bartallenmyblorbo · 7 months
May I Present:
TimThad Clone Baby AU
sorry im just,,, im obsessed with this concept and no i will not shut up about it,,,,
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peacerisendove · 1 year
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And Thad definitely robbed that bank.
This exchange just had so much Tim-Thad energy that I couldn't resist.
(Also, yes the Red Robin duck-knife plush is my favorite thing about this and I want one too.)
Detail Shots and Reference below the cut:
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[Source: Watcher]
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
Hilarious Craydl-related Thoughts from my Brain:
Craydl is the closest thing to a parental figure Thad has (He did the raising and most of Thad's socialization I'm sure of it), so that means he gets to give the shovel talk to Thad's romantic partners.
Imagine this glob of neon green goo, who was once subdued by Bart shoving him in a bottle, threatening Thad's potential partner/s and making sure they treat his son well.
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Thad ships are so appealing like:
ThadKon, amazing clone for clone ship that makes sm sense but could be great for angst and a good betrayal
TimThad, both little weirdos who are prone to obsession as a term of endearment
ThadPreston, Thad dating Bart's friends is funny and I could 100% see them bonding over filming or something cute like that
ThadTerry, future boys, I j saw this today but it has so much potential as an unexpected ship I like it it sounds good
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sleepyspeedster · 10 months
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Eh might as well post this chunk of the Tim/Thad wip. They're in their early to mid twenties.
Basically the concept is chance encounters, a desire for peace, and bonding through food.
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metroidspeedrun · 2 years
Shipping Tim Drake w Thad is funny in a good way (I'm not against it j hear me out on this) bc imagine how insane they would be together. Like the same Tim who tried to clone his dead bestie and the little guy whose nanny is a little green blob??? They'd be like band kids, forehead-to-forehead at 7 a.m., mumbling about the tech that makes CRAYDL, CRAYDL. Sending each other encrypted love notes. Their movie is Hackers. They listen to 100 gecs at low volume on their over-the-ears headphones (on a splitter). It makes Bart barf.
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lazarusphenomenon · 2 years
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volucerrubidus · 29 days
“You warned me that you were going to do the voice, and I still wasn’t prepared.” 
OSP Starters II Accepting
"What do you mean? This is just how I talk." Tim said, in a truly heinous Batman impression. Vocal mimicry was not his wheelhouse.
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"Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, Inertia!" Tim grinned, playfully. "You can come with me to the couch to nap, or I'll drag you to the couch to take a nap with me. Your choice."
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kryptonianclone · 2 years
‘  catching feelings is bullshit. i’m just eating french fries, why i gotta think about kissing? fuck you.  ’
More Popular Text posts || Accepting
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"Listen I get it Tim's hot as fuck trust me I totally get it I thought about it often but don't blame me for this. You kissed your way in to this. What am I supposed to do? Help you kiss your way out of it? That would be ridiculous. I dunno man why are you eating french fries with me if all you can think about is kissing Tim? Just go kiss him again or something honestly what do you have to loose? Other than quality time with me but lets be real your whole heart wasn't in to this today."
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instigatingforce · 2 years
📜 ?
Incorrect Quotes II Accepting
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mercuryfallings · 7 months
Talk to me about TimThad
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commic-jester · 2 years
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peacerisendove · 2 years
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TimThad Scream!AU
Redrew this scene from the movie:
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
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 V: Do the Bad Thing (TimThad)
You Can’t Always Get What You Want.
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nrth-wind-a · 2 years
“ do you believe in true love ?”
Drunken Confessions II Accepting
“Of course, I do.” Tim smiled over the rim of his glass. “Though, maybe not in the fairytale, Disney way.”
Setting his drink down, a cheerful expression on his face, he leaned a little closer, eyes flickering with an odd sort of fire. “You’re going to have to let me get really optimistic and sentimental for a minute, so don’t… get all prickly on me all of a sudden. Remember: you asked me this.” His tone was light, teasing.
“Anyway—love kind of drives everything, doesn’t it?” He ran a finger around the lip of his cup absently, his smile turning just a touch wistful, as he grew more thoughtful. “I mean, why do we hate being alone; why do we seek each other out? Humans, that is. Though, maybe us, too." His gaze became knowing for a flash of a second before he continued. "Why do we laugh when someone trips only after we know that they’re okay? Why did Batman start his entire operation? Why do we have things like art and science, or public parks and libraries?” He shrugged.
“Even stuff like war can come from a misguided sense of love; Paris started one of the most famous wars in literature because he loved someone, and we always wonder if it was real because we know that it could be. Not that I’m encouraging starting wars, but… if the most powerful people on the planet thought that their loved ones were in danger, what could honestly stop them from seeing that as their best option just to keep them safe? I mean… I’d start wars for the people I love.” He admitted, as casually as if he were discussing what he had for lunch the day prior. “Love follows us everywhere, even when we don’t really want it to.”
His eyes rapidly shot away from Thad at that. Whoops.
“At any rate, uh… yes, I believe in true love.” His ears went hot. “True love between family, friends… lovers. It’s just maybe not quite what we expect.”
Then, taking a risk, he nudged Thad’s foot with his own, a playful movement, despite the sudden drowning feeling that washed over him. “But I also think what you said was right, too, by the way. I think there is choice involved. True love doesn’t mean you don’t have to work at it, y’know? That’s… fairytale.” He put on a small grin. “I’m an optimist, but I’m not Sleeping Beauty.”
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sleepyspeedster · 6 months
Last line game!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
A little snippet from my Tim/Thad fic which currently has the worst temporary title (Filling the Gap, Devouring the Whole; I'm probably just going to shorten it to Filling the Gap).
Even tonight, a night that was supposed to be a decent night out. Well, given your opinion of blind dates set up by best friends and all that. Steph had been insistent. That the guy she had hooked him up with was great, funny, fun which was just what he needed. Her words, not his. And though no one could ever be as funny as her, her words not his.  Though he did agree, he, well, he couldn’t say no to one of his closest friends. So he had decided that he would have a decent night. One night to just enjoy himself. He needed one good night. ‘It’ll be good for you to get back out there.’ She had urged as she held up shirts and ties to his chest, already so much more gung-ho and excited about this blind date than he was. ‘It’ll be like riding a bike. You just need to get out there and find someone.’ ‘Yeah, right.’ He said with all of the skepticism in the world. ‘Yeah, I am right. And if you’re lucky you’ll be riding something too. Hmm?’ She grinned as she nudged him right in his already aching ribs. He let out a grunt and rolled his eyes. But still he had agreed to the blind date. It had been a while…a long while since he last went on a date.
Tagged by: @sunnymusingsao3
Tagging: Anyone who wants to! Please tag me!
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