#Turkish election
peter-weir · 1 year
erdoğan kys challenge
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etccsy · 1 year
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish government
Issam Khoury published a Policy paper entitled The Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish Government. The text analyzes the dynamics of relations between Turkish Islamist figures and the secular state and the recent development of pressure on the Muslim Broth
Jan 20, 2023 CSIORS Issam Khoury published a Policy paper entitled The Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish Government. The text analyzes the dynamics of relations between Turkish Islamist figures and the secular state and the recent development of pressure on the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey. Please read the report: The Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish governmentDownload
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timesofocean · 1 year
Turkish president unveils election manifesto
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/turkish-president-unveils-election-manifesto/
Turkish president unveils election manifesto
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Ankara (The Times Groupe) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday released the AK Party’s presidential and parliamentary manifesto ahead of the May 14 elections.
The AK Party chairman, Erdogan, unveiled a 23-point election manifesto in Ankara, beginning with steps to heal the wounds of the victims of the Feb. 6 earthquakes in southern Turkey.
“Every attack, every disaster, every pain we experience, especially the earthquakes of Feb. 6, shows that we need to tighten our unity, protect our unity more, and strengthen our brotherhood even more,” Erdogan said.
Erdogan said Turkey, which lost more than 50,000 people in the earthquakes, would rebuild its cities across 11 provinces as soon as possible.
“We will completely heal the wounds caused by the disaster in 11 provinces and their neighboring cities by building a total of 650,000 new houses, 319,000 of which will be delivered in one year,” he added.
Pledging to raise Turkey in the upcoming period, the Turkish leader said: “Turkey has no choice but to be strong, stay strong, and increase its power in order not to fall back into the pit of political and economic bondage.”
In addition to economy, environment, family, justice, and freedom, the manifesto includes other areas as well.
Turning to the economy, Erdogan said Türkiye aims to bring inflation down to single digits, adding: “We will increase the welfare level of our employees, from civil servants to retirees and workers, by always increasing their wages above inflation.”
Turkey will continue with investment, production, and exports until reaching the goal of bringing its foreign trade volume to $1 trillion. TIMES OF OCEAN
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odinsblog · 1 year
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The Turkish government asked Twitter to censor its political opponents right before an election, and Elon “free speech” Musk complied.
Make no mistake: Elon Musk will use Twitter to manipulate the US. elections in 2024.
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post-turkish election moodboard
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nerd-in-distress · 1 year
wish your Turkish friends best of luck tomorrow.
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themoonofblueside · 1 year
its so weird to think about how some of you have never considered election day a turning point in your life and it shows
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ssimay · 1 year
i would rather eat a rock and radioactive waste cereal than try having a civil conversation with an erdoğan supporter ever again
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dougielombax · 1 year
Not that it’s any of my business.
Fuck Erdogan!
I hope he falls down a comically long flight of stairs and his last words are “Oof!”
Look. I don’t like bullies. And he’s a bully. De facto. As well as a vainglorious megalomaniac.
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tittyblade · 1 year
Oh ya I’ve heard Türkiye is having some elections today, how’s that going? :D
it’s on sunday!!! ive spent the entirety of this morning crying over election coverage LOL. this is the single most important event of my life. yk how every politician says the next election is the most important one so everyone should go out n vote? thats the situation here but quite literally.
on one hand you have islamic extremists (erdoğan. one of the “parties” that support him is literally formed from an extremist cult. the only reason they haven’t all been put on trial is bc erdoğan supports them and he’s only got the extremists’ support left. and also bc years back he declared a nationwide state of emergency and quickly passed multiple laws in succession where. he’s no longer the prime minister but “the sole leader” of turkey. yeah)
and on the opposition there’s a coalition of 6 parties, literally all the major left parties with some nationalists, with their joint candidate kılıçdaroğlu. CHP (the main opposition party) has been center left lately, but its the actual fuckin party that first turned turkey into a republic from a sultanate. its huge. compared to US politics the average left wing party is actually pretty fuckin left here LOL. and they havent won the govt since 1950s (last peaceful n prospering decades of turkey) AND. THEY ACTUALLY STAND A CHANCE. all the polls point towards kılıçdaroğlu winning the elections
and you have no idea how bad it’s been here for the last few years. god. there’s so many shit thats wrong in the country because of the current government. civillians getting arrested for tweets criticizing erdogan, not being able to afford anything, being unable to pay your rent, erdogan (WITH HIS SINGULAR DECISION) withdrawing from the istanbul convention, the femicides being the highest it has ever been since the entire history of the turkey, murdered religious minorities and murdered journalists, tens of thousands of people left alone to die after the earthquakes back in february. its pretty fucking scary living here unless you’re a cishet sunni muslim man.
everyone i know that can afford it has been fleeing the country. sometimes it feels like thats the only option you have unless you want to get killed as a 20 something year old trying to make ends meet. i’m only 20 yo myself and the past 8 years has brought me and everyone under 30 to such a place where the only thing we feel about the future is hopelessness. i feel like ive aged 10 years in the last year alone and i bet anyone thats lived under a similar govt can relate. my countrys politics alone has been robbing me of my youth and my will to live.
AND. DESPITE ALL OF THAT. i have hope for the very first time. i have hope for a better future now bc of the opposition candidate and i have faith in him to deliver his promises. everything thats happened since january he’s been dealing with with grace, and him + mayors from his party actually do shit.
so yeah. the entire course of turkey is gonna change this sunday. if we were to lose this would be the last democratic elections held (the last elections held, period) before erdoğan fully converted the country into an autocracy, and when kılıçdaroğlu wins its gonna become a socialist state, as socialist as it’s ever been since the 1950s. pretty fuckin big stakes
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canadianabroadvery · 1 year
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Jawad Morad  - 23 May 2023
Erdogan and the exploitation of religion for electoral purposes
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kp777 · 1 year
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eldestsiblingsyndrome · 2 months
boys when they win against a whole government on their own 3 different times
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anacecherry · 1 year
I hope every one of you dies
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news-of-the-day · 1 year
The Biden administration and Speaker McCarthy managed to hash out a budget deal over the weekend, but it still has to pass congress and both sides aren't particularly pleased with it. The deal suspends the debt limit for two years, but as a concession there have to be cuts in all discretionary, nondefense spending. This includes the IRS, the budget of which Biden wanted to increase to go after wealthy taxpayers who aren't paying. It also adds work requirements for food stamps, releases several billion set aside for COVID, ends the freeze on student loans, and allows the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about the budget in general because all this wrangling doesn't really touch on the biggest problem the US is facing. We can divide the budget between mandatory, discretionary, and interest. Interest is about 8% and is payment for all the borrowing. Discretionary is about 30% and is basically add ons that aren't required by law, like wanting to buy more tanks, have some studies on wildlife, or federal funding for public schools. Mandatory holds the biggest chunk at 63%, and that's where the issue is. The US spends almost half of its budget on medicare/medicaid and social security, and it's going to get worse as people age and have less children. For example, my father received about $2500/month in social security, and in the last three years of his life probably burned through $500K of medicare. That's a lot of taxes for just one person. Considering the birth rate is going down, there will be even less people to fill the pot of money required to pay those benefits, and the US will have to borrow even more to cover the difference. There are a lot of ways to solve this--the most obvious is raise the retirement age to 68--but any move is extremely unpopular and neither Republicans nor Democrats want to address it, so they just haggle over the discretionary stuff instead.
In probably the most important election of the year, Turkish President Erdogan won another five-year term. The first round on May 14th was close, so by Turkish law a second round happened last Sunday. However the results remained very close because his popularity sank due to economic issues and the response to the earthquake earlier this year.
Russia has continuously been bombarding Kiev. Yesterday a drone strike hit Moscow, but with only minimal damage.
The Sudanese army suspended its ceasefire talks and fighting is flaring up again.
The Sackler family was granted shielding from current or future civil lawsuits over the opioid crisis in return for $6B. Perdue Pharma is one of the major players in pushing its pain medication and kicking off a massive opioid crisis in the US from the 2000s until today. Perdue was sued to the point of bankruptcy for its role, but its owners the Sacklers were also targeted, and whether they're personally liable or not has been languishing in the courts for years until now.
The Texas legislature voted to impeach its AG, Ken Paxton. He has been accused of securities fraud, bribery, using his office to help friends (he's being impeached for this offense), and stealing a $1000 pen on camera. He entered national news in 2020 when he brought a case to the Supreme Court to ask it to change the swing states from Biden to Trump, which is an insane and completely nonsensical request legally, (note: the following is speculation) and the gossip at the time was he was looking to ingratiate himself to Trump for a presidential pardon because there was no other reasonable explanation for that action.
1) AP, NYT, Vox 2) Axios 3) AP 4) Reuters 5) Financial Times 6) CNN
Sorry, I took a short break because my brother had a baby. Regular updates will resume.
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we lost the election and i just wanna cry all day but also I have to study because i have an exam tomorrow and I don't know anything and now i feel like it's all pointless what do i do
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