
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What I did... Was totally unforgivable... I still cant even forgive myself... And... I understand why you did what you did to me... But why...
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Sato!! I'm over that!!
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You not only got an innocent girl killed... But you sacrificed your tool in doing so... How the hell do you live with yourself...?
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I still cant live with myself after what I did... I fucked up... But you... You fucked up big aswell... I may have killed Natsumi... But you killed Me, Mahiru, and Peko... That was more than necassary and you know it.
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That is the exact opposite of what we spoke about...
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Get the fuck off my property. Both of you.
*He slams the door in their face and makes his way back to the living room.*
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nyortor · 1 year
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brandshark5 · 2 years
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cattlesnow45 · 2 years
Ideas for Obtaining a Quality Family members Lawyer
Experiencing an authorized battle may be an extremely overwhelming process, be it criminally related or even a basic real-estate issue. There is nothing clear to see and it's an easy task to get overcome. Fortunately, the following write-up contains useful suggestions for finding the best law firm for your requirements and working your path with the method. A fantastic idea if you're thinking about employing a attorney is always to hear your own intestine in regards right down to regardless of whether you are going to employ the face. Your legal professional will probably represent you in the courtroom, therefore if your attorney appears greedy, it will select from you. You ought to generate a finances before you start looking for a law firm. Go over your financial situation as well as examine how much you can afford to spend on a lawyer. It's not necassary to allow law firms be familiar with your financial allowance when you obtain rates however, this is an excellent approach to restrict your research. Wait around to signal an agreement having an law firm and soon you have the scenario is correct. Obtain a quotation from the attorney so you are aware about the number of hours he / she plans on getting in the circumstance. If the legal professional declines, proceed. A variety is appropriate, but it is not really reasonable when you have not a clue what you really are stepping into. If you were arrested for a criminal offence, come in an accident or perhaps think you need authorized aid, you have to engage a law firm. How long which you wait to create this selection could be a essential element. You need to have somebody in your favor discussion legislation as fast as possible. The particular legal system is pretty alarming, that's why lawyers are there to aid us all figure it all out. Successful in a situation or your freedom is easier to achieve when you experience the right law firm helping you. Make use of the above suggestions to your authorized concerns and also the benefits will likely be a lot more positive.
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fandomhopping · 2 years
Yeah learning about the whole kraang thing will probably drive Leon to another panic attack, that's why Leonardo, Michealangelo, Raphael, and Donnatello tell April to keep her powers in the down low around Leon unless necassary. He was still a pretty fragile state of mind.
Yes! Once she first sees the turtle what happens is something I can only describe as older sister protection!
“I have only known this Leo for a day and a half but if anything were to happen to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
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teleportationmagic · 3 years
What the hell are the streams of income for the Black Clover nobility?
Historically speaking, and based off the very European style of... everything, I would have presumed that the farmers all rent their land from nobles and caring for it for them. Except that seems unlikely considering that nobody ever mentions who “owns“ Hage or any other of the smaller towns we’ve seen. Plus none of the nobility mention lands they hold, but it might have just not come it? Still feels unlikely though.
They also might be getting money straight from the government? But no, Marie and Gauche specifically lost their streams of income because it was taken from them. If their parentage determined that Clover had to cut them a check, that couldn’t have happened. Royalty might live off taxes - after all, Noelle seems to still be rich after being more or less banished - but I doubt it goes for the nobility.
What I am tentatively settling on is that nobles own guilds, who pay taxes to these nobles in exchange for skills/resources/connections/chains of resources. It’s not a great conclusion, especially with magic, but its the only thing I can think of which makes any sort of sense.
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