#Trailer Park Supervisor
deathbecomesthem · 3 months
Good Neighbors
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Artwork by the one, the only, the @dr-aculaaa - There's a sweet treat of another piece of artwork at the end of this fic.
*I'm a shit for neglecting to mention that @jo-harrington commissioned the artwork for me, and encouraged this fic every step of the way.
Super Perv!Eddie x Older!Fem!Reader | 5.4K
A/N: This is a reupload from Chesty based on a random request. Many people were involved in the creation of this beast. I have a love/hate relationship with this scumbag.
*There is no actual sexual contact between this reader and Eddie. He has some elaborate fantasies about her. He crosses lines, and it's uncomfy. I consider this a bit out of character.
Contains: Stalker behavior, crossing of privacy boundaries, a pipe bomb, male masturbation, and cum eating. (and food play)
Eddie Munson, sweetheart of Forest Hill Trailer Park, is sitting at the picnic table that sits between your trailers. It is 6:30 am. Before you moved into the park, Eddie Munson didn’t wake up before 8:45 am. It’s different now. He’s the kind of guy that gets up with the sun, coffee mug, Camels, and battered paperback in hand, to sit in the crisp spring morning air. To see you.
Eddie is a sweetheart. That has always been true about him, but it’s only been the last few years that it’s an accepted fact within his community. He’s had his fair share of problems, he’s been in and out of legal trouble. He’s made some questionable choices as far as making money goes, but he’s a good man. Always has been. Even Eddie thinks he might be a good man.
Eddie has been walking Mrs. Olson’s terrier every morning and afternoon since she had her shoulder replaced two weeks ago. He does brake jobs for the cost of parts and a six pack for anyone that asks. He even got some lumber and rope to put up a couple of swings around the park for the kids. He has a respectable job down at Danny’s Garage. He’s not just a mechanic, he’s a supervisor now. He’s reliable. He might be a little late in the mornings, but he never misses work, the customers love him, and the guys love that he still has a hookup and can supply cheap herb whenever they ask for it.
This morning Eddie has his book, The Talisman - open to page 243. Eddie’s had this book open to page 243 every morning this week. Eddie’s not progressing in the story. He’s not getting lost in the worlds that King and Straub have described in those pages that are already yellowing from exposure to tobacco smoke. He’s waiting behind the pages. He’s anticipating. He’s holding his prop, his reason for being here. The book is, of course, a ruse - and you are the intended target.
This Monday morning, you’re dressed in your usual jogging outfit for these chilly late spring mornings. OSU sweatshirt and matching gray sweatpants. Eddie silently prays to Mother Nature for the true warmth of summer. He wants the heat of the sun to coax you out of those warm clothes and into a pair of jogging shorts. A tank top that shows the lines of a sports bra. Maybe even just a sports bra on really hot days.
Eddie is already sporting an erection just thinking about the possibilities, which makes getting up and walking over to greet you at the foot of your front steps a bad idea. He’s wearing his work coveralls with a white tank top and shorts underneath. It gets hot in the garage, even when it’s not full mid-summer heat. He knows for a fact that his unfortunate boner will be on full display against the poly/cotton blend fabric.
You were hoping to run into Eddie this morning. Such a nice young man, and so helpful to you since the first day you arrived in Hawkins. Your arm was still in the sling at the time, and he made a fuss about making sure you didn’t lift anything heavier than your purse. He spent the better part of the day carrying boxes into your new home with his sweet smile spread across his full lips. A handsome guy, it was no surprise when a pretty girl pulled up that evening and headed to his trailer. You don’t know what happened to her, but after a couple of weeks in the park, she stopped coming by. A shame, Eddie deserves a good woman. You tell him all the time, if you were 20 years younger, you’d snatch him up.
You’ve got a few things you’d like him to do around your trailer when he has the time. Rick, your current boyfriend, isn’t the type to do manual labor. He’s also a good man, a respectable lawyer at that. He’s kind. It’s ok that he can’t put in a garbage disposal. It’s ok that he doesn’t know how to fix your leaky sink. He’s offered to pay a plumber, but Eddie seems to genuinely care about you. You like that, it feels right to be in a community like this after living in hell for so long. It makes you feel safe knowing that the Munsons are right next door, keeping an eye on things.
“Good morning, Eddie!” You have a niggling feeling that Eddie had been looking in the direction of your trailer just before you looked up to see if he was in his usual spot. He always has the brightest smile for you, even in the early hours of the day. Today is no exception. What a nice surprise to find out the sweet young man next door is also an early bird, up with the sun every day. It’s not what you would have expected from a leather wearing, motorcycle wearing, tattooed metalhead. You were happy to put aside your preconceived notions for him.
“Howdy, neighbor!” As usual, he’s got a Camel lit and perched between his ringed fingers. Funny that he wears them to the garage every day knowing that he’ll have to take them off before he starts work, but he has them prettily adorned on his fingers every time you see him.
“I’m so so glad I caught you,” Eddie preened a little at your smile and kind words. He loves it when you stop for a chat. It’s the reason he gets up at these ungodly hours, he knows it’s a chance to see you. To talk to you. To catch a whiff of your scent. “I’m wondering if I could have you do some handyman work around my place again. I’m happy to pay for it –“
“We’ve talked about this before,” Eddie’s hand is up in the air as soon as you utter the word “pay”, stopping your train of thought before it can really start to pick up steam.
“Well,” you let out a deep sigh to show your faux annoyance, “there’s a pie and roast beef dinner with your name on it, at least. You’ve got my key. I’ll leave a note with what needs to be done along with some cash for any parts you might need. Thank you, I should probably know how to do most of this stuff myself, but I’m useless.”
“Pretty ladies don’t need to know how to snake a drain, we’ve been over this. If Rick doesn’t have the time, your good friend Eddie does. What are neighbors for?” His smile, as always, reassures you. He really doesn’t mind helping the middle-aged lady next door with silly little tasks. And he always leaves your place immaculate, cleaner than when he came to do the work.
“God, what would I do without you? You’re such a sweet boy, Eddie.” Eddie’s erection presses hard against his thigh at your praise, and aches painfully when you give his forearm a little squeeze. “If I were about 20 years younger…” the sentiment hangs in the air as you turn and begin your trail jog, leaving Eddie sitting alone with only his uncomfortable boner to keep him company.
You say it every time he’s sweet to you. If I were about 20 years younger, and Eddie wants nothing more than to tell you that he doesn’t want that. He wants you now. But that’s not going to happen with your clean cut, age-appropriate boyfriend in the picture. A boyfriend that takes you to nice dinners once a week. A boyfriend that drives an expensive car. A boyfriend that will probably pull you out of your post-divorce poverty and put you up in his cute suburban home with a white picket fence.
Eddie watched you return from your jog from the front window of his trailer. It was already getting too warm, and you had taken off your sweatshirt, exposing a wide armed talk top with a sports bra underneath. Sweat was trickling down your neck. He couldn’t see it from this distance, but he knew there would be beads of it kissing your soft skin. He thought about what it would be like for his tongue to catch that saltiness. Let his tongue slide across your collarbone. He could almost taste you, from the imagining alone. Smell you.
Eddie wonders if you do it on purpose. He wonders if you bend down with your ample behind pointed in the direction of his front window hoping he’ll see it. He likes to imagine that you do. He likes to imagine that you know what you do to him, that the game is something you’re playing together. He thinks about putting his face in the cradle of your neck while he pulls down those gray sweatpants. He thinks about dropping down to spread your ass for him. He thinks about letting his tongue taste you while you’re still glistening with sweat. It would be so good. Yes. He thinks about this while he watches you. He thinks about this while he tugs at his aching cock. He fists at himself furiously while you arch your back and let the sun shine down on your face. He’s been hard since you came out of your trailer this morning, and he’s been patiently waiting for your return to relieve himself. He has a pair of your panties under his nose, a pair you were sure your dryer ate at some point. Your scent is faint, but still present. It’s not until after you’ve climbed the steps to your trailer that he wraps those cotton panties around his length and releases himself with a groan.
Eddie tucks himself away and immediately checks his coveralls for any possible stray cum stains. Regret and disgust begin to creep into his mind before he can fully push them back, but he knows it doesn’t matter. He’ll still be a few minutes late for work because he needs to know which outfit you’ve decided to wear today. Will it be the dockers with the wide black belt paired with one of your short-sleeved sweaters? Or maybe the dress you bought last week that you’re worried about being a little too casual for the office?
Eddie doesn’t know this stuff about you because you and he have girl chats over cups of coffee in the afternoon. He knows this stuff about you because he’s observant. He listens. Your trailers are close together, after all, and when the windows are open, he can sometimes pick up bits of conversations. Some of them are between you and Ricky, some of them are one sided phone conversations with your friends. It’s not creepy. He can’t help it. He’s making sure. He’s keeping an eye out. You deserve to be safe and happy, and he’s going to do his goddamned best to make sure that happens. He would never pry.
The first time he saw you, your pain cried out to him. Your broken arm was still healing, and there were still faint yellowing bruises scattered across your pretty face. Eddie knew exactly what happened before he ever had the evidence. It took a few weeks, but he put the pieces together, and found out about him, the ex. He found out where he worked. An insurance agent with his own office. Well – he had  an office in downtown Dayton, Ohio. Stand-up guy, except for the part where he beats his wife.
Eddie had only meant to scare him a little. He threw the pipe bomb into the dumpster and drove away. He didn’t check to make sure there was nothing flammable inside, because there are rules about that kind of thing. It’s not really his fault what happened, plus no one was in the building anyway. He expected to cause a little confusing mess, but the entire place ended as kindling. Eddie still thinks the guy got off easy.
Of course, he recognizes now that it was too far. How would he be able to make sure you’re doing ok if he’s stuck behind bars? What he wanted to do was strangle the ex with his bare hands and watch the light of life blow out of his eyes. But it’s better to stay where he is, to keep an eye out. Plus, Rick is a really good guy. So far.
Thank you, a million times over. You’re such a sweetheart for doing this for me. I made a pie last night, have a slice (or two) if you want and there’s beer in the fridge. I’ll be back around 4, and I’m making your favorite for your dinner payment.
your favorite neighbor
The note hangs on the metal door of your trailer, you’d left early. You’re working a double at the diner, and it’s Eddie’s day off. Convenient for him. He can work uninterrupted. He can have the place to himself. His cock is hard just thinking about being in your space with your things. He hopes there’s some laundry left in the hamper just inside your bedroom door. He hopes you went jogging this morning, that maybe your sweatband would be sitting on your vanity.
Your living room is tidy, it’s always tidy. A People magazine, a TV Guide, an ashtray, and a lilac scented candle sit on the coffee table at the center of the room when he enters. You don’t smoke, but Ricky does, and she never minds if you do when you’re in her place. You even asked Eddie the other night if he’d want to share a joint with her sometime when you caught a whiff of the weed smoke coming from his porch. He brought some weed today just in case you were serious.
Eddie makes his way to the kitchen where his first, and easiest, task of the day is located. It’s all plumbing problems, and he told you it would take all day. But, no, It’ll actually be a couple of hours. Tops. Plenty of time for other things. The reality is Eddie could come into your place any time, but he’d never do it uninvited. That would be intrusive. He respects your privacy and would never want to cross a line.
Eddie tosses his jacket on your empty recliner and gets to work sorting through his tools. His first stop is the kitchen where he promised he’d put in a new garbage disposal. The kitchen is tidy, just like every other part of your trailer. It’s your place, all yours, and you treasure it. Eddie notices a coffee mug with a red lipstick kiss on the rim and an empty bowl with a spoon sitting next to the sink. Breakfast dishes, no doubt.
There’s a bit of Raisin Bran residue in the spoon sitting in the white porcelain bowl. Without a thought in his head, he takes the spoon and shoves it into his mouth. Eddie runs his tongue against the cool metal, lapping up the last of the milk and cereal. His eyes are closed in concentration, reaching for any lingering taste of you left within the dirty utensil. It’s a fight against his brain when lays the spoon back to rest in its former position and turns his attention to the coffee mug. A kiss left just for him, he lets his tongue run across the ghost of your lips, tasting your lipstick. He’s already hard just being here with the hints of you that were left behind this morning.
No more, he promises himself, not until you’re done. The next few hours are spent with wrenches, screwdrivers, and caulk. Garbage disposal – done and functioning. You’ll be able to grind chicken bones with that baby. Eddie puts in a new faucet in the bathroom and notices that the showerhead is still dripping. He noticed it the last time he was in your place. He came prepared. He bought a massaging, detachable head and puts it in for you as a surprise. You deserve it. The last thing on the official list is replacing the parts inside of your toilet tank. It just needs a new flapper valve, but Eddie’s doing the whole work. Easy fix. He could show you, but then you wouldn’t need him next time. He could show Rick, but Rick’s not interested in manual labor. Rick can afford to pay a plumber to come and do the work that would take a total of 20 minutes to complete with a basic knowledge of how a toilet tank functions. That’s below Rick.
Taking care of you would never be below Eddie. He would do anything to make sure you have everything you need to be happy. He bought that shower head for you because Robin had mentioned how much she loved hers. When Steve told him why she loved hers, Eddie knew he had to get you one. He ran his fingers against the nozzle head after the installation was finished. He stroked it, imagining you standing under it, the water running down your skin.
Eddie’s next movements are without thought behind them. The need guides him. He undresses completely, leaving a pile of clothes sitting on the toilet seat. He steps into the shower, your shower, and turns the water to warm. His hair is pulled back into a bun at the nape of his neck, and he decides to let it loose. He has time. You won’t be back for hours, his hair will be dry by then. Every bottle in this shower smells of you. So, he lathers. He lets the suds of your honey body wash clean off the sweat and dirt of the day. The pink bottles of Salon Selectives are what he uses to massage his scalp. He works the shampoo into his skin, he wants the scent to last for at least a couple of days. He wants to think of you when catches the scent from his own head.
Eddie luxuriates under the warm trickle of water. He lets himself think of you. He reaches into his mind to remember the way your touch feels against his skin when you squeeze his arm. He lets the lingering scent of your lost panties re-enter his nasal cavity. He thinks about the way the corners of your eyes crinkle when you give him one of your big smiles. He thinks about all of this, letting his cock grow. He tugs at himself, just a little bit, to really let himself start to feel something.
He has a ferocious erection when he steps out of the shower and reaches for your silky bathrobe. It hangs on a plastic hook on the inside of your bathroom door. It’s white, and he lets himself think about how you look wearing it as he slips it over his damp skin. It’s so soft, as soft as you are. He’s being directed by his cock now, his brain is more than empty. It does not exist. His chores are done, and he hours before you’ll be home.
Your room. The untidiest room in the house, but still neat. He sets his pile of clothes on your dresser. That’s where he spots your tube of lipstick and your perfume bottle. Kismet. He takes the tube of Avon Apricot Freeze and delicately applies it to his lips. It’s the shade you’re wearing today, he recognizes it from your coffee mug. Eddie is careful when he handles the triangle shaped bottle of Claibourne perfume. He brings it to his nose and inhales deeply. It’s you, yes, but it’s lacking something. He spritzes it against his neck where he knows he’ll be able to smell it while he enjoys himself.
His next stop is the hamper that sits beside your dresser. He knows what he’ll find there, he watched you on your run this morning. The underwear sits atop a week’s worth of dirty laundry. A quick sniff tells him that, yes, you wore them while the sweat clung to your body. His erection twitches against the silky robe while he takes a deep breath. His eyes roll back in his head, and he knows it’s time to let himself feel the full height of his pleasure.
What the perfume is lacking can be found on your pillowcase. Your fuller scent lingers there. Your worn underwear sits against his tongue and lips while he lays his chest down on your soft mattress, a pillow folded under his hips to create a fold that will hold his cock. Your scent, your taste, the softness of your robe – he is lost in you. With his eyes closed, he can almost imagine you’re here with him. He can almost imagine the way your heat would feel wrapped around his cock.
It's so good. So perfect in your place. He’s teased himself for hours thinking about this moment, and his body moves with furious intent in your bed. He’s listening to you say his name inside his mind, over and over while his cock rubs against the pillow under him. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Yes, it’s what you would say if he had you here. If he plunged himself deeper and deeper inside of you. If he wrapped his mouth around your nipple instead of around this piece of fabric. Eddie, Eddie, please. I want you so much. You’re such a good boy.
Eddie’s orgasm hits him like a truck. His hips leap with no rhythm. They are searching while his cum is expelled from him with more force than he’s ever experienced before. More pleasure than he ever felt with Sandra, the girl that left him when she said he was spending too much time worrying about the old lady next door. His bucking hips slow after what feels like an eternity of ecstasy. A never ending stream of seed, while the sweat on his back is making the silk fabric of the robe stick to his skin. He allows himself a moment. A beat to lay in his post orgasm haze. Bliss unrivaled by any other feeling he’s ever had in his entire existence. Laying there with the ghost scent of you in your bed. In your home.
When you pull into the trailer park, it’s half past 4. You’re ready for a shower. It’s getting sticky out, and your hot flashes have started increasing. 45 years old, and your body has decided to become a mystery to you. You vaguely remember that Eddie might still be at your place, and resign yourself to the idea that the shower might have to wait until after you feed him. It’s worth it, though. He deserves at least a home cooked meal and the six pack you have in the trunk of your car.
You open the door to your place to find it in exactly the same condition you left it in. It needs dusting, but it’ll have to wait. As you walk through the kitchen, you notice the breakfast dishes sitting in the drying rack and smile. He really is an angel. There’s a note on the counter.
Howdy neighbor,
I have to run out to do a few errands. I’ll be back around 6. I hope you enjoy the surprise I left for you in the bathroom.
Everything is clean. It’s like no one was ever here. You look around and spot it, a new shower head. He didn’t just fix the constant dripping, he replaced the whole thing. Angel. It feels incredible when you step into it. The massage feature is a gift you hadn’t expected. The warm water washes away the day from your body, and you silently praise Eddie’s handiwork while you let the honey scented body wash foam between your fingers.
Your bathrobe isn’t in its place, which is odd, but you must have left it in your room. You grab a towel from the shelf above the toilet and wrap it around your body. Sweatpants and a sweater are a comfort to your tired muscles. You finally register the sound that’s been in the background since you got home. Your dryer is running. He even did a load of laundry for you. You’re going to have to make him his own pie this weekend.
It was so warm and soft, a quick and tender embrace. It was friendly, innocent. Eddie relished it. He let himself focus on the feeling of your arms around his waist, the way your hair brushed against his face, the clean scent of soap from your post work shower. He reached and searched in those couple of seconds, determined to take as much from the moment as possible. To let it fuel his need.
He took that moment, that embrace, with him as he left your trailer along with the Dutch apple pie you made for him. It was still warm from the oven as you placed it in his hands. Those weren’t the only things Eddie took with him. The metal was burning a hole in his pocket while you hugged him goodnight. He fought against his body while his arousal kicked up at your touch, and he promised himself - soon.
It’s beautiful. Eddie almost feels bad about cutting into it. The apple syrup bubbled up around the brown sugar crumble crust during baking and there are pieces of crystallized sugar sprinkled about the top. He’s thinking about you cutting the apples, he’s thinking about your fingers working the pie crust. Sprinkling sugar and cinnamon. 
Eddie’s hard. It’s not only the memory of your warmth against him, or the cinnamon and sugar scent invading his nostrils, but also the soft silk panties he’s wearing. Like the other things he’s taken, he’ll return them back of course, but how could he resist when they were out in the open like that? Freshly worn and resting atop today’s work clothes inside your bathroom. He had only meant to wash his hands before dinner, but instead he took off his boxers and replaced them with your pretty underwear. Underwear that had so recently held your heat against them. He needed it.
Eddie knows what he plans to do despite the fact that he is not consciously acknowledging it. It’s as if he loses control of his bodily movements at times like these. The empty trailer, Wayne’s gone for the week on a fishing trip, is an open invitation for the experience he has mapped out in his mind. He sets the scene, taking his time. His body is still tired from earlier, but the temptation of the still warm apple pie is impossible to resist.
Eddie pulls a knife out of the drawer, cool metal against the warm skin of his fingers, and he cuts a slice of the crumbling dessert. He leaves it in the pan and immediately walks to his bedroom. His window is still open, the curtains blow in the breeze of the summer evening. It smells like rain will come before too long. The lights are always low in his room, but he opts for turning them off completely before he undresses. Just in case. 
Your bedroom window is directly across from his own, and when the evenings are cool it’s possible to hear things. Soft music sometimes wafts through Eddie’s open window. He’s hoping to hear some of the sweet noises he occasionally hears on nights like these. Not the sounds of love making when Rick visits, but the sounds of quiet pleasure when it’s just your own car parked in front of your home. Eddie likes to think that maybe sometimes you can hear him, and hopes that it helps you along when your fingers are deep inside yourself. Maybe you even think of his ringed fingers during those times. 
A man can dream.
Eddie reaches into the back pocket of his jeans before he lays them on the chair in the corner of his room where the rest of his clothes are resting. His nipples are already peaked with excitement. The small pieces of gold jewelry sit in the palm of his hand while a flash of disgust threatens to ruin his plans. He finds the strength to push it back. Let it sit way back in his mind until after. After he can let those feelings of shame come out to play, but not until after he’s had his fun.
Eddie’s cock is pressed against the silk fabric of your underwear, and the cool air of the room combined with the arousal the head is already leaking, it feels like a gentle kiss. There’s a twitch, an answer to that thought, and Eddie turns his focus back to the clip on earrings he smuggled out of your trailer. They are not the kind designed to gently cling to the lobes of your ears. No. These are the kind that are designed to pinch, an aggressive assurance that they won’t be lost at some point during the day. When Eddie attaches the first one to his left nipple, it’s an immediate and intense pain that only kicks up his arousal. His cock jumps with each zing of pain and pleasure, and he has a distant concern that he’ll come just from the feeling alone. With deep breaths, he manages to calm himself before doing it all over again with the right nipple.
Eddie’s back is sweating, and his cock feels weighed down with the cum he’s holding back. It won’t take much coaxing for him to erupt. He can feel an orgasm creeping behind his eyes, in his throat, deep in his guts. From an outsider’s perspective, he would look absurd. Even more so as he rests his ass, still covered by soft panties, on the large terry cloth towel he has laid down on his sheets in preparation. It’s going to be messy, and he’s happy that he has the forethought to prepare. He’ll be very tired when it’s over.
Eddie lays his head on his pillow, pulling his curls over so that he can lay on his side. His nose can smell the shampoo he used earlier. Your shampoo. It’s so lovely, and it helps Eddie imagine that it’s your hair that his nose is pressed into. His nipples are still shooting zings of painful pleasure as Eddie uses one hand to scoop out the piece of sliced pie from the tin, and the other to release his aching cock from the prison of your silky panties. The first bite of pie is almost a religious experience for him. The apples are still slightly crispy, but the juices have mixed in with the sugar and streusel topping. 
Eddie had not planned what he did next, it was a natural instinct. His need took over his movements again. Instead of wrapping his hand around his aching cock, he slid his palm under the pie tin and pressed the pastry against himself. The tip of his cock is immediately surrounded by the warm, sticky filling. It feels incredible, and he’s shocked to realize it feels surprisingly like a mouth. 
All at once, he’s groaning around the pie at his mouth while his cock pushes itself through the mess of apples, sugar, and streusel. His body is crying out, the pleasure soaring through him. His taste buds are dancing, his nipples are screaming, his hips are thrusting his cock into that open mouth. Brown sugar coats his thatch of pubic hair, raining down from his gluttonous self pleasure. In no time, he spills himself into the pie dish, his cum and the pie filling creating a combination of flavors that would make Betty Crocker roll over in her grave. The piece of unfinished pie has somehow ended up mashed in Eddie's wild curls. He’s sticky from the sweat and sugary confection.
After the bliss wanes, Eddie first removes the earrings, allowing his nipples to rest. The vibrating pleasure immediately ceases, and he can breathe normally. The come down is a crash as he envisions this moment captured in a still image.
Eddie Munson, in his bed, ass being hugged by a pair of silk underwear, covered in streusel and apple pie filling. It’s with a sigh that almost sounds like a groan that Eddie scoops out a handful from the pie tin and brings it to his mouth. He licks the mess from between his fingers, the sweetest pie he’s ever tasted, and the faintest hint of himself mixed within.
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soberscientistlife · 5 months
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“Today I was on my way to Family Dollar up the street from my house.
I saw this FedEx driver, Rondy, do a U turn at the second entrance to a trailer park that used to be Farmview.
I looked in my rear view mirror to see him pulled over to help this 75 year old man get his little cart/wagon and groceries out of the ditch.
The man had fell into the ditch from the heat. I did not see the man in the ditch, but Rondy did. I turned around to go help the Fedex driver.
The older gentleman, 75 years old, had walked to the Food bank up the street. The older gentleman was so exhausted from the heat he could barely stand. I asked them both if I could take a picture of them. They both gave consent.
Rondy shows so much compassion, it made me proud. Another gentleman stopped to help. We told Rondy we knew he was busy we would get him to his home.
Rondy was thankful. He said they are timed for their deliveries but he still stopped to help this older man. Please help share as much as we can. Hopefully somehow we can get this act of kindness to his supervisor.”
Source: Call to Activism Twitter
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morbidology · 3 months
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Keith Dardeen and his wife, Elaine, lived in a mobile home just outside Ina, Illinois, with their 2-year-old son, Peter. At the time, Elaine was also pregnant with their second child, a daughter. Keith worked as a treatment plant operator while Elaine worked in an office supply store. In their free time, they played in the musical ensemble at a local Baptist church.
The area the young family lived in had been becoming increasingly violent and the couple wanted to move somewhere safer for their children. Keith was very protective of his family and only wanted what was best for them. On one occasion, he refused entry to the home to a young woman who asked to use their phone.
On the 18th of November, 1987, Keith didn’t show up to work for his shift nor had he called in sick, something which was very out of character for the reliable worker. When Keith's supervisor called his home, there was no answer. He decided to call up Keith's parents, but they too were unable to get a hold of him.
Keith's parents called police and arranged to meet them at Keith's home with the spare key. They slowly opened up the front door and were met by a scene that traumatized even the most seasoned detectives. Elaine, Peter and a newborn baby girl lay deceased on one of the beds. Elaine and Peter had been bound and gagged and then beaten to death with Peter's own baseball bat which had been a gift from his father. During the senseless attack, Elaine had given birth to a baby girl, but instead of giving her mercy, the killer beat her to death too.
Keith was nowhere to be seen, and detectives surmised that he had killed his family and then fled. They noticed that his car was missing from the driveway, only adding more to to heir suspicions. However, the following day, Keith’s body was discovered in a field approximately a mile from the trailer. Keith had been shot three times and his penis had been chopped off.
His car would later be found parked outside the local police station. The inside was spattered with blood, indicating that Keith had been killed or mutilated there. As news of the murders circulated around the area, residents were left even more fearful than they already had been. There was a rise in gun and security system sales as people sought to protect themselves.
Detectives were stumped to find a motivation. Nothing in the home had been stolen, and there were no extramarital affairs or enemies that could hint at a revenge motivated killing. The murders were so brutal that some detectives even theorized that the crime was the was work of a cult trying to appease the devil.
The most promising lead came when serial killer Tommy Lynn Sells claimed he had carried out the killings along with around 70 other unsolved murders. While he was linked to a number of these murders, detectives could never definitively link him to the Dardeen murders. He often gave statements which didn’t match with the evidence.
Sells claimed he met Keith at a gas station and was invited back to the home for a threesome with himself and Elaine, something which his family and friends completely refuted. They said that Keith was a family man, and rarely even opened the door to strangers never mind invite them inside.
To this date, nobody has ever been charged with the murders of the Dardeen family.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Star Wars: Visions volume 2 will stream on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
Volume 2 shorts:
Title: “Sith”
Studio: El Guiri
Writer-director: Rodrigo Blaas
Rodrigo Blaas is an Emmy Award®-winning director who has spent more than 20 years in animation. After co-founding Stromboli Animation in 1997, Blaas joined Blue Sky Studios in 2000, working on the feature film Ice Age, before transitioning to Pixar Animation Studios. There, he worked on such projects as Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), and Wall-E (2008) and on the Oscar®-nominated short film La Luna (2011). More recently, Blaas partnered with Guillermo del Toro to develop the award-winning series Trollhunters, served as creative director for Mikros Animation Paris and, in 2021, created El Guiri Studios in Madrid with his partner, Cecile Hokes. He also wrote and directed 2009’s award-winning short film Alma.
Title: “Screecher’s Reach”
Studio: Cartoon Saloon
Director: Paul Young
Paul Young is a co-founder of Cartoon Saloon, an IFTA winner and Oscar®, Emmy® and BAFTA nominee. He produced the animated features My Father’s Dragon, WolfWalkers, The Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, and The Breadwinner as well as award-winning TV series including Puffin Rock, Dorg Van Dango, and Viking Skool.
Title: “In the Stars”
Studio: Punkrobot
Writer-director: Gabriel Osorio
Gabriel Osorio majored in Fine Arts at Universidad de Chile, later specializing in 3D animation. After working in commercials, movies and television series, he founded Punkrobot Studio. Since 2008, he has directed projects for children’s television including Flipos, Muelin y Perlita, Soccer Girls, and television spots. In 2016, his short film Bear Story became the first Latin American project to win an Oscar® in the animated short category.
Title: “I Am Your Mother”
Studio: Aardman
Director: Magdalena Osinska
Magdalena Osinska is an award-winning director who has been with Aardman for eight years. She has directed stop-motion, CGI, 2D and live-action commercials including Wallace & Gromit’s “The Great Sofa Caper” and “Share the Orange.” Osinska directed development of the children’s series Joyets and has also directed films including Spirits of the Piano and Zbigniev’s Cupboard. A graduate of the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, UK, as well as the Polish Film School in Lodz and Art College in Warsaw, Osinska is currently developing the feature film Jasia, based on her grandmother’s memories of WWII Poland.
Title: “Journey to the Dark Head”
Studio: Studio Mir
Director: Hyeong Geun Park
Rising star Hyeong Geun Park had already made a name for himself when he entered the Korean animation industry in 2017, thanks to his strong drawing and animation sensibilities. He has directed animation for dozens of cinematic game trailers and has since expanded into animated series, working on projects including Dota: Dragon’s Blood: Book 3 (2022) and Lookism (2022). Journey to the Dark Head is the first title he has executive produced from start to finish.
Title: “The Spy Dancer”
Studio: Studio La Cachette
Writer-director: Julien Chheng
Julien Chheng is CEO of Studio La Cachette, an Emmy Award®-winning French animation studio he co-founded in 2014 with fellow Gobelins school’s alumni Oussama Bouacheria and Ulysse Malassagne. Chheng was trained in visual development at Disney and has worked as a character animator on acclaimed 2D animated features The Rabbi’s Cat, Mune, and the Academy Award®-nominated Ernest and Celestine. In 2021, he won an Emmy Award® as animation executive producer of Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal, for which he also served as animation supervisor. In 2022, Chheng directed with Jean-Christophe Roger the Cesar-nominated feature Ernest and Celestine: A Trip to Gibberitia.
Title: “The Bandits of Golak”
Studio: 88 Pictures
Director: Ishan Shukla
Ishan Shukla started his career as a CG artist in Singapore. For more than a decade, he spearheaded projects ranging from TV commercials to series and music videos. His 2016 animated short, "Schirkoa," was long listed for the Academy Awards® after receiving dozens of awards and playing at 120 international festivals, including SIGGRAPH Asia where it was named Best in Show. He then set up his own animation studio to work on adult-oriented animated feature films including a feature-length version of Schirkoa, set to hit festivals in summer 2023.
Title: “The Pit”
Studios: D’art Shtajio and Lucasfilm Ltd.
Writer-director-executive producer: LeAndre Thomas
Co-director: Justin Ridge
LeAndre Thomas is an award-winning writer and director from Oakland, Calif., whose most recent film won Best Director at the Pasadena International Film Festival. In addition to his independent films, Thomas is a part of the franchise studio team at Lucasfilm Ltd. where he has worked for more than 11 years being credited on recent titles such as Light & Magic, The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, and many more.
Justin Ridge executive produced the Emmy®-nominated series Star Wars Resistance. His credits also include Star Wars Rebels, Storks, The Cleveland Show, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Title: “Aau’s Song”
Studio: Triggerfish
Writer-directors: Nadia Darries and Daniel Clarke
Nadia Darries is a director, animator and co-founder of Goon Valley Animation, with an avocation for songwriting. Born in the Cape Flats in South Africa, Darries has worked on high-end animated film and motion design as an animator, project manager, creative director and director since 2015. Her experience includes animating at Triggerfish Animation Studios on the award-winning BBC films Stick Man, Revolting Rhymes, and Highway Rat.
Daniel Clarke is a Cape Town-based director and artist working in animation, film and illustration. He started his career in animation in 2008 at Triggerfish Animation Studios, where he has served as production designer, art director and director on projects such as the feature film Khumba, BBC’s Stick Man, and The Snail and the Whale. In 2018, along with James Clarke and Daniel Snaddon, he completed the graphic novel Kariba.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
fast car | part 1/?
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general series tags/warnings: slow burn, mentions of family history of substance use, implied economic disparity in relationship, angst typical of co-workers to lovers stories, family drama
summary: all things considered you don’t have it that bad. your four year old little boy is happy, and you’re happy- finally in a place where getting out of bed in the morning doesn’t feel like a herculean task. but things could be better, which is why you take the PA job on a movie filming down the road. you can work when jack is in school, bring in some extra money- and be able to say you helped make a movie. unlike your mom insists, you didn’t take the job to ‘meet someone’- let alone austin butler. funny how your mom’s intuition is never wrong.
word count: 2152
i live for comments and love talking about my writing, feel free to pop me an anon anytime!
“Momma, I don’ wanna go to school.”
You laugh a little at how serious Jackson sounds in contrast with how he looks sitting in his carseat in a Spiderman hoodie with matching velcro shoes. He pushes his eyebrows together, arms crossed lightly over his chest. A few hairs from the top knot you'd thrown his hair into fall out and frame his face- that when he’s being indignant, according to your mother, looks exactly like yours.
“Well,” You start as you park the car, looking at him in the rearview mirror as you unclip your seatbelt. “You don’t have a choice buddy, mommy has to go to work.”
His eyebrows go from furrowed to pushed up, the confusion evident on his face. Which is fair- given that for the past year you've been working nights, a neighbor coming over to stay in the house while he sleeps.
"Nuh-uh," He insists, jabbing his pointer finger out the car window at the sun. "Not nigh' time."
“I’m working somewhere different now- and you wanna know something really cool?” You start as you go around to the passenger side door, opening it and helping him unbuckle his chest clip. “My new job is helping people make a movie.”
The job in question more or less fell into your lap- literally, a job posting for production assistants coming off the community information board at your last gig when you were closing up for the night. You'd applied mostly as a joke with a friend, and when she got a rejection email you accepted you would too.
Except you didn't.
The four year old seems to perk up a little at that, taking your hand to hop down out of the car.
“That’s cool momma,” He says, swinging your hand as you walk towards the building that he looks at through squinted eyes. “But I s'ill don’t wanna go."
Chuckling to yourself, you bend down to kiss his head.
“You’ll live, baby.” You say lightly, squeezing his shoulder before directing him into line with the other kids in his class waiting to go inside. “Love love love you, be good, have fun!” You continue a little louder as he reluctantly ran off, watching him for a second before going back to your car.
- - -
Pulling out of the school parking lot, you let the GPS direct you to the filming location that had been sent in the pre-shoot email the night before, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel as you drive. You feel a little ridiculous for being so nervous. This isn’t a glamorous gig on a Warner Bros lot down the street from Hollywood Boulevard. It’s Ohio.
And yet pulling up to the lot seeing the line of trailers still makes your stomach flip over on itself.
Check in is easy enough, you go through an orientation that feels a little quick with the other PA and tour the lot before being split off. You’re in the office helping make copies off a call list when the woman who had been introduced as a supervisor clears her throat.
Looking up from her phone when you turn your head, her thumbs still linger over the keyboard as she speaks.
“Could you go grab Mr. Butler and bring him to set A?” She says lightly, glancing down to look at the time. “He should just be finishing up in hair and makeup now.”
You nod and finish making the copy you were working on, your chest tightening a little.
There was making copies and there was having to interact with the people in this movie. Which you signed up for, you try to remind yourself as you chew on your lip. And you’re familiar with most of them. Your little sister and self proclaimed theatre nerd had squealed into the phone when she realized you’d be working with Mike Faist, and your mom is a Tom Hardy fan.
Your mother is also an Elvis Presley fan, and saw the recent biopic no short of eight times over the summer. She dragged you with her on round four, and you thought it was alright.
But sitting in a movie theater watching him pretend to be Elvis for three is hours is about the only context you have for the actor you’re walking across the lot to go meet.
The hair and makeup trailer doors are open when you approach, which makes you feel a degree more intimidated. But you step just inside, a girl holding a makeup brush turning to you when she hears the footsteps.
Who you assume to be Austin is in the chair next to her, and follows her gaze as he turns.
The first thing you notice is that he has significantly more facial hair than he did in the movie you saw with your mom.
The second is that you’ve been standing there without saying anything for thirty seconds. Oops.
“Hi!” You exclaim as you clear your throat, standing up a little straighter. “I’m here for Mr. Butler, he’s needed on set?
“Austin is fine.” He says cooly, thanking the makeup and hair team before getting up to follow you. He’s wearing khakis and a leather biker jacket with some patches, the boots he has on putting an extra inch on the height that already has him a bit over your head.
“Sorry, Austin,” You reply and swallow, suddenly so nervous that you have half a mind to be a little embarrassed. “I’ve never worked on a uh- movie set before. Still trying to figure everything out I guess- you know, the etiquette.”
You hear him chuckle as you walk in lockstep, the realization that you’ve been rambling making your face hot, and your gut sink. Way to be Y/N, getting yourself fired on your first day.
“I’m actually probably not supposed to be talking to you at all right now, am I? I’m so sorry-”
“Hey- no,” Austin says he cuts you off, and when you catch a glance at his face you notice his eyes softening. “If I was one of those hard asses that doesn’t want people to look me in the eyes they woulda warned you,” He continues. “And I mean- I’m not. Been doing this for a few years and I still don’t really get those people.”
There's still a hint of a southern drawl leftover from Elvis in his voice, which you find amusing. Alongside finding yourself relieved that he’s being so nice. No getting fired on your first day then after all.
After offering him a quiet thank you, you fall into a comfortable silence until you reach your destination, the parking lot of a rundown bar littered with old cars and motorcycles. It’s quite the sight, and it almost feels like you stepped into a time machine. Out of the corner of your eye you see Austin’s eyebrows go up, the smile his lips are tugged into as he takes it all in childlike. It’s endearing to witness.
You startle when his name being called by Jeff pulls you out of your head.
Austin waves at him from across the parking lot but stops short of running over, turning back to you.
"Thank you,” He says, pausing, and you’re quick to realize you hadn’t actually introduced yourself.
"Oh- it's Y/N." You blurt out, not wanting to keep him too long.
Austin nods, giving you a little mock salute with a “Thanks Y/N, see you around.” before jogging off in the direction of the rest of the cast.
Hanging back, you watch the cast mingle and be directed around to where they’re supposed to be, fascinated by how this whole movie thing actually works. But you can’tt watch for long, recognizing the voice of another PA before you actually see her.
“Hey!” She calls as she comes over, pushing her hair back. Not that you can really pick favorite co-workers on day one, but if you had to it would be her. She introduced herself earlier in the day as Vada, “Yeah like My Girl,”, coming across as an Energizer Bunny of sorts.
And you don’t mind, you actually appreciate her temperament more than the straight edged focus of the others. Though you do find it a little amusing how out of breath she sounds assuming she must’ve run from wherever she was to here “I have to help with extra corralling, they sent me to send you back to the office.”
You give her a nod, more bummed than you want to admit that she gets to do the “cool stuff” and you have to go back to making copies. But it couldn’t all be glamorous escorting of stars all day. There were afterall, other duties listed in your job description.
Thanking her and going to walk away, you scan the set to see if you can see where Austin ended up. Your eyes find him mounting one of the motorcycles, and you let yourself watch for a few seconds as he revs it up, unable to help a smile at the enthused laugh that escapes him as it roars to life.
- - -
“Soooo how was it? My little Hollywood bigshot.”
Your mom croones and you can’t help but roll your eyes a little, holding the phone against your ear with your elbow as you straighten up the living room. It was nice being able to spend the evening with Jack instead of working. But in the interest of not having been able to in a while you wound up letting him run a little wild. And go to bed without having to pick up his mess.
Hence why you were doing it at 10pm.
“I’m a glorified intern- but it was fine.” You say, putting your son’s Hot Wheels cars back in their garage. “Cool to see how the old motorcycles and cars they’re using for different things- Austin was nice,”
The last part flies out before you can stop it, mostly because that interaction was the most interesting part of your day spent mostly in the office. You just about hear your mother’s eyebrows shoot up over the phone.
“Austin? As in Elvis Austin?” She says, and you chuckle. “Yeah, that one. He’s sweet.”
The line falls silent again, and you recognize what this particular pause from your mother is implying quickly. Your face heats up just like it did earlier, a sensation you don’t particularly enjoy.
“Sweet and single?”
You groan for emphasis, but it doesn’t sway her from the path she’s already charging down as you plop on the couch.
“C’mon, it wouldn’t be a bad deal if you found someone on this job. I’m sure the guys there are more suitable than the ones at Meijer- bet they’re cuter too,”
“I’m there to work, that’s it.” You try to interject, but she just keeps going.
“And Jackson could use-”
You cut her off more harshly before she can finish that sentence, and start the argument you found yourself having with her at least once a month. Whether she means well or not, it gets under your skin every time.
“Oh don’t even start with that. If Jackson needed a dad his real one wouldn’t have been such a colossal piece of shit.” You punch out, pinching the bridge of your nose.
She tsks on the other end of the line, and you hear a door creak that you can’t identify as happening at your house or hers. “That wasn’t what I was going to say Y/N. I’m your mom- it’s my job to look out for you two and I worry, that’s all.”
Before you can respond you realize the door creak had been from your place, hearing small footsteps padding down the hallway. Jackson emerges soon enough, rubbing his eyes with a little sniffle.
"Hey, mom I gotta go," You rush out and hang up, opening your arms for your son to come to you.
“What's goin' on sweetie, you have a bad dream?" You coo softly as he meanders over, knocking into your knees and letting you lift him onto your lap. A little hiccup escapes him as he nodded.
Mumbling, he presses his face into your neck with a "Scary." so quiet you almost don’t hear it. Rubbing his back, you press a kiss to his tangled bedhead.
This was never part of the plan- not in the slightest.
There was a time where you were certain that you’d leave Ohio the day you graduated high school and never look back. Dropping out of school and moving back into the same neighborhood that you’d lived in since you were little, alone, with a baby in your arms wasn’t on your to-do list.
A quote you saw recently read “Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks in it.”, and how much it resonated made your gut twist.
Because there’s a version of you somewhere in a parallel universe that didn’t have to let go of so much, and you mourn for her a little.
But you love your son to death. That’s your priority. Your only priority.
tag list: @planetch1ld @homebodybirkin2003 @caro1inev @ximeher @potatoes46 @brain-vs-life-blog @fanaticalfantasist @sqrlgrl22 @simpforcxdy @lokissuper @awakenbutasleep @wil3 @shiikan0iin @lala1267 @wherinthehell @chasingwildflowers @big-mama @anon17sblog @butlersfan @weluvnoelle @eliseinmemphis @butlersluvbot @selaliq @my-away-world @captainmoofy @hopemoon94 @cat-or-kitten @marriedtopresley @cuvntt @tik99 @kaywe323 @peanutbutterinacup @bella07 @bella-the-proud-fangirl @wildestvy @jeffco40863 @mikayla02 @joyhhh @jessicarcates @iloveaustinbutler @lucy27055 @madilynnk @ochrely @st4rylusty @karenal82thepartydotcom @loreons @bottleofruse @kendralavon7 @xmusse @fallinlovewithurlove @dreamofhopes @lovelylanas @snwells @18lkpeters @ifyouloveweedletsgosmoke @kelbabyblue @presleyenterprise @lauren08764 @hardcoredisneynerd @abbymcguire @abloversblog @slowsweetlove @day0420 @xxanaduwrites @luna-fanning @powellssugarbaby @plasticfantasticl0ver @lindsey101 @myradiaz @honeyorangess @dontworrypumpkin @ab4eva @richardslady121 @snwells
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Welcome to SunnyVale Oneshot
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(Guyyyyysss Im literally just writing and posting whatever pops in my head at this point My Alpha is about two paragraphs from being done :P Be watching for it!! Cruel Summer Ch. 2 should be finished by the weekend too annnd im gonna work on Midnight Rain Ch. 2! So lots goin on! :D anywho, I love Trailer Park Boys and have been watching it on repeat for WEEKS. So I just had this cute idea and figured I'd write it since I cant sleep! :P )
“Come on Bubs! Hurry up! We’re going to be late!” Julian yelled as Bubbles said goodbye to his kitties. “Boys, boys, boys!” J-Roc ran over across the road toward them. “Yall aint never gonna believe this! We got a reunion comin!!!” J-Roc grinned as Ricky looked at him, “what in the fuck are you talkin about J-Roc?” 
Julian took a sip of his drink as a large black bus pulled into Sunnyvale Trailer park.”So listen I heard from a friend of a friend that Y/N was in town. Rumor has it, she's gonna come do a tour of the park.” J-Roc said looking from Bubbles and Ricky, to which they all glanced at Julian. “What?” he snapped at them. “Well Julian…last time you and Y/N saw each other…she was tellin you she was leavin and you were ...well you were gonna ask her to marry you, until she……said……that….and you…..well…you know….broke her heart,” Bubbles said as an awkward silence filled the air. Julian sighed loudly and took a bigger drink of his drink as the large black bus drove slowly and carefully down the road, before coming to a stop. 
The air brake let out and the door opened, a few moments passed and suddenly, Julian felt like his heart had stopped and dropped into his stomach. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for him as you stepped off the bus. You wore a pair of suede thigh high heeled boots, a pair of black tights, they were the sheer kind that made Julian’s knees weak, you had on a burnt orange tight mini skirt on, and a black long sleeved shirt. When you looked up, your hair was curled in loose big curls, the wind lightly blowing your hair. You suddenly got the biggest grin on your face and darted toward the group of guys standing there. “Oh my gosh!!!” 
You laughed as you jumped hugging Ricky, the guy who was like the dumb, protective big brother you never got to have. You don’t know how many times Ricky saved your ass from getting into trouble either with Jim Lahey, the trailer park supervisor, or the cops whenever Julian and Ricky came up with some stupid plan. “Hey bugz!” Ricky had started calling you bugz when you guys were just kids, because you always had a ladybug or butterfly landing on you. He said you attracted bugs and teased you about it alot. 
Next to whisk you into a bear hug was your very bestest friend Bubbles; which the guys didn’t know but you still talked to regularly. “I’ve missed you bubs!” you laughed as he pinched at your belly “Whos got your belly?” “Don’t touch my fuckin belly bubs!” you both laughed again as he hugged you one more time. “I’ve missed you around here Y/N, we all have.” Bubbles said as you both pulled apart. You smiled and looked at Julian, “Hey Julian,” you said, willing to step up and hug him, but the longer the silence went on, the more awkward it got. “Hey fucktard, are you gonna speak or did your brain not get enough words movin arounds in there?” Ricky smacked his arm as you laughed softly. You’d forgotten just how Ricky talked, sometimes you really missed living here, other times, you wish you could have brought them with you, but you knew they would never leave their beloved trailer park. 
Julian let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d held since you turned and stared at him. “Wow,” he whispered to himself, but it was loud enough that all of you heard him. You felt a small blush creep up your cheeks, “Still drinking rum huh?” you asked him, smiling some as he cleared his throat, taking a large drink, and not the usual sip. “Oh, I brought presents! Give me one second!” You turned your hair flipping around, wafting the smell of your shampoo, mixed with your perfume all around. “Hey Mike!” You hollered while walking toward the bus, “Can you grab that blue duffle bag in the back for me?” you asked as you stood just a few feet from the guys. 
That smell hit Julian like a brick house as he closed his eyes, “I can’t do this.” he mumbled to Bubbles and Ricky before he turned and stormed back to his trailer, slamming the front door shut. He leaned back against it before flinging his glass at the opposite wall, letting it shatter and liquor spill to the ground. 
You turned at the sound of the door slamming and frowned. “Why’d he leave? I have a gift for him too.” you smiled a little awkwardly at Ricky and Bubbles. “Uh, I think he had to um, go, look at a book or something, anyways what’d you bring us Y/N?” Bubbles asked as you gave him a soft smile. It wasn’t easy for you either to see Julian, that night before you left played over in your mind a lot. 
15 years ago
You rode your bike down the street, the sun setting on your last few days of summer, you couldn’t wait to tell Julian, he was going to be so proud of you. You rode up to the stairs of his trailer and put on the kick stand before jogging up the stairs and letting yourself inside. “Jules? You home?” you called out, but not hearing a word. You pushed out your lips and walked toward the back where his bedroom was, “Yeah Ricky. I fuckin know. I'm nervous as hell the way it is. Dont you think I know that you fucking idiot?” He was on the phone in his bedroom. “Listen I’m busy tonight but I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Just don’t fuck up,” he hung up the phone and turned around to see you leaning on the doorway smiling softly. “Hey-how long you been standin there?” he asked as you smiled and shrugged. “Long enough to know you’re nervous about something...you two boys doin another deal?” you asked as he sat down on the bed, pulling you to straddle his lap. “Don’t worry about it sweetheart, what are you doin here this late?” you smiled, kissing him softly. “I have something to tell you,” you whispered against his lips. 
You’d given the boys their gifts, Bubbles got a rocket ship, directly from NASA with his own spacesuit and a couple of real moon rocks and Ricky had gotten a customized glass bong. “Take care of that Ricky…..I figured you’d like it.” you laughed as they ran off starting to play with Bubbles rocket. You took this chance to slip away and go to Julians, knocking softly on the door. 
A few moments later the door opened and Julian stood there, hair wet from a shower, slicked back by the water, sweatpants hanging low on his hips with a towel around his shoulders. “Y/N. Hey, uh, what are you doin here?” he asked as you forced a smile. “Uh, I have a gift for you.” you said patting the duffle bag that hung off your shoulder. “Oh, you didn’t need to get me anything.” he said as he stepped aside and let you come in. 
Walking in, you stood awkwardly as he closed the door and moved toward the couch. “You can come sit down ya know?” he said, looking at you. You nodded and walked over sitting next to him. “Um,” you cleared your throat and dug around in the duffle bag. “Sorry, I would have wrapped it better, but I made a special stop for it.” you handed the box to him, watching him look confused, you smiled as he opened it. 
Inside, laid a very old and special bottle of Rum, Harewood Barbados 1780, to be exact. “Holy…fucking…shit.” he looked at you, a look of shock on his face. “Oh! It wasn’t a big deal….I know a guy who knows a guy,” you laughed softly. “You know someone who owns a $29,000 bottle of Rum?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as you smiled bashfully. “I know two guys now who own a bottle of $29,000 Rum.” you said as he smiled watching you grab another box. “Can’t drink expensive rum without new glasses.” you said handing him the black box. 
Julian smiled down at the gifts in his lap, before the memories came rushing back. “Listen…Y/N….I meant to write back…when you wrote me that letter….I just…got busy…and I didn’t…know exactly what to say.” You shook your head waving a hand. “Not a big deal….I moved on, I’m sure you did too. We’re adults now and that was 15 years ago so, you know, what's in the past,” you said looking down. 
Julian put his gifts aside and moved closer to you. “I’ve followed your career,” he said smiling as you looked at him. “What?” you tried not to laugh. “I doubt I sing the kinda music you like,” you laughed as he did, “While that’s true, I do listen to your music. You’re talented. You always have been…” he said softly as you stared at him, “Julian…I’m sorry I left. But tomorrow I’m going to show everyone where I was raised and where I lived with my parents. And I want you and the guys to be in the video.” you smiled as he chuckled “I’m sure we can make that happen.” 
Julian got you both a drink, and you began to get caught up on each other’s lives. “See Ricky…I’m tellin you that was a genius idea.” Bubbles whispered as they peaked in Julians windows. “He’ll finally tell her after all these years.” 
You were trying to catch your breath from laughing so hard when Julian put a hand on your leg. You looked at him as he stared at you, smiling softly. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered as you nodded. “I’ve missed you too.” A few more moments of staring at each other passed before he grabbed you and pulled you in close, kissing you deeply. 
After a few moments, Julian pulled away and sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t.” he got up running a hand through his hair. “Fuck!” he yelled causing you to jump. “I should go.” you said quietly as you gathered your stuff and stood up. “No, please don’t go,” he sighed “just…..wait here.” he walked back to his bedroom, returning a few moments later, his signature black t-shirt clinging to the muscles that ran through his chest and stomach. “You weren’t the only one keeping a secret….” he pulled his hand out of his pocket, a black velvet box resting in his hands. “It’s nothing fancy…..I got it from Mrs. Peterson. When she died, she willed it to me, along with some money and other stuff…but….” he opened it, revealing the small, beautiful gold ring inside. The tiny cluster of diamonds sat directly in the middle. You stared down at it, unsure of what was going to happen, or what would have. “.....you….you wanted to marry me?” you whispered as he nodded. “But…then you said everything you said….and….” you looked at him, your brows pulling down together as confusion took over your face. “You lied to me didn't you?” you asked as he sighed. “I panicked, I didn't know what else to do…” you scuffed, shaking your head as you backed away and grabbed your stuff. “I can’t believe you Julian…you lied to me…you swore you never would.” you shook your head. “Whoa, you lied to me too.” Julian said as you looked appalled at him. “Are you kidding me? I didn’t lie to you, Julian. I WAS pregnant when I left. I took the damn test. And guess what? I rehearsed through the miscarriage, I performed when and where I needed to, so now I can go around and buy $30,000 bottles of Rum to impress someone I was head over heels in love with, in the hopes that I might get a tiny taste of what I used to have in life before I lost it all!” you yelled before you stormed out.
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emotionaldashtoons · 3 months
Here's my poster of my official version of my version for my DisneyElseWorld's Pixar's...
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I saw the new Inside Out 2 trailer, and they made Anxiety, Ennui, Embarrassment, and Envy bad by betraying the old emotions. Lots of crazy stuff is about to happen! We don't know what's going on, lots of details are there too. But what would the ElseWorld version be like?
For my idea. I have 6 new emotions, the OC emotions like, Courage, Surprise, Pride, Trust, Shame, and Frustration.
I am using on of my oc's Ego de Spite, to be the main villain of the au second movie.
Characters like Zee, the assistant of Ego, she runs the business with him but she tries to avoid him to help others. Bud, Courage's blood cell buddy, he doesn't speak but he's sweet, nervous, cute and got some attitude. And Brain, the big boss of Riley's mind, and the emotions need his help to stop Ego. And Mother Esteem, sweet old mind lady but very big (Disclaimer: Not in the poster).
Returning Cast like...
Amy Poehler as Joy, Bill Hader as Fear (YES! I'm bringing Bill Hader back! He's so much funnier then I expected), Lewis Black as Anger, Phyllis Smith as Sadness, Kensington Tallman as Riley, Diane Lane as Mrs. Andersen, and Kyle MacLachlan as Mr. Andersen.
Recast Alert!
I actually like Liza Lapira playing Disgust. After what Mindy Kaling did in Velma, it wasn't enough for me. Because the show and her are piles of shit to me.
With All-Star Cast like...
Chris Pratt (The LEGO Movie 2) as the new outside leader emotion Courage, Sam Richardson (Hocus Pocus 2) as Surprise, Kate McKinnon (Ferdinand & Saturday Night Live) as Frustration,
Andrew Rannells (Trolls Band Together) as Trust, Randall Park (Ant-Man And The Wasp) as Pride, Jim Cummings (Winnie the Pooh) as Shame, Nicholas Hoult (the X-Men films & Underdogs) as the villainous and hilarious, Ego de Spite,
Aubrey Plaza (Monsters At Work) as Ego's sarcastic female assistant, Zee, Michael Cera (Barbie & Superbad) as Ego's nerd assistant, Yes Man, Peter Sohn (Ratatouille & Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse) as The emotions new blood cell buddy, Bud, Wanda Sykes (the Ice Age films) as Mother Esteem,
with David Wain (The Bob's Burgers Movie) as Chairman the Mind Councilman, Yvette Nicole Brown (Drake & Josh) as Riley's middle school P.E. coach, Ms. Roberts, Brady Noon (TMNT: Mutant Mayhem) as Jordan, Jack Bright (The Good Dinosaur) as Riley's bully, Francis, & Alfred Molina (Monsters University, Gravity Falls & the Spider-Man films) as the smart, wise cracking, and big-headed mind boss himself, Brain.
Written & Directed by Josh Cooley
Co-Directed by Bob Peterson and Angus MacLane
Produced by Mark Neilsen, p.g.a.
Executive Produced by Pete Docter, Dan Scanlon, and Jonas Rivera
Story by Josh Cooley and Pete Docter
Edited by Kevin Nolting
Cinematography by Patrick Lin and Kim White
Production Designer Craig Foster
Story Supervisor Peter Sohn
Visual Effects Supervisor Bob Pauley
Supervising Animators Jerome Ranft and Doug Sweetland
Music by Michael Giacchino
Score Cordinator Andrea Datzman
Casting by Kevin Reher & Natalie Lyon
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hash-driveway · 3 months
Down With Me
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Roxanne, Sunnyvale's newest resident, meets Julian and Ricky after they return from jail. Troubled by her traumatic relationship with her ex, will she be able to open up in her newfound home?
Bubbles isn’t in jail in this one.  I need him for exposition ok!! Roxanne is all of us and we are all Roxanne.
Also on AO3!
Roxanne’s favorite part of living in Sunnyvale was the way that the sun beamed down onto her porch in the mornings.  Her routine, newly developed since moving to Sunnyvale, had a sense of peace about it since moving away from the city.  Instead of dragging herself out of bed, to then drag herself to her soul-sucking desk job, then back to her lackluster apartment, she felt energized to begin her day.  
After rising from bed, she would get ready for her morning jog around the trailer park.  When she lived with her ex, she hardly ever had the time to keep up with exercise.  Instead, she would resort to not eating much throughout her day to save herself time.  She had to be as productive as possible. Now that she had this fresh start, she could take more time for herself.  It was something that she had to get used to at first, but once she did, she fully embraced it.  It felt good to let go of the pressure and stress that she lived in for so long. 
Roxie developed a rapport with some of her neighbors on her morning jogs.  She met Lucy and Sarah, two best friends (who Roxie was surprised to find out were not in a relationship) who did hair out of their trailer sometimes.  Lucy’s daughter, Trinity, lived with them.  Trinity was a little hellion, stealing barbecues and throwing bottles.  Luckily, when Roxie caught her trying to steal her barbecue, she wasn’t intimidated by the little kid’s attitude.  Instead, she earned the child’s respect by talking with Lucy about the situation in a way that didn’t make her feel guilty.  After that, the three of them became friends.  
She also met Bubbles, a peculiar guy with the most alarming Coke-bottle glasses she’d ever seen.  He lived out of the shed across the street from her trailer.  Roxie took it upon herself to put some cat food out on her first night, and Bubbles noticed and came to her door.  At first, he was a bit offended, assuming she thought that he didn’t feed his kitties sufficiently.  He fed them good, he said, better than most kitties in the world.  She believed him.  
And of course, Roxie knew Jim Lahey and Randy, the Trailer Park Supervisor and Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor, respectively.  Jim was always drunk, and Randy was always shirtless. They weren’t as nosy as her previous landlords, who would barrage her with emails about her hanging plants on the balcony, or the decorations she’d put on her door.  Since she was the leaseholder, she was the one who was always being contacted for stupid shit, like her ex parking in the handicap spot or being late on rent because he couldn’t be bothered to save any money.  Her ex never took responsibility for anything.  
Across the street from her new place sat a white single-wide with brown trim.  Two young guys, Corey and Trevor, lived there and completely trashed it.  It was unfortunate seeing the state of disarray Julian’s home was in while he was away.  
She had never met Julian, of course.  Bubbles spoke about him and Ricky so often that Roxie felt like she might as well know them.  Bubbles often told her about how excited he was for his friends to get out of jail.  
That’s why Bubbles stopped her on her run this morning.  As soon as she passed Julian’s trailer on her second lap around, Bubbles ran to her in a panic.  
“Roxie! Please, I need your help.  I don’t know how I’m going to get Corey and Trevor out of Julian’s place,” he exclaimed, taking a moment to whine stressfully, “He’s going to be back any minute, and they just fucked his place up.  They won’t listen to me!” 
Out of breath and hunched over, Roxie panted through her words, “Bubbles, I’m sure Julian will be able to handle it. Corey and Trevor don’t seem too bright.” 
Bubbles sighed, not feeling any better, “Yeah, well, they’re fuckin’ idiots, but they’re in there tearing the place up… Smoking, drinking, and playing video games all day and night.  They don’t even care to clean up after themselves.” 
“It’ll be okay, Bubbs, I promise.” 
The rest of her morning went on as usual: Shower, change clothes, and brew coffee.  She sat on the small porch of her trailer, basking in the sun.  Roxie had on a gray tank top which now soaked up the water dripping from her hair, and shorts.  While it was early spring, it surely got hot enough for her to wear summer clothes already. 
Placing her coffee down, Roxie reached into her pocket and grabbed her plastic cigarette case, which held half a pack and a half-smoked joint.  She was saving the weed for later, maybe if she hung out with Lucy and Sarah that evening.  Roxie lit up a cigarette and let time stop for a moment as the morning sun warmed her face. 
Just after, her trance was broken by the sound of a cab rolling up across the street.  She watched as Bubbles ran to the vehicle in excitement.  That must be Julian and Ricky, she thought. 
The guy who exited the cab first wore a button-up houndstooth shirt with Adidas swishy pants.  His hair was a dirty red, styled in a pompadour with impressive sideburns.  His eyes were covered by small oval sunglasses.  He was cute. 
“Bubbs!” He shouted as he gave Bubbles a hug, “I fuckin’ missed ya, buddy.” 
Bubbles whined and hugged his friend back, “Ricky! I missed you, too!”  Roxie smiled to herself, happy that Bubbles wouldn’t be so lonely anymore.   
As the two reunited, the other side of the cab opened.  Roxie was greeted by the sight of a tall man with black hair, slicked back and shiny.  His dark goatee framed his jaw, and as he turned to retrieve their bags from the trunk, his earring caught the light of the morning sun.  His shoulders were broad, and a gold chain rested on his chest. In one hand, he held a drink, which never seemed to spill in spite of the movements he made.  He was built, but not cut.  He looked like the kind of guy that you wouldn’t want to fuck with.  
Roxie watched as Julian propped both duffel bags onto one shoulder, and a small wave of fervor swept through her stomach.  She took another drag, and stole glances at Julian as she eavesdropped from across the street. 
“Bubbs, what the fuck happened to my trailer?” Julian’s voice was deep and steady despite his aggravated tone. 
Bubbles stammered as he explained to Julian how he tried to kick Corey and Trevor out of his trailer, but that they wouldn’t listen.  Julian shook his head and made his way into his home with Ricky following behind him.  A commotion erupted from the trailer– a combination of shouting and objects falling over.  Corey and Trevor really did trash the place.  There was garbage and empty bottles where the flowerbeds used to be, and the porch was filled with junk.  Roxie couldn’t imagine how disgusting the inside of the house was. 
Bubbles looked around, a distressed look on his face.  Roxie stood as they made eye contact from across the street, and mouthed: 
“Everything okay?” 
Bubbles whined again and threw his hands up in exasperation before heading over to her.  
“I fucked up, Roxie.  I tried so hard to get them to leave, but those dicks are so drunk and high all the time that they never listen!”
She snuffed her cig and patted Bubbles on the back, “You tried your best, Bubbles.  It looks like your friends have it handled.” 
As she spoke, Ricky and Julian were throwing all of Corey and Trevor’s shit out of the front door.  Ricky pushed Corey out first, then Trevor.  Their protests fell on deaf ears as Julian scolded them and told them to start cleaning his trailer immediately.  
When the two made their way over to Bubbles, Roxie started feeling nervous.  Nervous? Fuck no, she was probably just excited to meet her new neighbor…right? Right.  
Julian approached and consoled Bubbles, making sure that his friend knew that it wasn’t his fault.  
“It’s alright, Bubbles. I should have known those dicks were up to something fucked up.” Julian regarded Roxie, eyeing her up and down before greeting her, “Hey.” 
“Hi,” she waved at him, “Roxie.” 
“Jeez, Bubbs.  You went ahead and got a girlfriend while we were gone, huh?” Ricky teased. 
Bubbles groaned, “Ricky! She’s not my girlfriend.  Just my friend.” 
“Is that right?” responded Julian, the faintest inkling of intrigue in his voice, “Nice to meet you.” 
Roxie smiled, “Likewise.” 
They shared a brief moment of eye contact until Ricky shouted at Corey and Trevor to “pick up the fucking pace” because he “wanted to watch TV and smoke a joint” with Julian and Bubbles.  
“Boys, let’s hurry the fuck up and get Corey and Trevor out of Julian’s! I want to have a tiny bit of a relaxing evening.” 
“See you,” said Julian, “Let me know if you need anything.” 
“Okay.  Bye, Julian.” 
As the boys returned to berating Corey and Trevor, Roxie found herself smiling.  Was her face red?  Oh God, it must have been weird of her to only say goodbye to Julian, right? Maybe she was being too obvious.  
She grabbed the half-smoked cigarette from her ashtray and went back inside before she got too excited about meeting her new neighbor.  
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randee0 · 8 months
I Can Smell It from Here...
new fic out, only prologue for now. check it out on AO3 here!!!!!
way more domestic and light-hearted/fluffy than my original fic The Delusions, for those seeking a nice reprieve. summary below:
Trailer Park Supervisor Revy and Assistant Supervisor Benny rule Sunnyvale with a limp-wrist... all they do is play hash-hockey, and goad Sawyer and Lotton into doing their actual supervising work. Former supervisor Roberta Cisneros (and assistant Garcia Lovelace) are serving out the last legs of their prison (and juvie) sentence, after being blatantly framed by Revy and Dutch for a ATM robbery... and of course Officer Green believed them, he's the dumbest fuck on the force after all. But Balalaika, Sunnyvale's owner, seems like she has developed a thing for Revy, despite her general crudeness, drunkenness and lack of direction in life... why else would she be packing her lunch every day? At least, that's what the rest of Lagoon Company starts to think. Based on the Trailer Park Boys season 4 plot arc where Barb tries to get with Ricky (and Lahey loses it).
hope yall enjoy!
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askjuliananything · 23 days
Nevermind. Don't come to Success Autobody. Our drunk fuck trailer park supervisor wrecked the whole place to the ground. I have nothing left now
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kickasstorrents · 2 months
the arcs in trailer park boys where the boys end up having some kind of recognized legal power to exercise in the park like when ricky gets to be assistant supervisor are sooooo good
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when he’s a drunk closeted trailer park supervisor 🥵🥵
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bhinshom · 5 months
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The ShitHawks are coming!
This one's for Mr John Dunsworth, who gave us the amazing Jim Lahey - Supervisor, Sunnyvale Trailer Park (Trailer Park Boys).
Jim Lahey was the heart and soul of the show.
Rest in peace, good sir.
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apple-pie-42 · 1 year
I just realized that I pay very little attention to ppl around me unless they directly affect my daily life. I have 2 nextdoor neighbors. Now I've met one because he has a lab puppy. I've seen the other one a couple of times.
A couple of days ago my supervisor told me my coworker, X, lives in the same trailer park as me. I figured he lived in the back row because I never saw him, I wasn't even sure what his name was, I literally said which ones X? I had no clue.
Turns out X is my nextdoor neighbor. I only figured it out because the bird feeder X bought a couple of days ago is hanging in the neighbors tree.
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thelegendofmrrager · 1 year
What is trailer park boys actually about? I ask this as someone who has never seen any of it and knows nothing about any of the characters, and while I could Google it I'd rather hear it from a passionate enjoyer tbh ❤️
Aw anon I'd be happy to answer!
Trailer Park Boys follows three friends in a mockumentary style series (think The Office but with the shenanigans of smth like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia ig?). The boys live in a small trailer park in Nova Scotia, and most of the plots revolve around them fucking around and scheming up ways to make money while bouncing in and out of jail.
Julian is the leader of the group, quiet, most level headed (also the beefiest, holy SHIT those tits). Bubbles is sensitive, loves cats, and is the glue that keeps the group together. Ricky is a jackass, usually high and/or drunk, but he's well meaning (most of the time) and does what he can to provide for his girlfriend and daughter. All three of them are constantly dodging the park supervisor Mr Lahey, a wannabe cop with a drinking problem who has a personal vendetta against the boys, and his boyfriend Randy, whose sole character trait is that he enjoys cheeseburgers.
There's some continuity between seasons, some will end with the boys getting busted/going to jail and start with them getting out, but you could probably start anywhere if you were interested. Most ppl say the first seven seasons are the best.
Imo, TPB is great brain junk food. I've been binging it the past week or so and I find it hilarious. It has a pretty predictable formula that I find comforting, but also has moments that'll throw you off. Plus I love a good found family dynamic, and the boys typically stick together despite all the bullshit they put each other through. There's some pretty heartfelt moments.
PLUS... tpb has some pretty interesting history? I found out after doing some digging thru the fandom tag that before it existed, Mike Clattenburg (the creator) directed a short film called One Last Shot that follows the characters who would later become Ricky and Julian in sort of a gay coming of age story. It's a pretty emotional piece (I've watched it like three times since Friday cuz I honestly can't believe the show has its origins in this film).
DOUBLE PLUS: You can't run out of fucking content for this show. There's 12 seasons, an animated series, a SHIT ton of movies (including a pilot film from 1999), a podcast, and live performances. The actors actually record the podcast and live stuff AS their characters, which I think is so cool.
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oeudsnfd · 3 months
The Key Advantages of Solar powered Security Cameras
By far the most crucial exclusive benefits that solar-undefinedpowered surveillance video cameras supply contains:
Solar driven-undefinedsecurity video cameras can be a activity-changer with regards to obtaining video clip security inside the most remote locations.
They might require no wires and strength grid to work and may be used in areas previously deprived of adequate stability services, which include remote web sites or geographically difficult surroundings.
This mobility isn't confined to just far off websites, however. A lot of spots which need video clip security have problems with long term powering facilities. Included in this are parking lots, construction task web sites, pipelines, highways, recreational areas, and many others.
WCCTV's solar-undefineddriven security camcorders are entirely cable-undefinedcost-free, as all movie transmitting is shipped via cellular networking sites.
This can be a significant reward as wiring up a surveillance digital camera, and movement detector network might be a hugely time-ingesting and dear process.
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WCCTV provides solar energy-undefinedrun surveillance video cameras supported with a full handled support, including set up, remote movie keeping track of, routine maintenance, and ongoing US-based technical support.
related articles:
Things to learn about Solar-undefinedPowered Surveillance Cameras
Things to Think about When Buying a Solar powered Protection Digital camera?
Useful Tips to Know about Solar energy Community Cameras
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