#Top 5 Best Action Cameras
offbrandkyoya · 1 year
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Lights, Camera, Action! - scaramouche x reader smau
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you’re best friends with the famous band of all time, 5WIRL. however, DCKZ are rising to the top which are leaving your friends in the dust. the solution: add a new member, a new face to start some attention! it did cause attention alright, especially for your heart.
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pairing: scaramouche x gn!reader
genre: band au, smau, fluff, crack, celebrity x reader, angst
warning: cursing, scandals, false rumors, kys jokes, mistreatment
status: completed!
taglist: closed :(
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5WIRL the lovers DCKZ
Prologue: 1 & 2
01: congratulations! (you’re fucked)
02: common venti L
03: todays the day
04: childe has 0 rizz
05: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, SIX
06: let’s do it
07: << egg sandwiches
08: not your wife
09: fake birthday
10: scarapoo
11: sandwich kisses
12: stay mad
13: kaeyas delusional era
14: yn’s love life
15: SCARA!
16: therapist venti
17: the first show
18: bitchy woman
19: cricket cricket
20: just a friend
21: oh
22: strong
23: retweet
24: im glad to have met you
25: the delusions won
27: yes
28: TEN?????
29: giggling
30: hoe list
31: date night
32: together 4eva
33: bf reveal
34: enough is enough
35: best friends
36: sugar booger
37: marriage arc
38: fucking kids
39: by my side
40: kazurizz
41: oops i did it again
42: suck it up
43: stupid + stupid
44: = scarayn
45: angel from heaven
46: jealousy jealousy
47: boy what
48: fine then
49: feelings suck
50: hopefully
51: I’m Sorry
52: two weeks!?
53: he’s everywhere
54: bitchless era
55: good luck (you need it)
56: the artist named “….”
57: bye boyfie
58: love confessions
59: yn the widow
60: scara the widower
62: TAY
64: horrible people
65: pussy
66: big fan
67: what about us?
68: ten kids confirmed
69: crashing down
70: sleeping beauty
71: Goodbye Moon
72: new you new me
73: rattled cages
74: Better luck next time
75: Here Goes
76: Therefore, you and me
77: communication is key
78: the art of love
79: last show
80: thoma ache
81: masked singer
82: think about it
83: haters gonna hate
84: mamas boy
85: you hafta
86: it’s over
87: 2 brothers 2 men
88: Yns Mona Lisa
89: star
90: horn dog
91: win or lose
92: fight club
93: warmth
94: This is Life
95: Epilogue
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Girls Group 3 Round 2 Match 5
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Sayaka -
"Deadpan, forthright, and unapologetically candid, Kanamori never hesitates to voice her thoughts, no matter how harsh or unvarnished they may be. She is often deemed as impolite, ruthless or severely intimidating (by adults and peers her age alike), and is jokingly compared to the likes of the Yakuza. She’s regarded with a degree of caution, due to her unwavering no-nonsense attitude and the fact that she will stop at nothing to get what she wants, phone camera at the ready to capture any slip up that could potentially be used as blackmail later. Survival is her top priority, looking out for herself and whoever might be left behind unfairly by circumstance. She has a steadfast mind for business and strong work ethic, openly admitting to her desire for monetary compensation (or other favors and methods of payment, such as milk or food) for even the smaller and most mundane of tasks, and won’t shy away from charging fellow members of the club as well.
She firmly holds the belief that friendship is an idealized and glorified notion. To her, individuals referred to as "friends" are often mere products of chance, brought together by shared interests and nothing more. Sayaka adamantly refrains from using the term "friend" and readily corrects anyone who mistakenly categorizes her coworkers or those she spends time with as such. She befittingly conveyed this perspective of hers to Midori on the very day they first crossed paths, and this prompted Midori to freely opt out of using the label entirely as well, instead referring to her closest peers as “comrades” ever since.
Regardless of this, Sayaka prefers to achieve a level of coexistence, as she personally describes it, with those she truly cares about, such as the few other club members. While not explicitly considering the girls as her friends, her actions reveal a deep concern for their well-being. She often watches over them, remains by their side and is ready to defend them and their cause whenever necessary. A significant reason the club came to be in the first place is Sayaka's recognition of her classmates' immense artistic potential. She encouraged them to establish their own independent studio, enabling them to create their animated films, attain recognition, and reap profits from their efforts.
In her role as their producer, she's primarily motivated by financial gain, but as she reviews Midori's and Tsubame's work, she ensures they always have the option to do their job efficiently and avoid overexerting themselves if they ever choose to do so. She’s equally supportive of their goals and will often assure them that their art is more than good enough. She insists that their work is already impressive; therefore, they could forgo so much self-imposed pressure and stop doubting their abilities or attaching undue importance to others' unhelpful criticisms, as these are often incongruent with their own artistic sensibilities and convictions.
Sayaka lacks interest and doesn’t possess much insight about art herself, yet she is more than willing to learn from her team to become a better producer. Aside from having a keen eye for business since her early childhood (despite being bad at math), she also appears to be quite knowledgeable in a wide variety of topics, and will take people by surprise whenever she starts rambling about the ins-and-outs of something that’s relevant at any given moment. One time, someone pointed out that Kanamori wasn’t at all different from Asakusa on this regard, to which Tsubame responded with a simple and knowing “yup”.
She can be seen idly cracking the knuckles of her right hand every now and then, and rarely displays a different emotion as she goes about her day donning a neutral grimace on her face. Kanamori almost only ever smiles when she’s getting paid, when friendly mocking someone, or when she’s in the middle of twisting someone’s arm to hers and the club’s advantage.
I’m going to cut it here, since I realized I have much more to say about Sayaka than any other Eizouken member so far (I thought Midori was going to be the longest but this one was already effortlessly surpassing 700 words and counting. Good god) Please please PLEASE consider voting for her!! she’s an amazing character in general, and I can easily see why she’s Sumito Oowara’s personal favorite of the bunch."
Miku -
"Hatsune Miku is the character/persona created for a voice bank. As such, she has no set personality and can essentially be molded to fit the song’s scenario. She’s basically made to be your little dress up doll except your not dressing her up with clothes you’re dressing her up with your special interests and hyperfixations. She’s like the Barbie of Autism, if you will. As such, she has garnered many fans since her debut because of how relatable she is and how comforting she can be and how you can project your own interests or quirks on her and it’d still fit her because that’s essentially what she was made for!!!
You could consider the songs she sings and brings to life for producers to be her special interest!
As she’s a voice bank, she also can struggle with tone and inflection when speaking or singing, but can also, at times, sound very life like as well! She’s incredibly versatile as a tool to use for songs and as a character! She can do anything and be anything!
Also, all characters under the Vocaloid title usually come with an item that represents them! Miku’s is a leek/spring onion, even her hair has a similar appearance to one and it could be considered a special interest of hers!
I know the whole “she can be anything” seems sorta like flimsy propaganda for her, but I think it can also resemble how some people on the autism spectrum mask our true personalities and try and adapt to who we are talking to! And we can also have many talents and special interests at a single time! At least, that’s how my experience has been with being on the spectrum….
(Anywhosies I hope this helps! Miku has been important to me and many others for a long time and it’d be a shame for her to lose due to lack of propaganda 😔)."
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cringefail-clown · 4 months
at last, where doing it man where MAKING THIS HAPPEN
cringes jakehal fic rec list
just so were clear: some of the fics are unfinished, and havent been updated in a while. leaving a comment to let the author know that youre reading and youre enjoying it is fine, but dont be a bag of dicks and harass them over when the new chapter will be up. have some decency or else ill be inside your walls.
Heart by fawn_writes || rated T || 1/1 || 663 words - man its so good. short and sweet. jake comes by to witness the construction of hals new body while also reminiscing about the times he fought brobot and his untimely demise. a good sparkling of body worship. "Everything will be normal. They’ll manage to keep it normal. After all, Jake has enough of his own heart to share." - fuck, that lines so effervescent.
What he needs by fawn_writes || rated M || 1/1 || 1259 words - another banger from the same author. they be doing the horizontal tango, but nothings too graphic. healthy serving of body worship from jakes perspective, as well as his internal struggle with his apparent robotic attraction.
Dead Weight by squirtgunplay || rated M || 5/9 || 27337 words - oh that fic. oh my god. love me some zombie apocalypse au with existential horror sprinkled on top. hal and dirk are twins but with a twist in this one. theres mystery. theres injuries that make you incapable of moving around. theres ship of theseus discussion. its nourishing. its beautiful. jake and hals banter in this one is fucking amazing, and the author captures their characters so well. the relationship between hal and dirk is also very fucking good and heartwrenching and just ugh. stellar writing, the forth wall break made me laugh out loud, hal gets called a security camera (derogatory). theres graphic depictions of violence, so beware of the tags.
Tennessee Whiskey & You by MistLaFey || rated T || 5/? || 12217 words - major character death and graphic depictions of violence tagged, so beware and read the tags. no-sburb au. dirk fucking dies (its in the fic description so i dont feel like its a spoiler). beautiful exploration of grief, unhealthy coping mechanisms and trying to get back into the normal life when theres a big part of it suddenly missing. hal and dirk are twins. jake is not doing well. hal is also not doing well, but pretending he is. its heartbreaking and some scenes made my chest hurt. very good fic and i dont understand why it doesnt get more love. it deserves it. go read it, even just for the funeral scene, i got teary-eyed over it.
seconds by squirtgunplay || rated E || 2/2 || 18698 words - graphic depictions of violence and its no joke, presidential alert the girls are fightinnn!! but its also so funny and the authors so funny and its also really hot! no sburb au, hals a human and dirks twin. he gets kidnapped by a craigslist hitman jake who mistakes him for dirk. the banter is top game in this one. hal cant keep his mouth shut even in life or death situation. jakes a dork, but hes a deadly dork, and also cant keep his mouth shut about his personal problems. theres fistfighting and knifethrowing and hal gets a weapon put to his head at least twice and he thinks its pretty damn hot. theres banging in second chapter. what more can i say to sell you on this one. the characters are on point, the action is tense but its also written in a cheeky, fun way, smut is good, a npc gets unsubscribed from life. amazing fic, 10/10, will read it again.
I Think Therefore I AR by Taxi_Boy || rated T || 25/? || 30417 words - im saving the best for last. major character death. hal has to start the game and get his friends into the medium while dirk is missing, while also pretending to be dirk as to not raise their suspicions. im not going to say anymore about the plot, you just have to go and read the fic. genuinely my favourite jakehal - and homestuck in general - fic of all time. i love caliborn in this one. i cant wait to see what the author has cooked up for us in the future. its plainly genious.
these are only ao3 fics as i have no clue how tf you search other fanfic sites for a specific ship, but if you have any other recommendations feel free to add them onto this post! we all need some good jakehal fic recs in these trying times!
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if i can request where y/n is dating roman and she’s a face, she’s in a match and she gets serious injured and roman gets very worried but she then ends up okay with fluff at the end? (sorry if that made no sense) ty!
BACKLASH, roman reigns.
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warning: curse words, shitty description of action, blood, violence
tags: YES MORE STAGE NAMES SORRY, made-up events, fluff!!!!
summary: lovers to enemies but make it a fight
"AND i'll see you at wrestlemania, baby." you dropped the mic. the crowd cheered, waiting for your boyfriend's response. nothing came out of your mouth. the two of you had a stare down, totally in character. "then it's settled, roman reigns against stage killer for wrestlemania!" the announcer yelled. who would've thought the power couple of the industry was up against each other.
the camera stopped rolling and you were out of your character. going back to the clingy girlfriend you were. "baby!" you jumped on his back as soon as you got backstage. "can you believe it? wrestlemania?" you giggled in excitement. "i'm gonna beat your ass, you know that right?" "i’m gonna beat your ass!”
the moment you got back to your place, you immediately went to take a shower. work was never boring for you, you got to work with your boyfriend and his cousins–so it was quite exciting to see what the industry had for you. after showering, you laid on your bed, trying to close your eyes. but before you knew it, roman was already right next to you. "baby, you're not gonna shower?" "i was going to, but you went ahead of me." he joked.
morning came by and your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. damn, up and early for a morning run, you thought. you were wrong, he was in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of you. "morning." you greeted him with a kiss on his forehead, trying your best to reach his height. "morning baby, breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes. turn on the tv for me, please." you nodded and went to the living room.
"you heard it right, the power couple will face each other in wrestlemania!" the match had everyone talking. you chuckled as you switched the channel. "when do you wanna go over the choreography?" you asked him. "what?" he couldn't hear you. "i said when do you wanna go over the choreography?" "what?" at this point he was messing with you. you only groaned in response. "we'll go over it the day after tomorrow, let's just chill for a bit."
the build up for the fight was insane. even your families couldn't believe that you were pinned against each other. your mother called, asking if you had relationship problems with roman. you brushed it off, telling her it was all an act. the entire 'lovers-to-enemies' plot was a good idea to bring more depths into your storyline. being a face with your boyfriend as the top heel was complicated on live television. people were rooting for you to join the bloodline, some were rooting for the bloodline to turn face–needless to say, the two of you were the talk of the town.
behind closed doors and all the soap opera-coded romance, the two of you were actually so in love with each other. you had been dating for 5 years. your debut and his debut were in the same era, causing you to meet him in every reading and practice. the two of you immediately hit it off when he realized that you were practically living in the same neighbourhood.
gym sessions turned to dates, running together turned to grocery shoppings for your household, and friends turned to lovers. you loved every single little thing about him; how he drank his morning coffee–slightly sweeter than yours, how he dropped whatever was in his hands–to catch you, how he held you higher than any title that he has. out of all the belts and titles he owned, you were his prized possession, his true win in life.
and the same goes for you. he loved every single little thing about you. you never thought that you'd end up with one of your closest ring partners. the love that you had for each other was indescribable. "hey, baby." he greeted you, scooting closer to your body. "hey." you replied. "you ready to go over the script?" he raised an eyebrow. "hell yeah."
the big creative boss, triple h, was the reason why you were doing this entire 'lovers-to-enemies' gimmick. he wanted people to stay invested, rather than just fawning over the perfect love story you had. at first, roman and you thought it was a joke. it wasn't a joke at all. as much as you wanted to cling on roman and make him break character by your flirtings, it was quite interesting seeing this 'evil' persona of your boyfriend on stage.
the plan for wrestlemania was laid in front of the two of you from months ago. it was going to end with you winning. you wanted a change and the industry brought it to you. "so roman, what do you want to talk about?" the other wrestlers in the arena laughed at your joke. "hey that was my line!" cody complained from outside the ring. "sorry, just had to!" you gave him a thumbs up.
everyone was doing their job, you could see the sound guy adjusting the volumes of the speakers, wardrobe crews running to the backstage, you felt peace in the ring–not knowing what was coming for you. you dropkicked your boyfriend's chest, avoiding several spots. he flew back, hanging on the ropes. "that was great!" he smiled at you. "learned from the best." practice continued for the two of you.
roman was sitting in front of you, waiting for you to finish your makeup. he finished putting on his gear, his iconic red gloves and an ula fala around his neck. he was playing with his phones, replying to messages from his family and friends, wishing the two of you good luck for the show. "do you think cody will be using all his pyro tonight?" you asked him a question. "the ground will shake when he goes out." you applied your signature lip color, bloody red, contradicting to the blue gloves you had on your left arm.
people started to notice that the two of you had similar gears, the red and blue dividing you from being one. "and you're done!" the makeup artist said, excusing herself from the scene as she didn't want to bother roman and you. "you look beautiful, baby." he complimented you. "and you don't look too bad yourself, reigns." roman rolled his eyes. he took out his phone from his pocket and snapped pictures of you. "turn around, i'm gonna show everyone my girl." oh, he was very cheesy, you thought.
the crowd was ecstatic for the main and last event. the nervousness you had inside yourself was gone, replaced with adrenaline. "GOOD LUCK (Y/N)! GOOD LUCK ROMAN!" the locker room was hyping you up for the match. "MAIN EVENT, BABY!" you shouted, earning several whistles from your fellow wrestlers. "(l/n) up in 5, reigns up in 10!" one of the crew opened the locker room, only to be greeted by the superstars being loud and rowdy. "ALRIGHT, SEE YOU ALL IN A BIT!"
roman and you walked hand-in-hand, savouring the moment before going out. right when the two of you got near the entrance, your steps stopped. "fuck." you muttered, scanning the crowd. "it's going to be amazing, baby." he kissed your forehead, calming you down. "i'm okay!" you smiled at him. you had a ritual together where you prayed in silence before going out. you heard your theme song started to play, the crowd singing along to it.
"kill the stage, baby." like your stage name, the stage killer–you were going to kill the stage.
as you walked the long path filled with fans, you were making a grand entrance with all your pyro and charisma. you ran and slid your body inside the ring, giving your signature pose. the crowd was still singing along your entrance song, pumping you up with adrenaline and love. as soon as your song stopped, you took the time to wave at some fans. you were ready to face your boyfriend, no matter what it takes.
"and her opponent for tonight, accompanied with his wiseman and solo sikoa, roman reigns!" you were on the opposite side of the ring, clearly making eye-contact with him as he walked down the aisle. you couldn't help but to feel slightly intimidated by your boyfriend's cold gaze. you gave him a quick wink, sticking to the true nature of your character, a flirt.
the two of you had a stare down for a couple of minutes, asserting your positions. "we can see here that the tension is crazy. going from lovers to enemies, the adventure leads to this very moment right here. it's history." the commentator said to the microphone. you smirked as he took off his ula fala.
with that, the bell rang and the fight was on.
like practice, roman lunged first, trying to get you on your back. you ran to him, knocking him out with your forearm. "a full-blown upper arm shot from killer! what a shot!" the commentator said. "and reigns is getting up on his feet!" you saw roman slightly nodding at you, ready for the next move. "reigns spears killer to the pole!" you landed on the least dangerous side of the pole. with all of your energy, you stood up, cracking your knuckles.
the entire match seemed like you were dancing inside the ring with your boyfriend, people were satisfied with the moves the two of you pulled. your quickness was the only thing that roman didn't have. you were light on your feet, dodging every attack perfectly. sooner or later the final move came and you were supposed to attack him with his move, the superman punch. when you first read the script, you laughed. how ironic, you thought. you gripped the ropes as tight as you could, wanting him to hit the ropes when he attacked you before the final move.
but all the sudden, your visions became hazy as one of the ropes accidentally snapped on your back, causing some backlash. the ropes brushed against your back–a loud snap was heard from the ring. roman's eyes flashed with worry. "you hear that? the rope just snapped! is killer getting up?" you almost stumbled upon your own legs, but you had to give people a great show. you shook your head and put up your iconic fighting stance.
you had to give them your all, but you didn't expect a botch in the middle of the fight, and it wasn't even your fault. you started to notice that the cut was very deep as you felt blood dripping down your back. this wasn't how you imagined your match would end. roman hesitated a bit when he wanted to spear you again before you counter it with a superman punch. "DO IT, REIGNS!" you yelled at him. he saw the determination in your eyes, your lips were pale, but your eyes were still full of life.
"REIGNS IS TAKING HIS STANCE TO SPEAR KILLER, WITH HER BLEEDING HER BACK OUT... IS THIS LOVE?" the crowd went silent for a bit, anxiously waiting for your next move. in a blink of an eye, the spear was countered by a superman punch, leaving roman in the middle of the ring, gasping for air. you quickly got down and locked his legs in between your head, slowly feeling more blood coming out of your injury. you didn’t even realize that your forehead was kind of bleeding too. it was blood all over the ring. the referee came in an counted down with the crowd.
and in a second, you won. "AND HERE IS YOUR WINNER, THE UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, THE STAGE KILLER!" you let go of roman's body, kneeling down next to him. the referee helped you on on your feet, giving you the belt. "paramedics needed. paramedics needed." the commentators mouthed to the stage crew. you were crying and you didn't know if it was because you just gave the best performance in your career or because of the stinging pain on your back.
everyone cheered your name and you were practically trying your best to stand up. paramedics arrived, but you shook your head, wanting to stay longer inside the ring. "(y/n), baby. please go." roman's eyes was still filled with worry. "i- i'll be okay, baby." you stuttered. the more you stumbled on your own feet, the more you were convinced to leave the ring. you got down, paramedics helped you out of the way. "we love you (y/n)!" "you were so cool (y/n)!" the noises soon fade away as darkness consumed your vision.
backstage was a mess. people were waiting for the paramedics to say that you were clear to go. your fellow wrestlers already had plans for your celebration, but things went downhill. roman was just sitting in front of the medical room, his legs trembling from anxiety. "dude, she'll be okay, she's suffering from blood loss." jey patted his back, trying to calm him down. "they're stitching her up, apparently the ropes malfunctioned and her back was too exposed to it." jey talked him into a sense of mind.
paramedics came out and roman immediately stood up from his seat. "is she alright?" the question had been roaming around his head. "she's awake now, had to stitch her up. she lost a lot of blood because of the incident, but she's okay. she's asking for you." roman nodded and entered the room. you were lying on your stomach. "hey baby, look. i got stitches!" roman couldn't help but to laugh at your positivity.
you saw his expression and it was still the same from earlier, he was worried. "come on, baby. don't be worried, i'm okay. it was just blood loss." you nagged. "how can i not be worried, you were bleeding your ass off and you still wanted to continue the match? you could've asked me to end it quickly." he said. "and let everyone down? you know i wouldn't do that... please don't worry too much about me." roman shook his head.
"baby..." roman softly spoke. "of course i'm worried. i love you and i don't want anything to happen to you." he confessed. "i know baby, but i'm fine now. and i'm the universal champion, i have nothing to fear." you pushed your body up, trying to sit down with the fresh stitches on your back. "you're amazing, love. i'm so proud of you. my girl, a universal champion?" he smiled and you could feel butterflies in your stomach. no matter how hard it got, you knew that by just seeing his smile, things would be alright.
losing was not a bad thing, roman thought. seeing you all jolly and excited over your new title got him smiling again. he was so lucky to have you in his life. "i love you." "and i love you too."
he remembered something. "oh and when you're ready to go out please don't mind everyone, they're too excited and worried at the same time. they have your favorite ice cream and lesnar got some balloons for you." "AW HELL YEAH, LET'S GET OUT!"
a/n: hii! hope you enjoyed this as much as i did writing it bc its my fav one so far,, reminder that requests are always open! (pssttt... someone pls request a cody fic i want to write him)
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ashleyh713fanfics · 3 months
Dazai X Odasaku!Sister Ch5
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Chapter 5: "Suddenly,Dying Doesn't Seem That Easy"
Summary: Ango shows up after telling Dazai to stay away Odasaku's little sister. Little does he know, the mafia executive didn't listen.
Warning: Lots of angst in this one, Odasaku death mentions, typical Dazai suicide mention, feels, Ango being protective mom, manipulative behavior from both sides. I gave Oda's sister a name but you can imagine it as y/n.
(This is chapter five of my fanfic "Timeless" which is now on A03. It carries on from the three part intro I posted a couple days ago. I'll link it below to fully understand the story.)
Three Part Intro Here: (just cause the first chapter is so long)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
A03 Version Here:
Word count: 7k
Asagao felt her brain malfunction at the sight of her worst fear at the door. 
And the minute she met Ango’s eyes, the girl could clearly see the frustration and anger that resisted in every one of his features. She didn’t need her glasses off to tell that he was pissed by her little “running away” joke three weeks ago. 
In fact, their little interaction had been wiped clean from her mind until this moment, not bothering to think about the consequences of her actions. Well, crap. This wasn’t good. 
She then watched the man open his mouth only for Asa to quickly gasp before shutting the door straight in his face comically in order to quickly turn around and hurry back into the living room where Dazai was waiting. 
Lifting his head in her direction, he frowned when her hands were empty. “Where’s the food, Asa-chan? I’m hungryyy.” 
Asa then ran a nervous hand through her hair before pushing her own glasses up with a rushed reply. “Hey so ummm, hypothetically, on the scale from one to ten, how ruined would our date be if Ango showed up with like..oh I don’t know..fifty government agents…?” 
At that, Dazai couldn’t help but pause, his head turning in question. What was she saying? Ango was here? “That’s oddly specific..”
She then gave an over the top laugh in order to turn towards the kitchen and throw open the nearest window before placing her foot halfway outside with a shaky smile. “Ha ha ha, yeah I guess it is. You know what, never mind.. Everything is good, great even! Now if you don’t mind me, I’m gonna jump out this window real quick for no apparent reason. Okay, bye…” 
Yet just as soon as she finished that sentence, the front door seemingly flew off its hinges in order for a hoard of government officials and the man himself to step inside the doorway without permission. 
And with her foot halfway out the window, Asagao felt herself laugh at the ominous air in order to slip back onto the ground, her arms open with a nervous reply. “A-Ango! Hey buddy, my old pal how you been? We can talk about this, right? No need to be so mad, running away was just a little joke, I swear. You can take a joke right? You’re an understanding guy I’m sure of it.” 
Unlucky for her though, the man was not understanding in the slightest, his steps firm in order to stare down at the foolish fifteen year girl. “Oda Asagao, you better explain yourself right now why you purposely have been leading me on a wild goose chase throughout this whole city to find you.” 
Asa only fake gasped though, placing a hand to her chest in disbelief. “Whaa? I have no idea what you mean, I’m just an innocent little girl. How could I even do that?” 
Deadpanning immediately, the agent then reached into his jacket pocket in order to pull out a stack of candid photos and show her in anger. “So you didn’t pay off over a dozen people with your brother’s money in order for them to dress like you and go to different parts of the city just to show up on security cameras?” 
Three weeks, three weeks Ango had been chasing dead ends only for her to be at Oda’s apartment this whole time. He thought it would’ve been too obvious for her to have returned here but apparently not.
It was almost like she knew that hiding in plain sight was the best way to evade him. What a sneaky little girl. Odasaku never said anything about that.
Shifting her eyes away from the man, Asa then resisted the urge to cockily gloat about her successful red herring plot before leaning forward in a hopeful smile. “So let’s just say, if I did do that..would you be impressed by it?” 
Ango only glared though, causing Asagao’s face to fall before putting two and two together. “Gonna take that as a no..” 
Groaning at her casual tone, the man then stomped over to her in order to point a disappointed finger in her direction. “This ends right now. You’re going to..”
Yet that’s when his eyes couldn’t help but widen at the bandages around her arms and throat, his entire demeanor freezing before melting into pure concern. “Wait, what happened to your neck? Who hurt you?” 
Asagao’s fingers then couldn’t help but touch the area before cursing to herself. She couldn’t tell him that she had been fighting, then she’d never hear the end of it. 
Snapping her head up, Oda’s sister then gave a carefree chuckle before moving her hands around wildly in order to sweet talk her way out of the conversation.  “Ha ha, you know now that you mention it, it’s a great story, a really funny one actually. When you hear it you’re gonna laugh!” 
Ango obviously didn’t believe that though, his lips pushing in with frustration before he roughly reached forward in order to grasp onto her bandaged wrist and pull her towards the agents and him. “Enough of your excuses, we are leaving right now even if I have to drag you all the back.” 
Gasping at the contact, Asa whined back. “H-Hey..wait a second..” 
 No, he couldn’t pull her away like this, she wouldn’t let him. Not after she’d been so close to what she’d been desperately searching for her entire life. 
Yet that’s when she felt someone unlatch the hold as her entire body fell backwards only for a strong pair of arms to wrap around her waist and pull her to his chest protectively. 
Wait, she knew this bandaged hand anywhere.
And when Dazai spoke, it was full of teasing malice, lacing across his tongue with every word as he hugged her closer to him. “Ango, could you not touch my girlfriend so casually?”
The two then watched as the poor government official tried to put his words together, his lips opening with pure disbelief for what he was saying.
He had to have heard that wrong, right? There was no way that’s what he said.  “D-Dazai? What are you doing here…and what do you mean by that..?” 
The boy only smirked though, moving his hand up to Oda’s sister’s shoulders in order to sling his arm over the surface with a carefree manner. “It means exactly what you think it means. This little darling and I have been official for three weeks already.” 
And the look of horror on Ango’s face was a sight to behold indeed. So much so that Dazai couldn’t help but revel in it. He couldn’t help it, after betraying their friendship it felt good to see him so distraught by the idea of him “dating” Asagao. 
Turning towards the devious mafioso, the agent glared at the depravity. “You..I told you to stay away and this is what you do? Is this some sort of punishment for what I did to the port mafia?”
Although he would’ve liked to be true, Dazai knew it wasn’t. Hell, if Asagao hadn’t approached him all those weeks ago then he would’ve kept his promise to stay away. It was her little bet and agreement that got him to stick around. 
Pouting his lips innocently, he then trailed his fingers down to her Asa’s waist before pulling her closer to him. “Aw, don’t look at me like that. Not at all, besides I wasn’t the one that asked. That was all Odasaku’s precious little sister’s doing.” 
Then all at once, Ango’s fury seemed to shift, his glare moving to the girl in question. “A-Asagao, what is the meaning of this, is he telling the truth?” 
The girl didn’t stutter though, she didn’t make up some kind of excuse, her body still as she allowed Dazai to possessively claim her. “Yeah, I asked him to be my boyfriend.”
She then watched Ango’s lips fall open with disgust as he ran an anxious hand through his hair before groaning. “This is worse than I thought..what were you thinking Asagao? Dazai is the worst person for you to be around. He is a bad influence, you should know that better than anyone.” 
Asa only scoffed though, rolling her eyes in the process. “Okay mom..” 
Who did he think he was, her brother? This guy may have been Oda’s best friend but she didn’t owe anything to him. He didn’t even know why she was doing all this. 
But to Ango, the man only saw an unruly fifteen year old girl, disobeying and acting out with an attitude that made him unexplainably furious. No, this needed to end now. He needed to make her see that Dazai Osamu was the worst possible option for her. 
Feeling his voice raise, the agent then turned towards the silent mafioso before lifting his hands out in exasperation. “I’m being serious! He’s incapable of caring, he’s just using you and you are letting him.” 
Ango knew Dazai insanely well after all. He had drank with him and heard all of his fucked up stories and viewpoints. The guy was a monster, a demon and though it fit in the port mafia setting perfectly, here it was not warranted. 
But the problem was, he couldn’t turn it off. He knew the boy couldn’t. He manipulated everything and everyone in his entire life. He wasn’t the kind boyfriend that he was probably pretending to be for her. She had to see that. 
Narrowing her eyes at his words, Asagao replied shortly. “Okay, and?” 
Ango couldn’t help but freeze at that. Why did it sound like she already knew about his intentions? What did she mean by that? Did she not care that Dazai was using her for his own selfish whims? He thought she had more self respect than that. 
Feeling himself unravel ever so slowly, the agent shouted back in disbelief. “A-And?! Are you even hearing yourself? It's one thing to come to Yokohama uninvited but now you’ve gone so far off the deep end.”
He was speaking like this was the end of the world, like her dating Dazai was armageddon and Asa found it annoying. “You’re overreacting, Ango. It’s really not that serious.”
The bandaged executive then chuckled to himself, before enjoying the pure fury in his eyes as he brushed his fingers up and down Asagao’s side with a hum. “Yeah Ango, lighten up.” 
Glaring at the two kids, the man’s eyes then flashed towards Dazai’s fingers before looking back towards the mysterious bandages he had spotted before.  
And when he spoke, it was dark and accusatory. “Then tell me what happened to your neck.”
All at once, Asagao felt her eyes widen as Dazai’s hand couldn’t help but pause as well, his fingers turning stationary as memories of the night played in each of their minds. He could still feel his fingers on her throat, whether he wanted to or not. 
Placing a nervous hand to her injury, Asa stuttered back. “Uhh well…that is..” 
Ango cut her off immediately, seemingly already knowing the truth. “Dazai, did you do it?” 
He then turned towards his old friend only for him to visibly allow his hand to fall from Asa’s side in visible guilt. What could he even say to that? He had put those marks there, and for once Dazai wasn’t proud of it. 
Although that’s when Asagao frowned in order to place a protective hand over his body, her fingers carefully keeping a distance so he didn’t tense up. “Hey, stop assuming things. It’s not Osu’s fault..I was the one that asked him to fight!” 
Dazai couldn’t help but stare in disbelief at that, his throat twisting uncomfortably in reply. She was defending him. Why? He didn’t deserve that. He didn’t deserve her kindness. 
Yet that’s when Asagao watched Ango’s face fall, knowing she had fucked up. “..Did you just say fight? 
Already feeling the nagging coming, the girl then slapped her hand over her face before groaning. This is what she was trying to avoid. “Oh boy..here we go…”
It was too late to stop the oncoming storm though, the agent bursting at the seams for what he was hearing. “You fought with Dazai? You can’t be serious. Do you know what he could’ve done to you?!”
Dazai couldn’t help but chuckle at the accusation though, knowing that he was underestimating Oda’s sister exponentially. If only his old friend saw the sadistic look she gave him just hours ago. Then he wouldn’t be saying that. 
No, even the mafia executive knew they were pretty evenly matched. “Actually Ango, Asa-chan here is a very talented lady. She got a few hits on me as well.”
Although that’s when he watched Asagao pause before shifting her eyes over to him only for a gentle grateful smile to cross her lips at the compliment. 
Huh, she must’ve not been given her credit very often for her to have reacted like that. 
Ango didn’t seem to share in the moment though, the man replying sharply. “I know she is, I saw her file before Oda asked me to erase it. That’s not the problem.”
Dazai felt his curiosity spike at that. Wait, Odasaku asked Ango to erase his little sister’s file? But he would’ve only done that if she had a list of crimes he wanted to disappear. But then that begged the question, what kinds of illegal things was Asa a part of as a child? 
Asagao seemed to know immediately though, her shoulders turning tense as the agent continued roughly. “I know what you did as a child, Asagao. And now you're fighting again? Don’t you realize how bad that is? If you keep this up then you will..”
The girl’s eyes then flashed with realization before her lips curled into a lethal smile. “Oh, I get it. You’re afraid I’m gonna turn dark like Osu by hanging out with him. You’re scared of me and of what I can do. That’s why you brought in all these government idiots. What? Afraid I’m gonna snap? That I’m gonna join the port mafia? You’ve gotta be kidding me..” 
And from the look on his face, she guessed completely right, the agent shaking his head in order to shout back with desperation. “I’m trying to help you, I’m trying to keep from being manipulated and turning back into a hellhound pet !” 
The air turned silent then as Dazai tried to decipher the meaning. It was obvious that Asagao was professionally trained as an assassin from their fight, so much so that it seemed like her unhinged expressions were a part of that. 
He had compared her to a crazed dog before so Ango calling her a “hellhound” wasn’t that far off. Was his theory correct? Did people seek after her for her talent? Did they also want her chained down and owned like he had briefly thought for a moment? 
No wonder why Odasaku sent her away and kept her a secret. 
Asagao didn’t react though, her eyes simply closing at the silence before she smiled back in a way that Dazai knew wasn’t completely authentic. “Yeah? Well, I didn’t ask for your help. So thanks but no thanks.” 
The girl then turned around in order to escape further into the apartment only for Ango to call after her. “You know, Oda would be so disappointed in you for what you’re doing.” 
Pausing for a moment, Asa then turned her head before snapping her eyes back to his. “No, Ango. I don’t know that. Thanks for the insight though.” 
She then turned back only for Dazai to sense a change within her. Yes, on the outside she seemed calm but the boy could see the timer in each of her steps, like a bomb waiting to explode. 
Ango kept pushing through, following after her as the various agents stood in silent wait. “Can’t you take anything seriously? Odasaku wouldn’t want this.” 
Asagao only lifted her hand up, dismissing him completely. “Good to know..” 
The man was furious though, not letting her escape. How dare she just walk away when Odasaku spent his entire life making sure she had a better one than him. “You know, by doing this you are disobeying his wishes and dishonoring everything he’s ever done..” 
She then paused again, her lips turning up into another forced smile before pushing the thought away completely. “And you know what, we are not having this conversation..”
Dazai could tell though, he could tell that she was unraveling. She wore a smile, sure. But he had analyzed her for three weeks straight. He knew her better than she probably knew herself. And right now, Asagao was falling from that positive mask by the second. 
If Ango pushed anymore, she’d surely snap. 
And push he did, the agent only seeing disrespect in order for him to shout the worst sentence of all. “We will have this conversation until you understand that what you’re doing is disgraceful! You are making everything he did, every single sacrifice worthless. Do you even know what he had to do for you?!”
Just then, every single unpleasant and tortuous memory crashed into her mind in order to feel that same sickening reality that she had been trying to ignore this entire night. 
He died because he took your place.
It’s your fault. 
Gritting her teeth, Asagao’s smile then fell for a millisecond before she turned back to Ango with so much frustrated pain that it shook the entire room. “Of course I know!” 
The two boys then watched as Oda’s sister chuckled to herself in order to run a frazzled hand through her hair, the girl’s smile shaking and snapping back into place, almost like she needed it to be there. “Fuck, Ango seriously? Why do you have to bring up shit I’m trying to forget. I spent all night trying to not think about it and you just had to ruin it.” 
Shaking her head, Asa then added with defeat. “Of course I know that Oda sacrificed his entire life for me and I can’t even have the decency to remember his goddamn face.”
She then took in a shaky breath before pushing her arms around herself in order to hold her own misery together. “You think I asked for him to save me, you think I wanted to live my life with the guilt that he was suffering instead? He wouldn’t even tell me what was happening in his letters, he never let me in, not once...”
Her words came out so bitterly, so spiteful, like she blamed her brother for his inability to never let her share in his world. “His work, his life, everything I wanted to know about he kept secret. The only thing he talked about was Dazai, a complete stranger that I had never met before. Do you know how frustrating that is? Do you know how that feels? To not know your own family and yet know everything about a boy who doesn't even know you exist?” 
At that, Dazai couldn’t help but widen his eyes. She just called him by his last name. That was the first time she had ever done that. It sounded so distant, so strange. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like being so far away from her comprehension. 
But he supposed that’s why she said it. He didn’t know her until recently, she was a stranger to him until she showed up at Oda’s apartment. She must have felt betrayed, having only heard about him and not the family she so desperately wanted to be close to. 
Why, why did Odasaku only speak about him? Why was Dazai the only person that Odasaku had let be a part of her life? He didn’t know and he feared he would never find the answer. 
Ango only looked stunned though, causing Asagao to scoff before pointing an accusatory finger in his direction. “Of course you don’t, because you had the luxury of actually knowing him. You knew him so well and I still don’t even know if he ever resented me..”
Her voice then fell off then, realizing the weight of her words only for Ango to lift his hand out with sadness. 
Did she really think that Odasaku hated her? Didn’t she know how much he loved her? “Asa..”
She only slapped the affection away though, her voice bitter. “You know, maybe he did, maybe he always hated me. Maybe he cursed my name for years after having to go through the torture that was designed for me..” 
Placing a hand to her bandaged neck, Asa then frowned in memory. “You may see my actions as reckless decisions but the only things I’ve ever had from him are feelings, fragments of who he was. The nostalgic adrenaline when I fight, the promises of fragile positivity, without that I had nothing, he gave me nothing else to cling to..”
She then paused before turning her sad eyes towards the brown haired boy across from her before speaking softly. “Expect Osamu. He gave me Osamu, and I damn well am not about to let him go just because you say so. Even if his only reason to stay is to use me and throw me away, it doesn’t matter. He can do as he pleases..” 
Placing her hand gently to her chest, she then began to smile again, except this time it seemed a tiny bit more genuine than before. “Because he gives me stories, memories that are so cruel and yet so beautiful, just out of reach from what I can comprehend. But I try my best to because anything is better than those broken fragments I was forced to cling to for my entire life..”
And Asagao believed that with her whole entire heart. She was using Osamu to find her brother, that much was already established but just having him stand by her side brought a sense of calm she didn’t know she could feel until three weeks ago. 
Just his very presence was enough to make the loneliness in her heart dissipate. He didn’t even have to do anything, he didn’t even have to be kind to her or look at her other than a stranger. As long as he stayed by her side for a little while, then she would be alright. 
 She would never receive another letter from Oda now that he was dead, which meant that Osamu was the last remaining thing she had to him. 
So much so that she was dependent on him. Not by his actions or words but rather by knowledge that he existed, that he wasn’t just some sort of fantasy Oda constructed in his mind. He was tangible and real, and that meant everything to her. 
He meant everything to her. 
Dazai on the other hand couldn’t help but be stunned by the admiration she spoke so openly. Sure, she wasn’t attached to him as a person, that was certain. 
It was more of the concept of him that made her so grateful. She was just happy to have something constant and nostalgic in her life. 
Hell, if Odasaku had mentioned Ango instead of him in those letters then he was sure Asagao would’ve been clinging to the agent instead. 
But it was the fact that it was him , the fact that out of everyone in the entire world she had put so much devoted feeling into a broken sad suicidal boy like him was unbelievable. 
He didn’t deserve that kind of praise or honor. Anyone would've been a better companion when she was a child. 
How ironic. All throughout his entire life Dazai felt alone, he always felt suffocatingly insignificant, like nothing would ever change if he disappeared one day.
But it seemed like that wasn’t true. Because somewhere across the world there was a girl that depended on his pathetic little life like a vice. 
She didn’t care what he said or did. No. Asagao only cared that he was alive, that he stayed alive and woke up the next morning. It was an insignificant yet hard thing for Dazai to grasp, the realization that he did matter to someone this entire time. 
The feeling was overwhelming, so much so that the boy didn’t know how to take it. 
And though it didn’t change his desire to leave this world painlessly, he now knew the truth. 
Suddenly dying didn’t seem so easy anymore. 
Giving a heavy sigh, Asagao then dropped her hand before turning her gaze back towards the stunned agent. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand, Ango. I wouldn’t expect anyone to understand…”
She then sucked in another shaky breath before lifting her hands out in sad defeat. “I know you two would’ve liked it better if he was the one alive right now instead of me but I can’t do a damn thing about it, okay? I’m sorry life didn’t work out the way any of us wanted..”
Closing her eyes in pain, Asa then whispered brokenly. “..I’m sorry I survived and he didn’t.”
It was a reality she didn’t want to face and yet it was so hard to ignore all the same. She wasn’t Odasaku, she was just a discount dollar store version of what both of them wanted. She as a person didn’t matter and the only reason either of them cared was because her big brother's blood ran in her veins. 
Oh, how disappointed they must have been to be stuck with her instead. 
Then before either of them could blink, she disappeared from their sights before they heard the front door slam as the government agents pulled out their weapons and tense. “Sir..”
Ango only put a hand up though, his voice barely above a whisper. “Let her go.”
The agent’s then relaxed only for Dazai to see his old friend’s shoulders sag with a broken mutter in order to speak out to an invisible force. “Odasaku, what do I do now?” 
Closing his eyes at the sound of Oda's name, the mafia executive then sighed before looking towards the front door silently. It seemed like neither of them knew what to say now. 
And Ango was at an absolute loss. He was never good with kids and Asagao was no different. He pushed too hard and assumed so many things and it only drove her away. He just wanted to protect her like his best friend did, he wanted to take over that role. Was that so bad? To carry on Odasaku’s legacy?
Although that’s when the man watched as Dazai simply shoved his hands in his pockets before moving back towards the living room only for the agent to frown at his disregard for the situation. “Dazai, where are you going?” 
The boy only narrowed his eyes though, his voice distant. “Work.” 
Scoffing at his vague tone, Ango then turned towards the kid with disdain. It was just as expected, Dazai didn’t care about any of this. He didn’t care that Asagao was falling apart or that she had just confessed that he had always been her lifeline. 
He was just as cruel and inhuman as he remembered. 
The agent then balled his fists before speaking out towards the seemingly detached boy. “Do you know where she could be going?”
At that, the boy then paused before turning back to Ango in order to shrug his shoulders absentmindedly, his eyes holding something other than just truth.  
“Who knows.”
To say that Dazai went back to the port mafia was a flat out lie, one that he couldn’t show in front of Ango. Maybe on any other day he could’ve dismissed what had happened tonight but for some reason the fifteen year old kid felt his feet move towards somewhere else entirely. 
 The truth was, the boy knew exactly where Oda’s sister was the moment she left. He could read her after all. In fact, it was fairly obvious to anyone that had been paying attention. 
But his reasons for lying to his old friend stemmed from the uncertainty of Ango taking her away from him. He was selfish after all, and though it was better for her to go, Dazai felt himself cling on even so. 
Pausing in order to look out towards the familiar rooftop view of Yokohama, he found the spot where Asagao and him had spoken three weeks ago before shoving his hands into his pockets with a sigh. 
He could almost picture her foolish goofy face as she placed that bet for him to be her boyfriend. Back then he agreed as a joke and yet here he was, still occupying the title, even if it was just in name only. 
Gazing around the area, the bandaged boy then found what he was looking for, her small frame curled up by her knees in order to sadly gaze at the sunrise with that same distant look in her eye. 
The one that showed when she wasn’t allowing herself to truly view the world.
And as he approached, it was obvious to tell that she had sensed him appear. Yet even so she still didn’t make a sound, simply staring ahead as her fingers squeezed her knees once more.
He didn’t say a word to her, only moving to her spot before Dazai slumped his body down so that his back was resting against his, his face unseen by the girl in question. 
From this distance, the two couldn’t analyze anything about each other, and that’s exactly what Dazai wanted. For you see, he didn’t know how to comfort someone, he didn’t even know how to show the tiniest bit of sympathy. 
The mafia had taught him to control, manipulate and exploit. They showed him the most effective way to skin someone alive and make them cry of forgiveness only to give no mercy. 
But the one thing they didn’t teach him how to be is human. 
Yet that’s when Odasaku’s voice rang through his mind once more, causing the boy to close his eyes in defeat.  
Be a good man. 
And then, he tried, speaking out into the air.  “He didn’t resent you.” 
Asagao didn’t move though, allowing Dazai to continue as he thought about the soft smile he had seen time and time again. “Odasaku wasn’t that kind of man. He was kind, selfless, and even if you asked him not to save you he would’ve done it anyways.” 
He then paused before absentmindedly shaking his head in response. This wouldn’t work. It didn’t matter what he felt about the man, she needed proof, she needed facts to believe that what he was saying was true. 
Pushing his lips together in silent thought, the boy then smiled to himself, knowing exactly what to say. 
She wanted to know about her brother's life, and he could give her that. “He took care of orphans in his free time and I always wondered why he wanted to waste his time with such sniveling brats. But now I can see why..” 
Dazai then titled his head up before finishing softly. “They reminded him of you.” 
It was obvious now, more so than ever before. Odasaku housed those brats because he was trying to fill some kind of hole. 
Back when he was alive, Dazai never understood what caused him to start doing it, but now that Asagao was here it seemed like all the pieces had finally clicked into place. 
Feeling himself grow nostalgic at his own words, he continued. “Me too, I think I reminded him of you also. That’s why he helped me, why he liked talking to me. He probably saw it as an extension of you in some way. Both those orphans and I, he took us in to feel closer to you..”
And that was always his greatest mystery, how Odasaku was able to handle such a destructive and detached child like Dazai. The boy always found it strange how he never ran away or looked disgusted by his actions. He always just gave him that same placid calm look, the one that made him feel just a little bit more normal then he actually was. 
Perhaps that was because whenever the man looked at Dazai, he saw his sister in some kind of twisted way. He wished Oda told him that, cause now the kid had to go on never knowing if that was the truth. 
Feeling his lips curve up into a sad smile, he then chuckled to himself. “And you know, it probably killed him not to talk about you, to brag about his cute little sister. Ango told me that he couldn’t help himself when he was drunk. That means that you were on his mind one way or another.” 
He understood why he did it, why his friend kept her a secret for his entire life. It was the most logical way to keep her safe. He didn’t tell her about himself or his life because he was most likely afraid that Asagao would’ve followed after him. Then Oda would’ve had to live with the guilt of her being used and caged again. 
And Dazai couldn’t blame him for it, he couldn’t resent him for such a thing. Although, it was obvious that the man probably didn’t know the consequences of his actions. That by pushing her away he had inadvertently damaged her in a way that couldn’t be changed. 
Now his own sister was left to pick up the pieces that he had left behind, unable to ever find any definitive proof that he ever loved her. 
But Dazai knew better, he knew his old friend better then she ever could. Which meant that the only one that could put her mind at ease was him. “But I knew him, and that man was incapable of hate, so I know he didn’t hate you..” 
He then felt Asa lift her head from her knees, her voice shaky and uncertain. “Why are you saying this? You have no obligation to. This wasn’t a part of our deal.” 
No, it wasn’t, but even still the boy continued to speak, unsure why he was doing so in the first place. “I don’t know, I just know he wouldn’t have wanted you to think like this. He wouldn’t have wanted to see you sad, to think he didn’t care about you..”
Because he did, he knew he did. Odasaku had to have loved his little sister. 
He wouldn’t have done all of this work if he didn’t. He wouldn’t have written her letters or wiped her existence from the mafia or withheld anything to do with her if he didn’t care. Dazai truly believed that, and he wanted her to believe it also. 
Reaching into his black suit pocket, the boy then pulled out his most precious possession before placing it on the grassy ground in order to slide it over for her to see. 
He then watched Asagao slowly pick up the black at white photograph before gasping quietly at the sight. 
It was a picture of her brother. 
And not only that, it was a picture of both Dazai and Ango as well, all of them standing side by side with drinks in their hands as they looked towards the camera with expressionless confusion, like the badged boy had forced them into the position for fun. 
And almost immediately, Asagao felt her eyes water, placing a finger gently towards her ever stoic brother with a shaky smile. So that’s what he looked like. He had grown taller than the last time she saw him. 
But even so, the girl tried to hold in her tears, not wanting to shed such an unpleasant emotion and fail her brother’s last wish. “Just like when I was a kid..you still manage to bring me closer to him..”
At that, Dazai couldn’t help but frown, his chest filling with an unpleasant reminder of the type of faith she had in him. He didn’t deserve it, he wasn’t dependable like that. 
Pushing his lips together in conflict, he spoke again, allowing the uncertainty to fill the air. “Odasaku should've picked someone else to talk about in those letters..”
It was a simple fact. Odasaku put so much time and effort into describing Dazai’s life only for him to plan to end it all as quickly as possible. He was a fragile promise, something that could not be trusted to stay in this fucked up world. 
Yet that’s when he heard her voice, far too sweet and kind. “I’m glad it was you.” 
The boy then felt himself crumble at that, recalling the promise that Oda had given him. How could she say that? Didn’t she know he was a failure? That he was dishonoring his best friend in the worst possible way?
And because his back was turned, Dazai spoke the truth, knowing that she couldn’t see his pathetically weak face from where they were sitting. “But I don’t even know what it means to be a good man..” 
She answered then, her head turning up to rest on his shoulder as Dazai couldn’t help but tense at the touch. “Do you want to be?” 
Looking away from the girl, Dazai then recalled the lingering feeling of his fingers on her throat before shaking his head sadly.  
Of course he wanted to be. He wanted to make Odasaku proud, to have his death mean something. But that was easier said than done. 
Perhaps he should just stop trying altogether. It would make things much easier if it was only going to end in failure anyways.  “It doesn’t matter, it’s impossible for someone evil like me.”
The air was silent then as Dazai waited for her to agree with him, to condemn him like he deserved for putting his hands on her, for disappointing her, for being unable to keep her brother's promise. 
 Yet that’s when she replied, the very words causing his dark thoughts to dissipate. “If there can be a possibility of evil then why can’t there be a possibility of good?” 
At that, Dazai felt his eyes fall to his hands. How could she say that? Demons couldn’t be cleansed into angels, he said that before. Yes there was a possibility but it was slim, so incredibly slim. 
Shaking his head, he responded automatically, already knowing the truth. “Because I’m…”
A demon, a monster, a killer, a liar, a controller, a manipulator, an exploiter, inhuman, incapable, deflective. There were so many ways to end that sentence and yet Dazai didn’t have the heart to use any of them. 
Although that’s when Asagao finished his sentence. ”You’re Osamu, my boyfriend.” 
Feeling himself pause, he then heard her smile through her words, looking up at the sunrise with knowing thought. “Maybe you just need someone to believe in the things you can’t see just yet..” 
The things he couldn’t see yet? What was that supposed to mean? Was she suggesting that he needed someone to believe that he could be good? But no one would believe that, no sane person anyways. 
So much so, Dazai smirked at the idea, knowing it was a fool's dream. “And what kinds of things are that, love?”
Yet that’s when he felt the pressure on his shoulder get heavy in order to hear the soft intake of breath from Asagao only for him to snort in reply. What an idiot, falling asleep on him so shamelessly. 
Well, they did keep each other all night after all. 
Debating moving so that she would wake up, Dazai then froze as Asagao’s sleepy voice coursed through his ears, causing his heart to strain without permission.
“Osamu..I think you’re a good man.”
Widening his eyes at her words, the boy then sharply turned only to find her completely passed out, like she had said them in her dream filled decision. 
But even so, Dazai heard every word. 
And though the boy was incapable of a lot of things, he wasn’t incapable of the overwhelming feeling of emotion that coursed through every single vein and muscle without permission. 
She believed in him, she believed that he could be a good man. 
Even when no one else believed, even when he himself couldn’t believe, she did.
It was a foolish statement, she was foolish for saying it but even so Dazai couldn’t help but lift his head up in reply, staring towards the blinding sunrise before shifting his gaze towards Asagao. 
How dare she encourage him, how dare she give him the very thing he wanted to hear since Oda’s death. How dare she say such a foolish thing so casually. 
And how dare she make him feel this way, so human.
So fragile. 
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catb-fics · 4 months
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Imagines and One-Shots
Back to Main Masterlist
Most of my fics are NSFW so please bear that in mind // ✨ = smut // 🌸 = fluff // 🌧️ angst
These stories are works of fiction. They are not, in any way, intended to reflect reality. The stories and characters are purely fantasies originating from the mind of the author. The versions of real-life people that appear are fictional portrayals and do not reflect the real people or their actions in any way.
Catfish and the Bottlemen
I’ll be uploading any without links as soon as I can! It’s a big job so it might take me a while. My more recently written fics are at the top and I apologise profusely for the cringe lurking at the bottom of the list (I wrote some of those 3/4 years ago - don’t judge me ha ha)
Kinktober 2023 Writing Challenge
A collection of smutty mini-fics and imagines featuring my characters ✨
Van McCann
Drive ✨
White Wedding ✨
White shirt blurb 🌸
Birthday headcanons 🌸
Smile for the Camera ✨
Incredible ✨
Beach Life 🌸 Part 1
No Nut November ✨ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
One For The Wedding Album 🌸✨ Part 1
Tease ✨
Mornings with Van 🌸
Happy Birthday Sir (Prof Van) ✨
Heat ✨
Skin to Skin (Dad Van) 🌸
Hungry ✨
It’s Good to be Back 🌸
Good Touch ✨
Kisses Headcanons 🌸
In Good Hands ✨ Part 1 / Part 2
Dad Van NSFW Alphabet ✨🌸
Daddy ✨
Snow Day Headcanons (Dad Van) 🌸
Possessive ✨
Soft 🌸
Business ✨
Unwind ✨
Expectations (Dad Van) 🌸
Sweet Treat ✨
Never Have I Ever ✨ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Good Girl ✨
Valentine’s Surprise 🌸
Can’t Believe You’re 26 🌸
Baby Love ✨
Pick Him Up From Heathrow (Dad Van) 🌸
Truth or Dare ✨ Part 1 / Part 2
Valentines Headcanons (Dad Van) 🌸
Private Dancer ✨ Part 1 / Part 2
NSFW Alphabet ✨
Hugs Headcanons 🌸
Adventurous ✨ Part 1 / Part 2
Good Morning ✨
Dating Van Headcanons 🌸
Halloween Headcanons (Dad Van) 🌸
Caught Red-Handed ✨
Hall Pass ✨ Part 1 / Part 2
All I Want For Christmas 🌸 Part 1 / Part 2
Good Luck Charm ✨
No Touching ✨
Distractions ✨
Then There Were Three ✨
Falling in Love With Your Best Friend 🌸 Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
After The Show ✨
Be Mine 🌸
Looking After Van ✨
Phone Sex ✨
First Time 🌸
Love Bites ✨ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Broken 🌧️ Part 1 / Part 2
Jealousy 🌧️✨ Part 1 / Part 2
Johnny Bond
Comfort ✨
Wet ✨
NSFW Alphabet ✨
Never Have I Ever ✨ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Hall Pass ✨ Part 1 / Part 2
Birthday Treat ✨
Then There Were Three ✨
Bob Hall
Meeting Bob 🌸
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i-darling-amaflower · 3 months
I've tried thinking about which characters in DFF are my favorite and which ones are my least favorite, but that becomes exceedingly difficult as the show progresses. The reason for this is, as many posts have pointed out, the way the show reflects reality and therefore has no "Good and Bad" no "Black and White," but instead simply has many different hues of grey. So, at the end of the day, it all comes down to one's opinion or the way one perceives a character. I will do my best to express my thoughts on each of the 9 main characters.
1. Por
The leader of the pack. He is one of the one's we're obviously not supposed to like as much; he bullied Non, he stole his work, he was two-faced, he almost killed Non. But he still has a bit of complexity added to his character what with his family situation. Ultimately, in my opinion, that does not excuse any of his actions. He is pretty low on my list.
2. Top
This is gonna be a short paragraph. I hate him. The things he did weren't as extreme as some of the things Por did, but he literally has no excuse whatsoever. He's just plain annoying, a bully with a backstory as long as his dick, which is to say nonexistent.
3. Fluke
I think he has morals? If he does he fully does not listen to them. His biggest flaw is his selfishness. I believe he would've ratted Top and Tee out when Top broke the camera if it wouldn't have caused a crack in the friendship of the group, and therefore his spot in the popular group in school. Because let's be honest, he doesn't give a rat's ass about his "friends," he doesn't wanna be a part of whatever they're doing 3/4 of the time. But his selfishness ruins what potential he might've had, to the point of him being downright creepy.
4. Tee
Now this is a character. I think his shade of grey is the perfect blend of both white and black. Yes, I obviously hate what he did, but at the same time I understand. I would rather jump off of a cliff than give someone other than myself problems, but if I was a little less like that and a little more cowardly, I think I could relate to him a lot. He wasn't as warm to Non as Jin was, but he definitely wasn't as cold as Por and Top were. And boy, does he have a past. It looks to me like he's been a part of his uncle's gang for quite a bit, which would obviously quiet the kindness in anyone's voice, if not in there whole being. He has a sick father he genuinley cares about and no other way to make money. He's in a corner. And while I believe there's always a choice, I understand why he saw the one he picked the clearest. The thing, though, is that he didn't want to hurt Non, he didn't want to bring Non to his uncle, it just wasn't as strong as his want for himself and his father to be fine. But this is what makes him stand out more than the other members of the original friend group. He regreted it. He feels guilty. It's quite literally haunting him. He never could and never will be able to escape that part of his life. He even brought Non 2.0 (aka White) right up close to himself, and he would do anything to keep White there, safe where he can see him. So while I don't like him, and he is easily one of the more everything-i-do-damages-Non characters, he is still a very interesting one.
5. Jin
I can't explain how much I hate him. When I was in elementary school there was an anti-bullying poster that said something like "a bystander that does not help is just as guilty as the bully." And although both Fluke and Jin acted as bystanders, I hate Jin more because he is under the impression that he is kind and innocent, and he is branded this way to all the other characters. Even Non believed it. He takes no responsibility for what he did, or rather, what he didn't do. I don't even think he feels guilty about what happened to Non, he so easily forgot about it. He moved on so fast for someone he saw as a "friend" or, going even further, a "crush." The most evil thing is that the change in the way he acted between the past (smiley, warm, there) and the present (frowny, cold, closed-off) was not due to the fact that he absolutely ruined this kid--someone he considered a friend--'s chance at a future by leaking a video of said kid being groomed, and then proceed to nearly (if not actually) kill this kid with the help of his friends. No, it was do to the fact that his new crush said they were just friends. That's so incredibly pathetic. I'm obviosuly not saying that crushes can't literally crush your soul, but I think he had other issues he could've been worrying about.
6. Phee
Up until episode 9 I absolutely loved him. But then he dissapointed me a bit (which he is aloud to do, he's literally still a kid; for that reason I haven't kicked him off of my list of characters I like just yet). He has a big heart, which was used to cause a lot of good, but unfortunately became his flaw. It started to grow until it out-weighed his sense of justice. I think he still loves Non and wants to know what happened to him, but not as much as he wants to forget and move on with Jin. He came to the house partly to get answers but mostly to fix his relationship with Jin. He started to like the friend group, so he wants to live in ignorance, and that I do not agree with.
7. Tan
Him and Non had a pretty weak relationship, but despite that, he still loves him (he loves his whole family, actually, even if their parents don't deserve it) deeply; deeply enough for them to be the only thing he's living for. In my--who am I kidding, the fandom's opinion, he is currently doing nothing wrong, killing people or not. He lost literally everything, and frankly, it shows. But instead of giving up, he perserved, which is more than Phee can say.
8. Non
Jesus Christ, this poor kid. A family that forgot about him while he was there, and loved him after he was gone, and a boyfriend that loved him while he was there, then quickly forgot him after he was gone. He'd never had it easy in his life and still didn't have it easy (possibly) after his life. If you think what happened with Keng was Non cheating on Phee, fuck you. Fuck you. That was grooming, Non was being taken advantage of. Although I don't really think of Phee sleeping with Jin as cheating, it was more cheating than Non and Keng. Yes, he pulled the rest of the friend group into the illegal money thing, but that was not his fault, it was Por, Top, and Tee's fault. So much shit happened to him, and none of it was deserved; I really hope he's alive and killing them.
9. White
I don't dare to have opinions on him yet because I'm really expecting a deeper backstory. I don't think he's as naive as he's letting on.
If you want to add any of your opinions, feel free to!
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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TAGS fluff (f). angst (a). hurt + comfort (h+c). trigger warning (tw). suggestive (s). request (✧). personal favorite (♬)
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park sungho ↴
full works :
crowns can't keep me away from you (f) (a) 4.0k the love life of a prince and a maid was never supposed to happen, but he couldn't help his feelings for you grow. he wanted nothing more than to show you the world, but the world itself wasnt on your side in this kingdom.
short reads :
stained lips and cheeks (f) 0.9k you lazily cuddled up with sungho, scrolling through tik tok together. when you came across a cute lipstick trend, you wanted nothing more than to try it with him!
talk to the wall (a) (f) 0.5k fighting with sungho was tiring, and it's not something you normally do. when things get a little hard to handle, maybe you just need to step out and see what happens in the morning.
series :
none yet! stay tuned :)
smaus :
none yet! stay tuned :)
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lee riwoo ↴
full works :
i'm trying to get over this (a) (♬) 1.3k months passed by since riwoo walked out with no explanation. as he laid in your memories, you finally were starting to be happy again. but he made things a lot more difficult when he showed up unannounced.
short reads :
none yet! stay tuned :)
series :
none yet! stay tuned :)
smaus :
none yet! stay tuned :)
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myung jaehyun ↴
full works :
our wicked love (f) (a) 3.1k your history with love was a little evil, causing you to aid to your own broken heart. when you finally stray away from the dating scenes, popular boy myung jaehyun asks you out. however, you don't know if he's being truly sincere.
short reads :
offline (f) (✧) 0.5k jaehyun stays up late into the night playing rocket league on the switch you bought him for his birthday. you just want him to come to bed.
series :
none yet! stay tuned :)
smaus :
none yet! stay tuned :)
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han taesan ↴
full works :
catch my hearts on camera (f) (✧) 3.2k there was once a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. taesan wants to capture everything about you in the case that words are a little hard to form. that's how in love with you he is.
short reads :
none yet! stay tuned :)
series :
none yet! stay tuned :)
smaus :
none yet! stay tuned :)
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kim leehan ↴
full works :
fish out of water (a) (f) (tw) (♬) 1.6k your gentle boyfriend left you to care for his most beloved fish, along with the tank he's worked on for awhile. but when you tip over the tank, completely shattering all of his work, he snaps.
short reads :
none yet! stay tuned :)
series :
none yet! stay tuned :)
smaus :
none yet! stay tuned :)
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kim woonhak ↴
full works :
what's the answer for me + you? (f) 1.1k although woonhak was deemed the golden boy of your school, he lacked in academics. when he goes to the pretty girl (whom also has a tad bit of a crush on him) in the library for math help, how'd he know you'd be this cute?
study buddy (f) 1.0k saying you were overwhelmed was a complete understatement, feeling as if the world around you was shutting. but he was always there, even if that meant cramming information into his head that he didn't even need.
short reads :
your lips, my lips (f) 0.5k he lay gently on top of you as his kiss pressed against your puffy lips. it was an action that he quite literally couldn't stop, he was just so in love.
reject me so i can move on (f) (a) 0.7k rejecting your best friend woonhak was quite literally one of the most difficult and complicated thing in your life. you loved him, but there were so many personal obstacles in the way.
series :
the day i met you (f) (a) (h+c) 5 parts the day you met woonhak, and the night you spent with him, was fueled by the pure idea of teen romance. it was a shared goal to spend the entirety of the summer together. he introduced you to the finer things in the neighborhood, and his playful charm really sold it. you wanted to stay with him forever, but things don't always go as planned.
smaus :
none yet! stay tuned :)
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ot6 + units ↴
series :
mythical creatures (a) (h+c) (tw) 6 parts there's an unnatural occurrence in the air, linking to what could only be described as a false reality. maybe it was the presence of october that brought out these creatures, bold enough to reveal themselves for a chance at love. or possibly, you're the monster. unit series :
race to your heart (f) (h+c) woonmyungz, 4 parts it wasn't your intention to get roped between the two racecar drivers, but you just so happened to catch both of their eyes. from their view of you in the audience to the road, their gaze never faltered. which boy would be able to win the race to your heart?
smaus :
none yet! stay tuned :)
65 notes · View notes
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Propaganda why Bloom Peters is insufferable:
Her sins:
1. Main character of one of the worse live action adaptions I’ve ever seen
2. Not like other girls x1000- she likes ✨reading books✨ and ✨going to vintage stores✨ and gets in a fight with her mom about how she doesn’t go to parties and have friends like a ✨basic bitch✨
3. Gets so mad at her mom that she loses control of her powers and nearly kills her parents in a fire
4. A guy told her she was going the wrong way to get to class and she accused him of “mansplaining”
5. Shitty and boring fashion sense, little to no bright colors and not a single glittery top
6. Season one “Transformation” is just a dozen different camera angles of her awkwardly floating with cgi fire around her
7. I didn’t watch season two, but a friend who did told me she develops a savior complex and has an unnecessary amount of make out scenes at random times
Bloom (and entire show) is written like the director gave a middle aged conservative man $100 to write what he thought “woke” teens would like.
Look at this image and tell me this looks like winx https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYjRjMjg2MGEtMmQ1Yi00Yjc0LTlkZTItNjQzYjAwNjQ3MGU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQWRvb2xpbmhk._V1_.jpg
Propaganda why Zoey Redbird is insufferable:
Protagonist centered morality, slutshames other girls but has a lot of boys herself including one who raped someone else (I think at least)
She’s presented as being the perfect person to replace a bully character in a position of power because she’s such a good and pure person, and every book it’s nothing but her calling people the R slur, or sluts, or freaks, or various slurs against gay people, or talking out loud about how ugly her classmates are with her friends, or saying that certain people shouldn’t be allowed to breed if they’re too useless or gross, or saying gay men are basically women, or differentiating between which gay people are the good kind or the bad kind based on how annoying she thinks they are. And then after all of that is established in the first book, by the second she’s pushing two racist caricatures of black men in front of a truck and kills them and it is never brought up again. And every book ends with her getting a magical tattoo no one in history has ever gotten, confirming that she is canonically one of the best people to ever be alive even after murdering two people for annoying her
INCREDIBLY hypocritical, slut-shaming mary-sue of an idiot. She constantly calls one girl a hoe (for sucking a guy's dick without his consent (no, the thing Zoe disagrees with WASN'T the rape issue, it was the blowjob!!!)) Despite having a Harem of different guys herself. And no, she isn't even poly about it, all the dudes are constantly being aggro to each other and clearly want to be exclusive.
She also becomes a rape apologist for one of the harem guys AND the Big Bad, who is an immortal who once RAPED AN ENTIRE TRIBE OF NATIVE AMERICAN WOMEN. But he's soooooo hot! *eyeroll*
FUCKING Pick-Me girl of all time. If mysogyny was a competetive sport then Zoey would be on the olympic team.
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 7 months
LAD GAIDEN: Gathered Thoughts
Before I get into this proper, I just want to say that I’m not a professional reviewer or anything. And I’ve never really done a ‘write up’ for any of the RGG games before this. I’m just a dude with some very emotional thoughts. Yadda-Yadda. The best TL’DR of everything I can give? Gaiden is absolutely amazing. It has quickly become one of my favourite RGG games of all time, and I’d like to do a replay when less emotional overall, and Plat it.
Short Sweet: No Spoilers Version
Gaiden was touted (from what I recall) as a little bit of side content to give Kiryu some more context, or possibly something else to do. Instead, we got a short, but incredible game with stellar acting, amazing characters, fantastic writing (some of my favourite RGG writing since 0) and fun mini games, the best version of the Coliseum they’ve managed to do; wonderful sound track, two new styles (Agent Style is an absolute blast) and a finale that left me so emotionally distraught my mum came into my room to hug me when she heard me crying.
If Gaiden has any cons (and again, please keep in mind this is all just my personal opinion) it’s that the side content in regard to substories are mostly tied to content to build up the Joryu Clan in the Coliseum, including a somewhat tiresome gang mechanic. It’s nothing like the slog fest of annoyance Judgment’s was, but I have never been a fan of the gangs in these games and this one was more contained and shorter. Thanks to the game itself being much shorter.
The pacing in the beginning is a little bit odd too. But once the game itself picks up, it hits very well and doesn’t slow itself down.
My only other ‘gripe’ if you can call it that, is that the live action cabaret is uncanny in a way I really did not enjoy. This is not the first time that RGG has done live-action (the intro is live action briefly too, and has a beautiful, seamless transition to Kiryu that I really liked) but the hostesses have a strange stiffness to them as they talk at a camera (Or well, Joryu since it switches out to first person) and I just never adjusted to it. No disrespect to the actresses, or Kson, but I just couldn’t get myself to mesh with it.
Oh, and I found the Karaoke really hard for some reason in this one. Go figure.
And you can dress Kiryu up, which renders fully in game and in cutscenes. Greatest. Mechanic. Ever. And I’m just going to put a special shout out to Akame here. One of the most fun characters they’ve done yet. 10/10. Love her.
That’s about as spoiler-free as can be. So, I’ll wrap up this fast summary with ‘highly recommend, check it out if you get a chance’.
Everything below the cut is going to include spoilers, and lots of them. Screenshots too, as well as links. (Including for Yakuza 5, 6 and 7 in particular) so if you want to read me rambling for far too long, keep going. Otherwise, take care!
Extensive Thoughts Version
I’ve been trying best to think about how to put down everything I want to say, but I can never quite agree (mentally) on the best way to put it. The summary version up top does say it all, in a way, but Gaiden was so much more than it promised. And in a good way.
I’m one of those people who came out of playing Yakuza 6 feeling a weird mix of hollow and annoyed. For a supposed ending to Kiryu, so much just felt utterly unsatisfying and I was irritated (again a personal thing) with how Yakuza 6 felt like some weird Haruka punishment. I realize completely that this is all a personal interpretation; but 6 just did not sit well with me.
It remains the only Yakuza game I have yet to replay.
I guess one could ask ‘did we need Gaiden’? And honestly? I’d say yes, we did. If you’re one of those people who felt as annoyed with 6 as I did, and (let’s be honest) a little thrilled but also somewhat stumped by Kiryu diving into 7 to have his cameo and ‘day saving’ appearance and vanish again.
But I don’t want to ramble too much, this is already going to be longer than something anyone wants to read on Tumblr. So let me conclude by saying this game completely patched up the ‘meh’ feeling 6 left with me, and mentally wrecked me in the process.
In a good way.
Gaiden’s real strength is it’s writing. The characters have that grittiness and desperation that drew me in so hard to Yakuza 0. They feel like the Yakuza I know from these games, and that energy carries through every scene. There’s a greyness to them that is extremely well done, and anyone who follows me knows how much I love my morally grey characters.
(For those who do not know jack shite all about me; I love them. I love my grit and grey morality a lot). Anyway!
On the title screen, you’re presented with four characters. Kiryu (ahem, Joryu). Nishitani III, Tsuruno and Shishido.
It’s sleek, elegant and draws you right in. Also gives you a good clue as to what lies ahead (in a way). But I’m going to be coming back to that, so let me move on for a moment.
To keep this as contained as I can, I’m going to link to a post write up I did for a scene in chapter two. That summarizes to a degree what I really loved about this writing. Like 0, you are never 100% sure who is on Kiryu’s side. Or. More accurately, who is going to stay there. Tsuruno starts out the same way the others do. Kiryu can cooperate, or they can attack Morning Glory. Or he can kill Hanawa. Kiryu is often presented in Gaiden with choices that aren’t exactly choices. But that’s hardly new.
Same is true of Hanawa. But as it pans out, both of them stay firmly on Kiryu’s side after certain points. Hanawa’s loyalty is secured when Kiryu saves his life; and Tsuruno gives up fighting the stubborn wall that is Kiryu’s loyalty (if loyalty by complete necessity) to the Daidoji.
The Daidoji are something else that is done better here than in 6 as well. In 6, they kind of had this boogeyman in the shadows element that made so little sense until they have their reveal in the ending and take over Kiryu’s uh..non life? After he is forced to fake his death and go under their control. (They are also funding Morning Glory, a fact they remind him of any chance they get, and the hit squad on it remains until chapter 2 and Kiryu makes the deal with the Boss). The observation itself doesn’t cease completely, however.
As we’ll see in the ending.
But one of Gaiden’s real strengths, IMO anyway, is the characters. Gaiden’s story is built around them the same way any RGG game is, but in a way that is representative of the story itself too. Kiryu’s job in this game is to assist Watase in the dissolution of the Yakuza. Watase (from prison) is fully aware this is not going to go well, and rallying assistance is the only way they can even hope for it going off without too much of a body count.
One of the biggest hurdles in achieving this is the existence of Nishitani III. An ex-Jingweon mafia member who eventually revitalized the Kijin clan and became its patriarch. As well as taking up the Homare Nishitani mantle. In previous games, I’ve found they sort of shoehorn in the Jingweon when it seems convenient, but I think it works well enough here. It isn’t dwelled upon all that long, and it’s decently believable for a backstory.
Is giving Nishitani III a personal grudge against Kiryu necessary for the role he serves here? No clue to be honest. But it’s no gripe and it doesn’t impact the story all that much. The issue at hand is that Nishitani III is (in Watase’s eyes) one of the people who won’t accept a dissolution, and they want him out of the way. Eliminate Nishitani and the biggest dissenter is out of the picture.
I touched on it in this post here, but the TL’DR of all this, is that they are not at all correct in this assessment.
(I should mention Hanawa’s arc here, but I’m going to save it for a bit later). Instead, I want to get my thoughts out on the final boss of the game. As the real issue is not just Nishitani III, but Shishido.
Shishido’s story is that, at the age of 15 his father sold him to the Kijin clan as a slave to amend his own massive debts. A fact that is shown in a flashback where he’s collared and chained up, forced into playing Russian Roulette, amongst whatever other established horrors Nishitani III can come up with. (Nishtiani’s thing is the beautiful, ostentatious Castle. A boat of every element of sin, debauchery, and pleasure you can think of. Including gambling, human slaves, the coliseum and of all things, the place you can dress Kiryu up in his funky outfits).
Shishido is an amazing fucking character.
(I ran out of image space but his character design absolutely fucks too)
He has fast become one of my favourites, and it’s no surprise. His set-up for being the final boss isn’t made immediately obvious but over the game you notice him following the general formula for it, (see this ask I got here for more details if you’re so inclined) and boy is the payoff so worth it.
Shishido climbed his way up and up in the pursuit of survival. Anything the man has to his name he earned through very literal blood, sweat and tears. Shishido is young, but he is very much a Yakuza of the old. A fact that is commented on by Kiryu in game. It’s no mean feat either to from slave to Watase Family Lieutenant, with the man’s physical history is written all over his face.
(And I adore him. But that’s hardly important for a review eh 😉)
In the games final chapter, we learn that Shishido is against the dissolution of the Yakuza, and considers Watase, Tsuruno, Kiryu and any other traitors. Shishido is the embodiment of what Watase was so concerned about in the first place; a Yakuza who has known no other life and has no way assimilating into the world without it. Not to mention, Shishido feels he earned his place in this world. Why should he have the rug he worked so hard to install ripped out from under him?
He’s not wrong to believe this; and the others around him don’t think that he is either. The issue is that the world is moving on without them. Everything Shishido worked for doesn’t matter when that ending is coming; and there is so little they can do to change or stop it. Shishido might’ve thrived in the old days; but the modern world doesn’t have a place for him.
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With this being a tie-in game, we know this is a foregone conclusion. We know the days of the Yakuza as they once were are well and truly over. But that doesn’t lessen the impact Shishido has at all. I made a comment to myself in the recorded playthrough (I recorded the finale but it’s a blubbering disaster, so I doubt I’ll post it) that “Shishido fights like a dying man”, in the endgame.
Or, as Saejima more accurately puts it “He’s like a cornered animal right now.” But having a little bit of time on my hands to reflect (well somewhat, I just finished the game yesterday after all, at the time of posting this). I think Kiryu does in a way to.
The final boss battle is a recreation of the Aizawa fight in Yakuza 5. Shishido has 4 phases and 12 health bars. And just like Yakuza 5, it’s amazing. With Kiryu fighting him through the Omi Headquarters until he’s kicked right out of the building. My words don’t’ do it justice, and it’s absolutely the kind of thing one has to play (or watch) for themselves.
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When Shishido is defeated, he is grabbed and choked unconscious by the Daidoji Agent Yoshimura (who I took to calling ‘diet Jingu’ because he fights with a gun and runs away from you like a lil bitch-and was the one who left Hanawa to die and tried to kill Kiryu for trying to save him). Who then throws Shishido in his trunk to be a future “Daidoji Agent on a very short leash.” To bunk with Nishitani…his old Master. And the one Shishido worked so hard to get his life away from. I have no idea if this is going to be touched upon in future games like Infinite Wealth, but it hit me like a train.
The Yakuza is over, but Shishido isn’t. And this leads us right into the finale. Which.
This mother fucking goddamned sob fest finale.
I touched upon it here. But I just. Can’t do it justice with words. I don’t think that I ever will. Kuroda’s acting in this is unlike anything I’ve witnessed, and it’s amazing. He’s not just sobbing; he is breaking down completely and heaving over a tablet of his kids visiting his grave. With Ayako and Taichi noticing they’re being monitored and assuming their Uncle Kaz (who none of the kids believe to be dead, btw) is watching them. So, they begin talking. Updating him on their lives, where they are now etc.
Taichi is a firefighter, for example. Yuta is still around. Haruto is an adorable handful, and overall, they assure him that they’re all doing really well. They promise to come back tomorrow with a gift. Hanawa explains they had to remove the camera after that..but they did take photo of the gift the kids left behind.
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Kiryu has been vulnerable in the past, but this is something completely unique. He’s broken, alone, and in all respects, a dead man who can’t have the one thing he cares about more than anything in the world. His kids are growing up, and trying to maintain their lives without him, but they feel the big gaping hole left behind by his larger-than-life and fatherly presence more than ever. And god I’m going to tear up writing this.
A drawing Haruto did of the family.
A drawing Kiryu (amidst his utter flood of tears-and mine) turns to show off to Hanawa to brag like the proud, sad grandpa he is. Hanawa questions if this ‘gift’ was just cruelty, but Kiryu promises him that it wasn't. It’s agonizing. It’s through all this that Kiryu admits, possibly for the first time in his entire life, that he is lonely, and that he realizes he needed his kids more than they needed him.
And we know, of course, that by Yakuza 8, Kiryu is deathly ill, and still for all circumstances; alone. Away from the kids eternally. Unless they make some change to that. I cannot stress enough how little justice my words do here. I really can’t. Kiryu may not have been the perfect father, or grandfather. He has made a lot of mistakes in his life, and his tendency to run off to solve problems on his own unfortunately translated to his daughter, Haruka.
Bu goddamnit I can’t say that he didn’t try.
It is clear as day how much he loves these kids. And misses them. No, he wasn’t perfect. Yes, he made a lot of mistakes, but he tried. And he can never see them again even though they know he is out there somewhere and ho man ho boy I can’t.
Remember how I mentioned above that I’d touch on Hanawa? I’ve chosen the finale to do so, because Hanawa and the Head Priest are the only ones who can share this moment with Kiryu. Kiryu also reveals to Hanawa that he kept Yumi’s ring and admits that his inability to be honest with his feelings kept him from confessing and proposing to her.
“Until she was dying in my arms.”
Man, I need tissues. Again. Hanawa is Kiryu’s handler (for lack of a better term) but he very much becomes a friend throughout the game. He’s ruthless. He’s dangerous, but their relationship is an interesting one and I found myself appreciating it a lot.  He doesn’t seem like all that much from the beginning, but their bond is a good one; and over the course of the game Hanawa opens up in small ways and throws Kiryu bones where they are the least expected.
He's eternally loyal to the Daidoji and makes very difficult choices (and threatens Morning Glory in Chapter 2, only backing down when Kiryu submits again) but like I said in the link above, I actually believe him when he says he really doesn’t want to be doing this.
Doesn’t change the fact that he’s doing it, mind. But it’s good writing. It’s really good writing. I love this game. And then as Kiryu sets out for his (much needed vacation) Hanawa gives him a new temporary identity.
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Taichi Suzuki. To which Kiryu is like "Oh. I've used that before. Didn't tell any of you though..?"
Now, I’d like to point out here that Hanawa shares the same VA as Yu Morinaga from Yakuza 5; Hiroki Tochi. This on its own really wouldn’t mean much. RGG has done this sort of thing many times before. Shared VAs throughout the series is normal.
There are some heavy context clues that seem to heavily imply that this is, indeed, Morinaga.
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I cannot possibly confirm this 100% of course, but there’s other clues dropped in the ending that really make you wonder.
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I think it works.
Which is such a fascinating little idea. The kind of thing that could really feel ham-fisted; but if it is indeed the case here?
But we’ll see.
This is already way too long a write up, but I want to make a final note on Kiryu here. Kiryu in this game is something to behold. He’s miserable, he’s tired, and he’s truly a dead man walking. “The Man Who Erased His Name.” indeed. Sure, everyone sees through his fake identity in seconds, but that doesn’t change the fact that Kiryu is locked into this role for good.
Who he is who he might want to be. The people he cares about. He can’t touch them. He can’t do any of that. Kiryu is sassy and ‘done with everyone’s shit’ in Yakuza 5, and that same energy is carried over into this. He has some truly biting ‘IDGAF’ moments, and in the most ‘gangster’ we ever see him (taking over the Castle from Nishitani) it’s both a great window into how he might’ve been as the chairman of the Tojo, and a man who is already dead and miserable, so what does he have to lose?
(I swear I had a better way of putting this..and the internally selfish part of me kinda loved and adored that moment even though I know he’s in pain so uh. Bah, make of that what ya will).
To conclude, Gaiden’s a wonderful game. No game is perfect, and there’s no way this is all my thoughts on it (as I said, I’m still extremely emotional). But it’s everything I didn’t know I wanted, and a fantastic ride.
If you’ve read this far, thanks for coming along for the ride! I hope you enjoy this game as much as I did!
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And I'm gonna cry again. Help.
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I posted 1,977 times in 2022
859 posts created (43%)
1,118 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,118 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#teen wolf - 845 posts
#stiles stilinski - 750 posts
#derek hale - 702 posts
#sterek - 664 posts
#lost fic - 440 posts
#anon - 424 posts
#idk - 94 posts
#magic!stiles - 85 posts
#peter hale - 79 posts
#best followers ever - 68 posts
Longest Tag: 31 characters
#peter hale. stiles appreciation
My Top Posts in 2022:
do you know about any looong slowburn sterek fics preferably with smut? optional magic stiles👀
hehe thank you❤️
Hi anon. @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words by isthatbloodonhisshirt (25/25 | 434,625 | Explicit | Sterek) “I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.” 
That was a bad word. Not found. 
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment. 
One of the others had come up behind him while he hadn’t been paying attention, and his vision began to swim even as his eyes caught sight of the half-empty syringe the guy was holding.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs (31/31 | 203,776 | Mature | Sterek) “Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Most (Im)Proper Proposal by Welsh_Woman (72/72 | 200,136 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles Stilinski has not seen his childhood friend for going on ten years when Derek Hale insists on meeting him in a barely reputable inn to make a rather startling proposal…
The Hollow Moon by thepsychicclam (10/10 | 180,079 | Explicit | Sterek) It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all. 
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people.
Teenage Love Song by HaleHathNoFury (26/26 | 155,834 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles is sick and tired of how much he fucks up. His dad is disappointed, his step-mom judges and his step-brother can do no wrong. It's not that he doesn't love them, he just gets so tired of being different. Now he's being moved lock, stock and barrel to Beacon Hills aka the town his mom grew up in so they can go live in his grandma's house and his father can get him back on the straight and narrow. 
It's going to suck.
B.E.A.C.O.N. by Mythological_Compendium (43/43 | 140,691 | Explicit | Sterek) "What better situation could there possibly be? We'll be pretty much stuck together, we can talk, drink and maybe later even…”
A scoff. “What? Have reunion sex?”
He shrugs. “It's been four years.”
Same Old Song and Dance by Halevetica (91/91 | 125,721 | Explicit | Sterek) Raised in the hunter life after his father was killed, Stiles hates werewolves. So when he lands a contract to kill the alpha of the pack that killed his father, he's elated. Until he runs into complications. The alpha is smart and strong and playing a game Stiles can't figure out. When secrets are revealed and new enemies made, Stiles must decide for himself what side he's on and who he can trust.
Bruises and Bitemarks by orphan_account (27/27 | 121,566 | Explicit | Sterek) Biologically, Stiles is weak. When he presented as an omega, he knew that to be the truth but that never stopped him from running his mouth as a defense mechanism. However, it could only save him so many times before he ended up pissing off the wrong person. After he's attacked in the parking lot outside of school, Stiles realizes he can no longer protect himself with just pure wit and sarcasm. When the attack lands him in the hospital, his dad forces him to pick between two options, report the alphas who attacked him or join a kickboxing gym run by omega rights activist and alpha, Derek Hale, a man Stiles has been in love with for many years.
Strip by Fessst (23/23 | 117,194 | Explicit | Sterek) "Singletail whip. Your favorite, isn't it?"
Red. Stiles felt nauseated as he bent over the bench. Red. The tremble only increased when his wrists and ankles were secured with leather straps. Red. He heard the Dom behind him give a sample crack of the whip in the air. Red. This would likely pierce his skin. So fucking Red.
"What's your safeword?"
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364 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
I’m in awe of this blog and the amazing people that run it!! Do you know of any Sterek fics where Scott is a bad friend to Stiles and so he spends more time with the Hale pack/Derek? I read one a long time ago on AO3 where Scott walks in on Sterek and he gets mad but I can’t remember what it was called
I sure do!
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The only thing I know, came from dreaming. by gunsknivesandplaid
(1/? I 4,660 I Mature I Lydia/Jackson/Stiles)
Stiles just wants to Leave the city where ghosts of his past follow him, He walks right into his soul mate. Problem is he doesn't think he deserves this literal magical phenomenon. Wants to just ignore it, because he's not ever going to get a real break from the chaos. Will He be proven wrong? Will he let himself fall, with the chance of being hurt again?
Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf
(1/1 I 11,654 I Mature I Sterek)
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
(Actually) Magic Bullet by orphan_account
(1/1 I 2,020 I Teen I Sterek)
It wasn't like Stiles was about to saw off his own mate's arm, Jesus...
He used magic instead; of course, magic required a slightly more...hands-on approach. If Derek wanted to include a little makeout session, well. Stiles wasn't complaining.
How Derek’s Brain Works by Warlock_Nerd
(15/18 I 25,934 I Teen I Sterek)
After looking at Derek’s childhood medical file, Stiles finds out that Derek was diagnosed with Autism at the age of eight. So in Stiles Stilinski fashion, he dives into research on how to help understand Derek’s condition and also help Derek understand it himself.
Glowing eyes by 0809m
(16/? I 37,852 I Teen I Sterek)
"If you accept it, the bite will take. Someone so loyal like you, with so much will, you're born to be like this Stiles." Derek says.
Stiles stays in silence a big amount of time. He really wants this, as much as he would like to think, he can't protect himself and he can't count with Scott, not anymore. He wants this.
"Do it." He says, no trace of doubt in his voice.
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
(1/1 I 65,656 I Explicit I Sterek)
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
The Overlooked by HarleyJQuin
(32/32 I 108,266 I Mature I Stackson)
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386 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
hii do you know any fics wgere the sheriff calls derek son or treats him like one??
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Denial by thejoyfulfox for CurlzAbound
(1/1 I 4,924 I General I Sterek)
Scott thinks they're flirting. Isaac's betting on Derek sniffing him. The Sheriff thinks they're dating. Erica and Boyd are rooting for them. Derek's waiting for him to figure it out.
Stiles is the only one in denial.
light returning by lilysaid
(1/1 I 32,993 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek skips town just after the Nogitsune. When he realizes his mistake, he sets off to find Stiles, make amends, and keep his feelings for Stiles hidden. Two out of three isn't bad.
Pining, bed sharing, highly-suspect platonic touching, and shameless adoration of Derek's beard.
Love Don't Die by Finduilas
(1/1 I 33,459 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek is nine years old when he discovers the gift that he's been given. A gift that he didn't necessarily ask for. Derek can touch dead things and bring them back to life. But not without consequences and conditions, many of which are heartbreaking.
Many years later, his path crosses that of his childhood sweetheart, Stiles, in very unfortunate circumstances. But now, Derek's gift gives him the power to save Stiles. And damned be the consequences.
The New Normal by midnightcas
(27/27 I 63,392 I Teen I Sterek)
After Stiles gets hurt...again, Derek puts him on the metaphorical supernatural bench. Meanwhile, Stiles tries to have a normal life and make normal friends. But when a new pack comes to town and the Hales start getting threats, things start to get a little....not normal.
@npgirardog and @hokee101 suggested this one!
Sharing Food by aussiebee
(2/2 I 9,564 I Explicit I Sterek)
"Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly." ― M.F.K. Fisher
Derek is pretty much absorbed into the Stilinski family, one meal at a time.
404 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Do you guys have any stories where Derek is the alpha of the pack, but stiles is really the one in charge, like he's the alpha mate, or the emissary and every one listens to him.
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To Find Your Home by adara
(1/1 I 14,905 I Teen)
The wind shifts just as he is is about to lay into the trespassers for disturbing this place, this private property, the place where Laura took her last breaths. Alone. The place he had come to look for his own clues in the daylight, to say goodbye to the only family he really had left. His breath catches for an altogether different reason when the shifted breeze reaches him. He stops thinking about Laura for a moment as his brain simply shuts down, taking in the sight of his mate before him.
The More That I Know You (the more I want to) by LadySlytherin 
(1/1 I 43,656 I Mature)
When death, in the form of hunters, comes for a family of Kelpies seeking refuge in the Preserve - in Hale territory - the Hale Pack is too late to save them. Before he dies, the male Kelpie presses a precious bundle into Stiles’ arms and begs the Emissary to take responsibility for it, which an initially reluctant Stiles does. When he agreed, Stiles had no idea what the sight of him with a baby would do to his esteemed Alpha, Derek. If he’d known, he might not have been so reluctant to agree.
Came For The Spark, Stayed For The Flame by orphan_account
(15/15 I 54,091 I Mature)
Derek felt the panic build up in his chest as Jezebel held out a hand. He smelled it before he saw it, because who could forget the scent of what destroyed your life? Fire and spark and smoke curled from Jezebel's hands, and the wood stacked at Stiles' feet flared up.
When Stiles and Derek get bonded as Emissary-and-Alpha, hidden attractions become a lot harder to hide, secrets are kept and secrets are surfaced, and an evil teenage girl is planning even more ritualistic sacrifice.
558 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Must Read Fics
I asked, ya'll answered. Here's the list. More under the cut cause it's long. Enjoy.
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Play Crack the Sky by WeAreTheCyclones
(23/23 I 122,787 I Mature I Sterek)
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.”
Excerpt from “Smokes for Harris: Gladiator,” SPIN.com – Feb. 2015 “Smokes for Harris gives in a little to the pop punk of yesteryear in their sophomore effort, but rather than pandering to fans of a lost era they elevate the genre in a way that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Frontman Stiles Stilinski works double duty as singer and primary songwriter and proves that he can handle the task even without former bassist Derek Hale."
Safety in Silence by Survivah
(5/5 I 66,901 I Mature I Sterek)
It's perfectly understandable. Even Derek wouldn't want to be Derek's soulmate.
The Moon's Gonna Follow Me Home by turningterrific
(2/2 I 82,866 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek doesn’t want to call the window repair guy. He doesn’t want to sweep up the glass. He’ll inevitably miss a few shards and pull them out of the bottom of his bare feet for weeks.
He doesn’t want to try to make this place feel like home when it isn’t.
Derek stayed in Beacon Hills and tried to make it work because he wanted pack, wanted purpose. He gave his best effort and found himself back where he started: alone, with a few begrudging allies. He’s tired, and even though his werewolf body heals quickly, he feels the weary ache down to his center.
He packs his car with the few things he cares about enough to drag them from place to place. He locks the loft and calls a realtor about listing the building he’d bought in a misguided attempt to secure a future.
And then he leaves.
A Desperate Arrangement by mikkimouse
(29/29 I 115,506 I Explicit I Sterek)
"I'm sorry, I believe there's something wrong with my hearing," Stiles said. "Because I could have sworn you just told me you set up a betrothal agreement with the Hales. A betrothal agreement involving me. Me."
Scott smiled his easygoing smile and nodded, which told Stiles no, he hadn't misheard a damn thing.
After seven years of lengthy negotiations, the treaty between the Hales and the Argents has fallen apart and the two countries fell into war.
Months later, there's an uneasy truce, thanks to the intervention of King Scott McCall, but it won't last. In a desperate attempt to maintain the peace, the Hales sign a treaty with the McCalls to marry Prince Derek to Prince Stiles Stilinski, King Scott's brother.
In the history of the world, there have been many better ideas.
It's Insanity, but... by rosepetals42
(12/12 I 79,678 I Mature I Sterek)
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593 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lcatala · 5 months
My top 6 movies discovered in 2023
I watched 52 new-to-me movies in 2023. Not nearly enough , as I could only find 6 movies that stood out sufficiently to be worthy of a personal top, in what was otherwise a pretty meh year — yes I'm a picky watcher — and yeah The Boy and The Heron didn't make the top, you can read the long rambling I wrote about it if you want to know why; I haven't watched Barbie, Oppenheimer or the Super Mario Bros. Movie, and haven't watched any Marvel-related movie since 2015.
6: Nimona (2023)
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I didn't really expect to like the animated adaptation of N. D. Stevenson's comic, and I went in reluctantly, only because a lot of people who seemed trustworthy recommended it. Despite having some of the flaws I've come to expect in modern 3D animation, this was a very good surprise. You can read my detailed review here.
5: Suzume (2022)
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The plot of Suzume stays very much within the bounds of the "modern artsy anime film", with a rather predictable 3+1 acts structure and an exploration of themes and human interactions which has some subtlety and nuance but overall stays very safe and on-the-surface. Nothing offensive, but nothing truly groundbreaking either.
Suzume had, by far, the best animation of any movie I've seen this year. This movie is an absoluteely beautiful, every-frame-a-painting kind of deal. If I was to rank every animated I've ever seen solely by the quality of their animation, Suzume would easily be in the top 10.
4: Cape Fear (1962)
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American cinema achieved maturity during the New Hollywood era that started in the late 1960s, marking a shift toward more naturalistic and more adult filmmaking and themes. But there were a few notable precursors before that.
The most famous of those is of course Psycho (altho tellingly, it was from a British director). But Cape Fear followed close behind, and is another example of an early 60s movie which you don't expect to be this dark and this raw, starring an absolutely get-under-your-skin-terrifying Robert Mitchum — if you thought he was creepy in The Night of the Hunter, you haven't seen nothing yet…
3: The Outwaters (2022)
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This was the biggest surprise of the year, watched the same day it was recommended to me, having heard absolutely nothing about it before that (I didn't even know this movie existed). I got treated to a no-budget yet beautifully-shot found-footage horror movie — in fact the best found-footage movie I have ever seen, with a lot of attention put toward making the gimmick plausible, making the characters realistic and likeable, making this look like the kind of actual footage you'd find on a personal camera — while also having amazingly beautiful cinematography — all while slowly building up the tension.
Because that's just the first half.
Oh yeah, it's one of these horror movies in which you think you know where the story is going, and then second half just explodes in your face and becomes completely, utterly batshit insane. This is on par with Men (2022) for how weird and fucked up the climax is. Don't expect any kind of explanation or closure here, the second half of this movie turns into one of the most fucked up and bizzare horror movies you'll ever see.
2: Godzilla Minus One (2023)
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Yeah so this one was a surprise late-year hit for everyone, not just me. First live-action Japanese Godzilla film in 7 years, with rather tempered expectations — we all knew that Shin Godzilla was an odd one out, that the average Japanese Godzilla movie is not like that, that we shouldn't expect this kind of quality on a regular basis.
Well we played ourselves.
This was incredibly well made as a blockbuster — Japanese cinema has completely caught up on American cinema, for a fraction of the budgets — one of the best Godzilla movies ever made from an action and visuals point of view, and a reminder that Godzilla, as a character, can also be scary, a terrifying incarnation of destruction and disaster.
But somehow this also managed to be a powerful and well filmed drama — no lazy endless shot/reverse shot dialogues here, a lot effort is put into framing choices, blocking… — a movie that actually touches on difficult questions and goes against the message of many other war or action blockbusters.
When so many stories glorify the idea of sacrifying your life for a greater cause, here's one movie that says "hey maybe expecting people to sacrifice their life for your cause is actually pretty fucked up, and maybe it's actually better to choose to live for the sake of your loved ones than to die for the sake of your own pride". Yeah a Japanese movie is saying that, a Godzilla movie is saying that.
1: Skinamarink (2022)
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So, speaking of low-budget independent horror, back in 2022 I had foolishly overlooked Skinamarink. I had vaguely heard that it was good, but no particular detail was mentioned that would have picked my interest, and the poster looked fairly generic, so I skipped it, even tho I should have been more intrigued — 2022 was already shaping up to be a really good year for horror films…
Skinamarink was a tough proposition from the get go, in the "experimental" kind of tough: an entire film made in the analog horror genre — usually short videos made to ressemble old media from the 80s and 90s, advertisements, warning messages, weather channels, documentaries and informercials, with a disturbing twist; a format usually made of short segments. Trying to tell a film-length story in that fashion is an entirely different exercise, but that's fine, I've sat thru Begotten (1989), I can do this.
Right away, this is not framed like a movie: it's more as if someone had negligently left an old camera on the floor — but this is not even found-footage, there is no camera in-story, we just happen to be seeing this world thru stolen, furtive points of view. The image is grainy, the sound is bad quality (subtitles are provided), the frames are often askew, you never even see the actors' faces. We get no narration, no exposition, just a succession of disjointed scenes that slowly form a story.
This shouldn't work. And for many people, this will not work. Most will turn this off not even 5 minutes in. But if you're among the exceptions, then howdy does it work. The format is not a gimmick at all — it's completely in service of the story. The grainy image, the low quality sound prey on your pattern recognition, never quite certain if something is there or not; the framing by a "forgotten" camera contributes to make the atmosphere hyper-real in its intimacy, yet alienating and uncanny.
The director of Skinamarink deals with one very specific topic: nightmares. Not the idea of nightmares, not the heightened nightmares of fiction, but the literal nightmares that real people have; he started by making short videos representing common nightmares that people would tell him about. When it came time to make a full-length feature film, he kept the same approach. Skinamarink doesn't really use any of the classic themes or structures of horror movies; it largely ignores that folklore and instead focuses on deep childhood fears, the kind of stuff your mind used to conjure up long ago and that you have forgotten but not erased from your brain.
If you manage to enter into this very peculiar format, this very unusual and seemingly disjointed way to tell a story, and if you identify with the kind of fear material the movie is drawing on, this is a truly scary experience. Not really in a jump scare or suspense way, more like a deeply haunting and unsettling atmosphere, a strong ambient uncanniness where things are almost normal but just broken enough to give you a constant feeling of unpleasantness, of wanting to run the hell out of here while being trapped, a sense of horrible lurking threat while having nothing concrete to fight against or protect yourself from.
Of course, this isn't exactly a fun experience. This is very, very intense, I'm talking Antichrist-levels of playing with your nerves, and the story, as simple as it is, is tragically harrowing and cruel — you're essentially watching two young children getting psychologically (and eventually physically) tortured by a sadistic, unseen entity for a hundred minutes.
It's hard to recommend, and yet recommendations is how this movie ended up grossing 2 millions on a 15k budget — promotion included ! Most people actually didn't like the movie, but those who liked it liked it so much they can't shut up about it (case in point!) It's one of those horror movies that completely break the boundaries of the genre and do something truly new and unique. It's what horror should be for: imagination gone wild, format-breaking fantasy, and realism thrown out of the window.
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hangarsliquides · 11 months
saw ranking i binged them all again
one > six > two > four > five > three > spiral > jigsaw > 3d
saw 1 at the top. the forerunner. the patient zero, james wan played god and saw was his Light. i had to pay my respects to it and also Adam Stanheight is in it, one of the best characters period. living breathing memorable quote machine. the most cohesive one, one of the better law enforcement plots, the ending... i don't have to talk about it, we all know how iconic it is. i'll just say leigh whannell's scream still sends chills up my spine.
saw 6 had the best spectacle, best traps, great cinematography, also amanda's in it. the last bang for the franchise before the next three movies after it didn't reach anywhere near its caliber, let alone like... saw 5's caliber. the ending is iconic. i'm disappointed that william didn't survive and it would have been interesting for him to be the only main game subject to live ( i'm indirectly declaring saw 3d non-canon). but rodrick heffley did kill a man so atleast i can walk away with this tidbit of information to share to unknowing fools who never saw this franchise. the scene with THE HOFFMANATOR and the voice descrambler was the most fucking stressed i felt during a movie since i saw rob zombie's halloween 2 i was fucking Sick. even though I knew what was going to happen. bravo greutert
saw 2 was a better follow-up than some ppl give it credit for even though it's also the one where the participants get a little stupider. addison's trap was such a perfect example of this, but can i be mad at it? no. because the first time i saw it i guffawed so loudly. im pretty sure my friends are scared of my sick sense of humor. anyways this is the only film where we get to see john kramer in action where he's not in a flashback or immobilized state, and he's a glorious cunt to watch. my deeply self-delusional serial killer blorbo. donnie wahlberg is so fun to watch. he's so angry. all the nerve gas house participants are also pretty fun to watch even though they're all blank slates with one max personality trait i love them. obi tate i will never forget you and your 5 minutes of screentime... love you honey...
saw 4 is funnier than people give it credit for. a lot of this series is, actually. legendary transitions. eric matthews befriends a little rat friend. introduces THE HOFFMANATOR properly. rigg's addiction to going through doors. every bizarre twist in the last fifteen minutes. an entire potential arc from the last movie getting cut short abruptly by strahm shooting one of the worst characters in the franchise to death. i would pick this for a movie night with the boys
saw 5 has also plenty of funny moments. the fatal five's game becomes a really mean comedy with how they simply refuse to work together as a team. even though it was glaringly obvious from the tapes that they were supposed to. mallick's actor overplays his part and its magnificent. more THE HOFFMANATOR action. strahm performs a tracheotomy on himself to escape a trap and he sounds funny for the rest of the film.
saw 3 was carried by bahar soomekh and especially shawnee smith Period. jeff completely drags it down. otherwise it'll be higher. justice for amanda young and allison kerry. i think i would have connected with saw 4 more in a genuine way if kerry was being tested.
spiral, similarly to saw 3, has chris rock dragging down everything. he feels like a pretty stiff actor. luckily he's more bearable to watch than jeff or bobby. that said, having the bousmaniac back at the helm brought back some of the extremely bizarre editing choices that fuel this series' trademark humor. the shaking camera shot that looks like it was made by a rookie in sony vegas pro... chef's kiss mwah.
jigsaw is legitimately bad. weak cast of characters which these movies always have but this cast is weaker than usual. i don't remember anything about halloran and logan except corrupt cop and ex military jiggy apprentice respectively. i dont remember what kind of personality eleanor has. i don't tgink i was paying attention to this half the time except for the barn game which also wasn't super good
saw 3d... the opening trap (misogynistic implications aside), the horsepower trap and THE HOFFMANATOR were the only Really good moments. the new gibson guy is one of the best actors which i mean that he's one of the worst actors. bizarre lines, even more bizarre delivery. the bobby plotline is the worst main game bar none and the only one in the series i would genuinely call torture porn. i can take away some element of humor from jeff being slow ass motherfucker but not this. the traps aren't intriguing enough. the trap involving a woman having to not make a peep at all is so Subtle. and joyce did NOT deserve that. i still don't know how to feel about gordon being an accomplice... i don't know how to make it make sense for his character and his development...
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24hrfrog · 1 year
10 Movies I love
!! Thanks for the tag @nicedaybucky ! 💚
In no specific order! They’re just ones I know I’ll enjoy no matter what, liked the soundtrack and visuals and characters/actors
… God you guys are gonna realize how shitty my taste in movies are LMAO
1. Top Gun: Maverick
banger music, loved the camera work with the flying and thought the behind the scenes information made it even more cool
(I’m not gonna say Top Gun 1986, BECAUSE THAT MOVIE PISSED ME OFF, love it to death but I will notice small things every time I watch it and I yell at Charlie and at Maverick and then I cry for Goose lol the pain I go through.)
2. Puss in Boots
do I NEED to explain???!!
3. Rise of the Guardians
4. Strange Magic
The SONGS. I low key thought this movie was a fever dream until I realized it was real like a few months back lol
5. Harry Potter
Tbh any, even the fantastic beast ones are awesome! I love them all for the same thing so I don’t think it matters; visuals, character, fuck the transphobic witch tho… 🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯
6. Thor Ragnorak
Loki. Also the soundtrack and hot evil sister (and it was funny lol, gotta be one of the best mcu movies)
7. Guardians of the Galaxy (the 2nd movie made me cry over Yondu…)
THE SOUNDTRACK FUCK YEAH also loved the humor in it, anything that makes me laugh I can watch over and over
8. Rock of the Ages
I fucking loved this soundtrack.
9. Epic
THIS MOVIE IS SO SLEPT ON I barley hear anyone know or talk about it! Beyonce is a voice actor in it for the best 10 min romance story god.
10. Kingsman
1 & 2 were equally great! (I think there is a third that came out? But I haven’t watched it yet) I love a good spy-ish movie, humor was my cup of tea and the visuals were fucking awesome, camera work in (I think it was) 2, STUNNING
(Bonus: Arthur and the Invisibles is a banger, awesome childhood movie, I also thought it was a fever dream lol AND Owls of Gahool ANOTHER BANGER it had Owl City- Fireflies in it! AND Wreck it Ralph, idk it just hits different)
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claygoestothemovies · 18 days
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Who would have thought that the PLANET OF THE APES franchise would become one of the strongest in today’s media landscape? The consistent level of quality and storytelling on display throughout these films is a delight, and this fourth entry is no exception. KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES is one of the best moviegoing experiences I’ve had all year.
The story opens with the conclusion of the storyline we’ve been following for the past three films, and then we’re transported forward approximately three hundred years to find a very different world indeed. Nature has reclaimed the earth. Skyscrapers are now practically unrecognizable, covered in green, with trees growing through and out of them. An early sequence involving a daring climb to the top of one such building will take your breath away. It’s a dystopia, but a beautiful one.
We meet Noa (Owen Teague), a member of a clan of apes who raise eagles. Just when you’ve fallen in love with this group, they’re attacked in the night by another group of raiders and the village is burnt to the ground, and everyone in it, save Noa, are either killed or taken. Yes, dear reader, we’ve got a Hero’s Journey, one of my favorite types of story. Noa bravely goes off to rescue his friends and family, and on the way will pick up a wise friend and mentor in Raka (Peter Macon), an orangutan who is one of the few who keep and pass down the teachings of Caesar, and a human girl, Nova (Freya Allen), who is more than she appears to be.
The ensuing story is always riveting. It isn’t just surface level entertainment either, there’s some rich thematic stuff going on here. It has a lot to say about religion, empathy, faith, and perseverance. The surface level stuff is pretty great, too. The action sequences are breathtaking, the CGI and motion capture performances are the best this side of AVATAR (and for my money have a more tangible feel), and the acting on display is top notch! In a role not everyone could pull off, Freya Allen knocks it out of the park. The villains are appropriately scary, as well. In short, a lot of people worked very hard on both sides of the camera to make it very easy for the audience to be immersed in this world and more importantly - to care about it.
Please give us four more. Highly recommend.
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elmainlcye · 2 years
Do you really think there is a chance of stancy being endgame? Steve's scene watching Nancy and Jonathan's reunion feels like closure to me and...
"Season 5 is going to start pedal to the metal. We're not going to do the ramp-up. There's no time. There's no normalcy, obviously, once you've reached the end of four. That's not like there's going to be time to explore our characters' love life, and how is Steve’s dating going? There's going to be none of that, it's just going to be going 100 miles an hour from the beginning."
i mean the Duffers made it very clear that season 5 is going to be action from minute 1 and the specification that there is not going to be time to explore the love lives of the characters especially Steve makes it look like they are going to leave things as they are on the romantic stuff (jancy, Mileven, jopper endgame).
It's the last season and they have to tie up a lot of loose ends in regards to the overall plot literally they are not going to have more time to delve into the characters love life and that kind of drama like they said.
It's going to be 8 episodes of the length of 45 minutes, that seems to me little time even just for the supernatural plot so....
Also sorry for my bad English!
hi there! in the same interview you're citing, the brothers say this when discussing character arcs in season 5:
"...and again, that's sort of setting up sort of us coming full-circle back to Season 1, and I think you'll see that with a couple of character arcs, not just with Will, but also with Steve and Nancy, and her relationship with Jonathan where things are not fully resolved. The characters have maybe made steps like in the case of Will, but that journey isn't over yet and all of that is going to play a huge role as we try to wrap this thing up next season." (x) so no, the camera panning to steve walking dejectedly away while robin rubs his back was not meant to be seen as closure. and regarding the "how steve’s dating is going" comment, that was the db saying that unlike season 4, where the first two episodes were spent establishing what the characters have been up to for the past year, with little given to the main conflict before all the characters come together when they realize Something's Wrong, season 5 is going to be pedal to the metal. they are picking up right where they left off, no wasting time with What Are They Up To Now b-plots, which is how they've started each season previously. there's going to be no 'how nancy's time heading the school newspaper is going,' 'how eleven's been adjusting to her new high school,' etc. steve dating around to try and find love is an equally easy way to illustrate that point.
beyond that... yes, i do think all of this is to set-up steve and nancy ending the series together. the...12? sdhjk intellectuals in stancy hive have reflected on this much better than i have the bandwidth for, and have eloquently brought attention to themes, motifs, etc. but in essence, they not only brought back romantic tension between steve and nancy, but had dustin and robin, the two people who know steve best and mean the most to him comment on it and advocate for it, had eddie, the now wise-ghost quasi-omniscient plot device characterize it as true love, had vecna take nancy through her unresolved trauma about barb and interspersed that with memories of her and steve’s first time, had her wake up from that trance in steve’s arms, had steve and nancy connect about the future, had steve confess his dreams of a future with nancy that was interrupted before she could respond, and topped it all off with jonathan lying to her about college and what he sees as their miserable future together. and that’s just season 4. and to your point that there’s no time for this in season 5, well, they already did all the work. we just have to hear from nancy.
sometimes you kind of like.. just have to pick up what they’re putting down, you know? there’s a lot in this show that relies on theory. romance has never been that.
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