wangxianficrecs · 23 days
💙 Preparing the Soil by Rynne
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💙 Preparing the Soil
by Rynne (@rynne)
T, 26k, Wangxian
Part of the LWJ Birthday Serenade - Mini Bang
Summary: When Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian return to spend the first winter after their marriage in the Cloud Recesses, Wangji is forced to grapple with his uncle's resistance to accepting his new husband fully into the clan. At the heart of this conflict is Lan Qiren's rule forbidding talking to Wei Wuxian. How can Wangji make the Cloud Recesses a more welcoming place for his husband when what he fights now is his uncle's stubbornness? Kay's comments: As much as I love the ending of the novel with Wangxian having their happy ending, I always struggle a bit with picturing them living their best lives in Gusu, especially with Lan Qiren still around and Lan Xichen being in seclusion for some time. This story takes a good look at the "Talking to Wei Wuxian is Forbidden" rule of the Gusu Lan Sect and Lan Qiren's relationship with both Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian. He improving, but it's an uphill battle. Luckily, Lan Xichen is supportive. Really love this story, it feels true to the characters and optimistic in a realistic way. Excerpt: Stunned, Wangji could only stare at his uncle for a long moment. He had thought his uncle was resigned to Wei Ying's presence, especially after everything that was revealed during Jin Guangyao's downfall. He had not realized Lan Qiren was still angry at Wei Ying. A wave of reciprocal anger washed through Wangji, and he clenched his hands briefly on his thighs before he abruptly stood. "Then I will not trouble Shufu further," he said, hearing the tightness in his own voice. He bowed, as shortly as he could make himself, before he turned on his heel and left, feeling his uncle's stare against his back. He did not break the rule about running in the Cloud Recesses, but his stride was swift and his demeanor hard enough to cause more than one disciple to duck out of his way. His hands kept clenching until he forced his fingers loose and open. Out of habit, his feet turned towards the rabbit meadow. Before he took more than a few steps, though, he recalled that he had another option to help him let go of his anger. By the time he reached the Jingshi, his temper dissipated a little. He stopped in front of the door, taking several deep breaths to calm down further. He did not want to bring anger into the home he shared with Wei Ying.
pov lan wangji, post-canon, established relationship, family feels, lan family feels, gusu lan sect rules, uncle-nephew relationship, chinese holidays, birthdays, good kid lan sizhui, married lan wangji/wei wuxian, soft lan wangji/wei wuxian, good sibling lan xichen, lan qiren tries, not jiang cheng friendly, music
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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thepalewolfhowls · 5 months
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Must protect tiny sons.
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Somebody I really admire because of their amazing insights and/or posts: *follows me*
Me: Oh my goodness somebody I really admire is following me! That’s such a huge honour, I’m really happy they think my posts are-
*dawning realisation of horror*
Me: Oh my goodness somebody I ready admire is *following me*-
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eldstunga · 1 month
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May the 4th bring you big lek energy
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spacelingart · 1 month
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[C] Rynn and Ela out on the Night
I had a blast with this commission for @luciddreamsofmachines of Ela and @eldstunga's Rynn :D
🪙 Toss me a coin at Patreon or Ko-fi 🌛 Check out my commissions 📣 Twitter • Bluesky • Tumblr • Instagram 💬 Join my Discord art community!
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pyrepostings · 9 days
Whumpee who pulls at their hair like a parrot does their feathers when they're stressed.
Whumper who wants their whumpee presentable not liking the way clumps have been torn out, and blood matting the rest.
Whumper who uses this as an excuse to tear out more of whumpee's hair, or cuts it off.
Caretaker who tries to get whumpee to stop
Caretaker can't just restrain whumpee but it's like every second their back is turned there's anether clump in whumpee's hand.
Caretaker who tries regularly brushing whumpee's hair to give them sensation, but gently. Or who pets and scratches their head, but gently.
Caretaker who cuts whumpee's hair too short for them to get a grip on it (consensually or not).
Half starved whumpee whose hair comes out easier than when they were fully fed.
Whumpee who would get punished by whumper for touching their hair, scared of punishment by caretaker for absentmindedly running their hands through it.
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dingdongs-things · 1 month
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mothxart · 1 month
Her name is Rynn <33
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
A snippet, from a fic I'm never going to write (I have a lot of those, lol)
It involves my Jedi OC - Rynn, who was a Shadow assigned to Delta Squad.
I'm going to tag this with TBB Spoilers, just in case. I'm also going to put it under a readmore.
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Omega slowly trudges through the brightly lit, and sterile, halls. Stubbornly ignoring the men watching her walk through the hall. If she thinks too hard about it, about them, she'll fall apart and if she does that...well, she's pretty sure she won't be able to come back from it. She smacks the button on the lift and heads deeper into the prison. Deeper than she's ever been permitted to go before. The door slides open and she peers down the hall, this part of the prison is much dimmer, and it smells. Like mildew or mold. Her nose scrunches up in displeasure at the smell. According to her instructions, there's only one person imprisoned down here. Omega is to deliver their meal, and then leave. She was also, explicitly told, not to speak to the prisoner. Yeah. She's definitely going to ignore that order. Quickly Omega drags her cart out of the lift, and pushes it down the hall, until she reaches the one shut door in the entire hall. A quick pass of her keycard and the door slides open. Inside the cell, sitting cross-legged on the sparse bed, clad in the start white of the prison uniforms, is a woman. A woman with a thick collar clasped around her neck. Her eyes are closed, and for a moment, Omega thinks that she's asleep. "Um...excuse me?" The woman's eyes open and she regards Omega thoughtfully, and then a small smile crosses her lips. "Hello little one." "My name is Omega. I have your lunch." "It's nice to meet you Omega." "I...um...why are you down here?" Omega blurts as she grabs the tray of food off the cart. Her smile becomes slightly wry, "I'm a hostage." Omega's hands fumble on the tray, though she catches it quickly. "A...a hostage?" She nods once, "The unfortunate reality is that is you hold a blaster to the right persons head, or strap a bomb to their neck, you can force even the most capable Commando into doing your bidding." Her smile is more of a grimace, "I'm insurance, to make sure that Scorch obeys." Omega stares at her, "I...who are you?" "Oh, forgive me. My name is Rynn...I'm the Jedi General for Delta Squad. It's a pleasure."
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kirkwall · 7 months
you ever have wildly different OCs for the same game so thinking about them is like
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wangxianficrecs · 8 days
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Follower Recs
Fic Rec: It's a canon-au, Wei Wuxian's parents not only live but he has a sister! The whole story has a few arcs that are just case fics while Wangxian get together. I'm not finished reading it but wanted to get the rec out there. - Anon
We Meet at the Thousandth Step
by Admiranda (@admirableadmiranda) & Rynne (@rynne)
T, 315k, Wangxian | Kay's Rec
Summary: As they both go wherever the chaos might be, Lan Wangji and rogue cultivator Wei Wuxian, eldest child of the famous Cangse-sanren, find their paths converging. Soon they'll discover in each other the perfect partner for night hunting...and beyond.
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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cibguts · 1 year
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Zora and Rito OC’s :]
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artblock-tm · 24 days
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OC moment :)
Without lighting under cut!
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"Fragile beings..."
art by @totallynotsilversora (@silver__sora on twitter)
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eldstunga · 11 months
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Absolutely Delightful Double Commission of my Rynn pickin' up a friend at the beach - @luciddreamsofmachines' ever dazzling Ela'Kira.
Up you Go!
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mewtatedbunniesart · 3 months
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Rynn's reference is finished! Underneath the split there's a ref for the mechanical spider on their shoulder
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