#Teddy Mathews
thepermanentrainpress · 8 months
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Gallery: Slow Pulp @ The Pearl - Vancouver, BC Date: October 13, 2023 Photographed by: Danielle Costelo
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cheezy-whizz · 11 days
Shout out to dysfunctional teenage friend groups from 80s movies, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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baynton · 1 year
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Thomas Thorne in Ghosts (2019–) | 2x04: The Thomas Thorne Affair
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saw a post on tiktok called the “seven hockey players theory” and i wasn’t about to make a tiktok about it, so i’m posting mine on here instead (beware, i will have more than one player per each category):
1. the player who made me fall in love with hockey:
sidney crosby (although honestly it was just my first time playing hockey as a young child that made me fall in love with the sport, sid that made me fall in love with the nhl), evgeni malkin, and kris letang
2. my new favorite player:
(new-ish) jason zucker and sebastian aho (canes)
3. my comfort player:
jeff skinner and mitch marner
4. the player i go crazy for:
kevin fiala and rickard rakell
5. the player i miss the most:
carey price and shea weber
6. the player i’d protect with my life:
marc-andré fleury (🥹🌺) and mathew barzal
7. the player i’ll always root for:
john marino and teddy blueger
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reluctantjoe · 11 months
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two tickets to the barbie movie please
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k-n-e-o · 6 months
My favourite phrase recently is “awe, he’s just a wittle guy 🥺” and I kid you not I have used it in reference to every single ZB1 member.
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imdead770 · 4 months
The Outsiders × Reader - Valentines Day
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Authors Notes - Inspired by prompts by @rumble-aint-a-rumble-without-me
(Again, tysm for inviting me to this!)
More specifically, these are how the gang would ask you to be their valentine.
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Darry Curtis -
He strongly believes he's too old for the 'be my valentine' shit. But it gave him an excuse to ask you out, so he did it. He didn't tell the gang because he knew they'd all freak out and either A) tease him for it or B) ruin it. Probably both. So he just casually went and asked you out. Really straight up, probably with a rose or something. Literally just came up, knocked on your door, and went
"Will you be my Valentine?"
Just a simple, straight forward ask. Whenever you accepted he offered to take you out, all that. He was internally kicking his feet and jumping up and down, though.
Sodapop Curtis -
You already know he had the most thought out, cheesiest, sweetest proposal ever. He's been plotting this since New Years. I already know that all week at least 60 girls asked him to be their Valentine. Each time he said something along the lines of 'I already got a date, miss. Ya can take Steve, though, he free as a bird.'
Whenever he finally asked you, your jaw dropped. Chocolates, flowers, a teddy bear. He even washed his hair?!!?? Steve's holding a sign in the background?? It's like a prom-posal for Valentines Day. Obviously you said yes, which ultimately leads in him hugging the life out of you. He literally stays with you the rest of the day, like you two are soul mates now. You're stuck with him.
Ponyboy Curtis -
Literally has no idea how this works. I mean the kid's 14, he's probably never had a girlfriend except some random 1st grade girl when he was the fastest kid in class. He gets Soda to give him 'girl getting' lessons. The run through this whole plan.
The day of said plan, he's so nervous he forgets the plan. The plan is gone. It's just blushing and shoving chocolates into your hands. You got the message, though. Plus you thought him being flustered was cute, so you said yes. He was shocked, like his jaw dropped. It dropped more when you kissed him on the cheek and went on your merry way. You two met up at the movies later, though.
Johnny Cade -
Again, has little to no idea what he's doing. He would ask Dallas but you're not exactly a 'broad', so he's on his own. He got some advice from Soda through Ponyboy. Just a bit, though. This time there is no plan, he just comes up to you, holding some wildflowers he picked outside. He asks you really, really quietly. You understood what he meant. He didn't want to make it a big thing. So you just smiled, taking the flowers and saying yes in some way shape or form. Again, he was shocked it worked.
The gang probably found out sooner or later and set you two up at the diner. Which was actually really nice because they had Valentines Day deals and all that. Plus Johnny's super sweet, so 10/10 experience.
Dallas Winston -
He's so confident it's annoying. No plan, no flowers, no chocolates, nothing. It depends how close you two are. If this is like the first time he's asking you out he comes with nothing. If you two are already close-ish, he brings you some cheap flower or necklace he stole. He's Dal, it's not heartfelt, it's more like him asking you out rather than being Valentines. He thinks that's way too cheesy.
So he asks you on a date with his thick New York accent shining through. You said yes, of course, and he doesn't even wait for you to get ready. 'Ya loak go'enof' doll, you ain't needa' freshen'up a' nowthin'."
He's not exactly sweet, but he tries to be more decent. It's the thought that counts I guess.
Two-Bit Mathews -
You already know where this is going. He asks you out with some really bad, kill yourself worthy pick up line. I'm not creative right now so I can't think of anything good, but trust me, it was bad. All the cheeseyness of Valentines day in one sentence.
He probably high fived you or some stupid shit when you said yes. Basically it was just a lot of flirting, joking, and more flirting. That sums it up.
Steve Randle -
Again, he acts like he's too cool for the whole 'Be my Valentine' thing. He asks you, just not directly. Probably with a really badly written card or a box of chocolate he got from DX with the employees discount. He didn't put too much thought into it, he just gave you a box of chocolates. If we're being honest he probably already ate half of them. If he didn't he asks for some once he gives them to you.
When you say yes he acts like he knew you would, but he was genuinely surprised. You two ended up hanging out, though. Not really a fancy date, more sitting at a diner with chocolate milkshakes and him downing chocolate cake.
I'll post what they'd do if you were already dating on Valentine's soon!
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
Okay but like can we please get the part two of Mat and Mama’s fight 🥺 that broke my heart
Mat had been riddled with guilt all day long. After practice when he’d returned home to relieve Lola, your nanny of her duties with the kids.
Ivy hadn’t said much to him, silently avoiding him.
When he put Ryder down for his afternoon nap he found Ivy sitting in the living room watching Bluey on the tv.
“Hey Princess”
She looks up at him from her pile of blankets, clutching her Sparky stuffed teddy
“Hi daddy” she mumbles, her eyes never leave the screen.
He sits next to her, arm draped over the back of the couch.
“You wanna talk about what’s going on in that lil head of yours?” Mat asks, poking her head which pulls a giggle from Ivy.
She looks up at him, your eyes looking back at him as she asked “Are you and mommy not love each other anymore?”
Mat’s heart broke and he let out a shaky breath “Of course not baby, I love mommy so much”
“Why do you shout then?”
“I don’t know princess… I guess I’m just upset with mommy sometimes and that’s ok! You get upset with Ry sometimes, right?” He nudges her and she shrugs
“I guess”
“Well sometimes me and mommy get mad at one another but that doesn’t mean I don’t love her” he explains and Ivy hums in response
“I love your mommy so much ives, no matter what! Momma could be so mad at me and I’m still gonna love her so so much because she’s my best friend in the whole wide world”
The little girls head quirks to the side “she’s your best friend? I thought that was uncle Tito?”
Mat’s head shakes “Mama’s my best friend forever”
Ivy seems satisfied with his answer and goes back to her show.
That night there’s a game at the rock so you won’t be home until late. The kids don’t typically go to devils games unless one of the wives or girlfriends take them, it’s a somewhat established rule that Mathew should not attend Devils games as it can be seen as disrespectful to the islanders organization.
So it was a pleasant surprise to Ivy when Mat tells her to get ready after dinner, both kids are dressed in a devils jersey with their last name on it and the number 13.
Ryder’s in a carrier on Mathew’s chest while he sits in the stands next to a very excited Ivy who keeps telling everyone “My mommy’s on the bench! She’s a doctor!”
And “I know them! That’s my uncle Nico!”
There were a few confused and excited hockey fans when they saw him. The in house event team were having a field day once the puck dropped.
The jumbotron panned over to your family at one point and you were too busy watching the game so Nathan shouted
“Hey Barzal! Tell ivy we love the support!”
You frown until Jesper points you up to the jumbo tron. There is Mat, Ivy and Ryder all smiling and Ivy’s holding a sign that says
Go Devils, Go! + Mommy!
You smile and shake your head “That family of mine”
Once the game ends you make your way to the medical room to see to those boys choosing to come down who ends up being Vitek, Jesper and Nico.
“I saw the kids out there tonight” Nico mumbles while you do stretches on his leg.
You smile “Yeah i saw them on the jumbotron, Mat must’ve brought them — I told them to go home Ry would’ve been asleep second period and Ivy looked like she was so close to sleep”
It’s late by the time you get home, the light in your bedroom is the only one on. You shrug off your coat and take off your shoes before tiptoeing up to Ivy’s room and kissing her sleeping head then into Ryder’s room to do the same.
By the time you enter your bedroom Mat is sitting up in bed waiting for you. You don’t say anything, slipping into the bathroom to shower and changing into your pyjamas.
Once you’re finished and re-enter your bedroom Mathew is still sitting there just looking at you.
“What’re you staring at?” You question, slipping in under the sheets.
Mat smiles “My beautiful wife”
You Huff “If that’s your way of apologizing, it’s shitty”
He frowns, pulling your hand into his and angling his body towards you
“You’re my best friend, I love you and I’m sorry”
His words, while not long were heavy and you knew he meant them.
You don’t respond, he doesn’t need a reply. Instead you let go of his hand and shimmy down so your head is rested on the pillow, Mat does the same.
You’re both facing one another and he leans over to kiss you slow, your emotions pour into the simple kiss.
Every ounce of anger, sadness, lust and happiness poured into each other. Mat’s hand gripped the back of your thigh and urged you to flip on top of him, straddling his waist.
Once the two of you pulled away, giggling like school children You mumbled “Thank You for bringing them tonight, it meant the world to me”
“Lou’s definitely gonna kick my ass tomorrow, but it’s worth it — you’re worth it baby”
“I love you, mat”
“I love you, angel”
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Anna and Ari adoption HC
They weren't planning on adopting a child when they were in India meeting Aris family there, and initially they had only planned on adopting one child.
But that was before they met Saanvi and Prisha. They are sisters, Saanvi is 6 and Prisha is 3, and inseparable. It's one of the reasons they haven't been adopted.
The other is that, as a result of seeing her parents being murdered, Prisha became a self mute, and has really bad separation anxiety. Saanvi won't leave her little sister
They don't even really discuss it. These girls are coming home with them. And no one is going to talk them out of it.
They let everyone know, but ask that they don't come to Percy Street unless invited. These girls have been through enough and their friends and family can be a lot on a good day.
Flora is the first to come round. She brings them both a plushie Teddie and some story books Ari had liked when she was young. She's becomes the grandma that turns up randomly because she saw something in a shop she thought one of the girls might like.
Then Cecily, Gabriel and Alexander come round. Alex is thrilled to have someone his own age with to have as a playmate. Gabriel literally can't stop having an crisis he's "too young to be a grandfather". Cecily bless her heart is literally the only sane one offering actual practical advice "as long as your children are happy and healthy then everything else falls into place". She should know having raised Anna and Christopher
Gideon, Sophie and Eugenia come to visit. Gideon looks baffled on seeing the girls (despite having been told several times by Sophie) and Eugenia gushes at them. Again Sophie being the gem she is, having heard about what they have been through slips Anna a list of people who might be able to help them deal with their trauma. The list is a God's send and really helps both of them.
Will and Tessa invite them to the institute, so they can get used to the place. Saanvi asks loads of questions which Will answers and Tessa let's Prisha take her time and makes her feel safe.
Then the girls are subjected to introduced to their parents friends. James and Lucie bombard them with books, Mathew comes arms with clothes, Alistair and Thomas are just their for cuddles (Alistair will deny the fact), as does Cordelia. Jesse just let's Lucie ask a million and one questions. Grace comes for a short visit and on leaving simply says "let them know how much you love them"
And these girls really are loved. Anna and Ari don't force anything on them. Their expectations are reasonable; have manners but don't take fools lightly. Don't let anyone dull your light but that doesn't mean it has to be about you all the time.
In time, they both deal from their trauma. Prisha begins to talk again and doesn't have a meltdown and being separated. Saanvi was better at hiding her problems but she's ok
Plus they might not be related to Anna and Ari by blood but there is no doubt who they were raised by. Both are really accepting of anyone and everyone, and will stick up for the underdog.
Saanvi takes after Anna in the sense she's such a social gathering organiser and hoist. Parties, picnics, inventive games Saanvi is your girl. Whereas Prisha inherits Anna's listing ear. You need some to help you process something? Prisha is your girl. Both leant about healing from Ari.
But they are also their own people. Saanvi is an artist. She mostly sketches and paints watercolors. She also occasionally plays the piano with Ari.
Prisha however is a Gardener. She is particularly keen on growing plants that are native to India to keep that part of her heritage alive. She also enjoys cooking and baking a lot of Indian food as well for that very same reason.
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tinycryptograms · 9 months
BBC Ghosts Quiz
All information hopefully correct as of 15/09/2023. Answers can be found below once all the questions have been asked.
Question 1: What is Kitty’s favourite morning song?
Question 2: What are the colours of Mike and Alison's egg cups in the episode Not Again?
Question 3: Which actor voiced the Youtube video about the moon landing?
Question 4: What is the name of the concept character who haunted the neighbouring property and served as an example of “it could be worse” for the other ghosts?
Question 5: Who plays Dandini in the best pantomime that Mike has ever attended?
Question 6: How many swans are visible when Mary says “that one be Lucifer’s lackey, for sure”?
Question 7: According to The Captain, what items does Lucy carry secreted about her person?
Question 8: What were the items listed in “grandma went to the shops and bought an apple”
Question 9: What did Pat joke that Thomas’s variation of Cinderella would involve?
Question 10: How many scouts were there in Pat’s troupe during the archery scene?
Question 11: Where is the circus that Mr Cheese allegedly owns?
Question 12: According to Kitty, what are the colours of the rainbow?
Question 13: What does the Captain do while waiting to hear the King’s Queen’s speech on the wireless?
a. He paces across the room
b. He waits silently and patiently
c. He hums a little tune
d. He repeatedly bounces his leg
Question 14: What does Mike eat in Bump In The Night?
Question 15: What is noteworthy about the final scene of Free Pass?
a. Toby Nightingale pays for reparations to the house to prevent any further accidents
b. All the ghosts watch Mamma Mia
c. The sleeve of Thomas’s shirt appears to be wet
d. Thomas’s breath is visible
Question 16: What film do they all watch at the end of Redding Weddy?
a. Top Gun
b. The Notebook
c. Space Odyssey
d. Ghostbusters for the irony
Question 17: Who plays the ghostly doctor?
Question 18: According to Mathew Baynton, which modern musical artist would Thomas be a fan of?
Question 19: Which of the following did NOT occur in BBC Ghosts:
a. Fanny and Humphrey’s body have a romantic subplot involving cherry blossoms and Pat and Mary find it rather sweet
b. Robin doubts the existence of gravity until Florence inadvertently debunks the conspiracy
c. Thomas convincingly sells pleasing cheeses on Button FM
d. Kitty organises a sleepover and makes The Captain patrol the grounds in case Freddy Kruger is there
Question 20: Which characters does Pat have nicknames for?
Question 21: Which football game does Julian spoil for pat?
Question 22: Part 1: In “the hardest word” what does Fanny compare the sorry song rehearsal to?
Part 2: how does Humphrey reply?”
Question 23: How far did Mike say he was going to run?
Question 24: What species is the large tree houseplant in Mike and Alison’s room?
Question 25: What names does Alison call Robin when she’s shouting at the ghosts in Guerilla War?
Question 26: What is the name of the self-help book that Alison reads?
Question 27: What was the name of Kitty’s teddy bear?
Question 28: Why can Kylie Minogue see ghosts?
Question 29: The poster in Mike and Alison’s bedroom depicts what:
a. Diagrams of various British wildflowers
b. Dancing ghosts
c. A poster for a fictional band
d. Dancing skeletons
Question 30: In Something to Share, Mike is convinced that he can now see ghosts due to a peculiar concoction and a misunderstanding. He’s very excited by this and exclaims “I’m going to see a caveman” Does this ever happen in the series and how?
Question 1: What is Kitty’s favourite morning song?
Answer: There’s a Lark in the Bushel.
Question 2: What are the colours of Mike and Alison's egg cups in the episode Not Again?
Answer: white with a blue pattern and plain white. Additionally the white with a blue pattern also appears in the episode “The Hardest Word”.
Question 3: Which actor voiced the Youtube video about the moon landing?
Answer: Ben Willbond
Question 4: What is the name of the concept character who haunted the neighbouring property and served as an example of “it could be worse” for the other ghosts?
Answer: Pete
Question 5: Who plays Dandini in the best pantomime that Mike has ever attended?
Answer: Humphrey and it’s a wonderful performance.
Question 6: How many swans are visible when Mary says “that one be Lucifer’s lackey, for sure”?
Answer: 5
Question 7: According to The Captain, what items does Lucy carry secreted about her person?
Answer: A field telephone. A bag, and within that bag is a smaller bag, and within that bag, a bag smaller still that contains a stick of lipstick stick, a tiny mirror, and a comb.
Question 8: What were the items listed in “grandma went to the shops and bought an apple”
Answer: An apple, a packet of Monster Crunch Munch, a bottle of sherry, Playboy magazine, an Enfield N°2 standard issue revolver, swingball, and a lace brassiere.
Question 9: What did Pat joke that Thomas’s variation of Cinderella would involve?
Answer: Cinderella drowning herself and the prince dying of a broken heart.
Question 10: How many scouts were there in Pat’s troupe during the archery scene?
Answer: 5
Question 11: Where is the circus that Mr Cheese allegedly owns?
Answer: Bavaria
Question 12: According to Kitty, what are the colours of the rainbow?
Answer: Red, Orange, Yellow, Grey, Blue, Indigo, Very light blue (a rainbow).
Question 13: What does the Captain do while waiting to hear the King’s Queen’s speech on the wireless?
a. He paces across the room
b. He waits silently and patiently
c. He hums a little tune
d. He repeatedly bounces his leg
Answer: c
Question 14: What does Mike eat in Bump In The Night?
Answer: Trifle before falling asleep despite the very spooky circumstances.
Question 15: What is noteworthy about the final scene of Free Pass?
a. Toby Nightingale pays for reparations to the house to prevent any further accidents
b. All the ghosts watch Mamma Mia
c. The sleeve of Thomas’s shirt appears to be wet
d. Thomas’s breath is visible
Answer: d
Question 16: What film do they all watch at the end of Redding Weddy?
a. Top Gun
b. The Notebook
c. Space Odyssey
d. Ghostbusters for the irony
Answer: c. In the end they all watch Space Odyssey (although The Captain appears to be distracted)
Question 17: Who plays the ghostly doctor?
Answer: Paul Cawley
Question 18: According to Mathew Baynton, which modern musical artist would Thomas be a fan of?
Answer: Taylor Swift
Question 19: Which of the following did NOT occur in BBC Ghosts:
a. Fanny and Humphrey’s body have a romantic subplot involving cherry blossoms and Pat and Mary find it rather sweet
b. Robin doubts the existence of gravity until Florence inadvertently debunks the conspiracy
c. Thomas convincingly sells pleasing cheeses on Button FM
d. Kitty organises a sleepover and makes The Captain patrol the grounds in case Freddy Kruger is there
Answer: d. The others, despite being preposterous, have genuinely occurred.
Question 20: Which characters does Pat have nicknames for?
Answer: The Captain (Cap), Fanny (Lady B), and Maddocks (Mads).
Question 21: Which football game does Julian spoil for pat?
Answer: The Quarter Final between Argentina and England at the 1986 World Cup.
Question 22: Part 1: In “the hardest word” what does Fanny compare the sorry song rehearsal to?
Part 11: how does Humphrey reply?”
Answer Part 1: Battersea Dogs Home
Answer Part 2: “ Really? Was there a fire? “
Question 23: How far did Mike say he was going to run?
Answer: At least 10km
Question 24: What species is the large tree houseplant in Mike and Alison’s room?
Madagascan dragon tree (Dracaena marginata). I think. I once had a Madagascan dragon tree called Gerald and Gerald looked very similar.
Question 25: What names does Alison call Robin when she’s shouting at the ghosts in Guerilla War?
Answer: Captain cave-prick and budget Tarzan
Question 26: What is the name of the self-help book that Alison reads?
Answer: Finding Sanity in the Insanity
Question 27: What was the name of Kitty’s teddy bear?
Answer: Bunty Bear. I like to think she named the bear that Alison gifted her Bunty.
Question 28: Why can Kylie Minogue see ghosts?
Answer: She fell and hit her head during the rollerskating montage scene in the music video for Spinning Around.
Question 29: The poster in Mike and Alison’s bedroom depicts what:
a. Diagrams of various British wildflowers
b. Dancing ghosts
c. A poster for a fictional band
d. Dancing skeletons
Answer: d
Question 30: In Something to Share, Mike is convinced that he can now see ghosts due to a peculiar concoction and a misunderstanding. He’s very excited by this and exclaims “I’m going to see a caveman” Does this ever happen in the series and how?
Answer: Yes, in a way. When Robin conducts the lightning in “Not again” his silhouette becomes visible.
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thoughtswordsaction · 3 months
Slow Pulp Made Television Debut On CBS Saturday Morning; EU/UK Tour In May & June
Photo by Alexa Viscius This past weekend, Slow Pulp made their television debut on CBS Saturday Morning to perform an array of highlights from Yard, one of 2023’s most beloved records. The Chicago-via-Madison quartet composed of vocalist Emily Massey, guitarist/producer Henry Stoehr, bassist Alex Leeds, and drummer Teddy Mathews released Yard last fall to a warm embrace from critics and fans…
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screamingforyears · 10 months
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“MOVING ON” is the second single from @explosionsinthesky’s forthcoming LP titled ‘End’ (9/15 @tempresltd) & it finds the long running Austin based quartet of drummer Chris Hrasky & multi-instrumentalists Michael James/Munaf Rayani/Mark Smith bringing some piano-driven & beautifully bombastic PostRock. “WITH THE OTHER HAND” is the official lead single from LOST GIRLS’ forthcoming LP titled ‘Selvutsletter’ (10/20 @smalltownsupersound) & it finds the Oslo-based duo of @jennyhval & @mrvolden bringing “a pop song whispering about someone’s mysterious journey through a street, a building, & a stage” across 3+ mins of synthetically skittering ArtPop. @theeopencity are here w/ “BLITZ KIDS STAY SICK,” the second single from their forthcoming LP titled ‘Hands In The Honey Jar’ (10/6 @getbetterrecords) & it finds the Philly-based quartet of indie-lifers Dan Yemin, Chris Wilson, Rachel Rubino & Andy Nelson raging_the_fuck_out across an economic 1:26 clip loaded w/ rapid-fire beats, scorched six-strings & a dually coarse’d vocal attack. @sam.wrangle is back w/ a new standalone single titled “OPPOSITION” & it finds the Brisbane-based artist eschewing his “Definitely the sound of one person” mantra by teaming up w/ drummer @way_dynamic to further expand the “bedroom jingle jangle” vibes across 4 mins of headily new_waving, poppily post_punking & breezily melancholic GuitarPop. “BROADVIEW” is the latest single from @slowpulpband’s forthcoming LP titled ‘Yard’ (9/29 @antirecords) & it finds the Wisco-born/Chicago-based quartet of multi-instrumentalists Henry Stoehr, Emily Massey, Alex Leeds & Teddy Mathews falling “in love for the first time in a long time” across 4 mins of duskily twanged, rangily robust & hopelessly hopeful AltCountry.
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baynton · 1 year
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Ariel Conroy in You, Me and the Apocalypse (2015) | 1x02: An Erotic Odyssey
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blindone- b5 Modigliani's opium den MIX
Variex- Fighting For The Fight (prod. by Cars & Trains)
Ellay Khule- Dumb It Down feat Acid Reign
david bars & showbiz- dont panic feat. fred the godson
RunLike- Move 2 The Light (feat. Tay Da Crown)
ink operated- eyes fell slave
EL Da Sensei- TOP DOWN Produced by P Original
Juggaknots- Watch Ya Head (Remix)
ghettosocks- the mustardstation featjeff spec timbuktu moka only andmuneshine-soundz
awol one and daddy kev- looks like
Mr. Lif- Triangular Warfare
Smif-n-Wessun- The A.L.L
birdapres & dj moves- the alibi
zilla rocca and andrew- the river knows
St. Louis Gibbor- D.L.T.L.O.I. (feat. Medusa the Gangsta Goddess, MisterCrane, Dapper Dan, CloseOne & Volume 10)
Dark Time Sunshine- Star Scream
Randal Bravery & Joshua Virtue- Occam's Pager
Black Sheep- Birds Of A Feather Feat. Q -tip
Farm Fresh- Limelight 1
flex mathews and damu the fudgemunk- deadin the weight
Planet Asia & Goldchain Military- Chain Of Command (Prod. By DJ Babu)
Open Mike Eagle- Original Butterscotch Confection (Feat. Busdriver)
a.g.- dancin with a shifter
Count Bass D- Aural S(ECT)s
gensu dean- opponents (feat. j-live)
El da Sensei & The Returners- Knowledge Be the Key (feat. Rakaa Iriscience)
alldeadly jizzm- b-boy bentley feat. tony da skitzo and neb luv
Teddy Faley- Straw Man Argument
Thorts131- Train Tracks
Ialive- Drewplex (feat. Andrew)
dwight yorke (feat. shazzam and gruf the druid)
Factor Chandelier- So Cold feat. Moka Only
tachichi and dj moves- how we is
Shabaam Sahdeeq- Men Of Respect (feat. PH, Torae & 8thW1)
Lxvndr & Moves- Andromedan Slice
Diamond District- First Time
sole- All Tommorrow's Sewers
9th Scientist- Throw Stones (Prod by Mannie Gee)
Binary Star- k g b
Kaigen- Still Keep It Underground (feat. Fatlip & Meiso)
Chief and TheDoomsdayDevice- Led by Gaslight
Zion I & The Grouch- Current Affairs
taktloss and the rifleman- git em up ft. riddlore and aceyalone
Thee Tom Hardy- Around I Go ft. Deacon The Villain
Nolto & Factor- Deathbed Confessions
Th' Mole & Friends- Om Manipadme Hum (Here Is A Gun) ft. Body Holliday & Terms None
Kitz Willman- My Driving Hand
The Station Signal- merd
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nityarawal · 2 years
I heard Carmel Benson is selling her home & Idyology restaurant last night f/ Handyman! 
Great news! 
Could y'all arrange settlement w/ ex? 
I'll take both for $400k. 
Before PNC bank repos them For Shane Stewart OR HIS hired bribed murdering militia in management there- like Jerry Sue Haney. 
Dennis SKETCHLEY Nelson Campbell was bummed he didn't get to hang out with you Carmel. 
I told him I just don't think you could've dealt with his Swastikas all over- pretty upsetting. 
Ken- Roseline-Tara-Anette- Laura -Mathew- please conference Carmel & Dr. ADAM CASH IN FOR GRANDE MEDIATION TODAY. 
STEVEN Lee (Chef) & DAVID (manager) ARE OUR WITNESSES on all court abuse at Idyology from Sheriff Chad Bianco, Jeremy Parsons, Enoche, Dan Godsnick & DA Michael Hestrin on court bribes for Judge Clark; via X's Atty Lori "Clark" Viviano & Ashby "Clark" Sorrenson. 
I need my kids & assets now to move on with life. 
Settle With:
Dr. Sunil Christopher Rawal
Of Christs in Cambridge 
Physics PhD from MUM (MIU)
Spy for??? (Suspect Of Cambridge Alytica Politicizing) 
1067 Neptune Ave. Encinitas, CA 92024
Lakshmi Tech 
Domestic Terrorism 
Cyber Warfare
Atty Abuse
Marine Domestic Violence
Complicit with DV help lines & duplicitous in hiding abuse; in-house atty Nazi court terrorists. 
Parent Estrangement
Broker Bribes
Hiding Assets
Stole Assets
Kidnapping Children
Mis-using Family Courts/ Marine Bribes
Real Estate/App/Business Fraud
American Traitor:
Weaponising Sandiego, Riverside & LA Divorce Courts With kicked out Physicist Daniel Smachtenberger & David Farley Kaplan. (Spiritual Center of North America- Heavenly Mountain- To Be Donated to TM.org) as stated in video in law abiding testimony in 1990's via TM teachers Teddy Hirsch & Fairfield, IA Sheriff Walter Devasier.
Need Tahoe Sands Resort re-instated for & all reperations for Huntleys & Bernards. You & Len Labagh really undervalued it if you only got $300k divided evenly & fairly amongst you. It's worth over $50m.
Need Huntley share now. 
Gosh I hope I didn't ramble. 
Uneducated officers & silencing mean attys accuse of this. Boys club surrounding DA that can't perform! Lol
So sick of topic & reporting endless Grievances. 
I'll write & publish another therapeutic song on subjects. Have many musicals.
I really hope you're listening and learning. 
Hopeless Institutions running country and wars with endless cintinuances. We've all had enough of court abuse. 
They don't know real estate nor family law and are seriously mentally incompetent and worn from too many innocent clients and their cruel playbooks. 
Elon is hiring over 20 real estate attys. 
Go back to school and get a higher degree before Oath Keeper Militia kill you and your family. 
Not fun or reccomended American defense team. They suck! 
It's overwhelming how many govn't institutions gang up on one in civil cold war by UK #Princeofpegging Marine Dr.s, Judges, investigators & soldiers "dicks!!"
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benycent1-blog · 2 years
Download for Free: The Man From Toronto
Download for Free: The Man From Toronto
Download Here he Man From Toronto, 2022. Directed by Patrick HughesWoody Harrelson, Kevin Hart, Kaley Cuoco, Jasmine Mathews, Ellen Barkin, Lela Loren, Pierson Fode, and Jencarlos Canela The Man From Toronto tells the story of the world’s deadliest assassin (Woody Harrelson) and New York’s biggest screw-up, Teddy (Kevin Hart), who are mistaken for one another at an Airbnb rental and find…
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