#These things are not contradictory in this case
rotzaprachim · 1 day
one really uncomfortable realization I had re: protest discourse is that I DO think a) pretty big groups of people are engaging at some level in antisemitic actions and chanting and b) I ALSO think Muslims and Palestinian and Arab students are all being unfairly targeted and made examples of, and the thing is that these two realities aren’t inherently contradictory. I think a lot of universities don’t want to face the simple truth that a lot of their students are antisemitic - or at least, willing to turn a blind eye to a lot of the antisemitism going on around them. That would make the universities look Bad and it would also require them to lash out at far more students than they would probably like to - after all, students pay fees. So instead there’s a push towards emblematic responses - scapegoating in its truest form. Picking and choosing one or two *bad actor* students - many of whom have been Palestinian or Muslim or antizionst Jews - allows them to have symbolic action and punish a target who is already being punished by the structural racism and oppressions of society. There’s an expected target and an expected script and they’re playing the game to fed the lion, because it’s so much easier to punish one student with a River to the sea comment than the hundred shouting “there is only one solution.” Obviously this is all unbelievably horrific and I don’t condone any of it but I’ve been puzzling over the strangeness of the genuinely structurally antisemitic issues that have been the case for months now and the fact that universities are clearly targeting people who have not outright supported antisemitism and terror or whatnot and how unmatched those two facts seem to be, and i just want to encourage people to not think of a) and b) as contradictory but in fact Deeply Interrelated Facts that both have bearing on the situation.
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qsmpheadcannons · 1 day
So we all know Wilbur isn’t apart of qsmp anymore (for good reason but that’s not the point rn) and so Talulah is now Philza’s daughter permanently.
But how is this working canonically? Like are we erasing Wilbur’s lore from the qsmp completely, which probably wouldn’t be too big a difference since he didn’t do much anyway. However this would affect Talulah quite a bit-
So is Talulah’s lore changed as well and in what way? Like is she erased from existence prior to July when it was official (to the audience) that she had been adopted?
Personally I’ve been imagining it that she was a foster care child for the entirety of the time Phil was ‘baby sitting her’ bc it keeps the importance and emotional significance to the moment when Phil tells her that he always thought of her as his daughter.
Other things I’ve been considering;
Talulah is still Philza’s grand-daughter and not direct daughter (biologically), but instead of Wilbur (who we don’t like anymore), it was Techno who fathered her, but she had run away before custody could be transferred to Phil, causing a sort of mass search explaining why she wasn’t with Phil from day one.
Or Talulah is 100% Phil’s daughter no questions asked, she always was. Wilbur never existed period. End of story. This is kinda contradictory to today’s Talulah lore tho. (Today being April 26, 2024) plus it also eliminates all emotional lore moments between her and Phil. This is more for the extra angry ex-fans who don’t really want to acknowledge his existence anymore, which I understand, it’s a shity situation caused by his own shity actions.
Or is Wilbur like dead…? In this case none of this matters.
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hotgirlmythology · 3 days
The OIAR's very well funded response team headcanon (I havebbeen watching Torchwood too much)
Now, we know that Mr Bonzo is On His Way to deal with anyone the OIAR sics him on, but there is only one Mr Bonzo. What happens when one needs to catch a group of people in a building with a door they can all just leave through once Mr Bonzo arrives? Clearly, the OIAR needs their Response part to complement the Assessment.
The OIAR has terrible funding, just like the magnus institute, and so I'm guessing that any kind of response element would also be badly funded. Presumably the assault rifle carrying crazies who showed up at the hilltop road charity shop and proceeded to shoot everything and then firebomb it were an external organisation, associated with another Entity maybe. Thus we should base our OIAR crack hit squad on an even less well equipped group: The british police force.
We already have section 31, so the police clearly have some knowledge of paranormal activity and respond to it. The OIAR does not need to manage the entire country, in that case. So the team directly associated with them would be fairly small and deployed when the target is not going to be moving off anytime soon. Isolated avatars and creatures, and localised cults are unlikely to get wind that they are about to be attacked by a sleep deprived paramilitary who have to travel by train so this probably isn't much of an issue.
The equipment of this group would probably be based on british police equipment, though obviously with some modifications for dealing with possible paranormal activity. British armed police generally carry pistols and have taken up using rifles recently too. However, let us think. Does it seem likely that an eldritch touched being is likely to buy body armour. Not really. If a weak bullet doesn't stop it long enough to be dealt with a rifle bullet probably won't either, and given the cost constraints it would probably make sense that this response unit has pistols all around and perhaps a sniper rifle. Some kind of night vision or thermal imaging may also be useful in the case of entities messing around with the time of day, which does seem to happen rather a lot. To round out the actually reasonable equipment, a flashbang might help. It's hard to concentrate on using your mystical powers of death and destruction when your ears are bleeding.
Now we move to the more silly equipment (:3). Rope! Rope is great for when you are nervous about losing your way or climbing into a pitch dark hole. Maybe string would help too, come to think of it. Glowsticks should also be useful for testing the aforementioned pitch dark holes, or to make sure nothing is creeping around behind you (would leave a shadow). For that matter stick a torch on the guns. Some kind of analogue recording device would probably be nice as entities seem to be able to wreak havoc with any kind of electronics, so paper and pen basically. Motion sensors are quite cheap and easy to set up, so we can give them some of those too. Pepper spray is terribly boring but I think it might be useful.
The most important part of these people is obviously going to be their esoteric knowledge of entities and ability to keep a clear and logical head when everything goes pear-shaped and their friends get turned into pineapples or something. Ideally they should understand the broad strokes of meditation exercises, be able to get past contradictory sensual input and have experience being a part of at least one paranormal group (so that they understand the modus operandi of this type of thing). Additional helpful tricks might be being able to shoot very accurately, some kind of self hypnosis to force oneself to snap out of delusions of fear or literally being an avatar themselves.
The Eye runs the OIAR as it ran the Magnus Archives and I think we can all agree on this. The Eye is probably also very interested in the prospect of being able to subsume allll the knowledge that this response team manages to nick from the people they black bag and drive off in trucks with. So on some level the response team is just as much a branch of the Eye as the assessment people. I'm thinking mmm unusually keen eyed (miraculous recovery from needing glasses), people becoming compliant when interrogated, maybe a compulsion to be extra thorough when turning the target's house upside down for secret books, but only when there is one to be found (the Eye is good at secrets). Obviously the Hunt is going to be involved somewhere too but likely to a lesser extent than the Eye.
I did consider having them drive around in the alcoholic equivalent of a clown car but honestly this would probably get them found out rather easily. Instead, it's more likely that they would take the train with some kind of identification to allow them to travel with weapons (or the Eye just helps them not be noticed when they are on it). And THEN they get into the clown car, which is actually a "requisitioned" unmarked police van. Of course, not everywhere they go has these to spare. In fact, they seem to magically get misplaced as soon as the Voyeurs (nickname for how they sometimes get caught nose deep in filing cabinets) show up. In which case, it's time for walkies
TLDR: Group of understaffed paramilitary kick in your cult's front door and somehow know precisely where all your EVIL TOMES are kept. And then when you try to cast an incantation upon these poltroons they throw rocks at you. An alternative interpretation is if someone was to be going around making people think they're falling out of the sky, deploying a bunch of people of whom some have actually fallen out of the sky will probably help them keep it together.
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hephaestuscrew · 5 months
Renée Minkowski loves Organised Fun, whereas Doug Eiffel thinks Organisation and Fun are inherently incompatible. Eiffel can get hours of enjoyment out of discussing 'What are your Top Five ____?' questions with Hera, but if you asked him the same questions and told him it was a team icebreaker activity, he'd jump out of a window. In contrast, the best way to get Minkowski to engage with pointless questions like those would be to include the discussion on a precisely timetabled schedule of activities. I don't think Eiffel would have voluntarily got involved with Funzo because he would have taken one look at the size of the instruction booklet and decided that maybe he did think they should follow Pryce and Carter Tip 792 after all. I think Minkowski sees a robust instruction booklet on a game as a sign that she's in for a good time. Minkowski believes any day of leisure is improved by an itinerary. Eiffel can't even contemplate following a schedule in his work hours, let alone his downtime.
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ahalliance · 5 months
peoples brains are genuinely so small when it comes to the concept of gender n sexuality labels, why did i see so many people fail to understand how the doctor could POSSIBLY like both women and men (and also neither and more) yesterday . first off bisexual people exist, but also we’ve JUST come off an episode where the doctor is shown to be genderfluid non-binary, surely we can understand that their attraction is both an all encompassing and fluctuating thing as well
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daz4i · 11 months
in the same vein of "stop saying chuuya is a 100% good guy or a pure innocent man when he's literally in the mafia and killed who knows how many people", stop saying skk is 100% not toxic. girl you gotta let go of these black and white readings of fiction. bsd isn't the type of media where it'll do you any good. characters and ships and stories can and should have some nuance
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mossbone · 2 years
C3E37 and Genre Thoughts
I’m seeing so many theories on the latest episode re: Laudna’s past and the things we saw, and here’s my take. On the last 4-sided dive, Marisha said she based ~Laudna~ as her character’s name based on laudanum, the medication. She chose it because “it sounded a little weird, and hazy...and fucks with your head.”
I believe episode 37 reflected that, on purpose.
With the additional knowledge that her birth name was ~Matilda~ it makes so much sense that she has such a personality-fitting name, because she chose it. And I don’t think it’s a coincidence that as a lonely child with magic powers she shared a name with Roald Dahl’s famous Matilda who did the same. But then Matilda died, and her narrative, her genre changed. So of course her name did too.
Delilah has been messing with her head and her memories for 30-odd years and episode 37 really showed us exactly what that looks like. The ages jumping around, the town shifting illogically, the purple sparks of our favorite dead girl answering to both names sometimes, the uncertainty of whether or not fighting her worst memories was changing anything, unsure if they were reaching out to her actual spirit all those times...not even knowing if the horrorscape was under the control of Delilah, or Laudna, or Something Else.
In the horror-adjacent novel Harrow the Ninth, there are both real ghosts and personal hallucinations and we never really get closure on which was which for certain scenes. The author goes into a little bit about that being on purpose, because sometimes the horror is in not knowing, and sometimes the horror is in having to rely on people you cannot trust to tell you what’s real, and sometimes it doesn’t matter if the horrors are physically real or not because you are experiencing them and that’s all that matters.
I feel like Matt took a similar approach with this episode, and I see so many people trying to decipher a Fundamental Truth about why Andy called her Matilda but her parents called her Laudna or other inconsistencies that happened. The theories are getting more and more elaborate, and like, that makes sense! Human nature is to solve mysteries! And I could be wrong but I don’t think there is an in-universe concrete reason. Of course people want there to be an answer—it’s terrifying to not understand what’s happening around you. But this was a horror episode! We got to see the characters physically explore the confusion and manipulation going on in Laudna’s head, so I think some things were meant to be nebulous or outright contradictory. Trauma does that to the brain. It makes you remember things wrong, and having the woman who killed you squatting in your mind, filling it with dark powers and shadowy illusions only expounds on that. Which is terrifying! So of course us viewers don’t like that and are trying to find safe logical paths to The Truth. But sometimes The Truth isn’t simple. Sometimes you can’t find the clues to understand what Actually Happened.
This episode, we got an inside look into Laudna’s mind. It was weird, and hazy, and fucked. Like a too-strong dose of laudanum.
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strixhaven · 3 months
what’s fascinating is that you can literally feel yourself hitting a brick wall with someone in conversation. once you do though your only option is to dip. cannot emphasize that enough: repeatedly slamming your face into a wall is not worth it man it’s just gonna give you a headache
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hangingslothcentral · 3 months
whenever i start a new project, i find myself going on a little journey across the internet looking for advice on starting new projects. i know how to do it, but i'm always curious about other people's ideas. most of the stuff i read is aimed at new creators who don't know how to get things off the ground at all.
one thing that strikes me about it is that there isn't really any consensus about how to start something, and i think that's really great! there's a million ways to approach a problem, and (short of solutions which harm or exploit others) none of them are wrong if they're the one that's working best for you.
still, a significant number of the articles i read position themselves as having The Answer for how to make a thing. i think a lot of people sorta feel they have to frame their advice like this in order to give the impression that they know what they're talking about.
sometimes as i'm reading i get gripped with a sense of panic about it, a feeling of 'oh no i'm doing things WRONG', or concern that two ideas about new approaches which I've found would be interesting to try cannot be applied at the same time to the same project.
but! advice between one article and the next isn't necessarily going to carry over or map on perfectly. many pieces of advice about starting projects is going to be contradictory based on your sources. it makes me wonder how many people get caught in a loop of trying to take ALL the advice, even when it would be impossible to do so.
sometimes ripping out your whole process and starting from the ground up is the best thing you can do, creatively, but in many circumstances, taking the pieces of advice which will most meaningfully help you redirect your existing skills whilst leaving behind the things that don't serve you? that's also a valid and worthwhile thing to do!
drawing on the knowledge and experience of others is an important practice whatever stage you're at in your life as a creator of things. learning new methods and techniques can help you develop your own practice and sharing knowledge is incredibly important. just remember that there are many ways to solve the same problem, and part of what makes your creations unique are your approaches as an individual. it is impossible to take all of the advice! do continue to seek it out, and also know that you're not disrespecting it by deciding it's not something which will help.
above all, keep creating stuff!
--- Eira xxx
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minglana · 9 months
americans when not about them
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bluesadansey · 1 year
ya’ll be like: show Daisy is too much angrier than book Daisy, show Daisy is too weak/dependent compared to book Daisy, I don’t like that show Daisy thinks she’s better than Billy and challenges his decisions with confidence it makes her look too arrogant, show Daisy’s lines are too corny, she’s too much of a manic pixie dream girl, she’s boring compared to book Daisy, her character development is ruined because she said she didn’t regret a good day she had with her terrible spit marriage husband even though he was terrible (like it’s a bad thing to look back on your past actions and forgive yourself/not blame yourself for how things went???), her character development is ruined because Billy saved her after she ODed and I’m going to pretend I’m mad at this because I want her character to have agency and not shipping reasons (but then at the beginning of next ep they gave you the scene where she kicks Nicky out after realizing he left her to die just like in the book so argument completely moot I giggled), she’s too shameless about the emotional affair I could respect her in the book because she fought her feelings but in the show she’s too flirty with the man the story revolves around her having an intense emotional affair with and should be crucified for it, she isn’t doing enough substances or being chaotic enough, while complaining about how her addition is/isn’t portrayed I’m going to actively ignore how her being an addict is a part of her character writing in the show and effects her actions/how she responds to things because I’d rather just make fun of and have no sympathy for her, they made her too mean and messy, they softened her character too much and she’s not chaotic enough, I hate that they focused more on her parental issues and trauma because her character isn’t about that (which could be fair ig but what do You think it should be about instead?), she’s unprofessional, she’s way too good at everything too fast and succeeds too much, also I hate that the show is focused on her so much over other characters when she’s the mc of the story which is named after her, oh and she’s a pick me girl because of a funny little comment she made while she was high and a mess to the point of injuring herself without noticing while really really depressed and heartbroken.
Ya’ll: but the writers are misogynists who didn’t write her as a complex character and that’s the issue!
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caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
Not triggering just personal
I really need to vent about being asexual and sex repulsed but I feel like no one will understand and I get how a lot of the things I think will sound but I really just need to for once get these thoughts off my chest without having them being morally appraised because they *aren't* my morals, they're just things I can't change.
And I don't want people to TRY to change it either! Or to try to figure what ~hOrRiBle trAuMas~ could have possibly made me "this way". It's not that I think there's nothing wrong with me, it's just that this thing needs to stay neutral to me if I ever expect to actually understand it. I want people to stop morally appraising and physcoanalyzing my sexuality through the lense of inherent trauma!!
I just want to talk about this without feeling like I need to put a disclaimer before every sentence, explaining why I feel the way that I feel. I don't know ok! I don't know why I feel the way that I feel sometimes. I'm just doing my best and I wish more people would understand that. Maybe you don't get an explanation because this is my identity and doesn't need to be justified. I just want to understand myself.
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shewantsitall · 2 years
That moment when you know that you should probably be Completely Overwhelmed with everything that has to get done and is going on with life but also you're so burned out that it's like....eh? It'll get done or it won't and the world's not going to end either way. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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apawture · 4 months
Helping cases get qc'd by being nitpicky
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mkscatgirl · 10 months
Theres actually so many times where I'm like having thoughts about something but I just.... don't think anything of it....
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