#Tate Walker
winnie-the-monster · 5 months
His dad had told him many times that the definition of a real man is one who cried with shame, reads poetry with his heart, feels opera in his soul, and does what’s necessary to defend a woman.
-Where The Crawdads Sing
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hiraeth-blr · 2 years
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ー Delia Owens, Where The Crawdads Sing
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cinamanic · 1 year
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Where the Crawdads Sing ( 2022 )
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ripeofanarchy · 2 years
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“Like the snow geese I felt that I too had found my mate for life.”
—Where the Crawdads Sing (2022)
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alexandrarosa · 2 years
They have similar interests
They have always cared about each other even when they were children
Tate accepted Kya unconditionally, for a moment he thought she didn’t fit into his world, but he discovered he actually wanted to fit into hers and did everything to make that happen
They loved each other
He was probably quite lonely during his early life and we know she was too so it’s nice to think they could be alone together
He fed her seagulls everyday when she was arrested
He actually built her a home (or parts of it) and a life she deserved instead of promising it
Feather boy & Marsh girl
The way he found a special language to get to Kya by leaving her things he knew she would love and never pushing her to move at a pace she was not comfortable with
Kya finding out she always loved Tate and deciding she wants all in leaving her solitude and building life with love
Them not having kids and being okay with that and even becoming closer
Tate became a part of the Marsh, all he actually did in life led to him being with her
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the-red-butterfly · 2 months
Where The Crawdads Sing ll Book review and art
Last book review I made. Really loved it (and the movie, lol). Iiiiiiiii don't have much to say I suppose. Watch it if it sounds interesting to you? hehe.
Link to the finished art: Natural Scenes
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mockingjayne12 · 2 years
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“Where the Crawdads Sing” (2022) movie review:
Short review:
It’s fine, I guess, if you can ignore the huge leaps in logic, story inconsistency, forced melodrama, and the twist ending that felt like a “subversion of your expectations” but only for the sake of doing so. 
Letter grade of D+ / C- 
Long review:
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DISCLAIMER: I did not read the book, so this will be solely a discussion about the movie.
So...yeah. This may be one of the few times where I fully agree with the Rotten Tomatoes score. When I saw that it was sitting at 36%, I wasn’t convinced since the movie looked like it had a lot going for it. Murder mystery, strong female lead, based on a best-selling novel, and tackling heavy themes like abuse. This movie LOOKED good. It was only after watching the movie did I realize that maybe the trailer did too good of a job selling people on the story.
Maybe the problems I’m about to discuss are a result of the movie being an adaptation, which means a lot of material from the books may have been cut. At it sits right now, it feels like there is a lot missing from the movie. 
First off, what the focus of the movie was supposed to be on. The trailers make it seem like the story is about a young woman dealing with being ostracized by the town she’s living in. To the people around her, she is the “marsh girl”, this boogeyman-like person who is the subject of many ghost stories and rumors. But, that’s not what the movie is actually about. There’s only one real scene where Kya Clark deals with the town’s bullying (when she ran away from school). Other than that, the REAL movie is about her whirlwind romances with Tate and Chase. 
This is a huge problem for me because the closing argument of the movie doesn’t feel representative of the movie as a whole. The defense attorney talks about how the town feared her and didn’t understand her, but you never really see the town do that except for one scene near the beginning. Sure, the prosecution’s witnesses said bad things about Kya, but that’s expected, especially since they were close to Chase. Maybe this is just me but family members bad-mouthing the suspected killer isn’t the same as shunning a girl just for her lifestyle. 
It’s not enough to say Kya is shunned by the town, we need to see it. Emphasize that point because it’s literally the closing argument of the movie. 
But okay, so the movie is actually a melodrama about two, failed romances. Sure, that’s fine, I can deal with that. Except the romances feel so contrived that I felt like I was watching the first draft of a cheesy, young adult romance novel. 
Let’s start with Tate.
Tate’s romance storyline...hurt my brain. I guess there was chemistry there, but it was the type of chemistry where two gorgeous people just stare at each other and you’re supposed to assume they like one another. Because aside from looks, how their relationship progressed didn’t make sense to me. Their first kiss literally happened because Tate talked about the tragic deaths of his mother and sister, which was immediately followed up by them frolicking through some leaves in the wind. And then, they nearly had sex for the first time because they saw some geese flying in (were they geese? That’s just my guess). I guess people are turned on by birds on a creek/marsh/swamp/lake.
But what truly bothered me about Tate’s storyline is that this man left her for years WITHOUT an explanation. I would’ve been fine if his excuse was that he had been drafted for Vietnam since the war was during this decade, but the character’s actual excuse was that he thought Kya would never leave the marsh. So, after promising to never abandon her...he abandons her. And yet, they still get married at the end. 
Was I supposed to like Tate? If so, his abandonment of Kya was so egregious that it essentially ruined his character in the second half of the movie. Even leaving Kya for one year would’ve been bad enough, but the movie makes it clear that it was for several years. And the thing is, I think the audience is supposed to be pro-Tate since he’s part of Kya’s happy ending. I’m not saying any of this because I’m #TeamTate, I’m saying this because Tate’s inexplicable abandonment of Kya actually hurt the storyline.
Alright, let’s move onto Chase. 
For the most part, I thought the movie did a decent job at setting up Chase. He’s the “nice guy” who starts off great, but then is revealed to be a violent abuser who Kya must escape from. You’re not supposed to like Chase (unlike Tate) and the movie made it clear with its portrayal of the character. 
My complaint about Chase’s storyline is more indicative of the movie’s problems as a whole. This whole movie feels like cheap, forced melodrama, like a soap opera but with a higher budget (so...the CW). For example, the scene where Chase is outed as having a secret fiancee. The revelation was so sudden and forced that it was unintentionally hilarious. It’s not enough that Chase is an abuser, no, he has to have a secret lover who Kya never knew about. 
The fiancee doesn’t come back up in the movie, if I recall correctly. So...if this character is only there to serve as a “shock” reveal...maybe...cut the character? The fiancee reveal isn’t necessary to show that Chase is an abuser, that point is already made when he smacks Kya. Yes, I am aware that it was the fiancee reveal that led to Chase becoming violent, but the movie could’ve done Chase’s heel turn in a much more natural way. 
Maybe Chase turns into a violent drunk like Kya’s father? You see him drink beer several times in the movie, that could’ve been a subtle way of showing that Chase was becoming an alcoholic. Or maybe Chase learns about Tate and becomes a jealous monster when Tate comes back. There are several ways to do Chase’s storyline without having to resort to the forced twist of “I had a secret lover this whole time”. 
Now...the ending.
I’m actually not opposed to the “accused protagonist was actually the killer” twist...in theory. This type of twist can work, but it’s usually done when the author is portraying the protagonist as the TRUE VILLAIN of the story. For example (SPOILERS FOR TWO OTHER MOVIES):
1) Primal Fear: Edward Norton’s character reveals he faked his personality disorder in order to escape a guilty verdict.
2) Body of Evidence: Madonna’s character was guilty the whole time and is actually the kind of person everyone thought she was (a gold digger who murders her lovers)
So, what is the movie trying to say here? That Kya is the boogeyman that the town made her out to be? “Oh, but she needed to kill Chase because he’s evil!” Sure, I get that, but the twist hurts the story since it validates the town’s perception of Kya as an unrepentant murderer when most of the movie is centered on portraying Kya as this misunderstood person. 
If this is the angle that the story was trying to take, why not just have Kya admit to the killing? Have her claim it was either 1) self-defense or 2) she needed to do it because Chase left her no choice. The attorney can argue that, under the circumstances, Kya killed Chase “in the heat of passion” (voluntary manslaughter). At the very least, Kya could avoid facing the full wrath of the judge and jury, especially since Kya’s story could make her look sympathetic. 
This ending really left a bad taste in my mouth. In addition, it was another example of the forced melodrama that was prevalent throughout the movie. What did Kya killing Chase add to the movie? Aside from casting Kya in a negative light, it felt unnecessary, especially since the ending already felt stretched out. 
Aside from the story, the leaps in logic were pretty hard to take in. Now, I’m someone who watches Marvel movies, plays games like Persona, and watches shows like Stranger Things. I can suspend my disbelief just fine. But somehow, this movie was pushing it, especially since the story took place in the real world:
1) So I guess Social Services doesn’t know how to do their job? It’s not like Kya was moving around like Jason Bourne, she’s literally living in the same house throughout the whole movie. No one bothered to investigate the house for more than five minutes? Also, she sends out mail from where she lives. The government can’t track her down that way? (my girlfriend, who does social work, was frustrated by this as well)
2) Speaking as a law school student, the courtroom scenes ranged from “Okay, not so bad” to “Please god, make it stop”. Every time the lawyers approached the jurors, I wanted to punch something in the room.
3) This feral swamp girl looks surprisingly good, like she’s a Hollywood actress or something. But seriously, Kya did not look like someone who was surviving alone in the wild. Yes, she had a house, but it was still her alone against the wilderness. She looked like someone living in the town, which goes against her whole story.
4) Kya, the feral swamp girl, becomes a best-selling author...sure. I feel like I’d be more accepting of this plot point if we had actually seen more examples of her poetry. Instead, the movie just assumes that the audience will accept that Kya is an amazing writer. 
5) Kya, who was a murder suspect, somehow got away with hiding evidence within her books. You’re telling me the police wouldn’t put her books into evidence? It’s not like there was a secret compartment either, she just taped Chase’s necklace on one of the pages.
6) The defense attorney making it seem like Kya murdering Chase was too ridiculous worked a little too well. So many things had to go right in order for Kya’s murder scheme to work. 
Okay, I’m exhausted. My advice, just go watch “Top Gun: Maverick” again. Or “Thor: Love and Thunder”, that’s a fun movie. Oh heck, even “Minions - The Rise of Gru”, people seem to like that movie.
Other nitpicky complaints:
1) It’s not a good look that Delia Owens, who is wanted for murder, wrote a story where a young woman gets away with murder. 
2) The army (marine?) brother coming back didn’t really add to the movie. I know he tells Kya that their mother died, but the character doesn’t actually do anything in the main story. Kya could’ve easily learned her mother died through the newspaper or something.
3) What was the point of the cat in the courtroom? They showed the cat sitting on a chair like it was significant or symbolic of something.
4) Kya and Tate never moved from that one spot in the marshes. Sure, let’s just stay in the area where the townsfolk hate my very existence and is the area where all my traumas occurred. You’d think that Tate would’ve convinced Kya to move at some point, especially since he’s a college graduate.
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isobelleposts · 2 years
Humanity and Nature in ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’
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Daisy Edgar-Jones as Kya Calrk in an upcoming film adaptation
Although it was hard to separate the author from their art, especially with the close relation of controversy being that ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ is a murder mystery, I cannot lie and say that this book did not keep me on edge late at night and had me absolutely astonished and mouth gaping by the end.
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Tate Walker and Kya Clark in 'Where the Crawdas Sing'
The story follows Kya, referred to as the Marsh Girl in town, who lives in an old shack by herself, left and abandoned by her family one by one. Having only spent a few pages with Kya, Owens was already able to have me heartbroken and attached to the love and siblinghood the protagonist eventually came to lose.
But if Ma came back now when Pa was acting decent, maybe they could start over.
Page 67 of ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’
Though already knowing that everything would eventually crumble at some point, the way her father had been with her for the short time after all her siblings and mother left was something I couldn’t help but hold on to and hope so much would stay. But, of course, loss continues to prevail in life.
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Still photo from ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ adaptation
I have found what I might call the greatest descriptions of nature and its contrast and similarities to humanity in this book. It showcased how both living beings manage to survive in the world with each other as their only companion.
Tate idled back, watching as Kya and Chase spun around each other in the blue-gray waves, in ever-smaller circles like eagles courting in the sky.
Page 180 of 'Where the Crawdads Sing'
You never really know how beautiful a fair description of the world around us can enhance a story until you read a book written by a naturalist with a Ph.D. in Animal Behavior. Reading this book, I was fully immersed in the life Kya lived and felt as if I was there with her and finished with a new view of the world; a new sense of appreciation for its beauty and the way it functions in similar ways to humans.
As she pushed off, she knew no one would ever see this sandbar again.
Page 214 of 'Where the Crawdads Sing'
That line made me think of all the people there are in the world and all the different lives they live and the sights they see from the moment they wake to their last breath. You could see a person in the street, adore the way they smile at a cat passing by, and never see them again or be able to tell them of the beautiful sight you’ve witnessed.
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Miss Catherine “Kya” Clark painting in her shack
The way the story was set up and led to the trial and final verdict, you were made to think that something was wrong—that another person had murdered Chase Andrews and it certainly would not have been Miss Kya Clark. After all the pages that unraveled Kya’s life, I, as a reader, if not felt I was with her, felt I was her and that I, myself, was the one accused of murder.
Down, down he falls - His eyes still holding mine - Until they see another world
Page 367 of ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’
This book had left me with chills running down my spine, to think that a person I had grown attached to was not fully who I saw them be. To think that I didn’t know myself.
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by Isobelle Cruz, 16/06/2022
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onceuponadream-rpg · 10 months
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¿Qué tienen todos estos personajes en común? Durante la guerra todos fueron separados de sus seres queridos y lucharon por reencontrarse con ellos, algunos cometiendo graves errores en el camino.
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bonobochick · 1 year
Where The Crawdad’s Sing...
Where The Crawdads Sing is decent. Reviews were mixed which is why I skipped seeing it in theatres but it was on my list once it hit a streaming platform.  I was never bored while watching Crawdads Movie plus it looks good and has lots of solid actors in it. 
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I was disappointed in Tate but I do get why he ended up initially not returning to town. I did like that Kya didn’t immediately forgive him for hurting her by not coming back for her like he promised. With her trust and abandonment issues, it had to hurt even worse. I enjoyed them together as he seemed overall like a decent guy otherwise. 
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Though I haven't read Where The Crawdads Sing book, I can say I wasn't surprised at the end of Crawdads Movie. IMO Chase did love Kya in his own twisted way but he was also spoiled, duplicitous, and, in the end, abusive. Chase was never going to leave Kya be regardless of him having a fiancee / wife because of his feelings for her being infected with those traits.
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winnie-the-monster · 5 months
All she could think of now was getting back into that space of grass and sky and water. Alone, she’d been scared, but that was already humming as excitement. There was something else, too. The calmness of the boy. She’d never known anybody to speak or move so steady. So sure and easy. Just being near him, and not even that close, had eased her tightness. For the first time since ma and Jodie left, she breathed without pain; felt something other than hurt. She needed this boat and that boy.
-Where The Crawdads Sing
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hiraeth-blr · 2 years
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ー Delia Owens, Where The Crawdads Sing
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cinamanic · 1 year
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Where the Crawdads Sing ( 2022 )
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myangel-flung · 2 years
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Look back at some of my favourite quotes from where the crawdads sing. The one from page 358- I absolutely adore.
Just makes me think back on the innocence of when Tate led Kya back home when she was lost on the water.
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the-red-butterfly · 2 months
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Natural Scenes (Where The Crawdads Sing)
I recently finished reading Where The Crawdads Sing and I liked it so much. It just vibed with me in a special way. It was probably all the natural description in the book hehe. Really liked the movie too back when I watched it.
Just!!! Every scene described I was like NATURE!! So here ya go, a bunch of natural scenes. Btw, these are actually pretty small so that's why they don't have a lot of detail. They're little paintings ✨
I made a book review about it on my YouTube channel in case any of you are interested. Yes, I know I've been posting a lot about it but well, what can you do? You can watch while I make these drawings in the vid, check it out if that's your kind of thing.
-> Where The Crawdads Sing // Book Review + art <-
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