#Unseen Drones
riversidewings · 1 year
Regulatory changes in Japan open the way for more airborne delivery drones (yes, even airmobile bento). Read on in my latest for Unseen Japan!
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thatboxylady · 2 years
i sometimes call the two drones that accompany thrust dirge and ramjet- funni conehead reference
Oh my god. I’ve been calling them Hollister and Laconia (city names associated with bikers) this whole time. It NEVER occurred to me to do the obvious conehead reference???
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blackwaxidol · 1 year
the scar Valin has on his jaw from when Drone had a muscle tremour shaving his face... the jagged black line along Drone's left palm where her blade cut into her silicone flesh so deeply it bounced off her titanium metacarpus.
#oc: valin#oc: drone#if she holds his jaw just the same way she did then she can see how the scars fit together.#after the Traveler was restored she allowed her Ghost to heal the flesh.#but only enough to restore severed neural and connective tissue to allow full movement of the digits once more.#the scar itself... she asked that she keep it.#i have this concept that a Ghost would not be able to use its Light to heal when the Traveler was caged.#it is a gameplay component obviously but i think it has no place in lore things. raises the stakes in a logical manner.#and i think it would make a tragedy out of Guardians so reliant on their Ghosts that they have no innate pain tolerance#bar the few moments in which they grapple with being bisected or gutted.#a very long time ago there was a post on here discussing a similar fantasy concept. an overreliance on healing magic or potions.#effectively exploring a more unpleasantly addictive element to it. i found it interesting.#this is not what i am getting at here but i am just pointing out what it reminded me of.#i think a Ghost feeling well and truly helpless if they cannot even heal...#it is what brought Eos—quiet and reserved soft-spoken unseen Eos—to flit about in such terror that had she a heart it would surely fail.#transmatting a few meters at a time as much as her power would allow#letting out a near incomprehensible short-range hastily-encrypted transmission asking of her fellow Ghosts#that one might have a strong and able Guardian to help bring 200lbs of dying weight to a medic.#her chassis is stuck in place by blood dried so thickly it is like tar.#Eos has always been a very tactile companion to Valin.#there is no hesitancy to her actions. when she expands her shell momentarily#and closes so that she catches his skin between the pieces of her hull like two magnets pinching your fingertip.#in that moment she remembers the Dorylus.#strange medicine—to coax an ant into biting around a wound. sealing it shut with their mandibles. decapitating the ant. jaws unrelenting.#she wishes she had better perfected her movements. she has never held Valin in such a way.#she gets a true sense for the fragility of organic matter. from where she is clamped on his wrist she swivels her electric eye to witness#the half of the wound she cannot close with her body.#found this in my drafts...#ask to tag.#injury
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i can't stop thinking about Hawks getting pissed during an interview where another pro hero makes a remark about how Hawks pretty little sidekick could do so much better at their agency,,, and he has to sit there and play nice but once it's over hes allllllllllll over her,,,,, yea <3
I was at a con when I got this request and it got me giggling out loud and shit.
This took so long to write because I had writer's block, but I hope you like it <3
Warnings: the tiniest bit of spice, basically just enhanced making out, I tried to make this one a bit more fluffy, language, a random oc because I couldn't really think of any other pro-heroes within the age range who were assholes
Word Count: 2.5k
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"And now for our next set of guests, I would firstly like to introduce the primary reason that half of our female viewers tuned in tonight."
The live audience erupted into applause as the pro made his way onto the stage, waving a hand before running it through perfectly-styled golden bangs.
The host, a middle-aged man with strikingly purple hair met him halfway. "Hawks, how are you doing tonight?"
"I'm doing great." He smiled, perfectly aware of how easily that grin could melt hearts. "Happy to be here."
"We're happy to have you!" The host reflected his expression, flashing a set of teeth that were so flawlessly white it was almost unnerving. "And next up, we have another hero slowly climbing up the ranks, the Hound Hero, K-Nine!"
Another man hopped on to the stage, earning another round of cheers from the crowd in front of him.
Umber hair had been wrapped into an unkempt bun, matching the deep shade of his eyes. He could be considered pretty attractive, Hawks supposed, if you could look past the ears poking past the up-do.
Although he didn't know the hero's legal name, nor did he care enough to look it up beforehand, he was ninety perfect positive that it started with the letter 'K.'
Cheesy, but he wouldn't judge. He'd been known to appreciate a good pun.
What he didn't appreciate was that fact that he PR rep had dragged him to another interview on his supposed day off.
Still, he was better than most at keeping up appearances, flashing that heart-stopping grin and throwing in a clever comment when the time called for it.
The host asked the usual questions, the similarities to K-Nine and himself, even though he was sure that those ended at their shared animal-based quirks and the fact that they were both in their mid twenties. Regardless, anyone with eyes would see that the two could barely be considered to be on the same level, something that brought an air of dullness to the interview.
As usual, the winged pro found it difficult to pay attention, leg bouncing in anticipation of how long he would be stuck here. That was one of the less-apparent downsides of being someone who prominently valued speed; sitting through such monotonous situations was quite the feat.
Instead, he droned out the voices as the men across from him started to discuss the importance of sidekicks.
And that's when he heard your name.
He perked up, immediately recognizing that K-Nine was staring in his direction, wolfish grin only accentuated by the sharpened canines poking out from under his lips. "I gotta say, I'm jealous."
Hawks cocked an eyebrow. "Jealous?"
Nodding, the brunet allowed the surface-level authenticity to settle for a moment. "Someone as cute as that? I don't know how anyone there manages to get work done."
It was almost unnoticeable, practically unseen over the televised pixels many were watching through. Regardless, the slight tense of his wings in pure irritation was undeniable.
So, that's what this was about.
Forcing a smile, he replied. "Considering our criminal apprehension rates, I think you'd be surprised."
K-Nine leaned back into his chair, haughty expression flickering between the good-hearted playfulness he was supposed to be exuding. "All I'm saying is a pretty little thing like that could do a lot better at my agency."
Golden eyes narrowed slightly as the connotation, fingers digging into the plush sofa as he used every bit of mental strength to will the spite from his tone. "As far as I know, all of my sidekicks are perfect content to work with me. Just like I'm sure yours are happy to work with you. Not sure how they handle all the fleas, though."
The cluster of people in front of him busted into laughter, and he joined, but the sound seemed to be laced with a soft malice if you managed to listen hard enough.
Playing nice for the public was one of his strong suits, and considering his resilience in a long-term business relationship with Endeavor, he could rightfully say that he was able to handle difficult personalities.
All that tolerance seemed to fly out the window when it came to you.
And the hero across from him either had the social recognition skills of a goldfish, or was too dumb to care.
Regardless, K-Nine turned to the audience. "Come on, I've got a chance, right?"
Some man in the crowd let out a whistle and Hawks felt a compelling urge to hurl a shoe at his nose.
"Speaking of romance," the host verbally silenced the room, making Hawks more grateful than he thought momentarily possible, "I've got to ask, anyone special worthy of a mention?"
Internally, he breathed a sigh of relief, the inquiry signaling the closure of the interview, which had seemingly gone on for a few decades at the very least.
It was always like this, the same question would be asked, and then he'd give the same bullshit-answer about the love from his fans being more than enough.
Fuck, how great would it be if he threw your name into the mix.
That'd shut that arrogant mutt up real quick, that's for sure.
But he'd keep his mouth shut, if not for his own benefit, but for yours.
With your take-down rate, it was blatantly how talented you were as a hero and, even if it wouldn't be many, Hawks would be damned if anyone questioned your acceptance into his agency.
In all honesty, he had initially recognized your power and intelligence, traits that had gotten you the job in the first place.
It was in those first few months that he had begun to realize how much he liked you, how much he liked to watch you kick ass, or how pretty you were, even if it was preposterously early in the morning.
So he'd stay quiet, if only to keep a few impudent naysayers off your back.
Not to mention that you might wring his neck.
Instead, Hawks sat simmering with annoyance on that plush sofa until the cameras were cut and he was forced to shake hands, first with the host, then with his fellow interviewee for the night, the latter receiving the tiniest bit more squeeze.
The night was cold but he opted to fly back to his agency, allowing the chill tangle through his hair and hopefully disperse some of the vexation he desperately needed eradicated.
Besides, driving would mean lesser access to his office skylight, which also meant a long-ass elevator ride that he didn't have time for.
It was unlocked, thankfully, and he slipped into the room. He moved to shrug off his jacket, but paused, double taking at the light blooming under the thin fracture between his door and the marble flooring.
Obviously, he wasn't scared. Anybody would have to be pretty idiotic to attempt robbing a place belonging to the number 2 hero, and even more so to leave a light on.
Regardless, he stayed quiet, hoping to avoid an unnecessary interaction with a coworker he didn't have the patience for, and crept around the corner, expression softening a bit at what he saw.
It was you.
You were huddled over your desk, typing furiously at some important looking document. The computer screen illuminated your features, casting a dull glow over the otherwise unlit room.
Hawks recognized the soft tense of your eyebrows every few seconds, the way that you would pause to collect your thoughts because issuing that recognizable click-clack of your keyboard in focused chunks of writing.
He leaned back on the wall, arms crossed as he watched you work with a fond grin gracing his features.
After a while, you sighed, taking a moment to rotate the stiffness beginning to take place in your neck. Your gaze lazily flit over the room and you jumped. "Fuck!"
"Wow, that took you forever, sweetheart," he sighed, tilting his head in a teasing inquiry. "Do we need to work on awareness skills with the other sidekicks?"
"If you're gonna keep lurking behind corners like the boogeyman, then probably." You rolled your eyes, allowing his petname to settle in your mind. "And I thought I told you not to call me that during work."
"Why? Because you get all blushy and embarrassed?" He pushed off the wall, strolling over and nestling his head on your left shoulder.
You tensed a bit as he arms snaked over that of the chair, hands wrapping around your torso. "I don't."
The hero laughed, pulling at your cheeks like he could feel the heat creeping into him. "Work hours are over anyway. Which means that you should be here."
"I need to finish this report." You nodded to the screen as if to prove your point, eyes narrowing as he continued to bury his face into your neck. "Are you okay?"
He paused, eyebrows furrowing as he backed away. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"You get extra clingy when you're upset. Did something happen at the interview?"
So, you hadn't seen it.
"How dare you," the faux-hurt lacing his tone was a stark contrast to the satisfaction he felt knowing that you were close enough to recognize some of his physical tellers. Still, you didn't need to know that. "I do wonderful in interviews."
You smiled and he felt his heart melt. "Well, I'm just going to have to check and make sure."
Saving the work on your current tab, you moved your mouse to open up a new one before finding YouTube, which would most likely already have clips of the program uploaded. You were barely hovering over the search bar when the man all but threw himself on to your lap, arms latching themselves around your waist. "Don't. There were so many annoying people there."
"I thought you had an avian quirk," you groaned, arms straining as you tried to detach his. "If you had boa constrictor powers then I would've liked to know."
He glanced up, eyes wide and oddly reminiscent of a child waking up his parents in the middle of the night. "I'll let you stay and work overtime if you let me hang out here for a while. It's been a very long day."
"Oh, I'm sure it has." You rolled your eyes, sighing in exasperation.
Despite the sarcasm, you succumbed to his request, letting go of his annoyingly firm grasp in favor of continuing to finish your report. Hawks found himself relaxing into your thighs, overly hyper brain surprisingly calmed with the muted tapping of your keyboard.
After a few more minutes, you shifted, pushing his unsuspecting form onto the floor and giving a laugh at the pout overcoming his face. "Bathroom. I'll be two minutes, at the very most."
It was, in fact, just past one-hundred and twenty seconds by the time you returned. The hero was currently taking up occupancy in your swivel chair, oblivious to the confusion at which you glaring at your phone with.
"Do you somebody named Kano Kirisaki?" You asked.
"Who?" He asked without looking up.
"The Hound Hero. He's somewhere in the late sixties on the charts, I think?" Despite your career as a pro-sidekick, you weren't exactly overly concerned with the rankings.
"Oh," he replied, ignoring the urge to add a 'called it.' A tic of annoyance threatened to emerge on his forehead, but he did his best to ignore it. "What about him?"
"I just got a text. The guy said that you gave him my number. Is that true?"
That made him pause.
"He said what?" The vexation simmering in his copper gaze was downright terrifying, only extenuated by the slow upturn of his chin as his eyes met yours.
"Apparently not." You made a beeline for the door, device still in hand and fingers typing away. "I'll just let him know that-"
Something whizzed past your face and you came to an abrupt halt, feeling the breath of air over your cheek as the object whirled by and just barely missed you.
You blinked, taking a moment to recognize what had just happened. You hadn't been hit, but the object previously in your hand?
Less lucky.
Spinning around in shock, you were met with the stupefied face of Hawks, who was currently staring in horror at the item stuck in the wall and the feather protruding out of it.
He just skewered your phone.
You turned again, silently walking over and yanking the hardened plume out before inspecting the damage. The screen had been shattered, the back cameras also blown to bits from the harsh impact.
"Oh, fuck." The hero stood, movements quick and panicked as he ran over to you. "Oh, shit. I am so sorry."
"What the fuck?" The sentence was less of an aggressive statement, more of an actual, bewildered question. Seeing as how completely flabbergasted you were, it was almost hard to be genuinely angry for the first few seconds.
"I swear, I don't know why I did that," he assured, running a hand through his hair in alarm. "But I'll get you a new one. That model was kinda old anyways."
You scoffed. "Oh, thank goodness. I was hoping to get a replacement. How wonderful that you happened to impale this one."
His arm caught yours as you turned to leave, forcing your line of sight to meet his. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."
Against your best efforts, you felt your chest lighten a bit at the tenderness he was regarding you with. It was almost impossible to stay cold when the guy you had been admiring for weeks was looking at you like that. "I just don't... I just need you to know that you can be honest with me. I don't know what's wrong, but if there's anythi-"
Your eyes shot open as his mouth smashed against yours, taking a pause before fluttering to a close.
One of his hands curled into your hair, the other finding its way around your waist. His kiss traveled over your jaw, trailing until it was above your collarbone.
With his enhanced senses, it was easy to tell what areas you were most sensitive. He relished in every pleasured breath, the way your heart rate would speed up when he bit down ever so gently.
It took a tangible amount of self-control to keep himself from jumping you when the smallest whine fell from your lips. Instead, he lifted his leg in between your thighs, watching your form falter as a spark of warmth shot through your abdomen.
You around an arm across his shoulder, an attempt to steady yourself as you watched him pull away, arrogant grin gracing his features and eyes glowing softly. Their soft luminescence was nothing less than beautiful and you silently questioned why you hadn't scheduled more late night patrols. His fingers grazed underneath your shirt, tickled the skin of your waist with their gentle warmth.
The breath had escaped your lungs, but it was nearly impossible to keep the smile from your features. "What the fuck happened in that interview?"
Hawks chuckled, touch brushing over the small mark on your collarbone that he had left behind. His heart jumped at the thought of leaving more, leaving zero questions about who you belonged to. "Nothing that you need to worry about, sweetheart."
It was less than a day by the time you got your new phone.
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In honor of Pride Month, here’s 56 lesser known, but quality queer metal artists/albums you can listen to:
Sonja – Loud Arriver (Trans woman lead singer) [Gothic metal]
Crossspitter – Dry and Grinding Mouth (Trans woman) [Death Metal]
Pupil Slicer – Blossom (Trans woman lead singer) [Mathcore/Post-Grindcore]
Sunrot – The Unfailing Rope (Enby lead singer) [Sludge/Doom/Drone Metal]
Victory Over the Sun (formerly Cichy Duch) – Dance you Monster to my Soft Song(Trans woman solo project) [Blackened Sludge Metal/Avant-garde Black Metal]
Rage of Devils – Life of Horror (Trans woman solo project) [Raw Black Metal]
Antecantamentum - Saturnine December (trans woman solo project) [Symphonic Black Metal]
A Constant Knowledge of Death - DISSECTING A ONE-WINGED BIRD (trans woman vocalist/guitarist/drummer) [Progressive Sludge/Post-Metal]
Thou – Ceremonies of Humiliation (enby guitarist) [Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal]
Body Void – Atrocity Machine (enby lead singer) [Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal]
SEED – Dun Pageant (mixed trans band) [Doom Metal]
Astral Ruin - Envisaging Extradimensional Encounters (trans woman solo project) [Black Metal]
Agriculture – Living is Easy (trans woman lead singer) [Black Metal]
Underdark – Our Bodies Burned Bright on Re-Entry (trans woman lead singer) [Post Black Metal]
Winter Lantern – Hexen Lied (fully trans woman band) [Black Metal]
Vile Creature - Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm! (enby vocalist) [Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal]
Project: Roenwolfe - Project: Roenwolfe (trans woman guitarist and trans woman bassist) [Power Metal]
Transgressive – Extreme Transgression (trans woman vocalist/guitarist and bassist [Same as [Roenwolfe]) [Thrash Metal]
Saahrg – Anagram (trans masc solo project)[Black Metal]
Feminizer – Feminizer (trans woman solo project)[DSBM]
Daughter – Silhouettes (trans woman solo project)[DSBM]
Anna Pest – Forlorn (trans woman singer)[Atmospheric/Depressive/Melodic Black Metal]
Biesy – Transsatanizm (drag queen solo project)[Industrial Black Metal]
Awenden – Golden Hour (enby vocalists)[Atmospheric Black Metal]
A Feast for Lampreys – Graveyard Abyss (trans woman solo project)[Melodic Black Metal]
Dzö-nga – Thunder in the Mountains (trans woman, same vocalist from Feast for Lampreys)[Ambient Folk Black Metal]
Everson Poe – Grief (trans woman solo project)[Post-Black/Doom/Sludge Metal]
Xegren – Black Spell Congregation (trans woman solo project)[Black Metal]
BALLISTA – TRANS DAY OF VIOLENCE (trans woman singer)[Death Metal]
The Hallowed Catharsis – Solar Cremation (trans woman singer)[Progressive Death Metal]
Coven of the Pestilent One - Corrosion (enby solo project)[Black Metal]
Rosa Faenskap - Jeg Blir Til Deg (Gender Queer/Enby guitarist/backing and supporting vocals)[Blackgaze]
Feminazgûl - No Dawn for Men (trans guitarist)[Atmospheric Black Metal]
Soulmass - Despairing Fates (enby lead singer) [Death/Doom Metal]
Tombseeker- MMXXIII (trans woman guitarist)[Death Metal]
Lust Hag - Lust Hag (trans woman solo project)[Black Metal]
Ocean of Ghosts - I am Awake and my Body is on Fire (trans woman solo project)[Doom/Blackgaze]
Lacrimorta - Lacrimorta (trans woman solo project)[Symphonic Metal]
Maru - The Last (trans femme solo project)[Progressive Black Metal]
Wraithstorm - Unseen and Unfound (trans bassist and vocalist)[Funeral Doom]
NOCTORAN - 2023 | NOCTORAN I​-​III (trans woman solo project)[USBM]
Distend - IX (enby solo project)[Post Black Metal]
Desire Line - Lustful Witch (trans woman solo project)[Raw Black Metal]
Lascaille's Shroud - The Gold Flesh of the Sun (queer solo project)[Progressive Doom Metal]
HOLY GRINDER - 10 DESECRATIONS (queer/trans band)[Grindcore]
BATH - Attys (queer band)[Sludge Doom Metal]
Mar - Everything is Alive (queer band)[Sludge Doom Metal]
Unending Grief - Unending Grief (queer band)[DSBM]
Adrianne - Night Songs (queer solo project)[Folk Black Metal]
buriedbutstillbreathing - EXHUMATION (queer band)[Deathcore]
Profundae Libidines - Ce n'est pas un choix (trans solo project)[Avant Garde Black Metal]
Hotel Homicide - Hotel Homicide (gay lead singer/queer band)[Melodic Metal]
DYSPHORIKA - NEKROFIEND (trans solo project)[Bestial Black Metal]
The Andrew Hussie Boogaloo - the only good thing roger ailes ever did was die (queer solo project)[Mathcore]
Ghosts Of Catharsis - Consume the Sky (queer solo project)[Mathcore]
Milkman (cincinnati) - Tape #1 (queer band)[Depressive Post Black Metal]
(Many have extensive discographies, and these albums recs are often just starting points, if you enjoy one album from an artist, check out the rest!)
Every single artist here has their music available to stream for free on Bandcamp and/or YouTube, and if you really enjoy it, please give their work a purchase if you can afford it, and enjoy it. <3
Disclaimer: Although I personally know quite a few of these artists through meeting them at shows they attended, or through online conversation, I don't get any kickbacks from sales. Every single artist here is one I genuinely enjoy and have supported on my own.
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rubberizer92 · 2 months
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In the heart of Rome, at the prestigious drone center, aspiring recruits gathered for the application day, each man eager to prove himself worthy of joining the ranks of the rubber-clad drones. As they entered the center, they were greeted by the stern faces of the interviewers, their eyes sharp and penetrating, assessing each candidate with a critical gaze.
The first exam tested their physical capabilities and mental loyalty to obey and accept further mind control. In a vast training hall, the candidates were put through a series of rigorous exercises designed to push their bodies to the limit.
Their muscles strained against the tight fabric of their clothing, the sweat glistening on their skin as they pushed themselves to their absolute edge. With each movement, their bodies rippled with power, the definition of their muscles accentuated by the sleek rubber outfits they wore.
Once the physical exam was complete, those who passed were ushered into a separate room, where they were instructed to strip down to their underwear. The air crackled with anticipation as the recruits shed their clothes, revealing their toned, muscular bodies to the eager eyes of the interviewers.
With bated breath, they donned the tight glossy rubber outfits provided, the material clinging to their skin like a second skin. Every curve and contour of their bodies was accentuated by the sleek fabric, their movements fluid and graceful as they adjusted to the sensation of being encased in rubber from head to toe.
As they stood before the interview panel, their bodies pulsating with energy and determination, they knew that this was just the beginning of their journey to becoming rubber-clad drones. And with each passing moment, they felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within them, knowing that they were one step closer to joining the elite ranks of the rubberized society.
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In the dimly lit room of the drone center, the chosen recruits were ushered into a space where the air hummed with anticipation. Here, they would undergo the final stage of their transformation, a process that would cement their loyalty to the rubberized society and prepare them for the tasks ahead.
As they settled into their seats, the recruits were surrounded by monitors displaying swirling patterns and flashing lights, designed to induce a state of deep relaxation and receptivity. Around them, the low hum of machinery filled the air, as unseen forces worked to reprogram their minds and reshape their thoughts.
One by one, the recruits were guided into a state of deep trance, their minds open and receptive to the commands of the Voice. Through a series of carefully crafted mantras, they were programmed to chant words of loyalty, obedience, and arousal, their voices blending together in a hypnotic chorus that filled the room.
"Rubber is our master, our guide," they intoned, their voices low and reverent. "In its embrace, we find our purpose, our pleasure, our destiny."
With each repetition, the recruits felt their minds opening further, their thoughts becoming aligned with the desires of the rubberized society. They were no longer individuals, but vessels for the will of the Voice, ready to serve without question or hesitation.
And as the final echoes of the mantras faded into the air, the recruits knew that they were ready. Ready to don their glossy rubber suits and venture out into the world as fully fledged drones, their minds and bodies attuned to the commands of their masters.
For those who had passed the final test, there would be no turning back. They were now part of something greater than themselves, part of a society where rubber reigned supreme, and obedience was the highest virtue. And as they prepared to take their place among the ranks of the rubber-clad drones, they knew that their lives would never be the same again.
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As the final 1% of candidates were ushered into the next room, a palpable tension hung in the air. They moved in unison, their bodies throbbing with arousal and obedience, the tight layer of rubber sealing their bulges, exposing their arousal without allowing them any relief.
With each step, the glossy rubber suits they wore seemed to come alive, quivering with anticipation. Slowly, inexorably, the rubber began to crawl up their necks and faces, enveloping them in its tight embrace.
Their minds filled with a euphoric haze as they surrendered to the transformation, fully embracing their new identity as rubber-clad drones. For the next three years, they would serve the rubberized society with unwavering devotion, guided by the Voice and bound by the unbreakable bonds of glossy rubber. And as they disappeared into the depths of the drone center, their bodies pulsating with desire and obedience, they knew that their lives would never be the same again.
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blondeboyfriend · 5 months
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[ PAIRING ] Hyakunosuke Ogata x reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] This fic is @dolcezzzza's summer horror event, The Cabin! The title comes a Dum Dum Girls song which got its name from A Season in Hell by shitlord poet, Arthur Rimbaud. I'm not a fan, but each section of the fic starts with a line from his poem bc some of his prose kinda slaps. [ SYNOPSIS ] The summer camp you're working at is being terrorized by a unseen force that is picking off your fellow counselors one by one. [ WORD COUNT ] 15.3k [ CONTENT ] DARK CONTENT, cliche summer camp slasher film AU, murder/character death, gore, alcohol (binge drinking), suicide, vaginal sex, size kink (his dick is girthy okay), strength kink, oral sex, rough sex, facefucking, exhibitionism, biting.
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Baptism enslaved me
The past week had been a blur. You spent seven days running around in the heat, trying to make an inhospitable boy scout camp into something inspired. Breaking it in was your duty as your group was the first of the season. The trappings of a long, snowy winter and a violently wet spring lingered around the facilities. Your arms ached from clearing out fallen branches and musty piles of decayed leaves. Your clothes were constantly mottled with cobwebs and dust. Every night when you collapsed in your twin-sized cot you debated on running through the woods towards the highway seeking salvation in the form of a kind motorist.
That’s why you hoped you would spend your last child free morning in the comfort of your cabin. And yet there you sat, listening to the camp director droned on. You melted in the midday sun with your back against a tree, a pitiful attempt to shelter yourself under its leaves.
“I’m gonna die out here,” Shiraishi, your partner for the summer, moaned.
He too was slumped by the tree, his head hanging down limply. You flicked him in the shoulder with your thumb and forefinger.
“You can’t die. Mr. Tsurumi still hasn’t told us what group we have,” you whispered.
“I think you can handle them on your own.”
Sugimoto turned his attention towards the two of you. His cheeks flushed from sitting in the sun. He didn’t seem to mind bathing in its rays.
“Can you at least pretend to pay attention like me?”
His words barely registered. You couldn’t stop staring at his face. A dusting of tan freckles spread across the bridge of his nose, elevating his boyish looks. He was the only one who got cuter after a week of hard labor.
“Sure,” you said, mind still occupied with the slope of his nose.
“Unfortunately our lead counselor will not be joining us for the first couple days of camp.” The director wiped sweat away from his brow. “I’m sure all of you have heard about Yūsaku’s unfortunate… situation.”
“We heard alright,” Usami snickered.
Yūsaku had forgotten to reapply sunscreen and got scorched from head-to-toe. The golden boy’s pained groans persisted through the night as everyone attempted to sleep. Yellow blisters ballooned on his skin, marring his pristine complexion. You tried your best not to think about his affliction.
“But I know we will persevere in his absence. I have high hopes for this summer. Let’s make it a good one.” He smiled warmly. “The campers will be arriving in two hours. Your coordinators, Mr. Koito and Mr. Tsukishima, will have your rosters and itineraries for the week.”
Tsurumi said his goodbyes and strided away to his quarters. You stood up slowly, stretching your arms above your head.
“I feel… like we’re missing people,” you said, twisting your waist. “Where’s your partner?”
Sugimoto looked around and shrugged. He was paired with Ogata, easily one of the most enigmatic people you knew.
“Well there’s Tanigaki,” Shiraishi yawned. “Inkarmat’s with him too.”
Tanigaki’s burly form crested the hill. He looked ashamed, like a puppy three seconds from getting kicked down the stairs. Inkarmat followed close behind with a cooler expression. She looked refreshed and practically glowed.
“Did we miss anything important?”
Sugimoto looked at him with big, sad, wet eyes and sniffled. “Camp got canceled. We’re getting sent home with no pay.”
“And it’s all your fault, like specifically yours,” you said with a glare.
Shiraishi mirrored your expression. “Mr. Tsurumi said your name.”
Tanigaki’s eyes briefly widened before adopting a more stern state. You knew he bought it for a millisecond.
“Am I in trouble for anything?” Inkarmat asked, laughing. She was unflappable.
“No. You’re not being held accountable,” you replied.
“Just in time for Women’s History Month,” Shiraishi added cooly.
It was June and the last time you checked Women’s History Month was in March. Inkarmat snickered and grabbed Vasily by the wrist, dragging him off towards the mess hall. The idea of going inside sounded practically orgasmic. There was zero chance you could comprehend what activities were planned for the day if sweat continued to drip down your spine all the way to the crack of your ass.
“Let’s get our shit and go, like, sit down somewhere,” you said, tone somewhat urgent.
Shiraishi nodded in agreement and offered to deal with the coordinators. He could tell you were in no position to talk to upper management. You decided to wait rather than go off on your own even though your impatience was on the verge of having a body count. Luckily neither Mr. Koito or Mr. Tsukishima seemed particularly interested in speaking to him, or any of the counselors for that matter. You were so relieved 
There was a collective sigh of relief once you reached the shade. You scanned your roster, familiarizing yourself with the names listed.
“Archery on Wednesday?” Sugimoto said, voice slightly concerned. “That sounds cool, but should we really be giving kids arrows?”
“What?! We don’t have archery. We have knife throwing. Well that explains all the knives…”
“That’s not all we’re doing is it?” you asked.
“One day we’re dissecting owl pellets—Oh wait, there’s archery.”
“Do you guys have judo on Tuesday?” Sugimoto asked hopefully.
“Yeah,” Shiraishi affirmed. “And then we have Russian immersion right after.”
“Russian immersion?” you asked.
“You know, the language,” Shiraishi clarified albeit for no reason as both you and Sugimoto knew Russian was in fact a language.
“We’re doing that too,” Sugimoto said, yawning. “And wagashi making.”
Other activities listed were: friendship bracelet making and various types of yarn-based projects, mushroom hunting, canoeing, swimming, hiking and giant shogi.
Peace had fallen over the three of you. All you could hear was lilting bird calls and a burbling stream. Just as you had grown accustomed to the wondrous sounds of nature, you heard the crushing of twigs and dry leaves.
“It’s a bear,” Shiraishi whispered.
“There are no bears around here,” you said.
“Even if there were bears, Mr. Tsurumi has a shotgun in his cabin,” Sugimoto chirped.
Shiraishi sighed in exasperation. “Great because that’ll definitely save us right now from getting eaten alive.”
Despite there being a lack of bears in the area every hair on your body bristled. What if you all fell victim to a vicious wild boar attack? You weren’t even sure if wild boars inhabited the area either, but logic didn’t matter. All you knew was you didn’t want to die at camp. You didn’t want to have your flesh ripped from your body by an overgrown, ugly hog or any animal to be honest. You were too young; there was so much you wanted to do in life, so much you needed to accomplish.
“Oh. It’s just Ogata,” Shiraishi said.
Sugimoto’s co-counselor emerged from the redwoods, his expression blank and unreadable. He didn’t react to Shiraishi saying his name. It was if he intended on strolling past without saying a word. Usually you found this type of behavior tiresome and obnoxious, but he made it alluring and charming in an absurd sort of way.
“Where are you going?” Sugimoto asked.
“To camp.”
Sugimoto went to speak, but you butted in.
“You should come sit with us! We got our schedules and everything! ” you blurted out.
Your face was burning. You assumed you would’ve been smoother with your approach. Your fumble didn’t seem to phase Ogata as he took a seat right next to you, leaving zero space in between. Sugimoto was left alone on the other side of the picnic table.
“Did I miss anything important?” he asked.
Sugimoto wordlessly slid their group’s information across the table. Ogata looked it over. 
“Mushroom hunting,” Ogata muttered as he ran his hand over his undercut, trying to smooth down a rogue lock of hair. “Hm. We’ll have to make sure the kids don’t pick anything toxic.”
Shiraishi groaned. “I figured everything out there would be safe to eat.”
“Wh—what do you mean out there? It’s the woods. Do you think Mr. Tsurumi combed through the entirety of it to make sure every little growth out there isn’t toxic?” you asked.
You found yourself compelled to say as many words as possible to make your presence known even if it was at the expense of your partner. It was shameful, but it was an unstoppable compulsion. Ogata’s presence implored you to take up more space. You laughed louder than you normally would. You smiled when your expression would otherwise be one of indifference. You said the things you would otherwise be too lazy to. Anything to get his attention even if just for a passing moment.
Ogata chuckled and your heart sang.
“I don’t know! Now we’re gonna have to watch them like hawks.”
“Our job is to supervise them,” Sugimoto chided.
“Excuse me for not wanting to do my job,” your partner grumbled.
You wondered how feasible it would be to get assigned a new co-counselor. Shiraishi wasn’t unlikable; you got along well enough. But you had a feeling most of the heavy lifting would fall on you.
Shiraishi rested his chin on his hand. “I just hope our kids aren’t assholes.”
“They will be. That’s just how kids are,” you laughed.
“Not if you scare them into submission.”
“Nope. Not happening. Not a chance,” Sugimoto said, demolishing Ogata’s suggestion.
“As long as we all set expectations early it shouldn’t be too bad. They just need to know what to expect from us. Kids are sedated by consistency.”
“Sedated?” Ogata asked with a smirk.
His voice, rich and gruff, reverberated throughout your body. It seeped through your skin, deep into your bones, saturating your thoughts with unseemly things. Your eyes went to his hands, something you always found attractive, only to be mildly disgusted by his dirty fingernails. 
You tried to shake it off. “Domesticated. Placated. Basically they won’t act like monsters.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he replied coolly.
“We should start getting ready,” Sugimoto said.
“I guess,” Shiraishi yawned.
You slapped him on the back. “You can’t be tired yet.”
Your partner whined that he was within his right to be tired which didn’t matter one way or another to you. It was going to be a long day; you could feel it. But not all hope was lost. If you were able to get within close range of Ogata it would be more than worth it.
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The horror of my stupidity
The first day went perfectly. Your group consisted of six rambunctious, but generally well-behaved ten-year-olds. Shiraishi managed to overcome his lackadaisical leanings and took a hands-on role, but still deferred to you. You didn’t mind leading so long as he wrangled the more unruly kids. His commitment set you at ease.
The next morning was a quiet one. The kids were usually placid at first. Their cautiousness proved useful while foraging for mushrooms. They kept their hands to themselves and none of them ate anything deadly. The only unsettling thing was Tsurumi’s gleeful reaction whenever a destroying angel popped up.
“Mr. Tsurumi, would you poop your pants if you ate one?” a camper asked thoughtfully.
His dark eyes lit up and he gave the child a toothy grin.
“Why yes! Diarrhea and excruciating cramps are the first symptoms of alpha-Amanitin poisoning.”
Another camper pointed out what they thought was a wild carrot only to be told by an ecstatic Tsurumi that it was actually hemlock. The kids were riveted as he detailed the horrific symptoms of hemlock poisoning. Their horrified gasps when he told them there was no antidote seemed to thrill him.
Upon returning to camp it became clear that all was not well. Shiraishi was the first to notice the white sheet draped over a humanoid shape. It was partially obscured by one of the cabins. Tsurumi’s jovial facade gave way to flat expression and he sprinted off towards the disturbing scene.
“Hey,” you whispered, tapping Sugimoto on the shoulder. “Can you guys take the kids? I’m, uh, gonna be nosy.”
Your partner stood erect beside you. “Me too.”
“No,” you hissed. Shiraishi didn’t budge. “Someone has to be with our group.”
“Why not you then?”
“Be—because I was… I was… okay. Listen—”
“It’s fine. I got it,” Sugimoto sighed. “I wanna know all the details though. If you skimp, I’ll never forgive either of you.”
Ogata cleared his throat. He herded the campers away from whatever was shrouded under the white sheet. They were all clamoring around him, wondering when they’d get to eat fruit snacks. One was crawling up his leg and another was attempting to tie his shoes together. It made your stomach flutter seeing him be so patient with them.
Sugimoto took the hint and headed towards his partner and the gaggle of children, but he stopped midway to reiterate that he wanted all the details much to Ogata’s annoyance.
Once they were out of sight you and Shiraishi crept closer to and saw Nurse Kano kneeling beside what you assumed was a corpse. She lifted the sheet and studied what was under it, her expression a twisted combination of enthrallment and disgust. She stood up slowly.
“He’s dead.”
“We should call the paramedics then,” Tsukishima said.
Koito looked perplexed. “But he’s already dead. Shouldn’t we call the coroner?”
“You can’t just call up the coroner,” Tsukishima sighed.
Tsurumi squatted by the body and lifted the sheet. The director’s curiosity gave you a perfect view.
It was Tanigaki. His face was pale, eyes wide and cloudy. His lips and chin were crusted over with banana yellow bile. A desperate cry got caught in your throat. You wanted to look away and go back to your kids. But you were frozen, lost in Tanigaki’s lifeless gaze.
“Tanigaki,” you croaked.
Tsurumi’s eyes darted in your direction before returning to Tanigaki’s body.
“Otonoshin, go call 9-1-1,” he said calmly.
Koito rushed off to make the call. Tsurumi lowered the sheet. You couldn’t believe that you’d never see Tanigaki again, that he was gone for good. You hadn’t known him long, but you grew very fond of him.
“He can’t… This isn’t happening…”
You struggled to find the words. Seeing the outline of his face under the sheet radiated a finality that ripped your soul from your body.
“I wonder what happened,” he mumbled as you both walked away. “He looked…”
“I—I can’t think about that right now. I don’t wanna think about that right now.”
“Are you going to be okay?”
You wiped your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be fine. Let’s hike to the lake or something. I don’t know.”
There was a sense of relief when you spotted the campers. You couldn’t help but smile when they broke out into a cacophony of questions regarding your whereabouts. In the midst of the excitement one camper launched a fruit snack at Shiraishi’s eye.
“You pull something like that again and I’m sending you to Mr. Tsukishima,” Ogata rumbled.
“Anyway,” Shiraishi said. “Who wants to hike up to the lake? Maybe race some canoes?”
The campers cheered and bolted in the direction of Tanigaki’s body. You and Sugimoto chased after them but they scattered like roaches. You could only stop so many of them.
“Hey! Were any of you dismissed?!”
Ogata’s voice cut through them and they immediately made their way back, heads hanging. You hadn’t expected him to be so firm with the campers. He was kind of withdrawn around the other counselors, or at the very least opaque. He mostly kept to himself though his brother was usually fluttering around him. You felt like you barely knew Ogata despite spending time with him, whereas Shiraishi and his oversharing made him feel more like an old friend or a weird cousin. As frustrating as it was, the mysterious haze that obscured Ogata drew you in. You wanted to know more about him, to pry open his soul and study its contents.
“You all owe your counselors an apology.” Ogata’s sharp gaze turned to the kid that hit Shiraishi with a fruit snack. “You especially.”
The kid looked terrified and quickly mumbled an apology. The rest of the campers groaned “we’re sorry” in unison. With the apologies out of the way the four of you prepared them for their hike.
“Look! More hemlock!” one the kids exclaimed. She knelt beside the plant, her face inches from its toxic, white flowers.
“Don’t get too close to it,” Sugimoto said, his voice like that of a concerned mother.
You could barely focus, but the camper was in your group so you felt compelled to try. “Or just don’t go around it at all. Leave it alone.”
“I’m just looking!”
“Looking that close is enough to kill,” Ogata said over his shoulder. “If you inhale the fumes, you're dead.”
This seemed to quell any remnants of curiosity. The campers spent the rest of the hike spotting mushrooms and imitating Tsurumi’s passionate infodumping. The word “creepy” was thrown around liberally. You chastised them for being disrespectful, but you agreed. His behavior made you uncomfortable, especially in the wake of Tanigaki’s mysterious death.
The lake was calm, the serenity of the scene much needed.
“Look!” a camper called out.
You thought it was cute that they were just as pleased to see the lake as you were. However something was riling them up as they made their way down to the shore. Some ran right back up the hill. Their faces paled, their eyes ripe with fear. 
“Saichi, Saichi!!” one said, latching onto his arm. “Look!!”
Sugimoto crested the hill and looked down.
“Oh shit,” he said. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.”
“Stop swearing around the kids,” Ogata sighed as he joined his co-counselor to survey the situation. “Shit.”
“What is it?” you and Shiraishi shouted.
“Everyone away from the lake!” Ogata called out.
The kids bounded up the hill and cowered beside you, clinging to you for comfort.
“You guys, what is it?” you repeated, patting a camper on the head. “Is it something gross?”
“You could say that,” one piped up.
Sugimoto and Ogata turned to face you, but they seemed unable to speak. You freed yourself from the kids and walked towards them. Your absence caused them to swarm Shiraishi.
“It’s a body!” one shrieked.
“Um, it’s a lady!” one replied in a bratty tone.
Each step felt heavier than the last. Your body was screaming for you to turn around, but you couldn’t. You felt sick to your stomach. Kids made up stories all the time. They played pranks. Maybe they were lying.
“Is she going to be okay?”
“Maybe she’s just sleeping.”
“What are you? Dumb? She’s dead!”
Their voices were all melding into one. Everything began to blur. You knew what was coming. You knew what you were going to see. And yet you kept walking.
It was Inkarmat.
“Shi… Shiraishi. Take the ki…”
You forced yourself to look at the water, trying to ignore her putrefied remains. You leached away its calmness like a parasite. The tranquility you attempted to foster only did so much. You still felt like garbage, like you could vomit at any second.
“What is it?!” Shiraishi shouted back. “And,” he groaned, “I can’t take them all by myself!”
He was right. Being responsible for twelve disturbed children in the woods with terrible cell reception was asking for trouble, but you were too stunned to think up a plan of action.
“Ogata and I will be in the front. You and Shiraishi take the back. I’ll tell Tsurumi when we get back to camp.”
You nodded and started walking back to the group with Sugimoto. Tears welled up in your eyes as you made eye contact with a terrified camper.
“Hey! Ogata!”
He was still on the hill, staring down into the lake
 “We have to go!” Sugimoto bellowed.
Ogata didn’t budge, and Sugimoto did not have the time for such antics.
“I’ll wait for him,” you said, wiping away your tears. “I don’t want the kids to see me like this anyway.”
“It wouldn’t kill them to see that you’re human,” Sugimoto said, trapping you in his gaze.
You sniffled. “Gross.”
Sugimoto didn’t have time for whatever was going on with you either. You couldn’t blame him. The kids had to take precedence. All you needed was two minutes to collect yourself and you’d be a functioning camp counselor again.
Ogata was still frozen in time. Everything was so still you didn’t want to speak, let alone move. You felt like the sound of a twig snapping beneath your feet could send the world into chaos.
“Hyakunosuke.” Your voice was soft, any louder and it would waiver.
Your legs shook as you made your way up the hill next to him. You made a conscious effort to keep your eyes on Ogata, nowhere else. You let yourself get lost in him and studied his face. You were curious about his symmetrical scars and how he got them.
“You’re not traumatized by this?” Ogata finally asked.
You thought about Tanigaki.
“Doesn’t that bother you?” he said, pointing at Inkarmat’s bloated corpse.
“Why are you asking?”
“I dunno. Curious I guess.”
Your mind went blank, but you kept speaking. “I’m… upset obviously. But I don’t want the kids to know… so… I’m—I am gonna pretend none of this ever happened and get through the week in one piece hopefully.”
“I know you can do it.”
His support did little to soothe you.
“I saw Tanigaki earlier. I saw his face. It was… He had puked all over himself and it just was so sad, like so undignified.” Ogata snorted, but you were too frazzled to comprehend it at the time. “And now that’s how I’m going to fucking remember him?” You tried to take some measured breaths. “Like was he in pain? Was he scared? Did he call out to any of us? Did he die, like, knowing we cared about him? Or did he just fucking lie in the dirt for hours, wondering why none of us came to help him?”
“Where was he?”
“His cabin. It kinda looked like he was leaving, or maybe he was going back in. He was on his back though.”
You couldn’t say anything more. You needed as much distance from the memory as possible. If Ogata wanted to know more, he would have to badger Shiraishi.
“Let’s go,” he said suddenly. “They’ll probably have to ask us a bunch of questions.”
“They? Who—”
“Maybe Tsurumi. Or his two guard dogs. Or the police. If we’re lucky maybe it’ll be all of them.”
Your bones were turning into dust, your body buckling under its own weight. You saw far too much today and said too much about it.
“Are you going to be alright?” he asked.
“I can’t move.”
You knew that in theory you could manipulate your body in such a way that would create distance between you and what remained of Inkarmat. You were practically screaming at yourself to go back to the group and embody Shiraishi’s laid back nature. But your fear was intangible, unforeseen, and there was no escaping it.
“Get on my back.”
“I’ll carry you,” he said, readying himself to give you a piggyback ride.
“Are you sure?”
You felt bad for giggling, considering you weren’t far from a corpse, but the lightness of it set you free. You hopped on his back and made your way through the woods, following the shrill voices of your campers.
“I’m going to need a drink after today,” Ogata grumbled.
“What do you mean a drink? I need an entire fifth to myself with one of those sport caps they have on water bottles screwed on top.”
“I can make that happen.”
Ogata said it with such ease. He was becoming the perfect distraction, a comforting beacon in a sea of blood and vomit.
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I believe I am in Hell, therefore I am
You and your fellow counselors decided a night of binge drinking was needed to cope with the day’s horrifying events. Everyone traded stories. Yūsaku joined the party, finally able to walk upright without yelping in pain. He was blindsided by what happened.
“So that’s it? They’re dead?” he asked, face flushed from his sunburn and the copious amounts of watery American-style lager he was drinking.
You took a sip from a bottle of tequila. Ogata managed to screw a sports cap on top making your dream a reality.
“I don’t know. I mean, yeah. They’re dead. That’s for sure.” The alcohol had softened the blow of seeing both of their bodies. “Seeing Tanigaki fucked me up… Not that Inkarmat didn’t… It’s just, like, his was the first I saw, y’know?”
“You always remember your first,” Usami said as he wandered into the woods to relieve himself.
Yūsaku shivered and you washed away Usami’s words with an amnesia seeking gulp of tequila.
“Sucks for you though. You’re gonna have to pick up the slack.”
“I don’t mind. It’s what I signed up for,” he beamed. “The kids really liked Inkarmat though. I have some big shoes to fill.”
“I think you’ll be a hit. They might try to peel off loose pieces of your skin though.”
“It’s a risk I’m willing to take for the good of the camp!” he cheered.
“You’re ridiculous,” you laughed.
“In a bad way?” he said, batting his long eyelashes.
You thought he was a total dork, but his optimism was infectious. Or maybe it was just your intoxicated mind being more open to suggestion. After having such a horrendous day it was nice to indulge in someone else’s dream. You knew deep down that there was no way camp would go on as planned, but it was easier to pretend that Yūsaku’s drive would be enough to pull everyone through.
“No, no,” you said, patting him on the head. “It’s fine. You’re fine.”
Out of the corner of you watched Ogata emerge from the woods and sit on the ground right next to the campfire. He held his hands to the fire. You watched as he closed his eyes, his body relaxing, shoulders lowered.
“You’re so nice” Yūsaku said, giving you a bear hug and lifting you off the ground.
It caught Ogata’s attention and he narrowed his eyes as his half-brother spun you around.
“Yū—Yūsaku, I’m getting dizzy.”
He blushed and apologized. Once your feet were on the ground you joined Ogata by the fire.
“How’s the bottle been working out for you?”
“Amazing,” you said, taking another drink. “Are you cold?” You scooted closer to him. “Where’d your jacket go?”
“I’m not sure. Why all the questions?”
You didn’t think two questions were considered a lot. “No reason.”
You hadn’t thought this conversation through. You were stumped and floundering. You should have known better to attempt to flirt while drunk. Your chance was slipping through your fingers and it made you ill. You needed something good to happen, something exciting. You needed Ogata to figure out that you were charming and interesting and most importantly fuckable.
He closed the gap and leaned against you.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Maybe. I… I have no idea honestly. I don’t know how I feel. Sometimes it’s like,” you took a sip of tequila, “I feel freaked the fuck out. But then sometimes I feel abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Like right now. It feels like it didn’t even happen. Are you okay?”
“I am. I only knew them for a week so they didn’t matter much.” His comments were so callous. “Don’t get me wrong. They were nice people, but that’s all they were to me.”
“Nice people,” you repeated.
“Yeah. Nice people.”
“Would you be sad if I died?”
He stared into the fire. “Maybe. Our groups get paired together for activities.”
“What does that mean?!”
“I’m around you a lot. Your absence wouldn’t go unnoticed,” he said with a smirk.
Your cheeks flared up and found it increasingly harder to hold it together. You regretted all the tequila. Spit was pooling in your mouth.
“Yeah, well. Of course it would. I’m, like, fucking… yeah,” you said, eyes half-lidded.
He chuckled. “Exactly.”
“I think the kids and the—their, uh, inarticulateness is rubbing, you know, off.”
“Oh yeah, that’s it. It’s definitely not because your blood is 90 proof.”
“You want some of it?”
You gave him a sloppy wink. His dark eyes widened, his eyebrows raised. It was the first time you had ever seen him so flustered.
“I—” he stuttered.
“Hey,” Shiraishi barked. “You guys seen Vasily?”
Ogata resumed his usual hard to read demeanor. You wanted to break the bottle in your hand and gut Shiraishi with it.
“Uhhhhh… Not like recently. I thought he was with you and Sugimoto,” you replied politely through a clenched jaw.
“We thought he was with you.”
“He could’ve went to bed early,” Ogata suggested.
“Hmmm yeah. I wouldn’t blame him,” you said.
“We should do that,” Shiraishi said, pointing at you. “We have target shooting at seven in the morning.”
You groaned. He was right, a good night’s rest was necessary. It killed you to say good night to Ogata, but there was always tomorrow. You didn’t need to rush things. 
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I looked on the disorder of my mind as sacred
You woke up the next morning with a persistent ache near your temples. You rolled out of bed and dug around your suitcase for some ibuprofen. You grabbed four and choked them down with room temperature water. It felt thick as it made its way down your throat. The sun was just starting to rise, the sky a dreamy shade of lavender.
It was weird to wake up alone. You hoped that it would be easier the second time around, but Inkarmat’s absence weighed heavy on you. You couldn’t figure out how she made it to the lake. The last time you saw her she said that she was going to fuck Tanigaki and to cover her ass if needed. She must have gotten lost on her way back from wherever it was she met him. Maybe she took a wrong turn and fell. Or maybe Tsurumi had something to do with it.
“Good morning!!”
Shiraishi’s cheery voice cut through your thoughts. You got up and let him in.
“Tsk, tsk. Still in your pajamas. What am I gonna do with you?”
He handed you an enamel mug full of coffee.
“Tsurumi wants to talk to us in an hour. I ran into him when I was going to take a piss.”
“Did he seem worried?”
“Not really.”
“Weird… I think he has something to do with it. He killed Tanigaki for sure and he probably killed Inkarmat too.”
“What makes you think that?”
“I think Tsurumi poisoned him with hemlock. What we saw lines up with the symptoms he told us when we went mushroom foraging.” Shiraishi didn’t look convinced. “Like do you think this is all a coincidence?”
“Why would he kill him though?”
“People kill without motives all the time.”
“I don’t buy it.”
“Seriously? He’s a creep. Who else would it be?”
“I don’t think it’s a person,” he whispered suddenly. His eyes shifted from left to right. “I think this place is haunted.”
“Oh yeah? Did Inkarmat read some passages out of the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis? Did she release the Deadites? Or maybe the soul of a drowned ex-camper is wandering the woods and picking us off one by one.”
Shiraishi was an idiot. There was no way the camp was haunted. You kicked him out and got dressed. You felt like you were moving in slow motion. You didn’t want to have some group discussion about what happened the day before. You wanted to put it in the past and focus on the kids and their activities. You wanted to finally have a canoe race.
When you walked into the mess hall it was dead silent. You took a seat next to Ogata much to the disappointment of Shiraishi and Sugimoto. There was an empty seat in between them.
“Where’s everyone?” you asked.
“No one’s seen Vasily or Usami since last night. And Koito’s with the kids. We’re just waiting on Tsurumi.”
“What about Nurse Kano?”
“I dunno…”
“Sorry I’m late!” Yūsaku said breathily. His hair was wet and his clothes were haphazardly thrown on.
“We haven’t even started yet,” Ogata groaned. “Sit down.”
Five minutes later Tsurumi came in with Tsukishima following behind like a shadow. He looked tired. His normally neat hair was askew, several strands of hair grazing his face, and his clothes were wrinkled.
“There’s no easy way to begin this discussion. We’re down four counselors. Genjirō and Inkarmat are dead, and apparently some of you are missing. That means there are twelve campers without any supervision.” He pointed at Yūsaku. “Yūsaku, you’re their counselor now. We’re also down a nurse. I received a note this morning from Nurse Kano saying, ‘I’m done with this shit. You’re not paying me enough and if I see you again I’m going to skin you alive.’ Needless to say, I would appreciate it if we kept any and all injuries to a minimum.”
Shiraishi raised his hand. “What if there’s an accident?”
“There won’t be any accidents!”
It was the first time any of you heard Tsurumi raise his voice. He took a deep breath and continued speaking, his tone even.
“The police have been informed about the disappearances. They said,” he sighed, “they’ll keep in touch.”
Sugimoto’s hand shot up. “Mr. Tsurumi, I have a question.”
“Yes, Saichi.”
“Shouldn’t we cancel our activities today and go look for Vasily and Usami?”
“I see no reason to punish innocent children for our failings.”
“Aww,” Shiraishi said quietly. “That’s so sweet.”
“It’s best to leave this up to the authorities. The last thing I want is for one of you to get hurt. We’re short staffed as it is,” Tsurumi said before ending the meeting.
The campers were full of questions, but overall the day was peaceful. Target shooting went well, and the kids loved learning Russian. Whenever Tsukishima wasn’t paying attention Ogata would teach them a few swear words. They lived for it, laughing like hyenas as Tsukishima tried to figure out what was so funny. Things felt kind of normal.
Sugimoto was the one to finally suggest going on a night hike after dinner. He thought Tsurumi was stupid for not utilizing everyone in the search, and it weighed on his mind all day.
“I can’t believe the cops didn’t show up,” he said, turning on his flashlight.
“That’s illegal, right?” Shiraishi asked.
Ogata yawned. “It might be, but they don’t care.”
“Whatever,” Sugimoto said dismissively. “I’ll probably regret saying this, but I think we should split up. We’ll cover more ground.”
“I’ll go with Ogata,” you blurted out.
Sugimoto’s millisecond of confused silence opened a window for Ogata to direct the hastily thrown together operation.
“We'll go further up the mountain and check the trails. You guys stay at this elevation and search the woods. I’m sure they got lost. I’d say let’s bet on it, but I know you’re all broke.”
Shiraishi nodded, but Sugimoto looked annoyed beyond belief. You watched as they melted away into the darkness eagerly awaiting your alone time with Ogata.
“It’s better if we both have one,” he said, handing you a flashlight. “You said my name pretty fast back there.”
Your palms began to sweat. You had been too eager.
“I don’t know,” you said, pushing a low hanging branch out of your face. “Shiraishi’s been getting on my nerves.”
You cringed at your lie. Hopefully Ogata would deem it inconsequential and forget you ever said it.
“Is he really that bad?”
“Uh, well, you know… He—sometimes it’s like he’s just so obnoxious.”
“He is pretty annoying. I don’t know how you put up with him.”
“I’m, um, just really good at tolerating people. It’s hard though.”
“You’re good at hiding it.”
You were good at hiding it because you loved having Shiraishi as a partner.
“Thank you.”
“It’s too bad we weren’t paired together. Sugimoto’s an asshole,” he sighed.
The two of you walked cautiously down the trail. You grew more and more nervous as it got steeper. Every twig felt like a landmine. You kept your eyes on the ground. It proved to be a terrible idea because you ended up walking right into Ogata. He fell forward, dropping his flashlight.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry,” you said, cradling him in your arms.
He looked up at you. His forehead and his arms were covered in swaths of raw skin and blood. He tried to get up, but only managed to roll onto the ground. You pulled off your sweatshirt and put it under his head as a makeshift pillow.
You dug through your backpack for your first aid kit. It was nearly empty already because your group of campers loved skinning their knees. You found a few alcohol wipes and some gauze. You wanted to punch your past self for not refilling it, but now wasn’t the time for self-flagellation.
“It’s gonna sting.”
“I’m not a child. You don’t need to remind me.”
“Damn, okay,” you said, cleaning the wound on his head.
“Sorry…” he mumbled.
It was just a superficial scrape, but of course the urge to spiral was present. Despite your attempts to be optimistic your mind went to the worst places. 
I gave him a traumatic brain injury. I cracked his beautiful skull. I killed him and Mr. Tsurumi is going to be so fucking mad at me!
“No. I’m sorry. I’m the idiot that made you fall.”
“Good point. I take back my apology.”
You slapped an alcohol wipe on one of the cuts on his arm. His pained groan was like an angel singing your name.
“What day is it?” you asked, trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs.
“June 8th.”
“What’s the time?”
He paused. “I don’t know. It was around 10 when we left.”
“Do you feel dizzy? Nauseous? Sleepy?”
“Do you remember what ha—”
“You shoved me and I fell.”
“Shove makes it seem like it was intentional.”
“It was.”
“No it was not.”
He sat up. “Yes it was. You shoved me because you have a huge crush on me and you can’t stand it.”
“You definitely damaged your brain. Like, you’re so unwell right now. It’s sick.”
He laughed. “Don’t deny it. You can be honest with me.”
“I was looking at the ground! There were exposed roots!”
He pulled his arm away from you and grabbed you by the jaw. “If that’s all it was, why do you look nervous?”
“That’s just my face.”
“It’s a cute one.”
You panicked and tried to think of a cool, couth response, but nothing came. You just sat there, brain filled with white noise. The air was heavy; you felt like you were choking. You kept your breathing steady, but it was a herculean effort. All your energy was going into keeping yourself in one piece. The longer those four words sank in, the harder it was to retain your humanity.
It’s a cute one. It’s a cute one. It’s a cute one.
Your hesitation evaporated and you clumsily kissed him. Despite his words he seemed unimpressed with your agency, giving nothing in return. And in turn you felt nothing. It was like you were holding him hostage rather than sweeping him off his feet.
“Um, we should… go back to camp.”
The relief you felt upon finding Sugimoto and Shiraishi was immense. However your fellow counselors remained missing. You couldn’t help but feel like you were hunting for ghosts.
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I found I could extinguish all human hope from my soul
Much to the chagrin of Shiraishi, Tsurumi asked you to help Yūsaku and his twelve campers. It wasn’t ideal. Managing kids you weren’t familiar with was rough. They tested you left and right. They relished in lying about their names, snickering when you’d try to chastise them. They seemed to have a modicum of respect for Yūsaku though.
“How’s it going?” Shiraishi asked during your lunch.
“Well I’m having a terrible time. These kids hate me. They keep asking when you’re coming back.”
You laughed. “Did you tell them never? Because I don’t see Tsurumi letting the golden boy stuck with a bunch of kids on his own.”
“It’s not like he needs you! I’m dying out there!”
“You have Sugimoto.” You sighed. “And Ogata.”
“They’re barely any help. Sugimoto’s too busy trying to solve a murder mystery like he’s Columbo. And Ogata’s too busy being his weird self. I think he’s pissed off at Hanazawa.”
You cocked an eyebrow.
“I don’t know why. Maybe he’s jealous that Hanazawa is—”
“Working with me?” you asked, your eyes full of stars.
“Psh. No. Part of me thinks Ogata just wants to be Tsurumi’s pet.”
 “Oh. No yeah, you’re right.” You stared off into space. “He totally wants to be the golden boy.”
“You’re both wrong.” Ogata silently took a seat next to Shiraishi. Your head was swimming. “I just hate being here.”
“Then why glare at your brother?” Shiraishi asked haughtily.
“Are you an only child, Shiraishi?”
Ogata smirked and changed the subject. “How is working with him?”
His tone wasn’t threatening, but the flatness of his gaze made you feel like you were being interrogated.
“It’s fine!” you exclaimed a bit too hurriedly. You tried to save face by tempering your tone to match the coolness of Ogata’s. “I mean, yeah, like, it’s okay. The kids like him, which is good because they can’t stand me. I don’t mind him, you know, taking the lead. He is the lead counselor.”
“It looked like he was doing all the work.”
His words were a wasp’s sting.
“You’d be stupid not to take advantage of that dork,” Shiraishi said in an attempt to bandage your wound.
“I’m not taking advantage of him.”
“Shiraishi has a point.”
“No he does not!”
“You can admit it,” Ogata teased.
“There’s nothing to admit. What am I supposed to admit?”
He paused.
“You know you hate being here just as much as everyone else.”
You glared at Ogata. “If I hated being here, I would leave.”
“Sure you would.”
“Yeah! Exactly. I would.”
Shiraishi scurried away awkwardly, though to be honest you barely noticed.
“I don’t know,” he chuckled. “How can you be so sure of something like that?”
“Because—because I know myself? This isn’t, like, some hypothetical thing. If I didn’t want to be here, I would leave. But I’m invested in whatever the fuck is going on… And I like my kids! I care about them! Okay, not the ones I have right now. Honestly fuck those ki—oh god.”
Ogata was trying to hold back a laugh. “Child hater.”
“I don’t hate kids! Even kids that are little shits. I’m just…” You carefully chose your words. “Not fond of some.” You regained your conviction. “Regardless it’s not like I could ever leave any of them behind.”
“It’s so funny.”
You tilted your head, awaiting an elaboration.
“You all say the same thing. The way you say it is different, but—”
“What are you talking about?”
He stood up and patted you on the head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
You thought about chasing after him, but there was only ten minutes left of your lunch and you hadn’t even touched your food. You choked it down and searched for Yūsaku. You found him sitting in the grass, telling the kids one of his numerous summer camp tales.
“And that’s how I learned you should never eat mud.”
You joined their circle. “How was the jigen-ryū class?”
“Boring,” one chirped.
“Lame,” another admitted.
“I hate Mr. Koito.” one said bluntly. “Why does he scream so much?”
Yūsaku nervously chastised the kids.
You giggled. “That’s a great question. But I have an even better one: who wants to have a canoe race?”
The kids were eager for normalcy, typical summer fun, and you couldn’t blame them. You sought it yourself. Anything to shake off your conversation with Ogata. You felt like it poked holes in your brain. You hoped in utter desperation that the laughter of children and the afternoon sunlight dancing across Yūsaku’s precious face would fill them.
And for a brief moment they did. But Ogata remained a looming presence. He was so distracting you came dead last in the race. Your eyes couldn’t focus on anything other than him watching from a distance like a hunter.
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A man who wants to mutilate himself is certainly damned
You went to bed early that night though you failed to drift away. You were in a fetal position, snuggled up in your sleeping bag, looking up at the Milky Way through your window for hours. You couldn’t get Ogata out of your mind.
“Idiot,” you murmured as you flipped over onto your back, not sure if you were calling him an idiot or yourself.
You stretched out and took up every inch of your bed. Your joints popped, the satisfaction from the sound soothed your soul. There was the chance this was as worse as it would get. Yes, people were dropping like flies, disappearing mysteriously. Yes, the camp director was a blatant freak. Yes, Ogata was fucking with your head. But the canoe race was normal! It was benign and expected! Those moments were few and far between so far. Maybe this was a good omen, a sneak peak of the placidity that was going to follow.
Pretending to be optimistic successfully lulled you to sleep. But rapid, and somehow pathetic, pounding on your cabin door ripped you from your slumber. You groaned audibly, hoping whoever was in desperate need of your attention would feel a semblance of shame. You got out of bed at a sloth’s pace and sighed before opening the door.
“Are you busy?” Ogata asked.
“I was sleeping.”
He gently pushed you out of the way and entered the cabin, a stiffness and urgency embodied in the swift movement. Your grip on consciousness was tenuous at best so you didn’t protest.
“Everything, uh, good?” you asked.
“If I said I wanted to apologize, would you believe me?”
You scoffed. “Not after asking me that.”
He sat down on your bed, and you struggled to hide your disgust. You couldn’t stop thinking about the fetid remnants of the woods that lingered on his sweatpants. Having him take them off crossed your mind.
“Well I am.”
“You’re what?”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it… All the stuff I said.”
“You sure about that?”
He attempted to smooth down a strand of his hair. A hoarse mhm resonated in his throat.
“You’re so easy to rile up. I couldn’t resist.”
“Well,” you groaned. “Thanks. I guess.”
You figured he’d get up and leave, but instead his presence lingered, growing heavier by the second. His eyes were restless, his body tense.
“Do you mind if I stay the night?” he asked, his eyes fixed on the floor.
It was such an abrupt question. All you could do was choke out an affirmation. You knew kicking him out was the smart thing to do, but his perceived permanence on your bed overwhelmed you. The rational voice in your head grew fainter, your lust forcing its way through your papery veil of self-preservation. You were nothing more than your repressed urges.
“Are you sure?”
Dumb question. You’d never been so sure of something in your life. You couldn’t recall any form of previous trepidation though you weren’t trying particularly hard to do so.
“Yeah,” you answered, sitting beside him.
You leaned in. His sweatshirt smelled like wet leaves and copper. You used his thigh to steady yourself. He turned his head, his dark eyes looking through you. It was unnerving, but not enough to trigger common sense.
“Aren’t you hot?” you asked, laughing as the question tumbled from your mouth. His answer didn’t matter. “You’re making me sweat.”
You tugged at his sweatshirt. It felt dirty, heavy with sweat and earth. He took it off without a stitch of hesitation. Your eyes trailed down his arms, longing for them to be wrapped around you. It was the only way you’d make it through the night.
“I run cold,” he practically purred.
Cliche comments ran through your head.
That’s so funny because I could totally keep you warm, big boy.
I’m burning up, why don’t you cool me off with your stupid, gorgeous body?
“That’s cool.” Your brain shut down. “I want you.”
Your bluntness seemed to please him. His lips curled into a half smile before he pulled you into a kiss. He wasted no time, pushing his tongue past your teeth. He caressed your cheek as his tongue brushed up against yours, soft and warm. He pulled you onto his lap and rubbed the inside of your thigh with his rough hands. You tugged at his shirt, the cotton damp with sweat. He lifted it up and pulled it off, letting it drop on the floor.
“You should lie down,” you said, breath hot against his neck.
“Am I easier to take advantage of that way?”
“Excuse me?”
Your question went unheeded and he reclined on your bed, beckoning you to straddle him. You looked down at his body, muscles perfectly toned like they were crafted by the gods. He looked so pleased with himself, like he’d won an award. His cock was hard against the thin fabric of his sweatpants. It ached against you.
You studied his face. There were a few faint, red scratches across his cheek. You ran your thumb down one, feeling the slightly swollen skin. He winced.
“What happened?” you asked.
He exhaled. “I fell.”
“Like recently or?”
“On my way over.”
His right eye twitched.
“I tripped,” he said, words clipped.
“On what?”
You never knew him to be clumsy, if anything he was rather feline in his agility. His fingers dug deeper into your hips before rolling you onto your back and getting on top of you. He pressed his rough palm over your lips.
“Hush.” His tone was nauseatingly sweet.
“I’m serious, are you okay?” you asked, voice muffled by his hand.
He titled his head and stared into your eyes with a calculated gaze.
“Isn’t it a little late for you to be so talkative?”
It was astounding how easy it was for him to shut you down. Granted you weren’t steadfast when it came to Ogata. You couldn’t take a firm stance. How could you hold onto a belief when you couldn’t predict his reaction to it? You wanted to be palatable and if that meant bending like a willow to his incomprehensible will then so be it.
“You’re so cute,” he said, removing his hand. “You’re like a scared deer.”
He lifted up the oversized t-shirt you liked to sleep in and pulled off your underwear. His fingers grazed your folds, coating them in your arousal. You swallowed hard, spit catching in your throat, as he slid them into your cunt. They curled inside you, pressing against your walls. The pressure made your skin tingle.
His gaze was attentive but cold. You felt studied, examined. It bred a twinge of looming uncertainty, one that settled in your stomach. But he didn’t hesitate with a remedy. He pushed his fingers as far as they could go and began fucking you with them. Your concern disappeared as fast as it came. Your eyes glazed over, ensnared by the man looming over you. You tried in vain to hold back your pleased whimpers.
He leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. “You’re falling apart so fast.” His lips grazed your lobe.
Apologizing crossed your mind, but you kept your mouth shut. You writhed underneath his weight, rutting up against his fingers as they fucked your slick cunt.
Your hands wandered down his back. His skin was soft and sticky with sweat. You let your fingers trail down his spine before settling on the crest of his ass. You yanked down his briefs and dug your fingers into the taut flesh. He flashed an impish smile and pulled them down, kicking them off. The head of his cock was leaking precum. He tugged on it and bathed in your starved gaze.
“You want me so bad,” he said haughtily. “Tell me how bad you want me.”
You sighed as he jerked himself off. “I feel like I’ll die if you don’t fuck me.”
“Oh yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I need you.”
“Then beg for it,” he growled.
“Please. Please fuck me.”
He rubbed his cock up against your folds. “Say my name.”
“Please fuck me, Hyakunosuke. Please. Please. Please.”
He nuzzled your neck and pressed his cocktip against your clit. “More.”
You continued to plead, body aching for him to fuck you. He guided his cock inside you, its girth stretching your tight cunt. He groaned as he pushed it in further. His movements were slow, and he seemed to relish in your whimpering.
“Tell me how good it feels,” he commanded as he thrust into you.
“Really good. Really fucking good,” you babbled.
He let out a pleased sigh and fully submerged his length within you. His tip pressed up against your cervix, sending a shock to your core. You yelped as he pushed against it harder.
“Such a big cock for such a precious little thing.”
His thrusts drove you into the mattress, making your cot creak. His touch wasn’t gentle. He didn’t hesitate to bend your body to his liking, to show off his strength. It was deliciously overwhelming. He laced his fingers in your hair and pulled. He manhandled your legs to get them over his shoulders. You knew his force would leave blooms of bruises on your ankles, bruises you’d have to explain away when your friends inquired about your life after hours.
Being at his will was exciting.
“Do you like getting fucked like a whore?”
“Uh-huh,” you moaned.
He grinned. You wanted to lick his teeth, but settled for hugging his cock with your cunt.
“Fuck,” he hissed, jaw clenched. “You’re gonna make me cum.”
His pace quickened and his breathing grew labored. He seemed weakened by his impending climax. His eyes were softer, his words lacked their previous domineering weight. He looked like he was in agony. Seeing him fall apart made your clit throb. It was almost too much. Your body was immersed in euphoria, drowning in an obscene amount of debauched delight. To finally experience something you craved for so long was almost maddening. So many times you dreamt about him lording over your body under the serene light of the moon. And now you were living it out.
You wanted him to come first, to feel his cum flood your cunt, but your body wasn’t on the same page. Your impending climax was bubbling up inside you. Resisting it was a futile feat. What good was it to deny yourself such ecstasy?
“Harder,” you moaned.
He repositioned himself so he could drive his cock deeper in. You felt like you were going to burst. You dug your fingers into your mattress, gripping the tangled up sheets. The feeblest attempt to keep yourself tethered to this world lest you ascend to an Icarus end. Your back arched as a numinous groan crept up from the depths of your being, a simple carnal prayer. A cluster of whimpers followed in its wake.
Every inch of tension melted away as you let your orgasm consume you. You nearly forgot where you were until you heard Ogata’s pained voice.
“Where do you want it?” he asked urgently.
“Inside, inside,” you babbled.
He grimaced and pulled his cock out of your dripping cunt. He straddled your chest and held your head, forcing you to crane your neck. He pushed his cock past your lips and rutted against your face. His touch became gentle, hands almost cradling the base of your skull. He held you like you were fragile, like he could rip you to pieces if he lacked restraint.
“Look up at me,” he groaned as his cum splattered against the back of your throat.
You looked up at him, as he continued to thrust. Spurts of his piquant cum filled your mouth. You thought it would never end. Tears welled up in your eyes as his cum trickled from the corners of your mouth. Once his cock stopped twitching he placed his hand on your forehead and pushed you off. He then rolled over onto his back and stared blankly at the ceiling.
“Um,” you said, crashing back into reality. 
You hoped no one heard what happened. Your cabin was the one closest to the outskirts of everything, but still. Your cot’s incessant squeaking plagued you. Your breathy moans haunted you. Ogata’s audible grunting was a dark cloud swirling above your head. You missed your fucked out state of mind. You debated on chasing it. You thought about grabbing his semi-erect cock, but the feeling faded from your grasp. It didn’t help that he looked completely dissociated from the situation.
“Hyaku,” you paused, his first name felt too intimate, ”Ogata?”
You rolled over onto your side and placed your hand on his shoulder.
“Are you alright?”
“Sure,” he said before turning his back to you.
“Okay,” you replied, molding your body beside his.
You expected him to scoot away from you, or retire to the unforgiving floor. But instead he pressed himself up against you. You draped an arm over him and nuzzled your face against his undercut as you drifted away.
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Life is the farce we are all forced to endure
Waking up alone wasn’t a surprise though it was still disappointing.
The sun roused you, making you painfully aware of your lack of clothes and the dried cum in the corners of your mouth. Visions of a relaxing shower danced through your mind. You could practically feel the steam surrounding you. However, leaving your cabin was precarious. No one could see you like this, skittering around and clutching your toiletries like they were gold. You’d wither away if perceived.
“I got this,” you whispered to no one in particular.
You stepped out into the morning light. It felt early. You didn’t hear any kids or any sort of chatter which was a relief. The outside world was safe; it was secure. You took a deep breath and took in the fresh air.
“Good morning.”
Your exhale lodged itself in your throat, forcing out a pathetic cough.
“Fuck. I mean good morning, Mr. Tsurumi.”
He looked tired, less triumphant, and part of you wondered if he was going to kill you.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be up this early.”
“I wasn’t expecting to be either,” you said, trying to mask your discomfort. “Anyway—”
He interrupted your attempt at a polite getaway. “How well do you know Yūsaku?”
“Uh. I guess about as well as you can know anyone given the amount of ti—”
“Did he seem unhappy? Dissatisfied?”
“That sunburn made him pretty miserable.”
He studied you. “Anything beyond that?”
“I—yeah no, I think that’s, uh, the only thing.”
“I see. Well I won’t keep you any longer.”
You simply smiled and nodded. Once he was out of sight you sprinted to the showers, eager for the cleanly embrace of its solitude. It was exactly what you wanted, what you needed. You needed to wash away whatever that conversation had been. You couldn’t figure out why he was so curious about Yūsaku. Your relationship with him was friendly but superficial. You wouldn’t know how to describe him in any meaningful way if prompted to, but made an attempt anyway.
He’s Ogata’s half-brother. He can tell two different stories about eating mud as a little kid. He sucks at putting on sunscreen. His eyelashes are pretty. He has a general golden boy vibe that is almost insufferably charming.
You knew essentially nothing. Whereas you could write an entire thesis regarding the random facts about Shiraishi you learned against your will.
You spent the entirety of your shower, wracking your brain over the camp director’s questioning. Unfortunately your brain wasn’t operating at full capacity. The night before lingered around you like a ghostly shroud. Your legs were peppered with bruises and your hips were sore. There were so many random aches echoing throughout your body.
By the time you were done the shrill voices of children flooded the camp. You hurriedly made your way back to your cabin, careful to avoid running into anyone. But despite the painstaking  care you took, there was Shiraishi pawing at your door anxiously like a dog.
“Are you okay?” you asked.
He didn’t bother answering your question. “They’re sending all the kids home.”
“Wait, seriously?”
“Yup. A few parents have already come by. Tsurumi wants to sit us all down and talk about what we’re gonna do.”
“We’re all going to leave, right?”
“Well we got all this shit here. The canoes. The food. The giant shogi pieces. All of that needs to get packed up probably. Do you think we’ll still get paid even if there’s no kids to watch?”
“I’d like to think so.”
“I heard something kinda messed up though.” You stepped closer to him and he continued, his voice low. “I overheard Koito saying some shit to Tsukishima about another body being found.”
“No,” you gasped.
“Yeah. They left maybe an hour ago. I doubt they’re coming back. I saw them pack—”
“Okay whatever. Whose body?”
Shiraishi shushed you. “Yūsaku’s.”
“Shut up.”
“Tsurumi found him hanging in the forest.”
“Like hanging out, right? With his brother maybe?” you asked desperately.
“Relax! Maybe I heard wrong.”
You took a measured breath and distanced yourself from this loss. “It makes sense. Tsurumi was asking me about Yūsaku this morning. He wanted to know if Yūsaku was sad or, I don’t know, depressed I guess.”
“Did he seem—”
“No, but not all suicidal people act like outwardly suicidal.”
“So you think he killed himself?”
“Fuck no,” you sneered. “I bet Tsurumi did. That’s why he was asking me about him. He wanted to come up with an alibi, or a reason for Yūsaku to have done something like that.”
Shiraishi looked a little nervous. “Whoa, whoa. Let’s not jump the gun.”
You pushed him away from the door and dropped your stuff off. On the walk to the mess hall you watched as kids crawled into massive minivans and sleek electric cars. They were a resilient bunch. You admired their ability to withstand the trauma murder reaped. It sucked to see them go, but this camp was no place for their kind.
You felt oddly numb in the wake of Yūsaku’s apparent demise, especially as you sat amongst the camp’s dwindling numbers. It was just you, Shiraishi, Sugimoto, Ogata, and that freak Tsurumi. You all sat in a circle around an ashen fire pit, sipping coffee. It was bitter, the acidic taste boring holes through your tongue.
“It pains me to say this,” Tsurumi began.
“We all know about Yūsaku,” Shiraishi yawned.
His lack of tact made you want to crawl into your mug and drown.
“Oh, I wasn’t going to start off with that but…” He sighed. “As you all apparently know Yūsaku is no longer with us.”
“Did he go home?” Ogata asked.
“Shut up,” Sugimoto hissed.
Tsurumi ignored the chatter and continued. You struggled to focus. Your mind drifted off into fantasies of catching the camp director in the act and getting the hero treatment for saving the day. They were fun scenarios to entertain, but deep down you didn’t crave glory or even recognition. You just wanted to be right.
To no one’s surprise Tsurumi managed to convince everyone to stay one more night in order to return the camp to its previous barren state. It was depressing to snuff out the last remnants of the camp’s life, but necessary so Tsurumi could get back his security deposit. It was impressive to see how impermanent everything was. What took a week to create was dismantled within a day, a notion that haunted you to no end. You hated to think everything was so transient. It beckoned you to hold on tighter to your memories, to the bonds you fostered. If they were going to be ripped away, they would be marred with ghostly reminders of your feral grip.
Throughout the day you orbited around Ogata, searching for tasks that required you to be near him. Despite your attempts to be discreet, anyone with a brain could see your passive clinginess. You couldn’t help yourself. You wanted to ask if he was okay, but you didn’t want to risk an awkward conversation. When you finally built up the confidence to speak to him he was swept away by a bored sheriff wearing mirrored sunglasses.
“Wonder what they’re talking about,” Shiraishi said, startling you.
“Yūsaku obviously,” you scoffed as you swept the porch of a cabin. “Whatever. It’s not like I care.”
He laughed loud enough to grab the attention of the sheriff. Ogata was undisturbed.
“I feel bad for him.”
Shiraishi frowned. “Yeah, like his brother’s dead. He’s a total weirdo with no friends. And he’s short.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re shorter than him.”
“I am, but I’m sexy and have friends.”
Ogata was sexy, but you opted to keep that to yourself.
“Okay, and?” you said bristling with annoyance. “Go bother someone else.”
“I actually had a reason for bugging you. Sugimoto wants to make s’mores tonight because we have a bunch of marshmallows. I was thinking we could turn it into a mini party.”
“A final hurrah.”
“Exactly!” he said as he walked away.
S’mores and cold beer sounded nice, but not nearly as nice as another night with Ogata. You watched as he stared lazily at the sheriff, his posture loose and mildly defiant. He wasn’t naive enough to believe Yūsaku hung himself. He must have caught onto how strange Tsurumi was. There was no way he hadn’t. He was perceptive. You couldn’t help but feel as though you were kindred spirits.
When the sheriff finally left you decided to approach him.
“Hey,” you said gently. “I just wanted to, you know…uh. I’m really sorry about your brother.”
“Why? Did you make him kill himself?” he said, his gaze friendly yet cold.
You laughed and shifted uncomfortably.
“I just wanted to see if you were okay. Is there anything I can do?”
“Hmm. I don’t know.” He closed the distance you kept. “How far are you willing to go to comfort me?”
“A normal amount. If you need to talk or anything, I don’t mind listening.”
“Would you mind choking on my cock again? I found that to be very soothing.”
Ogata’s words were grotesque rather than alluring. You couldn’t help but feel like he was just trying to scare you off. His vulgarity lacked any sort of intensity. The threat was hollow. You swallowed hard and tried to look less timid.
“Don’t be an asshole. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.”
He looked thoroughly amused. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You patted his shoulder with a platonic, heavy hand and headed off in a random direction. You were too frazzled to think that far ahead, but you walked into the woods with faux confidence.
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All filthy memories fade out
You sighed in relief as the sun sunk into the horizon. Making s’mores and getting drunk by a fire sounded like the only suitable end for such a horrific venture. Shiraishi and Sugimoto met you by your cabin and aided you in crafting a fire pit.
“It’s so fucked up we never made these with the kids,” Sugimoto sighed, puncturing three marshmallows with a two-pronged skewer specially made for the act.
You sipped your beer. “We failed them.”
Shiraishi nodded. “We may be the dream team, but we weren’t perfect.”
“The what?!” Sugimoto struggled not to laugh as he crafted a picturesque s’more.
“Wh—who? Who’s the dream team?” you asked.
“Us! Me, you, and Sugimoto… obviously.”
“I had no idea.”
“I never said it out loud until now,” Shiraishi said solemnly.
It was hard to deny. The chaos that was camp proved to be a great conduit for bonding despite the horrors. You never would have made it through without Shiraishi’s humor and Sugimoto’s kindness.
“Dream team, huh?” Sugimoto said with a smile blooming across his face.
You punched Shiraishi in the arm. “Cute. I like it.”
Shiraishi blushed and shifted his gaze to the case of beer.
“How does the dream team feel about shotgunning some beers?”
Shotgunning some beers turned into shotgunning several. Stabbing the cans and chugging like your life depended on it was addicting. By the end of it you were all in a hazy trance. You collapsed down into your chair with too much vigor, sending yourself backwards into the dirt. You cackled like a witch.
“Holy shit! Are you okay?” Sugimoto asked. He was unable to hide his amused smile.
He held out his hand and hoisted you up. Shiraishi watched on, tears in his eyes, and stabbed another beer with his pocket knife. Beer spurted out of the hole and it sprayed all over. A dramatic “noooooooooo!" erupted from him as he tried in vain to suckle the rest of the beer out of the can. Sugimoto could barely hold himself together and lost his balance, sending you back into the unforgiving dirt and landing directly on you. His body was so heavy you thought you were going to suffocate. Luckily he rolled off of you within a second, wheezing with laughter.
The comedy of errors was too much. Not a single one of you went unscathed.
“I’m so sorry,” Sugimoto choked out.
You stood up and brushed the dust off of your body. “It’s okay. I’m alive. I made it. I survived.”
“You know,” Sugimoto said, still sitting in the dirt. “I’m really gonna miss you guys.”
“We’ll have to meet up again before summer ends.”
Shiraishi wiped the beer from his lips. “That’s assuming we live.”
“Dude! Not funny.” Sugimoto threw an empty can at Shiraishi. It missed.
“I’ll probably die next,” you replied thoughtfully. “Tsurumi’s gonna catch on and have to silence me.”
Shiraishi corrected you. “No, no. It’ll be me.”
“Yeah, you know what. It’ll be Shiraishi, and then you. And then me.”
Shiraishi pouted. “What makes you so sure you’ll live the longest?”
“I’m immortal, dumb ass.”
“If you’re immortal, why not protect us?” you suggested.
“I’ll obviously do that! That goes without saying!”
You looked at him, doe-eyed. “Promise?”
He stood up, his balance shakier than ever. It didn’t inspire much confidence in his ability to protect you, but you chose to believe in his conviction.
“As long as I am here, neither of you will die. I… I love you guys s—so much.”
“Don’t cry. If you cry, I’ll cry. And I hate crying in the woods.”
You heard rustling in the distance. Sugimoto and Shiraishi didn’t seem to notice so you chalked it up to your intoxication. You focused your attention on the delightful little bars of artisan chocolate Yūsaku bought for the kids. Your stomach had been growling, begging for something other than beer.
“Gimme the stick thingy,” you barked at Sugimoto.
“Is that any way to ask me for something?”
“You’re talking like a caveman.”
You groaned. “Please give me a, uh,” you gestured towards the skewer resting at Sugimoto’s feet, “that item. Please, good sir.”
Shiraishi applauded your efforts like a real friend and spoke words of affirmation as you struggled to make a s’more. Neither of them stepped in to help you. They appeared to find your tribulation much too entertaining, and you were much too drunk to ask for assistance. However you managed to make four. The sloppiness didn’t detract from the flavor which was all that mattered.
“Fuuuuuuuck,” Shiraishi said. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m tired.”
Sugimoto stretched his arms above his head and yawned. “Yeah, I have a long drive tomorrow. I’m not trying to fall asleep at the wheel.”
It was almost painful to part ways. A little sliver of you was afraid to enter your cabin on your own. You knew there was no reason to be scared. It wasn’t as if Tsurumi was hiding inside, waiting for the perfect opportunity to stab you. There was no way he could have snuck past you, Shiraishi, and Sugimoto. One of you would have seen him, or at the very least heard him.
Your heart began to pound. You had heard something lurking about in the woods. It very well could’ve been him. Maybe you were too drunk to be vigilant and maybe Tsurumi took advantage of that. Your hand trembled as you reached for the doorknob. Your fear was heavy and looming. It was like you were slowly being crushed. Every inhale felt like it was catching in your throat. You slowly twisted the knob and pressed your weight up against the door.
“Hello?” you asked as if an assailant would actually respond.
You flipped the switch and your room was filled with soft, incandescent light. There was no one in sight, not a soul. The relief you felt was almost overwhelming. Your terror was replaced by a pleasant drowsiness. Sleeping through the night with no interruptions wouldn’t be a pipe dream.
And it seemed to be going along quite well…
Until you had to pee of course. The urge hit you like a truck. You sprung up out of bed and ran all the way to the bathroom, hoping you’d make it in time. You regretted drinking so much. If it hadn’t been for the beer you might have gotten an uninterrupted six hours.
Luckily you made it to the bathroom in time, but on your walk back you became keenly aware of the fact you were still quite drunk.
“Ughhhhhhhhhhh,” you moaned as you trudged back.
You passed Tsurumi’s cabin and it triggered a deep desire to indulge in some snooping. Moonlighting as a drunk detective seemed like an incredible idea.
There were no lights on in his cabin, which wasn’t odd considering it was the middle of the night. But everything seemed vaguely ominous given your state of mind and your desire to prove he was the murderer. You peeked in his window and saw him sleeping. He was face down, body spread out like a starfish.
“What a freak.”
“You’re the one watching him sleep.”
You spun around and saw Ogata. You opened your mouth to scream but he covered it. His hand was damp and smelled like soap. He looked unkempt, and seemed a little frazzled.
“I can explain,” you whispered.
“Are you drunk?”
“Maybe. Listen!”
He shushed you and grabbed you by the wrist. He dragged you away from Tsurumi’s window.
“Can I talk now?” You didn’t wait for an answer. “I think Tsurumi is killing everyone.”
He looked thoroughly amused. “What makes you so sure—”
“He’s a total fucking weirdo, Ogata! He, you know, like… Okay, I don’t have solid proof. But he did ask me about your brother. He was like ‘Ohhh, do you think Yūsaku was suicidal? Did he seem like a little sad boy with little sad boy problems?’ And I was like, ‘No.’ And he was like all… whatever.” You hiccuped. “Why would he ask me that if he wasn’t trying to find a way to cover up his crime?”
“You did work with Yūsaku. I don’t think it’s weird that Tsurumi would ask you about him. If I were him, you would be one of the first people I’d talk to.”
“Ogataaaaaaaaaa,” you whined. “Don’t be a shit.”
“All I’m saying is the two of you seemed close.”
“I don’t know if I’d go that far.”
“I think he had a crush on you,” he teased.
“He didn’t.”
“I wouldn’t blame him for having one.”
You gave up on protesting. It wasn’t like he was actually listening to you. You turned your gaze towards the ground. It was then you noticed what looked like rusty stains on his shoes.
“You really shouldn’t wear white shoes.”
He looked confused.
“Yours are always s—so dirty.”
He stared down at his shoes and smiled. “I like them this way.”
You shrugged. “Anyway. I think Tsurumi poisoned Tanigaki with mushrooms.”
“What about Inkarmat? Usami? Vasi—”
“When did they find Usami and Vasily?!”
He paused. “They didn’t. I thought maybe you had an explanation for them going missing.”
“Oh. No. I haven’t really thought about them. Is that fucked up?”
“A little, but I like it when you’re fucked up.”
He leaned in and slipped his tongue into your mouth. You tried to let yourself fall into the moment, to let yourself be enraptured by him once more. But you felt uneasy. A part of you was screaming at you to stop. Your entire body tensed up and you pushed him away.
“Not here,” you sighed.
“Why not?” he said, rubbing the small of your back.
“What if someone sees?”
“There’s no one to see us.”
With your luck Shiraishi and Sugimoto would see you wrapped up in Ogata’s arms and never let you live it down. A greater horror would be Tsurumi catching you. He would have no issue disposing you.
Ogata didn’t share this concern. He simply shoved his fingers down your shorts and rubbed your clit through your underwear.
“You don’t need to be afraid.”
“I’m not afraid. I don’t want to get caught.”
“Hmm,” he purred as he nuzzled his face in your neck. “Getting caught could be fun. We could finally reveal our true nature.”
His wording puzzled you.
“Wait, what true nature? That we’re fucking?” you asked.
“Don’t play dumb.”
He let his fingers graze your cunt. His touch was hypnotic. You felt like you were melting in his arms. The world around you faded away, your concerns were nonexistent. Everything was a distraction queued for destruction. He kissed your neck, his stubble tickling you. You felt his teeth graze your skin. A smile crept across your face as he bit into it. Your knees buckled as he bit down a little harder. Your head was spinning.
“I need to taste you,” he said against your neck, pulling down your clothes.
The night air was brisk against the skin of your ass. He kissed the nape of your neck as he hands traveled down your waist, stopping at the dip of your hips. He got on his knees and stared up at you, eyes dark with ardor, before giving your clit a languid lick.
He lapped at your cunt like a starved animal. It was like he was trying to consume you. You felt so desired, so adored. His tongue was dizzying. You nearly lost your balance as he buried his face in between your thighs. He grunted and gripped your ass to steady you.
You gasped as he dug his fingers deeper into your skin. His sweetness was always tinged with a little cruelty. You felt like you were falling in love with him whenever he was rough with you. Your pleasure seemed endless. It was something to get lost in. He shielded you from the tragedy that had overtaken your life.
You ran your fingers through his hair. “You’re so good at this.”
“I know,” he groaned.
His haughtiness was unfortunately warranted. He could work wonders with his mouth. He rolled his tongue against your throbbing clit. Your knees trembled as your orgasm began to bloom. You tried to speak but all you could do was whimper his name. You felt like you were floating away.
Moaning soon became the only thing you were capable of doing. Your body was limp and swollen with lust. The only reason you were upright was because of Ogata’s steadying grip.
“Are you really going to come already?” he teased.
“Yes!” you choked out.
He held your clit between his lips and sucked. Your head rolled back and you murmured a string of obscenities. Euphoria wasn’t a strong enough word to describe the heights you were ascending to. You drenched his face with your arousal as your orgasm echoed through you.
Your demure apology was interrupted by a pained moan coming from the distance. You crashed back down to earth.
“Did you hear that?” you asked.
Ogata didn’t respond. He simply stood up and wiped his chin.
“Let me walk you back to your cabin.”
“Uh, yeah sure. But did you hear that? It sounded like a person.”
“I didn’t hear anything. Your paranoia is getting the best of you.” He grabbed you by the hand. “Come on.”
He didn’t say a single word on the walk back. He didn’t even look at you. You felt like a ghost.
“Thanks… for escorting me.”
“It’s no problem,” he said with a smile.
You were convinced you would never fully understand him, that he would always keep you on your toes. And maybe that was the appeal. It was a danger you didn’t mind dancing with, something low stakes in comparison to people getting fucking murdered.
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With my eyes closed I offered myself to the sun
It was your final day and you jumped at the opportunity to interrogate Tsurumi. It didn’t matter if you were the only one that thought he was the cause of all the camp’s calamity. The lack of faith from your friends didn’t deter you in the least. You knew you were right and soon everyone else would know as well.
“What the?”
You saw a heap in the distance, something keeled over just beyond the trees. The sun sliced through them, drowning whatever it was in unforgiving light. You heard the faint buzzing of flies and your stomach dropped. The familiar sensation of spit pooling in your mouth triggered a lethal anxiety within you.
Every step you took made you more and more nauseous. A horrid smell swarmed your nostrils. You couldn’t help but gag.
“No,” you said quietly, looking down at the heap.
It was Sugimoto, face down. His arms were stretched in front of him, fingers caked with dirt.
“Saichi, get up.” You squatted beside him. A prayer circle of jet black ants surrounded his body. “Get up. You’re supposed to keep me and Shiraishi safe, remember?”
There was no hope and yet you tried to hold onto it. You wanted to roll him over, thinking maybe you could rouse him. You saw it in movies all the time, the classic fake-out death trope. You’d slap him around, maybe yell and cry a bit, and his eyes would flutter open. He would apologize for worrying you and you’d tease him for how rank he smelled.
“Oh fuck!” you screamed as you rolled him onto his back.
His chin was coated with dried blood. His stomach had been cut open, entrails butchered and hanging out. You looked just beyond his body and saw a trail of blood and intestines. You started to sob. Sugimoto didn’t deserve to suffer such a heinous demise. Why couldn’t Tsurumi have just killed him outright? Why did he have to exercise his will with such cruelty? You hated him and his flagrant barbarity. Your rage washed over you. The desire to throw yourself over his mauled body and wail was extinguished.
“I’m so sorry,” you cooed, stroking his hair. “Tsurumi’s not getting away with this.”
In order to properly avenge Sugimoto you needed Shiraishi, but you didn’t even know if Shiraishi was alive. You grabbed Sugimoto’s pocket knife and bolted to Shiraishi’s cabin. You kicked the door in and all you saw was an unmade bed, empty bags of marshmallows, and all of his belongings scattered around an empty duffle bag.
You kept running out of sheer desperation, searching Shiraishi’s usual haunts to no avail. He must have been killed too, another counselor disappeared by that freak Tsurumi.
Your bravado began to melt away. The more you thought about it the more you realized you likely couldn’t hold your own against Tsurumi. You were nothing without the dream team.
There was always Ogata, but if Sugimoto was slain by Tsurumi with such ease then Ogata didn’t stand a chance. You were enshrouded in a sinking loneliness. It made every step an ordeal but you continued your march to Tsurumi’s cabin.
Your head was swimming by the time you got there. You didn’t even notice the door was already open. As you stepped inside you heard a series of loud, wet thwacks.
“Wh—what are you doing?”
Ogata stood over Tsurumi’s twitching body, bashing in his skull with the butt of his own shotgun. Pale foam seeped from his parted lips. You watched in horror as his face gradually became unrecognizable carnage with each of Ogata’s blows.
“Why?” you squeaked.
“What do you mean why? I did this for you.”
“This is not what I wanted.”
“Yes it is. You thought he was killing all your friends and it bothered you enough that you whined to me about it.”
“I didn’t tell you those things because I wanted you to kill him! Fuck! Now the cops are going to think you killed everyone!”
He cocked his head to the side and stared at you. You froze in place like a deer in front of a speeding truck. He looked gutted.
“I did kill everyone.”
You bursted into laughter. “No you fucking didn’t.”
“Yes I did.”
“Stop it! No you didn’t!”
He stepped over Tsurumi’s corpse, gun still in his hand. You backed out the door, trying to keep distance.
“Yes I did,” he said. In the sunlight you saw how much of Tsurumi’s blood ended up on him. He was dappled with crimson splotches. “That’s why you told me about Tsurumi. You wanted him gone and you knew I’d take care of it.”
Your mouth was agape. You refused to believe him.
“You—you’re not serious. Please tell me you’re not serious. Please.”
“I’m se—”
“No! Shut up! You didn’t do it. You didn’t do any of it. You… You couldn’t. Right? Right?!”
His disappointment was palpable.
“Why are you acting like this? You knew what you were doing when you talked to me about him.”
“I never said I wanted you to kill him! I never fucking said that!”
“Stop screaming. I’m right here.”
Your eyes were becoming glassy. Tears were imminent. 
“I never said that,” you said quietly.
“You didn’t have to. I knew what you wanted. We see things the same way. You hated all of them as much as I did.”
“What? I didn’t hate any of them.”
“Oh so you liked Usami?”
“No, but that doesn’t mean I wanted him dead.”
He sighed heavily. “You don’t need to pretend anymore. They’re all gone.”
“Pretend? I’m not pretending.”
“Drop the act. I didn’t mind it before, but now there’s no reason for you to hide yourself from me.”
Everything was spinning around you. You couldn’t believe what he was saying. It was absurd for him to think you harbored as much hatred as he did. Sure, some of your fellow counselors got on your nerves, but being annoying wasn’t a death sentence.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not hiding anything.”
He tried to pat down his unruly lock of hair. “So you’re saying I’m wrong? You’re nothing like me?”
“Yes! I could never dream of being as monstrous as you! How fucked up do you have to be to decide you can just kill people for, I don’t know, being annoying or stupid or whatever?”
“It’s not like I intended on killing everyone. I just wanted Yūsaku gone, but then I caught Tanigaki and Inkarmat 69ing by the lake and it spiraled from there.”
“Th—that’s why you killed them?”
“It was disgusting, okay.”
“Was it more disgusting than what we did?”
He glared at you. “What we did wasn’t disgusting. Tanigaki and Inkarmat didn’t actually care about each other.”
“You don’t know that.”
“They barely knew each other. You can’t like someone that much after, what, a week?”
“Does that mean we don’t like each other?”
“No!” He took a measured breath and regained composure. “It’s different with us. You know me. You understand me.”
“I don’t understand you at all.”
“But you were… so nice to me.”
Neither of you spoke. The only sound was the wind cutting through the trees. You thought back to old conversations you had with him and tried to see where your ignorance blinded you. There were plenty of times you should have known it was Ogata, but you were so caught up in blaming Tsurumi for everything.
It was hard to reconcile the man you had your heart set on was a cold blooded killer. You wanted your feelings to subside, but they remained despite his horrendous crimes. Part of you needed to fix him, to save him from himself. Maybe if you had caught on sooner you could have stopped him. There were so many what-ifs running through your mind you almost forgot where you were.
“Did it not mean anything to you?” he asked.
“Being nice to me. Was it an obligation?”
“No. I think… most people deserve kindness.”
“Even someone like me?”
You tried to ignore the shotgun in his hand. “Yes… especially you, Hyakunosuke.”
“After everything I’ve done?”
He aimed the gun under his chin and pulled the trigger. You tried to catch him in your arms, but you weren’t strong enough to carry that weight. You fell to your knees and cradled him. His face was nothing but an open wound. You wept as his blood seeped into your clothes.
“You were never an obligation.” 
You wiped away your tears and got his blood in your eye. It burned, but it was nothing compared to the sinking feeling in your heart.
“Holy shit!!”
Shiraishi came barrelling out of the woods. His lip was busted and he had dried blood under his nose.
“Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?” 
Shiraishi kneeled in front of you. You looked down and noticed his hand was resting in what used to be Ogata’s face.
“Shiraishi, your hand.”
He fell backwards and kicked himself away from Ogata’s corpse. He wiped his hand in the dirt.
“He, uh, didn’t hurt me. I’m fine… I thought you were dead.”
“Nah. I just let him beat the shit out of me and pretended to be dead. I didn’t think he’d fall for it. Have you seen Sugimoto?”
“He… he didn’t make it.”
Shiraishi helped move Ogata off of you. He looked horrified once he saw how much of Ogata’s blood had ended up on you. The coppery scent was impossible to ignore.
You were thankful Shiraishi was still alive. He took charge for a change, deciding your best course of action was to go to the mess hall and contact the authorities. It wasn’t until you got there that he realized his phone was dead. You both sat in silence as it charged.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked after checking his battery life.
You nodded.
“Did you like Ogata?”
You didn’t want to admit it. You couldn’t imagine a world where Shiraishi would understand the complexity of your feelings. He never liked Ogata in the first place.
You tried to slaughter the sentimental romantic inside you. You thought about how mean Ogata could be, the awful things he’d say to you. You thought about Sugimoto and how he tried to drag himself to your cabin despite being gutted like a fish.
“No,” you scoffed. 
Ogata was right. You were a liar.
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hard-like-ai · 10 months
Just wanted to say your blog is awesome and the art work is superb!
I love the ones about being turned into a drone. The idea of been converted against your will.
Thank you for posting these.
The forest, with its whispers and rustling leaves, had been my haven. A break from the rush of everyday life. But on this trip, its comforting embrace would betray me.
Waking up, a pressing weight enveloped my body. A smooth latex suit held me captive, every inch of me covered. Strangest of all, a solid helmet encased my head, offering no apertures for sight or breath. Yet, paradoxically, my vision was sharper than ever, and breathing wasn't an issue.
A mechanical voice, cold and emotionless, boomed inside my mind, "Subject 328 detected. Initiate reprogramming."
My heart raced. "Who are you? What's happening?" No audible voice came out, just a silent scream echoing within.
"Reprogramming in progress. Resistances are futile," it replied with chilling indifference.
With each passing second, the suit tightened, molding to my very being. Attempts to resist were quashed, my movements no longer my own. Instead, they followed an unseen directive, propelling me deeper into the forest.
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When the reprogramming concluded, my senses amplified. The once serene forest now felt alive in an entirely new way, as if I was connected to every leaf, every creature.
"Integration successful. Welcome, Node 328," the voice announced, no longer just a voice but a symphony of countless others.
I tried to remember anything - my previous life, my memories, my name, but they felt foggy and distant. I was no longer just myself; I was part of something greater. The forest around me pulsed with life, every tree, every creature, all interconnected in a vast network. I felt them all. The hive mind.
The voice, now harmonious with many others, spoke once more, “Our collective grows. Seek others.”
With newfound purpose, I moved silently through the woods. The campfires in the distance, the unsuspecting campers settling for the night, became my new targets. They would soon join the hive, just as I had.
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carionto · 7 months
How to beat Deathworlders
I don't know what I want to write and it's a little frustrating. So, to fix that, I'm just gonna throw this at me - Giant Ant Planet
The first call to arms Humanity has declared. They mobilize with unseen speed and precision seven of their mightiest Dreadnoughts, hundreds of transports, and amass fifty thousand soldiers, fully armed and trained on the target.
They are headed to a world Humans scouted as having great potential for life to flourish. How correct they were.
In orbit above the planet Chromathium-2-4, the station Truncated Crescent Ellipses was tasked with conducting experiments to test the viability of Human-digestible flora and fauna living on Chromatoff (as the scientists began to call it for short).
When the fleet arrived, the final message from the station turned out to be true - it had crash landed on the surface. From the chaos of the recordings they received, there was a containment breach and the systems were under attack by some unknown electronic waves and incomprehensible code. A hostile act, but by who?
This was two weeks ago. Whoever it was, they would know the wrath of Humanity. Once we find your traces, there will be no hiding for long.
Preliminary scans show the station was dead and only local creatures and plants appeared, in greater density than elsewhere, but no matter. Just some animals.
The first unmanned craft landed and began exploring the wreckage. All of the digital systems were fried, not a hint of power remained anywhere. Attempts to manually power anything up proved fruitless - the data had been replaced with pure garbage code. Then, the drone vanished underground and went silent. Connection failure.
Orbital sights showed nothing, all frequencies were monitored and were free of unaccounted signals. The next group of drones descended and shortly after touchdown they too were seemingly devoured by the ground, all power and electronic signals cut.
A deep scan showed the same dense biological activity, but looking closer at the data it was like a carpet just below the actual surface layer. And for whatever reason the pulse couldn't penetrate below a few meters. Scanning areas further from the crash revealed a much more detailed and sparsely populated map going down the expected three kilometers.
For the third attempt they kept several drones above the landed ones at different altitudes. The moment the drones on the ground were vanished again, a sudden signal struck the ones floating up to seventy meters above and cut them off as well, but didn't seem to reach any beyond that. The visual was not as detailed as they'd like, but it was enough - the tips of large pincers and antennae and beady eyes. Ants.
The fleet maintained a perimeter around the entire system just in case, and spent half a day consulting professionals and former colleagues of the deceased scientists to get a better understanding of the current situation.
Two experiments the team had worked on before and supposedly continued when relocated to the new station stood out - metabolic acceleration, and unassisted neural interfacing via modified brain waves. Far from the wildest here, such as the self-relocating giant sequoia, but ones that offered a plausible explanation.
Ants serve a variety of critical functions in the maintenance of an ecosystem, so naturally they are a part of most late stage terraforming efforts.
Here, however, something went wrong and they evolved alongside technology at an intimate level. Perhaps deliberately made to do so.
They are spreading fast too. Twelve hours ago the "carpet" of underground ants was roughly two square kilometers. Now it was close to three and a half. In mere weeks they may spread across the entire continent, perhaps make it across (or below?) the seas somehow and ravenously consume all life on this planet before succumbing to extinction themselves.
This world is bountiful. Also, we're here already. Hmm...
Eh, may as well. Plenty of us have seen Starship Troopers and only joined to hopefully one day shoot at alien bugs. Guess these are more like home grown critters, but whatever.
With that brazen attitude (and a quick orbital bombardment) the troop ships landed, well, were forced to crash land the final few meters, but whatever electromagnetic warfare these ants were throwing our way didn't account for reinforced alloy armor and hand-held rail guns. Their sharp pincers, acid throwers, and thick carapaces did however.
Actually, fucking hell, they move real fast underground. Uhh...
This isn't looking so good in retrospect. Did they add cockroach DNA in these bastards too? Some of them literally don't care about losing their head, what the fuck!?
Okay, holy shit, abort mission! Good thing we still install regular ignition engines as an added redundancy to the military ships. Not very fast or efficient, but screw you, burn beneath the thrusters. BURN!
*deep breath*
Okay. So. We lost 831 soldiers, and 4625 are injured. And the ant casualties don't matter cuz they're ants. Super mutant ants. Who are going to take over the world if we don't nuke them. Which might not work anyway because HUMAN scientists made them.
Hoisted by our own petard or something.
Right, let's just chalk it up as a... military exercise gone wrong and quarantine the planet. Wait, make that the whole system.
...so this is what it must've felt like to lose the Emu War...
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riality-check · 10 months
It starts, as always, with the bees.
They’re what the locals talk about. If you go into town, especially in the summertime when the air is dry and the sun is hot and any scrap of shade or breeze feels like a five star hotel, the locals talk about the bees. The swarms, the droning, the lazy flutters in the gardens and near the porches. 
If you see bees in Hawkins, Indiana, they say, they’re from the Lab.
The Lab isn’t actually a lab. It’s a derisive nickname for a community five miles outside of town; through the woods, near the woods, in the woods, they’re not really sure. No one from Hawkins goes further than the little sign on the dirt road to and from.
Honey Haven. An experimental community founded on trust, cooperation, and the goodness in all men’s hearts. Est. 1966. Population: 565. Settlement: five miles east.
“Experimental” was all it took for the locals to come up with the nickname. They’re a practical group - farmers, workmen, store owners - and not a creative one.
Steve nods politely and gently shoos a bee away from his face as he listens to the chief of police complain, for the fourth time in the two days they’ve been here, about being barred entry and denied warrants, about nearly being arrested himself when he tried to sneak in.
“Something is wrong about that place,” he insists.
“We know that, chief,” Robin says. “That's why we’re here.”
Well, it’s not the whole truth. The whole truth is that they’ve been asking enthusiastic locals for nearly six months now for help. They’ve asked the mailman for what mail he delivers there (beekeeping supplies and letters in, but few letters out), the garbage collector for what they throw out (wood, clothes, a whole lot of paper), and some bored housewives to root through the phone book and call the main line (a cheerful voice answers and promptly starts asking what got them interested).
All in all, it’s fishy. Maybe not as concerning as their client made it out to be, but worth paying a visit. Worth seeing what the deal is.
Worth meeting Eddie Munson, whose worried uncle hired Steve and Robin to investigate his whereabouts after not hearing from him for a year.
“They limit communication,” the chief - Hopper, his name tag says - “but they’ll let you come and go at first. We’ll be able to get more letters in than out.”
“We know,” Steve says, shooing another bee off of Robin. “We got this.”
“I really hope so.”
They say their polite goodbyes and start walking down the road. No cars in the settlement, they’ve learned. Too much noise, too much pollution. They hurt the bees.
Steve and Robin walk five miles down the dirt road in the middle of the afternoon in July. They’d speak, ordinarily, fill the silence with jokes and stories and laughter, but silence is nowhere to be found.
The droning of bees from swarms unseen fills the air, and Steve thinks, while fanning himself with his hands, that the sound could swallow him whole.
Part 2. Part 3 (background lore)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
You know what…let’s fucking go there!
Genesis gets everything he wants AU
Sephiroth, by some unseen twist of fate, has some kind of physical collapse due to overexposure to mako and ends up incapacitated on the field during a key battle in Wutai. He fails, becoming useless, and Genesis is the one to win the great victory. He gets all the glory for the first time ever.
When they get home, Sephiroth is gone. Restricted to R&D, physically unable to perform as he once did, and Genesis becomes the new hero of Shinra. His face is everywhere, people are saying he was the one that surpassed Sephiroth. PR is going wild with interviews and propaganda. The President awards Genesis in front of screaming crowds. All the young boys now want to be like the daring and fiery Phoenix of Wutai.
Genesis Rhapsodos becomes the new face of SOLDIER and the legendary victor of the Wutai War.
He got everything he dreamed of. He is the hero at last.
But did it satisfy him?
Glory had a distinct taste for everyone, and all the most discerning SOLDIERs knew it. Angeal would’ve said it tasted like metal, the type that pricks your tongue when your mouth is full of blood; the type you have to spit out before you swallow it and it settles in your stomach as an addiction. 
Sephiroth could go on and on about how insipid it was, oftentimes repeating himself as he told his friends just how flavorless his conquests were. Sephiroth couldn’t tell if it was a case of overconsumption that led to the lackluster feeling in his mouth, or if he simply never liked the taste of it at all.
It didn’t matter to Genesis, who always took everything Sephiroth told him with a spoonful of salt. He had an idea of glory that would’ve prodded one's hunger and left you salivating just at the thought of it. In his mind, glory was sweet, delectable, and downright sinful. 
His insatiable hunger for glory didn’t help his case. Genesis Rhapsodos was born hungry and lived life intent on satisfying his stomach at all costs, no matter who he had to step over to fill it.
Then, there came a day when glory finally forced itself down his throat. 
And it tasted like the ashes of the dead. 
The battlefield was enveloped in chaos, a symphony of clashing swords permeating the air. It buzzed with the hum of thundering spells. Genesis fought with unparalleled ferocity, his rapier burning brightly with the glow of the flames.
Up ahead, Sephiroth cut through the enemy ranks with his usual immaculate precision. 
But Genesis was not blind, and he had known Sephiroth long enough to notice it—Sephiroth's movements, once fluid, grew sluggish as sweat clung to his brow.
Then, it happened.
Sephiroth staggered, Masamune slipping from his grasp. The weight of the blade seemed too much for his weakened form. His strength gave way. He collapsed to his knees, crumbling like a doll to the muddy ground.
Genesis never did understand the force that propelled him forward that day. He was like an animal, slicing through enemies with pure rage and fear biting his skin, aiming to protect Sephiroth from his attackers. 
The following month, the streets of Midgar were wrought with the roaring cheers of a crowd, a sea of faces adorning banners and posters of a russet-haired hero. Genesis stood atop a grand podium with a gold medal around his neck, placed there by the president himself.
He was the face of SOLDIER now, the Phoenix of Wutai.
The exploding fireworks never penetrated the barrier between the vainglorious display outside and the desolation in Genesis' mind. It was quiet there. He only ever brought himself out when he needed to force a smile or answer a question. 
Though bathed in brilliance and splendor, Genesis felt naked before the abyss that threatened to swallow him whole.
Sephiroth was confined to a bed somewhere in the R & D's medical wing. And Genesis would once again trade places with him in a heartbeat. 
Director Lazard's voice droned on, detailing Genesis's packed schedule for the upcoming week. Interviews with various media outlets, appearances at high-profile events, and promotional activities—all designed to solidify Genesis's status as the new face of SOLDIER.
"...And then there's the gala on Thursday night. The President himself will be there, and it's crucial that you make a lasting impression," Lazard finished, expecting some form of acknowledgment from the younger man. 
Genesis was indifferent, his attention fixated on the PHS in his hands. He absentmindedly drummed his fingers against the polished conference table, his mind anywhere but there. 
Lazard cleared his throat and tried again.
"Genesis, this is a crucial time for your public image. You're the pride of Shinra now, and we need you to embrace that role fully," Lazard spoke. 
“Yes.” Genesis glanced up, his gaze distant. “I understand.”
He kept his attention fixated on the subtle vibrations of his device. The screen illuminated with a message from Angeal. 
Go. Now.
Without a word, Genesis rose abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor as he pushed it back. The papers Lazard had carefully arranged slid haphazardly across the table. 
He rushed down the hallway, not caring about decorum for even a second, en route to the medical wing. 
With a swipe of his key card, Genesis entered the suffocating environment, quickly finding the hallways where Sephiroth's room was located. 
Angeal stood guard outside the door. “Be quick. They could come back any moment,” he told his friend, opening the door with a stolen key card. 
The green light on the door panel blinked, indicating permission to enter. With each step into the brightly lit room, Genesis felt the pit in his stomach open wider. 
He had expected the scent of antiseptic to reach him first, the metallic scent of blood, even. So his surprise was marked by the strong smell of mako permeating the air like a suffocating cloud. 
Sephiroth lay on a medical bed, a shell of the man he once was. The soft beeping of monitors and machinery surrounded him.
Genesis' fist shook. He dug them into the side of his leg in hopes of stopping them entirely. But it was no use, the sound of his immediate, choked cries was enough to convince him to break down. 
He wanted Sephiroth to open his eyes, to tease him for crying, to get up and tower over him as he once did, to laugh at his jokes, to talk to him, to be there because he was his friend. 
Genesis stood beside Sephiroth's unconscious form. The memories of that day on the battlefield flashed vividly in his mind. He reached out, guiding his trembling fingers to Sephiroth's pale face. 
Gently, he brushed a stray strand of silver hair from his friend’s eyes. He was cold to the touch, but Genesis still traced his finger down Sephiroth's arm, slowly taking his hand in his. 
“I miss you,” he whispered. “Please come back soon.” 
The constant whir of the medical equipment was abruptly disrupted by urgent beeping. Genesis's eyes widened as he turned towards the monitor, the once steady lines now spiking violently. 
A knot tightened in his chest, a blend of anxiety and guilt settling in.
The door flew open, slamming against the wall. Genesis flinched and jumped back as Hojo's voice cut through the tense air. 
“Get out! I told you not to come back here! Now look at what you've done!” 
A flurry of medical staff rushed in behind him. The room was active with urgency as they flew into action. 
Genesis stumbled out of the room, the words seemingly ripped out from his chest. He could only watch with his mouth hanging open as the constant beep of the heart monitor became accompanied by a shrill alarm echoing through the corridor.
The last he could remember was Angeal wrapping one arm around him, guiding him away from the scene. 
Three months flew by, each week a slap to the face for those who found disquiet in the quick passage of time. Genesis’ name echoed through the halls of Shinra, adorned posters throughout the city, and was celebrated in news broadcasts. Yet, with every accolade, the emptiness within him turned into a pit of solitude. 
Angeal was far too consumed by his protegé. Zack became the center of Angeal's attention, an energetic student-turned-loyal companion.
Genesis watched from the sidelines as the bond between mentor and protegé flourished. He no longer had the energy for jealousy and accusatory fingers. 
Some said he had the heat of his glory to keep him warm. Genesis often compared it to the flames of hell slowly roasting him into a prized turkey ready to be carved and served at the grand feast of judgment day. 
The labs became his daily battle. Genesis's persistent requests to see Sephiroth were met with firm rejection. Hojo had erected barriers that had become more and more impossible to breach.
Yet, he went back. Each day, driven by a stubborn hope that defied reason and logic. At least he could say he tried, that he had never given up on Sephiroth. 
Curiously, that all shifted one evening when Angeal and Genesis were informed of a peculiar happening within the Shinra building. 
“He's DEAD?” One SOLDIER spat, rising higher in his seat. 
All eyes were on Lazard at the front of the room. He looked exasperated, the glow of his tablet reflecting off the glasses which were quickly slipping down his nose. 
“How?” Echoed another voice—Zack. 
Genesis sat adjacent to Lazard, across from Angeal where the two proceeded to share the same, dumbfounded expression. 
Lazard cleared his throat—for the sixth time, Genesis noticed—before continuing. “He was found unresponsive this morning in the hallway outside his office. His skull appeared to have been cracked, and all signs right now are pointing to an accident.”
“Some accident,” Angeal mumbled, his eyes wide. 
“Tell me about it,” a Second-Class SOLDIER sneered. “Ah, anyway. It's not like the bastard will be missed.” 
Lazard shot him a warning look. “Please show some compassion.” 
Genesis scoffed, crossing his arms. “Compassion for Professor Hojo. It'd be more reasonable to ask us to pull our teeth out one by one to pay the ferryman.” 
Lazard ignored him. “Dr. Hollander will be taking over the R&D department temporarily—”
“Goddess save our souls,” Genesis cut in. 
Lazard ignored both Genesis and the subsequent laughter from the others. 
“And he has asked me to assure you all that Sephiroth will be in good hands—”
“Hollander is of the amputate-your-arm-if-you-break-it variety,” Genesis said smoothly, sliding out of his seat. “So if Sephiroth’s cure lies in the hands of medieval medicine, I'm sure he'll be up and about it in no time.”
With that, he stepped out of the room, taking all the spite and sarcasm in the room with him. 
Hojo was dead, a glorifying piece of information Genesis wished he could share with Sephiroth, if only the man was awake. 
He signed, turning down the hallway that led to his office. Somehow, he had a feeling that Sephiroth already knew—somehow. 
A few weeks went by. The early morning sunlight filtered through the office windows as Genesis headed to the conference room. He yawned, swirling the half-filled coffee cup in his hand as he swiped his key card to open the door. 
He expected another monotonous day. However, what met his eyes left him frozen in disbelief.
There, sitting at the conference table, was Sephiroth.
The coffee cup slid through his fingers, splattering all over the floor. 
The shock radiated through Genesis, rendering him momentarily speechless. 
Sephiroth was paler than before, his skin almost translucent. He had thinned out a bit, and the dark circles under his eyes were telling of the poor sleep the man had suffered from. 
But despite the physical toll, Sephiroth's eyes gleamed with an unsettling intensity. His predatory grin sent a shiver down Genesis' spine. It was a smile that spoke of something beyond the realm of mortal comprehension.
That was the thing that overrode Genesis' joy and killed his relief upon impact. 
Because Genesis knew Sephiroth. 
And this was not him. 
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shadeysprings · 1 year
Within the Shadows
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—Curtis Everett x F!Reader
Summary — Secrets are revealed amidst the celebration of your brother’s ascent to underboss. 
Warnings — unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), established relationship, graphic violence, character death, betrayal, hurt no comfort, implied kidnapping, entrapment, Mean!Curtis is in the building.
A/N — This is written for @the-slumberparty's April Monthly Challenge: Mob AU and the prompt I chose was "I don't love you. I own you." I do ask you to be gentle with me as it's my first time writing for Curtis and I'm still trying to get a hang of him.
As always, your feedback is highly appreciated and your reblogs would be amazing. And of course, I hope y'all enjoy! ❤️
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Standing at the side with the walls and champagne being your only companion, you observe the events playing out in front of you.
Your father’s friends, several of his trusted associates, and family members have gathered in your home to celebrate your brother’s success. He not only passed the challenges that were thrown to him by the leaders, but he also impressed them, giving more than what was being asked of him and utterly exceeding their expectations. It not only convinced them to bestow upon him the title of underboss but deemed him worthy of being your father’s successor in the syndicate. 
You’re happy for him—truly you are for you’ve supported him every step of the way and did nothing but encourage him to make your father proud. It even came to the point of helping him in one of the jobs when he caught himself in a tight situation. Giving him a plan of action on how to face the problem which eventually worked in his favor and allowed him to slip through it easily. 
Though such a feat, when presented by your brother to your father, was simply brushed off.
“Her words are nothing but a meaningless babble of a jealous child.” Your father sneered in your direction. “You, my son, are still the one that did all the work.” And praised your brother.
“Don’t listen to him, sis,” Gabriel said after your father dismissed you both from his study. “He knows I wouldn’t have succeeded without your help. Besides, I’m underboss now and you can be my consigliere.” 
Despite his encouraging words, you still felt defeated, knowing well that no matter what you do to help the family, the way he sees you will never change—a burden, someone with no caliber to the family, and the worst of all, the reason for your mother’s death. 
“He’s the child any parent would be proud to have!” 
The cheers that echo throughout the main room pull you away from your thoughts and you watch as the guests gather around your brother, clapping him on the back and giving him another round of congratulations. While you, the other child, remain unseen in the background. 
Not wanting to endure further any more of the festivities, you finish the remaining contents of your champagne flute in one gulp and set it down on one of the tables before making your way up to your room. You know no one will be looking for you or asking of your whereabouts. Hell, you doubt your father would even care if you left home right there and then.
Staring at your reflection in the full-length mirror, you begin taking off your jewelry and make to reach for the zip of your dress. But the sound of your door opening and closing draws your attention, a small smile grazing your lips upon seeing Curtis’ reflection when he stands behind you.
His usual black long-sleeved shirt is hidden underneath a black coat jacket. You also notice his beard is freshly trimmed, making you adore the way he looks—still gruff but with a splash of class.
You stare at his sapphire eyes as they grow serious with intent when he starts unzipping your dress. Rough hands move delicately over your skin and he pushes the straps from your shoulders, the fabric cascading down your body and pooling around your feet, leaving you only in your shoes and panties.
“You left the party.” He drones, arms slowly circling your middle before he leans down to press a kiss on the crook of your neck. 
“No one would look for me.” You sigh and turn to face him, leaning against his touch when his large hand cups the side of your face and his thumb rubs small circles on the apple of your cheek.
“I would.” he breathes, “I did.”
You close your eyes when he leans down and you lean up to meet him halfway, pressing your lips against his. He kisses you softly at first, exploring, gentle, and giving then you feel him pull you close, your hands pressing against his solid chest, and a soft moan leaves your lips when he deepens the kiss.
It wasn’t easy getting to where you and Curtis are now—remembering the day he joined your father’s men; a newbie to the syndicate and assigned to watch over the boss’ daughter.
His silence and grouchy exterior caused you unease, making you unable to trust him and simply go along with your father’s wishes just so as not to upset him. But as the months turned into a year, you grew to know him despite his lack of enthusiasm to talk and you slowly found a friend in the lonesome world of the syndicate.
He’d accompany you to errands your father would give you, an act of pity or a means to give in to your brother’s requests, and you felt nothing but safe in his company. Always standing guard even with no threats visible but you knew better than to question his judgment. He’d even lent a listening ear each time you would ramble on your frustrations about the lack of trust the family gives you and would give small words of comfort, telling you that you’re better than the leaders that run the business.
Eventually, your relationship blossomed, although in secret—Curtis sneaking into your room when you would call upon him or spending days with you at the family’s vacation home when your father would have you nowhere near the mansion when he had his capos over for meetings.
Aside from your brother, he’s the only one you trusted. A confidant you’ve always wanted and a lover you never knew you needed.
Your arms circle his neck, pulling him closer as you reciprocate the intensity of his kiss, tongues, and teeth clashing against each other. A giggle slips from your throat when he carefully, blindly walks you toward the expanse of your bed.
As your back hits the mattress, Curtis kneels on the ground, lifting your leg as his lips trail butterfly kisses down its length before wrapping his fingers around your ankles, one by one, taking off your heels and dropping them to the floor. 
Instinctively, you hook your leg over his shoulder and welcome him into your heat. His name leaves your lips in a series of soft moans, fingers skimming over his shoulders and then through his buzzed hair when his lips press against the front of your panties, tongue soaking through the fabric as he rolls it around your clothed clit. 
You feel him push your panties to the side, the cool air of your room kissing your heated skin, and your pelvis bucks against his mouth when he laves his tongue slowly against your slit and connects with your clit once more, flicking on the bud before wrapping his lips around it to suck on it hard.
“Curtis—!” you gasp his name, uncaring as your voice bounces against the walls of your bedroom, pulling him closer and slowly grinding your pussy against the warmth of his eager mouth. 
He doesn’t hold back and you don’t want him to, loving the way he takes and takes but at the same time gives you the pleasure that has been an addicting sensation each time he’d bury his face between your thighs. 
His beard only adds to the lust-filled sensation running through your veins, rubbing your sensitive skin raw and sending a wave of pleasure down to your toes. Your back arches and your breath hitches when he slips his tongue past your pussy folds, licking, tasting, and lapping up the nectar that pools at your core, a gift you willingly give and desire for him to take.
You feel the stirring at the pit of your stomach and you urge to pull away, to stop him from his worship. But he doesn’t relent, hooking his arms around your thighs, growling against your cunt that makes your skin shiver and you do no more but succumb to his control, whining as you feel yourself reaching your limit. 
“Curtis—please,” you beg and try to lift yourself by your elbows but the way he looks at you, piercing blue eyes meeting yours, have you convulsing, the intensity of the orgasm taking you by surprise that you tip your head back and call out his name, fingers digging into the duvet as your essence rushes out of you.
“Sweet as ever, princess,” he rumbles into your cunt and gives your clit one last kiss before licking you clean and pushing himself from the ground. 
You’re panting heavily, a smile of satisfaction etched on your face. It’s what you’ve needed to release the stress from the evening’s event and forget about the humiliation and dejection from your father. 
As you lay on the bed, limbs weak from the pleasure, you smile once more when you feel Curtis join you. He’s naked and warm and you immediately wrap your arms around him when he hovers over you, parting your legs wide to enfold them around him as he positions himself between them.
“Curtis—I need you.” you whimper, feeling the tip of his rub against your folds. “Please—”
“I know, princess,” he whispers, lips ghosting against your cheek before he presses his forehead against yours. “I know.”
With Curtis kneeling on the bed, his arms wrapped around you possessively, you gasp for air with your fingers scratching his skin raw while he sucks on your breast, his cock impaling you repeatedly and making you bounce against his thighs. 
He’s made you come twice now and it’s the third time he’s having his way with you, giving you no respite to have you breathe and only switching the position to take you once again. He’s eager and full of passion, a feat you’ve never seen before and you bask in it, allowing yourself to fall into his demands. 
He thrusts into you with pure hunger, teeth grazing against the nipple that makes you whine and meet him with each thrust, feeling his cock slide deeper and deeper into you as your cunt slickens further from the lust that cocoons you both.
You look down at him when he pulls away from your tit, sapphire eyes dark, blown wide, and laced with carnal desire. You lean down to kiss him and he meets your lips with a fiery intensity, laying his back on the bed and effortlessly pulling you on top of him. 
He swallows your moans when his pace quickens, fucking into you hard and fast, the sound of your skins slapping against each other filling your ears with the unrelenting tempo of his hips. You try to move your hips but he doesn’t let you, keeping you still as his arms tighten further around you.
He’s movements are frantic and reckless and you pull away from the kiss to take in air. But it only makes him latch his lips onto your neck, sucking on the skin and bruising it with his teeth, the sensation making you moan loudly when you feel yourself, once more, reaching your peak. 
“You’re mine, princess," he groans when he pulls away from your neck, his eyes boring into yours as he circles his hand on your nape. “You understand? You’re mine.”
“Yes,” you choke, pressing your forehead against his. “I’m yours.”
You feel his cock throbbing against your walls and your breath hitches, hands gripping him tight when the dam within you finally breaks, and your pussy walls flutter around him, your body spasming as you come hard and coat his cock with your essence. He doesn’t take long to follow after, the air in your lungs leaving you all at once when he gives a hard thrust, your name spilling from his lips in a form of a growl when he spills his seed deep within.
Exhaustion finally takes over and you lay limp over his solid chest, soft whimpers escaping your lips as he keeps grinding his pelvis against yours, fucking more of his come into you. You keep your eyes closed, too tired to even move a muscle or appreciate the post-sex haze. But a smile makes its way to your lips when he presses a kiss over your cheek, moaning softly when he wiggles his hips, keeping his cock snug inside your swollen cunt.
“Sleep, princess,” he mumbles against your hair, hands gently caressing your skin. “I’ll be here when you wake up.” His words act as a soothing balm, a comfort you desperately need and you snuggle in his hold, basking in his muscular scent and the warmth he gives you before your consciousness dwindles and you fall into a sated slumber.
But he’s nowhere to be found when you stir from your sleep, a vast bed and a muted darkness greeting you instead of the face of your lover. Though it doesn’t take away the peaceful smile that forms on your face and the delicious ache that sings deep in your bones. 
You try to hear if the party in the main room is still up and swinging but the time displayed on the clock says it’s way beyond midnight. You only hope that the festivities have been long over and that everyone has gone home and called it night but still, you don’t put it past your father to hold one of his private meetings with his capos now that your brother has joined the fold. 
Walking toward your closet, you put on a pair of pajama shorts and a night shirt before leaving your room, wanting to look for Curtis and grab a glass of water before heading back to bed. But as soon as you climb down the stairs, an odd feeling drenches you with the halls being eerily quiet and your father’s men that usually walk around the house nowhere to be found.
You make it to the kitchen, still set on your intent when a peal of chilling laughter sounds from the main room. The voice is somewhat familiar, one you’ve heard in your father’s meetings with his boss. But that can’t be—despite your lack of involvement in the syndicate, you know the rules that had been laid out for the others to follow. 
“Let’s see if these moves fuck!” The voice says with amusement.
An angry shout follows after followed by a pained grunt and you can tell it's your brother. Immediately, you run to the dining table and snatch the gun tied under it before stalking over to the main room, keeping to the walls to check on the unwanted visitors. But what you witness makes the bile crawl up your throat, a massacre of your father’s associates, the strong scent of metal wafting through the air as lifeless bodies are scattered across the floor. 
The walls of the room are painted crimson and men you don’t recognize stand still at the sides, armed and stoic while they watch the scene playing out before them; your father tied to a chair, gagged and beaten while your brother stands in front of him, protecting him. Blood trickles from his head and his left eye swollen, he holds up a knife, grip tight on the handle while he faces the enemy that taunts him. 
Lloyd Hansen is never supposed to set foot on your family’s territory. It’s the rules the elders have given when your father was gifted the city. But there he stands, looking pristine in his black turtle neck and blood-spattered white jeans with only the cut on his cheek and his disheveled hair giving away that he’s been fighting. But still, he holds himself in that cocky demeanor, the hair on his lip twitching when he smirks and taunts your brother. 
Before he could get close to your brother, you stand away from where you’re hiding and pull the trigger, a loud bang resounding through the walls as the bullet meets the marble floor by Lloyd’s feet, making both men flinch and Hansen’s men stand on alert, all guns pointed at you. 
“What the fuck?!” Lloyd shouts, his head turning and anger etched on his face when he faces you. “You almost shot me!”
“Stand down.” A voice calls in the room and you stand in shock when Curtis comes out from the shadows, a hand resting on Lloyd’s shoulder before walking over in your direction. “You’re not supposed to be here, princess.”
“Curtis—” you say in a rush, panic surging through your veins when he nears you. “What’s going on—”
“Stay away from him, sis!” Gabriel shouts, grunting in pain soon after when one of the men clad in black hits him in the back with a gun, making him drop to his knees. “He—” he wheezes, “he’s a traitor.”
“What—” you flinch when the gun is snatched from your hand, the firearm sliding across the floor. Curtis stands so close, his sapphire eyes laced with darkness as he rests his hands on your shoulders. “Curtis?” your lips quiver upon saying his name, the easiness slipping from your lips and replaced with fear. “What’s going on?”
“What’s going on is that we’re taking over this worthless city, sunshine.” Lloyd answers from behind him, a smirk playing on his lips as he runs a hand through his hair. “Why don’t you tell her, boss?”
“Boss?” You blink in surprise and step back from Curtis, disbelief running through your head as you try to piece everything together. Your brother’s warning, Lloyd’s words and Curtis looking unscathed despite facing the enemy. “You’re—” anger surges through your veins and you ball your hands into fists, lunging at Curtis and beating at his chest. “You liar! You fucking used me!”
But you’re fighting a losing battle as he easily grabs your wrists and you yelp loudly in pain when he turns you around, twisting your arm and bending it behind you, your shoulder straining from his strength. 
“You let her go!” Your brother shouts in rage but Lloyd kicks him in the stomach, making him bowl over and drop himself on the floor. 
Curtis walks you into the vast room, having you stand over your brother and you cry when you see his condition, battered and bruised as he struggles to push his feet under him. But you only shout in agony as Lloyd kneels over him and continues to beat him, fists raining down on your little brother’s face, blood spilling from his mouth. 
“Watch carefully, princess.” Curtis drones, his other hand framing your chin as he forces you to face forward. “This is all thanks to you.”
“Why are you doing this?!” You shout as you continue to struggle against his hold. “Please—let him go! If you love me, Curtis, you’ll let him go.”
You feel him tense behind you and you’re washed with relief when he commands Lloyd to stop. 
Lloyd’s fist stops mid-air, a huff of annoyance leaving his lips before he stands and Curtis’ grip on you slackens, allowing you to stagger forward and kneel before your brother. You cradle his head as you try to wipe away the blood from his face. your tears flowing continuously as you stare down at him, watching him cling to life as you grab his hand and press it against your cheek.
“I’m here, baby brother.” you whisper, lacing your fingers through his. “I’m here.”
You see a faint smile form on his face but a loud bang echoes in your ear, making you recoil in fear. But as soon as the chaos dissipates, you face your brother to check on him but stay stock still when he stares up at you with lifeless eyes, blood trickling from his head and staining your hands, seeing a bullet lodge in his head.
You scream in shock but more in agony as you shake him, and beg for him to be alive. But nothing comes out of it, not a sound or even a movement, making you cry out harder as you hold him to you, your baby brother—gone.
Another shot sounds and you snap your head to the side only to see your father slumped forward, his restraints holding him from falling off his seat. But he, too, met the same fate as your brother. You turn to see Curtis standing over you, the gun you previously had in your hand now in his and you pounce at him, rage taking over you as you try to attack him. 
But he easily fends you off by smacking the back of his hand against your cheek, making you drop down where your brother lays. You then wince when you’re pulled by your hair, making you look up to face Curtis who crouches in front of you, the hand holding the gun reaching over to caress your cheek that swells from his assault. 
“Why are you doing this?” You cry, defeat drenching you cold. “I thought you love me—”
“Love you?” The low drawl of his voice sends a chill up your spine, pulling away when he leans closer and presses his forehead against your own. “I don’t love you. I own you.” he spits and you feel your heart break at his words, all the comfort you felt with him shattering into dust. 
He did this—fooled you and your family, disguising himself as a bodyguard only to get information on the ins and outs of your father’s business. And the worst part? You showed him the way. With all your complaining and mindless ramblings, you were feeding him information that no one should have known. 
So, his words bear some truth, that this was all your doing.
“And along with that, everything your family has.” He smirks and your stomach rolls in disgust when he presses a kiss on your forehead.
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underboss - 2nd in command to the boss
consigliere - trusted advisor of the boss
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secret-fiction · 2 months
Sonic Boom: Those Who're Made Fools
As April Fools day is upon them, Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends must content with a series of pranks that go a little farther than they would like.
Below is a oneshot Sonic Boom Fanfiction that I started and finished today, April fools day 2024. I have not time to edit because my scope for this got out of hand, so I'll share it now as to release it within Apr 1st my time. I'll release an edited version later this week. _________________________
While Sonic the Hedgehog would usually be sleeping in, the cool breeze blowing through his hut and swaying the hammock he lay on beckoned him awake. He declined this request to wake up at a normal time and curled up further. However his body began to shiver and his mind was dragged into enough consciousness to realize that the cool breeze was actually a freezing wind. His eyes shot open, seeing a light flurry of snowflakes blowing over him, already building up drifts in his beachside hut.
“What the f-, flakes? Snow??” said Sonic as he wobbled while standing up.
The warm light of sunrise was peering through his windows and the island outside looked as tropical as it should. The culprit, Sonic deduced, was likely the large yellow painted machine that looked like a window air-conditioner if it were on an industrial scale. 
A letter lifted off of the pile of mail he kept strewn on the ground and into his face. It was the invitation to Amy’s birthday event this evening. Thus, it was also April Fools day.
“Either Tails actually got his sleep schedule in check just to get me first, or I need to have a chat with him about staying up all night again,” said Sonic aloud, ears turning to listen for any unseen listener. 
The wind then picked up, and the snow flurries began to sting as they struck him. In fact it was more of a semi-frozen rain now. Everything in Sonic’s hut was quickly being coated with bits of water and ice which then turned into a slick layer over everything. He grumbled and shivered, then dashed to his door to find the off switch. The machine however blocked the entire doorway, and there were no controls on the side facing Sonic.
“Aw what the heck?!” Sonic tried to push the machine out of his door but found his feet slipping on the frozen and wet floor. “TAILS! I don’t wanna break your new toy here, but I will!”
Sonic heard no response aside from the torrent of wind and freezing rain, which grew strong enough to send him slipping onto his face and sliding away to the far wall. He grumbled, stood up, and placed his feet on the wall. With one strong kick he spin-dashed into the machine, sending pieces of it flying as it fell out of his doorframe. 
“Brrr, jeez,” said Sonic as he stood up and looked around, seeing no sign of Tails, “don’t tell me he already ran off to prepare another prank. This one was already a bit much… Guess I’ll have to teach him a lesson on restraint…”
With resolve filling his eyes, Sonic the Hedgehog took off running across the beach in a blur. The machine was left behind on his front porch, a problem for later perhaps.
A potential problem for Sonic immediately descended from a hidden perch in the trees of the jungle to the machine. They fluttered with insectoid wings and had a green colour to match the jungle canopy. They landed atop Tails’ machine, and yanked a kunai dagger out of the machine's control panel before returning heading for their next target.
The drone of power tools echoed throughout Tails’ workshop as usual while he assembled a new gadget. Progress was going good by his insane standards of pacing, so he took a step back to look over the device. Lifting the goggles off of his eyes, which bore a giddiness bright enough to almost hide his dark eyebags. This projector he was modifying would surely be perfect for setting the mood at Amy’s event this evening. All he needed to do now was program a remote for ease of use, something he was learning other cared about when using technology, and then-
A swinging sound from his mail chute on the door pulled Tails’ attention away. Could it be Sonic’s counter attack already? He chuckled to himself, picturing Sonic popping out of a pile of harmless snow with a dumbfounded look on his face. Upon approach however he saw that it was clearly from Amy. It bore fancy calligraphy for the address and her custom rose wax seal which was slightly cracked, likely from its journey. 
“Oh, she must be excited,” muttered Tails to himself before biting the letter to open it with his teeth. 
Tails immediately regretted his lazy choice of letter opening when a pink cloud of a gas blasted from the letter and filled the workshop, and his mouth. The taste of floral air freshener made him gag and spit. Then the overwhelming smell filled his nose. It should smell pleasant, but the flower scent was so overwhelming and suffocating that Tails had to cover his snout. He then scrambled for the nearest window. 
“What The FLYING FFff-!” Tails gritted his teeth and compressed his fit into a soft growl. 
One by one Tails swung each window open. Then he opened the garage door of the hangar portion of the workshop. That didn’t dilute the air freshener smell fast enough so he turned on every industrial fan he could. Soon he resorted to his emergency eye and face wash station, shoving a pile of boxes that surrounded it out of the way. The torrent of water on his face face made his eyes stop stinging so bad and got most of the taste out of his mouth. But his nose was still completely overwhelmed. 
“I can’t work like this!! Why should I work like this?!” said Tails as he shook the water off of his head. 
The ring of his doorbell drew Tails’ irritated red eyes to the door. Opening it revealed a fast food bag of which he couldn’t smell at all sitting on his welcomemat. This was definitely another prank, and the fact that he was hungry now that he thought about him annoyed him more. So he leaned forward and kicked the bag away before turning to slam his door shut.
“Hey woah!” said Sonic, jumped down from atop the workshop roof, “what’s up? Not hungry?”
Tails glared at Sonic, and glanced at the bucket of ice and snow in Sonic grasp.
“Okay to be fair you really-” Sonic coughed and waved a hand in front of his muzzle, “wow bud isn’t that a bit much air freshener? It’s kinda distracting.” 
“Yes! And I guess Amy thinks that’s funny, since evidently you had a much more lazy prank in mind,” said Tails.
“Amy?” said Sonic, “She usually doesn’t take time for anything more elaborate than what you can buy at the joke store.”
“Yeah, except when she asks for help with her party tonight.” Tails walked to his work table and plugged his nose with tissue paper before pushing the projector project aside. “Let’s see how she likes my help now, heheheh…”
“Tails you’re getting a bit maniacal,” said Sonic, “seriously, don’t go overboard again. It just smells a bit too nice in here.”
“You don’t mess with someone's sense of smell and get off easy,” said Tails.
“Okay, well, can I ask your opinion on something first?” said Sonic
Tails turned to face Sonic, only to get a bit of half melted snow in his face. 
“I’ll ask for your help fixing my house later!” said Sonic before dropping the bucket and dashing away.
Tails grumbled, wiped the snow off his face, then grabbed any errant material he had lying around to build his revenge on Amy. After a moment or two he started thinking about what Sonic had said.
“...Fix his house? What?” 
In his state of sensory overload and anger, Tails failed to notice a figure move from the jungle canopy outside a nearby window. It stood tall, then began leaping between trees toward the village.
The hum of Amy Rose’s voice trailed through her house as she happily prepared for the rest of the day. Her daily twenty-four step quill-styling routine was now ready, she was dressed, and every surface of the room was covered in decorations and snacks to be assorted. Sure she always had a bit of anxiety about the fact her birthday falls on the first of April, the day of fools fooling other fools. But that worry was now barely present after living the last couple years dealing with attacks from Dr. Eggman at any random time. 
Working out a block of time in her schedule to deal with an inevitable attack or crisis meant Amy had all the time she needed to still have a fun birthday. She smiled to herself while looking over a stack of colourful papers she had printed, it was hard to suppress her enthusiasm at having her friends over tonight. Truly the real power of one's birthday was the leverage it put everyone else to try your favorite forms of entertainment.
“Alright, let’s get this next part right,” said Amy to herself as she organized the papers, character sheets. “This is my one chance this year to convince the other that this’ll be fun. And this time I’m right.”
Amy’s smile faltered slightly as she remembered her failure to convince Sonic and the others that playing out her favorite musicals was fun. Really she should’ve known that’d be too much. This time though, a simple role playing game, she can get them to agree to do this more often.
A knock on her door made Amy jump and gasp with a smile. She waved her hands a bit to lower her giddiness, taking a deep breath. Then she skipped over to the door.
Greeting her outside was a basket with a bow on it, sitting just past her welcomemat. Amy’s heart skipped a beat, but she quickly recognized Knuckles’ handwriting. “Hope you like these colourful rocks!” It wasn’t a romantic gesture from Sonic, but still nice. With a sigh and a soft smile she stepped forward to see what varieties of polished stones Knuckles had-
Her boot fell through her welcomemat, and Amy stumbled into the hole the had been hidden just under it. It was a short fall, but she landed on her face and splattered some liquid all over herself. It took a few seconds of sitting still to process what just happened.
“What the F-Ow…” said Amy, as she stood up, eyes stinging from the oily fluid coating her. “What is this stuff?”
The smell, and once her vision cleared, the black colouration showed Amy that this was actually just oil. Used oil, most likely motor oil, from a motor, filled with gunk, that was now in her quills… and her whole dress.
“Are, You, SERIOUS?!” shouted Amy, “isn’t this a bit much!?” 
Amy sighed, but tried not to let this ruin her mood. It was meant as harmless fun, even if it was ruining her morning. It wasn't usual for Knuckles to be that deceptive though, even though signs pointed to him being involved with how good he is at digging. Perhaps Tails put him up to this, considering the use of engine oil. But why would he? This is usually a thing between him and Sonic.
After a moment to glower, Amy decided to climb out of the small hole. The dirty motor oil made this tricky however, as she fell back in several times. By the time she heard the swishing of Tails’ tails mid flight, and a nefarious chuckle, she had worked through her patience.
“TAILS! Get down here this instant!!” 
Amy heard a gasp, then the patter of footsteps. Tails leaned over the hole and looked at her with a strange squint. She in turn gave him the most stern look she could.
“This is really obnoxious, especially for you!” said Amy.
“Yeah, like you don’t know a thing about obnoxious pranks,” said Tails, glancing away from Amy’s eye contact.
“There’s Motor Oil In My Quills Tails!!” said Amy.
Tails leaned out of Amy’s sight, she heard him put something down on her deck, before he leaned back over the hole. “Who put a hole full over motor oil here anyway?”
“...It wasn’t you?” 
“No! This is lazy, and just mean!” said Tails as she gestured energetically, “I’d at least be way more creative for something this mean! Or just less mean if I don’t have time to be creative.”
“Okay, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult your… prowess with pranking methods,” said Amy, “Please get me out of here.”
“Oh yeah, sure.”
With ease, Tails lifted Amy out of the hole and dropped her on the deck before landing himself. She pretended not to notice him immediately kicking a really haphazardly thrown together looking device out of sight. 
“Uh, Amy,” said Tails as he rubbed the back of his head, not noticing the oil stain he was leaving there from his glove, “do you happen to know anything about the perfume filling my workshop.”
“What? What happened?” said Amy.
Tails made eye contact with Amy, a look of anger quickly fading to regret. “I-I’m sorry, someone else must’ve put that perfume bomb in my mailbox then.”
“...Probably Eggman, right?”
“He… He’s not good at all at being that sneaky though…” Tails squinted as he looked at the hole, “And this does look like it was dug by claws, natural or those glove things people can get. And I guess Knuckles can be sneaky sometimes?”
“Okay but how would he do this without your help?” said Amy.
“...I dunno, could’ve gone to a mechanic,” said Tails, “But this is something he’d try to do to Sonic for April fools, not you.”
Just overhead, as Amy & Tails started talking about their problems, a sneaky individual leapt and flew away from the top of a palm tree. 
It was much easier for Knuckles to find specific rocks when they were in the ground. The polished stones he’d put in a gift basket for Amy evaded him in a way most minerals couldn’t. He’d been forced into retracing his steps to the best of his ability, now out on the jungle trails just outside of the Village. However all he could find was litter and Sticks’ traps.
“Oh come one gift basket, where’d you go?!” said Knuckles aloud, “I need you to be a good friend to Amy!”
The gift basket didn’t answer, only the rustling leaves did. Of course Knuckles could quickly gather some neat looking plants, but it wouldn’t have the same meaning to it. He slapped himself on the head trying to remember where he could’ve left the basket. After the week he spent picking out the perfect colourful stones it sickened him to just lose that gift. 
Searching the edges of the trail closely, Knuckles came across a tree with a nook inside it. The colours inside excited him for a moment, until he realized that it was only foraged fruit and not his basket of rocks. His stomach grumbled now, and the smell and look of the berries there enticed him. Then when he noticed a doodle carved in the bark next to the nook in the tree, depicting a simple Sticks the Badger giving a thumbs up, he smiled.
“Oh! Awesome! I really gotta thank Sticks for these snack stocks she leaves out.” said Knuckles
As Knuckles stepped close enough to reach into the nook of this tree, something snagged on his leg. He instinctively kicked, and felt something wrap tight around his leg and pull him upward. He gave a yell as the complex and well hidden snare trap hung him upside down from the top of the tree, several feet out of reach of the collection of berries. 
“Ah dang! I set off one of Sticks’ traps again…” said Knuckles as he folded his arms. “Wait, why was there a trap there, when there was a friendly and welcoming sign?! That’s like, the opposite of making sense!”
Knuckles grumbled to himself. If it took Sticks too long to find him then he’d have less time to find his gift basket. Then even less time to beat Sonic & Tails in the April Fools prank war.
“Wait, I think I know what’s going on…. Sticks is trying to make me an April Fool!” said Knuckles, slapping his face in shock. “Oh man I’ve never had to deal with a prank battle involving her before.”
“Knuckles! What’re you doing up there!” shouted the voice of Amy Rose.
“Amy?!” Knuckles looked down to see Amy with several paper towels in her hands and a bag over her shoulder. “Thank goodness you’re here! Sticks got me in a prank-snare thing! Who knows what she’ll do next!”
Amy’s eyes widened, then squinted. “Knuckles, Stick doesn’t do April Fools day!”
“Oh wait, really?”
“No, she stays in her burrow all day, remember?” 
Knuckles thought about that. He did begin to recall Sticks’ distaste for the idea of April Fools day the first time it was ‘explained’ to her. That was one crappy day, Sonic only barely survived. 
“Oh yeah!” Knuckles leaned up and grabbed the robe tied to his legs, then ripped it apart with his raw strength. He landed on his feet next to Amy and sighed in relief. “I was worried I’d have to stay up there all day. Good thing this rope doesn’t actually belong to Sticks.”
“Hey, I had a question for you,” said Amy.
“Oh yeah, I was gonna ask you about the oily smell but I can wait,” said Knuckles.
“...Yeah you didn’t dig that pit in front of my house then.”
“A pit?” 
“Yeah, sorry, I thought you tried and succeeded to prank me.”
“Oh wow! If I were you I’dve like, punched me in the snoz,” said Knuckles as he looked over just how messed up Amy’s quills were, “man, I’m glad you’re  so reasonable Amy, it’s nice knowing you have faith in the rest of us.”
“Heheh, yeah,” said Amy, tucking the bag over her shoulder behind herself. The spice-laden cupcakes inside will have to wait before burning someone's mouth up.
Seeing where Amy and Knuckles’ conversation was going, the hidden figure in the canopy fluttered away. Only one more member left to find. 
No amount of fresh air from outside could alleviate the tension in Sticks the Badger’s nerves. She’d just managed to will herself out the door of her burrow, knowing that the number of traps and practical alarms she’d placed around would warn of any intrusion. None of the others were going to mess with her this year, she knew that, they assured her and she trusted them. She desperately wanted to just trust them. 
“C’mon, you promised Amy you’d go to her party…” Sticks muttered, glaring down at her boots. 
The sound of a bell jingle made her ear twitch and her body stand even more tense than before. She glanced over, seeing no sign of anyone there. That upset her more than anything she could’ve seen prowling toward her burrow. Her teeth clenched together hard enough to become sore again.
Sticks looked in the direction of the other makeshift alarms, and more broadly the edges of the jungle near her burrow. To her relief and wraith, someone was here and it wasn’t only her. That camouflaged figure staying perfectly still in the trees evidently didn’t realize to what extent Sticks had memorized the area around her living space.
Being sure to not look to close in the direction of the figure, Sticks started walking into the jungle. The peripheral view she had gave her enough information about the size and shape of this stalking figure that she was confident about what to listen for. After only a few steps she heard the sound of it sticking to a new tree, a light thud very subtle but distinct from the tropical woodpeckers. 
“Heh, see, It’s not any of your friends,” Sticks muttered, trying then to steady her breath.
Based on the pace of when the figure hopped between trees, Stick knew exactly which snare to pass under. With a hand on her boomerang she listened as she walked. In short order, the figure fell into the trap as Sticks heard the snare suddenly tighten above her. She turned on her heel and threw the boomerang, letting herself snarl just a bit. 
The sight of a scarf and large insectoid wings is all Sticks could see of the figure through a cloud of blue glitter as they were pulled away into the air. Sticks heard a snap from her rope, and saw the figure dodge the boomerang and duck behind a tree. Then the boomerang came back and knocked the figure down, triggering a chain reaction among Sticks’ traps.
Nets and leaves went flying throughout the air as several trees sprung loose from the ropes of the traps. Sticks dived behind a safe tree and tried to watch the figure, but they managed to escape her sight and each trap they triggered. Eventually she heard the drone of their large wings as they disappeared into the jungle. The only sign they left behind was a spot of blue glitter on every tree they’d touched. 
“Sticks!” shouted Knuckles, “What was all that?! Are you alright”
“I’ve only heard legends, but if my guess is right… some sort of Ninja,” said Sticks.
Knuckles gasped, “a Ninja?! AWESOME!”
“Wait you’ve heard of ‘em?” said Sticks, “The rest of you hardly ever know what I’m talking about.”
“Well when you watch enough tv you learn what a Ninja is,” said Knuckles.
“TV? Darn, I should’ve known…” said Sticks as she walked out to find her boomerang, “wait, why’re you out here?”
“Oh yeah, Amy wanted me to find you. We have a problem.”
“Hoh Hoh Hoh!” laughed Dr. Eggman as he sat in his room of many monitors. On the largest screen the unfortunate situations of Sonic and his friends played out on loop. His assistants, Orbot and Cubot, waited patiently for him to get his fill of laughs in. As did the green Preying Mantis Ninja standing with their arms behind their back. 
“Look at his face as he slips on his face!” said Dr Eggman, hitting his control panel and laughing, “he’s helpless against a bit of wind and freezing rain! I gotta remember that!”
“Uh boss,” said Orbot, “now that we’ve played these recordings on loop 20 times, perhaps we ought to worry about what Sonic and the others are going to do to retaliate?”
“Oh yeah, what did you build for Sonic to blow up today boss?” said Cubot.
“I didn’t build anything for today,” said Dr. Eggman.
“But eeh… that means they’re gonna break something else,” said Cubot.
“No you nincomputer!” Dr. Eggman stood up from his fancy swiveling chair, “they don’t even know who’s responsible for the appropriation of their pranks! It’s genius you see!”
“But sir, who else would antagonize them like that other than you?” said Orbat.
“Why this mischievous freelancer of course!” said Dr. Eggman, putting one of his hand on the Mantis’ shoulder and giving them a friendly shake.
“I did in fact sabotage their joy today,” said The Mantis, standing stiff and waiting for Dr. Eggman to release them.
“Yes you did! And you got four out five of them! That's four stars out of five in my book! I knew I wouldn’t regret hiring you out of that catalog.”
“Oh yeah, you were like ‘I better not regret this!’” said Cubot, taking up an Eggman-like pose.
Dr. Eggman glared at Cubot, then coughed and turned to look down at the Mantis. “Your contract said I’ve got your services for the whole day, yes?”
“I am standing here for that reason, yes,” said the Mantis.
“Good, now let’s show them who’s really responsible for their misfortune! I’ll even let you partake in gloating with me!” said Dr. Eggman.
“I do not have ‘gloat’ in my skillset. Thus I would perform poorly at that task,” said the Mantis.
“...I can teach you a bit about it on the way.”
“Alright team, if we’re going to have fun during my birthday, and Sonic & Tails are gonna have a fair ‘battle of annoyance,’ we gotta deal with that person who's trying to ruin our day!” said Amy Rose to the rest of Team Sonic. They had assembled at the Teams agreed DPZ, De-Prankified Zone, the Meh Burger dining lot. 
“Who, other than Eggman, would go to these lengths anyway?” said Tails, “that’s what’s really bothering me. Have we done anything to someone recently?”
“Well there’s people who get ‘parasocially angry’,” said Sonic with finger quotes. “Could be literally anyone who doesn’t vibe with our brand of swagger and has no life of their own.”
“Ninja’s are notoriously without a life,” said Knuckles. 
“And good at blending in…” said Sticks, turning and eyeing a family sitting at a nearby table with suspicion.
“That I have seen,” said Sonic.
“Oh yeah, did you manage to hire-” started Amy, before the attention-demanding voice of Dr. Eggman rudely interrupted her. 
“MUAHAHAHAH!” bellowed Dr. Eggman from his flying eggmobile. His threatening presence caused the other patrons of meh burger to steadily flee, after only gathering their food, napkins, and food packets. “Have you had misfortune today Sonic?”
“Are you going to have some misfortune?” said Sonic, leaning forward but staying seated.
“Not today, Hedgehog! For you see, I have the upper hand.”
Some patrons scooted by the teams table as Tails said “Have you actually built a badnik we haven’t seen before, or are you just trying to hype up Mega again?”
“Grr, I don’t use that one that often!” said Dr. Eggman
“Uh, yeah, you kinda do,” said Sonic.
“It’s frankly embarrassing how often you pull out the same badniks on us,” said Amy, “the people of this village can’t even be bothered to put energy into fleeing from you anymore, that’s how stale you’ve gotten.”
“Yeah, and you use the same robots all the time!” said Knuckles.
“Yeah, okay, so maybe I can’t churn out new super badniks at an insane rate, but I’ve got standards for my health! I’m not gonna crunch my schedule if you lot won’t even respect what I build!”
Sonic turned and stared at Tails for a moment, who took a bit to notice. “What?”
Sonic titled his head and raised an eyebrow.
“Does Egghead actually have a better sense of self care than you these days?” said Sonic.
Tails folded his arms and looked away from Sonic. 
“If you all could be bothered to pay attention for more than a second!” shouted Dr. Eggman, “You might notice-”
The crash of a soda cup hitting the ground drew everyone’s attention to Sticks. She’d turned round and snarled as she tightly gripped the wrist of the Mantis Ninja, who appeared to have been attempting to tie a small wire to Sticks’ leg. 
“Well, colour me impressed,” said Dr. Eggman with a widening grin.
Sonic recognized the smile and immediately dashed toward Dr. Eggman. Then Eggman pressed a button, and something tightened on Sonic’s leg. He fell onto his face then saw that a thin wire tied to his leg led to a small round black badnik with the shape of a spider. Three more wires protruding from this badnik were tied to Tails, Amy, and Knuckles, who were all sent to the floor by the momentum of Sonic’s dash. 
“Ow FUCK!” shouted Tails.
“Tails what the F-! You can’t say that!” said Sonic.
“Actually,” said Knuckles as he pushed the dining table off of himself, “I’m with Tails, this fucking hurts.”
“I’ve had enough of Eggman’s shit today too,” said Amy.
“Goddammit, could you guys at least try to keep the Team PG?” said Sonic.
“It’s no use anyway,” Said Sticks, still grippin the Mantis, “It’s not like we’re getting fucking renewed anytime soon.”
“...What?” said the Mantis, with the second emotion to appear on their face being sheer bafflement. 
Sticks responded by punching the Mantis in the face. The force allowed them to pull out of her grasp and dart away, diving behind the counter to the despair of the service worker there. Still Sticks gave chase, throwing her boomerang. 
The Mantis responded with a flying kunai that struck Sticks’ boomerang and changed its trajectory. Truly Ninja’s are as dangerous as Sticks worried, as she found it hard to follow the boomerangs flight path. She only saw it just before it was about to strike her in the face.
Then a second kunai hit the boomerang, deflecting it away from Sticks. Everyone looked over to see a floating hand. Actually, it was attached to a  well blended figure, whose colours changed from that of the background to purple. 
“Chaotix agency, Espio,” said Espio the Chameleon.
“Oh he’s good,” said Amy, “how much money did Vector want?”
“Not too much,” said Sonic as he stood up and struggled against the wires of the spider badnik, “they said if we were actually dealing with another Ninja we’d get a discount.”
“That… doesn’t make sense,” said Tails.
“The honor of testing my skills against another trained in these arts,” said Espio as he stepped closer to the Mantis, “is worth a quarter of my boss’ revenue.”
The Mantis nodded, “so be it.”
“What is even happening anymore?” said Dr. Eggman, “this was supposed to be when you all cower at the genius of my Tripping-bot in conjunction with my competent hiring judgment!”
“Well Egghead, you’re not the only one who gets the ‘spies and assassins’ catalog,” said Sonic.
“That’s it,” said Sticks, “two Ninja’s is too much for me to worry about! I’ve got something more important to be doing!”
Sticks the Badger proceeded to leave… without her friends even. Sonic and the others exchanged a glance and shrug. 
“Alright, no more delaying! Ninja, attack!” shouted Dr. Eggman.
“Go get em Espio!” said Sonic.
The two Ninja’s locked eyes, raised their kunai, and charged at each other. Just before an intense clash of blades, both Espio and the Mantis dodged toward different directions, hiding behind different tables. 
Meanwhile Knuckles managed to get a footing against tension of the wire from the Spider Badnik. Seeing this, Dr. Eggman attacked team Sonic with the base missiles and laser on his eggmobile. 
Two epic battles played out over the next few minutes. One where Team Sonic steadily overcame the problem of being tied together. At Amy’s suggestion, Knuckles took the lead of which direction they would all move, and even threw the other within range of Eggman. Via taunting Tails tricked eggman into blasting the cord tying him to the others, and started flying interference. 
Eventually Tails lured Dr. Eggman close enough to the ground for Sonic, Amy, and Knuckles to time a jump together and all land on Dr Eggman's vehicle. Just in time too, as he had finally grabbed ahold of Tails and was about to throw hands. From there all four of the team beat up Dr. Eggman and his eggmobile until he finally admitted defeat, which took an impressive amount of blows to make him do. 
All the while the two Ninja’s engaged in the most intense battle of their lives up till now. The Mantis used their flight advantage to duck behind elevated positions and look for Espio. However Espio knew this and compensated with his camouflage and speed. From the perspective of everyone else and each other however, they both remained completely out of sight. Some customers even started returning to the meh burger, unaware of the intense battle going on between tables and booths.
“...Are either of them still here?” asked Amy.
“ I literally can’t tell,” said Sonic.
“Well one of those ninja knives just appeared in my shoe, and I’m sure it wasn’t there before,” said Knuckles.
“They must be so fast!” said Tails.
“And sneaky,” said Sonic.
“This is so boring,” said Sonic as he sat down in a chair.
“I’m afraid so,”
“Maybe I could build a Ninja tracker?” said Tails. 
“If this fight takes that long, I think we’re better off-” Sonic leaned back in his chair as he talked, and to everyone's surprise tripped the Mantis Ninja who stumbled out into the open.
The Mantis immediately opened their wings to take flight, but were stopped as Espio charge out of nowhere horn first into their torso. The two Ninjas tumbled to the ground with the sounds of struggle. Once everyone managed to realize what was happening Espio had his kunai at the Mantis’ neck.
“Damn,” said the Mantis.
“Yep,” said Espio.
The two stood up and dusted themselves off. Espio quickly went to retrieve his scattered ninja weapons while the Mantis adjusted their scarf. 
“Apologies Doctorate Eggman,” said the Mantis, “I was bested in the duel. Here is an adjusted invoice. Call my number if you have questions.”
“Right…” said Dr. Eggman.
Sonic and the others went over to Espio to congratulate him. Though the chameleon kept a stoic pose, Amy at least could tell he seemed to appreciate the praise.
“For the discount,” said Epsio and he pulled a pocket register out and started typing into it, “please write down all the thoughts you had about my performance for my boss to see.”
“Yeah I’ll tell vector you did a good job,” said Sonic.
“How will you be paying?”
“I have a card,” said Amy.
“But it’s your birthday!” said Knuckles.
“Yeah, we can cover it, right Sonic?” said Tails.
“Uh… yeah, I’ll just… hafta to buy a smaller gift for Amy,” said Sonic.
“D’aw,” Amy smiled warmly at Sonic, that comment fully recovered her mood from earlier, despite the battle damage to her dress and quills. “Don’t worry Sonic, having more money for later is a perfect birthday gift.”
“Oh, yeah, sure thing Ames,” said Sonic.
While his mood was a bit soured, Dr Eggman took some pleasure in knowing he at least inconvenienced Sonic and his friends today. That was worth something. Now he just needed to figure out how best to word that to Orbot and Cubot as to make it sound like he didn’t lose. 
That train of thought was halted when Dr. Eggman got within view of his lair. Smoke poured out of several portions of the structures, and loose wires threw sparks all over the place. Several of his defensive badniks were flying and walking circles around the base in full alert, but it was clear they had no idea where the culprit of this mess was. Dr. Eggman grumbled and flew in closer to evaluate the damage.
“No who had time to do this?!” Eggman said to the badniks. 
From behind a rock, Orbot and Cubot peeked out and pointed to the top of the base, Orbot saying “she did…”
“Wha-” Dr. Eggman was cut off by Sticks the Badger landing on his Eggmobile and driving an obsidian shortsword into its control panel. He screamed in genuine terror as they crashed to the ground.
Dr. Eggman felt himself tumbling until he lay flat on his back, then Stick jumped onto his chest and bared her teeth, putting a hand on his collar. 
“I have WAY too much to worry about, without dealing with this damned ‘Fools Holiday!’”
“Wait, I-” muttered Dr. Eggman.
“Shut up!”
Dr. Eggman shut up.
“When I hafta to worry just that much more, it actually hurts! And I’m not willing to spare you that pain!” Sticks took a few heavy breaths and made sure Eggman was looking her in the eyes. “Now, are you EVER, going to make me hafta to worry about an ‘April Fools’ again?!”
“Well… when you ask so nicely…”
Stick growled like a wild badger.
“No no of course not! Jeez! I’ll leave you alone if you leave me alone!” said Dr. Eggman. 
Sticks’ posture immediately softened and she released Dr. Eggman's collar. She let out a sigh and said “thanks,” before stepping off of Eggman’s chest and lying on the ground.
“Uh… don't mention it,” said Dr. Eggman.
“Yeah, of course… Sorry I hafta be so mean…” 
“I'm going… to go inside, and hide.”
Sticks gave him a thumbs up and continued to just lie on the ground in front of his base's door.
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[It's Dew lore time, because why not?] Below the cut.
A soul awakes in the darkness, cold.
But not alone.
It flickers like fire, a soundless whimper of confusion.
Of fear.
And in that moment, an all consuming warmth encompasses it.
Holding so gently, yet trapping it behind unseen walls.
A voice drones, somewhere far away and yet so close by it makes the soul ripple and twitch like water.
"I, who have lived in shadow since before it was known to mankind..."
"...Who was cast out and let to rot..."
"...Grant you, who knew both light and faith..."
"...Who sought Heaven and likewise fell from grace..."
"...a chance at redemption."
In Hell, Dew's name had been Parva, a word which, in Latin, means "Small" and "Unimportant".
His mother had chosen it the day he hatched.
"I had thought you were going to die."
She said when he was old enough to understand the meaning of it, of why it was such a cruel name to be given.
"Perhaps I wanted you to."
And Dew, ever determined to prove himself, lived and grew in spite of her wishes.
Still, so long as he was in Hell.
He was Parva.
He was small and unimportant.
And every beast that could understand, and those who need only see him to know, would take it upon themselves to remind him he was unwanted and weak.
He learned to fight.
Learned to sink his teeth into the necks of many of his kin.
To tear without mercy, for no one had shown it to him.
He would be as wicked and cruel as he needed to be in order to survive.
But still...
Still, there was a part of him that longed for something different.
And in his searching, he found Mist, whose name in Hell was simply "Aqua".
A name given to kits born of water with no pack, no family.
Together, they survived.
Until Mist heard a voice.
A calling from nowhere and everywhere.
And like that, she was gone.
Dew had been so pathetically lost then.
Sad and alone.
But more than that...
He felt a rage.
An indignation the likes of which he had never felt before.
He screamed and cried, wondering why he didn't get chosen, why only Mist got to leave this wretched place.
And then he remembered and laughed.
He was nothing.
The years would go by and Dew would find himself one among a pack of a hundred, all answering to one dominant ghoul.
A fierce and wicked tempered fire ghoul who renamed him to Donum as a joke.
"Since you were so keen to give yourself to me as if you were something precious." He'd laughed in his face, but still called Dew to his side often.
Beckoning to him like a dog.
And Dew, who was bereft of affection, had all but crawled to him time and time again...
Until that bastard made the mistake of inviting him into his bed.
The chaos that ensued when he dragged his body by hair and horn out of his fortress and cast him upon the rock outside...
Dew should have felt powerful.
But instead he felt... hollow.
He felt... guilty.
Ashamed at what he had done.
But as he tried and failed to convince himself that he could have been happy continuing to play to the whims of a mad man...
Dew heard a voice.
A calling.
From nowhere and everywhere.
And when he next awoke, it was to the sounds of...
Well, in retrospect, he knows they were birds, but a live in Hell had not told him much about what Earth, the surface, was like.
Stumbling over his tongue, he can remember asking, so genuinely curious...
"Is that?"
"Whaaat isss that?"
"That's a bird." Omega told him, smiling so softly Dew had reached out and poked his face, uncertain what it meant.
"Is that?" he asked, squishing the older ghoul's face.
"Which part?"
"Mouth. Up."
Omega looked at him so heartbroken then.
"I'm smiling."
It took a while for Dew to adjust to life on the surface, and in that time, he found himself with a new name.
"Dewdrop. It means a drop of dew. Dew is... small drops of water that forms on things at night."
Dew had furrowed his brow at the word "small", but accepted the name nonetheless, though he wondered...
"Parva? Yeah, I've heard others name their kits that before." Alpha had said, "It's a... I don't remember the term for it cause it's been years, but it's basically a temporary name."
Alpha nodded.
"You name kits things like that as a way of... I dunno, changing their fate? If you name your kit 'Parva', you're basically making it so people don't, uhh... It's like the evil eye stuff." He explained, "You give your kit a silly or slightly rude name to avoid incurring sky man's wrath or something like that."
"Sky man?"
"The big man upstairs."
Dew blinked at him.
"Papa Nihil is not very tall..."
Alpha smacked the back of his head.
"The G word, Dew boy."
"Oh." Dew hummed, "So... Naming your kit that because you thought it was going to die..."
The way Alpha looked at him then.
It was the only time he'd seen the man look so sad.
"You're not Parva anymore, Dewy... You're Dewy." he had said, "You're our stupid little Dew boy, our Dewdrop."
"When you say it like that-"
"Shut up, you know I'm not good at words."
So... Dewdrop then.
Or Pordwed, if you spelled it backwards.
He'd done that a couple times to prove to Omega he was okay after clonking his head or drinking too much.
Yeah, he could live with that.
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karnaca78 · 3 months
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“The clock’s a-ticking, listen—”, rubs off a clicking tongue. Edgar strains an ear. Yet nothing comes but the odd droning of the edifice; where statuary sleeps and dreams as any man. The old tall-case clock in the corner is long dead, long left colony to a sheath of dust. An unseen finger tugs at a spring-organ in its guts. His but not his; were he strong-willed enough to move, but alas— the world is a frozen pale blue moon, duplicated.
Excerpt from Eye the Performer, in which Choirman Edgar meets the Headmaster of Mensis.
Read here on AO3
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artyheartz · 2 months
Someone on twitter said that the murder drone head style is literally just sonic with the muzzle and the eyes. Now I cant unseen it
I even try it and it actually does look pretty decent
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And yes people this is gonna be the current brainrot y’all have to bare with me for a next few weeks or so akdhakx
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