nevertheless-moving · 4 months
Headcanons for Ladrian children!
Maxillium (waxillium. Who let you flip the first letter of your name upside down. Why.): grows up to be something of a 'gentleman miscreant.' Even at the time, Steris and Wax knew that hiring a pickpocketing tutor for their noble firstborn son was a bad idea, but Max had pleaded that Uncle Wayne had promised him lessons when he grew up. And...well...Wayne would have, no matter how much they tried to stop him...anyway. Sentimentality won the day. Mistakes were made.
Despite his deliberate and consistent flouting of propriety, he's still almost universally well liked. Genuinely charismatic. Doesn't put his foot in his mouth. Smart without being considered mean or dull.
His parents have no idea where he gets it from.
People think he must be a soother but his actual allomantic power is generally considered useless. I'm leaning towards gold auger for true self confidence brought about by super powered self reflection. A+ use of C- skill.
Adrenalin junkie. Likes fast cars. Very fast cars. Only one of the kids who remembers Uncle Wayne, though they all get stories.
Tindwyl: somehow oldest, middle, and youngest child syndrome. Wax and Steris reign things in a bit after they realize they've inadvertently been raising their firstborn to become a highly effective career criminal. I'm not saying they're bad parents, they really do care, listen, and adjust. But they're imperfect people and the clash of personalities is the hardest on her.
Hmm twinborn, but still insecure about it, so it's gotta be one of the less flashy combos. Bronze or cadmium compounding, making her very good at either not sleeping, or surviving indefinitely at the bottom of the ocean awaiting rescue after her boat sinks, neither of which is immediately useful ... i mean the sleep thing is pretty cool but might cause some internal issues..
Similar to her parents in the more neurotic ways. Her father's eye twitch, her mother's anxiety. But not much inclination towards the more heroic arts, something her parents love, glad they raise one child unlikely to die in a fire, but she feels ashamed of. No fascination with danger, except in the deeply abstract. She tends to fixate on novels, not disaster planning or solving murders.
Gets motion sick :/ When Wax tries to take her for 'rides' she's giggling until she suddenly pukes without warning, and then she's crying. Wax feels guilty forever about this, but she insists on trying again every so often throughout her childhood.
Oh! Heavily involved in the allomancer jak fan community, first as a joke, but eventually she gets into it despite herself. She delights in discussing his stories around the dinner table and watching her father grit his teeth. I mean, comparing them with her father's own tales - which claims are really less likely, once you break things down, piece by piece -
Third child: I don't know their gender! I don't even know their name! But I do know that they're going to be the first natural born mistborn in over three hundred years, and it's going to cause soooo much chaos.
Lotsa religious nuts following to school. Lotta kidnapping attempts. They catch dad yelling at death, no wait, false alarm, hes just yelling at death to pass a message to God, because he doesn't want to talk to God directly. Cool, cool. Something about wanting a promise that that 'they wouldn't be made a sword'
They seem to most consistently run into ladrian luck - things explode around them, they say the exact wrong thing to the exact wrong person. If there's a murderer loose, they end up in the same tree house, if there's a lion escaped from the zoo, it steals their lunch. Assigned protagonist by the narrative, despite the adults in her life genuine and consistent efforts to intervene.
Mixed feelings about it.
Generally Max bails them out of the social faux pas, but, much to tindwyls annoyance, when worst comes to worst they can fall back on the 'mistborn aura' growing 'mysteriously grave' and then jump out an airship window. Mildly jealous of Tindwyl because when she gets lost in the city she doesn't accidentally discover a cult, or get adopted by a circus troupe, or , anyway. If they also get a ferrochemical power people are going to lose. their. shit.
Snaps (I believe snapping is gentler in era 2, but still) way too young during their first kidnapping attempt, possibly same time as/ before older siblings. All kidnapped together?
Please Imagine Max age 12, breaking Tindwyl, age 9, and Misty age 6 out of their cells (of course he pickpocketed the keys from the guards). They all down a full spectrum vial, which of course they all carry in a secret aluminum lined pocket for LITERALLY this EXACT traumatic event because their mother is Steris. Max gets nothing (would gold even be in the vial?), tindwyl is a seeker or cadmium burner.
Cue ridiculously OP six year old bendalloying past the guards, pewter punching their way out... Max takes more than a few hits for them when they accidentally iron pull some loose nails at themselves... it's not pretty, but they do escape and the media goes absolutely bananas.
Please, please imagine tiny child carrying two medium sized childs, and jumping out a window. They're very carefully arranged, Tindwyl clinging to Max's shoulder, Max on Misty's, feeling absolutely ridiculous. Misty breaks the window - Max yelling steel push directions as they just need to get to the next building - Tindwyl yelling, ok they're all yelling now as Misty loses balance -
Ooh Wait if Tindwyl can cadmium create slow time then she burns that as they're falling, so it's extra terrifying from all their perspective, but to other people's view they're just hanging there, dropping very, very slowly. Either way-oh thank the Survivor, Dad's here now, catching them.
Some of this is caught on evanotype. Like I said - absolute media storm.
Fourth child: An accident and everybody knows it. The other three are mortified to discover that their parents are still having sex. Steris is mostly bemused that the one (1) time she said 'it'll probably be fine' instead of immediately drinking moon tea after the sheepskin broke, she gets pregnant. Wax is concerned for her health, but after a scare or two, it all goes fairly smoothly.
A good 15, 20 years younger than the rest and maybe a little isolated because of it, doesn't feel like she has the same sibling relationship the other three do, though they all adore her and compete relentlessly for 'best big sibling.'
Cool twinborn combo??? Like pewter allo and gold ferro for super healing. Or zinc super speed, because that's honestly excellent by itself.
Or no powers, because angst and also being underestimated and getting really competent at tech or whatnot. Possibly allomantic status is less important as time passes, and she actually doesnt really have as much issue with it as people assume she will. Infiltrates and takes down some shady hemalurgic group due to the misperception.
Only one of the children to go into law, but ends up more secret agent/spy genre then western/action hero.
Regardless, while Max is effortlessly charming, she's effortlessly cool. The middle children, and possibly parents, are amazed and maybe slightly jealous, though dad insists he used to be cool, honest-
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lamaery · 7 months
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21 - Rusty
All I could think of was Wax running up staircase t the end of Bands of Mourning and noticing that he might be getting too old for this.
Also I just enjoy drawing him. and as an appendix to this: @curlytale and I were musing how Wax didn’t throw his back out in TLM, I suggested that surely Steris would have penned out a proper training schedule and then @priscellie threw in the idea of them doing scadrian yoga each morning. :D how could I not sketch this!?
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cosmerelists · 1 month
Cosmere Characters Do Their Taxes
It was just Tax Day in the US! Let's say that Cosmere characters had to pay taxes. How would that go for them?
Sigzil: Knows the tax code inside and out. Saves his receipts. Is basically the IRS's dream guy.
Hoid: Does not pay taxes. This is canon.
Kelsier: Does not pay taxes. This feels canon.
Marasi: Always pays her taxes.
Vivenna: Always pays her taxes.
Denth: Sure talks a lot about how complicated mercenary taxes are but if you listen carefully, he never actually says he did them...
Nale: Rigorously follows the tax code of whatever country he is in.
Wyndle: Claims Lift as a dependent. Reports all illegally acquired income at fair market value, as the tax code requires.
Lightsong: Does not pay taxes because he's, like, a god. But it's always bothered him, somewhere in the back of his mind, for some reason...
Adolin: Cheerfully hires someone else to do his taxes, at least so long as he's single.
Shallan: Does her own taxes, Sebarial's taxes, and Adolin's taxes post-marriage.
Steris & Wax: Do their taxes together. Romantically.
Wayne: Gives so much money to charity that he never owes any taxes. Orders his accountants to find a way for him to pay taxes anyway.
Straff: Does not pay taxes in the way rich people don't pay taxes--through, like, legal loopholes and off-shore accounts and shit
Elend: Rewrites the tax code to pay more taxes.
Lirin: Committed tax fraud. But only once.
Taravangian: Is not allowed to file his taxes when he is too stupid--because he cries about how confusing it is--or when he's too smart--because he's too good at finding all of the super obvious tax loopholes and anyway he's obviously way better than the government at knowing how to spend his own money!
Painter: Got in trouble once for not filing taxes because he knew he didn't make enough to owe any taxes. Seemed kinda stupid to him.
Moash: Makes an ethical argument against taxes, since the tax laws are written to benefit the rich and screw over the poor and he has no control over what the government uses his taxes for.
Kaladin: Is torn between paying his taxes like Dalinar ordered or not paying his taxes since he promised Moash he wouldn't until he finally files his taxes at, like, midnight on tax day
It's a whole thing.
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jaaaaaaaaaaaay · 5 months
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Steris being excellent yet again
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despondentnuzzy · 6 months
Wayne has been... interesting over the last few chapters and really this whole book.
Firstly I do think it's strong characterization for him to easily espouse and laud the greatness of Wax and Marasi while writing himself off. Proceeding to basically solve the entire apartment scene and downplay his accomplishments.
Wayne not only has a strong disdain for himself, but like many people in similar headspaces as him, he is not only unable to acknowledge his own positive attributes but is quick to actively downplay himself for the raising of others.
I doubt I am the first to see there's a strong connection between Wayne's power of bring sickly and unhealthy to then be the one taking punishment and intentionally being harmed to draw attention away from friends. It's like the allomantic equivalent of self-deprecating humor, which he is also consistently using, see again, the apartment scene.
Wayne is blinding rich, but lives a poor man's because he thinks he deserves it.
Wayne is constantly joking in his head about drinking because he's constantly thinking about drinking.
Wayne has the ability to slow down time, to create moments where there are none and yet he has defined the entirety of his life by a split second decision made by a parentless kid 25 years ago.
Wayne is so antagonistic towards Steris (she'll change Wax), so loathing of himself because not only can he not let go, he can't accept change in general.
If Wax is a positive side of Ruin, of change, it feels to me like can be Wayne is the toxicity of Preservation.
This is super rambly but I hadn't posted in a while and felt like these brainworms would be enjoyed.
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l3st1b0urn3s-707 · 2 months
I'm halfway done with The lost metal and it's absolutely amazing. Steris and Wax's children are lovely, and I was pleased to see Allik in the begining (and also by the fact that Marasi and him are in a relationship because they are both so cute and I knew they were perfect for each other). It was also nice recognising some characters on the backround. Hoid has lightly apeared again, Wax and Wayne have finaly met Marsh, and I'm almost certain I know who Moonlight is. Wayne's character arc is startin to scare me because it seems to be very sad, and I'm not mentally prepared for that. And Marasi and Steris are such girlbosses, one of them interacting with the ghostblods and the other one (hopefully) saving Elendel all by herself, I love those girls so much. I'm really excited to start reading part 3!
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marvelousmagicalaura · 4 months
Thoughts on Mistborn: Shadows of Self
Shadows of Self is incredibly great, heartbreaking, and thought-provoking!
I'm hurt and confused. And I'm not sure how to feel, and I love it for that. Shadows of Self is completely different than its preceding book. It is different from even the Mistborn trilogy. There are themes of the stagnation of political systems, religious tension, the ethics and morals of what line God should, could, might have on interfering with the lives of his creations. After finishing off the book, I genuinely had no idea what to think about Harmony, Trell's puppeteering, Bleeder's campaign, or the state of Elendel.
Something that annoyed me about Era 2's books off the bat was the noble system. There's no state sponsored murder or rape, and the nobles are more like businessmen. But it still felt like nothing changed over the last 340 years. I kept thinking... wow, this is what Kelsier died for?! This is what Vin and Elend fought to protect?! I started off hating everyone - Harmony, the Senate, constables, Wax, even Spook - for not erasing the noble system. But while reading the book I kept thinking about Sazed's limitations due to wielding the Shard of Harmony, his stance on free will, his subtle maneuvering of Wax and Marasi... and kept thinking about real life. I came to the realization that being in the role of God comes with a lot of nuance on guiding mortals. I connected the stagnation of Elendel back to the history of the US... how even though centuries has passed, many abhorrent systems are masked by seemingly more human systems. Governments are still being controlled by nobles and aristocrats, just in a different flavor. Policing has so many issues it could take 1000 years to solve.
Even after finishing the book, I still think the noble system should've been completely erased. But now I'm thinking if that would've fundamentally changed things. The US doesn't have monarchs, nobles, slave plantations, or aristocrats. But corporations, billionaires, politicians, and the upper class get away with a lot, they find ways to obtain power and avoid accountability. Would Harmony be right if he gave the divine mandate of "I DECREE NO NOBLES FOR ALL OF TIME!" At that point is free will a choice?
I started off blaming Harmony for not making a democratic world with no nobles. Ended off having… weird feelings about him. Like... MeLann brings up a great point about the kandra impersonating witnesses to testify against people. If Harmony allowed that, that could be a dangerous precedent.
But then there's Bleeder. Bleeder is easily my favorite antagonist in the series. She's incredibly competent, her body horror is gruesome horrific, and her climax is depressingly tragic. May she rest in the Beyond. Poor Wax. This is the thing that has me feeling weird about Harmony. This hurts cuz of Sazed. Fuck Sazed. Fuck Sazed. I knew Harmony would’ve become a Chessmaster, but not like this. Sazed isn’t supposed to manipulate people. Sazed isn’t supposed to cause trauma to people 😭😢💔💔
But Sazed is, unfortunately, the Hero of Ages. Harmony seems to be foreseeing a great disaster caused by Trell. I’m pretty sure he’s trying to thread towards a future possibility that will save Scadrial from this disaster. He must think about the future of the entire world. It hurts that he moved Wax this way, but would there really have been any difference if he left Wax completely alone? The Set - puppets of a Shard of Adonalsium - would've subtly caused turmoil on Elendel. What if he told Wax he was hunting Lessie? TenSoon said it himself. Harmony saw the future, saw that Wax wouldn't go through with it. Bleeder - another puppet of a Shard - would've succeeded in her goals. Sure he could've maneuvered someone else, but it opens a new can of worms!
I love the hints of Trell being a far scarier antagonist than it appears. I love the advancements and possibilities of Hemalurgy Trell is responsible for. Shadows of Self does a far better job than The Hero of Ages presenting gray morality in the motives and plans of gods. It also does a far better job at presenting a smart and clever antagonistic deity. I think with the conflict between Ruin and Preservation, Sanderson wrote many things that made Ruin appear too much like "the bad guy." He can say Preservation has a dark side, but we never saw it. The one reprehensible thing Preservation could've been completely responsible for - the Deepness killing people - ended up being the result of his frayed mind. He could've been solely responsible for the Deepness covering the Sun and killing plants, but that ended up being caused by Ruin. Ruin spoke with too much malice and joy of killing all life and destroying everything. Apart from his attributes being fundamental aspects of life and the Universe, there was no possible way I could've seen his stance as having any sort of value. Sanderson also wrote too many things that made Ruin's planning so far behind Preservation's. Preservation felt like a Xanatosian genius even on his deathbed. Ruin was a petulant child. Ruin wasn't kind, or patient, or particularly clever, or have long-spanning schemes when Sanderson presented him in the spotlight. Don't even get me started on his futuresight lmao. And tbh I don’t get why Sanderson wrote a being of death and destruction as the opposite of stasis and stability. Is he trying to say in life and creation, everything either stays the same or everything dies?
I know that wasn’t his intent, but it came across that way. It’s haphazard in retrospect, and I don’t understand why that was the direction after the beauty of Kelsier’s rebellion. I still love the concept of Ruin and Preservation’s conflict, but I think it could’ve been much more developed. More nuanced. Ruin could’ve been far more of a Chessmaster or represented a different concept.
With Harmony and Trell... I'm not as certain who's the good or bad guy. And so far, Trell's schemes are genuinely complex, layered, and terrifying. Even the Set are scary.
Marasi grew a lot, as expected. Wayne didn't grow but he was still so much fun. Love the new dynamic of Wayne and MeLaan, who's also pretty great. ARADEL IS A MAN!!!
There wasn't much of Steris this book. But she vastly improved in such a short time! Feels like she hides a lot but is actually a warm person. Look at the ending 🥺
Well done, Sanderson. I give Shadows of Self ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5.
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larissa-the-scribe · 4 months
So I've finished the Wax and Wayne series by Brandon Sanderson up to Bands of Morning (haven't got my hands on the last book yet) and my takeaway is pretty much summed up with: 
Wax: I'm an unstoppable fighter with both Magic and my guns Wayne: I'm a master of disguise Marasi: I'm a brilliant detective Steris: I make good life decisions. A beleaguered local constable that got roped into shenanigans: That's not a-- Wax, cutting him off: no, no, she's our most important member
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wyy-1257 · 11 months
Hoid Watch
As a person that's slowly making their way through the Cosmere, i am starting the Hoid Watch. Do i know who Hoid is? No. But so far he's made two appearances and people really seem to get excited when he is mentioned. So I'll document my Hoid encounters here in the order that they happen.
1. "The Hero of Ages" - Vin is supposed to meet an informant/beggar named Hoid, except her gut tells her to get tf outta there before she gets in a 100 meter radius of him.
2. "Shadows of Self" - Hoid is a new coachman that works for Wax (?). Wayne likes him, the feeling doesn't seem to be returned all that much.
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kaladinsspear · 7 days
Wax. Darling.
You know I love you, but your inner monologue has mentioned multiple times now that you find Steris amusing, interesting, and comforting. You are greatful for her support and have a bewildered admiration for her intelligence and planning skills. You have explicitly thought about how fond of her you are, and you talk through your emotions with her. I dont think you even do that with Wayne. You might not be in love with her (yet 😈) but you do like her as a person.
You have also, not one single time, ever communicated any of that to her.
Steris has told you several times that she not only knows the gossip about her, but believes it to be true. She might not be the type to throw a pitty party, but she has very poor self image and you are not. helping.
Wax. You are an idiot.
(its actually a really cool peice of characterization that Wayne has mentioned before. Wax is a good man and has a stong sense of justice, but he's not always very good at looking at things from someone elses perspective. He likes Steris, so he doesn't recognize how his actions would be interpreted by her.)
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saravarlok · 5 months
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I finished reading Mistborn Era 2 😭
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stew4 · 4 months
Steris Harms Ig?
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I love steris, as do most people.
I wanted to do something quick and easy and for something that took me like 10 minutes? I’m happy enough with this. We need more Steris love anyways.
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lamaery · 1 year
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Character scribble time!!!
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cosmerelists · 5 months
Cosmere Characters Versus A Toaster
Kaladin: Heroically sets the toaster to its highest possible setting. The toast is burned.
Vivenna: Cautiously sets the toaster to its lowest possible setting. The bread is unchanged. She tries it again. The bread is slightly warm. This happens over and over until she finally eats her vaguely crunchy but essentially untoasted bread. It's fine.
Hrathen: Is highly trained in the ways of toasters. His bread is always perfect, which he credits to the power of Shu-Dereth.
Dilaf: Deliberately burns his bread so that it is "blackened like the devils who dare to resist Shu-Dereth" and then eats it with wild eyes. It's disturbing.
Navani: Always calibrates her toaster so that it toasts properly every time.
Dalinar: Faithfully follows the ways of those who came before...that is to say, he never changes the setting from whatever it was when he got there. That means he's using Navani's settings, and his toast is always perfect.
Vin: Grew up eating burned toast but later learns that she kinda likes lightly toasted artisan bread. Angsts about this for a minute but eventually realizes that she can enjoy both.
Rock: Wants his toast to be burned. Is successful.
Adolin: Believes with all his heart that the settings on the toaster correspond to "levels of toastiness" and that others must understand how it all works better than he does.
Steris: Toasts her bread in a pan so that she can better control how toasty it gets.
Wax: Eats thoroughly blackened bread on purpose as a show of dominance. Calls it "Roughs Toast."
Yumi: Ritually toasts her bread seven times. It's pretty (lowly) bad.
Szeth: Always eats his bread plain and untoasted. Has never once considered any other way.
Renarin: Carefully reads all of the toaster instructions (in this reality he can read) and carefully chooses the most sensible setting. The bread burns anyway because toasters are bastards that way.
Jasnah: Carefully reads all of the toaster instructions and carefully chooses the most sensible setting. The toaster knows better than to burn her bread. It is perfect.
Tress: Has a crappy toaster that always burns the toast, but she just scrapes off the burned part and it tastes pretty good.
Hoid: Appears in the background of a scene putting a bar of soap into a toaster for some reason. Per Sanderson's "RAFO," this will be highly relevant later.
Lirin: Follows the "Wisdom of the Heralds" and does his bread in a toaster oven. It's way better.
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jmoonjones · 1 year
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Wayne would want it this way
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despondentnuzzy · 7 months
Wayne is fucking Gomez Addams if he never found a crazy goth chick to fuck his brains out.
Yes MeLaan is very Morticia but at least where I am she is no longer an item with Wayne.
He is constantly throwing his money into things that absolutely should fail and becoming obscenely wealthy.
Now of course I feel like Wayne partially does this in almost a like...self-flagellation kind of way? And I just have this image of him rotating in my brain of him in a fucking Gomez costume genuinely distraught over his failure to be a failed businessman.
In all honesty I do like this arc for Wayne, and maybe there can be some symbolic meaning found in the way his Feruchemical powers require him to become sick and that he is treating himself mentally so poorly. And he can finally "tap" some font of self-worth and self care.
For those who are Fanfic inclined I'm sure there is a lot of potential that just like his frequent substance usage you could create a self-harming Wayne who is constantly filling his metal minds, because he feels he deserves to be ill, to feel crummy. Because it's easier to physically ache then to try and make the pain that comes from inside stop.
I look forward to wrapping up era 2 as much as I'll mis(t)s it.
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