#The Harpe Brothers
visualtaehyun · 5 months
The brothers, Day's anger, and Night & Mork
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Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
This is in part inspired (brainrot-induced? brainrot-fuelled?) by @chalkrevelations's post about the brothers and Day's behavior (go read it first if you're reading this!!) and in part just my usual language rambles observations.
Let's establish a few facts first (all pronouns presented as A/B are to be understood as I/you)
Night is older than Day - by enough that he's older even than Mork! (Mork and Porjai both call Night พี่ /phi/ while referring to Day as น้อง /nong/)
The brothers use กู/มึง /guu, mueng/ with each other, despite their age gap. These are informal pronouns that are actually pretty rude outside of using them with people you're close to because they're overly familiar -> for reference, Day, Gee and August all use these with each other, and Mork and Porjai use them with each other
Between ep. 1 and 2, Night and Mork go from the polite formal ผม/คุณ /pom, khun/ in both directions to Night using กู/มึง /guu, mueng/ and Mork using ผม/พี่ /pom, phi/ - they're friendly with each other! -> for reference, that's the exact same as you hear P'Aof and JimmySea using in the bts- P'Aof uses กู/มึง /guu, mueng/ while Jimmy and Sea use ผม/พี่ /pom, phi/ with him
Same as I've said that Mork and Day's way of speaking is getting sweeter, Day and Night are. uh. kind of the opposite. But also, they barely talk directly to each other anyway.
So let's look at that fight in the car in ep. 8
Night tries to engage Day and an awkwardly-caught-in-the-middle Mork takes up the speaking instead. When Day opts to use Mork as a middleman (just one of many instances of both brothers not speaking directly with each other), Night keeps on trying to engage him to no success. And then he just kinda- 🥴
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ส่วนห้องน้ำคนพิการอยู่ทางขวา /suan haawng naam khohn phi gaan yuu thaang khwaa/ -> คนพิการ /khohn phi gaan/ = disabled/handicapped person (don't let the /phi/ in the romanization fool you, it has nothing to do with the pronoun พี่ /phi/)
I wonder since when they've been this distant because Night here isn't looking at Day like he's a person, he's almost looking at Day only through the lens of 'person I need to take care of' - because of the responsibility their mom has put upon him and because he's the older brother - anyone who's the eldest child among siblings and feels seen please raise your hand 🙋‍♀️
Night means well, he cares about his brother - but he's also ignorant and a bit of a klutz with his words. It's being singled out as disabled and the implication of needing special treatment in everything that tick Day off enough to speak directly to Night and start getting rude:
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The word here is เหี้ย /hiia/ and it won't be the last time or the only curse word he uses.
Night is saying all the wrong things of course, while Mork is sitting in the back having to witness it all (and maybe being reminded of fights he's had with his own sister).
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มึงรู้ปะ ตอนนี้กูเห็นเหี้ยไร /mueng ruu bpa, dtaawn nee guu hen hiia rai/ = You know what the fuck I see right now? กูไม่เห็นเหี้ยไรสักอย่างไง /guu mai hen hiia rai sak yaang ngai/ = I don't see a fucking thing! แล้วทุกอย่างแม่งก็หนักขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ /laaeo tuk yaang maaeng gaaw nak khuen reuuay reuuay/ = And it's all damn getting worse.
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แล้วเพราะกูรู้ว่าแม่งแค่ฝันเนี่ยะ /laaeo phraw guu ruu waa maaeng khaae fan nia/ = And because I know it's just a damn dream, แม่งยิ่งเหี้ย /maaeng ying hiia/ = that's even more fucking shit.
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Oof. Calm down, kiddo, this is your brother ;;
Day speaks with bitterness and resentment and viciousness. I don't think this started when Day started losing his sight but long before that, the way Day talks to and about his brother:
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The only one who's looking out for Night is Mork
We actually get a lot of reaction shots of Mork silently watching and trying to parse the family dynamics, reaction shots of Night looking melancholic because of or happy for his brother, and sometimes it even looks like Night and Mork make sympathetic eye contact via reaction shots:
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Night defends Mork several times in front of their mother and later tells Mork that they're grateful to him for making Day happier! And Mork does the same, he mentions Night to Day positively. Day doesn't realize it, for some reason, but Mork and Night talk to each other. And they see how Day interacts with the other one.
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So it didn't surprise me at all to find out that Mork had gone behind Day's back yet again, after the brothers had that huge fight in the car. Of course Night knows where they are and that Day is safe. Of course Night knows. Night is constantly making sure that Day is okay without actually showing his involvement - he is just as invisible as Day and Mork were in parts of the story.
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hellhoundlair · 10 months
general question for anyone whod care to answer: was there a moment that supernatural really clicked for you? for me i was enjoying it as a casual viewer for the first season but by the end of Heart it clicked and i went from enjoyment to obsessed
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estah · 1 year
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grandparents and cousin terry came over! atlas wasn’t feeling too happy though, so eden went to comfort them
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mechieonu · 5 months
no bc it's soooooo so so funny how the movie first empathizes that kai & oogway were brothers in arms only to slap the "no homo" bandaid the second the narrative focused on just how good friends they were
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punkrogue · 23 days
i just thought of it again with the context of rogue and her limits bc of her powers but like -- kurt in the genosha event looked like he'd fucking died. in this show it's #confirmed that unlike in comics they DO actually put time into the sibling relationship. she literally rushes over to him and goes to instinctively check his pulse but to do that requires touch, realistically no-glove touch so you can feel a thready pulse.
she can't do that. her brother might be dead or hurt and she can't touch him.
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politeanarchy · 11 months
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"You'd be as happy with a harp as I'd be with a pitchfork." "You know we don't play harps."
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soupmanspeaks · 1 year
I think if qsmp was a show, q!phil's leitmotif/theme would primarily be piano, when he, chayanne, fit, and ramone were having their epic moment at the difficult ship, I'm pretty sure the music that was in the bg contained piano and during tallulah and chayanne's temporary death, a somber piano song played Idk I know its a coincidence, you can't script those sorts of things, but like I think it would be cool if Q!phil had a piano leitmotif!!
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ereborne · 6 months
✨⚡️ Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday ⚡️✨
Tagged by @acountrygirlsfun (a couple times by now, though not actually this most recent time, but I figure it still counts!) Thank you, Caitlin <3 <3 <3
Helix took a deep breath in, counted four flashes of the desperate direct-@ lights coming in from his side chat panels, and breathed out.  His voice came out steady, and miraculously casual.  "We understand why you did it. You were trying to keep our brothers safe." He watched Harp's eyes go wide at the 'our' brothers. Like he hadn't expected the rest of them to claim the Corries. Because he'd been hiding from them just like from the longnecks, he had falsified his— Deep breath in. Two flashes, no time for longer, leave no silence for Harp to panic in.  Breathe out. Keep going. 
This is not seven sentences, but it's also largely not complete sentences anyway, and it is literally what I just seconds ago finished writing. Still counts!
No-pressure tagging uhhh @ialpiriel, @goingsparebutwithprecision, @anaclastic-azurite, anybody else who might want to play?
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myhauntedsalem · 9 months
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Built-in the late 1700s, The King’s Tavern is one of the oldest buildings in the state. The restaurant and bar have a rich and somewhat disturbing history. A man named Richard King bought the building years after it was constructed. The story goes that he hired a young girl named Madeline to be a waitress and then had an affair with her. When King’s wife found out, she had the girl killed. It’s said that Madeline’s spirit now haunts the tavern.
Then, in the 1930s, three mummified bodies were found in the tavern’s chimney. Some say that these are the bodies of those murdered by the Harpe brothers, who are often referred to as America’s first serial killers. The Harpe brothers were known customers at the restaurant.
So one of the infamous brothers, Big Harpe, was staying at King’s Inn one night, spending a wad of stolen cash from a robbery a few days before. Also staying in one of the attic rooms was a young woman with her newborn baby. She had tried relentlessly to quiet the fussy infant but to no avail. Finally, Big Harpe had had enough of the endless squalling. He marches up the stairs to the attic room, bursts through the door, and snatches the infant from its mother. He then grabs the baby by its feet and swings it with all of his might into the adjacent brick wall. The baby of course died upon impact. Both the infant and the mother’s crying can be heard on the upper levels of the Tavern from time to time.
Today, visitors to the restaurant report heat coming from the fireplace even when it’s not lit, shadowy figures, doors shutting inexplicably, and noises that sound like a crying baby.
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thelien-art · 2 years
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I actually started with putting light around Maglor first instead of Elros, over the shadow, but I didn´t think it worked, so now I just have a headcanon that when the Feanorians swore the oath they lost their tree light. And the blue in the background is of course for the sea
Also, you can´t tell me Maglor didn´t sing Elros to sleep!
I´m also 99% that Elros hit Maglor in the head and that´s why his nose is bleeding.
Happy adoption day Elros!
Maedhros and Elrond
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tanoraqui · 1 year
inspired by Jailbird by @jaz-the-bard. I like it very much! But I can’t shake this vision of an alternate option for Maglor in the Battle of the Black Gate...
The Lords of the West were fully surrounded. Aragorn, Eomer, and the others barely had time to position their banners before the orcs advanced, jeering and clashing swords on shields as they came. The great Easterling oliphants bellowed. Out of the shrouding darkness over Mordor flew the Nazgúl, with their shrill shrieks that stole all hope.
Maglor set his hands once more to the harp Elrond's sons had brought south with them, which had survived dragonfire, Úmaiar, the end of a world and two Ages after that, and raised his voice and his Music in reply.
He did not Sing the Black Gates down (though he could have; they were strong but shatterable, to his keen eye). He did not Sing in direct counter to the Ringwraiths and their flying terrorbeasts.
He Sang the refrains which had once guarded Lothlann's wide plains and the battle cries which had once swept before the great Host of Eastern Beleriand faster and farther than the greatest arrow. He sang fear into the hearts of the enemy and courage into the hearts of his allies.
He Sang of the unstoppable valor and might of the House of Fëanor as it could have been, should have been, never was—still alight with the glory of Aman yet all the lessons hard-learned in Beleriand in the dauntless determination of their steps and the savage skill of their arms.
The army of darkened Men swept in from the north and Ambarussar darted and leapt through them with utter unpredictability, until you saw that no matter how far apart, they moved as one. Amrod shot how crossbow while Amras reloaded; Amras ran up an oliphant's tusk and took a gouging knife to its eye while Amrod stole a horse and hacked through its hamstrings.
Orcs came like a black flood from east and west. On one flank, Curufin wielded a slim duelist's blade that moved like lightning and an endless stream of knives, for blocking and throwing. Every one found their perfect mark. Celebrimbor stood back to back with his father, with his great two-hander and three shining rings upon his fingers. Sauron's creatures burned before they touched him.
Caranthir met the other flood with the eclectic, deadly style he'd created himself, with moves from dwarves and men as well as every kind of elf. He fought with twin short-swords and brutal efficiency.
Trolls roared and wargs howled. Celegorm leapt toward his favorite foes with not just Treelight in his eyes, but the extra shine of one beloved of a Vala. In his right hand he wielded his great war-spear and at his left came Huan Lúthiendil, greatest of Oromë's Hounds.
Maedhros fought one-handed toward the Black Gate itself, the only irreconcilable fact—but Maedhros had never truly fought one-handed. The shield strapped to his right arm smashed into an orc's face as his sword swept another through the belly. His copper curls were the streaming banner under which East Beleriand had united time and time again, and he was alight with a flame that Dagor Bragollach itself had never matched.
And Maglor himself moved among them, of course. One hand on his battle-harp and one on his blade, and Song on his lips. It is said that the great elven-bards of old could conjure images with their song, and here one was one of the greatest. He poured millennia of bitter grief and unexpected hope into his memories of what had never been, and they did more than dance to his Song—they fought. Curufin's knives and the twins' arrows both flickered and faded after they found their marks, but they left blood and torn flesh when they did. Two of the Nazgúl dove for Huan, recognizing their master's ancient foe; with a savage trill of notes, he and Celegorm beheaded the first beast and the second ghost. Caranthir shoulder-checked a falling troll so that it toppled sideways rather than forward onto young Pippin.
...and there Maglor stopped, in summoning the House of Fëanor to the field. Let them fight in the following of Aragorn son of Arathorn, Isildur's heir and Elros's!
Still, he was nearly exhausted by the time the Eagles came, and the dark tower began to shake.
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
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I am kissing these subbers square on the mouth for being so funny and inventive 😂
ถ้าชอบเขาไปแล้ว ก็อย่าใจหมา /taa chaawp khao bpai laaew gaw- yaa jai maa/ = "If [you] like him already then- Don't! Be! A coward!" -> lit. dog-hearted, maybe chicken shit or pussy would've had the same ring but the subs are hilarious as is
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wintered-debtz · 4 months
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meirimerens · 2 years
Saw your post sbout being open to questions. Pyotr headcannons? He's my favourite :-)
he's a creature to me
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oops sorry
peter hcs, i discuss his mental illness a lil bit in it:
mirror twin with andrey. mirrored cheek and collarbone beauty spots. but you knew that already since i draw it
right-handed (mirror twin lore: andrey is left-handed)
with that: when they were in elementary school, they would struggle to focus to learn to write and the teachers later realized it was because even if they were sat together they kept bumping elbows and hurting each other so they just had to sit peter on andrey's right (and andrey on peter's left) then it was fine
always had long-ish hair as he's always always hated haircuts. he sees them as a... tearing-a-part-of, and he really dislikes the feeling. he will only do tearings if that is necessary to his survival (something something... autotomy... something something i've mentioned it already), and while he has accepted haircuts from trusted people (bc otherwise his hair would be to the floor now) he is Not A Fan. his last drastic haircut came after a very bad moment in his life [like this teehee] (<- comic of mine post)
with that: he had longer hair at some point, in fact he grew his hair out to waist-length between leaving for university and the Almost Drowned Incident of above
committed patricide. not alone, or course, andrey helped. their dad had it coming.
and with that: their dad's family also thought he had it coming and are still close to the twins and their mom (as close as they can be with all that distance)
when he was a child he hated being photographed because he was sure the camera would trap his soul inside of it (this might or might not have had lasting consequences in how he sees painting, and feels haunted by his creations
purely personal and deeply indulgent, but he's bipolar to me. mixed episode in P1 and depressive one in P2. i also go back and forth between seeing him as psychotic bipolar, bipolar/schizophrenic comorbidity, or schizoaffective bipolar type. tldr His Brain Funny
he has a weak stomach to me from drinking so much so his "favorite" meal is boiled potatoes with a drizzle of olive oil on top
when they were toddlers andrey Kept Climbing His Fucking Crib to throw himself into peter's so peter has had most of his life recurring dreams/nightmares where something falls on him from when. andrey did. at 5 kilograms like a chicken.
he has long ass legs to me. clock hands looking motherfucker.
he loves textures he loves to scratch his canvases or linens etc...
he USED to bite his nails now that's more of andrey's thing; he's managed to grow his nails out and only gnaws when he cannot cope any other way
not a hc, i think it was mentioned by IPL: guy who's cold. he's cold often... loves piles of coats
i gotta stop eventually don't i
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singeratlarge · 1 year
MONDAY MATINEE MUSIC VIDEO “Gentle Harp” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRPQYrQE6hI …When Chris Andrews isn’t creating musicals, rock’n’roll, or funky pop songs, he composes ambient instrumental music to soothe the ears and mind. "Gentle Harp" began as an easeful lullaby, but the video expands into a tribute to the lighthearted genius of Harpo Marx. It also pays tribute to the diverse people and characters who play the harp. On a cosmic jukebox this would play somewhere between Enya and Vangelis.
#HarpoMarx #MarxBrothers #harp #harpmusic #harpist #gentleharp #chrisandrews #composer #ambientmusic #neoclassical #vangelis #enya #newagemusic #hoveUK
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regalwright · 6 months
My love for this man's performances knows no bounds.
Whenever I'm feeling down, I know I can turn to Harpo's music. He was truly one of the most talented and innovative harpists.
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