#The Fate Of The Furious
junkfoodcinemas · 1 year
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The Fast and the Furious Franchise (2001 - )
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dealwiththegods · 1 year
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alessiathepirate · 6 months
The Fate of the Furious
ALIVE: Deckard Shaw x fem!reader
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Summary: She thought Deckard Shaw died - yet luckily he didn't. After joining the crew on the rooftop, he had some explaining to do.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I may have made while I wrote this short story.
A quiet thank you for my friend who watched these movies with me during a movie night. I love you <3
Warnings: swearing, mentioned violence and death
"Oh, this will be good." Roman said to Tej as he poked - or rather punched - his arm. Both of them looked at the scenario in front of them, suddenly forgetting about their bickering over Ramsey.
Perhaps if things went differently, they'd stop arguing to quietly laugh at Shaw carrying a baby - only silently, because they perefer living over dying. Shaw with a baby was something they couldn't imagine at all, yet the thing Roman pointed out wasn't the baby. No, it was Shaw himself, who clearly overestimated his self-worth if he showed up there after the stunt he pulled.
And just in time, the girl whose feelings were very obviously hurt because of the said stunt noticed Shaw's arrival - and she looked like she's seen a ghost.
"No way, man. I really don't want to see this." Tej answered unsurely, leaning back in his seat.
"You won't want to miss it either. She'll kick his ass, that's for sure." In no other scenario would Roman dare to say that - the guy might have super hearing or something.
And just like that, the show started.
"You dick!" the shouting was so loud everyone's gaze was on her, but then - after understanding the situation - they decided to look away, not wanting to become a target of her wrath. "You absolute fucking asshole!"
"Come on, sweetheart, don't curse in front of the-"
"Don't you act like you suddenly give a shit about someone!"
"Oh, he fucked up!" Roman laughed in his seat.
"He fucked up big time." Tej agreed, and it was very rare that they did.
"No way I'd be him right now..."
Her expression was a mixture of anger and hurt, and she very clearly didn't want anyone else there to intervene - no man would dare to either way and they wouldn't succeed in doing so without getting a punch to the face.
But Letty, understanding her feelings because she was the only one she had talked to about them, did her best to diffuse the situation - in front of the child at least.
"I'll take him, don't you worry." she took the infant seat from Shaw, who had the expression of betrayal on his face.
"Thanks for your help, now why don't you go and talk this out?" if Dom's voice was anything to go by, he secretly very much enjoyed seeing Shaw's face as his son, the safety blanket he could hide behind was taken from him.
"Yeah, why don't we go and talk this out, Shaw?"
Ramsey gasped behind them and Dom patted Shaw on the back, sending him the luck he'll need. Roman poked Tej on the arm again, Hobbs chuckled from not so far away.
Deckard Shaw must have fucked up big time - he himself knew that too. It's been months since she called him Shaw. He was never Shaw, only Deckard or maybe if he was lucky enough, Deck. But he was never ever Shaw.
"All right, let's talk this out, sweetheart."
She hugged herself with her arms, not giving him the opportunity to hold onto her hand. Deckard didn't try to do so though, he understood where the line was and he didn't want to overstep it.
They walked to the other side of the roof, away from their gazes and voices, and only then did her eyes start to water.
Deckard wasn't good at apologies, but even he knew that's the time for one. She's hurt and rightfully so, but he didn't mean to hurt her at all. God, he'd go to Hell and back for her and he knew she'd do the same - they knew more than a few things about the other and they liked the other even if they don't like many people.
But now she's sad and hurt - and angry, because of Deckard and he didn't know what he should do to make it better.
"Sweetheart, I-"
"No, don't you fucking sweetheart me." Sweetheart was the petname Deckard saved for her and didn't use it on anybody else. "I thought you died, do you know how that feels? I thought you fucking died!" she grabbed onto the railing to try and regain her strength. "Do you know that I cried for you? I fucking cried for you. I almost went after Dom by myself to hurt him like he hurt me and Dom is my friend!"
He put his hand on her shoulder and she let him, but she didn't look at him at all.
"And then you just call me to tell me everything is okay, I- I don't know what hurt more: that you didn't tell me or that you don't trust me enough to tell me stuff like that."
"I trust you. I trust you and I don't trust anybody else." Deckard touched both of her shoulders to turn her towards him.
He expected her to be angry or sad, he even expected a punch to the face, like when she playfully hit him after a way too bad one liner on a mission. But she didn't do any of that.
No, she was crying. And if Deckard was bad at apologies, then he was even worse at comforting crying women - especially someone he genuinely cares about.
"Why didn't you tell me not to worry?" her voice was high pitched, the kind Deckard hadn't heard before. She never cried. He hadn't seen her cry.
He made her cry.
"Because I needed her to believe it."
It was a poor excuse. He knew it - she knew it.
Yet it was still better than not saying anything or him just saying a 'fuck you'.
"So you're okay? Not even a small cut?" she asked looking at his face, trying to find some scars.
"You know me, sweetheart." he smiled and she was the only one who has ever seen him smile. "And I know you too, so if you'll punch me please tell me so I can get ready."
She chuckled. "Because?"
"Because your punches are really fucking strong."
That was the kind of compliment Deckard Shaw gave her, the kind only she recieved and no one else. And she smiled at that too, even if her eyes were still teary and the pain and fear didn't fully go away.
"I don't want to punch you."
"Really?" he had a suspicion that she really wanted to.
"Really. I just got you back and you want me to hurt you straight away?"
"I'd let you and I'd deserve it too."
He really meant that, she thought as she examined his face, trying to find some dishonesty. She couldn't find any - but to her surprise, his eyes were soft. There was some softness in there, the kind no one's ever seen, because they didn't deserve to see it.
"No, just..." she wiped away the tears and pushed his hands off her shoulders as she leaned against the railing. "I just want you to promise me that you'll tell me- the next time, because in a job like ours there will be a next time for sure."
"Yeah, I promise."
She smiled softly, her wrath slowly disappearing and tiredness took its place. She looked tired.
"You know, we never really talk about it, but just so you know, you mean a lot to me." she said quietly, as if she's confessing something she's not ready for yet. "And I mean it. I really do. No joke or anything."
"I know." he really knew, and he also knew that not many people would do that for him. "And I'd kill for you."
"I know, you already did." she chuckled. "And not even once."
"They deserved it."
"In your eyes everyone deserves to die who looks at us the wrong way." she said remembering all the times Deckard decided to pull out a gun to shoot someone who was unfriendly. "Actually, I'm surprised Hobbs is still with us."
"I promised to fight him one day."
"Yeah, I'm not surprised about that at all." she looked at the others who sat around the table talking. "You'd win."
"I know I would."
"But he'd kick your ass too. He asked me if I want him to do that after the stunt you pulled. I said I'd think about it."
"And what do you think?"
"You'd deserve it, but I'm leaning towards a no."
Deckard laughed and so did she. It was good to laugh with him again.
They stayed quiet after that. She didn't know what else to say or rather how she should talk about the things she should definitely talk about. She thought of the last few hours and days, how Letty was there for her after Deck's fake death - and what they talked about. How she regretted not telling him the things she wanted to.
"I didn't mean it like that." she spoke up after a while. "When I said you mean a lot to me." she had his full attention, she knew it and felt it in his gaze. "I meant that I think about you as more than a friend."
She continued to look at her friends again, watched as they laughed and talked. Dom had his son in his arms and Roman and Tej were arguing again. She focused on every small detail instead of looking Deck in the eyes.
"I know what you meant sweetheart. That's what I meant when I said I'd kill for you." she had to look at him when his hand was on hers. "I just can't let them see me as a softie, can I?"
He was teasing her and he was grinning, and in that moment for her he was the most lovable, playful asshole in the whole world.
"You dick!" she shouted with a laugh as she hit his arm and she felt the others' eyes on herself. "You come back from the dead and you act like this? I should let Hobbs kick your ass. Being soft with me is the least you can do to apologize."
"I knew you wanted to hit me."
She hit him on the arm again - this time the both of them were grinning like idiots and she wouldn't have it any other way.
"Of course I do. This is the worst love confession I've ever seen."
"But you wouldn't have me any other way."
"That's right, I wouldn't. I'd be way too bored without you in my life."
This time he caught her arm before it could land and his hold on her wrist was gentle. That hand could kill and punch - and he looked damn good when he did that -, but it would never ever hurt her. Not intentionally.
They both leaned in to kiss the other - and they most likely argued about who had the balls to initiate the first kiss later. It was a great kiss, a damn good one. The one what's full of passion and emotion, the one that made her stomach tighten.
"I love you, you idiot, but if you act like you're dead in front of me ever again I--" he kissed her again to shut her up.
"I love you too."
"So much for not being a softie." she giggled as she hugged him, hiding her face from everyone - because she was grinning like an idiot in love.
"You won't let this one go, will you?"
"Not at all." she answered. "By the way, just so you know, Dom wasn't the only one who called your mother."
"You did not call my mother."
"I didn't want to punch you, but she'll definitely scold you for me."
She smirked as she saw his expression. "You're one evil woman."
"But you wouldn't have me any other way." she quoted.
On the other side of the roof the table was set a long time ago and everyone was waiting for the two of them to join in so they can start to eat. Although watching the drama before eating wasn't too bad either.
"You know, as much as I dislike him, I'm happy she's happy." Ramsey said after the pair kissed.
"I was right man, I really didn't want to see that." it was Tej's turn to poke Roman, who only stared at Deckard and her in disbelief.
"I expected more drama." Rome said with clear disappointment in his voice. "And why is she in love with the guy? What does he have that I don't?"
"Why don't you go ahead and tell that to him yourself. I'm sure he'd happily answer you with a punch." Tej teased him with a grin. "Go ahead boss, ask him."
"I hate you all..."
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cosmicanemoia · 11 months
Alone Together
Cipher (Charlize Theron) x reader
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You met a woman. She met you.
First meet. (The Fate of the Furious)
You were hiking, enjoying your time alone, away from everyone. Suddenly, a blonde woman who came from the sky falls right in front of you. You were shocked as hell. You smile at her and scoffed and shake your head sideways, which pique her interest, she removes her parachute, she then ask you "what the hell are you smiling at" as you walk pass her, she grabs you and puts a knife to your throat. You both breathe heavily, you look her in the eye and smile more as you hold your eye contact. You move closer to her face, making the knife cut your skin.
"Is this supposed to scare me? Cause this kind of shit just turns me on. This is the stuff of my fantasy. Tall, gorgeous woman with spacey eyes holding a knife to my throat, heh. If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up yet. But if you wanna kill me, do it then," you stare in to each other's eyes, you said "I didn't think so," she decided to put the knife down and took a step away from you, she let's her eyes to wander the vastness of the woods, you walk past her and after a couple of steps you look back at her and said "well, aren't you coming?" She looks at you and you nod signaling her to come with you when she finally catches up with you, you said "Not that I'm complaining, you just made one of my dream came true. if you needed help, you could have asked for it." You smiled at her
"What are you doing alone in the middle of nowhere?" She questioned. "What everyone who would go alone in the middle of nowhere do. Be away and alone." You answered and questioned her in turn."What were you doing falling from the sky?" She didn't answer. She just kept trailing behind you as if she didn't hear you say anything, "I see. You don't have to tell me anything." She scoffed and chuckled.
You were actually on your way back to the cabin when she fell in front of you. As you came nearer and nearer to your cabin, she asked, "You're not one of those serial killers or psychopaths are you?" You grinned at her amused by her query. "What? Good one, even if I am, I'm sure you could handle yourself. Everyone's a psychopath, and most just play along with the system," "That is not a no." She commented, and you're just looking towards your destination and continue walking.
"We're here. Make yourself at home." You welcomed her, and she is hesitant but eventually decided to go in the cabin with you. She thought that you were right. She could definitely protect herself from anyone.
You went in and paid her no mind. You just went on your daily routine as if she had been there for a long time. You didn't offer her anything, and you didn't treat her like a guess. You said she could sleep wherever she wants, and she just nods at you, sitting near the fireplace.
Later at night, you make your way to bed and you saw her lying comfortably there, reading something, you said "that's my bed" and she said "you said I could sleep wherever" you look back on your words earlier and you agreed and said "fine" you slip on the little space on the bed and nudge her to move a little to give you more space. "Hey!" she said, "what? You can sleep wherever and I can't? This is a king-sized bed, stay in your corner, and I'll stay in mine." She rolled her eyes at your remarks, gave you some space, put her book down, and went to sleep.
Morning came along and she didn't see you beside her, you already got up, so she gets up and went to look for you, she sees you eating your breakfast outside the cabin just right in front of it. You turn your head and see her. "Sleep well?" You asked, she think about it for a couple of second and she did in fact slept well, the best she had in a long time, but she didn't admit it and simply said "yes"
"I'm going back to reality. You can stay here as long as you want but don't tell anyone about this place. You and I are the only people who know about this place. It will be our precious secret. "
"Wait--" she said. "Oh-- right. There's a motorbike at the back and extra gas, enough to get you to a small town. You'll manage." You informed her. "That's no-- That's - I, uh- thanks," she mumbled and thanked you. "See you when I see you, miss gorgeously strange badass. I hope" you winked at her then walk away.
You gave her your name but she didn't return the favour. Now she thought she should have.
You are hiking to the nearest motel and take your car from there. You have always left it there before you went to the cabin, and then you drive home.
She spent a month at the cabin enjoying the solitude, but after some time, she got bored and got a little creep out by the silence and the old-fashioned place. She needed her techs.
Next meet. (F9)
After a year, you came back to your cabin. You open the door, and as you step a foot inside, someone grabs you and pins you to the wall while holding a knife to your throat.
"We gotta stop meeting like this," she said with heavy breaths, and you could see her smirk.
"Agree to disagree. I hope We don't." You smirk back.
You both stay in position for a hot couple of minutes just staring into each other's eyes, exchanging heavy breaths. As she let you off and pulled away, she scoffed, and you frustratedly scoffed, too.
"Have you left, or have you been here since?"
"Course, I left. What would I do in this dump for a year? I just came back, I've only been here for a month."
She was waiting on you to come back, she figured you come back to the cabin once a year, so she came back a month earlier, after a year of meeting you there, hoping to see you again.
"You've been staying at this dump for a month. Huh." You said, and she replied, "What? It's so old fashioned, there's no Internet and I have to bring my own techs here" you look at her with disappointment written on your face "that's the whole point of all of this" you shake your head unimpressed.
"Is this all of it?" You said as you look at the coffee table with all the technology too advanced for you to understand. She confirmed and you move and took it all and lock all of it in a treasure chest, and throwing the keys amongst the other keys on the drawer near the chest, she couldn't even protest, too baffled by the sight. "What was that for?" She finally spoke. "You'll get them when I leave," you said as you raised your eyebrows up and down at her. "And when is that gonna be?" She asked frustratedly. You look at her with a stoic face, and she gulped, caused by the view in front of her, giving her goosebumps. She's never felt like this before.
You smile a few seconds later and phrase in a seductive voice, "I just got here, and you already want me gone. That's not how you treat your lover who just got home, my love, you know better than that" "That's not what I mean-- I'm not--" she defended but you quickly cut her off "Let's get some fresh air. The air in here is a bit thin. " she rolled her eyes as you walked out.
She searches for the key in the drawer. With no luck she didn't find it, there are a lot of other keys in the drawer. Sighing in defeat, she followed you out and saw you sitting at the front porch. You were looking as far as your eyes would allow you into the woods, she walks over and sat next to you.
There was silence for an awkward moment until you decided to break it, "Do you want to be cuddled?" Her eyes widened, and she scoffed in shock, "What?" She laughs nervously and you repeat yourself "I want to cuddle you, it's so cold here, and I don't wanna go in yet" "then let's make a fire" she offered and you refuse "that would take a lot of work, come here" you stretch your arms out and welcome her in to your embrace but she complains and whined "why do I have to be cuddled when you're the one who's cold, I should be the one cuddling you" she kept protesting.
You stand up, and she looks up at you. You stand behind her and sit down, your arms and legs wrapped around her. "What are you doing?" She asked,"keeping both of us warm, " you answered.
She shakes her body, "get off me," she commanded. Your embrace loosens, and she misses the contact. "Okay," you started to get off of her, but she muttered "fine" You embrace her tightly as the cold air brushes your cheeks.
She could just throw you down if she really wanted to, but there's something about your embrace. It's warmth - that stops her from doing so and instead keeps her wanting more.
Three days you live together, almost like an old married couple, endless bickering, madly flirting (on your part). The domesticity of it all made both of you forget the worlds you live in are burning. But all good things come to an end rather quickly than bad things.
You made a pack for your hike at the nearest motel and got ready to leave after you've eaten breakfast.
"Bye again for now, Ms. GSB" You bid adieu, "I have a name, you know, " She said in response, "No. I don't know." You told her, and she mumbles, "Wha-- That's not what I---" you cut her off, "So. Tell me." "My name is Cipher" she thought you'd ask more question like 'who is named cipher, just cipher' but you pulled her out of her train of thoughts and hugged her tightly "Hi. Cipher, It's been great spending time with you." You pulled out of the hug, but she aches for more, but she knows better than that or so she thought.
As she watches you leave, a wave of longing comes crashing on her already, she went inside and sat down, she sees the treasure box still locked, she'd forgotten about her beloved techs, she smiled to herself. Her mind brought her to look back on the conversation she had with you.
"What are you grinning at?" She asked as she looked at you, already looking at her with a wide grin plastered on your face "Sorry I just can't help it. I think you look like a coconut husk.-- A beautiful and brilliant coconut husk, " you said as you winked at her at the end of your sentence. She slightly blushed. "You're so cheesy." She said and shrugs, trying to brush the blush off.
After a few seconds of admiring her beauty and getting lost in her eyes, you asked her, "You okay? You seem pretty mad or something, but pretty nonetheless" you raises eyebrows up and down at her, trying to lift her spirits up " I swear I will just smack you out of nowhere one of these days" she said sarcastically and literally. "Looking forward to it," you replied with the same tone she just had. She looks at you with disbelief and amusement. Your face turns into a frown when she looks away from you.
"Seriously. How are you?" You requested to know, and she just said,"I'm fine. " "Sure you are. But, are you okay?" You insisted in knowing how she is, she took a deep breath and looks at you affectionately, after a few seconds of staring at you she said "I am now" she smiles at you genuinely. "Fine. Don't tell me." You let it go and you chuckled "I see what you did there, that's good" you complimented her, "learned from the best" she responded, and you both let out a loud and boisterous laugh.
Her flashback ended, and she's smiling ear to ear like a silly teenager. She sighed and said, "I want to be alone with you." Out loud, the person who she wants to heart it, already gone.
Third meet (Fast X)
You came back to your cabin hoping to be welcomed by a gorgeous woman, but there's nobody there when you arrived. You just shrug it off and think 'she has a life of her own', you exhale and find your keys.
After a couple of days of settling in, you're accompanied by hot chocolate and a book in your hand, and then someone knocks at your door rapidly. You rolled your eyes and groaned, frustrated by the disturbance of your peace.
When you open the door, worry washes away your frustration. You would say you're glad to see the badass in front of you, which you are, but she's seriously beaten up. You invite her inside and she drinks your hot chocolate, not asking for permission, not that she needed it, she just always do it, Eating out of your plates, drinking out of your cups, wearing your clothes, and you just let her all the time.
After she's settled in and got some rest. You break the silence, "Did you run into a car, or did a car run you over?" You asked, trying to lighten her mood. "I met the devil himself." She said loud and clear, you thought she was joking and that she wants you to leave it alone, so you burst out laughing, you see her at the corner of your eye not laughing with you, your laughter dies down, and realisation hits.
"Oh. You're not joking." You said after you cleared your throat."I wish I was." She replied, exhaustion in her voice is now more evident, "Tell me about it, " you requested.
She tells you the story.
After hearing the end of the story, you think to yourself for a moment, and you said, "So. You have no friends." She smiles at your response to the story she told. "That's what you get from all that?" She questioned, and you took her hand, "I'm just kidding, babe. From what you describe, that doesn't sound like the devil. Trust me. I know, cause I've met them." You nod and try to take your hand back and let hers go, but she tightens the grip, not wanting to be deprived of your touch.
"What do you mean you've met them?" She asked, but you just ignored her. "He just sounds like a total scum who didn't have a mother that loved him." You added to your last statement, and she asks again, "How did you meet the devil?" But you just keep ignoring her."Your guy just needed to be taught a lesson or two, " you added again to your last statement.
"Stop ignoring me!" She shouted, frustrated of you who kept ignoring her, "Okay... chill.-- Damn!" You chuckled nervously, a little scared for your life, but also somehow turned on. "What do you wanna know?" You inquired, and she said,"Everything. Tell me everything." Her eyes fixated on you. You look up at the ceiling, contemplating. "Okay, but there's a catch. I tell you everything, you do the same. No lies. No holding back certain truths to manipulate the story." You commanded, and she took a breath and huffs. The cabin is filled with silence until you both speak at the same time.
You said, "I didn't think so," she said. "Okay, fine. Deal"
Your eyes widen by what she said and ask her to repeat her sentence just so you could be sure you heard it right
"I said, fine. I'm willing to tell you everything if you tell me everything"
You told her who you really are. You put it plainly, not sugarcoating anything, wishing she'd look at you the same after everything.
You're a serial killer. A Stalker. You hunt your prey with the help of your job. A journalist. You were once an investigator, but they black listed you, saying your emotions get the better of you, and they concluded you're not fit for that job. You stalk them, investigate them, and with enough concrete evidence, you know that won't hold up in court. You took matters into your own hands by punishing them yourself. Torturing and killing them if they don't go to prison. Your prey are usually rapist. Physical abuser. And pedophiles.
She tells you her story and everything. How she wants to destroy or rule the world or something entirely different. She told you. She wishes the same thing as you are, for nothing to change, yet everything is.
"I guess we actually do, have a lot in common. We're both killers. We both think we're making the world a better place, but really, we're just making ourselves feel better. --Two silly and lonely humans playing god," You said, and you sighed, and she sighed in return, "Yeah. I guess so, too."
There was complete silence for quite some time.
She looks at you endearingly and smirks, "I was right. You were a serial killer." You both chuckled at the same moment. "Yep," you replied and looked back at her. "So, did you do a background check on me?" She asked curiously, wanting to hear your affirmative, but you didn't give her the satisfaction."No. I always thought you were just a hallucination." "What?" She asked and you continue to speak "but then I think, my mind could have not made up something as badass and intelligent as you" "and, there it is.--" They both burst out laughing, a tear escaping their eye from the joy of it all.
You're now cuddled up in bed. Her head resting on your stomach while you play with her hair. "I hope you still like me after all that" She said out of the blue "I hope you still like me after all that too" You said in response wanting to let her know you feel the same way she do.
"we're insane," she stated, and you agreed, "indeed we are"
She moves up, and her face now hovers on top of yours. She placed a gentle kiss on your lips, and your hand rested on her waist. You're now looking eye to eye, you move your head up and kiss her back, but not as gently, more desperately, missing her tongue on yours for a year, and thinking she wouldn't be back again. Here she is, as desperate and as hungry for you as you are for her.
In the morning, you're now the one resting your head on her body. You look up hoping to watch her sleep, but she's already looking at you. "How long have you been staring at the back of my head?" You asked lethargically, "Not long enough, " she answered, and she planted a kiss on your forehead, and you hummed by the contact.
During lunch, you couldn't keep your eyes off of her. Her stunning features just simply capture you, and then you speak your mind, "Now that looks more you. Miss gorgeously strange badass." You complimented her new look. "I already told you my name. Don't tell me you've forgotten." She said, still fazed by your constantly out of the blue flirting, "How could I forget such a cool name. Cipher, " you said her name in a seducing tone. She shakes her head and turns to look away cause she knows she blushed by the way you said her name, "Whatever." That's all she could say.
After having lunch and constantly teasing her, you rested. You took her hand and led her to a lake. You told her to take her clothes off, and she didn't move, "Is this the part where you kill me?" You didn't answer her and just look at her with a smirk on your face. You walk closer to her and start to slowly take your clothes off teasing her. She gulped, and you moved closer to her with no clothes on, all in your nakedness, you hover your face on hers, and you brushed your lips to her, then you ran towards the water.
She stood there dumbfounded, all worked up, and turned the hell on. She quickly took her clothes off and followed you. She wants you to finish what you started.
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quakeinmyboots · 1 year
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fast and furious [ letty ortiz icons ]
like or reblog if you use
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lovecatnip · 2 months
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The Fate of the Furious
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pariaritzia · 1 year
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Nathalie Emmanuel in THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS (2017)
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nellarw95 · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Nathalie 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
March 2, 1989
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
2 Marzo 1989
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punster-2319 · 10 months
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
A very happy birthday to Charlize Theron!
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raurquiz · 10 months
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#happybirthday @CharlizeAfrica #charlizetheron #actress #madmaxfuryroad #DoctorStrange #MultiverseofMadness #thefateofthefurious #f9 #fastx #aeonflux #snowwhiteandthehunstsman #atomicblonde #monster #smokingguns #thedevilsadvocate #tully #theaddamsfamily #TheSchoolforGoodandEvil
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
Fast and Furious: Quarter Mile
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alessiathepirate · 6 months
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ALIVE: Deckard Shaw x fem!reader
Summary: She thought Deckard Shaw died - yet luckily he didn't. After joining the crew on the rooftop, he had some explaining to do.
Warnings: swearing, mentioned violence and death
LAVENDER NAIL POLISH: Dante Reyes x fem!reader
Summary: Sitting at the table with Dante as he paints her nails, makes her wonder why he's doing that in the first place.
Warnings: none
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itscrazylate · 4 months
Will always be mad that Vin Diesel’s character in the 2001 hit classic ‘The Fast and The Furious’ (plus all 10 of the sequels) was named Dominic, instead of just. Still being Vin Diesel
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
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Watched The Fate of the Furious and like....
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