#Tarot wisdom
tarotwithavi · 4 months
How will your future spouse/lover show their love?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
Hello! Pile 1 and welcome to your reading!! I see that your future spouse is that type of person who wants to offer things to you and they may not be good at expressing their feelings or emotions through words and because of that they express their love through acts of service and giving gifts. They are the type of person who will offer you food when you're working, peel oranges and pomegranate for you and massage your shoulders after you come from work. I also see that there are times when they may regret not being able to express their emotion through words because I see that you are someone who constantly needs words of affirmation or assurance. They are the type to constantly ask you how they can help you. They move their hands through your hair and massage your scalp randomly. They'll do small things that would mean a lot to you because you do notice all the little things they do. Cleaning your closet, getting you fruits and sweets, helping in your house chores without asking are just some of the things they'll do to show their love. I also see that they would always carry your bags for you and make you a cup of coffee in the morning. For some I also see that they'll be making you breakfast in bed. They are honestly so sweet and there is nothing they cannot do. They will always try to help you in everything they can and do everything they can for you. They may be a professionist so they want to be perfect in loving you too.
Pile 2
What's up pile 2! Alright so I see that your future spouse is rich and if not rich rich then they definitely have the money to travel the world with you because I see that travelling together is going to be one of the main things they will do to show their love. I see that they want to make your every wish come true and I also see that they will be always planning small picnics movie nights to spend time together. They may be a fitness freak so you may exercise together or go to the gym together. I also see that you guys will and roll in some really creative classes like yoga classes or art classes together. They will learn to play different instruments just so they can play your favorite songs. They really care about all the small details that you share about yourself. I also see that they love watching you talk about the things you are interested and passionate about. I am also getting that they will stop doing their work and focus their attention on you and stare in your soul while you talk. I see that they may have to travel a lot for work so they'll be facetiming you everytime they get the chance to. Or send you pictures of everything that reminds them of you. For some of you, you may love to click pictures of the sky and different cloud shapes and they'll be sending you pictures of every interesting cloud shape they see. I also see that they would want to serve in religious groups together.
Pile 3
Hello! Pile 3! How are you? So I see that your future spouse is all about surprises and unexpected gifts. I also see that they are not shy in expressing their feelings. They will be constantly reminding you that they belong to you and you belong to them. I see that they will be whispering “I love you’s” in your ear everytime they get the chance to and everytime they feel you need it. And I also see that they cannot stop talking about you no matter what. They will be talking about you to their friends, family and even colleagues. “I wanna brag about it, I wanna tie the knot, I wanna show you off” is playing in my head and I feel like this song really explains your situation. I see that they'll be sending you long paragraphs of how much they love you and how much you mean to them. I am also getting that they'll hide random notes in your house to surprise you with love messages. They are big on writing and expressing their feelings in written form so you can expect handwritten letters once in a while. For some of you they may even set their alarm with your name or something that reminds them of you 😭😭 that's cute af. I also see that they'll also compliment you and say things like “my pretty wife/husband” , “my love” or put “my” in front of your name. I see that you guys mirror each other so this may be your way of showing love too.
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st4rtar0t · 6 months
How are you glowing up?
Pick a picture
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Picture 1
You're glowing up financially. I see that recently you may have experienced some kind of loss, could be financial loss or death of someone and this has affected you in many ways. Right now the only thing you care about is how can you improve your finances. So rest assure because the time has come. If you're already working somewhere or have your business of some kind then expect sudden promotion and increase in your sales. Since it's all about pentacles it can also involve your studies. So be ready to be recognised for your knowledge and appreciation from your seniors.
Picture 2
My god, the cards kept jumping out of the deck for your reading. So be ready for it because it's around the corner. I see that you're glowing up physically and emotionally. You're going to become emotionally mature. I also sense that you'll experience a drastic change in your physical appearance. Or you may change something about yourself like your hairstyle, clothing sense or even the way your walk? But nonetheless you'll be the person you have dreamt of becoming. But I also see that you're not ready for attention because you don't like people looking at you or staring at you? You're beauty should be recognised , like look at that plane crashing beauty you hold.
Picture 3
You have always done everything by yourself haven't you? You think you'll never be able to trust anyone? I see that you're glowing up mentally. You're changing the way you perceive the world around you. I also sense that some of you have victim mentality? Or you may always victimise yourself I know this may not be what you'd like to hear but I will not sugarcoat my words. I see that changing. I also see that you're going to change you social circle. You're going to cut off some people from your life who are no longer good for you. I see a great transformation. If you suffer from some kind of addiction, I also see you overcoming that. You'll be in full control of your life!
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thecuddlycauldron · 25 days
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Pick a card!
What can I do right now to let go of my tensions?
✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚ These are general readings, only take what resonates and leave the rest! These are only meant to be for fun and nothing else. Trust your intuition and don't overthink. If nothing resonates, feel free to move on. If you stay, I hope you enjoy what the cards have in store for you today! ✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚
🔪Card 1 (5 of swords)
The 5 of swords symbolizes conflict, tension, and feeling defeated. However, it also carries a message of learning from your experiences and finding ways to let go of the past. Acknowledge that tensions exist and accept them without judgment. Sometimes, simply recognizing that you're feeling anger or fear can help in the process of letting go, and understand that you cannot control everything. Engage in practices that help you stay present, such as meditation or mindfulness exercises. These can help quiet the mind and release tensions stored in the body. Instead of dwelling on past conflicts or worrying about the future, focus on the present moment, and remember to practice gratitude for what you have right now and find joy in simple pleasures.
🔪Card 2 (7 of pentacles)
The seven of pentacles represents patience, evaluation, and then reevaluation of one's efforts. Take a step back and reflect on your accomplishments and progress so far. Recognize that even small steps forward are valuable, and celebrate your achievements, no matter how minor they may seem. Understand that growth and success take time. Be patient with yourself and your circumstances, knowing that good things are unfolding in their own time. Take this opportunity to reassess your goals and priorities. Are you focusing your energy on what truly matters to you? Adjust your priorities if necessary to align them more closely with your values and aspirations. Avoid comparing your progress to that of others. Remember that everyone's journey is unique, and what matters most is staying true to yourself and your own path.
🔪Card 3 (Justice)
Justice represents balance, fairness, and accountability. Take a step back and objectively assess the situation that's causing you stress. Look at it from all angles to gain a clear understanding of what's happening and why you're feeling tense. Identify any areas of imbalance in your life that may be contributing to your tensions. Whether it's work-life balance, balancing your needs with the needs of others, or finding a balance between different priorities, strive to restore equilibrium where needed. If you have to, detach yourself emotionally from the outcome of the situation. While it's natural to have preferences and desires, becoming too emotionally invested can heighten tensions. Instead, focus on staying grounded and maintaining a sense of perspective.
Love, Willow
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pandorasworkshop · 9 months
🫀Love Tropes in Tarot🫀
💌 Lovers + Six of cups
Soulmate indicator. Six of cups is a nostalgic type of love. Puppy love. Honeymoon stage of love. Childhood friends to lovers trope. Indicator of acts of service as a love language. The feeling you've known each other your entire life. Cooking as a love language? Or gifts!
🫀Two of Cups/lovers + The Tower
Unexpected love. Love that comes suddenly into your life. Whirlwind romance. Romance that hits you like a mfing truck. Sparks are flying (literally look at the tower card) passion is everywhere. Opposites attract. Physical touch as a love language or spending time. Going on adventures together.
💌 Emperor + Empress
Power couple. Another soulmate indicator. Meant to be. You guys just click. Type of couple to start a business together. Together through thick and thin. They always got the others back and balanced each others out. Olive theory. Hallmark movie. Beautiful wedding. Office romance. Rivals to lovers. Passionate sex. Type to have a beautiful family and home.
🫀The Sun + The Moon
Opposites attract. Starcrossed lovers. Fated encounters. Feeling pulled to each other even though you may not feel it at first. Sunshine meets black cat type. Opposite aesthetics think like pink and goth couples. You may be different in some ways but similar in so many others. Playful banter. Enemies to lovers vibes. Couple that perseveres through everything they are put through. Together through sickness and health. Time and acts of service are a love language.
💌 The Lovers + The Star
The love you have been waiting for. Fated lovers. Hopeless romantics. A love that comes later in life. Love that is really like a romance movie. The right person at the wrong time meets again. Long distance. You can tell what the other is thinking by just looking at them. Very very romantic. Type of romance that's in books. Quality time is a love language.
🫀if you want to book a reading with me dm me🫀
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lillysilvermoon · 9 months
What your spirit team wishes you saw in yourself?
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Pile 1
First of all: your got a LOT os cups, and one of the signs was Pisces, so maybe this is some kind of confirmation for some here, but your spirit team want you to know that your kindness, your sensibility are not a weakness, you regulate your emotions SO MUCH better than you give yourself credit, you really should stop and look back to your past and say to yourself "man.. I have come a long way, I'm pretty good right now" because it's seems like you have experienced so much loss, depression, financial stress and even some abuse os substances (just a few of you, definitely very specific) and look at you now???? If you could seed how people see you... your spirit guides are so proud because, you think you not but you recovered from so much things, you healed so many things.
You are full of new ideas and you are so quick to go after them, specially related to money, if not now, you will be so stable in the future, like, maybe you are in a period of stagnation but soon this will pass and a lot of financial blessings are coming, and they REALLY REALLY wishes you could see how capable you are, you should give more credit for your ideas because they are AWESOME, whatever you are thinking right now: DO IT, it's what will give you so much happiness and money. I'm talking to much about money so I think you worry about this, well, you have all the capacity to live the life you want, to do what you are thinking right now - because I KNOW you are and IT'S GREAT, it's so f*cking awesome and WILL WORK.
I fell you ask to much about your healing and recovery process, and it is this, a process. They wish you could see how far you have come and how much far you will, but you need to have patience. They wish you could see like they see, the big picture, everything you want emotional and financial is possible to achieve, you are so capable you just have to believe in yourself. You have the ideas and the capacity to go after what you want AND GET IT. They want you to know that the happiness you always dreamed about, all this good moments, full of laught and happiness are right at the corner, please make the first step. You.Can!
Signs: Pisces, Gemini and cancer, 2 and 9, Pluto, mars, ascend node, mermaids and dolphins, water places, spring, flowers, books.
P.S: if you are going to some kind of blockage right now: it's will pass, you just need to recovery and so many ideas are coming!!!!!!
P.S²: I think some of you are really craving emotional happiness and stability, happy moments and just happiness in general: your spirit team want you to know that this are coming so so soon, please please please hang there just a bit more, you got the nine and the ten of cups, the ly wish you could see all the happiness that are coming to you, don't lose your faith, you are not alone, they here EVERYTHING you ask and pray for, those things are coming to you soon, they promise (I'm feeling so happy and at the same time so sad and I think it's you so please know: it is coming, this happiness you always dreamed are coming!!!)
Pile 2
I don't know if some of all works with angels or archangels but, you definitely have them in your spirit team!
Your spirit team whises you could see the progress you have done, you probably was holding on to people or situation that weren't good or healthy to you, and even made you have some financial problems and bad change os circumstances, but you putted yourself together and took action, people admire the faith you have and you should think about this more because have faith is hard, not everyone are able to do it easily the way you do. The wish you could see how strong, independent and diligent you are, so many people value your opinions.
The new beginning you have been waiting for so long are coming: for most of you it's a romantic new beginning, but for a good amount is just new relationships, yall were really attached to some toxic people, and you probably felted alone and wished when you would have cool people in your life, your spirit team saw all of this and here is your answer: they are coming, new people and friends are coming to you, got out and socialize, they want you to know to not be scared, the people you meet will kind and with good hearts, I promise (you can come here to tell me if this happens, I will be SO HAPPY to here about your new friends (or lovers?👀). They want you to know that the Divine Love you were wishing for are almost with you, they are doing there on inner work BUT it's finally at the end and you will meet them soon (this is a soulmate just you to know😊❤️).
Harmony and domestical happiness are coming too so if was having fights un your house, don't worry peace is coming.
Signs: 8, 4, 12, Pisces, scorpio and cancer, ascended node, Venus, mercury, beach, clubs, library, Journaling, parks and picnics.
P.S: I felt like I shouldn't use the second tarot but at the end I was hearing like "take three" and I got The Lovers (so yes, it's coming in case you were doubting - I think you doubt about this a lot and they REALLY wish you could see how close you are to meet them. And they also wish you could see how kind your are, you have no idea how many people you have helped just being you, even if it was for 5 minutes you made their day, give some credit for the incredibly person you are.
Pile 3
Okay let's start!!!! First of all, why you poorly about yourself.??????? Your team thinks you are SO GREAT, like really wait its too much information!!!!! You will get EVERYTHING you dreamed about, I think you are into manifestation?? You are truly good AND YOU JUST DON'T BELIEVE you manifested so many things and you don't even realize that lmao they wish you could see how proud they are (and you should be too!!!!!!!) Really, they wish SO BADLY you could see how many things are coming, you are so good at it please PLEAAAAAAASE have a little more faith in your capabilities. Now back to what I was saying first: you always get in any situation with your 2 feet, in a deep level your heart and soul are being nourished and I think you had to be for in the anonymity, maybe you are quite famous in some social media, but you took time and your image are suffering. The want tou to know that this is the best to do now.
Like Pile 2 you are so intelligent and truthful, you are such a good communicator and clear boundaries, I think you didn't had this in the past, well your boundaries are very good now and they are proud and want you to know this. You are also such a good business man/woman, you take care of your finances very well (I think in the past you heard about others people's experiences and chose your field seriously, gained intellectual knowledge, you payed attention in their failures and success and why they went the way they did and what you might do differently. They are so proud of you and want you to know that so many good things are coming to you (The World) really, they wish you could see how many things you will accomplish.
Signs: expensive bags (? I liked this 🤣)? 6,8,5, Aries, scorpio and Taurus, luxury lifestyle, quiet luxury, photography, Ralph Lauren (I wasn't going to write this one but when I was passing I felt a ring SO LOUD on my ears....) travels and cooking (I saw a big kitchen with white decor and was autumn, very cozy vibes)
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archersarrow-tarot · 7 months
📚 Tarot Journaling 📖
What can I use to make my tarot journal?
Anything!! It’s YOUR journal. You can use a notebook - of any size, type, etc; a scrapbook, a binder…get as creative as you want.
✨What should I record in my tarot journal?
Once again, it’s your journal! Anything and everything that you feel belongs inside it! But - here’s some ideas:
Previous readings
Daily Tarot Card Drawings (cards drawn, thoughts, your interpretation(s), etc)
Tarot spreads you’ve made
Questions to include for future readings
Ideas and inspirations for tarot spreads
Track recurring cards
Keywords, phrases, correspondences, & interpretations of cards
Card combinations
Tarot tips & tricks as you learn them
Your feelings while drawing certain cards, certain spreads, etc.
Why should I have a tarot journal?
Journaling can help deepen your connection with the cards
Tracks your progress with learning, as well as you as a reader in general
Prompts you to explore parts of yourself
Helps you gain a more mindful approach to life
Records your journey with tarot
Can make it easier to interact with the cards
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notesbynataly · 1 month
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1 - 2 - 3
Pile 1
Hello, dear pile 1. I hope you are fine. Here some advices for you🦋 The Lovers represents choices, relationships and partnerships. You should trust your heart and intuition when it comes to making important decisions. Seek out relationships and connections that bring you joy, fulfillment and a sense of purpose. It's important to be open and honest in your relationships and to communicate your feelings clearly and respectfully. Stay true to your values and beliefs. Trust yourself and follow your own path, even if it goes against the expectations of others. You need to find inner balance.
Knight of Cups represents passion, creativity and emotional expression. Follow your heart, pursue your dreams and express your feelings authentically. Tap into your intuition, your imagination and your inner creativity. Discover your true desires and passions. Learn how to love yourself and please do it as soon as possible. Also remember that you deserve to be loved. Work on your heart chakra. King of Wands represents a charismatic and confident leader who is driven by passion and creativity. You should tap into your own leadership abilities and take charge of your life. Again trust your instincts and pursue your passions with enthusiasm and determination. You have the power to achieve your goals and make a positive impact on the world around you, but you must first believe in yourself and your abilities, so start to do it. Be bold and take risks. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and try new approaches to old problems. While passion and creativity are important, they must be balanced with practicality and responsibility. Darling, if you want personal reading with me, just dm me. I do a reading the same day. Take care🌸
Pile 2
Hello, dear pile 2. I hope you are fine. Here some advices for you💫 3 of Wands represents progress, expansion and foresight. You should focus on your long-term goals and take steps to move forward with your plans. Think beyond the present moment and consider the bigger picture. You have the potential to achieve great things, but you must first have a clear vision of where you want to go and how you plan to get there. Please be patient. You can overcome any obstacles on your way and continue to move forward, just believe in yourself. Try to seek out new opportunities and expand your horizons. Don't be afraid to take risks and explore new territory.
The Chariot represents determination, willpower and taking control of one's life. You should take charge of your life and move forward with confidence and determination. Focus your energy and direct it towards your goals. Again, you have the power to overcome obstacles and make progress, but you must first believe in yourself and your abilities. Step out of your comfort zone. Maybe, it's time to travel somewhere. Stay focused on your path and not be distracted by outside forces. Balance your emotions and stay grounded in your decisions.
Page of Wands represents creative inspiration, enthusiasm and new beginnings. You should embrace your creativity and pursue new opportunities with enthusiasm and curiosity. Try something new. You have the potential to discover new talents and passions. Maybe, it's time to develop new skills and learn something new. Stay open-minded and optimistic. Also stay true to yourself and your values. You have a unique perspective and a special set of talents, and it's important to embrace them and share them with the world.
Darling, if you want personal reading with me, just dm me. I do a reading the same day. Take care🌸
Pile 3
Hello, dear pile 2. I hope you are fine. Here some advices for you🧚🏻 2 of Pentacles represents balance, adaptability and juggling multiple priorities. You should focus on finding balance in your life and adapt to changing circumstances. Prioritize your responsibilities and find ways to manage them without becoming overwhelmed. You may need to juggle multiple tasks or projects, but with organization and adaptability, you can handle them successfully. Stay flexible and open to change. You may encounter unexpected challenges or opportunities and it's important to be able to adjust your plans accordingly. Try to stay grounded and centered in the midst of chaos. Take breaks and engage in self-care to maintain your energy and focus.
The Justice represents fairness, balance and taking responsibility for one's actions. You should focus on making fair and balanced decisions in your life. Evaluate your current situation and consider the consequences of your actions. It's important to make decisions that align with your values/beliefs and that are fair to both yourself and others. Take responsibility for your actions and the impact they have on others. You may need to make amends or seek forgiveness for past mistakes. Seek out and promote justice in the world around you. You may be called to stand up for what is right and challenge injustice.
The Hermit represents introspection, solitude, wisdom and self-reflection. You should take time for yourself to reflect on your life and inner journey. Focus on your spiritual and personal growth. You need to let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you and embrace new ones that align with your values and goals. You should discover who are you and what you does subconscious mind hide (btw, I do such personal readings). Withdraw from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend time in solitude. This can help you gain clarity and insight into your thoughts, feelings and goals. It's time for your spiritual journey. Trust your inner voice and intuition. Practice dynamic meditation. You may need to make important decisions and it's important to listen to your inner wisdom rather than relying solely on external influences.
Darling, if you want personal reading with me, just dm me. I do a reading the same day. Take care🌸
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🃏 Introduction to Decan Walk 🃏
What is a Decan Walk?
The decan walk is a technique that focuses on the 36 minor arcana cards (2-10 of each suit) and their astrological correspondences. Each card corresponds to a 10-degree segment of the zodiac, known as a decan. By tracking the sun's movement through these decans, you can connect the energy of the corresponding tarot card to your personal experiences.
🌟 Using Decan Walk with Natal and Progressed Charts 🌟
1️⃣ Natal Chart:Your natal chart represents your birth chart and provides a snapshot of the celestial bodies' positions when you were born. Overlaying the decan walk onto your natal chart allows you to understand how the energy of each tarot card may manifest in different areas of your life based on the houses.
2️⃣ Progressed Chart: A progressed chart shows how your natal chart evolves over time. By incorporating the decan walk into your progressed chart, you can explore the shifting energies and experiences you encounter as you grow and change.
🌕 Decan Walk Activities 🌕
- Journaling: Reflect on the themes of each decan and how they relate to your life.
- Meditations: Focus on the energy of the corresponding tarot card for each decan.
**Personal Growth**
- Study: Research the tarot cards associated with each decan to deepen your understanding.
- Shadow Work: Address any personal challenges or blocks that arise during each decan.
- Art: Create art or crafts inspired by the tarot cards and their corresponding decans.
- Writing: Write poetry, stories, or affirmations based on the themes of each decan.
- Altar: Create a dedicated altar for each decan with corresponding crystals, herbs, and symbols.
- Ritual Baths: Take ritual baths aligned with the energy of each decan.
- Candle Magic: Perform candle magic using colors and intentions corresponding to each decan.
- Group Discussions: Participate in online or in-person discussions about the Decan Walk experience.
- Collaborative Projects: Work with others on creative projects or rituals for each decan.
Engage in these activities throughout the Decan Walk to deepen your connection with the tarot and the astrological influences of each decan.
🔥 First Decan of Aries (0-10 degrees): 2 of wands
As we just wrapped up the first decan of Aries, we embrace the ambitious and pioneering energy of the Two of Wands. in the following post i will share my experiences with the first 19 days (degrees) of the astrological new year.
🌙 Stay tuned for updates, and remember to explore the magic of tarot in your daily life! 🌙
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crappymixtape · 2 months
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hey, babes! good news / bad news.
good news? i'm writing my book!! :O holy shit, i feel insane writing that, but it's happeningggg. bad news? my hours just got cut to 0 at my job and i'm pretty sure i'm about to get let go 🥴
i'm the main breadwinner for my fam and it is stresssssful, SO i could use your help! i'm gonna try floating us with freelance work and i could use your help sharing that i do tarot readings!!
TAROT READINGS ( pay what you can! suggested min ~$20 )
the whole process is linked here! but it's super easy. send me a DM that you'd like a reading, submit payment ( kofi! ) along with a general idea of what you're wondering about, and then choose a deck from the ones listed below!
-> uusi’s pagan otherworlds deck -> ussi's supra oracle -> alba balesta gonzalez’s white numen tarot -> the stranger things tarot -> kim krans’ wild unknown tarot
i'll complete your reading in the format attached below and send back to you via DM or email or however you like within 48-72 hours! ♥️ i really, truly love doing this and would so happy to do it for you :]
thank you for sharing and spreading the word, means the world to me while i'm trying to support my fam. love you!! xoxo
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tarotofhope · 1 year
I have noticed in many tarot readings that, the tarot readers write in two ways. There's kind of a duality here.
When the topic is about some affirmations or positive things, they write: 'Oh dear/sweetie, it's not your fault if so and so person ruined your life/harassed/bullied/troubled/let you down. You need a lot of healing. Please take care of yourself. Those people will receive the result for their bad karma.'
When the topic is about shadow work/negative aspects/things you need to work on, they write: 'You're responsible for your own life, don't blame on other people for your setbacks..blah blah blah..' I don't understand, what if these are the same people/audience who have been backstabbed/harassed/bullied or someone who had childhood trauma/violent parent..etc, in the past. They will obviously not want to hear this if they've started their healing journey(that..don't blame others and all that stuff). I'm telling this because even I'm one of these people, and it feels really bad when I've just started my healing journey. Just saying because it really hits where it's already hurting. So, don't take any offence, guys.
In my final year of graduation, I had a teacher(she taught business communication), she was very creative, very soft-spoken and the way she sometimes talked about her home life and education, her posts on social media, showed how supportive her parents must be. In one of her lectures, while going a bit off-topic, she was talking about how people should do their own thing no matter what. It was all good and encouraging until she said this sentence, 'You must be slapped if you blame others for ruining your life. Why did you let people decide for you, in the first place itself?' I felt very attacked. All kinds of questions and thoughts were crawling up my mind that day. I was thinking to myself, 'How can she say this?! What if that person was a child when bad things happened to him/her and he/she was not able to differentiate between right and wrong and could not decide for himself/herself? What if that person was in a really helpless situation? What ifs and more what ifs.. I really felt bad that day because it's not always a person's wrongdoings/bad decisions, sometimes bad things/bad people are thrown towards us, so that we learn from them and become a good person later on in life. It's also their contribution, that we learn the right things and that their presence was important but that doesn't mean, that their actions never hurt in the past. The struggle was real, this must be taken into consideration.
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tarotwithavi · 5 months
Some nicknames your future spouse may call you by
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Paid services
Guess who's back with another Post 😈😈
Pile 1
"Sweetheart" , "Sweety Pie" , "Lovely", "Honey" "Dazzle" "Charm" "Cupcake" "Blossom" "Starlight" "Queen bee" "Enchantress" "Darling" "Angel" "Princess" "Love" "Beautiful" "Sunshine" "Gorgeous" "Treasure" "Sparkle" "Adore", "pearl" ,"Serenity" "Gem" "my wife", "Butterfly" "Cuddlebug" "Precious", "Moonbeam", "Wonder" "Beloved"
These are some of the nicknames that I was able to pick up on. I also see that they won't be a particular nickname for you because we will call you by every nickname they can imagine. I am getting really romantic energy from your future spouse. They seem to be deeply in love with you. I also see that your relationship with them is going to be really stable and there won't be any room for second guessing and misunderstanding.
Pile 2
"goofball" , "mine" , "my tornado" , "ocean" , "Thunderstorm" , "Ride or die" , "the love of my life" , "daymaker" , "cuddlemaster" , "baby momma" , "sugar" , "luvbug" , "Not fast but always furious" , "my chatterbox" , "my destiny" , "Dinosour" , "Pikachu" , "Yoda" , "nugget", "mommy shark" , "Aphrodite" , "sleeping beauty" , "Elsa" ( because you may have cold hands?)
I see that the majority of you guys may be short? Or you'll be much shorter than them. I also see that your relationship maybe a bit more chaotic but in a funny way. I'm talking about the pranks and fun times you guys will have with your future spouse. You guys may like to pull each other's leg and be weird together. I'm also getting the message that they may be someone you never thought you would want to date? Like someone really unexpected. They may not be your ideal type but this relationship is really spontaneous and fun.
Pile 3
"Brainiac" , "babe" , "Smarty Pants", "Genius" , "8th Wonder of the world" , "Beauty", "Einsteinette" , "Cookie" , "Princess" "Savvy" , "star" , "Night Owl" , "Cutie patootie" , "Mensa Marvel", "Spark" , "Sweetcheeks" , "Belle", "Sage" , "IQ Angel" , "Bright Eyes" , "Darling" , "Astute Angel" , "Treasure" ,"Soulmate" , "my moon" , "my sanctuary" , "my universe", "loli" , "chiku?" , "bunny"
Your future spouse will respect you a lot and your relationship is really mature. I see them literally worshiping the ground you walk on. They will put you on a pedestal. "Respect" , "maturity" and "understanding" are the words that describe your relationship. I also see that you may already know who this person is going to be because I see that you're really intuitive yourself or you may have a dream or two about them. But whenever you meet them you're going to know that this is your future spouse.
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st4rtar0t · 6 months
Random messages for you
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If you liked this reading please consider liking and reblogging.
DM for personal readings
Picture one
You will be invited somewhere. This invitation is going to bring you a lot of great opportunities.
Someone you know has a crush on you. This person is caring and they may smile a lot around you.
Someone may try to start an argument with you over unnecessary things. You're being told to stay calm.
You're going to receive money from your family as a gift. You may even get the things you have been wanting.
Be careful where you put your things. You may lose something precious to you if don't pay attention.
I see that you're losing contact with your friends and you're waiting for them to text you first. If you don't want to lose them then text them first.
Someone is going to approach you with the motive of getting into a relationship with you. Honestly I don't this person is good for you because they get bored easily.
You're going through a huge glow up. People are noticing you and you may already be aware of this.
Picture two
You're manifestation are coming fast. If you asked for a sign, this is your sign that things are about to turn in your favor.
I see that you're a hopeless romantic and you love the old school type of love. Someone just like you is about to enter your life.
You're being asked to spend quality time with your family. Especially your grandparents.
If you have been posting online for sometime, be ready because your account is about to blow up. Like literally.
If you have been thinking of starting an online business, this is your sign. Put your ideas into actions.
Some of you are about to Meet your future spouse really soon. They are going to match your vibe.
If you have been thinking of texting someone, just do it. Take a leap of faith. I see that results are in your favor.
If you have been seeing a lot of butterflies, then it is a sign that your whole life is about to change for the better.
Picture three
Somebody has been listening to your conversations when you're not paying attention. This person may spread rumours about you.
The person you rejected recently may try to do something shady or they may be stalking your socials.
People who have done you wrong are going to pay for their deeds. This time you will be the person laughing and enjoying the drama.
I also see engagement. Someone close to you may get engaged. Or someone may gift you a ring .
You need to be in control of your possession. If you're not careful then your possessions may possess you.
You're going to be torn between two choices. This may be two love offers or job offers.
You have a lot of options and people are very much aware of that.
I see a relationship ending. A completion of a cycle. A new beginning is unfolding for you.
And stop self eliminating. Give your credit for your achievements and be proud of what you have accomplished.
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I am baby tarot reader and I am just too scared to put or pick them upside down
I mean people said; no need to negative energy and tarot already have negative cards so put them upside
And others said; tarot won’t lie, doesn’t or should not have to be sugar coated
I have no idea. I feel like first one sounds like sugar coating other sounds not that positive
I’ll try to find my way I guess.
Any tips?
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fatgayandwitchy · 2 years
✨Pick a Crystal🔮✨
Outlook for the Upcoming Week 🗓️
[Disclaimer: this is a tarot reading for the collective. Readings are for entertainment purposes only. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't.]
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Crystal I Crystal II
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Crystal III Crystal IV
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Crystal I - Quartz
King of Swords, 4 of Swords, The Empress
Have you found yourself questioning everything recently? Or like something is out of balance in your life? This week is a time to rest and recuperate. Let go of whatever is preventing your inner peace and causing your restlessness. Quiet your mind and reject frantic thinking. Abundance is waiting for you on the other side. A time where you can rest assured there is enough to go around for everyone. A time for pure creation where no worries exist.
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Crystal II - Aventurine
The Star, The Emperor, 7 of Pentacles
You’ve been through some rough times recently right? There’s hope on the horizon. You’re on the path to stability and control. Be assertive and make decisive choices this week. Acknowledge your progress and assess the results of your efforts. What worked? What didn’t? How can you improve for the next time around?
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Crystal III - Smoky Quartz
The Magician, The Sun, 4 of Pentacles
This week is a time for manifestation. You have all the necessary resources to achieve your goals. If you put these tools to use correctly this week looks to be a very positive week for you. Everything is as it should be. Material stability and finances are looking good for you this week but don’t take advantage of this. Listen to your heart and only spend on material things you truly need.
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Crystal IV - Bismuth
Page of Swords, Justice, 7 of Swords
I sense some conflict and misunderstanding as a part of this week’s events. You may be dealing with someone that is being dishonest or unnecessarily defensive to you. Someone with their guard up. This week will be a time for reaping what you’ve sown, for good or bad. Have faith that Karma will restore order and balance, honestly.
✨ I hope you enjoyed my reading for the collective and found something that resonated with you. Please do leave your feedback! If you liked the reading, it would mean the world to me if you liked and reposted. For personal readings, send me a private message! Have a blessed day! 💖
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Basic Bitch Tarot Tip - Tarot Timing
Let's talk timing predictions...which means this will be a longer tip with some info, more on the traditional side. First and foremost, do not let your readings cause self-fulfilling prophecies if you don't like what you see. Tarot shows the path you are on and the most likely outcome. You can make different decisions to change this. Tarot is a tool that alerts us to where we are going - it is not a definitive answer.
With that in mind, let's talk timing. Everyone has different associations, but these are mine, mainly influenced by traditional schools of thought:
Wands - Spring
Cups - Summer
Swords - Autumn
Pentacles - Winter
I take wands as days, swords as weeks, cups as months, and pentacles as years. The number on the card is the amount of time (ex., two of swords = two weeks; five of cups = five months).
Now what happens with the majors? Well, you can use their zodiac sign to give you a time period (ex., The Emperor is Aries associated so timeline is from March 21-April 20). For the cards that don't have a zodiac sign associated with it:
• The Fool: will happen unexpectedly
• The Magician: Mercury is the planet of this card, so think of it as the timing will move quickly
• The High Priestess: timing is hidden/secret
• The Empress: nine months; on a full moon or Friday
• Wheel of Fortune: will happen in it's own time; usually within a year
• The Hanged Man: delayed; may need a new perspective to speed it up
• The Tower: will happen with force and is unavoidable
• The Sun: daytime or summer
• Judgement: possibly on a Tuesday; may involve more than one factor so a decision will have to be made
• The World: not fixed in time, may take some work to get there
Court cards are an entirely different thing: look at the decans of the associated zodiac signs. Some choose to omit court cards for timing due to it being more complex. I won't get into it in this post, but there are other resources to find this information until I make one dedicated for them!
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