#Time Nomad
jokezm · 7 months
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Big fan of faceless protagonists in surreal RPG maker games that talk like 19th century philosophers and are afraid of women
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tixuctoad · 1 year
Christmas headshot req for my friend @//violinoinferno on Instagram!!!!
Don't know anything ab this lil guy but he's silly me thinks
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32lice · 1 year
average art process
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iwashidraws · 1 year
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Commission: Time Nomad from Middens for Root
Thank you for commissioning me!
Commission or send me Ko-fi here!
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venator-signum · 2 months
I always see the "sunshine" character reduced to someone who is simply happy and bubbly all the time and I was thinking about how I wanted a sunshine character who is sunshine but because they choose to be - because they wake up every day and choose kindness
and then I remembered aang exists and that want has been filled
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lilith-91 · 1 month
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How much longer does Aang have to suffer i hate this comic 😭
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hinamie · 4 days
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round 2 of prelim designs for @philosophiums n my lovechild of an au
first year trio
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katydoodles · 9 months
My tribute to my head-canon that Azula and Aang would get high together
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I refenced a painting by Jack Vettriano called After Midnight, of a couple smoking on a couch.
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thatoneluckybee · 5 months
villain origin story
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In all seriousness though please be kind and patient towards your favorite series creators when they are on hiatus! Running a Webcomic is DIFFICULT and they're doing absolutely amazing and deserve AS MUCH TIME AS THEY NEED!!
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summeryseaserpent · 2 months
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I can finally post my piece for the @anachronism-ahitzine !!!! I couldn't decide which character to draw so I said ALL.
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spacedace · 10 months
Oh hey here’s the lil prolog thing I wrote for my DP x DC Leverage AU. I’m gonna actually write more of one day I swear but for now have this opening bit and feel free to use it as a prompt if you want :D
The station went utterly quiet as they brought her in.
Room after room going as silent as the grave when the young woman in handcuffs stepped through the door. Chatter stopped. Bodies stilled. Heads turned. Eyes widened. It almost felt like everyone was too afraid to even breath as she walked by. Cops and crooks alike watching with fear and awe in equal measures as Jim Gordon led her past them to the interrogation room.
She didn’t give the gaping crowd any mind. Head tilted up at an angle, shoulders back, steps sure. The solid heals of her boots clicked upon the scuffed linoleum, echoing loud in the stifling quiet. Like a royal herald announcing her presence. She held herself like a queen, which was fitting Jim supposed. Until tonight, the only name anyone had to call her by was Queen.
The blood, unnervingly, only made her seem more regal.
Batman was already in the interrogation room when they arrived. Jim didn’t even have it in him to sigh at the broody bat looming in the corner. He knew he’d be there. There was no way he would miss the interrogation of someone they’d been chasing for so long. Especially not now considering…well.
Jim largely ignored the vigilante in the corner as he moved through the familiar process of getting the young woman handcuffed in place to the table, starting the recording and rattling off the relevant details: date, time, the - many - charges the young woman had been arrested for. If he faltered over the victim’s name of the young woman’s most recent crime no one commented on it. In the corner, Batman watched and lurked. Nearly lost in the shadowy corner of the room while still being impossible to ignore.
They’d done this before. Good cop, bad vigilante. It was usually effective in getting the truth out of stubborn criminals.
Jim rather doubted it would work in this case.
“Please state your name for the record.” He said, only to be met with the same cool silence Queen had given everyone since her arrest. She shifted in her seat, not a nervous fidget but an easy, languid movement. Even the uncomfortable metal chair seemed like a throne when she was involved. Jim bit back a sigh. “We have your information. I’m asking as a courtesy.”
Queen tilted her head faintly, looking at him with something almost like amusement, one brow twitching slightly upward. “You’ll have to forgive my disbelief, Commissioner Gordon.” She said, polite as ever. “But I’m rather sure that you won’t find me in any system you run my fingerprints or face through.”
She was right about that. They’d tried a hundred times over the past few years she and her team had been operating in Gotham. Her face never appeared in any pictures or recordings - not even in her mugshot during processing, all that was visible was her red hair and a mess of corrupted visual data where her face should be. The most her fingerprints had ever led to where the other crimes they already knew she’d taken part in. Batman had done everything to try and circumvent whatever meta ability kept her from being recorded on film, had done even more to try and find her and her people in every system he and the Justice League had access to. Nothing. Jim had grumbled a few times about how Queen and her crew might as well be ghosts for all the proof that they existed officially.
Turned out, ghosts was exactly right.
“The Ghost Investigation Ward reached out to us two hours ago.” He said, leaning back in his own seat, watching her carefully. “I’ll repeat, Ms. Fenton, my asking is a courtesy.”
For the first time in the years he’d known her, Queen - real name Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton - looked scared. Beyond scared, even. Completely, and utterly terrified.
Her body went rigid, eyes growing wide, breath picking up as she sat up sharply. Any semblance of that calm, collected presence she always held even when she was at her most cornered and vulnerable vanished in an instant. He’d seen her breath in a cloud of Scarecrow’s Fear Toxin and laugh. Watched as Bane wrapped large hands around her throat and tilt her chin up to stare down at her attacker imperiously. A mobster pressed the barrel of a gun to her head and she’d smiled, coy and confidant and untouchable. Queen always, always was calm. Aggravatingly so, even. Utterly unshakable as she waltzed into every wild and insane situation carrying the undeniable air of one who was complete control of everything happening.
She hadn’t even looked scared when the Joker had held her hostage.
And now? Now all it had taken was those three words. Ghost Investigation Ward. A nonsense name for a government agency with a ridiculous purpose. And yet there the unshakable Queen sat, looking terrified out of her mind at the mere mention of them.
Not for the first time since he received that call, Jim Gordon felt uneasy.
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comradekatara · 3 months
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guy lee and (cis) dyke sokka for @kyoshi-lesbians
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majormeilani · 2 months
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my zine piece for @anachronism-ahitzine
full view is recommended but i also have some detailed shots below
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down-with-the-mafia · 7 months
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greykolla-art · 1 month
Hii i really love your Hazbin stuff! Especially how you draw Alastor - when i see him in your style i want to hug him to the point where his ribs crack (affectionate)
And i'm kinda worried to see digital circus now, are you gonna draw more hazbin? ^^" no pressure, of course, you do you and i'm not going to force you into something you don't like and if you don't feel like drawing hazbin anymore - that's totally fine! I just wanna know, because i adore your hazbin things and especially radiorose!!
-- With love, anon 💕
Awww, thank you sweetie!💖🤗
But yeah I think my Hazbin fixation has run its course. Guess we can use this as a bus stop marker. 😅
I can’t be tied down for too long, gotta go where the wind takes me.✌️🍃
Those who wanna jump ship are more than welcome, I’ll see y’all probably when season 2 comes out! 💖 you’ve been a lovely audience!
The rest of y’all can stay and enjoy with me whatever other fandoms I join. 😜
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starsartbar · 9 months
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Massive GOLB 3d print!!
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