#Seize the Moment
howifeltabouthim · 3 months
The whole way she had lived up until last night seemed like the life of someone who didn't realize she would one day grow old and die.
Lisa Taddeo, from Ghost Lover
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 11 months
Timing is everything!
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Simon saw River cleaning and seized the moment to shove his head under hers, thus winning the 'get low get kisses' game.
Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.
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three-red-horns · 2 months
Sit back and enjoy
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A Rolls Royce of flowers.
Honestly, I would be fine with flowers from the local supermarket. Granted, they have really pretty and well colour coordinated bouquets.
Yesterday when I saw that box, I suspected what was coming. And I've never been gifted flowers in a box. It had to be something undeniably luxurious and over-the-top exquisite. And they were. These flowers last for over a year, and the whole hallway smells of rose water.
Despite my image here, in real life I'm a control freak and have trouble to sit back and enjoy, without feeling the urge to intervene.
When I saw that box, I surpressed the thought of an exorbitant price tag, and my jaw genuinely dropped to the floor. I blushed and said, thank you.
Then the narrator in me reached for the phone to savour and seize each moment and first to take a picture of the most impressive black box with the most meticulously tied black satin bow. I was asked, why. And I said, it's called, unboxing.
#3RHwriting #3RHcameraroll #grateful #thankful #birthday girl #seize the moment #carpe diem
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battleshot · 10 months
Normal bed time, who dis?
Tomorrow begins the start of my travels!! Starting with Disneyland 🥰 so whilst I won’t be here much (it’ll be a leetle bit of mobile in the evening) I still would appreciate company on my many train journeys !! —
Wire logged in on mobile: prompto, (battleshot), kaeya, (cryoniic), luocha (luocha)
And I’ll be logging into Sam, Nero, and Tseng on the laptop (I can’t remember them off the top of my head so I’ll reblog this with the added @‘s tomorrow!)
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w-armansky-blog · 2 years
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...seize inspiration when it hits
What doesn’t change — even as it evolves — is the creative process: my mantra is ‘wait, be calm, and things will come to you’. I can force it if necessary, but I prefer to wait for it to arrive on its own. This morning, for example, I found a rhythm at 5:00, so I woke up and started recording… that’s how it happens: when you feel it, you have to seize the moment. When you see it, you see it, wherever you are!” - Lenny Kravitz
source: www.elledecor.com
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dazzlesizzle · 1 month
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Check out the new product 🔥🔥 Squeeze the Day
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
Go now. Waste no more of your night.
Tanith Lee, from Redder Than Blood
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hira2024 · 2 months
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strudeldoodlearts · 2 months
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Last week was a whirl of scrambling to meet work deadlines, slow progress on what was supposed to be a silly 4 panel comic, and the realization that I somehow managed to lose last week's blog post in the void somewhere.
The most recent thing I managed to finish outside of the comic and [Pandesal Misadventures] is this digital painting of the Francis Scott Key bridge. Thank goodness for the symmetry tool.
For the reflection, I basically flipped the image of the clouds and distorted it to cover the water before adding ripple details and blending it into the water.
If things go as planned, I'll finish both my silly little comic illustration and the digital art piece associated with it. People who follow my Kofi may see where the punchline is coming. But outside of that... I don't wanna spoil the surprise, ahaha!
At the time this is posted, I will be away on a little trip with some friends to see the eclipse. As much as I like eclipse imagery, I never really bothered with the experience of acquiring some eclipse glasses and making the journey to a spot to witness it, likely around a whole crowd of people fighting to get a good viewing spot.
But that's what friends are for. They nudge you out of your brain and the same ol', same ol'.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
Reformation women seized the chance given them by their religion's emphasis on personal prayer and revelation, to give witness to their faith.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
Unlocking Your Potential: Why Your Big Opportunity Might Be Right Where You Are Now
Shaina Tranquilino
February 18, 2024
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As human beings, we often find ourselves constantly searching for that "big opportunity" that will change our lives for the better. We dream of landing the perfect job, starting a successful business, or finding the love of our life. We believe that this big opportunity lies somewhere out there in the future, waiting for us to seize it.
But what if I told you that your big opportunity may be right where you are now? What if the key to unlocking your full potential and achieving your dreams is already within reach? It may sound too good to be true, but sometimes the most significant opportunities are right under our noses.
Think about it – every day is an opportunity to learn something new, meet someone who could change your life, or take a small step towards your goals. The people you interact with, the experiences you have, and the choices you make all play a crucial role in shaping your future.
For example, maybe you're currently working at a job that doesn't seem very exciting or fulfilling. But instead of seeing it as a dead-end job, try to view it as a stepping stone towards something greater. Use this time to gain valuable skills, network with colleagues, and build a strong work ethic. Who knows – that seemingly mundane job could lead you to your dream career down the line.
Or perhaps you're feeling stuck in a rut in your personal life. Instead of waiting for some magical moment to come along and change everything, why not start making small changes now? Take up a new hobby, join a club or group that interests you, or reach out to old friends and make new connections. These small actions can snowball into bigger opportunities and open doors you never knew existed.
The truth is, we often underestimate the power of our current circumstances and overlook the potential for growth and success right in front of us. We get so caught up in chasing after some elusive "big break" that we fail to see the abundance of opportunities surrounding us every day.
So how can you recognize and seize these opportunities where you are right now? Here are a few tips:
1. Stay present: Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future, focus on being fully present in each moment. Pay attention to what's happening around you and be open to new possibilities.
2. Be proactive: Don't wait for opportunities to come knocking on your door – go out and create them yourself! Take initiative, set goals for yourself, and actively seek out ways to grow and improve.
3. Embrace challenges: Don't shy away from difficult situations or obstacles – see them as opportunities for growth and learning. Overcoming challenges can help build resilience and confidence.
4. Network: Connect with others in your industry or community who share similar interests and goals. Building relationships with like-minded individuals can lead to valuable collaborations and opportunities for advancement.
Remember, your big opportunity may be right where you are at this moment. It's up to you to recognize it, seize it, and make the most of it. So stop waiting for some distant miracle to come along – start taking action today and watch as doors begin to open before your eyes.
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sademelia-blog · 4 months
Why jump in the end of the book when you have only read the first chapter?
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amprosite · 5 months
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howifeltabouthim · 2 years
This was his chance to be a hero. His one and only chance. And he intended to take it.
Soman Chainani, from A Crystal of Time
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justabeginner56 · 6 months
Life is What Happens to us While We. #quotes #Allensaunders.
Quote by Allen Saunders.
wisdom of this quote so helpful if we understand.
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