intriga-hounds · 1 year
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stavosmissionary · 1 year
🧅davos_s Follow being married to yandere!his Grace King Stannis Baratheon would include: -him chopping your fingers off when you displease him -him threatening to behead you every two hours -him being possessive over you -putting you in jail when you disagree with his policies -foreplay where he threatens to cut your tongue off and you tell him it is his tongue to do with as he pleases -half of your family dying in his service 🍑kingrenly Follow what the fuck
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catwouthats · 8 months
The parallels between Renslayer & Victor and Mobius & Loki were A LOT this episode… should I break it down?
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im-in-andromeda · 1 year
since tobho mott is confirmed to have designed a suit of renly’s armour what are the odds that he just kept asking gendry to try shit on to see how it fits?
like ‘ok lad, now the helmet…. hmmm yes i see a little snug around the ears, we can fix that’
meanwhile gendry is just blinking at him in absolute confusion
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fat-walda-lannister · 4 months
i love significant characters interacting with eachother…Dany saving Tyrion, Sam seeing Arya in Bravvos, Brienne mistaking Gendry for Renly 🥲
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zodiac-senpai · 9 months
All the playable 💕MEN💕 characters that'll be in Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
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SAO Gameverse Timeline: Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment (2013) /Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (2014), Sword Art Online: Lost Song (2015), Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (2016), Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet (2018), Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris (2020), Sword Art Online: Last Recollection (2023)
(Accel World vs Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight (2017) is non-canon and follows it's own timeline)
Kirito (CV: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka) - EVERY Sword Art Online game in the "gaymeverse" timeline
Eugeo (CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (DLC), Accel World vs Sword Art Online (DLC), Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet (DLC), Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, and Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Rogu (CV: Kouhei Amasaki) - Appears Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris - Matricaria DLC, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Itsuki (CV: Tatsuhisa Suzuki) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Eiji (CV: Yoshio Inoue) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Dissonance of the Nexus DLC, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Agil (CV: Hiroki Yasumoto) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment/Hollow Fragment, Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Hollow Realization, Accel World vs Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, and Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Klein (CV: Hiroaki Hirata) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment/Hollow Fragment, Sword Art Online: Lost Song, Hollow Realization, Accel World vs Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet, and Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Bercouli (CV: Junichi Suwabe) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Deusolbert (CV: Hikaru Hanada) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Renly (CV: Mutsumi Tamura) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Eldrie (CV: Takeaki Masuyama) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Iskahn (CV: Taku Yashiro)- Appears in Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Shasta (CV: Hiroki Tōchi) - Appears in Sword Art Online: Last Recollection
Overall playable characters is 43 (44 plus Yuuki)
Sword Art Online Last Recollection will be released for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC on October 6th, 2023 (October 5th for some maybe).
The game is a retelling of the Sword Art Online Alicization: War of Underworld arc of the anime and is set in the Dark Territory of Underworld. It's also the sequel to Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris.
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ly0nstea · 11 months
Broke: Robb should have declared himself King of the North and storm King's Landing
Woke: Robb should've just become Lord of Winterfell and ally with Stannis for the highest probability of getting the best outcome for the north and gaining independence wither politically or through a later revolution where he doesn't have to march so far south and can hold a more strategic point like the Twins
Bespoke: Robb should've become Lord of Winterfell and allied with Renly for the ultimate Pretty Boy Alliance and maybe kissed him one (1) time
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zetaaa · 1 year
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“At Harrenhal the tubs had been huge, and made of stone. The bathhouse had been thick with the steam rising off the water, and Jaime had come walking through that mist naked as his name day, looking half a corpse and half a god. He climbed into the tub with me, she remembered, blushing. She seized a chunk of hard lye soap and scrubbed under her arms, trying to call up Renly's face again.” AFFC - Brienne II
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7mads777 · 1 month
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pippindot · 1 year
20 seconds of Remble doing the absolute Most to convince Pip to play with her
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intriga-hounds · 10 months
biteyface time
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stavosmissionary · 1 year
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“A man should never refuse to taste a peach,” Renly said as he tossed the stone away. “He may never get the chance again. Life is short, Stannis. Remember what the Starks say. Winter is coming.” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I did not come here to be threatened, either.” “Nor were you,” Renly snapped back. “When I make threats, you’ll know it. If truth be told, I’ve never liked you, Stannis, but you are my own blood, and I have no wish to slay you."
for @stavos and @matrose
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klaradox · 1 year
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Renly Baratheon is the Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. The younger brother of King Robert I and Lord Stannis, Renly serves as master of laws on Robert's small council.
Renly is described as a powerful man who is lean and lithe. He has a handsome, clean-shaven face. Renly greatly resembles a young King Robert I Baratheon, being near as tall as his eldest brother had been. Like Robert, Renly has an easy smile. He is taller and broader in the chest than Ser Loras Tyrell.
Renly's thick hair is described as black as jet and coal. His fine and straight hair currently falls to his shoulders, although Renly has sometimes kept it short or tied it behind his head with a golden ribbon. He always keeps his hair clean and combed.
Renly has been described as having laughing green eyes which match his armor, as well as deep blue eyes which resemble those of Robert. According to a semi-canon source, George R. R. Martin reconciled the difference by suggesting Renly has blue-green eyes which change color depending on what he wears.
Renly is a charismatic man, winning friends easily, but he also strikes some people as frivolous. Renly enjoys tourneys and hunting but is not driven by the passion for food, drink, or wenching as King Robert came to be. He is quite popular with smallfolk due to his good looks, friendly ways, and charisma. According to Maester Cressen, Renly is a bold man who acts from impulse. Queen Cersei Lannister dislikes her brother-in-law because of his mockery.
Renly wears expensive attire, such as a dark green velvet doublet embroidered with golden stags. He drapes a cloth-of-gold half cape over the doublet with an emerald brooch. Renly has a suit of enameled green armor with a helm adorned with a pair of golden antlers, which was made by Tobho Mott. He wields longsword and dagger.
Unbeknownst to the realm at large, and despite the many women who are attracted to him, Renly is homosexual. According to his lover, Loras, Renly disdains book learning, believing that books should only be read by maesters. Despite this, he owns books with "drawings that would turn a septon blind", implying some kind of pornography.
Born in 277 AC, Renly was the youngest of the three sons of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont. Renly's parent's died when their ship Windproud, returning from the Free Cities, sank in a storm in Shipbreaker Bay.
Renly grew up at Storm's End. Only a young boy at the time of Robert's Rebellion, he spent the war under siege in Storm's End, together with his older brother, Stannis, where he was witness to the desperation of the starving garrison.
As a boy, Renly loved bright colors and fabrics. He loved games as well, and would run laughing through the halls of Storm's End.
By his older brother, King Robert I Baratheon, Renly was eventually granted the seat of Storm's End and named Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, upsetting Stannis, who felt that, as the elder of the two, Storm's End was his by right.
When Renly turned sixteen, he made a lord's progress across the stormlands to mark his coming of age. During this progress, he also visited the isle of Tarth, where Renly courteously danced with Brienne of Tarth. Princess Arianne Martell recalls that Renly also visited Sunspear once. She had tried her best to seduce Renly, but remembers that he had seemed more bemused than inflamed by her attempts.
During his time as Lord of Storm's End, Renly took Loras Tyrell as his squire. Eventually, Renly and Loras became lovers. Although not widely known, various others at court are aware of their forbidden relationship.
Renly was eventually named to the small council, where he occupied the position of master of laws. While he is at court, his castellan at Storm's End is Ser Cortnay Penrose, who raises King Robert's bastard son, Edric Storm, for them. Brella runs Renly's household in King's Landing for him. Renly has thirty men in his personal guard at the capital.
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rosaluxembae · 1 year
Come to Westeros we have:
- flamboyant popular gay
- grumpy gay who refuses to wear anything pretty
- pan guy who's evil but in like a sexy way
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normalcei · 3 months
A Clash of Kings, Catelyn III thoughts
Stannis and Renly's confrontation at Storms End happens here, and there's so much to look at in the chapter but what's really hitting is that Stannis is dressed pretty plainly but with the ornaments of a king - crown sword and belt - and his sword is described as having a huge square cut ruby on the hilt
Renly on the other hand is 'splendid', he's in velvets and silks, his horse is delicately picking her way around obstacles, and his sword isn't mentioned. His sword belt is though, and has 'jagged chunks of black diamond'
And it's so good that little details like the gems they wear are telling us about their preparedness for war.
Stannis has a square cut ruby on his sword hilt, firm, strong, determined, and Renly's diamonds haven't even been properly cut.
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zodiac-senpai · 1 month
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