#Shop tea powder online
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societyteaseo · 5 months
Instant Tea: Your Perfect Companion for Mountain Adventures
A mountain trek is a thrilling experience, and what better companion to carry than instant tea? Consider yourself situated on a craggy top, surrounded by stunning panoramas and fresh mountain air. It is in this situation that the convenience and easiness of instant tea powder fully shine. A warm cup of instant tea becomes the ideal ritual to boost your mountain adventure as you unpack your luggage.
Instant tea seamlessly blends into the fabric of your outdoor experience. Its small size makes it a great addition to your bag, allowing you to enjoy a warm cup of tea at any height. The ease of preparation adds to its charm; simply combine with hot water and you have a pleasant beverage to accompany the meal. Whether you're chasing the dawn, tackling difficult treks, or seeking solitude in the middle of alpine stillness, instant tea transforms these experiences into treasured memories. Imagine yourself cuddled next to a pristine alpine lake or staring at a flowing waterfall, cup in hand, the familiar scent of instant tea becoming an essential part of your mountain adventure.
The adaptability of instant tea accommodates to a wide range of tastes. Whether you like the strength of black tea, the calming tones of green tea, or the fragrant combination of chai, instant tea powder has a flavor for you. Each sip is a celebration of the now, a break from the physical demands of the voyage, and a salute to the limitless beauty that surrounds you. Furthermore, the minimalistic packaging of instant tea guarantees that you leave no trace on the mountains, which is perfectly in line with the ideals of responsible trekking. There are no loose leaves or messes, just the sheer delight of instant tea to enhance your mountain experience.
Instant tea is more than simply a beverage; it is a buddy that enhances your mountain adventure. Instant tea powder seamlessly integrates into your adventure as you conquer peaks, cross valleys, and breathe in the mountain air, offering warmth, comfort, and a lovely respite in nature's magnificent theater. So, the next time you plan a mountain trip, don't forget to carry some instant tea - a sip of elevation awaits.
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atlantisplus · 7 months
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kodai-herbals · 11 months
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gokulcoffee · 1 year
Traditionally curated and processed for the filter coffee lovers with a strong taste & rich aroma.
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eootymade · 2 years
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Magical Powder Recipes
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A collection of some of my original magical powder recipes.
All-Purpose Cursing Powder
Bree's Banishing Powder
Clean House Powder
Come Hither Powder
Dead Man's Dust
Dream Dust
“Eye of Sauron” Revelation Powder
Get Thee Hence Powder
Ghost-Be-Gone Powder
Heal Thy Heart Powder
Hexbreaker Powder
Inspiration Salt
Lucky Day Powder
“Outta My Way” Powder
Peacekeeper Powder
Persuasion Powder
STFU Powder
Traveler’s Luck Powder
Truthfinder Powder
For those of you who may not be able to find herbs locally, here are some online suppliers who consistently have affordable and high-quality products.
Penn Herb Co. - Bulk herbs, spices, and botanicals - including over 400 wildcrafted herbs, gathered from the United States and worldwide. Single ounce packages are available. Excellent source for powders.
Starwest Botanicals - Bulk herbs, spices, oils, and teas. Good amount of organic and Fair Trade products, as well as supplies for holistic medicine and tea-making.
Mountain Rose Herbs - Bulk herbs, spices, and sundries. Also carries organic products and essential oils, and has link to schools that offer courses in herbalism and herbology.
Bulk Apothecary - Bulk herbs, spices, and oils, in addition to materials for the home production of soap, candles, wine, and beer.
For more recipes to fill out your potion kit, you can check out Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils. (Available on Amazon and in my shop!)
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
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namastechaistore · 2 years
Relative benefits of drinking packed chai
Tea, also commonly known as chai in India, is the most commonly used beverage in India and almost every household drinks tea on a regular basis. However, due to our busy modern lifestyle preparing tea could be a hassle and many people do not have time to prepare a good cup of tea. If you are also one of those people who do not have time to prepare a good cup of tea but want to drink tea anyways then you can rely on pack chai. 
There are various benefits of purchasing a pack chai and people can find it very convenient to drink tea regularly if they buy a pack chai. Preparing a cup of tea with the help of pack chai is very easy and people can do it in a very short period of time. If you want to prepare a cup of tea with the help of pack chai then they can do it without much effort. It is very easy to pop a packed chai bag into a hot cup of water and the cup of tea is ready to consume.
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Besides this, preparing tea does not involve any kind of mess and people can just throw away the tea bag into the garbage or compost pile. There is no fiddling around with tea tools or having to wash extra dishes afterward. 
Another benefit of using pack chai is that they are also very good for drinking ice tea. Preparing ice tea at home from scratch is not only a hassle but is also very tough to prepare. There is a lot of room for you to make mistakes if you prepare ice tea at home and all these mistakes can make the taste of the ice tea substandard and can even make the taste bad. But if people buy premix ice tea then they do not have to face the same problem. Since the premix ice tea has all the ingredients premixed in the right proportions, hence there is almost no room for making any mistake and hence people can prepare their ice tea very easily. 
People who are looking for pack chai can purchase it from Namaste Chai Store who provide the best quality of pack chai with fresh ingredients and with superior taste. 
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littlecuteloli · 2 years
Favorite low cal foods:
Yakult/bio salud: Mini probiotic drinks, 35 cals a bottle. Filling + helps with light headedness & gut health
Vegan hotdogs: lightlife brand ones are 50 cals per hotdog. Easy protein + pair it with a low cal bread slice and ketchup and boom entire hotdog package for 100 cals. Good for campouts and cookouts so you can trick people that you're eating enough/normally
S o u p: Literally most canned soups are low cal and you can have it hot with some crackers or low cal bread. I love butternut squash soup. 200-250 cals
Vegetable broth: 10 cals a cup. I mean come on. I warm it up and put it in one of my cute little Sanrio themed cups. If you crave lots of salt like I do, then this is perfect. You can also get low sodium options :)
Rice cakes with pizza sauce and low fat cheese: The pizza sauce is key and makes it taste just like mini pizzas. 1/4 cup pizza sauce 25 cals, rice cakes 35 cals each (2 for 70), low fat cheese or vegan cheese to preference 30-70cals
Cereal with almond milk: Most cereals are under 150 per cup. Pair it with unsweetened almond milk at 30 cals a cup + use zero cal sweetener for some extra sweetness. ~180 cals total
Tea! I know it's more of a drink but find yourself a good flavor tea, could be lemon or berries or chai vanilla. Then add 0 cal sweetener. 2-5 cals a cup. There's just so many good options. Even Arizona diet tea is soooo good.
Peas and corn: get some canned or frozen peas, and just enjoy a bowl with your favorite seasonings. 120 cals per cup.
Chocolate milk: Again another drink but idk there's something about chocolate that makes everything feel okay. And again another food to trick people into thinking you eat normally. Cocoa powder 20 cals per tbsp (I use 2 so 40 cals), almond milk 30 cals a cup, and favorite 0 cal sweetener. Total ~50 cals
Frozen grapes: tastes like candy ~62 cals a cup
Overnight oatmeal: the real trick is to get those 0-5 cals sugar free flavor syrups people use in their coffee. Want peanut butter but not the calories of peanut butter? Get Torani sugar free peanut butter syrup. There's vanilla, chocolate, peach, caramel, etc all in zero sugar zero cal options. Add zero cal sweetener like Splenda, and almond milk, and you've got a banging overnight oatmeal. 150 cals per 1/2 cup dry oats + 30 for almond milk (about 1.5 cups once cooked) total 180-185 cals
Best for last, *Walden farms*: they literally make a bunch of 0-5 calorie foods, dips, spreads, etc. Literally everything from chocolate dips to salad dressings to pancake syrups to even Alfredo sauce! I shop them either from Albertsons or online <3
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buffetlicious · 8 months
Read about On'Lee Artisan Bakery’s cream puffs online and brought along a few of my colleagues to purchase some. The shop is located in the underground shopping alley in Woodlands MRT Station TE2 on Thomson-East Coast Line (near Exit 7). Got the Mixed Cream Puffs (S$5.80) which came with two Originals, one each of Chocolate and Matcha. My other colleagues all bought the cream puffs too.
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The Matcha Cream Puff boosted a crispy crust liberally sprinkled with dark green matcha powder. The cold green tea cream offered a balance of sweetness and bitterness which make this a delicious treat.
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The Chocolate Cream Puff is dusted with cocoa powder on the crispy crust and filled with chocolate cream. Unlike other competitors, you get crunchy chocolate chips mixed with the lightly sweetened cream so you get different textures in every bite.
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I also bought the Cheese & Chocolate Mini Scones (S$4.50 for 4) though they weren’t of the buttery taste and crumbly texture that I was expecting them to be. Next time I will just stick to the cream puffs.
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atlantisplus · 7 months
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rainyfestivalsweets · 4 months
The MLM hack list
Alright. So there are a bunch of MLM diet companies that make a shitload of money of of us and yet our obesity rates in developed countries are thru the freaking roof.
How many times have you gotten the messages on Facebook, Instagram or whatever and it's like: Hey girl, haven't seen you since high school, let's get coffee... OR... they just post the precopied message & ask about your goals, & proceed to add a flurry of hyperpositive social media messages, like my friend recently did to me.
Did anyone in high school like you? Not me! Do that screams danger from the start. I was horrendously bullied in elementary school. I was gone to a parochial school for a couple years so the only reason that I avoided constant bullying in high school was because... they forgot who I was.
Here are some ideas I stole from various companies, cheaper:
Herbalife: this company's stuff works, for 2 reasons- you replace 2 out of 3 meals with shakes. However, alot of people are not successful if they make their shakes at home and if they add in all the snack bars. People do, however, lose weight if they get their shakes from a "nutrition" shop. Why? Because they blend those shakes super thick with a metric shitton of ice & I think alot of them add sf pudding, which enhances the thickness. Also, you get an iced tea, normally with added fiber. So the answer is- you have 2 drinks that take a long time to finish AND give you added caffeine & fiber. So? Just do it at home: keep your shake calories low, make it extra large & thicker than a snicker, & follow with a caffeinated tea & add fiber to it. I like the herbalife brand but I order it off Amazon so I don't have to get the whole shpeel. Now brand has "prebiotic fiber" that is cheaper. There is also benefiber from Walmart. It is cheap, so why not?
Beachbody: you don't need to spend a billion dollars on protein shakes or meal replacement shakes. I do, however, love some of their workout systems.
Tai Slim: this company's great idea was the chocolate gluccomannon chews, I just didn't know ot at the time. I have tried to order it but have been unable to so maybe they don't make it any more. So my hack would be- the chocolate calcium chews, some gluccomannon tablets, & a large glass of water.
Modere: this company was all over tik tok & reels for awhile, while the reps were trying to schlep people into this scheme. The Golden Child was the liquid CLA chocolate, probably because it tastes like a chocolatey treat while it is actually a CLA supplement. CLA can be purchased at almost any health food store, way cheaper.
Plexus: the pink drink. More research needed on this, but I think it is just a fiber drink. Hack: gluccomannon powder & a Starburst all pink flavor packet.
Most of these companies often sell an associated "fat burner:" often something with caffeine, ecgc from green tea, etc. You can get something similar at a health food store for a fraction of the price. If you want something fancy, there is Ember from the Ambrosia Collective. Use the Google. MFINGCOO is a discount code that I think still works, but it isn't mine.
The other way these companies are successful is because they have a built in "tribe." Weight watchers, beachbody, herbalife-- they rope you into a bunch of meetings, calls, and online groups. A bunch of people are sharing ideas regularly and getting involved in their cultish antics. You can do this on your own by finding your own people. You can get your own seminars by watching a lot of youtube. Anything that focuses on reprogramming you to cook at home and eat primarily whole foods will probably work. Join free groups. Disregard anything outside of what works for you ( I have to ignore a lot of dessert recipes because they cause bingeing for me).
Lipozene: pretty sure this is just gluccomannon. You can find gluccomannon tablets way cheaper at a health food store. Walmart also was carrying a generic version.
Hydroxycut: pretty sure the active ingredient here is HCA? I don't have a bottle currently to look. But isn't HCA just garcinia? So much cheaper at a health food store. I personally cannot take hydroxycut, it makes me RAGE. I like, get upset and freak out at work, so I don't even think I am willing to try it again.
It works: I think the skinny coffee would be comparable to the "slim coffee," which was cheaper but seemed to be chromium. You can just pick up a chromium supplement... & seriously, you can just drink coffee. Don't add calories to it.
Apple cider vinegar gummies: Just take shots of apple cider vinegar. You can buy a gallon at walmart, it will last a long time. Play with shot recipes, you can do good girl moonshine (ala Trim Healthy Mamma), & use it liberally for dressing recipes.
L-Glutamine: don't remember the company, but this is available at more health food stores, not for $100 a container.
Maybe I have bought so much shit so you don't have it. Is there an MLM company I missed? 🤔 let me know and I will check it out for future posts.
Remember- whatever you do, stay safe. Research your shit. Focus on your daily habits and remember that what you are eating outweighs almost any supplement you could buy. Eat whole food, walk, have an exercise routine & stop expecting a 30 day result for a body that took you 40 years (or whatever) to create.
I definitely don't think the ozempic trend is worth the cost, but if there is no other way for you & you have the money, it is worth a shot. Just don't expect your insurance to pay for it. Many insurance companies are currently not covering it, and I don't really know if they should consider it.
Surgery? If there is no other way and you want to, go for it.
The way that these things work though, is by changing what you are eating. Period. These are all systems to change what you ingest and you can change what you eat for free.
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I am still on Nomorbidity & Alkemi from the Ambrosia Collective. I have not found suitable replacements for them but I am also not looking hard, they have a reasonable price point to me.
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gokulcoffee · 2 years
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