#Shinsou fluff
dira333 · 3 months
Your name on my skin - Shinsou x Reader
A/N: What your soulmate writes appears on your skin - requested by @bookishgalaxies
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It happens during Homeroom.
One second he’s trying not to fall asleep as Aizawa drones on about the importance of good defense - his metal leg clicking every time he moves around - the next his arm tickles like a horde of ants is dancing on it.
He scratches it, but the tickling doesn’t stop.
Annoyed, Shinsou pulls the sleeve up, only to reel black at the sight. There, on the pale skin of his arm, appears black ink, one letter after the other as if a ghost is writing it.
He’s not an idiot. He knows what that means. 
Well, he doesn’t really know what that means, because where other people’s soulmates write a “Hello?” or introduce themselves by name, his soulmate’s first message is…  E = σ / ε = (F/A)?
Shinsou blinks down at his arm. It’s only the comforting sound of Aizawa’s voice that drones on that keeps him grounded. 
Behind him, someone clears his throat. 
“Hitoshi,” a voice whispers. When he turns around, Izuku is blinking up at him with wide green eyes. He looks both worried and delighted simultaneously, which is a common enough occurrence.
“Can I see?” Izuku asks and Shinsou blinks to the front where Aizawa has taken a seat, eyes most definitely closed for a quick nap. 
“Sure,” he tips his chair back and offers his arm. In a matter of seconds, multiple eyes are on him. 
He’s not the first person this has happened to. Sato’s got a cute soulmate in first grade who blushes every time they come across each other in the hallways. Her first message on his arm was a doodle of his name with a heart around it. 
Fumikage refuses to give out any information about his soulmate but regularly shows off the artwork they’ve created on their skin. Elaborate drawings or silly little doodles mark his skin each day.
And then there’s Bakugo, who’s started wearing long sleeves, barking at everyone who asks if he wants to shed a layer. 
It doesn’t take long for his arms to be absolutely littered with formulas. At least he thinks they’re supposed to be formulas. T = F x r x sin(θ) and P (1 + r/n)(nt) - P, F = m x a and p = eoA(T⁴ - Tc⁴). Izuku has managed to identify quite a few, rambling on about what they mean but Shinsou’s mind can’t follow, too busy trying to wrap itself around the fact that he’s got a soulmate. 
There’s less than a minute left, the coming break looming over him - they’re all going to ask him about it, crowd his table like they did last week with Denki - as he uncaps a pen and scribbles in some of the few spaces left untouched.
“Hello, please use a notebook, I’m running out of skin.”
The sensation stops immediately. His skin starts stinging right above his wrist and when the ink there starts to bleed he realizes. They must have tried to rub it off, saliva probably included.
He writes another line.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Shinsou knows, as he’s writing it, that he will get shit for that nonchalant tone. And he’s right.
But it’s not Mina, or Momo, or even Jirou who convinces him that he needs to adopt a different tone when talking to his soulmate. It’s Bakugo.
Bakugo’s arms are littered with poetry. 
The other boy pulls his shirt back on so fast that Shinsou can’t make out much. But he’s seen enough. In every other verse, there are little hearts dotting the i’s. The poems are written in two distinctly different types of handwriting, one of them he’s familiar with. 
“So you’re writing poetry?” Shinsou asks, because why shouldn’t he? 
Bakugo dragged him into his room for a reason and he’s pretty sure he knows what it is. 
After all, Shinsou’s Soulmate has been quiet, not a single drop of ink appearing on his skin ever since. 
“They’re just as scared as we are,” Bakugo huffs, unusually quiet and unable to make eye contact. “You should keep that in mind.”
He doesn’t say any more, pushes him out of his room with a glare that speaks volumes, but Shinsou’s always prided himself in being quick on the uptake.
If the Bakugo Katsuki can learn to write poetry for someone else, he could probably start with an apology. 
p = eoA(T⁴ - Tc⁴) is written neatly on the inside of his right arm. 
Shinsou uncaps a pen with his teeth and drags it over the other arm, the still untouched skin. He’d been thinking about this for weeks now, maybe even longer if he’s being honest with himself. 
The year is coming to an end. He’s got a job lined up after graduation and even though they haven’t been able to properly secure an apartment yet, he knows he’s going to share a flat with Denki for a while, maybe even Sero if they can find one big enough. 
He knows what his future is going to be like, with or without you and he even knows who you are, because he’s too curious and too good at solving riddles for his own good. 
Shinsou halts, pen hovering over his skin. 
He knows that you like him. You’ve told him so, multiple times. 
But it’s different to like someone on the other end of a cosmic connection, not knowing what they look like or knowing their reputation. 
The bullying might have stopped, but the scars have not yet faded.
Somewhere in the hallway a door falls closed, the sound loud enough to make him flinch. 
The cold wetness of ink tells him that he moved too suddenly. Now there’s a smear of ink across his arm and he sighs. Well… he might as well commit to it, now that he started.
“I like you too,” he writes, in the direct way you said you liked about him, “And my name is Shinsou Hitoshi. I’m in your year but in Class 3A.”
His skin prickles, but there’s no immediate response.
He’s learned your schedule, more by following the notes you leave on your - and therefore his skin, and you should be free right now.
Every second that ticks by is torture. But he stares down at his skin and waits.
He’s not sure how long it takes you to answer. He’s too scared to look up from his skin and miss it to check his watch.
Someone knocks softly on his door.
“I’m busy,” he calls out, fully expecting Midoriya.
“How busy?” You ask back. 
His chair clatters to the ground as he rushes over.
You’re smiling at him when the door opens, a little out of breath maybe, fingers digging into the fabric of your uniform, fiddling with the hem of your blazer.
“Hi,” your smile turns mischievous. “Do you wanna go out?”
“With me?” He asks, like an idiot. But it’s hard to think with your eyes twinkling up at him like that. You might be related to Aoyama. 
“Who else?” You ask and stretch your hand out. 
Shinsou can see his name on your skin. Yeah, he thinks, who else?
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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tsuvvy · 7 months
"What is wrong with you!?"
Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x gn!reader
Warning: Um, not much. It's mentioned that Shinsou has blood on his face, but nothing else really
Summary: You slap Shinsou right as he gets out of a fight with a villain he had been reckless when fighting.
A/n: I got this idea right as I was gonna start doing homework. It turned into me procrastinating my homework a little bit more
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"Hitoshi!" Everyone looked towards you as you screamed the boy's name. Shinsou had wide eyes as he looked towards you as well.
A part of class 1-A had gotten into a scuffle with quite a few villains, Shinsou, having been a part of that group. He had blood trickling down his face, and his hands were dirty with dirt and dried blood. Little areas of his clothes were torn and dirty.
He turned on his heel to face you more when he saw you started to run towards him. His face had grown a soft, relieved smile at the sight of you. In all honesty, he was expecting a hug from you. So he had opened his arms. But what he received he and everyone around had not expected.
Everyone went quiet when you slapped him in the face. Ochako covered her mouth in a stunned surprise. Even Bakugo had let out a tiny gasp.
"What is wrong with you!?" You screamed. Shinsou's eyes had widened. He slowly turned his head to look at you. He stayed quiet, not only because of how stunned and confused he was but also because you weren't done. "Do you have any idea at all how stupid, and even more reckless you acted!!?" You continued to scream at the boy. "What even possessed you to run head-on at a giant villain the size of a Nomu!?"
"Hey, y/n, let's calm down.." Mina spoke softly, taking a step forward and putting a hand out towards you. But she hesitated touching your shoulder.
You reached forward, roughly grabbing the collar of Shinsou's shirt and shaking him. "You could have died!!" You screamed at him. Tears were bubbling in your eyes. But you couldn't tell if they were of worry and nervousness or if they were of anger.
"You could have died, Hitoshi!" You screamed again. But this time, your voice cracked. And when Shinsou heard it, he reached forward. He winded his arms around your middle and pulled you into him. He hugged you tightly.
You finally broke. The tears in your eyes began to fall, and you let yourself sob into his shoulder. You winded your own arms around his neck and hugged him just as tightly, if not more.
"I'm sorry.." Shinsou muttered into your shoulder. "I'm sorry.." He repeated. He repeated those two words many more times as he let some of his own tears fall from his eyes. He had no idea you cared so much for him...
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lexi0widow · 1 year
hi hello it is me again :D
im here to actually ask, do you write for shinsou?
yesss! I do my lovely sorry this took so long! I totally forgot about him so i’ll add him to my list of characters thag i write for!
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touch starved boyfriends
So I think there is a high possibility that people like Shinsou, Tetsutetsu and Izuku were all touch starved as kids and and the people never really showered them in physical affection.
People thought Shinsou and Izuku were freaks and that something bad would happen to them if they touched the poor boys. Tetsu on the other hand is literally made out of metal.
I feel like at one point they could all meet and have this shared connection.
I also feel like if any of them have a tuff day cuddles in Izu’s dorm because he will love on his boys so hard.
Also you can’t tell me that these boys aren’t like cats when it comes to affection.
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dira333 · 3 months
To those who've been burnt - Shinsou x Reader
Request by @bookishgalaxies - I wrote by vibes only, so I hope you'll like it
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“What do boys like?” You ask, staring at the foam on top of your hot chocolate. 
Lately, your Instagram feed has been full of cute latte art pics, of hearts and cats and love confession drawn into the milky froth. But this is real life and your hot chocolate doesn’t even get a dusting of chocolate powder.
“Huh?” Hitoshi asks, almost drowning in his drink. You don’t have to ask to know what he got, bribed the barista to make it despite all common sense. He always gets too many extra shots of espresso.
“Girls like to get flowers. Or cute little trinkets. What do boys like? You know, as random presents?”
“Boys like flowers too,” He says and pushes his plate toward you. “Can you peel my orange?”
“Sure.” You dig your nails into it, feel warmth rising up your spine as you notice how he’s watching you, the movement of your fingers, doesn’t miss the little gasp you take when you manage to squirt orange juice into your face. 
When you drop the first slice into his waiting palm you know you’re already a little more than just friends.
“Hey,” Hitoshi knocks against the frame of your door, leans against it as if it’s the only thing keeping him up at the late hour of nine in the morning. “Did you put those flowers on my desk?”
“What?” You look up from this week's report, your cheeks no doubt creased from how heavy your head has rested on your hands. “Oh, yeah, that was me.”
There’s the softest hint of a blush on his cheeks as he opens his mouth again.
“Why, though?”
“They reminded me of you.”
“Come on,” Hitoshi pulls you a little closer, “Don’t fall asleep.”
“ButI’msotired,” you mumble groggily. If only coffee tasted better and Energy Drinks didn’t come carbonated. You’d take the world by storm.
“Here.” His hands are warm against your ears. Seconds later the sounds of late-night travel are muffled, from the chewing of the person to your left to the chatter of the school girls opposite to you. You raise your hands to find that he’s put his headphones over your ears. 
Before you can ask about it, Hitoshi presses play on his phone.
You recognize the song immediately, the upbeat tempo making you move your shoulders on instinct until you’re bobbing up and down in your seat, dancing along without ever getting up.
Hitoshi’s grinning into his scarf by the time the song’s ending and you knock your head into his.
“You did that on purpose!” You hiss, probably louder than you’ve wanted to. He just shrugs and presses play on the next one.
“Are you free this weekend?”
You look up from the water cooler, fully expecting to witness the newest scoop of office gossip. Instead, you’re now directly facing Hiro, the agency's newest Sidekick.
And he’s looking at you like he’s waiting for an answer.
“I’m busy,” you say, but you’ve never been good at lying. Your quirk makes it even worse. 
“Is it because I’m a colleague?” Hiro’s leaning on the water cooler now, showing off the impressive biceps you’ve heard the other accountants swoon about.
No, you want to say. It’s because I have a crush on the guy who’s more than your best friend but never outright made clear if you were dating. And you went along with it, knowing it would happen eventually. But can you say that you have a boyfriend or would that be too forward?
“Hello?” Hiro taps your temple with his pointer finger. “Are you still in there?”
“Uh, yeah. I- I’m not interested.” There. The truth, plain and simple.
“Oh, okay.” Hiro pushes himself away from the water cooler. “But if you change your mind-”
“I know where to find you,” you joke, noticing only now that Hitoshi’s leaning in the door to his office, arms crossed over his chest. Oh. 
“Hey,” Hitoshi stops in front of your apartment building.
Neither of you have addressed the topic at hand. And you don’t think it will happen soon.
You’re fine with that, you really are. You don’t need him to confirm something you already know. Not when he’s holding your hand right now, not when there’s a bouquet from him on your kitchen table right now. So maybe he needs a little more time to put into words what already exists. You’ve always known him to take a little longer to trust reality. That’s just a thing that happens to people who got burned before.
“Hey,” you say back, lean your head against his shoulder. “Do you wanna come up?”
He does not answer, instead he stretches out his hand and draws something onto the dirty rear window of a parked car with his finger.
When you lean over to see, he pushes you away with a tsk. 
“Let me finish first,” he mumbles softly and you giggle, wait until he stops resisting.
There, painted into the dirt, is a little heart, filled with your Initials.
“Are you sure about that?” You ask, “That’s mighty official. This will probably stay on here for the rest of time.”
“I’m fine with that,” he says and taps your nose with the dirty finger, chuckles as you pull away in disgust.
In the morning, you’ll draw a heart onto the fogged up mirror.
You’ll hold his hand on the morning commute. Hitoshi will pretend not to notice when you slip your Ipod into his bag, prepped with a playlist just for him.
He’ll pick you up for lunch, hand on the small of your back as you find the most secluded part of the cafeteria.
When the lunch lady asks if you’re dating, you’ll both smile instead of answering and she’ll coo and put a little more meat on both of your plates.
And when Hitoshi and Hiro get paired up for afternoon patrol, Hitoshi will pull him to the side real quick and tell him, calmly but not without warning, that you are his girlfriend.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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keikiri-kitten · 1 year
When it’s time for you to have your period, Shinsou actually pushes for you to spend time at his place. You wouldn’t think so, but he’s got a small little kit of products that you need during your period. He’s got it set up with pain pills, heat packs, pads and undies. He especially makes a joke out of the underwear you find suitable for a comfortable period.
“Shinsou, stop” you whine.
“Babe— they’re granny panties. that’s what the fuck they are.” he’s laughing (cackling) the whole time with them in his hand, but you’re hot in embarrassment.
“They’re comfortable.” you look away from him before snatching them out of his hand.
“Shit, i’m not knocking that. they look like it.” you smack your lips, rolling your eyes and tried to walk away to put them back.
“Bring your little embarrassed ass here,” he chuckled and pulled you close in his chest. you’re bitter, but nuzzle into him regardless.
“i’m gonna bleed on you.” you mutter.
“It’s uterus for a reason, baby.”
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whiskeyteethart · 1 year
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Outfit explorations for casual Shinsou 🧃
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dira333 · 6 months
Life-Line - Shinsou x Soulmate! Reader
Anon Request for my Follower Celebration
Yes, Controller is my own OC, I am not ashamed of that. I picked Ectoplasm as the least terrifying person for Reader because he has the most terrifying smile (my brain works like that, sorry, not sorry)
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1. longing
You stopped listening to the professor five minutes ago.
His voice is background music now, droning on and on and on about something history here, important there. The weather outside had been awful all morning, heavy rain and grey clouds. But right before history started, the rain had stopped and the clouds had started to part in places.
Now, the tiniest sliver of sunlight was peaking through the window. It catches on one of Megumi’s scales and breaks into a rainbow. At the end of it, sits Shinsou, lazily scribbling into his notebook.
He’s always pretty, you’ve realized that when you stepped foot into class the first day. Most girls in your class are more into the Hero Course students. Megumi fawns over Shouto’s cool demeanor, Shoul thinks that Bakugo could be cute if he would just stop cursing for a minute and Min Min blushes every time anyone mentions TetsuTetsu. But you just can’t be helped.
There’s something about him, from the vibrant color of his hair to the fact that his eyes never seem to miss anything to the lazy drawl of his voice. You’re absolutely smitten and you can’t even lie to yourself about it.
Lazily you twirl your pen between your fingers. It catches on the side of your glove, specially made just for you. The material is thin, the same color as your skin, and only covers your pinky. It’s the only thing that comes between you and death.
“Y/N?” You flinch in your seat. The professor is looking at you like he’s waiting for an answer.
“Uh, Japan?” You guess. Someone snickers behind you as Professor Oda harrumphs in disappointment.
“Shinsou, do you know the answer?”
“1985, Professor.”
“Correct. Thank you. Now, don’t think this wasn’t an important year…”
You stop listening yet again when Shinsou moves just a bit to the left and places a little piece of paper on the edge of your desk.
Your fingers shake as you unfold it and you have to fight the gasp that’s trying to break free.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” 
2. finding out
“Good work.” You squeak out when Shinsou passes you in the hallway. Your face is hidden behind your hands, long sleeves covering your fingers.
“Ha?” He turns, his eyes roaming over the people around him until he locks onto you. 
You’re not fast enough to escape, not sure if you should anyway even though everything in you tells you to run away.
“Did you just…” He asks, pointing at himself. You shake your head violently. 
He deflates, just a little. You can’t be imagining it, not with the way even his hair seems to sink down a little. Is he… disappointed?
It makes you rip your hands from your mouth again, squeeze out the words with all the willpower you have.
“That was a good match.” You squeak, nerves catching in your throat. “You’ll be an awesome hero one day.”
“You think so?” He asks, stepping closer. Is there a hint of pink on the tips of his ears or did you finally start to hallucinate?
“I…” Someone bumps into him and everything happens in slow motion. 
He stumbles forward, hands outstretched. Even knowing that your Quirk wouldn’t affect him if he’s the one touching you, you flinch away - but directly behind you is the window. Something digs painfully into your back just as his right hand catches on your shoulder and a burning pain erupts below his fingers.
The sound that bubbles out of your mouth sounds like a strangled sob and Shinsou pulls back his hand like he’s burned himself. You don’t wait for him to say anything, but run for your life.
At the end of the hallway, just ten steps behind Shinsou, is Aizawa-Sensei, red eyes glowing ominously in his pale face.
He does not stop you when you pass him, but his eyes seem to follow you as you disappear in the staircase, your heart beating out of your chest.
When you pull off your sweater in the safety of the girl's bathroom and prod your shoulder with your fingertips, there’s nothing there that could indicate a bruise.
But when you inspect it in the bathroom mirror, the truth screams back at you.
A brand new soulmate mark looks back at you, the color a dizzying mix of purple and white, the tattoo resembling something abstract, like a mouth and… a wave? Or is it air?
You feel a little sick as you crawl back into one of the cubicles, determined to skip the next period and the one after that, to stay away for as long as you need to get over this.
You cannot be Shinsou Hitoshi’s Soulmate. You just can’t.
“Y/N?” The voice has you freeze in the middle of the sidewalk. 
“A-Aizawa-S-Sensei…” You stutter out. He looks a little less murderous right now, hair pulled back in a bun instead of flowing around his face.
“Do you have a minute?” He asks. “I wanted to ask you some things about your Quirk.”
“I did not…” You start to defend yourself. 
“I wasn’t implying that. It’ll be just you, me, and Kayama-Sensei. We’ll just have a cup of tea and talk a bit.” 
“A-Are you sure?” The question is a little redundant but you’re also a little scared of Kayama-Sensei. She’s even scarier than Aizawa-Sensei.
Aizawa-Sensei seems to notice. “Tell you what. You can pick the teacher that’s sitting with us. I want you to be comfortable.”
“I have to say this is really nice!” Ectoplasm grins menacingly as he sips from a dainty cup of tea. “Now you said you wanted to talk about Y/N’s Quirk?”
“Yes. As far as I’m aware it’s called Life Absorption, is that right?” 
You nod, not daring to lift your teacup with your shaking hands.
“If I touch something living with five fingers of one hand, I absorb all of their life energy. It could be a tree, an animal, or a human being. So I always wear my gloves.”
“Interesting.” Aizawa drinks from his own cup, seemingly lost in thought for a minute before he shakes himself out of it.
“I assume you know Shinsou Hitoshi?”
You swallow harshly. “I… He’s a classmate.”
AizawaSensei is looking at you like he knows. You swallow again, fearing that he’s going to make you say it. Instead, he sets down his cup.
“Most people think that with a Quirk like his, he’s bound to be a villain. But he’s determined to become a Hero. You might have been told that with a Quirk like yours, you can only be a villain or a danger to society, but I assure you that is not the case.”
You gape at him.
Ectoplasm hums low in his throat.
“What are you implying, Aizawa?”
“You might not know this, but I am acquainted with the Hero “Controller”. Her quirk allows her to sense other people around her and control them. I talked to her about your Quirk and she mentioned that there is a possibility that you can train it. If you put yourself into it, you could touch people without absorbing anything and, better yet, give back life energy.”
You stare at him. 
“Are you…”
“Controller, huh?” Ectoplasm snickers softly before turning toward you.
“Before you make your decision on this, you should know that Controller is not only a one of a kind hero but also Aizawa-Sensei’s wife. If she thinks you can do it, you can do it.”
“How… How did you find out about my Quirk?” You ask, your mind still tumbling about. “Why are you interested in it anyway?”
“You didn’t hear that from me.” Aizawa-Sensei points out lowly. “But Shinsou just wouldn’t stop talking about it.”
3. winning
“That was great for your first training session.” Controller smiles down at you. She looks as threatening as Aizawa on a good day, but one hour into working with her has taught you just how sweet she actually is. 
You can’t remember being praised this much before.
“Oh, Hitoshi, you’re done training as well?” Controller turns to the now open door of the training room. You scramble to put your gloves back on at the sight of purple hair.
“Could I talk to Y/N for a second?” He asks, a nervous tinge coating his words. 
“Sure.” Controller walks out, brushes his shoulder with her hand as she passes him. It’s a gentle gesture and you wonder just how close those three actually are.
“Aizawa told me you started training.” Shinsou starts, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
“He told me you… you told him about me.”
“Ah.” He’s not looking at you but he cannot hide the blush on his cheeks. “Yeah, I… was kinda… I had a crush on you, I guess.”
“What?!” The word comes out a little too harsh, but you’re too stunned to care. “No way.”
“Yeah, but you had one on me too, right?” He lifts his hand, his face now red. There, on the middle of his palm, sits the same soulmate tattoo that you found on your shoulder.
“It’s… it’s okay though.” He clears his throat awkwardly. “If you’re not into that, I mean. We’re just soulmates. Plenty of soulmates don’t date. I just… I felt like I had to at least do something for you, if we were, you know.”
“Who wouldn’t want to be your soulmate?” You ask, your mind whirring so fast your mouth can’t keep up. “You’re gorgeous.”
The blush bleeds from Shinsou’s face. He grins, a wicked turn of his mouth.
“Oh, I’m gorgeous?”
“Shut up!” You press your hands against your mouth but he’s already one step ahead of you.
“No, say that again, please?”
That day, your first double selfie enters your phone. Because, as Hitoshi said, ‘Take a picture. It will last longer.’
“Step aside!” You call out to the people crowding the scene. “This is a rescue mission! Step aside!”
“No way!” Someone whispers behind you. “It’s Life-Line! She’s so cool!”
It’s a common scene. A burning building, you and your crew getting people to safety as others work on extinguishing the fire.
Megumi, with her dragon-like skin, brings out a little boy. She’s one of the few classmates that went into Rescue alongside you. 
“He’s not breathing.” She tells you, handing him over to you.
Your hands, no longer in gloves, touch his face. He sucks up your life energy like one does air after being underwater for too long.
“I’ll need more energy.” You call out to the people watching. “Who’s willing to give me a year? Anyone?”
An old man steps forward. “I don’t mind giving some of my time to this little boy.”
A young woman pulls him back. “No, I have more to give.”
Five, ten, more people reach out their hands. Five minutes later sweat is running down your back but the child takes one deep breath after the other, looking up at you with curious eyes.
“Are you a hero?” The boy asks, reaching out his fingers to touch your face.
“Yes.” You say with the confidence of more than five years of work under your belt. “I am.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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moon-is-a-cryptid · 1 year
Self-ship with Hitoshi 🥰 my OC is a support developer fun fact 🤪
Thinking about being snuggled up in blanket in Shinsou’s lap, him playing video games on the tv, me playing animal crossing on my switch. It’s 2 am, our cats snuggled up against our blankets as we both sip from cups of coffee, it’s his night off from hero work and I, his gear developer has to work in the morning to fix some of his equipment. But idc because I get time with my toshi.
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(A/n: Got some underrated bois on the mind🥰)
Word Count: 792
Summary- When their crush started.
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Shinsou Hitoshi and Ojiro Mashirao (Separate) x GN! Reader
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When you defended him.
It was lunchtime when it happened. You were walking back to your table, food in hand when you heard the obnoxious voice of the one and only Monoma Neito. Normally, you'd ignore him and keep walking. Being in the same class as him forced you to be able to tune his voice out, but when you heard him say something about "dropping out" and "villainous" you decided that you'd interfere just this once.
Coming up behind him you see that he had trapped the kid with the brainwashing quirk from the sports festival (you think his name was Shinsou?) at his table. "Care to explain yourself, Monoma?"
Your voice causes him to jump. Shinsou was also taken aback, though he hid it far better.
"Y/n-Chan! I was just telling Shinko here" -You vaguely hear a grumbled 'it's ShinSOU'- "how it'd be better for both him and everyone if he left UA; with such an evil quirk-"
You don't wait for him to finish before you're pulling him face to face by his necktie.
"Listen here and listen good Monoma. I don't know what makes you think you're so much better than everyone else, but -news flash- you're not. In fact, since you want to talk shit and tell everyone how they're beneath you, how about I give you some stats: You're not even in the top 10 of our class. How's that for being bottom of the barrel? Maybe work on your own abilities -or lack thereof- instead of belittling others. People might actually like you then."
You let him go before turning to Shinsou. His mouth is open, staring at you with shock. "Grab your tray, you're eating with me today."
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(pls I love him so much it hurts🥺)
When you partnered with him for a project.
"-projects are due next week on Wednesday. You're expected to spend class time as well as time off working on them. Partner up and shut up; anyone who wakes me automatically fails."
The bell rings, officially releasing Class 1A from Aizawa's seemingly permanently harsh stare.
Mashirao collects his things before filing out the door like his classmates. He's walking with Shoji through the halls when he hears what sounds like his name. Thinking he's just hearing things due to the loud, crowded halls, he returns to their conversation.
Until he hears it again, much closer.
He stops to turn to the person calling him only to be barreled into. Out of instinct he reaches out to catch whoever rammed into him.
Steadying you, Mashirao barely has time to register your form scrambling backward before you're bombarding him with apologies.
You bow an almost perfect 90 degrees as you ramble. "Oh, my god, I am so sorry Ojiro-kun! I was trying to catch up to you guys and wasn't expecting you to stop walking and-"
"Hey, it's alright, really. I don't think you would have almost knocked yourself to the ground on purpose." He cuts you off before you talk yourself into passing out.
Your mouth snaps shut, and you stand there silent for a beat before Shoji breaks the silence. "I'm... gonna go ahead and save us a seat in the cafeteria..."
With that Mashirao and you are left in the mostly empty hallway.
Another beat of silence passes through before he asks, "So, what'd you need me so urgently for?"
He's smiling but you still look embarrassed.
"I... I was wondering ifyoudbemypartnerfortheproject!"The last part of your sentence is mumbled, not unlike Midoriya when he gets in his own head.
"I was wondering if you'd be my partner for the project?"
To say he was surprised would be an understatement. You were in the top 5 in class. Not to mention you're one of the most popular students in the entirety of the hero course. Why would you want to partner with someone like him?
He wouldn't mind getting to know you better, so he doesn't dwell on it.
"Sure! When do you wanna get started?"
You are probably one of the best partners he's had to work with. You actually pull your weight with the project -adding your own ideas and opinions when necessary, all while not being a total stick in the mud. You ask for his thoughts on things and don't completely take over either.
You are also insanely attractive he notes pretty much from the get-go.
The way you laugh at his corny jokes doesn't help at all. Neither does the way you lightly smack his arm when he acts like a dork or the way that you furrow your eyebrow in confusion or pump your fist with a small 'yes!' when you finally figure that thing that's been eluding you.
Or the way that-
Oh. Oh. He's got it bad...
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beneathashadytree · 1 year
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fluff: normal, angst: italics
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Perks of Being Multi-Lingual (oneshot)
Wet (oneshot)
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ruethenerd · 1 year
I just called my Sensei Dad...Shiiiiit- Shinsou Hitoshi, part 2
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As everything does, Hizashi has to keep moving. The next morning he gets up, gets dressed, and makes breakfast. He makes sure both him and Shouta are ready to go and at school on time, all the normal things he does. It's in times like this, where Hizashi thanks whatever entity is out there that he has Shouta.
Shouta noticed he was anxious so he put up no resistance when he was woken up, he even helped with breakfast, and made sure their stuff for work was ready and waiting.
Fast forward to now, he's in his element and teaching English with his usual enthusiasm. Coincidently, he has 1C which he knows Shinsou is in. As he goes through his lesson, answering the occasional question, calling on students to answer or read what he's written on the board.
He tried calling on Shinsou at one point but the lilac eyed teen had been so nervous, he hadn't the heart to make it worse and left the boy alone since. Maybe that was a good thing, the voice hero thought, as it gave him a chance to observe his student more closely than before.
As it was, he didn't want to scare the kid off before he could reach out to him. As he puts his focus back on teaching, making sure he seemed as energetic as always he filed Shinsou's behaviour away. Hopefully Hizashi isn't making a mistake wanting to collect more information first before he talks to the purplette.
Maybe he could convince Shouta to let him tag along for Shinsou's training session.
Shinsou was not having a good day. His foster parents did not like that he was barely on time getting home the previous day so he was yelled at and not given dinner, he didn't sleep well, and he still had training with Aizawa that afternoon after school. At least he wasn't muzzled this time.
But like always, he kept pushing through his day. Then he was called on in English but at least Mic-Sensei had enough mercy to only do so once, which was strange but oddly considerate? Shinsou had never had a teacher that treated him with respect, let alone kindness. That last thought was stomped out almost immediately as he walked to Gym Gamma.
Once there, he quickly changed into his gym uniform and put his capture scarf around his neck as he walked out of the locker room. He took a breath and started the usual warm-up routine, going through the motions.
About five minutes later Sensei walked in, a slightly taller blonde man behind- "Mic-Sensei?" Aizawa nodded, fingers steepled together. "I figured it was time you trained with your quirk." Shinsou went to make a noise of protest when surprisingly Yamada stepped in.
"Listener, I don't know what you've been told but it's okay. Your safe here at UA. You are being given permission to use your quirk." Shinsou looked between the two teachers. Yamada had a uncharacteristically serious expression in place, his palms together in front of his face while Aizawa seemed to be assessing the situation. They were being serious, he realized. Well shit.
Shinsou took a breath. "You know what my quirk is and you're okay with me using it. And actively encouraging it." When he saw both teachers nod Shinsou rubbed the back of his neck. The purplette took a second to process what was being asked of him.
"Um, thing is people usually get nervous because of my quirk..." He said, voice quiet and gaze firmly on the ground. Yup, he's fucked it up now. Well-
"Shinsou," Aizawa spoke, something Shinsou couldn't place in his tone, "we aren't nervous or afraid of your quirk." The erasure hero made sure to hold the boy's gaze so Shinsou would know he was being genuine.
Something seemed to click in Shinsou's head because the lilac eyed teen took another breath and squared his shoulders. Shinsou turned to Yamada and asked, "Why'd you take an interest in me? I can understand why Aizawa-Sensei has, but why you?"
The voice hero saw the anxiety, the nervousness in the kid's eyes and body language. Hizashi knew he'd have to choose his next words carefully. Finally the blonde responded, "Some of your behaviour caught my eye and I got concerned. I want all my students to feel safe when in my class and while at UA."
Hoping his words were as carefully chosen as possible, Hizashi waited with bated breath, seeing Shinsou's eyes widen in what he assumed was shock or surprise.
Shinsou was indeed surprised. An adult actually cared? No, Yamada-Sensei had to have an ulterior motive, right? But the green eyed teacher seemed so sincere and maybe Shinsou was won over by Yamada-Sensei's charm or maybe he was foolishly hoping this time would be different, but he allowed himself to believe the blonde man.
"I...can I tell you something?" Shinsou dared to ask. Aizawa and Yamada both nodded, sensing they were at a turning point in the conversation. "Of course Shinsou. You can tell us anything." the raven haired teacher answered.
Shinsou fidgeted for a few moments then the dam just shattered. "I'm in foster care and because of my quirk at best I'm ignored or yelled at. At worst, I'm not fed or if I ask question, or even just speak in general I have to wear a..." Hitoshi trailed off here, scared to say just how bad it actually was.
Hizashi sucked in a sharp breath, seeing where this was heading. "What do you have to wear little listener? By the sounds of it you're, at best, being neglected or at worst, abused." He knelt in front of his student, an earnest expression on the blonde hero's face.
Hitoshi took a shaky breath, his walls crumbling under the care and patience of the two teachers. "I have to wear a muzzle..." It was said so quietly, the boy was whispering. When there was a lack of response, Hitoshi started to retreat into himself but suddenly he felt a warm and firm pressure on his shoulder.
When the sleep deprived teen dared to look, the realization hit him that the gentle pressure was his English teacher's hand on his shoulder. Hitoshi looked Yamada-Sensei in the eyes, only seeing gentleness, sadness, but also concern in those light green irises as his eyes burned with unshed tears.
"Oh kiddo..." For once words seemed to fail the nocturnal ravenette who up until now, had let his husband handle this conversation. Hizashi was, after all, better at the emotion thing.
Hizashi stood up, smiling reassuringly at Hitoshi. "Don't worry listener. We've got you." Hitoshi, feeling a tidal wave of relief didn't pay mind to what he said next as he leaned into Yamada-Sensei's touch. "Thanks Dad..."
Hizashi just smiled as they finally got to training.
A/n Sorry this took so long! Life kept getting in the way :(
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keikiri-kitten · 1 year
Imagine Shinsou trying to hold your hand for the first time. You wouldn’t call him an openly affectionate person, so when he reaches for your hand, you were taken back. The snap of your head tilting to look him in the face made him pull his hand back before clearing his throat. “Sorry.” You both sat there in the silence for a moment. Once he finds your hand reaching for his again, he quickly yanks yours into his hold. He says nothing but you grin. All Shinsou does is kiss your temple and goes along as if nothing was the matter.
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darkmajesty-xo · 1 year
the spark between us pt.1
18+ MDNI| himbo!kaminari , cherrychaser!shinsou, nerdy!reader
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this was an absolute disaster.
out of all the students in your soc theory class, the professor had paired you with none other than denki fucking kaminari.
why is this such a big deal ?
for starters, he’s an idiot. there isn’t an intelligent thought going on in that pretty blonde head. the only reason he was even enrolled at Yuuei University was athletics. he was set to go pro but the league required at least three years of college before an athlete could be drafted. school was literally a placeholder for him until he was able to do what he really wanted.
secondly, it would be extremely difficult to be partnered with this beautiful idiot because you had the hugest crush on him.
what’s not to like about kaminari ? he’s handsome, funny and charismatic—undeniably one of the most popular guys in school. a super bubbly, “life of the party, attitude that was the complete opposite of your shy, reserved nature.
he was also taken, so that ruined your chances of anything happening if you were even his type to begin with. as far as you knew, he’d never spared you a second glance. so, why was he walking over to your lunch table with his boyfriend in tow.
you knew shinsou a little better than kaminari—he was the son of your favorite professor and you had a couple classes together. on a few occasions he’d lean over to ask for the date or a spare pencil. and it definitely made your heart race when he’d whisper “thanks, kitty” , referring to your favorite headband, and wink before turning around.
okay, so maybe you had a crush on both of them but that made things even more difficult!
“hey, yn!” kaminari shouted as he approached.
god, he was so loud. half the cafe turned to look in your direction. you sunk in your seat silently praying that the ground would swallow you hole.
“helloooo— earth to yn. anybody home?”
he was getting closer and there was absolutely no way out of this, so you gave a small wave as he slid into the booth across from you. shinsou opted to sit next to you, throwing his long arm behind your head.
“hey, kitty. funny meeting you here” he smirked lazily, reaching into your lunch tray to pop one of the fries in his mouth.
“h-hi shinsou. hi k-kaminari” you replied, looking down at your fingernails. eye contact wasn’t your strong suit and it was especially intimidating with the two of them.
kaminari didn’t seem to notice. “no need to be so formal—all my friends call me kami or denki!”
“we’re not friends…” you mutter, sparing a glance at the blonde while chewing at your fingertips. seeing his pout made you immediately regret your words.
“ouch, sparky. sucks to be you” shinsou teases, taking another fry to throw at his boyfriend.
“dick” kaminari scoffs, before glancing back at you. there was the briefest moment that his honey brown eyes met your own before snapping back down. interesting, he thought to himself. “well, we may not be friends yet but i promise to win you over if you give me a chance ! whaddya say partner?”
he extends his hand for you to shake. they’re pale and pretty. with long veins popping out of the flesh and black painted fingernails. your mind flashes to thoughts of them caressing your body—would they be soft and smooth or rough and calloused ?
you knawed at your lip in contemplation. it wouldn’t hurt to try and be friends— you did have to work together anyway. and it would be nice to have someone to talk to outside of schoolwork. if you could manage to string together more than two sentences.
you dare glance up at his honey brown orbs for the briefest of moments before settling on his pouty lips.
“ohkay, k-kami” his lips curl into a smile as you extend your hand to meet his. static electricity courses through your fingertips causing you to yelp and pull back.
“looks like you two have chemistry” shinsou purrs, lazily fingering the tip of your cat eared headband.
kaminari looks at his boyfriend incredulously.
“no bro, i told you we have sociology!”
you and shinsou groan in unison. “whaaaat?” kaminari whines making you giggle. shinsou squeezes your shoulder and smirks down at you and heat immediately floods your face.
this is going to be a long semester.
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twinkinspector · 2 years
how bnha boys would comfort you when you’re sad bc i’ve been SO SAD recently
(this is sfw but like.... drugs and stuff)
kiri would do his best to just like..... envelope you. he’d get in bed and take off his shirt so you can run your hands over his bare skin and his muscles. he’d pull you into a big bear bug and just hold you, nuzzling his face into your hair. he’d tell you over and over that “it’s gonna be okay. i’m here. you’re safe.” he’d have you strip and give you a massage, then just lay there with you naked and cuddling. and ice cream. he’d go get you some ice cream for sure.
denki would smoke you up and make sure you take a ton of cbd with it so you’re nice and happy and relaxed and that there’s no hint of anxiety. he’d immediately find something funny to watch and would send you memes even though he’s sitting right next to you. he’d go through all the snapchat filters to try them out with you and make you laugh. also ice cream. he’d go get u ice cream and dance his way back into the room until you start to giggle. and if you don’t giggle...... tickles >:(
shinsou would also smoke you up but he would be sad with you. he’d cuddle up with you in a heated blanket and just listen to sad music. he’d tell you “it’s alright to feel this way. we’ll just try again tomorrow.” he’d hold your hands and kiss them. he’d kiss your tears. he’d talk it out with you and stroke your hair and let you fall asleep on his chest.
izuku would 10000% come home with flowers as soon as you say you had a rough day. he’d give you s o o o o o many kisses as soon as he sees you. he’d carry you to the couch and turn on your comfort show and just watch it with you even if he hated the show. he’d hold you and would cry with you if that’s what you needed.
bakugou would immediately threaten to beat up whoever made you sad. and if it wasn’t a person, he’d threaten your depression lmaooo “you better cheer up because you’re way too pretty to be this sad.” he’d give you lots and lots of hugs. lots of squeezing you when you’re cuddling. lots of kisses on the shoulders and neck and breathing you in.
shouto would be very proper and go the traditional self-care route. he'd bring home flowers and then fill up a bath for you, light candles, bring you a book, and let you relax. then he'd do a face mask with you and watch a rom-com while you eat sweets and cuddle and kiss.
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dira333 · 6 months
Bitter coffee - sweet words
Shinsou x reader, for my follower Celebration - @alienaiver
this is only a little thing, but I hope you still love it.
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“Sweet, sweet nectar of the gods!” Shinsou sighs and watches as thirst drops of coffee trickle down into his cup. The smell is intoxicating and if his head hadn’t been spinning before, it would surely do so now.
Someone giggles behind him and he turns, a little too slow for Hero that’s technically on patrol right now.
“Tough night?” You ask, mop in hand. 
“Uh, yeah.” He blinks owlishly. Did he die? Are you an angel?
He blinks again and the neon sign behind you flickers, crashing the illusion of a halo around your head. 
“Not a lot of customers this time of the night.” You tell him with the air of someone who wouldn’t mind a conversation. “And our coffee isn’t the best, I’m afraid.”
He takes a sip and silently agrees. It’s way too bitter and he knows his stomach is going to make him regret this in a few hours.
“It’s fine.” He huffs over his slightly burnt tongue. “I like it strong.”
You smile as if he’d complimented you instead of the coffee. You’ve got a cute smile. It lights up your face in a way that makes his knee wobbly - but that could also stem from the fact that he hasn’t slept more than half an hour in the last two days.
“Have you eaten?” You ask. “We’re not famous for the coffee but we do sell some fresh snacks. The summer rolls are my favorite.”
He’s not hungry, but he follows you over to the snack bar. You explain every item in great detail, so obviously happy that someone’s got the time to talk to you. It’s cute.
His head rests heavy on his palm as he watches you talk, his eyelids growing heavier and heavier…
When he wakes up, you’re nowhere to be seen. His face is mushed against the countertop. Directly in front of him is the paper cup of coffee, the beverage cold.
He blinks himself awake and stretches awkwardly, checks his phone anxiously but no one seems to have needed him in the almost two hours he’d slept.
“Hello?” He calls out. There’s the shuffling of feet followed by your face appearing between the isle of cold drinks and the isle of cleaning products.
“I’m… I didn’t want to fall asleep during your explanation.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” Your smile is timid now. “I know I talk a lot. You were probably very tired anyway.”
“No, no… I…” He blinks down at the snacks in front of him. “Could you explain again? I promise I will stay awake this time. I remember that you said the summer rolls were your favorite.”
You’re still a little shy as you come closer, but you start talking again. This time, he’s able to listen, to snort at the right moments, roll his eyes when you make an overly smart comment… If he didn’t know better he’d say you’re flirting with him.
“Here.” You hand him the summer roll he’d picked. “This one is on the house since you didn’t get to drink your coffee.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t have to pay for my coffee.” He points out. You shrug.
“It’s fine. We don’t get customers at night anyway. I have to eat most of the rolls myself anyway. Do you want some for later?”
His phone vibrates, automatically switching on the patrol radio. 
“Oh…” He curses quietly when he understands. “I have to go now.”
Your face falls and, as if possessed by Kaminari’s ghost of self-confidence, he leans forward and squeezes your hand that’s on the counter.
“I’ll be back! I promise!”
It takes him three more days to get back into this part of town.
It’s a Thursday night, as slow going as the last night patrol. He’s a little more awake this time around 
When he pushes the door to the convenience store open, you spin around behind the till, your face alight with eagerness. Your eyes light up at his sight only for you to fail at trying to hide your excitement.
“Ah…” You say with the air of someone who sells diamonds, not bitter coffee. “You’ve come back for the coffee, I suppose?”
He smiles, his lips a little unused to the movement. “No, actually, I came back for you.”
When you smile, it lights up the room, no neon sign needed.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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