#She knew Inanna well!
paperstarwriters · 5 months
When Things Go Wrong (Feat. Inanna)
I know the larger trend is to lean comedy, but I couldn't help myself lmao. Also oof, the fic ended up with a lot less focus on things going wrong and a lot more focus on repair. Whoops lmao Pairing: Inanna & Reader (Platonic; familial), Muriel & Reader (Platonic, though could also be viewed as romantic)
Warnings: slight angst, hurt/comfort, Reader deals with feelings of inadequacy, Inanna acts a lot like Muriel.
Summary: Inanna had lost her pack once before, but here, she found a new pack with you and Muriel. It's small, but it's hers, and she will do what she can to protect every member of this little pack. So, when things go wrong, she has to fix it.
Vesuvia Weekly Prompt | Masterlists | The Arcana Masterlist Word Count: 4,085
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"And? When it all goes wrong, what will you do?"
When Inanna was a pup, she would have flashed her teeth in a terrifying snarl, gnash her jaws and howled her answer: "Fight! I would fight, I will fight!" But that is the bark of a child, of a pup, though she knows many grown wolves who would yowl the same sentiment.
Perhaps she shouldn't treat this as if she was somehow wiser. After all, it is wise for a wolf to solve problems with their fellows in a wolfish manner. The predicament occurs when you're dealing with a not-wolf-pack. Two strange magicians with one that too often loves to leave the pack and explore like an overeager puppy, while the other stumbles around occasionally like a newborn. Of course, then there was the snake, mischievous in the same way their wandering puppy magician was, and yet somehow much worse from their small intimidating size, and ability to slip behind and between and into things, without other people knowing. It's terrifying sometimes to see a snake and fear for your life only to realize it's your friend, covered in mud, intent on scaring you to death.
There were others as well, the tall slim bird-man. who sometimes had the face of a bird with cold unblinking eyes which he could somehow remove and leave on a wall, with his own raven friend who freaked out at the slightest inconvenience. There was the soft one, with her tiny little cat, who blinked and "meep!"ed at random intervals and fascinated Inanna to no end, unless she got angry which made her far more terrifying.
There was the wispy one, dressed in spiderwebs with an owl by her side. Inanna liked the owl, for their conversations, but she could never get around the sight of it turning it's head all the way around to stare her down. She's tried it before, it's very very hard to do, and yet the owl can do it without even blinking. Not to mention how irritatingly silent she can be sometimes as she flies around them.
Ah, but in short, they were an eclectic bunch, and though they didn't stay as closely together as a typical pack would, they were close enough, visiting often and being kind to each other. Especially her familiar, and the stumbling magician-ling. Muriel rolled his eyes at the title she gave you. Magician-ling, as if you were a newborn magician. She knew that wasn't true, but she thought it was a fonder title than, the undead. Muriel certainly seemed to prefer it.
Muriel certainly seemed to prefer you.
She remembers the delight in watching the two of you grow close, how you seemed to open the floodgates of connection and re-established his ability to find solace in a pack, to have friends, to have fellows he could rely on. Perhaps not fellow wolves, but someone at least. After he grew close to you, suddenly he was eating with others, suddenly he wasn't so alone anymore. And neither was she. She loves you for that, for giving her a pack to be with again, even if it was more spread out, and even if there were sometimes where they'd end up alone again, it was a little pack she found herself a part of all over again. Her pack. Her home.
And as you spent more and more time sleeping in their den, sharing Muriel's warmth, and cuddling up with her, she found her delight as a member of a pack of three. Muriel was happier with you to, so, so happy as his face grew soft, and his smiles grew wide, and when he did his chores, or wandered through the forest, you would sometimes jump up and delight her in a game, in a chance to chase, and jump and throw and catch, and sometimes, Muriel would join in too, and like a pair of wolves chasing after an agile deer, she would hunt you alongside Muriel peppering your face with kisses instead of bites when they inevitably found and caught you.
It was fun. It was happy. Small as you may be the three of you were a pack, which was why she had to fix this.
She knows why it happened, why you left so suddenly, and she's ashamed to know she had a paw in your sorrow large and clumsy as she was, she had knocked over your inkwell onto your book. You had been working on that so intently, staying up so late... too late in her and Muriel's opinion. It was the source of so many of your disagreements, and when you found it soaked in ink, all you did was cry.
She didn't mean to. She really didn't mean to. Her tail hit the bottle when she saw you finally taking a break and it just spilled all over the pages. And in that moment, you didn't dare to even look at her.
"Don't follow me," you had told Muriel with a frightening look in your eyes. You didn't say the same to her, though Muriel tried to argue for her to follow regardless.
"They don't want to be bothered," he insisted. "I... I think they just need to take a breather."
She could tell, in the way that familiars could, that more than anything, he wanted to defy that request. Instead, with his dexterous hands, he tries to salvage your work, to clean up the mess that she made, that she's helpless to fix, that she would only ever worsen if she even dared lay a paw upon it.
Still, she had to do something.
Muriel doesn't call after her when she slips out the door. The sound of wood creaking open, the sound of it slamming shut after was unmistakable, but he says nothing, despite that deep connection that would have allowed her to hear him despite the distance. He's silent, and though her chest pangs at the thought of leaving him in that state, she knows finding you, and fixing her mistake would surely bring you back, would surely fix his mood. So she tracks you down, the agile deer she's caught many times before, following your familiar scent, the familiar prints you leave in the forest around you, and finds you far far far away, crying, and gasping, panicking in that way she's seen Muriel do so many times before.
And in that way she's done to Muriel so many times before, she curls around you, lets you rest your head against her pelt, and quietly speaks, though she knows you can't hear.
"I'm sorry," she whispers. "I didn't mean to."
You lean into her touch, sob into her fur, and don't accept her apology, unable to understand a word she speaks. Her distress, is visible, is audible and you try to sniffle and pat her but you're too caught up in your own distress to try and console her. He licks at your tears, wiping them away like she's seen Muriel do with his hands, and you giggle at the feeling. She doesn't intend to make you giggle, but she keeps licking over and over again, if only to hear you laugh instead of cry.
"Inanna!" You bat her away, as gently as you can manage, and it pains her to be unable to tell you the same things Muriel does. You sound so sweet when you laugh, so why must you cry? Why cling to the sorrow she's given you when all she wants is to make you smile?
She wishes you could understand when she says how sorry she is.
Still, she curls around you, tucks her head atop your lap, and tries to keep you warm, to keep you company as you struggle to terms with the mistake she's made in you. At the very least, you sweep the tears from her eyes, and you fix her with a sad and tired look, like a puppy denied her mother. A pup denied her home.
Inanna knows she is giving you the same stare.
"I'm sorry Nana," you mumble perhaps in reply to her own sorrow, and she presses her face further against you, agonized at the idea that she has made you sorry. That you feel the need to apologize at all. Was it not her mistake that made you cry? Was it not her mistake that sent you running?
You lean in, and bask in the feel of her fluffy pelt, rubbing your hands against her fur, in that soothing manner that all you humans so loved to do. She basks in the feeling, the soft and tender feeling, and presses herself further into you, as if it would grant her more. It's greedy perhaps, but it seems to soothe you as much as it does her, as tears slowly dribble, then drip to a halt.
And you look to the forest your soul somewhere far away. And you look the spitting image of Muriel before you came into his life.
And she wonders what happened to you, when you made their life better...had... had they been making your life worse?
She nudges her face into your stomach, hoping and praying that you would get the message. She is curious, she wants to hear your thoughts. She does not want you to be alone in whatever suffering she and Muriel had left you to endure alone.
You look down at her, and as if by some miracle you smile and hear her silent plea.
"Do you ever feel like you're not what you're supposed to be?"
And Inanna curses the fates, the heavens and the moon who guides her. Curses that she was given such a wonderful pack to be a part of an eclectic mix of creatures big and small who all share that connection of affection with each other, who, though not often can sit at the same table and eat their shared catch together, and share whatever meal they've caught in their hunts. She curses that she's been given such a tiny intimate loving pack amidst the larger one, and that she is powerless to protect either when she cannot bear her teeth at the problem.
She wishes, again, begs and pleas to the very moon she just cursed that you could understand her once more.
"I do not understand," she would whisper in sad sorry sound "I am what I am and you are what you are, what is incorrect of our existence?"
And you look down at her, and twist that smile into a pitying thing. With a hand on her jaw you rub at your cheek and chuckle as she allows you this minor cruelty, forcing one eye shut, as she stares with the other.
"You're so tame Inanna, so kind. People say wolves should be fiercer, scarier than this. You seem almost more like a dog sometimes."
It's another cruelty that she must allow. If you could hear her, she would bear her teeth, scold you for thinking such cruel terms, as if others' thoughts could make her any less the wolf she is. But you would not hear her words, and you would not know her anger was not at you. Her jaws remain shut, though she could open them to remind you of her nature. And she leans further into your touch, to inform you of the rest of her.
She can be scarier, she can be fiercer, to her prey and any threat, but only a foolish wolf would bear her fangs at a pack-member in need.
"Inanna, did you know me when I was alive?"
She stares once more, eyes turning up to observe you from where she rests in your lap. She knows you now, and you are alive now. Is that not enough?
Again that sorrow pools in your eyes, sags over your shoulders and brings pains to your fingertips as you clutch at her fur. She wants to whimper to whine in pain but her silence is her gift to you, and an urge to listen to more.
She is here to fix, perhaps this is more than her mistake, but she has caused you pain and she wishes to know how to fix it—if she could fix it. The job seems grander and grander with every word that falls from your lips, every twist of your expression in pain and sorrow, and she is left helpless at her inability to talk to you as she so wishes.
"I knew more magic then, right?"
She tries to nod. It's true, before your death you knew far more than you knew now, but then you had seemed so unhappy as well. Wouldn't you be pleased to let go of such sorrows?
"I wish I still knew all that magic."
It clicks then, and she wants to speak. She begs for the ability to speak.
"Asra mentions it sometimes, how I used to be smarter, stronger, more capable."
"I wish I knew more magic too," she wants to say. "I wish I knew how to tell you that you're enough."
"Does Muriel ever mention it? How it would be nice if he didn't have to cover for my clumsiness all the time?"
"I wish I could tell you how much we love you."
Inanna does what she can. She shakes her head furiously, as she's seen you and Muriel do many times before, and she bears the brunt of dizziness that the movement brings. She wants to tell you that you're wrong, she wants to tell you that you are loved, she wants to tell you that to her, newborn as you are, you are just as powerful as the you of that past, that you had magic that your old self never could have reached. You had the ability to bring people together, to make a pack from a crowd of such different animals.
You had the magic to give her a pack again.
A pack of her, you, and—
"Are you okay?"
Muriel! Inanna leaps up, and she wonders at how she hadn't thought of it before. In a manner reminiscent of the day she first truly got to know you, she rushes behind Muriel, forgoing telling him what he needs to do in favour of telling him all that you were suffering alone. Muriel, she knew was clever. He'd know what to tell you, and he could speak for her too.
And yet when they turn to look at you, when she drags Muriel by his clothes yanked from between her teeth, she catches sight of your eyes growing wide, of your brows drawing down and your own body retreating from the both of them.
"Ah, sorry," Muriel tries to say. "I know you said not to follow you, but Inanna sounded distressed and—"
And you looked at her as if she had betrayed you. Hot tears building up on your face as you look away and try to hide, to hide from the both of them, of course, but to hide from yourself, she thinks as well.
"I'm fine. We're—Inanna and I were fine," you speak, around a mouthful of your own flesh and clothes. She can hear the shudder of your throat the warble in your tone, and she knows it is not merely from her keen ears that the sound carries through.
Muriel fixes her with a look, concern worry and curiosity, but when he whispers to her, in a voice only the two of them can hear, he asks her not to tell him. Not right away at least. She knows. She accepts, she never would have even if he didn't ask.
"Nana... Inanna wasn't fine."
You go still for a moment, back straightening, as if you're about to turn, before you burry your face deeper into your lap an attempt to hide more shame. Still the source of your sorrow, Inanna curls up beside Muriel, intent on doing the same.
"I'm sorry," and you sound so, so small.
Was this what he meant? When Muriel once fussed over his towering size. You sound so small, smaller than a bunny, smaller than a squirrel, you sound as if you could be held between her jaws and locked behind her teeth, and if she held you like she held a pup, she would have to take extra care not to bring you any harm.
It sounded like even before starting, she had already failed.
"It's not you," Muriel clarifies, shuffling close to lean against you. He starts with a hand on your shoulder, gives you ample time to shrug it off before he comes in with the rest of himself, pulling you into his embrace, into his affection and care.
And Inanna watches as you relax, suddenly wishing she was more like you.
She is a member of an eclectic pack of many different animals, but one mostly made of humans. Maybe she could take better care of you all if she traded her fangs for a form like yours. If she traded her fur for your skin.
She curls up beside you, trying to amend her inadequacy, and your hand finds her fur, stroking once more, calming even more.
If she can soothe you like this, then perhaps it isn't so bad.
"Inanna wanted to talk to you, but you can't understand what she says."
You say nothing, but you look away from the both of them, and Inanna understands. You still long for that magic so far out of your reach, you still long for the spells that you once had before your demise. She's sorry that she had stood between you and your goal, sorry that she had ruined your hard work to achieving it.
"She says she's sorry," Muriel says, and you sigh, shoulders sagging, as your hand returns to her fur.
"Its okay Nana, it was an accident I know."
"no, no, not only for that," she whispers.
"Not only for that," Muriel says.
"I'm sorry you think that you are lesser now than you were before"
"She says she's sorry that you think you're lesser now than you were before."
"I'm sorry that you think you are inadequate"
"She's sorry that you think you're inadequate."
"I'm sorry that you think we don't love you so much as you are now."
"She's sorry—" and Muriel falters, words dying on his tongue. "Do... do you not think we love you as you are now? Do you think we'd love the you from before... more?"
"It's not.... I know you didn't even really know me then" you try to argue back, but your voice warbles and cracks and though you try to deny it, it's clear the feeling was there. "But I... I was such a skilled magician before. Asra tries not to mention it but.... but I hear it sometimes. In the way that they speak.... they look so sad, so disappointed, as if they're upset that I'm not like that anymore—and I know that they're probably more upset that I've forgotten them," you're hiccuping now, gasping for air, that your lungs deprive yourself of a self harm that mirrors your words, cruel bitter things, where you pretend as if it's foolish for you not to be so hurt. "It's just that... I... I ... It'd be nicer wouldn't it? If I wasn't so clumsy, and if I knew all those spells. I'm sure I knew a spell to understand familiars once, I could've talked to her—I could have talked to you Inanna. And I just... I thought that maybe if I studied a little more I could do it again. That you know, maybe I could do other things too, and you wouldn't need to help me so often.
"I just feel like there's just so many things I can't do anymore. So many things I don't remember how to do, that would be so, so helpful."
And Muriel speaks exactly what Inanna thinks, without a word of encouragement from her side. "Do you think you aren't really helpful right now? Even if you aren't helpful, it doesn't make you any less...wonderful."
With his dexterous hands, Muriel slips your cheek into his palm, cradling your face, as he shuffles around you to make it easier for you to turn to him, to make it easier for him to wipe away your tears, to make it easier for him to tug you into his chest, let you sob into his shirt as he holds you tight. Inanna nuzzles up beside you, rubs her cheek against your shuddering ribs, and though it's hardly the same as the affection Muriel gives you, she hopes you can feel it too.
"You've done so much for me. For Inanna too. You remember how you told me that my past doesn't define me? The same applies to you, you know. You're amazing now, what does it matter how skilled you were before?"
"I don't know," you sob. "But... gods, it still makes me feel like I've somehow failed. Like I've grown worse over time instead of getting better. I should be getting better, shouldn't I?"
Muriel opens his mouth to say something, but grimaces at the thought. Inanna knows. Inanna knows full well what he's thinking, and she speaks for him, before he chooses silence.
"I... um... oh... Inanna says that.... no pup learns how to walk without stumbling, and.... and that no hunt future hunt will be better if the current one is successful. And.... and she says that even if she fails to catch her food, she is no less a wolf. And... and that applies to the both of us."
Muriel's face turns a little pink at the mention, and you turn to look up at him, your own hand coming up to mirror his own, cradled on his cheek. As you ask with your heart of concern, "You think you're not good enough?"
His brows dip though that pink colour doesn't go away. "I should be saying that to you, you know. You already know so much magic..."
"And you know so much about the forest, about life."
Muriel scoffs, eyes growing dark. "I know a lot about ending it."
"And a lot about healing it. Even without magic, you know how to mend wounds so well."
"And even without as much knowledge as before, you know how to do so much." You scoff at his retort, and Inanna buts her head against you, something Muriel is eager to translate. "Inanna agrees."
You roll your eyes, at their shared agreement, and smile. Muriel smiles in turn seemingly satisfied with this outcome, but Inanna is not convinced.
She speaks through Muriel, wagging her tail as she squirms into the space between the both of you, hoping to curl up around both of you and emphasize her points.
"Nanna!" you yelp
"Pfft." Muriel swats at her tail, likely stuck in his face. She doesn't regret a thing, only that it makes him slower to speak. "Inanna, oof, Nanna says that she loves you by the way."
"Both of you. I love both of you."
Muriel stubbornly refuses to voice the latter part. She swats her tail against his face again. "Hey! Okay, okay, both of us she says."
"You are my pack."
"She says we're her pack," and Muriel further translates. "She says we're her family."
"Inanna..." You open your arms, and let her into her lap, showering her with affection and cuddles, hands scratching and petting and fluffing and rubbing. "I love you too Nanna!"
From the side Muriel watches with a small smile on his lips as Inanna peppers you with slobbery kisses, and before he dares lapse into any feelings of isolation, Inanna twists, intent on pulling him into this pile of affection and play, as for the first time in a long time, she shows her love for her family the way a wolf does best.
So perhaps she cannot fix her pack's problems by bearing her teeth. She can fix them with play and affection with kisses, and with help. She's not alone anymore. And neither are either of you.
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taduki · 5 months
🌿 Taduki & Muriel 🌿
Aka scary looking sweetheart and his sweet girlfriend. 💕💕
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Calls him hubby, also scruffy bear, also blueberry muffin, also—
The start of the trip with Morga was not working out. Tad can’t walk so far on such different terrain, but they had to get going. Muriel was considering carrying her, but didn’t feel like he knew her enough to ask — until Morga played wingwoman and straight up told Muriel to carry her.
Tad felt horrible about the situation but Muriel assured her, “It’s fine…”
The whole trip, she was very gentle and patient with him, but she struggled with holding back from touching him. She wanted to put her hand on his, rub his back, comb his hair, and she sometimes couldn’t stop herself. Muriel would flinch back, but one day, he let her in. They had to work together.
Post-route, the two agreed to live with each other. She would cook tasty meals and he would clean as always. It was hard at first, but only because Muriel was just getting used to doing the things Asra would do for her. She couldn't lift jugs, chop wood, or go on long patrols, but she found ways to get by.
Some things she could use magic for. A quick dusting, levitation for high up shelves, etc. She also has a knack for crocheting and sewing so Muriel now has a nice drawer full of fitted homemade clothing.
One investment they made was a big futon they could roll out in front of the fireplace for extra chilly winters. Tad LIVES on that thing and Muriel can't blame her... Well, if you can't beat em, join em.
Inanna was standoffish at first but luckily Tad loves to baby animals, and a big scary wolf was no exception. Their naps sync up. 🥺
Due to her condition, Tad’s brain can sometimes be a little empty. Her memory and processing declined and she has trouble with basic tasks. It’s a soft spot for her, so Muriel is just as patient with her as she is with him. He waits as long as he needs for her to finish her thoughts. He reciprocates her actions back to her. He pets her head, holds her hands, and rests his head on her.
May add more hcs! Thank you for reading!! 💕🙏 (Listening material at the bottom)
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xaharadesert · 7 months
MC’s Familiar Having a Crush on LI’s Familiar - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6 + Familiars)
A/N: another poll winner! The request for this one specifically asked for the reactions of the LIs and their familiars, so it doesn’t really fall into “x MC” territory :) also, I’m leaving the species of MC’s familiar purposefully vague, but with the assumption that it’s not the same species as LI’s! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes!
TW: swearing in Lucio’s section
As a man of science, he has many questions
Are relationships between different species common in the magical world? Does a “crush” indicate that familiars have a similar level of sentience to humans? Is this an innate trait, or something that manifests as a result of magic?
The temptation to launch a scientific investigation is strong in this situation, but he restrains himself
It feels immoral to toy around with love, even if he doesn’t really understand it
However, that means that he’ll be supporting this crush from both the standpoint of a friend and a scientist
He had never really thought about romance before
Most of his time was spent bothering people and collecting shiny things, and he was content with that life
So finding out that another creature had a crush on him was an odd experience, to say the least
Not to mention that it was someone he already knew, and shared a strong connection with
He thinks he might give it a try. He won’t be sharing his collection of shiny things, though
Immediately thinks it’s the cutest thing to ever happen
100% supportive, no matter the species difference
Gives your familiar the shovel talk (Pepi is her baby, after all)
Makes all the classic parent jokes about keeping the door open
After making that joke, she sits in silence and contemplates the reality of the relationship, and now also has many questions
Will not be asking them though; might ask Julian about it later
Embarrassed by her mother, which is difficult to achieve, given that she is a cat and feels no shame
When she finds out about the crush, she just kind of shrugs it off
It makes sense, after all; she is a cat, and cats are perfect
If the crush seems serious, then she’s willing to reciprocate
Probably would not be the best partner— she prefers to spend her time napping in the sun, so if your familiar is high energy then it might not work out
What the fuck
Like, genuinely, what the fuck
I mean, he’s not really one to judge, given his own weird tastes
But, like, really? How the fuck does that happen?
Thinks his dog(s) can do better than your familiar, and makes this well-known
🐾Mercedes OR Melchior🐾
Makes perfect sense to him— he would fall in love with himself too
Not really interested in reciprocating though: he is a very busy boy
Many squirrels to chase and bones to chew
May pursue a more dedicated friendship, though
And if he’s feeling generous, then he may share one of his toys with your familiar
A bit hesitant at first
He’s a very reserved kind of man, and he really only has Inanna by his side all the time
So he doesn’t know how he feels about losing her to any degree
But if it makes her happy, then he’ll support it
After all, it’s your familiar, and he trusts you
Really did not expect that
Immediately rejects the crush, partly out of panic, because she really doesn’t want anything to change
But over time, she realizes she might like something more with your familiar
Eventually, the crush is returned
Mostly, she truly feels comfortable with it when she realizes she will always have Muriel’s support
Makes perfect sense to him; he’s loved you for years, so it’s only natural that Faust would form a bond with your familiar as well
He thinks it’s really cute, and encourages them to spend time together
Sometimes jokes with Faust about her “snake charm”
As a bonus, your familiars spending time together means that the two of you can spend more time together as well
Most definitely plans double dates (platonic or romantic)
Faust had a crush on your familiar before they had a crush on her
So she’s delighted to see it’s returned!
Very enthusiastic about having a partner
If your familiar is larger, then she’s hitching a ride whenever they hang out
Very cuddly for a snake, especially if your familiar gives off body heat
Keeps her thoughts to herself while she tries to understand how exactly your familiar can have a crush on hers
She doesn’t want to judge what she doesn’t understand, so she asks you a few questions about it
Once she gets the gist of it, she’s very supportive, and finds it rather cute
Keeps an eye on Chandra though, since she knows her familiar likes her personal space, and helps to enforce boundaries
Overall thinks it’s harmless fun
She’s not into romance, and let’s your familiar down as easily as she can
Still wants to be friends, but needs her own space
She’s a very solitary creature, and she has no desire to change
Will still occasionally be more affectionate to your familiar when she sees that they’re feeling down
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blueblobbing · 2 months
This is a fluff one-shot I made. Please let me know if there are any issues, I do take constructive criticism.
I wrote this for @the-horror-and-the-wild-simp
The biggest Muriel Simp I know :)
Rainy days
 Stone walls well worn by time, and wooden beams that have seen better days still lodged firmly in place. The roots of the tree above the hut poked through and laced their way through the cracks within the wall. A soft warm glow filled the room as the fire quietly crackled in the background. Standing side by side you and Muriel both watch through the doorway as the rain thumps against the ground.
 Lightning crackles over you in the sky, lighting up the dark world just in front of you. Muriel lets out a small huff as he watches the rain. Though the rain never bothered him, this kind of rain usually meant there would be costly damage. Inanna slipped in between the two of you as she escaped the harsh weather. Her soaked fur brushed roughly against your leg soaking it in the process.
 You could hear her steps stop before you slowly turn around. That's exactly when she starts to shake, covering everything in droplets of water. Muriel turned back around after being showered with water. He didn't seem bothered that much as he walked over and joined his companion on the floor next to the fireplace. You linger in the doorway for a moment before deciding to join as a brisk wind makes you shiver. 
 You shut the door before you glide over with sure footsteps despite the slightly uneven earth beneath your steps. You stopped short before descending down next to Inanna. She sat, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the warmth from the fire. You reach out and touch her head, her tail starts wagging as she has grown used to your affection. As you moved your hand along her head her tail started to wag faster. 
 That was before you reached right behind her ear. Instinctively she leaned into your hand as her leg thumped against the ground uncontrollably. You look up in time to see a soft smile on Muriel's face. The fire gave a soft glow to him as his eyes watched Inanna's reaction. They slowly raised and met yours as a soft blush crept onto his face.
 His gaze lingered for a moment before he turned back towards the fire. A peaceful quiet settling in between you two. The only sound was from the rain pattering the roof and the fire crackling as it hungrily ate up the wood. In a hushed but gruff voice Muriel speaks fondly.
“...I like rainy days…” 
 You can't help but smile a little and nod in agreement. As you turn towards the fire letting its warmth envelope your face. Inanna got up and walked away as the fire was becoming too much for her, leaving the two of you alone. You spoke softly, adding to his comment.
“They are nice, the whole world goes quiet. Plus the smell of fresh rainfall is comforting.” 
 You gently scoot closer to Muriel before leaning on him. You gently let your weight fall onto him as you kept an eye out for any signs of him pulling away. Something you've grown quite good at after being with him for some time. He relaxes against you as he closes his eyes, soaking up the peaceful moment. A feeling that was always so fleeting. 
 A sudden crash outside spooked the both of you as you both looked towards the door. Muriel sat there before breaking the silence. 
“Probably a loose branch, we won't know till the storm passes.” 
 You let out a sigh before looking back at him and gently leaning back into him. You close your eyes as he wraps his arms around you pulling you into his comforting embrace. He held you with certainty and fragility as he worried about hurting you. Sleep sunk its sharp fangs into you as it pulled you further into a sense of exhaustion you never knew you had. The warmth, comfort, and safety made for perfect napping conditions as the sound of the rain lulled you to sleep. 
 Muriel took notice of your condition as he shifted around a little before picking you up gently. He tried his best not to disturb you too much as he didn't want to break you from your trance. If there was anything he certainly knew about you, was your bad sleeping habits. You listened to the sound of him walking over to your guy's bed as he gently laid you down first before carefully laying down next to you. He laid there for a moment watching as you slipped in and out of consciousness before you softly spoke.
“Good night, love.”
He smiled before gently placing a kiss on your forehead as blush covered his face. He held you close to him before replying.
“Good night..” 
You close your eyes as sleep finally won. The night went by quickly as you slept without issue. In the morning you awake to find Muriel long gone as he usually woke up before you. Slipping out of bed you walk back out and over to the suspiciously opened front door before stopping as a chicken bursts into the home followed by a very concerned Muriel.
“Their pen broke.” 
You sighed as you found the rain day was over and so was the hope for another peaceful day. 
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sxftkxssxs · 1 year
if your comfortable with it, could you please write something about the m6 (or just Asra and Julian) with an anorexic mc? as someone kind of struggling rn I could use the comfort, but if your not comfortable with it I totally understand 🌻
Oh I definitely can!! I hope this helps, even though its forever late :((
Anorexic mc (main 6)
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He's going to be the most worried about you
He'll do anything he can to support you, and I mean anything
Asra would make sure the things you both eat are things you are okay trying, and he definitely tries to make eating more enjoyable for you
He always checks in on you to make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too hard.
He’s always so proud of you, making sure you can hear him say it when you’re in the privacy of your room. It’s often mixed in with soft whispers of praise.
might invite you to cook with him, if you accept, the kitchen ends up a little more of a mess than before (why is there flour on the ceiling..?)
Faust likes to wrap and squeeze you when you have a hard day. (She’s very cold and now you are too!) 
At first he’s probably a little stumped, but he’s a doctor. he knows about these things
He makes sure he doesn’t get too carried away with the doctor talk, you’re safe from doctor lectures
Malak will often perch on your shoulders, only squawking at Julian a mild amount
Julian doesn't push you too hard, and often leaves you little reminders that you're doing amazing (though you can't really read that chicken scratch doctor handwriting..) 
He tries his best to be there for you when it gets harder, offering to sit with you while you both eat together, dramatic support when you do well!!
Overall he's such a sweetheart, and he makes sure you're not being too hard on yourself
Nadia worries almost as bad as Asra does, but she doesn’t always let it show
She’ll take this into consideration for every meal that's planned
She makes sure any meal you both have won’t be too much for you!
Nadia shows how proud she is of you with soft touches outside of the privacy your rooms provide. When inside the privacy of her own spaces she’ll often invite you to bathe with her. (if you turn that down I’ll go in for you).
if you have a really bad day she’ll have them make something a little less, extravagant
He won’t have much to say, but you can tell he remembers from other things he does for you
He’ll quietly ask you if you’ve eaten or if you’re alright if he notices anything off
The food he makes always suits your tastes and always looks like someone put a lot of care into it
Muriel makes sure to eat with you, taking a seat beside you
Inanna will still gladly accept any leftovers, although she’s much less eager to snatch it right off your plate
He tries to show he’s proud of you, he gets a little smile on his face every time you two eat together. Inanna often snuggles up to you after you all eat and won’t get up for anything
Muriel won’t be disappointed if theres some things you just can’t bring yourself to eat, either he or Inanna will eat it 
Portia definitely has concerns
She’s more of a baker but she can make (some) foods for you if you’d prefer!
She’d likely ask Julian some questions, or just let him spew as much as he knew on the topic 
She’ll encourage you to hang out with her in the kitchens eventually, and everyone working there would be incredibly supportive
Pepi sometimes steals from the kitchens for you, bringing you little parts of things you like (and a leaf once!) 
Portia shows she’s proud of you loud and clear, big hugs and kisses are absolutely part of the routine
He’s got a lot of spirit I can tell you that
Most likely won’t be paying much attention to your plate or anything other than the conversation you’re having
he’ll take some time to process why you might not wanna eat- he genuinely thinks you’re amazing no matter what
Lucio is all about fun and making things not seem as bad, so that’s what he does-
He’ll tell you about things he’s done in the past, things he’s planning on the two of you doing, all of it
I think he’s always got to have a hand on you in some way, so depending on what you two are eating he might draw circles on your unused hand, or link pinkies with you.
Mercedes and Melchior often nudge you, slipping their heads under your arm occasionally. No one can ever tell if they’re trying to encourage you or beg for scraps…
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ash-writies · 1 year
In Your Darkness
A/n:  Hey guys it’s been a while haha… well I'm not completely back yet, but I’m back enough to start working on some old asks. I was kinda out of the mood to do anything I liked for a while there, I was too busy with work and such- but now I’m ready to set aside time for fun stuff, I’ll try to post once or twice a week see you guys soon!!
Summary: You and Muriel take shelter from a storm in a cave. A writing prompt I saw “write a scene in total darkness.”
Warnings: none <3
 Words 575
Inanna huffed as she led the way through the woods. Although it was barely past noon the sky was already black. Muriel held your hand as you tried to follow to nearly invisible figure. Each time you tripped on a stone or branch you’d thought you’d memorized his hand tightened around you, “almost there,” you thought he muttered. The thunder ringing in your ears made it hard to hear anything. 
With a flash of lighting a cave was revealed in front of you. You didn't have time to celebrate before the rain began to pour down on you. Luckily you had made it in before you had gotten drenched. As you entered his hand slipped out of yours, “Muriel?” you called. It was completely dark and silent, you stuck your hands out and called again. You hesitantly took a step forward and bumped into him. You lowered your hands and felt the fur on the shoulder of his cloak. 
“Are you alright?” you asked. He didn't answer again. You slowly sat down next to him and put your hand on his forearm. You waited in near silence, the rain in thunder echoed stubbornly in the cave. If you strained your ears enough you could hear his breathing, coming fast and irregularly. You slid your hand along his arm until you felt the top of his head. He was curled up.
“Muriel,” you shifted so you were in front of him and coaxed his head up, “breathe slowly. It’s okay.” Your eyes were desperately trying to focus on him but there was so little light. You thought that was why he was panicking. Your hands slid off his cheeks and down his arms. Reaching his hands you placed them on your shoulders, “I'm right here.”
“Okay,” he whispered, hands slowly tightening around your shoulders. You could hear him trying to even his breathing. You ran your hands down the lining of his cloak and remembered his old one. It was torn and thin, you wondered how he ever kept warm. Then you remembered how he ran hot all the time. A smirk spread across your lips as your cold hands slipped beneath his shirt. 
He gasped your name and grabbed your wrists, “you’re so cold,” he said although he didn’t make an effort to remove your hands.
You could almost hear the faint smile in his voice, “oh?” you began slipping your hand away slowly, “Well I just wanted to warm up.”
He pulled your hands back onto himself, “It’s fine I was just saying,” he muttered. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, resting your head on his chest.
“Have I told you how much I like being close to you?” With your ear on his chest, you could hear his heartbeat quicken.
“I-uh yeah, you have.” 
You tilted your head toward him, “then why are you acting so shy about it?” you teased. You felt him shift in your arms and you knew if you placed your hands on his cheeks he’d be burning up.
“I’m not, you just say weird stuff randomly,” he huffed. You were still deciding whether or not to continue teasing him when his arms wrapped around you, “I guess I like it too…”
You smiled and sighed into him, “I knew you’d come around eventually- Or maybe you liked it all along.” He said nothing and pressed his face into your hair, you guess it was the latter after all.
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From the Ashes Pt. 27
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Pairing(s): Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, one-sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: slow burn fic, changing povs,
Words: 3203
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35
Book Two of Dārilaros hen ōrbar se perzys (Heir of Ash and Fire)
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“Ah! So you’re a Westerosi knight like Jaime!” One of the soldiers excitedly speaks to him. A relief to Selmy. But then he realized the voice belonged to a woman. . . The open corridor which his small escort was leading him down offered much light. Without a doubt this soldier was a woman. Her hair was black like a raven’s feathers and just as full. Long, it trailed down her back in a thick braid. Since being in Essos, Ser Barristan had grown accustomed to seeing tattooed faces of all ages and races. Men and women alike, the slave trade didn’t descriminate. Beyond this girl’s teardrop tattoo below her right eye and orange flames on her cheeks, she was very pretty. High cheekbones highlight her dark almond shaped eyes.
“Yes.” Barristan saw the twitch of her bare biceps. A pretty face and a body of a warrior. To him, this female warrior was an oddity. Ladies back in Westeros were dainty and dared not to use any weapon. This woman however had a curved sword strapped to her back and another blade hanging from her waist.
“Where is your armor?” She dances around him, unable to keep still for too long.
The tiny girl that was at the head of them stopped and turned around. “Ilta. Bisa iksis vala hen Vesteros. Istia sagon tolī rāpa.” This is a man of Westeros. You must be more formal.
‘Ilta’, skids to a halt and nods. “Paktot. Kirimvose, Inanna.” Right. Thank you. “Sorry. I am Ilta. Part of the Fiery Hand. Sworn to protect and aid nuha kosh in her journey.”
“You fight?”
Proudly she nods. "I do!"
“You’re still not better than me.” Her companion chuckles light heartedly. She returns the jest with a faux punch to his arm.
Selmy catches ‘Inanna’s’ watchful eyes. She smiles sweetly. “Ah, it’s true then what (y/n) has told us. There are no women knights.”
“She speaks the truth. Not only are there no women knights, but where I come from, women are discouraged from wielding such dangerous weapons. They could hurt themselves.” Right away regret made his mouth seal tightly.
Ilta stares at him before laughing. “Lī hen Vesteros issi sīr dovodedha” Those from Westeros are so silly!
The other two chuckle making Barristan feel foolish. He knew Valyrian. Understood it perfectly. He knew they were bashing on Westeros and the customs. Well, to Selmy their customs were just as strange.
“Women can fight here.” she proclaims after her fit. “It is better than the alternative. And it is an honor to fight alongside nuha kosh. You know where I was before becoming a Fiery Hand?”
No. He did not know.
Haakon grows quiet, a little shifty as he grows uncomfortable. “Ilta, that’s not necessary.”
“He’s probably just like Jaime was when he first arrived here: arrogant and thinking he’s better than us.” She snaps at him and turns on Selmy. Inanna helplessly watches, but she seemed quite used to Ilta’s temper. “I was nothing but a whore in the pleasure houses. The temple initially brought me in to be their whore as well, but when I saw that there were women in their army I knew that that life must be better. And it is. I open my legs for no man now unless I deem them worthy enough.”
Self Consciously Selmy felt his face grow warm.
Inanna stops in front of a door and thankfully saves him. “Here is your room, Ser."
“Who is your champion?” He asks Inanna, hand hovering over the doorknob. There had been nonstop talk of this champion. Not familiar with their odd religion, Barristan was truly in a foreign place. Even though he would not be staying long, he should at least be aware of the customs here.
Her eyes go blank before registering the meaning of his question. Before she could reply it is Ilta who spurts out “Our Lady (y/n) of course! You knew her back when she lived in Westeros. She was a princess back then but now she is something much better.”
“Ilta, gīda (calm). Kesā sȳngagon zirȳla lēda aōha perzys (You will scare him with your fire.)” Haakon intervenes and puts a burly hand on Ilta’s shoulder.
(y/n) again. “What exactly is she now?” He deserved some answers after having traveled for so long.
Inches away from him now, Ilta is tall for a woman. “She is Azor Ahai reborn. Our champion.”
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Barristan Selmy gazes out of his rather large prison cell. A prison cell that held a comfortable bed and a beautiful sight of the lazy rolling ocean. Truly superb, but still a cell no matter how well it was made up. He was a guest under (y/n)’s protection. Princess (y/n ). . . Selmy couldn’t say she looked exactly the same as when he last saw her. Clear that the year she had been gone had been an eventful one. It did wonders for her. Her tanned complexion made her look more appealing, even the scar that was above her left eyebrow. The biggest change though was the sword that hung off of her hip. Immediately upon her arrival he had seen it and wondered if she knew how to use it. Funny how both she and Tyrion, people who one would not normally see wielding swords, now had blades at the ready. The Lannister children were indeed an oddity.
Now she also had terrifying men at her beck and call. Not just men but women as well. The prostitute turned soldier. Seems like anything could happen in Volantis.
This wasn’t the same girl who resided quietly at the Keep. She had power now. That much was clear from what he had observed. Even the High Priest of their temple appeared to be delighted to do whatever she requested. Still, the gentle and tender tone of her voice hadn’t changed. When she turned to one of her robe clad men that held an oddly shaped sword, she spoke softly and respectfully toward him. Most of the people he had seen her interact with apparently adored her. Things were different here.
Which made Selmy all the more wary that he had been confined. He would bide his time though and wait patiently. **
You wiped your face free of tears before shutting your door and starting your way to Rhiannon’s room. Just needing a few minutes to yourself was all you asked of. There was a lot to mourn. Worst of all was a phantom ache you felt deep within where your baby had once dwelled.
Tyrion answered your knock with a grin. He holds up a small wooden cube. “Rhiannon has all sorts of these puzzles in her room! It’s like the chest except smaller.”
Behind him, Rhiannon was at a small table and the mysterious chest before her. Around it were scraps of paper and other oddly shaped objects. Her room was narrow with a tall, slender, window that provided her with decent lighting.
Rhiannon had let you into her room multiple times although she would be rather shy about doing so. Embarrassed and claiming that it was too small and not suitable for you. You had never seen the puzzles before. She must have kept them in the trunk at the foot of her bed.
She smiles and turns in her chair so she could properly greet you. “Nuha kosh I hope all went well.”
“Somewhat. Ser Barristan will be here for just the night, but I fear the Fiery Hands will insist upon keeping a close eye on him.”
“Fiery Hands?” Tyrion returns to his stool that was placed beside Rhiannon.
Winking at him, Rhiannon reveals that the Fiery Hand is his sister’s personal army. To do with as she pleases and order as she saw fit. It was still weird to hear all the power you now had. But it was worth it if it meant impressing a stunned Tyrion.
His eyes are sparkling when he regards you and it makes you blush. “Wow (y/n)! You’re like. . . a king now.”
“Not exactly a king.” Rhiannon explains while unlodging a piece of the box she was working on. Everyone holds their breath and watches as she slides out another piece of wood.
“It’s coming undone.” Smiling at her achievement, Rhiannon rubs at her tired eyes and sits back in her chair. “But I doubt Thalina made it this easy. I may have been able to do this much, but if it’s important then Thalina would have made this puzzle more difficult so not just anyone could solve it.”
“Maybe she foresaw you helping me.” You smile tenderly. “She knew only you would be able to solve it.”
A dry laugh leaves her along with a tired sigh. “She gives me too much credit. But this makes me feel nostalgic. I like it. Feels like she’s here with me in some way.”
Despondent smile on your face, you knew her bittersweet emotions. Even though Thalina was not related to you by blood in any way, she had been much like an older sister to you in your early years at Dragonstone. Thalina proved to be far better than your actual blood sister.
In support you squeeze her shoulder gently. You would like to consider Rhiannon your sister as well. If you still had Thalina around, you would have wanted her to go to Asshai with you.
Yawning, Tyrion slowly blinks his eyes. He must have had a long journey. You sweep back one of his blonde curls. His hair was so long and wild but surprisingly not matted. Soft to the touch and without splitting. All signs that he had been well taken care of at least during his exodus.
“You are tired. Why don’t I show you to my room. The servants can clean the room next door and make it proper for you.”
“I must know though. . . What’s inside. . .”
“And you will. But I also need rest.” Rhiannon patiently grins. “We will both sleep and when we wake up refreshed, we can get back to work. How does that sound little lord?”
It was enough to satisfy Tyrion as he nodded and let you take his hand. “Sleep well, Rhiannon.”
“You as well, my lady.”
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The very moment Tyrion’s head landed on the pillow, he was out like a light. He was still young and could only take so much excitement. When Inanna arrived to tell you that she had safely delivered Ser Barristan to his lodgings, you nod and tell her to keep an eye on Tyrion. You had left Inniros so abruptly that you wanted to go and apologize to him. And to tell him the miracle that had happened. Only. . . He wasn’t in his cell.
Dread filled you and at once you felt sick.
Shadows became more sinister to you once you put your hand at the hilt of Lightbringer. “Inniros?!”
Silence replied back. You were alone. Running out to try and find someone you bump into Dritan at the top of the stairs. He settles his hands on your shoulders to prevent you from falling back from shock. His ever passive face looks down at you. “Nuha kosh, High Priest Benerro wishes for an audience with you. He has your darkin with him.” When the word ‘darkin’ left his mouth, his lips twisted as if tasting something bitter.
If only you could feel relief at finding out that Inniros didn’t actually escape. Benerro moved fast when he wanted to. And the old priest knew how Inniros made many people at the temple nervous.
Thankfully all was well when you arrived in the large chapel that the priests held their sermons in. You weren’t used to seeing it quite that empty. The majority of the attendees were Hands, many of which had been in the council room when Barristan Selmy had been questioned.
Inniros was in shackles and on his knees in front of the High Priest. Silly of them to put shackles on a darkin who could easily slip into their own shadow and out of their restraints. The red priests and priestesses possessed strange magic though that you knew not to doubt.
“I’m sorry to call upon you on such short notice. All the flurry of today must be wearing down on you.”
“Not at all. What can I do for you?”
The High Priest shakes his head. “Not what you can do for me, rather what this darkin can do for you. I have been told that you have been visiting him frequently in his cell.”
“Am I not allowed to?”
“Oh no!” Benerro holds his hands up. “You are free to do as you please, nuha kosh. All I want is to know your opinion on him.”
Shifting on his heels, Inniros turns around to look up at you. Again he was in this humiliating situation of subservience. Even after all that he had done to you, you didn’t like seeing him on his knees. For the last few weeks you had sat at his level so that you could build trust and familiarity.
“My opinion?” His lone pale eye stared at you without a hint of malice or ill-will. You still didn’t know him that well, only barely scratching the surface of this complex man. “He loves his mother very much. Inniros has proved to me that he has humanity and gentleness. Whatever trouble he has caused me. . . it wasn’t of his own volition-”
“He murdered our brothers, nuha kosh! Your men!” Dritan calls out. Weles glares at him to be quiet but Dritan refuses to obey his commander. “He can’t be trusted. If you let him walk free among us, he will try to kill you again.”
“I don’t believe he will.” Anxious to explain, you are cut off again by another member of the Fiery Hand.
“Nuha kosh, you can’t be so trusting and naive. You have seen what this monster can do in a short amount of time. While you have Lightbringer to protect you our own spells can only do so much for our benefit. He mowed down some of our most high ranking men. Don’t sully Feichin’s name by trusting his murderer!”
“SILENCE!” Weles snapped with a roar of his voice. Those near him flinched from the authority that vibrated. He walked over to the one who had just spoken and backhanded them. So sharp you could hear the sting of it making you inwardly draw back. “I should have you skinned for speaking against nuha kosh. And Feichin wasn’t murdered. He died in battle trusting in Azor Ahai reborn.”
The smacked Fiery Hand seethed, revenge screaming in his eyes as he clenched his fists. Did he dare risk his life by attacking Weles? Such repercussions could involve his own execution. Then he looked at you. Dritan’s gaze added to the heaviness you were feeling. You knew such a look from having received it numerous times in your childhood: resentment.
Realizing his options, he bites his tongue and hangs his head low. “Forgive me, nuha kosh.”
Your cheeks were warm with embarrassment. How in the world were you supposed to reply to that?
For the first time in a while, you thought about your father. How would Tywin deal with this? Everyone considered him a great lord despite his cold demeanor. He was harsh but got the job done.
Weles looks to you for instruction, not budging from his place. He was pushing you more and more to make your own decisions. Azor Ahai called for leadership skills which you had been lacking in all your life. You had been expected to listen and obey. Not step out of line and merely be seen, never heard.
The safest option was. . . “Take him to a cell. He can be dealt with at a later time.”
Surprise widened his eyes when Sirvart and Chetna flag either side of him. There was no fight against them. Ashamed, he followed obediently like a beaten dog. Weles nodded to you and offered a small smile.
“Sounds like you speak highly of the darkin.”
“Inniros. His name is Inniros.”
“Of course. My apologies.” Benerro bows his head. “Inniros, (y/n) seems to speak highly of you. Is there anything you would like to say in return?”
You didn’t expect him to actually speak.“My actions, as (y/n) knows, were purely done out of obligation. I had no idea prior to who she was. I never believed in the own stories my master would tell me of Azor Ahai. Having witnessed for myself the power of (y/n). . . it’s all true. My powers are indebted to (y/n). I have felt R’hllor’s warmth through her.”
His kind words made you heat up from a new kind of blush. High Priest Benerro seemed extremely satisfied with his words as well. “Very well. Inniros, I grant your release from your cell.”
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You’re shaken awake by Tyrion. It looked like Inanna had already helped him get dressed and had brushed his unruly hair. “(y/n)! Wake up! I just checked in on Rhiannon just now. She’s ready to pull out the final piece!”
Scrambling to throw on a robe, your trio leaves your room for the priestess’ chambers. Her long hair was still loose and not in her signature high braided ponytail. Clothed in a simple daisy yellow nightgown, she allows you to enter. The box on her table still looked the same minus a few missing pieces.
“Is it true?”
“I believe so, my lady.” Rhiannon replies and her fingers hover over what you surmised was the piece that would make the whole thing open. Her hair was so beautiful, much like Thalina’s had been before cut off by Viserys. Rippling with soft waves and making a curtain of hair as she leaned forward. She turns her face up at you. “Would you like the honors?”
Heart in your throat, you stand beside her making sure Tyrion had full view. She showed you which piece to slide out. How odd, you would have thought that the chest had been made with solid wood. Never would you have guessed that it was composed of smaller pieces. Tyrion kept close to your side and watched with bated breath.
Easily sliding out, the rest of the box fell apart to reveal a rather large opal that looked like it had scales carved into it.
“A-An opal?”
"It's rather large to be an opal." Inanna comments.
"It's so pretty!"
"There's a note." Grabbing the slip of paper, Rhiannon reads aloud: "(y/n), I give you the true jewel of Dragonstone where we spent every passing day together. There may be a little life left inside.
"It's signed by Thalina. And this is her handwriting." She hands it to you, a little confused of the meaning of the letter.
"From Dragonstone. . . ?" Tentatively you set the note aside and go to pick up the large gemstone. You had never seen such a beautiful stone at Dragonstone. You would have remembered. It was heavier than you thought as you lifted it up.
Why did Thalina leave this behind for you?
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an extroverted MC
Him too! This is great!
He already struggles with feeling like a burden to other people, so having a partner who is actually energized from being around him is amazing
He is well known through the whole South End, now he can introduce you to everyone
Even if making friends is tricky for you, it's not for him, your home always has visitors
One of his biggest struggles in seeking community has been his tendency to feel like an outsider
Knowing that he belongs with you helps get rid of that feeling, because you can build bridges with people when he feels like he can't
It's also a really nice change for you too, because people around the shop knew you before the plague and they haven't treated you the same since
Now you get to walk hand in hand with him every day, saying hello to almost every person you bump into
Things were a little tricky at first, because he is an introvert and deeply values his space
Especially when you had just been revived and they were your go to person for all of your needs
He was so dedicated to meeting all of those needs that it would contribute to his burnout, and that didn't help with his habit of running away from uncomfortable situations
Getting to journey through the realms together really helped, because you were able to spend enough time together to get back on the same page
Now they're a lot better about communicating when they want alone time
And when they do, you have a whole new group of friends to get to know, whether that be hanging out at the Palace or visiting the Rowdy Raven or getting to know Aisha and Salim
Most importantly, neither you nor Asra are trying to do things by yourselves anymore, so you know that whatever happens, you're not alone
Whatever you two got up to while he recharged, he will always be waiting back at the shop for you with a hot cup of tea and a thousand questions about your day
She is very much an introvert, and it got a little perplexing at first when she would just ~disappear~ for a few hours with no warning
She's not stupid though, as soon as you commented on it she put two and two together
She could tell right away that you were an extrovert, and it's a quality that she admires in you
She sees your ability to be energized from social activity as a strength that she doesn't have, and she values that
She also likes her space when she needs it though
Now she leaves Chandra with you to send any messages you want to when she's taking her space
And hey, the palace is packed with people. If you want someone to hang out with all you have to do is walk down a hallway
It also gives you the chance to chat with any visiting family members, many of which are extroverted like you
They adore you, and you have more family now than you know what to do with
You two are so good for each other
Normally he runs in the opposite direction of anything remotely social, but you two got to know each other under unusual circumstances
Your ability to connect him to other people is what pulled him out of survival mode, and his steadfastness in return is what gave you the confidence to grow
He's still very introverted though, and once a week or so he just needs to spend a day by himself
Here's the fun part: half of Vesuvia camped out in the woods with you for over a month.
Half of Vesuvia sees you as a wonderful friend
On days like that, you'll have breakfast together, and then he'll take off into the woods with Inanna and you'll saunter through town
You'll probably get pulled into any and every social activity happening that day
By the time the sun is setting he'll be meeting you at the edge of the woods to walk you back to the hut, because he loves you and he enjoys being around you
She is friends with every single person in the palace, and now that you're her special person, you are too
She's probably been told before that she's "too much" sometimes, so seeing the way you plunge right in to the community she works so hard for means the world to her
She carries joy with her wherever she goes, and now she has someone by her side who is only strengthened by that
Between her competence and your useful magic skills, you two become the palace power couple
Nadia quickly learns to make time for daily catch ups, if only to keep tabs on the insane amount of intelligence you both have on the palace's inner workings
It gets even better when you go on ambassador trips together, your job is literally to make friends with all the new people you meet
When you really just want to let loose, you two head down to the South End and pay a visit to Mazelinka and have Ilya stop by for a couple of drinks
Your face is going to hurt the next day from all the laughing
You mean you're not going to shut him down every time he wants to plan a party?
Hell yes!
He already knows he loves you, but now he really knows
The best part is that the parties you plan together are better than anything he ever cooked up
He never developed very good interpersonal skills, so as much as he craved interaction he only received it from self-preserving underlings
You, on the other hand, have an incredible capacity to build bridges between him and the people around you
So the parties aren't as grossly excessive as they used to be, but the company is way way better, and that's what he really wanted all along
It also never ceases to amaze him that you genuinely like him for who he is, and don't have to struggle to stay around him
You two feed off of each other's energy, and that makes you an unstoppable duo
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 17 days
The Arcana M6 Learning How to Crochet
This man does not have the attention span to crochet.
Sure, they love to lay in bed and watch you do it, sure, he'll try, but after about thirteen and a half stitches he gets distracted and decides it's naptime, or he needs to reorganize the spice drawer, or that you don't have enough pumpkin bread, or–
Once you sit his ass down and make him actually retain knowledge they actually do pretty good
Has tons of ideas for what he'll make next, will probably never get to any of them, he is the ultimate procrastinator
Loves to buy you the most random yarn, if it catches his eye it's going with him. Even though they aren't necessarily aesthetically pleasing, you love your drawer of tie dyed, bejewelled, and glittery yarns
He makes Faust a snake sweater (sock?) and declares she will never be cold again
Listens to you intently, super eager to learn and immediately become the best
Completely silent. Doesn't say a word to you until she's figured it out, determined to please. She keeps trying, an ambitious fire in her eyes. You ask her if she needs help a couple of times but she's insistent that she'll be okay
That is, until the middle of the night when she crawls into bed with you, seething
Why did the hook keep slipping out? Why did her knots keep coming undone? This was clearly a defective ball of yarn, what even is a "factory knot"?
The next time she's free you sit on her lap and talk her through the process
Unfortunately as much as she adores the countess, Chandra wouldn't be caught dead in anything either of you make
Please, MC, I have the steady hands and patience of a doctor. I appreciate what you do but really, how hard could it be?
Oh, how wrong he was
Skip to him sobbing into your lap and profusely apologizing for underestimating you and your talents, you are so, so, talented and he wants you to know that, can you ever forgive him? Do you st-
Oh and Portia, he realizes he's been doing that to her oh God what has he done to you both he's so horrible and oh no oh no oh no
You and Portia sit through several one man plays, ballads, and interpretive dances featuring the both of you (or rather, julian in wigs pretending to be you)
Malak doesn't care for crocheted bird clothes but he certainly likes to steal your buttons and shiny metal hooks, forcing you to opt for the wooden ones
Oh, she already knew how to crochet
Believe me, if you were crocheting she would be doing it right next to you if she had the time to
The thing is, Portia isn't just okay at crocheting. She's good. Amazing, even. The first time you crochet together, one glance at her soon turns to you dropping your hook (and your jaw)
Even though she is the supreme crochet champion, she still showers you with compliments and adoration
The type to crochet and read at the same time, gets super into the book and stops focusing on her project completely yet somehow manages to crochet flawlessly
Pepi loves to roll around in your buckets of yarn, whenever you want to make something all your yarn is frizzy and full of cat fur (you will have to physically wrestle Pepi to get a garment on her)
Convinced he'll be bad at it before he even tries
Begrudgingly accepts your offer to teach him anyways, he mumbles something about having clumsy hands and looks away
He takes a while to learn, but after he gets the hang of it he does really well. At heart, he's an artist, no matter how much he tries to deny it
He had watched you crochet before, but now he watches you extra, extra carefully to learn more without intruding
There is now a shelf designed for all your amigurumi plushies placed just next to the one for his wood carvings
When winter hits, you notice all the chickens have been tucked into sweaters, as well as an extra toasty looking Inanna, which is enough to make your heart melt and send you into cardiac arrest (rip MC)
After a brief explanation and a quick tutorial he picks up the hook and gives it a go
Holy mother of what is this trickery
He's shocked about how difficult it is, and yes he is being resilient for you but god he wants to scream and chuck the hook into the woods and never see it again
He can snip yarn with his metal arm for you though so that's pretty sick
You're pretty sure you catch him glaring at the hook when he thinks you aren't looking
He's super proud of you for being able to crochet though, he thinks you're the coolest ever and brags about it to everyone who will listen
Mercedes and Melchior love the sweaters you inevitably make for them and Lucio pulls all sorts of shit so you'll make him one too
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balkanradfem · 3 months
Do you celebrate Palm Sunday?
I had to look this up and I figured out what it is xD Ishtar Sun day!
The original pagan holiday celebrated the descent and resurrection of the goddess Ishtar, or Inanna.
"The Easter story comes from the Sumerian legend of Damuzi (Tammuz) and his wife Inanna (Ishtar), an epic myth called “The Descent of Inanna” found inscribed on cuneiform clay tablets dating back to 2100 BC. When Tammuz dies, Ishtar is grief–stricken and follows him to the underworld. In the underworld, she enters through seven gates, and her worldly attire is removed. "Naked and bowed low" she is judged, killed, and then hung on display. In her absence, the earth loses its fertility, crops cease to grow and animals stop reproducing. Unless something is done, all life on earth will end.
After Inanna has been missing for three days her assistant goes to other gods for help. Finally one of them Enki, creates two creatures who carry the plant of life and water of life down to the Underworld, sprinkling them on Inanna and Damuzi, resurrecting them, and giving them the power to return to the earth as the light of the sun for six months. After the six months are up, Tammuz returns to the underworld of the dead, remaining there for another six months, and Ishtar pursues him, prompting the water god to rescue them both. Thus were the cycles of winter death and spring life." - Source
That makes more sense, all original holidays celebrated the circle of light and darkness that we go trough each year with the movements of the Earth in relation to the Sun. I love how the holidays created stories around something that is very tangible and observable every year! Christianity is pretending that all of that stuff outside isn't even that important and instead we should focus on this one dude. And it was a woman who was originally resurrected - later they found out that in order to create jesus' tomb, they tore down Ishtar's temple. Vile and disrespectful. And there's more:
"Easter as a Celebration of the Goddess of Spring
A related perspective is that, rather than being a representation of the story of Ishtar, Easter was originally a celebration of Eostre, goddess of Spring, otherwise known as Ostara, Austra, and Eastre. One of the most revered aspects of Ostara for both ancient and modern observers is a spirit of renewal.
Celebrated at Spring Equinox on March 21, Ostara marks the day when light is equal to darkness, and will continue to grow. As the bringer of light after a long dark winter, the goddess was often depicted with the hare, an animal that represents the arrival of spring as well as the fertility of the season.
According to Jacob Grimm’s Deutsche Mythologie, the idea of resurrection was ingrained within the celebration of Ostara: “Ostara, Eástre seems therefore to have been the divinity of the radiant dawn, of upspringing light, a spectacle that brings joy and blessing, whose meaning could be easily adapted by the resurrection-day of the christian’s God.”
Most analyses of the origin of the word ‘Easter’ agree that it was named after Eostre, an ancient word meaning ‘spring’, though many European languages use one form or another of the Latin name for Easter, Pascha, which is derived from the Hebrew Pesach, meaning Passover."
That's two female goddesses they conveniently attempted to replace with one male :( Women own the spring and the power of resurrection, as we own the power of birth as well!
Wish I knew in detail what the pagan holidays looked like and how they were celebrated, I'd love to get into that.
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thegodthief · 6 months
Apropos of nothing...
You hear a lot of warnings about the side effects of magic and how you run the risk of literally burning down your shit when all you wanted was just to be warm. Well, I haven't lost my housing status, but I can say with a straight face that the break I suffered in November was a direct consequence of the Seven Spheres workings I did in September.
And if I knew that first week in September what kind of reckoning I was about to unleash on my ass before lighting the first candle on the first day, I would have gone through with it anyway. The only thing I would have done differently was to check in with certain trusted friends in advance to let them know that I was about to throw my brain in a blender so when the effects first started to manifest, they would have seen through the bullshit filter that I was answering everyone with and reminded me why I have so many lanterns in my path.
And now that I am sitting in the light, literally and metaphorically, I can say with a straight face that I know how Inanna felt when she was stripped of all her finery, all her distractions, all her pretentiousness, and forced to stand bare-ass naked with nothing but the truth and having to fucking reconcile that against all that she thought herself to be.
There has been a lot of staring into the mirror of the abyss and acknowledging, yes, this is what I am even though I don't want to be, and these are the things I can do about it and these are the things I can't do anything about, but all this together is what I am so might as well keep going...
And keep making it everyone else's problems because that seems to be what I do best.
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Ruinous Effigy
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"That's not right." Banshee-44 taps a spectral analyzer against the Effigy's frame. Commander Zavala turns, closes the lid on a small golden weapon case, and walks to Banshee's side. "What have you found?" "Well, it's not petrified wood, but it is organic." "That's troubling," Zavala says and moves to run his fingers over the weapon's frame. "I wouldn't." A shallow cold saps the heat from Zavala's fingertips; he pulls back. "This wasn't in Eris's report." His voice is thin and stark with disappointment, as if spoken through dead winter air. "Guardian doesn't seem to notice either." Banshee clinks the analyzer into a tool tray. "Leeches a bit, kicks out Void. Sig's hazy, though. Wild."
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[Report by VanNet encrypted router.] At last, another substantive message. The enemy's influence in our system may be more extensive than we realize. You must look for signs of its effect. Errors or crashes in Vex constructs. Eruptions of empowered or self-destructive Hive sorcery. Newly created Scorn. Revels and expeditions by the worshippers of the narcissist emperor. [Personal notes, shaved into quartz with a surgical stylus.] Our enemies are turning to the Darkness. The Red Legion is broken; the Almighty destroyed. The remaining Cabal will either join Calus's death cult or seek his daughter, Caiatl. And the Fallen—we have driven them to the edge of survival. Turned them against each other. How many will look to the Whirlwind for an advantage over their rivals? By pushing them from the Light, we have groomed more supplicants for the Darkness. We are in an arms race. If we do not learn to use our greater enemy's power, our lesser enemies surely will. I confronted Enina about the strange Ghost. It was not hers, she protested. I asked her why she had been so generous to me, so eager to please. She confessed that she had come on behalf of her fireteam: Guardians who are champions in the Drifter's strange games. They wish to learn the ways of the Darkness itself. To descend into the underworld, like ancient Inanna, and return. They want what I have learned here. How easily they might be corrupted. And yet it thrills me to know that I would not be alone in my work… I sent her away. I fear the Witch Queen's spies. The pine-apple blossoms are still growing. But now I stare at the purple flowers in the black soil and I wonder about poison. I am no longer hungry.
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O: Hmph. Debating the reasons does not interest me. The data does. We have thought Neptune to be a dead end. A hope that was never realized. But she knew something about it, or perhaps something on it, which brought her power. Some deception or hidden truth; some bluff that she had held uncalled against the Witness and its Disciples.
O: [sips tea] Though my senses were darkened, that much was clear through the murk of her throne world. There was a secret she kept veiled, even to the last.
O: [sighs] I do not fully understand what I saw, and for a Human to understand a Hive mind... How many legends of katabasis do we have, Ikora?
I: We currently have dozens of stories about descending to the realms of the dead, though research has indicated many more must have existed, lost in the layers of Human history we will never lay eyes on. Mathematically, there were likely hundreds.
I: [pauses] Inanna and Dumuzid and Geshtinanna, Orpheus and Eurydice, Izanagi and Izanami, to name a few. Gods and goddesses, mortal and immortal lovers, always seeking to descend and return with the lost.
O: And neither the lost nor those who searched for them were ever returned the same.
I:...Is that how you think of yourself?
O: [scoffs] Do I sound that dire? All Guardians, all Lightbearers have done as much. But others, well... I wonder, do our former enemies have similar stories...
I: What exactly are you getting at?
O: Frequently, the underworld—or those realms beyond mortal existence—possess wisdom the living do not. What then, is knowledge from a dead Hive god vested in deception.... [long pause]
I: So. Neptune, and secrets.
I: What is it?
O:...A thought. An echo of one. The return from the underworld, and Inanna cast off her veil... It makes sense. I did not understand, when I first felt clutching whispers. Carrying wisdom away from Kur when she strode into the sunlight again.
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Osiris sits in the small stone garden beneath the Traveler; his attempts at communion unsuccessful. He had seen the Speaker stand here for hours. Ikora had begrudgingly agreed to appear in his place at the Remembrance. Her words were stern, but deep down, she knows victories have lulled in complacency. There is an imminent, daunting pressure. A noose awaiting a misstep. A delicate game. Braziers cast shadows; distracting shades flickering across his eyes, breaking his concentration. Osiris breathes. The stone gardens are endless space. The skyline is razed horizon. Breathe. He is alone in the void. Intrusions no more. There is a point in the depth. It cannot be directly viewed. Delve. Dive. Deeper. Still, only a point in the aphotic depth. The nothing. Expansive. Osiris sinks to gain new perspective. The point remains. It is so faint. Distant. Though he knows he can see the Light. His reach stretched thin. Clarity, in the space between his hand and the point. The osseous-white point. Dim now. The omnipresence was. Hungry acknowledgement. Vast. Himself against the enormity; an endless unfurling midnight. And a lone point.
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REP #: 053-VIP-1315
SUBJ: Psych eval
2. In previous reports, I stated that it was my belief that #1315 had invoked some kind of paracausal event enabling the resurrection and return of enemy VIP #2015. This belief was predicated upon reports of creatures resembling the infamous "Echoes of Oryx" that Guardian forces engaged and destroyed en masse during the Taken War (cf. Ghost-stream footage here: CATHEDRAL.OF.DUSK.DREADNAUGHT).
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This has proven false. Spectral analysis from multiple Ghosts participating undercover in Prime and Reckoning confirms that the impossible world at the heart of "the haul" is located in unknown space. (Cf. REP #001-012-PARAC-NINE.) Further, these Primevals differ in their literal elemental composition: low SNC, high ambient ΛCDM. #1315 has harnessed his "banks" to what appears to be an engine of pure potential. He no longer needs to pilfer the Ascendant Plane of Primevals, the oldest Taken in residence. He can create Primeval-likes from the energy of "the haul" and sheer force of will. As to the apparent presence of #2015, it is a falsehood. My handlers in the Praxic Order surmise simply: the shape of Oryx was the scariest Hive he could think of. He's tenacious, but he has a small mind.
3. Highly recommend we assess #1315 for the influence of paracausal forces or entities. Since the conclusion of the joint Vanguard/Praxic investigation into his operations, the subject has become increasingly erratic. Beyond running his Gambit and Reckoning drills with the Guardian population, he has done nothing but hole up in the Annex. He has always exhibited the signs of stress related to prolonged solitude that are typical of all surviving Risen; this manifests in the subject in prolonged and rambling conversations with either himself or his as-yet-unseen Ghost. However, his musings have become less and less coherent over time. Late into the night, away from the Guardian cohorts, he yells at voices that our surveillance equipment has never picked up. He has spoken to himself about trips across vast, interstellar distances to realms no Guardian has ever described.
Again, he has not left the Annex in ages. One might say that I am overstepping even Praxic boundaries here, but I would say to them: the subject is free to leave any time.
4. Following the results of my investigation, the subject has ceased regular reports to Lord Shaxx. I'm sure both prefer it that way. #1315 has broken none of the Vanguard's decrees in that time, nor have any further Guardians perished on his watch in Gambit or Reckoning. He is still a facilitator to murder and a thief, but he has done nothing to warrant eviction, as I had hoped. The Vanguard obviously still needs him.
5. The following is a transcript of one of his late-night rambling sessions logged for evidence:
PARTIES: One [1]. One[1] Guardian-type, Class N/A [u.1]
ASSOCIATIONS: Gambit, Drifter, Annex
[u.1:01] What now? What the hell is it you're trying to tell me?
[the hum of a generator]
[u.1:02] You showed me a universe with no Light. Dominated by the Dark. What are you arguing? Steadfastness in the Traveler's dogma? Ha ha. That's not obtuse enough for y'all.
[u.1:03] No, no. I don't think so. Because then you showed me a reality without shadows, of pure Light from every angle. Nowhere to hide. Everyone begging to die, like we did in the Dark Age. Light's no gift, but I already knew that. What else you got?
[a metallic clink echoes]
[u.1:04] Yeah. I know the coin doesn't lie. It's the only thing in this world I trust for real. But you know what? I control the coin. And I make my own fate. No one writes on this but me, you got that? You pencil-necked, phantom-assed geeks. Have some respect for people's stuff.
[a second metallic clink]
[u.1:05] I've refused the Traveler's dogma for generations. And I'll reject yours.
[a rush of static as the feed distorts from Light-based radiation]
[u.1:06] You can't boil my brain, brothers and sisters–I see you tryin'. But I'm already there.
[a fizzling crackle as the feed distorts from Light-based radiation]
[u.1:07] And if you think you have a handle on Orin? Well, you didn't know her like I did. You slip up just once? That girl will eat you alive. Nine steak sounds mighty tasty if you can find it, scrape it all together. Get a fire goin' that'll cook it. What a fire that would be. You wanted to see what made us tick? Maybe Drifter wants to see what makes you stop.
[a dull roar as the feed distorts from Light-based radiation]
[u.1:08] Yeah, boy. That's a threat.
[u.1:09] Hello?
[u.1:10] No, not you. I still need you. This week. Get back to work.
[u.1:11] What? Nothing...
[u.1:12] Still hungry...
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The new Lighthouse obscured the silhouette of the sun. It cast a long shadow that wormed across Mercury's uneven terrain in orbital-locked perpetuity. Ships descended, some flawless, others to maintain what fragile holds the Vanguard claimed. Rust and sand baked, and distant space was alight with half-earned talk of posterity. No Cabal blemish remained in orbit. No shattered lines rewrote the landscape. There was only frenetic stillness. A discomforting itch unresolved. A knowing inclination that ignorance could not quash: unity is fragile. Vance stood in the old Lighthouse, frantically assembling the Infinite Simulacrum: a machine formed from bits of simulation seeds and connective Vex architecture to mimic a pocket forest. Textured notes and schematics derived from Osirian lore guided his hand. He heard stories from passing Guardians of increasingly frequent coronal mass ejections. Vast bursts of charged particles whipped into space and furled around a gravitational monster buried from sight and sense in the roar of the star-wind. Passage to Mercury had become more dangerous for the uninitiated. These unnatural motions were heralds of speculation, and he had read the signs. He knew the prophecies by heart and mind and intention. Ruin. Something new |and so very old| emerged, brother to a shriveling star: An angular |hungering patient yawning deep| shadow reached across Mercury. Uncounted |known| spires fell under its grasp |with uniform relief|. Dulcet tones brought low under lightless breadth and the weight of dark |salvation| hummed beneath the shadow. Their echoes spilled out |awakened| and flowed over crumbling spires |in conversation|. One singular spec of illumination blinked into being, |an end| seen by none, and then |many| spread as the shadow did. The old Lighthouse |spire's collective| beamed |rose| and flared as shadow overtook it |to meet the underbelly|. Vance |the implement| could hear |their inspired voices| weeping, not with tears, but in the |voracious| low |ceremonial| hum he had come to associate with death. He closed his eyes |and saw what was to come|. This day had many names. None would suffice.
Long quiet overtakes the workshop, imposed by shuttered windows and empty streets below. They stand over the weapon. Banshee stares down and nods along to the ambient static. "What were you saying?" The weapon master's voice is framed in apology. Zavala puts a hand on Banshee's shoulder, smiles, and gestures to the weapon. "Equipment that uses the wielder's Light is not unprecedented." "It doesn't use it; it eats it. Thing's got an appetite. Works almost like, uh… a converter." "Is it dangerous?" "Nah. Guardian doesn't even seem to notice. I'll get you a write-up."
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The Gardener is hard to bother; she is constantly amidst her weeds, kneeling in the tangent dust, gloves covered in a mix of distant soils and metallic saps. She is listening to the music of the insects amidst the flowers, the unguent as it begins to drip from the ferns, the slight scratch of the Worm beneath, and not to you, and certainly not to your cries for help.
From the many wings of ruin blows a wind that will reshape this dead world.
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worldformula · 9 months
How would you describe utushamas relationships with the scions (or any major characters like zenos)
Oh that’s a fun question! Here are my short and sweet answers. Spoilers for everything, of course!
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Minfilia - I take his relationship with her at face value as what is given in game! He appreciated her and her support during his early days as an adventurer because the consistency and kindness was really valuable to him during ARR when he was feeling extremely out of place, disoriented, and slightly paranoid. But his relationship with her wasn’t very deep, something he comes to regret when he later hears of Ryne’s dilemmas, because he didn’t know her well enough to understand what either she or Ryne might’ve really wanted.
Alphinaud - Another relationship that doesn’t deviate that greatly from what was given in game. He did think of him as a bit of a know-it-all kid in ARR but the problem is that he was also that way to Inanna when they were younger so he didn’t mind. To be honest, I think Utushama feels more strongly and has a more complicated opinion of his parents than Alphinaud himself.
Alisaie - Same as Alphinaud, their relationship isn’t all that complicated or different from what’s presented in game. He’s very fond of her because she reminds him a lot of Inanna. He respects her as a red mage because it’s one of the few magic-based classes that he’s not very good with (he has trouble with limiting his aether to himself as a source because he started with the styles of whm / blm). Once again, his opinion of her parents are more complicated than how he feels about her. The twins are his little buddies and accidentally foils to himself and Inanna.
Y’shtola - They are deceptively close friends. During ARR, Utushama came to her often because he had trouble finding resources and reading at a certain level in general (he was “homeschooled”) and Y’shtola immediately identified the things he was looking for to be related to black magic (very illegal). And being the sort of person she is, she immediately wanted in on whatever he was up to. Their studies together lead to Utushama’s success in black magic and her reclassification into her unique Sorceress job later on. When Urianger apologized to Utushama for “deceiving” him by withholding information regarding to the Exarch’s plans in Shadowbringers, he was actually more betrayed by Y’shtola than Urianger, because he had overheard them talking about the light aether that was overtaking him and had trusted her to tell him if she thought something was really that concerning. She is likely the first to understand his actual character rather than what he presents, based on the sort of things he is interested and his reasoning for said interest. You wouldn’t be able to tell that they were friends at first glance, because they talk to each other in a way that appears curt and disinterested, but is actually filled with their own meaning.
Thancred - They had an amicable relationship in ARR, wherein Thancred was his usual flirty self and Utushama was flattered by the attention (but by then knew better than to get carried away). The incident with Lahabrea unfortunately made Utushama very wary of him in a way where he knew it hadn’t been Thancred’s fault, but he also couldn’t help his reaction. They never really talked about this and he came off as kind of judgmental, so Thancred was always under the assumption that Utushama disliked him. Come Shadowbringers, their relationship implodes for a variety of reasons. He has many difficult feelings with regards to Ryne and Minfilia, Utushama had made him feel as though Lahabrea’s possession of his body had been a matter of weakness, and Utushama himself had been rather blasé about Minfilia’s death. These resentments pile and overflow when he appears and creates circumstances that result in the need for the Oracle’s power, although Thancred knows it is not logically his fault. They reconcile by the end of Shadowbringers, especially after Utushama experiences the horrors of having one’s body used for a means of destruction. Thancred now has an infinite pass to poke fun at him.
Urianger - Another relationship that is pretty much what is given in canon. Utushama went to Urianger as well when he was learning black magic, but Urianger simply didn’t think very hard about the sort of things Utushama was asking for, gave him exactly what he could offer, and moved on while Y’shtola was nosy enough that they fostered a good relationship as a result. Despite his holier-than-thou attitude regarding lying and deception, he is never really mad at Urianger for “deceiving” everyone because it often appears to be for a greater good.
Lyse / Yda - Same as canon. Though this is more of my fault than his; I don’t think very much about her because I didn’t consider her writing in Stormblood to be very interesting. There are some interesting overlaps but any spark I had for exploring what kind of relationship they might have had quickly died so my brain turned off.
Papalymo - Same as canon. And this is because I often forget Papalymo was even a Scion. Sorry.
Estinien - They are like two guys sitting silently on a porch drinking beers for two hours. They have a lot of interesting similarities (vengeance as a destructive motivator, draconic natures, their respective complicated relationships with Aymeric, etc) but they hardly actually talk about it. Estinien comes off to me as someone who you can only be friends with if you are persistent and Utushama has a lot on his plate so he doesn’t interact much with him outside of official duties. Estinien doesn’t take it personally and Utushama isn’t purposefully avoiding him so it’s all very neutral. The two times they really have time together is the Heavensward road trip and the Endwalker Thavnair Boy’s Trip, so Estinien has a very clear view of Utushama’s “before” and “after”, so he recognizes that he’s gotten worse but beyond giving him the ominous warning about the importance of improving as a person, he doesn’t interfere greatly. Despite the fact that they don’t interact deeply, they have a strangely significant understanding of one another.
G’raha - Ok this one was a mess I can’t even lie. Very long story short, they had something quite nice while G’raha was the Exarch but Utushama couldn’t overcome the hurdle of having seen the Exarch “die” and therefore couldn’t accept G’raha to be the same person as the Exarch. Alongside that, Utushama behaved as if whatever relationship they had on the First didn’t exist on the Source. All of this was obviously very hurtful to G’raha and it contributed greatly to his identity issues. After one too many disappointments, G’raha eventually became disillusioned with him and fell out of love. However, he still regards him positively as a fellow Scion and is comfortable calling for Utushama’s aid because he decided to move on and enjoy his life outside of the Warrior of Light. It’s honestly better for them both if they weren’t a thing. I will say though, I do enjoy my running joke that any time G’raha is mentioned in MSQ, Utushama thinks he’s mad at him.
Zenos - Ok you can’t get mad at me because you asked for this guy specifically. They are doing this social-role themed nightmare dance about righteousness and violence and gender and heroism. Zenos fixates on Utushama for what he identifies as a natural talent for destruction (something Utushama is deeply unhappy about having), sees in him a penchant for cruelty and rage (something he has been trying very hard to suppress), and is immediately able to look past his phony prince act (a skill he finds deeply unsettling). Zenos keeps trying to cultivate this in him during Stormblood for the purpose of having his grand perfect battle, and the attention on him is something Utushama is both furious and freaked out by. Later in Endwalker, Zenos is doing his thing of constantly chasing the WoL down, but Utushama is so disinterested in what he wants that the tables finally turn and Zenos is the one who is left constantly confused and upset. He is desperate for Utushama’s attention and Utushama, while mostly ignoring him because Endwalker is happening, quietly and coldly revels in his ability to disorient the man who tortured him so badly during Stormblood. They’re essentially constantly going back and forth hitting each other with sticks and power playing by demoralizing / condescending each other until Utushama finally accepts that he might actually be somewhat of a bad person and they throw each other off the edge of the universe.
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jazztato · 2 years
Mc with an otter as a Familiar
If You had an otter as a familiar he would be happy nonetheless because you have the cutest familiar after faust of course, he would help you learn to take care of the little guy and he would think it would be adorable when he sees the otter wrap and cling themselves around your waist wanting to do anything to protect you from any harm or just to be absolutely adorable, when asra is pretending to sleep which happens often he would watch your familiar climb up onto your waist or your shoulders and would just sleep there as you walk around, he finds it amusing when your trying to read or do learn a spell when out of nowhere they climb up on to you and be all sweet and cuddly.  
He would have a mixed relationship with your familiar because I can imagine that he was attacked by a group of otters once in nevivon when he was kid, we don't know how and why he just was so he'll feel conflicted about you having an otter as a familiar, but when he sees you and your familiar playing together he'll put on a small smile but he'll still keep his distance but as he's working his shift at the clinic and you were visiting to give him his lunch your familiar would always cling to your waist and he would always think it's so cute but sometimes he swears he sees the little otter glare at him when he gets near you, one time he walked in on you reading a spell book and saw that your familiar was wrapped around your waist clinging to you and cuddling you, the only time he ever truly gets close is if he knows the familiar is asleep he's still a bit uneasy about it but when your familiar is being clingy and sweet he just melts.  
Knowing Lucio with him he's probably never heard of an otter before because their not known in the south so he would be extremely confused on what the creature is and why its being so cuddly with you, sometimes he gets jealous of how much affection you give the little otter and sometimes he wishes he was that otter, every once in a while you would catch him glaring at your new little friend, you would just give him a little laugh before watching him pout like a baby as your familiar cuddled up with you as you slept or as you read while in the library, Lucio would always envy your little otter friend but at the same time seeing the little otter all cuddled up next to you either awake or asleep it would make his heart melt, but he would still get very jealous wishing he was the otter.  He may not get why your familiar is an otter but if it makes you happy then I guess it'll make him happy just as long as he gets cuddles and kisses in return.  
He would be thrilled that you have such a creature as a familiar, however it would probably take Inanna a while to get used to having another animal around.  He would of course help you take care of the otter if you need any help, if he walks in on you asleep he would always catch the otter curled up either next to you or on top of you, it would literally melt his heart, it's just so darn cute!  Every day when your out  playing with Inanna or out getting the wood for the fire place who would catch your otter friend attach itself to your leg or your side and probably ask for food or cuddles from you, muriel isn't really the type to get jealous but he secretly does he just keeps it to himself afraid you might get leave him if he gets jealous because of an otter.  But secretly you knew he was a bit jealous because everytime your otter friend would cling and cuddle up to you he would secretly throw a glare from here to there but of course he would do it when your not looking but you think it's cute, Muriel eventually warms up to the little otter friend and allows them to continue their clingy ness just as long as he gets some as well..  
She would find your otter companion quite intriguing, if she's too busy with countless duties to give you attention then don't worry because your cuddly otter friend has you covered!  They would wrap themselves around you and start cuddling you and if Nadia isn't busy and at all then she would walk in and witness this cuteness, she would join in of course but sometimes she'll just watch as you sleep and cuddle the otter who is clinging to your side.  Every once in a while she would watch as you walk down the halls of the palace with your otter wrapped around your neck or your sides not wanting to let go, she thinks it's absolutely the cutest thing she has ever witnessed, sometimes your otter would even join nadia in her meetings and cling to her side if able.  It's just too cute to handle.   
She would squeal so much that you would think she broke a window.  But everytime she sees your otter familiar clinging to you in any way she would want to join in and sometimes your otter would cling to her or to the both of you, it's just so darn cute!  She loves your otter so much that sometimes pepi gets jealous but you caught pepi and your otter friend sleeping close to each other and it was so cute, Portia would alway tease you on how your otter is as clingy as herself and is as protective as her because one time when you were walking through the palace, lucio gave a dirty look at your otter friend ended up jumping on him scaring the heck out of him causing him to run off, their a good otter.  Portia and your otter friend get along so well that u ended up seeing them also asleep together, your otter friend also helps out when it comes to the shopping they remind you if you forget anything which happens a lot which is helpful. 
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Not Your Parasocial's LOA
Hot Take. Sure, it's no secret LOA girls are all about glamour, hedonism, and utter self-love (I love it too). But imo, Goddard's kinda like cheap liquor on your 21st birthday: gratifying, limitless, and confidence-boosting, for a time (so long as you keep the party going, and keep yourself from thinking too much). My man Alan Watts though—he's got fine bourbon in his cabinet, and him and his friends are the type to make sure you also drink some water. Lemme unpack that.
If you're an Old Soul, a Highly Sensitive Person, or a high-achieving kid who ever really burnt out—you know the real shadowy depths of consciousness, cause you've not only seen some real shit, but felt it. In the words of the great Queen Bee siren from Nevermore Academy: "Fire tests gold. Suffering tests a woman." And Wednesday gets it too, she knows you aren't truly you if you don't embrace the Dark; you're a normie, by the def that normies are those who are too scared to let out their nature. It's not all rainbows and Versace.
It's the Way. It's the Yin and the Yang. The two fish swimming together—Red Oni, Blue Oni. Pisces and the 12th House. Transcendence. At some point, you might find yourself growing out of just being a Princess—you're becoming a Queen. That word gets thrown around. I don't mean it in the "You Go, Girl," sense.
I mean how a Queen really does: Ascension, crown chakra, and the knowing that with cosmic power comes cosmic responsibility. Not that she's your friendly neighborhood Spiderman; a Queen knows she is her realm, and her realm is she. That's Everything Is You Pushed Out. So yeah, it's responsibility—ultimately to the You. And even if she tries to ignore it, unlike a Princess, the Queen can't. Just ask Marie.
LOA Princesses talk up Goddard, and I get it, Goddard's about getting what you Want, not what you Need. It's a real Blue Pill energy (don't @ me, the Matrix was written by trans women who understand eastern philosophical principles and also said "throw away your anti-psychotics"—how's that for being Delusional? Also, a lot of those redditors are 🥚s anyway).
But Goddard had help remembering what he knew. Alan Watts spoke on topics way beyond manifesting and self-concept (and I'll be damned if he isn't a charming and magnificent motherfucker who truly sees the whole picture—seriously, listen to him, you'll love him instantly. He's got this trans-atlantic accent and everything).
So why compare them? Well, if you're an Old Soul, and you're ascending to that crown—call it your Saturn Return or your Dark Night if you will (it's a right bitch either way)—it means, like Inanna the Sky Queen of Sumer, you might find yourself walking straight into Hell and giving up all those pretty things you Manifested with your super awesome powers, and you're not gonna know who the hell you are anymore (good). Has the Caterpillar ever asked you, Who Are You? Like, a lot? Maybe you'll tell him your name. Maybe you'll say, "God." Like Perfect Blue, maybe you'll say, "Why should I care who I Am?"
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If Goddard stops being enough for you—like Siddhartha, if the palace life stops satisfying your Beast; if your Heart's bogged down by bootstrapsian toxic positivity and your Mind craves more—listen to Watts. (And, maybe go on a wild-ass bender into your own psyche like Jung did in his Red and Black books, that sounds pretty fun).
For who'd benefit to hear my Journey or w/e (or anyone who suspects sour grapes and wants credentials): I transitioned in 2010 (before it was cool), picked up a Satanic Bible where I learned "Be Your Own God," then became an absolute sex bomb succubus who'd work a whole house party and have people lining up to wrap themselves around my finger—often, I'd make them compete with each other, just for my amusement. Yeah, I stan Marina and I went Golddigger; I manifested the Space Needle into my backyard (basically), ate steak dinners and dined out on the reg, and sometimes would drop hundreds of dollars in a shopping trip just on clothes alone. My cosmetic procedures were all paid for. In the past eleven years, I've probably worked about a year's worth, tops, because I haven't needed to. I won't get into the supernatural-miracle type shit, cause that's a post of its own.
If I'd discovered Goddard back then, he'd probably have been the same amount of helpful. But I'm at a different stage rn, and the methods I've read on tumblr just haven't cut it. Maybe they haven't for you either. Hope these resources help.
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starsasunder · 10 months
@seatedsacrifice sent: “Show me where my armor ends. Show me where my skin begins.” / Inanna ( this one just spoke to him /shrug.emoji )
the usual excuse: got carried away, drabble under cut. just... just take it.
She sat behind him on the thick, plush rug in his office, leaning over where he sat crisscross on the floor reading. Her fingers moved gently through his hair as she braided it back from his face, occasionally plucking up a flower from the basket at her side and deftly weaving it in. This was not the first time he had allowed her the luxury of braiding his hair, and the work was, by now, familiar and comforting. She hummed softly to herself as she worked, enjoying the companionable quiet that had settled between them. Time passed quickly, and before she knew it, she had come near to finishing her task.
Careful as she was, she could not help occasionally brushing against his ears, his neck, his cheek - each touch hesitant and soft, withdrawing as quickly as it came. As she wove the last of the the braids together and tied it with a thin leather cord, her fingers slowed, gently combing through his hair as she arranged and rearranged it, fussing over the tiniest details. She knew she was being particular, knew he would know it for the ruse it was - merely an excuse to prolong the contact between them as long as she could - but she could not seem to stop, regardless.
At last finding nothing else she could fuss over, she sighed softly, preparing to withdraw and re-establish the space she was so careful never to invade without invitation. She handed him a mirror, watching for a moment as he examined her handiwork with an appraising eye. Yet as she prepared to rise to her feet, she found her departure stalled, his hand capturing her own. She opened her mouth to question him and found herself held captive by the softness in his pale lilac eyes as he turned his gaze upon her. "Red gardenias... these have become a favorite of yours lately, haven't they?" he asked, lips tilting up in a secret sort of smile.
"They go well with your hair," she retorted, a half truth at best. While red did suit him and complimented many of his outfits, that was not her reason for choosing the flower. And by that familiar, smug look in his eyes, he knew it too.
"While I do appreciate your concern for my stylistic sensibilities, there are an abundance of red flowers in the greenhouses. Yet given the choice, you have chosen gardenias every time."
She found her heart stalling in her chest and her excuses dying in her throat. He knew. She did not know how - he had never shown much of an interest in botany, and certainly not in the language of flowers - but he knew. She was as sure of it as she was of her own heart. He drew her hand closer and her breath stuttered out in staccato notes as his lips brushed soft at the juncture of her wrist, the kiss unexpected and soft and almost... reverent.
She sat frozen, too stunned to react. He was always so careful with touch, never offering more than was necessary, always maintaining his distance. And after everything they had been through, she had resolved that she would be the last one to push those boundaries. But that didn't stop her from thinking about what it would be like - what it would feel like, to have things be different. Be easier. Pining silently for the quiet understanding and companionship that had grown between them to blossom into something more.
Her feelings for him were true, but they were also hers to bear. Guilt lanced through her, her hand trembling in his grip. "Ophi... You don't have to-"
"But I want to." The quiet that had settled between them made his voice seem somehow even lower than she was used to. “Vulnerability has never been my strong suit, Inanna... I suppose I shall need your assistance with that. Come, show me where my armor ends - show me where my skin begins.”
Her fingers trembled as he turned his head to press her hand against his cheek, his skin warm against her palm. She released a breath she had not realized she was holding, crumpling to her knees on the carpet.
Her secret was out at last, it seemed.
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