#The Menopause™
blackbird-brewster · 8 months
As I mentioned earlier today, I had my one-year menopause treatment follow up with my gynae.
She agreed that the benefits I've seen during chemical menopause are highly beneficial to my quality of life and she was happy to let me continue treatment. We're going to do bone scans to have a baseline before I do another 6-12 months on this treatment routine 🙏🙏🙏
I am so endlessly grateful to have a doctor who not only listens to me, but who also always defers back to 'your body, your choice' basically.
I hope one day there's a cure for endometriosis, in the meantime, I am so glad to have found a treatment that helps.
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attapullman · 5 months
i love fics where Bob feels comfortable enough to be shirtless, even if it's just within his own personal space. there's (almost) always a quiet confidence about him, even in the movie (we're overlooking his "just Bob" intro scene).
"yet, somehow, you always manage." baby, you can't tell me that wasn't a bde line. Bob is confident enough to be himself in The Hard Deck when Roo sings "Great Balls of Fire," and even though everyone is ecstatic Roo and Mav are safe, i think Bob's goofy ass celebration dance required some confidence as well. plus, he's a Naval Aviator! he has to go through the same training (and punishment) that everyone else does. that includes 200+ push-ups! Bob looks good, and i know he knows it, but he also knows his squadron (and eventual friends). he probably vibes by the "don't start none, won't be none," principle when Jake is embracing the Hangman persona. let him do his thing, and stay out of the line of fire.
but i think Morgan is doing an absolutely incredible job with her neighbor!Bob series, right down to the characterization of our sweet baby boy 💖💖🥰🥰
anya 😭😭 your vision is impeccable!!
bob floyd RADIATES BDE and is the epitome of strong, silent type. he's a quiet confidence. he balances the group with his introverted manner and lack of proving himself. he knows he's good at his job and being chosen for the uranium mission proves it. plus he has a neighborhood of menopausal women begging him to mow their lawn and fix their dishwasher with the unspoken implication of "please do it shirtless!"
thank you for reminding me of what has become my favourite bob scene
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gif via @lewispullmaned
omg now i am crying 😭 thank you for trusting me with our collective baby boy™ he is truly my comfort fic and will be shirtless forever because all i want is to curl into that lanky defined chest and take a nap
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
That ‘90s Show Ponderings
The fact Fez calls Eric his best friend on That ‘90s Show is another example of how little T9S’s creators (two of whom were two of That ‘70s Show’s creators and one of whom was a T7S writer) care about the source material (i.e. That ‘70s Show) and the meager amount of effort they put in to refamiliarize themselves with it.
While Fez definitely demonstrates an attachment to and affection for Eric on That ‘70s Show, they barely have any scenes or episodes where they truly connect. Their friendship is woefully underdeveloped. The two characters Fez has the closest bond with are Hyde and Kelso.
Until season 5, Fez considers Hyde his best friend. They have many storylines (often B stories) and interactions in episodes together during seasons 1-4 that establish their connection and develop their friendship 
A flashback in “Class Picture” (4x20) shows us how Hyde, Kelso, and Eric meet Fez, and Hyde is immediately protective of Fez and offers him on-going protection, which inspires Fez to declare that Hyde is his best friend.
Once Hyde is paired romantically with Jackie in season 5, most of his significant storylines invovle her. Fez and Kelso are developed as true friends because of this new status quo, whereas before season 5, they are generally antagonistic to each other. By the end of the season, they’re clearly established as best friends.
While Fez and Hyde’s friendship is never forgotten in the later seasons, it’s no longer Fez’s primary platonic relationship for the rest of the series.
Never, though, are Fez and Eric depicted as best friends. They are friends because Fez is there (in the basement). He and Eric interact without much significance, except on rare occasion. We hear in “Trampled Underfoot” (5x21) about a phone call Fez makes to Eric at three a.m. to ask if they’re still friends, but this is a punchline adding to a  theme of the episode about Fez’s neediness 
“I’m Free” (6x05) is the only episode where Fez and Eric’s friendship is featured, but no growth in their bond occurs. It’s mostly jokes and a confirmation that Eric truly does care about Fez.
That Fez doesn’t mention Kelso at all in any of his That ‘90s Show episodes, or Jay -- Kelso’s son -- makes no sense. Fez would’ve very likely been Jay’s godfather. Once Fez’s romantic interest in Jackie dies in “Ice Shack” (T7S 3x10), they eventually become true friends in the later seasons (particularly season 7). Kelso, Jackie, Jay, and Fez all live in Point Place -- seemingly continuously (with maybe a few breaks) the last fifteen years (Point Place Time™). 
The above paragraph again, begs the question as to why Red and Kitty have no idea who Jay Kelso is until the events of That ‘90s Show and act like they haven’t seen Kelso or Jackie for years. The series establishes that Fez has been Kitty’s hair stylist since he became one, and true to Fez’s nature he would’ve talked about Kelso, Jackie, and Jay -- since character-logic dictates he would’ve been involved in their lives (even if he weren’t Jay’s godfather).
All of this is to reiterate the point of That ‘90s Show being a canon-divergent AU continuation of That ‘70s Show. It couldn’t be anything else since its creators seem to have the barest of memories of That ‘70s Show and didn’t do the research necessary to refresh their knowledge.
The one exception is Red and Kitty’s relationship, and that’s thanks to Debra Jo Rupp and Kurtwood Smith knowing and caring about their characters (and Kurtwood making sure he and Debra Jo became executive producers of T9S so they’d have the clout to keep their characters [mostly] on-model).
Red and Kitty’s relationship is returned to canon in That ‘90s Show after That ‘70s Show introduced a boatload of character drift into their relationship in season 6 (catalyzed by Kitty’s menopause / self-medicating with alcohol storyline in season 5) -- to the point where their relationship in season 7 is almost not recognizable as the one from seasons 1-4.
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plebeiangoth · 4 days
It pride™ so here's one of my soapboxes
Ace/aro ≠ celibate
Why do people continue to accuse me of being celibate????????????? I don't want sex! I don't choose to not do sex, I just *don't* do sex! Literally thank god that the majority of the people who keep saying shit to me like "someday when you're married/have kids" (as if I will spontaneously want to fuck which will inevitably result in marriage and parenthood) into my late 20's have since passed away, because if they were still around I'd still be getting that shit in my 30's and all the way through menopause and beyond. I'm PLENTY old enough to know how to live my own discreet life, and I was when I learned I'm ace in my teens.
I'm literally just not interested, don't confuse me for a nun!
Also ace/aro ≠ lack of desire, I promise you the raunchiest stuff on AO3 is likely written by an aspec person
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How do you feel about Harry following the publication of his book? What about Meghan?
Um, the boy ain't right. I don't know if there's Something Going On™ that hasn't been diagnosed, or he's just...a straight up window licker, but he out here making me like
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I'm upset I know more about his dick than I do about Sea Duke's, that's for sure. I'm also upset that I learned this against my will. I did not ask for this. I may have to seek therapy.
As far as his wife is concerned, I don't know I mean...all I know of her is biased opinions of bitter Bettys on @royal-confessions which may or may not be due to the submitters misinterpreting the directions on their box of tampons oh wait they're all post-menopausal women nevermind. I don't know enough (nor care to find out) about her, aside from she was an actress on a show I never heard of until she married Harold Thee Stallion. I don't get an entirely "genuine" feeling from either of them, if I'm honest, which is amusing to me because Ginger Savior was heralded as being Perfection Itself™ while Sea Duke is a "grumpy old racist Nazi." MY HOW THE TURN TABLES.
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healthymindsetidea · 6 months
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🌿 Embrace the Change with Menorescue 🌸
🌼 Menopause is a natural phase in a woman's life, but it doesn't mean you have to endure it alone. Introducing Menorescue, your trusted companion through the journey of menopause!
🌿 Crafted with care and backed by science, Menorescue is a unique supplement designed to ease the transition and support your well-being during this transformative time. Say goodbye to hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances, and say hello to a renewed sense of balance and vitality.
✨ Key Benefits of Menorescue:
1️⃣ Hormonal Harmony: Menorescue is formulated with a blend of botanicals known for their ability to support hormonal balance, helping you navigate the ups and downs of menopause with grace.
2️⃣ Cool Comfort: Experience relief from hot flashes and night sweats, allowing you to regain control and focus on what matters most in your life.
3️⃣ Mood Support: The carefully selected ingredients in Menorescue can contribute to a positive mood, helping you maintain emotional well-being during this significant life transition.
4️⃣ Restful Nights: Enjoy a more peaceful sleep by addressing common sleep disturbances associated with menopause, so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day.
🌟 Why Menorescue?
Menorescue is more than just a supplement; it's a support system designed to empower you through this natural evolution. It's time to embrace the change and live your life to the fullest!
🌈 Join the Menorescue community and let's celebrate the beauty of this transformative journey together. Because menopause is not an end; it's a new beginning. 💖✨ #Menorescue #MenopauseMagic #EmbraceTheChange #NaturalSupport
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fangirling-throughlife · 10 months
My brother was being an insufferable little bitch after being home for a full consecutive day after his gf left to her hometown, so my parents, instead of setting him straight and make him behave himself like they would've done with me when I was his age (20 next week), said "if you're going to sulk all the time, go stay with her for a week, we'll come and get you next weekend so we can have some family time™ before your sister leaves again (to go to fucking work because I'm an adult who doesn't get to behave like a bitch to get things to go her way)". So, I'm spending the three days I was promised cool stuff (a water amusement park, visiting my cousin who lives near a beautiful natural park with a river...) in the girl's family's unfinished cottage in the middle of nowhere, ignoring the little shit of my brother to avoid yelling at him for being a spoiled SoB and ruining my 2 weeks of holiday that's supposed to be relaxing to go back to work. So, as a summary, here's how that "amazing family time™" is going (after 7 hours here, admittedly it feels so much longer and I'm considering escaping):
1. I visited my best friend yesterday in her new city (2-hour drive away from my parents) and had to leave to sleep instead of going out like a normal 20-something because we had to leave on time today.
2. I didn't see Spain's winning goal because my mother had me running around the house doing stupid shit like make the bed (with a bedspread I'm not even using).
3. Had to change my CGM in a hurry, and it wasn't until we were on the highway that it gave an error alert that I had to change it (and, of course, I left my emergency back-up back in the house because a CGM works for 14 days usually). Cue panic attack.
4. Had to listen to a playlist we made in 2018 with Adele, Enrique Iglesias, Michael Bolton and the likes for over 3 hours at an insufferable volume. I've heard that playlist so many times that I can sing it to you from memory, and it was louder than my music in my earbuds at maximum volume.
5. Had to suffer extreme cold from the AC for 4 hours because my menopausal mother was hot.
6. Cue the house. Old, typical cottage in the middle of the mountains, everything is half-finished. Very old-style rooms, no nets at the windows to keep the bugs out (and there are a lot). No AC. There's a heatwave, which is supposedly less here up North, but I yet have to experience that, because it feels worse. The WiFi has to be unplugged at night (so, no fighting insomnia with YT or some show). The bathrooms are old, and I've been informed the upper floor's (my parents' and mine) doesn't get water. Everything is loud (the floors creak, the bed and the door squeak...). Her mother is sleeping here as well, so I've been instructions to be on my best behaviour (which should make them realise I'm here 110% against my will).
7. I've been outside for half an hour and have 6 mosquito bites. I've been in my room for 2 hours (pretending to sleep), and I've been kept awake by mosquitoes flying around, and have killed: 3 mosquitoes, 2 moths, 1 spider, 5 or 6 flies. There are 2 spiders I'm not daring to approach. The room is HOT, and I dozed off for 20-ish minutes and woke up drenched in sweat (and 2 new bites). And my glass of water has a dead fly in it.
8. Our plans for tomorrow fell through 3 times, and we still don't have set plans because "we have to call tomorrow to check their availability", I've been informed that we're supposed to stay almost the full day as well.
9. This town is called a town but is just a glorified street. You can't get groceries here.
I'm so tired and so uncomfortable in this stupid bug-ridden and sweltering hot room that I might request the car keys to sleep in there tomorrow. I'm sure the body ache resulting from that is still going to be worth the few hours of actual sleep I might get.
I can't believe that I'm almost 25, I have a full-time job, and I have absolutely no say on my holidays (I've informed my parents that I'm going on a retreat next year, and my mother was eager to join, so I told her that a "get the fuck away from everything and everyone" included not seeing anyone I knew). I saw my two best friends for a grand total of 9 hours, and did the middle-aged thing of going to a nice restaurant. I'm going to see another friend for a couple of hours before he has to go to work (because today didn't work). I'm tired and emotionally exhausted, and I'm 100% sure I'm going back to work in a worse mental state than I left. At least I'll be happy I'm away from this.
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knackfandomarchive · 11 months
I agree with your bro, Lucas seems 16-17 in the first game (very stubborn teenager energy), and I'd surmise there was a 5 year gap between games (seemingly since The Boys™ aren't living with the doc anymore). For everyone else I'd say in the first one:
Ryder - 30 (or late 20s, early 30s)
Doc - 58
Charlotte - 54
Katarina - 26
That's just the vibes though lol
Yeah, Lucas is hard to figure out. The way he acts in the first game vs the second is way different, and trying to reconcile what the other characters say is hard. At one point, I did believe he was 15 in the first and about 20 in the second. I even had a sort of gag line that also hurt my heart, when Knack is in Xander’s dungeon and he gets sad about possibly missing Lucas’s 21st birthday.
I'd probably have to make a whole post examining the games and such; trying to type it up here gets pretty wall-of-texty. There's plenty of evidence to make several different cases. My quick explanation is that the doctor's complaining in 1 made it seem like Lucas just got into the throes of puberty, about middle-school age (and middle school sucks!) Hence 12. And Lucas's complaining of Charlotte's mothering in 2 seemed like something a mid-teen would say.
How old might one expect a "youth leader" like Ava to be?
I definitely agree that Ryder is in his late 20s or early 30s, and Katrina’s age seems reasonable to be mid 20s. Just based on vibes.
I haven't yet decided how old Charlotte and the Doctor are. From what I've heard, menopause does some crazy stuff.
(Now I'm wondering how old Viktor is, considering some of his dialogue about seemingly knowing what the Doctor was like before Charlotte)
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing! 😊
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The 10 Scariest Things About keretaapi
Have you at any time been in the middle of a imagined when, Rapidly, You cannot keep in mind Anything you were being considering any longer? If that is so, be confident that you're not alone. Just about Every person has seasoned memory decline or lack of concentrate sooner or later or Yet another.™
It is simple, All things considered, to have sidetracked by so much stimulation all-around us each day! Scientists think that we've been exposed to not less than one,000 advertisements daily - which is ample stimulation to distract any individual.
In addition to about stimulation by media, for instance the phone, e-mail, Television set, or movie online games, there are several demonstrated elements that induce individuals to get rid of their educate of considered, including the subsequent:
1) Hypertension - Chances are high great that For those who have hypertension and substantial blood pressure, you're going to be additional prone to have psychological deterioration.
2) Diabetic issues - Like hypertension, Diabetic issues can Engage in a huge function in decreasing cognitive operate, Specially among older Girls.
three) Reduced serum folate - Minimal amounts of serum folate are already demonstrated to cause the atrophy of the cerebral cortex - the A part of the brain wherein we process views and Reminiscences.
4) Vitamin B12 deficiency - If You're not obtaining adequate B12 in your day-to-day eating plan, your memory may perhaps extremely effectively take a strike. Other nutrient deficiencies may lead to supplemental Mind perform loss. By way of example, an absence of folic acid or omega 3 fatty acids may produce an elevated prospect of dementia.
five) Toxicities - There are lots of toxicities that can lead to reduced Mind perform as well, like publicity to hefty metals, narcotics, and aluminum.
six) Menopause - Certainly, It is true, Gals. Chances are you'll working experience lessened memory function and focus in the course of menopause.
For those who knowledge memory decline or are continuously getting rid of your coach of believed, there are a few stuff you can perform that could enable enhance the problem. Training a number of instances a week for at least fifty percent an hour or so can reduce your chance of memory decline. Each one mile that a woman walks each week can minimize her risk of memory reduction by as much as thirteen%. Also, choose up a fresh language. Exploration suggests that folks with low linguistic skill could be additional prone to working experience memory reduction than All those with high linguistic ability.
Keep in mind: Anyone encounters a particular diploma of memory loss eventually in time. Only getting rid of your coach of considered Every now and then really should not be a priority, but it could be an indicator that you need to evaluate your lifetime routines and maybe search for the recommendation of a professional to determine the right training course of motion.
The most typical questions I get about the subject of State-of-the-art male chastity is about how attractive is it to possess a chastity piercing, for instance a Prince Albert, to make sure the safety from the product.
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The imagining guiding it can be reasonably clear-cut: lots of the more secure, severe, and so highly-priced chastity gadgets need the man to have a piercing in his penis Hence the chastity gadget may be locked into spot correctly.
Probably the most typical mix is usually a Prince Albert piercing (in which the securing pin enters the penis via a gap from the underside of The top and exits with the urethra), but you will find units suitable with frenum and ampallang piercings, way too.
So, this raises a couple of questions.
Very first, why would any person try this?
Effectively, the answer to this is simple: it makes the devices much safer.
Most chastity gadgets - even whole belts - might be escaped by a man who's decided to take action, furnished he employs sufficient lubrication and can endure a little bit agony.
It is probable there are some equipment for which this isn't genuine but I have nevertheless to come across just one.
But a device secured having a piercing is as secure a chastity product as you happen to be at any time likely to get, just because the penis is held prisoner having a metallic pin essentially passing throughout the flesh.
And also the devices' design means there is not any way to get rid of the system devoid of getting rid of the pin to start with, Unless of course you happen to be willing to tear your individual flesh (only a few men would want to do this, I'm positive).
And for guys seriously interested in prolonged-expression and long lasting chastity, a secure product is part of your thrill.
There is one thing about getting locked inside of a secure device that basically does switch men on. The sensation of getting no Charge of their own orgasms is intoxicating for them.
Just Remember: no chastity gadget is or ever may be a hundred% safe, indicating no person is at any time stored in the chastity machine towards his will.
There's no question some products are more secure than Some others, and It palang pintu kereta api is really likely several could only be taken off or escaped from with the help of instruments.
Though the tools necessary are easy and most Guys most likely have them currently lying close to within their garage. Additionally, taking away the gadget will be flawlessly Risk-free, as well, so long as he took care.
Even a device which works by using a piercing pin to maintain the penis protected is usually eliminated merely by slicing the pin (which could be done simply just and properly having a set of tinsnips or wire-cutters, say).
The next cause of the piercing is the fact for many Males and girls it's symbolic - which symbolism is quite strong.
In a significant proportion of associations where by they follow male chastity, part of the dynamic is the woman "owns" the man's penis, or not less than has all the "rights" concerning it.
In these conditions having the penis pierced, if the gentleman really desires to have it performed or not (bearing in mind he always has the choice Actually, and so It really is just Section of the sport) is symbolic of the power-Trade.
Needless to say, you needn't be pierced to delight in chastity, and you don't even require a device.
The concept you are doing is just Yet another myth propagated by a variety of Individuals who have their own personal agendas for wanting you to acquire into their technique for imagining.
My partner, John, was pierced but he by no means truly settled to the gadget, so we took the piecing out and he at present wears a Lori #2C, that is created for un-pierced Males.
At present he is in long-phrase orgasm denial and The key reason why he would not escape is he does not want to.
Male chastity is admittedly about two people that enjoy whatever dynamic they opt to put into practice and is simply a case of getting to be educated about Secure, sane and wise procedures.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
A week from now I'm getting a medical implant that will cause chemical menopause. It's the best treatment option for my endometriosis and I already had a hysterectomy (plus one ovary removed) in 2021. So I'm already peri-menopausal but making it official, just having a specific date of 'and that's when I start menopause' is a bit strange. (I'm 35)
I feel some sort of way about it. Mostly because I have SO much other health shit going on and now my peri-menopausal symptoms are just going to be straight up menopause.
Being a trans boi with ovaries is so fucking exhausting. I hate it. I wish my hysterectomy would have been the end of it, but I know there's no cure for endometriosis no matter how many organs were removed.
Anyway, for anyone else who struggles with endo -- I see you and you are so valid! I'm sorry you have to navigate this shitty disease. I love you and I'm always around if you need to chat.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 month
VEOZAH™ (fezolinetant) for Vasomotor Symptoms due to Menopause
Just saw a commercial about this med for hot flashes.
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wellnesseveryday · 3 months
MENORESCUE ((⚠️YOU’LL BE SURPRISED!!!⚠️)) WellMe MenoRescue Review - We...
✅ Menorescue Official Website™: bit.ly/wellmemenorescueoffer
 ✅ Menorescue Official Website™: bit.ly/wellmemenorescueoffer 
 Thousands of Women Are Being Rescued From the Menopause Rollercoaster. Are you in search of a dietary supplement tailored to ease you through the menopausal transition while promoting your overall well-being? If so, MENORESCUE is the ideal choice for you! Not only does it offer numerous benefits to support your health during menopause, but it also provides additional advantages that make it an excellent option for enhancing your overall well-being. MENORESCUE is a doctor-formulated menopause dietary supplement available in tablet form, meticulously designed to facilitate a comfortable and healthy transition during menopause. Its natural ingredients play a crucial role in maintaining balanced cortisol levels, thereby promoting the equilibrium of estrogen and progesterone. 
 ✅ What Is MENORESCUE? MENORESCUE stands out as an advanced menopause supplement in tablet form, specifically crafted to address the challenges of the menopausal transition. Among its benefits, it assists in promoting a healthy balance of cortisol levels, which, in turn, helps to stimulate equilibrium in estrogen and progesterone. Furthermore, this supplement gently supports the body's production of these two vital hormones. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven and can be trusted to work efficiently. 
 ✅ How Does MENORESCUE Operate? MENORESCUE operates as a dietary supplement by harnessing the power of natural ingredients that aid in regulating cortisol levels, thus promoting a healthier balance. 
 ✅ How to Utilize MENORESCUE: As a dietary supplement, MENORESCUE is intended to provide support during the menopausal transition while simultaneously improving overall health. It should be taken in tablet form, with a recommended dosage of two capsules per day, to be consumed with water or food. 
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scienceofbeauty · 4 months
Emepelle Serum-Key Benefits, Main Ingredients
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Explore the transformative benefits of Emepelle Serum with our informative infographic. This ground-breaking product, designed specifically for women in menopause and perimenopause, combats signs of skin aging due to estrogen loss. It's packed with powerful ingredients like MEP Technology™, Vitamin C, Niacinamide, and Hyaluronic Acid to restore firmness, hydration, and luminosity non-hormonally. Embrace the journey to healthier, more youthful-looking skin with Emepelle Serum.
The Science Of Beauty 
Shop Beauty & Skincare Products
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healthfulreviews · 4 months
End of Menopause? Minimize Symptoms? A Complete Menorescue Review
✅OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://cutt.ly/MwXfQbU3
0:00 Introduction 0:14 All About MenoRescue™ 1:03 Benefits of MenoRescue™ 1:58 Ingredients of MenoRescue™ 3:00 Menorescue™ contraindications 3: 19 Can Women with Allergies Take MenoRescue™? Quality and Security 4:16 Exclusive MenoRescue™ Guarantee 4:35 Is It Worth Buying MenoRescue™? Hello, friends of Healthful Reviews! If you're seeking a smooth transition through menopause, you'll love what I'm sharing in this video! Stay with me until the end to find out what I'm talking about. All About MenoRescue™ "MenoRescue™ is a unique, research-backed approach to transform the menopause experience. By addressing the root problem - harmful cortisol levels - this supplement not only tackles hormonal decline but also mitigates symptoms such as mental confusion, sleep problems, weight gain, fatigue, hot flashes, mood swings, joint discomfort, digestive issues, lifeless skin, low libido, among others. With an advanced approach, MenoRescue™ offers a Hormonal Balance Blend that regulates cortisol, along with a Hormone Boost Blend with proven ingredients to support estrogen and progesterone Benefits of MenoRescue™ Healthy Body Temperature, Faster Fat Burning, Balanced Mood, Energy Throughout the Day, Flexible Joints, Restful Sleep, Healthy Heart, More Active Brain Function, Balanced Life, Improved Relationships, Family Moments, More Energy for Love, Clearer Thinking, Personal Transformation, End of Sweats and Chills, Calmness and Tranquility, Enhanced Focus and Concentration, Emotional Stability, Better Self-Esteem Ingredients of MenoRescue™ Sensoril, Greenselect Phytosome, Rhodiola Rosea, Schisandra, Sage Leaf, Red Clover, Black Cohosh, Chasteberry, BioPerine MenoRescue™ goes beyond physical symptoms, offering a crucial second step to hormonal freedom. Its unique hormone-boosting formula includes pure and potent phytoestrogens, combined with clinically researched herbs, smoothing the hormonal transition and providing stability during menopause. Additionally, active components aid in the absorption of the formula, ensuring robust and fast results Who Should Take MenoRescue? MenoRescue is intended for women going through menopause or perimenopause. It is formulated to support hormonal health during this phase, aiming to alleviate symptoms associated with hormonal transition. Caution Anyone considering the use of supplements should consult a healthcare professional, especially if pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescribed medications, or having pre-existing medical conditions. Additionally, individuals allergic to any listed ingredients should avoid the product How to Use MenoRescue™ It is recommended to consume 2 capsules of MenoRescue per day. Each bottle comes with 60 capsules, enough for 30 days Can Women with Allergies Take MenoRescue™? MenoRescue™ is a safe option for women with food allergies, being vegetarian, vegan, and free from gluten, dairy, sugar, nuts, soy, egg, and shellfish. The formula is carefully developed to meet various needs, aiming to provide benefits without triggering allergic reactions. Committed to Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and produced in FDA-inspected facilities in the USA, MenoRescue™ ensures quality and purity. Testimonials from women using MenoRescue™ The reported benefits are endless. Women who take MenoRescue correctly highlight the significant transformation they have experienced, moving from a tumultuous menopause to a more serene period, with a noticeable reduction in symptoms and discomforts. Exclusive MenoRescue™ Guarantee Try MenoRescue™ for 6 months risk-free, regardless of the chosen package. If you're not satisfied, you can request a 100% refund, even with the stock depleted, thanks to the "empty bottle" guarantee, demonstrating complete confidence from the suppliers in the product Is It Worth Buying MenoRescue™? MenoRescue™ offers an innovative solution to face menopause, going beyond conventional formulas. By combating harmful cortisol levels, it promotes a smooth transition, relieving symptoms such as mental confusion, sleep problems, and weight gain. With a 6-month, empty-bottle guaranteed refund, it reflects total confidence. Don't let the menopause rollercoaster impact your quality of life. Click the official website link in the description if you want to take the first step towards a more comfortable and balanced menopause.
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thereportanalysis · 5 months
Vaginal Ring Market Unidentified Segments – The Biggest Opportunity Of 2024
Vaginal rings or V-ring (polymeric drug) are the devices which are placed inside the vagina and provide continuous doses of estrogen and progestogen into the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. V rings also have non-contraceptive applications such as symptomatic relief during menopause and management of hormonal imbalance in individuals with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that affects 1 in 10 women of childbearing age. Further, the rising prevalence of disease related to women’s health and increasing initiatives of the government to support women’s health is driving the vaginal ring market.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/23784-global-vaginal-ring-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Vaginal Ring Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Vaginal Ring Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Vaginal Ring The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Bayer AG (Germany), Merck & Co., Inc. (United States), Ansell (Australia), Pfizer Inc. (United States), Actavis (United States), Allergan plc (Ireland), HRA Pharma SA (France), Eurogine (Spain), Yantai JiShengYaoXie (China), TianYi (China), Merck & Co., Inc (United States), Johnson & Johnson (United States), QPharma AB (Sweden )
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healthymindsetidea · 6 months
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