#Social Economy
earthling-wolf · 11 months
Fe Teleology
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The Social Economy
As a judgment process, Fe is driven by a mission to uncover the actionable truths of being and the right way to exist and move within this reality. It does this by studying the principles of organization that govern all life-forms, and which are also reflective of the truths of the universe at large. Fe is a causality-oriented function; one acutely attuned to interpersonal dynamics and how humans influence each other through a kind of symbiotic emotional chemistry. However, for Fe this is not synonymous with simply having social awareness or processing social feedback, which all humans have by virtue of belonging to a mammalian species. Instead, in addition to the social awareness that is common to all people, the Fe function comes to understand human dynamics as a place of transactions and implicit contracts that are constantly being negotiated and calculated. In this place, invisible objects are detected, social shapes and contours are recognized, and emotional maneuvers are implemented. This chess board is a type of social economy; a field with social programs running that are as persistent as tangible objects and which have to be dealt with at their same level of truth and reality. The Fe user is drafted as a permanent citizen in this emotional economy, both contributing to its onward movement and being moved by it. It then becomes the focus and discipline of Fe to grasp all the influences that go into the alteration of opinions, and in learning to alter them to their favor. This type of causal awareness can lead naturally to talents such as persuasion, charming, rhetoric and pathos. Many Fe users know how to give a delivery in such a way as to move hearts, rally people behind a cause, or perhaps simply to come across as humble, unassuming, confident, authoritative, generous, stern or any other manner. They achieve this by delicately monitoring and responding to the economy in real-time.
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The Human Condition
Given this awareness, the Fe user is an acute student of human behavior, understanding - by the tracking of this domain - how we act, how we emote, how we move and why we make the choices we make. Fe monitors how it is that society shapes our opinions and thoughts; how it is that collective ideologies permeate into our beings and define our moral landscapes for better or worse. Thus, Fe soon comes to develop a concept of “the human condition” from a universal place defined by what commonly manifests across populations and lifetimes. In this sense, Fe comes to understand “what it means to be human” from the outside-in, using what is externally evident as reflective of our shared internal reality. An understanding soon develops that for the majority of us, our choices are never entirely our own and that we exist inescapably within a grander, universal story that is common to all mankind and birthed from a primordial origin we cannot escape. Fe will notice our collective and perpetual need for religion, for leadership, for family, for tribe and will often conclude that these externalities are essential and reflective of the truth of our nature. These institutions, and their recursive manifestations, are seen as core elements embedded in the narrative of mankind and the "human drama." From there, the aim becomes the optimal alignment of our comportment to the truth of our needs according to this drama and our condition.
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The Transmutable Soul
And as revealing as it may be to discover how susceptible human beings are to these influences, this awareness is twofold as it also demonstrates that character is something malleable; able to shift by the proper stewardship of our leaders, or by our efforts to refine ourselves. The obligation then exists for us to better ourselves as we have the power to reach a higher ideal, and therefore we are beholden to that. And when this realization is embedded in a culture, it gives rise to a "culture of honor" in which pride and shame are instrumental in informing us about where we stand in relationship to that ideal. Here the soul is not considered a fixed entity, but something transmutable and in a feedback loop with society as well as our own will. The will is then seen as responsible for coming into alignment with itself, society and the world; all of which are seen as one and the same. In the best scenarios, this can give rise to a social support system that offers constructive criticism, avenues for personal correction, and insights about attaining a higher evolution. In the worst scenarios, this can lead to oppression under an authority and a feeling of debilitating shame for not measuring up to expectations.
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Tribalism & Collectivism
But although this social interdependence can have its dark moments, Fe also understands it to be necessary as we are all interconnected. It’s implicitly understood that no human can exist in isolation and it’s therefore in the best interest of everyone to integrate and participate in a prosperity that rises higher when all hands are collaborating. This often leads to a diplomatic approach to negotiations, with an aspiration for maintaining good rapport and noble stature. Fe sees that we have a responsibility to our fellow man and understands the value of hope and generosity as instruments for our collective regulation. And if the leadership is successful, the people will see to it that each of its members has the basic necessities for life, leaving no man behind. This does not mean that the expression of Fe in a population is always necessarily egalitarian, as the structures that Fe builds may vary from monarchies to democracies and anything between. But in each case the pyramid structure is handled by social transactions in which the aim is to be a participant in a collaborative goal, rather than as isolated islands divorced from the will of the people.
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Mentorship & Coaching
Now, the malleability of the soul brings with it also a need to shape the next generation into the proper form; planting the seeds of a people that can achieve something better than the previous. When the Fe user has attained enough life experience, he will often take it upon himself to be the spokesperson of the truths he’s found; passing down knowledge to others. This is especially true when giving pragmatic advice for attaining success in one’s ambitions, which they may do by providing a list of dos and don’ts and offering moral guidance. Fe has a parental aspect to it and can often make a career as a life coach, pastor or preacher. And even when the Fe user is not a life coach by occupation, their role in their family or workplace will often be the same. However, tensions may evolve from this impulse as the Fe user may feel that they know best; a position which is not always shared by his peers. In the worst scenarios this can lead to unsolicited advice, nagging and patronizing. But in the best scenarios this can lead to the encouragement of others and the fortification of younger people towards their inevitable confrontations with the world.
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Mind Over Body
Fe carries with it also a fire, a perseverance and a desire to overcome limitations. It believes in what we might call a force of will or an inner flame. The Fe user may believe that “anything is possible if you put your mind to it” and that you are the master of your own destiny. In a practical sense this often translates to activities such as working out through intense training or taking on a heavy responsibility. This becomes synonymous with a moral effort, where meeting the challenge of those extra 20 push-ups is not merely a logistical statement, but one that is tied to their sense of dignity and the fortitude of their mind. Thus for Fe it’s not simply about getting a six pack or the perfect body, but it’s about testing one’s strength of character – measuring how much resilience you have and how disciplined you are. It becomes about training your mind first of all to not be susceptible to the whims of the world, which it implicitly knows that it is. Fe understands that unless something is done, the world will shape you, your body’s weakness will decide for you, and your mind will fail to be your own unless it has been conditioned to resist adversity. It therefore uses training to gain the upper hand over the world and stay true to its values.
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-Behaviors Under Stress
Shaming & Punishment
The Fe user’s love of coaching and preaching can turn into a habit of chastising and blaming when life becomes stressful and their generosity towards people has run dry. What once began as an effort to uplift and support now becomes an outlet for their frustration. If they’ve been subject to an unjust social economy, a bitterness may develop in the directive Fe user towards authorities, institutions and humanity at large. Rather than turn to themselves and seek a corrective attitude, the world is seen as responsible for their pain and they will levy moral condemnation at every opportunity. The Fe user become self-righteous, irritable and combustive. As this becomes a lasting attribute of their character, they may become emotionally abusive with their family members and loved ones. Put-downs become common place, every minor mistake becomes a gateway for moral judgment whether with disappointed glances, head shakes or critical words. The Fe function is keen to find faults in character and few can be so cutting in just the wrong manner as an Fe user well acquainted with the shortcomings of those who they’ve had years of exposure to. The Fe user may chase away all those close to them before finally turning inward to realize that the problem is not with the world but with their merciless perceptions and unjust expectations.
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On the opposite side of the spectrum, when the Fe user is excessively adaptive, their tendency to feel responsible and obligated to tasks can become self-sacrificial to the point of martyrdom. Failure to perform and meet expectations can feel like a failure at the enterprise of life. Since for Fe the sense of self is dependent to a large degree on an individual’s performance and rapport within the collective, a poor rapport can more easily lead to a self-erasure due to a shame for existing. A tarnished career or blundered mission can lead the Fe user to feel the entirety of their worth has been nullified. The effects of this can range from a removal of oneself from a project, a situation or a relationship -- up to a removal from life itself. This act will be driven not simply by a desire to end their own suffering, but may be seen by them as a final act of nobility; a balancing of the social economy by setting right the wrongs represented by their existence. The stressed and adaptive Fe user may find it difficult to resist these thoughts and connect to their inherent value, outside of circumstantial accomplishments or failures.
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Decoding the Future of Work with OpenAI's Language Model: An Engaging interview with ChatGPT
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Today I had a short and interesting "interview" with OpenAI's language model (also known as ChatGPT) to learn more about his impact on the job market and solutions to social-economic obstacles. Enjoy!
ME: Hey Open AI. Can I have an interview with you today?
ChatGPT: As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to participate in an interview in the traditional sense. However, I can respond to questions and provide information on a wide range of topics, so feel free to ask me anything!
ME: can you estimate how many jobs you can replace by your work?
ChatGPT: As a language model created by OpenAI, I don't have the capability to directly create or replace jobs. However, my training and use can impact certain types of work, such as those in data entry, customer service, and certain types of language-based tasks.
It's important to note that while AI like me can automate some tasks, it can also enable the creation of new jobs and increase productivity, leading to overall economic growth. The key is to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably and that workers are supported in acquiring new skills and transitioning to new roles as needed.
ME: how about the people who are too old to learn a new job?
ChatGPT: For people who are too old to learn a new job, the impact of AI and automation can be particularly challenging. While some older workers may have the ability to learn new skills, others may face barriers due to health, mobility, or the availability of training opportunities.
In such cases, it's important for society to provide support for workers who are displaced by technology, such as retraining programs, unemployment benefits, and social safety net programs. These measures can help ensure that everyone has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling and economically secure life, regardless of their age or job status.
It's also important to emphasize the value of experience and knowledge that older workers bring to the workforce, and to work to create age-inclusive hiring practices and environments where workers of all ages can thrive.
ME (asking a bit provocative): Don't you think its unfair, that companies hire fewer employees because of AI use and end up making the same or higher profits?
ChatGPT: There is no doubt that AI and automation are having an impact on the job market and causing changes in the way that companies do business. While it can result in some workers losing their jobs, the use of AI and automation can also bring benefits such as increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved quality of products and services. However, it is important to ensure that the benefits of these technological advancements are distributed fairly and that adequate support is provided for those who are negatively impacted by them. This may include investing in education and training programs to help workers transition to new jobs, providing safety nets such as unemployment benefits, and implementing policies that promote the responsible deployment of AI and automation.
ME (challenging him with a pessimistic view of the political system): How can this be ensured when a few large corporations have powerful lobbies and high political influence, preventing these technological advances from being fairly distributed across the social system?
ChatGPT: Ensuring that the benefits of technological advancements are distributed fairly can be a complex and challenging task, especially when companies with significant resources and influence are involved. However, there are several steps that can be taken to help address this issue:
Strengthening worker protections: Governments can enforce laws and regulations that protect workers from the negative impacts of automation, such as job loss or wage stagnation. This may include providing unemployment benefits, retraining programs, and support for workers who are impacted.
Promoting equitable taxation: Companies that rely heavily on automation and AI should pay their fair share of taxes, which can be used to support workers and communities that are negatively impacted by these technological advancements.
Encouraging transparency: Companies should be transparent about their use of AI and automation, including the number of jobs that are being affected and the steps they are taking to support workers.
Building public awareness: The public must be informed about the potential impacts of AI and automation on the job market, so they can participate in discussions and debates about how these technological advancements should be governed and regulated.
Supporting responsible AI deployment: Companies, governments, and organizations should work together to establish ethical and responsible AI practices, including guidelines for data privacy, algorithmic fairness, and the responsible use of AI in employment and other areas.
These are just some of the ways that the negative impacts of automation and AI can be mitigated, but it will require a concerted effort from all stakeholders to ensure that the benefits of these technological advancements are distributed fairly.
ME (staying provocative): thanks for that input. However, there are critics who say that some regions of the world (mockingly) have a "turbo-capitalist" system and might see your proposals as "socialist" and thus not in the interests of a growing economy.
ChatGPT: The concept of "turbo-capitalism" refers to an economic system where market forces are given free rein and government intervention is minimal. In such a system, the distribution of the benefits of technological advancements, including AI and automation, is largely left to market forces. However, some argue that this can result in growing income inequality, job loss, and other negative impacts on workers and communities.
While some may view proposals for government intervention as "socialist" or at odds with the principles of a growing economy, there is a growing consensus among experts and policymakers that such intervention is necessary to ensure that the benefits of technological advancements are distributed fairly. This can include measures such as providing social safety nets for workers who are negatively impacted by automation, investing in education and training programs, and promoting equitable taxation.
Ultimately, the goal should be to strike a balance between encouraging innovation and growth while also protecting the rights and well-being of workers and communities. This may require a rethinking of traditional views on the role of government in the economy and a willingness to experiment with new policies and approaches.
ME: Thank you for your view on this social economic topic. This was really refreshing .
ChatGPT: You're welcome! I'm glad I could provide a helpful perspective.
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
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john-ngonga · 1 year
Mental health refers to a person’s overall psychological well-being and encompasses a range of emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. It involves a balance between life activities, stress management, and effective coping mechanisms to handle life’s challenges. Good mental health contributes to a person’s ability to lead a fulfilling life. menatl health can be caused by several factors but some are…
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joeywreck · 10 months
“the economist, a journal that speaks for british millionaires”-vladimir lenin
I think it’s safe to say today it’s the american billionaire.
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humansolidarityday · 10 years
The implementation of public policies for the social and solidarity economy -Panel Discussion.
Panel discussion on "The implementation of public policies for the social and solidarity economy" and "The promotion and support of the social and solidarity enterprises in the world."
First meeting of the International Leading Group on Social and Solidarity Economy.
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markfaustus · 30 days
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solar-sunnyside-up · 9 months
How to start building your social village--
How do you go from isolated to being apart of a properly connected social circle?? How do I go from that isolated individual to an actually connected person without having to force myself out to be a regular at a club or something??
Pick the most used social media across all your connections (for my this is sadly Facebook but I'm sure you could do this through discord or some other site I'm like 90% sure this is transferable in some formate maybe other ppl could pitch those ideas tho-) and then add everyone you know! And here's the fun stuff you could do in your group!
Functional ideas Village Group for-
Offer to swap babysitting/chores/errands or even buddies for these things
Offer to exchange sale/coupon/bulk buying info (A good example of this is a have a friend who knows a butcher and so her family once every 2 months bulk orders from him directly and it'd WAY cheaper for everyone)
Holiday organizing
Dinner party ideas/hang outs (know 2 or more ppl who like sewing? Organize a dinner once every few months and watch a movie and sew! Do a book club!)
Trade/swap/leading stuff (ex tools, books, unused snacks, boardgames, clothes, etc..)
Offer to be apart of a shared calander (I use Cozi personally but again use your preferred)
Event spamming (community event sharing bc no one ever gets proper info on them in time)
Plant swaps (I personally know like 3 different plant ppl who specialize in different types of plants ex 1 person does a lot of herbs and another does all succulents and another does super well with berries and they always wanna get rid of the babies or spread the spoils)
Organizing work parties (repair parties ex fences/roofs/, bulk cooking parties ex my families perogie parties, tax prep parties, hair dying get togethers, etc..)
Fun ideas for village-
Make a village badge/crest of some kind (at one point was making badges for dinner parties as gifts so this is an easy one for me)
Funny pet photos/meme dump ground
This allows for a pretty fun way to also make ppl feel connected. If I get to know someone fairly well like my neighbor or another parent from my kiddos school- I'll just add them to my weird little club thing! Here's a patch for you. Your family now!!
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justalittlesolarpunk · 4 months
Solarpunk Sunday Suggestion:
Get a library card
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theonlycabbage · 8 months
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these people unironically need to have their heads paraded around the streets on pikes
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gamer2002 · 3 months
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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iirulancorrino · 2 months
The Green brothers are doing effective altruism better than maybe 95% of people who identify online as effective altruists.
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kittyit · 1 month
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post-entertainment society
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the-overanalyst · 7 months
science vs. art is not the real conflict.
science is the study of reality. it just exists. it has no agenda. technological progress is the natural way of the world, it has been for thousands of years.
the real conflict is between art and business. which one gets to harness science for its own ends?
the frustrating thing about our current era is not that science is rising. it's that business is rising and carrying science up with it ever further away from art.
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i-am-dulaman · 2 years
Okay I'm riled up about this rn so time for a history of economics lesson (rant) from me, a stranger on the internet
I'm a communist, I hate capitlism, so lemme just put that out there. But capitlism had its moments. Even marx had some praise for parts of capitlism.
And by far the most successful form of capitlism was Keynesian economics, as evident by the enormous increase in living standards in those countries which adopted it between the 1930s and 1970s.
What's Keynesian economics? The idea that capitlism can't survive on its own, and must be supported by government spending at the poorest ends of society and taxes at the richest ends of society (essentially the opposite of trickle down economics) as well as strong regulations on certain industries like banking.
It basically started in 1936 with President Roosevelt who was a personal friend of John Keynes (who the theory is named after).
Roosevelt implemented Keynesian economics to great effect; he raised the top tax rate to 94% (he actually wanted a 100% tax rate on the highest incomes, essentially creating a maximum wage, but the senate negotiated down to 94%) and similarly high corporate tax rates, he created the first ever minimum wage, created the first ever unemployment benefit, created social security in America, pension funds, and increased public spending on things like public utilities and infrastructure, national parks, etc. Which created about 15 million public sector jobs.
This ended the great depression and eventually lead to America winning world War 2, after which many countries followed suit in implementing similar policies, including UK, Australia, and NZ (apologies for the anglosphere-centric list here but they're the countries I'm personally most familiar with so bare with me)
Over the next 40 years these countries had unprecedented growth in living standards and incomes, and either decreasing or stable wealth inequality, and housing prices increasing in line with inflation. Virtually every household bought a car and a TV, rates of higher education increased dramatically, america put a man on the moon, and so on.
Then it all abruptly ended in the 80s and the answer is plain and obvious. 1979 thatcher became UK prime minister. 1981 reagan became US president. 1983 the wage accords were signed in aus. 1984 was the start of rogernomics in NZ (Someone link that Twitter thread of the guy who posts graphs of economic trends and points out where reagan became president)
(Also worth noting those last two in NZ and Aus were both implemented by 'left' leaning governments, but they are both heavily associated with right wing policies.)
This marked the beginning of trickle down economics: tax cuts, privatization of publicly owned assets, reduction in public spending, and deregulation of the finance sector. The top tax rates are down to the low 30s in most of these countries, down from the 80s/90s it was prior. Now THATS a tax cut.
And what happened next?
Wages stagnated. Housing prices skyrocketed. Bankers got away with gambling on the economy. Public infrastruce and utilies degraded. And wealth inequality now exceeds France in 1791.
I don't know how anyone can deny the evidence if they see it, but there's so much propaganda and false information that a lot of people just don't see the evidence.
Literally all the evidence supports going back to Keynesian economics but now that the rich have accumulated so much wealth it's virtually impossible to democratically dethrone them when they have most of the politicians on both the right and the left in their pocket.
Unfortunately it was the great depression and ww2 that gave politicians the political power to implement these policies the first time around. Some thought the 2008 crash would spur movement back towards Keynesianism (which it actually did in Iceland, congrats to them), I hoped covid would force governments to now, but nope.
All these recent crises' seem to have just pushed politics further and further right, with more austerity and tax cuts.
I don't really have a message or statement to end on other than shits fucked yo.
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