#Toby can retire
xiv-drake · 1 year
Okay after seeing Quantumania a second time I’ve figured out Kang’s plan. This Kang was going to create the TVA to stop his variants. Like the Kang at the end of Loki, he implied that if they killed him, another Kang would just eventually replace him. This was going to be that Kang. But the TVA cycle has finally been broken the The Kang Dynasty is about to invade 616
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god fuckin damn it man that video got me
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beekeeperspicnic · 8 months
Sneak Peek at the Art Book!
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We're approaching the final few days of the Beekeeper's Picnic Kickstarter, so I thought I'd share a few pages of the art book as a sneak peek!
You can get the artbook at the Artist and Scholar tier and above!
Sherlock Holmes' brother Mycroft only appears in a few stories, but he's one of my favourite characters! His powers of observation surpass his brother's, but he lacks the energy and drive for detective work.
Instead he seems to function as a human computer for the government, using his mind to store and process vast amounts of information.
Sherlock does pop over to see him for advice, however, so I thought he would be the perfect hint system for the game.
Mycroft Holmes, the British Government (retired)
By the way, Sherlock, I expected to see you round last week, to consult me over that Manor House case. I thought you might be a little out of your depth.”
Hodge (Cat)
Hodge is named after 18th century intellectual Samuel Johnson's beloved pet who he describes as "a very fine cat".
Johnson was a well known popular figure in his day but fame was secured by the work of his friend and biographer James Boswell, who noted down lots of his witticisms.
This relationship between Johnson and Boswell is referenced by Holmes in A Scandal in Bohemia, with him putting himself in Johnson's role:
“I think that I had better go, Holmes.”
“Not a bit, Doctor. Stay where you are. I am lost without my Boswell.
Toby the Third (Dog)
In 'The Sign of Four' we find out that Holmes seems to regularly borrow a dog named 'Toby' from the eccentric Mr. Sherman in order to track scents. He says he would "rather have Toby's help than that of the whole detective force in London."
I liked the idea that in his rustic retirement, Holmes would feel able to keep a dog himself. Of course he would name it and its descendants after the original Toby.
At first I was unsure whether we should be able to read Toby's thoughts in the game, or whether that would seem out of place. In the end I decided to embrace a bit of silliness!
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sstardustt3 · 2 months
May I request BEN Drowned and Kagekao’s being bestie’s? Since both like to mess with people a lot. It’s surprisingly that people in Creepypasta fandom didn’t make them interact… I would like to see them meet. Kagekao is underrated by the way. :D
i literally don't know why I've never thought of doing this so thx u so much anon for requesting this :3
side note: sorry for doing this late I went on a trip of spring break and I didn't bring my computer so I couldn't do it until i got home
Tags: mentions of other creeps and hatsune miku and gumi (for…some reason) || reditor ass troll behavior || discord users || ben and kagekao are little shits and bullies ||
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I’m just gonna say this: you know those discord fight night servers ? They’re both frequent participates and they win everytime.
Despite ben being a literal virus and having access to multiple different languages he sucks at japanese and whenever he talks to kage it’s like he’s speaking through google translate 
Kage knows this and constantly corrects him and makes fun of him for it and it pisses ben off so much 
What pissed him off even more was when he found out kage can speak and understand english perfectly fine (it was quiet literally like that one sound)
ben: “Y’know don’t think we ever got over that language barrier”
kagekao: “It’s not your fault.”
ben: “W-what the fuck you speak english?”
kagekao:“Of course i do.”
Safe to say  ben almost choked him out 
He also actually tried to tell the other creeps about that and no one believed him 
because kage REFUSES to speak english around everyone else
ben: “That shit stain speaks english im telling you.”
(insert creep i couldn't think of one): “No he doesn’t ben, your delusional.”
Kagekao: “Yeah ben, you’re being delusion.”
creep: “What are you talking about?”
kagekao: “そう、ベンのことを何言ってるの?”
ben: “I’m gonna get you one day I swear to god.”
One time they binged home alone and they just so happened to be left alone the same day because all the creeps just so happened to be out of the building so they rigged the entire building just like kevin (i’m probably gonna make this into a fanfiction)
Toby and jeff were the main victims of the traps 
Another prank  they did was that they asked cody to make seditaives and they put them in everyones food and drinks
Twitter warriors. They will (spesfically ben) will go to the most insane lengths when it comes to defending their faves and just pissing people off
Kage helps him come up with the most VILE insults and ben already has the most damaging insults so them together could probably make someone cry or bully a kpop stan into retirement
They think it’s funny to tell people to off themselves 
Average chronically online redditor users
Ben made the sonic.exe creepypasta game and kage helped with the text in the game
Ben is a hatsune miku stan and kage is a gumi stan
They have matching hello kitty pajamas
Kage is the only one who has seen the inside of ben’s room (unwillingly) and despite him having a whole ass room to himself they basically live togther
Kagekao has no sense of personal space when it comes to ben because he knows ben despises  being physically close to people (even though he is basically holographic unless he touches people) and he gets as close as humanly possible to piss him off until he gets hot and has to reboot
Kage constantly reminds ben that he’s taller and physically stronger than him
Overall? They’re made for each other, if they could care for other people romantically (which I think they’re both too much of self-centered assholes to do so) they would probably be married, actually they probably are for tax benefits.
- requests and reposts are deeply appreciated -
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calaisreno · 1 year
A Bitter Pill
Prompt: Bitter
It was the dog, he thinks. Toby, the bloodhound. The three of them, chasing after clues. That’s when he realised what should have been clear to him a long time ago.
No. It was before that. Maybe even before Sherlock fell and came back. 
But that day. The dog. 
Slow but sure, John; not dissimilar to yourself.
Mary’s presence has made it more apparent, but it was there before.
Mary: Oh, he would have needed a confidant ...
Mary: I like him.
Mary: You should put that on a t-shirt.
He’s always thought of himself as an intelligent man. It was just the contrast with Sherlock— always brilliant— that made John seem dull. Nobody’s as smart as Sherlock, unless it’s his brother. Certainly not John. 
John is slow.
And once again, he’s the one left holding the baby. Yes, he loves his daughter, and he’s willing to do his part in parenting. But once again (all too often), it’s Mary and Sherlock running after the bad guys. 
She’s better at this than you.
Maybe this explains the woman on the bus. Stupid, he reminds himself. What did he expect? He didn’t want her, really. What he wanted was simple: to be wanted. To be flirted with, made to feel attractive, valuable, worthy of attention. 
It would have been more trouble than he can handle now. He doesn’t need an affair while he’s trying to decide what to do about his marriage. He can’t count on Sherlock to solve this; he’s already told John: You chose her.
He’s put in calls to all their usual babysitters, who are busy, and a few people he thinks might help out in a pinch. 
Will it matter? By the time he shows up, they’ll have figured it out. He’ll arrive just in time for the post-case joking around. Mary will say, aw, love, you didn’t miss much. Sherlock was brilliant, as usual…. And Sherlock will grin at Mary and say I can always rely on you…
And John will say: You two should have got married. 
John married her. He’s in love with his best friend, but he married an assassin, and didn’t even know what she was. She shot Sherlock, and John was done with her. He wasn’t going back, even for the baby. 
But Sherlock said no, she hadn’t meant to kill him. 
It was a lie. Killing Sherlock was her intent, and John shudders to think what his life would be if she’d succeeded. Why would Sherlock say that? John couldn’t forgive her. But he went back, and Rosie was born. He’s trying to make it work.
It feels like he’s the only one trying. 
He’d met Mary six months before Sherlock returned. She was exactly the woman he would have loved if he hadn’t already loved Sherlock. Clever, funny, interesting, a charming bully. (Maybe that says something about John, that he needs a bully in his life, that he falls in love with people who tell him what to do.) When she started going on cases with Sherlock, John wondered if she’d seen the same things in him that Sherlock had. John paid the bills, made sure there was milk in the fridge, and kept the flat tidy. As a retired assassin, she could appreciate someone who kept life running smoothly.
Sherlock was the most important relationship of his life. Not that Sherlock ever did relationships. Married to his work, he said, and never gave any indication that he’d changed his mind. Mary was a suitable replacement, a way to get on with his life, a way (he thought) to be happy. She wasn’t Sherlock, though. 
And that was the worst. He’d given her the ring that night because he knew that Sherlock would never return his feelings. John had only been a convenience, and sometimes an annoyance. 
It’s about control, he thinks. She’s possessive of him, and she holds that over Sherlock, who used to be just as possessive, just as controlling. But she doesn’t love him, he thinks, not the way he wants to be loved.
The truth is, Sherlock doesn’t want him either. If he seems to, it’s because John has become a habit. John talks him out of shooting holes in the wall, keeps his behaviour socially acceptable, and occasionally says something that, while not brilliant, points him towards a solution. And Sherlock pats him on the head.
Sherlock and Mary match wits, both taking him for granted. The drama is always between these two, while John is making the tea or minding the baby. 
He is their man-wife.
Before he can make himself more miserable, the phone rings. His neighbour’s willing to watch Rosie. After dropping her off, he gets in a cab.
“The aquarium,” he tells the cabbie. 
His phone buzzes relentlessly. He doesn’t need to look at it to know who it is. 
It stops, and he feels oddly bereft, as if he’s lost the one thing he really needs. 
He thinks of the bitter words he’s written. Holding the letter in his hands, he understands what he has to do. He rips it in two, then four, then tears it again and again, and finally drops the pieces in the bin. 
“Molly,” he says. “Can you… I’m just…”
She’s bouncing Rosie on her hip, getting ready to give her a bottle. “It’s fine, John. I’ll stay if you want to go out.”
He manages a smile. “Thank you.”
As he exits the cab, Sherlock is just coming out of 221B. He stops when he sees John, stares for a moment, then drops his eyes. 
“I was just…” His shoulders drop. 
“We need to talk,” John says. “Can I come in?”
They sit facing one another. The room is a mess, he notes. Sherlock looks wrecked, his eyes red, his hair uncombed. 
He reminds himself that Sherlock was close to her, too. Whatever impact she’d had in John’s life, for better or worse, she’s been a part of Sherlock’s as well. She was his friend, his assassin, a person he strangely admired.
“Sherlock, I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?”
He nods. Time to be honest, swallow the bitter pill. He can’t have what he wants, but he’s not going to lie anymore. “The things I said to you… I’d take them back if I could. You didn’t kill her. What she did was her choice. I don’t blame you.”
Sherlock shakes his head. “I made a vow. I wanted you to have… what you deserved. When I came back, you were moving on, and I ruined everything.”
“You didn’t. It was hard, the way you came back— but that’s... I forgave you. Look, I need to tell you something. Something I should have said a long time ago.” He sighs, rubs his eyes. “I find it difficult, this sort of thing.”
“I know.” Head bowed, Sherlock nods.
“I thought… I loved her.”
Raising his head, Sherlock frowns. 
“But I’ve never really been able to get beyond what she did to you. That night… before she died… I was thinking of leaving her. I know, I know. I chose her. I married her. But I did it for the wrong reasons.”
He meets Sherlock’s gaze. For a long moment, he waits. What he’s about to say will change everything. These words can’t be ripped up and tossed in the bin. 
“I married her… because I was in love with my best friend, who was married to his work. You died, and my heart was broken.”
Sherlock puts his face in his hands. His shoulders shake. 
“I love you, Sherlock. You don’t feel the same— but it’s fine. I just want to be honest with you. I won’t burden you with my feelings. I’m thinking of leaving London—”
“No. Don’t.” He’s on his feet, pulling John up from his chair. “Don’t… leave me.”
His arms are around John, holding him. He’s shaking, sobbing. 
John’s crying too. “I won’t.” 
It’s a complex thing, what they are to each other. He accepts that. He’s made his choice and will stay, for the right reasons this time. 
1346 Words / Flash Fiction / Six Thatchers Fix-it
@lisbeth-kk @meetinginsamarra @raina-at @bertytravelsfar @momma2boys @jrow @helloliriels @the-reading-lemon @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @elwinglyre @mydogwatson @thetimemoves @jobooksncoffee @lhrinchelsea @peanitbear @gregorovitchworld @7-percent @shiplocks-of-love @khorazir @gaylilsherlock @catlock-holmes @the-reading-lemon @inevitably-johnlocked @discordantwords
Thanks for reading!
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footytea · 28 days
Since I have seen some assumptions about different girls and who’s box their are seated in, I thought I try to clear this up with some inside information: (before you ask how I know this: Toni Kroos has a podcast with his brother Felix where this was mentioned; more info about that at the end)
Real Madrid (or more accurately the Santiago Bernabéu) does not have specific players boxes. They however have two different VIP sections,
1. the “normal” VIP section for which you could technically also purchase tickets as a fan (if you’ve got the money). This is probably the area where the people invited by the club (Rafael Nadal, Tom Brady maybe, etc.) sit as well, if they are not in the “president lounge” as I like to call it.
2. the so called “VIP familiar” where families and friends of the players sit. It’s a section of the stadium I assume you can only get in via direct invite from someone inside the club (players, coaches, etc.). During the podcast episode Felix mentiones seeing some kids and wifes (Joselu and Modric if I remember correctly) but also Denise Bellingham (Jude’s mother) walking by.
This doesn’t mean that players can’t get their friends/hookups/girls tickets for normal fan seats in the stadium. Felix Kroos himself has been given tickets to the media/press section, the “normal” VIP and the VIP familiar, as well as the normal seats. All of Felix’s visits to the Bernabéu were organised by Toni himself.
More info about the podcast: it’s weekly published in german. Felix Kroos is a retired football player himself, who played for german clubs like Union Berlin and Werder Bremen. Nowadays he mostly works as a (very likeable) TV pundit. In the normal episodes they mostly talk about football (or the Dallas Mavericks since they are both huge fans) but also invite guests (David Alaba, Dirk Nowitzki or Julian Nagelsmann just to name a few) and answer fan questions about literally everything (from ‘gossip on the bench during a game’ to ‘planning on keeping turtles as pets in my spacy backyard if it’s ever finished and not a construction side forever’ (aka the worries of Toni Kroos))
Sometimes there are special episodes, where Felix and Tobi (their producer and good friend) attend “special” Real Madrid games. For example the Derby Madrileño or UCL games, especially the ones in Germany vs Union Berlin and RB Leipzig, but also the City game in Manchester.
Felix and Tobi however were also at the Santiago Bernabéu for the home clasico this season (23/24) where they were seated in the VIP familiar for the first time and made the observations mentioned above. For anyone interested the episode is called “Luppen in Tour: Die große Toni Kroos Post-El-Calsico Home Story (mit Hut)”. Disclaimer: it’s in german!
For everyone else you can find some video extracts from the podcast (also in german, without subtitles) and some very funny videos of Toni on @luppentv on Instagram.
Regardless I personally still think that if these guys (the Real Madrid players) are serious about a girl they are gonna seat her in the “VIP familiar” section, if it’s simply a hook up it’s at most probably gonna be the “public” VIP section if not just regular game tickets (although Felix mentioned in past episodes that when they had regular seats, they were higher up with a perfect view of the pitch (unlike Laura for example)).
Hope this is some kind of valuable input, and I wish all of you a lovely day 💕
thank you for the info!
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g00-b0y · 2 months
My last fic seemed to do well so here's another :3 This is a three part fic (so far) they can all be stand alone, but it makes mildly more sense to read them together. They're all me projecting my daddy issues onto these fictional serial killers.
Part one is about Tim being a father figure to Jeff.
CW: s/h and discussions of hopelessness
The day had been long and tiring, and honestly Tim wanted nothing more than a hot shower and to crawl in bed. His back was aching and his feet throbbed, but Toby had done a good job today and he was going to take a win where he could get one. The kid had been showing major improvement, which meant he'd get to stay alive. Tim didn't know why but he'd taken a shine to the kid, much more than anyone else in the house had. But that was ok, Toby was only seventeen and needed someone to watch his back.
Opening the door to his room Tim entered; he kicked off his shoes and stripped off his mud stained jacket and boots. He relaxed a bit and plopped onto the bed, contemplating if he really needed a shower. But he did, so he pushed himself up off the bed and exited his room. He limped down the hall and to the restroom, not even considering to knock before he entered. Why would he? Toby and Brian were in their rooms, and no one else really came down their hall unless they needed one of them. So the door being closed didn't even occur to him as he pulled it open.
Stood in the proxy bathroom was Jeff, his head whipped around and he looked at Tim. It took Tim a long moment to process what he was seeing. Jeff stood in the bathroom, he had previously been staring at himself in the mirror but he was now looking into Tim's eyes. Blood trickled down his cheeks and he held a small blade in his hand. The two stared at each other for a long moment, until Tim opened his mouth to speak. Though, the words became lost in his throat as he only let out a small.
“Oh bud…” Jeff looked extremely offended by the comment. His entire body stiffened as if he were trying to make himself taller.
“What the fuck are you looking at?” He asked, incredibly defensive. Tim blinked a few times before choosing his next words as carefully as possible.
“What umm, are you doing in our bathroom?” Tim asked hesitantly. He watched as the man before him recoiled and curled into himself.
“I can be wherever I want to be.” He retorted curtly. He quickly wiped his mouth on his sleeve and pushed past Tim. He stomped down the hall and out of sight.
Tim had known that he had struggled with,,, that for some time. But he never imagined catching him in the act. He had always thought the wounds stayed open supernaturally. The thought never crossed his mind that the cuts needed to be maintained in order to stay fresh. Thinking about it now it seemed like a stupid assumption. But there wasn't a lot he could do. He knew with one hundred percent certainty that Jeff would never open up to him. It seemed all he could do was keep a better eye on the kid and watch for more signs of self harm. He let out a sigh and entered the bathroom. Removing the rest of his clothes and getting into the shower.
The rest of the night was quiet. Tim got his shower and got dressed. He retired to his room, laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. The image of Jeff cutting into his own face was still vivid in his mind. He felt so awful for the kid, he could only imagine how the kid felt. He knew Jeff would gag if he knew Tim felt empathy for him, so he decided it best to keep his thoughts to himself.
A sigh escaped him as he realized he had once again forgotten to eat that day. With a grunt he stood up and pulled on a shirt, walking down the creaking floorboards which moaned and groaned as he stepped. He eventually reached the kitchen, where he was met with the same kid from earlier; only now he sat with his knees pulled to his chest as he ate a bowl of cereal. They once again met eyes, holding each other's gaze for a long while, each waiting for the other to break the silence.
“Jeff-” Tim started
“Don't, I don't want to hear it.” He said stubbornly, glaring at the older man and leaning back in his chair so he could cross his arms.
“Listen man, I'm not going to lecture you. I was just gonna say I get it. Ya know?” Tim offered solemnly.
“What?” Jeff asked before he could stop himself.
“Yea dude, I get it. I was totally in your position. Granted, it's been years since I was a teenager, but I was there.” Tim slowly sat next to Jeff, offering him a knowing smile. “I have scars of my own from that time in my life.” He said patiently, leaning back in the chair and looking around the kitchen.
They sat quietly for a while, both taking in what the other had said. Tim watched the younger man out of the corner of his eye as he thought over what he had said. Jeff sighed quietly and laid his head on his own knees, looking at the wall.
“Tim,,, does it get better?” He asked, glancing at him. He really did not want to be vulnerable with him right now, but he had no one else to speak to. If he wanted these feelings off his chest, now was the time.
“Sometimes.” Tim replied, looking at his half finished bowl of cereal. “And sometimes it's worse, it isn't just a straight line, everyone struggles, and everyone feels better.” The words made Jeff queasy. “You're a tough kid, I know you'll figure it out.” Tim said and stood, riffling through the fridge and pulling out a cold hot dog.
“You,,, you really think so?” He asked and watched in mild horror as the older man ate the hot dog cold.
“Yea man, you're gonna be alright.” He said with a small smile. Jeff smiled a bit in response, watching Tim lean against the fridge. “Ya want to be left alone, or you want me to hang out?” Tim asked, not seeming to mind either way.
“I think I'm gonna head to bed.” Jeff said and put his bowl in the sink, nodding to Tim and heading up to his room.
Tim watched him and felt confident that if Jeff needed something, he'd at least consider coming to Tim for help. He stretched and headed up to bed, laying down on his stiff, lumpy mattress. He never imagined himself here, helping out a bunch of mentally ill teenagers with no parental figures to speak of. Though, he couldn't act like he hated it. They were all his kids now.
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bloodyentrails · 1 year
I saw your tags... have at it! I'm curious :D Top 5 Black Sails scenes please!
i let myself stew with this for a few days because i didn't know what to write XD
my all time favourite moment that i wasn't prepared for was TELL YOUR GUVNOR TELL HIM I'M COMING and, i mean, the whole episode, but it's like we've seen flint be violent and aggressive and we know he's a good fighter but we've not really seen him make a concerted effort and actually marshal troops and carry out an intricate plan and it being allowed to work??!! like he is finally able to use all his grief and anger towards something that makes sense and it's really beautiful. he feels so powerful in that episode to me, the sheer fucking confidence. i tend to pretend season 4 doesn't exist tbh, there's just too much heartache in it, too much in-fighting. but here he's so inspiring and he fucking knows it and in my mind i have this framed and i hope i can remember it forever.
(i think the relationship between flint wanting to protect nassau and rebuild it but never really communicates that vs him communicating it and putting it into practise, ... it's like he feels more alive to me in the season finale? like he's found a way to apply himself and channel his energy. i have spent a lot of time thinking about him wrt shadow work and i think he's one of the few characters who experience their own dark side and integrate the shadow and that is very powerful to me.)
james meeting thomas for the first time. like, the instant chemistry and the sass, this is what it's like to meet people you fall in love with and it's so perfect and i know it's his memory and maybe it wasn't so perfect but it was perfect to james anyway and i love them i love them i love them. i love ships that have this instant chemistry and i love that toby and rupert knew each other and it's so palpable. full marks, no notes.
anne coming home to max in the bath tub and taking off her gear and just sitting beside her. they have so many great moments but this one stands out to me for its ordinariness and domesticity i think. it's so quiet.
anne emerging from the water to take over a ship. fucking hell! i wish the actor who played her was in more things but also i think after playing anne bonny like this you probably might as well retire. love anne leading her people and i'd absolutely want to see more of her fighting and pirating and i love her so much.
flint murdering gates. i have a whole fascination with the intimacy of murder and they did this beautifully. i love that we understand exactly why it is happening (and i'd argue that gates should have seen this coming) and why it's a heartache and still we want to prevent it. like, it's perfect, you know. as far as murders go, it shows you each aspect exactly and you are left powerless. and i loved how much it represents a moral event horizon situation and is it possible to come back from it, and of course it's silver who even attempts to do it. it's rare in drama that a scene feels so utterly in-character for everyone and is so heartbreaking as well. excellent stuff.
honourable mentions:
'i only ever wanted you to be happy' totally unexpected and so beautiful.
vane and flint on trial in charleston. it's so funny and i may ship them a little bit.
idk if that is all of them, i haven't seen the show in a couple of years now, but i remember blogging my reactions to a friend and these were some of the things that really stood out to me.
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
Do you have any modern obito and madara headcanons
Yes I do, however, I intend to incorporate the Japanese culture into their modern HCs. Here we go:
-The basis of their relationship is "tough love", more on the tough, and less on the love xD. Madara raised Obito as a child when his parents died in a car accident.
-Madara is a traditional man. He definitely raised Obito to be persistent and hardworking, and to prioritize work and goals, and everything else comes second. While Madara is more aloof, Obito has a loud nature, opposing Madara's ideals, which completely irritates the older man - but the disciplines he instilled in Obito are completely there.
-Nothing pissed off Madara more than seeing Obito getting low grades in school; and when Kakashi moved into the same school and got high grades, Madara tutored Obito for hours while holding a metal ruler over his head. No Uchiha under Madara's wing is allowed to get low grades and drag the Uchiha name.
-Obito is the CEO of Madara's company. Madara retired to practice falconry and Tachi art (Japanese swordsmanship), and passed the role to Obito. Izuna owns a different company in case anyone wonders why Obito gets to be CEO.
-Madara put Obito in tachi classes when he was in elementary school, and when Obito became an adult, Madara practically forces him into a duel.
-As a teenager, Obito tended to challenge Madara's views and ideals and this led to a lot of explosive arguments between the two that required Madara to threaten Obito with his wooden tachi sword when the little shit crossed his limits with his smart mouth.
-Obito's development as a man grew a soft spot in Madara; given that when Obito became an adult, he became more aloof and mellow, and more focused on the success of the company and he developed an authority and charisma that was very similar to Madara - and this made the older man proud because he saw himself in Obito.
-Madara tends to tease Obito about his crush and love for his childhood best friend, Rin. When Obito starts to act like a little shit, Madara aggravates him by saying that Rin is too good for him and "can see why she fell for that Hatake boy."
-Madara also owns the Naka Shrine - a famous landmark in modern Konoha, and made Itachi and Shisui in charge of running festivals and events in that shrine. Obito also marries Rin there, in which they had a traditional Japanese wedding, which pleased Madara because "it is the sacred sanctuary passed down to them from their Uchiha ancestors, and marrying in that shrine results in abundant blessings from the gods (the god is Susanoo).
-Obito initially wanted to be a cop, but found that running a company suited him more since he always wanted to be acknowledged, and tended to shadow Madara when he worked.
-They shit on each other only in front of other Uchiha members, but when anyone outside of the family insults the other, the two of them turn into their worst nightmare and defend one another.
-Madara tends to be overly critical over little things. "Stand up straight. Don't slouch. You're really going to wear that? You could've added more salt to this. You added too much water into the pot, the rice is all wet. Who told you to add roe to this?"
-Madara lives in a traditional Japanese mansion after he retired, and owns two shiba inu dogs, whom he named Taru and Tatsu. He also tends to travel a lot. Madara seems to be a dog person, since he finds joy in their loyalty and obedience, while Obito is a cat person and owns a one-eyed black cat that he called "Tobi". Madara makes fun of him for naming his cat "something stupid when he could've called it something better like Yami or Kuro." Yes, they fight over pet names.
-Madara always lectures Obito and gives him unsolicited advice, which is something Obito totally hates. Madara is the type that would make fun of you and say that he is only "joking", but would actually kill you if you did the same to him. Obito however, tends to seek Madara's advice sometimes when it comes to the business and company matters.
-When Obito and Rin started dating, Madara consistently asked Obito when they're getting married and when they did get married, when are they having babies to "carry the Uchiha name", and tended to use terms like "plant your seed into her" and "coitus" or "sexual intercourse", and scolds Obito when the younger man uses more vulgar terms (even the word "sex" to Madara is vulgar and unclassy). "Such insolence! Have some class in your speech, boy!"
That's all for now! Feel free to add in your thoughts!
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mobilenotgideon · 1 month
This will most likely be the last post on this blog. I am not deleting it, just retiring it so if I wanna shitpost or something important happens I may use this account
Thank you all for everything I can't believe how far I've come
I was part of the og Scott Pilgrim RP blogs and most of my past peers have already retired
You can find me on my main blog Tobias-the-bisexual-weirdo I think that's the name.
I will miss you all dearly and I love you all
So, I'm sending my best wishes,
-blog mod Toby, signing off
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trans-kevin-juice · 1 year
* After getting kidnapped by [REDACTED], Schmitty now has heavy phobia of pencil sharpeners. He only uses pens now.
* [REDACTED] is a massive fan of Quiplash. This is why he kidnapped Schmitty and used Quiplash for one of the Killing Floors. This also explains why he let Schmitty live, which is a first for the Quizkiller.
* Cookie stopped using social media after the whole Binjpipe incident.
* In the YDKJ: The Lost Gold, Schmitty was on vacation. But, he still had to host the game.
* Schmitty can change his appearance at will.
* Toby (one of the hosts of patently stupid) is one of Schmitty’s brothers. When Schmitty started hosting YDKJ, Toby moved out and Schmitty didn’t hear from him until Toby started hosting Patently Stupid.
* Toby and Lena divorced because they both felt as if their relationship didn’t have much charm. They both agreed that they were better off as co-workers.
* Toby and Lena also both still live together and still get along well. They just aren’t married anymore.
* Even though Guy is retired, he still hangs out with the YDKJ hosts.
* After YDKJ: The Ride, Buzz decided to quit hosting and live the rest of his life at home peacefully.
* Cookie’s father was highly abusive and Cookie heavily dislikes talking about him. And when his dad was murdered by Cookie’s mom, Cookie showed no remorse or pity. No funeral was hosted either.
* Cookie was a heavy binge eater back in YDKJ: 2011. He broke out of the habit when he started hosting Fibbage 4.
* Cookie was a special guest in Weapons Drawn. He was allowed in by The Narrator and even got some fancy Victorian clothes. But, Nate had to get him out of there. (no matter how many times Cookie protested)
* Nate played the Shadow The Hedgehog game and unironically likes it.
* It took Cookie almost 3 years to recover from the horrors of Binjpipe, which was why he was gone for 4 whole games. His mental health made a full recovery once the 9th Party Pack was announced.
* Cookie has a brother named Cream. Cream is the host for Champ’d Up and had no idea that his brother was possessed by Binjpipe.
* Cookie was originally asked to host Champ’d Up, but his mental health was still really fucked up at the time. So, his brother did it instead.
* Buzz used to have a fear of heights, until after YDKJ: The Ride.
* Yes, the Quips in Quiplash are all Schmitty’s kids. Schmitty is a proud (yet exhausted) father of 16.
* While Cookie was taking a mental health break, he also helped Schmitty take care of the Quips.
* [REDACTED] has a massive collection of knives, but his favorite pair is a large kitchen knife. He likes it because it reminds him of his beloved mother.
* [REDACTED] eerily lacks the ability to be scared. He just acts scared to entertain and mock his victims.
* Despite his voice and his menacing aura, [REDACTED] just looks like some normal dude. Even with creepy clothes, no one would expect him to be the Quizkiller.
* Guy is a big sports fanatic, and at first only hosted YDKJ: Sports as a joke. But, he genuinely likes Trivia now.
* When Cookie was the sign-in host, he was still in High School and was only 19 at the time.
* Cookie really likes Vintage and R&B music.
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jlawbenn · 2 months
If I could pick the AFL captains:
Adelaide - don’t know enough about them but Josh Rachelle should be somewhere up there just because I like saying his surname, also he looks like he has Daicos genes in him
Brisbane - can’t stand Lachie Neale or James Hird’s metaphorical son Harris Andrews so dump them both (although I see why Lachie is up there with the multiple Brownlows) I reckon Josh Dunkley is a very good leader and he loves his club and plays wherever for the benefit of the team so he should climb up the leadership ladder, Charlie Cameron a main goal kicker I can’t stand him because he thinks he’s the superior Charlie but I’d put him up too. Also Dev Robertson for the eye candy.
Carlton - drop Cripps instantly, remove Weitering from leadership team. I’d like to see Cerra up there like deputy, Jack Silvagni because he’s so loyal to the club and the club history and loves us, I reckon TDK in the leadership team couldn’t hurt because he’s so good and seems so caring of his teammates, oh also remove Walsh from any leadership duties because he’s just too inconsistent. Not sure who I’d have as captain but Cerra is certainly always improving. Also sack our coach.
Collingwood - no change with the captain, I’m happy with Darcy Moore. But I’d definitely drop Maynard and Quaynor. It’s surprising that there’s no Daicos in the leadership team.
Essendon - I love Zach Merrett but I feel like his appointment of captain isn’t legit enough, he’s been known to play like a thug and hurt other players deliberately and I feel like that’s not very good for a captain. Very happy with Andrew McGrath as vice, would prefer him as captain but I guess the Essendon faithful don’t agree. Dyson should still be in the leadership team, I don’t get why people hate on him so much?
Fremantle - Nat Fyfe overrated but I prefer him as a captain to that creepy Alex Pearce. Don’t know much else about the team, surely Brayshaw should be up there.
Geelong - who else to take over Joel Selwood’s long reign than Dangerfield 🙄 I think Tom Hawkins or Mitch Duncan should have captained the team. But Geelong have so many good players even if they’re older, like even Jeremy Cameron. Idk I just don’t like Dangerfield. But I guess they can’t appoint a blonde because everyone would be playing ‘spot the captain’ at the games
Gold Coast - I have no care for this team but Touk Miller annoys me on another level because whenever he’s playing, my brother ALWAYS screams his name out and it’s irritating. Idk what a Jarrod Witts is. Idk I liked David Swallow there I guess no change other than drop Touk. Definitely don’t appoint Casboult he’s a proven traitor.
GWS - TOBY GREENE IS THE WORST DECISION AS AN AFL CAPTAIN SINCE RYAN GRIFFEN AND TEX WALKER! Like are you kidding me, he has to go, he’s a professional thug and a horrible opponent and never plays fair. Stephen Cogniglio should have been captain before him, and I don’t like him either. Not a fan of GWS and their backwards agenda at all.
Hawthorn - I’ve seen some absolute thuggery out of James Sicily before, especially when he was bleach blonde but idk I love Chad Wingard, id rather Chad as captain but is he still there? Does he ever play? I feel like I haven’t seen him in a million years. I don’t know many other hawthorn players but I can safely say Ginnivan in leadership role is not a good idea.
Melbourne - HATE max gawn! What a creep. Definitely think Petracca should be captain, even that Viney plate face guy, basically anyone besides Gawn, May, Hunter and Fritsch.
Norf - I love Jye Simpkin as captain but it’s so weird without Zieball, he’s been around forever but he seems so young and his retirement was so random. I don’t like MacDonald but definitely Simpkin, and I reckon Sheezel and fisher would make excellent leaders too.
Port - Idk what a Connor Rozzee is but I don’t really like Port at all, Travis Boak is a legend and it’s sad he stepped down. Maybe the 3 named one that also played for Norf, Horne Francis? He could go up there
Richmond - Dion Prestia gives me the heebie jeebies idk why. Oh wait it’s Nankervis who’s captain and he’s even worse!!! Idk, Tom Lynch could be captain but he’s such a thug so that’s not fitting. Idk, it’s hard with these young teams, some choices seem to be right out of desperation.
St Kilda - Jack Steele is an excellent option even if I can’t stand him and he has a head like an accountant. Can’t see anyone else other than Jack Higgins doing the job, and Jack seems so young, like he never ages? But also Liam Stocker would be a FANTASTIC leader but I guess because of his depression it’s too hard.
Sydney - idk what a Callum Mills is, wasn’t Paaarrkeeerrr captain? At least it’s not Heeney or Papley. ESPECIALLY Papley.
West Coast - Well they’re always tanking so I guess they’ve got the right captains!!! As long as it’s not Jack Darling I’m happy.
Western Bulldogs - super controversial opinion here but I can’t stomach Bont. Never have, never will. And there’s definitely plenty of players who could take over, like Adam Treloar (unfortunate for me because I can’t stand him either), Taylor Duryea who has the experience + hawthorn premierships, Jamarrah definitely, but sack Bailey Smith PLEASE.
No offence intended I just genuinely like sharing my backwards mean opinions lol
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ftbrainrot · 9 months
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Why were children and young teenagers allowed to join magic guilds in the first place?
Many things that predate the start of the story are only visible through flashbacks centred around specific characters which makes it difficult to tell how common situations were, but we do know that ten years prior to the first chapter, the demon Deliora was wreaking havoc and orphaning four named characters that are explicitly stated to have lost their families and homes to the demon: Gray, Sherry, Tobi and Yuuka. We also know from the backstory of Erza and other characters such as Kagura that the group behind the Tower of Heaven was kidnapping and murdering. As Rosemary Village was a village, one can make the guess that the targeted areas were rural in nature.
One of the kidnapped people was a seasoned member of the Fairy Tail guild, Rob. Little is known about Rob beyond that he was a fire mage and that he was, in younger years, a teammate of Makarov’s. While we do not learn how he was captured, we do know that Rob and Porlyusica are the only two members of their old team who did not go on to become guild masters. As Makarov has been shown to be a very powerful mage, it can be assumed that all members of his old team were S-class level mages. Meaning: Rob would not have been an easy mark. Still—he got captured and he lost his life in the Tower.
And with the second known death from that time period—that of the Ice Mage Ur who had been Gray’s teacher—this puts together a puzzle: that even very powerful mages (according to Siegrain / Jellal, Ur was on the level of a wizard saint) were not safe. It can be extrapolated that all guilds were losing members during this time period—to death and (quite possibly) to retirement as the stakes were very high.
This period of unrest and danger also created many, many orphans. Almost every character who is shown to have joined Fairy Tail at a young age did so after having lost their family. And while the majority of orphans—remember, the percentage of mages in the population of Fiore is 10%—likely had only two options: growing up in an orphanage or adoption / a foster family, the mage orphans did have another option: to join a mage guild.
This is speculation, but in a time where—due to the overall unsafe situation—hundreds of children were left without parents and in need of care from the government the existing orphanages were likely filled to the brim. Adequate care was likely difficult to come by, and with mage orphans being in the minority and them being ‘special’ as they had the spark required to do magic, alternative solutions had to be found as non-magical orphanage workers might have been ill-equipped to handle magically empowered children who lived through the trauma of having lost their families.
Guilds were possibly an easy enough solution. Legal Guilds are affiliated with the Magic Council—the government body for mages—and possibly get funds from the Council. They already were places for mages to cooperate and train with each other. This of course ignores that they were usually places for adult mages, not for children and that these spaces that had previously been made for and by adults did not change to accommodate the children and their needs as in guilds like Fairy Tail, the adults were conducting themselves as they had before around the children.
The guilds could not be forced to take in children, but they were encouraged to help with the unfolding situation as there were legitimate concerns for the safety of the children. How the guilds fulfilled their responsibility in particular differs from guild to guild as each guild is unique in what they can offer, some might have put in place mentorship programs rather than allow seven year old children to join, but there is no denying that the overall situation at the time did allow guilds to essentially have the first pick when it comes to recruiting members of the next generation of mages.
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buggybestfriend · 9 months
hey mar ^_^ Thinking of the ask u sent me last night what are some plush brands that u like?
Oh ! I have some lovely brands for you, here are my five favourites !
1. Jellycat
Jellycat is an awesome brand, their plushies are super soft and cute. I own four, and they're all awesome quality. Another thing that I find great is that they have their Safety + Sustainability Policy and their Modern Slavery Statement at the bottom of their website, perfectly accessible.
A special thing that makes me love this brand even more is that they have a Retired Jellycats page ! It has all of the Jellycat items that are no longer available, sorted by year. No other brand that I know of has anything like this
2. FAO Schwarz
FAO Schwarz is an amazing brand that sells much more than just their own plushies, including stuff by other brands and other types of toys.
A detail that makes this brand so so dear to me is that all of their own stuffed toys come with a little red envelope that contains an adoption certificate ! It really helps you bond with the plush, in my opinion at least.
3. Build-A-Bear
Build-A-Bear is quite a popular brand so you probably know all about it but it is still one of my favourites.
I absolutely adore how you can customise your new friend so much, with scents, heartbeats, voice boxes, clothes, and many other accessories to choose from you're sure to find the perfect plush for you ! (Note: BABWs also have a "pay-your-age" thing on birthdays where however old you are is how much you pay ! Ex. 12 year olds pay 12$)
4. Pillow Pets
Pillow Pets are also an immensely popular and widely known brand, and for good reason too ! Their plush-pillow combos are positively adorable and sure to become a permanent fixture of your bed setup.
Obviously the fact that they combine pillows and stuffed animals makes them super unique, but their collection of different animals and characters is amazing. My personal favourites are the bee, the ladybug, and all of the scented animals !
5. Manhattan Toy Company
The Manhattan Toy Company is really just your typical stuffed animal and kids' toy brand but I have to include them because I love mine to bits, they are so so cute and just overall perfect.
Extra: My Plushies
Here are my stuffed friends from all of the brands listed above !
First picture is my Jellycat Medium Dexter Dragon, currently unnamed with a collar I made myself.
Second image is my FAO Schwarz Great White Shark with his adoption papers, his name is Toby.
Third is my BAB Pawlette, wearing overalls and an "It's a Boy" t-shirt. She is in her pink carrier which makes it so much easier to bring her places especially when I have to use my hands. Her name is Honey.
Fourth is my Pillow Pet Bee, named Clown.
And last but not least is my Manhattan Toy Company Pig, Sam-Sam. I also call him Sam or Sammy.
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mutatedangels-a · 9 months
@octoberscrye // jamie x tobi
The leaves were changing color and finally, Jamie had been settling in to the new semester. Funny how it usually took about a month or so and then, before he knew it, it was about to be winter break again. But he'd been working at the college for too long to question how fast things move. Nowadays, especially as he neared his early retirement (margaritas on the beach in North Carolina while he wrote his novel, finally), he just enjoyed the ride.
It had been a couple weeks since the incident, though for the most part, he and Tobi hadn't talked about it much. He sort of let the girl talk about sensitive things like that at her own pace, while at the same time keeping in mind to ask her how she was doing, what she was feeling every once in a while. There was some guilt, there, too; after their fun night stormed in (which, funnily enough, was the same day of the incident) he got swept up in a bunch of professor-y bullshit and he hadn't had much time to bond with her ever since.
The school's annual mid-fall semester ball was coming up, though, and this time, it was going to be a masquerade. Jamie had plans not to go to it, at least not yet, but to find the blonde and make fun of the whole thing. But what he'd learned about their uncanny friendship was that, at its best, it blossomed when he least expected it. In other words, he was going to bump into her sooner or later, and that would be more fun than summoning her to his office or something like that.
Just as he thought, while in line at Shakespeare's Pizza to grab a slice for lunch, he saw the girl sitting alone. A second later, his order was ready—a three-fer to-go (don't judge him, he was feeling extra hungry)—but instead of taking it back to the office, he headed for her booth. Almost bumping into the pendant light that hung low, real low, right above her table, he approached her with a grin.
"Hey, kiddo. Promise not to judge if I sit here and eat three whole slices of pizza faster than you can blink five times?"
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Hello! I love your blog and I was just wondering if you had any LGBT+ headcanons for Pride Month?
Happy Pride 🌈
Hmm, let me tackle human characters first.
Earl of Norramby is gay. Obviously.
Nancy is bi and demi.
Also... in classic "at first I was joking, but now I really like it" fashion… I HC the first Fat Controller as trans.
No one ever named their child Topham Hatt OK????
But a sufficiently ballsy dude might choose it if they were forming a new legal identity. And we know Hatt I was ballsy indeed. He stole everything that his neighbors didn't have nailed down and some things they did. He bricked up a gauntletted line even though it shut down his railway. He told the LMS to pound sand. He drained Tidmouth despite the fishermen wanting his head on a platter. You'd have to be a VERY strong personality to be such a successful, powerful transman in the early 1900s but you'd have to be a strong personality to be him anyway???? I'm serious. An ADHD transman with zero chill who literally made his own world. I'm tempted to write a fic of the Young Topham days, who knows. Those old British schoolgirls could be tough birds and I love reading their bits whenever they break through conventional history. I like to think the first Lady Hatt used to be a roommate of him at the girls' school they attended. Jane probably helped him the night he ran away to get a job at the GWR shops. And then maybe she didn't see him again until after he transitioned and became successful and he wooed her for a little while before the reveal that it was her old friend, Euphemia or whoever.
And Jane was soooo pissed off. (Luckily she was also in love.)
I also absolutely adore the idea of an FC5 (not sure Richard will ever get a chance to be FC4, at this rate) who is a woman. But butch. Everyone calls her "sir" but she is also she.
Okay, vehicles! This is where I've hesitated, unsure if I can make myself clear.
I don't particularly vibe with putting human gender and sexual labels on them.
This is not because I want to erase or minimize the diversity of human gender and sexuality.
It's because they are not human.
I mean, okay, I do have my old 'conversion AU,' so I do mentally play around with them as human every so often—to catch most readers up, my notion was that sometime within the 2020s-2040s a large portion of our cast is turned into humans as a fancy alternative to maintaining or retiring them as engines. But even in this AU the whole point is that they adjust to being human but are still rather 'alien', so, like many fans, I kinda take it that they are pansexual by default. There are some more specific things, though (incomplete because, again, I don't think of my human AU very often, so I still have a lot of question marks):
Thomas, I think, would be aromantic
Bertie -> also aro
Edward -> intersex (specifically XX male)
Henry -> gay gay homosexual gay
Gordon -> some sort of greyscale but also he has no clue about this and pursues (straight) dating because it's the 'normal' thing to do (good luck, dude)
James -> will figure out his human gender identity only if given another hundred years to experiment
Percy -> fine with identifying as male but also quite gnc
Toby -> straight and demisexual
Duck -> agender
Stepney -> nonbinary
Donald -> asexual spectrum (unlike Gordon he does know this about himself)
Emily -> lesbian lesbian homosexual lesbian
Philip -> multigender
Harold -> pan. i know i said pan is kind of the default for ex-vehicles but Harold merits a special mention for being, uhh. how shall we say. very sex-positive. a big gallant flirt.
But, again, I'm not too interested in forcing myself to figure out everyone's full identity profile in my human AU because I find the concept of 'gender' and 'sexuality' in them as trains to be far more interesting.
From a creative standpoint, it's actually a lot of fun to play them 'straight' but to use their experiences to explore the whole concept of gender, to push the idea of sexuality to its limits, and also to play around with metaphors for human identities...
Again I know it looks like LGBT erasure but, well. It feels very queer to me.
Here's some of how I see engine gender history. The allegory to real-life stuff is not intentional; it just sort of naturally sprung up when I played around:
At the period (RWS) canon begins, the normal, "natural" order of things is for an engine to be romantically bonded with their coaches.
This very much has a similar status to human heterosexual marriage. It appears to have the seal of tradition. It's acceptable. It's expected. In general (subject to the approval of your manager) it's allowed. (Yes, there is the obvious difference that the union is between one engine and several coaches but it was rare that the convention was for you to exclusively commit to one among the rest. Basically... harem culture I guess.)
If you were built to privilege—if you actually had some coaches you regularly handled, and you did feel this sort of special bond with them—then you might fail to have any occasion to start asking some otherwise very... obvious questions.
Such as:
What if you and your coaches despise each other?
What if you develop particular feelings about just one or two of 'your' coaches, which are increasingly impossible to hide? Like... do you have to?
What if you feel absolutely neutral about your coaches, but your firebox starts to burn with the heat of a thousand suns when you catch sight of that smart tank engine runabout at the end of the line?
What if your line is so big and busy that you don't have coaches that you pull 'regularly'?
What if your railway grows so big that you hardly see any coaches consistently?
What if you are strictly a goods engine and you've only ever exchanged five words in your life with any coach? Okay, so you're just... condemned through no choice of your own to solitude and abstinence, with no hope of happiness? Sounds like horseshit, doesn't it?...
... Say, what's this whisper you hear from the old wheels that fifty years ago the managers didn't approve of these kinds of relationships? That Back In the Day this sort of romantic attachment that is now considered 'the norm' was actually considered scandalous and beyond the pale? What?
'Fifty years' is just an average; different regions and railways progressed at different rates. But, in general, the earliest period of rail history saw an insistence that Useful Engines don't have any such attachments at all. For all its pomp and status, the model of 'passenger engine and coaches' was itself considered quite unnatural before it won acceptance.
But for a good period circa 1900 it was The Thing That Was Done. It became the norm by which rail romances are still rather judged. And it's telling: although humans tended to assign engines human gender (at first usually female; as the idea of a romantic bond between engine and carriages became normalized, humans started to see their engines as male, in a reflection of human marriage), probably the best analogue for vehicular gender remains type. Powered vehicles are one gender; unpowered stock is another. There are also gradiations within those two poles, of course.
And, when freed from human surveillance and control, vehicle sexuality tends to express its preferences in that way. So, to take engines: They very rarely give a rat's ass as to whether a potential mate is male, female, nonbinary, whatever. They recognize the distinctions among themselves but they are seldom relevant in matters of attraction ever, really. Instead, an engine might have an attraction to rolling stock or other engines (or of course both! but 'both' is definitely not a given). Then, within those categories, they are very likely to instinctively be attracted to a subcategory pool based on vehicle type.
I feel like I should give examples but I actually feel more comfortable using my OCs to illustrate:
Joscelyn — a female engine who is attracted to coaches exclusively (she is also absolutely terrible at forming any such connections so she is effectively maidenless)
Skimmer — a male engine who is attracted to both coaches and other engines. This does saddle him with the stereotype of being kind of slutty. (I mean he is kind of slutty but he is judged as such based on his 'sexuality' rather than his actual history.)
Poppet — at the risk of spoilers... she is attracted exclusively to trucks and lorries (which, in her era and culture, is definitely one of the more transgressive "sexualities" for an engine!)
Lizbet (she was formerly Lillibet but I didn't realise at the time how that nickname is not quite so rare and quirky for Brits as it is for us) — attracted to other engines exclusively (which—of course!—means m, f, and nb engines; no meaningful difference from an engine PoV). She is old enough that this 'inversion' caused her significant trouble with her humans back in her day. (She never exactly repented, albeit she did act circumspectly to preserve her friendships with the engines she lived with.)
Araby — male engine who has a hopeless thing for ships. When he worked a landlocked railway this didn't matter. When he was sent to Sodor for a while... oof! did our boy have an awakening...
Columbine (this is a real-life engine, of course) — the equivalent of human 'pansexuality'; she is potentially attracted to anything with wheels
Coppernob (same; sue me) — the loco equivalent of 'asexual'. He does know how to play the role of gallant beau to lovely coaches (which he had to learn late—it wasn't tolerated on the F.R. during his first couple of decades) but I reckon he just thought everyone played it as a role and will be endlessly baffled as engines over the years assert their rights to form bonds with each other because why do you all care about this so much? it was just a bit we had to do for a while for respectability... innit?
Because a vehicle's build is essentially their "gender," that means that I have long kind of viewed rebuilds as having strong metaphorical ties to gender reassignment!
Absolutely horrifying when imposed upon you against your will, of course.
But I imagine there are lots of cases where it wasn't. You can usually tell by whether or not the engine (or whatever) thrived after the rebuild. While I consider 'human AU' Henry to be cis, I read 'engine' Henry's history as very much a trans allegory: he was originally made wrong. I mean his builder canonically had no idea what he was doing! The form he got later at Crewe at last made him into himself. There are plenty of real-life cases that I like to see as similar in an RWS universe. The SECR 'Rivers' had endless problems and angst in their original form; being converted into tender engines felt right for them. Some of them had been consciously eating their heart out wanting such an impossible change for years. The 'Queen Mary' type brakevans I consider to be similar, or at least some of them: unhappy as locomotives, never really feeling right as an engine, perhaps even pestering the engineers for ages to make them into brakevans...
Of course, I don't consider all such transitions to be successful. Some engines, like poor No. 62768 of the LNER., found themselves much unhappier after their rebuild (he was just chosen at random when he was in the shop for repairs, it's not like he wanted it!) Then there are situations like the GWR autotanks who were given panelling to disguise their locomotive nature so they could pass as coaches. Do I read this as cross-dressing, or a sort of cosmetic transition? You bet I do! 😇
Can an engine be assigned a human gender but later determine that it was given to them in error? I mean, it's possible and it happens that engines choose a new human gender but it's quite rare, rarer by far than in humans. They are much more preoccupied with the engine dimensions of their identity. What is much more common is actually what I suppose we'd consider genderfluid or multigender: Various owners (or, if they are unnamed, drivers) over the course of their career might assign them different genders and in virtually all cases the engine (to forgive the pun) rolls with it, untroubled by being a 'he' one decade, a 'she' the next, and perhaps later again being a 'he' even while he answers to the name Lady Eleanor or whatever. To them human gender is very arbitrary and they tend to be perfectly content to just go with it. Often they wish to choose their own name, but even very early in their lives their builders or owners have already gendered them and they seldom care to change that because, again. That bit is all very arbitrary and meaningless to them. The humans seldom treat their engines differently no matter what gender is assigned and therefore the engine sees little distinction.
Soooo, yeah. As for some of our characters, well... this is also very unformed and embryonic still, but...
I do think a lot of our classic lads would have thought they had No Romantic Feelings Whatsoever. Some genuinely were! Neville and Donald spring to mind (Donald is also Duck’s queerplatonic partner, natch.) But for most of them, this was just because they didn't care for coaches, nor indeed other engines of their own type.
However, I reckon as the decades went on their complacency was shattered. (I call it complacency not because acephobia isn't a thing but because for engines in this universe 'asexual' would be considered a positive trait. Useful Engines Don't and all that. So there is some privilege there.) For instance, Thomas may find that he is attracted to non-rail vehicles? And Percy definitely has a thing for flying vehicles, poor chap... (Percy also has long been comfortably attracted to engines, coaches, and ships too. But whirlybirds, man. Kinda ruined/enhanced his life.) James and Gordon found that they weren't "above" such ridiculous things as "playing at" love; they were just diesel-sexual. Henry liked other engines for a long time, so he is open to steam and diesel; he did however get knocked through a loop of his own within this century when he encountered his first electric car and was absolutely useless for the two hours afterwards...
Anyway. God it's late and I hope this makes sense. In any case I don't see the engines as 'gay' or 'straight' or whatever but I do think they have as much gender and sexuality diversity as we humans do; in fact they probably have a good deal more! I also think that they have had a long struggle for most of these identities to be accepted. So they get it. And, most of all, engines would absolutely not understand homophobia at all. Human gender is such an arbitrary thing! Why anyone would get so hung up on policing something like that is baffling to them. They are keen to be of service to all humans, they really love seeing all humans happy, and apart from that they don't have any opinions on humans' peculiar romantic or sexual lives (they barely understand what human sex is!)
Now, how humans board trains or polish an engine or mend their fences or behave in any way even remotely connected to the running of their railway or yard... well, that they have opinions on. Strong opinions. That they will argue with you about. That matters. ;)
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