#What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 2
reunitedinterlude · 2 months
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a compilation (1, 2, 3)
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 3 months
don’t settle for neoliberalism, phil.
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dpgdaily · 2 months
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Hey Phannies!
It's time for Dan and Phil Appreciation Week!
We had so much fun doing this at the begining of the year and thought how great it would be to do it again! We didn't want to just do the same prompts again so this week is dedicated to all of the wonderful series' that Dan and Phil have given us over the years!
Starting April 8th and ending April 14th!
So, what do you need to do? Well, have a look at the weeks prompts below, and for each day use the prompt to make something great! This can be gifs, art, video edits, even just you writing a paragraph with an answer and explanation for each prompt! (you can make multiple posts and creations for each day if you have more than 1 answer)
We want this event to be available to everyone so don't worry if you aren't a content creator we still want to hear from you!
Day 1: Favourite baking video Day 2: Favourite DanAndPhilCRAFTS video Day 3: Favourite What Dan and Phil Text Each Other Day 4: Favourite Day in the Life Day 5: favourite Phil is not on fire Day 6: Favourite Dan vs Phil Day 7: Your overall favourite Dan and Phil Series (it can be one you already mentioned or it can be one of the many series we couldn't mention (Sims, Undertale, etc)
All you need to do from the 8th to the 14th is tag your creations and post with #DNPAW and we'll reblog them here! (reminder you can also tag gifs and art with #DPGDaily)
We look forward to seeing all your creations and posts!!
We would love if you could also reblog and share to spread the word!
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dnpbeats · 2 months
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☞ dan and phil appreciation week 3/7
favorite what dan and phil text each other: wdapteo 2
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thistooisphanyuri · 2 months
Dan and Phil Appreciation Week days 3-6!
day 3: favourite what Dan and Phil text each other (wdapteo 2!)
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Day 4: favourite day in the life (fditl my beloved 🥰)
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Day 5: favourite pinof (pinof 9 ofc)
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Day 6: favourite Dan vs Phil (Dan vs. Phil - EXTREME TETRIS!)
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Sorry these are so delayed! My Apple Pencil was lost, I’ve been having bad dizzy spells, I had a tight deadline to reach, the list goes ON, but they’re here now! :> I enjoyed drawing them a lot! I hope you all enjoy them 🥰🥰🥰🥰 they’re all doodles, minus the last one, which I got too excited about :3
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an-internet-introvert · 2 months
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For Dan and Phil Appreciation Week:
Day 3: Favourite What Dan and Phil Text Each Other
What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 2
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incorrectdipandpip · 29 days
"Look at that fucking thick, furry butt. I was holding that thing, and I was just like mmmmm." - Daniel James Howell
Unhinged DnP Quotes #2
What Dan and Phil Text Each Other 4
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dnpoll · 3 months
(what dan and phil text each other)
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lesbiandanhowell · 5 months
Dan and Phil Appreciation Week (2023)
Day 2 - Favourite Dan and Phil Series
My favourite series has to be 'What Dan and Phil Text Each Other' This may seem like a quite basic answer but it's true, because just earlier when I was feeling anxious my mind went to those three videos as a comfort watch and that's what they are. I love them because they feel so, real and personal, like they are allowing us to see a part of themselves that people don't usually share. It feels cozy and simple and they are so happy and weird in those videos and we get a little peak into how they are together outside of videos, just in life. My favourite out of the three is the 2021 one if anyone cares :)
(I've seen people say the videos are fake/ staged and just want to say curated =/= fake. Obviously those videos are highly curated because there are private messages they don't want to share, ones that just aren't entertaining and they have far too many messages in one year to fit a 20 minute video. This curation however doesn't mean the little that we do get to see is any less real.)
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needy dan is one of my favourite things we learned in the wdapteo
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reunitedinterlude · 28 days
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lofi phantasy: the album
track 4: pixels in the wind
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whatever makes you feel comfortable bb <3
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phanfictioncatalogue · 5 months
Forever Home Masterlist (2)
part one
and the house becomes a home again (ao3) - BLUEGREYKIM
Summary: Dan’s plane lands at one-thirty-two AM (he’s been tracking the flight since it took off, and his stomach’s been flipping with jitters since Dan’s phone switched to aeroplane mode and his texts stopped going through).
Two and a half months, since Dan's been home, and Phil has been going crazy.
(also known as the dan comes home fic)
cat bells (ao3) - N_Chu4Ever
Summary: The catboy photoshoot, except it all goes weirdly wrong because Phil accidentally bought Dan a magic cat costume off the internet. Oops.
cat bells 2: the philling (ao3) - N_Chu4Ever
Summary: Just after rewatching the first three PINOFs, a mysterious package arrives on Dan and Phil's doorstep. Inside is a new cat costume... and Phil has a slightly terrible idea.
🌸 cherry blossom 🌸 (ao3) - natigail
Summary: It had been a silly dream at first. The idea to have a cherry blossom tree in their garden they didn't even have yet. It hadn't felt like it was something that would really happen.
But it was real. Dan was watching their tree, Phil's arms around him, and hoping they would get to see its first bloom soon.
Couch Potatoes (ao3) - ahappyphil
Summary: Picking a sofa for the forever home
Curse of the Golden Pig (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: Dan disapproves of some of Phil's interior design choices — and despite all the compromises they've had to make, there's still a whole lot of them in the forever home. If he finds out Phil has snuck any of them into their new bedroom, and they're off-putting enough, he'll even refuse to sleep (or do anything ... else) in the same room as them.
Phil knows his whining is mostly superficial, though — Dan really doesn't mind it as much as he makes it seem, and even just a few kisses will make his facade crumble... a flawless tactic.
Forever Home (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Phil’s wanted a dog for as long as he can remember, and now that he and Dan are moving into their new house, it’s the perfect opportunity. But there’s just one problem: Phil’s allergic to dogs.
home (ao3) - Rawritsamehh
Summary: just a little drabblely thing
home wasn't built in a day (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: “Different, though,” Phil says. He sets the glass down, prisms of light cascading out around it, and then he presses firmly into Dan’s side and speaks with a thoughtful air of bone-deep certainty. “It feels real now. Like we’ve actually finally done it.”
Words lose their way somewhere between Dan’s brain and mouth and end up sticking in his throat. Phil rarely vocalizes his feelings, rarely draws on straightforward sincerity. But here he is, calm and settled at Dan’s side, unequivocally permanent.
“Even if half the lights and plumbing are out?” Dan asks eventually.
Phil’s laugh is soft and low in his chest. “Even if.”
It's Been Years (Thirteen) (ao3) - BLUEGREYKIM
Summary: It’s been years, Dan thinks. Twelve of them, by now. Thirteen, in October. They’re in their thirteenth year. God, he’s gotten older. Less than ten years to go before he’ll have known Phil for longer than he hasn’t.
late night talking (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: it surely wasn’t the weirdest thing phil had caught dan doing in their thirteen years of knowing each other, but it was up there.
or it's the summer before dan's tour and they talk on the floor of their office.
made for you (ao3) - BLUEGREYKIM
Summary: Phil, in all the years he's known Dan, can tell what he's thinking with a glance, a lock of eyes. Dan, in all the years he's known Phil, is the same.
aka the fic where they have a super psychic connection and insane communicative skills (real life)
New memories (ao3) - R3ad3r1
Summary: Phil looks at their new house with a hint of sadness. Dan fixes it in the most romantic way.
On The Balcony (ao3) - cafephan
Summary: Whoever said moving to a forever home would be easy was lying.
Overheated (ao3) - kattdan
Summary: Phil's health issues
Returning home (ao3) - philsbignaturals
Summary: In which Dan returns to find a clingy Phil
Based on the selfie Dan took after returning from the European tour
Santa Buddy (ao3) - philsbignaturals
Summary: In which the boys host joint family Christmas in their forever home
Based on the Michael Bublé Santa Baby cover
summer skies (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Dan doesn’t think Phil's left the apartment, but he redials from his recent contacts all the same, listens to the ring for a few beats before he turns back, and there he is, curled sideways on his arm on the daybed, fast asleep in the shade.
(forever home, summer 2021)
Sutures (ao3) - jerseker
Summary: Phil returns to the forever home after a week away, just in time to pull Dan out of his negative thought spiral.
Taking a Break (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: Phil has a broken leg.
unpacking forever (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Dan takes charge of the details, once they've moved in.
waking up in your arms with my mind on you and me (ao3) - natigail
Summary: On October 19th 2021, Phil wakes up first. Twelve years ago he woke up way too early, nervous for their first meeting and now they are waking up in their shared bed in their forever home. Phil allows himself to be a little sappy but it's okay because Dan easily joins him.
waking up to a dream (ao3) - vhslucky
Summary: "I missed you..." Phil mumbled against Dan's jacket, reveling in the familiarity of his smell. "I missed you more," Dan whispered warmly. Phil vehemently shook his head, "Not possible." Dan chuckled. Phil found that sound so sweet and endearing that he pulled him even closer.
with water out of sunlight (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Whoever was last in the house has left all the doors open, and there’s light spilling down the hallway and making the white walls glow.
(Dan walks the forever home.)
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danssttripedshirt · 2 years
I am personally requesting 2 videos to close out the year:
1. What Dan and Phil text each other: across the world edition
2. Christmas baking (or more specifically ginger bread house competition)
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yonpote · 2 months
Dan and Phil Appreciation Week Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
aka i forgot to participate in DNPAW again but also now my arm is fucked up so im just gonna type my responses instead of drawing them YAYYY shout out as always to @dpgdaily for creating this lil week event :3
Day 1: Favourite baking video
honestly probably slime and sadness cinnamon rolls, but monster pops has such a special place in my heart for being the sorta the tipping point of dnp's descent into truly unfiltered horniness, conjoined baking and pumpkin carving if that counts are also great (i just like halloween lmao)
Day 2: Favourite DanAndPhilCRAFTS video
EASILY slime. like cmon it blew every other dapc out of the water, while at the same time fully connecting them all so it's like you HAVE to watch them all together to grasp at the final picture presented. god im obsessed with it come join the crafts theory server
Day 3: Favourite What Dan and Phil Text Each Other
wdapteo 2 forever, but 4 is super super close. yon? pote. sent at 4:32 am! WHAT IS WRONG WITH US??
Day 4: Favourite Day in the Life
oof probably ditl manchester... the vibes are so so special... australia is really good too very comfy!!! (im actually a tiny bit of a ditl hater lmao mainly just the parts that are strong on the weeb / weird about asian stuff energy but like the vibes are still nice fhdhdh)
Day 5: favourite Phil is not on fire
pinof 9!!!! its special to me as the first one i watched while being like. In The Phandom, at least somewhat. and also it being dnp's fav really made me realize why i liked it so much like i KNEW it wasnt just cuz it was my first as a Full On Phannie, it had an energy to it that was so authentically chaotic and fun and just goofing off with each other and giggling like moreso than the previous like 5 pinofs, it had pinof 1 energy but with 8 more years worth of love in it
Day 6: Favourite Dan vs Phil
prob the first golf with friends LOL i love the shitty grass turf hats, i love the stupid golf bants and the creepy golf ball print they used for the board, dan's curls were in peak form, phil's bluey green shirt made his eyes even bluer, phil squishy dan's face >w<~~~~~
Day 7: Your overall favourite Dan and Phil Series
HMMMM. undertale is my go-to when im particularly sad, the sims s1 is always good to put on in the background, but i think dapwepinof... the pinof reaction mini-series they did in gamingmas is prob my top fav right now. it's everything i love, it's nostalgic, it has some behind the scenes reveals, openly gay dan and phil reacting to closet dan and phil being extremely gay, and REFLECTION!!!! and like, the fact that in the silliest lil annual video series in the world there ended up being a lot of thought and care put into it in wanting to keep it as a sacred tradition for ten whole years, it went from whimsical by nature to whimsical with Purpose and finally whimsical with Love and that means so much to me, as a proponent of queer joy above all else.
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ahappyphjl · 6 months
can you rec some of your fave dnp from your playlist? :) currently going through some of their older content and always up for recommendations since there’s a lot out there
yess of course, happy to!! my "faves" playlist has over 100 videos and i love all of them, so i'll list the ones i rewatch most often, and ones that just mean a lot to me. i didn't include many of their newer videos or any of the pinofs though, cause they're all so great. hope u find some that u really like :)
a festive day in the life of dan and phil
dan and phil play undertale (the series)
halloween baking - pumpkin spice pumpkin cookies
halloween baking - monster pops (just all the baking videos lol)
14 year old phil's game - dan and phil play: the mark of oxin
dan and phil play cards against humanity
dan vs phil: yasuhati
making a phandwich - dan and phil play: overcooked #2
the tree
a day in the life of dan and phil in london
the photo booth challenge
dan and phil play just dance
dan and phil play the impossible quiz #2
will dan and phil be millionaires
the wardrobe
blindfolded cat face game
something we want to tell you
dan and phil play golf with friends (the series)
what dan and phil text each other 2022
dan and phil play incohearent
viewers pick my outfits
a static lullaby - toxic (britney spears cover)
meet my mum
reacting to my baby videos
draw my life
draw my life: part 2
i got attacked by a squirrel
the hand - a dan and phil fanfiction by phil lester
coming out to you
trying to see without my glasses
trying to catch and rescue an injured wild pigeon
trying to live my truth
i nearly blinded myself
our awkward fancy meal
dan reacts to his childhood videos
the urge - a dan and phil fanfiction by dan howell
basically i'm gay
butterfingers (first solo dan vid i watched & which made me sub to him lmao)
dan's diss track - roast yourself challenge
my bahamas travel disaster
we are in a relationship
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best-phan-video-poll · 8 months
Round 2, wave 9
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