woundedluvz · 1 year
idk tonight’s just a poor unfortunate souls kinda night dude. idk how much better i can explain it. ← me explaining tonight’s gender to a non-existent cis person
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menlove · 1 year
i posted abt this in the gc the other night and forgot to post it here but i was at a drag show the other night and one of the performers "flirted" with me and i was a lil taken aback bc this does not happen often and then i watched as they went around and flirted w every butch in the audience it was incredible. never felt so seen.
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solarisposting · 2 years
#sooo so often i'll see men like in person or in pictures or film or whatever else#and have intense moments of 'god i wish that were me god i wish i looked moved existed like thag' and so on#but like. i've sat with myself and my thoughts so much over the years since i came out as bi in my own mind#just like. ruminating on gender and identity and how those things work and look in my life#bc like it took 21 years to even entertain not being straight without immediate repression and 23 to come out to myself#so anything's possible!!! but...calling myself a woman feels right and is right. cisgender does feel right and comfortable and good#yet i still have these feelings of...idk wanting masculinity and femininity and androgyny and nothing and everything#while i also feel good and right in my identity as a woman#a queer woman absolutely and of course gender is gonna be more...deliberate i guess when i do perform#aspects of gender as related to my queerness or in certain ways BECAUSE of being bi#and expressing it in how i look act dress carry myself etc#idk man i know i don't have to have an answer or label for everything#but i also feel like all of this is a niggling little itch at the back of my mind#that kind of pops up when i have a moment where i find myself envious of men and also masculinity regardless of the gender of the person#or people performing or embodying it. sometimes in my own mind i 'try on' they as a pronoun. and the deviation from she/her feels important#but 'they' also isn't me i don't think. i know there are endless possibilities for pronouns and they also don't determine gender#mostly i think it's the act of considering how i relate to gender and mine and what it could or couldn't entail more than pronouns in and#in and of themselves#happy pride idk whats happening. my gender and sexuality revolve around 'god i wish that were me' whatever that means!
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angstics · 4 days
i recently read some work on james dean and it got me thinking about why his image was used by mcr from 2002-2004. (it was on their website, merch (1, 2), banner (1, 2), shirts, even their guitar straps into at least 2007)
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it was a pretty big part of who they were. but they *never* talked about why they chose him. i had my theories about him being the epitome of "live fast, die young" and his reputation as a star rebel, and that's probably it. maybe even the "famous living dead", considering the X's. but i hadnt considered james dean's unusual kind of masculinity.
richard dyer briefly talks about dean in comparison to rock hudson in his book "the culture of queers" (2002). comparing acting styles, dyer sees hudson as classic hollywood - straight, stiff, normal - while dean's naturalism "suggests someone ill at ease in the world, marginal and insecure." to dyer, hudson is stable heterosexuality, dean is insecurity associated with homosexuality. i connect this further to how it isn't just stability in sexuality, but in gender performance as well. dean's anxiety is so physical (intense eyebrows, hunched shoulders, flailing and wailing) that it's closely linked to how he's perceived, and how he's perceived as a man. he is insecure in his body, as if he's trying to escape it. he lacks masculine traits such as confidence, emotional stability .. even class (he directly represents this narratively in rebel without a cause). it wasnt the strong masculinity cinema, and dominant culture, favored. deyer also attributes dean's appearance (along with other actors' like monty clift and sal mineo) to othering him from the hudson-gable-cooper dominant masculinity: "physically slight, with intense eyes and pretty faces". many things contribute to the conclusion james dean disrupted dominant masculinity. im reading a book on this rn so im sure there's more to say (the book is gay fandom and crossover stardom by michael deangelis).
sooo i think that out of historical context, dean isnt as much disrupter. pretty much any idiot emo boy wants to act like james dean. he's cool now. but i like reading uneasy masculinity when i see that mychem poster. im not saying it was intentional, but dean's anxiety is the most important aspect of his acting to me. that necessarily translates to his expression, including gender expression. also i trust that film major and hitchcock-tattooed ray toro knows something about rebel without a cause
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fun-k-board · 8 months
Okay so like I saw a lot of MK intro headcannons and they're SOOO good soo
MK intros with Johnny where the reader is like a famous popstar and the two have a constant "will they won't they" (aka A LOT of flirting)
- 😵‍💫 anon (claiming it rn)
Johnny Cage X Gender Neutral Popstar Reader Intros
Notes(s) : It's nice to meet you 😵‍💫 anon, I've never done MK intros before, well I have but they're all in my drafts, so, I hope these are good!
It's not majorly nsfw, but I don't really know how to write flirting without some dirty moments? So, I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted.
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Johnny : Fuck, that live show you did? You trying to kill me?
Reader : If that's how you react to me without a shirt then I can't wait to show you more.
Johnny : I love your new single, you should feature in my next movie.
Reader : And what role would I be playing, Cage?
Reader : I don't like how you look at Kenshi...
Johnny : And I don't like how you look at Kuai Liang.
Reader : How about a kameo in my next music video?
Johnny : Only if I can be the sexy, shirtless love interest
Reader : I'm so glad you're fighting shirtless
Johnny : Hah, so is everybody else!
Reader : I think Kung Lao is jealous of you.
Johnny : My fighting skills or that I got to bag you?
Reader : I have a new song idea just staring at you...
Johnny : I can't wait to listen to it while we spend some time alone together
Johnny : Come on, let's just leave them, you know you want me.
Reader : We can't abandon training, Johnny.
Reader : Stick you in jeans and a crop top on stage and the crowds go wild.
Johnny : I can't wait to surprise your fans by showing up.
Johnny : So, you interested in men? More specifically, me?
Reader : Do you think you could handle me if I am?
Johnny : So, I have this amazing idea for a movie.
Reader : If it's the dragon idea again I swear to god, Cage.
Johnny : Training for the tournament is so boring.
Reader : If only we had something to entertain us.
Johnny : We should have a movie night.
Reader : So you can feel me up in the dark?
Johnny : I'm so sorry I had to skip out on your performance-
Reader : Don't worry, Cage, it wasn't anything major...
Reader : I'm pretty sure the entirety of Outworld saw you eyeing me up.
Johnny : I'm about 100% sure that it was the other way around.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
oooooh if u need any ideas id love to read a fic where serval plays matchmaker for reader and gepard and its all mushy and cute
also random idea but maybe gepard draws one of his (lovely!) portraits for reader looll
* pairing : gepard x gender neutral reader
* prompt : servals main job is a performer, but who knew that she also works as cupid? (request ♡)
* authors note : I LOVE GEPARD AND SERVAL LANDAU SOOO MUCH those two are literally my faves.. gepard pls come home, clara appeared on my screen and i love her but baby pls <\3
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SERVAL looks at her brother GEPARD as he paints in his room, humming to himself as she leans on the doorframe as she silently watched him decorate the canvas with his creativity and paint. At first, what he was painting was unrecognizable, but once those little details came to life through his art - it wasn't hard to see exactly who he was painting.
"Oh? I didn't know you were such a passionate painter, Geppie." Serval giggled, watching him jolt at the fact someone was watching him the entire time. "Serval? What are you.." He clears his throat, trying to cover the canvas. "..Doing here.."
"It's my workshop, why else would I be here? The real question is, why are you trying to hide an obvious crush from your sister?" She says with a smile, walking past him and having him move away from the canvas. It was just as she suspected, those little details.. the choice of eye color, the smile and how they matched your features.
"Please don't do anything.." Gepard sighs, and Serval lets out a fake offended gasp. "I have never done anything of the sort!"
..But she never agreed.
In the next few days, while Gepard was with his sister outside, he'd find her talking to you. And Serval making some fake excuse about practice and leaves you with her brother. The first few times seemed purely coincidental, but Serval doesn't seem like the type to simply forget one of her greatest passions.
Next was how she was now more often than not talking to you and Gepard about things about each other. "Oh! (name), are you aware Gepard just loves to grow flowers? You should see what he's blooming in our garden!" or "Gepard! Do you know that (name) really likes to eat at this place called.."
But Serval wouldn't do this for just a crush. She appreciated how much joy and smile you brought to her dear brothers face, and it wasn't often that he broke his serious, Silvermane Guards leader routine. But when he talked about you, it was like he was describing the beauty of an Aeon. He truly loved you, respected you and would surrender his loyalty for you.
So she was absolutely overjoyed when you began to open up about your interest in a certain blonde, and now that she knew you both were interested, it was the final step.
"Geppie, meet me at the fountain today! Got something suuuper important to tell you."
"(name), I'd like to give you free tickets to my next concert today! Just meet me at the fountain."
And there at the agreed meeting place, Gepard grumbled to himself, his back turned to the city as he stared at the small letter glued to the fountain. "Hehe, I lied to you lil bro. ♡ Go tell them how you feel, maybe they have something to tell you too."
He was initially confused on what the other half of the letter meant, until the sounds of footsteps and a disappointed sigh came from behind him. "Servaaall.. you lied to mee.." Gepard paused, and immediately crumpled the letter in his hands. "Damn it."
You then notice Gepard standing by the fountain as well, a little confused with how busy he usually is and especially at this hour. "What brings you here?" You asked, seeing him turn around while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Nothing.. My sister.. I assume she set this up."
You blinked a few times and giggle. "Sounds like Serval.. You're usually not this available, wanna talk?" You asked, sitting on the basin of the fountain as he instead leaned on it slightly. "Sure.."
There were a few moments of odd but comforting silence, watching those of Belabog pass by. Underworld and Overworld now together as children who thought that clouds were but fairytale dreams now get to see the bright blue sky after pure darkness all their lives.
"Thank you." You said out of nowhere, kicking your feet as Gepard turns to face you while you were still focused on the people passing by. He smiles a little at how gentle and relaxed you looked. "For what?"
"For all you do. The people you protect.. the kindness you give.. everything." You say with a smile, the very same smile of every portrait he ever painted of you, how it radiated a sense of comfort and warmth that made his heart skip a beat.
He knows he's turning red, and you giggle a little at it. Your head shifts to lean on his shoulder, a small gulp coming from his end as his arm slings around your shoulder.
"You're.. you're welcome."
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do-you-have-a-flag · 1 month
i'm going to be sooo honest, for me as a cis person- hearing the way people talk about their experience of gender in queer and trans ways clarified the concept of gender performance and it's various pressures in society better than most surface level criticisms of heteronormative sexism. specifically because the way in which people discussed both the realities of gender and biology and transgressing these norms deliberately or inherently, it's all varied experiences and complexity in a way that i thought was lacking in the more traditional girl power stuff i grew into adulthood seeing where it felt like everything was framed in relation against patriarchal systems rather than individuals actual personal experiences of their own identity. it doesn't feel like trading one model of femininity for another, when you find out people are just out there experiencing themselves in a fascinating variety of ways and that there is so much play to presentation too.
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myir0nlung · 11 months
hobie brown
IN WHICH, hobie sneaks backstage at a concert to chat up the lead singer of the band..
reader has no gender
“Right, thank you once again for being a fabulous crowd, goodbye!”
The small crowd of about 500 people roared with cheers and whistles. You couldn’t help but grin as you and your band mates walked off stage. Your drummer, Chaka, was buzzing with excitement.
“That was sooo cool! I know it’s only like 500 people but you it’s still so cool! They were cheering and some were singing songs and yeah, you know all that stuff?” Chaka exclaimed. She was a bit daft but it was alright, everyone still loved her. Your bassist, Sam, wrapped their arm around Chaka’s shoulder and pulled her in for a side hug. The three of you walked down the hall to the small lounge. Chaka was excitedly chatting about some punk guy in the crowd.
“He was like really scary looking but I just know he’s super cool with his close friends. You know what I mean? Yeah you should. Anyways..”
Chaka blabbed on about this mysterious punk guy to Sam as you arrived to the “lounge.” It wasn’t truly a lounge just a few beat up sofas with a coffee table in the middle and tech equipment littered around. Though your band has never had a lounge to go to after a gig so this was like luxury. A group of 3 guys were sat on a couch. They were so obviously just looking to hook up with one of you guys. It made you roll your eyes, but Chaka seemed delighted that people had come back here to talk to her. Sam mouthed to you “I’ll be watching her tonight” before following her to the couch. You just sat on a different couch and flipped through the magazine left on the coffee table.
It had must’ve been at least 15 minutes since you’ve sat down. The guys seemed a bit bored as Chaka chatted about which lipgloss she should use whilst Sam tried to deny the advances of some other guy. You leaned further into the couch, like you wanted to sink into it. The urge to leave was strong but where would you go? All your equipment still needed to be packed up. Suddenly the couch dipped next to you, causing you to jump slightly.
“Didnt meant to scare ya love..” A sort of deep voice spoke. You looked over to see.. a punk guy? Wait.. was this the guy Chaka was talking about? He slung his arm behind the couch and gave a grin.
“Say that show was bloody fantastic hm? Got real talent, all of ya.” He kicked feet up onto the coffee table, the thud from his boots earning Chaka’s attention. She gasped (very loudly) and pointed to him. Hobie laughed at her surprise.
“He’s the one I told you about…!” She (not so quietly) whispered.
“Aren’t I charming?” He teased. Chaka giggled and gave you a thumbs up.
“Make a friend (Y/N)! It wouldn’t like, hurt. Not at all!” She grinned and turned back to the men, who were eyeing Hobie next to you. Sam eyed him too, their eyes narrowed with their eyebrows furrowed.
Silence filled the space between you.
“So.. do you want my autograph or something..?” You questioned.
“Not at all love. Wouldn’t mind it if ya offer. Just thought you looked lovely on stage.” He shrugged at his words.
“Top tier performance. Would’ve been throwing flowers at you if I had em.” You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, covering your mouth to muffle it. Hobie grinned at your reaction.
“Trying to chat me up and I don’t even know your name.” You teased, but you didn’t know if it actually came across that way. You weren’t too experienced at doing this type of him, Chaka was.
“I like your style doll, the names Hobie. Hobie Brown.” Hobie introduced. You were about to say your name but he waved his hand in a way to tell you to not speak.
“Already know it. Wouldn’t be a true fan if I didn’t eh?” He had a shit-eating grin on his face.
You couldn’t help but grin back.
“Well well, if your such a big fan you wouldn’t mind leaving this place with me? Those creepy guys aren’t working their charm on me.” You tilted your head over to the guys who were trying to get closer to Chaka and Sam. Hobie raised an eyebrow at you.
“Trusting a stranger so easily? Didn’t your mum teach you ‘stranger danger’”. He teased. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“If I end up dead it’s better than being here.” You acted a little grossed out by the guys, just for dramatic effect.
“Well then come on love, I’ll take ya to my gig now. You wouldn’t mind playing guitar again tonight would ya?”
part two?
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ash-and-starlight · 4 months
If this isn't what you were looking for, feel free to absolutely ignore this, but. Random assortment of theory books that don't melt one's brain to read (leftist gender stuff is like a gateway drug, get through these and you'll be snorting up Antonio Gramsci in the original italian in no time):
-Feminism for the 99%, a manifesto. (3 gender academia feminists come together to propose an anticapitalist form for the fem movement, against neoliberal feminism. casual language, original or translation, both easy to intake)
-Social Reproduction Theory, edited by tithi bhattacharya. (An academic collection of 10 essays grappling with a range of questions around social reproduction, from a marxist-feminist perspective. only in English, but I think it's comprehensible. scihub it)
-Caliban and the Witch, by Silvia Federici. (an alternative analysis for primitive accumulation, connects the witch hunts to early capitalism. Anarchofem leaning viewpoint. not overly complex language. imo, political/economical theory always easier to read in your og language, there's an italian translation)
Honourable mention: Paul Preciado's "Does the Monster Speak?" is his own transcription of a lecture about gender and transness he gave before a roomful of Freudian psychoanalysts, himself being a psychoanalyst and a trans man. This hits, it's full of lived experience, full of the feeling of otherness, the struggle of what performance is and what's real, how performance IS real etc etc. not academic theory per se, but nonfiction and political nonetheless.
Have a very good and excellent day.
AAAAA THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THIS EXCELLENT LIST it's Exactly what I was looking for, I can't wait to sink my teeth into all of these and build up for the Gramsci cocaine <333 Thank you sooo so much I hope you have the most perfect day too
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prince-liest · 2 months
love the way you explore Alastor's friendships but especially with his gal pals, which I feel like might get overlooked by a lot of people! thank you so much for the radiodiva fic. it hit me in all of my aroace feels and of course it's great to read more of Mimzy. you even threw in some Niffty (and a Rosie shoutout) that was sooo cute. truly the Al GalPal fic.
it's also super fun to compare Al's behavior with his female friends (and how much of that is informed by time period and those ideals) and how he behaves when boundaries are crossed with Vox in the 666 series. how much would you say is due to differences in power (overlord vs normal sinner) and gender perceptions? or was that something you were taking into consideration when writing?
Thank you so much! It's a really fun topic for me to explore because, as you said, those are definitely all things that I think about when I write about how Alastor relates to other people, especially people with the potential to become friends! I think it's power and gender.
This turned into a pretty long post, so: the rest is under the cut!
We definitely see in canon that Alastor has a different relationship with his female friends than he does with pretty much any male character, period. I think that his behavior in that sense is very much informed by the time period that he's from. Obviously he hasn't strictly retained '20s sensibilities (except maybe with regards to radio, haha), but I think he clearly puts some effort into presenting himself as a gentleman when women are involved in a way that he simply doesn't bother with when men are. He offers a certain amount of leeway and respect to characters like Niffty, Mimzy, Rosie, and even Charlie, who I personally think that he would claim as a friend but doesn't realize he may or may not be beginning to genuinely see as one. Honestly, the female character to get the least amount of leeway from him is Vaggie, and she's outright hostile to him on many occasions.
But... even with Vaggie, he's much nicer to her outright antagonism than he is to, say, Husk. He's still unkind when he prods her about Charlie's expectations in episode one, and I think he knows he has to maintain a veneer of decency with her that he doesn't with Husk, but I think from the way he expresses himself it's still telling that he seems more amused than irritated with her even when he's being a petty bitch about it.
He does have female friends across different power levels, and I think in each case there's a clear consideration to that aspect of the dynamic as well. He most likely owns Niffty's soul, and he gives Niffty an incredibly amount of leeway with his person and outright says that he admires her in a way. Mimzy is a sinner who runs to him for help, and he enables her behavior and attitude with fondness and, I think we can extrapolate, consistently comes through for her requests - he's also incredibly polite to her when he asks her not to, y'know, destroy the project he's currently investing so much time into. Rosie, on the other hand, is an overlord - and he still shows her a great deal of fondness, but I think it's also telling that their dialogue seems to imply that their relationship is very well-balanced by mutual favors.
And on that note, it's also not a coincidence that I tend to reach for Angel Dust, a very genderqueer character who does not personally perform traditional masculinity (and in fact puts quite a bit of effort into his feminine persona) as a member of the hotel crew that Alastor would be the most able to become friends of sorts with. Angel is, of course, also a sinner of a pretty low power level, and I think that underneath the external wildly different presentations, he and Alastor have a lot in common (namely on the topic of masking), but he's not the only character who masks around Alastor and compared to Vox or Lucifer, who are both powerful people and not particularly feminine, he's a lot higher on the "ease of friend potential" meter for Alastor.
The friendliest we see Alastor being with a male character in canon is with Zestial, whose general persona is very gentlemanly... but even then, I would call their attitude toward each other one of friendly posturing as coworkers who have an eye on each other, rather than genuinely friendly.
When I write Alastor dealing with Vox in 666: Live on Air! it's definitely with consideration to "How the hell would Alastor be more genuine, non-performative friends with an actual guy?" because, like... Vox isn't wrong when he says that he's the first dude that's earned the sheer amount of leeway that Alastor offers him, both physically and emotionally.
(Disclaimer I feel compelled to make: No, it's not because Vox is trans. Alastor straight up does not initially realize that, and even despite knowing it at the current point of the story, nothing about Vox's presentation actually reads as feminine to Alastor in any way. He's a softer touch with Angel Dust than Vox for a reason!)
What ends up happening is that Alastor... wants, even if it's largely subconscious, to behave with Vox as comfortably as he does with Rosie, Mimzy, and Niffty. But unfortunately, he runs into the issue of 1) his paranoid hindbrain is still regularly registering Vox as a power-hungry threat, at least in part due to Vox's actual previous behavior, and 2) he is honestly closer to Vox in some aspects than he is to his other friends because of the sheer amount of weird self-discovery they've gotten up to, which means that opening up the same way would be showing more vulnerability, and to a person that, frankly, Alastor doesn't feel like he has a veneer of gender role-dictated propriety to protect himself with. Especially since Vox is an overlord, and especially since a lot of the actual kinky shit that they get up to is predicated on Vox having abilities that the average sinner doesn't.
So when Mimzy crosses a boundary, Alastor accomodates her in whatever way is genuinely important to her, then gently corrects her and sets her on her way. This is just how Mimzy is, this is how their dynamic has been for a long time, and he does not register her as a threat. When Vox crosses a boundary... it's an attack, and if it's a serious enough one, then Alastor subscribes to the school of responses of nuclear proportions to dissuade any motherfucker from ever even thinking about trying again. See: the trail of dead overlord bodies left in his wake after his original descent into hell.
The turning point that leads him to make a deal to his slight but very actual disadvantage in Network 0666: No Signal is that Vox shows him some genuine upset and vulnerability. Vox has been vulnerable before this point, but he's generally been loud, obnoxious, pathetic, and over-the-top about it, and honestly often also just absolutely turned it into a sex thing. This is the first time that Vox managed, though entirely unintentionally, to find one of the heartstrings that is so much more accessible to characters like Mimzy, and accidentally tug on it. Alastor finds safety in the vulnerability of his friends, but he also likes being the powerful figure that provides those friends with help and protection, even in ways that might look like they're to his own detriment.
(Until, of course, they end up actually being to his detriment - see: Adam - at which point he loses his shit about it. But, uh, his ego makes it hard for him to see when that might actually happen!)
Anyway, this ended up a long post that could probably have been less rambling, but I hope it answered your question!
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tokosparrow · 6 months
“Hello! I'm new to requesting so if I suck MB... I really love Matthew patel and there's very little fanfics of him out there 🥲 how about Matthew being beat by Scott (in a world where he doesn't explode into coins) and after everyone leaves, reader helps him collect himself and they end up being friends, and then later on they confess? Gender neutral reader would be nice!! Thank you 💚”
a/n : thank you @habitabel for the request!! i also love how wholesome this is so double thanks (ps. this has slight angst) :3
you were having a great time watching the battle of the bands, you had a shared amount of favorite bands you wanted to see, especially the one named sex bomb-omb was it? soon you became much more invested when some guy flew through the roof, killing the band that was supposed to be battling.
‘oh wow…’ you thought, watching the guy challenging the bassist, poor guy you suppose.
matthew patel you soon to find out it’s the guys name gets pretty mad, soon you watched as the two fought over a girl named romona flowers? you watched, amused, as matthew sung and fought, soon loosing to the bassist, leaving the poor guy defeated on the floor. everyone has soon started leaving since the performance was basically over, the guy still being left on the floor which pulled onto your heart strings.
as people continued to leave you walked up to the guys body to check on him just once before you left yourself, you place your hand onto his chest gently to make sure he was still breathing as he was landed on his back pretty hard. soon a groan came from him leading you to quickly take your hand back as you jumped a bit.
“you okay man? you hit the ground pretty hard…” you asked as you watched him open his eyes and trying to sit himself up.
“yea…i’m alright..” he responded, struggling just a bit, yet you you helped him hold him to his feet.
“your name is matthew patel, right?” he nods as you asked, still feeling shaked up. “im (Y/N), im gonna take you the hospital to make sure you’re alright”, you say as you help led him as he still struggled.
then you know it, about a year passed and the both of you and matthew became good friends after you helped him so kindly, and he was ever so grateful for someone like you, you felt the same. which led you into a small problem, you somehow gained a crush on your friend that you became so close with, it was something you thought about over and couldn’t put a finger on just why you liked matthew so much.
you were on a bench in your local park as this thought pondered in your mind, sighing and lost in your thoughts as small hue of red creeped onto your cheeks as you thought of matthew again and again thinking that maybe today is day you get the confession over with. you didn’t even noticed that he already somehow spotted you from across the park and running toward you as fast as he could.
“(Y/N)..!!” “Matthew!?” you shouted in response as the scream of him calling your name out pulled you out of your imagination.
as he stopped infront of you, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath, soon making eye contact with you, with your eyes already placed on him hiding the slight blush on your cheeks.
“i saw you…across the park…so i decided… to come over and talk..” he said taking breaths inbetween a couple words, soon sitting himself next to you.
“you alright…you seemed out of it” hearing his concerned tone made you fidget just a bit, deciding whether if you should go though with this confession.
“yea…is it weird to like a friend?” you asked out of the blue as you continued to fidget, confusing matthew just a bit but soon leading him to smile.
“sooo who’s this lucky person?” hitting your arm playfully with his elbow, soon realizing that this seems a bit serious.
“well…it’s not weird okay..?” rubbing his neck as he says so, “if you’re comfortable, you could tell me who it is…?”
you thought for a moment, then you sighed. better now or never, you look at him and took a deep breath as to give yourself a moment before telling him the truth.
“i like…well…” you say placing your hand onto his hand that was on the bench, looking at him feeling much more nervous than before, “i like you matthew…”
he looked at you for moment, almost speechless and trying to put a single thought together on how to respond. you took him being speechless for the worse and stood up, a bit of tears formed in your eyes and looking down as you didn’t want to make any eye contact with him for one moment out of embarrassment.
“i’m sorry…i-..” “wait (Y/N)…i…” matthew took your hands as he stood up and before you could walk away, gently holding both of your hands into his as it’s like he doesn’t want to hurt them.
“i…i like you a whole lot too, much more than you think..” he admits confidently, caressing your hands as he does so.
“i’ve liked you a lot for a while yknow” he says as he smiles, soon placing one of his hands on your cheeks, gaining a small smile from you which made him happy.
as matthew has his hand place on your cheek, he felt his heart start to race slowly, soon placing a kiss on your lips which was returned. with a moment so valuable, there were a surprise that neither you or matthew could possibly predict.
“woah, sparks??” you two both said confused as the kiss quickly was broken to see what just happened.
you two looked at each other once again, soon laughing and giggling as you two embrace each other in a hug, both of your foreheads against each other. what a great way to confess, you both must’ve thought at the moment.
ahahahahshaa, im so in love with him <333
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livelaughlovesubs · 10 days
To a lovely person like you, can you do Dom! Male! Reader x Mark Twain where reader gives him a hickey, with along the lines of “It’s hot when you talk back.” thanks! 😗
Hello my dear, thanks for the request, hopefully it’s to your liking. The gender of reader wasn’t mentioned at all, like the most of my fics, sooo interpret it however you want
Dom!reader x sub!mark
Warning: marking (hickey), teasing, dirty talk (it’s pretty harmless)
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Bang. The sound of the sniper echoed through your ears, followed by a satisfied sigh from the redhead. “That was the last one.” He commented, seemingly happy with his own performance. “Good job.” You praised him, while leaning against the wall of his small cabinet. Mark smirked ever so confidently, putting his weapon away at the same time. “Of course I’d do a good job.” The boy said as he got up from his chair. There wasn’t much space, since the room in which he always stays was very small. That’s why you reached your hand out to him, wanting to help.
Instead he just tried to stand up by himself, ignoring you basically. “What’s this supposed to mean?” You asked, a little irritated by his actions. “Nothing.” He said, trying to go to the door immediately, without telling you anything. Suddenly you grabbed his wrist and pushed him against the wall, he haven’t even shown his face to you yet. “You are being such a brat, mark.” “I’m not a brat.” The male say and stuck his tongue out, he was grinning with his eyes. Finally you realised his intentions, he was doing it on purpose, “haha, you are such an attention whore, aren’t you?” A slight blush covered his face as he scoffed, “tsk, a whore, really? I’m not.”
You inched closer to him, to the point where your face was right above his neck. Gently, your lips grazed his skin, causing his breath to get stuck in his throat. “Don’t you know how much of a slut you are for me?” Hot air blowed against his neck, he could feel goosebumps appearing on his skin. “You are talking nonsense.” He was still up for a fight. How adorable and naive of him to think that will be enough to make you angry, you couldn’t help but break it to him, “It’s hot when you talk back like that.”
What do you mean hot? He was trying to get you to rough him up a little, maybe a tad bit manhandling too, yet you weren’t doing anything. Right after he had that thought, he felt your lips on his neck, and his had to bit back a whine. “HnngnnH..! Why you..” You sucked and gnawed on his neck, until a red spot formed beneath your lips. Only then did you pull back, and he instantly threw a hand over that spot while a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. His cheeks were also slightly redder than previously. Mark stared at you, at your teasing smile and amused gaze. You laughed a little again as you said, “Keep talking back sweetheart, I dare you.”
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ezekielsuperfan · 2 months
Hhhihihi I feel SO NORMAL today so I wanna ask if you can do some Jacques x Gender Neutral Reader stuff related to iceskating n whatnot!!! Reader can be either good or terrible at iceskating since idk which option to choose‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
Hi anon! I loveee Jacques, I'll totally write him some hcs and a story-bite for you! <3/p
I kind of hc him as Italian sooo expect some Italian lovenames (Cara Mia (My darling), Amore (love), Bello (Beautiful), etc;)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Jacques x GN!Reader - Ice Skating hcs!
(Semi storyline included!)
When Jacques finally decided to take you out, of course it had to be ice skating.
He was quick to judge you didn't know what you were doing.
And when he attempted to escort you on the ice... It was a big surprise to him that you immediately began to glide against the ice with not only ease, but grace, too.
Oh boy, did he highly underestimate you at first.
"Are you truly sure you don't need my help, Cara Mia?" Jacques questioned you thoroughly, his typical charming accent laced with concern as he firmly planted his hand onto your waist, gripping it lightly, you had this feeling he would've gotten touchy again if you attempted to go out by yourself, it was just his nature when he felt nervous.
"Yes, Jacques... I've got this." You teased him and simply chuckled, looking back at him with your mouth carving a small smile.
"What if you slip? Then what would I do?" He contemplates, you turn to fully divide yourself from the ice, giving your entire attention to just him, you remove his hand from your waist, taking it into yours along with his other hand, looking deep into his eyes.
"Do you trust me?"
He pondered that question.
"Yes, Amore..."
"Then just let me on the ice, and I'll prove to you I'll be alright." Your hands pull away from his and you give him a peck on his cheek, leaving him blushing. You pressed your skates to the ice, pushing yourself back as you began to glide a small distance away as Jacques watched you carefully. Your pace quickened onto the ice, giving you enough speed to begin to twirl and do small tricks.
This left Jacques in an awe, not just because your moves were so flawless, but because it's you! I mean, it was surprising to see someone whom could very well be even better than he was, which was a high accomplishment and could be a well flattering compliment.
"Mi Amore! How haven't you decided to tell me you ice dance! Or ice skate for that matter?" Jacques began to skate with you, a wide grin on his face.
"I meant to, buttt I wanted it to be a surprise!" You reply with a giggle, doing jazz fingers as you continued to skate.
"Surprise? You should've told me! I would've died to be your dance partner!"
"Oh, I'm not sure I'd be cut out for that Jacques, Ice dancing isn't really my thing-"
"Of course you would be Mi Amore! Your beginning performance already had me astonished!"
You two skated together for what felt like hours, doing many tricks and dances as people gathered and cheered.
Unfortunately, that led to you both being kicked out of the ice rink.
You both couldn't seem to care less, though.
Jacques now knew that his partner was potentially even more skilled at ice dancing than he was.
There will be many more ice dates after this, that much you should expect.
____________ 。 ₊°༺❤︎༻°₊ 。______________
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angstics · 4 days
i love that part of gerard's idea of the masculine during the 2022 tour was the indecipherable red suit-slicked back hair-dramatic stage makeup character he did at wwwy3. and the b&w screen!!! the main theory was that it was a old film star look. which seems right to me. whatever the interpretation, the makeup seals it as a performed look. not just in terms of gender, but entertainment as well. i thought it was an oddball at the time, considering the "halloween costumes" streak that year ... but it still follows the gendered-midcentury-american-figureheads theme. pretty much everything else i can understand what gave him the idea, he's been fixated on vampires and cheerleaders the entire time he's been releasing art. film and stars are also a big part of the band's iconography (james dean was mcr's mascot for the first 2 years) and what he cares about, but it's way more underground. sooo this was such a creative way of exploring the full range of themes he was obvi interested in. i just thought about this for the first time today 2 years later, so there's still stuff to mine about mcr 2022/23. god i love it
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hopefulnightlady · 2 months
141 Nsfw Headcannons four, smut galore
(gender neutral)
Part one(Price): here
Part two(Soap): here
part three(Gaz): here
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So yeah here is the last part. As always, have fun if u disagree well. Tell me so i can tell you how wrong you are ^-^. Remember i made these out of sheer frustration at the prevalent characterisations. If you like super duper dark evil murder monster Simon 9000, you will not like this. Respectfully, go back to booktok🥰
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Spoicy stuff under the cut, folks!
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Same as price with the issues of separating his job and the sort of violence kinky sex brings
I mean he literally has a murder fursona (ghost) to cope with existing and to separate it from himself
(going to give you a sec here to digest murder fursona)
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probably suuuper quiet (internalized toxic masculinity says he's not allowed to enjoy things)
he would not be good at communicating in general
If you manage to get into his heart, and you must've if you're in his bed, he's probably trying very very hard for you about everywhere else
but this stuff? emotional intimacy, especially when mixed with physical intimacy? nope, not even on his list
you'd have your work cut out for you
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To not only shit on Ghost, here is a non-exhaustive list of stuff that he's good at/with
following direction (if you say 'just like that' he does. just. that.) not in a ‘sub’ way, just in a ‘good at following orders’ sort of way
actually, maybe a little bit in a sub way (hehe subway), not super kinky just.... wants to make Sure you're happy?
nice dick, big but not wayyy to big, and he doesn't think it makes him magically amazing at sex
loves giving head👍 doesn't matter your bits, if you like it, he will
the murder stare is pretty hot in the bedroom (especially when being given head)
he actually gets better at the genuine vulnerability stuff with time.
and oh, he tries. sooo. hard. and it's obvious
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Bonus, because it's not talked about nearly enough:
-He’d have ED (erectile dysfunction) issues. It's very likely at least one of them would, and mr skullmask flavor ptsd is my prime candidate
-it wouldn't be constant, and not anything like a medical issue, mostly just stress, abd performance anxiety, and well, the trauma
-He would hate himself PROFOUNDLY for it. I wish he didn't, but he would.
-Esp with his issues about talking about his feelings, i think you'd not even know until like. Wayyyy into the relationship
Totally the type of guy ro manage to hide it for yearsss
-perhaps you finding out (and better NOT CARING!!!) helps with the anxiety surrounding the topic for him, which in turn might soothe the symptoms are little
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he didn't even know such a thing existed until he randomly read on google about it (only AFTER the conversation about emotional intimacy and communication during sex was had)
And now he helps you clean up, and brings you a snack and water, and generally does everything he thinks might help you feel safe and happy
Still doesn't do much actual... talking. But the actions speak for themselves, and he's really trying
once the cleanup/snack is concluded, he will Cuddle you. Because he quickly learned skin to skin is important after Sex
For precisely 15 minutes, that is, after that he starts to get antsy, needing some time with No one Perceiving him.
(yes, it's pretty precisely 15 minutes. But!!! he already did 1 whole Sex with you, plus the cuddling? that's rough, bud)
would probably shower, or smoke, some small excuse for time alone and then come back, sit with you, or go to bed with you, or generally be close without too excessive touching
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Bye bye folks, that's it!
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1000lesbians · 1 year
never not thinking abt aloto & how it showed actually butch women as normal people AND in the 1950s a time of such intense gender performance. like idk i can't describe how much it means 2 me to see women who aren't feminine. at all. and having them be main characters. sooo much shit i see that focuses on Women and Women's Empowerment and Women's History is always like feminine women or "masculine women" who are objectively gender conforming and as a trans butch woman who cannot relate to cis womanhood or cis femininity im just tired of it. the same applies to ellie tlou; ive only seen the show but ellie is like. a normal girl!!! she's weird and likes guns and just IS without needing some sign of femininity!!!! it's not even about characters being Butch (although that's it too; you rarely ever get proper Butches who are undeniably and painfully Butch and also allowed 2 be people) but having women & girls who are uninterested in femininity and diverge from the femciswoman norm, even if it's not thru masculinity or masculinity alone. idk if im making sense but i just love seeing women who are masc and butch and gross and messy
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