#This was actually written at 3am funnily enough
crab-crab · 10 months
A Dire Revelation
Yall wanna see something I wrote? https://archiveofourown.org/works/48568042
Well here ya go! You can read it on ao3 or you can read it under the cut (if there is one hopefully there is)
Everyone is there but those are the five who are mentioned
Temporary Character Death
Hopeful Ending
Time (Linked Universe)-centric
Sky (Linked Universe)-centric
Time centric cause its his pov but its about Sky and First
Blood and Injury
Im trying to think of all the tags that this would fall under
The First Hero is Sky's dad
That's important because I love it so much
I wrote this at like 3 am while blasting sad music and here we go
Sky joined The Chain last
for context
I think that's all the tags?
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: That one word brought Time back to the weeks after their adventure started. On a night after a difficult and bloody fight that left himself and First awake to watch over the other boys. Time had spoken a little about Malon, his dear wife, and had made the choice to tell his fellow hero about how he missed her. In response, First had told him about his home.
A bloody battle leaves The Chain with a horrifying revelation.
The fic is under this nifty cut here that I remembered how to do so have fun!
The battle was tough. It was harrowing. It was draining.
But they managed to win, only at a cost.
Time pressed against the oozing wound that was nearly cleaving First in half. The shadow had snuck on the group from the hoards of other monsters, aiming to strike the newest edition to their group, and had nearly skewered Sky before First had managed to get in the way of the slash.
The man was now collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily as Hyrule sat on his other side with his hands surrounded by the soft glow of healing magic.
The others had finished off the rest of the hoard, Twilight and Warriors leading the group as both older men were down. Sky had rushed over as soon as he could, their newly added member had been a mystery to all of them.
He never pulled down the hood from his cloak, never slept close to others in the camp, and was oddly skittish around both Time and First.
In the beginning, it had sown suspicion in some of the chain. Time remembers when Warriors had confided in him that he was worried Sky had been sent by the Shadow, a false hero meant to divide the group. That had all stopped when Wild started seeking Sky out. The Champion only ever did that with a select few of the chain and with Sky being added onto that list, it quelled any lingering fears.
Now, Sky had bolted to Hylia's favored the minute he could, dropping heavily beside Time as he reached out to touch First before his hand jerked to a standstill as if slapped. The boy was shaking and Time nudged him gently from where his own spot was beside their comrade.
A hooded head turning towards him had Time tilting his head towards First "He's a fighter, and Hyrule has managed to heal wounds from the shadow before." The words seemed to help slightly, Sky lowering his hand and looking back to First.
As the others finally made their way over, the body beneath his hands shuddered before slowly falling still. Hyrule cursed, Wind asked what happened while Warriors dropped on Time's other side to get at the wound. His boys were all either asking what was going on or frantically searching their bags for potions or fairies. Between all of the movement is when Time heard the one thing that drove the nail deeper into his already breaking heart.
" Dad? "
Time, removing his hands from the wound as Warriors finally was able to stitch it, turned to the smaller hero beside him. They'd never heard Sky talk before, the boy preferring sign ever since they met him, and the hero always kept himself quiet either in happiness or sorrow as if trying to be as unobtrusive as possible.
That one word brought Time back to the weeks after their adventure started. On a night after a difficult and bloody fight that left himself and First awake to watch over the other boys. Time had spoken a little about Malon, his dear wife, and had made the choice to tell his fellow hero about how he missed her. In response, First had told him about his home.
About his son
It was clear at that moment why Hylia had chosen First as her favorite. The man had clearly held so much love in his heart. Had been practically radiating it as he spoke about a small boy who followed him where the man went. A small boy who he’d taken in after a terrible night of disaster and death. Hylias favor was the clearest in the fact that First had left his son in his friend's care so that he could set out in an effort to keep him from having to follow in First's steps.
That night played back to Time in a matter of seconds as he heard another shake call from Sky, tears audible as the boy reached out to grip the elder hero's hand.
Quickly, he reached out and placed his hand on Sky's shoulder. Pulling him away from First as he got more frantic and his hood slipped revealing a face almost identical to Hylias favored. Honey-colored hair, earrings the same shade of red as First's cloak, and eyes blue enough to put the heaven to shame. It was the final blow that Time needed to quickly scoop the sobbing teen up and usher him away from his father.
That night would haunt Time, as he cradled a wailing boy who wanted his father to come back. A boy who'd lost the man that raised him to the same thing that'd taken his childhood from him.
And when the sobs had died down, the sun rose and brought along with it the raising of a chest that the sun had blessed.
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queseraone · 3 months
Anything with a 1 for the fic game!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) Oh goddddd what a struggle? I asked @timandlucy to answer this for me, and she said this one (which is, oddly enough, one of my favourite things I've written - it was a fun challenge!) or this one (her Secret Santa gift, so she may be biased there...)
10. How do you decide what to write? If something keeps me up at night, I know I need to write it out of pure spite. Seriously though, if I wake up at 3am thinking about an idea, that alone tells me it's compelling enough and/or excites me enough that I need to follow through with it.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? All Chenford, all the time! I absolutely love both Tim and Lucy, and I have so much fun exploring these two characters. But I think if I had to chose, I'd say Tim, purely because (at least generally speaking) he holds his cards closer to the chest than Lucy, so there can be more to play with there.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? Hmm, I don't think so? I'm generally pretty open-minded, but once something's on my shit list, it's usually there to stay!
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore? Again, not really? I'm pretty stubborn strong in my opinions!
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? While I can't think of any specific examples at the moment, I definitely think there are lot of sensitive topics thrown around in fanfic that would be better left to someone with greater respect for them. If that makes sense? Writing from a place of care (whether that's pulling from your own experience or from research to develop better understand) is super important to me!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? Well thus far, I've only written one, for Linstead. But I have a handful of Chenford ideas bouncing around in my brain! Fingers crossed I can make at least one or two of them happen over summer hiatus!
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? One that I've read and loved? Hello, Chenford married at first sight, aka the AU I never knew I needed! (@cfr749 💖)
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? @timandlucy, you wanna field this one??? 👀😂
18. If you wrote a sequel to i've got my love to keep me warm, what would it involve? I'm not sure if you had a particular fic in mind here? But in general, I'm not sure I've ever envisioned a sequel to anything I've written, simply because most of my fics lean heavily on the "canon compliant" side of things, so I expect canon to give me the next parts hahaha. But there was a time I thought about writing a part two to this one! And, you know, never say never?
Hmm, interesting!! I suppose this fic technically has the most potential for a sequel - the future anniversaries they hint at at the end. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔
19. If you wrote a spin-off of you know what it was (he is in love), what would it involve? Well given that this is the shortest fic ever, I guess there's potential to explore so many things in more depth. But technically I guess that's not a spin-off. Something similar from Tim's POV I suppose, but the "show you" line was more fitting for Lucy thinking about Tim than the other way around.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in i can go anywhere i want (just not home), what would it be? I actually went back to my doc for this one, because funnily enough, there are some things I eliminated for this. Here's a chunk that I ended up not using:
It feels easy at first. As Nova, she’s nervous, more so than she ever cares to let on. It’s her first job, and while she feels a rush at the excitement of it all, she can’t deny that it’s scary. So much is riding on the op—for the department, certainly, but also for herself. It’s her shot to prove herself, to show Harper, Grey, Tim, and everyone else what she’s capable of. But when all is said and done, it’s a relatively short job, and the newness of it all makes the time pass quickly.  She doesn’t feel the nerves as much as Sava. Or maybe she’s just too focused on a different kind of nerves, what with being in such close proximity to Tim and feeling so many things.  Being Sava feels easy and almost natural in a way Lucy doesn’t let herself think too much about, but that she knows is because she has Tim by her side. Sure, the op is intense, but the chance to take down Madras is more important than any of the turmoil she feels inside. And in the blink of an eye, it’s over, and there’s so much going on that she doesn’t really have time to dwell on the job. When Lucy goes under as Jamie Hall, she feels a surprising sense of peace. Perhaps because she’s been through it before, so she knows the ropes. But probably more because she has Tim as her backup. She’s still surprised the department signed off on that, but she’s grateful for the added level of protection it affords her. She’s able to really give in to the case, lean into the rush, because just knowing he’s close keeps the nerves and the isolation at bay. So she’s expecting more of the same this time.
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write? Whatever feels right. As much as I fixate on the word count as I write, I try not to let it control when something is done. If it feels complete at 1000 words, so be it!
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.” This fic feels like an extension of canon in such an incredible way that I feel it should be compulsory reading (@makeitastrength 👏)
Thank you!! 😊
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thwip--thwip · 5 years
This is iron_spider on main, lmao. For the fanfic ask meme! E for ‘the world is not kind’ H, K, L, M, T, V, Z
asdfghjkl oh boy hellooo!!
E (the world is not kind): I think the only interesting sequel would be a companion piece from Peter or Ben’s point of view, as opposed to a continuation (because.....the MCU really loses traction for me after Endgame, and right now I still need to figure out what an FFH fix-it looks like!). But Ben’s POV in particular could be interesting because I really enjoyed exploring him-as-a-character from the outside, i.e., Tony’s perspective, but exploring Tony from Ben’s perspective might be cool. Getting a glimpse into his mind (and May’s, to an extent, because I probably wouldn’t be able to stop myself from exploring their similarities and differences) and what he takes from Peter being Spiderman and Tony stepping into Peter’s life.
H: bold of you to presume i have a writing style xD I think I usually try to find a specific character’s voice and POV to tell the story from. I’ve found that trying to write group pieces without one character as the ‘main’ just ends up turning into a formless mess, for me as a writer. It’s much easier for me to say, ‘well how would X see this happening? What would they notice about it? What would they connect it to, in their own life?’ than to try and be totally omniscient. I do break this often, however, to add authorial asides (it happens a lot in the world is not kind, because I added in details of things that weren’t actually happening in the scene). But I feel like that takes on more of a neutral narrator quality. Last but not least, I feel like sometimes I end up adding too much detail, but half the time I consider deleting it and then think, eh, even if no one else likes it, I think it’s interesting, and leave it in.
K: HMM tough to say. I think it would have to be either of these two ideas:
AU where Tony and Peter don’t meet in a cozy Queens apartment; they meet in the bowels of the Vault, a place for the lockdown of Hydra’s most valuable assets. Peter gets kidnapped by Hydra when they find out about his powers and Tony gets snatched sometime between Avengers and AOU. Lots of torture and surviving together, and Tony taking over the Yinsen role. (I have like 5k of this written in my drafts buuuut)
A one-shot where Peter’s 35 when he bites the dust, which is longer than he’d thought he’d make it, if he’s being honest. He meets Tony in the afterlife, and they have an emotional talk where they’re equals (Peter has been training the Young Avengers with Miles and Kate, etc, and he knows now what Tony had to go through with him), before Tony leads Peter to the Beyond.
L: I was actually surprised to find that my non!powered-Peter-as-a-nurse AU was so uncommon, but apparently. I also think Source-Powered is an incredibly underrated AU in the MCU fandom (another thing I have like....3k words written on that will likely never see the light of day). Really dig the weird niche AU’s like climbed-in-the-wrong-window-at-3AM-and-you-hit-me-with-a-baseball-bat or a personal favorite, you’re-my-upstairs-neighbor-who-walks-super-loud-and-i-keep-banging-on-the-ceiling-but-one-day-i’ve-had-enough-so-i-go-upstairs-to-yell-at-you-and-turns-out-you’re-deaf.
Or a good Chef’s Competition AU, c’mon, Iron Chef??? Peter as the chef prodigy?? How amazing would that be.
M: I’ve got about four fics that I seriously need to write because they’re already planned out, but one of them is a Pepper-Tony relationship introspection in the same style as the world is not kind, where we look at them through the years. I dunno I was listening to Elton John and I got really soft for these two.
T: Thor being portrayed without the intelligence he has beneath the veneer. I think this was more of an issue before Ragnarok, since the movies were such a shitshow for his character - Ragnarok gave writers something concrete to build off of, but before that I feel like we clung to the pop tarts joke collectively as a fandom, and most people just either wrote him out, or wrote him as a pop-culture illiterate oaf.
V: Harry Osborn. I really really love Harry (blame @razor-bats, it’s entirely her fault), but with this new MCU wave I think people don’t use him as much or relegate him to the bad guy (partially a leftover TASM influence, since they fucked over Dane DeHaan’s portrayal so hard with that one). I think there’s more than enough room for both him and Ned, and I’d love to see what potential he could have with Holland’s Peter Parker.
Z: I’m so guilty, I read/write all of it. Most of the time it isn’t permanent though! I like angst with a happy ending. Funnily enough, the one character I don’t like dying is Aunt May. I feel like most of the time when she dies in a fic, it’s a means to achieve an end - and most of the time that end is Peter becoming an Avenger, or getting adopted by Tony. As though May’s an obstacle to overcome, and not the one person in the world that means more than anything to Peter. If you’re going to kill May in a fic where Peter’s already lost Ben, you better have a damn good reason (I’ve yet to see one).
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