#The Stationhouse
raye-sim · 1 year
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A Night at StationHouse
Andreas’ favorite place in town is StationHouse - a nightclub and karaoke bar. He loves to dance and has often participated in their open mic nights. He went to dance one night and met Finley at the bar. They hit it off immediately and stayed up until bar close singing on the karaoke machine. 
this build is by @mallunch​ and one of my favorite warehouse-style builds i've seen in-game. check out the original!
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startrolley · 2 years
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If you ever wondered who are the faces behind the Star Trolley brand. Meet the owners. Member Spotlight by @stationhousedtsp @brianmcnealy @richard.novikas #startrolley #owners #meettheteam #arriveinstyle #stationhouse (at Downtown St. Petersburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckft608OV1e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bullet-prooflove · 30 days
ATF!Series Part One: A Rabbit You Don't Want To Chase - David Hale x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @hatersaremymotivators @bennykk @kelpies-shed
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Before you there was ATF Agent June Stahl.
David doesn’t know what he was thinking when he stuck his dick into that particular bag of crazy. The two of them had a mutual hate for the MC and for each other. She was there to get the job done and he utilised that. They ended up fucking on his desk barely a week after she landed, kept it up for over a month before things turned sour.
What he remembers the most from that time was that it was always filthy, always violent. He’d hurt for weeks in the aftermath, his uniform chafing the scratch marks she left on his back. At no point during that ‘relationship’ did he feel good about himself.
It's been a couple of years since then and he hasn’t thought about her once, not until she strides into his stationhouse with a couple of junior agents and a bundle of files tucked under her arm.
“A war is coming.” She tells him.
And that’s it, the devil is back in his life.
David sighs because there’s been a couple of  months of peace since Clay Morrow’s ‘excommunication’ and the Sons seem to be turning their hand to more legit enterprises. Their assets have been tied up in porn since Suzie Quinn took over Luann’s business.
“Galen O’Shay, he’s one of the Irish Kings, leadership in the True IRA. The Sons are hunting him.” She tells him before she shows him a picture of a man he doesn’t recognise.
“What do they want with him?” He asks as he leans over the desk and studies the image. He can feel her eyes on him, sizing him up just like the first time and he shifts uncomfortably. She sets another picture down in front of him and this one he does recognise.
“Evelyn Shaw, unofficial matriarch.” She says leaning in close. He can feel the heat off her body rolling over his skin, the overripe sweetness of her perfume invading his nostrils. It’s suffocating being this close to her, it feels like she’s trying to claw her way underneath his flesh. “The club’s defence attorney and Chib’s fuck toy.”
David sighs because he knows Evelyn, he’s dealt with her in the past. She’s a nightmare in the courtroom, fiercely intelligent, tenacious but she’s also a good person. He’s lost count of the domestic violence cases she’s brought him. Each and every single one wrapped up neatly in a bow, ready for an arrest. He suspects it’s personal for her, that if he tracked back her history, there would be a report somewhere that detailed something terrible that had happened to her.
“I don’t understand how the two connect.” He tells Stahl as he shifts away from her. She follows him the same way she did back then, maintaining proximity, keeping him close.
“Intelligence suggests that Galen took her a couple of months back, hurt her and left her for Chibs to find inside a barn on the outskirts of town. They’ve been calling him the Mad Scot from here all the way up to Stockton because of the violence he’s left in his wake trying to find him.” She tells him, her hand coming to rest on his and it feels like his skin is crying to crawl right off his bones to escape her. He pull his hand away, tucking it into his pocket. “It only stopped when Chibs received confirmation that Galen had left the country.”
“And now he’s back.” David guesses as he replays back the past couple of his months in his head. It’s been a while since he’s heard from Evelyn, he doesn’t realise it until now.
He’d thought that the Sons had gone quiet but now he realises what’s really been  happening, they’ve been circling their wagons. Someone hurting one of their women, they won’t let that slide, the same way he wouldn’t. He’d go to the ends of the earth anyone laid a hand on you.
“Sure is baby and so am I.” She says her hand gripping his tie and drawing him closer, her lips ghost in his ear as she whispers. “My pussy’s missed that mouth of yours, why don’t you get on your knees and give her a kiss.”
He tears himself away, his cheeks colouring.
“I’d rather eat glass.” He tells her, using his palm to smooth over his tie.
She raises a eyebrow, her hand coming to rest on her hip as her voice turns cold.
“What? Your little art student lets you come in her mouth and you’re suddenly in love?”
His head snaps up and he senses his mistake the instant he makes it. He’s given her an opening, an acknowledgement that there’s someone important in his life that she can fuck with.
“How does it feel sticking your dick in the same pussy that Teller’s blown his load in?” She asks him, that cruel smile pulling at the edges of her mouth. “Or is that part of the allure, you get off knowing that you have the one thing that he wants.”
David tries not to react, he tries to keep his face impassive but she must see a flicker of something in his features.
“Has she told you anything about her time with him?”
David crosses his arms over his chest, his teeth grinding together as his eyes bore right into hers.
“You’ve never asked her have you?”
No, he hasn’t and you’ve never volunteered. There’s a line in your relationship that neither of you will cross because if you tell him something, you know he will have to do something about it and it tangles you up with the Sons all over again.
“This is a rabbit you don’t want to chase.” He warns her, his voice full of vitriol.
“We’ll see.” She tells him with shit eating grin of hers. “We’ll see.”
Love David? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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secretmellowblog · 3 months
One thing that's often overlooked about the scene where Javert arrests Fantine is how much every other member of law enforcement supports him. When he turns his back on Fantine, the soldiers in the stationhouse dutifully restrain her the way they're supposed to:
“Come!” said Javert, “I have heard you out. Have you entirely finished? You will get six months. Now march! The Eternal Father in person could do nothing more.” (....) Javert turned his back. The soldiers seized her by the arms.
A lot of adaptations change this scene so that the other police express astonishment at Javert's cruelty, or portray it as something strange/out of the ordinary that Javert only does for bizarre personal reasons. But in the book there's a huge emphasis on how much this is simply Business As Usual. There's nothing unusual about Javert's cruelty here; he's simply doing his job, and his job is to enforce vicious bigoted violent laws. Everyone working in the station house understands that this the usual regular level of cruelty that they should expect, and they perpetrate that cruelty without a second thought.
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jon-withnoh · 1 month
Danbea prompts, you say?! "There was only one bed" #3 - Person A waking up to Person B curled up and sleeping on top of them. (Tbh any of the "there was only one bed" prompts.)
Okay so this became a whole thing. Here is part one of two I hope you enjoy! (Beware, this is three thousand words long.)
Danny drew her coat around herself, shivering. It was snowing so heavily she could not see more than a few feet in front of her. Clutching her carpet bag in both hands, Danny began to move in the direction of where she suspected the stationmaster’s house to be. She had only gone a few steps when a figure emerged out of the flurry of snow around her, knocking into her with surprising momentum. 
“Oh dear,” said the figure. “I do apologise. I cannot see further than my own feet in this weather.” 
Danny stopped short. “Mrs Lacy?”
Mrs Lacy, bundled up so heavily as to be almost unrecognisable, did a double-take. “Miss Danvers. Now what on earth are you doing here?”
“Mrs de Winter sent me ahead on the train so I could meet her when she arrived.” 
“She’s driving?”
“Yes, Madam. She has an appointment in London today and will set out afterwards.”
“Hm.” Mrs Lacy’s exhale produced a small cloud of steam. “I doubt she will be able to set out in this weather. I spoke to the conductor just before the delay was announced. They have had reports of heavy snowfall all over the country, even in London.” 
Danny gave a non-comittal shrug. 
“What do you recommend we do now?” Mrs Lacy asked. 
“There is no chance of continuing our journey this afternoon?”
“I’m afraid not,” Mrs Lacy said. “There are snow drifts all along the way. They will have to wait to clear them until it stops snowing. It would be a wasted effort otherwise. I suggest we go to the village and beg for a room somewhere. Come, I shall take you under my wing, seeing as you are without your lady and I am without a maid.” 
Danny opened her mouth and closed it again. She could see blurry figures all around them, moving from the train in the direction of the stationhouse. Clearly, Mrs Lacy was not the only one who trusted the train conductor’s assesment of the situation. Danny found herself torn. What if Rebecca did set out from London and Danny was not there to receive her? Should she not try and make her way to Scotland via some other route?
Mrs Lacy had been watching her. “Miss Danvers, we are in the middle of Lancashire. We are entirely reliant on the train and the train will not depart until tomorrow at the very least. If Rebecca does arrive before us and gives you any trouble, I will personally vouch for your dedicated attempts to continue your journey.” 
Danny blushed. “Thank you, Mrs Lacy.” 
“Good girl,” Mrs Lacy said, interpreting her thanks as aquiescence. “Follow me, I have excellent directional instincts.” 
Mrs Lacy led the way through the stationhouse and into the town beyond. It was small, smaller than Kerrith or even Lanyon. Spotting the pub amongst the row of houses along King’s street was no difficult feat, though Danny kept this thought to herself. Mrs Lacy gave her a triumphant smile and pointed at the pub, picking up her stride. Danny hurried after her. The snow on the pavement had not been cleared. It was beginning to melt inside her boots. 
As soon as Mrs Lacy pushed open the worn entrance door to the pub, Danny realised that they were not the only passengers to think of taking shelter here, nor had they been the first. She watched Mrs Lacy’s smile faulter as she took in the mass of people crowded around the fire place, the bar, and the reception desk. Nonetheless, the two of them joined the queue by the desk and waited their turn. 
The woman behind the desk gave them a cheerful smile. “What can I do for you?”
“Good afternoon,” Mrs Lacy said. “We were on the train that is currently stranded at the station and would like to spend the night. What kind of rooms can you offer us?”
“Offer? You don’t suppose you were the only passengers looking for rooms, do you? I have one room available and that is it. It is small, but neat and tidy as all our rooms are. It should have twin beds. Ethel—” The woman turned and called over her shoulder. “It’s twin beds, isn’t it?” There was a call of assent from somewhere at the back of the room. “There you have it. One room, twin beds, will that suit you and your—”
“Lady’s maid,” Mrs Lacy said. “And I suppose we will have to make do.” 
“Very well then,” said the woman. “Here is your key. You’ll want to take a left at the top of the stairs and go to the very end of the corridor.”
“Thank you,” Mrs Lacy said. “Come along, Miss Danvers, I am sure we will be quite comfortable.” 
Mrs Lacy’s easy familiarity made her blush. She was used to it from Rebecca, but that was different. They had grown up together; she had taken care of Rebecca when Rebecca had still been afraid of the dark. Mrs Lacy barely knew her. Still, she followed Mrs Lacy up the stairs and down a narrow corridor with doors on either side. As the woman had said, their room was at the very end. It was much colder here than it had been downstairs, where the logs were piled high in the fireplace and there was a steady stream of hot soup and tea from the kitchens. Danny stood back as Mrs Lacy set down her suitcase and unlocked the door.
“Hm,” Mrs Lacy said. “Hm.”
“Is anything the matter, Mrs Lacy?”
Mrs Lacy thought on this for a moment. “You see, I distinctly recall that woman downstairs speaking about twin beds, and, for that matter, confirming the existence of twin beds with Ethel, whoever she is. Do step inside this room and tell me what you see.” 
Curious, Danny went to stand next to Mrs Lacy and peered into the room. It was very neat, as the woman had said, with chequered curtains and a small peat fire in the fireplace. What did not match her description at all was the bed against the righthand wall. It too was exceedingly neat with a plain coverlet and clean white sheets, but it was decidedly one bed, intended for two sleepers. Danny’s cheeks burned. 
“She must have been mistaken,” Mrs Lacy said. “I shall go downstairs and see what they can do. Maybe they can swap our room with someone else’s. There must be something they can do.”
Danny bowed her head as Mrs Lacy turned down the corridor once more. She waited until the decided clunk clunk clunk of Mrs Lacy’s boots on the stairs had faded, then stepped eagerly into the room to stand beside the fire. However long it took Mrs Lacy to rectify the situation was as good an opportunity as any to warm up. Danny set down her bag and held out her hands. She sighed as the warmth of the fire began to envelop her frozen fingertips. She closed her eyes, feeling herself come back to life. 
“There is nothing to be done.” 
Danny whirled around. Mrs Lacy had returned, standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. 
“It is this or finding another place to sleep and at this rate, every establishment will be completely packed by the time we get there. If only I had some acquaintance here who I could persuade to take us in, but of course, we are in Lancashire. We shall have to make ourselves as comfortable as we can.”
That was that. Mrs Lacy set down her suitcase on the stand at the foot of the bed and began to sort through her things. Danny remained standing by the fireplace, her hands folded. She tried to conceal her horror at this development. To share a room with a woman of Mrs Lacy’s standing — would Rebecca expect her to act as lady’s maid to someone who was not Rebecca? 
Danny kept her mouth shut and her eyes fixed on the floor as Mrs Lacy made herself at home. She followed silently as Mrs Lacy suggested they go in quest of dinner and ate her soup with as little conversation as she could muster. Fortunately, Mrs Lacy did not seem to require any long speeches from her. She seemed happy enough to converse without much back and forth, though more than once Danny found herself the recipient of an amused smile. Danny kept her eyes on her soup, unwilling to interrogate why the gentle curve of Mrs Lacy’s mouth flustered her so much. Finally, Mrs Lacy set down her cup of after-dinner tea and stifled a yawn behind her hand. 
“We had better turn in,” she said. “If they do get the train up and running over night we do not want to miss it.” 
Danny made to rise from her chair, but froze midway. She had carefully avoided thinking about the issue of turning in all afternoon. To share a room with Mrs Lacy was bad enough — there would be no way of avoiding each other in such close quarters — but to share a bed? Danny had not shared a bed with anyone since childhood, and never with a stranger. Maybe she could sleep in the chair next to the bed. Surely Mrs Lacy would be relieved at the suggestion. 
“Are you coming?” Mrs Lacy was halfway across the room already, calling over her shoulder. Danny hurried after her. 
Someone had come to turn down the bed and draw the curtains while they had been at dinner. The fire had been stoked and the lamp on the bedside table turned on. It would have been quite comfortable if Danny had not been so full of dread at what was to come. 
“Well,” Mrs Lacy said, “we had better not dawdle. I will brush my teeth and then we shall see about our sleeping arrangement.” She went over to her suitcase and took out a small bag.
Once Mrs Lacy had gone to find the bathroom down the hall, Danny forced herself to move from her spot by the door. She had left her carpet bag on the chair by the bed. She opened it gingerly, knowing already that she would find nothing but a few essentials. Everything else was neatly folded away in her suitcase and that had been sent up to Scotland along with Rebecca’s luggage. 
By the time Mrs Lacy returned, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, still wearing the dress she had traveled in. 
“You haven’t changed?”
“I have nothing to change into… Madam,” she added quickly. “My suitcase was sent ahead this morning along with Mrs de Winter’s things.” 
“That is unfortunate. You’ll have to borrow something of mine then.”
“I couldn’t possibly,” Danny said decisively.
“Are you sure?”
Danny nodded. 
Mrs Lacy shrugged and turned to her suitcase. Danny averted her eyes as Mrs Lacy took out a nightgown and sat on the edge of the bed to take off her shoes. Remembering that she had brought a toothbrush, Danny stood up from the bed and excused herself to go to the bathroom. Shivering in the draughty room, Danny brushed her teeth. There was no warm water. Her shivers intensified as she washed her face. When she straightened up, her cheeks were bright red. 
Back in the little room, Mrs Lacy had finished changing. She had chosen the left side of the bed and was sitting up with her dressing gown draped around her shoulders. Danny noticed the coverlet, folded carelessly and left on the floor next to Mrs Lacy’s suitcase. 
“I hope you don’t mind my taking this side,” Mrs Lacy said. “I prefer to sleep further away from the door.”
“No, I…” Danny cleared her throat. “I don’t mind at all.” Avoiding Mrs Lacy’s gaze, she went over to the right side of the bed and sat in the chair next to it, folding her hands. 
“You cannot be serious.”
“Miss Danvers, don’t tell me you mean to sit up all night in that chair?”
Danny opened her mouth, helplessly, but could not think of anything to say. 
“No, that simply will not do,” Mrs Lacy said fiercely. “You will wreck your back and resent me all the way to Scotland. I will not have that.” 
“I wouldn’t resent you.” Danny kept her eyes downcast. “But you must allow that I am doing what is right. You shouldn’t be forced to…”
“Forced? Forced? Miss Danvers, you do not think you are forcing me into anything, do you?”
“No,” Danny conceded, “but the circumstances…”
“My dear girl, if I had truly been outraged by the circumstances, I would have fought much harder to rectify the situation. My pockets might not be as deep as my brothers, but they are most certainly deep enough to find a suitable place to sleep, even in an overcrowded country inn. No, while this is inconvenient, I did not think it worth the effort to turn this whole place on its head merely so I would not have to share a room with my esteemed sister in law’s maid. Now come to bed. You will thank me tomorrow.” 
Unable to form another word of protest, Danny rose from her chair and sat on the edge of the bed. She unhooked her boots and put them closer to the fire to dry. With trembling fingers, she pulled her hair out of its twist and began to comb it with her fingers. There was movement on the other side of the bed. A moment later, Mrs Lacy wordlessly held out her hairbrush. 
“Thank you.” 
Danny wrapped her fingers around the handle of the brush. The dark wood was worn smooth, resting well in her hand. Danny brushed her hair in silence. She could feel Mrs Lacy watching her, it gave her the sensation that her skin was burning all over with a small, but strangely pleasant fire.
Hastily, Danny braided her hair and handed back the brush. 
“Thank you,” she said again. 
“If you wanted to take off your corset for the night,” Mrs Lacy said matter-of-factly, “you would be more than welcome. I won’t look.” 
Would the mortification never end? Moving as quickly as possible, Danny rid herself of the aforementioned undergarment, hastily buttoning up her dress again once it was done. Feeling rather exposed, despite the layers of fabric still covering her, Danny returned to the bed and sat on top of the covers, her back against the wooden headboard. Mrs Lacy raised an eyebrow. 
“Please,” Danny said. “You must allow me at least this. I couldn’t— with someone of your standing, it would be… please, Mrs Lacy, I will be fine.”
“Very well,” Mrs Lacy said patiently. “If you change your mind…”
“Good night, Mrs Lacy.”
“Good night, Miss Danvers.” 
The room sank into silence at once. Mrs Lacy turned onto her side and, with a small huff of exhaustion, was asleep within minutes. Danny sat up in bed, staring now at her hands, now at the fire and more often than not, she was ashamed to admit, at Mrs Lacy. She had often noticed that Mr de Winter’s sister was very handsome. Though his senior by almost a decade, her face had lost none of the youthful mischievousness that smiled down at the visitors of Manderley from pictures painted in Mrs Lacy’s youth. Her eyes were invariably kind, whether she was looking at her brother, Rebecca, or even one of the servants. In sleep, there was something else in her expression, a vulnerability Danny had never seen before. It was difficult to look away. It took an hour for Danny to convince herself that Mrs Lacy would not suddenly wake up and find Danny staring at her. Danny thought she might never look her fill. 
Before going to bed, she had wondered what it would feel like to be trapped in a room like this with Rebecca. Would Rebecca have allowed her to sleep on the bed? Would Rebecca have wanted her to? Danny could not say. Rebecca would not have looked at her the way Mrs Lacy had, though once she was asleep, Danny was certain the situation would have been the same. She would have looked and looked at Rebecca, her face as impenetrable in sleep as it was in waking. She would have warmed Rebecca’s hands during the night, leaning forward in her chair. She would have sat and burned and waited for an invitation that would not come. 
Mrs Lacy rolled over and sighed in her sleep, the covers drawn up almost to her nose. Danny’s back was aching. Moving carefully, so as not to wake Mrs Lacy, she lay down on top of the covers, first on her back and then, relenting, facing the centre of the bed. 
“Good night, Mrs Lacy,” she whispered and, pressing her eyes tight shut, drifted off to sleep. 
Danny awoke shivering. She was curled up on top of the covers, arms wrapped around her chest to trap a warmth that was not there. Her muscles felt sore from the cold. How long had she been shaking in her sleep. Danny did not notice the hand on her shoulder until it gave a gentle squeeze. She gasped in shock and turned around to find Mrs Lacy sitting up in bed with her arm outstretched. 
“Miss Danvers,” Mrs Lacy said groggily. “You’ll catch your death.” 
“Let me j-just—” Her teeth were chattering so intensely she had to break off and start again. “I will rekindle the fire.” 
“There’s nothing here to rekindle it with.”
“That f-feels like an oversight.” 
Mrs Lacy held up the bedcovers. “I would prefer if you did not freeze to death under my supervision. Rebecca would never forgive me.” 
Danny shook her head, weakly. 
“Miss Danvers, what does it matter who I am or why we are here? You can barely speak for shivering. Don’t be a fool and we will never discuss this night again.”
Danny’s eyes darted from Mrs Lacy to the empty grate and back again. It could not have been past three in the morning. It would be hours before she could go down and ask for their fire to be lit. Mrs Lacy tugged at the bedcovers, her face expectant. 
It did not feel like defeat, slipping under the covers next to Mrs Lacy. Danny was much too cold to feel anything but relief. Even under the covers, her muscles would not stop twitching. 
“There now,” Mrs Lacy said gently. She pulled up the covers to cover Danny’s shoulders, then took her dressing gown from the foot of the bed and piled it on top of Danny as well, rubbing her arm through the layers of fabric. “There now,” she said again. “That’s much better, isn’t it?”
Danny could not reply. She was beginning to feel warmer under the covers, too comfortable and exhausted to speak. Mrs Lacy seemed to understand. She lay back down, facing Danny and closed her eyes. Danny expected her to withdraw her hand now, but it stayed where it was, gently brushing along her arm. 
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a stationhouse owner helping her riders beat a hard level in super mario land, 1860s.
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fagrackham · 1 month
hey you who me officer krupke yeah you give me one good reason for not dragging you down to the stationhouse you punk
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abbatoirablaze · 8 months
Captain Penisi, Chapter 3
Word Count:  1.3k
Warnings:  jealousy, slight angst.
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“What’s going on here?” Eddie asked as he noticed a school bus outside of the station, “we got another group of fourth graders that we gotta babysit for the education system?”
“Worse.  It’s the academy students making their rounds through the stations,” Granny groaned as he looked at Captain Penisi, “What are you doing down here on the floor with us?  Aren’t you and the chief supposed to be heading these things up?  How don’t you remember?”
Eddie shrugged, “so what?  It didn’t make the top of my calendar.  No big deal.  I’m great at public speaking and I can think on the fly…and do you know why?  It’s because I’m Eddie Penisi!”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll love this tour,” Granny chuckled as he started walking away from the captain, “they already roped chief in and he’s been taking them around the outside of the station to show them the lot.  I think he was stalling so that you’d have to do the tour with him.  Oh, and cap…the academy has someone tagging along on the tour that doesn’t normally do it.”
“And this is my home station,” an all too familiar voice called out loudly, interrupting his very question.  Granny took his leave, and made his way over to the edge of the floor where Ike and Andy were doing chores and cleaning up.  Eddie grimaced, as his father came into view, smiling broadly; his arms spread out as he gestured to the floor  Behind him, Terry was walking, eyes rolling, “stationhouse twenty-four!  And right now, my daughter’s husband is the chief, and my son is the captain on the A-shift!  But long before I was the commissioner, I was the chief of this amazing station!  Does anyone have any questions?”
“Gampy, can you tell the story about the time the-“
“Lucy, I’m sure your grandfather doesn’t want to tell the story of-“
“Actually, Terry, I’d love to!” Commissioner Penisi smiled as he started his story about the time he’d rushed into a fire where an explosion ripped into his back. 
Eddie felt himself smiling as he saw a familiar doctor who had made her way over to where Granny, Ike, and Andy were rolling the hose.  He was quick to make his way over as well.
“Funny…I didn’t think you were a recruit…”
“Oh-uh, Captain Penisi,” Auggie smiled politely as she held up her notebook, “I-I’m not.  Not for the academy anyways. Today, I’m lucky enough to be the representative with the hospital.  I’m actually supposed to be on the tour today to speak with each of the EMT’s at the stations for my next rotation in the ED.”
“Ahhh…” Eddie replied shortly, “still though…shouldn’t you stay with your group?  You’re on the tour, after all.  You should be paying attention to what the commissioner is saying.”
“I-I’m sorry, Captain Penisi,” she muttered as her head dipped.  She looked quickly at the boys and bit her lip, “I-I’ll talk to you guys later, I guess…”
The guys watched as she found her way back to the group, which then started in towards the kitchen and breakroom. 
Granny playfully hit Eddie’s shoulder, “dang cap, what was that about?”
“What was what?”
“When did you become the hardass?” Granny quipped, “you jus-“
“I wasn’t a hardass!” he proclaimed, looking at Andy, “tell Granny, Mywani!”
“You were…a little short with her…weren’t you?” Andy asked carefully,  not wanting to entirely contradict the captain, “I mean….it wasn’t really all that nice to just push her away when she’s supposed to be talking to the medic.” 
Eddie’s brow rose, and he looked towards the door, where the tour had already gone through, “what?  No.  I was being playful.  Joking.”
“I don’t know, cap,” Ike said nervously as he shook his own head, “it sounded kind of mean…like you were mad that she was talking to us instead of being with the group.”
“I was being playful!”
“It didn’t sound very playful…” Granny added in, “sounded like you were annoyed by her coming over to us!”
Eddie looked back to the door once again and he felt a bit of guilt rising up in his chest.  Ever since he’d heard her announce to Lucy that she’d had a crush on him, he’d been walking around the station a little taller. 
Yeah, he was used to women flirting with him, just as he had to them, but there was something about Auggie that made him feel victorious, just knowing she was interested.  But hearing how the guys thought he wasn’t being kind to her put a definite stutter in his step.
“You guys really thought I was being mean?”
“You kinda kicked her away from talking to us…”
“No, I didn’t.”
“You really did!” Terry pointed out, joining the conversation.
“No one asked you!” Eddie grumbled.  Terry chuckled, clapping Eddie on the shoulder.
“No one had to, Eddie!”
“I like her though!” Granny smiled, bringing the conversation back to the original point, “she seems really nice.”
“She did seem really nice…” Ike agreed thoughtfully.
“You guys talked to her for thirty seconds…max.  How would you know?”
“She just seemed really genuine!” Andy shrugged, “only person from the hospital that tries to talk to us is Vickie…I don’t ever remember a representative actually coming and talking to us when the tours went on.”
“And she’s really, really nice!”
“Yeah Ike…” Andy chuckled, clapping the larger guy on the shoulder, “you just think she’s cute…”
“Oh man, she never answered my question!” Ike began, realizing that they hadn’t finished the conversation, “Guys…she never-“
But Ike stopped himself when he saw the first of the recruits sliding down the pole. 
“What are you talking about?” Eddie asked quickly, looking between the trio. 
“I-uh…it was-“
Ike stopped speaking once more when he saw Auggie running up to him. 
“Oh-uh, hey Auggie…” he smiled, leaning up against the truck.  When he couldn’t get comfortable, he shifted again, placing one hand over his head and leaning against the truck, “what’s up?”
“I just…uh…in case I don’t get the chance later,” she offered politely, giving Eddie a momentary glance before handing Ike a piece of paper, “I just wanted to give you, my number.”
Granny and Andy looked at one another, before turning their attention to the EMT who was blushing.  Ike swept his hair from his face and reached out, taking the piece of paper, “oh…yeah…yeah, I-“
“And by the way…I’d love to go out with you later tonight and get some drinks!” she smiled, before bouncing away from the group of firefighters and back to the rest of the group. 
Andy and Granny’s eyes went wide, and they silently began hitting Ike’s chest and shoulders.
“You did it man,” Granny grinned, “she said yes!”
“So where are you going to take her?” Andy asked playfully.
All the while, Eddie’s rage grew inside of him.  He kept hearing her voice drunkenly admitting that she’d had a crush on him.  He kept seeing how cute she looked, getting ready to go to the concert.  And it was making him quickly feel dizzy. 
She’d accepted a date with Ike. 
But she was supposed to have had a crush on him.
Eddie snatched the piece of paper out of his hand and threw it on the floor.  The guys looked at their captain, shocked by his actions.
“What was that cap?”
“Be happy I don’t tear it up,” Eddie grumbled, already feeling the rage boiling over, “you’re a firefighter…and you’re on duty.  You don’t need to be picking up chicks!  Or asking out anyone on the tour while you’re supposed to be working!”
“Come on, cap…we’ve all seen you flirting with women on duty.”
“And in gear!” Ike said quickly, adding it into Granny’s previous statement, “what’s so bad about me asking Auggie out?  She’s really cute…and she’s interested in what I have to say.”
“Toilet duty,” Eddie growled, turning on his heel to stalk away from the men, “Toilet duty for a week, Crystal!”
Chapter 4
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rahleeyah · 8 months
Things to consider re: the poll
Elliot's house: he's married in s12
Olivia's apartment: s12 could mean bombshell, or smoked, or
Stationhouse: is this the old one with the crib upstairs? Is it the rooftop? Locker rooms? Cragen's office?
Squad car: always sexy
Bar bathroom: also always sexy
Courthouse: part 33 style angst and fighting??????
Hospital: pursuit, perhaps?
Alleyway/outside: the desperationnnnnn
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forfoxessake · 11 months
Benadryl Subreddit  - LS Dunes and the new ep from HIGH VIS - “Society Exists/Stationhouse Demos” on repeat while I do some seriously boring documenting this morning. 
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
The New York City Fire Department is mourning the loss of a 24-year FDNY veteran who was killed in a random and unprovoked attack on Sept. 29 outside the stationhouse where she worked.
The FDNY shared the tragic news that Emergency Medical Service Lieutenant Alison Russo-Elling, 61, was stabbed and killed at approximately 2:20 p.m. on Sept. 29 while working at EMS Station 49 in Queens.
Russo-Elling was on duty near 20th Avenue and Steinway Street in Astoria when she was stabbed multiple times in an unprovoked attack, according to the FDNY. She was transported to Mt. Sinai Queens Hospital, where she died from her injuries.
Russo-Elling began her career with the FDNY as an EMT in 1998 and was promoted to lieutenant in 2016. The Long Island resident also was one of the first responders to the World Trade Center during the 9/11 terrorist attack in 2001.
She is survived by her daughter and her parents, the FDNY said.
“We lost one of our heroes,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams said during a press conference on Thursday night. “She was working for this city, and paid the ultimate sacrifice because of that.”
“Members of EMS serve only to help and save other people’s lives," Acting FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh said at the press conference. "To be attacked and killed in the course of helping others is both heartbreaking and enraging for our department in ways I cannot describe."
The suspect, Peter Zisopoulos, 34, ran off and barricaded himself in his apartment for 90 minutes before police were able to talk him out and take him into custody, NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig told NBC New York.
Zisopoulos has been charged with murder and weapon possession, police said. A motive is not immediately clear and the investigation is ongoing, according to NBC New York.
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raye-sim · 1 year
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Andreas stayed up into the wee hours making a song to bring to the StationHouse open mic! 
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startrolley · 2 years
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@stationhousedtsp + @startrolley = ❤️❤️❤️ #arriveinstyle #dtsp #stationhouse #b&w (at Saint Petersburg, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_Zj4Vut1r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
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Before you there was ATF Agent June Stahl.
David doesn’t know what he was thinking when he stuck his dick into that particular bag of crazy. The two of them had a mutual hate for the MC and for each other. She was there to get the job done and he utilised that. They ended up fucking on his desk barely a week after she landed, kept it up for over a month before things turned sour.
What he remembers the most from that time was that it was always filthy, always violent. He’d hurt for weeks in the aftermath, his uniform chafing the scratch marks she left on his back. At no point during that ‘relationship’ did he feel good about himself.
It's been a couple of years since then and he hasn’t thought about her once, not until she strides into his stationhouse with a couple of junior agents and a bundle of files tucked under her arm.
“A war is coming.” She tells him.
And that’s it, the devil is back in his life.
ATFSeries! Part One: A Rabbit You Don't Want To Chase
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nbula-rising · 1 year
Rock Records
Rock Records By Joyce Peseroff I'm selling my old rock records, the reggae and the Dead, the Beatles and bands no one heard after the Amazing Kathy Dalton became less so and Airto—busted for possession, his album's face behind ten fingers blacked with stationhouse ink— deported. A Stone retired, Mick past fifty, Van Morrison— composer of the world's best Celtic fuck music—gone spiritual, while "Peaceful Easy Feeling" sells Prozac, and the trippy paisley vinyl of Dave Mason's "Alone Together," Big Brother's funky R. Crumb cover (fat nipply Janis dragging that ball and chain) are quaint collectibles, like Fiestaware or bottles from defunct breweries; useful things no one uses anymore, worth money.
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ao3feed-ateez · 23 days
Call My Name
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/szCFY3v by megrokosmos A chance encounter with a clumsy dog-fearing firefighter leads to the most embarrassing house-call of your life with his friends, and licensed paramedics, San and Seonghwa. You might survive the encounter if you never see them again only, one is a regular at the café you’ve just been hired at and the other is best friends with the man you’ve replaced on your recreational weekly co-ed football team. Isn’t life just wonderful? Words: 4380, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Stationhouse 1117 Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band), ZEROBASEONE | ZB1 (Korea Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: ATEEZ Ensemble, ZEROBASEONE | ZB1 Ensemble Relationships: Choi San (ATEEZ)/Reader, Park Seonghwa/Reader, Choi San/Park Seonghwa/Reader, Jung Wooyoung/Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Park Gunwook/Seok Matthew Additional Tags: Cafe Manager Hao, Student Han Yujin (ZEROBASEONE), Best Friends Choi San & Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Best Friend Choi Jongho, firehouse, Alternate Universe - Firefighters, Paramedic Choi San, Paramedic Park Seonghwa, Firefighters, Football | Soccer read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/szCFY3v
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