#They got back together
moonilit · 1 year
I know a lot of people see Alhaitham And kaveh as ‘exes’ trope or enemies because they argue and yell at each other all the time and I'm not here to argue that but hay listen, I just remember that guy who i used to know who was married for two decades to this woman and their fighting would always get intense so someone told him “why don’t you just find someone else?” And he looked at that person with a pause, and said “where on earth would i find someone who would yell at me like that??” And i think that was love
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there was a post on here that said something to the effect of 'what makes enemies to lovers so powerful is it's someone who's seen you at your worst and most terrible right from the start and still decides to love you' and i feel that so much for devil's minion (though i think predator/prey to lovers is probably a more accurate label for them).
before he even meets the guy, daniel already knows armand led a vampire cult, killed claudia, and let louis burn his coven alive. immediately after laying eyes on armand, daniel gets trapped, starved and tortured for days. he gets let out only to be stalked all over the world.
we as readers have context for what awful circumstances led armand to this point, but daniel knows basically none of that. he just falls in love with armand as he is, with no explanations or justifications. it's a powerful sort of acceptance. daniel's naturally drawn to the gothic and horrific, it's why he met armand in the first place, and it was that aspect that made him intrigued by armand even when he was terrified - there was no cherubic illusion he had shattered. even on the more mundane level, armand was constantly doing gross or tiresome things like microwaving rats or making them move every week. while armand loved spoiling daniel, there was no sort of like romantic courtship; everything was hectic and disjointed. it was full on gremlin mode right from the start. and that was who daniel chose to have a relationship with.
lestat learns of armand's monstrous side right away and even as he still finds himself attracted to armand's beauty and passion, but he's constantly conflicted about this inhumanity and alludes to this when rejecting him.
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whereas with daniel the monster that lurks under his charm and innocent looks is the reason he fell for him, it's the first thing he ever understood about armand.
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this is why the vampire companion says daniel is the companion and kindred spirit armand was looking for in iwtv and tvl. daniel sees armand and so can connect him to the world in a way no one else can. soulmates.
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shadow0-1 · 4 months
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First meet
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shepscapades · 29 days
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Hermit a Day May: Day 2 — Xisuma!
I wanted so badly to do his face reveal for this one but I think that’s better suited for narrative dbhc comics >:]
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soyboywenzie · 2 months
aemond: my uncle is a challenge i welcome, if he dares face me—
everyone, literally everyone, team green enthusiast and haters, team black enthusiast and haters, rhaenyra stans and antis, aegon stans and antis, alicent stans and antis, daemon stans and antis, team neutrals, team ‘I like pretty people and want to fuck them all’, team ‘yall are missing the point’, helaena lovers, and AEMONDWIVES AND HATERS:
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riickgrimes · 11 months
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Carmy + Luca
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cowboythewizard726 · 2 months
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shima-draws · 1 month
This is everything actually!! Just so you know!!!
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clouvu · 3 months
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Save me french yuri... Save me
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wardingshout · 5 months
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Travelling for Day 4 of SpeSilverWeek! going to Mt. Silver to visit "the extended family"...
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ryssbelle · 4 months
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Had a silly dream where JD and Floyd came back to the troll tree before the last trollstice but after singing killed their grandma and decided to doodle and expand upon it a bit
Clay never left the tree but was too scared to return to the families pod since he didn’t want things to go back to how they were before, he did try to find his brothers during the escape but got separated by the cave in.
John Dory was the one to find Clay and see him get caught by the cave in, when he came out of the tunnel without Clay and holding his wristband they all just assumed he was dead. Even so JD still searches for Clay with the hope that he might’ve escaped and is alive out there.
They know Bruce is alive but after JD got the post card he assumed Bruce didn’t want to be found
Some more doodles that kind of show their dynamic
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JD always brings home souvenirs for the brothers both as an apology for being gone for so long and also because of this:
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unpersoniverse · 4 months
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I saw a tweet that said Korra's only a softie around Asami and one thing led to another...
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zunaki · 1 year
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Wangxian in public being disgustingly in love and the Juniors on a matchmaking mission
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chronicowboy · 2 months
and if the kitchen stills from you don't know me are buck coming out to eddie? if eddie comes over to talk to buck about how fucking weird he's been recently, a little angry but a lot concerned? if buck starts getting smaller and smaller in that way only oliver stark can manage? if eddie notices and softens and asks in that gentle, no nonesense voice "buck, what is going on with you"? if buck's voice breaks as he says "eddie, i think i might be bisexual"? if all the wind is knocked out of eddie's sails and he just takes a moment to breathe in this new revelation and everything it could possibly mean? and if buck gets smaller and smaller as the silence goes on? and if eddie pulls him into a tight and tender hug that lasts a few seconds too long? what then?
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bluegiragi · 1 year
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konig reminisces with horangi over his short-lived stint as an underground boxer in his teenage years...
more on patreon (plus the nsfw follow-up comic)
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araremonaka · 3 months
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Octopus guy
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