#The Gender™
ayumunoya · 4 months
Yamamoto Koji got me questioning everything...like Sir?😭
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creaturemoment · 6 months
Welcome to my secret little kin blog!
My alterhumanity is a bit funky and hard to explain, but basically I'm self-insert kin, winterkin, dragon and angelkin ouo
My agere blog is @snowysmol!
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majimasleftasscheek · 3 months
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👗 pt. 3
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
I've been loving ur mombin comics, but where is the other mom? what trans hottie is not paying her child support out here? (this is said with a lot of love and affection, im very curious abt how she got into that situation, if you have thoughts abt it <3)
ajsjhsdfh i wasn't going to answer this because it's explained in the next comic but kudos to you for being the only person to say 'who's the other mom' instead of 'WHO'S THE DAD'
also the way this is worded made me laugh for like 5 minutes thank you so much xx
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
Hey UK residents, I'm sure your crime rates are at an all times low because look at what your police forces spend money on
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Yes ! Misgendering !
I hope all women who have ever suffered from (real) harassment are protected with the same diligence than LARPers on the internet who got big mad at the lady who told them the dictionary's definition of women.
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cursingtoji · 9 months
❛ 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑼𝒔? ❜┊parting ways with Gojo then finding each other again. wc 1.5k┊The Clichés ™ ┊request
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Megumi watched as you disappeared into an empty classroom sniffing with your head down and he knew better than to meddle in his sensei's private lives, but he couldn’t help himself, being so fond of you.
Ten years ago you were in his life pretty much everyday, the first day you introduced yourself as “Satoru’s friend”.
"I think I'll see you a lot. Between us, I don’t trust he’ll do a good job taking care of you and your sister.”
And you did everything, including showing up at his PTA meetings and to the director’s office when he got in trouble.
“I’m tired of coming up with stories of how i’ve become your guardian, from now on i’ll just let them believe i’m your teen mom” he remembers that conversation like it happened yesterday, he was eight.
“You would’ve been pregnant at 12” Gojo reminded.
“I had my period at 11, so it checks.”
“Please stop talking” Megumi asked sitting on Gojo’s shoulders after you both showed up to his school, being called because he fell and scratched his knee.
“Gojo-sensei? I think there’s something you need to deal with” Megumi called Gojo and pointed to the door he saw you entering.
Megumi never understood what happened, he never asked either, one day you just stopped being his… guardian. Behind the weird humor, he saw Gojo was shaken too, being a kid he didn’t know for sure if you were dating, but the fact Gojo never dated anyone makes he thinks at some point during the time you were part of his life you two started to date but then broke up, he only saw you again when he entered Jujustu High, a couple months ago.
Gojo looked to where Megumi was pointing, knowing the room as the classroom from when he was a student alongside you. The sensei put his hand on his protegee's head, a silent gesture of "thank you, I got this."
When Satoru entered the room he saw you sitting by the window, hugging your legs and looking far away. You didn't move your head even though you heard him entering, he knew you did, but he would be lying if he said your indifference didn't hurt him a bit.
Satoru thought about how small you looked. Since your young days, he grew a few more inches, not too much, but enough to assume a more adult aspect. Meanwhile, you still looked the same girl he teased and joked with. Only now, your eyes felt heavier, like you were tired of carrying all the piled up frustrations.
"You might be the only person who's safe place it's their old classroom" he slid the door shut. The room was dark, it was around sunset time but the day had been cloudy so instead of a warm orange glow, the room where Satoru was scolded so many times felt gloomy and shadowy. You to face at him, head rested on your knees.
"I don't get it, Satoru. What else am I supposed to do?" you sighed, remembering the nth meeting you had where you didn't get the promotion you wanted so much. Gojo walked to his old seat, putting his long legs up on the table.
Years ago, he wasn't sure of the consequences of having you tag along his journey of adopting Megumi. It's not like he asked you to. He was too proud to ask for help, but you did anyways, and he let you. He allowed you to help raise a kid that was taken away (even though he paid for it) from his blood relatives, simply the most influential clan of the jujutsu world. Satoru was too naive to think there would be no consequences.
Well, for him, there was none.
But the Z'enin elders directed their attention to you, someone that wasn't from any strong clan, or nearly as powerful as Gojo. In the beginning, you thought it was just a coincidence that they were only sending you in easy missions, dealing with low-level curses that any grade 4 sorcerer could handle. After two years, Gojo realized it was purposeful. They were punishing you for taking part in driving Megumi away from whatever their plans with him were.
And when you had no experience to justify being upgraded, you would be stuck being a level 3 for god knows how long. Gojo had to make a decision, he tried to tell you what was going on, indirectly blaming Megumi as the cause of your career plateau, he didn't expect you to flip like you did. In fact, you blamed him, Satoru himself, he was the one taking all the high ranked curses, being the strongest and outshining everyone else.
"That's why Nanami left, y'know? What's the point of staying if only the great Gojo Satoru is capable of saving people and exorcizing curses?"
Of course that was all frustration talking, but he didn't know any better and he fought back, accusing you of playing house with him and Megumi and neglecting your own skills and training.
"You became weak, that's why you'll never be a grade one."
Such strong words, coming from the strongest, followed you even after you ran away for the next few years, barely saying goodbye to the kid you got so attached to. You had to prove you could be strong, become a grade one then Megumi would be proud of having not one but two strong guardians, yet you failed to realize this search for power actually drove you away from him. Once you came back, your boy was taller than you, naturally more talented too, of course he was, he had the ten shadows, Satoru had the six eyes... and what did you have?
Even after all these years, sweet blood and tears, you were not even a grade 2, but a semi-grade 2. Gojo was well aware of whose fault it was: the elder's and a little bit of his too.
"I'm sorry" he said looking at the empty blackboard, the blindfold didn't allow you to see the sentiment in his eyes.
"What happened to us?" you murmured.
There were very few things Gojo regretted more than his words that day. If he kept his mouth shut, maybe you two would be married by now. Like he dreamed when he was nothing more than a teen.
Clearly, he wasn't happy either. Back then, he delusioned himself into thinking that having you away was for the best, that you would be off the radar and given better opportunities.
Satoru turned to you, raising from his seat and taking the space behind you, placing one leg up the window frame beside you and letting his other touch the floor on your other side, he didn't touch but you couldn't resist the proximity and leaned back on him, resting your head on his chest.
"Nanami returned, did you see him?" Gojo inquired, wanting to be with you in his space forever.
"Not yet, Utahime told me though" you confessed, not telling him the part where you cried like a baby the night she told you that, remembering how you used your former classmate against Satoru, to prove a point you didn't even truly believed in, and now he was back, it only served to prove you wrong and immature.
"And there's Maki too" he reminded, "You two are in a similar situation, she could use some help."
"Out of all people I'm the least—"
"Let me stop you there, sweets" the old nickname gave you butterflies, Gojo took your chin, making you look up at him, "It won't be easy but I think I can convince those old farts to make you a teacher too, that way you can help her and... be close to Megumi" you thought about becoming a teacher before, but it would be nearly impossible given your current grade.
"I dont think they're gonna let me," you exhaled.
"Don't you trust my incredible looks and influence?" he tapped your nose and for the first time that day you cracked a smile.
"Sure, give them your worst, 'Toru" the nickname escaped your lips without a thought. Felt so right, being in his arms, calling each other pet names, planning for the future…
"It's not too late for us to start over" he cupped your cheeks.
Is it not? Megumi was entering a new phase, one you could be more actively a part of; there was a new Z'enin that needed assistance too and even if you were not given recognition for it, you were stronger... Was it too delusional to think you had a new chance?
"Okay, Toru."
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Also part of the Clichés event:
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Tattoo artist!Choso
Morning sex — Toji
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drempen · 11 months
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I've never done a spidersona before but they looked like a lot of fun so I wanted to try one 🕷
Name: Robin Tkachenko
Alias: Silver Weave
Pronouns: he/they
Ethnicity: Ukrainian/Chinese
Powers: can weave webs and make spider constructs out of light, spider strength/reflexes/flexibility, no spider-sense but can sense movement within a certain range and with their webs, night vision (resulting in super sensitive eyesight during the day)
Design based on:
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The Australian silver orb spider
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alilaro · 2 years
move over nerds, the clock tumblr sexyman is out. it’s time for Ominous Older British Woman That Lives In The Ceiling And Might Be God time.
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autistic-katara · 5 months
imagine you’ve possessed a doll. you have no control over this possession; you didn’t do it intentionally and can’t leave it, you’re stuck in it.
it’s scary, instead of flesh your skin is made of plastic, you’re tiny compared to your proper hight, your clothes are probably strange too. you can’t just act like a normal doll. play the parts the kid who owns you wants to play, act out the little lives she wants you to have or sit on the shelf like all her others when she’s busy. half of you wishes you could for her sake and the other half wants to rebel harder against her stronger force than you already have to.
there are ways to feel more comfortable, become more outwardly human. they’ve invented ways to make you a normal hight for a person, to make your skin as close to flesh as possible, to make you seem human again. but they’re hard to get. they’re expensive, it takes a while to even get to the clinic, it needs to heal, it won’t be a perfect recreation and worst of all, the kid has to be cool with it as long as she’s still playing with you; which she’s not. she also wants to play with you forever and ever or at least be able to go back to it if she wants to. you’ll be breaking her heart if you ever go through with it but she won’t just say yes while she has the power. you don’t care about what she thinks about it. you hate yourself for it too though.
you didn’t mean to kill her perfect toy, it wasn’t your fault (or hers) that something shoved your spirit into her plastic friend. but it happened and because she can’t accept it all you can do for now is try and get your hair to look less synthetic and wear people clothes instead of the doll ones, though she keeps trying to put you in shirts with velcro at the back (they just don’t make human clothes in your size and the ones we shrink down break so quickly!).
the kid almost pretends as if she believes you. she says she loves you but you know she just sees you as acting out for fun, she talks about you that way, sometimes too your face. you feel bad about taking her precious pretty doll from her but it wasn’t like you could control it. you resent her for dehumanising you like this, though. no matter how hard it is for her. you just want to be loved as a person.
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Autismusdiagnose in Schland kriegen so
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(Zu Anfang war's 8-10 Monate, die dann zu 14-16 wurden, btw)
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I wish I could be agender the way Murderbot is agender. Right down to the lack of biological sexual characteristics. So agender that the term agender comes with too much associated gender to accurately apply. You know what I mean?
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creaturemoment · 4 months
Current status on The Gender Situation: Might have some fluidity up in there. Gender jello, dare I say.
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gaygayhomesexualgay · 7 months
straight mfs be like "its not offensive to tell the truth" then spread misinformation
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flophawk · 4 months
i had to do more theyre just too silly
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forget kfc gang ITS TIME FOR THE FCC GANG i imagine they have gang mandated breaks from being Silly Lil Guys to pretend theyre all very professional and buisness (doesnt work theyre still silly)
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augustjustice · 6 months
Genderqueer Steve Harrington is like...simultaneously both a soft butch and a drag queen stacked together in a single trenchcoat. To me.
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doomed-patch-of-ink · 2 years
I'm normal. I'm normal. I am normal and I care a very normal amount about Vee getting flustered around the museum part-time worker whose nails were painted the colors of the nonbinary flag.
I am absolutely not going insane about the attempted bonding over changing your appearance to fit what you want to express at the moment.
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