artbyanca · 2 months
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I don't remember where I read that Leto would join Artemis on hunts, but it stuck with me so have some quality mother-daughter bonding time.
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Titan Couple: Hyperion & Theia.
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marysmirages · 2 years
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Selena and Endymion (2020)
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theburgessobserver · 1 month
“Are you awake Susan darling?”said a familiar voice.
“Derek!I had a nightmare, a terrible horrible nightmare that I was a hideous giantess.”
“Of course not," the voice said.”You're a very nice and handsome giantess.”
Or was it a dream?I cleared my eyes and my body was aching with pain and I saw Monger flying right in front of me in fact…“It wasn't a dream.” I realized,I felt utterly destroyed from this truth.I wanted to hide from this painful reality.
“Good News!Your time in solitary confinement is up!You're free to join the others!Oorah!”He said, hoping to cheer me up.
It was kinda relieving that I wouldn't be in one place in complete and utter solitude and finally get to talk to someone…then again that someone would be a hideous monster…And I was there,In solitary…alone,for days…at least I thought there were no clocks or skies to tell when it was day and night…time went by and I didnt have the slightest idea when was now or how long I was here.I was fed about three times a day I guess so i guess i was there about a week or so,they gave me oatmeal…I never really like it and this bulk army variation less.It was too dry and lumpy but I also got orange juice to balance it out.These were the loneliest days of my life…Id rather not even talk about them.
Monger and a trio of mini copters escorted me to the meeting room.Via the platform we went down with a level and then I was taken around the cells on my platform again.
This time I tried to look more closely. There were little people and little crates and all going about like ants in their antfill.
As we continued around, I saw many strange beings there…
I saw that buggy-scientist guy Dr…well something. At work he called out to me while playing with some toy bricks and building what looked like a toy brick variation of an atomic bomb.
“Aw Susan!You wouldn't happen to have some Uranium with you,I only need a little”I thought to myself that he must be joking no one would be that nutty.
The General did not: “Deny him his toy box privileges” he said to one of the guards.
“Yes Sir!”One of the guards replied via the walkie talkie.
Then I saw the Missing Link again. He was in his water tank lifting weights.
Then he noticed me and how I was looking at him.
“Nine Hundred Ninety Nine”
“One Thousand”
“Woah can't believe I did one thousand sets” he said trying to impress me and tossing away the weights,what was with him,did he think I didn't notice him till now?
This was some odd company I had here…but then again that should be expected.Because this place was built for monsters like- like- NO!I am not a monster, I am a normal girl who just by chance is stuck here!
We continued on…at times I looked at those strange beings despite not wanting to. They were hideous, they were odd,yet this morbid curiosity inside of me just forced me to just look at them.
Then I saw Grubzilla.
He was gigantic!Even in my view he was a giant…I shuddered in fear…just looking at him despite him not saying or doing anything scared me because after all he was a terrifying beast!All he was doing was looking at me… and then he roared and licked the glass as if he was trying to eat me!I was petrified.And to boot while I was a giant!But compared to this behemoth I was tiny…
While looking around I really started to see that the overall appearance of the prison was cold and sterile,with an eerie bluish cast from the fluorescent lights.
“Well you're here you can meet your new colleagues.After all you're going to be here for quite some time,OOOrah”Monger said when escorting me into the meeting room. “Oh and one more thing Monger” added to me. “The Government wants to change your name to something new” like a name which we will address you now that you're well ...you know. ,I put in a good word for you so they gave you the chance to decide it.”
“But I don't want to change my name” I said in protest! “My name is Susan!That's it!Susan Murphy!”
“Look this is how it's gonna be…be glad you can choose your name okay?” Monger cut me off giving me a bit of a look of displeasure with my ungratefulness,but then again it was still a change nonetheless.
“Oh and breakfast has been served”Monger added
In the meeting room at first I was alone…just me…I felt alone,but then again maybe it was for the better. those freaks could be dangerous…especially Grubzilla that way he licked the glass…he must have been really craving for me.Speaking of eating I didn't feel the least bit hungry I lost my appetite along with any taste.
I went to have a closer look at the common room she saw a big chair and a big table built just for me “When some people want to really do something,they can do it really fast”I said to myself ,when realizing how hard it must have been to do it and in such a timeframe it did help to lift my spirits a bit.But then I sat there and looked around…this place was so bare,like yes the chair and table were nice but it just felt so basic and dull as if all the color was out of its life. “A carpet,a few paintings and some flowers would be nice,”I said, dreaming about it.I sat in it,It was cold and not very comfortable while I wanted to complain I realized a chair of this size must have been made from construction girders used for skyscrapers and this was a sad reality,that this was how it just is.
“Well,Good day to you Susan!”A familiar voice said.
I quickly stepped back and screamed in terror,but then promptly stopped,I really had to get used to this…
“Oh,I understand your fear.But you seem to have been getting more accustomed to here,as last time you tried to crush me,and you seem to be getting better!Good for you” .After all be taken away and locked up in a prison not allowed to even say goodbye to your family and friends.And then meet us terrifying creatures at the same time,It is no surprise you were scared." He congratulated me.
“It's so nice to see you you again,The buggman continued “maybe this time we can meet on better terms.Sorry about Link bothering you,he was just a little excited”
He seemed to be a kind and intelligent fellow.Maybe they all weren't that bad I thought to myself he was quite nice and charming.
“I think I should formally introduce myself. I am Dr. Jacques-Yves or “Cockroach” that's my new name but both work.And you are Susan we didn't meet on best terms last time so I think we can give it a go again.
While I was looking at him I noticed that my Breakfast was on the floor. “Why is it there?” I asked.
“Practicality as just having to build a system to lift it would be hard so it was decided that It would make the most sense for you to do it without assistance”.
“Yeah great!”I said in a sarcastic tone I just didn't feel like well…Susan.
The Army kinda had a point after all just building a mere chair was hard and expensive, it was the cold hard truth.
Speaking of the chair, when I wanted to move it,it stayed in place. I looked down and noticed it was bolted in place…this place really was bare-bones. I couldn't move in neared or further just sit,then I looked at the food when I put in in front of me
“Is this-” I began to say.
“Yes it's oatmeal!It is served to all personnel for breakfast.”Jacques said.
“Sigh” Oatmeal again,why did it have to be oatmeal?Just remembering how I used to have homemade marmalade and sweet tasty pancakes smothered in maple syrup and tea with sugar…ah those sweet memories.
I noticed that Link and the blob were there but that werewolf who I noticed last time wasn't.
Then Grubzilla came in and he was looking at me.I was panicking on the inside at least,I told myself internally “Surely he's fead and wouldn't eat me,right?''I looked at him with uncertainty.
I examined him,he was weird, he was bi-pedal and had some plates on what I assumed to be his tale,he was terrifyingly weird and scary.
The atmosphere was tense…
Suddenly Grubzilla reached out for me!
I was petrified in place!
His pincer arms caught me and took me!
“Oh no!NO!NO!NO!HE'S GOING TO EAT ME!!!”I screamed in terror.
He took me up and,and,and, and then he!…hugged me on his belly? I calmed down it was oddly relaxing.Quaint…he was trying to calm me.His fur was like feathers.They were so soft, I felt…lifted.I felt as If my Mother was hugging me when I was a little girl.I felt relaxed,calmed by him.It was so comforting of him.
“Just when I needed it”I said merrily.
“That means that he”likes you Link said
I rubbed his foot back and he happily stomped and then he purred,Like a cat but because of it being a creature of his size it couldn't really hear it but feel it.
I started wondering about grubbzilla and then I aksed Jacques.
“What,what even is he?”I asked,he was so odd his face kinda reminded me of a hamster. He had a tail and two big legs standing like a dinosaur,with four pincer-like arms and two antennas.
"He's a Giant mutated grub -Bombyx Mori to specify.Got Hit by radiation from Castle Bravo nuclear test in the pacific.Apart from growing he had a few other changes to his biology like the ability to shoot silk and his appearance changing quite a lot."
“He has a taste for Japanese Cities,Oh and his brain is still bug-sized" Jacques adeded sarcastically.
"Hey!Link said angrily Grubzilla wasn't actually attacking the city.He was teething on buildings since grubs don't have teeth and getting teeth was one of the side-effects."
“Wait, if he's from Japan why is he kept here?”I wondered.
“Because Dear Susan,this facility was made for such beings and it is the only real place of its type in the world!And there is an international agreement between the world governments to hide them here and assist with capturing them and denying them,which is also coupled with an agreement that other myths which do not disturbed the balance are to assistant in not being exposed.”
"How are you even like this?"I asked Dr.Jacques-Yves
“I am a brilliant scientist. While a little batty at times,I was quite normal.Until the day I tried my experiment with a machine which had the mutation enhancements of certain bug life to combine my genes and get the benefits. By test number 78 I was ready to have a go for it.It turned me into this hybrid mad genius.While it gave me the cockroaches ability to survive and the ability to walk on walls it came at a high price,I was half cockroach…and if that wasn't enough my after my transformations my mind shifted…it changed.I found myself no longer liking many things as I did before but liking things a bug would like.”
"How did you even end up here?"I asked him.
“Well I won't bore you, the change made me just lose myself,things just kinda happened.I was kind of out of control ,I tried to take over some countries the government was called in and I ended up here.”
“That over there missing Link Half-ape Half Fish.When explorers accidentally found him,scientists were sent to thaw him out.He immediately escaped and headed directly for the beaches which were his old watering home,went on a rampage,kidnapped several women and fought back and after a few actions Monger was sent and managed to bring him here.”
“That Blob is the Blob but we like to call him Bob.”
“He was created in an experiment with tomatoes and chemically altered ranch salad dressing. He is a creature of very little intellect but ,I must admit that he is by far the happiest of us. His blinding stupidity and mirthful ignorance just help him.He is a simpleton,but a happy simpleton.”
Well…this was interesting,.I thought to myself maybe they know something about this place I didn't. Any of them could tell me more about how this place goes,then an idea flew into my head!Maybe they allowed visits here…maybe I could see Mom and Dad and even Derek!
“Are there any visitors here,you know family or friends?I asked hopefully with a slight glint of hope in my eyes.”
“Family?To be truly honest Susan none of us really had any family.For instance I was always so busy and caught up in my work that I never truly had a family or even many friends. I was married to my work…yet even despite that I at times just seem to lack a certain something in my life as if I'm empty.”
“As for Link, his family and species died out many millennia ago leaving him alone in a world that moved on without him and he didn't have the best relation to women he kidnapped.He is truly a relic of a bygone era.”
"Bob is a result of an experiment so he had no real connection to anybody or anything.The closest thing he had was that he is part tomato but that's about it."
"Grubzilla never really had a family he was just hatched and left alone to his own devices, so he went on his own and had an adventure which led him here."
“But I have a Family!”I said, choking on my words “And i want to see them!”
I started to cry again
Link came up come on “Girly it isn't that bad give us a chance…and give me a chance im the tough guy after all”
“Link I think it would be best for you to Leave Susan alone,what she went through none of us did to be frank.”Jacques said to Link
“To be honest,we are the closest thing we ever had to a family.” Jacques added in.
“Any others here?”I asked, trying to get myself out of the gutter.
“Well yes but not all of them are as sociable as us…Some have been locked up for good and aren't even let into the meeting room.”
“Well we have quite a few most aren't as friendly or sociable like us.That is why they usually stay permanently locked up in there cages as they would only cause trouble.We have all sorts of beings here thought to be mythical creatures A giant sea serpent,dragons,Harpies,Invisible Man.They were all caught either by Monger or governments with assistance from various other groups.”Jacques though back likely remembering the first meeting.
“There's also Beastman who is a werewolf. While he comes out he can only control himself in the day hours so his visits to the meeting room are often sporadic and limited.Hes quite charismatic and gentlemanly but can at night he is feral.He actually gave himself up to the government.”
This was so odd all these things that were supposed to be confined to imagination…they were all real and here.
“Susan dear?You wouldn't mind if I made a check on you?”
“It's fine…I guess.”
He ran some checks through his computer and other such ways. It was less embarrassing then in the lab I had to admit at least I was treated more like a person on a check-up rather than some oddity of nature that was being explored.
After a while Jacques said“This is oddly fascinating. Despite your size you seem to have abnormal strength and energy…”
“What energy?What strength?I don't feel powerful?I shouldn't even be here, I'm a normal girl”This was weird for me,and about to get weirder.
“Indeed,one of the most interesting ones I had the honor of knowing.
After re-examining his studies he looked at me.
“Hmm,your height is 15.214 meters 49 feet 11 inches,however your weight is not equal to your height.”
“My weight?”I added what was he rambling about?
“Exactly,you weigh less than twelve tons.You weigh merely 11.8 tons which is a quarter of what it should be at your proportions.You're amazingly light!”
“LIGHT!?”I screamed in shock and horror.
“I am as heavy as an elephant!”This was disgusting.Just the fact alone that I was as heavy as an elephant made me feel repulsed.
“A smidge heavier actually my dear.”He added "Remember you are far taller than an elephant.And the cube law which dictates if you increase somethings mass by a factor of two its mass increase by the cube…however in your case it seems as though your strength was cubed instead.How Lucky for you.And wait!There's more to you!Your cardiopulmonary system,your nervous system by any normal biological sense you defy all scientific logic!Whatever caused this would defy all laws of normal physics!But let's be honest you're not the only one to do that…But it is so monumentally fascinating!
“I dont get it…i was a normal girl and now im heavier that an elephant and disproportionately strong…”
“Of course you were!”He said soothingly.I looked at his odd face nervously and listened.
After a while Monger flew in?”Susan Murphy!Have you chosen your new name yet?!”Monger shouted he must have been busy,his temper was not good.
“No,I completely forgot sir.”It's just that i was just having a talk with some of the others here an-
“I get it,I can come back later and check if you got your new name,so long as you're happy with it”He said and left he is quite a busy man.
This Left me deep in thought she wanted to think of a name.
“I just need to think of a name,a name that best describes me,a name like…
Amazon Babe?Link proposed. “Big,Strong and Beautiful”he added.I layed down into a position
I shook my head. “No something else…delicate like a blossom,elegant like a ballerina.
Like bob?Bob the blob said.
“No youre bob!”Link said
“Oh yeah!I keep forgetting.Bob said rather brainlessly.
“Well you see it's not easy trying to be a woman,and a Giantess is even harder”
“I don't know” Link said “I never tried to be either”
“It's just when most imagine giants there are big and hairy monster.Dumb and masculine.”
How about Garganta,Ginormica…or……THE AMAZING COLOSSAL WOMAN!Link said
“You got that from a movie right?”I said in a lighter tone slightly chuckling to myself.
“You know it would be better if I were a Man,Men are always so strong and big and muscle bound.I need the name to be cute and delicate, while I weigh almost twelve tons and have over 20 foot long fell. It still doesn't mean i can't be gentle…”I said slowly thinking back on ideas for a name.
“So youre saying you need a name which shall be most fitting for yourself as with your form and with your personality in one.” Jacques-Yves said.
!Which would be the right name for it?MEGA-MAID?Monsterina?"
“How about Gaia?”Jacques replied he was done with his examinations of collected data and was paying me full attention.
"Well...I dont know"I said in uncertainty.
“She originates from Greek mythology.She is a giant,the personification of Earth and mother of all life.And the mother of the Titans,Cyclops and other giants”
“Gee,thanks Doc.But I think it's too vague like yeah she sounds good but the name just doesn't seem to fit me”I said after some deep thinking in my head.
Jacues-Yves went back deep into his thought and ended the silence with another well thought out suggestion.
“How about Titania?”
Now this sounded interesting, it did have that power and softness in it.It was by far the most fitting name so far.But it wasn't completely sold on it,but it sparked my interest.
That sounds interesting”
“Oh it is!”He said with a smile “It's from ancient classical Roman legend.It was the name given to the daughters of the Titans!”You might have heard of it sometime.He said looking proud of his suggestion.
No,I don't think so.Am I supposed to?I asked
The Queen of the Fairies in Shakespeare's Midsummer night's dream!So its fitting to represent both sides of you!
“That's great,...but I think it needs a bit of a change.Something just to deviate a little and make it inspired yet at the same time with a hint of familiarity Doc.”
Well let's think about it,meanwhile maybe we can talk about that Shakespearean classic!...you read it right?
“Well to be honest doc,I never read anything shakespeare.But I did see Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet with Derek.”I said abashed, my memories quickly came back.How she loved that movie and Derek did too it was such a romantic night…sigh…if only it were…if only it were.
You…never read Shakespeare?Jacques said in surprise. “I hope you don't mind me asking you this but where did you go to?”
“Well…I said, continuing to reminisce on my past. It was kinda normal standard school,not some school for gifted which you surely went to”
Actually my was fairly standard to Dr. Admitted “Not an extraordinary amount of geniuses there to be truthful”But they did force a few old classics into us students quite meticulously.
“Not by us.I think we did some Shakespeare in English,but I never was really interested in it.I remember only just something like First Folio and one thing about Fair is..well something”
Well then,First Folio is a compilation of 36 plays from Shakespeare whereas “Fair is Foul and Foul is fair”Is from Macbeth The power of unchecked ambition is the main theme of Macbeth and that sentence is one of the first in the entire book.
“Wow,you seem to know everything there is to know”I said he really was the smartest person I ever met.
“No,not at all!For instance I don't exactly how you grew to this size and how you defy so many laws of physics”
But I do seem to have quite an oddly good memory for such trivial things.
“I dont”I sighed. I had to admit I felt very ignorant dumb after that conversation with all things a bugman.
Then I remembered the name I thought about and thought about how to add that something to it.Than I came up with it!
I think I'll choose to call myself……TITANICA!
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athenepromachos · 2 months
Helios the Titan driving the chariot of the sun across the heavens. He follows his sister Eos and will be followed by his other sister Selene ☀️🌔🌓🌑🌘🌗🌖
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snowraven007 · 2 years
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Fertility Goddess.
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marine-indie-gal · 2 years
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Since I already did some Concept Designs of the Titans from Greek Mythology, here are the Final Designs for The Titanesses (including Poseidon's Mother, Rhea) (saving Ops and even some fan-made Roman Names for the Other Titanesses that I will come up with for Part 2). We're gonna be starting up a Little Titan Line-Up Branch here. Titanesses (c) Greco-Roman Mythology SpongeBob Depictions of The Titanesses (c) Me
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My new statue to represent Lady Asteria!
While it wasn’t advertised as Asteria, I felt that it reminded me of her and has the lyre she’s depicted with
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captainicequeen555 · 2 years
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Day 4. Deadly Potion
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Day 4. Styx
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darcotzcrolet666 · 2 years
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flareblade2000 · 1 month
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Good morning have a pretty lady
character belongs to _apolloval_ oh TH
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artbyanca · 1 year
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Rhea, the mother of the gods.
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The titaness Theia: Mother of Helios, Eos & Selene. Grandmother of Circe, Aeetes & Pasiphae.
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thetitansocietyorg · 2 months
A Complete Guide to Remote Viewing Hecate: The Mysterious Connection
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A Complete Guide to Remote Viewing Hecate: The Mysterious Connection
Astral Agency: Remote Viewing 
Remote Viewing Target: Hecate ‘Witchcraft, Destroyer’.
Hecate: The Enigmatic Goddess of Ancient Greek Mythology
Hecate, also known as Hekate, is a compelling and multifaceted figure in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Often depicted holding torches, a key, accompanied by dogs, or surrounded by snakes, she is also portrayed in triple form during later periods. This enigmatic goddess is associated with a wide array of domains, including crossroads, entrance-ways, night, light magic, witchcraft, the moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery.
Her presence in ancient literature dates back to the 8th century BCE, with her initial mention in Hesiod’s Theogony. At this time, she was revered as a goddess of great honor, with influence over the sky, earth, and sea. The exact origins of Hecate are a topic of debate among scholars, although she garnered significant followings amongst the witches of Thessaly and held a notable sanctuary among the Carian Greeks of Asia Minor in Lagina.
Hecate's portrayal in ancient texts and her significance in various aspects of life reflect her enduring and complex nature, making her a captivating and mysterious figure in ancient Greek mythology.
Remote Viewing Impressions: Primordial visuals linked to an invocation linked to secure requirements of Hecate.
Remote Viewing Interpretation 
Vision interpreter: Mistress ‘Primordial Sentient, Esoteric Master, Destroyer’
“Repeating themes indicative of a persistence of a reality that is impacting on Hecate’s base and primal existence, subtle but if not severed will detract Hecate” - Mistress ‘Primordial Sentient, Esoteric Master, Destroyer’.
The Art of Remote Viewing Interpretation
Remote viewing, an ability associated with perceiving events or information from a distant or unseen target, often requires interpretation to unravel its significance. In the case of the following vision, the interpretation provided by Mistress 'Primordial Sentient, Esoteric Master, Destroyer' delves into profound insights.
Mistress 'Primordial Sentient' opens the revelation by noting repeating themes that indicate the persistence of a reality impacting Hecate's base and primal existence. This suggests an ongoing influence, subtle yet potentially detrimental if not addressed. The message conveys the need to sever this impact to prevent its detracting effect on Hecate.
This interpretation invites contemplation on the intricate relationship between perceived realities, primordial existence, and the potential for influence on a fundamental level. It urges us to consider the subtle yet potent forces that can shape our existence, emphasizing the importance of understanding and addressing their impact.
In conclusion, the interpretation of this remote viewing vision offers a mesmerizing exploration of existential influence and the imperative of preserving one's fundamental essence. It challenges us to contemplate the depths of our reality and the subtle yet profound forces shaping our existence.
Remote Viewing Interpretation 
Vision Analysis: Psi Director, ‘Remote View Master, Esoteric Master, Magic Master.  Sentient, Destroyer’
“Influences are of a status that is revealing links to secure Hecate and of influence from Hecate, outcome serious defence linked to excluding and securing Hecate as the process is now undertook and of delivered to Hecate” - Psi Director, ‘Remote View Master, Esoteric Master, Sentient, Destroyer’.
Unveiling the Mystery of Remote Viewing Interpretation
Remote viewing, a fascinating and enigmatic practice, has captivated the minds of many for its purported ability to perceive events and information beyond the scope of the ordinary senses. In a recent vision analysis conducted by Psi Director, a confluence of intriguing elements emerged, shedding light on the complex nature of this esoteric art.
The analysis, provided by a figure referred to as Psi Director 'Remote View Master, Esoteric Master, Magic Master,' delivers a cryptic yet compelling message. The mention of "Influences" with ties to Hecate, the enigmatic goddess associated with magic, witchcraft, and the unseen, raises the stakes from the onset. The language of "outcome serious defence linked to excluding and securing Hecate" suggests a critical need to safeguard against external forces, invoking a sense of urgency and gravity.
Intriguingly, the use of the term "process is now undertook and of delivered to Hecate" implies a deliberate and purposeful undertaking, with the end goal of delivering or presenting something significant to Hecate. This act may hold profound implications, hinting at a pivotal exchange or offering to the powerful deity.
Unraveling the intricacies of remote viewing interpretations requires a nuanced understanding of symbolism, metaphor, and the enigmatic realms of the subconscious. While this analysis presents a captivating array of themes and imagery, its true significance and implications remain veiled in layers of enigma and mystique. Nonetheless, it serves as a potent reminder of the profound and compelling nature of remote viewing, enticing seekers of knowledge to delve deeper into the mysteries that lie beyond the ordinary senses.
Remote Viewing: The Practice and Techniques
Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen subject, purportedly sensing with the mind. Typically, a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person, or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.
The concept of remote viewing has captured the imagination of many, as it seemingly defies the boundaries of traditional perception. Proponents of RV believe that it is possible to access information about distant or unseen targets using extrasensory perception (ESP) or "anomalous cognition."
Remote viewers often employ various techniques to facilitate this process. Some may use meditation to clear the mind and focus their thoughts, while others may utilize specific protocols or methodologies developed over time. Despite being a subject of debate and skepticism, remote viewing continues to intrigue both scholars and enthusiasts alike.
The history of remote viewing can be traced back to various ancient civilizations and spiritual traditions, where individuals were believed to possess the ability to perceive events or information beyond the constraints of time and space. In modern times, the exploration of remote viewing gained significant attention during the Cold War era, when the United States government sponsored research into psychic phenomena as part of classified programs such as Stargate Project.
As with many unconventional practices, remote viewing has its share of skeptics and critics who question its scientific validity. However, proponents argue that through rigorous training and disciplined practice, individuals can enhance their intuitive capabilities and potentially access information beyond the scope of the traditional senses.
While the debate about the legitimacy of remote viewing continues, it remains a fascinating phenomenon that raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of human perception and the limits of our understanding of the mind.
Andrew Rogers
Founder, Psychic Auteur, Creative Director, Consultant, Writer, Oracle
Astral Agency
All images, text, design, and art license owner Andrew Rogers©.
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athenepromachos · 9 months
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Hecate fighting in the Gigantomachy 🗡🏹
The triple bodied Titaness carries her flaming torch, a spear and sword as she engages the giant Clytios in battle. One of her dogs bites the giant on his snake leg 🏛
From the Battle of the Gods and Giants on the great altar of Zeus at Pegamon. On display in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin 🏛🏛
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l3ds7beqshzwep · 1 year
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