yesloulou · 6 months
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brought to you by the genius tags via @dannyric333 <3
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lelalyo · 6 months
I might be completely off the mark but I recall Wyll saying that Gale was the cook of the camp, right? For some reason, I pondered this because I just assumed that everyone would cook for themselves for various reasons (Minthara mentioning poisoned food a lot, for example) and I wondered why Gale would do this. The thought that occurred to me is: What if this is his way of comforting everyone? Ofc, it could just be for efficiency so everyone doesn't have to wait for their turn at the fire but when he was at his lowest, it sounds like Tara covered all his basic needs for him while he was trying to cope/come to terms emotionally.
Seeing as everyone would have to be trying to rationalize being kidnapped, tadpoled, falling out of the damn sky, living with the constant threat of being one word away from being squidified + the unresolved emotional baggage they had before, me thinks that Gale is might be trying to cover everyone's basic needs for them like Tara did for him.
I know he mentions that Tara would've approved of saving the grove but little things like just having something to eat matter too.
On the flip side, you could say the companions are perfectly capable of looking after themselves, they're all survivors after all but they're also very perceptive of each other. Maybe they think Gale is trying to prove or distract himself, maybe both and maybe they don't mind because having someone who makes them something at the end of a long day is actually comforting. Or maybe Gale is just the best cook in camp so everyone leaves him to it.
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sebsxphia · 6 months
cruel summer by taylor swift is the most jake seresin song of all time. it’s the summer before he goes off to the navy and i can just picture it all so clearly, especially with these lines:
“hang your head low, in the glow of the vending machine”
“you say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times”
“oh it's new, the shape of your body”
“and i screamed for whatever it's worth, "I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?”
“he looks up grinning like a devil”
you’re both best friends from high school age and you decide to take one last road trip, just the two of you, before jake deploys for the navy. you’re so hopelessly in love with him and he loves you too, but the prospect of the navy is too daunting for him right now. he can’t give you what you want and in this essay i will—
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You don't have to read this article, but I wanted to share it to point out something in particular.
This is about a New York Times article published just before SCOTUS oral arguments on the government censorship case Murthy v. Missouri (used to be Missouri v. Biden). It's intended to discredit some of the people who exposed the government's attempts to circumvent the First Amendment, including the author, Matt Taibbi. He debunks the nonsensical article, of course, but there's a quote here I think is particularly telling. The article's writers suggest, at one point, that the federal government's role in censorship was "an imperfect attempt to balance free speech with democratic rights."
Balance free speech with democratic rights.
Wait, what?
Free speech is a democratic right.
One of the most important, in fact.
Then the New York Times comes out with another piece about why the "deep state" is actually a good thing.
Ho boy, these people are really showing their hand.
Here's the thing about the left that is crucial to understand. The left is not hypocritical, because everything the left supposedly cares about is nothing but a means to an end, and they only have one end, which is absolute power for the left. Why does the left support the rights of some protestors but not others? Why is the left "compassionate" towards some groups of poor people but not others? Why does the left tell us to listen to people's "lived experiences" but shun black people who aren't on board with DEI and "anti-racism" and detransitioners and women and minorities who don't vote for them? Why, why, why? Well! It's actually pretty obvious! They only support people who further their own agenda, and the instant you're not supporting a leftist agenda, you're out! The left does not care about "the people." The left does not care about democracy. The left does not care about free speech. The left does not care about you. The left cares about - you guessed it - the left! That's all there is to it!
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wxywardsun · 11 months
Bringing up uncannynatural in the sense of witches yet again so here’s some things I think they should’ve been able to do + do more of whether it be knowingly or unknowingly :
More glowy eyes. Let them have glowy eyes more even in a well lit room. You can see the faintest purple glow if you focus hard enough (I just think that’s such a bone chilling thing to think about)
Unknowingly making lightbulbs flicker or pop with magic (heightened emotions = brighter flicker)
The occasional rattle of a random object on a table when a witch gets startled would’ve been pretty interesting to see
Radio audio fizzling in and out on occasion when a witch uses a spell (or a computer screen glitching out a bit)
Oh a witch has long nails? I wanna see little tiny sparks of magic flying up and around in the air if they scratch or claw at something
I feel like we should’ve seen a witch with fangs or at least a bit of noticeable sharpness to their canines. It would look super neat and ominous and (again) those occasional little sparks of magic if they bare them at someone or something would look pretty badass
little hand movements when they do spells (think doctor strange + scarlet witch type of moves)
Object levitation + darting objects at monsters with it. Seriously imagine being on a hunt and out of nowhere a knife comes flying at the monsters head before you can even get a hit in only to find out it’s a witch that nabbed your kill a few feet away from you (makes it even more chilling if you can’t even see where they’re at)
I might add to this list but overall? I love the witches of supernatural I just wish they could’ve been more ominous!
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ericaportfolio · 11 months
Some time ago, I got tired of seeing the controversy if Mortimer's Handeemen puppets were "related" to each other. So I made a tweet question to see if Andrew Allen ever responds to it. Lord and Behold, he does! Long story short from Andrew, the Handeemen puppets are not related to each other. The long story is me picking through each detail Andrew can reveal without spoiling what might go down in the next game when we get it someday (cross fingers!). Before I begin, the question I tweeted is in the link below to read through it. SPOILERS to Hello Puppets: Midnight Show Also Below!!!
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I started off by asking the question listed in the link with Andrew answering later that night in separate parts. Andrew clearly knows what is going on. He uses the biggest of the controversies that have been widely argued and questioned, Nick Nack's crush, quoted below in parts one and two.
Puppets cannot technically be biological siblings. What does “related” mean for beings that don’t reproduce, don’t have DNA, etc? I think the question behind the question here is: “are Nick’s feelings for Riley familial attraction?” I know some people don’t like that Riley and Nick see each other in a way that is like human siblings. So what he feels is wrong. The story in no way condones Nick’s feelings for her, they’re treated as inappropriate. But are the Handeemen a real family in any way? Or are they a cult?
Andrew states the puppets are not siblings, cannot "be biological siblings", and cannot reproduce in the game canon. In the original show, Owen wanted the Handeemen to feel like a stereotypical nuclear family, the parents, in this case, the father and mother, and the siblings, the sister and brother. Riley and Nick were supposed to be like the rival infighting siblings that tolerate each other occasionally. Unfortunately for Owen, not all the traits he imagined didn't transition through into the puppets. Mortimer Handee the best example of going from the perfect father figure to a toxic cult leader. In Nick's case, it's actually interesting that Andrew agrees what Nick is feeling is wrong and that what he's doing can get him in trouble with HR in the workplace in the modern world, but the story itself doesn't condone Nick. But still, you can get into trouble at work making a painting seen in the VHS tapes like Nick did with a coworker who views you like a sibling. Or in a case where a sibling thinking about another sibling that way has very extreme consequences that can lead to jail. With that, it leads to what I can describe from what Andrew might say in a Shakespeare tragedy "Family or cult? That is the question."
Mortimer wants them to think they’re a family. But the Handeemen are starting to question that. Daisy and Riley discover a friendship that is healthy. Nick, because he has a deep self-loathing, lashes out at Daisy and Riley in unhealthy ways. He has let Mortimer’s voice get in his head and tell him he’s worthless. If we get a chance to tell more of the story, I think a question I want to tackle is this: can these puppets become a REAL family, not just drones for an abusive tyrant? I have an idea the answer.
Andrew finishes off in parts three and four saying Mortimer wants to carry on the trait of that stereotypical family dynamic Owen envisioned. However, cracks were forming. Daisy and Riley slowly become best friends, but Nick is mentally suffering from Mortimer's abuse, just like Owen did from his father, that Nick takes it out on Daisy and Riley, the same way Owen did on his coworkers. So now it leads to Andrew's final question, "Can these puppets become a REAL family, not just drones for an abusive tyrant?" My answer is that Riley, Nick, Daisy, and the other puppets in the studio came close to realizing that this found family that imitates a nuclear family was toxic. Sadly, Mortimer, being the toxic cult leader he is, was way ahead of everyone to turn it into a big NO. Mortimer collected blackmail on everyone to outsmart them and keep his control for the moment. Unless it unravels in the next game.
Clearly, Andrew cannot reveal much information about spoiler reasons for the next game. Like I said in my last post, I believe the next game in the series will focus on what found family is and what makes one healthy or toxic. The Handeemen versus what I believe will be Vox Veritas. Mortimer tries to make every puppet have some family-like structure versus Vox Veritas being friends helping and supporting each other with some imperfections because THIS IS NOT GOING TO END WELL! We all know Anthony Pierson’s fate in the first game! The Hello Puppets series is a tragedy after all. At the end of the day, incestuous relationships in bloodlines and adoptions should not be normalized in society. If anyone who reads this sees something like this in real life, you got the right to report it, rat out the guilty, and help the victims. Which is sadly common in cults nowadays. In the game, what Mortimer has set up in his cult is also messed up. I won't be surprised if it all comes crumbling down on him down the road through Anthony, or a certain blue hair puppet with her Host throwing a wrench into everything. If you know people in the Hello Puppets fandom who were also scratching their heads, show them these tweets and this post to help clear the air FINALLY! Thank You and Goodnight!
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hollow-port · 1 year
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cybermeep · 5 months
currently having the thought of although im unable to say this, i wish more than anything to write it in the sand to then see the waves erode the writing mere minutes after, as i will have said it but not aloud, only written, and have only been seen or even recognized as something which existed by the waves themselves or the microorganisms in the sand.
…if someone were to ask me what i had written, i wouldn’t tell them; too personal to say aloud, too vulnerable to even ponder to share to someone else. i allude to it indefinitely, but i don’t say it— i’m far too scared to.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 6 months
"fuck it we ball" is for stress about the future "it is what it is" is for stress about the past and "this too shall pass" is for stress about the present thank you for coming to my TED talk
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the-phantom-peach · 10 months
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🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
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hattersarts · 9 months
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im already at the south downs cottage guys, catch up
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thinkingabout-girls · 1 month
rating these laios hugs out of 10 cause they are quite possibly the funniest things i have ever seen
(please note this is not based on laios’s efforts it’s just rating the overall hug)
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senshi hug: 10/10. that’s a solid hug right there. bit awkward with the height difference but they made it work
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chilchuck hug: 5/10. i’ve been laughing at this for 10 minutes. an effort was made. points have been awarded for an obvious attempt at making chilchuck more comfortable but still is still the awkwardest hug i’ve ever seen. it is painfully obvious that laios once attempted to crouch down to hug chilchuck and received a kick to the nuts and was cursed out for 20 minutes, and has adapted to this so that chilchuck doesn’t kill laios or himself
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marcille hug: 8/10. this is the way i hug my relatives that i don’t see very often at family events but it’s still a solid hug
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shuro hug: 2/10. this is a great hug but points have been deducted because shuro is a bastard man
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falin hug: 1000/10. THAT is a hug and it’s a damn good one. very obvious sibling love right there we love to see it
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kabru hug: ???/10. what the fuck is this. what’s with the christian side hug. why are you gently holding his tit what’s wrong with you
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novahedron · 3 months
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Joke that makes sense only to me and one (1) singular friend + live Martin and Tim reaction The vaguely referenced image:
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sebsxphia · 8 months
preacher rhett abbott would get “little lamb” tattooed on his pelvic bone just above his pubic hair.
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tims-missing-spleen · 2 months
(I like to think that) Lex Luthor gets clowned on by literally everyone, and Bruce is the absolute worst.
Like he'll attend an event and a literal millisecond later, Bruce will roll up and steal all the attention. And when they're inside, him or one of his crazy "children" will "accidentally" spill very red wine all over his expensive ass suit.
And what can Lex even do?
Last time he retaliated and mildly shoved Bruce, the man very dramatically flung himself across the room and fell straight into a table. He hadn't even gotten hurt- not a single bruise or cut- but that drama queen didn't appear in public for an entire month after the incident. The backlash Lex had gotten was so not worth it.
And it doesn't stop there. His kids join in on the "fun" and bully him too.
Tim permanently bans him from all the platforms owned by Wayne enterprisese, which is like borderline illegal, so Lex sues and somehow always loses.
Jason Duke and Steph team up and make it a game to throw things on his head without him realising. And when Luthor catches one of them, he can't even shout at them or whatnot cause hes actually scared shitless. Jason, the absolute tank of a man, just grins at him while placing his hands on the very noticeable gun at his hip. Duke and Steph stand on either side of him, gripping literal knives in their hands.
Damian just outright walks up to him and begins insulting him in a couple of different languages. He always gives Lex a final disgusted look before turning and walking off.
Dick might seem the sweetest, approaching him while smiling in that nice way of his. He's the worst, though, cause he always makes sure to bring a few reporters with him before he innocently starts outing Lex's latest evil scheme in front of the audience. He makes sure to bring solid evidence of the nefarious plans, but right at the end, he goes, "idk I could be wrong," before shrugging and walling off.
Cassandra doesn't do much, but she's definitely the scariest. Whenever Lex has had enough and is about to call a hit on Bruce, she appears out of nowhere, stares straight at him, and just shakes her head while saying, "No. Regret"
Basically, Lex Luthor, public enemy #1, gets (justifiably) bullied by the entirety of the human population (honestly, only the Waynes).
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wow-its-me · 2 months
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