#Ultimate opportunist
windhamsrotunda · 1 year
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Pairing: Christian Cage x Female! Reader (in her late 20's) x Edge (WWE)
Synopsis: - influenced by the song "Guys My Age" by Hey Violet. You haven't seen your ex since you broke up with him a little over a year ago. As soon as your two older neighbors, Adam and Jay, have acknowledged you being single, you find yourself getting the attention you desired from the grown up's when you were once with your ex. 
Rating: Mature (18+ Only! Minors dni)
Warnings: rpf (real person fiction), fluff, strong language, birthday sex (it's the reader's birthday), threesome, fluffy smut, Adam and Jay comfort/praise the reader, pet names (angel, our love, dove) age gap (as mentioned above, characters are in their late 20's and late 40's), dry humping / oral (m receiving) aftercare in the shower with Jay, etc.
Total Word Count: 3,005
Today was your very special day, your 28th birthday. A birthday you hope would be better than the last one. Your ex-boyfriend ruined your last birthday for you. Why? Because that pretentious asshole broke up with you right on the spot all over a little heated argument that occurred over a week ago the following year. You sat alone in your house, the house that was once lived in with another person, your ex-boyfriend. 
A sigh bolted out of your chest as you contemplated on either going out by yourself for your birthday at a restaurant or staying home. You felt unloved ever since the "man of your dreams" left you in such an unexpected way which shattered your heart in a million pieces, but you had neighbors that you knew. Neighbors who were significantly older than you who'd probably take good care of you and spoil you rotten. It sounded weird about the thought of having a "friends with benefits" relationship with both of your hot neighbors  Adam Copeland and Jay Reso, maybe you were desperate to get the right attention from the dilfs next door. 
"Fuck it," a thought erupted through your brain cells as you found yourself wandering next door to Adam and Jay's house. When you made it to their front porch, you slowly raised your fist to knock on the brown wooden door waiting for one of them to answer. The next thing you knew, the door handle turned slightly and it flung open.
"Hi, y/n! Happy birthday!" Jay greeted you with arms enveloped around you.
"Thank you, Jay. Mind if I come in?" You crack a smile, moving strands of your hair out of your face.
He nodded in acknowledgment, "Don't mind at all, love." Placing a quick wet kiss on the surface of your hand, the random kiss made you blush like a mad woman.
"Thank you," thanking him once again, you took a big step inside of the spotless home. No one had their house this clean, you thought. As Jay closed the door behind you, you casually walked over to the couch and sat yourself down on it. The smell of candles filled the air, you quickly recognized the smell of the candle, lavender. Your favorite type of candle smell.
"Happy birthday, dear." you have heard Adam say from the other room, "Can I get you something to drink?"
"Thank you, Adam, but no thank you at the moment." you replied.
Jay grabbed his coffee cup that sat on the coffee table,  "So, y/n, I heard you told Adam that you were single," he raised his cup up to his lips, beginning to drink out of his cup, his blue orbs twinkling.
"Yes," you flashed him another friendly smile, "I told him less than a week ago. And I'm not happy about it."
He gave you a pitiful look. A look that you could never forget.
"Awe sweetheart, please know you'll find another man who will love and appreciate you for who you are. Fuck that asshole of a boyfriend you had, we all know for a fact he wasn't being so good to you." 
You rubbed the pad of your shoulder, looking up at the much older men, they were now both standing over you paying close attention to you. They looked at each other for a glimpse of a second before turning their attention back to you making your eyebrow raise in confusion.
"Is everything okay?" You abruptly ask, feeling as if they were up to something. First, the kiss on your hand from Jay once you walked into the house, then realizing that they put your favorite type of candle lit up on their coffee table. 
"Oh yeah, everything is alright, it's just we have something to tell you that we were holding back for a while now." Adam's lips curled into a smirk at you, "please don't be alarmed once we tell you it."
"Me? Alarmed? No," you chuckled nervously by the thought of what they were about to tell you.  "you can tell me anything."
Jay placed his hands deep in his front pockets, he let out a small sigh.
"A beautiful young woman like you needs to be loved, so since you're the birthday girl, me and Adam decided on our own terms that we would show you how much we love and care about you. We know your last birthday was ruined by the asshole boyfriend you've had, so why not do this?"
Jay gestures out a hand to you, you accept his hand in yours, he brings you up to your feet. He grazed over your thumb, his ocean blue eyes beaming right at you as you felt all of his weight slowly tower into you. A kiss was developed on your soft, small lips and hell did it surprise the living shit out of you. You tasted every ounce of the sugary taste that was on his lips from sipping his coffee, you could see from the corner of your eye that Adam was watching and getting a visible erection from his black skinny jeans.
"I need you." Jay suddenly announced in between kisses, slightly pulling himself away to look you in the eyes once more, his eyes asking: "Do you really want to do this?"
 "Take me, please Jay." you plead in a blissful tone.
His hands were beginning to work the straps of your dress off, letting it hit the solid wooden floors. You stepped out of your dress, leaving yourself in your laced black bra and underwear. 
"Oh my God, Adam. Isn't she stunning?" he asked his best friend of thirty years, earning a soft gasp from the ultimate opportunist. 
"Yes. She's more than stunning, she is drop-dead gorgeous and it looks like we need to take good care of her." Adam spoke in a lustful, deep voice. 
"Lay down on the couch," Jay demanded in a delicate manner, pointing at the couch you sat upon earlier. 
You nodded in an attentive response, laying yourself down, stupidly blushing at their reactions and how slack-jawed they were. Adam walked over to you kneeling down next to you, pressing  trails of kisses from the nape of your neck all the way down to your belly, making your body spasm in pleasure. 
"Help me hold her in place while I take off her bra and panties for her. She is too fuckin' squirmy for me to handle by myself." 
Jay held you down gently while Adam removed the remaining material off of your body. He signaled for Jay to start playing with himself as he straddled you in his clothed lap, you began to rock yourself back and forth on his knee, practically dry humping him. 
"Such a pretty, pretty girl." he praised, "How did we get this lucky to have you naked in front of us?"
You got yourself off on his lap by the words he coherent, begging for more like a dog in heat. You could feel yourself on Adam's erection bulging through his pants, earning a low growl from the 49-year-old man.
"My god you're already wet?" he chuckled darkly, "We haven't gotten to the fun part yet, my love."
Jay was palming himself through the tight fabric of his black dress pants, a frustrated moan bubbled out of his chest. You were already wet for the two older men, a rope of wetness leisurely leaked out of your garden. Hearing Jay’s moans was like harmony to your ears, the sight of him touching himself by the fact of him wanting you had made your head fuzzy and unable to think straight forward or coherent clear sentences in ancient tongue. Along with Adam who had his head tilted back against the back of the couch, a fainted groan drew from his lungs right when your parted thighs brushed up against the head of his clothed cock.
‘’Need you inside of me,’’ a cry ruptured your lungs, your moonlit face falling into the nape of his neck. 
‘’So needy,’’ Adam t’sked. ‘’Jay, get over here, It’s your turn to take over her little body.’’ 
As soon as he left your side, you couldn't hold yourself back from pouting. Your bottom pink lip was puffed out, impatient and eager to have sex with your dilf neighbors on your birthday. In desperation for something much more than dry humping Adam, you grabbed Jay by the hand and lured him onto the couch with you, pushing him down on his backside undoing his dress pants followed by his boxers. Once you freed him out of his cage, his aching, veiny length hit against his abdomen. Clear precum seeped out of the head of his cock, you wrapped your whole hand around him, your tongue darting against  the side of his shaft, he grasped onto locks of your h/c hair and pushed you further down on him. 
Adam's teeth grazed across his bottom lip watching your spit form on Jay's shaft, bobbing your head up and down as your other hand played with his balls until you were completely gagging softly around him. 
"Ah, ah, fuck y/n. I'm gonna explode any minute. My god, do you take me well in that mouth of yours." a warning was given out to you, this was the sloppiest head you ever given a man besides your ex. Hearing him pant and moan from above you, he gripped onto the back of your head with knuckles turning a ghostly white, painting his seed in your hollowed mouth. Pulling away, you managed to swallow every last drop of his seed that went down your throat, a "that's our good girl," was spoken out of Jay. You knocked the breath out of his lungs, a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, his chest rising up and down. 
Adam and Jay had taken turns with you, the threesome lasted for about an hour until all of your bodies were completely worn out. Orgasm after orgasm, breath after breath, moan after moan. Adam's hips thrusted forward, his length throbbing inside of you having your pussy in a vice grip. When he finished inside of you completely coating your walls with his white seed, a groan escalated out of him, he was still inside of you for a few seconds before pulling out. You saw an aesthetically pleasing starry night, eyes bulging out of your thick skull as you felt strong, tattooed arms cover your waist. You were in another world, your head fuzzed out, still shaking from the good sex he and Jay gave you for your birthday.
"Are you okay?" he asked you, slightly waving a hand in front of your face.
"Y-yeah," you breathed out, "I just can't believe how good the two of you were to me." 
"It's always our pleasure." he planted a kiss on your forehead.
Jay exited out of the bathroom.
"Hey y/n, if you want to take a shower the bathroom is now open." he said with a gentle smile upon his face.
"Thank you, Jay and Adam." 
You hoisted yourself off the couch, still feeling weak in your knees strolling over to the bathroom and entering it. You shut the door on your way in, the first thing you noticed was the shower had a huge shower head above with men's body wash and shampoos neatly stacked in rows on the new silver racks mounted to the corner of the white tiles of the shower wall. Pulling the curtain forward, you stepped in,  twisting the knob of the shower to "Luke warm", the power of the shower head spurted down on your body and you tightly pulled the decorated curtains shut. A sigh of relief had echoed through the painted blue walls of the bathroom.
Running both hands through your wet hair, a knock on the door had startled you which made you jump out of your skin.
"Come in!" you exclaimed.
The sound of the door handle turning sounded a bit fainted to you, you heard the unzipping of pants and the next thing you knew, Jay had entered the shower with you.
Muscular arms had wrapped tightly around your waist, his chin resting upon your shoulder. 
"What is Adam doing?" you blurted out, a chuckle came out of Captain Charisma. 
"He's just laying down, honey. You completely got us fucked out. That is why he is probably sleeping by now." he jokingly replied to your random question, not minding your complete randomness at all laughing. "How about I wash you up, yeah?" 
Leaning toward the mounted rack of the shower where their body washes and shampoos sat, he unscrewed the cap to the body wash.
"Hope you don't mind men's mint body wash."
"Don't mind at all, Jay." A smile tugged on your lips, he began to lather you in the body wash, the sensation rushed through you and the strong but addicting smell of the mint singed your nostrils. 
You could feel it in your lungs, Jay's hands worked down your backside and all around your body making you feel the most comfortable. He hummed a little tune while he continued to wash your body making sure he got every ounce of your skin completely rinsed and cleaned. You turned around to be face-to-face with the 49 year old man, you rested your chin on his shoulder as the water continuously flowed down on both of your naked bodies.
"I haven't felt this much love and desire in over a year. A year seems like a lifetime." you close your eyes, cracking a smile once again.
He stroked your backside, slowly gliding his rough fingertips in an up and down motion.
"You deserve to be loved by someone who actually cares so damn much for you and who won't take you for granted." he proclaimed, "Me and Adam care about you a whole lot more than words can express. We wouldn't be doing all of this if we didn't love you."
Happy tears began to form in the crease of your e/c eyes. Overwhelmed by the love he showed you and the words he said to you, your fingertips swept underneath his jawline, pulling him into a feverish kiss.
"So glad to have you guys in my life." you nuzzle up against him.
"Us too, y/n. We are so happy to have you in our lives as well. We had so much fun with you today." 
A few moments spared heavily making out in the shower with Jay until the bathroom was filled with nothing but gray fog from the hot water, he decided to turn it off. Reaching for two pearl white toned towels that were neatly folded on the back of the toilet he wrapped you securely in the towel. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear, which made you melt on the inside instantly. 
"I love you so, so much y/n. You have no clue how much you mean to me and Adam." he would repeat until the words had lost their meaning to it.
A shade of pink appeared on the apples of your cheeks, awestruck and how lucky you were to have the two men to worship the ground you walked on, you were grateful for them in every aspect. You and Jay walked out of the bathroom with hands interlocked, Adam was sound asleep on the couch covered up with a heavy blanket and the feathery pillow resting on the back of his head. You glanced up at the clock, "11 p.m." my god you didn't know it was that late at night. 
"I believe I should get going," you suggested, slipping your clothes back on and giving Jay a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you so much for having me over for my birthday. It was the best birthday a woman could ever ask for."
"You are welcome, dove. Please know you are always welcome to come over. Have a goodnight and happy birthday." 
You let go of his hand, he waved goodbye and the two of you went your separate ways for the night. You were left with all smiles, no disappointment at all shown on your face. When you arrived home, a text message dinged through your phone. Opening the imessage, it read:
"Hey, just so you know we really enjoyed having you over. Me and Adam are beyond grateful for a girl like you and you deserve the entire world. Maybe this new chapter in your life was what you needed all of this time, spending quality time with us and not only that, but making you feel as good as we made you feel was the highlight of our day. Cheers to new beginnings." - Jay
The text message he sent to you just now had made you tear up a bit. Resting your head against the headboard of the bed, soon, you drifted off into a deep slumber with the day you spent with Jay and Adam in your thoughts and dreams. 
Author's Note: Likes, Reblogs / Comments and Feedback are very much always appreciated from you guys! 💞
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ambreignsfan4life · 6 months
WWE Themes Round 11
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
Ultimately, I think one of the worst things Hopes does wrt its writing of Claude is take out all of the complexities and contradictions that had made him so interesting to begin with.
OG Claude lies and manipulates people and closes himself off while still searching for the truth and wanting people to come together and be open with each other, because of how his traumas meld together with his dreams. He says that he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants and shows off opportunistic tendencies and then buckles at the first sight of innocents getting hurt, because no matter how much he wants what he wants he still prioritizes the lives of the people around him over anything else. He knows of people's capacity to hurt others for petty or illogical reasons - was raised with that knowledge beating its existence into him - and yet still dreams of a world where people of different lands and cultures can still be friends, because that is how tightly he holds onto his dreams. He's a kind person with the capacity for being a dick, and his contradictions add on so much to his character; they in large part are his character.
Hopes Claude? He lies and manipulates people and closes himself off... and that's it. He says he'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants... and he does. He knows of people's capacity to hurt others for petty or illogical reasons... and has no real dreams of stopping it (or dreams of anything in the future really, by his own admission) and he indulges in that very behavior himself, seemingly without any awareness. He is untrustworthy, and manipulative, and opportunist... and that's it. What you see is what you get. And if this were a character unto themselves, if we're kind and we ignore all of the other issues with Hopes!Claude's writing, that would be a fun enough villain to follow around.
But it's not; this is supposed to be Claude. This is a character who has so much of his foundations be built on the idea that what he presents on the surface isn't all that he seems. That he's more than a character who is just "tee hee I'm only pretending to be nice but I'm actually eeeeevil evil evil evil evil evil evil," but someone who both uses kindness as a means to an end and embodies it genuinely. Warm yet calculated, a good man with real flaws - THAT is who Claude is. Hopes Claude is who Claude is if you strip him of any complexity - He Is Only Pretending To Be Good, But Actually He Is Bad.
He's just... easier to swallow, in a sense. Claude is a good person who is willing and able to do bad things, but only up to a very specific, very clear point, all for a good dream he's held onto for years and plans extensively to make a reality in the future; Clyde is a shit person who's willing to do everything short of bombing specifically whatever land he himself is ruling, all for what essentially amounts to no concrete purpose. There's no need to think about Clyde as hard, since he just does what he does because he's doing it and that's enough.
It's why I'm glad I am Dev-Approved to just fuckin' ignore Hopes entirely as a horrific fever dream, because Hopes does not understand what made Claude so lovable at all
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jinouchibhue · 5 months
Yall are WILD. How can you not see the pure comedy of king asshole, FOUNDER of the cash-in Adam EDGE Copeland, getting cashed in ON THREE MINUTES AFTER BEATING HIS BITCH ASS EX WHO HAS VALID GRIPES WITH HIM???!!! Doesn't make sense????? Besties it makes ALL T HE SENSE. OPEN YOUR EYE BALLS.
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pirates87 · 4 months
wait a min is flint/silver supposed to mirror eleanor/max on purpose? And both flint and eleanor having had a gay relationship that ended traumatically and tragically..... what could this mean
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bottomschlatt · 3 months
stp voice of the opportunist is the kinda guy to request someone perform a mormon ‘baptism for the dead’ for him in his will just on the slightest off chance they’re actually right. this makes him a bit of a slimy weasely shithead and also it makes me want him so fucking badly
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baskinginthatglory · 1 year
"You're burning up..." Charlie frowned.
"I'm fine," Adam protested with a shake of his head, though he let out another sneeze.
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astrobydalia · 5 months
🪐 Astro Observations!!!✨
Happy 2024 babes! Here’s to another year sharing astrology stuff with all of you 🤩
work by astrobydalia
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Yes water moons have great intuition and could be psychic but I very often notice they tend to allow their personal feelings interfere with their decisions and could tend to not follow their intuition as much. The ones that have a more reliable or unbiased intuition imo are Earth moons and Aquarius moon.
Scorpio Venus really do gravitate to unhealthy relationships… All their connections tend to have unfair or imbalanced dynamics to them where there’s no equal give and take. They believe love means throwing yourself and your life away for another person (or they expect someone to give everything away for them) with little to nothing in return. They may not understand the difference between deep intimacy and unhealthy attachment
Libra placements and their ability to appear likable even when they have the shittiest personality deep down
In my opinion Moon is the most important planet if you really wanna begin to know someone at their core. Ultimately no planet can give you full info without the context of the whole chart tho (#AllPlanetsMatter), but you can really uncarcarve sm about someone just by moon placement/aspects/degree, etc. Moon rules your needs and so it really cements your personality and its an energy that you'll project in so many areas of your life (relationships, career, etc)
Fixed Mars are ARGUMENTATIVE fr fr. They need to have the last word and will die on that hill if they have to💀Honorable mention: Virgo/Gemini Mars due to Mercury influence but they’re more about friendly banter and aren’t as stubborn
80% of Aries Moons I've met were very philosophical/spiritual/religious. They can develop a self-awareness that gives them a lot of wisdom. The other 20% were just adult toddlers and very egotistic...
Capricorn placements and their internalized elitism. They really do believe some people are better than others which is the shadow of Capricorn unfortunately
Aquarius Moons are some of the most traumatized people I know fr fr. Whenever I get to know their life and backstory Im always like bro….😶😶 It makes me so sad cause they always bring such good vibes everywhere (they have a playful aura) when in reality there’s a depth of pain underneath you wouldn’t even fathom through that unbothered persona. The OG misunderstood.
We all know Scorpio is all about depth, intensity and looking beyond the surface but I’ve very often observed the exact opposite in scorpio placements. They could tend to be very superficial, greedy and materialistic, more obsessed with wealth and status than any earth placement (it all comes down to power). In such cases their interest in occult or deep topics could also be superficial or opportunistic, like they only see it as something that could give them a leg up in life or help them avoid unseen threats but that's about it.
Cancer Risings do not come across as sensitive at all. They tend to have a rather sassy personality and are pretty defensive 90% of the time tbh. Think about it, are crabs 🦀 cute and cuddly? No, you actually actually have to be very careful around one cause they sting lol. They do wear their heart on their sleeves and are very sensitive and perceptive but because of this they constantly feel like their vulnerability is out for everyone to see hence the guarded attitude.
^I've also noticed they are VERY opinionated and will hold on very tightly to how they think/feel about something. This results in having a reputation for being kinda bold and sharp (Aries 10th). Pro tip: do NOT question these native's morals or integrity unless you wanna see a very snappy side to them, they respond very very very badly if you even insinuate that they might be hypocritical in their values/what matters to them
The interpretation that Aquarius in the 4th house means you’re an outcasted black sheep in the family low-key doesn’t make sense to me tbh. Aquarius is the sign of camaraderie, friendship, inclusivity and community. All the people that I’ve seen with this placement were actually very bonded to their roots and considered their family (and the people they bonded with during childhood) to be "their people" (they also keep their friends close to heart). These natives do tend to distinct themselves as they grow up but this is due to Leo 10th house. I've noticed their family is in general very supportive of them or at the very least they received some input in their upbringing that made them feel special and/or like their uniqueness was celebrated. Feel free to share your opinion/experience tho
I've noticed Virgo Mars people have a perfect balance between being confident in themselves and fulling trusting their abilities while also staying humble and acknowledge room for improvement. Very mature and self-accountable and they're also great people to work with cause they are highly appreciative of good contribution
Sagittarius placements and their ability to be casually rude in a charming way??? 😭
Moon in the 10th house do not have a reputation for being emotional at all, it's quite the opposite they dislike exposing their feelings like that. A lot of their energy is spent trying to appear put-together and emotionally stable. The ones I've noticed have a reputation for being moody or sensitive are Mars in the 10th house
Venus-Moon aspects probably grew up in an environment that fed up this idea they had to be beautiful and conventionally likable in order to be worthy of love. These natives tend to base their self-worth on the amount of emotional validation they get from others and struggle telling the difference between kindness and love
A couple notes on everyone’s fave topic: 8th house synastry
We all know this overlay deals with power dynamics. On a general basis I’ve noticed it’s the planet person who tends to have the upper hand. Exeption: Moon. When your moon falls in someone’s 8th house you tend to be vulnerable one due to the soft nature of this planet, but the house person secretly feels more intimidated
You will NAWT be able to keep secrets from someone you have 8th house synastry with specially if you’re the house person. Sooner or later they’ll see through you, circumstances might force you to expose yourself or you’ll simply feel drawn to revealing the truth to them. With water synastry in general you will feel drawn to share more deep or hidden parts of yourself/your life but with the 8th house you can’t help it, like there’s almost an accusatory tension between the two that grows the more you try to hide something from them
Something I see no one mentioning about 8th house synastry is the planet person always feels intimidated by the house person's success. The planet person will try to take part in the house person's success by taking some credit and have a sense of control over what belongs to the house person, it's giving Kanye's "I made that bitch famous". At best the planet person would want to help boost the house person's endeavors. Either way, when someone's planets land on your 8th house, you will never feel like something is completely yours anymore, somehow the planet person will "take" something away from you that you can't get back making you feel like you owe them or they owe you something big (8th house=debt), which is why this overlay very often goes south and tends to be very depleting.
If we're talking business (which 8th house deals with that) the house person is likely to take a risk on the planet person, invest on them (can be money, time, resources, trust, etc) in hopes that it'll pay off. The house person is most likely to loose something from their involvement with the planet person, but they can also gain a lot from the planet person if the investment pays off. In either case, one could tend to exploit the other if there’s any ill intent from the individual
Water mars people are very smothering in their affection tbh. Once you’ve been chosen, get ready to be bombarded by their attention a bit more each time. Secret stalker vibes.This doesn’t always mean they love you tho, if underdeveloped they may want to “bond” in order to have emotional control over you and use you. For them it’s easy to get what they want through manipulation so leading people on or fooling around is something they tend to do a lot
Going back to the affection topic, water venus are smothering too but they go about their obsession devotion in a much more soft and non-domineering way where they give a lot of power away to their partner
People with Gemini+Scorpio placements in their chart embody the mischievous trickster archetype fr fr. They’re funny but also a menace. Have an ease to become that type of deceitful manipulator who thrives in chaos
I have a theory that your Moon represents the kind of bond or relationship you have with your mother but Ceres represents how your mother actually is
Capricorn and Scorpio placements are huge tsunderes imo 😭
Chiron in Sagittarius/9th house have become disappointed with religious and/or academic institutions. For them both systems are essentially flawed and don't work or don't make sense
+When it comes to religion I've seen a lot of them being atheist and skeptics. Some others still believed in god/universe/etc. but they did not want to support any stablished religious institution and instead have preferred to craft their own belief system. In both cases, they saw the institutionalization of believe systems as something that hindered their freedom of thought and expansion
+When it comes to academics a very similar thing happens. They felt like collage and the educational system restricted their mind instead of expanding it so they just preferred to walk their own path and find growth elsewhere. A friend of mine with this placement quit collage and the other people I've seen who did finish it all said they had a kinda dreadful and/or unfulfilling collage experience which they low-key regret
If you’ve ever felt powerless in the house where you have your pluto, that’s because you gave your power away to the opposite house. For example, if you have Pluto in the 5th house and you felt powerless when it comes to expression, your creativity, etc that’s because you gave too much power to the public opinion/peer pressure (11th house) and what they may say about you if you express yourself genuinely
Scorpio Moons always battle with that "am I a good person?", "am I a monster deep down?" inner conflict. They are more in touch with darker emotions and experiences than the average person so for them it's particularly easy to channel their shadow. This can often make them doubt their own integrity or think they are doomed to never feel happiness and inner peace. This is moon's debilitation for a reason, their inner emotional world is ruled by chaos and turmoil and they tend to be a bit too comfortable (moon) in toxicity and drama, nothing is ever light-hearted for them. If developed this ability of staying in touch with the shadow side of things can actually give them lots of awareness and resilience for the darker sides of the world as well as a very solid moral compass and compassion
Leo Moons likely had grandiose standards forced on them that inflated their self-importance. It's giving "mommy told me I am the best and most special of all" which is great but now they be carrying that mindset for the rest of their lives and this is where lot of their infamous sensitivity and fragile ego comes from cause not fulfilling these standards deeply hurts their heart. In consequence they tend to be more unprepared to accept humbling experiences that'll make them mature
virgo risings are funny!!!! I haven't seen anyone mention this, but every virgo rising I've met cracked me UP, they are so witty and never misse a chance to throw in a cheeky joke every 2 minutes. I think this is overlooked because they keep a rather awkward demeanor to them which often makes for a rather dry delivery. Best examples of this are Ryan Raynolds, Keanue Reeves, Emma Watson, Cole Sprouse...
Also, all Virgo risings I've met tend to come across as huge snobs so it's very common that people don't take their humor or friendliness seriously
Honestly I've noticed this theme with Virgo/6th house inner placements in general where their judgemental nature always makes them unfriendly or snarky to some degree. They can be the kind of people who are never happy with anything and always have a bone to pick.
My main theory as to why Leo risings are the most shy out of all Leo placements is because a lot of them grew up in very problematic and dysfunctional families (Scorpio 4th house) where they were shamed for showing vulnerability or being genuine (Cancer 12th house)
I’ve noticed Aries Suns and Capricorn Suns tend to relate a lot to their fathers, they tend to have very similar character traits as their fathers. For good or for bad their relationship with their father is always very important in their personality.
I find that LEO Suns and Sagittarius Suns always be having daddy issues tho like 😭😭😭😭
One thing about Capricorn is they can be literal billionaires and yet will still refuse to spend a dime on something they think is not worth it
Mutable Moons don’t commit 10000% to things, they’re the type to always have a foot out just in case. They're most likely to commit to things if they don't feel forced or expected to stay permanently
Cardinal energy is very consistent and responsable. People with prominent cardinal placements have a really developed sense of agency, focus and direction (imo this will be more obvious with moon, mars and asc). There's something about them that always gives me this put together "I've got this" kinda vibe, they always seem like they've got it together and always know what to do even when they're lost.
Fixed mercuries and their inability to understand or accept that two different points can be true
Sun/Leo in the 3rd house could want to have a nice car, an expensive or luxurious car from a well-known brand
I’ve seen people saying Venus-Mars conjunction gives it girl vibes. This is also HIGHLY true for Mars-ruled Venus (Aries/Scorpio Venus) or Venus-ruled Mars (Libra/Taurus Mars)
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work by astrobydalia
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laurelwinchester · 2 years
Hi did you see Jensen‘s police interview for rust? It’s out on YouTube. It was not good
no, why the fuck would i watch that? why would anyone? that's not entertainment.
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windhamsrotunda · 1 year
Word Count: 741
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Every New Year you've spent with Adam would be different guaranteed 
Every January 1st, he would take you to new places to celebrate with his one and only love, you.
He spoils you rotten with gifts that are off the wall, sometimes it can be romantic
Other times, it’ll be erotic
Sickly sweet romance and erotica are the two he's best known for when it comes to spoiling his baby doll
Once the two of you arrived home after sharing passionate kisses when the ball dropped at 12 a.m., he tells you to wait in the house
"I'll be in the house in a second," 
The wink and smirk he flashed at you left you hot on his tail
You still have his sugary addicting taste from the kiss leftover on your lips
Adam casually walks into the house, kicking the door shut with his foot as it appears to be something behind his back
"I picked you out something special,  hope it'll fit your perfect little body"
He hands you this huge elegant present wrapped in New Years themed wrapping paper with a burgundy bow neatly tied to it
 You slowly tear apart the wrapping paper and unfasten the bow to reveal a black leather box
Opening the lid, it was a new crimson red lingerie set he got you, your cheeks beat red as your e/c eyes narrowed up at your older significant other, who is probably turned on by now just by looking at your jaw dropping to the floor leaving you utterly speechless 
"Try it on in the bedroom, doll face. Let me know if it fits or not," 
His tone of voice dripped in lust, his hazel green eyes piercing right at your complexion making it fierce, his eyes never taken off of you
You run up to the spare bedroom you and Adam share, peeling off your light clothing and slipping on the crimson red lingerie bra to cover your elegant breasts followed by your panties
They fit my frame perfectly, you thought
Without an expectation in the mind of him coming up in the bedroom, a blazed breath trailed down the back of your neck making the hairs on your neck instantly stand up
"You look so damn stunning in it Y/N, god, already makes me want to fuck you senseless ‘til my seed is swimming in your belly. Do you want that as your New Year's Resolution? Fuck you until you see the ball drop all over again?’’
Goddamn it, you mentally thought while he had your pussy in a vice grip for him only just getting off by the sound of his voice
‘’Fucking take me, show me why they call you the Rated R Superstar,’’ You plead in a filthy tone
There, Adam grabbed hold of you and tossed you on the bed like if it was effortless to him
Which it was 
Before you could cooperate or roll another sentence off the tip of your tongue, your bra and panties were quickly removed from your delicate body, and cold air rattled against your aching core as he had you in a trance
A trance you couldn’t manage to get yourself out of
His saccharine lips desperately made contact with yours, parting your legs as wide open to feel what was made for him
His ring finger went past your entrance, watching you squirm uncontrollably underneath his touch
‘’Oh, somebody has gotten wet for the Rated R Superstar, haven’t they sweetheart?’’
‘’I want to hear you moan my name until you can’t coherent sentences of your own, can you do that for me?’’
You were made for his cock
You were his fucking angel
All his 
‘’Who makes you feel this good? Tell me!’’ His strong hand raveled into your hair, grasped onto locks, tugging your head back as he pounded your g-spot repeatedly
‘’I’m not letting you come until you verbally say it’’
‘’You Adam! You make me feel good like no other man can!’’
Tears flowed down your heated mascara stained cheeks
‘’That’s fuckin’ right.’’
‘’You better come for me like the little whore you are,’’ 
As he promised, he finished off inside you, coating your walls with his white seed
Slipping out of you with a ‘’pop’’, his body plopped down next to you on the king-sized bed
‘’Happy fucking New Year, my love.’’
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I'd like to point out that, in The Wild, if you have the Stubborn with you (Which you can get during The Witch if you try to fight her openly in the cabin), THE STUBBORN, and I can't stress this enough, THE STUBBORN, the voice who will relish at the thought of eternal mutually assured destruction with the Adversary, who will call the Razor, responsible for your countless deaths, the perfect woman, who will rejoice at the thought of slaying a god...
Will say "No, fuck this, no hatred, push that fucking thought down, don't listen to these idiots, your willpower is stronger than this, our union won't be destroyed by a traitorous thought."
The Opportunist and the Hero? They will listen to the siren song of the traitorous thought of you being Two, of being separate, not the same, of hatred, mutual hatred, keeping you apart, they will be goaded by the narrator to listen to it, but the FUCKING STUBBORN.
Again, the "I'd die a thousand deaths just so we could kill each other one thousand and one more" guy, will see that same traitorous thought, planted and encouraged by the narrator, trying to lead you back to, again, mutual hatred and conflict and violence, and he will PUT. HIS FOOT. DOWN.
I am sorry this is so wild to me like... He really is one of the voices who loves her the most isn't he?
So much so that, once removed from the eternal conflict forms of the princesses involving him usually crave... He just wants to be with her, one, united...
And has enough willpower to demand you to stay as one.
Because it was never about the fighting or the challenge for him, his very being was, ultimately, shaped by his desire to be with her, and once removed from that cycle of violence, he's perfectly content to just- exist, with her, forever.
This is a Love Story indeed.
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swanpyart · 5 months
To me, the Voice of the Cold doesn’t strike me as “emotionless and completely logical all of the time,” because a lot of his advice that he gives the Player is GENUINELY illogical or just plain bad decision making: Cold often pushes the Player to make decisions based on impulsive judgements and snap decision-making. The other Voices all call Opportunist flaky and mock how he plays both sides, but Cold often does the same thing, except, instead of trying to appeal to the strongest person in the room to gather any power like Opportunist, Cold is motivated solely by what he thinks would be the most entertaining option, regardless of whether you live, die or suffer. Opportunist tries to at least appear to be a team player, while Cold doesn’t even bother.
In the Spectre Route, Cold’s first suggestions are VERY antagonistic, like trying to kill her a second time, or even just breaking her bones to see if she’ll disappear. But when the Spectre brings up the idea of possessing you, he’s IMMEDIATELY on board just because he wants to see the Narrator and the Spectre interact.
To me, Cold doesn’t feel like logic. He feels like a representation of impulsive thoughts, how he sort of just gives into whatever idea he becomes enamored by from a detached viewpoint of mild curiosity. Whenever he makes a suggestion, it’s interesting to the Player but ultimately detrimental to the Long Quiet’s wellbeing. Listening to Cold gets you more interesting results in the Routes, but also leads you into situations like the Greys, the Wraith, and the Spectre, which are all Routes that inevitably put the Long Quiet into distressing situations.
I feel like if he had his own body he’d be a very detached, disinterested person who only shows interest when something fascinates him, at which point he will ruthlessly try it out even if the consequences are negative for himself or others.
Did I mention he’s one of my favorites? I just love his character lol
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seaglassdinosaur · 2 years
Henry: I created the Mindflayer.
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tamamita · 4 days
What did you think of the woman life freedom movement in Iran? (Writing this it's like...what a name, if one says they're against it they are against women life and freedom? Lol) Not sure if it was western from the start or got coopted, I just know I saw a protest in support once by accident in US and people had the flag with the lion so. 🙃
The thing is that they are unorganized, heck there's seldom a leader or political figure to lead these groups. These movements are never structured or organized which is why IRCG keeps cracking down on those protests. The Iranian Revolution was largely successful owing to the Tudeh Marxists, because of their understanding of theory, until ultimately betrayed by the reactionary clerical establishment. Since the revolution up till today, Iran has been a deeply fragmeneted society where people have various ideologies. You got principlists, reformists, marxists, liberals, upper-class elites, pahlavists, anti-VeF Shi'as, MEKs, anarchists, feminists, socdems, opportunists and various other groups that oppose the government, but ultimately lack any theory. For such a reason, these protests turn out to be highly inefficient and counterproductive, since there's like no... strategy other than to remove the Hijab as some form of protest or gesture. That's great and all, but that's not gonna stop the government from cracking down on you, and appealing to the west for some symbolic gesture is not gonna do any good, since they don't give a shit, unless it serves their geopolitical interests and imperialist ambitions.
Learn from previous revolutionary and resistance movements if you wish to succeed.
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yourtongzhihazel · 2 months
Striking, marching, even parliamentarism (at specific points) are all methods of class struggle whose primary purpose is to build proletariat class consciousness and worker power. However, they are not a substitute for socialism nor a solution to capitalism and they are consistently hampered by the capitalist superstructure. At a certain stage, these methods of class struggle will no longer be effective strategies and must be discarded in favor of other tactics. Revolutions were not won through marches and strikes alone. The culmination of all organization and class struggle is the socialist revolution. Thus, the ultimate goal of building proletariat class consciousness is the formation of a revolutionary party and its associated armed wings in order to pursue the goal of upending the bourgeois state and the construction of a DOTP.
When is parliamentarism a valid strategy? When the voting of a candidate or policy is materially useful for organizing and agitating. For example, labor unions called for a vote against proposition 22 in california in support of "gig economy" workers, i.e., uber or doordash drivers. This law would classify these workers as "contractors" instead of as employees, barring them from receiving benefits and labor protections (the law passed btw, if you're wondering why I hate california). Another example is when my union voted for a local council member in order to block the construction of amazon warehouses in order to make unionization efforts easier. What are the differences between these actions and, say, voting for biden? These were actions which were directed by organized labor who had clear actions and goals which were directly affected by said legislation/policy/politician.
Remember: the ultimate goal of all forms of class struggle is the socialist revolution and the upending of the capitalist mode of production. Strategies and participation in politics should always be in service of this goal. Beware of opportunists, distorters, and renegades who proclaim themselves to be in service of these goals but whose agitation's only material effect is the defanging and neutering of proletariat revolutionary energy. In the short term, our goal is to build worker power through organizing and unionizing and to build class consciousness through agitation and education.
SN: AZ47
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strixcattus · 5 months
I really enjoy looking at this still from Slay the Princess:
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In the midst of all the weird imagery from the first part of the Stranger route, you see for a moment—and it is cut off at the end, so I had to be quick with my screenshot—every route laid out in front of you, paired up as the game does elsewhere, and described, interestingly enough, from what I can only believe is the Voices' perspectives, or perhaps the relationship between the Princess and the Voice of a given route.
Consumption: The Beast (Hunted), the ribcages in the bottom right. Being eaten, alive or half so, is one way or another the outcome you face in the Beast. This one seems to be the least connected to its route's Voice, though I can still see it in a relational sort of way. Betrayal: The Witch (Opportunist), the nail-studded... I can't tell what it is, but it's at the top left. Betrayal on your part is the cause of the Witch's route, and it too is inevitable in some form once you're on that route—the Opportunist is very vocal about it.
Skepticism: The Prisoner (Skeptic), the chains at the bottom. Pretty clear analogue given the name of the Voice, but not to neglect—you reach the Prisoner by taking the blade (distrust of the Princess) but ultimately using it to free the Princess (you take the time to think critically about what you're being asked to do, and decide the Narrator is less trustworthy). Blind devotion: The Damsel (Smitten), the... I can only imagine locks of hair at the top. You reach the Damsel by immediately and wholly assuming she has no ill intentions, an attitude made manifest in the Smitten.
Rivalry: The Adversary (Stubborn), the spikes to the left. The Adversary route is, so long as you embrace it, about your probably-a-metaphor-for-sex-I-mean-the-Eye of the Needle-isn't-even-trying-to-veil-it eternal fight with the Adversary, with the Stubborn in strong support. Submission: The Tower (Broken), the stone columns to the right. One of the most clear-cut "this is about the Voice" examples—the Broken has completely submitted to the Tower's will, even though the player still has a few chances to resist her.
Terror: The Nightmare (Paranoid), the eyes in the upper right. Of course, the Nightmare is all about fear, and the Paranoid is the embodiment of your fear of the Princess—the fear that made you lock her in the basement and the fear that stopped your heart when she broke free. Longing: The Spectre (Cold), the wisps in the bottom left. This one is interesting, and almost made me second-guess my "Voices" reading, as the Spectre herself is clearly a creature of longing—but then what about "Submission?" The Tower is not "submitting" to anything. That's her whole deal. Perhaps this one is connected to your desire for something other than what the Narrator calls the "Good Ending..." or perhaps it has something to do with the Cold's interest in feeling something, which he expresses in a few routes (the Greys being the most obvious).
Pain: The Razor (Cheated,) the spikes at the top. She skewers you, and you die. Over and over again she skewers you, and you die, and it is painful over and over again. I'm not sure I have much to add to this one. Unfamiliarity: The Stranger (Contrarian), the abstract DNA-like strand at the bottom. You reach the Stranger by refusing to interact with the Princess, leaving her an unfamiliar blank slate whose actions you cannot predict and thus fracture into every possible image of her.
And at the heart of it all, an emotion that can only be described as—what? The Narrator doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence before you wake up in the Prisoner's basement, but I'd think the answer is obvious once you've finished the game.
After all, this is a love story.
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