#Tron and religion
fights4users · 10 months
I believed in the users once before | A system in disbelief
It’s so fascinating looking at legacy because basically in all of Flynn’s actions he has created the perfect situation to justify hatred and disbelief in the users.
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Flynn did all the heavy work for Clu. There is no need to propagandize and lie when , in your view God has indeed abandoned you. He had taken a Polytheistic society that used to have more more individualized deities and inadvertently turned it Monotheistic. Between him constantly leaving and then going into hiding- to this society he truly has abandoned them. They have no other User input, requests, commands - he is it and he has left them.
As cycles go on belief wanes, this is a system that used to have direct and constant interactions with users and what they’re capable of and hasn’t in generations. Memory wanes, anger stews, distrust grows. And who comes in to pick up the pieces? Clu. He’s not making a single thing up, unlike most dictators he fully believes everything he spews and from a point of view… he’s right. (Again that’s terrifying).
Where the MCP had to forcefully capture and eliminate programs who still believed in the users (that he hadn’t assimilated or drained). Clu doesn’t. Belief was nearly stamped out organically!! In the grid it has truly become a cultish set of unwavering belief— unlike in Encom where it was a organic part of life stamped out by force. This is more “choosing to leave religion” if it’s comparative?
Those who fight in the games are strays- not regular programs but those broken or lost that are out just… wandering. Those are the ones that get tossed into the arena or rectified (from what we see in the movie) it’s not like the MCP. Clu doesn’t have to work so hard to get rid of belief because I cannot state enough, Flynn did all the heavy work himself.
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In this grid the games are a purpose, horrific but using the infrastructure left behind by Flynn. Strays get the games — survival. Regular programs have something to do — watch.
There’s no mindcontrol in the crowd- their user hate and games enjoyment is a necessity if they want a society at all. If it is to believed— as Flynn himself stated Clu can’t create, he can repurpose. He’s the overseer! Not the creator. He’s doing what he can with what he has… he built Rome, which is not good (as sympathetic as I am towards Clu there’s like 12 other things you could’ve done before building Rome)
No one is a better example of Lost faith than Castor.
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He’s fought for Flynn and his beloved ISOs , he was one of the best so much so he’s still sought after. He’s changed. “I believed but what did that do for me?” What did it get him but heartache and so many dead companions and at the end of it , after all this fighting Flynn disappears! His fall into self preservation and sour attitude towards users is completely understandable.
It’s sad that this has happened as the original film and novelization describe belief in the users as this intrinsic and natural thing all programs know to be true. And to have a situation where so many willingly abandon belief because there is no communication (‘user requests are what computers are for’) or purpose. That it had been made so easy for clu to turn that sorrow into a burning hatred. It is sad that this thing they all desire the most has basically been made into a cult sect who can’t let go of something that used to be so basic. Above all it’s just so fascinating that this all happened naturally supposed to by a regime, all Clu had to do was step up and acknowledge it.
In conclusion:
Now I’m not saying Flynn did any of this on purpose, he didn’t want to abandon anything, he didn’t want to create a system with no purpose. He was a excited young man who wanted to recreate something cool and was given the powers of a god. He didn’t know the impact even the smallest action could cause. He did not have bad intentions but oh boy did he fuck up.
I hope this makes even a lick of sense, I just have so many thoughts 😭
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coupleofdays · 10 months
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Programs exclaiming "Oh my User!" and "Users help us!" and all that is all well and good, but I would like to propose that individual Programs should also from time to time call on their own personal User. So Tron would shout "Alan allmighty!", Yori would say "Lora protect us!", Ram would mutter "Roy only knows", Dumont would say "Gibbs help me" and so on. Maybe even Sark would occasionally whisper to himself "Dillinger give me strength" when he's certain the MCP isn't listening.
In the Legacy and Identity systems, most Programs would probably default to some variation of "Flynn help me!", but I would like to think that some of them would sometimes call on Alan or Lora as well.
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astercontrol · 11 months
what it's like to be around me when my brain's generating headcanons for my latest special-interest fandom
"okay, so… while one might, on the surface, compare the persecution of "User-believers" to the persecution of a religion, it feels to me much more analogous to 'persecution of those who believe in fairly obvious scientific facts, a persecution often committed against them BY religious fanatics, who also secretly know deep down that the facts are facts, and make their own decisions based on this, while publicly they still try to frame other people's belief in those facts as being no better than a heathen religion'"
"also, Crom has six tentacles"
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"wha…? why does a compound interest calculating program for a savings and loan company need six tentacles"
"he counts on his hands. duh"
"but… tentacles don't have fingers"
"suckers. duh. you count the suckers"
"well… I suppose as a predatory lender you do have to know how to do that"
proof for headcanon 1:
Sark goes from calling User-belief a "hysterical religion" in public, to interrogating programs in private with questions like "WHO IS YOUR USER?" … revealing he clearly knows they exist. Clear parallel to when some rightwing pundit goes on that whole rant: "liberals claim their beliefs are based on science, but they're just a religion as well, an inferior one, a pagan cult with evolution as the creation myth, abortion as their virgin sacrifice, climate change as their apocalyptic prophecy, you're not being scientific with liberal views so you might as well convert to Christianity if you're already religious like that" (even though of course that same pundit will still secretly pay for abortions and invest money with careful attention to the climate-change future)
proof for headcanon 2:
haha londo mollari guy
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ruethos · 11 months
Having Thoughts about Tron and the interesting ways it utilizes religion this fine evening. Clu’s whole...thing...being parallels to Adam and Lucifer both (being created in the image of his god/betraying said god in some part out of jealousy for the New Shiny Thing his creator had found). Tron’s evolution into deified/epic legendary hero on the Arq server. Prinz’s devotion to users. The original movie’s entire premise of religion and meeting a god and realizing that he has no plan at all. I can’t put these thoughts into the proper words but You Understand.
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forislynx · 2 years
Genom att ställa människan i centrum för allt och göra henne till alltings mått, har världen ... blivit mindre mänsklig. Filosofin och religionen har trängts åt sidan och förlorat sin förmåga att hjälpa människan att få en sammanhängande bild av tillvaron. Resultatet blir att vi lever i en splittrad, fragmenterad värld. Både filosofin och religionen påminner människan om att hon varken är alltings mål eller ursprunget för allt. De påminner henne om insikten att hon kan förstå sig själv bara som en del i en större helhet och i relation till 'det andra', till det som inte är hon själv, den yttersta grunden och målet för allt, det som vi traditionellt har kallat för gud.
Alois Halder i översättning av Ulf Jonsson, ur Med tanke på tron
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bitterkarella · 3 months
Midnight Pals: A New Scam
L Ron Hubbard: hey friends its me again, your old pal Honest Ron Poe: what's your scam this time ron Hubbard: i'm hurt, friend, hurt! Hubbard: i'm just an honest merchant, a purveyor of quality goods, services, and occasional religions!
Poe: ron every time you come here you've got some new scam Poe: we're not falling for it again Poe: right guys? King: that's right Koontz: yeah! Barker: we're not that stupid Lovecraft: not this time ron! Hubbard: well i just happen to have this machine that'll put a star on your belly
Hubbard: are you feeling blue, friend? melancholy? down in the dumps? Hubbard: [holding colander] listen friends i got the cure for what ails you Poe: how does it work? Hubbard: you just put it on your head and, bzzt, presto! Hubbard: all your thetans are cleared out!
Hubbard: i'll demonstrate for ya Hubbard: i just need a volunteer from the audience Hubbard: you, sir! Hubbard: now you you've never seen me before right? Jack Parsons: uh yes that is correct Poe: then how come his face is on the colander? Hubbard: Parsons:
Hubbard: you're the worst shill I've ever seen, parsons! Hubbard: you're a disgrace to whole patent religion business! Hubbard: this isn't working, i need a new scam Hubbard: hmm what's this AI thing I've been hearing about
Hubbard: step right up, step right up Hubbard: are you tired of the rat race? tired of always writing stories using boring old human ingenuity? Hubbard: is your writing too sparkling? too vital? too inspired? Hubbard: well i got the cure for you right here Hubbard: an endless fire hose of tasteless gray slurry
Poe: how does it work? Hubbard: it's simple! Hubbard: [readying hose] just open wide
Hubbard: take a spin on our patented, bona fide, genuine AI chat bot and you'll agree: I'll never read human-produced art again! Margaret Atwood: [under cardboard box, through vocoder] beep boop plagiarism-o-tron lives
Hubbard: soon all the publishers will be using plagiarism-o-tron Hubbard: archaic things like human writers will be a thing of the past! Poe: no one will want to read this garbage! Hubbard: thats ok, human readers will be a thing of the past too! Hubbard: just robots writing for robots
Hubbard: with this new genuine, bona fide AI you'll never have to pay a writer EVER again-- Harlan Ellison: [instantly appears, smashes plagiarism-o-tron with one blow] HARLAN SMASH!!!
Hubbard: okay okay i can take a hint Hubbard: seems you folks don't like AI Hubbard: don't worry, don't worry, i got a million of 'em Hubbard: how bout some beanie babies? pokeman cards? princess diana commemorative plates? 
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got tron and user religion on the mind again
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blackghostm2o · 1 day
I’ve just rewatched Tron, ah finally…
I love Flynn in it, he’s just a lil goober doing shenanigans. >:) Has a pretty positive outlook on life and is really fun, I like it
I love the old CGI, I mean… It looks really bad for our standards and I can understand that it’s not something that everyone can enjoy rn, but for ‘82 they are really good. I also find old CGI really charming, idk… There’s something about it that I really like.
Loved seeing Yori and Tron together (sad that she’s not on the new system). They should have kept the deleted scene, it makes Yori even more badass that she already is. Tron before becoming the broken and disgruntled program that he is in Uprising and ‘in Legacy’ (not in the same way, ik), it’s so nice to see, having hope towards the users and being happy.
Also the whole ‘religion’ of the users is really interesting and, I admit, I completely overlooked it in my first watching.
R.I.P. Ram, he didn’t deserve it.
So yeah…. I just wanted to see it again.
End of line. :3
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scotianostra · 7 months
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The young King James VI made his first official visit to Edinburgh on September 30th 1579.
James VI had spent his childhood at Stirling Castle. Now he came to Edinburgh to begin his adult rule. aged 13.
Born in 1566, he was the product of Mary’s ill-fated marriage to Henry, Lord Darnley. Darnley’s assassination in early 1567, and Mary’s subsequent over-hasty marriage to one of its perpetrators, Lord Bothwell, triggered events that led to Mary’s downfall.
James VI became king of Scotland in 1567 when Mary was forced to abdicate.
According to the writings of David Moysie, James VI left Stirling on 29 September 1579 despite a storm. He had lunch at Dunipace and dinner at Linlithgow Palace where he stayed the night, and came to Holyroodhouse the next evening. The town lined the road with men in armour and a salute was fired from Edinburgh Castle. The streets were cleared of beggars, executed criminals were removed down (from their pikes on the tolbooth) and the streets thoroughly cleaned.
His entry to the town was marked by a ceremonial Royal entry. James arrived from Dalkeith Palace. The processional route went from the West Port, to the Overbow, to the Tolbooth, to St Giles Kirk, the Mercat Cross, the Salt Tron, the Nether Bow, Canongate Cross, and Holyrood Palace
The gates of the town, the tollbooths of Edinburgh and the Canongate, and other buildings were painted white with limewash, called "calk". Householders along the route were asked to hang the external stairs with tapestry and "Arras works".
At the West Port the king was met by 32 burgesses of Edinburgh, whose names are recorded, who carried a canopy made of purple velvet. John Shairp gave a speech in Latin. There was a tableau vivant of the Judgement of Solomon. At the Overbow Cupid gave James the keys to the town. Cupid was played by a boy who descended in a globe. At the Tolbooth four maidens (probably played by boys) represented Peace, Justice, Plenty and Policy, a scene relating to the four Cardinal Virtues. At St Giles Dame Religion invited the king to hear a sermon on the duty of kings and Psalm 21 was sung. . Afterwards, at the Mercat Cross Bacchus shared out wine. At the Salt Tron the genealogy of the Scottish monarchy was presented, perhaps using portraits. The king's horoscope was presented an actor playing Ptolemy at the Netherbow Port. At the Canongate Cross a scene represented the abolition of the Pope's authority in Scotland.
At Holyrood Palace a new lodging was prepared for the king's favourite Esmé Stewart next to the royal apartment. A course or tournament ground made of sand for "running at the ring" was laid at Holyroodhouse. Celebrations continued at Dalkeith Palace, hosted by the former Regent Morton.
Similar pageantry was used in September 1561 when Mary, Queen of Scots had made an Entry, and in May 1590 at the Entry and Coronation of Anne of Denmark.
A short account of the events occurs in the chronicle, The historie and life of King James the Sext, written in Scots;
At the Wast Port of Edinburgh, he was ressavit be the Magistrats of the toun under a pompous payle of purple velvet. That port presentit unto him the wisdome of Solomon, as it is written in the thrid chapter of the first buik of the Kings : That is to say King Solomon was representit with the tua wemen that contendit for the young chylde. This done, they presented unto the King, the sworde for the one hand, and the scepter for the uther.
And as he maid forder progres within the toun, in the streat that ascendis to the castell, thair is an ancient port, at the whilk hang a curious globe, that opnit artificiallie as the King came by, wharin was a young boy that discendit craftelie, presenting the keyis of the toun to his Majestie, that war all maid of fyne massie sylver; and thais war presentlie ressavit be ane of his honorable counsall at his awin command. During this space, Dame Music and hir scollars exercesit hir art with great melodic. Then in his discence, as he came foment the hous of Justice, thair shew thayme selfis unto him, foure gallant vertewous ladeyis; to wit, Peax, Justice, Plentie, and Policie; and ather of thayme had an oraison to his Majestic.
Tharefter, as he came towart the chief collegiall kirk, thare Dame Religion shew hirself, desyring his presence, whilk he then obeyit be entring the kirk; whare the cheif preacher for that tyme maid a notable exhortation unto him, for the embracing of Religion and all hir cardinall vertewis, and of all uther morall vertewis. Tharefter, he came furth and maid progres to the Mercat Croce, whare he beheld Bacchus with his magnifik liberalitie and plentie, distributing of his liquor to all passingers and behalders, in sik apperance as was pleasant to see. A litill beneth is a mercat place of salt, wharupon was payntit the genealogie of the Kings of Scotland, and a nomber of trumpets sounding melodioslie, and crying with loud voyce, "Wealfayre to the King".
At the east port was erectit the conjunctioun of the planets, as thay war in thair degreis and places the tyme of his Majesteis happie nativitie, and the same vivelie representit be the assistance of King Ptolome : And withall, the haill streits war spred with flowres; and the forehowsis of the streits, be the whilks the King passit, war all hung with magnifik tapestrie, with payntit historeis, and with the effegeis of noble men and wemen : And thus he past owt of the toun of Edinburgh to his palice of Halyruidhous
Note the last words on the description, “ his palice of Halyruidhous “ A couple of years ago someone question my use of the wording “Holyroodhouse” saying she had never heard the Palace being called that before, well this confirms that over 300 years ago that this was being used, rather than Holyrood Palace, as is often used.
The king was given a cupboard of silver gilt plate made by the Edinburgh goldsmiths Edward Hart, Thomas Annand, George Heriot, Adam Craig and William Cokky. It was valued at 1000 English marks. This included a basin and a laver, two flasks, six cups and covers, four candle holders, a salt, a silver salver, and dozen silver plates. William Fairlie was asked to oversee the gilding of the silver on 8th October and assist Henry Nesbit make an account of the expenses. The wealthy merchant and "Customar" of Edinburgh Robert Gourlay, a supporter of Regent Morton, complained to the Privy Council of Scotland when he was asked to contribute £30.
An account for repairs and building work at Holyrood in August and September 1579 survives. The works were supervised by William MacDowall, the royal Master of Work. Mention is made of slating the roof of a "Dancing House", carpenters who made a great chest for the king's pantry, glazing the chamber for "Lord Lennox", and a pavement in the chapel. New rooms were made for William Murray, and for Jerome Bowie, Master of the Wine Cellar. George Wallace or Vallance and his workman plastered the old hall, the chapel and the gallery, and painted the council house with chalk distemper paint. Women worked cleaning chambers in the tower, the old hall, the forework, and the gallery, and the inner close or courtyard. Their wages were two shillings a day.
The visit by James was a huge success. Everyone was delighted to see their king and with the excitement of once again having a royal court in Edinburgh.
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antimnemonic · 2 months
revisiting some tron legacy/uprising stuff, it's honestly crazy how disney was cooking -- both entries have such strong visual identities, built on conscious stylization, and also the fucken money being pumped into the series -- daft punk and 3oh!3 on the soundtrack, ELIJAH WOOD VOICE ACTING, and yeah I guess legacy didn't have as much as an impact as they hoped, but then they just dropped it
marvel was acquired in 2009, same year that avatar was released, legacy was release shortly after in 2010, and then star wars was acquired in 2012 -- anyways my personal conspiracy theory is that disney was drumming up tron to be their Original Action Franchise, an eye candy boat like avatar, but with a focus on human characters. but putting that much effort into something original with niche appeal is risky -- i think they saw the burgeoning success of the nascent mcu with all its visual work already pre-completed (in the form of decades of comic books), long-established marketing appeal, and easier themes and storylines to digest -- iron man's randian America, fuck yeah! vs tron's meditations on the nature of life, religion, familial legacy, etc -- and just went with what was easier
COURSE now ppl are sick of star wars and superheroes while the nostalgia for tron has been simmering for a decade so like?? idk
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Hi! I barely ever use my tumblr but found your blog while looking for Dune stuff. I started reading The Sparrow based off of your interests (since many overlap w things I’m interested in but never put name to) — and was wondering if there’s any other media you recommend with similar vibes? I’m only about 100 pages into The Sparrow and can already tell it’s going to be devastating/I’ll need to read the follow up. The blend of science, religion, foreboding prophecy (?), and lifelike characters has really pulled me in (not dissimilar to Dune in a way?!). Anyways, big fan and if you have the time to reply, thanks!
OH YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!!! most of what i watch/read has this vibe. most of what i recommend is going to be films tho bc up until last year i've been in a reading slump that's lasted several years rip
three body problem by liu cixin (of everything i will recommend, this is the one that i recommend the most strongly because it's EXACTLY on the nose what you're asking for)
mistborn trilogy by branden sanderson (this is more fantasy, but it Does have a mixing of science and religion nonetheless)
the fountain (2006) -- this is my all time favorite film hands down; most people don't like it, but i think that's bc they don't get it
another earth (2011)
sound of my voice (2011)
the oa (this is a tv show; it only lasted two seasons and g-d i DREAM every day of it being longer)
arrival (both the book and the film)
the southern reach trilogy/annihilation (again: both the book and the film, but definitely moreso the books here)
the aeronauts (2019)
i origins (2014)
interstellar (2014)
sunshine (2008)
knowing (2009)
signs (2002)
contact (1997)
district 9 (2009)
elysium (2013)
the creator (2023)
lucy (2014)
castle rock (another tv show that...you wouldn't think is about science and religion, but it definitely ends up being that way)
tron: legacy (2010)
atlantis: the lost empire (yes the disney movie)
cloud atlas (again: both the film and the book; i do prefer the film tho bc it leans into the religious aspects a lot more than the book does)
prometheus (2012)
avatar (2010) say what you will about this movie, but it literally does exactly this (blends science and religion); tbh it's probably bc of this movie that i love scifi as much as i do today
event horizon (1997)
the wonder (2022) this really isn't what you're asking for, but i love the film so much and it has such an ethereal holy feel that i had to recommend it anyway 💕💕
also i'm so so glad you're enjoying the sparrow so far!! i highly recommend the sequel children of g-d and i recommend reading it as soon as you finish the sparrow too so you can notice all the parallels between the sparrow and that book!!
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fights4users · 7 months
Speaking of questionable Legacy decisions: We learn in the sequel that, at least on the grid, Flynn has twisted the polytheistic faith of the programs into a monotheistic religion. One in which he is the almighty. Something that the MCP was attempting to do and one of the reasons it was considered to be "evil".
I definitely blame the writers more than I blame Flynn himself, I used too before I sat back and thought about it. I love classic Flynn to death and all his mistakes and choices happened so a plot could in legacy and really I have to blame them for not thinking about the implications—
I talked about this before! Yeah it’s absolutely insane, I’d want to say that it might be partly unintentional on his part. Yes he’s created the grid and he’s patched them in but a lot of them aren’t made by him directly, maybe some fixes/upgrades but not entirely. He tried to correct it at first but that’s not how this works for them- he’s the creator. It’s almost Catholicism? They acknowledge other users exists but they’re more saints than gods like they may have once/should have been.
Flynn has something the MCP doesn’t… Flynn is a user. While the monotheistic thing is really bad I don’t think the comparison is quite apt as… all of the war crimes of the MCP. It was trying to do a honest to god Hivemind situation- one super being that’s him and him alone, striping and ripping apart programs for what it could use, destroying what it deemed useless.  Identity discs are horrific if you stop and think about them— program gets obligated in the games but the disc leaves behind all the information the MCP would want it’s… grossly efficient.
Bumbling god v. Facist hivemind AI
Isn’t really comparable
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coupleofdays · 11 months
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All this talk about Kevin and Tron being in love, or Sam smooching on Castor, or whatever User/Program pairing floats your boat, for some reason reminds me of the excellent old webcomic "Lady of the Shard" by gigi d.g. (who is perhaps most famous for the equally excellent Cucumber Quest). It's a story about about a religious acolyte who falls in love with the goddess her church worships, and the goddess falls in love with her as well. It's funny, serious, at times grim, but most importantly the whole "mortal/god romance" gives me some Tron shipping vibes.
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astercontrol · 6 months
Encom programs learn about the holidays
LORA BAINES: so Users have a bunch of special days we celebrate. most of them are based on User religions. Christmas is a celebration of when Christians believe their deity came down from heaven to save their world. TRON : like Flynn? KEVIN FLYNN: well-- ALAN BRADLEY: NO. NOT LIKE FLYNN
ROY KLEINBERG: so in our house we do Chanukah. that's about a miracle that occurred in our religion. RAM: what sorta miracle? ROY KLEINBERG: well there was a… lemme see if I can put it in terms you understand… an energy source that unexpectedly powered a runtime eight times longer than it was intended for? RAM: coooooooool
CLU1: what is a New Year's Resolution? Is there a New Year's Deresolution? KEVIN FLYNN: yeah that happens within a couple months after you make the New Year's Resolution. those things don't last long
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jet-bradley · 7 months
ok i really gotta run but it's a shame how few people appreciate mercury from the angle of "having one of the weirdest relationships with religion in tron, the movie/game franchise about animist catholicism"
this is partly about how she seems to determine jet is a deity based solely off Gaming Skills, but also like, i think having him explain the user-world version of what happened to thorne and how the corruption started would rewire you a little bit
and like, did she witness the fcon monster? because like - ❓
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forislynx · 2 years
Den transcendentala erfarenheten är inte i sig själv av religiös art, men den möjliggör religiös erfarenhet.
Ulf Jonsson, Med tanke på tron
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