#White Collar fans
Shall we play a game?
Nope, not chess or Parchisi. And not even global thermonuclear war. (If you get that reference, you might just be as old as we are!) But no, none of those games are where we're headed. This year, we're hosting a good old-fashioned game of bingo!
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That's right, since we're almost two weeks into the new year, we thought it might be time to roll out our new creative challenge, which will continue throughout 2024.
As always, we're in the market for any and all fan creations centered on White Collar, and this year, we're providing prompts in the form of mini bingo cards, with new prompt cards coming out quarterly. (Jan, April, July, October) If you want to play, just let us know (comment here, dm, however you want to get in touch), and we'll get you a card so you can get started!
Some details:
When we say "any and all fan creations," we mean it--let your creativity run wild and make whatever you want to make! Draw, write, paint, record a podcast, shoot a video, whatever your creative preference.
We're using a 4x4 card format, and there is a FREE space, so that means a total of 15 prompts for three months. Complete a line of prompts, get a bingo; complete the whole card during the quarter, and that, dear friends, is a blackout!
Much like our drabble prompts, the bingo prompts are pretty broad, and many (maybe most?) are only one word. They run the gamut from theme words to genre to story length and beyond. (Not to worry if you're making art or some other non-written creations; we've got provisions for swapping prompts.)
Prompts were randomized to create the cards, and the card numbers were randomized to create the distribution order, so the prompts you end up with are strictly luck.
Okay, that's probably the most important stuff to know, except, of course, that we hope lots of you will join in and that everyone has tons of fun creating new White Collar stuff, because we're sure going to have fun seeing whatever you make!
So whenever you're ready, shall we play a game?
(We'll put a few more detailed FAQ items below the cut, but if you've got questions we didn't think of, just let us know and we'll make up an answer.😉)
Q: What can my entries be? A: Any type of creation you choose. fic, art, blog post, essay, cross-stitch, we're not picky. Interpret the prompts any way you like, in any genre, any relationship, any rating, any characters, you get the idea. (Unless, of course, the prompt is more specific.) As long as it's White Collar, it's fair game.
Q: Where do we share our work/how will you know we made something or got a bingo? A: First, put your creations somewhere we can see them! There'll be a collection on AO3 where most types of work can be shared. (We're debating if it's better to have just one collection for the year or one for each quarter; if you've got any opinions on that, feel free to weigh in.) If you're sharing here or on other socials, be sure to @ us, and use #WhiteCollarBingo. But, while we'll be doing our best to keep up, we're hoping there will be so many entries we'll lose track, so definitely tell us if you completed a bingo!
Q: Can I make one story/picture/video/etc. for the whole card? A: You may use as many prompts as you like in each entry, but only 2 prompts per line may be counted toward a bingo. (So you will need at least two entries to achieve a single bingo, and though we may have miscounted, we think that means at least ten entries to make a blackout.)
Q: Are crossovers allowed? A: Yes (and may even be a prompt!), but White Collar should obviously be prevalent in your work.
Q: How long do I have to complete my entries? A: We'll be issuing new cards each quarter (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-December), and in a perfect world, we'd like to receive entries within that quarter. But you know we've never been sticklers for schedules, and the point is to encourage more White Collar creations, so we'll be glad to get them whenever you finish.
Q: What do I win when I bingo? A: Bragging rights, and your name on our (soon to be created) bingo accomplishments page.
Q: What if there are some prompts I really don't want to use, but I want to try for blackout? A: We will provide a max of two alternate prompts. (This max does not apply if you're making non-written creations and somehow ended up with a card full of writing-centric prompts.)
Q: What if I just can't work with the card I receive at all? A: We'll exchange your card one time. Part of the fun is stretching our creative muscles.
Q: If I exchange my card, will any previous entries count toward bingo on my new card? A: Nope. It's a fresh slate, so examine your card when you get it to decide if it works for you.
Q: If I complete my card, can I have another? A: Yep, and we'd be very impressed! (and happy!)
Q: Where did these prompts come from? A: Many suggestions from our followers, and we've been hunting and gathering, too. But we want to have lots of variety as the year rolls along, so please keep those suggestions rolling in.
Q: Can something I made for another challenge count toward a bingo prompt/Can I submit my work to more than one collection or challenge? A: As long as it's new work, and if the other challenge doesn't ask for exclusivity, bring it on! And frankly, we'd love to see more White Collar activity in multi-fandom spaces. Also, we'll surely be hosting other events throughout the year (at least Mozzie Mania and Caffrey-Burke Day), and you can certainly use a bingo prompt for any of those challenges as well.
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qifreyism · 7 months
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two guys who gave each other their first handjob vs two girls who didn’t know they could like girls
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androidfate · 7 months
My favorite bit of white collar is when neil and peter find out they’ve been lying to each other for episodes and they have this big dramatic moment where they promise “no more secrets”. And then they both wake up the next morning and start keeping new and more convoluted secrets from each other.
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qwuilty · 1 year
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Brain gave me productivity but blood curse made me not want to do anything so fuck it, finally made a transparent version of that one scan and applied some color to it as well!
Free use for whatever you wanna do like icons or whatever, preferably credit the original artist Randy Briley if you can though for actually drawing the concept art. I just cleaned up the scan and did some coloring |D
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bluebellsinburbank · 7 months
✊🏽 Protecting
Even now, after everything, Peter didn't use words so much. Peter was subtle. Too subtle sometimes even for Neal to notice. But he did, because Peter might not talk about the way he felt, but he showed it.
It was in the way Peter acted - not around Neal exactly, but around the people around Neal. A shift from easy to alert, from acting like it was just the two of them, to acting as if it were the two of them against the whole world.
The first times Peter had done it, Neal didn't pay much attention. He was far too preoccupied. Neal remembered it now though; the way Peter had immediately stepped in front of Neal, reached his arm out, curled his fingers around Neal's wrist. Never in ways that restrained him or excluded him, rather ways that warmed him even if he didn't know why at the time.
Peter had made himself Neal's shield.
Wherever they went, whether proving he wasn't dead or - eventually - back on cases with the team, Peter put himself between Neal and the world. Between Neal and Diana's incandescent grief-stricken fury, Jones's quieter but no less intense grief.
Peter never stopped them from coming closer - not the few Neal considered family - but he made it clear who's side he was on. He let them yell and cry and even send Neal away until they were ready to acknowledge what he'd done, but he'd never once let Neal think that he was alone.
In retrospect, it was so painfully obvious; a truth Neal should never have forgotten.
Peter stood in front of him, shoulders tense and gun drawn; the only thing between Neal and a criminal who really didn't appreciate Neal waltzing in and announcing all the reasons his supposed lost masterpiece was really an awful forgery.
The criminal wasn't even all that dangerous, just a little skittish and quick on the draw. Their team would be there in moments. But Peter hadn't even hesitated, throwing Neal behind him, standing tall and shielding Neal from view.
And Neal understood. He stayed exactly where Peter had put him, one hand curled into the back of Peter's jacket.
It didn't matter that Jones and Diana were already there, already securing the criminal and reading him his rights. Peter needed to do this. And Neal needed it too.
Peter had been protecting him all this time. Protecting him from the worst of the fallout from his betrayal of them all, protecting him from random criminals, protecting him from the crushing weight of his own guilt ridden loneliness.
Perhaps part of it was Peter making up for the one time he couldn't protect Neal - the time Peter still couldn't forgive himself for, lie though it was. But the truth of it was this was who Peter was. Peter was a father; a protector through and through. And, from the minute he had decided Neal was worthy of his love, that had become his self-appointed place. Standing between Neal and any-and-everything that might hurt him.
Because Peter loved Neal like he was his own, and he showed it every day by protecting him.
He'd done it before Neal had faked his death and he'd undoubtedly still be doing it when Neal was old and grey and hiding from other residents in the care home because they knew Neal had stolen their pudding.
And so, Neal stayed put, waiting until Peter had decided it was safe. Then, he pulled Peter into a hug, smiling into his shoulder. "Thank you."
For protecting me, for loving me.
Peter's held him tight, maybe not knowing exactly what Neal was thanking him for but inherently understanding just the same. "Always."
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critterkeeper01 · 5 days
Fandom cross-infection cross-polination
You have favorite shows you want all your friends to watch. They have shows they want all their friends to watch. Would you be willing to watch a new show in order to get someone to watch something you love?
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finishing a tv show is like. goodbye friends. you'll always be a part of me. it will never be the same as it was this first time. you were everything to me for a few precious moments. when I return things will never be quite as they were. I will change but you will always be the same. I love you but it will never be the same.
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melgoesmeow · 8 months
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Just another day of reading Art Doodle of Raymond from Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Posted using PostyBirb
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whatsagirltoblogabout · 7 months
Oops I did it again (stayed up all night reading fanfic)
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Less than 12 hours until Mozzie Mania!
(And we might have a little surprise for you.🤐)
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fouryearsofshades · 2 years
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Northern and Southern Dynasties style by 上遥居汉服 
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
Mine and Jo meet could you imagine the interaction?
probably not the worst meeting to happen tbh. they could bond over excel. and puncturing people whenever their bosses are put out of order
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emenerd · 2 years
Why is everyone neal caffrey? Why? why did this catch on? like the fuck i do not get it
like i know it started as a fanfic trope cause the guy who plays neal caffrey was for some reason a popular dick grayson fancast at one point and that turned into people writing fics where dick was undercover and his undercover id was caffrey, and i think that took off when spyral was happening, but it has breached containment. I’ve seen tim is caffrey, jason is caffrey, damian is caffrey (????), (havent seen the tag with bruce, duke, cass, or steph or so on, but i honestly wouldn’t be surprised at this point). And now its jumped fandoms! I just saw a tag for percy jackson as caffrey? Like why? I do not understand? Why did this catch on? I know ive seen it for other random characters in other fandoms but im blanking on which ones (peter parker was one i think) at least the leverage/white collar crossovers are add multiple points of contact and just have the characters run into each other. like what you like and all, but why?
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bluebellsinburbank · 7 months
For emoji prompts 🧠
🧠 - Traumatic event
It wasn't a goodbye. It should have been a goodbye. It would have been so much simpler. Just running as he always had; back to Kate, back to the life he'd lived before Peter showed him what else he was capable of. But it was Kate - his Kate - and he loved her. Loved her so much he'd thrown away everything just to be with her again.
He didn't hear the explosion, not at first. Peter's patient face lit up in orange, a wall of heat slammed into him. Then he heard it, the rush of furious air, the scream of breaking glass and metal. The scream of his own voice, unrecognisable even to him.
Neal stumbled forward, running towards the fire. Kate.
Arms wrapped around him, Peter's voice indistinguishable in his ears. There was only the sharp whine of fear.
Kate couldn't be. She couldn't- She wouldn't leave him. Not this time. They were going to be together again and it was going to be better. He was going to be better.
But the fire. Oh God, the fire. How could anyone survive?
His knees collapsed, realisation he didn't want spreading through him.
Even Peter's arms, holding him safe and tight, didn't comfort at all. Kate was gone. A ball of fire burned where he'd last seen her sweet face. There was no reason why, no clue who'd dared hurt one of the only bright points in his life, but he knew one thing. It should have been him.
Kate was dead and it should have been him.
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jadeb2002 · 1 year
Got a new fic out :)
A one-shot of Neal whump.
"And oh god it hurts, and it hurts, and it hurts.
And he didn't want to die, he didn't, he didn't."
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the-mumbo · 1 year
The failure of man is that there are only two Magic Mike/White Collar fan fics
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