#SPN 15.20
nancylou444 · 7 months
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mittensmorgul · 7 months
in-universe, chuck was trying to write rpf fanfic. he was trying to make the world act out his rpf fanfic
the only episode of the show where they complied and gave him the story he wanted was 15.20, because he tricked them into surrendering their free will by convincing them he was defeated and they didn't have to fight it anymore
this isn't a new revelation, i'm just pissed off every time it hits me again
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
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ldrmas · 8 months
hey spn fandom can you help me out ?
especially @mittensmorgul and @castiel-left-his-mark-on-me cause i know they have it i just can't find it
can you all find me the post where andrew dabb/writers said Castiel would be in the series finale! or the whole post that teased he was coming back. please and thank you.
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peach-coke · 2 years
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Sam after losing Dean [Part I] - [Part II]
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kvitka97 · 11 months
It was a surprise alright lol. Always love a barn scene op 💕
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lolaused2run · 2 years
Hey remember when Jensen was so upset about the series finale he went to talk to the writers & they told him to "take it or leave it" & then had to be convinced to "take it" & then actively changed the barn scene so at least Dean was able to stay on his feet the whole time?
And then he created a whole prequel just to show his character actually wasn't just aimlessly waiting around for his brother to show up, & started talking about rebooting the series as soon as it ended, as if he was thoroughly dissatisfied with the ending? Yeah, me too
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deancasforcutie · 1 month
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Dean + picking up Cas-isms
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wigglebox · 4 months
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“I know who you love… what you fear…”
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t00muchheart · 6 months
So after Cas died, Dean Winchester lost faith in everything, willingly died for a case in a move that Sam, at least, thought was rash, and then didn’t try to fight back and said maybe he should just die and is only resurrected because of external forces, and that urge to give up is connected in the episode to the list faith and hope. And I’m not supposed to read into Dean’s death in the finale?
Like, that is not him “going down fighting” or something, it is him following the established pattern of what happens when he loses Cas in a way that Cas shouldn’t be able to come back from, only this time there’s no miracle. There’s no win that gives Dean hope and allows him to be happy. This time, he finds himself impaled on a rebar and refuses to let Sam help him.
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mittensmorgul · 1 month
watching scoobynatural and suffering. i have suffered about this before, and i will suffer about it again...
the beginning of the episode when they first land in the cartoon, it just feels like 15.20, right down to being confused about how the car ended up in the cartoon/heaven. and it gives a nice additional luster of unreality to the finale that i'm finding i appreciate so much more with every rewatch.
like cas walks into the bunker and sees the cartoon playing on tv, and immediately realizes sam and dean are physically in that cartoon, even if he doesn't really understand why or how yet, and then gets sucked inside too.
the cartoon itself is ~almost but not quite right~, with an actual life or death element introduced that was never in the original. the cartoon characters other than tfw are just that, not actually real, working loosely off a script, able to react to tfw, but when the nature of their reality is challenged, it kinda breaks them.
and it feels exactly like 15.20 to me.
i am so tempted to write long meta about this, but i figure i'll get there sooner or later with spngeorg :'D
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futureconflicted · 3 months
When dean is dying on that nail and asks Sam to tell him it's ok. I don't think he just meant tell me it's ok to let go, tell me it's ok to die.
dean was asking Sam if the way they lived with each other was ok too. That the things they did was ok because Sam wanted it too not just dean. Cause they don't talk about it. They've never talked about it. And this is deans last chance, he needs to know that Sam doesn't resent him. He needs to know that it was all ok
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ardentpoop · 2 months
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sam. sammy... you're my favorite.
you ruined my life.
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soft-pine · 24 days
i’ve whispered and walked on eggshells just to choose misery over dispute
some blueberry pie life: chapter 23
hi! i've gotten a few new followers since i last posted a chap of this so i wanted to do a quick re-intro post as well as a chapter update. this fic is my magnum opus, my precious baby. basically it's like a million one-shots that touch on themes from canon-time spn and how they tie into pre-canon and eventually post canon. it's pretty heavy and the beginning is much more of a dean character study than DeanCas per say but we are heading there.
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title from Misery Over Dispute by Waxahatchee
notes below!
August, 2002
Sam leaving is mentioned throughout season 1 but this specific convo is a reference to the conversation between Sam and John in 1.20
The house that they were staying in when Sam left for Stanford is shown in 5.16
The reference to Sam begging to come hunting is from 11.08
Dean dropping out of high school and therefore needing to get a GED is a reference to 5.01 and 5.13
The chick-flick comment is a reference to 1.01 and 11.23.
May, 2013
Takes place during and right after 9.03
The reference to Cas falling asleep in the car before was from 5.22
May, 1993
John sending Dean away when he really pissed him off is something Dean talks about in 14.12
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teamfreewill2pointo · 10 months
I don't understand what the confession had to do with Dean's self actualization. There was nothing in Cas's speech that Sam hadn't told Dean throughout the series. Sam told Dean he was smart, that he looked up to Dean all his life, and that he was good person at various points over 15 seasons. I think the scene was more about Cas's self actualization?
Look, I will never defend season 15 as well written, and I feel like the confession scene would have worked a hell of a lot better had they seeded it earlier in the season instead of throwing it all out in 15.18, but Castiel's self actualization speech was helping Dean and guiding Dean where he needed to be at the end of the series.
Yes, it was a big moment for Castiel, but the focus of his speech was on Dean, which put Dean where he needed to be in order to to defeat Chuck. Remember, in 15.17, Dean was off the rails and even pointing a gun at Sam. He was driven by his anger. In season 13, Dean was basically turning into John. He was becoming an angry man obsessed with revenge, at the cost of his family and loved ones.
That bleed over into season 14, where when Mary died, Dean basically became John again, and was vicious towards Castiel.
A huge theme of Dean's journey throughout the series is Dean becoming angry, getting obsessed with revenge, and doing harmful things during his quest for revenge that he needs to make amends for later on.
In 15.18, Dean is so focused on revenge, he puts himself and Castiel in danger.
DEAN: I just led us into another trap, all because I couldn't hurt Chuck. Because I was angry and because I just needed something to kill, and because that's all I know how to do.
Here, Dean thinks poorly of himself. He thinks he's driven by anger and the need for a revenge. He thinks that he is just a soldier, a weapon, which is why Castiel says,
I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're "daddy's blunt instrument." And you think that hate and anger, that's... That's what drives you, that's who you
Yes, Sam praises Dean and loves Dean and tells him how much he is loved, but he's Dean's little brother, and Dean feels Sam loves him more than he deserves to be loved. Yes, he has heard this from Sam and he knows that Sam loves him. He knows that Sam has a huge heart and that Sam will forgive almost anything. He knows he has Sam's forgiveness and love, but he can't forgive and love himself.
Castiel's speech allowed Dean to see himself as someone driven by love rather than revenge. When Chuck tries to get Dean to kill him, Dean is able to resist due to his better view of himself.
Chuck: I mean, I could never think of an ending where I lose. But this, after everything that I've done to you... to die at the hands of Sam Winchester... Of Dean Winchester, the ultimate killer... It's kind of glorious.
Dean: Sorry, Chuck.
Chuck: What? What?
Dean: See, that's not who I am. That's not who we are.
In each of the death scenes in 15.18 and 15.20, the focus is not on the person dying, but on the knowledge and self actualization they are imparting to the one who remains behind.
Castiel gives Dean what he needs to defeat Chuck. Dean gives Sam what he needs to carry on.
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azurelum1 · 3 months
I don’t know how to feel when my friend has only watched season 1 to 3 and s15 e20 of Supernatural - like you saw Dean get dragged to hell and was not interested in to know what happens next but curious enough to know how the show ended so you watched the last episode which he dies on a rebar
I -
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