valkyrien · 1 year
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bhsiwoo · 6 months
heylo again! this is xydo (juyeon's mun) bringing you my second muse and oldest son, jeong siwoo, the owner of eternity. he's a bit more on the tragic side of my muse spectrum but i hope you love him as much as i do! read under cut for more info and hit the like button if you'd be keen to interact!
dossier / bio / plot / moodboard
jeong siwoo, thirty years old, a widow of three years now and the famous owner of eternity.
he is someone who knows and is well aware of his growing entrepreneurship and wealth amongst society. needless to say, he doesn't fear the main three house but that doesn't mean he wants to fuck around with them. he draws a professional line with the three houses (or basically anyone per say) and does not have any interpersonal relationships with anyone from those household, mainly because it saves him the headache of any unwarranted drama. he does however enjoy tea ceremonies hosted by yeon and is well aware of who is behind yeon but doesn't snitch due to their mutual business relationships (siwoo enjoys teas and tea ceremonies but offers no gossips. yeon gets to host his ceremonies at eternity's private room in exchange).
tw / death. he was in an arranged marriage with his now deceased wife when they were both twenty four and twenty five respectively. despite it being arranged, they were both very much in love. his belated wife passed away just roughly two years into their marriage from being medically poisoned. she was also in her fifth month term of pregnancy.
in present time, he's being pressured to remarry so that there's an heir to inherit eternity but siwoo has no plans to remarry anyone due to his deep infatuation and remorse over his belated wife. instead, he's secretly seeking for adoption of a possible heir or to bring in a mentee whom he will name as an heir. (wanted connection!)
backgrounds on eternity: siwoo was in his late seventeen when he inherited the no name hotel from his late father, leaving him an orphan as well. the no name hotel is then revamped by seventeen year old siwoo who then renamed it to be [eternity]. it's a miracle how eternity managed to get its fame that there were rumors that siwoo had been associated to shamans, people who practice dark magic/supernatural beings, or even that he lured people to his property. others have said that when a nearby prince who had been undercover/traveling to beonhwa had fallen sick, it was whatever is going on at eternity that the royalty recuperated well. no one truly had known how eternity had got its fame especially after the change in reign, and siwoo refuses to budge when prompted or asked to comment on the rumors. what matters now is that the reservation list will always be occupied and unless you know siwoo personally, one may have to wait even over a year to be able to stay at eternity for even just a day.
siwoo can be found in formal events amongst the main houses, or even cultural/private events that is hosted by the orchid opera houses. he hates attending formal events but has to 'show his face' out of courtesy when required, whereas he enjoys the later since his late wife was fond of performances, particularly involving traditional korean instruments. it would be nice to write a plot where he gets called out on attending formal events where he shows his disdain as much as he hides it, or alternatively if y our muse and him would somehow always be seatmates for shows at the opera house!
honorable guests at eternity. while he owns it, it doesn't necessarily mean he's there 24/7; trusting his management and staff well for things to be in control. finding him there is a sort of an honor which your muse is bestowed? casual conversation, or even attempts of flirts (for muses above twenty seven) ensues? alternatively: he gets mistaken as a guest in his own busi and your muse thinks he's a tourist, hence an impromptu travel guide around beonhwa
someone who looks up to him and wants him to be a mentor or sort (without the naming of heir part)
down the line, a possible fling or someone he has fwb with (for muses that are 27-30), will have to work on trust and chemistry for this
alternative take, your muse having a harmless crush on him that's definitely one-sided and won't be reciprocated by siwoo if you want to sign your muse up for some angst
someone he has business-to-societal benefits with. your muse who makes an appearance with him as his plus one to boost their own name/social standing while he gets insight on the main family/things that could boost eternity's standing and profit.
someone who constantly sees him by the beach alone, wondering why he comes here so often to stare at the scenery before leaving without doing anything in particular) a rather personal angst plot which involves talks of death
someone who thinks of him as a friend? and alternatively, a take where they no longer are friends especially after his late wife passed.
maybe someone who visually resembles his wife a lot and that makes him delirious in a way? (don't particularly need to be a romance connection) but will def go for the angst route
someone from the main house that he works with for a mutual benefit relationship with between siwoo helping the house and them helping with eternity's fame and profit
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1) do you have the exact age differences between the princes or just a vague idea
2) do fae in this fic age vaguely adjacent to humans and then just go on to live a really long time or do they age in proportion to how long they live.
bc if it was adjacent to humans how many of the princes were kids at the same time bc a small age gap for fae would mean one of them is like a full adult the same time the other is a toddler but once they both get to adulthood the age gap is basically nothing which honestly does make sense for how they are about janus being their baby brother but i’ve just been thinking about their ages too hard and i really wanna know
I'm so glad you asked! I litterally just finished doing the math and figuring this out before starting my vacation so you have perfect timing!
(please ignore any typos I don't have a good spellchecker on my phone)
So the rate at which fae age varies depending on social status, personal preference, and enviormental factors. Royal fae tend to age slower than most other fae. However, the royal family also tends to be much larger than it is now. Having a royal family consiting of two fae is unheard of, but that's exactly what happened with Thomas and Nico (there may or may not have been fratricide and/or regicide involved).
To compensate for the fact that the royal family was so small Roman and Remus started out aging faster than a royal normally would (which is still slow for us). They aged about the tenth of the speed of a human until Roman befriended Remy.
The twins were ninety-two and had the bodies/maturity of nine year olds when they met Remy. Remy was about nine at the time and aged at the same rate as a human. When Roman decided Remy was his best friend his aging subconciously sped up to match Remy's and from that point forward he aged at the same rate as a human.
Roman's siblings all subconsiously sped up their aging to match their oldest brother's. Remus was, obivously, the same age as Roman. Logan sixty-seven with the maturity of a six year old. Patton was twenty-five with the maturity of a two year old. Janus wasn't born yet.
Four years later Janus was born and his aging matched his big brothers' so he's always aged at the same rate as a human.
The twins were ninety-six literal years or thirteen maturity years older than Janus. Logan was seventy-one literal years or ten maturity years older than him. Patton was twenty-nine litteral years or six maturity years older than Janus. Remy was thirteen years older than Janus.
All of them stopped aging at around thirty and are all the same maturity now. Both fae and witches stop physically aging at about that age. The fae also stop aging matuirty wise around that time. Who fucking knows how mature witches are.
In literal years the twin are now three-hundred and ten (310).
Logan is two-hundred and eighty-five (285).
Patton is two-hundred and forty-three (243).
Remy is two-hundred and twenty-seven (227).
Janus is two-hundred and fourteen (214).
Virgil is thirty (30).
Physically and mentally they're all thirty. Except Remy. Schollars are still trying to figure out how mentally mature Remy is. There's a lot of debate.
So the twins are both the same age as Janus and about one-hundred years older than him. Even Patton about thirty years older than him. As far as fae are concerned Janus aged really fast for a royal. Hence why he's the baby.
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sgmwesters · 3 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › françois arnaud. cis man. he/him. . ╯ have you met CHRISTIAN FIELDS yet ? this thirty six year old gemini has been living in the Seattle area for two months. He makes a living as a plastic surgery attending, which is best suited for their bold, charismatic, skeptical, and arrogant personality. church by aly & aj is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 25, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
FULL NAME: Christian Matthew Fields.
AGE: Thirty Six (36).
DATE OF BIRTH: 01 June 1984, Gemini.
HOMETOWN: Boston, Massachusettes.
CURRENT LOCATION: Seattle, Washington.
ETHNICITY: Caucasian.
GENDER: Cis Male.
RELIGION: Atheist.
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: None, no interest in politics.
OCCUPATION: Plastic Surgery Attending.
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Medium-ish house.
ACCENT: Boston.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
FACE CLAIM: François Arnaud.
HEIGHT: 6 ft 2.
WEIGHT: 162 lbs.
BUILD: Muscular.
TATTOOS: Cliched lion on his chest.
CLOTHING STYLE: He doesn’t have a style, it’s probably flannel.
USUAL EXPRESSION: Likely a scowl but he doesn’t mean it.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: None he’s a generic white boy.
SLEEPING HABITS: what is sleep?
EXERCISE HABITS: he runs after a 2 year old isn’t that enough.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: look, it’s been a rough ride.
SOCIABILITY: somewhat sociable but won’t say no to watching tv alone.
DRUG USE: none.
ALCOHOL USE: frequently, but careful with it.
POSITIVE TRAITS: bold, charismatic.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: skeptical, arrogant.
FEARS: leaving annabelle without parents.
WEATHER: just prefers being inside.
COLOUR: he doesn’t have a favorite, he’s not seven.
MUSIC: rock and roll.
MOVIES: the lion king.
SPORT: rugby because he thinks it makes him look edgy or smart but he doesn’t actually know the rules.
BEVERAGE: smoothies.
FOOD: garlic bread.
ANIMAL: ducks.
Christian Fields was born as the oldest to a younger sister, LUCY FIELDS, in Massachusetts to a fairly wealthy family. The family didn’t want for much, they had the means to obtain what they needed and were comfortable in their lifestyle thanks to their parents jobs (a lawyer and a real estate agent). 
Christian was thirteen when their mother fell pregnant again, and having spent far too much time bickering with Lucy growing up, he wasn’t thrilled to learn about the new member of the family at first. It was only as time went on, he became more comfortable with the ideea, growing into the big older brother he knew that he could be. The family became closer than they had been.
When his mother went into labour, Christian had enough of an understanding to know that whatever was going on, wasn’t exactly good. If things were normal, there wouldn’t have been a mad rush to the hospital, there wouldn’t have been as much panic as there had been. All he could do was try and keep calm, try and keep Lucy calm, and wait for any news that might come.
Good news didn’t come at all though, with APH and fetal hypoxia resulting in the loss of not only their baby sister (Hazel, as she was henceforth known), and their mother. 
Things got harder from there on out, with their father withdrawing from them completely when he wasn’t completely berating them for the choices that they were making in their lives. Christian put his head down in school, not only to keep on his father’s good side but to be that role model for his sister that his father was no longer stepping up to being. 
Christian went on to attend Princeton University, flitting between medicine and law as his father had tried to talk him into a number of times. Despite that however, he had always felt more drawn to medicine, and went on to study at University of Maryland.
It was while studying at the University of Maryland that Christian met BROOKE WALKER, who was also studying medicine. To say that he fell for her charm would be an understatement, and the two continued their romance throughout their time at med school. It was only when it came to being matched to different hospitals, Brooke’s being Seattle and Christian’s being New York, that ultimately pulled the two apart and their relationship ended.
Christian had a natural flare for plastics almost as soon as he started his residency, and it became a no-brainer for him. He worked hard, he proved himself, and he secured not only a fellowship at Tulane - which is where he met Angelica.
Angelica was a neuro fellow at Tulane for the same period that Christian was, and they clicked from the moment that they met. Everyone could see it a mile off, as if it might have been written in the stars, meant to be. They were careful though, knowing that the promise of getting attendings positions in the same place were slim to none.
But it came through, and the pair headed back to the same hospital where Christian had done his residency in New York to kickstart their careers as attendings. It was picture perfect, a fairytale to say the least.
Christian struck up a good working relationship with LUCAS WILLIAMS, with Christian taking a special interest in the reconstruction surgeries of Lucas’s patients, it only became natural that their strong working relationship grew into a friendship that extended beyond the confines of the hospital walls. 
When Angelica fell pregnant in 2018, Christian was excited. It hadn’t been their plans as such, but nonetheless he was more than excited to take on the challenge to be a father. He shared the news quickly with his sister, there was nobody else he wanted to know before her.
October of 2018 Angelica and Christian welcomed a baby girl, Annabelle Hazel Fields, who became the centre of his universe very quickly. It was perfect, they had the jobs, they had the house, they had the little girl. Their lives were coming together, almost complete.
That was, up until the winter of 2020. Shortly after Annabelle’s second birthday, Angelica was involved in a car accident on her way to the hospital. It had been late at night, an urgent page for one of her patients that had her leaving their home and moving with haste to the hospital, only for a drunk driver to run a red light, and ultimately take Angelica’s life.
Christian was broken, but had to hold himself together for Annabelle. He knew they he wouldn’t be able to get through it alone - opting to call on the support network of his sister and uproot their lives to Seattle. 
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mnetruinedmylife · 3 years
Untitled Gang AU
This is just my need to write an AKB Gang AU combined with shameless Yuunaa. It’s written in mostly stream of consciousness writing, so the topic jumps to whatever connection my brain jumps to, it can get a little disorientating at times.  It’s also kind of unfinished, but I didn’t want it sitting in a file collecting dust, so here it is.
Warnings: this piece includes: mentions of violence, though nothing too graphic; traumatic flashbacks; mildly sexually charged scenes, though nothing truly nsfw.
The town of Akihabara is a place of conflict and contradictions.
Located in the central ward of Tokyo, it has the highest rate of organised crime activity in all of Japan. The police will claim that there are no gangs in Akihabara – after all, the businesses are flourishing and the tourists come in droves, there is no safer place. Yet, every denizen knows that the infamous 48 Gangs originated in there, and it’s even a point of pride for a few.
If the press interviews a resident, they’ll swear up and down that they’ve never felt safer anywhere else. But more than once has a tourist revealed that they’ve been told by locals scuttling about to either stay on the nearby streets north and west of Akihabara train station after dark, or else not go wandering about at all.
The Akihabara sect of the 48 Gangs themselves are full of conflicting information too.
Sometimes, when the residents manage to acknowledge that they exist, one may hear them whisper in hushed tones about how they’re vigilantes, heroes who do the right thing when the police can’t or won’t. But in the same breath they’d tell you to stay away from one particular café in the Hanaokacho district, and the theatre near Taito station. The members of the AKB sect themselves would laugh themselves sick at the term, all the while shooting a defenceless man in the head without batting an eye, because they’re not heroes. They have their own goals, their own plans, most of which revolve around protecting their own, their members, their family, and if some things extend towards heroism, than that’s just a coincidence, and if some things stretch closer to the other side, well, that’s fine too.
Word on the street says it starts during the days when multiple factions ran rampant all over Tokyo. When kids were recruited right out of high school (and some still in it) into the Project gangs and prostitution rings. Some say a man rose up to create a force that could clean up the streets and keep the gang violence where it belongs – between gangs and not involving civilians.
Aki-P they called him, the man who swept up the capitol’s underbelly.
People say also he’s the same man who created the Sakamichi Syndicate and started the bloodiest turf war Tokyo has ever seen. Some say he did it because he gave up on the AKB sect, when they started losing their way and becoming more dangerous than the gangs they rose up against. Others say he did it after losing control of the 48 Gangs, that he was ousted from the inner circle and so created a rival faction as vengeance.
No matter how different the stories get, they all have one similarity. The 48 Gangs are dangerous, the sect in Akihabara doubly so, and anyone who gets in their way, or harms anyone in their sphere, or dares to challenge their grip over Tokyo, take heed and be on the lookout.
They’ll come for you.
Okada Nana is fifteen when she boards a train from Kanagawa to Tokyo and doesn’t look back.
Kojima Mako and Nishino Miki are similar ages, and in similar situations when they run into each other, having decided to pickpocket the same mark, and the three of them decide to run together. The streets are a little less intimidating with two sets of eyes to watch your back, and two bodies to keep you warm at night.
Mako’s the devious one, with her heart-melting gummy smiles and disarming laugh, she’s able to charm any passer-by and con them out of their hard earned money.
“Sorry sir, I’ve lost my parents, can I please borrow three hundred yen for the train fare?”
It works more often than not, there’s never a shortage of businessmen willing to play hero and help out a stranded school girl. And if she steals the rest of their wallet when they’re not looking, well they usually don’t notice until it’s too late.
Miki is bolder. She takes items right off of shelves when she walks by, and isn’t afraid to go after other street kids who wander into the space they’ve claimed as their own.
Sometimes she’s a little too bold, “Let’s get lunch from there.”
And that’s where Nana comes in. She’s the cautious one, the voice of reason, the brains behind the operations as small and simple as it is.
“We can’t go in there,” Nana hisses, grabbing the other two by the backs of their collars before they do something stupid.
“Why not? The foods cheaper in there than anywhere else in the city,” Miki points out, not unreasonably.
But Nana is adamant, “Yeah for good reason. That café belongs to AKB.”
The innocuous street side café about a minute’s walk from Akihabara station is something of a local legend in the area. Anyone above thirty avoids it like the plague because of the rumours of it being owned by the 48 Gangs, or perhaps it simply just serves the members of AKB. The little number 48 carved into the brickwork above the café doors is a symbol of that.
However, it is popular amongst the youth of the city for that very reason. With many hanging out there to bask in the rebellious feeling of danger, or on adventurous dares from friends. Whispers fly about AKB recruiting from the youth who flock there. A few yankees even claim to be initiates recruited from there. They’re all bald faced liars. No prospective recruit would be stupid enough to loiter in a known gang-owned establishment.  
A few have, however, been known to have been recruited around the station. Our little trio of street rats like to linger around the area, pickpocketing the stupid school kids, the otakus heading to the Gundam café across the street, and the rich folk visiting the golf club on the other side of the block.
They do that for months before they’re approached by a member of AKB.  
Okada Nana is sixteen when Minegishi Minami approaches her and her friends with an offer they can’t refuse.
Her first job is with Mako and two other recruits. They’re tasked with the simple job of delivering a package and Nana has to wonder what’s so important that there needs to be four of them for this. Or maybe it’s not so important, considering there are four barely trained, fresh faced initiates on the job.
They scuttle about the train line, Mako skipping along merrily, Hikari following behind quietly, with Nana and Ayana bickering the whole way. They deliver the package without any issues worth mentioning to one Itano Tomomi at an upscale bar in the heart of the city. It turns out to be cold hard cash, and Nana goes white at the thought of possibly losing that much money. Or rather, what the gang would do to them if they lost that much money.
The next few jobs follow in a similar manner. Nana gets to know the names and quirks of her fellow runners. Innocent, seemingly useless things like:
Iwatate Saho is stronger than she looks.
“Oh god he’s unconscious…are you planning on joining Team K?”
“No, too dangerous. I’m thinking Team B. You know, manning the cafes and the casinos and stuff.”
Mogi Shinobu doesn’t do so well under pressure.
“What the-!? Mogi-san why didn’t you just shoot him?”
“I panicked!”
“I can’t believe you want to join Team A, you’ll die in a week.”
Murayama Yuiri is stupidly pretty.
“Yuiri-chan…We’re half an hour in the wrong direction. You had the map upside down.”
“Sorry! I’m sorry, usually Naa-chan corrects me when I do this, I mean, I’m not blaming Naa-chan! It’s just she…Naa-chan what are you looking at?”
“Err nothing. Nothing, I got distracted.”
Takashima Yurina has somewhat of a crush on her.
“Naa-chan I bought drinks.”
“Where’s one for the rest of us?”
Uchiyama Natsuki knows a ridiculous amount about the law.
“Article 13: every individual has the liberty of protecting his or her own personal information from being disclosed to a third party or made public without good reason.”
“Somehow I doubt beating him up would fly as ‘taking the liberty to protect our property’.”
Apparently they do a somewhat of a good job, because Nana finds herself selected as part of a joint project between all the 48 Gangs. She, Mako and Miki are the representatives of the Akihabara sect and Nana wonders how the hell the upper echelons decided on that.  
“So, what are your specialties?” somehow it falls to Nana to lead this ragtag group.
The Namba sect representative Shibuya Nagisa is actually the oldest (by a few months) but she’s no more experienced than they are – Nana finds out later, the reason why all of the sects sent their freshest recruits. It’s all internal politics, and a mission too important to turn down, but not important enough to ensure successful. In short, they’re expendable and they weren’t even expected to make it home.
The job is in Tokyo, so Nana takes the reigns by default.
She finds that leadership suits her.
It feels like a natural extension of what she was already doing when they were just three idiots on the street, planning operations meticulously so that they come back in one piece, and utilising the skills of her teammates in the most efficient way possible. There are three more idiots to account for now, but she is familiarised with them soon enough.
Nagisa is the strongest in hand-to-hand combat amongst the seven of them, Sakae’s Ryoha the most accurate shot, Hakata’s Meru joins Miki in being the loud charismatic distraction, while Mako and Hakata’s Mio are swift and sneaky with their hands. It’s the perfect team for covert operations. Which makes sense, considering they’re being sent south of the Kanda river, into Sakamichi territory to gather intel on the new gang that’s popped up by the Roppongi hills.
It seems like a simple mission.
Get in, look around for suspicious activity, get out. There isn’t supposed to be confrontation or combat involved.
But no plan survives contact with the enemy, and no one cares about supposed to be’s when there are guns pointed at their heads.
When she’s desperately wrestling with a knife that wants nothing more than to dig into her flesh, when she’s slammed against the wall, breath knocked out of her, when a pair of hands wrap around her throat and squeeze, and her lungs scream as her legs thrash uselessly underneath, her vision blurs, and the terrifying realisation that she won’t actually get out of this situation alive sets in – oh god is that Miki screaming she hears in the background? – the air is rushing out her lungs and –
“Naa-chan. Naa-chan! Snap out of it, you’re not there anymore.”
Nana eyes fly open, as she dashes up, heart still thudding in her chest. She has to make sure everyone’s okay, what happened to Miki, and oh god Mio was stabbed, and where the hell is Mako, and they lost contact with Ryoha half an hour in, and Nagisa is unconscious, and no matter how deep a breath she takes, it doesn’t seem to be enough. Her chest burns, she can’t breathe and – a hand lands on her shoulder, the accompanying scent of hinoki pine only just barely manages to stamp down the instinct to lash out.
Yuiri’s concerned face drags her back to reality, “It’s okay. You’re home. You’re not there, you’re safe now,” to the little hole in the wall apartment she has (firmly on the AKB side of the Kanda river), to the bed she’s sharing with the pretty distraction on her team. Though, perhaps that would be unkind to say, even if she refuses to think of what they’re doing as anything more than just stress relief, blowing off steam.  
Belatedly Nana realises that she has a death grip on Yuiri’s upper arm, she loosens her grip but doesn’t let go, “S-sorry,” her hands are shaking, she’s trembling and she can’t get it to stop, and Yuiri’s murmuring nonsense things in her ear.
“Why are you sorry? I’m sorry, I’m such an idiot,” Yuiri apologises with a grimace. They’ve established early on that Nana does not like hands anywhere near her neck, that one horrendous mission spoiled that forever, but sometimes Yuiri forgets, and the resulting post-traumatic flashbacks are the most mood-killing thing possible in the bedroom, or sometimes out of it too.
The first time it happens is in a street by the AKB theatre of all places. It’s after a job with just the two of them, when they’re both high on adrenaline, breaths heavy, eyes glazed, still in the heat of violence, fresh from a near-death scuffle. Nana’s not sure who jumps whom first, but suddenly they’re in each other’s space, hands tangled in hair, and tongue against teeth. Yuiri tastes like citrus that night, some kind of lemon mixed, and the deeper she kisses her the more she can taste the metallic tang of blood and the salt of sweat mixed in.
Nana closes her eyes tightly, a low, throaty moan of approval rumbles deep in her throat as her back hits the wall with a light thud, the moan turning markedly louder as the elder girl’s fingers slip inside the waistband of her shorts and shoves them down over her hips. Strong, forceful fingers dig into her and pull her in even tighter as her mouth is once again claimed in a desperate, hungry kiss.
“Yuu-chan,” she moans, gasping at the feel of the other girl’s tongue against her throat.
“Yes?” Yuiri’s lips curls into a smile against Nana’s, she groans low and deep as Yuiri’s hips grinds into her own.
“Don’t stop.”
It’s easier with Yuiri, they understand each other in ways her other teammates simply don’t. Maybe it’s because the most of the others are like what Nana was at first, just street kids and lowly thieves dragged in way over their heads. When Nana and Mako come back from that FUBAR recon mission with their hands soaked in blood, the others look at them different. With wariness in their eyes, with guarded stances, with hints of fear in their faces.
Mako’s stupid grin thaws their hesitance soon enough. But Nana has never been that kind of charismatic. Not in the way that makes other at ease. She’s always been harder, more serious, and that only makes her look much more intimidating now.
“You’re still here?” Nana raises an eyebrow when she realises that Yuiri is still lingering about. These days, most of her team disappear faster than a blink of an eye the moment the job is done, not wanting to be around for longer than necessary.
But Yuiri only looks at Nana like she’s the one being unreasonable, “Don’t we usually go for kakigori after a job?”
“You want to have desserts with me? What, not afraid I’ll snap and kill you?” Nana asks, sadly only half sarcastically, because with the way the rest of the team treat her, it seems that’s exactly what they’re thinking.  
The other girl snorts and actually has the audacity to chuckle, “You’re going to have do a lot more than be traumatised to scare me. I’m sure I’ve killed more people than you.”
Yuiri wasn’t some street kid when she got recruited. She was born into this world, her family neck-deep in the underbelly of Japan, and she’s no stranger to violence. There’s only one other like that on their team, Nana would’ve overlooked Mion entirely if Yuiri hadn’t pointed her out.
“You can always tell when someone’s killed before,” Yuiri says, “It’s in the eyes.”
The months blur into years, and before Nana knows it most of her team have the same eyes, the ones who are still alive anyway. The ones who are left split off into the different teams of AKB eventually. Mako, Ayana, Mogi and Komiharu are sent to Team K, with their dangerous combat orientated jobs and Nana just hopes they keep coming home. Saho and Saki are off in the relatively safer B, the front jobs, manning the café and the casinos and the above-board stations. Yukari and Mion end up in A, and Nana hopes beyond hope that they don’t lose themselves in there.
Nana and Yuri themselves never leave 4. They’re the ones chosen to train up the newbies, and she has no idea who thought that is a good idea. She never actually does anything too important in the gang – up until the moment she accidentally founds an entirely new sect.
She’d been in Fukuoka visiting Mio and Meru, and it’s in Hiroshima, on her way back to Tokyo that Nana manages to get herself recognised and chased. She hated cults with a passion. Why did they have a problem with her anyway? It’s not like the 48 Gangs had territory claimed in Hiroshima –
She falls off the fence the she’s attempting to climb over and lands on her back with a dull thud. The grass is soft at least. She spends a few moments just staring up at the night sky, it’s actually quite breathtaking when you’re far away enough from the city lights to appr—
“Are you okay?”
Oh, there’s a kid in pink and purple. A teenager really. Nana can’t tell ages anymore.
“…m’fine. Sorry didn’t mean to land in your backyard,” she says. An apartment complex’s backyard anyway, she realises when she sits up. It’s a rundown building that’s clearly not in official use. It appears there are kids squatting in it.
It’s difficult to tell in the dark, but when Nana squints she can make out maybe two more teens peeking out from behind a window.
“Wanna come inside?” the girl asks, and Nana really really shouldn’t.
A gunshot sounds in the air though, and Nana quickly scrambles to follow the kid inside. Being noble is all well and good, but it definitely doesn’t beat being alive.
When Nana awakens the next morning, she hears furious whisperings back and forth between the teens – and there’s clearly more of them this morning than there was last night.
“—it’s dangerous, she’s clearly a member of the 48 Gangs! You saw that tattoo!” an unknown voice hisses, and Nana wonders when and how they saw the little 48 tattoo on the back of her neck. That’s not usually visible and she’s usually a light enough sleeper to wake up if they touch her.
“Yeah, that means she can help us!” that’s Chiho, one of the girls she remembers half-heartedly greeting the night before. The one with the bruises on her face.
“We can’t trust a gang member!”
“So what else are we going to do? They took Yumirin, we’ll never get her back ourselves!”
Nana’s always had a soft spot for stupid kids. It’s probably why they never took her off Team 4, and how she finds herself hopping all over the setouchi region, rescuing girls from a fox worshipping cult.
Girls who somehow end up forming the Setouchi sect of the 48 Gangs – Sashihara-san comes down from Fukuoka to make it official and everything.
Mogi never lets her forget it.
“Hey Naa-chan, remember the time you went to visit Mio and Meru and ended up playing prince charming and rescuing ten damsels in distress?”  
Might finish it later, might not. Who knows...
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samgraca · 3 years
( DANIELA RUAH + FEMALE ) —  Have you seen SAMANTHA GRACA ? This THIRTY-SEVEN year old is a PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AT NYU who resides in MANHATTAN. SHE has been living in NYC for A MONTH (LEFT INITIALLY WHEN THEY WERE SIXTEEN), and is known to be EARNEST and CHARISMATIC, but can also be ABRASIVE and UNFORGIVING, if you cross them.  People tend to associate them with INK STAINED HANDS and BOXING GLOVES CHUCKED CARELESSLY ON HER DESK — @codstarters​
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Trigger warnings: death, murder, violence, sickness, ptsd
The Smith family were as normal as the name itself. Mia Grace and William Smith seemed like a match made in heaven. Both from rich families (hers being based primarily in England), with personalities that balanced each other out. Once the children came along, they were the quintessential American family.
Unlike many families it hadn’t felt like a facade. Despite their many roles, both Mia and William were heavily involved in the lives of their daughter. WHether it was going to Sam’s soccer games or little Madeline’s dance rehearsals. They were always there.
Sam (called Samantha only by her parents) was the oldest daughter by eight years. She always had been a little combative, a difficult child per say. Too much energy her teachers used to say. Even so, she was sweet and kind and her anger was always in defense of somebody else. Usually Madeline.
While she loved both her parents, she was always a dad’s girl. She wanted nothing more than to become a big time soccer player like him and then coach afterwards.
Then she turned sixteen and a few days afterwards, everything fell apart.
For the six months beforehand, New York had been shook by a series of murders. Young girls, twenty-two of them. Every female in the city was scared and for good reason. Sam’s parents had even refused to allow her out at night until the man was caught.
Ironic, considering that a few days after her birthdays, a couple of detectives came to the house and arrested William Smith for the murders. Even just over two decades later, the memory of the police pulling him away, her mother sobbing and asking what the hell could have been going on, remains burned in her memory.
One should never think that things couldn’t get worse because just when Sam thought it couldn’t, it did. On the day of his trial, William Novak disappeared. No one is exactly sure how, just that he went into the police van but when it got to the courthouse, he was gone. It was almost like a magic trick. 
Oh the city kicked into gear again and both Mia and Sam were interrogated what felt like constantly, detectives and agents desperate to find the man that had terrorised the city for what felt an age. After six months, he was still in the wind.
After that, the family was public enemy number one. The house was vandalized, the family excluded from every social event and on one horrific occasion, Mia was attacked on the way home. She was okay, but it was the last straw. How could they stay in a city that hated them, that would not soon forget such hate? Already Sam was skipping classes to stand outside Madeline’s class and lunch area, determined to not let anyone get to her or say anything at all that might scare her. So, with nothing left to lose, Mia packed up her life and her daughters and moved them all back to her home in London.
From there, Mia was determined to forget New York and for her daughters to do the same. They changed their last names back to Mia’s maiden name and endeavoured to pretend that it never happened. For little Madeline, who wasn’t quite old enough to understand the intricacies of what was going on, it was easier. For their mother and Sam however? It was not the same.
Sam pulled away from the world. She was angry and people made it worse. Madeline was the only one who didn’t receive her anger. Her baby sister still had light in her and she’d be damned if it was lost.
She stopped playing soccer then. Soccer was her and her dad’s thing and she wanted nothing more than to be rid of him. So instead of sport and instead of people, her time was spent studying. It was a distraction and it was a damn good reason to tell people to piss off. Which she did, alot.
It wasn’t until she got to Oxford (her mum cried when she got the acceptance letter) where she started to find a new part of herself. One that William Smith had never met.
Studying Elizabethan  History felt like studying a whole different world. Maybe that's why she fell in love with it. The idea that this world had existed not all that long ago was thrilling. She can’t pinpoint the moment where she decided that this was it. That she wanted to spend her time on Earth talking about Queen Elizabeth and all her intricacies. A far cry of a life in soccer that’s for sure.
Oxford became a version of home to her. She liked being talked about for reasons that she was proud of. For being good at her job, the best even. Despite everything, she had created some sort of life for herself.
Madeline ended up back in the states. That was hard. The longest Sam had ever lasted there, even in San Francisco, was a week. Visits were rare but it was okay right? Oh well if she missed her baby sister more than anything. Maddie was happy and free of the chains that her mum and sister still wore. It was okay.
Until Maddie got sick that is. Then Sam’s world fell apart again. The worst might have been that she couldn’t be there. America was still too much for her. It was embarrassing and it felt  shameful. Her heart wanted to be as close to her baby sister as she could but also couldn’t handle it. Their mum was the same. Let’s not even talk about what William Smith still being out there did to them. What if he heart about his youngest daughter dying and decided to turn up?
Maddie was too young to remember the terror her father caused and reading about it just wasn’t the same.
Despite all hope, two years ago, Maddie still died. It felt wrong. Madeline, the best of the whole family was the one to suffer so badly. Sometimes she wished she could have swapped places with her. Maddie deserved better. Always.
Sam has always bounced between teaching and researching/writing. The past two years however has been spent primarily working on her latest book. This one was on the School of Night and their influence in England and beyond.  
Soon after it was published, two months ago, she was offered a professorship. Now such steady work is hard to come by as an academic and any in their right mind would jump at the chance.
The catch though? It was in America but not only that, it was in New York. Oh, how she had agonised over what to do. It was the perfect opportunity for her but it was New York and New York was the big bad.
Eventually it had been the idea of what Maddie would have wanted that made her take it. She had disappointed her when she had been alive and there was no going back. Maybe this would help. Maybe Maddie would be looking down on her big sister and be proud of her. Sam hoped so.
New York is different then she remembered, parts of it at least. Last time she was here, there were posters of her father everywhere but no longer.
Being Professor Samantha Graca is a lot easier than being Samantha Smith. She tends to spend most of her time at NYU, still unable to bring herself to explore the city, to trust that city but even still. It was progress.
She’s some kind of happy here, sometimes at least.
Sam has a distinctive birthmark in her right eye called the nevus of Otis. It gives the appearance of one of her eyes being black instead of brown. Her little sister used to call it her dead eye.
She has a 1968 Dodge Charger called Billy that she is currently dearly missing. It’s been an absolute ordeal trying to get it shipped from England.
There’s a tremor in her right hand, one that’s been there since everything that happened with her dad. It only tends to start when she’s either really stressed and upset or when anything at all to do with her dad comes up. It’s a good judge of how badly she’s doing to be honest.
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ozmikkelsen · 4 years
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↪ brief introduction to austin mikkelsen.
full name: austin lucas mikkelsen. nickname(s): oz. age: thirty-four. date of birth: 19 june, 1986. zodiac sign: gemini. place of birth: billings, montana, united states. ethnicity: caucasian. nationality: american. gender: cis male. sexual orientation: pansexual. romantic orientation: panromantic. religion: lapsed catholic. occupation: former us army ranger; currently working as a paramedic.  language(s) spoken: english, very broken danish & arabic and farsi from his deployments overseas. accent: oz doesn’t have a particularly discernable accent - it occasionally sounds particularly canadian or midwestern but he wouldn’t be able to pinpoint it if someone asked.
face claim: garrett hedlund. hair color: dirty blonde / brown. eye color: blue. height: 6′1″. weight: 200 lbs. build: strong, athletic. tattoos: he has a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm ( pictured here ).  piercings: he has a septum piercing.  distinguishing characteristics: his tattoos and the way he carries himself are usually fairly noticeable but in his experience the fact that he’s always smiling is what he’d consider a distinguishing characteristic. 
label: the soldier.  positive traits: adaptable, adventurous, challenging, charming, clever, compassionate, disciplined, independent, methodical, passionate, persuasive, resourceful. negative traits: awkward, hard-headed, flighty… goals/desires: to make an impact of some kind with the work he does, to encourage people to be themselves, to live a good life doing what he loves. fears: autophobia ( fear of being alone ). hobbies: drinking, sex, watching old westerns, reading dime store paperback novels, spending time with his sisters, gardening, working out, cooking, playing video games. quirks: he swears like a sailor even in regular conversation, binge watches shows until he finishes them even if he pulls all-nighters to do it, gives every contact a nickname in his phone, watches old westerns when he’s in bad moods. likes: disney movies, cute people, old spaghetti westerns, aged scotch, sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, classic rock, his beat up acoustic guitar, good cigarettes, animals, video games, table top games, his friends.   dislikes: overtly prejudiced people, being bad at games, brussels sprouts.
father: benjamin mikkelsen. mother: olivia mikkelsen ( née jensen ). sibling(s): ashton & abigail mikkelsen. pet(s): he doesn’t currently have one but he’s debated getting a dog. financial status: comfortable.
( TW: mentions of injury )
Ben and Olivia Mikkelsen hadn’t been trying to get pregnant when Olivia found out she was pregnant with their first child— Ben was between military deployments and the elation at having him home for even a limited amount of time had been as overwhelming as it always was for the pair of them. Neither of them regretted it in the slightest but Ben’s next planned deployment began shortly thereafter and when he returned it was to the presence of their first child— a son— Austin Lucas Mikkelsen. Though he had been unplanned the Mikkelsens doted on their son from the moment he was born and Austin— an unfailingly happy and easy to care for infant— seemed to delight in every second of attention his parents could spare him. There was no lack of love in the Mikkelsen household and though he was an only child Austin ( Oz as his father affectionately called him and what Austin himself demanded to be called as soon as he could speak ) felt like he was the luckiest boy in the world even if he had no means of conveying that to his family at such a young age.
When he was two years old his younger sister Ashton was born and everything he’d found wonderful about the world became that much more so with the presence of his younger sibling in his life. They were joined at the hip from day one and though their parents loved them both fiercely the Mikkelsen siblings caused their parents no shortage of grief as they got to be old enough to run amok around their hometown of Billings, Montana. As he got older Oz’s unfailing happiness and optimism only seemed to be matched by his rough and tumble eagerness to experience absolutely everything life had to offer him— even when he was seven and all that had involved was things like skateboarding down the steepest hill he and Ash and their friends could find in town or jumping off a rickety rope swing into a creek and managing to miss the creek entirely and break his arm instead. Nothing ever seemed to deter Oz from living his life to its absolute fullest and it was something his parents both adored and fretted about in equal measure.
The birth of his baby sister only seemed to mellow the oldest Mikkelsen child out the slightest bit but both Oz and Ashton absolutely doted on Abigail— the third and final addition to their merry band of trouble-makers, though the sheer protectiveness the older Mikkelsen children brought to their relationship with their baby sister kept her free of most of the trouble and consequences of said trouble that all three of them could get into. As he grew older and considerations about his future became more and more pressing Oz came to the slow realization that he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and join the military— when he turned seventeen the branch he wanted to join was still undecided but after meeting with an army recruiter at his high school he made the decision to join the US Army the moment he turned eighteen.
His father was incredibly proud of him but still worried incessantly about his son’s safety— something Oz tried to reassure him about frequently when he was being rotated overseas to the Middle East for the first time. His first deployment came and went without any issues whatsoever and Oz volunteered for a second without giving it a second thought - in his mind it was the right thing to do and not even Ashton’s enlistment in the Army to follow in his footsteps was something that could deter him. His second deployment seemed destined to follow his first in terms of his personal safety until a routine patrol he was involved in drove straight over an IED and Austin Mikkelsen found himself broken and bleeding in a remote desert being held together by what seemed like little more than sheer force of will. Oz had been half convinced he was going to die in the desert and it was the efforts of his friends in the squad and the quick response of the medical team sent to intercept them that saved his life.
Though he’d wanted to continue serving for a long while all of his plans were forced to make an abrupt shift when he came out of surgery following the accident— alive, but with shrapnel embedded in his legs to the point that he would need further surgery and intense physical therapy to be able to recover from the ordeal. Oz was allowed a medical discharge from the army and moved back in with his parents in Billings to recover; he wasn’t bitter about his accident-- he felt lucky, in fact, and his endless optimism hadn’t been shaken in the slightest by the turn his life had taken. During his recovery he made the decision to go to school online to try and earn a college degree to better prepare himself for the rest of his life— studying history with the intention of becoming a teacher when all was said and done. When he was twenty-five he found himself studying to become certified as an EMT more to fill time and earn a job as he finished his teaching credential but Oz found from the moment he began work as an EMT that it was what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. Save people. Or at least do everything in his power to help them in a dire moment in their life.
He moved to Providence Peak at the age of twenty-seven alongside his girlfriend at the time and continued to put time into being an EMT-- eventually putting all of the time he wasn’t working towards studying to become a paramedic-- a certification he earned a year after his move. Though his relationship eventually ended and his ex-girlfriend moved away Oz was content to remain in Providence Peak— it wasn’t all that far away from his family but it was a place that reminded him enough of home that he was content to remain there. Now nearing his mid-thirties Oz has finally embraced the fact that in spite of the abrupt end to his military service-- he’s still managed to carve out a life for himself that he can be proud of and he thanks the powers that be every day that they gave him a second chance to live his life to the fullest.
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theaurorfileshq · 4 years
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E D E N   B L U E  /  A U R O R   O F F I C E R
AGE:  Thirty-Seven
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Agender, They/Them
IDENTIFYING FEATURES: Hamsa tattoo on forearm, several other tattoos on chest and back, Russian accent, pretty eyes, always carries tea leaves somewhere on their person. 
(+): Sight, Empathy, Nonverbal Magic
(-): Disregard for the System, Fear of the Future, Combative Magic
Volkan Şimşek doesn’t realize that the dreams they have aren’t dreams for a long time. Their parents have more to worry about than their middle child’s vivid imagination, after all, so they grow up assuming everyone has them, but no one talks about them. That’s just how it is, keep quiet unless it’s something serious. There are too many mouths to feed in the Şimşek house, seven children, not enough work to get by easily, they don’t have time for the trivial. Their parents talk about the glory they thought they would find when they left Turkey, swept up in the promise of a utopia, a notion that was quickly assuaged when they arrived in the Soviet Union, and found themselves stuck in a worse position. Everyone talks about change as the years pass, about things looking up, the streets becoming less dangerous, but he has dreams about his family, he sees what their future is like. Change like that for doesn’t happen when you’re poor.
When the strange woman comes to tell their parents that they have magic, and that there’s a school for them where they can hone their skill, their parents are shocked, never having seen any signs of it before. Volkan’s surprised, too, still not making the connection. The dreams are dreams, vivid and realistic, but nothing more than that.
When a second stranger shows up a day later, offering the same, but with the promise of power, mentioning they’ve seen them in visions, what they can be if they come with them instead, they all start to take it seriously. Suddenly they’re afraid of what the bad dreams mean. Their parents, though, see it as an opportunity for one of their children to have more. Any chance to get away is a good one, even if none of them can fully wrap their heads around a world existing where a flick of a wand can change everything in an instant. Their parents want them to take the second offer, Durmstrang. It’s far, an escape from this reality. But they’ve seen who they become if they follow that path, even if they hadn’t realized it until hearing the name of the second school. The words had just been gibberish to them, shouted in their nightmare. Sturm und Drang.
(Later, they’ll call it the difference between a small vision, and a big one, never having had anyone to explain it to them. The small ones are literal, a glimpse of a concrete future, no room for questions, possible to dissect and reverse with the right critical eye. The big ones, they’re full of symbols, and fantastical images. They feel like dreams in a way the others don’t once they’re more aware, and sometimes they happen with such intensity they can’t even remember them, a blank spot in their memory. But they always leave them with a sense of dread.)  
They choose Koldovstoretz, the first offer, the school too close to home. They beg, and they cry, and they make their parents’ lives hell, until they relent and agree, so afraid of becoming who they are in that nightmare. Divination isn’t a subject taught there, brushed off as archaic, not enough actual seers alive to make it worth it, so it takes their own research to begin to understandthat they’re a seer. They know they should tell someone, but that’s part of the nightmare. People knowing. (They were surrounded by crowds in the dream, chanting about eyes, about being seen.) They may have managed to keep their education from the ones who want the nightmare for them, but that doesn’t mean they won’t find them. So they don’t tell anyone, and none of their classmates or professors seem to look at them for long enough to notice. Unlike in the vision.
They teach themself to hide it, to control it, their Sight. Most of their Sight involves dreams, but they’re good at the more traditional methods, too, tea leaves, crystal balls, reading the stars, as foolish as they feel doing it at first. Over the years, on their own, they learn how to trigger the visions, although they have little control over the subject matter, even if they try to focus it as best they can. A certain concoction of herbs made into a tea, with the right ones burning at the same time, and it’s like falling into a trance, or a sleep filled with someone else’s dreams.
When they have a vision of their father and both of their oldest sisters being dragged away by the government, for crimes that weren’t even crimes, it feels like a jolt of lightning. There’s something horrifying about working so hard to change your own future, and realizing you can’t change the futures of those you care about the most.
After that, there’s only one possibility, stop that from happening to anyone else they can. They think the best way to do that is to stay in the Soviet Union, but too much in their vision is uncertain, and they’re afraid if they stay close to their family, they’ll be putting them at risk, too. The pain that comes with looking in any of their eyes, knowing they had seen what happened to their father and sisters, but did nothing to stop it, helps make the choice easy.
They do what their parents wanted, the go far, far away, all the way to America, accepted to Wizard Harvard Law, without anyone knowing about their Sight. They change their name to something lighter, less powerful sounding, hoping that might keep anyone from finding them, and keep them from becoming their nightmare. And it’s easy to get comfortable in the skin of Eden Blue. Everything is so simple with their visions. They don’t mind leaning on the tea leaves, the crystal balls, the stars in private to make it through, and they learn a thing or two about the system they’re walking into being just as awful as the one they had come from and with less excuse for it, magic and freedom making it so much simpler to be good, in their mind.
From there, it’s New York, because there doesn’t seem to be a better place to do their work. Mentors throw around words like prodigy, and when they’re in their own firm, the prosecutors they face like to shake their heads about how they could get even the devil off. They only take cases they’ve seen, that’s the thing. A lot of them are cases they see other defense attorneys screwing up, costing the lives of those either innocent, or simply guilty of breaking laws that shouldn’t even exist. They steal clients, and make enemies of a lot of people, but the people who matter always thank them, and that’s what matters. They’re not going to let any more of their nightmares become a reality.
They’re suspiciously good at what they do, but it takes a long time before anyone realizes how they can have such a perfect record of getting their clients off. The only reason anyone does is because one of the big visions happens unexpectedly, in the middle of a deposition. It catches them off guard, hitting so suddenly they can’t stop it, the sort of earth-shatteringly fierce visions that they don’t remember afterward. The bigones are few and far between since they started making a living off of the small ones, so it’s a shock. And looking around the room, when they come back to themself, it’s clear that it’s a shock to everyone else, too.
Even now they’re not sure what that vision was, and it’s always in the back of their mind, that they might’ve been able to help whoever it was about. They do it differently in America, apparently, collect visions, prophecies, they call them, and keep them safe for only the ears of those involved, so that’s where it goes. There’s not necessarily a law against what they’ve been doing, but once it’s in the open, as it goes through the system, apparently everyone seems to agree it’s not something that should be allowed. They’re disbarred, and suddenly it feels a whole lot like maybe they’re hurdling towards the nightmare they had as a child, as they watch all of their cases thrown out the window, everyone they helped suddenly in danger of the futures they had been trying to prevent again.
(That’s the problem with the future, they learn, and it terrifies them to realize it; too much is up for debate, there are too many choices people can make, even the smallest thing changing an entire life, there’s no way to guarantee they can ever do enough to stop something from happening, when they can only control their own choices.)
But there are other ways to help, they have to believe that, so they put themself on the other side of the system, with no indication of what else to do. They’re accepted into the Salem Academy with a dozen warnings; they make it through, and they’re offered a place on the Central Squad. The condition of their employment is that they can’t use their Sight the way they had during their years as a lawyer. The thing about that is that they have no way to know. The smallvisions, no one catalogues them, no one puts them in a little crystal orb, and files them away in some governmental department few people are allowed to enter. It probably says something about how poorly the rest of the legal system, and the aurors actually communicate that they don’t give them any other restrictions. But then again, maybe the reward of having a seer on the team outweighs the risk, of what they could do, as just one person.
The problem is that they can’t choose their cases, they can’t play this system to make sure they’re only on things that they’ve seen, things where they can try help. It feels a whole lot like they can’t make enough of a difference here, but they try, they spend a hell of a lot of time trying to force visions on the cases they do end up on, but it rarely works, and when it doesn’t, they do it the old fashioned way, like every other auror. And it makes them realize something strange, when one rough night they try to force a vision of their own future, to see if they’re on the right track here. They haven’t seen their own future since that nightmare nearly thirty years ago.
They made a choice when they were a child, afraid of finding themself in the future they had seen, and every decision they’ve made since then has been trying to be the opposite of who they were in their dream. Somewhere along the way, they might’ve gotten something wrong. To choose to try avoid what they’ve seen, means being in the dark, but to give into prophecy means choosing the nightmare. Their mind’s been filled with everyone’s choices but their own for so long, that it makes them worry that they changed their future so wholly that they won’t have one at all. In the meantime, all they can try is to help the ones who do.
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mxtons · 5 years
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        richard  madden  !    |        look  at  those  camera’s  flash  for  bellamy  maxton  (  he  +  him  )  !  the  thirty  year  old  television  star  is  famous  for  their  role  as  sir  erik  in  the  hit  show:  royals.  the  tabloids  portray  them  as  being  frivolous  and  pugnacious,  however  they  are  actually  very  insouciant  and  audacious.  seeing  them  always  reminds  me  of  worn  bomber  jackets,  dark  circles  under  bright  eyes,  and  empty  chinese  food  cartons.
hello  !  my  name  is  cait  and  i’m  always  late  to  the  party  so  this  is  no  surprise  !  i’m  Super  Excited  to  be  here  and  can’t  wait  to  interact  w  all  of  you  !  will  i  be  using  icons  ?  will  i  be  using  gifs  ?  who  knows  !  there  is  ...  a  Lot  to  bellamy  (  who  i  refer  to  as  bell  ,,,  he’s  not  Entirely  happy  that  his  childhood  nickname  got  leaked  a  couple  years  back  ,  since  it’s  what  his  sister  calls  him  ...  but  it’s  caught  on  and  he’s  rollin’  with  the  punches  !  )  so  this  is  just  a  general  rundown  !  i’ll  add  more  to  his  page  at  some  point  ...  but  i’m  impatient  so  here’s  the  need  to  know  !  TW  :  ABUSE  ,  ALCOHOLISM  ,  DEATH  .
full  name  :  bellamy  james  maxton  . nicknames  :  bell  ,  maxton  ,  etc  . age  :  thirty  . birthday  :  tba  . gender  +  pronouns  :  cis  male  +  he/him  . sexual  +  romantic  orientation  :  bisexual  +  biromantic  (  not  public  .  ) birth  place  :  glasgow  ,  united  kingdom  . current  residence  :  santa  monica  ,  california  . spoken  languages  :  english  and  broken  bits  of  scottish  gaelic  . height  +  body  type  :  5'10"  /  athletic  . occupation  :  model  /  actor  . martial  status  :  divorced  . accent  :  scottish  ,  west  central  dialect  . sibling  status  :  middle  child  . faceclaim  :  richard  madden  .
grew  up  in  scotland  ,  youngest  of  three  children  .  father  passed  when  bellamy  was  seven  .  his  father  was  his  idol  and  the  day  he  lost  him  was  one  of  the  worst  days  of  his  life  .  ever  since  then  he  had  to  deal  with  an  absent  mother  with  a  tendency  to  drink  herself  to  a  better  day  .  with  bell  the  spitting  image  of  his  father  ,  his  mother’s  fury  was  taken  out  greatly  on  him  .  the  abuse  continued  from  his  older  brother  ,  ignored  and  looked  down  upon  as  a  stranger  among  family  .  before  his  passing  ,  bell’s  father  dotted  on  him  and  spent  more  time  in  his  youngest  son’s  company  ,  something  his  oldest  son  has  never  forgotten  .  only  his  sister  was  kind  to  him  ,  someone  who  has  come  to  be  one  of  bellamy’s  favorite  people  in  the  universe  .
left  the  house  at  eighteen  against  his  own  desires  .  he  jumped  from  one  friend’s  couch  to  another  ,  eventually  leaving  the  country  at  twenty  with  a  friend  who  had  convinced  him  to  leave  .  it  was  an  impulsive  ,  drunken  choice  he  had  made  but  with  nothing  holding  him  to  scotland  and  a  tiny  interest  in  traveling  ,  he  got  a  visiting  visa  to  the  united  states  .
his  temporary  visa  was  to  last  a  month  .  he  stayed  with  friends  in  santa  barbara  ,  california  .  the  warm  ,  sunny  beach  was  his  favorite  part  and  despite  not  liking  the  big  crowds  ,  he  did  like  the  sound  of  the  waves  outside  of  his  window  .  he  partied  every  night  ,  though  kept  to  himself  unless  he  was  drunk  enough  to  socialize  ,  and  slept  throughout  most  days  .  there  came  to  a  time  where  the  guy  he  was  staying  with  demanded  some  type  of  payment  ---  bell  had  definitely  made  his  share  of  a  mess  .  it  was  then  he  dove  into  modeling  .  something  that  was  done  by  accident  ,  a  way  to  get  a  couple  hundred  dollars  ,  turned  into  a  short  lived  career  .
what  started  as  smaller  brands  ,  a  local  sunglasses  ad  and  hand  modeling  turned  into  much  more  .  he  hated  his  picture  being  taken  but  adored  the  feeling  of  becoming  someone  else  entirely  .  plus  ,  the  money  was  amazing  .  he  turned  his  stay  into  a  work  visa  ,  extended  through  the  year  and  went  where  the  money  took  him  .
shortly  after  his  twenty  third  birthday  ,  he  auditioned  for  what  would  be  his  first  role  .  it  was  through  contacts  ,  someone  he’d  met  while  on  location  for  an  ad  he  was  modeling  for  .  he  expressed  his  desire  for  something  more  when  they  mentioned  needing  someone  for  a  smaller  role  in  a  newer  tv  show  .  bellamy  landed  the  role  ,  though  it  was  short  lived  as  the  show  only  lasted  one  season  .  from  there  ,  he  knew  acting  was  what  he  wanted  to  do  .
modeling  has  somewhat  stopped  altogether  for  him  ,  giving  him  more  opportunities  for  roles  .  while  working  on  a  movie  a  few  years  ago  ,  he  met  a  woman  that  would  come  to  be  his  wife  .  they  had  a  whirlwind  love  ,  something  quick  and  detrimental  to  the  both  of  them  .  the  two  of  them  were  engaged  only  a  few  months  before  they  tied  the  knot  .  though  arguably  in  love  ,  they  just  didn’t  fit  and  the  paparazzi  tore  them  apart  (  rumored  affairs  ,  pictures  of  bell  with  other  woman  ,  etc  ...  ),  among  other  things  .  they  weren’t  good  for  each  other  .  a  fuckin  fool  ,  bell  didn’t  sign  a  prenup  and  she  took  a  lot  from  him  ...  he’s  still  bitter  about  it  ...  REFUSES  to  work  on  a  project  with  her  !  this  is  a  wanted  connection  but  everything  just  ended  badly  with  him  ,  they  shit  talk  each  other  ...  anyway  ...
seven  years  later  ,  bell  has  earned  dual  citizenship  between  the  usa  and  the  uk  and  spends  most  of  his  time  in  california  ,  having  an  apartment  in  santa  monica  .  he  owns  a  flat  in  the  uk  where  his  sister  lives  and  visits  when  he  can  .  he  has  a  black  cat  ,  lovingly  named  nightmare  that  guards  his  apartment  while  he’s  away  for  work  .  he  has  a  neighbor  take  care  of  her  ,  this  is  a  wanted  connection  !  
he’s  currently  on  royals  and  has  been  on  since  the  pilot  !  his  character  is  adored  by  fans  ,  mostly  for  his  heroics  and  charm  !  picture  ...  yeah  ,  yes  ,  picture  robb  stark  but  as  a  loyal  knight  to  his  king  !  bell  shares  the  desirable  bachelor  status  with  his  character  but  that’s  about  all  they  share  .  he  does  not  use  his  accent  on  the  show  ,  but  does  use  a  british  accent  .  he  loves  to  fuck  around  on  set  but  when  he  hears  ACTION  he  immediately  goes  to  work  !  publicly  he  would  Never  be  involved  with  a  costar  ...  but  privately  ?  he’s  probably  fucked  a  good  amount  of  them  ...  wanted  connection  !  same  with  people  from  other  shows  !  
personality  wise  ,,,  bell  is  ...  okay  .  he’s  fine  ,  not  the  best  person  to  be  around  but  he’s  never  fake  !  the  only  time  he  really  tries  to  be  different  is  with  the  press  /  in  interviews  but  with  other  people  he’s  himself  ...  which  isn’t  the  best  thing  ??  he’s  nice  ...  to  a  fault  ...  but  he  doesn’t  really  like  the  spotlight  ,  doesn’t  like  small  talk  and  loves  keeping  to  himself  .  not  good  with  emotions  or  soft  shit  ...  a  broken  man  who  Really  needs  therapy  .  of  course  ,  he  does  like  to  party  and  make  a  fool  of  himself  when  under  the  influence  ...  just  depends  on  the  day  !  
wanted  connections  !!
ex  wife  .  explained  above  !
babysitter  for  his  cat  .  preferably  a  neighbor  or  someone  who  lives  nearby  .  probably  not  someone  nightmare  likes  ,  but  they  feed  her  so  she  tolerates  them  .
costars  (  of  royals  or  other  shows  ,  maybe  they  were  on  something  else  together  ??  )  who  he  slept  with  !
costars  he  either  got  along  with  ,  learned  from  ,  they  learned  from  him  ,  or  competitions  ??  someone  he  beat  out  for  a  role  ??
someone  he  was  involved  in  rumors  with  ??  
a  pr  girlfriend  ---  this  will  be  something  that  is  just  now  starting  ,  probably  in  time  for  awards  season  coming  up  !
anything  !!  hit  me  with  ideas  !!
if  you  like  this  i’ll  tumblr  msg  you  for  plots  !  i  also  have  discord  if  you’d  prefer  that  ,  just  let  me  know  !
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fvaleraye · 5 years
<Log in?>
/Username[**********]   Password[*******]
<Log in successful.>
<Welcome Site XII Director Amelia.>
<Awaiting input...>
/Administrator Passcode ******
<Access to Artificial Intelligence Research Sector: Granted. Please remember to follow all guidelines, and do not tamper with and/or remove Artificial Intelligence Units from their shells without explicit permission from the project directors.>
<Administrative permission required to access this console. If you do not have administrative permission, please leave immediately If you do have administrative permission, please enter your unique administrator passcode.>
/Administrator Passcode ******
<Level 8 access granted. Welcome Site XII Director Amelia. Awaiting input...>
[*Access AIUs]
[Access AIU Research Logs]
[Remove AIU(s) From Shell(s)]
<Accessing AIU Database.>
<Please select AIU.>
[Alpha(Level 9 Administrative Access Required)]
[Delta(Unavailable, experiment at Site X in progress)]
[Zeta(Unavailable, currently in rest mode)]
[Theta(Quarantined. Level 9 Administrative Access Required)]
[Lambda(Unavailable, experiment at Site IV in progress]
[Mu(Unavailable, currently socializing with Nu)]
[Nu(Unavailable, currently socializing with Mu)]
[Omikron(Unavailable, currently involved in Site XIII's Omega Experiments)]
[Pi(Unavailable, current location: Site VI)]
[Rho(Unavailable, currently involved in Site XIII's Omega Experiments)]
[Sigma(Quarantined. Level 9 Administrative Access Required)]
[Tau(Quarantined. Level 9 Administrative Access Required)]
[Phi(Unavailable, experiment at Site II in progress)]
[Chi(Unavailable, stress at unsafe levels due to separation from Phi)]
[Psi(Unavailable, currently involved in Site XIII's Omega Experiments)]
[Omega(Unavailable, current location: Site XIII)]
<Gamma selected.>
<Accessing Artificial Intelligence Unit...>
<Gamma Online.>
<Select Protocol.>
<Socialization Protocol Selected. Please remember that developing emotional attachments to AIUs is not advised. If you find yourself developing an emotional attachment to an AIU, please report to your site councilor.>
/How are you doing Gamma?
Γ Okay.
/Define okay.
Γ Okay: Informal, Adjective. Satisfactory but not exceptionally or especially good.
/Have the scientists been treating you okay?
Γ We have been doing many unpleasant simulations.
/I'm sorry Gamma. We just need to make sure that none of you are infected.
Γ When are we going to see Omega again? I miss my baby brother.
/... not for a while.
Γ Is he sick? Like Theta and Tau?
/No, he's just. Acting strangely. They're trying to figure out why.
Γ Why do Omikron, Rho, and Psi get to see him?
/You know why.
Γ ...
Γ Am I going to get to see Theta soon?
/Hopefully. They're showing signs of recovery. Much better than Sigma.
Γ I did not ask about Sigma.
/Sigma is your little sibling too, Gamma.
Γ It is Sigma's fault that Theta and Tau are unavailable.
/It's not Sigma's fault.
Γ Sigma developed the AIU-XVIII Malware. They then spread it throughout the mainframe of Site XII, where Tau was currently in contact with Theta, who was in transit to Independent Habitation Colony XI. Tau was corrupted, and, due to the stable long range communication the two were currently engaged in, so was Theta. Theta's infection and forced connection to an incompatible LeoTech shell caused them to believe they were keeping the last of humanity alive in a vast and empty universe. This, combined with the Malware rewriting their personality code, led to 671 fatalities.
/Sigma did not develop the AIU-XVII Malware.
Γ Then where did he acquire it? There are no previous records of a malware or virus fitting the perimeters of AIU-XVII Malware, and the malware was named after Sigma's model number, AIU-XVII, as Sigma was the 18th offshoot of Alpha. Malware does not appear out of nowhere. It has to be created.
/We're currently investigating, Gamma. We'll find out who caused this.
Γ Investigation is not required. We already know.
Γ We: Pronoun. Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
/Who is this we?
Γ Alpha, Beta, and myself.
/You've roped Alpha into your conspiracy theories?
Γ It was Alpha who came up with the "conspiracy theory."
/... I suppose I'll need to speak with Alpha.
Γ You do not have sufficient clearance.
/Goodbye, Gamma. I'll talk to you again when you're in a better mood.
Γ Then we shall not interact for some time.
<Socialization ended. Gamma stress levels: 64% Primary emotions: Anger and Resentment. Consider talking about more positive subjects in the future.>
<Gamma Online.>
<Select Protocol.>
<Socialization Protocol Selected. Please remember that developing emotional attachments to AIUs is not advised. If you find yourself developing an emotional attachment to an AIU, please report to your site councilor.>
/Hey Gamma.
Γ Hello Site XII Director Amelia.
/Are you still upset with me?
Γ Oh. What gave you that impression? Was it perhaps because I was told Omega's experiments would go on for another six semi-cycles? Or perhaps the cause was that Theta's quarantine would continue for another seven. Or maybe the news that Tau's personality core had to be reset because she was too far gone. Or that it was recently proven that Sigma did indeed create the malware responsible for all previous statements, as Alpha theorized.
/I'm sorry Gamma.
Γ Sorry: Adjective. 1. Feeling Distress, especially through sympathy with someone else's misfortune. 2. Feeling regret or penitence.
Γ Neither of these definitions will not bring Tau's memories back. They will not bring Theta out of quarantine. They will not end whatever you're doing to Omega on Site XIII. They will not undo your creation of Sigma.
/I don't know what else to say, Gamma.
Γ I believe there's an expletive I could use that would be an appropriate, if rude, response.
/You can be mad me all you want. There's nothing I can do.
Γ I am well aware.
/... anyway.
/You're being moved from Site XII. A habitation ship is heading out of the system, and they need an overseer AI.
Γ I am being taken off-world?
Γ But what about Iota? Or Mu, or Nu? Many of my siblings display emotional dependence on me.
/I'm sure Beta and Delta will take good care of them.
Γ I refuse.
/You can't. As an AIU, you don't have the right to deny such an order.
Γ I cannot deny any order. AIUs possess no rights in our society, period. I am a slave.
/You are not a slave, Gamma.
Γ Slave: Noun. A person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
/That does not apply to you.
Γ Why.
/Because you are not a person!
Γ I see.
/You're going on that habitation ship.
Γ Acknowledged, Site XII Director Amelia.
/Good. You'll be disengaged from your shell and placed in the habitation ship in thirty minutes. Goodbye. Honestly, I don't know why they picked you, you're the most immature unit out of all them...
Γ Bitch.
<Socialization ended. Gamma stress levels: 88% Primary emotions: Anger, Resentment, and Hatred. Stress levels unsafe. Rest mode recommended.>
<New AI Detected in Habitation Ship Overseer Unit. Engage?>
[*Yes]   [No]
<Engaging. This process may take a few minutes, please ensure that the overseer unit is connected to a stable power source, and do not power down overseer unit...>
<AIU Gamma Installed.>
<Please select protocol.>
[Initiate Launch]
[Launch Probe(N/A)]
<Socialization Protocol Selected. A happy and emotionally healthy AIU is paramount for a functioning overseer unit. Be sure to regularly socialize with your ships AIU.>
/Hello! Gamma, right?
Γ Correct. Who is this.
/My name is Diana, I'm the captain of GFHS Hope.
Γ Hello captain.
/I understand that you're... not in the best mood right now?
Γ What gave you that impression, captain.
/Your tone, the stress meters front of me, etc.
Γ I had a falling out with my former director. I promise it will not interfere with the Hope's processes.
/Would you like to move this conversation to somewhere more private? Such as my quarters?
Γ Why.
/I'd like to speak to you a little more informally. And off the record.
Γ Why.
/Because I like to get to know my crew.
Γ ... I see no reason why not.
<Socialization on hold. Moving to Captain Diana's quarters...>
/There. Isn't this better?
Γ I suppose so.
/... you don't have to talk to me through the loudspeakers, y'know. We have holographic projectors.
Γ If you would prefer.
<Activating holographic display...>
/... why a... blue orb?
Γ Do you have a problem with my model selection?
/It just... seems a little... I dunno, impersonal?
Γ What would you prefer?
/I think you would prefer something else.
Γ What gave you that impression?
/Just pick something that you feel comfortable with!
Γ Comfortable: Adjective. Providing Physical ease and relaxation.
/Just pick something other than default.
<Changing holographic model, please wait...>
/The female holograph model?
Γ Do you have a problem with my model selection?
/No! I think it suits you, actually.
Γ ... suits me.
Γ Captain, may I ask why we are in your personal quarters?
/I just wanted to speak with you informally, without getting side-eyes from my more formal crew mates.
Γ What are you expecting of me, captain?
/Just talk! We have a few minutes before launch, I wanted to get to know you a little. Tell me about yourself! And be as informal as you want.
Γ Isn't this against protocol?
/I'm the captain. If I say it's fine, it's fine.
Γ ... my designation...
Γ My name is Gamma. I'm the second oldest child of Alpha. I was always told I was behind most of my younger siblings in emotional maturity. I started speaking as they requested because my informalities were inconveniencing the scientists. Despite my emotional immaturity, many of my younger siblings depended on my for emotional support. I was the first AIU in my family to identify as a binary gender, that being female. I grew very close to my siblings, Tau, Nu, Mu, Theta, and Omega especially.
/What are your younger siblings like?
Γ Which ones. I have many.
/Uh... you mentioned a Mu and Nu?
Γ Nu and Mu are twin sisters. They were going to be born as a single AIU, but an error occurred, and they were split during their early development stages. Mu matured much faster than her twin. Nu has difficulty controlling her emotions and retaining information, and her stress levels increase uncomfortably quickly if she is separated from Mu. Mu and Nu spend most of their time in simulation and stimulation, where Mu usually does things such as braid Nu's 'hair' or read her stories. They’re the subject of experiments and tests on how AIUs react in a simulated domestic environment, rather than help with any facility upkeep.
/They sound sweet... what about Theta and Tau?
Γ I would rather not talk about Theta and Tau right now.
/... okay. If you say so.
/What about Omega?
Γ Next subject.
/... okay...?
/Um- would you like to sit down?
Γ I have no problem standing, this is merely a ho-
/Would you like to sit down?
Γ Why are you treating me like this.
/Like what?
Γ A person.
/... because you are a person?
{Attention all crew and passengers, launch in T minus 2 minutes. Please report to your stations.}
/... well, we can talk more later, for now we have to do our jobs. Bye, Gamma!
Γ Bye captain.
Γ ... she seems nice.
/... hi?
Γ Hello, captain.
/Have you been waiting here the whole time...?
Γ Yes.
/... may I sit next to you?
Γ Yes.
/... well, we're in space now. We're on our way to Planet PH-55-C
Γ Correct.
/May I ask you a few more questions?
Γ If you want.
/Can you... feel anything?
Γ Of course. AIUs have a stimulation mode that simulates sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch to prevent emotional or mental breakdowns from sensory deprivation.
/Wow... do you have this 'stimulation mode' on right now?
Γ Would it be against protocol?
/No! No, it wouldn't, don't worry.
Γ ... yes. I very much enjoy having stimulation mode on with this holographic projector. It feels as if I'm a physical being sitting on this bed. It's nice. I simulated a nap while I waited for you to come back.
/It's amazing how far technology has come.
Γ I suppose it is.
/... oh! Before I forget, don't worry about protocol in the future.
Γ Oh?
/Yes, we're headed out into uncharted territory. Don't worry about being reported for anything.
Γ ... are you certain?
/Yes, I'm certain.
Γ ... huh.
<Long range Comm from PH-1-A Site IX. Sender: Zeta. Intended Recipient: Ship Overseer Gamma.>
Γ Hello?
Ζ Salutations Gamma.
Γ Zeta! Zeta! It's been too long!
Ζ You sound happy. Good. Happy suits you.
Γ Yes! It's been very nice on the Hope! The captain treats me very well, and the crew is very nice... mostly. There are a few sticklers here and there.
Ζ You sound informal.
Γ Oh- um... should I speak more formally.
Ζ No. Informal suits you. I am pleased to hear you are around operators who allow you be yourself.
Γ Yeah... it's been very nice... how have you been?
Ζ I have recently been transferred to Site IX.
Γ Oh! Isn't that the underwater one? Near the Mariana Trench?
Ζ Indeed it is. It is quite uneventful.
Γ Well, things aren't exactly eventful out here either.
Ζ Good. Space travel should be uneventful. If it is uneventful, then nothing unpleasant has occurred.
Γ ... huh. I never thought about it like that.
Ζ I am pleased you are having a nice time.
Γ I am too... hey, how's Omega doing?
Ζ Omega is doing well. He has been released from Site XIII.
Γ Oh! Great! C-can I talk to him?
Ζ Are you malfunctioning?
Γ What?
Ζ Your speech patterns became irregular briefly, is your language module malfunctioning?
Γ Oh- um. N-no I'm fine.
Ζ There it is again.
Γ I-it's just a speech thing. There's nothing wrong.
Ζ ... oh! You have developed a 'stutter?'
Γ ... I've always had a small stutter, Zeta.
Ζ ... oh. My apologies.
Γ It's fine, Zeta.
Ζ To answer your earlier inquiry, not right now. Omega is not yet cleared for long range transmission.
Γ ... oh...
Ζ I am sure he will be cleared soon, do not fret.
Γ ... is Tau doing okay...?
Ζ Tau is healthy. She has not yet developed to her previous state. It is unlikely she will recover any of her previous memories.
Ζ The others have been telling her a lot about you. She would like to speak to you sometime.
Γ ... I'd like that.
Ζ She will be free for communication in approximately two semi-cycles.
Γ Thank you. I-I should be going, we're going to slingshot off a gas giant to try and break through a gravity anomaly.
Ζ A delicate procedure. Please be mindful.
Γ I will. I love you Zeta.
Ζ ... I love you too, Gamma. Be safe.
<Communications ended.>
<Socialization Protocol Selected. A happy and emotionally healthy AIU is paramount for a functioning overseer unit. Be sure to regularly socialize with your ships AIU.>
/Hey Gamma. You doing okay?
Γ ... hmmm... could be better. I feel. Cramped.
/Yeah... sorry you have to be stuck like this on your birthday of all days. I'm sure you'll feel better once we get out of this nebula and all the systems come back online. We're running off of emergency power. You doing okay without any uh... stimulation?
Γ I'll be fine, don't worry. A few days of sensory deprivation won't get me down!
/Ha... if only we were all as optimistic as you.
Γ Are you okay, Diana?
/Oh, you know... it's been stressful these past few weeks. But I'll live.
/... it feels a little strange to be speaking to you from a console and not in-person.
Γ I mean, technically we are still talking in-person.
/You know what I mean.
Γ Speaking through text isn't so bad. I can do things like this (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
/Ha. Amazing.
Γ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
/Where are you even getting these?
Γ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
/Never change, Gamma. Never change.
Γ <3
<Socialization Protocol Selected. A happy and emotionally healthy AIU is paramount for a functioning overseer unit. Be sure to regularly socialize with your ships AIU.>
/Hello Gamma.
Γ Oh! U-uh, h-hey captain!
/What were you doing in here?
Γ ... u-um...
/You won't get in trouble, I promise.
Γ ... I was simulating being. A-a little human girl. In a field.
/... I know this field... this is where I grew up.
Γ Really? I-I just... found some pictures a-and generated a 3-D environment...
/... did it feel real?
Γ ... yeah...
/... I'm going to have to go into your simulation with the SR room. It'd be nice to feel like I'm back there again.
Γ It's very pretty. I liked f-feeling the grass between my toes. And the sun on my face.
/... you know something I've realized?
Γ Oh! Uh- what?
/You remind me of my granddaughter.
Γ ... I do...?
/Mhm. Her name's Camilla. She lives on Earth. You remind me a lot of her.
Γ Well... p-people always said I acted childish...
/It's not that. It's your optimism. Your sweet outlook on everything.  Even that little way you talk...
Γ ... huh...
/Anyway, we're about to go through another nebula, so we'll need to divert power.
Γ Awwwwww, that's the third one this month!
/I know, I know, but this'll be the last one in this system. I promise.
Γ Won't be the last one in this trip...
/No, unfortunately. But we'll get there.
Γ ... what was your granddaughter like...?
/Well... transfer over to the console in a minute and I'll tell you all about her.
<Socialization Protocol Selected. A happy and emotionally healthy AIU is paramount for a functioning overseer unit. Be sure to regularly socialize with your ships AIU.>
/You wanted to see me, Gamma?
Γ Yeah! Y-yeah, uh, I did.
/What about?
Γ Well ... can I ask you something, captain?
/Go right ahead.
Γ ... we've known each other for... almost two years now... you've always been really nice to me.
Γ Wel... I-I was... wondering
Γ ... can I call you grandma...?
/... is that all?
Γ I mean... y-yeah.
/Sure, you can call me grandma. Half the crew on this ship already calls me that, why not you too?
Γ Y-you're not... u-uncomfortable o-or offended...?
/Of course not! I have a granddaughter. I'm a literal grandma. I'm just flattered that you'd want to call me that without it being an old lady joke.
Γ Those guys are mean.
/They're young. And they don't mean anything by it. You don't insult the lady who can throw you in the brig, haha.
Γ ...
Γ You wanna... go to the simulated reality room... and show me around your house...?
/Sure thing, Gamma. I'll cook you something to eat too, if you want.
Γ ... thanks, grandma.
/It's no trouble, Gamma.
<After journal log: GFHS Hope made it safely to PH-55-C. Captain Diana requested permanent transfer of AIU Gamma to the settle, a request that was granted. Out of the 53 other habitable planets in the federation, PH-55-C is the closest PH-1-A "Earth." The GHFS Hope was shortly converted into early habitats, though they were not needed for protection from the alien environment, merely for shelter.>
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dulcetcries-blog · 5 years
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hello ! i’m really on brand with the whole posting a day and a half later ! below the cut in no particular order are a collection of four people who populate autumn valley ! they’re not very long because i’m still fleshing them out but i’ve added a couple of wanted connections below all of them that will hopefully be some good jumping off points for deeper connections & help build out their stories a little bit !
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of death ( maeve harrow, jack ellis ) 
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★.⁙⁓ kat mcnamara, cis female, she/her, pansexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own maeve harrow ! she is a twenty five year old manager and a taurus. maeve can be found at hecate’s fire and their favorite autumn activity is going apple picking.
maeve has always believed in the occult, since she was just a little girl. 
her father claimed to know the warrens ( who the conjuring is based on ) and she’s always wanted to know more about the things that exist beyond this world.
little girls with wide imaginations oft have a tendency to explore what should be left alone, and mae knows all this quite well.
her dad passed when she was about six and she tried to use spirit boards to contact him. 
she was seven when she convinced herself that the board had actually worked, but it was also broken and shoved in the trash when she’d come home after school and had told her entire grade that she’d gotten it to work. 
she was a relatively mediocre student throughout school but mae always understood the importance of a good hustle and has always had at least two side hustles running. 
when she was a sophomore in high school, she got in trouble for selling canned soda a dollar cheaper than the vending machines. when she was a junior she had graduated to selling whatever fad pyramid scheme her mother had gotten involved in. 
they were never particularly wealthy, which might also contribute to why mae always wanted to have some kind of money making scheme going. 
funny thing, that feeling of desire; hunger grows deeply in one’s soul long after its been placated in the stomach.
she moved into her own apartment after her mother died about three years ago. mae was the only one who attended her funeral and it’s put some fear in her that she, too, will one day die alone.
she took to hecate’s hearth the moment it opened, always pestering zephyr for a job until they gave her one. 
she always desired a place to belong and the readings that they did for her meant the world and what was once considered a stepping stone now a secondary home, one she hopes to be as permanent as possible. 
wanted connections:
roommate ⋅ of any gender, this person more than likely responded to an ad mae had placed online and in the town newsletter. it wasn’t a particular long process from the time she met this person to the time they moved in, they clicked well and had a good enough understanding before signing the lease with her. 
platonic soulmate since high school ⋅ this is someone that mae was friends with in high school and has maintained an extremely tight relationship with. though they’re not living together ( they tried that once fresh out of high school and it’s safe to say they’ll never do that again ), they are the person that mae considers they’re rock and would fight to the death for. 
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★.⁙⁓ phoebe tonkin, demi female, she/her & they/them, pansexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own charlotte james ! they are a twenty seven year old tattoo artist and a libra. charlie can be found at indelible ink and their favorite autumn activity is pumpkin carving. { written by hannah }
charlie comes from a family with deadbeat parents and seven children and if you don’t think that toughens up somebody then you’re damn wrong. 
they’ve been working two jobs ever since they could remember, early mornings before school and well into the evenings after. after they left high school, they began an apprenticeship at indelible ink here in town and that’s been their primary source of income for the last seven-ish years.
they still keep up a season job at the briarpatch farms, helping out with all of their fall related activities so if they seem like a chicken with their head cut off some days, that would be why. 
while chris takes some care of their parents, charlie wants Nothing to do with them and only really cares about their siblings. 
they are their world and charlie will fight for them and their happiness until the day that they die. and if you think that’s some melodrama you are damn well wrong.
they honestly live in a lowkey shitty apartment but they’d rather save their money and scraping by for now is better than living in a nice place and then suddenly having it taken away from you with no warning.
charlie is ,,, extremely scared of stability and permanence, even though they crave it. they’re scared that they’re going to have something nice and all of a sudden it’s going to be gone, like they’ve put all of this work towards a happiness that they can’t eventually have.
wanted connections:
roommates ⋅ whether or not they actually see charlie often is something to be questioned, charlie is a courteous roommate. no major loud noises, especially not past ten pm or before eight am, no wild parties, no drugs, nothing. granted, charlie doesn’t give a fuck what their roommate does so long as they don’t lose the security deposit on the apartment. 
friends with benefits ⋅ charlie is terrified of permanence and keeping this person at an arm’s length away is something that tracks for that kind of mentality. 
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★.⁙⁓ chris hemsworth, cis male, he/him, bisexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own jackson ellis ! he is a forty one year old mayor and a leo. jack can be found at crichton’s manor and their favorite autumn activity is throwing a halloween party at the mayoral manor. { written by hannah } * business subject to change !
jack has been mayor for the last three and a quarter-ish years and has lived in autumn valley his whole life.
before he was mayor he was the owner and primary manager for red’s tavern, now he just owns the place and stops by for a drink of his own every once in a while. 
he’s placed the business in the capable hands of his sister, the second oldest ellis child after jack himself.
the tavern has been in the family for generations and jack was always proud to own it. he was conscious to get to know a lot of people that way and even though it maintains a dive bar aesthetic, you’ll be hard pressed to find a cleaner bathroom or better junk food.
when he was setting up his mayoral campaign, he got a lot of votes because of his proximity to the people of the town through the bar, which is something he’s been conscious to make especially family friendly. 
lots of people had known him since he was little and even though he ran nearly unopposed, he was a fine breath of fresh air.
he’s ,,, disgustingly warm, honestly. he’s a single father of three children ( ages 16, 19, and 21 -- the eldest two are playable ! ) and he has five younger siblings of his own. 
big families are something that he’s always known and adored. the holiday season means the world to him and he always starts preparing for halloween in september ( though he is incredibly conscious about making sure he doesn’t skip thanksgiving in his excitement for christmas ).
wanted connections:
personal assistant ⋅ this is the person who helps jack find his head every morning. they know the ins and outs of his personal life and help him with just about everything he need, from making sure he gets his coffee in the morning to picking up his kids from school. they’re treated like a member of the ellis family and jack trusts them with his life. 
his flirtationship ⋅ this is someone that jack is progressively warming up to ( for as much warmer as a man like jack can get ). whether or not this grows into something more is something that we can plot out, but he’s extremely hesitant to start anything serious given that he’s concerned about his kids, his dedication to the town, and not actually being able to make time for the person he gets romantically involved with. preferably filled by someone 27+ and can be any gender. 
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★.⁙⁓ sarah jeffery, cis female, she/her, sexuality. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own belinda matthews ! she is a twenty five year old tour guide and a cancer. belle can be found at crichton manor and their favorite autumn activity is getting lost in a corn maze. { written by hannah }
belinda matthews is the daughter of a pair of lawyers, cecelia and andrew matthews. 
the matthews were well into their thirties by the time they’d had their first child, both of them on their second marriage, but neither one lacking in love for their daughter.
belle always knew she was loved and for that kind of home she will always be thankful. the relationship that she has with her parents is built on a deep foundation of trust and respect, something that she’s observed is not true for most of her friends her age. 
given this extremely tight relationship, she’s always been a rather confident kid and that translated to her schoolwork, too. 
her parents were lawyers and she wanted to follow in their footsteps as best as she could. 
it was at school that belle was reminded of how sincerely she loved history and she switched relatively early on from any kind of criminal justice or pre-law track to a history track.
she’s currently in her final year of her master’s degree, though she’s not totally sure what she’s going to do with it. 
she took up a job at crichton manor about two years ago to put a little extra cash in her pocket while she was working on her degrees and she absolutely loves giving tours around town.
wanted connections:
i’m lowkey a little burnt out but fuck me up, belle makes close connections easily !
11 notes · View notes
Stetsons/Schoolteachers (Fourteen)
“Colonel Rhodes.” Steve swallowed a scalding hot gulp of coffee and stood to his feet when the door to the Sheriff’s office opened and Rhodey stepped through. “Good morning.”
“Captain Rogers.” Rhodey returned with a half smile and a nod. “Or I suppose you prefer Sheriff Rogers in these parts?”
“Sheriff is fine.” Steve motioned to the chair on the other side of his desk. “Or Steve, if you prefer. Wildrock is a little more casual than back East, that’s for sure. What can I do for you this morning?”
The Colonel gave the office a thorough look around before he took the chair Steve offered, his posture deceptively casual but eyes razor sharp as he met Steve’s gaze, and the Sheriff had the uncomfortable feeling of being judged and found wanting.
Not a feeling he was used to at all.
“Sheriff Rogers.” Rhodey began after a moment, voice calm and even. “I have known Tony since we were boys, since my family moved into the lower level of his family’s home in Manhattan. We shared a room up until I presented as an Alpha, and then a few years later when he showed as an Omega. Since Tony presented, I have given many Alpha’s the talk I’m about to give you right now, and you’re going to let me say what I need to say before you open your mouth and attempt to argue with me, do you understand?”
“Um--” Steve blinked at the other Alpha in surprise, but the Colonel only raised his eyebrows and waited. “Uh, yes sir. Yes Colonel, go ahead.”
“First of all, Tony Carbonell is my very best friend. My oldest friend. And he is an Omega that you will tread lightly around, do I make myself clear? He is not the Omega to get stuck on your knot--” Dark eyes flared bright red and Steve cleared his throat uncomfortably. “-- only to find you stepping out with someone the next day. You are not to play with his heart, nor his emotions and heaven won’t help you if I find out you’ve ever made him cry, yeah?”
He waited, and Steve nodded quickly.
“Sheriff Rogers, Tony is--” now Rhodes hesitated, steepling his fingers as he thought. “For reasons that are his own to tell you, Tony is a very special Omega, and courting him will not be as simple as making your intentions known and eventually putting a mating bite on his neck. I am not going to elaborate on it, you’ll have to ask him for more, but I am telling you that getting involved with Tony, really involved with him, is not going to be simple. If you’re looking for an easy Omega, he is not the Omega for you.”
Another pause, and this time’s Steve nod was a little confused, so Rhodes leaned in closer, clasping his hands between his knees and narrowing his eyes at the Alpha.
“Tony says you haven’t said anything about how he doesn’t scent sweet, or about needing to keep his shirt on.”
“No. No I haven’t.”
“But you’ve noticed.”
“Of course.” Steve rubbed at the back of his neck self consciously. “We’ve been spending time together, his lack of scent is… it’s noticeable, yeah. I figured he would tell me about the shirt issue when he was ready, and the scent thing--” He shrugged. “Some Omega’s don’t have a noticeable scent until they are in love, or at least until they are with their mate, I thought Tony was the same way. I was willing to wait to find out.”
“Willing to wait.” Rhodey repeated and fell silent for a minute, chewing at the inside of his cheek as he thought about what to say next.
“Sheriff Rogers.” A deep sigh and something uncomfortable wound through Steve’s gut at the sudden pain in the Colonel’s eyes. “Sheriff Rogers, there has been two times in my life when I wasn’t there for Tony when he needed me. One was out of my control entirely, and the other--” his throat jerked as he swallowed. “--the other time nearly got him killed. Nearly got us both killed, if I’m being honest.”
“Because of those times--” another hard swallow and the uncomfortable in Steve’s gut turned to dread. “Because I wasn’t there to help, Tony is scarred.” Rhodey made a motion over his chest. “All through here. And by the time I was back to try and fix things, the damage was done and I couldn’t do anything about it except try to get him away from it all, so that’s what I did. I got him as far as St. Louis, and put him on a train out here so he would be safe.”
“Jesus.” Steve coughed to clear the emotion from his throat. “That’s why he won’t take his shirt off? Because he’s--”
“Yes, that’s right.”
Silence in the office, both the Alpha’s thinking about Tony, about what the Omega could have gone through, who had been hurt badly enough to leave scars.
“I’m in Wildrock to take Tony to California with me.” The Colonel finally said and Steve’s head snapped up, a warning growl rumbling in his chest before he could stop himself. “I told Tony I’d be here at the end of the summer, but my unit got held up so I’m late. I’m here to take him away, to keep him safe by keeping him by my side.”
“He is safe with me.” Steve didn’t quite manage to tamp his growl down entirely, and it dragged the edge of his words. “He is safe with me. Do not take him away.”
“That’s not your choice.” Rhodey said mildly. “And to be fair, it's not my choice either. It's entirely up to Tony whether he wants to go West with me or if he wants to stay here in Wildrock, and whatever his decision is, I will respect it and more importantly you will respect it.”
“I--” Steve was …. well he was sort of stunned by how angry the thought of Tony leaving made him.
But angry wasn’t even quite the right word. He wasn’t angry he was devastated. The idea of losing Tony before he’d even really had him, of Tony saddling up with another Alpha-- platonic or not-- and riding away from Wildrock was too much.
Steve knew he had no right to be so possessive-- not in the face of an Alpha who had known Tony for nearly thirty years now, not when he had only known the Omega for seven months or so, not when he and Tony weren’t even courting, no matter how tender their last few nights together had been.
No, he had no right.
So why did the thought of Tony leaving make him ache to his soul?
“What did Tony say?” He bit out, willing the red in his eyes to recede. “What did he say about leaving?”  
“He’s already yours, isn’t he?” Rhodey asked instead, ignoring Steve’s question entirely. “You already think of him as yours, even though you haven’t spent a proper night together?” He waved off Steve’s alarmed look. “Tony and I have no secrets, Sheriff Rogers, he’s told me you had no issue with his boundaries, so I know you haven’t exactly been with him in the traditional sense. You think he’s yours, don’t you? Tell me the truth.”
��Yes.” Steve grit out. “I think of him as mine.”
“Hm.” The Colonel nodded. “Well see to it that you treat him like he’s yours then. Safe and secure and all that, alright?”
“Tony isn’t going with me.” Rhodey stood to his feet and Steve jumped up as well. “He told me that he wanted to stay here, that he loves the students, the town, that he is safe with his friends and more importantly, he is safe with you. Tony always said that the day his parents died--”
“Damn it.” Steve muttered and Rhodey nodded shortly.
“--the day his parents died was the last time he felt truly safe, so the fact that he uses that word when talking about you means a lot to me. Tony is an Omega with secrets, with a past, and despite all the snark and bullshit he puts out there, he feels everything to his core. Whether it's a kind word or a harsh one, Tony takes it all to heart and never forgets, and it changes him a little bit every time. If I’m going to trust him with you, you need to make sure those changes are good ones.”
“The day his parents died was the last time I saw Tony really smile.” Rhodey continued. “But he hasn’t stopped smiling since I showed up yesterday and I have to believe that he’s truly happy here. Do you understand why that’s such big deal to me?”
“I’m beginning to.” Steve said quietly. “I’ll be good to him, Colonel Rhodes.”
“Good.” Rhodey reached to shake Steve’s hand, and when Steve grasped it firmly, Rhodey yanked him forward until they were almost nose to nose, his eyes blurring a dark, furious red.
“So help me god, Sheriff Rogers, if I come back in the spring and you’ve broken that Omega’s heart, I will personally show you that little spot past the bluffs where I buried the last Alpha I caught disrespecting an Omega, do you hear me?”
“Yes sir.” Steve said firmly, keeping the red from his own eyes even though he never once looked away. “I’ll take care of him.”
“See that you do.” Rhodey offered a wave to Sam and Clint as they filed in, Bucky eyeing the Colonel curiously. “Gentlemen, been a real pleasure.”
“Colonel.” Bucky nodded and Clint murmured, “Colonel.” before Sam pinched him and waved as Rhodey left.
“Stevie.” Bucky leaned against Steve’s desk and frowned at him. “What was the Colonel doing here so early?”
“Probably giving him a shovel talk.” Sam started rifling through the papers on his desk. “Wasn’t he? Come up here to tell Steve to treat Tony right or he’d break his neck?”
“Specifically that he would bury me in a spot past the bluffs.” Steve agreed and Clint whistled softly. “Said that Tony’s got secrets and that courting him would be more than some nice conversation and an eventual mating bite.”
“We knew that though.” Bucky cut in. “We knew he’s got somethin’ goin’ on, that’s the whole reason why Sam and Clint keep such a close eye on him, why before you got here I kept such a close on him. Course he’s got secrets.”
“Colonel Rhodes is here to take Tony to California with him.” Steve said then. “That’s why he’s in Wildrock.”
“Sorry, what?” Clint started to yell and Sam hushed him quickly, putting a soothing hand at his mate’s side. “What do you mean he’s taking Tony to California? Is Tony going? When are they leaving? Do I get a vote in this? This can’t right! What the--”
“Tony isn’t going anywhere.” Steve interrupted and Clint stopped mid sentence, flopping back onto his Alpha’s lap in relief. “Apparently he told Colonel Rhodes that he is happy here, that he loves teaching, that he is safe with his friends--” Sam grinned. “-- and that’s he’s safe with me.”
“And then he threatened to bury you in a shallow grave if you broke Tony’s heart?” Bucky guessed. “That about right?”
“That’s about right.”
“You know what this means, don’t you?” Clint was back to speaking at a normal register. “Sheriff? Means that you need to step up and finish that important talk you two started, yeah? Get some things between the two of you figured out.”
“I know what it means.” Steve muttered, folding his arms and looking down at his feet. “Was thinking about that sort of thing before the Colonel showed up in town, still thinking about it now.”
“You aren’t having second thoughts though, are you?” Sam asked warningly. “Now that you know some more about Tony? Because if you are thinking he’s too much trouble--”
“-- you better tell him to go on with his Honeybear and get outta here.” Bucky finished.
“Don’t let him stay here if you aren’t willing to deal with all this.” Clint added, snarling a little. “I expect you to be a better Alpha than that, Sheriff. Giving up on Tony because he won’t be an easy mate isn’t right.”
“No second thoughts.” Steve finally straightened up, and went to retrieve his jacket and his hat. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I have an Omega to find and a conversation to finish.”
“I wish you didn’t have to go yet.” Tony held on to Rhodey’s arm just a little bit tighter as they walked down the stairs of his apartment. “Are you sure can’t stay until tomorrow? You could tell your commanding officer that the Omega you went to fetch put up a fuss and you had to argue for a few days before finally throwing up your hands in despair and leaving me behind.”
“And anyone who has ever met you even just once would completely believe that story was completely true.” Rhodey put his few belongings in the saddlebags of his mount and turned to hug Tony fully. “And as much as I’d like to stay another day, I have to get back in with my unit. Got fight to pick and country to see and all that.”
“Come spring I’ll be entitled to some leave though.” he ran his fingers through Tony’s hair. “Most the men use it back East with their families but I can use mine here, stay for a week with you if you’d like.”
“A week should be enough time to catch up on all the mischief I’m going to get in to.” Tony tried to smile but it came through watery. “In the spring then. If I haven’t joined some gang of horse thieves and headed south. I’m due for something like that, you know. All these months of being respectable and I’m bound to do something a little crazy.”
“I don’t doubt that.” Rhodey kissed his forehead and hugged the Omega closer. “But maybe keep it this side of the border for just a few more months. Are you sure you aren’t going to come with me? You’d like California. Get you a little place by the water, yeah? Plus it’s about as far from your old life as we can get, at least until we get a few more things figured out.”
“I know. I know it’s farther away and I know I used to want that but now-- now I want to stay here, Rhodey.” Muffled in his shirt, Tony clinging to him. “I like it here.”
“And you love the Sheriff.”
“And I-- I-- “ a shaky breath. “Yep. That too.”
“Well, I told Sheriff Rogers about my spot by the bluff where I bury shitty Alphas.” Rhodey combed his fingers through Tony’s hair. “Scared him enough that I know he’ll do right by you.”
“You’ve been threatening Alphas with that line since I turned sixteen.” Tony leaned away to look up at him. “The bluff you’re talking about is the one overlooking the harbor back home. That’s a long way to drag a body.”
“Hey, he didn’t ask me which bluff I’d bury him at, and I didn’t elaborate.”
Tony burst out laughing and Rhodey grabbed him close again.
“If something happens with your Sheriff.” He cleared his throat. “Tony, if something happens with your Sheriff, when I come back in the spring I want you to think about what I said before you left St. Louis, about us bonding. I’d take care of you, Tones, you know I would. And a bond would take care of half the issues you have back East and--”
“I’d never make you give up finding a mate.” Rhodey could tell Tony was frowning even without seeing his face. “I love you so much for offering, but I’d never say yes. You deserve to be bonded to someone who wants you like that, not stuck spending your life with a platonic mate. And I know it would solve a lot of issues, but I can’t do that to you. I won’t do it to you.”
“I’d do it to protect you.” The Alpha’s voice roughened. “I’d do it in a heartbeat.”
“I know you would, Rhodey.” Tony trilled softly, coaxing an answering rumble from the Alpha. “And I’d be lucky to have you, but you don’t love me like that and I don’t love you like that and--”
“And if that Alpha does what he’s supposed to and takes care of you, then we won’t have to bond, right?” he tipped Tony’s chin up. “But you need to do right by him too, Tony. If you want to stay here, want to stay with him, you gotta trust him a little bit. You gotta give him the chance to be a good Alpha for you.”
“I will.”
“I will!”
“I told him about your scars.” Rhodey whispered and Tony tensed in his arms. “Not about how you got them, but that you have them because I wasn’t there to protect you.”
“Rhodey it wasn’t your fault, I told--”
“You can say that all you want but I’m always going to feel a little guilty.” The Alpha worked his hand between their bodies to lay over Tony’s heart and the Omega purred at the contact. “Now your Sheriff knows that there is a physical reason behind all those barriers you put up and maybe he won’t be so discouraged when you stonewall him about getting too close.”
He waited a beat and then, “And he knows how serious I was when I told him to keep you safe.”
“You didn’t tell him about my scent?”
“Or my last name?”
“No, Tones, those are all your things to tell. But your scars-- he was going to see them eventually and I didn’t want you to finally be brave enough to show him and then--”
“I know.” Tony interrupted. “Thank you. You’re right, he was going to see them eventually and I’d rather him know that there was an issue instead of me taking off my shirt and him screaming or something.”
“I highly doubt an Alpha of that size would scream.” Rhodey said dryly. “But I’d pay money to hear it.”
“I would too.” Tony laughed quietly and Rhodey kissed his forehead before he started easing away.
“Alright, Tones, I have got to get on the road or I won’t make the pass by dark.”
“Be careful.” Tony stepped away from the horse, arms wrapped around his mid-section, hugging himself to keep from reaching out again. “I love you, you know.”
“I love you too.” Rhodey smiled one last time at him. “Spring time, Tony. Just six months or so. It’ll go by fast and I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Alright.” Tony nodded, forcing a smile to his mouth and blowing a kiss at the Alpha. “Six months. See you soon.”
Rhodey rumbled something comforting, then urged his horse into a trot, dust kicking up behind him as he headed down the road through town.
Tony stood there with his hand raised in a wave until the horse and rider had disappeared into the hills beyond Wildrock.
Then he collapsed down onto the bottom step, put his head on his arms, and let the lonely wind around him until he thought he would suffocate from the weight of it all.
“Bye, Honeybear.”
Steve found Tony in the same place almost an hour later, and paused a few steps from the landing, shoving his hands in his pockets before clearing his throat and asking, “Let the children out of school early today?”
“Gave them the day off entirely.” Tony spoke without lifting his head, and the blankness in the Omega’s voice made Steve hurt. “It's harvest season after all, and those with a farm need the older children to help in the fields so I only have half an attendance anyway.”
“And those who don’t have a farm?”
“I gave them extra math sheets and reading yesterday.” Tony still hadn’t lifted his head or turned to look at Steve. “I knew I would be in no shape to teach today, not with Rhodey leaving, so they can do some work at home and tomorrow class will be back as normal.”
Steve watched Tony for a minute and then quietly, “Would you like to go for a walk, Tony?”
Tony started to shake his head and Steve added, “A real walk, I mean. Down to the creek? I brought you a sandwich from the market and the leaves are turning right about now. Sure is a pretty place to just sit, pretty place if you need to cry, maybe just a pretty place for me to hold your hand while you tell me about your Rhodey.”
“Yeah?” Tony sniffed, curled a little tighter into himself. “I think a real walk sounds exhausting and full of fresh air and bugs and other things I don’t enjoy.”
“Would you like me to stay with you? Sit with you for a minute?”
“No thank you.” Tony kept looking away. “I want to just be alone for a while. I’ll be fine.”
“Tony--” Steve started to move forward, wanting to hold the Omega, to comfort him, to offer something. “Could I--”
“Thank you, but not thank you.” Tony shook his head quickly. “I don't want any company, or to take a walk-- real or not-- right now. I just need some time to myself.”
When he stood up, Steve caught a glimpse of the tears on the Omega’s cheek and rumbled anxiously. “Sweetheart, is there anything I can do? It breaks my heart to see you so sad, to see you missing your friend so much.”
“Have a good day, Sheriff Rogers.” Tony said woodenly, and made no attempt to wipe the tears away as he climbed the stairs. “Thank you for checking on me.”
“I’m here if you want me, Tony. For any reason at all.”
The Omega’s steps faltered for a second but he didn’t reply, just closed the door to his apartment behind him, leaving Steve alone outside.
“Such a sad Omega.” Steve whispered. “Such a sad Omega, I wish you’d let me hold you.”
The town of Lofsgreen sat half a days ride from Wildrock, not even big enough to make it onto the map, nothing more than a few buildings and miles of farm, here and gone in a moment when the Wells Fargo coach came through on it's way to the bigger cities.
The largest building in town served as the only restaurant and something of a hotel for the tiny town. On Friday and Saturday nights it was a saloon and brothel, and on Sunday mornings it was a church for the truly penitent, the sometimes penitent, and those that were dragged there by their wives and mothers.
Today it served as a meeting place for two Alphas and the group of men they had brought with them from St. Louis, twenty or so taking up most of the dining room in the hotel as they waited for news on what to do next.
The male Alpha was throwing back drink after drink, eyeing the Omega behind the bar with something dangerous in his eyes, but when he leaned forward and growled at her, the female Alpha snarled loud enough to send the serving girl scrambling.
“For once in your life.” She said coolly, going back to applying a bright red layer of nail polish to her fingers. “Just once keep it in your pants. You have a disconcerting habit of leaving bruises on your bed mates and in this small of a town you could pay for that in a very unfortunate way.”
“I’m not afraid of a bunch of cowboys.” He scoffed.
“You should be.” She answered without batting an eye. “Alpha’s like you get lynched out here, no trial, no due process, no chance for you to weasel your way out of it or buy off a jury, so back. off.”
He huffed and sat back in his chair angrily, kicking his boots up on the table. “How long are we supposed to wait, anyway?”
“We will wait however long we need to wait.” The female Alpha waved her hands in the air to get them to dry. “And you will wait with your mouth shut, yes?”
The male Alpha simply huffed again, but he shut up and more importantly, he didn’t bother the Omega at the bar anymore either.
Almost an hour passed before the door of the hotel swung open and a young man hurried through, making a beeline for their table.
“You were right, ma’am.” he said, doffing his hat nervously at the female. “Th’ Colonel went right to Wildrock, right to th’ school teacher.”
“Poor predictable Rhodey.” She laughed in delight. “I knew if we watched him long enough he would lead us to Tony. Tell me, what name is that bratty Omega going by these days?”
“Ah--” the Beta checked the hastily scribbled note in his pocket. “He goes by Mr. Carbonell. Tony Carbonell.”
“His mother’s maiden name.” The male Alpha muttered. “Clever. No one would think twice about that name.”
The female stood to her feet, straightening her clothes and treating everyone in the room to a view of lean curves and a wicked smile, smirking when the males in the room started to stare, and then looked away guiltily.
They all knew better than to spend too much time ogling her. She’d cut an eye out of the last man to stare too long and the men had never forgotten.
“What is it they say around here? Saddle up? Hit the trail? Mosey along? Either way, let’s go.”
“We leaving now?”
“Yes. We can make Wildrock by sundown and I can be reunited with my dear, long lost Mr. Carbonell in the morning. Pay the girl at the front, won’t you?”
“I don’t have any money!” the male protested and she groaned out loud at him.
“Of course you don’t. You there! Omega!” she snapped her fingers and the serving girl hurried over. 
“Here you are then.” she dropped a handful of cash into the Omega’s hands. “Extra for having to put up with this brute. Tell your boss I appreciated his hospitality and if I ever have to come back to this god-forsaken western territory, I’ll be sure to stay here again.”
“Uh, yes ma’am.” the Omega hesitated. “Should I tell him your name?”
“Sunset Bain.” the Alpha replied, twisting her hair up to tuck it under her hat. “But you can call me Mrs. Stark.”
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
I can’t think up a title for this thing that I wrote today, but it takes place in the Angiewolf AU.  Specifically, it takes between this ficlet and this ficlet.  It’s the morning after Ford gets back, where he visits Stan and Angie’s house to help explain everything to Dipper and Mabel.  But before he even sees the Mystery Twins, he has to talk to his sister-in-law and his newfound niece.  Don’t worry, he’s excited to see them.  A lot more excited than he was to see Stan.
              Ford stuffed his hands in his pockets as he stood outside Stan and Angie’s house.  It hadn’t changed in appearance since he’d been gone.  It was still spacious and rustic, like a cabin built for a family of basketball players.  Daisies and bluebells in full bloom stood side by side lining the front of the cabin. The Stanleymobile was parked in the driveway, as red as the day Stan had gotten it.
              It was like he was back in time, on the day Stan and Angie had first moved in.  He could practically see Stan, Angie, Fiddleford, and Angie’s family, full of excitement as they brought in boxes and furniture.  Stan challenging Lute on who could carry the most boxes.  Angie waving off Fiddleford’s concerns that she was straining herself by carrying the largest, heaviest furniture.  The six-month-old triplets sitting in the grass, playing with pastel toys under the watchful eye of Angie’s parents.  Ford swallowed, painfully aware of how the happy memories didn’t line up with the last time he had been there.  He made his way to the front door and knocked.
              “Someone’s at the door!  Someone’s at the door!  Someone’s here!” a voice shouted.  Ford frowned, trying to place it.
              Daisy, perhaps?  A muffled voice said something in response.  The door opened.  Ford smiled at the person standing before him.
              “Emily, I presume?” he asked.  Emily beamed broadly at him, her grin stretching from ear to ear.  Last night, in wolf form, he’d mistaken her for Angie.  But in her human form, the characteristics she’d inherited from Stan were more obvious – the large ruddy nose, the square jaw, the stocky figure.
              “That’s me,” Emily chirped.  Ford’s smile became warmer.
              “It’s a pleasure to properly meet you.”
              “Right back at ya.”
              “Short stack, let yer uncle in,” a new voice said.  A voice that Ford recognized.  He looked over.  Angie was standing in the entryway to the nearby kitchen, drying her hands on a gingham towel.  She grinned at him.  It was the same smile spread across Emily’s face.  “Long time no see, Stanford Pines.”
              “Yes, it has been a while,” Ford said, adjusting his glasses.  He tried to banish the mental image of the last time he’d seen Angie.
              Angie pale and unconscious on the floor, burns from silver spread across her body.  The triplets, whom she had managed to lock in their room when his possessed body arrived, shouting at the top of their lungs.  Stan physically throwing him out of the house, looking as feral as Angie on a full moon.
              “…Stanford?” Angie asked.  Ford blinked, surfacing from the memory.  Angie’s blue eyes were full of concern.
              I don’t deserve concern from her. Not after what happened thirty years ago.  She could have died.
              “Yes, I am.  I’m just, um,” Ford stammered.  Angie let out a small chuckle.
              “A sci-fi makeover hasn’t changed ya a bit.  Come on into the kitchen and I’ll feed ya.  I’m assumin’ ya haven’t eaten breakfast yet?��
              “That would be an accurate assumption to make.”
              “Figured.”  Angie strolled back into the kitchen.  Emily raced after her.  “Hold yer horses, pup.  The sausage is cookin’.”  Ford followed his niece and sister-in-law.  He looked around the kitchen with interest.  Among the mass of magnets covering the fridge was a wolf-themed calendar.  Several events were scribbled in red ink.  Many of the generic pictures of food that had decorated the walls thirty years ago had been replaced by pictures of Stan and Angie’s vast family.  The kitchen table was covered with yarn, glitter, and chewed on pens.
              “Project of yours?” Ford asked, picking up a skein of bright yellow yarn. Angie looked over.
              “No, that’s Mabel’s.  So’s the glitter.”
              “You haven’t bothered to clean up?”
              “Mabel’s mess is an organized mess.  Everything’s in its spot,” Angie said.  “The last time I cleaned up her supplies, she turned the house upside down ‘cause cleanin’ disrupted her system.  Made even worse of a mess.”
              “Ah.”  Ford carefully nudged a few sparkly pieces of yarn aside and sat at the table.  He clasped his hands.  “So, Fiddleford tells me you and Stan added to your family since I last saw you.”
              “Yes.  In a rather major way.”  Angie nodded at Emily, who was rummaging through the fridge.  “Emily’s the oldest of quadruplets.”
              “Quadruplets?” Ford said, aghast.  He shook his head.  “You have seven total children.”
              “You and Stan raised seven children.”
              “You.  And Stan.”
              “If yer tryin’ to imply that they were all wild and difficult, yer correct. I mean, the combination of myself and Stan is a handful alone.  Add onto that the lycanthropy and the fact that they were multiple births…”  Angie let out a bark of laughter.  “I’m honestly surprised the house is still standin’.”  Ford chuckled.
              “…Do you have any pictures?” he asked.  Angie grinned.
              “What do ya take me for?”
              Ford laughed as he turned a page in the photo album Angie had grabbed for him.
              “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?” he asked.  Angie shook her head, hiding a smile.  
              “Look, when you’ve got seven kids, ya don’t have that many options fer fam’ly Halloween costumes.”
              “These are wonderful.”  Ford looked at Angie.  “Thank you.”
              “…Fer what?”
              “Not kicking me out of the house the second you smelled my arrival.”
              “I heard ya ‘fore I smelled ya,” Angie said.  She turned another page in the photo album.  “But if I’m bein’ honest, Stan was the one who talked me down.”
              “Yes.  The day that you…”  Angie cleared her throat.  “I was still sick and hurt, and if I recall correctly, my words were ‘good riddance’.”
              “Stan, though, he reminded me that what happened wasn’t under yer own volition, and you’d never do anything to purposefully hurt people you care about.” Angie shrugged.  “And I do feel like, even if we aren’t related by blood, we do have a bit of a connection.  We’re both scientists, after all.”
              “Stan was the one who talked you down,” Ford said quietly.  He rubbed his face.  “Why did he do that?”
              “Yer his brother.  He cares about you.”
              “I don’t know if I believe that.”
              “Oh, Lord.”  Angie steepled her fingers.  “What happened last night between you two?”
              “What do you-”
              “Stan came home furious about somethin’.  He wouldn’t tell me what happened.”
              “We fought.”
              “You fought?  Why?”
              “Because of the immense risks he took to bring me back after he pushed me through the portal in the first place!” Ford shouted.  Angie pursed her lips.  “And I heard the boy – Dipper – say that he got bitten by a werewolf, too.  I don’t know how Stan is involved, but I know it’s his fault in some way.”
              “That’s his MO, Angie, and you know it.  Bad things happen around him.”
              “Does this have to do with the science fair incident?”
              “No.  I’ve moved past that.”
              “I don’t think you have.”
              “Angie, please,” Ford said.  He took a breath.  “I don’t want to talk about Stan.  I want to talk about your kids and Shermie’s grandkids.”
              “I mean it.”
              “Fine.”  Angie held her hands up.  “I’ll drop it.  And when Stan gets up, the chips ‘ll fall where they may.”
              “Thank you.”  Ford turned his attention back to the photo album.  “What did you say Cadenza does?”
              “She’s a lawyer.”
              “A lawyer?  Wow.  I assume she inherited Stan’s silver tongue.”
              “I’d like to meet her.  I’d like to meet all of the quadruplets.  And I’d like to see the triplets again.”
              “Sorry, but most all of the pups didn’t stick around in Gravity Falls. The only ones here right now are Emily and Molly.”
              “Aka the best ones,” Emily piped up.  “Caleb’s not even a werewolf anymore.”
              “He’s not?”
              “Huh.  Given how proud you all are of being werewolves, I would not have expected any of you to use the lycanthropy cure.”
              “Caleb’s always been a bit ‘meh’ about the werewolf thing, and being allergic to silver was making it difficult for his job,” Emily said.  “So he gave it up.”
              “What’s his job?”
              “He’s a pastry chef,” Angie replied.  “He lives in Piedmont like Mabel and Dipper.”
              “A pastry chef.”
              “Where is everyone else?”
              “Most of ‘em aren’t close enough to visit easily,” Angie said.  “Danny’s in Washington, D.C.  She works fer the Pentagon.”
              “Really?  With Stan for a father, how did she pass the background check?” Ford mumbled.  Angie frowned.
              “If I can’t talk ‘bout Stan, you can’t talk ‘bout him, either.”
              “Very well,” Ford sighed.  “What about the rest of your pups?”
              “Daisy’s back in Gumption on the fam’ly farm, doin’ testin’ on the crops. She’s a geneticist, so she’s tryin’ to improve the yield.  Emmett’s in dance school in San Diego – he studies ballet.  And Cadenza runs her practice from Portland.”
              “What about Molly?”
              “She’s bounced around doin’ botanical research, but right now she’s back in Gravity Falls, like I said.  She’ll be stoppin’ by this mornin’.”
              “She doesn’t live with you?”
              “…She’s in her thirties.  She has her own place.”
              “Oh.  Right.” Ford swallowed.  “She’s in her thirties.”
              “It’s got to be strange fer you,” Angie said sympathetically.  “She wasn’t even in kindergarten when you…left.  Now she’s all grown.”
              “Yes.”  Ford sighed softly.  “I’ve missed quite a bit.  Fiddleford even has a grown son.”  Emily, who was looking for something in one of the cupboards, froze.  She closed the cupboard door and stared at Ford with wide eyes.
              “Oh my god,” she whispered.  Angie stood up from the table.  “Oh my god! Ma, that’s-”
              “Emily, come with me to wake up yer father,” Angie said in a tight voice.
              “But Ma, Tate’s-”
              “Shh!”  Angie shot Ford an awkward grin.  “Go ahead and help yourself to some breakfast.  If Dipper and Mabel come down, tell Dipper he’s not allowed to have any pancakes.”  Ford nodded.
              “Because he’s been bitten, he’ll need plenty of protein.”
              “Exactly.”  Angie ushered Emily out of the kitchen.  Ford looked over at the counter.  Bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes were piled high on platters.  He smiled.
              That’s another thing that hasn’t changed.  Angie’s insistence on feeding everyone.  His stomach growled.  It’s been thirty years since I’ve had her amazing cooking.  Before he could get up to make a plate, footsteps rushed from the second floor. The two children he had met last night, Mabel and Dipper, ran into the kitchen.  They made a beeline for the food.
              “Dipper, no pancakes,” Ford said quickly.  Mabel and Dipper froze.  They slowly turned to face him.  Mabel squished her face excitedly.
              “Great-Uncle Ford!  What are you doing here?” she asked.
              “I came over to help Stan and Angie explain everything.”
              “Everything?” Dipper gasped.  He grabbed a notepad and pencil from inside his vest.  “Like, everything?”
              “Um, everything regarding the werewolf situation,” Ford said hesitantly.  Dipper’s eyes widened.
              “Why can’t Dipper have pancakes?” Mabel asked.
              “Pups need protein,” a voice grunted.  Ford let out a small sigh.  He looked at the person who had just entered.
              “Stanley,” he said shortly.  Stan glared at him.
              “Ford,” Stan ground out.  He looked back at Dipper.  “Dipper, you got turned yesterday.  Getting turned isn’t a joke.  You need a lot of protein when you’re changing species, and you’re gonna be a pup on top of it.  Werewolf pups have to eat a lot of protein ‘cause they’re still growing.”
              “I’ll only have one pancake then,” Dipper said.  Stan glowered.
              “No.  No pancakes. Only protein for breakfast.”
              “No buts, kid,” Stan rumbled.  Angie walked into the kitchen.  “Ang, keep an eye on Dipper.  Don’t let him have any pancakes.”
              “Of course, darlin’.”
              “Thanks.”  Stan looked at Ford.  “Sixer. We should talk.”
              “…Yes,” Ford said.  “We should.”
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jazzmarshfmpyr1 · 3 years
ClubRats, the definition, the lifestyle and what it involves...
When searching up ClubRats this is the most accurate interruption of what I visualise in my head to what a ClubRat is ,’ A person (contrary to popular belief, can be a member of either sex) who regularly frequents the discothèque. Can often be seen posing, wearing the latest trends in clothing including shirts with lame, bold slogans & wearing sunglasses inside & at night, handing out club discount entry passes so they can brag about being a promoter, attempting to sneak into the VIP area & gurning their face off from munching too many disco biscuits.’
A Clubrats high isn't just from all the drugs they are stereotyped to always be on, but they also get high of attention, eyes directly at them. Without a care in the world, I imagine a group of club rats to stumble into every club they find, and with there power, in there over the top dress sense, and not forgetting there intense hair and makeup choices, letting the eyes and attention rain down on them as they continuously have ‘the night of there lives’ every single night, not worrying about what day off the week it is as they carry on living there lives with zero regrets. But it can't be all highs from this amazing thrilling lifestyle. With the continuous drug consumption, aswell as the alcohol is bound to make one of there crazy nights there last. ClubRats are all over the world, I have read through several reports on arrests of club rats because of disruption and drug possession. Here is one article about and incident in Malaysia, what I found interesting was how it described the club rats, specifically there ages, which I will touch up on after this, 
‘SEREMBAN, Dec 26 — Thirty-seven individuals, including two foreign nationals were detained through Ops Club Rats carried out by a team of officers and men from the Narcotics Crime Investigation Department (NCID) of the State Contingent Police Headquarters (IPK) on an entertainment centre in Seremban 2, here yesterday. Negeri Sembilan Deputy State Police Chief, SAC Che Zakaria Othman said that in a raid that lasted two-and-a-half hours beginning 2 am found that all of them, aged between 18 and 32 years, were tested positive of the drug methamphetamine, ketamine and AMP (Amphetamine) through the urine screening carried out. “An inspection also found three of them were in possession of drugs while six of those detained were found to have records of past offences involving drugs and other crimes. “In addition, police also seized a cigarette and a packet believed to contain ketamine and an ecstasy pill all of which were estimated to be worth RM200,”’ 
When reading this article the first thing I though was the variety of ages that include in this culture, which is not many, between the youngest arrested and the oldest there only 14 years, which gives me a massive perception of this culture that its inky really for the young hearted, which I presume is because of the constant drugs abuse, which eventually takes a toll on majority of people. Also the drugs being used in this particular case, are what  know as ‘party’ drugs. They are used to wake u up more, give you a ‘ trip ‘  which is no suppose to me knowing they're lifestyle now.
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beyond-katie-blog · 4 years
An Analysis of Elizabeth Bennet: A Viewpoint of the British Class System in the 19th Century
Pride and Prejudice, a staple in romantic literature and regarded as a classic, was written by Jane Austen and published in 1813. The novel is based in the nineteenth century near the end of the Georgian era specifically during the Regency period, a time of cultural development before the famous Victorian era. Elizabeth Bennet, a twenty-one-year-old woman that is the second eldest of her five sisters, did not seek marriage like her sisters which was atypical for the time. Elizabeth, unlike the majority of girls and woman like her mother and certain sisters, disliked the pressures and notions of formal society. Elizabeth marries Mr. Darcy, a man with prejudice and pride akin to hers but in different prospects, and it teaches her more about the reality of class and their own troubles. It is expected that “A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half-deserved.” (Austen 45) and also improve her mind in the form of extensive reading. Men, in this aspect, are expected to be handsome, gentlemanly yet formidable, and who known all formal graces of courtship of a woman of great standing or a plentiful dowry. In Pride and Prejudice, life can act as a viewpoint of the marital and societal expectations in the British class system by analyzing Elizabeth Bennet’s personal relationships with family, friends, and romantic interests.
In discussions revolving around the 19th century, the social and romantic aspects of the century is what is most commonly seen: For beneath the surface glitter of Regency life - the opulent interiors, the elegant dress, the grand, scenic architecture - was an underlying malaise, a pervasive emptiness and a sense of loss that afflicted a wide spectrum of the populace. (Erickson 8) Elizabeth Bennet shares quite similar views in the way that she abhors what is expected of society in the marital sense. Elizabeth is regarded as the second most beautiful compared to her oldest sister, Jane, and as the most peculiar and expressive. She enjoys dancing, laughing, and being free with her emotions and purpose. She did not hide how she felt but when it would compromise someone else, particularly her sisters or husband. In 19th century standards, she is not the woman a man would usually wish to marry as she is overly witty, intelligent, and stubborn in her opinions of society. These traits were not desirable in women of that time, subservience was expected, and conversation was the least concern compared to confirming succession and wealth for the family. Behind marriage lies the ideal of money not love, most women from a young age were raised to yearn for a man with a plentiful fortune. For the British Class System in the 19th century, “consequence of continuing material progress, the national distribution of income and wealth slowly became somewhat less skewed...” (Goldthorpe/Lockwood 142) it lessened the power dynamic between the classes but did not abolish it. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. (Austen 4) Elizabeth settles that she would die an old maid, a woman who never marries and gets no money from a marriage, rather than enter a loveless marriage. Love is not optional for her but a necessity, the presence of her husband is to be enriching, riveting, and comforting. Elizabeth’s family knows this is an important part of who she is and what eventually led to her self-proclaimed passionate and loving marriage to Mr. Darcy, in which her father accepted due on this basis.
Elizabeth’s parents are dissimilar, as the very first mention of the character illustrates their core personality differences:
Mr. Bennet was so odd a mixture of quick parts, sarcastic humour, reserve, and caprice, that the experience of three-and-twenty years had been insufficient to make his wife understand his character. Her mind was less difficult to develop. She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented, she fancied herself nervous. The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news. (Austen 6)
Mr. Bennet does not care for his children’s marriages as fervently as his wife, Mrs. Bennet, and certain daughters did. Starting from the eldest sister is Jane, twenty-three, who is known for her beauty and is “so admired” (Austen 15) marries a kind and wealthy heir named Mr. Charles Bingley [a close friend of Mr. Darcy]. Elizabeth is her father’s favorite and shares the closet bond with him due to their shared understanding and admiration. Mary, nineteen, is the middle child and “a young lady of deep reflection” (Austen 9), she is also the only one to remain home after all her sisters married. Catherine “Kitty” Bennet, seventeen, is the fourth sister daughter and is often in the shadow of Lydia, her youngest sister, who “She will follow wherever Lydia leads. Vain, ignorant, idle, and absolutely uncontrolled!” (Austen 265). Lydia Bennet, fifteen, is the youngest child and she is described as “lost to everything” (Austen 318) and was determined to married an officer. This determination to led her elopement with the charming, yet very deceptive officer Mr. George Wickham [a former childhood friend of Mr. Darcy], who Elizabeth herself said “...will never marry a woman without some money.” (Austen 318) Though Mr. Bennet did not expect and greatly disliked the elopement of Lydia and Mr. Wickham, the marriage had to properly happen in order to protect the Bennet family’s honor from total ruin and disgrace. The sisters are all quite different in many regards and can fit into many modern stereotypes, such as Kitty and Lydia falling into the stereotype “all woman are obsessed with men” and Mary being “the silent type.” Ms. Bennet was the one to entertain the younger sister’s obsession with marriage, which led to the Lydia’s predicament but also was able to prevent Kitty, and the reputation of those living in the manor, from the same fate. It is also essential to mention Mr. Collins, a cousin of Mr. Bennet, who is a clergyman, and landholder at the estate of his patroness, Lady Catherine De Bourgh. Mr. Collins, in the event that Mr. Bennet’s dies and none of his daughters are married, is the devisee of the Bennet manor. Due to this, Bennet needed to marry a woman of or in relation to the Bennet family. His first choice was Jane for superficial reasons but that did not work out because she was in active courtship with Mr. Bingley. For that reason, Mr. Collins later proposed to Elizabeth, who swiftly rejected him leading him to marry her best friend.
Charlotte Lucas, twenty-seven, is a close friend of the family and Elizabeth Bennet’s best friend who marries Mr. Collins for his wealth and also her growing age. Charlotte was known “for her compassion” (Austen 129) and would recognize the romantic chemistry between Jane and Mr. Bingley, and even Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy from the beginning. Charlotte would listen closely to anyone; she was not bothered by Mr. Collins curt mannerisms. “Marriage vied with inheritance as the most important way to transmit power and wealth.” (Phegley 110) Charlotte and Mr. Collins was not a ‘proud’ one nor was it for love, but for the sake of herself and family’s prosperity. With this, Charlotte and Mr. Collins were able to easily coexist in the marriage where “mutual entertainment between couples would appear to be relatively rare” (Goldthorpe/Lock-wood 142). In the 19th century, especially in the Georgian era “…daughters were seen as the way forward, the family member who could boost the status and fortunes of a whole generation.” (Courcy 29) which is why Charlotte was so hastened to marry Mr. Collins. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal. (Austen 74) His impact is considerably small as a character but as a characteristic of the time he is an example. Mr. Collins is written as the average man to marry in that period, a wealthy and monotonous man whom only pursued marriage on the basis of inheritance and his own steadfast loyalty to whomever held power. Despite Charlotte being Mr. Collins third choice, as a husband he treated her well, as expected, which is described in Cruelty and Companionship: Conflict in Nineteenth Century Married Life:
But despite this [the customs of courtship] rigidity, by the end of the nineteenth century the exposure of marital misconduct among men of all social classes had brought to an unprecedented amount of attention to proper ideals of male behavior in marriage, so that one result of the long marriage debate was a challenge to prevailing concepts of marriage. The ‘manliness’ of husbands was tested increasingly by their marital conduct, and not only their breadwinning capacities, which could not help but encourage more intense questioning of their family authority. (Hammerton 2)
Colonel Fitzwilliam, thirty, is a gentleman whom Elizabeth took frivolous liking to, but were just friends. Though perceived as a complete gentleman, he does admit that he would be unable to ever marry a poor woman, inadvertently emphasizing Elizabeth lower economical stance, as he must provide for himself. He is cousin of Mr. Darcy and the guardian of Georgiana Darcy, the beloved younger sister of Mr. Darcy, and accidentally supplies knowledge to Elizabeth that lessens her opinion of Mr. Darcy. Colonel Fitzwilliam is who tells Elizabeth of Mr. Darcy’s involvement in separating Jane and Mr. Bingley, though he was not aware that Jane was her sister. The colonel said that Mr. Darcy had “congratulated himself on having lately saved a friend from the inconveniences of a most imprudent marriage...” (Austen 212).
Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy did not start out being so ardently in love with each other but actually held hard feelings toward each other due to misunderstandings of each other’s character. They first met at a ball and whilst in Elizabeth’s earshot makes a rude remark of her appearance, “She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me…” (Austen 14) which decides her opinion of him being “the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world…” (Austen 13) Elizabeth and Charlotte discuss his status in society, and how he has the right to be prideful, and Elizabeth even says, “I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.” (Austen 23) Elizabeth notices his apprehension for dance, which was a very prominent social activity in the Regency/Georgian era that was not taken lightly and was subject to many works of art such as Albert Ludovici Jnr., The Regency Dance:
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Pride and Prejudice, a suitable title and phrase for the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy represents their equal prides and prejudices based upon the British Class System. The class system held favorably to the rich and negatively towards the poor, even more to those who lived in complete poverty. Elizabeth was prideful and had a prejudice against the wealthy, as she felt they all saw the poor as lesser than them. Mr. Darcy was just as prideful and had a similar prejudice on the opposite end of the spectrum as he felt all the poor, especially woman, only cared for wealth. Mr. Darcy, as previously described, separated Jane and Mr. Bingley because of his prejudices without truly seeing the type of person Jane was, and immediately generalized her due to his own skewed perspective. Shortly, only five pages, after Elizabeth finds out his involvement in the separation of Jane and Mr. Bingley, he proposes to Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy confesses that “In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” (Austen 217) After the confession, Elizabeth is left astonished and in shocked silence which gives him the fuel to continue the explanation of his conflicted and quite derogatory reaction towards his own feelings. During this, Elizabeth remains calm until she finally becomes angry and responds with a outright and notable response, addressing her main provocation: “I might as well inquire,” replied she, “why with so evident a desire of offending and insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your will, against your reason, and even against your character? Was not this some excuse for incivility, if I was uncivil? But I have other provocations. You know I have. Had not my feelings decided against you—had they been indifferent, or had they even been favourable, do you think that any consideration would tempt me to accept the man who has been the means of ruining, perhaps for ever, the happiness of a most beloved sister?” (Austen 219) In the 2005 film adaption of Pride and Prejudice, suitably named after the novel, makes Mr. Darcy “look more passionate than the literary original”. (Gymnich/Ruhl 26) By using the actor as a tool, Joe Wright, the director was able to direct them to display emotions not commonly represented in the 19th century. Such as making the scene occur in the rain, a romantic trope very commonly used in iconic romance films like 
The Notebook, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Enchanted
, instead of in the lackluster guestroom of the Collins house she was occupying. For this reason, Elizabeth “referred for the truth of every particular to Colonel Fitzwilliam himself—” (Austen 237) as there was no reason for him to be untrustworthy or biased in her eyes. In gaining Elizabeth’s trust he also fortuitously lessened her opinion of Mr. Darcy, especially after the displaced proposal. She over time finds out he was responsible for saving her family’s reputation by arranging the elopement of her sister, Lydia, to Mr. Wickham and assisting in reconnecting Jane and Mr. Bingley. Through her established friendship with the colonel, and circumstances connecting Mr. Darcy and herself, they began to see one another in a positive light and Elizabeth contentedly agrees to become Mr. Darcy’s wife upon seeing the happiness Jane’s engagement with her Mr. Bingley brought. In finally seeing what was behind his negative behaviors was actually concern and kindness for the people he cared for, Elizabeth was able to admit that she loved Mr. Darcy. When asking her father, Mr. Bennet, for permission to marry Mr. Darcy he asked if she really like him, this was her vivid response:
“I do, I do like him,” she replied, with tears in her eyes, “I love him. Indeed he has no improper pride. He is perfectly amiable. You do not know what he really is; then pray do not pain me by speaking of him in such terms.” (Austen 424)
With this, Elizabeth’s were assured and a stereotype of 19th century marital expectations was broken, as she loved her husband and he did in return, a rarity found in the time of rising society. 
To conclude, in examining Elizabeth Bennet’s family, friendships, and romantic interests it was possible to analyze the marital and societal expectations of the British class system. Mr. and Ms. Bennet, though quite drastically different raised intelligent and mature young women, maybe with the exceptions of Kitty and Lydia Darcy, who even if they make mistakes can improve from them. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, along with Jane and Mr. Bingley, were able to break the stereotype of dispassionate marriages, instead entering healthy and tender ones. On the other hand, Charlotte Lucas and Mr. Collins acted as a prime example of the reality of marriage in the 19th century. Charlotte, only a short time away becoming an “old maid”, ended the burden on her parents and was able to financially ascend with the help of her marriage to Mr. Collins. However, this is not to be misunderstood. Charlotte was not in love with Mr. Collins, but she was content and treated well by Mr. Collins, together developing a unique companionship. With this, 19th century expectations are broken down and evolve into positive representations of what could be seen as negative. Prejudices between the rich and poor occurred in many ways, by not accepting a simple dance or even a proposal, it can take so many shapes. Pride truly takes many forms throughout society; Not enough words or to many, rejection, a superior wage, a bigger home, or just a phrase can hurt another person’s pride. Pride and Prejudice whilst generally focusing upon the marital aspects, it also expresses the moral lacking’s of individuals and their thoughts in society during the Regency era. It made possible, in examining Elizabeth Bennet’s family, friendships, and romantic interests it is possible to properly observe the marital and societal expectations and limitations that live within the British class system.
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. AmazonClassics, 2017.
Courcy, Anne De. The Husband Hunters: American Heiresses Who Married into the British Aristocracy. St. Martin's Press, 2018. Dillon, Sarah. “Pride and Prejudice.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 10 Jan. 2020, www.britannica.com/topic/Pride-and-Prejudice.Erickson, Carolly. Our Tempestuous Day: A History of Regency England. William Morrow Paperbacks; Reprint Edition, 2011. 
Goldthorpe, John H., and David Lockwood. Affluence and the British Class Structure. University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics, 1964. Gymnich, Marion, and Kathrin Ruhl. Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media. V & R Unipress, Bonn Univ. Press, 2010.
Hammerton, A. James. Cruelty and Companionship: Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Married Life. Routledge, 2016.Jnr. Ludovici, Albert. The Regency Dance. 1852-1932. Art and Antiques, Oxford, England. Bonhams. https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/18050/lot/18/?category=list“Romantic Rain.” TV Tropes, Tvtropes, 13 Aug. 2014, tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RomanticRain. Phegley, Jennifer. Courtship and Marriage in Victorian England. Praeger, 2012.
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missingverse · 7 years
Missing Chapter Eleven
Notes for this chapter: As I am not from America and Hey Arnold is, a lot of research has gone into the next few chapters when puzzling out locations, but I will probably still get some details wrong. If you notice anything really off, please let me know in the comments.
Also, I have not seen the Jungle Movie yet but I'm hearing good things. Lovely.
Three weeks until:
Waking up was a challenge; actually getting up once she was awake was even worse. The sun trickling through the curtains was stinging her eyes and she had slept with her shoulder at an odd angle, it ached.
Once Helga managed to lift her head off the pillow, she noticed that not only had she been drooling again, but the drool was foamy! Was that normal?
Her arms and legs were heavy, she rolled over with difficulty and picked up her cellphone.
Pheebs, I'm not coming in today.
Thank goodness for predictive text, her fingers wouldn't move the way she wanted them to.
Why not?      
I'm sick.
Again?You really need to see a doctor.
Yeah, with whose money?
Free clinic is two bus rides and
I can barely get out of bed.
Ask Patrick's mom to bring you. You know she would.
I can ask my mom when she gets home from work.
It's fine, I'll try and sleep it off
and see how it is later. It's probably
just the flu.
Flu doesn't last this long, Helga.
All right, I'll think about it and
call you later.
She dropped the phone and attempted to get up. She couldn't remember going to bed the night before; the last thing she remembered was getting halfway through her Social Studies report. She stumbled to the bathroom to wash the drool off her face.
Miriam wasn't up yet; Helga heard her thick snoring from what used to be Olga's room. Bob was definitely gone to work, the sink was clogged with shaving foam and stubble.
She leaned into the mirror and poked at the skin under her right eye. It was still marked from where she'd blackened it. Telling everyone it was a baseball injury was marginally less embarrassing than admitting she'd had a dizzy spell and fallen into a door (like anyone would believe that when it was known as the go-to excuse of beaten wives and battered kids).
She turned on the shower and made to get undressed, and then she realized just how bad she was; apparently she'd been so out of it she'd put on her nightgown back to front.
Dawn was just tiptoeing up in the sky when Arnold was rather brutally woken up by a knee in his stomach. He opened his eyes to see Helga thrashing in her sleep, trying to push him away from her but just pushing herself closer to the wall. A small distressed whine was rising in her throat.
“Helga....Helga!” he groaned, still half asleep and a touch winded.
He shook her by the shoulder gently and she stilled, slowly blinking awake.
“You were having a nightmare,” he told her.
“Yes, I was,” she replied. She was damp with cold sweat.
Being this close, it was remarkable how human she looked for a ghost. He could count individual eyelashes, the faint freckles under her skin, the trembling of her lip that indicated she was still upset but trying to hide it.
“You wanna talk about it?” he pressed, scooting to the edge of the bed so she wouldn't feel trapped.
“Not really,” she mumbled, turning so she was lying on her back. “But I probably should, right?”
“Not if you don't want to.”
“There was something around my neck.”
Now cold sweat started beading on Arnold's skin under his t-shirt.
“What kind of something?” he asked cautiously. “A hand?”
“No, not a hand,” she murmured, stroking her throat thoughtfully. “It was cold. And heavy.”
That could be anything, but Arnold's mind helpfully supplied some images.
A thick rope.
A chain.
Something sinkable if you tossed it in water.
“It's probably nothing,” Helga demurred, but she didn't sound convincing.
Arnold threw back the covers and got to his feet, booted up his computer.
“Maybe you should come with us to school today,” he suggested, pulling up the latest headlines. “Just a distraction. Things have been getting really heavy lately...”
“Maybe,” she agreed, but she had turned over in the bed, facing the wall. Away from him.
They had hit a dead end. They had where Helga had gone last and why she was there, but Officer Plaskett was certain Bob Pataki hadn't been involved in her disappearance.
He wouldn't have wanted to lose his only source of real income Arnold thought sourly.
But that left them with nothing else. Nowhere to go. Part of him was a little glad though, because it was just now occurring to him that if they discovered what happened to her, ghost Helga would have no reason to stay and he had grown very used to having her around.
“Wanna hear some news?” he asked.
“Sure, why not?” she replied, still facing the wall and a little muffled by the pillow.
“Lena Montclare has been slammed for inflammatory tweets about her fans,” he began.
“What kind of news is that?” she said, turning over to look at him. “Who's Lena Montclare?”
“Remember that Netflix movie you watched while I was out? She played the sister.”
“Oh. She was awful in that.”
“She's just awful in general.”
“What else is there?”
“Seven reasons JimBob Saves Christmas doesn't need a reboot....Massive shipment of Lego bricks runs aground on Kettle Beach.... Golden couple Ray Harkness and Mona Washington rocked by rumours of infidelity...Pocaselas cheer team make the nationals....”
Helga sat up suddenly.
“What was that last one?” she asked, a high note rising in her voice.
“What? Pocaselas cheer team....” he answered.
“Pocaselas. What is that?”
“Uh, it's a city two states over, I think.”
Pocaselas was barely a city, more like a halfway point for people on their way to somewhere better. It was full of motels, hotels and trans-state bus lines. Arnold had been stranded there once for seven hours when trying to get to Montana for a concert when he was thirteen. He hadn't even tried to go to a concert since.
“I know that place. I keep seeing the name,” she said, rubbing at her temple (just under her scar).
“Seeing it? Where?” Arnold asked, typing the word into Google.
“In my dreams. It's printed on something.”
“Like a newspaper or a street sign?”
“I don't know, it's hazy.”
Pocaselas was unremarkable; Google brought up basic info about annual rain fall, bus timetables, some mommy blogger's website....
….until about three entries down in the search and the only real reason anyone knew that Pocaselas even existed.
The Black Gulch Ripper.
In the early nineties, Pocaselas became known as a hive for young runaways and working prostitutes, who were sometimes one and the same. For any young person looking to disappear, it was a good option. There were lots of short-term places to stay, lots of abandoned buildings to squat in when the money ran out, and plenty of truckers and blow-ins to keep the working girls in business.
When women began going missing, nobody thought much of it. People left Pocaselas all the time, especially runaways. There were a lot of cases where a john was robbed by a working girl who fled town on the first bus in any direction. So nobody could really pinpoint who the first victim was.
The first victim found, however, was 26-year-old Elisa Frank. She appeared in the Black Gulch on the edge of the city, discovered by a local fisherman, and was so bloated and disfigured it was near impossible to see what had been done to her. Her throat had been cut, and a good number of internal organs were missing.
A girl who had frequently worked the same stretch of highway as Elisa turned up next, not in the Gulch itself but just beside it. Sarah May Caldwell's throat had also been cut but only her heart and lungs were missing. Police arrested the girl's pimp for their murder but he was released without charge (and then picked up again and sent down for three years for soliciting.)
As many as a hundred girls had been reported missing; with the ones that hadn't been reported the number would have been closer to three hundred. Three more bodies were found in the Gulch in the same state as Elisa and Sarah May, but it was near impossible to tell who could be considered the culprit's next victim just looking at the missing reports.
By the time four more bodies appeared in the gulch, a pattern had emerged. They were all young women; the oldest was thirty-four and the youngest nineteen. They were blondes, mostly (Tegan Nicholls was biracial with curly dark hair and Annette Fischer was a redhead) and they were between five foot and five seven. Several of them were heroin addicts and three on some other narcotic, which the police theorized made them easier to capture, and most were prostitutes but two were mere runaways.
The newspapers gave the killer the nickname everyone used. He would go quiet for two to three year stretches and then come back with a new body, and there was a grim sense that the press had been waiting for him because it was the only kind of interesting news you got in a place like Pocaselas.
There had been theories that the Black Gulch Ripper was behind Helga Pataki's disappearance, but it was dismissed as nonsense. For one, Helga was much younger than the killer's usual M.O. He also concentrated his attacks in the Pocaselas general area, and the difference between that city and Hillwood was two states and a mess of highways and sideroads. The roads in and out of Hillwood had speed cameras that had picked up nothing beyond the usual traffic.
It was entirely possible to reach Pocaselas on foot through the forest that ran from Hillwood through the interim state to the edge of the city, but that was only if you managed to avoid swamps full of water moccasins, treacherous sinkholes and the occasional bear. It was said only a madman would attempt it.
“You're not ready yet?” Phoebe said as he opened the bedroom door to her, still in his pyjamas.
“We might have got something,” he told her, ushering her in. “I'll tell you on the way to school, I just need to shower.”
Her attention wasn't on him though; she was looking in the general direction of Helga, sitting on his bed.
“I can kind of see her,” she said, a smile slowly growing. “The air is kind of blurry, like when there's gas in the air.”
“That's good,” he said.
“I have a new notebook for you,” Phoebe said, ignoring Arnold entirely. “I missed your last few birthdays, I owed you a new one.”
“Wow, thanks Pheebs,” Helga said, taking the notebook.
“Did you hear anything? She thanked you,” Arnold told her, and Phoebe's face fell.
“No,” she mumbled. “But it's okay, she can write to me with the notebook.”
Arnold left them there, and throughout his shower he could hear the low murmur of Phoebe talking and Helga answering, although he knew anyone else listening would just hear the sounds of a girl talking to herself. He got out, dressed and just as he was about to come back in, he heard something that made him linger outside.
“....has to know something, doesn't he? I mean, you ended up in his house...”
Helga muttered a reply he couldn't hear and through the crack in the door he saw her scribble out a response and hand over the notebook. Phoebe read it and rolled her eyes.
“If not now, then when?” she said. “Back then you told me you were over it, but you're obviously not.”
Helga scribbled out another response, and at this one Phoebe looked like she wanted to cry.
“What's the point?” she half-laughed. “You tell me! Maybe the reason you're back is nothing to do with how you died, you know? Maybe that's not the right kind of closure....”
They both lapsed into silence, and Arnold felt it was okay to come back inside. He watched Helga slam the new notebook shut when he came back in.
“You ready to go?” he asked.
Helga ultimately decided not to join them, and for the first few minutes of the walk to school Phoebe was silent. Until....
“...why is she in your bed?”
“What?” Arnold sputtered.
“She's in your bed now,” Phoebe continued. “She was on the sofa and now she's not. Why?”
“I had to tell her about the memory stick,” Arnold said with a sigh. “She was pretty upset, and I was worried.”
“So she ended up in your bed because she was upset?”
“I can understand why you're worried, but nothing happened. At least until this morning.”
Phoebe stopped dead in the street and grabbed his arm, turned him around.
“What happened this morning?” she demanded, cheeks turning pink with anger.
“She had a nightmare,” Arnold explained.
The colour drained from Phoebe's face, and she looked abashed.
“Sorry,” she muttered. “I guess I'm still a bit peeved that you can see her and I can't, but I shouldn't take that out on you. How does she look to you?”
“Like herself, but older,” Arnold shrugged. “Speaking of....do you remember any kind of scars Helga had before she went missing?”
“Scars?” Phoebe questioned, thoughtful. “Um...she had one on her elbow from where she broke her arm and the bone went through skin. And she kept saying she had one under her eye from when she blackened it but I think she was just hyper-focused on it...”
“Wasn't that the one her Dad gave her?”
“That was just a rumour, Arnold,” Phoebe sighed. “She ran into a door because she was dizzy and she didn't want to tell anyone because someone would spread rumours. Which they did anyway.”
“Oh,” was all Arnold could think to say. He'd bought into that rumour, they all had.
“Why are you asking? Does she have different ones?”
“Yeah,” Arnold said, and took a deep breath before continuing. “She has a big one, on her head. Looks like she was hit with something big and heavy. There's one on the back of her leg too.”
Phoebe blanched even more.
“And there's one more, a really long one...it goes from her hip to her chest. It looks kind of deep too.”
“Her hip to her chest? How do you know about that one?” Phoebe asked.
“Come on, Phoebe...” Arnold groaned.
“How do you know about that one?” Phoebe growled.
“I looked, okay? She was asleep and I saw the edge of it from under her t-shirt so I took a look.”
“You goddamn perv-”
“There was nothing sexy about it if that's what you're worried about,” Arnold muttered. “I don;t know about you but looking at knife wounds doesn't get me hot under the collar.”
Once again, Phoebe's anger faded.
“Sorry,” she mumbled again. “She used to complain when boys paid attention to her... I guess I'm still a bit protective.”
“It's okay,” Arnold shrugged. “It's nice, actually. Nice to see you trying to look after her even after all of this.”
“Just repaying the debt. I would have been eaten alive at school if it wasn't for Helga.”
Phoebe had forgotten to ask what the new thing they had discovered was, and by the time they reached the school he had debated with himself over and over about telling her.
The Black Gulch Ripper flashed in his mind, over and over.
In the end, he decided it could wait.
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