magazinewankersworld · 5 months
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Nikki Dial
One of the most popular starlets of the 1990's, Nikki Dial was born in 1973 in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. Nikki began her career posing for nude photo shoots at age 18. Prior to moving to Los Angeles to start her professional adult film star career, she worked in bondage and BDSM-oriented clubs and appeared in a few amateur videos. Nikki appeared in over 70 hardcore films from 1991 to 1996 and worked for various companies including Legend, VCA, and Vivid. Nikki won the XRCO Award for Starlet of the Year in 1992, the F.O.X.E. award for Female Fan Favorite in 1994, and the XRCO award for Best New Starlet in 1995. She was later inducted into the XRCO Hall of Fame in 2008. In the early to mid 1990's, she also worked as a feature club dancer. While Nikki withdrew from the adult film industry in 1996 to focus on a college education, in the early 2000's she provided some voice acting with appearing in a number of English dubbed ero (hentai) anime.
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Since Lifetime now has the rights to VC Andrews what are other stories that could do? I feel like they've done all the main ones already, do you think they would go back and make something new with the characters?
Does lifetime have the rights? I thought they were moving towards streaming services for the next VCA series but maybe I misunderstood
Dawn/Cutler series is next, we'll probably get a new announcement for that soon. But as far as the Dollanganger saga, I can see neiderman pushing for his new prequel series about the "first corrine" so maybe we can expect that.
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keendle · 11 months
the relationships you develop with local, DVM-owned vet offices are so worth going there for instead of opting for the “convenience” of a place like VCA or banfield
we’ve taken the cats to the vet office run by my boyfriend’s shelter organization and the workers are so overworked. that combined with the sheer amount of patients they see every day makes the environment feel so factory-like and impersonal
then the local clinic always remembers our cats and asks how they’re doing and compliments them and they just, actually have the opportunity to love the animals they work with rather than moving the conveyor belt forward
it helps that we had two unexpected surgeries in two months at their clinic in terms of being memorable though i suppose 😔
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clanoffelidae · 1 year
talk about a fucking week huh
just wanna throw out there for the masses that idiopathic feline vestibular disease (link below) is a thing, because i sure as hell didn't know about that until a few days ago, which is basically:
cat's sense of balance suddenly becomes so severely fucked up that they may need help eating and drinking due to falling over when attempting to make it to their water or food bowls as they are unable to move without stumbling around and falling like a blackout drunk
it starts to clear up after a few days and usually has no lingering effects
no causative agent can be found
the medical/scientific communities have absolutely NO fucking clue what causes this or why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
which is absolutely as terrifying as it sounds and you have all my complete and utter empathy if your cat, especially a fairly old one like idk a 15 and a half year old cat with kidney issues you got to pick out as a kitten all those years ago, suddenly develops this condition and you get to experience the roller coaster of 'suddenly and without warning my cat is dying' and undergo 23 different stages of grief in the matter of 48 hours
i have told him in no uncertain terms that he better not ever fucking scare us like this again unless he is Actually dying
so yeah, be aware that that is a thing that happens sometimes apparently, glance over this article if you like, and make sure to have little paper cups on hand to bring water over to your cat so they can drink. and give them lots of comfort because they are also going to be extremely stressed out due to (presumably) feeling like they're on an extremely fast, never-ending merry-go-round. keep an eye on them and where they're trying to go, too, because while there don't seem to be lingering effects they can very well end up falling off things and hurting themselves because they're so unstable even if the condition itself doesn't hurt them
holy shit what a week
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girlfromvulcan · 1 year
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Ak’wikmun : a sylou scribble
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This little piece of their story happens in the first few weeks of her employment at the Vulcan Embassy. It’s Friday night. The hallways are, for the most part, deserted.
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The sight of him stopped her from entering his office. She had never seen him so relaxed before, so undone. Louise stepped back into the darkness of the hallway.
Sybok was reclined in a way most unbefitting for a Vulcan Minister. His head was resting on the arm of the couch. His boots had been discarded next to him in an untidy pile. Long legs akimbo as his PADD rested against his thigh as he read. As she noticed the bright red and orange striped socks on his feet, she had to suppress a laugh. His beautifully embroidered tunic was draped over the back of the seat. Under Vulcan men's heavy, formal clothing they wore something like a Terran t-shirt, and his was quite fitted. In admiration, she gazed over his lean torso.
- (Stop being a pervert, Lou!)
He was probably working on a trade agreement or composing a communication to some Head of State. His eyebrows were furrowed together in concentration as he ran the end of his stylus over his bottom lip. Those long fingers tapped away on the screen of his PADD with graceful, purposeful movements. She could imagine lying next to him—his fingertips tracing ancient Vuhlkansu script down the length of her back.
- (Inappropriate!)
Her weight must have shifted or she must have made the slightest noise as he looked at her directly.
- (Damn that Vulcan hearing)
“Miss Louise, how long have you been there? ” He didn’t seem flustered at being discovered in his state of disarray. Instead, he moved towards her, his spicy aftershave filling the space around them.
- (God, he smells good. Calm yourself, woman!! Say something witty and adorable)
“Long enough to appreciate those socks of yours,” she replied, stepping out of the shadows that had kept her hidden. Sybok raised an eyebrow at her playful jab, and they both looked down at his feet.
- (Witty and adorable achieved)
“Ahhh, yes…..my socks.” He moved closer and leaned against the doorway. She had an overwhelming urge to kiss him.
Sybok's gaze rested briefly on her mouth before he looked into her eyes. He was reading her face and studying her responses.
“I trust you will keep my predisposition towards inappropriately colourful foot coverings between us?” His head tilted to the side, awaiting her response.
“You’re secret is safe with me, S’haile,” Louise said with a soft smile. She was trying to remain friendly but calm and collected.
Maybe they all wore crazy socks and underwear under those dark robes. However, Louise felt that this outlandish behaviour of overly clashing coloured socks was specific to him alone. 
She kinda liked it, and him, still, just a little bit….okay, a whole lot, but that was her secret for the keeping.
VCA - Vulcan Council of Antiquities
Ak’wikmun - To encounter suddenly or unexpectedly; take or catch unawares; to cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement, as at something unanticipated.
S’haile - A male title of respectful address does not necessarily imply a feudal liege.
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theadventurek9 · 1 year
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Took Aayla to a new vet. I was really impressed. There is a monopoly of the VCA owning most vet hospitals in my area. While I don’t like big corporation style vet clinics typically, I will be going back. They were busy but squeezed me into a cancellation. This vet fed Aayla treats the whole time, making her relax for the first time at a vet in a very long time. Including while giving her some vaccines.
Overall Aayla’s flare up seems to be just that. She has pain in her right front and left hind (she has often been stiff with that) She is on carprofen and has a prescription for gabapentin if I feel like she needs it. Vet said I should be encouraging her to move around a little more and that only resting probably isn’t helping as much.
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sumi-sprite · 2 years
RIP Macchi - FIP Awareness
Yesterday around 4pm, I had to say goodbye to Macchiato "Macchi", my newest cat. She was barely a year old.
Over the past two weeks or so, she had been rapidly losing weight, but sported a potbelly. She was withrdrawn and exhausted, hid in my closet and slept all day, and was very warm to the touch. She only ate and drank periodically. I finally mangaed to get her in the same day I called. I initially thought - hoped - it was perhaps worms or a parasite since she was eating but not gaining weight. I hoped it was something treatable. I was even hoping it would be a tumor. Anything would have been better than FIP. The night prior, I had tried to look up her symptoms, and I ran across FIP numerous times.
No, can't be that, that happens to OTHER people. The odds are so low. It CAN'T be FIP. Famous last words.
The vet was very worried because all of her symptoms lined up. She had a fever of 105 F (normal temps for cats is roughly between 100 and 102 F). The vet said she was extremely sure it's FIP, and offered to run a blood test and test the fluid building up in Macchi's abdomen. There is no direct FIP test, but getting an idea of her hemoglobin levels would give us - give me - a slightly more solid confirmation. My nightmare was confirmed after it was shown that the hemoglobin in her blood were identical to that of the fluid in her abdomen, which is NOT normal.
"FIP is a serious disease caused by a feline coronavirus variant, though not the one that causes COVID-19. The virus will spread through a cat's body causing systemic inflammation. Up to 95% of cats diagnosed with FIP die without treatment."
It is caused by a mutation of the Coronovirus in cats, and generally afflicts kittens or young cats between three weeks to two years of age. Macchi may have been carrying the mutated variety for any length of time, possibly since we adopted her. It's thankfully not contagious after its mutation, so our other cat, Jade, is not at risk. It generally spreads through fecal contact, which, in a multi-cat home is nearly impossible to avoid if the cats share litterboxes.
There is no cure and no treatment.
The vet was tentative in explaining that there is an experimental drug in Europe that has shown incredible results. But here's the catch: It's not legal, it's not approved for commercial use, it's not available in the US, and tests plus administration would cost more than my university semester tuition. There have been people smuggling the drug to the US, and many cats have recovered beautifully - but only when FIP was caught in time.
I could never afford the treatment, and Macchi clearly did not have long to live. She would not make it to treatment after waiting so many weeks to get the drug to her. And besides that, the vet and I both agreed she was too far gone for it to help either way.
I took too long to get her help. I thought she was stressed from our move and being in a less than ideal living space. But even if I got her in sooner, I wouldn't have been able to even afford getting her help.
Wanna know what the odds are of a cat contracting FIP are? According to VCA: 
"The incidence of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) disease is low (only 5 to 10% of infected cats and less than 1% of cats admitted to veterinary hospitals)." 
Yep. Roughly 5-10% of cats who caught Corona will experience the mutation, and less than 1% - 1 fucking percent - get to a pet hospital. Most cats develop the immunity to fight FIP and can go on perfectly healthy. Not Macchi though. Macchi was part of that 1%. One. Fucking. Percent.
This disease has NO treatment, NO cure, and it is VERY hard to diagnose. It is almost always 100% fatal in cases where a cat isn't able to fight off the mutated strain. It progresses rapidly and often without warning. Some cats may not display any symptoms for weeks, and then it all comes down full force all at once. My cat was perfectly fine up until two weeks ago, then she lost almost half her body weight, her muscles attrofied, and she lost the strength to fight it off. Her tests showed she was in the beginnings of multi organ failure. Less than two weeks, and she didn't have a snowballs chance in hell.
Please, PLEASE. For the love of god, keep an eye on your young cats and kittens - even your adult and senior cats. If any of them display symptoms, GET THEM TO A VET. There is a "dry" and "wet" variety to FIP. Macchi had the "wet" variety - where her intestines (primarily the stomach, large and small intenstines, etc) were shedding massive amounts of fluid. It can occure in the respiratory systems too. The "dry" variety presents as horrible multi or singular organ inflamation, with common locations being the liver, eyes, and even the brain.
Read up more information HERE
You're probably thinking that this can't happen to your cat. Like I said, Macchi just sadly fell into that 1% fatality. I thought that same thing, and yet here I am. Barely a year after losing my oldest cat, Max, and I had to say goodbye to another cat when she was barely a year old. Everything was fine, she was healthy and her usual, hamburger-faced self. Two weeks changed that. I had only a few minutes to come to terms with the fact that she was suffering, there was nothing I could do, and the most humane thing I could do was let her go. It takes roughly thirty seconds for euthenasia to stop a cat's heart.
Two weeks, a few minutes, thirty seconds. That's all she got.
I miss her, and I hope if just ONE person reads this, and it motivates them in someway to be more watchful of their cat; if I can make just one person aware, then I won't consider her loss meaningless. Maybe it's out of guilt. I don't know and I don't care, I just need people to know how serious this is and how quickly it can take a cat's life.
Please be safe, and keep your cats safe. Again, read up on FIP HERE
I love you and miss you, Macchi.
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volleytimes-com · 17 days
Austria: Constant Tchouassi new coach of VCA Amstetten NÖ
VCA Amstetten NÖ will start the upcoming season of Powerfusion Volley League Men with a new head coach, the Frenchman Constant Tchouassi. The 45-year-old, with origin from Cameroon, played for over 15 years at the highest level in France, then was a coach in Mende for six years, before moving to the German powerhouse Friedrichshafen last season. “We’re very happy Constant chose us. He visited us…
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nextmscblog · 1 month
Leveraging Virtual Customer Assistants Market for Enhanced Customer Engagement
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According to the study by Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Virtual Customer Assistants Market size is predicted to reach USD 73.51 billion with a CAGR of 32.3% by 2030. In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage with their customers effectively. One such solution gaining prominence is the integration of virtual customer assistants (VCAs) into customer service strategies. VCAs, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies, offer a seamless and efficient means of interaction between businesses and their customers.
Understanding Virtual Customer Assistants (VCAs)
Virtual customer assistants, also known as chatbots or virtual agents, are software applications designed to simulate human conversation through text or voice interactions. These AI-driven systems are capable of understanding natural language and responding to customer inquiries in real-time. VCAs utilize machine learning algorithms to continuously improve their performance and enhance their ability to understand and respond to customer queries accurately.
Request for a sample, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/virtual-customer-assistants-market/request-sample
Enhancing Customer Engagement
Customer engagement is a critical aspect of business success, as it directly impacts customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. By leveraging virtual customer assistants, businesses can enhance customer engagement in several ways:
24/7 Availability: One of the key advantages of VCAs is their round-the-clock availability. Unlike human agents, VCAs can operate tirelessly, catering to customer inquiries and resolving issues at any time of the day. This ensures that customers receive prompt assistance whenever they require it, leading to higher satisfaction levels and improved retention rates.
Personalized Interactions: VCAs leverage AI algorithms to analyze customer data and preferences, allowing them to deliver personalized interactions. By understanding individual needs and preferences, VCAs can recommend products, provide relevant information, and offer tailored solutions, enhancing the overall customer experience. This personalized approach not only strengthens customer relationships but also increases the likelihood of repeat business and brand loyalty.
Efficiency and Scalability: In addition to enhancing engagement, VCAs offer unparalleled efficiency and scalability. These virtual assistants can handle a large volume of inquiries simultaneously, streamlining customer service processes and reducing response times. Furthermore, as businesses grow and customer demands increase, VCAs can easily scale to accommodate the expanding workload, ensuring consistent and efficient service delivery.
Improved Customer Satisfaction: By providing timely assistance, personalized interactions, and seamless experiences, VCAs contribute to higher levels of customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to become brand advocates, recommending the business to others and contributing to its growth. Moreover, positive experiences with VCAs can leave a lasting impression on customers, fostering trust and loyalty towards the brand.
The Role of VCAs in Customer Service
VCAs play a significant role in transforming traditional customer service paradigms. By automating routine inquiries and tasks, VCAs free up human agents to focus on more complex and value-added activities. This not only improves operational efficiency but also enables businesses to provide faster and more efficient service to their customers.
Furthermore, VCAs can be integrated across various communication channels, including websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and messaging applications. This omnichannel presence ensures that customers can engage with businesses through their preferred channels, enhancing convenience and accessibility.
Use Cases of VCAs
Virtual customer assistants find applications across a wide range of industries and sectors. Some common use cases include:
E-commerce: VCAs can assist customers with product recommendations, order tracking, and payment inquiries, streamlining the shopping experience and driving sales.
Banking and Finance: VCAs can provide account balance inquiries, transaction history, and support for common banking tasks, reducing the need for customers to visit physical branches or call customer service hotlines.
Inquire before buying, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/virtual-customer-assistants-market/inquire-before-buying 
Hospitality: VCAs can handle hotel reservations, room service requests, and provide information about amenities and facilities, enhancing the guest experience and improving operational efficiency.
Healthcare: VCAs can assist patients with appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and provide basic health information, improving patient engagement and healthcare outcomes.
Telecommunications: VCAs can help customers with account inquiries, service activations, and troubleshooting common issues with their mobile or internet connections, reducing customer churn and improving satisfaction.
Challenges and Considerations
While virtual customer assistants offer numerous benefits, businesses must also consider the following challenges and considerations:
Accuracy and Reliability: VCAs must be trained and constantly updated to ensure accuracy and reliability in their responses. Poorly trained VCAs can lead to frustrated customers and damage the brand reputation.
Data Privacy and Security: VCAs interact with sensitive customer data, raising concerns about privacy and security. Businesses must implement robust data protection measures to safeguard customer information and comply with regulatory requirements.
Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating VCAs with existing systems and workflows can be complex and time-consuming. Businesses must ensure seamless integration to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of VCAs.
Human Oversight and Intervention: While VCAs can handle routine inquiries autonomously, there are situations where human intervention may be necessary. Businesses must define clear escalation paths and ensure that human agents are readily available to assist when needed.
Language and Cultural Understanding: VCAs may encounter challenges in understanding nuances of language and cultural context, particularly in diverse customer bases. Businesses need to continuously refine and adapt VCAs' language processing capabilities to ensure accurate and culturally sensitive responses across different demographics and regions.
Continuous Improvement and Learning: VCAs require ongoing monitoring and optimization to maintain effectiveness. Businesses should gather feedback from customer interactions, analyze performance metrics, and iterate on VCA training data to improve accuracy, relevance, and overall customer satisfaction over time.
Transparency and Trust Building: Customers may be wary of interacting with AI-driven systems, especially in sensitive or complex situations. Businesses should be transparent about the use of VCAs, clearly indicating when customers are engaging with automated systems versus human agents. Building trust through transparent communication can help alleviate concerns and foster positive customer experiences.
In conclusion, leveraging the Virtual Customer Assistants Market presents immense opportunities for businesses to enhance customer engagement and drive business growth. By integrating VCAs into their customer service strategies, businesses can deliver personalized experiences, improve efficiency, and drive customer satisfaction. As the market continues to evolve, businesses that embrace VCAs stand to gain a competitive edge in today's digital landscape. With the predicted growth of the Virtual Customer Assistants Market, investing in these intelligent solutions is not just advantageous but essential for businesses looking to thrive in the future.
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rohitpalan · 6 months
Growth Analysis: 3D Secure Payment Authentication Market to Surpass US$ 4.06 Billion by 2033
The 3D secure payment authentication market is anticipated to reach US$ 1.28 billion in 2023 and is likely to record a CAGR of 12.2% between 2023 and 2033. The 3D secure payment authentication market is expected to reach US$ 4.06 billion in 2033. The rise in online fraud, including identity theft and illegal card use, is the ground for the sector’s expansion.
Due to the growth in smartphone sales and internet usage, e-commerce and mobile commerce sales are rising globally. Online fraud has significantly increased as a result of the rise in popularity of online shopping portals and the accessibility of online payment options. This aspect is fueling the adoption of 3D authentication technology.
Ask for In-depth Report Sample: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16537
Emerging Hotel Industry Adoption of Payment Secure Platforms is Sparking Market Growth
Fast adopters of new technologies, such as computerized table service and app-based ordering, include hotels and restaurants. Customers can now order and pay using a variety of mobile platforms that offer a wide range of payment options.
Diverse hotels, resorts, and tourist attractions allow purchases and transactions online for services like booking rooms and other items. Online fraud can happen during a reservation transaction. Therefore, this boosts the adoption of 3D secure payment authentication along with 3D secure payment authentication market trends.
North America Outlook
The 3D secure payment authentication market in North America is extremely competitive due to significant technological advancements. The government’s overall investment in research and development has increased drastically, including in the United States. The demand for increased security in online transactions has recently increased in the United States.
As retailers all over the United States started implementing EMV technology at Point-Of-Sale (POS) terminals, card fraud in person became more and more challenging. This caused criminal activity to start moving online.
Key Takeaways
With a 3D secure payment authentication market share of 38.85% of the total sales, the component category’s merchant plug-in segment led the market.
The component category’s access control server segment in the 3D secure payment authentication market is predicted to increase strongly.
The bank’s segment gained a huge revenue share of more than 59.70% in application category revenue in 2023.
The application category’s merchants & payment gateway section are predicted to increase at the maximum rate throughout the projection period.
In 2023, North America dominated the market and contributed to more than 28.90% of total sales.
Over the forecast period, the Asia Pacific 3D secure payment authentication market is anticipated to experience swift growth.
Read Full Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/3d-secure-payment-authentication-market
Competitive Landscape
In order to increase their visibility and solidify their market share, 3D secure authentication solutions providers are using development strategies in practice. To increase their 3D secure payment authentication market share, providers of 3D secure authentication have implemented significant expansion initiatives, such as product acquisitions, collaborations, and launches, as well as creating regional and international distribution networks.
Recent Developments
Everlink Payment Services Inc. declared in January 2022 that it had finished the 3D secure certification process. The VISA Consumer Authentication Service (VCAS) introduced a 3D Secure Payment Authentication Service for both Mastercard and Visa card products as a consequence of certification. Using the 3D Secure Payment Authentication Service, the company hopes to lower CNP transaction fraud.
Uber Technologies, Inc. stated in May 2019 that it had chosen the payments platform Adyen to use its 3D secure payment authentication solution. Uber Technologies, Inc. chose this option to give its consumers a simple and satisfying payment experience.
Key Segments
By Component:
Access Control Server
Merchant Plug-in
By Application:
Merchants & Payment Gateway
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
The Middle East and Africa
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kellieblog · 9 months
7 Reasons Why Dogs Eat Grass: Causes and Prevention
 Grass is what dogs eat. VCA Animal Hospitals says that dogs need fiber in their diet to digest food well and go to the bathroom regularly. Grass, which is full of fiber, can be eaten to help keep their bodies in balance. But Golla says that if you eat too much grass, it can make you have trouble going to the bathroom.
Have you ever seen your dog eat grass? Here's why your lawn seems to want to be eaten all of a sudden. Every dog owner has seen their dog busy eating on a patch of grass that doesn't look very good.
Even if you give them treats along with a good, healthy food every day, they will still eat grass.
Even if they throw up after eating that awful meal. How on earth could they do that? There are some good reasons for it, so you should think twice before making a decision. When dogs regularly eat grass, there are a number of things going on.
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The first thing to do
If you don't know "Why Dogs Eat Grass" and you see your dog chewing on grass, it could mean that they aren't getting enough vitamins in their food. Fiber is the most often forgotten ingredient.
If their food doesn't have enough of it, they'll look for it in the grass. Even though grass is advertised as being high in fiber, it has roughage, which is a type of fiber that is rarely found in dog food.
Roughage is a part of plant foods that is stiff and can't be digested. It helps move food through the digestive system and is an important part of their diet.
It helps digestion and the digestive system, which keeps the gut healthy. "Why do dogs eat grass" Dogs may eat grass because it gives them the roughage they can't get from their food. This is the most basic reason why they do it.
Problems with health
There could also be something wrong with their health that is causing them to act this way. Dogs often depend on and act on nothing but their natural instincts.
Why do dogs eat grass? When they are sick, they may eat grass to make themselves throw up so they can feel better. If something makes them sick, they might eat some grass and then throw up. It's a normal instinct that can be helpful a lot of the time.
But you shouldn't be surprised that some dogs like to just eat grass. Who are we, I guess, to judge?
"Why do dogs eat grass" Some dogs might just like the way grass tastes or feels. But make sure they don't eat any dirty grass or grass that has been covered with pesticides or other chemicals that could hurt them. It's important to know that normal, healthy grass won't hurt your dog.
But you shouldn't worry about your dog chewing on grass until it does it too often. In situations like this, there may be a bigger, more important problem going on underneath.
The answer to "Why do dogs eat grass?" It could be something missing from their diet, a problem with their mental health, or a unique health problem. In either case, now is the time to call in a doctor. Maybe the person needs to make a big change in what they eat or how they act.
When dogs feel forgotten and bored, they may start to eat grass to pass the time. Help stop this from happening by giving your dogs the care they need and making sure their food is as healthy as possible.
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abeautifulpathtocross · 11 months
Wolf brought home a kitten. A very tiny, very frail kitten. Perhaps 5 weeks old. She was one of the strays at his work, the only one in the litter who walked up to him.
He brought her home at 0300, i took her in my arms, giving her warmth. I found flea dirt on her and gave her a flea bath immediately. I wrapped her in warmed blankets and towels. I found soft kitten food and fed her every 4 hours.
I bought her formula and bottles. She refused to drink water. She refused to be bottle fed. She did not wander or play, she stayed in a ball, in one spot for hours unless I moved her.
I cuddled with her, sang to her and talked to her.
We called VCA, we watched videos from the Kitten Lady, we even reached out to a cat rescuer we know.
Less than 4 days later,
She died in my arms, wrapped in a blanket as I was trying to feed her.
I named her Annabel Lee.
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lcurham · 11 months
Wordpress site changes bio and CV
Louise Curham uses her art and her expertise as an archivist to explore how we can look after things we can’t digitise. Louise invites us to think about the wisdom that accompanies things we want to keep and how we can pass that on.
Louise writes: Keeping heritage can be a difficult business. Our commonsense assumption is that the internet and digital systems will save and store everything, but some things don’t digitise well. Here’s an example: under the nom-de-plume of ‘Teaching and Learning Cinema’, an artist-colleague and I re-enact Expanded Cinema, a form of live art that involves film projection and performance. One of our projects re-enacts a seminal British expanded cinema work, Guy Sherwin’s Man With Mirror (1976). When we first made this re-enactment, we produced a user’s manual. We recently tested the manual with Australian artist Laura Hindmarsh. 
Laura’s experience shows that the ‘item’ Man With Mirror is an example of heritage that can’t be comprehensively recorded and transferred textually or diagrammatically.   It includes a batch of ‘embodied data’ that needs  body-to-body transmission, passing on in person from one user to the next. For Laura to carry out her own re-enactment, despite the diligent instructions in the manual, she relied upon information conveyed in-person in real time from my colleague Lucas and I, as indeed, before her, Lucas and I had relied upon information from Guy Sherwin to make our re-enactment.  What this means is that we need to keep the things, and the wisdom that goes with them.
Louise is a researcher in the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research at the University of Canberra, until very recently, an archivist in the Australian Government and an artist who specialises in obsolete technology. Louise trained in film, later in live arts and archives. Both live arts and archives continue to run parallel in her career. Currently finalising her PhD at the University of Canberra, Louise’s research draws together art and archives, exploring how we keep things we can’t digitise. The data set for this research takes the form of performance art re-enactments from the 1970s.
As an archivist, Louise works for the Australian Government, setting policy and curating future archives. As a consultant archivist Louise has conducted significance assessments on several seminal small arts collections. In live art, Louise performs with obsolete media such as 16mm and super 8mm film. She collaborates with luminaries in Australian contemporary, classical and jazz music, in key venues and festivals in Australia and internationally. Louise’s films are in the collections of the region’s film archives. 
Education PhD, Centre for Creative & Cultural Research, Faculty of Arts & Design, University of Canberra (2014–) Graduate Diploma Information Science (Archives & Records) Edith Cowan University 2010 Graduate Certificate Audiovisual Archiving, Charles Sturt University, 2005 Master of Fine Arts, College of Fine Arts, UNSW, Sydney 2004 Bachelor Film & Television, VCA School of Film & Television, Melbourne 1993
Solo exhibitions A Film of One’s Own [Archive Fever], PhotoAccess, Canberra, November 2015 A Film of One’s Own [Fugue Solos], Performance Space 2005, NZ Film Archive Media Gallery Wellington 2006, Te Manawa ART Palmerston North, NZ 2006 Floodgate (2006) College Gallery, QUT in the OtherFilm Festival, 2006 Moving Still Life Blackwood Gallery Melbourne 1999, UNSW Hutchison Gallery 2002, Kudos Gallery Sydney 2004 Herbaceous, NZ Film Archive Auckland, 2003
Selected group exhibitions The Stand-in Lab with Lynn Loo, PhotoAccess Canberra 2019 Encyclopedia of Forgotten Things, Faculty Arts & Design Group Show, Belconnen Arts Centre, May 2016 Slowing Down Time, Belconnen Arts Centre 2015, Articulate Project Space, Sydney Mar 2014 & FCA Gallery, Wollongong Aug, 2014 Still Life | Moving Fragments, Belconnen Arts Centre; Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney 2012 Propositions and Game Plans, Melbourne International Arts Festival, 2007
Selected re-enactment events Teaching & Learning Cinema expanded cinema re-enactment projects inc. Horror Film 1, CCAS June 2014; Hollow in the Paper, CAST, Hobart 2013; Unconscious Archives Salon, London 2013; The Parlour in 13 Rooms, Sydney April 2013; Imprint, Artspace Sydney, 2009; Performance Space, Sydney 2007.
As curator & convenor Stand-in Lab events program in the Stand-in Lab exhibition, PhotoAccess Canberra 2019 Poetry Film screening in Poetry on the Move symposium, University of Canberra, Sep 2016 Teaching & Learning Cinema events 2006 ongoing. Highlights include Photochemical Games and 16mm from the ‘70s the films of artist Malcolm Le Grice at Belconnen Arts Centre, Canberra 2013.
Selected performances Yokohama Flowers with Erik Griswold, Brisbane 2019 In a Bone Way with Debra Di Centa, Dance on the Edge, Belconnen Arts Centre, 2018 Tracer film performance for prepared screen and haiku in You Are Here Festival, Canberra, April 2016 Room 40's Open Frame with Chris Abrahams, Carriageworks Sydney, July 2015 The Film Remains the Same film performance in You Are Here Festival, Canberra 2014 Unconsious Archives at Café Oto, London, June 2013 SoundOut Festival, Canberra 2013, 2014 Melbourne International Arts Festival, Soak, with the Australian Art Orchestra, 2010 Jazz Visions Festival, Sound Lounge, Sydney, 2010 NZ International Film Festival, Frames Per Second A Film of One's Own, Auckland, 2009 Waiting to Turn into Puzzles at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 2008 Val Camonica Pieces, Victorian Arts Centre, 2007 OtherFilm annual festival, Brisbane 2006-8; NowNow annual exploratory music festival, Sydney, 2006-9
Residencies Bundanon 2012; University of Wollongong artist-in-residence 2008; BankART 1929 Artists-in-studios residency Yokohama Japan 2007; Performance Space 2007; UNSW union artist-in-residence 2002
Filmography Dance films: Knee Deep in Thin Air 1992; Fugue in Pursuit of Flight 1994; Slipped 1997;Doona Grrl, Transparent 2000 Other films: Johnny & Irenie 1993;The Princess & The Pea 2000; Tenho Saudades (with Peter Humble) 2004; Conimbla 2009
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Subtitle B: Jurisdiction for Lawsuits Against Terrorist States - Amends the Federal judicial code to make exceptions to: (1) foreign sovereign immunity for certain cases in which money damages are sought against a foreign government for personal injury or death caused by an act of torture, extra judicial killing, aircraft sabotage, hostage taking, or the provision of material support or resources to terrorists (but sets a ten-year statute of limitation, subject to equitable tolling principles, and directs the court to limit discovery that the Attorney General certifies will interfere with a criminal investigation or prosecution, or a national security operation, related to the incident that gave rise to the cause of action, subject to specified restrictions); and (2) immunity from attachment with respect to a foreign state or an agency or instrumentality of such state.
Subtitle C: Assistance to Victims of Terrorism - Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act of 1996 - Amends the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VCA) to authorize the Director of the Office of Justice Assistance to make supplemental grants to States: (1) to provide compensation and assistance to State residents who, while outside U.S. territorial boundaries, are victims of a terrorist act or mass violence and are not eligible for compensation under the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986; and (2) for eligible crime victim compensation and assistance programs to provide emergency relief, including crisis response efforts, assistance, training, and technical assistance, for the benefit of victims of terrorist acts or mass violence occurring within the United States and funding to U.S. Attorney's Offices for use in coordination with State victims compensation and assistance efforts in providing emergency relief.
Revises provisions of such Act to: (1) authorize the Director, if the sums available in the Crime Victims Fund are sufficient to fully provide grants to the States, to retain any portion of the Fund that was deposited during a fiscal year that was in excess of 110 percent of the total amount deposited in the Fund during the preceding fiscal year as an emergency reserve; (2) prohibit such reserve from exceeding $50 million; and (3) permit the emergency reserve to be used for supplemental grants and to supplement the funds available to provide grants to States for compensation and assistance in years in which supplemental grants are needed.
Amends such Act to: (1) permit any amount awarded as part of a grant that remains unspent at the end of a fiscal year in which the grant is made to be expended for the purpose for which the grant is made during the two succeeding fiscal years, at the end of which period any remaining unobligated sums in excess of $500,000 shall be returned to the Treasury (with any remaining unobligated sums in an amount less than $500,000 to be returned to the Fund); and (2) define "base amount" for purposes of crime victim assistance to mean $500,000 and for the territories of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Republic of Palau, $200,000, with the latter's share governed by the Compact of Free Association between the United States and the Republic of Palau.
(Sec. 233) Amends the VCA to provide for the compensation of victims of terrorism.
Designates the Federal building at 1314 LeMay Boulevard, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, as the Cartney McRaven Child Development Center.
(Sec. 234) Amends the VCA to: (1) prohibit payments to delinquent criminal debtors by State crime victim compensation programs; and (2) exclude victim assistance from income for purposes of determining eligibility for Federal benefits.
(Sec. 235) Directs the trial court in criminal cases where the venue is moved out of State more than 350 miles from the location in which those proceedings originally would have taken place, to order closed circuit televising of the proceedings for viewing by such persons whom the court determines have a compelling interest and who are otherwise unable to view the proceedings by reason of the inconvenience and expense caused by the change of venue. Limits access to such broadcast. Specifies that: (1) the signal so transmitted shall be under the control of the court at all times and shall only be transmitted subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the court; (2) no public broadcast or dissemination shall be made of that signal (and, in the event any tapes are produced in carrying out such provision, such tapes shall be the property of the court and kept under seal); and (3) any violations shall be punishable as contempt of court. Authorizes the Administrative Office to accept donations to enable the courts to carry out such provision
Title III: International Terrorism Prohibitions - Subtitle A: Prohibition on International Terrorist Fundraising - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) to authorize the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury (Secretary) and the Attorney General, to designate an organization as a terrorist organization upon finding that the organization is a foreign organization that engages in terrorist activity and such activity threatens the security of U.S. nationals or U.S. national security.
Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) procedures for such designation, including notification to specified congressional leaders, and the freezing of assets; (2) creation of an administrative record and the handling of classified information; (3) the period of designation; (4) revocation by Act of Congress, revocation based on a change in circumstances, and the effect of revocation; (5) use of the designation in a trial or hearing; (6) judicial review of such designation.
(Sec. 303) Sets penalties for knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization. Requires any financial institution that becomes aware that it has possession of, or control over, any funds in which a foreign terrorist organization or its agent has an interest, to retain possession of or maintain control over such funds and report to the Secretary the existence of such funds, with exceptions. Establishes civil penalties for knowingly failing to comply with such provision.
Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) injunctions; (2) extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction; (3) investigations; and (4) the discovery and handling of classified information in civil proceedings brought by the United States.
Subtitle B: Prohibition on Assistance to Terrorist States - Imposes penalties upon U.S. persons who engage in a financial transaction with a country knowing or having reasonable cause to know that such country has been designated under the Export Administration Act as a country supporting international terrorism, with exceptions.
(Sec. 322) Directs the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to continue in effect the requirement that a foreign air carrier must adopt and use a security program approved by the Administrator. Prohibits the Administrator from approving such a program unless it requires the foreign air carrier in its operations to and from U.S. airports to adhere to the identical security measures that the Administrator requires air carriers serving the same airports to adhere to. Specifies that such requirement shall not be interpreted to limit the ability of the Administrator to impose additional security measures on a foreign air carrier or an air carrier when the Administrator determines that a specific threat warrants such additional measures.
(Sec. 323) Modifies existing provisions setting penalties for providing material support to terrorists, including by: (1) eliminating language that excludes from the definition of "material support or resources" humanitarian assistance to persons not directly involved in violations; and (2) adding language to exclude from such definition medicine or religious materials.
(Sec. 324) Makes findings regarding international terrorism, including that the President should use all necessary means, including covert action and military force, to destroy international infrastructure used by international terrorists.
(Sec. 325) Amends: (1) the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to authorize the President to withhold assistance to the governments of countries that aid (including providing military equipment to) terrorist states, with exceptions by presidential waiver when in the national interest; and (2) the International Financial Institutions Act to direct the Secretary to instruct the U.S. executive director of each international financial institution to oppose assistance by such institutions to terrorist states.
(Sec. 328) Revises Foreign Assistance Act provisions regarding antiterrorism assistance to permit arms and ammunition to be provided under such provisions only if they are directly related to antiterrorism assistance. Limits the value of equipment and commodities provided. Repeals a prohibition on using such funds for personnel compensation or benefits.
Makes up to $3 million in any fiscal year available to procure explosives detection devices and other counterterrorism technology and for joint counterterrorism research and development projects on such technology conducted with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and major non-NATO allies under the auspices of the Technical Support Working Group of the Department of State. Sets a $1 million limit on assistance provided to a foreign country for counterterrorism efforts in any fiscal year, subject to specified conditions.
(Sec. 329) Defines "assistance" to mean assistance (excluding international disaster assistance) to or for the benefit of a government of any country that is provided by any means on terms more favorable than generally available in the applicable market.
(Sec. 330) Amends the Arms Export Control Act to prohibit assistance under such Act in a fiscal year to a country that the President determines and certifies to the Congress, by May 15 of the calendar year in which that fiscal year begins, is not cooperating fully with U.S. antiterrorism efforts, subject to presidential waiver if the transaction is essential to U.S. national security interests.
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mypetmycat · 1 year
“When I feel bad I just look at my cats and my courage returns.”
-Charles Bukowski
Indeed, felines can view their way home.
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What amount of time this requires will rely heavily on the distance away from home they meander.
Felines can see course yet it stays a secret how they explore their direction across the new landscapes to get themselves back home.
Speculations incorporate everything from attractive geolocation to olfactory signs yet specialists don't know which hypothesis is right.
Cats Tend To Stay Close To Home
Felines are regular drifters, something that can make uneasy feline guardians while letting them out interestingly.
Luckily, felines have a fair of bearing and don't will generally head excessively far away from their homes.
Felines ordinarily will remain nearby home
There have even been instances of felines voyaging home subsequent to getting lost during an outing or house move.
The longest reported distance a lost feline has ventured out to return home is around 200 miles.
This feline got lost while on a family occasion yet figured out how to get back following 2 months.
Utilizing Sights and Scents
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“Cats are mysterious; they have more on their mind that we could never imagine.”
-Walter Scott
At the point when near and dear your feline will make its own region utilizing fragrance.
Felines who invest energy outside can likewise comprehend encompassing domains rapidly.
The domain is undetectable to people however is clear to felines so in light of the fact that you can't see any conspicuous indications of your feline's region doesn't mean they aren't there.
As indicated by VCA Emergency clinics, felines have between 45 - 80 million aroma receptors (people have 5 million).
Having such an incredible feeling of smell implies felines can find faint trails that might have the option to assist them with viewing as their way home.
Felines will quite often meander a brief distance when outside, with numerous not wandering in excess of a pretty far from home.
Felines in generally populated regions will more often than not have a more modest domain as there are in many cases various different felines in closeness so remaining nearby home is more secure.
Felines may likewise utilize unmistakable milestones to assist them with getting around an area. These could be normal milestones like waterways or trees or different tourist spots like huge structures.
While there is restricted examination of felines homing capacities, there are many fascinating investigations about different creatures and these could give us pieces of information regarding how felines can track down their direction.
Studies have uncovered that a few creatures explore by the stars, for instance, night-time fertilizer scarabs can move in an orderly fashion just when the Smooth Way is in view, and caught seabirds can find their direction home as long as the sun or stars are noticeable.
Perhaps felines have comparable route methods when they are bridging significant distances.
Utilizing Earth's Attractive Fields
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“Cats have it all: admiration, endless sleep, and company only when they want it.”
-Rod McKuen
One of the famous speculations is that felines can detect the World's most attractive fields.
The presence of iron in the inward ears and skin of felines might go about as a characteristic compass.
The iron assists the creature with deciding bearing thanks to the normal attractive fields in the ground.
Similarly, as compass needles line up with the World's attractive field, various creatures can utilize this as well so it is surely potential felines do this too.
During tests, the turtle swam the alternate way when they were placed into an attractive field that switched north and south, showing that they are utilizing Earth's attraction to guide them.
The recently incubated ocean turtles orientate themselves in view of the World's attractive fields and this is the sort of thing that felines could detect as well.
How Does A Feline Become Use To A New Area?
Felines investigate new domains in an efficient manner which permits them to make a guide in their tops of the area.
This includes investigating consistently expanding circles or square shapes until they are known about the area.
Assuming that a feline is lost, they might utilize a comparable framework that permits them to examine the region until they either go over their own domain or identify recognizable scents in the breeze that they can use to return home.
What Do Felines Do When Away From Home?
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“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.”
-Albert Schweitzer
On the off chance that your feline hasn't returned home yet, you might be stressed over them.
In the event that a feline can, it will see as its way home and, as may be obvious, many elements assist them with doing this.
It's difficult to say what amount of time it will require for a lost feline to find its direction home as there are countless factors to consider (for example the distance away from home they meandered).
Specialists at the College of Georgia examined to figure out what felines are doing around evening time.
They put little cameras on 55 felines and concentrated on the recording to find 44% of the felines chased natural life during this time.
They additionally tracked down that 25% consumed or drank from home.
This implies it is far-fetched your feline is going hungry in the event that they have missed a feast at home.
There are obviously perilous ways of behaving that were seen excessively like going across streets, experiencing bizarre felines, and investigating little spaces.
So For What Reason Do Felines Get Lost?
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“Time spent with cats is never wasted.”
-Sigmund Freud
You might be considering the way in which a feline can lose all sense of direction in any case and how logical it is that your cat will lose themselves.
Felines will quite often remain nearby home however on occasion they might need to take off from different felines, canines, or other expected risks.
For what reason do felines get lost this might bring the feline into new regions or mean they end up further away from home than they had expected.
This can make them be lost and need to track down their direction back in an efficient manner.
Finding their direction back can take some time yet the feline will ultimately run over their area or recognizable regions and get back.
Luckily, most felines don't overreact when lost and can in any case support themselves by hunting as they sort out what direction to head.
Assisting Your Feline with Seeing As Their Way Home
There are a couple of things you can do to assist your feline with finding as they would prefer back home.
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“The only thing a cat worries about is what’s happening right now.”
-Lloyd Alexander
You have no control over what your feline gets up to however these may assist you with watching out for them:
1. In the first place, you could microchip your feline and put a recognizable proof at any point label on their fast delivery choker. Continuously ensure your data is modern so you can be reached in the event that your feline is found by another person.
2. Furthermore, you can fix or fix your feline. This will forestall undesirable pregnancies and keep your feline from wandering excessively far. It will likewise assist diminish connections with new felines.
3. Put a feline tracker on your feline. This way you can constantly check and see where they are continuous. This is extremely useful on the off chance that your feline hasn't returned for supper or they are away longer than expected. A feline tracker is a basic instrument that can give proprietors inner serenity.
4. Another choice is to keep your feline inside. Many felines love to wander and will give them all to find an exit from the house so entryways and windows should be kept getting. If you are keeping your feline inside, you could make your nursery escape evidence or give them a safe open-air region where they can appreciate time outside without the gamble of getting lost.
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k9psychology101 · 1 year
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Welcome to the newest members of the K9psychology101 family ! Oreo and Sassy were a bonded pair rescued from the Ventura County Animal Shelter. Saved from a hoarding situation they were severely malnourished and matted but had each other for comfort. Volunteering at the shelter to help process the loss of my sweet girl Molly after 16 years, I came across these two and couldn't help but be moved by their situation. Training posts will focus on small dog issues as we work through them together ! #saveashelterdog #vcas ——————————————-Check out our website: k9psychology101.com Facebook.com/k9psychology101 Twitter@k9psychology101 ——————————————- #dog#dogs#pet#pets#animals#animal#photooftheday#dogsofinstagram#cute#love#dogtraining#animallovers#pets_of_instagram#puppy#pitbull#goldenretriever#goldensofinstagram#retriever#igtdotcom#funny#instacute#labrador#ilovemydog#puppies https://www.instagram.com/p/CpYEj89vRtF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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